%roT Fox Ka=.l77.ll.—The news ft= Con. aLrlinatile is to llie,2oth of Augusi, and the 'ream ' , le gv ,oipie baring runpground, Kossuth' and l'4iinioarian patrims wmild be botiveyra'toSouth ' the Peuisular and Orientil Company ' 01 , ni • , - PITY s Pur,,,f,,p •ritis, and from the ' port ihiy *m a .",... rk (or the toiled States, or await the arrival c".2.e Mississippi. On the Ist' of September the . ;;,, es would (pile Kutahia, and embark at Jen '..e—i. in a Turkish steaineriforibe Oardanilles, ~ was to be a cropartierll . bylkl. Lemmi, a ! ,,..4 . 3n, hi, prirate sketetaryi- bil:penerals Petrel I wo k-,- ; 1, ) ; Coital . Ilattliyant; wii)i thek lam. Pt 1 twer oli other sniiiitior oftiref: Thy. are a le n d t to-Rat:A:36u. - thriplOilit t e fifth of Oc -I:*c - Thsorries—Thel lliaggra states that k t o any about 3 o'clock in the" gibrning , aiers,five berodr,ittg to one of the British iegi cc„ !m i t . stationed in Canada embarked, in an made their way over Lake Dog at Toronto and rc;r ir . for the American shore on the opposite c. N ot beingfamiliar with the lake, and wishing d coming !acroas BrPialt: steamers, they took aro' toci rout, and rowed over eighty miles, un- • the burioni; rays of an undmirned :sun, landing rely three miles below Youngstown at 10 o'clock nntaight, T:ir LOSTON TIMES ASUTIIK CLEAN INVASION; • i e London Times ; of the 9th inst , in a leading, ar 'e, pouns out the curse which ought to be taken lhitish Government in view of the Cuban , and aptindictes that it it; tilt - duty of En ndm to tspatrlt aval *ice to Havana, either or without the co•opeation of France, in order ; ; r eek these predatory ped itiotis, and to support c G o vernment of the United States to the luilek ern it iri; laudable efforts .to fulrill its duties to ' , :enrily power _ • (I \lllllON cc 1)10:1,41.;01511.1 —Wean) bait to learn that Mr Dickinson Gorsuch, who was s er iousiy wounded at Christina, at the time hie ier was so brutally murdered, is now rapidly re tering., and expects to reach home, in Baltimore T ty:ife .vt week. ITERE .44.114314C -ISSI. ammoth Menagerie ! 'IR EN HIBIT at TOW ANDA, on THURS. DAY, October 23d. Doors open from It to 3 P, M. Admittance 25 cents ; children under cars of age half-price. splendid collection - of the rarest and most mag. rent rpeciment of the Animal Creation, obtained lit gannets of the globe, will enter town on the ot the day of e:thdition In Grand Proce=wion, ,':-. , prr‘lf•il by the gorgeous ORPHEAN CHAR!- ' remaining the New York Drams Band, under the , ntendenee of Mr. Joseph Mosher, and will con f all the beautifully decorated vehicles Of the Corn. &sem bya magnificent stud of ONE HUN ED 1101linEt 4 . 'he Menagerie of G. C. Quick k pg. ,stands mari wl by any other eimilar establishment in the ,:worid, ! in It will be found representatives of every 'animal • has ever been diecove;;3 by the naturalist. It is PS - iged of the two great collections formerly belong- June, Titus & Co., am] Van Amburg & amo.ig' the prii,eipal atActive features mill be .':he trained PERFORMING ANIMALS. which 0 (-ch.; rated both in Europe and America. Mt. -kg, the unequaled - Lime Viso, will superintend i•ct of the exhibition. !.the course of the performance Mr. Langworthy introduce his highly trained Ponies, who will go thch with their wonderful feats of defying, waltz . fic , forming a pleasing episode to the general en. !meat. Caution. penOTIS a re hereby cautioned a4ainst porches , me a nor Risen by me on the loth day of Au lasi, to WILLIAM HARDY, for fifty 'dollars, as received no value for said note, and therefore do l-ansider myself morally or Agony bound to pay lhalbnot do so. unless compelled by law. Sep - . 21. 1851. A l . REED. ' astray. 'IIIE to the enclosure of the subscriber in Towan da township, on or about the 12th -inst. a RED VEER, about 3 years old. Said steer has no portico mark. The owner is requested to prove property 1 pay chareea. WILLIAM AUSTIN. Towanda. Sep. '23, 185 I . A DNIENISTRATIIIX'S NOTICE. 1.1 persons indebted to the estate of A. W. B. , V.lngorder, deed, late of the township of Durel, reby requested to make payment without delay, ttcbe banns claims against said estate, will please 'rot theta duly authenticated for settlement.. MATILDA V ANGORD ER, September 22, 1851 Administratrix NEW FIRM. 111: undersigned having associate(' themselves together under the firm of Prancisco and Tom .. t,r the purp,tse of carrying on the Carriage 11Makit' ig 7erlutiy soltr it a share of Public Patronage-- 7,Hr themsylves to make as good work and ;tat asAan be produced from any othir estab -111Pnt; We hare now on hand a variety of finished work, en , leare w to keip constantly on hand a assortment, so that customers may at any time ,ccommodated with a carriage to their taste. all persons wishtne to purchasevork of this kind Ido well to tall and examine for themselves, as will sell as low as can be affurded in any other atlistnent. Repasnog done to order withgratness and arch. J. FRANCPSCO; - I ' 7 "h. ty rre. , 2 I, 1851. N. C. TOM KINS. New Arrival of ALL GOODS. I 8. & M . C. MERCITIFate-now intg'ing 8 %very extensive aniertment of Goods for the Pall ie. tibial Rdl be sold at wholeaak or retail cheaper any other store in the County, I sods, Sept 4 , last. ' More New Goods. & A. CAAIPBEILL. Oil again "ceiling alarge assortment of goods for the fail and winter trade, T wioda; August 28 ' 1851' .., - - --______ . . VHITE Fancy Colored Hickory Shirts for all Prim'. at H. & A'. C. , 'gCNKB, VALISE'S, CARPET BAGS, &c. dm at H, dt, A. C. N EW rppply of Hats and Caps ; hat 'boxes, In. fant Tiirboos, Bosoms, Collars, Cravats, Busyttl. l inulkerchirfs, Gloves, Mittens du. at C. M , CCERY it GLASS WitE.-An unusually r te ...1 Imo astortment, nova arriving, at up 20 31ElICIJR."8; Wan abpettisiiiniti. • . Quackery.! " ;ORRICK'S VERM-IF UGE; Vile Medicine conk* pno .MertUry, ' , nor any other Mineral sii6staiice: If if purely Vegetable. This remedy fox:wormairten,e, pf, The maw explioe (finery, trees. tiert4-.4telrequallrenstticates worms .fif. all. sorts frertichildren stdjitlulte l „ • ,;! • • ; 'Thensatideflatilik by t vow* , vroxiDid..;l4e,;ll•l setae.. tring,knowni c 2 .14 me nthinureawm ar lassitole4l.4 l /' 9c.“kneat until toetials.4o.inft , real what immense respousibility_..rests.„upon the parent who does not know , and dle"dOctiar'sehoiloes,not . uy derettred; tho cern pieta t, which is::tieiarelY eions fioweritif ” What should he &riot • Tfielmswer •Is plain.. bite the'Verrnifuge, will be sure to do good if they have, no worms, and if they have, it will destroy and eradicate them with a certainty and precision truly astonishing. There is no mercury'or mineral in it. Mercury is the basis of most worm remedies; and the remedy is sometimes worse than the disease. Ro never ore loz engee, but rely upon this. Every person will be con vinced on one trial that it is the most perfect core ever invented. The immense sale that this Vermifuge has, is a sure test of its value and the estimation in which it is held by families. It would be quite too expensive to pub lish the defames of certificates that have been given for this article, and the risers of 'it are tregnested to tpread the name to all persons whom they think will be benetitust.by it. 1 , Speak of it in all &Militia, and you will do your do ty to your follow creatures, and feel assured the ap probation of all good men, amt will receive your reward lin heaven. - We call on all good citizens tomato known the of feels of this wonderful remedy. Remember, and ask for Orrick's • Vern:rugs. , 43tartling Pacts. Hundreds of children and adults are lost yearly with worms, s here some other cause has been supposed to be the true one. It is admitted by all doctors that scarce a man, wo man. or child exists, but what boner or later are troubled with worms, and in hundreds of cases. sad to relate, a supposed fever, scarlatina, cold, or some other ailing carries off the dower of the human family— while •in truth They die of worms ! and thesq- could -have been eradicated in a day, by the use of one bottle of'ORRICK'S VERMIFUGE. • How sickening the thought that these things should be—and who can ever forgive Themselves for not try ing this WORM EXTkRMINATOR, when they know that even if the case was not worms, this-retie dy could not by any possibility do hurt—but always good as a purgative, let the disease be what it way. How important then to use it, and who will dare to take the responsibility to do without it I- Let all pa rents ask themselves this question in truth and „sober ness. _For .salo by HUSTON & PORTER, Towanda, Gen, ral Agents. Icy LATER FROM CUBA Execution of Lopez ! STILL later news via New York & E. R: R. of the arrival of a very largo stock of ,Merchandize at PHIN NEY & BO W M ANS No. 3 Brick Row which they are prepared to sell at wholesale or retail for Cash Of Ready Pay, cheaper than the cheapest, from the fact that they purchased their, stock fur cash in a very , de pressed state of thc market. Doo't mistake the place, No. 3 Brick Raw next door to Dr. Hustons.Drim store. rA TONS SUGAR, just received, at wholesale and kJ 'retail. PHINNEY & BOWMAN. QALT, a large tot. also Iron, Nails, Hardware, &c 1-3 and Mackerel In bbla..i and I bbls, fur sale by - sept 22 PHINNEY & BOWMAN. - I CHESTS more or those thrsaind tofu. shillings TENS, at PfIINNEY & 130WMATlf. ---- QHEETINI3B, - shutings, stripes, and ticks, for dale Li by PHINNEY & BOWMAN. • DOTS & SHOES, the largest and cheapest assort went in town—and Bata and Caps, at wholesale a& retail. PHINNEY & BO WMAN. eI.IIOCKERY, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dyes, lJ &e. PHINNEY & BOWMAN. DRESS GOODS, a largo variety—Bonnets and 1.1 Sbatvls, a good assortment, for sak by eep2tt PHINNEY & BOWMAN. LUMBER WANTJD, at PHINNEY & BOW MAN'S, for which cash will be paid. f 122 NA T HEAT, Oats, Rye and Corn, taken in exchange for good,. PHINNEY & BOWMAN. BIITTER-100 Firkin, wanted, for which part cas will be pia. PHINNEY & BOWMAN. NOtido . . /PRE quo ta of Pamphlet laws fur Bradford County for tMeasiona of 185 t ;above been received at the Pruthonotarya Office and are ready for distribution to aloe° entitled to receive them. ALLEN ArKEAN Prothty. Prothy's Office, Sep. 15,1811. To the "Collector% ' IHE Collectors are required to be prepared to get , their exoneration in the tat and 2d weeks of De. cember Court, and likewise to settle up their duplicates in full and save cost, as the drafts on the Treasury are such as require prompt collections. The several- col lectors will please send in by the return Judges, all monies cellseted J. M. PECK, Dep't. Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Sep. 20. 1851. - Tire ! Fife! Fire ARE you insured I application received and insur ances effected by J. E. CANFIELD, Agent for the following safe and popular companies : The Endson Diver Fire insurance Co. Capital ' 1 : $200,000. - . The St. Lawrence Company. Capital $300,000. The Empire State Company. Capital $200,000. The Washington Company. Capital over $1200,000. The State Mutual at li.arrisburg Pa. With a largo Capital .nd largo increasing Castsrund the Great Pennsylvania Company. 'Me United States Life Insurance Annuity & Trait ,Company. . . Capital.... ,6250,000 On the new principle by which the. insure*/ _partici pates in the profits. J. E. C A NFIBLD, Athens, Pe. To Zatmberinen. WA cu N t T ti E n f F rme it emr i t , r4 i rr F soal . contract for LOGS, on two tracts of land lying on Bi r and Little Pine Creeks. The logs to be' delivered io the Boom, at Williamsport, Lycoming county, the coming spring, or a part of them sooner if practicabl , „ Or, a con tract will be entered into for cutting and delivering the whole of the Pine legs on ono or both of the above tracts. The roads and buildings ere of the bed des cription. Good references u regards Ammeter and competency will be required. Apply to SANUEL B. H. VANCE; at Kelton's Hotel, Williamsport, Pa. lEZIPAOLE A4IE/RIM Adams 41k. 'Macfarlane, HAVING entered into co-partnership in the praitiee of lair, have also established an agency for the sale of rest estate in the county of Bradford. Persons having real estate which' they desire' to sell, by calling and leaving a deicriptien of their property with the terms of Sale, will undeubtedlyfind it to their advan (age. Persons &sirens of purchasing can learn wherirprop erty is for sale-... 1 description of the same with the price and terms of payment and be informed as to the validity of Ildr. : J. li. ADAMS. 4 Towanda, Pdry 1851. J. MACFARLANE. . . f rPME only co li' ro a pr il°r eniasso ltaligili nnient Paper Hanging*, Borilere,• Window. 'Paper, and;Fire board Views, kept in this region, and prices as low as eon ho '<found at retail eitliet in or oat or-tbepriiicipal cities, at May 8. • Q. 1). BA RTLFIT., • Waal or Sovereigultsdni.VlllN.`' - MOM Gennine - intaariikoitnipaniid by'a foe .simi. le ortbiishaiiiTagrOtl , ..ofDr, E.-L. 80III.E* & uliein each box. ' In:offering to She'rrultlidlitia lastly cetabiwted BOY. EREION DALM, OF LIFE. it .is not our .wish to make any false statements or wild assertions of their superior etEcieney in restoring to health the sick and suffering, well knowing that their reputation as a ;'STANDARD MEDICINE is ofitseif suffieiefit refer. enee for the afflicted. Many proofs might tq given of their value on paper, but we prefer those undeqoainted with them to satisfy themselves by enquiring of living witnesses and trying the Pills.' They wi.l find them perfectly safe and reli able in all cases, being pirre/ti vegetable, end a medi cine worthy their best confidence and patronage. The following certificate was sent us for the public good: HExamrrav hfonroe Co. N. Y.. May 10, 1851. We the undersigned, citizens of Henrieys, having nsed personally Dr. Soule 's Sovereign Balm Pills, and witnessed the health.restorine effects thereof, cheerfully recommend these Pill! to the afflicted as the best with which we are acquainted. G. x. ROBER•tS, M. D, PHILLIPS, H. A. TIBBETTS, P. B.—You !treat liberty to. publish this for the pub. is good. BEWAnn Of COUNTIIITEITS ! We ere hot aware that any ono who is making a spurious article has yet der• ed to make use of our name ; but some of them has Inul the impudence to our boxes and copy our Cireclars, Certificates, &c. Unless the public are careful when .hey purchase, they will be deceived. (C. The genuine Sovereign Salm Pills can be had wholesale and retai'. of Dr. SOULE & Co., Euclid, Onondaga Co. N. Y• Sold by . VUSION & PORTER, Towanda Pe., and by their Agents in every town in the country. CLOTH ING.—A new assortment of reedy made Clothing just received at MpCUR'S. Sept. 9, Mt. DRESS GOODS, The largest and best assortment in town, of Merinoes, Cashmereg,Papi, rim, De Lanes, Alpaca's, Printed Velvete &c at MERCUR'S. QU KS. an extensive assortment of Black and Color ed Dregs Silks and Satins, also Fiore ewes of overy cclor itill bt, found at • MERCER'S. • FRENCH COLLARS, Sleeves, Cuffs, Edgings and Inserting', a beautiful assortment and great variety at . MERCER'S. 13 - STS, Caps. Boots and Shoes ; 0 cases new style Xi of Hats and Caps, Also a largo riock of mens, Women, end Children° Boots and kihoes just received at MERCUIVS. The best and cheapest Farndy Medicine in the War id Dr. Roberts' Compound gbt-ILO.L2>..tSsagaill. Parta§.B AO alterative, Tonic, Diuretic and mild Cathartic. Price 25 cents per box, conta.ning 50 Pills. Each box contains fifty pills, which (dikes them as cheap again as any other standard pill, and four times cheaper, and warranted much superior in the cure of various diseases, to any of the Syrup mixtures sold ; besioes being a more convenient and proper form for use. The astonishing success which has attended the use of Dr. Roberts Compound Sarsaparilla Pills is proof abundant and conclusive that they aretru/y Nature's Own Retnedias. and that they will cure all curable diseases, quicker and more pleasantly than any other rnedicine , eser knowp. The Pills are principally an 'alterative medi cine; (their basis being the solid extract of Ssrsaparilla, .prepared-in a superior manner,) but sufficiently cad- I srtic to gently assist nature, without purging . unnecea sartly, whith make them peculiarly adapted to weak and-enfeebled persona, Invigorating and strengthening the body, purifying the system, producing new rich blood and a healthy action of the stomach and liver. They are acknowledged by our ablest physicians to be not only unexceptionable, but etlicaciousin the high at degree s and as a general Family Piledialme ‘Tuequalled. The Compound Sarsaparilla Pills aro used for the permanent cure of those diseases whiCh arise from - an impure stale of the blood, and morbid secretions of the liver and smallish, viz., erysipelas, scrofula or king's evil f uleers, scald head, obstinate . cutaneous eruptions, blotches, toils, pimples, sore, weak or intlarned , eyes, glandular swellings, rheumatic affections, pains in the bones and jmnts, dropsy, dyspepsia, asthma. iliarrhaea and dysentery, coughs, colds, consnmption when caus ed by capillary obstructions of the longs in persons of scrofulous constitutions, intimation of the lungs, in fluenza, indigestion, headache, jaundice, reverend ague, chill fevers, and fevers in general, general and nervous debility, and dilemma arising from an injudicious use of mercury, and whenever medicine Is required to invigo- rate and purify the system. They aro a purely vegetable compound, and may be used by persons of all ages. ' They are pleasant to the palate, and produce no nausea, uneasiness or griping in their operation. Hundreds of certificates could he given of those who have used them with great benefit. We ask no person to take our word as tothe merits' of the medicine, but call on the agent and purchase a box, and if on trial it does not give the most perfect sat isfaction, they can return the box and receive the mon ey paid for the same. Purchasers wi'l be particular to ask for " Dr. Robert's Compound Sarsaparilla Pills," and observe that the green wrapper on each box has a fac simile of the signature of Jos. Roberts. M. IX and C. P. Fay. and to purchase none others. All applications for agencies and letters on the sub ject of the medicine, must be addressed, post paid, tr C. P. Pay, Owego, Tioga Co., N. Y. For by HUSTON & PORTCR, sole agen. Towanda Pa. 3m4 $lB ,3 b 8 WORTH of Sheep Pelts wanted for Cash by 11. & A. C. Farm for Sale. 111 H E subserikr o ff ers for sale his Farm situated in Wysox township Bradford eouty, about 3 miles frbm Towanda and l from the river. Containing about 120 acres, about 65 or 70 acres improved, and well watered, with several good springs of water. The buildings upon the farm consist of a large frame Lam, and log house. These premises offer many inducements to those wishing to purchase, and will be sold at a bar gain. Credirwill be given for one•lutiCof the purchase money if required. For further particulars enquire of, or address the subscriber at Wyso: P. 0. Wysoi; Aug. 16, 1851. WM. D. STROPE. W'msport & Athens Railroad Letting. TOWANDA CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. (IEO. H., BUNTING, respecttially informs the pub. tic that he bas removed his More to Col. Means' building, one door below 'Warner's watch shop, where he will be hippy to see' all who may be in want of Good anrCheap (clothing. ; He is eonstantlyrediling to hir stock all the 'new and 'desirable styles and Pat terns. and feels confident he can satisfy any ono who may give him'a call. dust receiving from New York, a large and seasona ble assortment of Simla: and Summer Clothing, made in the best manner. and which will be sold as usual at *slowest prices. 1 . lie has also received, a large tot & CHILDRENS'CLOTHLNO. to which he invites a mnion andwhieh Will be sold at low rates. He has made arrangements by which he estrsepOor any ar dela desired, with the certainty'of proeuting a good article, Caning and making up, done as usual in the most fashionable manner, promptly and to order. • Towanda, May 9,1851 y. - OEM INN G. H. BROWN D. G. 0 rts, I.F. REED Egal'aietfistauats: : : :- ` : ADMINISTRATOIIII 110/1044,, LL [lenient:km/1411g thivinielveo Who lobbied "; `he estateof DANIEL if* beieby *own! 'Make pO.• mint, Oil thaw treeing. claims against said mists will OeaFiPT"'"4 *gm immediately dulkautbenii4ted toe setilenieot. . 0 ~ LVONi 'SAMUEL LVON. > Monithet. - Aing:' re; -1851 Adminithinots. lADMIN4 RA i rolo3' sollCf i . persati s iliidebreitid' the eitatetif •IfigiftTEri -It MAYNARD orimiedo,later of &me - , town. ship. are-bereby requested,M maim, .payineat—with ont-delay, and ,those,lmvirtg ;Aims a'gainst said es. tate, will Plia4pfeSetif th'etddisiiranttantheiiiiraied for settlement. ,, '".• ' ! ;Wht, , E."MAYNARD. ,, • JOHN PAWNOR& Administrators with the ,wiliatmexed • Towanda, Aug.'9, 1861. ENECUTOR 4 I:4 NOTICE T ETTERS Testonentary upon the last will and .1.4 testament of ELIZABETH MEANS, late of the Boru' of Towanda, deteattpd. having been grant ed to the subscribers of said Burn' all persons hav ing claims or demands against the estate of the said deceased are reque>ted to make the same known to us without delay, and all persons indebtedqo said estate are required to pay the same forthwith. THOM &ELLIOTT. MILLER FOX. Executors. Towanda, July 28, 1851 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE'. ALLpersons indebted to the estate of MORTES MA LONE Y, deceased. late of Monroe township, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them, duly authenticated for Set tlement. 'JAS. V. WILLCOX, Administrator. . Monroe, July 19, 1851. FALL GOODS, ET. FOX, would respectfully inform his old frienJs . and the citizens of Bradfont in general that he is now receiving a full stock of FALL GOODS, which he is desirous af disposing of at a very small advance from first. cast, being satisfied that his goods are select ed with as much rare, and bought at least. at as low prices Ile his neighbors, he in now anxious to comeince his customers that they will be sob) at the right kind of prices. Please call and see, as there is surely no harm in knowing how cheap some folks do sell goods—call soon. Corner of Main and Pine street. Groceries. 6HH' D. of Sugar at'prices positively fess than - any before sold in town within' one year, also. !Hollis sea sweet and goof born 31 to •50 cts. Rin. Laguira and Old Java Coffee that cant be beat. Fine bunch Raisins, 'Pepper, Spices, Saleratus, Ginger. and a gen vial assortment of groceries ; also a full supply of fresh new Teaswarranted as usual, good end right or the money returned in all cases ; just received and for sale at sep. 12 FOX'S. RICH Ribbon'', Bonnet Silks, Leine end- Crapes ot op2B FOX'S. 20 BALES OF Sil EETINO, common and fine g um nide. A nice assortment of Bleach ed Ceoils, bleached and brown Drills,l Crash and Dra pery, brown and bleached Table Unnen, Checks, Lin seys Ticking. Cotten Yarn, Batting, Wicking and' Wadding, selling cheap at EM BROIDE RIES, A very large stock of Swiss and Muslin Eilgifigs and Insertings, Swiss and Mos lira Bands, needle wrought Collars and Cuffs, fine wrought Linen ilandkerehie& r and in fact the largest and beet assortment of Embroitlered Mole ever before offered in Towanda at FOX'S. BLACK SII.KS, also a few patterns of fanzy Silks, which will be sold cheapat FOX'S. HOOTS & SHOES, a good assortment of Ladies, Gents, Misses, Childrerdi and Infants Shoes for sale at CROCKERY & GLASS WAVE, a large stock of fered fur sate by FOX. SCOTCH YARN very fine, also aomo common quail .- ty at FOX.S. DRAPERY MUSCI ;a largo and optendid ar.ort ment at very amal! prices at FOX'S. BROADCLOTHS, Cassie:rms. Kentucky Jeans sheep's gray cloth, &c.; sold very-low for cash by nl4 B. MNGSBERN' & CO. NOTICE. Tor undersigned would inform the citizens of Towanda and vicinity, that he has arrived here for the purpose of enabling those who wish Dago rentypes of themselves, or friends, to get them. Hay ing had a number of years experience in the busi ness, he feels confident that his pictures will give general satisfaction. Likenesses of children and aged people, taken -With perfect accuracy. Those wishing pictures would do well to give him a call. Room over Burton Kin,gsbery's store. R. GAI. Towanda, July 12, 1851. 175 BERREIAS RYE & CORN , fur sale b 3, July S. E; T. VOL , Corrrons xuasziericAuni; A N assortment of READY-MADE COFFINS will 1 - 1 be kept eonstaiily on ,hand at Nye's old stand on Main street, where the subscriber. is also prepared to make and repair all kinds. of Furniture. Towanda, July 12, ISM. C. WELLS. BLASTING POWDER.-50 kegs Blasting Pow. (ler, by ris MONTANYFIS & CO, CROCKERY.—The largest stock In town. Full dinner and tea setts, of white granite s snd .blue ware, which will be wild cheap at FOX'S. NEW CHEA' CASH. STORE. Shapley es. Lewis, RESPEOTFULLY inform the citisme of Towanda and .vicinity, that they tat n the store lately occu. pied by J.J.WarJ, where they now invite the attention of purchasers to a large and choice stock of New Spring et Simmer Goode, eircHisTrert or DRY GOODS, lIARDWARE 1" CROCKERY, GROCERIES, BOOTS 15. SHOES, 4•c „ comprising the usual variety, with many articles' styles not to be obtained elsewhere. Their assktment has been selected with care express ly for this market, and purchased at prices Which wil. allow us to all as cheap as any store in this region of country. Cash customers are-invited to call, with a promise that they shall not grvaway 'disiatislied. - g• Remember, t3HAPLEY & LEWIS' new store, nest south of the Ward Honse, Main street. Towanda, May 29, 1851. • NEW SUMMER GOODS ! JOSEPH KINOBBERY, has just returned from New Yokk with his third good assortment of goods for the season, embracing a large invoice of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods dt.e., which shall positively. bo sold cheap. Towaida, June 12, 1851. MORE NEW GOODS JUST received a liege assortment of New Molls. which will berpolij et the nriprecedentsdly !ow pri ces which we basil had the pietism of introducing into this market. The eash.paying public aro invited to an examination. , - 415.11APLEY & Towanda. June 1:.1851. • Allßight_at.the rurniehisig Depot. N& A. CAMPBELL, return their sincere thanks • . for the libel' al pationage heretofore bestowed. and would again call attention of Omit friends and cus lorneni to their late arrival of NaW' Sperms Goons. Consisting of all thinks necessary for 'clothing the out er man ; whish will be sold . at a little tower prices'tlian has hithertofoni been' asked- , • .1 Please give xis a call before purchasing elsewhere, - IL sr. A. CAMPBELL. LOVER SEED .— Lugo and small Clover Beed for 1.- ) see_ be (LB MONTAN YES de RUED 11=112= , • 1 galena itne..#444gr , 9 61 444 1. NlTlalitlAM,"liy,an,itc; lirintith,lir thaicom nionweilth, entitled: 4 'M' actt'relaiitijelo* Cintittliiiiealthr' 4 it is eitioine npini4ne. , lii give public Z,notice :off such election , be held. also,theenunstrutionin Auch vatic whit, officers are to he etected, 3WhI;If. DO :' BIMS, 'High itheiiff tie eoutity if - hereby-make known and give4aoticiatit , theTelecto . ' of aaittcooninthat aetteral in aaiiiDonn i f...Rn,TUE l 4,l4l'. the 14lh ilsY or O.' tuber lii the bererai ilikiriels‘ hi , w i ' ujiheselibtlhonie neat Datiiel In-Aaylnin in Jacob Frawley's.. , In ,Atheile hjiro.,at Le t .Maltbewson t e. • , In .4thens4orp. ai Julius Toier's. ' In Armenia, at John S. Dreeker'.. In Burlington. of Addiion Mc Kean" In Ca nton, i at Denj. Coolba nab's: In Colomina at Jame* Morgan's. In DorelFut the school house. called the cent school house, neat 8. Decker's. In Franklin, at Wm. Deemer.% In Granville at the schnol- house No; I al Gra vile corners. In Herrick at the sehoul house near Daniel D rand. In Litchfield, at It. Park's, In Leroy, at the school house Jn Leroy In Monroe at J. P. Smith's.- In Orwell, at the house formerly ocoupiod by H. Rugs, • In Pike at E peintulrs. In Riilsbery.at S. jlarman's. , In Rome, at L. S. Maynard's, In Shcshec'min at D. Drink's. In Smithfield, at A.. 1. Geronld's In Springfield, at T. W. lerlp. in Stan(Hoe, Stone. at Simon t3tecen's In Booth Creek, at the school house near Asa In Towanda boro., at the house , lately occup by George Mersereau. In Towanda twp., at the school house near A Greg?. 's. In Troy borop at the Eagle tavern. Jo Troy twp., at the house of V. M. Long, in Borough of Troy. In Tuscarora, at the scho.'l house near Ja Black's. In Ulster. at S. B. Holcomb's. In Warren. at R. Cooper's. In Wells. at.t. Seeley's. InWindham,, at E. Russell's (deceased. ) In Wvalnsing, at the honse of J. H. Black. Iu Wilmoy: at the school house near la.. Foster's In Wysox, at •the Academy. At which time .nd place the electors aforsaid will elect by ballot. • One person for Governor of the Commonwellila of Pennsylvania. One person for Canal Commissioner of this Corn. monwealth. Five persons fUr the Supreme Judges of this Corn mon wealth. • One person - for Presidem Judge of the 13th Jinn cial district, ciimposed of the counties of BradtOrd Susquehanna and Sullivan. Two persons for associate bilges of the county of Ilfadford. . Two person's to represent the Connty of Bradford in the House ;of Representatives of the Cuß.men wealth of Penitsyltania• One person for High Sheriffof the county of Brad ford. One person. for Prothonotary. Clerk of the Court. of Quarter sessions and of the Court of Oyer and Tcrminer of said county. One person f. r Ilsgister and Recorder, and Clerk of the Orphans Court of said County. One person for Treasurer of said County! One person for Commissioner of said County. One per: on for Auditor of said County. One person for Coroner of said Countyi • And in and by said act, I am further directed td give notice" that every person excepting justice of the peace who shall hold any office of profit and tract under the government of the United States or of this state, or of any incorporated district and also that every member of Congress and of the State •Lelgislators, and the select and common council of any city, or commissioners of any incorporated dis trict is by law incapable of holding or exercising, at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge Inspector or Clerk, of any ejection of this common wealth and that no inspector or other officer of any such election, shall be (hen eligible to any office to be voted for. By the ‘ltn section of an act passed the 16th day of April, 1810, it is provided " that the 13th section of an act passed July 2d, 1839, entitled " An act r - rating to the elections of this Commonwealth." shall not be so construed as to prevent any militia officer, from serving as judge, Inspector or clerk, at any General or sporial election of this Common wealth." In the Elst section of the act first above mentioff ed, it is enacted that.every general and special elec tion shall be opened between eight aril ten in the forenoon, and continue venom inn option or ad journment until 7 o'clock in the even*, when the polls shall be closed. . By the 18th section of the act rikseett 3d Feh 1 . 8413, It shall be lawful 'for the inspectors and jutitted'of any general election which shall hereafter ha held • in i thorAirmen is election el.triqt of lifoitrOrdeooolr. to close the polls of such election at 5 o'clock, P.M." it is further directed that the meeting of the Jot - fees at the Court House in Towandk, to make otif the general return, shall be on the 3d day after the elec tion, which will be on the 17th day of October. WM. S. DOBBINS. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Sept. lS ISSI. FOX'S BOOTS & SHOESI John W. Wilcox, H removed his establishment to H. Mis'a stare, corner of main street and the puhni-„squareoind wit? continue the rnanufactkiro of Boots and Shocs as heretofore. He Mot lost received from New York a large assort ment of ;Yawn's, Children's and Missal' Shoes, which are offered at kite prices. The attention cf•the Ladies is Ftriculsrly direbted to his assortment, comprising the following new iriyieft :—Ennmelled Jenny Lind gai ter boots; do. shoes ; Mack lasting and silk gaiters; walking shoe" buskins, &c. Misses' gaiters and shoes, of every deFcripticm. A large assortment of Child:en's fancy gaiters, items nod shoed, of all kmds. For the Gentlemen. almost every style of gaiters and share. This stock has been personally selected with care, and he believes he can offer soperior articles at ressOnahre prices. ('The strictest attention paid to Manu fatturing, and ho hopes by doing work well to merit a continu ance of the liberal patronage ho has hitherto received. Towanda. May 8, 1851. ------- - -- • ----- - - --•- IRON AXLES, of t en sizes I MERCER'S September 20. 1851. ONE caw spring style moleskin 4ta; also,Leghor and Palm leaf Hata at • Fe:rS. UST received - another large asiortment of. those Jcheap BOOTS and SHOES Dec 4 PITTINTNEYIB. G L S S.— Beet quality of FRENCH GLASS, for le by SHA - PLEY' & LEWIS. ' - - CHAIN PUMPS, Ali male at MERCUR'S September 20,1851. • WAREa--A very large "and general assort /J. went of banf.ware of bvery descriptlon4neloding Carpenters, Joiners and MackintithitToole. Mantes, and Carriage Maker's TritomingsApt}Toola, Iluikling Materials &e.. constantly on bans tind for sale 4 very low prices by MM1C151:149. IRON AND ST EE F .- - 20,000 Ihs. Siseedei, Amen can and English (fon of every shape and size.- Al en, east, English, Blistet4 German, tAmesicsn and Spring Steel, Crowfbany ilk.. just rcceived at sap, 20. ; • NEROUR'S. eJ V KEGB s• Crescent" Neils just received 1 WI at • ERP.Ur& ° HE M BROWN RUGAR.- Also. ColEisi Omitted a 7 And Powdered Sugars,. now arriving ; and for sale at wholesale or /stall very cheap by IIIERCURII. IF7 VHESTB YQEL NU , 1.1Y8.0.N, Imperial, flyion 1 I Skin.and Bieck Wag. Mao 15 Dagißin and faviCOMai., just received at MERCIIIOI..4 lITAtt, AND WIN DOW PA FED, Ronlem eftd V • ' VW' Bawd Ptints Air is* it '-14ERC1710i. - ~tt{fQi~COfil. E=;M I== - - Get:well kite Mum; kr.O . IITVR .es! 000 to do i f s Ant* . tif• Triojt-Dr41;•1104 ,1 ttoti;•Chiinteikticiftitiv Pain* . OroOrtill'lmt Ashiehisre pow otrere l l. to die • , Their itock FANCY GOOLS B de.PFI> F UM n Y ‘' - is the fir#ire 110'144 iVatplkileiver' ottetnit in this" miierketT- , •.: , AleciisChottSt,*isorihtd , rit of p urposes: 0 . 1 1`4 1 1, 7 4 1 4 : QUORS, ewtehle for medical purpose's: • p A lame variety . of Ceinithene, Phosperfe, 44.61 LA Sf corifaintrre mini aim' ihd bistiiire° Deirw,,agentifor all , the i tiest asy„pts . rehaseislridaoperal pitleitiiihg a te'auirief article la ellekees: - • - • All the Drim! and Ifedielries kepfsrtheir e s j it itdi e w menu tool bs; upon es pottirt,e' and or the hest ` ~ h, t ving Lehi carefully select ed witfrik'neni to their usefulness. cc r south staie of Chi Witril Heusi. prIA fio.T.. Brick' Row. , . - ' fe oviamts, Mai 27, 1851. NEW SPRING GOODS., • - • n.• itzzassatny, • is now receiving -a rich arid beaniiifut.ealtintment of Dar Dunes, 9Aortuts! , , &c. to which would particularly invite the attention PurchtiyiraV and will make it an objkct irk theiti to giv'e hint a - call. - - all ho is determined to sell his goods C.tin ei low as was ever before offered in the market. Having spat; ed no pains in procuring the choicest ailiele, the sub. scriber feels fully confident tbaehe can • give entire est= isfection to-his cur-tomer*. , April. 26 Cm E ONE, CCIME.ATI,Ind eilimin4 the Semi geode, which are now being exhibited at ap26. • • U. Kilig$LIERY'A. CEElir NE* GOODS.- IL T. !VS.,- I$ now receiving direct from '_Kew Vorli a large and , splendid assortment of GaAs which ho offers fur< > , sale at prices whi7h cannot fail to snit therelOsest buf ers, for Thaw. Prloncrec:ol , ArfirovEn Caleb/T. He respectfully asks a tall from allitereons wishing to buy goods cbeati, as he is determined not to be undersold. Towanda, A m pril.24, 18St. Dress .4tio,ods. RICH FOOL:A RD, Chamelidn Chene, Lime Sae, French and Ilareue Der.anes, a new artiste' for summer dresseit. French and Hngtish Lawns, Bilk Tissues, Linnen Ltistraa still any quantity'nf other dross' goods at FOX'S. EVERY oni know* that the plaits to. And the largest assortment and best quality of glosses of all des criptions is at sp26 }'d\ S. DOZ. Panama, Leghorn,Palrn Loaf and Canada' 30 Straw Hata at sp26 B I:K Silk and 131'k Silk Lace for MANTILLAS at 19. M FOX. DRY GOODS—A good assortment of Merincies, Cashmeres. De Lains, Alpacas, and' prints now' oeninz of NEW SPRING GOODSI THE subitriher - is now lit receipt.of his Spring put. 'chases of Itew Mods which Makes his stock' one of themost estenssve in the conlifit-r,for sald on tho most favorable terms for cash oi - approvel buyers invited to the stock. mqB 0. EI..BARTLETT. SHERIFF'S SALE. B • , y virtue of Auld& Writs of Yentlitiona Expo, issued a ont of the Cotirt of Coati-non Pleas or Bradford County and to me directed, will he expos; ed to public sale, at the Court House in the Bort; of Towanda on FlidaY, the 10th day of October. at' one o'clock P. M., the following- piece or parcel el' land' lying-and being - itt'Colurobta tbseriship: Brad ford county, and hounded and described as followe.:. on the; no.th by lands of Franktitt Baker, west by M. D. banfielil, south' by Autitt and Bobbins; and east by Urish Fergakern and H. Bobbins. Contain; ing one hundred anti fifty acres, more or less, about' seventy acres improved, with Zone framed house, one framed, barn and apple nrchaid thereon. Seized and !Mite, in execution at the sail dr Vitni S. Dobbins, to the use of John C. Adams,.vs. John Benson; also, John Hall, to the use of John C,.Ad-: ants, vs. John Benson. ALSO—the following lot, piece or parcel orient' situate - in Aonth Creek tbwothip, bounded and des." cribeitas follows, yin . , north by the York state line, east by the main road, leading from Troy to Eltntra. through South Creek, south by land of IVynthror Y. Cline and Anson C. Ely, west by lands of George Durham and James E. Vancover. Cor taining about sixty acres more or less, about twelve acres im proved one tog house and one framed house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit'of Jared Arnold, to the use of Dyer Foote. vs. Elliot Suffern. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situate Ridgberry township, bounded and describ ed at fonoWs, to lett: nbrth by land now inliosses [, Om of Peat &sing • Awe by, or'. Disvia .by /ands of Horace Ifinchtnen and David' Burt, and west by lands" of David Burt. Containd ing about sixty acres more or less, about twenty' areit improved. one log house thereon erected. Seiied and taken in execution at the suit of Mark A. Burt, vs, Daniel Ilfdek,w - aY• -.ALSII—The following lot of land situate in Ath ens township, bounded folloWe, to wit: on the' north by Shlpman'S Ifne, on the east by lands of B. G. Rice ; south by the highway leading from Athens . to Osve&i, and west by lands of 0. 0. Ahipman. Cott taining one fourth of an acre. aft improved, with' one framed house and softie fruit trees thereon, Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Sfines on B. Kent,,vs. Charles W. Beldin: :U.K.—The following lot of land iodated in Athens borough, bounded and described as follows 1. north by rands of H. O. Allen and E. Herrick, east by land.; of Wells and Harris, south by canal street, and west by lands at Phineas lttgeo. Contaiajpg fifty feet on canal street, and eighty-four feet Mg. 'or hack, one framed ho(zse and framed barn and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution aithe suit cf Wil liam KM' io the iffe of Eliadford Richmond (tr. Co. vs. Abigail White. ALSO—The following, tot piece or parcel of land situated in the township of Smithfield, bounded and described as follows to wit: north by tandd of C.R. Pierce. east by lands of Enos Small, and others: south by land of IL Crowell and the highway, west by lands of I.: Farnsworth. Containing about one hundre,d acres more or fess, about fifty acres ins proved, ono framed house one frerned barn and fruit trees thereon., Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. F. Grovener assign of Seth Salsbury vs. Charles Olm stead. ALSO'--tie foliowitiar tot of land situated In Franklin township and bounded as folfows to *it : on all shies by lands beloriging to the beiri of Mer rick Crandall dec'd. Containing two acres more or less all improved, with an old duildiug futmerly cupied as a stave maohine. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Mr ron Merrill and Jared Root vs.. Asaberrairchild: ALSO.—% piece or pared of land in Athe.'ns twp. hounded on the nofth . Baitenee, east by lands of Shipman and Bailing. Synth by Pain* at-4 and west by lands of Shipman,and Backus. Con taining one half an atre,, all - improved, with som,e fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot in Athens tp.,bnnuded north by lands of /oho P.;-Sattertee. east by Shirhoan mad illacktis,south by Paine st., and west by Shipman & Backria. Containing three . -fontilis of an acre, all improved, with a framed breuse thereon. Belied and taken io execution at the snit of Levi Morse vs.Chailes W. Beldin and Ara Beldin. WM. S. DOBBINS, Sheriff. Sher ills Office, Towanda. =rcpt. ! 8.51. BOOT is, SHOE DEPOT-1000 pair at priceatbst can 'defy all competition. rebraary 22. MON TA N & OR. riSILI FISH I Mackerel by the HIM and Alm?, Mffekirsw Trot", and Whiterioli trj SHAPLEY fi 14£W11... T 0011(40 3 61,1. , 211, slags anortmelit et A 4 ,„ ra • Nl7Nefvuli. 711ERCIJR13.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers