Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 07, 1851, Image 3

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ogyinanki, lr ,
IC RIE 16 1 ' MRCus
timais sir those, ...____
ti t l e principal "' of E u rope by - Van
The petfonnie ,Elephatit Abdallab 0-
_,.., an d k o of every individuld
7 . s iso hoost incredible i.
no grign TIM! is withoua r o peror in
swag w
Tim idthcelebrated
; ii . -- Rider, Fil. er ; and that Clown of
,en, I. lifTer 4
, spa at I i apt Oi• . Performandes com.
at 2 sod 7 P.E. Admission "bets. Chi!-
ender 9 pears. I___!_f:i_..__,_..riee'
ant of IM NOTICE.
w o man , the, WNNY B.
anew ,, late of the date o f obi °,
meted to oaks payment without delay,
being &nods against said estate see
Neat thee.:duly authenticated foe set-
JOHN DAIrRIGHT, Administrator.
fors 5,1851. 7
k 5 11 TOaR E
,c,,Fin.,,,,,,, On the citizens of Towanda
*j o ky, dot talc n the attire lately occur
• word, whe they•now insitetheottentiog
..., t o a loge choice stock of
s e s, ion illitounor Goals,
MOCERIES, I o,i,'S t SHOES, tc ,
• the coal ot sty, with manyuticlesan
be °lauded where.
Alortment ha, selected , with care expos
, Motet, au *chased at prices which will
rye ail a etoptas any store in this region of
Cash cow are invited to OWL with a
at they she n go.away dissatisfied.
ember, 8 LEY & LEWIS' new store,
,f the Wad owe, Main sweet..
May 28,1 I.'
pother cue of thaw Cheep
yard, jam received at
data, at 61 cans
, i.tiereb) &en, ttiat an Election will be
at& office Laporte Mason dc Co., in Tow.
tSrtarday the !I d day of one, betereen the hours
Wori - A.M.,lnd 12 M.. for Officer' and Man
" Towada And Darlington Plank Rod
complianio rid' the chatter.
By elder i the Commiuioners.
Vat. B. 8. RUSSEL Seep
23TON & PIRTBR have net added to their
neortmentor trge stock of Fresh Drugs, Medi-
Chettlklia, Ifit.‘Paints, Groceries sod Liquors,
WO now offend to the public arrow-mte..-
Ihrgest and complete•ever offered in this
Wee a of pure 'WIND, & Li
ftable for edical purposes. •
itiety of amphene,Phospene, Fluid,Lard
IPS, co 'ling many new and beautiful
for the best Paieniiiedidaes of the
mss d upon procuring it-genuine
stop and edicines - kept at their establish
be relkd yon u genuine and uf the best
nisi carefully selected wit* a new to
teethe Ward House. and N 0.2. Brick
TOWilldll. May 27, 1851.
Not the rirevaadaPassime,
_ c
w. POTTER would' respentfuliy o 'iannounee
, ebfie that tie in possession; , the New
I °P
Towanda,at ' .‘the p winmstti
f l ood Paetoryronnyiy stood - where be.
oakettire and keep coasta
td 'otr hand
in the. alio,* line as the to of .the
Irons ind 7 g. saw
'Torso- er work,
Vrig Wipers,
ritasett to use tie beet emneelfeies to keep
improvements of the again 'rallies of bus:
tine of , his manufacture. lie has long
the best we 7 so serve wigs self is to
die; anf be feels confident-that hie efforts
time to introduce such• articles as rape+
ved b be Ineful to the user, 'pill , be pro.
Sari/ short, that he intends to be in poe•
the bet patterns of Ploughs and Cn!diatom
ides el , husbandry in his line. - He would
;iti bin bad an experience of five and twit-
Machinery, and has great erne&
1f that impose, and would invite thowi swim
:at* or Machines fitted to iive him a
be mends to his own business personally,
irtar that the wants of the public. in his
be filly attended to.
&ingot bringing hist:a:minas*, near cash
nit sell astonishingly lo* to es* Pay
'me one, come all . 0 and the attbk.ii•
lo Orme all who will be plume
idea will manufacture STOVES
"I Towanda, H.)-R8,185%
v O ire
ms hale to the. estate 4f -JAMES
of the towtubip'otWalls.
payment *holm deity,
against said estate, will please
itiestai for. settlement. .. . •
' FRIES, Administratail. .'.
duly a
hiM1(11 1 . 1 0
111 24, lasl.
4N more ofill
T B , this
cep and good LINEN
.'ved by
n. Canters,lut be:Cured! .. .
•c , ailments:iv ha s ', ' 'f or ,au t oryesm aillscum
A ilitl i " 'negro Ind a pplied in rain for belP to
i i en
P'c,lPhlneissi some Celebrity in rum!.
"'P lat behtil 'deed by them sod others
' "WY. He ' tly been fully Mated'il,'
Lg a few weeks wi Da. A. V. NVOLVILITON,
..,,, r _.2 N. y, rod cheerfully recommend to
••.`"lnei coder that *lde disease to eall on him.
.......I_ 4 7' ''' ' ITO- I. %.
i all aittlit the rundabisir Depot
ICOME I, mum their atoms. dumb
• lit the hbe ° beteeorten laertowed.
11 " a t ,„ 1 ,.. 11 0% eau tio o alb* raw& Owl cis'
• c,,,,late wits% si Nor • Seam :Goons.
Astiesuy foe dour the Gate
' h id win be sow at s hetharta rim"!
—was teen mat ' • -
tie tilt beffeterutlephgekimbem'
• dfc. A. CAMPBELL. '
S T Isceivai another Isiv'Sgsiounea OK"
" __ ll""lbib i a9BB
( -- -
tAi r ATE $c 1 1 p ,i:" . '_ 1 - STONE
iistu ,
,w isii*llV-Ir4slV6._ .1.:
ve t
tOsimiiitia do :,in
con, 1 ',-
FAOTO Ait,lllThitaßtlin„ll:, :11:4 4 #,
i tli ts! opeosktiai 4 1 447;4 01- :, ' ' - *O l
,00 1 *
or alb filatoltlP. - . - , ... : 4 _4 , f•-
'Hi will bave coaliantl4 l 4.'lliiiii ms's - figiii - iia of
Fretiled Barnhill alia s is - iliat.A. hurl !tank itt i
papa * Kish Stine,. also Prima/ism 116;_ffo/f
-taz,,C/oht, Sown Wire sad eakified Piaci::
ins tiaderat4oadseam" Matelot* vitiltbit taddic;
that be will faithfully execute tin Oidek unstinted to
4 0 9.3 10 , mlY•bkqua li tti bui*titkil at litlicks'
Pun=e4,l449 ll 4ts tisk kilid,. atm, ; ....- ,
paws tly lett& will be Iritit as much fare
I* lIP cheaply a rwben ; ptirebaeersite ott *a frac
likilthliatibm; May 24. teal: . ..... -
Hail Branch NiillOylqualaz,Camd.
VIA 'LED PROPOSALS wif be`- received at the
C." lEnsineees`Offier Torrenda, until sunset of,
MONDAY, the 23d of June. 1851, for- coinpleting,
the following work upon theNorthltranch Penn 'a
Canal; o wit: Dam No.- It Sections Nos. 1, 20; 28,
112. 44, 85, 85, 92, 97, 100. 1111; IMr 128; 13% 45%
A 55, 160,112, 182, and 184 together with the lock t
aqueilnct and cultrert masonry which maybe requir
on any of the said *Wens. Also the toning.
. path sections above dam No:Lana-4
bead of the pool of said dam. Me work above spe
-eified is such as was chiefly done prior to the sus.
I pension 2 ef the North Branch Canal -in 1842, and
that-remaining consists'of finishiag up - the - sections.
The .requisite information in- regard to the manner
of doing the work, with the approximate quantities
on each job; may be . obtained upon 'application at
the office aforesaid, three days prior to the'22d pox
imo. WM. B. FOSTER. JR.
Chief Engineer-and Superintendent.
Towanda, Hay 15,1851.
NOTICE is hereby giretithat I have been appointed
an Atiditor by the Ripltab's Court of Bradfont
Oonnty, to mivahall assets and distribute the foods in
the hands of the admioistrator of Smith' Pembleton
deceased, and that I will attend to the duties of my
appointment at my office fa the borough of Athens, on
SatardaY• the lith day otJune nett, at I o'cloalt9 . P.M.
it whiCh time and place all persons interested are re
'tired to preseni their' etaltaN ar be &bora! 'from com
ing in upbn said fund. N. M. STEVENS.
May lb. 1861. Auditor.
Orphan's Court Sale. . ,
topY virtoe-of an order of the Orphan's Court of
Bradford county, will be exposed to public sale
on the premises, on etturday the sth day of July,
at I o'clock, P. M. the following property. late the
estate of Lyman Warriner, dec'd r—Mounded cn the
north by lands of Rogers Fowler. on the east by lands
of Enos Varney, and on the west by lands of Hiram
Fairchild, and Britten Baldwin.. Containing about
seventy-three acres and thirty-two perches, about
fifteen acres thereof improved, with a small framed
house, thereon erected. and, small young orchard
thereon. Attendance given,and terms made known
on the day of sale. T. T. SMILEY,
May - 15,1651._
Stuttering • • Stammering Cured inlinin
40 to GO 311114nntAs. . •
miry undersigned baying purchased of Et. C. Math
ears the system and privilege of practicing for
the core of Eltantmering,will consult with and attend
to curing at his vesidence•in Cooklin,Broome Co.
N. Y., those who may be afflicted with impediineots
in their speech. that no pay is required until the ut
most satisfaction is given. R. BLAKESLEE.
Conklin, nay 17.185 E i
tdo - hereby certify that.Z. Blakeslee is capable of
curing eny cases of the above impediments. end
would recoinusend him to the c.on Ede nee and employ
dent of all those who may be afflicted with impedi
ments in their speech
T' public are invited to all and •eistnipe the
.Ivrge and magnificent stock of new goods,
which are no* being opened at the store.of the sob.
scriber. Igs unnecessary to add that they will be
sold cheap.
Towanda. April 24,1851. J. XIMISSERY. '
An extensive stock of Staple
- Jost opening at
acariuumus a cum
THOSE who wish to purchase Good Articles at
chevron, Will do well to call.
Towanda. May 1,1851.
niElnr - GOODes
JH. PHINNEY, s. is readying from New
• York a large and general assortment of Spring
and Summer Goo*, consisting of almost everything
usually found in a store, together with
Groceries, Hardware,_ Paints, Oils,Dyes Leather,
Boots it Slugs, Hells, Caps. Bonn e ts , rinkery,
Glassware, Salt, Fish, te.
subscriber would return his sincere thinks to
the public for. their bountiful patronage the last winter,
by which the increase of business enabled him to offer
his goods .. .biasummer at still lower prices than'they
here been in-th y e habit of buying. All persons wishing
to buy goods for cash or Ready pay, would do.well to
call at'No. 3, Brick Row, and examine the stock and
prices, as thegosslesire bought and must be sold.
TowanderMay 1, ISM.
WHEAT and PLOURe—e latge quantity roe sale
Vif • et
SAFEtY FUSE.-10,000 feet just received Ind
foe sale it asyt PHINNEY'S.
intlDEß.—Any quality inked. ice
meting pnee Oral be paid at NUNN - EP S
DIFOSIERY.--Ladies, misses. and Whitens, silk,
LI worsted and swam white enteokeed Hose ; also
gent's and : boy's snixfd, brown and Militated half hose,
etem PC)XlB '
lIEBTIXGS,dt SHIRTINGS, brown and bleached
10—Ticking, Cotton Yarn, Carpet arm? and Batting
wholesale andietalli at tarl FOX'S.
SUGAR. Cotrat, Bic% Fish. Molasses, &Was,
nth% BPiant. Oils, tko• cheapest in town, at:,
May 1,11. FOX'S.
15 CHESTS . more of those Cheep TEAS, nos•
, ranted te'suit or the money returned ut an eme.,
- . iny2 , . . FOX'S: .
Are now waving their
SetondgenetalstotkotSpr* GOOllB,
whieti ere offered blade et WHOLESALE OR TM
TAIL, it mil lower then - their used prices,. They
say to sit end' Torte*" ease and see OW stock. and
you will Illgowls and prices right. , Mey. MI.
TV HOLE SUITS, Corts,Pents awl Vest',„ alt, for
VV . 12 00. it CAMPBELL'S!,
B"wit UNNEN'COATS Art it t atuil e!
A FIRST Rat as*FulmlmtPtiliti .at . -
(Imo yr, is Oo pluotthog, iota for W
‘9O. • ,] ; .9AI4.Pp;INE!
K - '
NEW 00001 S
Grocitour ttrO. to
aid 41oltoitio, - 004 to thipokoisOdelialle .
5ibt44110006,1! to orlibiolOo4kfot ,CsoiLfitloy
Alt ir*e4r.before: offered OtOtoollit‘
thediitteli Stitk
1 :0 2 10 falls - I: o 44ont'lloktbo tan livoifttlioxik,
11101 44°. t r i P:o olo ereirgl: „...April. 26
, rioNvoNz, comr:Awiod , tchnine.lw, SIP
AL.e' 6001114 which ark 140 bang eibibftad at .
41484. , •
..• -;'• KINGiIBER*II.
MO- NEW ');000DS. -
now-receivin g 4 . 44.1e4. .rfinkSPw.*mk.elitior4ind
Rte id eissontuent o . 4* r poi* whieb be. ite. for
4iliilat!liii*Orli'l:/sainao(faif,to snit dieekisert tiny=
Eli; Air Cisieti; Piitietrs; 'Oneenoketr.,Cuentr. He
respesttitlly i from all 3,i4ing to bpi
goodi cheap, as be is deters' hid to 'be undersold.
Toweisde, April 24, 1851. • .
• , • -•
- .Ip.ICH FOlilfAßDdCbunidean' Chine. - Dm*
Silks. French and BaregeiDeLanes. a new article
Tor auninier'drestes: Reich Lawns,Silk
Thaw; Linen Wilma and anfinantity,lif inhor dim
goods at • —' ' FOX'S.
EVERY one *earn that the phiee to dud thclargest
emortuterat end best quality of glove, of alt,des
. .
eriptious et at ap2B Fors.
Mell ICH B•bbons, Boinet Sitia, Lelia - 'arid Crapes at
,„ ap26 . • .F0.V.4
6L102. f'iniuna;;LeilictitiXlns Leaf and Canada
UV Straw Hata at . sp2O FOX'S.
VIIIVICedk and:loSn Loci for MANTILLAS or
• - .211 -
21; 00 brim:Titian!
Tun anbsetibers him mold to the new buildingem
Pine street, one door below Marcum store where
they will keep cailtand and make to order, ploughs,
stove and mill limier almost all descriptions. Turn
ing and Eating-op work, will be done also tut reasonable
terms,as at Elmira or Owego. , Old iron will be taken
in payment. , JOHN CARMAN do CO.
Towanila, April 26,1851.
BY GOODS—A good assortment of Merinos*.
Osahmeres. De tains, Alpacas, and prints now
opening at 318 MERCURIL
Important; and True!
ALL persons —without respect to age or condition
—indebted to me, are expected and notified to
mike immediate •psytneut. To satisfy them that I am
in earnest, I will just Kate. that I have engagements to
meet, which will require , me to have pay of those ow
ing me. I should prefer that they wonlddo so voluntari
ly, but if not. shall without delay, invoke the assistance
of the law. '
Towanda, April IR, 1861. D. C. HAM..
MIIE copartnership heretofixo-ezisting between E.
TOXICTN/ & Box, and Geo. W. Parrs., under
the firm of Tomkins, Son & Co. is thbk day dissolved
by mutual consent. The books and riccounts are left
with J. D. Goodenough for.settlement. and all persons
knowing themselves Indebted to the above firm are re
quested to call end settle up.
April 14.1851.
Spring& Summer &als o
Ti'Jung. & 51 , 001111,
ARE now receiving direct from New York,. large
assortment of New ,
which they pledge themselves to sell les low 'sibs low
at. They invite the attentlitit of pan:baser* to this
stock <which has been insulter, and will be
sold silliklenvest - figtife:
Towanda, April 1111,•185I. ' •
THE subscribe re., ll. "'" Goods wraf.Pati Lithr B Prinf chases t one
Pur .
of the. most emtenitve in - the coantry—for sale on the
moat Womble 'tennifor cash or approved credit 's -cash
buyer's are liericulerly invited to call and examine the
stock: my 9 O. D.. HAIMETT.
THE only complete essc l nti gin rt cl ig Paper Banzinp,
Birders, Window Paper, and 'Fire board Views,
kept hl thioregion, and at prices as low as ran be
found at retail eitha in or out of the principal cities, at
Vey 8. 0. D. BARTLETT.,
T. AMES ( ' & MISSES' SHOES—a good assortment
Li of ladies' and misses' fine shoes, boots and waken,
sure to plasma), at O. D. BARTLETT.
W'msport & Athens Railroad Letting.
G150.-larilergotaTiMrnm rmiretre-rmw.
lie that he has removed his storeto Col. Means'
building, one door below Warner's witettshop, where
he will be happy to see all who may tot in want of
Good and Cheap Clothing. He is^constarnly adding
to his deck all the new and desirable styles and pat
terns, and feels confident he can satisfy any one who
may give him mean.
Just receiving front-New York, s large and seasona
ble assortment of Spring and Sumrser,Cfothing. made
in the best manneri and which will be sold as anisl at
the lowest priori.
He has also received, a large lot of YOUTH'S &
CHII.DRENII4' CLOTHING, to Which he invites at
tention and which will be sold at low rates. He has
made arrangainents by which he cab send for iffy
dele desired, With the certainty of procuring a good
Cutting and making up, done as usual in the mod
fashionable maitre, promptlyatid to order.
Towanda. May B,lBBly.
Sohn W. Wilcox,
HAS removed his establishment to 11. Mix's store,
corner of main street and the public square. and
will continue the manufacture of Boots and Shoes, as
He has joss received from New York • large assort
ment of Women's, Children's and Misses' Shoes. which
afe offered at low price". The attention cf the Ladies
is preicularly directed to -his assortment. comprising
the following new styles :—..Enamelled Jenny Lind gat
ter boots': do. shoes ; black tasting sad silk. piten ;
walking shoes, buskinsokr.. Misses' gaiters and shoes.
of every description. A loge asaortmentof Children's
Stacy gaiters boots and shoes, of all kids..
• 'For the Gentlemen. almost eserystyle.of gaiters and
shoes. This stock has. been personally selected with
care, and her believes be can offer superior articles , at
reasonable prices.
TheitOctest attention peid .to MansearTartng.
end he hope 'by doing work well to merit' a =minu
ends- of the liberal patronage be has hithesto,received.
/*winds. May B*, 1851„
EIIARASIMA fine asteirtment.of lined and 'other
-fashksable 'styles, at • TON'S.
CROCKERV;rThe largest, eta& hi *sirs. roll
dinner end tea *hip ,or whits granite era hue
age, which wit; be solicheiP at irOrS•
MAILB.--100 141 : jig. Vottived; and for vale. - by
Pt th e ton.lk_oi pound at ' MERCOR'd.
101000 tZfefeertdairbillallSwer: 111°
. oil, 'Spiro fet otterill'eny
gestitities to suit purtilittttetit 14,010.1103
T.0 4 0 ,4170k 3;18514 ''•
,(kr. -
,polo 4—. --- ai —z smum - - .......;.:..,, --, in
. , , •
'%7 OilatioakWaireiatidliteietiottiitit In
Itod-OkainAnt-Piliathfot L , Pf) , ( l 4 l l , xiik - li .
411101 Mt•it4 140 i0 0 kherevat° untied. • 'r. •
."0 - ,t•-':• -
' ite536116.4 1 .. ' , .-t- - Retailete. 1 ithrflii:7 4 l 4l.l4l(
' • • ,„'4Rowliaid Wilcox, • • ":".',6:14.1 .07 - 013
..L; -.: 3 . : wiecilk w ikor . ; -.- ~. ....- 4,.. 14 . 70 r
41 ,A 1 7 1 111a " •Jabn Wl l 9O. ' ‘''' - rt
' " °l' t 4 '.',',l eV
, '• •-• Wat:Tentice?; ."14 7 tie
_'l . . - t Ei nic i tt e i r on ;- .--, c - .. -4 i ;14 ‘rt 00
Athettplintatismt MridietilinV; ' '-'-'`' fki r Pr'te "
- „- i ~;',, •(D a yid Gainamen, • ‘..-. „ *ma Rep VI aOO
" b ,,l4,wegrias, ..c; vu- _ et , 14 / • t 700
ore..e Well* & Marris„ .. 10 20 00
- Geo: ATettrins; '1 . ,-'"'ia 10 00
`C. Parli. ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' " 14; 700
' 11. M. Wells, ' t 'r: ?' ' " 13; 500
- I.:. • ' 1 -Win2lCff. , '., ''''',, :' " 13'10 00'
tiiirlingten.MeKeen Ac trtylor, k . lig. 14 10 00
3. V, Daniela. , ._ no, 114.11 .7 00
' : . A: 8.11.1 1 10'11 ~' '- ' '"' ff. 7.00.
14 1. C'.'M'eur. ,4
""" 14 7 00
panton....B if Newaiki,l ' '' hq. td 10 0
-" ' • <C E fiathbone44 '' " 13`
. - 100
Vandyke & Omen, *4 It 10 50
V 8 Manlif.k, Vv. na lig. 14 700
Columbia—A B Atis,tin," " •t 14 ' 700
1 11'V Barnes. - " Id '7OO
0•Loode. ' " Id 7 00
Lorain Dodge. Jr:, ' lig. 14 , 1 0 BO
Dure11.....1.1 Moody & Co., no lig. It ' 7 00
0 1/1111tamberlain, " 14 1 00
J fi Cowell,. - : liq. 1410 50
Franklin-I,M Mercur,. , " 14 10 50
E Hawley. ~ • no 1iq.14 700
Granville - ..1. DTaylor , 0 0 14 700
Herrick....L H Bronson. 1. 14 T 00
Leroy Ezra Holcomb. • 0 8 14 700
, Parkhurst & Lamb . .8 14 700
M0nr0e....8 M & Lllliektnati, • " ' I'3' 10 00
IS Illiieman t ' - liii. 13 15 00
John Hanson. , " 13' 16 00
. H .1 Perkins, no fig. 13 10 00
8 W Alden, •. " 14 700
Drown & Rockwell, - "' 14 700
George Smith, " . 14 700
0rwe11.... .T Humphrey " 13 10 00
E C Walker, " 14 700
Pike • 'A 8 Smith, ' " 13 111 00
G H Little. " 13 10 00
D Bailey & Bon,
W 1f Robbins,
Hidgberry.A H Vorrhies,
0 T Murphey, -
-B F
C F Wilson, notiq.l4 700
Rome. Washburn & Shalt. 14 7 Oil
Maynard & Woodburn, u 14 7.00
Judson Haleottob.
A. J. Maynard'
8. Btoae...H W Tracy;
Means & Storrs, " 14 10 50
E W Baird, no fig. t 4 7 00
Sbesbeguin.D Brink & Son. " 13 10 00
• Kioniy Rt Sattertee, lig. 14 10 50
I'hinney tfi Lyon. " 14 10 50
W E Campbell do Co. no liq. 14 700
Smithfield-1 E& M BbBock& Co, " 13 10 00
11 M Hall, • " 13 10 . 00
E C Tracy, " 13 10 00
_ _
Durfey & Friteher,
Bpringfield:CharreeY Blokesly,
Hiram spear.
B'th Creek. John Reed.
Troy boro..S'W &D r -Pomeroy, - liq. 11 22 50
' Stephens & Hopkins, • " 12 18 75
Herrickli Pomeroy, no 1ig.12 12 50
G F Reddington, " 12 12 50
F Maxwell, " 12 12'50
Eli Baird, , " .13 10 90
E P Ballard. - " 13 10 00
C K Spencer Az, Co., . 14 a :so
S W Paine, a 14 360
• .1 W Phelps. - " 14 330
Towandat.Montanyes & Co., " 10 20 00
li 8 & M - C Mercnr, " 10 20 00
. ,
- E T Fox, " 13 10 00
. .1 KingSbeg, " 13 10 00
0 Dilartlett, . 4 13 10 00
- - X 51-lietta.. , ._ . ._ se_,.....sa_—a sm.
Tracy & More, liq. 13 15 00
11. W Tiffany. .4 .14.10-50
•• , -. ---- --retriokon., —.....---. _ A .1.41.1040.
BartonXingsbery, .no 1ig.14 7 00
. '
Batley ` & Nevins, " 14 7 Ott
Jsaac Post. * ' 14 '3 50
H& A Campbell, " 14 3 50
Gll Iluntiig, (Domestic) 0 14 3.50
Hall & Russell, as " .13..5 00
Shapley &'ffewis a •aAd 10 00.
It C Porter. • liq. 14 10 liti
-8 Huston. " 15 10 50
.1" 11 Phinney. a 14 10 Su
Edmond Whalen, 'no liq. IA 7 00.
P. &Slain. liq. 14 10 50
'L Bristol, " 14 10 50
E Keeney & Co., a 14 10.50
M Nestor, . " 14 10 50
. • C Coleman. a 14 10 50
Ulster....... Wells *4. Go.. •-• no 1ig:13 1 10 00
Peckham dailather, , " 14. 7.00
. Gay Tracy. a 14 7.00
Wm. Gibson, ,- " 14 700
Warren... Benj Buffington, (domestic) a 14- 3-50
Jacob Ide, "7:14 -7 - 00
Geo. Talmage, " 'l4 - 7 00
Robert Cooper, liq. 14 10 50
Marcus Tyrel. " 14 10 50
Welts..-....J0hn Roberts. to,jig,l4 7,00
Wyalusing.Whelook &21triM 'ml,• . 24 700
M H Wells, " 14 7..110-
Elisha Lewis, . " 14 700
Cyrus Avery. .4 14 700
Wysos... Myers & Allen. ' " 14 700
V E &J E - Piolett, liq. 14 10 50
Samuel Coolbaugh, " 14 10 50
A List and Classification of the beer homes, eating
houses &c., under tinder act of Assembly of -the
tOth of April, A. D. 1849. entitled An Act to create
a Sinking Fund, &e., in and for Bradford County,
for the year 1851.
nesideuer. Names of Poisons.
Athens po.n earner,
Geo Merril,
' !An Harsh.
Canton.... Horace Tonle,
Towanda b.Miles Carter.
Troy boro..Borden &Case. 8 6 00
Palmer & Adams, 13
~.5 00
A List and Classification of the different Distilleries
in Bradford County as directed by act of Assent.
bly, of April 10, 1849..
Residence. Names of Pervans. Clem Amt Lie.
Athen.....o Toyer & Cc., ' 10 . 509
Alban....Jarnes Paine, lO s'oo
Bpringfield.Wm. Brace. 10 6 00
klbesheq'n..B Newell-& Co., 10 5 00
8. Stone....Jatnei Gordon. . 10 t 00
Troy, John DGOOdrieb, 10 ' 500
, . .
A gist and Classification oftlic persons engaged in
sale of Nestrams. Patent Medicines &c.. in Brad.
ford County. under not,cfAssernl4 of the 1 0th of
• April, A. D.. 1849..,
Residence. Names of reePons. Clam. - Aral Lie,
Athens b0..0 H Herrick, . 3 10.00
-0 A Perkins, . 4 5 'OO
Towanda ..11 C 'Porter, 4 5 00
. 11. Huston., • 4 ' 600
Thy ' Eli „Baird, ' .• . . 4 .. 5 00
.11,ing, -0c Vosbarg. 4., . 5,00
. Leroy Parkhurst & lamb, .. 4 . 1 3, 00
Notice ihe/reltsi ,givea that, in appeal' will : be
held at. the Counniisioneri ciihterrti the 10th, &liar
IJuly,neit. at ishiCh, lime anit'phice,tiai,peron ag
grieved by tho,rciregOjng elszoliktinitasoart attend
if they think proper. Witness lig band it
Towanda, the lltit day of April. A. D. 1851.
1 ti DROWN
sterCantibi Appraiser.
LEATHER -Sole *id - Upper Luther; also Nip
mid Calf' sak ' m3O Kok CM
i .
iron! Zron I Um! •
20TONS Mosiiesb, Eager Suradswfroial--
• general aleausiot of alt miss' bfroabdosteire
flat bar, band lad Isoopbroor falba') sad . for salirby
the tan:or smaller coati% atr MERCURIO.
L • ,a lair stock if Calleiek Goa
and Alpacas; cif,
" -lb IIING1111100AVE10.)
'1- • ' t.:7! t
4 . • 7 • -;-•t
" 13 10 00
Jig. 14 IQ 50
" 14 10 50
" 14 10 50
" 14 10 50
" 14 700
lig. 14 10 5J
lig. 114 10 OD
tiq, *3 15 00
" 14 lo 50
no liq. 14 700
-14 700
Cn•u. Am% Lie.
5 00
8 5 00
- 5 00
5 00
8 5 00
-11. , f•-•*—tt. , •%r.r.P'.d'x,ilrtfifirr.•srr f ::,„;ttt•zezlztt, -,„„,.#4 l •rts
_ _ . •
riPP'4l4 Tait ns
rrofwilcruitliblety - iiiiitet:44 4 Ith of sakoped
4=0 1 51 111 e01440100 1 1 1.01*Mitit OThin i rert7 oe~; 4"
in lows** sallionakialk th ey'itit 110,4 theree, the
'ltsseinuselikitidOige* ii4r - ,'4ll4oilitapprov# by
"t° bit atuttemilifiasAllisOlitu44loPer# Itklat .UiTith, pro
indilljw,lik - • • -
s i l„';',,, •''.°,ji' , ' is-4 t it.. : 4-9.101e----Iti Et tit rfs,. :tat- 1* fir' '-'• -- --; -- .. ,, I
;:= - Ik:' - i-..:4' ~AO ,l l-, lacitti .1 :... e: ..-r 41.14. • . xi" 2f,4,,,
,1 - 4, , ' -" - 0
- p,* -,..4., . 4 ..C,4 ' - 41Tri 2 1 . 12t 1 . 11-'l l ree 1 ff. - ...e, sr: r,„6' Vg '' - i .' t ~
, - ~ - 3 . - .1_ f r t , • 0-2.0• T -:a q. t .*, ,:tio ' , !:04#..p.:- x- :z •e. -- ..,-=
, :.)..;;'% • z X, 4 5 .: .. 1 #. 1.1 lii , ,ff-li
-:, - , •-:t.- - - 7 , -?-;-''•l4 - in..-:' - e a- .4"- 1,, Pei ,-; if = 1. e, - . 4 2 .,
W Z .I.*,
~ , ,:t. .:, ....,,,,,, , lir.„-- titZt • -• A; -- a
,p,#, :f. VI -- ; -' 5' '- r , ,
gi ,--.' Ll --c a l il'a ••P .9 r. P . a - .'' 1 ' 3 .
a • .: 40= 1 ; -- ,z 0;
~„ E. • ', ,, ,e ;
..... :-.• , a. ii
4 1 1 ,7 1,1 ' „ 24, 1 01, i i-1. 111 i. i-, D'sa - -, • 2 ' t•
c-,-,---,•1 e v .•-• -.. 1, ~. •
- - --" - 1 .3,„, , -
,f 4L , e .., i
1 36g'''- .':.
Athens borough., $61,220 $10.86:1 :00 • 0930
Athens tOwilshi6,.; 3110,441.1.: , 36,030 '! '0474
• • `" a $9,120 6118'
Argtenia. „42,418 ~ 1.691
Aquino). • 62,304 .8,821
Burlington, • 131.613 30,646
C01itmbia.139.933 •,19.2611
1: into* ';1 * 93,406 1 14,602
Dare!. ' ' • 6094 .11.159
Franklin. ;1052 9,010' •
Grenville, ' • 60.035 11.238
Herrick. ' • 43.303 1.001
Cilehfiehl, • • 66,029 9,494 .
Leßoy. 52,868 8 033,
Monroe, 91.014 16,400
99.649 12,151'
Pike, • 137,880, 21,427
Rome, 70,281 11,106 -
Ridgbury,' 70,261 13,303
Sheshequin, 149,383 15 652 ,
Smithfield, 128..543 17.960
Springfield. _ , 16,388
Smith Creek; '`, • "17,811' "5'474
Standing Stone, ' 53,890 8,744
Springhill. 47.817 6,864
Towanda borough. 135,735 14.310 1400 3509
• " township, 88,806 11.856
Troy township, 102,144 17,305
Trot; borough, 43,080 8,637
__. •
70,904 14,916
102,392 '12,363
113,636. 13,665
71,455 11,431
31,615 / 4,309
W ihnot,
13,025,178 $442,126 $2200 $6760 $6222 $82,315 11 46 20 $lO,BBl, 86 $l4,N$ 56
"iv-% BRADFORD COUNTY, 88.--We, the Commissioners of said county,• do herebY cetlN the
s. above statement to he correct, according to the returns made bf the assessors of the several ha
Lev•Jmnghs and townships in said coonty. Witness our hands and seal of office at Towanda, !heath
day of May, 1851. SIMEON. DECKER,
A. 14.,8M1TR, Commissioners.
Attest—E. M. FARRAR, Clerk.
ALL persons indebted lb the estate of ALLEN
MOODY: deceased, tats of Dared townahip,
.are hereby' requested . to. make ilayatent without de
lay. sued Rowe haring claims against said estate will
Orrin resent them duly authenticated foi settlement.
The subscribers will attend at thehouse of the deed.
oft Friday. the 9th day of May. 1881. for the purpose
o$ settling the lousiness of said. estate.
Dowell:April 24, 1851. Adminisdratora.
NLA.- mr.4lZ-V3EPAL .4 4
At only 10 cents a pound, by the boa. at DIR. POR.
TER% Drug (Store, south tad of the Ward lislusei
Towanda. , March 21.
2n BULB.
"/ just recerral und for sale in large Of Mall QOM.
titles, at the lowest market price, by
March 4, IBM. 1.. W. TIFFANY.
New Chair and Bedsit:ad 14fereoni ,
JetSt 1 1 ; AYLOrti
ESPECTFULLY inform the pa - idie that he has
I.l...opeaseilwahop et his new house, comer of Main
aid Paine aunts, nearly opposite Edward Overton's,
Towanda. whets be will keep eithand or manufacture
tocoder, Platinated. Cottage, Windsor, Paney, Cane
seated and Common CHAMS, made of the best ma
tetrads, and areoperkw
He has also for ale an assortment of Blanutts,
at low prices
ftepatnng and Seating Common. Cane-bottom and
Plaikeested Chains, on reasonable woos.
Duswootl, %%kayoed and Cucumber lim
ber taken in - payment for work.
He trusts that his long acquantance in this county,
sad the'dorability of his work as tested by rainy years
reperienee, will secure him 'Cohere of public patron
age. Towaraa, March 1, 1851. .
CLOVER G E E D.-4 sulierior , attacle.of bothth e
large and small seed, for sale cheap by
Minh I. • B. KISI3I:4BERY.
E r I M
• Adants & attiafiulane,
HAVING enteted 'lnto tolattneet;hip in the practice
of law, have also established an agency fat the
isle of real estate ha the county of Bradford; Pet*a
real their aliotha; 4o : lo44 . vantmer
and leaving a description of their property with the
i niaiiiiminaraild it to their advan
• '
Persons desirous of intreharing can tarn wheterop•
etty it; for sele—e description of the lame with the
price and terms of payment MA be informed %A to the
validity of title. - J. C. ADAMS.'
Towanda. Mry 2.1851. J. MACPADLANg.
BOOT dilsHOE DEPOT - 1000 psi, at prices that
can defy all competition.
February 2Z. MONTAIFYFEI & CO.
P ,
HINT PAINT !—Ohio. and Melds county Fire •
Proof Paint for sale very cheap by
February 22..- • MONTANVES at CO,
sale and-retail at Philadelphia priers.
February 22. MONTAFIrES
• menial Wofitglo by
February 22. TOMICINM. SON & CO.
.1011£ subscribers hawing just reedited a large *MI-
X 'lion to their stock, are prepared to famish a per.
sort with a "complete outfit.” consulting of ~
Overcoats, Coats, Pants, reds. Shirts, Undershirts,
Drawers, Hatt,Caps,Stispenders, Cravats, te.
All of which will be soid , chesper than the Cheapest (or
family pay. H. & A. CAMPBELL.
towanairi Nereatiter 14. 1860, . - , , -
BROADCI.OIIIB. Cassia:ken% Keopclg
sheep's pop cloth, 4C,. sold. cay tow ilk cub ,
bY , a 14.. B. KINGBI3ERV & CO.;__
School for Tons
/TM L.B. WELLS will open a school for young
aim* MowdaY: May 5, .on-Mtin street. second
iipsy Of Kingsbery's ltore.
Trims ran ?VIM or twtt+i *tits.
Orthogist#l, , reading, writing, geography, and ''
iaetttal' arithmetic .' #. t ' • +44.52'00
The same, with English grammar. advanced -
arithmetic, and Town's andysis, ........ 2 '5O
Philosophy, Chemistry,Physiology, Astronomy,
Algebra, mental and niontriniencwi 00
Penciling, chromatic timeiring, and embroidery,
each • 1.. •1 JO
:No scholar will:be remeter .
kit ill's') tuff/ Iplar•
t e e, and be deductieiiiiiii*l4encti unless' OW
14 Admen: 'stay
. Important JO all Otterested
istomdber tads ado method of informmielll
*me iitv4imimktmid to hits. tool swipe op
ig he of much limeed l e to him, sad
for the intense a alga kiform* - • 9,
'lair' Nolo. APO 26 ; 11 M.. Eel*
(MA P& &FLOOR CL4Yrilith:c..good all woo ,
,jail note* sad Air agoliOlowtoy
Der4ili 186 k. th,D, phittOrt.
625 '1 330 At' ?
46411 P -r!,
t • 2344 •.
• 696„
40' 1794
tas -42+5
030 18699
860 600
165 775
800 9525
882 ' 336
65 770 •
270 2875
100 2011
Pay opt Paw tlp t
THOSE who kilo* themseltat to be iri swears with
the subscriber will take notice that ogee in is great
while I rsot my pay just likeethet people, and thud
it does not tome of itself, in such cases send in oft
ter. So look out. di l O. 1). BARTLtrr.
ITT HEAT, Oats, Rye and mast kinds of Product
VT taken, ibt which the highest pfletrwill be pail
at det4 momErs...
113=55 01141:111/0317.111711r4
01E, tergest ani most astiiplete assottment.of sehool,
1. blank and miscellanea* BOONS &STATION-
lOW ever offend in this inatket; end at toy law ricer,
now km opening dt dlO O.D. PA avArrs,
Agency for Books, etc. -er
D. BARTLETT' will take orders for any Book
on sale hi New York city,sild supply i at shaft
notice. and on reasonable tow. Dee. 26,1850.
BLABT,ING Vti*DEL-50 kap blasting bor.
art, bg ne MONTAPiYbeI itt. CO.
g HH'D Sugar and Molasses . also W chests spore of
I.J that freshinew tea sainvascod-rasrforthii moo
ton* Eastatusiltice, Fish and Tobacco, all ,
of which will be ma cheap at •FOXII.•
A Chemical Compound -Similar to the /Ward Oil
gi elf
Ike Hair
Tani arAwnin mug, (most:
ACLEAN, white and beautiful preparation for pro
mining the grewthi brUriance and bandy of the
Hair—temuing dentindf, scales end stuff. 414 cullut
the cutaneous &elm of the scalp--uheiuslied for
keeping the hair moist, imparting to it * rick siltyleft
nese and beautiful lustre. Its soothing and agreeable
properties will be found' regrettable, sppliea either to
the head or aritationtrou 'the akin .' kis unlike any.of
the Alcoholic end .Oa preparations to commonly used
foe the hair. Itasumiontr over all gait preparations
mastitis in its properties being moistening and cooling.
UMW of hying and heating u the alcoholic prepare•
lions are ; and being free of the greasy qualities of.mar ,
row, oils, &c. its potter to remote the giutinoei coat:
ing which obstructs the pores of the skin when un-
healthy, and whit& presents the follices frotn eiadwg
an oily substance._ necessary to the natural moisture r
beauty and growth of the hair is unequalled.
One free aptilitation of the Hair Gloss will impart a
more lasting beauty and moisture to the 'heir, than a
whole bottle of the alcoholic preparationsuanally sold I
besides it will not soil the finest linen. Persons whale
hair is slightly gray, will find this article to make their
hair darker, end render their gray halts scarcely per.
egszeible. Madams will Arnif this preps/trim the best
they can use to dress children's hair, keeping it in piste,
giving it a most beautiful lustre, and email:101 wino ,
luxuriantly. If any preriarition of art ten cause the
hair to grow, the Spanish flair Moss will do It.
Very liberal discounts made to Druggists and those
whit buy by. wholesale. Address O. P. Fay, - Owego.
N. V. Price 2h cents per bottle.
For sale by HUSTON & PORTER. soli agents,
Tommie. Ps: 21r511
BY virtue of a writ of 'Penditiona .I.lxputtas
suedgout of the Court'of Common Pleas of
Bradfurd Conntx, and to me directed, wilt be expos.
ed to public sale, at the Court House. in the Bop,'
of Towanda on Saturday, the 2 1 et day of June. at
one o'clock, P. 14.„
the following piece , or parcel of
laud situate in the township cif Athenti, bounded on
the. north by lands in possession ofThomastornell,
mot by land of George Sanderson, South by lands of
itanie I Middaugh, west , by lands of David Gardner
Containing ninetrave acres, more or less, about
twelve acres improked, one framed barn, small plank
house and orchard thereon.
. .
ALSO—One other lot of land lying in• the towns
ship of Athens. bounded north by land of WmMirop
son, east by land of Geo. Sarderson, south by lam;
of J.!". Mills; west by land of Jacob Daly. Cow•
fairing abmt thirty ace. a, more or lesS,about twat.
ty acres improved, framed house. framed barn and
a few fruit weer thereon.
. Seized and taken in axecation - at the suit of David
Gardner vs.!. Joel Mills and Thomas Cornell.
`.ALSO.—IIy virtue of a writ of Levari Facies, the`
following described piece of land in Bbesberinitstp.
13.8thoing at the south-east corner of s-lot run out
to Richard Johnson, a post; thence I°'west 81 4-10
p. to a past; thence west9i 56-10 perches to alma;
thence south 34 3-10verchei toe pat: thence:lolth
89° west 168 940 perches to a post for a c 01114441
being also the north west cornerof a lotlroit out Ink
toad theneeniirth east 63 perches to a
post:- thenEe Conti 76° east 2317.10 perches ftt ihL
beginning; .Coturlinhig age hundred and seat:Meet
acres and one hrtmltetl and thirty eightperehe4alti4.4 .
Seized and taken lit Execution ai did stittlif P: S.
11.Dgieri and wife I.i: Thes e - J. Wheeler. ItsitiiiMs.
tratar of Ovros Wheeler.: aged. ,thortgagot of-John
Baxter) Cii."Vibbert and Geo _Vibbert. ter. tenable.,
Wallin elfetiit
skerin dirickTaihildsilifiji "it 1351." '
- itiLvElA IL*
Variety] grotery andthitiot Store !
T iv: TtiFfANI , tot* adebliebasent_
Ja re dittoed) settles the street Both hit cM steed. itt
the eiole liter **Ad Mr. Doane. where he vitt
b e h a ppy to , ses kris old ets4 ind .ss mani a PTV
ones I, g 1 11. 1 ,1 uretseeiier articles la hi
De sibs wwwg Pownwste Nev. 1 4 , te s 4
lA* 5 all"Pdbg Mlinbehilida Heti; alkitioth9at
14 / PAD) kg 31.084
!!"*.":7 r ""'' '
468'.1 #,,.
.697 '9O. ` ffl2 ifs
137.74' !tett
- 4,2 36 8642
.! -
,285 29"
463.69 61 $6
" • , 16022 '614 414
• 351 47.: 'N465 28
V 4. -811 'l:isr
,13829 183,13
219;0 ,293",42.,
r-ea :110311119
2 137415 f r .,„245 62
• 84114: • ',is; 88 •
348 711 . ` 7 468, T 01
484 54 11441":23
255 21 PO OS'
252 75 337 NV
501 33 66812
466 63 11807
1 329 43 138 (24
132 . 99 . . 177'32
;se 72 164 Oil
tee 31 219108
9 'l3 • 418 . 44 222 06
313 OS 108 OS
487 32 646 06
' $
it 1 215 as 252 TY
1 269 02 461 6&
1 L 365 86 484 44
• 258 06 244 OS
a 349 47 46236
360 82 421 10
259 98 340 12
109 37 144 47