H - ifeehlY elitAne, t imuntari. ngieit 13 ll The abfi,l3nee of " 1 "1l i "inci..tre re s il . .7.4ht tate* id t pet rent „,,es be thsVotilitret6l '!!e!it,..., *4 40.1. i •, three to our moulds;6:per.,-tiontlf • Even jo t rpm can be d of4lvirld; per end f •.dl losafirei. Vr b.pernegotiatet Ilte* „Hante! Oloi! . ,7,4 : i 3 / 4 1i! . 1ilie - ietsA a rtietig . , • , t.;:t aeabartilince of mOney, or rikliec OW- -iireriplinta 3 .all greater abundance. from : the stoppage nt 14,,pments, pomp al in trio : arta' y j 4 speculation of int nno hideraime -kind l e Nothing •of this' kittillappeuhrs . „ 1 0. the contrary, here atiolEtt.iteisil, there k teal:likable absence of !peculation HIM," ti a ~y era litiii 'mice nt Isi the t trolrad of commerce, roman. Anil breadroufla. nlematol for conputtipts n is very. large while ~Li t ion ire eithei, tau ilerins exisbs. a „ .l ret . e ipin bere,at realism! as once ? was n leding the advance in e prices, which • is ittera VA respect to our breadstuff', there prevails an ion w ilierl that they will receive very horn this ciaintry the DEZI nix Popp is: but in that they will be disappointed, as is no stock Lere, and the scarcity of ships pre ihipments—thus preventing any very large ndall M a y, when the canal en.. which noi arrive or F:irrope berme Julie minty -Prices t herefore, likelc to rine in Liverpool lv without the ant of-a corn law. Shouldthee any prospect of a fiKeil duly on corn being is'ed in Ell.Zl',llltl VII exports will be very large the poipoe of bmirtim2. meaty prospects appear clear until the o may then be IN condition of the market, it ipmsible to foresee It is stitouded in mii ! t;— tny rate our exports will be light. and it is it le that heavy fall imports may balance 'their hatonette : thus causing lame exports of We do not therefore anticipate alt easy, urn. market al that lime ;pfaxtier the reverse, as ,arses beget contraries; but in the meanwhile maorilmary abundance of money is likely to especially about the dog clays e chief restore of the week has been the great rill for nur bonds aria stocks on European me. „. G ove rnment stocks, vre*terit railroad stocks , t en d., an well an sloe 'Cocks, have been taken E a wor at large artiottnis. mo.O neces-ary ur prosperons circumstances sir arlveri.e tunes ; as the seeds of evil an ge 1k then so4ir lierillen*ly The evil most to be het anti av , ndrd, 14 the locking ail ids great -tannin of the present large fltating capital be. the power of recall when the market grevvi Thoughts on Health InstiranCe. sprit ofthe age is' to banish want and misery our mid‘t ; and through its promptings we the philanthropic erecting houses for the sick providing shelter for the poor and id i e.s. and dispensing charities, holy and bened ihr uchoul the world. The amelioration of •titTent‘g of our race is the aim of the good, the and her.evolent ; and the accomplishment of Nett ha. , occupied the attention of many of the and most intelligent men of our times. In ',mom of nor estuary. we can trace the work this henevolent and charitable !.pirit, and from pingst its have gone MisSionaries to spread its air parts of,the senritl. Alhongsyhe most 1r scent , it has brought in o acto h is that of insurance ; and through its mesiis a large it of mi-err has been. and will contitine to be iod. This is striking directly at the root_ of it : and through it• aid, there is not a healthy r woman but can protect themselves from wsnt .e of ! ocknecs or accident. by the exer , ote of a !economy' whirr' , in the enjoyment f health— h these advantage's and heiv-lit• cannot be rect F p aed dna l ills'e.ise has bud its hea4 irn,n the strong ihnn's arm and he finds bun on a bed of sit kness, without ability or Means Ay his own necessities, nr those of his fanii I y. .e whe with a wise protidence agatro.t mis ....irlych.may come at my time. an I may 'ail have entitled themselves whilst in health, ,re :he benefits of a health associniii n ; nl .ntrertna , will he aslevialeil by the t heahs ,mw,rle.l. instead "f , he uncertain mot ~lien -et rharnn ef an unfeeling w rid. The t. nitwit h.ttrts. chit news and re-p msthility of icti_ the managemetif of the affairs °I the Ines Assnciation; will they bust le an re in the public of the fide lily and pralettee ht.ch ibey will exec-teethe trusts commute. , to Fiftr-one thou-and five hundred dollars are in the association• • as a peeped guaranty tr the fialiful performstice of the Mitigations Irk expressed in their certificates. and which at 41 time to dt el he scants of Ohl! An.l. Thick the second yesr since this associa oleea established, and he remarkable sue. Ach t hits and omoinnes to meet with. as tir Directors that the pnhhc generally. fully rice the benefits it ..nnfers upon its members. prminplos hare been carefully considereo and Inly tested, and all roper claim4.are protnitt. \le^ 0l the attefitioli( erehinos. oth , .te in the ativertikement Com 0111 y, of 44 Cont N another eoltonti. This C0m q.,.101,14f..1) wa041.4 al Ihe head of the trade tan t y and variety el the G odstilev man e and im l loo, a: they are ComAlaelly man". keep up a hill ae4firtmenl at all sea "he tear and are lolly prepared to fill or. !'m ,0111[4 111 line al 31 y lime. 'T it r r. CAC TioN To PEOPI.F.. I TARTIEGIF: (I B CAI.- IN II B Seamier Empire CO' 1 .me from eriarreS h.er otateilt. t 4.e - Mlle five 1110.115441141Arweticatos. or people the Cluerl Soares wailing at Panama far a pa-- `Fra m-vo The Steamers f an int cunt . y nit aela'sr as tl\ey anive And it is %. I have in return to rher Vnieefl staea. Ohl ^IOW Frarei'y of pmvisionii *Rill we Mir troll& lie not Flan for Califfitma until ,- 1•23;;Ii a pa.e.age a I the way thtough tem tr•C'ar, slys do, Washington Telegraph of ty i% much improved, and would have gone eroo.liad that hoibi been in session to-day• reacher covintifs favorable, and no onfairor ofintinn pr•sent4 itself, he may be confident 'd hoot his place at the Capitol on Monday :d'Y• Th h. will not make a speeeh 'there bed br a writer who profewies to speak b. "r• That he will make a speech there is im as Mat the .trength shall be given hiM " tote rejoice in believing very probable. Wittg State coneenfio I met nn ap and nominated Niekola- MeCart% IV4 '• %V ' l im". Lent &iv: J.llnlo home, t. of The Stale, D k;(0,1. Putdie "'eV. arid M rßrw, bleDnnaid and Gentling hzer , of the Supreme Court tmsottt tet•olttlinrot iitAtructina, tf►P Dple titll Indottira le vote fol. G.n Soto for Melo " I J"hrt'i. Croo.titlen tot Vitte f.tairit 'hat a !umbe l of len and tlven'e N.Crs ;Ire in circulation 'a? Pttribare h" r " first bored thnregh 'them. and then as taten.!er his netectioti very di!' The N , Air 144mi...burr Ehretioti npiwarit irnm thu. 14r srr' ve.(ll ID reA .11.11 in ill. " i 'hr nemcvr:itte v:11011141. far Governor- Deniikrain": in Ilse Legi.linnre. ,R, of tho hest ti lily. also wood V% heat can ant!). on had I mill relr sple. 'ileap at watla. Jan 24 1145^ F , • )TCHV AR IN very tine n alao "curie comittokquali It • For'. Dtarrtcd~ ItiMiiaii*.:An the 9th inst., tw the Roy. J. Poste!. Ma. _ . !rDaLvia.of theronnerplace: At Atbeii Feb. 46.: 2 ;iitirisi'llif.irsesiorst. wife of Col. Levi WeStliksOkagoll., 40:y rs. i~lcm~~3ti~rtia'eeuata. ExEcurowi t ivari m . A"persona,itniebiiiiii the, estate of MATILDA DIM SI Jaiel;fors tow ns4iii, are hereby ordered to-niake7imtnediale payment ; and ifiose ha'ving demanWe'axafrnsl;;Mid estme Jain pre sent thy% properly attested fur %carmen. to: A , AMAI 4 A UIMMICK, Ezecittens . flrwell. March 20. 1052. NM, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. GROCERIES AP LIQUORS, DR. H. C. PORTER has just added to his •assort merit • lap stock Of Fresh Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Oils, Pain% Gineeries and Liquors which •re now offered to the - publie at low'rates. His stock of FANCY GOODS & PFRFUHERY is the largest and most complete ever offered in this market. • Aim a choipmasoriment of pore WINES & LI. WORM, Suit Utile for medical purposes. A large variety of Campheue.Phoopene, Pluitt,Lard amt INI LAMPS,' containing ''many new and beautiful Being ageht ft* all the best Patent Medicines of the day. Otnelhaera akty depend upon procuring a genuine article in 11l eases'. AR this Dyne ind kedielnei kept it his establish inenti may be relied upon as ge . huhfe and of the/ best quality. having-been carefully selected with I stew to their ovefutness.' - (17 south Volk of the Ward House. add N 0.2. Brick Row. • • • • Towanda, March 20, 1852. WASIIIINSTONIEDIFIEL Corner of Front and Walnut :trate, coLumem, musmar. now Proprietor. ajl,pmbermen and others 'visiting Columbia, are requested to pay the Washington Hotel a visit, where they may be assured no exertions will -be spared tur their gratification. March 20, 1802. !—Mackerel by the bbl. half and qr bbl., and pound. Also a choice quality of Cod fish this day received and for sale by March 18. MERCUR'S.- MECHANICS UNION ASSOCIATION, Draaah Mike, Wilkesbarre, Pa. litcumtdaini Cask mid Guoranlet Capital, $5l 500. ir D. DEAN. Piesitfeht, G. C Worm, H. B. Jim.' W. Psyrrso. Financial Comtbritee. ' The object and design of this arrSaciatioli is ,tD enable those with whom especially time and health are money. by the payment of n small annual sum, to receive a weekly allow knce m cases ~f sicknrss or ar ciderit. which shall pievens them from stood ing to their ordinary busines, By the payment of the fol Moine. aim I deptl•