r, CT'S AI: E TI I I Nt;zl. What has been (lone r „, 4 be (huae again.—lgnorance of the facts and Phi losophy however start at the asselion that any one remedy can possess within itself the virtue of our• many diseases. Experience of more than footteen years have never the less established the tart that 141eichant's.celebrated Gargling Oil. or Fr:rental Family Etnbmeation WILL trite most ( ..,.sand relieve all such as rheumatism, painful nervous affections bites of animals frm-t-bitms ; corns whitloue, chillblains. asthma, bruises, hums 43alds. cramp, sprains, ulcers from Wale:lns-es ; breact, contractions of the museles:weaktiess ot o w j oints. chapped hands, external poilt.ons, swellings, fie. Also a host of diseases in and other animals. See advertisement in ? hi, paper. A pamphlet of description may be fad -taus of the agent. Ncu:i 'Abvcrtiscmcats -eaz o Dc:sl,srz9 MILLINER AND MANTUA MAKER, ROOMS in Merrur's Buildings, NO 10, 184 9. • TOWANDIL • * 2 . ) a l 2 . 1) 2 . .§ 10i ! TUE NEXT TERM sill eummence MONDAY, MAY 21-t. F. W. GCNN, Principal TAKEN UP, A FI.n.VT in the So-quehanna rivet, in Dnrel. on the Iv of March I,ist, an A RK - DOT 1 . 11)%1, which lat;ae‘l in the eddy below Stiith'e;mill. The on ncr can ha , e it by pr t ing property & paying charge.. Durcl, April 6. I•sI1. ISAAC I). COLE. NOTICF,. ner.ons indented to the eatate of Ull Il CORBIN. deceased, late of Warren townhi4p, arc I,..n•hv requested to make payment, without (Wily, and has Ina cl.rimu ay..attist said estate will please pre sent them dulS' authenticated for settlement. J•\!llE't M. 110WF.N. 1iE11E,....CA 11. Clif:BlN, Warren,' A pri1,9,,1 R 49. Admimstrators. TAKE NOTICE ! LL those who are indebted to Bradford County, uho do not call and settle betore or at Nl.ty emu ui:l live the pleasure. of to be waited upon by those ill JAMEB M. I'CUK, Treastuer. Treasury °Mee, A pill 0, I 19. s BRADFORD HOTEL, U 3 al 3;.t.a.P. HS the pleasure of announcing t.) his cld friends and the poldie, that i.e has again resumed the 1113- Lagrnirtit of his old and well-known HOTEL, on the i.orih tale 1 the Public.:3guare, which is now mideren mg rratrtial improvvinciits; rooms renosaird and fitted up with an eye single to the comfort and convenience of it: patrons. He is dctermined to devote his undiNi d,.,l Jtientien to the conducting of this HO I'EL, and he can assure his old friends anal the public that they will always find themselves at Inane" at the Bradford lime!. His IS 112 and TA shall be sup;•lted with the very best the market affords. A share of pirblic pa trnage is solicited. Towanda, April, 1A49. I:1,0 WEI?, SEEDS.—The attentiim of the Ladies is lid to our assortment. April 11. Hus - roN & ponTErt. CI :1 (1 )- 3 0 ( LT"? 0/C Of Containing no Merrary or olhrr Mincral. IT has power to 'cause all ExTERNAL &ORES. SCROFULOUS HUMORS, SKIN DISEASEs. POISONOUS WOUNDS, to discharge their putiid limner*, and then heals them. It is rieh•.ty Vrmed ALL-lITIALING, for there is seArcely a disease, external or internal, that it will not benefit. I have used it fur the last sixteen years, for all disea•es of the chest, involving the utmost danger and reoponsi',ilily, and I declare lsifore heaven and- man, that nor in one Vase has it failed to benefit when the pa th nt was within reach of mortal means. I have had physicist's learned in the profession-1 hnvehad tilinisterd of the g i 9 spel, judges of the bench, aldermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition, ai I multitude; of the poor use it in every variety of %Sly, and there has been but one voice—one universal )oice..sayinz .111i.ger your Ointment is good! remoies almost immediately the milmnination and swelling when the pain CCBSCS• - ••• ilex, the directions E round the hoc. 11-ad Arbe.—The salve has cured persons of the !mail a. he of twelve years itandin,g, anal uho had it regular ..%e.y week so that vomiting took place. I; .tfite:s, Ear-ache, Mut and Agisc ;it the tire helped with like success. Srahl 11 , :m1.—We have cured cases Chet actually ths -11.,1 every china known, es will as the ability of fifteen ta:t wenty doctors. One man told us he had spent MO .iti his children without tiny benefit, when a few boles ui the .ointment cured thetas litildeieva.-11. will restore the hair sooner than any other thing. Triter.—There is nothing better for thn cup e of, letter. B.tru.—lt is one of the hest things in the world for I /Yrt.—Thousands ere yearly rurrd by this ointment. li N 1.% /Al fails ib giving relief for the Piles. .sr and the box are i (cirrus for using Me.4.7i , . for S•rofila, Leer Complaint, Eey• • 1 , 1 , 1 , , T(114'; Phill Win; &aid Head, Sore t Eyes, y Sore Moat, Bronehdis, Nermu.l affeletions, I'm 'IE-disease of the Spot', Head ache, Asthma. Ear . 3 trot, Corns,ali Di liCanN of the skin. err lips I'-„pin. ere. ; atiffaess of the joints, &yellow; of the ! ';,or lia,hs, tiorrs. Rheumatism. Pdr,, cold fr,l, • to , lleel or broltea Breast, Muth mile. Ague to Farr. A C.* ece. .V.zed persons find great relief in using this Oint ii ut ffeely..l Cw . 'ox.—Occasional - use of the Ointment will always pr nits lions growing. People need never be trou iej 1,%;:h them if they use it frequently. This Oitittnent is good for any part of the hotly that are inflamed. In 5-ime caws it should be ,•plied often. . • i•:airinv.—No ointment will he genuine unless the one of J.1111e3 314 Allister is women with is pen upon cry label. JAMES McAI.I.ISFER, Sole Proprietor of the above niedirine e AGE css--eli .S. & M.O ME la; Ell, Towanda: S. & %. S. Newman & Co., Canton ; Elmore 'Lo is, Sugar Run. 45y l'cricipal °like, at No. 28, North Third-.t.. Phila -1.111.., where applications for agencies r:sny I.e 1119,10.. J. NVINTOSH, DENTIST, INCIM NEW TOUR. OW of Bradford (7nuiny, Pa., will make a periodi r.d *t...it to ROME, remaining a week or ten Java, mm, n-mg Oth of April Inv. Will be found at lim e' Hotel. ito.filetory references awl moderate 'priers. Teeth , erte.l. from one to a whole Fen. and warranted to be eui,d as well as can be Jane in the cities. The following villages will be periodically visited : .exatida,•Athens, Tray, Leßaysville. &c. •Informa ,a w ill be given a week or so in advance, through the '.l ,,, rterond by small advertisement!. 11 01 • . :1)4) 0 .- aivaa f asi. • nit E part nership heretofore eis4ing under the firm l of WI t O , V & W.E3B is this day dissolved by nual r , rl,4 , rit. All persons indebted to toe said rum tektrie.l that they are required Id settle the same ue , thttely, with James H. Webb, who ai,o is to iwy dcbts due from said firm. CHARLES F. wirsox, . . .1 IMES H. WEBB. . . ili.lherry, Warch 15,1849. ) EINONS purchasing goods will do well to call and crstottric our goods before purchasing elsewhere, "nut stock is large and well selected, and purchased u.ten the goods are lowest; so that we have a et:onside 'lb' adcatittige over those who purchased earlier. We n aecomittodute our customers with almost everything ,cc tveth, from a coffee mill to a corn Aviles. .I,llv 14. ELLIOTT & TOMKINIA. ( BAGS.-I,adies and genes, • good as -- sortiiient by ELLIOrr & TOMKINS. 'PiifiTSMEN wishing to purchase outibleandsin gle Irerrei Fowling Pieces. - Rifles and Gun fin it..., will please call at the new (lard-ware Store. Towanda, ;SOY. 7,1848. D. LORD. •; Itkrrhanbig; :*c. NEW . GOODS AT-THE CENTRAL STORE ! N°W opening at the above establishment a very large and desirable assortment of FALL. AND WINTER GOODS, which will be sold at yrey low rates. Business at this establishment conducted upon fair and honest principles. You have our thanks. fur past favors and we, hope for ft continuance of the same as we are bound to sell Goads Cheap. Towanda, Dec. 4. 1818. N. N. BETTS. Vil 'As(.ll_s ,LMD, ak-MaiT• THE suliscriber still continues to manufacture and keep on hand at the old atabd of Tornkins and l'ilslanson, all kinds of cane end wood seat CH AIRS; and SET TEES of various kinds, & BED STEADS of every description. which I will sell low fur cash or Produce, or Pine or Cherry lainiher. or cl nir -plank, will received for work. TURNING dune to order ih the neatest manner. Also, CABINET Vi/ORK, make and kept on hand, or made to order. im the heat manner. JAMES MAKIN:3O:N. Towanda., Janunry 4, 1849. THE LATEST ARRIVAL. MORE NEW COOS. A V V are now receiving and opening a new and general assortment of Goods just from the Qua ker City, and we confidently say they cannot he heat fur variety, neatness of quality or quantity ; arid they must and shrill he sold as low as the same good. , can he houeht this side of the city Our stock is full and complete, consisting of every thing mankind ationd in need of. The. stock is made up of Dry goods, Ord eerie.. Hardware, Crockery, Iron anti Nails. Psit.to, Oils, Wass, Varnish, Dye-stuffs. Boots, Sh.)es. Leather. Fish, Salt, anti in fact everything that is in demand,— Persons making purchases sill I/0 well to call and ex amine our stork before purchasing, as we make no charges for showing 2:0N1.44 DRY GOODS, A emud and cheap variety of Alp:mem:, Ginghams, :)retina plaid:4 and Detains, a large and good assort ment of Cloths Cassimete3, .41061101 g, Kentucky Jeans, sattin and *ilk ve*tines, table diaper, brown and blue c.otton and iltown and blue. linen tslie cloth, Muffs of all prices and descriptions, lititftlo robes, Sheet rigs, shirting's both brown and bleached, Hats and caps of the latest styles. wool skirts and drawers, Carpet bags, gloves and mittens, 111.aery, any pantity of mit: ton yarn and carpet yani, white and adored ell of whit h will be 5..1.1 rheaptr fur cash, than at any orher establishment in town. ELLIorr 6c TOMKINS Towanda, 'Nov. 16, 1548. DRS. HUSTON & PORTER, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS CIFFICE, at No. I, BLOCK RONV,where they may 7 at all times be fun d, ready to attend to calls in their pr..fession. 'Towanda, lin.- 10, 1919. PARTICULAR NOTICE! "r VERY person indebted to me, by note or otherwise, L are hereby notified that immediate p'iyment mu.t be made, or they will be subj cte-I to the cost of erifotc ing collection. I trust this notice will be suit -lent, without putting me to the necessity of placing my de mands in the hands of a magistrate, for indiscriminate prosecution.- feb2B D. C. 11 ft LI,. WHMEAS MY WIFE, MARY MOSHER, lEFT my bed and board, on the 20th inst., without _I any just cause or provocation. this is hereby to forbid .1 y person harboring or trusting her un any count.ac as I will pay no drbts of her contraelina. Albany, Feta. 25, 1549. ORWELL W.MOSH ER. THE' NOMINATIONS ARE MADE, AND NOW IT Is, -,kuarc-rx2r-o2 CF. {HARDER respectfully tvtahes lo inform the . cit Mens of Towanda, and the public tbAt he has commenced the . HARNESS AND TRUNK MAKING. BUSINESS, Tossanoa, on Main street, a few dams shove Bridge street, yebtlYe he will keep constantly on hand or make to onb.r, hard and ennonna Hareem Trunks and Trunk- Wires, and all kinds of work in his line. CAR RIAGE TRIMMING and MILITARY WORK done to order. From his experience En The business. and punctuality in attending to it. he hopes he may receive a share of puMic patronage. .CLT All kinds of work may he had at his shop cheap er than at any other shop in this county. Towanda. ittne 12, :848. • 10 iarll Scott, LTAs removed his office to D Cash's new office, on 11. second .ttiert, ho l e he wi •be pleased to see those need his proressioneservices. Dec. 29, 1817. y Towanda, euctist 30, 104 7. • REMOVAL LLYSSES TTERCUR, has removed his Law Office g•—• to the second story of Montanye's New Block corner of the Public Square and Main street. . Towanda, Der, :10th..1 AIR GREAT BARGAINS AT CANTON ! SELLING orr AT COST !! GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO BUY ! ! TH E Ruhseriber offcra his entire stock of NEW GOODS at the foliowing'reclucell prices Calicoes. .t to 9 cents. Muslins. 43 to 10 " Flannela • 123 to 20 " Cotton Flannels, 6 to 8 Bruadelotha, 150 to 253 " Sat'inetts . 25 to 75 " 32 .to 3 00 " A Ivac s 'es 12 to 37i " Factory, 43 to 83 GROCERIES and QUEENS WARE in proportion —and will take all kinds of Grain in exchange. Will pay for Oats 30 cents; Corn I cent per lb.; Buckwheat 37 cents Wheat ;RI per litiehel. The stock of goods were bought last fall. Now is your time, ladies and gentlemen, to make a California fortune. Canton, Feb. 12..1849. J. E. LIEB. NOTICE TO RETAILERS. - voncE is hereby .given that all Retailers of For eign Tiierehanilize wino Jo nut pay their Licenses within twenty will be suliezted In eusia. Feb. 7, 1819. J. M.PECK, Treasurer. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale his Farm. situated. near NOsh Bliss', in Springfield •- 4 township, Bradford county, containing 105 ' acres, about 60 acres improved, with good rail and oak timber, and a sugar grove thereon. The farm is situated near the centre of the township, is near ly new, and in excellent condition for summer•fallow ing. l'bere are no buildings upon it. Title unques tionable. HIRAM SPEAR. • Springfield, March 5, 1840. • Argos copy 3t_ L— AWNS.—French, American and Organdie Lawns, a beautiful assortment ; alma plaid and figured silk lounge& my 17 KINGSBERY & CO. VT ANTED 1000 Sheep Pelts, fur which the highest price will he psi," dl2 D. C. HALL. PARTICULAR NOTICE TA-LL pertions indebted to E. SMITH & CO.. are -El- hereby fairly warned that unless payMent is made by the brat day of June next, the demands will be put in course of colleciion.' No respect to persons. March 21, 1849.. • E. SMITH & CO. DRY GOODS, AMONO our Thy Goods may be found almost every variety of Dress Goods, such as plain Black, Plaid and silk striped 'Alpaca, figu red delainea and castunenw plain end' silk - Striped mohair lusters, English and' Fiench Merinoes, French, Scotch and ,Amerlcso Ginghams, black, plaid and striped dreis silks, besides, s great variety 9f other goods not worth while to be men tinned. Call and ern for yourselves at the Centre! ltore. d 4 'N. N. B. illerrhatibiw, arc. AHEAD OF ALL!! B. KINGSBERY & Co. \ QTOP FRIEND: Now is the thew ! if you wibh kJ to buy goods cheap, call on LI % & Co. They are now selling goods as cheap, (if not a filth. cheaper) than they can he bought at Owgo,lllifig ham i or Eli:nits. If you don't believe it, call and examine their Routh', which for qu tiny end ehespile.... were never before offend in this market. We have, and shall constantly keep on haw!, ■ large awortniene or Dry Goods, Groceries, liartheare and Crorkerw. Don't forget to call and examine their goods lerfues purchasing elsewhere. Towanda, Jan. 16, 1646 Qii.mrlNGs.—A large "rock of Sberlinga for pale kJ rhea", by jy 10 11 KINIGMBERY & Co. A 4 UFFS.—A nice article of lynx. jeuette ard coney lY mulLi, for sale by B. KINGSBERY & OLD DitUC STORE, ~ro. 11, Brick Rotr, COMB BY B3CTOIS RUSTOrf & PORTER. THIS large, extensive, and miser) aneotts stock, more complete than any found in th.a section of coup. Ir . y, every atthle having been ticketed is jib great este tly Doctot Porter. in person, will now he Doff red to the puldic—as cheap us can be purchased elsewhere. Physicians, who cancot come and examine.our stock ran depend tipop all articles they wish to send for. In addition to the 'ii•ountment of Drug. and Mrdieinec the i.tock extend* to Dye Family Groceries. 41 . all kinds, Pols/wry, Panty Guoth,..lliLccila newel.% arlirles, Palen! ilitheinex, 4c. 4e. Having teen appointed agent for Most All the aeon int Popular Puri/ Mediciista, we aseure the public we will not of any that are counietfrit, as we will nut buy or accept an agency from those speculators, who, by lia , e imitation.' impose upon -the country with their .poi ioll4 Drugs.. the accOunt of the great importance to the public and character of Ph)siciatis, that pure unadulterated medi cines sho u ld be administered, it will, tee ho•w•, induce all nr not Physicians--to make their put rh3.es at No. I. Back How. Goods well Boug ht are half Sold !" D. BARTLETT, S now opening a large stock anti extensive variety of I fititillS, selected with the greatest care, anti hooey ,ender crest advantages in the cities of New York anti Ailatlelphia—taking advarance of the favorable condi tion of both market-,—ana h wring in- view the num. abov-e, has so bought that he ran anti will Sell on as (a unt:flao terms as the rest, am) will endeavor to sho - v In community the navantn:7 of buying from those wito buy well. Towanda, May 23,1848. NEW GOODS. rcrriring a large and R.eh Stork of New Fall aal Winter (13ads, at FU Y. CIIE,'AP STORE. 117 111 C II for variety, qOality and cheapness will well compare with env tlitn4 of the kind in the (;oun- try. Any one who Will do me the favor ia call and examine any of my 6.inii4 I think can't fail to Ite.‘nited both with quality and wino. The ' , trick includes n ff.ent variety of Bich New Stoles of Dre-ia Goodo ouch ax Plain and Fie'd, Blue, Pink and ehnirirt all worsted DrLancs. Fie.' Cashmeres, 'l'hihet Choh., Cocurg.i, Silk Plaid Mailonean, Plai‘l D.:Lanes, Black Plaid, Striped - and Silk warp Alpaca, Black Bombazine, Fretich and Scotch Gingham., also, French, English, aild American ('lochs, Ca-simeres and Ve.tings. Sheet ing., Shirting', Ticking, Cotton Yarn, Wicking, Wad ding. Bailing and a choice lot of Fresh Grocer'ca, Fish Hardware, Iron, Nails, Crockery. Boots and tiltoes all of which will be sold at very low Price*, at E. T. FOX - . No 2, Brick Row. Towanda, OA. If., 184 s. Bool'B & 81-10e8, Sole and upper leather, a full assortment of Lady's shoes, Gaiters. Busk ins klipa, Shoe... A goo,: :tuck of Boys, Misses, and childrena; men., youths boys, and child , . coaras and kip boots. Also tr first rate article of La dy'a Gents.-Mist. and Child.: ResUrrs, selling very cheap at nl4 FOX'S, No. 2, IL How. UFFS, A great variety of all kinds end styles 111- which will be sold at a trilling advance from rity cost. A few rich black and natural lynx. Also Ratans down trimming, tippets and victorines, for vale cheap ut nl4 FOX'S. No. 2. H. R. T rc ER'S TOOLS.— A good awsortment of Bead, J Moulding aid Bench MANDL pro...int', plows, and other Joiner's Tools, just received from the wino factory, a n d f u r sale low by D. BA fur , ,E rr. - -- REMOVAL MITE Subscriber has rem nett his large stock of Dry 1. Goods. Groceries, hardware, Crockery. Books & Stationary &e. &c„ to the New Brick Block, ea 4 side of main street. two doors South of the Public Square, hi. friends and the public are reaper-lolly insitr.l to call .1. KINGSBERV,II2. Towon , ta, Dec. 20th, 1818. ATOP A inompsym T HAVE A WORD TO SAY ! If you are at any 1 time in want of STOVES or Tinware. permit me as a friend to advise you to call at D. C. H thl;'S—he keeps the largest supply. sells the moat reasonable, and you can tidy to twtter advantage. than at any other plays in or out of Drailfonl County. and I urn sure you 'wed have no feats of regretting any purchase you may make. Don't forgt t this matter. J. J. K. Towanda. Der. 12. ISM L. D OUST° L. >. •t. :n. ITII. Completion of the North Branch Canal ! 11 _ - Dia.. r-, F 7,, t _ BRISTOL & SMITH I AV ,, IN o t: trLiu BOOTS r"rmt'ia Cll. & " s n ti n o er c 'h a. iP s i t n it i old stand rye doom north of Bridge at. would reepecrully inform their triends and the public, that they will carry on the business in all its branchcs--korp on band/aid state to order, everything in their hoe in the neatest mintier and in their latest style. Belebring that they an do as gr.od. or better work than can he had elsewhere they would goy to thove wish ing good snide in their line to give them a call,and they shall be aatip6ed. Repairing done on short notice. ci Produce of all kinds taken for work. Hides wanted in eschange far Boots and Mews an 4 Leather. Towanda Dec. 14. ISIS. • B. &B. TAKE NOTICE! ALT. persons indebted to the suhrieriber, either be note or book ecesuut. must settle the same by the lat day of June mitt, or costs will be made without re. to feb2B E. T. FOX. aka-I.7ItMIIBIEIVE N .ZIPZOG W.R. SMALL & W. a .cuni% TAKE thisimithrod of informing the citizens of To. wands and vicinity, that they have taken • room over the store of J. gingsbery. for the purpose of taking LIKENESSES by the Deguerrean proem. The pub lic are rorpectfully invited to call, whether they wish for pictuVes.or not, and examine specimen& Those that wish to have pictures taken in • desirable and prr reedy satisfsetery mantra, and in • style of bold relief ; well defined outline, seftnets and richness of tow, and permanency of impression, are, with all deference, so licited for patronage. We have a large German Ca mera, the best kind in use; also, a fine eseortment of. stock, consisting of Fancy Cases, Gold Lockets, orna mented and plain Cases, 4e. (16 4 . Pictures taken without regard to weather. sal copied from Daguerreotypes : portraits or engravimgerane art in rings, bracelets and pins, or in any style desired. Prices for single pictures from $1 be to fie. In lock ets,liotn $3, lo March b. lft49. . Borartcra.—A choice selection of Flores a. China WWI. AMAX, 141010111, and otherflabioci ahle atylea of ladies' and mimes' Bonnets. eery .cheap ; also Ilenriet ribbons, artificials. wreaths. &c. con 17 • * KINGSBERT-la CO Illistcllatteons. STOVES, STOVES.! PREPARE FOR WINTER ! ! AT D. C. HALL'S, Stove, Tin, Copper, SICETARON MANUFACTORY TN Montanyas' New Blork, above Mercure*:pa the 1 eolith side of the i.ul.lic squaire. to better solvintage, perhaps, than at eny other place iu or out of Bradtiod county. , 1). U. HALL re' ectfully infirm's his friends and the public, that he has now fur sale at his NEW erneral and choice assoitiornt of Si OWES, of all sizes and patterns. which he is prepared to sell at VI hole. sale ur retail, or exeliar.ge for country produce upon the most accommodating terms. • A along his stock arc the Air tiThl Compleir, ( Sktrart's Air light, Rough and Re , ity ~ /trim/Mai!), , r Alhitny city do., Rriniblirgn do.. Centrul N. 'f. dn. : Bark tile, ha air tern. frith rol•try to l e, reeminin Storrs. to. 1. 2,, 3. 4. 6. of'llir mos . t oryrnred patents : Air 11;:ist Par!or .cizes ; Sir plaits. all Si 7,5 Cal/nn•l !•:lorcv, tin r rr , ar:gl ur t ;dr filr offices. spurs. Parlor shires : K,ll - imtcht duro, ; all si-rs Baud box 4,000 lb.. of Rir..ia and American STOVE-PIPE, resily-mole; al-o, Itraw and Corpor Kettle., of veriou. pattern., tioulhrr with s grurral assortment of Brass and Copper Mae. • 711:".1K ipir 11L1lEr ,ICL. NIL litE".• 500 Laid Till*, wish a choke assort nent of every article in the 'fin WMlle line, to which the site shoo of Metchants, Pedlars, Fawtliea and llouarkeeperr gene rally is itiviird. The highest price will he pth' for oiti castings. copper dna brass. Grain. Turkeys, Chicken., and all kinds of tuaiketable produce will be received in pay• men' for Stoves, Tinware, For ato‘ es, atieritrott, cop xr and tinware, his assort meta fa (010i.iric. Ilr rettirliii his IEI3IOO I to hit old eu*tornerri, to whom, and the public he renews Ina invi tation to give !inn a call before purchasing elsewhere; Dhlll ' i ill beak( Ike idit,y—but remenahrr llAl.U.Siantth ride of the Public l , trisre. hi Sloutanyor Block. Towanda Dee. l_, lAd S. D. C. II ALi . TERMS OF THE BIN_IHANITON COARlitil SCHOOL. FOR board and tittion. including o,thography. Read ing Writing, Arithmetic.lgettra, Book-keeping, E ngliah GC . Grammar. Rhetotic, C ripo.ition, Gr,ography. rse of the CI loi•es. Mineralogy alum! Philooophy and A.tronotity. (with the use of a goal apostatise to Illus. tiate those lowliest.) Moral Philosophy and Chemistry, payable quarterly in advance, per atinuin, t" lOn no Day aeholars, per q uarter, 4 Oil 11= FrrnA, per quaver, ni.h • pi 64 , n the pi.inn.) per ptarter, Elit!.roitlery awl rig Any young lady rreeiving inatruction on the pi-ano, privilege.] to le.,rn fU4-s...fli, or any ogee of the Above enguages, and the vansy tun without addition el clear er. To a young lady who stueliea the Engli..h leraierliee4, the Lerma of learning each of the above branchea, are per quarter, t 73 01) Itivtructionv on the Guitar, 4 00 rve of Pianov, 3 l) owing and 'minting in water rot pra„ including the nee ialinateriala, such a, drawing paper, p a i n t,,, pencils, Sic. 4 01) Oil 'minting on canvam..„ 1$) 00 Painting tran4parent window shades, including the supply of tnotrrials, each 4 00 Formula painting on paper, silk and velvet, per twelve le4s4ons, an Krlk, cnir. &r- W4ll flowers, per quarter, PPM BIIJ iuk, %Vasltine. Board in vacation. 52 00 per week, Lettent po,opaid, addreAseil to the \Tigre• NV Brill &GRIFFIN. Binghamton, Brunin co., N. 1., will re ceive prompt atteisti.m. NOTICE. CHARLES REED having assigned rill his rates rights and er,Nfits to the subsc liter, fur the benefit of his creditors, ,t therefore belrentes absolutely rsecesssr ry that all debts due the said Charles Reed should be settled and paid without delay, and all pr trans having claims against him are revested to present them at No. 5. Brick RIM, in the boa of Towanda, his Inr place of business, fur adjustment. An early attention to the settlement of this business is most earnestly desired, a.= the subscriber will be obliged to put all debts due the said Reed in a course of collection, without dlsiioetion of persons, after the first Jay of March next. The goods now on hand, belonging to the above coneern, commis. ing a great variety of very valuable and seasonable ar ticks, will be sold for CASII, Al' COST. H. W. TRACY, Assignee. Towanda, Feb. 10, IS lA. PUBLIC NOTICE! Al.>•, persona indebted to the late firm of licrros and Lion, are hereby notified that unless set dement is made by the second week of February court the accounts will be placed in the hands of an officer for immetlie er collection. B. HUSTON. Towanda, Jan. 3. .1019. C. KJ. A DI) REMOVED. VET CHAMDERLIN respectfully inform the public that he has removed his establishment to the room lately occupied by B. Vandercook. as' an of fice, where he will be always on hand to comet erring timepieces. fie offers for rile his large assortment of Jewelry at unusually low prices. . Towsmilv. Lin. 3i, 1819. FOR RENT. . A FRONT 1100 M in the second story of No. 1. Brick Row, over the Drug trtore; also the room n the third ~tort' formerly occupied as the Masonic Far particulant enquire of nth 13. 1849. ENOS TOVICIPR„ NEW ARRANEMENT AT THE NEW DRUG STORE VD Etft 11 0 2 1 2119% LAYING made arrangements with Dr. C. PC.I. A DD 11 the subscriber takes pleasure in announcing the the Doctor will hereafter give his personal attention wholly to his business. The Drugs awl Medicines will be-under the Doetnr's supervision, whore skill and experience in physics can- . not be questii. jy Iti H . M 11. LAST ARRIVAL OF. , WINTER GOODS ! H. S. & It C. MERCUR, trAvE the pleasure of announcing to the public 1.1. that they are now teeeiging ameba large and general motormen' of GOODS. Towanda. Dec. I. IR4 IRON, iron—A god sisortment of Iron. kor ..I. et the new Hard Ware Store. D. LORD. LEAD PIPE, all sizes, mil Sleigh Shoes, for sale by d2O D. C. HALL. Fell le IT 6 , 0 r!?. ID ELa KINGSBERY Jr.. is now opening at the emirs J • of Main and Brides Si, an scuccics muck of oaw Frill and Winter Goods, which will be sold us usually low for Cash or Prodder. J. K. Towand‘ Nov. 6,1848. CARPENT2B::..Berieh toots of every deieription Cheap for cash, B. & T. EXPEFTEU in a tow days. a kw more lards of New 0004. at N. N. BETTIS'. PAINTB. OILS & DTE.STUFTS, aim Nattheo I. by the grow, at No.:, E. R. tors, I=l BEI 4 04) 4 00 10 011 CO 5 00 3 00 5 00 EOM stegal Ilbantisements. AUDM?IrS NOTICE.. THE andensigas4ving been appointeden Audi tor by the Oq Cowl of the County of B ra d. ford. to marshal aslant mud distribute the funds raised by the sale of thermal and personal estate of Win. Mitch.. ell, deed., will attend to she duties of his said epeeists wilt at his 'Ace iu Towauda 80., ou &outlay. the 7th day of Apia nest, at one o'clock P. M. of which all perilous interested will take notice. W,111 eICOT r, A uditoe. Towanda. Feb. 15th, 1817 a::: ) :(llVeSiti j (LW A:(1 . 11. 1.4 . 1 . • mu order of the Orydraus' Coon of BrAiltord cu.. L./ will be exposed to public sale at the plynit.e.,in Troy town4up, Bradford co. Ps, on SATuituA Y the 214 day of APRIL, 1549, at two u'eloyk. P. M., all that i retain piece ofiand lying and hying in said township. late the es , ste of Wm. Knox. deed., buunt'etl on the nosh by lauds of Ward, east be lands of Janu DeWitt, south by land of Witt. Morrison, west by thy highway lesdihspfrom Gr insane to Troy. Containing une hundred acres or thereabouts. Attendance girco, nod tem. made known. nn the day of aide. CH X.S. DRAKE. Attnaitii‘instor I:ranville. Feb. 2ft, t 1x49. of Wen. Knox. doe'd In dr. mallerif the est.* rf Patrick Commtvgs, fl"cd In the Orpluas were! rf Bnuiford comity. rp H E aubicribrr baying been appointed an Auditor 1.- to tnaraholl the 1111 Sell and distribute the funds he hands of t h e AtimititAratur in' the above can-, will t itenti for that purpoce; at the office of Goorge Sander. rion, in rivWSION, on Saturday, the 4th illy of MAI . mat, at 10 o'clock, A. M. E.s. GOODRICH, Towanda, April 2. 1849. Auditor. EGISTER'S NO'T'lCES.—Notice is hereby given /A to all persona interested, that Jchirl M'Keten and James H. Ross, elerittOrl of the estate of Daniel Johnson deed., late of Granville; At.°loin Adams, nel 000 ioo Loretta of the estate of Har vey Neil der'd., late of Windham; Benj. If . Taylor, admini s trator ul the estate of Oliver Vantluden, decal., late of Troy ; John 0 Masten, administrator of the estate of Cites: ter Mason, des J., late of Monroe; . Ttiomas , Paik sod John Hsdlock administrattners of the estate of George Hadlock, deed., late of Litchfield ; Amos B. Fanning. administrator of the estate of Jus tin Smith, tleC'd., Late of Springfield; Daniel: and James Finish, executors .1 . the estate of Bettjamin Brink, tlee'd., late of Shesheonin; Allen Stacey. administrator of the estate- of Joseph Stacey. deed., late of Springfield Jared Hotcornb, exeentor of the estate of Henry Plowman. dec'el., lUte of Ulster; Russel 8111.011, athniniatrator of the estate of Myron Button, deed., late of Columbia ; Have filed and settle) iu the office of the Rt•gister of Wills. in and for the county of Bradford, the accounts of their several administrations upon the estates afore said, and that the same will be presented lathe Or phan's court of *aid county, on Monday, the 7th day of M VIC next, fur confirmation and allowance, 11. BLACK., Reg, Regtster's OtTire, Towanill. April 2, I 5149. lu Me nrrifer Cring, a lunatic, Its Bradford Costa a ruialimo Ile is. EI? E As, John Maths r and Lorenzo Watkins, Vv adatintstrators of Jolan Mather deceased, who w committee of John Craig. a Luna ic, having filed said committee's account for settlement, the Court or der th4t pistiiie notice be given in two of the public pa pers printed at Towamle, at least tour weeks before next trim, of the tiling of said account for aettlement. No tice therefore is hereby given, to all persona interested, Mat the administrators aforesahl have filed the wad corn ', mottees account for settlement in the Prothonotary's Mike, and that the same will be presented to the court I.f coinmon plead of Bradford county, on hlsmilay. the of May next, for confirmation and allowance. By order of she Court. A I,LEN NI'KEAN, Prothonotary.. Prot.'s TotWan , l•. M welt 23. MO. Al) %IINISTItATOIL'S NOTICE:. A I.f. persons inch bled to the estate of CLENIENT ik. PAINE. deceased. late of Troy Elslfltl4 . l, are hereby requested' to make payment will t delay, and those baying claims against said estate will please pre sent them duly. auilsen leaded for settlement. • C. r. PAINE. S. W. PAINE, A dininiotreinne. March 16. 11449 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 1-1. persons indebted to the estate of SALLY HITTTLES, deceased, late of Orwell bicvnship, are hereby nAttested to make paygnen without delay, and those having claims aeainst said cetste will Omer present them duly authenticated Ipr with-meet. :NELSON EI.kRNEB,- Febrna•o 26. 1819. A chilinisttrator ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. • A ".persons lode ht. d to the e-tnte of John Erskine, decd—late of I lerrick township, are hereby reques ted to make pay Men* Milbollt delay, and those h a wag claim" al ain.t said estate will please present them duly authenticated fur settle-mew. Herrick, January 3. 1 , 419. Atiministratnm 18" . 1' (W JURORS drawn May Term and SeS-: s:uns--•-suannencing May 7, 1819. OVA'S') Jettons. Athens ho—T. Huston ; Athens tp.—flen. Northrop ; Burllngton- : -James Huston, Emanuel Guyer; Col;:mbia—llin'l Corey, Chas. Keyes, H. etuith ; Canton—Geo. W. Gratin ;•llurel—Wm. Place ; errick —II i ram Camp; Monroe—A. L. Cranuter ; Leroy—Ledyard Chaapel, Edward Wooster; Orwell—Theondus liumphry ; Lome—O. F. Young, M. C. Cannon; Springfied —J. M a ttockn jr.; Smithfield—J.Geroulds Troy tp—A Med Leonard; Warren—Calvin Arnold; Wyatusing—?ilas Buck; Wells Samuel Gordon; Windham—Edward Boardman, J. Doane. tit *rang% atraotia—rzasf wr.k.s.‘ Albany—George Eberly, Ira Dodge, Joseph Lee ; , Athens tp—J.F.Saterlee ; Athens bo—C.N.Shioman ; Asylum—Jason Horton; Durlingum—S.B. Weord ; Culumbia—T. D. Gustin, William H. Gernet ; ' Canton—Eph. Case: Herrick—Wro.,C. Knapp; Litchfield—C. Bloodgood ; Monroe—J. G. Mason ; Orwell—John W. Pay -on, Nelson Bosworth ; Pike—ma Buck; itidgberry--Sam'l Coleman; South Crk—B. Quick ;yalusin..— H. Shnmway ; Bpringfteld.—A. Grace, C. 8. Bent', ey ; ' 8. Btone—.T. H. Badgers Towanda irt. , -11. Granger; Troy tp--Timothi Case, David Boyer ; Ulster—Harry Gore; Towanda bo—A.D.Montanye;. Warreo—A.Coburr, B. Dar jog, Wm. Beardsley ; Windham—Peter Osborne. Alexander Hand, Benj . ! C. Elstiree, Lewia Loveland ; Wysuz—Frank Brown, George . Btrope. sni=a3=3:3 A rmenia—Dan't Crandall; Asyluutz—Frs. Viall ; Athens tp—Amasa Walker; Athens bo--W. Shapley, H.R. Backus, G. Fritcber Burlington-4. Loveland, F. Whitehead ; Du rel—Daaiel Conk; Granville—Lather 'F. Clark Monroe—Hiram Sweet; B. Vangilder Rome—Jas. L. Parker;, Springfield—C. Burgess; Ridgberry-4. Burt. D. Driscoll, Sturges Squires ; Smithfield-4nm Woad, B. Tuttle. H. Bullock; Streshequin--Marry Shaw D. Davidson • Kanding Stone—Hiram Shaw, Charles Roof ; Sprioghtll—A Kinney; Trov bo--W. P. Newberry. Towanda tp—N. Bennett, William Campbell; " bo—D. C. Ball, Burton Kingsbery ; Warren—E. E. Allen. Manson Ellsbrew: Windham—iv:nes Bush, William Sibley; Wyson—DavullShores; Wells—Min Brasted HATS AND CAPS. Silk asul for lists, red plush Caps, Henry Clay do., Buena Vista and Iloy's cloth caps, at D. IiONGSBERY & CO. • BONNETB.--Florence. straw, peal straw. and lace Bonnets ; also, palm-leaf and Inborn bets, by ,July 14. ELLIOTT & TOMEINS. ATONS more of those cheap and beautiful Sugars. Alw Tee st krOrer prima than ever and Coffee to match all kinds of Groceries fresh and in good waist very article warranted.—Mark - rel sod Codfish &c.,N, nit rim's. N 0.% B. R. GGREENPABASOLI3--s fSw mote of ilia *plea. did gnaw milk sal Totk satin Magni parasols and Autos, just we'd - and selling very low at FOX'S. AQUANTITY OF 81VERFINE FLOUR just rgrAftiollia fur sibs by the Oink bunt et hull. ac jest =accts.. 7411RGARET ERKSINE, -JAMES LEE, •mcb ca . Warreand.Maler a trashy if $1.004, fine hem Mereartamliiket.lhatral aabstaima! The 9rigitort aniecialine Indian` Medicine ! JElrgitY day- is this celehistni medicine es tbesphme of its mOrrilmires ; alk every ;u-ir add mr to !belong atatriee of triumphs. A Iblog.Lios BeittaS rre di.tributed simustly withou fully seectios he thiamin!! roe mom acne mist. the Nam heirs he. limited, whit, rue want or Giciiiiies of sup. ply. Trudy, .this is • .rnivental remedy ! wielded, dime piiiiiierrs . . tribarst corner) of tho Cu no, eyety where if-wing. Orir Mir AO TEE Paco M, N ' s Foivco--Sseu. &Us ' s Al Of TuY tl.i E, • For a trifling >UIII, e•+ry ii dirianst snd every family ni.iy hire H AITN AL NILO in ih14 . 11. for Lb lutist/ions prriod ; and what is life without health, but • misera ble esieteriee ! It is too precious a boon to be tampered with, itry• ing ati sans of espsaiments upon it. The sick should use those int elienies °lily a hit h ex tricot* haw know° to be the best. .A PHYSICIAN'S TESTIMONY. (Penn, Catekiti. Greene County. New York.] • • Th. W. Wradit—Dear fir ; litave.fanatii/ yang iiiJi arL eaetahle Pdlaa valuable mouldy Wynn% eir Gene. rd . Debtfity al the ldvotem and of par Ballot* dilatation. I ain attain die 'saint of recommending thew to *- 111111 Ix in peculiar eilNerl. I Ob.ACITC illellll t operate in the ,ty-tent, without vtutlucina debility or Palo, leaving it in a'heal'hy condition. inliN M.D. nip': BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. rrom Norton Hill, Gleene'County; New Turk.) M. Wright--We have used and sold your Indian V, getable Pitt (or tioee years poi, and do not levitate to froOln mend. them to our friends and ru.tonerni as the .best family medtei.te itt 116 e. N. <St L. KA MSDEII.II.. 1154 . ruNtoNv OF . ANoniett TRY:tICihN. Titr,follovving i. an ottooter to imply to a note from our agent aakiug Dt. o f tbikasedieinr Tv . '" 43 "rk. Aug. 20, 18441. Mr, A .Dittitant—.Derir Sir : In reply layout Dole of YvActday. I would ct die, that I have occaciunaily renal Ctlityrnielit It , ore the various *. Patent PeN,",lersdrit at the chops ; anti while I am unwilling to !ay attii.ting to depreciate the value of others. I am five to confer* that I consider Dr. 1% right's Indrmli Vegetable Pill. eu pt. riot' to all other. with whit h I arrracqusinted. I bate tisea than for omits tea.s 1.„.6 its my own family and in my practice aeoer thy. and they have uniformly mild e..rt..ito and cute in .their operations. The care end skill with which these. Pith& have been hitherto MUM. ftcture.l an:. ito my -rffitniun, a sufficient uaraniecyfor like good rasults an future., Very respectfully,. . 4 B. A. BOUTONA.-0.. Dr. H. in a practi•mer of lone exnericnee,weh known itr ater,even twv..tel the lines of Wyoming tounty..• He is ill graduate of the UniaerAity of Peno.ylvanii. anti highly popular with the peop:e among whom he seaktea. HU:SH OF BLOW) TO THE HEAD [From PreAnti Kills, N. Y-rll.] Dr. W. Wilt:lit—Des/ Sir: I nits attatleJ with a violent I,m in lily bead : and rush of blood on 'the brain. which confined me to my room for Mt Werke. and drew the sie,ltt of toy et es so as to prevent me from seeing with it. arid sett toe with a time nets in eiy heed for, about six mm.ihi. By taking three or four boxer of your Pills. 1 was restored to health again. JllOO 13. 1848. PETER VAN WAGNER. Iliwans or St:n tit Cu•ssei Cous'essvgiTs!— Rometither, that the original and only genuine !Ohm Verzetilble have the wri ten 'signature of -William Wrii4ht on the top of each hot. The cennine is for salo by MONTANYEB;& Co., sole agents tor Towanda; and by ai,entit in all mbar parts of the ettate. . ()diet devoted exclusively to the sale of Wriithe's 'lndian Vegetable riu. wholesale and retail. 169 Knee sr.. Philadelphia. :88 Grieurrich. at., New York. and 194 'Tremnrit. 39v G. W. Merchaulls Celebrate 4 Vlach Is Glut a Dill Mild Family Fabretattaa fa lEseascs 01 the Haman Flesh. . • TIME and experience have fully prdved that thetthis UNIVEIsbAI. REMEDY has not not its equal on the , list of popular medicines, havingteeo more than Pt years before the public. Testimony of the most disinterested character of its wonderful effectson the animal economy is Id=OA dal. ly presented to the proprietor. A young man in the .town of 'Wilson, whose clothes were burnt off of him. was regional (without suffering) hyolle.timely use of the Oil. Numerous are the unsolicited statements of patients themselves, and others who /rave used the Oil. of CUM which in themselves appear remarkable, that they at all interested in • pecuniary point, they could, hardly have been credited. The followiog diseases are among many aliens hide cure of which this f/il has been completely •nertewhil and in which others had entirely failed:— Sperms, Sweeney, Ringhone, Windeells, Poll Evil, Cal loos; Cracked Heels. Galls of all kinds. fsenessese, . Fresh Wounds, Sprains, Bru 4 ses, Sand Cracks. Foundered Feet, Scratches. or Grease titan=s, nen matism, Bites of Animals, External Poiwnts, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Bites, Boils, Corns, White lows, Burns and Scalds, Chilblains, Chapel hands. Cramp, Contracsiona of the Muscles, Swellings, Weakness of the Joints, Caked Breasts, dtc. CAU MON TO PURCHASERS. Beware of couNTgrevErts, and leisure the name .of the' Sole Proprietor, GEORGE W. MERCHANT. LOCKPO wt.. N. Y., is blown in the side of the het Va, or in his hand writing over the cork. Dent be persuaded to take any thing else with the pmesiterk is just as goed,"&e., &c. This is practised by them un principled' dealers whose conscience w ill i stresob Me aulis It- bber, and who are of a kindred spirit of thane in our large cities, whose nefarious p' have in ft nicttttis. cently been exposed to the action of Coe Those who attempt to Cminterfeit this article en re. retrial to the law of New' York. of May 1 Yfr. by libir-li it will be seen that every parsUn mold ing in these counterfeits is subject to indictment. inept Uri One. J A person selling out of this stets. will he Mehl* lasi nest when in the stale, and also toils, held et t, eat** against those he bought of or sold. for. I All Orilla slits/wed to the proprietor evillberetipond• Aid to. • • Get a rantrofifet of the Agent and see whit winders are accomplished by the use of this medicine.. Bold by respectable limiters tproendly -in the United Stites and Canada. For sale by Chamberlin di Porter, Trorands, IV. Welts. Lawrenceville, Edwin Dyer. Coingtua.• At ml 'Ferrell. Montrose. Pomp & Kinsey, Easton. fool Smith & Co., Allentown. U. 11. Detrro.flouth Easier Oct. 15th 184 A, • al? 71' HARDWARE., - Iran. mails. air*. and a antootin . ankle of earpennin adp.tband tosws;waodanor augers. Altai.. shovels, bons sod yearns, files. knew* a and lurks.. Air sato 61 an.- looking Shwa% Mid fact • general . aisotintest of flantorani sale cheap st old - mrs. No. 4. 11. R. - DOZ Ptikaidal baavr kw/ma lea 4."-• Mit 12/ cts. at ma's Nix • t• found their any into the
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers