~" FJ ogyinanki, lr , IC RIE 16 1 ' MRCus re timais sir those, ...____ ..._ ,ifed ti t l e principal "' of E u rope by - Van The petfonnie ,Elephatit Abdallab 0- _,.., an d k o of every individuld 7 . s iso hoost incredible i. no grign TIM! is withoua r o peror in swag w Tim idthcelebrated ; ii . -- Rider, Fil. er ; and that Clown of ,en, I. lifTer 4 , spa at I i apt Oi• . Performandes com. at 2 sod 7 P.E. Admission "bets. Chi!- ender 9 pears. I___!_f:i_..__,_..riee' ADMINISTRATOR'S ant of IM NOTICE. w o man , the, WNNY B. anew ,, late of the date o f obi °, meted to oaks payment without delay, being &nods against said estate see Neat thee.:duly authenticated foe set- JOHN DAIrRIGHT, Administrator. fors 5,1851. 7 NEW HEAP. • . k 5 11 TOaR E • NEWT E. ,c,,Fin.,,,,,,, On the citizens of Towanda *j o ky, dot talc n the attire lately occur • word, whe they•now insitetheottentiog ..., t o a loge choice stock of s e s, ion illitounor Goals, CON MO Of 'GOODS, HA WARE d• CROCKERY, MOCERIES, I o,i,'S t SHOES, tc , • the coal ot sty, with manyuticlesan be °lauded where. Alortment ha, selected , with care expos , Motet, au *chased at prices which will rye ail a etoptas any store in this region of Cash cow are invited to OWL with a at they she n go.away dissatisfied. ember, 8 LEY & LEWIS' new store, ,f the Wad owe, Main sweet.. May 28,1 I.' pother cue of thaw Cheep yard, jam received at #BOAPLEY & CENTF!• data, at 61 cans !ROM , i.tiereb) &en, ttiat an Election will be at& office Laporte Mason dc Co., in Tow. tSrtarday the !I d day of one, betereen the hours Wori - A.M.,lnd 12 M.. for Officer' and Man ye " Towada And Darlington Plank Rod complianio rid' the chatter. By elder i the Commiuioners. Vat. B. 8. RUSSEL Seep MEIiCINES, CHEMICALS, GROCERS - AND UQtJORS. 23TON & PIRTBR have net added to their neortmentor trge stock of Fresh Drugs, Medi- Chettlklia, Ifit.‘Paints, Groceries sod Liquors, WO now offend to the public arrow-mte..- hirstock of FAT Y GOODS & PIRFUNERY Ihrgest and complete•ever offered in this Wee a of pure 'WIND, & Li ftable for edical purposes. • itiety of amphene,Phospene, Fluid,Lard IPS, co 'ling many new and beautiful for the best Paieniiiedidaes of the • mss d upon procuring it-genuine stop and edicines - kept at their establish be relkd yon u genuine and uf the best nisi carefully selected wit* a new to teethe Ward House. and N 0.2. Brick TOWilldll. May 27, 1851. Not the rirevaadaPassime, _ c ,STILL IN O,PERATIONI w. POTTER would' respentfuliy o 'iannounee , ebfie that tie in possession; , the New I °P Towanda,at ' .‘the p winmstti e f l ood Paetoryronnyiy stood - where be. oakettire and keep coasta td 'otr hand in the. alio,* line as the to of .the Irons ind 7 g. saw 'Torso- er work, Vrig Wipers, ninepattems, ritasett to use tie beet emneelfeies to keep improvements of the again 'rallies of bus: tine of , his manufacture. lie has long the best we 7 so serve wigs self is to die; anf be feels confident-that hie efforts time to introduce such• articles as rape+ ved b be Ineful to the user, 'pill , be pro. Sari/ short, that he intends to be in poe• the bet patterns of Ploughs and Cn!diatom ides el , husbandry in his line. - He would ;iti bin bad an experience of five and twit- Machinery, and has great erne& 1f that impose, and would invite thowi swim :at* or Machines fitted to iive him a be mends to his own business personally, irtar that the wants of the public. in his be filly attended to. &ingot bringing hist:a:minas*, near cash nit sell astonishingly lo* to es* Pay 'me one, come all . 0 and the attbk.ii• lo Orme all who will be plume idea will manufacture STOVES "I Towanda, H.)-R8,185% bucal 11) MINISTRITRIX'S NOTICE. '- '. v O ire ms hale to the. estate 4f -JAMES of the towtubip'otWalls. payment *holm deity, against said estate, will please itiestai for. settlement. .. . • ' FRIES, Administratail. .'. duly a hiM1(11 1 . 1 0 111 24, lasl. 4N more ofill T B , this cep and good LINEN .'ved by H. & A. CAMPBELL. n. Canters,lut be:Cured! .. . •c , ailments:iv ha s ', ' 'f or ,au t oryesm aillscum A ilitl i " 'negro Ind a pplied in rain for belP to i i en P'c,lPhlneissi some Celebrity in rum!. "'P lat behtil 'deed by them sod others ' "WY. He ' tly been fully Mated'il,' Lg a few weeks wi Da. A. V. NVOLVILITON, ..,,, r _.2 N. y, rod cheerfully recommend to ••.`"lnei coder that *lde disease to eall on him. 'VICTOR TOWBLEY: .......I_ 4 7' ''' ' ITO- I. %. i all aittlit the rundabisir Depot ICOME I, mum their atoms. dumb • lit the hbe ° beteeorten laertowed. 11 " a t ,„ 1 ,.. 11 0% eau tio o alb* raw& Owl cis' • c,,,,late wits% si Nor • Seam :Goons. Astiesuy foe dour the Gate ' h id win be sow at s hetharta rim"! —was teen mat ' • - tie tilt beffeterutlephgekimbem' • dfc. A. CAMPBELL. ' EE S T Isceivai another Isiv'Sgsiounea OK" " __ ll""lbib i a9BB -.44, Mill ( -- - tAi r ATE $c 1 1 p ,i:" . '_ 1 - STONE iistu , O ,w isii*llV-Ir4slV6._ .1.: ve t tOsimiiitia do :,in con, 1 ',- FAOTO Ait,lllThitaßtlin„ll:, :11:4 4 #, i tli ts! opeosktiai 4 1 447;4 01- :, ' ' - *O l ,00 1 * or alb filatoltlP. - . - , ... : 4 _4 , f•- 'Hi will bave coaliantl4 l 4.'lliiiii ms's - figiii - iia of Fretiled Barnhill alia s is - iliat.A. hurl !tank itt i papa * Kish Stine,. also Prima/ism 116;_ffo/f -taz,,C/oht, Sown Wire sad eakified Piaci:: , ins tiaderat4oadseam" Matelot* vitiltbit taddic; that be will faithfully execute tin Oidek unstinted to 4 0 9.3 10 , mlY•bkqua li tti bui*titkil at litlicks' Pun=e4,l449 ll 4ts tisk kilid,. atm, ; ....- , paws tly lett& will be Iritit as much fare I* lIP cheaply a rwben ; ptirebaeersite ott *a frac likilthliatibm; May 24. teal: . ..... - Hail Branch NiillOylqualaz,Camd. VIA 'LED PROPOSALS wif be`- received at the C." lEnsineees`Offier Torrenda, until sunset of, MONDAY, the 23d of June. 1851, for- coinpleting, the following work upon theNorthltranch Penn 'a Canal; o wit: Dam No.- It Sections Nos. 1, 20; 28, 112. 44, 85, 85, 92, 97, 100. 1111; IMr 128; 13% 45% A 55, 160,112, 182, and 184 together with the lock t aqueilnct and cultrert masonry which maybe requir on any of the said *Wens. Also the toning. . path sections above dam No:Lana-4 kocsk.at-the bead of the pool of said dam. Me work above spe -eified is such as was chiefly done prior to the sus. I pension 2 ef the North Branch Canal -in 1842, and that-remaining consists'of finishiag up - the - sections. The .requisite information in- regard to the manner of doing the work, with the approximate quantities on each job; may be . obtained upon 'application at the office aforesaid, three days prior to the'22d pox imo. WM. B. FOSTER. JR. Chief Engineer-and Superintendent. Towanda, Hay 15,1851. NOTICE is hereby giretithat I have been appointed an Atiditor by the Ripltab's Court of Bradfont Oonnty, to mivahall assets and distribute the foods in the hands of the admioistrator of Smith' Pembleton deceased, and that I will attend to the duties of my appointment at my office fa the borough of Athens, on SatardaY• the lith day otJune nett, at I o'cloalt9 . P.M. it whiCh time and place all persons interested are re 'tired to preseni their' etaltaN ar be &bora! 'from com ing in upbn said fund. N. M. STEVENS. May lb. 1861. Auditor. Orphan's Court Sale. . , topY virtoe-of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, will be exposed to public sale on the premises, on etturday the sth day of July, at I o'clock, P. M. the following property. late the estate of Lyman Warriner, dec'd r—Mounded cn the north by lands of Rogers Fowler. on the east by lands of Enos Varney, and on the west by lands of Hiram Fairchild, and Britten Baldwin.. Containing about seventy-three acres and thirty-two perches, about fifteen acres thereof improved, with a small framed house, thereon erected. and, small young orchard thereon. Attendance given,and terms made known on the day of sale. T. T. SMILEY, L. WARMER, Administrators. May - 15,1651._ Stuttering • • Stammering Cured inlinin 40 to GO 311114nntAs. . • miry undersigned baying purchased of Et. C. Math ears the system and privilege of practicing for the core of Eltantmering,will consult with and attend to curing at his vesidence•in Cooklin,Broome Co. N. Y., those who may be afflicted with impediineots in their speech. that no pay is required until the ut most satisfaction is given. R. BLAKESLEE. Conklin, nay 17.185 E i • CIIRTBICATB. tdo - hereby certify that.Z. Blakeslee is capable of curing eny cases of the above impediments. end would recoinusend him to the c.on Ede nee and employ dent of all those who may be afflicted with impedi ments in their speech Eh CARLTON MATTHEWS. NEVI SPRING - GOODS T' public are invited to all and •eistnipe the .Ivrge and magnificent stock of new goods, which are no* being opened at the store.of the sob. scriber. Igs unnecessary to add that they will be sold cheap. Towanda. April 24,1851. J. XIMISSERY. ' An extensive stock of Staple AND. FANCY DRY GOODS, - Jost opening at acariuumus a cum THOSE who wish to purchase Good Articles at chevron, Will do well to call. Towanda. May 1,1851. -* niElnr - GOODes AND 'REDUCTION -OF • PRICES ! JH. PHINNEY, s. is readying from New • York a large and general assortment of Spring and Summer Goo*, consisting of almost everything usually found in a store, together with Groceries, Hardware,_ Paints, Oils,Dyes Leather, Boots it Slugs, Hells, Caps. Bonn e ts , rinkery, Glassware, Salt, Fish, te. subscriber would return his sincere thinks to the public for. their bountiful patronage the last winter, by which the increase of business enabled him to offer his goods .. .biasummer at still lower prices than'they here been in-th y e habit of buying. All persons wishing to buy goods for cash or Ready pay, would do.well to call at'No. 3, Brick Row, and examine the stock and prices, as thegosslesire bought and must be sold. TowanderMay 1, ISM. WHEAT and PLOURe—e latge quantity roe sale Vif • et SAFEtY FUSE.-10,000 feet just received Ind foe sale it asyt PHINNEY'S. intlDEß.—Any quality inked. ice U*b meting pnee Oral be paid at NUNN - EP S .. DIFOSIERY.--Ladies, misses. and Whitens, silk, LI worsted and swam white enteokeed Hose ; also gent's and : boy's snixfd, brown and Militated half hose, etem PC)XlB ' lIEBTIXGS,dt SHIRTINGS, brown and bleached 10—Ticking, Cotton Yarn, Carpet arm? and Batting wholesale andietalli at tarl FOX'S. SUGAR. Cotrat, Bic% Fish. Molasses, &Was, nth% BPiant. Oils, tko• cheapest in town, at:, May 1,11. FOX'S. 15 CHESTS . more of those Cheep TEAS, nos• , ranted te'suit or the money returned ut an eme., - . iny2 , . . FOX'S: . H.S.*IIII.?.IIIIERCUR Are now waving their SetondgenetalstotkotSpr* GOOllB, whieti ere offered blade et WHOLESALE OR TM TAIL, it mil lower then - their used prices,. They say to sit end' Torte*" ease and see OW stock. and you will Illgowls and prices right. , Mey. MI. TV HOLE SUITS, Corts,Pents awl Vest',„ alt, for VV . 12 00. it CAMPBELL'S!, B"wit UNNEN'COATS Art it t atuil e! • A FIRST Rat as*FulmlmtPtiliti .at . - IWS. • CAMPS& (Imo yr, is Oo pluotthog, iota for W ‘9O. • ,] ; .9AI4.Pp;INE! K - ' AUDITOR'S NOTICE NEW 00001 S Grocitour ttrO. to liiit*thoootiotioobrolllcookkorobiltio: aid 41oltoitio, - 004 to thipokoisOdelialle . 5ibt44110006,1! to orlibiolOo4kfot ,CsoiLfitloy Alt ir*e4r.before: offered OtOtoollit‘ thediitteli Stitk 1 :0 2 10 falls - I: o 44ont'lloktbo tan livoifttlioxik, 11101 44°. t r i P:o olo ereirgl: „...April. 26 , rioNvoNz, comr:Awiod , tchnine.lw, SIP AL.e' 6001114 which ark 140 bang eibibftad at . 41484. , • ..• -;'• KINGiIBER*II. MO- NEW ');000DS. - ; now-receivin g 4 . 44.1e4. .rfinkSPw.*mk.elitior4ind Rte id eissontuent o . 4* r poi* whieb be. ite. for 4iliilat!liii*Orli'l:/sainao(faif,to snit dieekisert tiny= Eli; Air Cisieti; Piitietrs; 'Oneenoketr.,Cuentr. He respesttitlly i from all 3,i4ing to bpi goodi cheap, as be is deters' hid to 'be undersold. Toweisde, April 24, 1851. • . • , • -• - .Ip.ICH FOlilfAßDdCbunidean' Chine. - Dm* Silks. French and BaregeiDeLanes. a new article Tor auninier'drestes: Reich Lawns,Silk Thaw; Linen Wilma and anfinantity,lif inhor dim goods at • —' ' FOX'S. EVERY one *earn that the phiee to dud thclargest emortuterat end best quality of glove, of alt,des . . eriptious et at ap2B Fors. Mell ICH B•bbons, Boinet Sitia, Lelia - 'arid Crapes at ,„ ap26 . • .F0.V.4 6L102. f'iniuna;;LeilictitiXlns Leaf and Canada UV Straw Hata at . sp2O FOX'S. VIIIVICedk and:loSn Loci for MANTILLAS or • - .211 - SIMMINASTUDATIVIEZUES 21; 00 brim:Titian! Tun anbsetibers him mold to the new buildingem Pine street, one door below Marcum store where they will keep cailtand and make to order, ploughs, stove and mill limier almost all descriptions. Turn ing and Eating-op work, will be done also tut reasonable terms,as at Elmira or Owego. , Old iron will be taken in payment. , JOHN CARMAN do CO. Towanila, April 26,1851. BY GOODS—A good assortment of Merinos*. D Osahmeres. De tains, Alpacas, and prints now opening at 318 MERCURIL Important; and True! ALL persons —without respect to age or condition —indebted to me, are expected and notified to mike immediate •psytneut. To satisfy them that I am in earnest, I will just Kate. that I have engagements to meet, which will require , me to have pay of those ow ing me. I should prefer that they wonlddo so voluntari ly, but if not. shall without delay, invoke the assistance of the law. ' Towanda, April IR, 1861. D. C. HAM.. .Disso!titian. MIIE copartnership heretofixo-ezisting between E. TOXICTN/ & Box, and Geo. W. Parrs., under the firm of Tomkins, Son & Co. is thbk day dissolved by mutual consent. The books and riccounts are left with J. D. Goodenough for.settlement. and all persons knowing themselves Indebted to the above firm are re quested to call end settle up. E. TOSIKINB & 80N. GEO. W., POTTER. April 14.1851. Spring& Summer &als o Ti'Jung. & 51 , 001111, ARE now receiving direct from New York,. large assortment of New , SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, • which they pledge themselves to sell les low 'sibs low at. They invite the attentlitit of pan:baser* to this stock