ER El 4.9hililletace ilit ieHE Longs are in ter has been begat • sound of death. e you a, gather lakesl joy, is now 101 l .1 a t us cold—hei . - 1 -1111. ell the hold s•ltr-th und of her semi!. * We . rtimmgritian, whet et s s Wrt .eru l ltint et orate—your heelheel it aib lostehope. b m • h will heal -1 IAN'S A lIIIks, Atftte, the wife treh - Bp hyMr. Siwe all I lan drPhiladelp... . rigal-, ___ ~_• . Offl.r friends all tate , • - •*f°, - -sitititedieZ,.:'„TBhe . . VI Za. every 'tippearance of being , ', 4 „, , i- ,7 4ot,giliin. - lintlritfli_ -Wltonounced by her ph-L . ::: !". -: , - ',.. , : -o '.. '...'- 'gi 'ad it cur het , ~..i t' V;1. . 1 , 0 , -7 , ...,-;.k.-, . ;e1,-..,--, Mrs a brarda. 'l', .I. .>''.• olortprt!atinS„.: • 44la .4. i ptt ra by tit' I , sam w ~- i iiiieeleit• edl t o tore fetid he was fe lt fil*f#* .. • _ ,Du'. 2rs Vv. ''' .C. le, Dentist, 281 Ara , gyAbitirtiriAtesagik sr Cicalae several ea es %thee nCellayitierdittureitl F.' the but the Illslsam-i'nlreiat4W'itillti - Ilfir.,:• 'lldiniklso reseed its woniktful eirealllill:ift ' 14 - __AIIIIV. 4 ,gegorld t never f a ils - 431loing.V - 008121lsk - 1 3 00; -elarirti it 'may be, is silectually ctifthiliirAilyllik als the rtaplert4l-$1 rreuntlitlMWlL Yellisils , :, 74iakthe lungs round again. -t.,0, !:, ... 1 ,1 • _ v. 1 - Ihirry Janes, 108 - 141,tith wen - 'Terei eteiskof cough andsatarrhal affectiuntlef 50 years "nd,ingl, Thei". ilarer..hove hina more relief than alt tbeedwir steRV, else head ever taken, Dr. 1.. J..110.1* - ,111 , Deliiii, • ir - - • ottsert,, gave it to a sister-in-law who'veistahrin . invader 4tonsumiitlin, and to another smith! aßlctebtrith 0811: talstr.a. I In both eves its effects were inimetliatiii,aoritt ,.- . - Imptering them to comfortable health. , ;Virg. Lumen& Wells, 05 Christie Pt., 8t141411` ftiiim ma 42 years. t....,'hermian's Bel.ain rt•Urved Wetrite; 140, initiate is complratively well, being entailed 1 . 0 , - , 'stekiersnwpeiskte Carr gi gitag g stu t s tu ,,,,ossa. ci v enos t eriss , "wen d Prow- I,en.titlue every attack by a timely use of this medicine% barbs,Claiotatrilsa, Mott - Oen...pi pie s t, 'Veha..Ceiillrrk j Nide Indeed is the timely remedy fir Cough., Coble, is, Jokisui. s.ania. tstinl. lterintesti.fii 'Sr iciest. S .._, . . li o n . - R, p . i ., k . ?n ib , 4 7,,,,,, , , D ur„.,,,,,, re „,-.,„ c ,. ~ tpirting blood, Liver complaints and all afrec:ioas uf the ,jewarotaa, I' 'sis is ilekide,.4.e., lief/aline aid -fri'ls throe, amt even Asthma and Consumption. yorti. Price,2s mints awl $1 a bottle.- Sold in Towanda, , , Alieffsjiii latolid. ' - • ''''' `` -,` ly e ,. fora, s i on.w, vest -by.ilt&TON...k. PORTER, 1C43.).. Buick yaw. ~ , 111. Tawitenva.-1-vertly believe yeti( thwiniewitfe -------------"--. - - -- lei. beta the means, through Providence, of voting IWY ' Let tZs -- ----rte iiir*lse It I ,it t Hari r.., sneetel :min 1141 , 1 e hod cerium: if us- T . ... _ .i;_.. SA i . ~. .., s worse, and .11.0rittl. Al 1.4 I rafrsa large 04-11"- 01_,SEI, t.. LIN 1 ERSAI. Olls, INEN'I'I A coin- - , . lbw la bleedl, - hwi isialst tweet., oda wee greatly antalitl. 'defy remedy file Borns, Scalds, Cul* 'Swellings,. tad and 'reamed, awl did riot exPvel't" r te. I have 414 Y Br. l •."9 Spreini, silt Rheum, Piles, Fever Sows,. Sore oral soar Sarsaparilla a short time . awl tliers her a . Wep. derfal change b "4. een twattgla la '1 us now ehle„to •alll Lit IF, Clumped Hands,-Chillbisines Heald illia.h and el all ever. ate sky. I ea* tav-kloo4. 1v 4 . , 3tr-call0 0 ." " 1 le - e rj,,g a i• ' . .1.0. res. Yoe ems well lamina (Vet I ,sOl Uouthful:Pn •"' me' 50"... . . :Anse tesialua low eliedieut aerflaut,... „ • ,;., Perions in all sof life, are at times liable - to - 3 / 4 Y14; 31.133314,„ Gy Ct4welas et be afflicted with the above complaints. It is therefore . ~ .. the duty of heads of families to provide anal keep fa , . • - , • - 'l:t'.' - i.f 1k ir:....". - f4t., .. .:. - 4- - • hand, ready for any emergency, a REMEDY that I. *ln t -4 1 ,-..t.724,1 ~ . .•• capa bl e of removing, the sutrering atter , dant on those --..::-- iiittsZz.,-,;-: -_-r.. - - ver)kireutl : Wire congiarilimisi illioie who befit, iosed -.. Y.Pa — ....".. -.- I .2. 11 *- 0 we.) s p - Nts rizs_4l, oisrmgrer,i • 7 V i" ` • Ilibeiiiiiilneni• i need not be told that il s a coutpt • e:e remedy, a master -This Italy sasi-of +store that, four titousupl•ctoms of 11,b , n. , Of pain, and the most speedy remover of inflammation n ilLatiou tlint Dr. Towneenere Sarsaparilla lieu cored. T., fowl anfiteeftekl allowing aeon are weekly are4woovel by its Met' iliseoveretl. The experience of such persons is suf tratroorAtairy lrironwe ..... ' suf ficient to prompt them to keep it always on hand, know-. .A.sions Coorttistr.. Sri- Oft• of the meld:tete to dot Lona j . ~,j , „,,5 , i,„,„,„,, „ ii ,„ 1 ,„,,,..„,r , mg that many valuable lives have been saved, by this Ow, Aso boa eeireellre blank i t t the following letter. Magical Conqueror of it/flamed and other ewes, horns, .• ...-r -;•,•,: . Aarmerwr.u . s , Lrinet. lleLl4. 11.7 - wilds, &e. -At inst....Sy stops 'all pain of the severest M. Towassad-Dear Air: I here ve s ted terribly rnr nine year. with the it terwastiwar. twovi•lsortes at it.. ass, kind, and prevents seers. Nu family shoull he without 1.1.14 ant eat, .lee or want. I lied the alma ttintreseina it, as- an immediate application of -Win caws of burns or l'i"'' and 'fly "i" were "" 1141 .. " 11 " 14 . i haft ""I I scald*, would do mom _good while waiting for the doctoa fear bottles of rnar Sarsaparilla. met they have ,lame we Ittftre Veto a tlenewitel dollen worth aft."" I. I am so manta ben., ftban he could do when arrived, besides preveistiaglong r., area lam vatimikrptiertfti. led ate at Isbisrty.ttt Usa.ti.ta , hours cif the u' mostaufreting which might pass before's-I s__ - _ so 11.11.1 • - • . •. ' ..- 1." Cie "° a 1 t.:::1 1 ,,,t p ,,, t t • 4 , 1 ) , ,,. j.olgs.cum ui r ws. \ physician could be obtained.. a- 1 It possesset control over tne - severwt-injoriesty toe, I were? sad Arse. V: Townwost's tilsessoart It. In nneontilal le .«.4 of On Oyer mornficatia n, ortrAPflantipation, mid by. - it min . and Pere, en d Amt. Tee colleneiveg teonv la welly N a ra virtue. it arts r a, as onti-sPprc:nertiitte, anri-spos• I one 6(11,1 , 0r/els CIO we have reettve4 from the Stiut9 veal f vnadic. anoargne,lemalVent - ond healing, mut is the most Wirt of like.eharaeter. =AD . TRU .TgsetStrysy. i complete exteinsil remedy in use. - • Thonsaralehrive-tried, andthonsands praise it. • It-ia Aforeierkii - m ml .V -4 -i cr ' ir 'li the lti P Ff: ; '' rd :Y o f n' working its way into public favor with a rapidity Ufl- Guyseles Extract of rcllaw Duck aal 5a , , , a,, , ~ I known in the history ofinedicines. MI who useit, he- • - 4 i , avera ll at4r Ilifn 4l Fr fe94difl'• , - • conmend if. - Read! Read! ! &trade of - festers Teemed. out it. The agents famishthe public grade, withhoOks ' Dy gi,, , E t,k A, Gras . grtA isprowl.ry. - k . e. describing this ointment.- - - W•TEWTOWN, Jaferaen Ca., lv. .4. 1647. ' each box of the genuine Torsr v's livivr.WAL irelivErrinnithintrerntele'fl:Tailiterarrilten 4J33. ----.------ --, el i the outside label ig 4 4 hci411.,, -Never purchase n box Dear Sir —l am at a lostto express with vronb. what . . -unless this signature can he seen. Price 25 cc to pe r , has been 'said in peit'ire'Vf In tri ' Owteplittiii-IE it I met ot vt ) r's Grim bar .I 61. _, Prepared by ELL' wry &Too- i Y e ll ow . Dock and Sarsapilla i all who have had the -. , r ' tote a a v •Iln ?Morse ste;Ryilcuife. Y. ' , Sold inaffew , li'uti it Am Nis- Pleasure or 1 31 1 , 1nf itll - „, .. , gait tiwk, int n iTewhndie, by HUSTON' & POR. temoving diseases, wi 'so Matili feeling wititearifelt .:,. TER, No. 1, Bricli Row. , . 5,,5•-• satisfaction, that I ne'ennildent tow that tin - medieine __`:! in use can bosit OE its Cguiredotiqualitiols. I.lativ who .. i have been complaining for years with pain in the side, & _, .31,-. burning and pain in ti .- chest, dyspepsia. general dia .,- •-0.- ty, law of appetite, chill.,:. night. sweats, salt rheum, a 4 4 scrofula, in fact all the discs, es that we in this climate are heir to, tied in the Yellow Dock end Sanosperille. all that is requisite to make them what th. y were in their days of health, dm. We have had twelve thuan bottles in, three months. and find we are nearly out Please send au (goal amount, acid 0' lige yours. . HOYT & GREGORY. DYSPEPSIA CURE.II, OF 30 VHS STA N DING. Sr: Intilleliwt tots. lattllNOlTtery . C 0. - 1111. 3. '4B Ait., F. Blrifftwrr—Dear Sis...somei b Ur %seek' , PltsCr I we e induced to try your Yellow Dock and Ssrsaparilla for Dyipepsial hail beer..afilieted about 40 ear*. roost - pan of the time Onablo to eat anything without suffer ing intensely from its effects. 11-have u.sed now citify one bottle of your leyslnahle medicine. and con-ester myself entirely 'cureshsedely by us use. csn lusts/Arai -a hearty meat, without the shahtest inesoveroelsee. Very tiudyynurs, A NTHON Y libiEK M AN, THE- GREATEST TEM AVEM E' 'Dlti NE NO 1.1 , ..• . . KNOWN. • , . I. ti . ~ , iu jrnolli or I_o •Icosotift o. uIgfOICO ON 11.0 . 100.10/11 4 . •.ol 10 oitipinoo 4.1.01r* rsonowl . , -i i ,r cinimplri.. •r-t-i“. 100 , 111010 0 . 10.1 01 111111/10 011 . faint 111, 100n.110011..1 . 1001001. 0 r0 *AV.; %GS . Apatite' Ita.tenitig Ilitit rho 'db... C.OlOOlll l l lOO . 010 be violnory 'ris.trorirl.y .t* tikiiir 'um 4.45.4 ., ,t. - 11.1* tturimparithi . t. inert .Timr. e. joy • -:' . . . ~ ~.' II! lair/miaow Carajell., . 1 •,. .. . As k /yummy. auJ }origami.' dot. on 4110. 11 ; 14 AC.llolfy lo ii.. . Issobs, ..ssol strewth. to the levActitir .144tiai AO, „a ...inset es4taustiimu r y Akins, Orweye, 'Well:. Oct . 41. Trnonion4 : Doss 91r-1 intretasat nib two (bottles of Sarsaparilla of your Areal. INis- itlettifir, of It'sls• isrtnon. to try if for titnitsisar +snit Attan Denys. 1 ha 1 6oislt• el the Ilnt Utlle, it spilainrsii warns theldotatstivi er.ry actor ail When the Millis atot.ehe Ver.? , opneareit. thee - ararolssa vinlont sal ; lenre, .1 . 01 hII 6,1141,4 thn 1.61(1.• she wee notirel)( rnlievgd, awl aho sets Tisch b {tem thin ills had Limn befota.sitis took 'Abe Asa% A lay. that boil.seen s are sink ISM' tioi Chill. and Fever. hat bats &wok* teem eeCleeteea,reett tyke hdl,ka-airery wedii,afea attstr...,ing .tate:dind - tredbled etteediezli with NO Agap, Cake, train; p 'a erect it. had ea my egc„, !Wilt and PADeitte4-. ° it& it restored her in a rev lieehe to watt) te liest.Saraaparilla jo ailbaat doubt. unagatillad . itt _Maw , a 3,1,6 Neat tut iLyou thiakihat.litieletee• .Peek. 602 ai Or use, soli ace at liberty to sea it, ran Chintens . • • 1 1* - I ,l a • - MS • - "llPermiale lliitOrteigiee . • • • TriernromAS Sarsaparilla Is a s.oeieip.t and ep^eAr I tore for sneopient ekosomptforr„ tiarreouere, prulapnu gireil or Palling nfthe Womb, Costirinrese, piles, Ltmepr vi”:". or White,. obstructed' er difficult illetistruetron, In a...1+61101ns of Urine, or int olontory diseliarge and air the general prostration .r the system—no matter ' 01, thar the 'moth or rithemot canoe or collie. pea rried lir irregularity, ilineu or accident Nothing can, be pore enrptirinethan itilavigortitingslrects ou. Ora hymen frame. riirerins of lill-stsakuras. from taking it at once brcomei robust put fun of eirergy spine ifs ;agorae.. imarerlialely . coauterants Ike tiereeirssoess of the female fronts,. which ta thit,iptrat ranee of Barrenwess. It wilt not he especial of sin. a k case.s of so dedicate IL-patter& to eakilrit..curamides of GUMS ,porConood.,ene-aseare thaatnicterl, tirst.,Laadrade *Lessor kayo „Aresia.,reportad to as., tiroommdsad .aerres milserrs ttial Aare beenerkhout 01"/"06 .allay . o . lo s • Caw sboUlmsos taws leara•lsees. kdarared mita. Ana, healtkr olfeifrimla ' It Ms. base Augured, prepared- im totemic& to fornalaresar. plaints. No female who has reason to 'upper *kW Is ap e..prkkag 'that .ariticat. period. - 0. Thu tare oplife," •houlosird neglect to talie it, iu it is a certain preveativelfor ; as Odes anmerotar and.bierfibil dnidases to old& females ire sirkject at skirr that reCtifiier This, period asp he de . 8,4 for teikerat ',cilia. Pp riejoir amateins. Nee, js 11 last :li k taive rer 'tiesare •pprallclAWS.o l4l43o- • heal. as tela •mileklated to *saki& „molars .13r-iguluiterrie* the, IpoJ„,nad istigorating The system, Jadeed„llitsdapii• ciao bkrAbliibia ( or all As The ea. Idihylw woutei Sr. uhiset. krold •• • ..,••° : ..=•'•-• • • 1 r •• • Croat Illeprial is .710411ser• mid Citillabein • " •It fir' ittojeliod - Mat ellf,d%Stltitardise tbr puffy tor elm liptidi.od reirettnit the stitrMrtsaft6dint stroiriblth - eirmtdiotovPrit n stridiothinst both the. iiintliefbiil • • AIM. pregati pals sad disease, timertirdriand enrieiiiit `• thou Wes 6.440164'U think:ft ti:ißdiopeObbyl. • Ipiibly mall botlibtottgp 4uliftst Vosisemest..asit pterttO. ittislaist slab 'efiltilbtrth. Iti Vosdreneu t 417.nrisLi filgrelliti: of ANL reel, Daspuslocy, LIAMItOrn, Voibitiag. Nis io atid Fess Falai 'tempt ' ststss. sad ii Teguiatliiirtbe lecreiiima 'Raj:4o44.n/ On Ton It by me awn). The . past beady ottids two -Oh.. is, is drays" sate, awl tkit, moat 411 1 / 1 41.14 , Part S-c , • • „ , - . • t -- , . • . - Amaik' Plik4,4:- . •... ti titli Cared: — • ' 'Tht. pioves,thst 'thh 1,40441 0 A ellen* iiirdetkii Mort olotbeite .11seiPaipt 111.!'l linliney4?- itsbwimiguare.. • -111,..Towtramill vllhearilir..-4 Using Ow piliwine'tirloolliwois y Ma that three se elaigaran have 0114 . 141:110 dais refij.y. r ra atrattaiiolloollolllom. 431kektere sr ,treryarveleirritla bad i eoresAmas• tykes. btiz bet . .41.04 holt , theiwares , for "Ala 1-tleigHareelf aiider ..irosrµ v... ft 411/ILIC INV CIO kinrietWillailiw4t "`C . "•-• ierl J i ° t:u" irmitamra Veekfyi_llari'pa:neof Ott ' • v• ftnity thiat ihe ' liWtstent Atirmg, Ifirm - 141 1 ininlitobt reitWo tsi."lffiavi.Oilanspirlys; aia believe - it toy 1e #4Ol --' Cue ihmtiiidotilo rtilmridioui in A. Ir 1":‘ rtILCI4I.J. MiAtcpx, ittf,:n. atupdt "IL I". C. Etstmoar. M. U. Au.k4y:Apiriterily, , ",. 40.imrsionr. • OW, :10Inte * can sank Amman 11A3 1 h9r. ilits.atoUtt Oen* tbisdtbs.i phsaber 04 . SOn.loh4 1,1 1184,. ' , Ortity Loire pilosippaced Nuking ~s•napoome: ptiacu, p-4.-71,14.1.P1ir00 Put . h .1, 1 1 , 61 1, exasfill*Peg Loup. mil at {row hral abgaifeed.oopaillant e , Lnj ige way Iroirikdima . iniiiiskns, wl. Asnalkbastruidild "Nu sewliessuUßlP . 11Weeleildier ' 411aidist 4:04 , it-ROOD , l4tertallo4o4JDritt tc . 4 0 .03104 0 041 0 0. 0 0 wet, Philadelphia 8. S. Ilene*, DrutiCa. Rabblement:. P. M. Cohen, Charlinhan, or avil 414.7 , 42 trniiltettit'aeiteCleatilitt Serittrftrtit t /Mau ; and by eilVillio - prisTeifint•Diehrihili Ade ors *A JBEK t rAttl% d-; Ait4l 0 - 4U5r PRINTED, FOR-1 LE 1•11 ~i =; ; 4-6 I UM =I liri Enta CliCkner's VegetableyllirtgaUieXiiist R A R the first and Deily medicine ever discovered that A will positively cure Helidgebe, Gannett...Piles. IlPispepolei,Bcelsy.Smfilliboxiolitiitidiee, Pains in the Back, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Hun. NO slog in the Titter, Dropsydo"thnuo. Levert of all kinds Female Ceniplaints,Measles, Salt Rhenni.Heart Bean, Worms, Cholera, Alorbes, Cutlets, tanhtsy, Whooping Icsiiigh; . Cottantitptloh, Fn., laver Complaint. Frysipellas, Deafness, !lettings of the Skin, Colds, Nen/v..4'om/ . plaints, and a variety clothe , Disetwessrisinglrom im purities of Indigestion.. It•has been proved that nearly every disease to which the human frame is subject, originates from impurities of lb, Blooitar Derangements of the Digestive Organs; Andlat wove llealth,.wesiust remove those obstructions er notate the blood to its natural I tate. This fact is italareselly known. but people have such an asersien ito medicine, that, unless the case is urgent. they prefer ,Iltio.iiirose toil); Curl 4. until .an impaired Constitution or a fit of eickness rebukes them for the folly of their con 'duct. -Still they had some excuse, for heretohre, med icine in' almostall its forms, was nearly as disgusting •as it was beneficial. New, however, the evil is most cf. fectifilly removed; for Cfiekener's Vegetable Purgative Pills; being completely enveloped with a COATING or et-eirwartmstraan,(vohich is distinct from the kernel) batra•no•teste of medicine, bat:irre moonily swallowed awbits of dimly. Moreover' they do- not nauseate or gripe in theslighttsedegree, which is occasioned by the la?, that , Aga .compounde,d on scientigerinciPliet, and I:iteenibi x equal4 on all the ilis ased . }mite of the system, Prisiesuf orekrifitiinjitientailifei to, iindietting r any par tiqUid.reillin;(Orbith Tit the great and adthitted evil of every otheLpuripitive.) Hence, they strike at thereof of DteeTraig.ritinorrie-iill inotifin7huirulit fintrAhe blood, rumen ibex pares and internally, promote the ' Ingestible Perspiration: . obeilite flatulency. Headache. fire.-.seepande ill foreign and, obnoxioust.articies from • ehyle, so that the blood, of which it is the origin, must bertha/mighty purer-secures free and healthy action to • the Heart, Longs and .Livercind thereby restore health even sakertattathermwaris /tare failed. A.I letters of inquiry or for Mirka most be ad armed (poet paid) to Dr.C.V.CI.II3KE?iER. - N0. 66 ,, Now York, or his , andiorized agents through- Out the country. For sale in Tolanda, by • •HUI3TOIoViit'PORtER, No. I. Brick Row. :MAL.Reidentharale. U.V. Cfickeneris the inventot of bitgareEated , Pitie,lind thetwattinga the moms's' ever Weil itfAintil he intwelotwil . thew in :lona, 1843. sh Id therefore ask for Clickenev's Sugar- Coated cre gpl i a 4;ilher, WM be made tha vie d. tlio: 6 by 14146i0T g* WO :44801Y. ME yes 1 .1t1; avidltiM.. tusk - ) br: .41)-Ini =EIZZI !NM 41‘ 3) L 4". Ilr- fil It • kIMPIOX.. 'pis : iemo‘ed hilt estatiliih. "ir utitio CliCeliSp between KitigabetA and Ban, * . alasATiad wlmie " ha still solicits • ijiari . It kAn 6 Itriilli,'l4, iteriAi; by a ifirretat telaaiiro ,a_roix.:4rby jittiiiiiiiii ta` th e iaterembi Of Vs' mist°. mars tii'Makilas m. 4 ihd datable' if bit ikiaTi-bikaa iitilltaiiid in tbii:ciait of tie catiritry: - ' , 4 - . a liii'llitil4l4%dgiit. i, IA tigila. add' niaisbilictii. re 50 ,PrIker_p Notocko.-palbad: t oarat fthatebadithoes } Luditte" - Cctiteta: 5h0e1"444 Aid, I chliftScle „A. f _Gtae s .Gailera and Punt 4c.. . ''. _ _ r r • ..,taa,C t oaatry.,Trauee.,oloi.a4dmiTriptiomaligi ia I .ro m a yawallortworli t rattilaMatkampriee.o... ,ins, p Cl 4 , r} gr4aralpda i lipril l .26,oBol..* 17 . ‘ , ;444: .4144.6 4,44 PS 14 4.41:44313 7.4 Lei: t... 41 ~,..,,, ATOTWE•irtkaly ifltkio Ono iiiiircemoralteitaii %.14.tiZari:eiTsaWbetween MBA MB MUNN% ATF"irgai11i.11444„;,&,,9,, tpt,pynpk.,,._,_,.l4 l l l . viiv int r ift.- Thi !zy,9o - 91 Tn. -ri944-1:. - Y If:' C". TORTEII, - who will ee tla atLacetaiiX 9. am -likta fi n?. Towanda .. Jan : 6, 1 19. ' ' i . . . . i ''''''''''''';''' ' ''''*:' 4' ''''' ,''',..?-44:'1,"tn,V*,,' ~,,,.,, A - 7P i.r...4...4% , .1447'.4 , :.-44. 4 ... . - '4. , , ~, :V.V"1441.":.4,14,1""ifti1`W,-, :ti cirpA , taf.:o•,-, a" - , it<rki''' , ''' '4. " ... WW:r . . . . , ENE g! .. .navir ..-__ , - --- ..„ .„ _ -1-_,„11-,1kili. Tenor highly roue-mu by ".1117141;eidtter;-410 cs 11 • hle produrtillstuxia one ,Prilie.„„utdit-Aspdttai t td' ries of tbmaisfstr ~,lain li n . r,:ialaf i n4 li t + 66- Us PreParatt tst a vise 4 m -4likAth We Yr el lf4laave elamitv . 13itetireMir.itthael' ty:, , coed over IfI,OOWW . I -, rjo-atostaajci Oi which this SYMPeitler Strili;llo44lo “, : to,?h fact that it is composed fpurvii.:#,_ " t , ch one having a ,direct mtiCiemfrOtkl#iie.iftiertmiorgan; consequently the ;6414:10Mlestirlittedit and the factothat,„in its "sisti)HoNititeealtiouiliiiitbe tr sickness noPiiiiii7lEsa -Viet iteitinlie aWijrittpastances withaintlerndin bitaincisUe 7 diit, sea bidhef aged and the 'ffifkiesittft eqtliiiifin . sey' - , is 'ectilUsti a cousideratum iirWithenty Of Medicines. - 'Akal . Iliv . it is put op in Quart Bottles, ,and is,thetarkl,higWeveseentrated 13yrupletaterrA -ii•niferedikilsii-isileAtiof one dollar pcaleitle, gre Plinieorlbeiog to 0 66 We, P 6 lent an o PPgni „ ~,,, I Vl' Iheinire)sase of one bottle, in test its valusuk naiattlep properties and its power over disuse. ' . ' "'' [, Thmcompound Extract of Yellow Dook. - VUtijigil• :Orilla - hi a collative, weedy, and permaneaCCUre - ter Ciansanotion, Scrofula or King's Evil, Erysipelas:Kß Rites' ire. Pimples on the face, EheumatismAtout„ Gene etal Debility, Dyspepsia , Liver Complaints, tsplgaik ~ m„ •figtliskis, female Complaints, Ulcers, Syphila in its 1 1:1 3 form*Affecti.ino of the Bladder ana K.olneys, us Colic and serous Looseness, Biles, Coativeness, Colds, corrupt Humors, Asthma, Dropsy. enlargement of, the Bone's, 'Fever Mid Ailae, Giddiness. Gravel. freadiCheS, of cacti kind, linitunt hlood,Jsundlee . Los's of A cipetife, teprosi, Mercurial Diseases, Night SWeaw NeriOUs Cornplainhr of alt kinds, Neuralgia, Organic Affections, Palpitation of the Hawk Pointer's Doltd. Pike, rush of Blood to the Head. Scurvy. ;3willings, dick Headache, §tiffuesa of the j lints, Exposure and Im2tvidence of Life: - , ft extracts nervous disease, purifies and ennehes the Blood, and inviaoratra the body more effectually than any medicine hitherto offered to the public. in the' Vegetable Ettigdom, an AU wise Being has deposited such Vents and herbs as are congenial to our constitutions - eta *W MO to Illie• eel of all eOrp &seism to joilie . .lv htitOrt viatureld incrv'erbt. "Al ihr CoMpound 'Syrup is ceithlPll.ed •of till' thee-r volioltde plants, some of which have lately been d'srov..nal and used, and found. to he: certain ilia ifks in then. w 4., .4 diseases that before defied the best of to,die d -1611, I - I , -, ' s i : I" . • *' if •IT , - r -y• ' ''-' .V. oarr:L: . , I i• `,,,' , , MEI OPINIONS'OF PRY qCIANS ev This is to certify that we, the nkterihzne 1 T'ht crane or the - city of Ne4l, York, have in it ere t• mimy eases preseriSed Dortnr floys.4l'.. .r ~1 Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, and err a-. n.. that it hall no equal among the ran. •.••' t4-i• saparilis pteparations that have'os#r hh.r, sol•I: t tel t ber110.417.' ' • ' John F. Stebbins M. D.; F. R. '.l. II 1..;,; 0.. n ea, iftt4l)4 Jo* E. %I or i vol, N. l) datonettlNJnhnM. 1). :The mud pheritivA. ynopertiiii of' i 9oy olt'r . 1 v tract, of 'Yeltriar muck and Saraltp44lli, rratimit liaily applicabreto‘he StenJersrid delliate ionstittniOi. of tint !Costae. -,h ia.unrivappl ip hiss lets trisin wish diseases ,CIMUITIOCKI. I);Arrennel, 141. cord:toes or 21Y.Itittw, kreAtilar IllettiOnlooo.l.mrl,4k aence.of luta SePend f i fciirl l 9 ol l 0 r lfstrrn• It 11111. 00,4. 4 61 , !fr!1Y909,e 4 . ° and liksallia" 4 ° c.P974"44.; rfalaProutd.tot penal, an energy..and.Puoy.ancy ws.surptiiing, ae they are grateful.,, •,• , We icii;l l fle. - or Peurllte...cihkl;it cern6catea to any ex tent in this clots of coxtplatins, bnt the two following extracts of letterarecently receiv4l,.inairate.sothrivnt ly,tbe great virtue of lite medicine •• a frt•wlY tPt.titte lames referee] to. Newann...laii..?,th, .184 8. i Ms.,Basirrrks--01Vit take pleasure ,in stating thy your Xellow Deck and Sarsaparilla gives great sautt faction in every Case. ,yviii. shall try Mid send you & ow certificates. A very respectable,gentlemeu informs us that his daughter-wail tniublefiWithdifficiad menstruation...awl ethmiliseptanigemiliOither am,: ,4he hail not had,her .regular mewatitaslidbfliarges cossi ; long pow .., taut by ilia Peg 0 0 )1 44.T1M 0/4 10 % AP . k and tNweeß/94, - A", PlaiCelf.e.-_ 2 58P0. ti iitiei used-A..4wn..eili,Vii. a nd others', without !minim oß t .44,w4eit be , q!efit..: it had one daulthlipairierfminfilie lame cause. Please Aend w!iiew.WW,4 2 Bol, 3 PgiviY4S 3 Ci bt .. , l 3 4' 4lBo ‘ , ,• . ~i., al 1,.> tr=“lll.e..-o •isltrftt deft's? fsr - ikt:t.e--9it • , ~1,,,,, :t ... ~ . .•••,,,, , ,=. . ..yits p u i tt ri i. ;ii;4:74 fi it 4 o lll46ll l e ri.., Vie Pe.fliligkw _.4.A4 14 4 WF,i1.4 0 be wellige4.. 1,0 . fsl , _ fts ,St .Ir. l / is, ' • ,e. , el . •,-, Beware bow, yetaliii, pietkeive, put up in * square digertsbetke• ,rAI WY tlindaek ,Tor DS:- GMllwee Conelle.4 l .PFPwc i l lg. Y . w Di 4. ina,*tospaxijta - , bearing. the. Fukien eignettint., eta, t. Bennetts* -m4;9+ 114. .44 WPPFCTOWitt i WA ailik ,bbieitti.rikijnliPti welt.oBieslYiWrs l Bl.! l .4!trlA r Oggi e c i .. , . -t f! „b9l .‘ eit Y ,et tieT Adt,i• elerr.ficidieitlWPFfPare lle fl enl Y , th i O i ßl r flP u ßßA el l gig nielog, 4 iiel, : siogn+lting ,caeca.,,, Take,. tip , j ilting .-w9O :4 "mewl 4Pficia gm, ,e#l4ntgteit n3t4frinA AO not genuine, are of enures leseitc!!!.9 l : ittalifng fillet 5ePrite..7140.P4,14Y0R.51:-44.461t° k'B.l,,i(trilll"l , WIWAI WO(*k39!kiee..miner!PWlL.L!!!* , - -_•.! ., s IC' Remember . Ur. GUYBOII - 8. :YE L L OW IMICIC ANDVIRSAPARIGIAA. -1 <ss-J * • .sl -.--• Prepared-et 8.-F. Remorse.' Isitostorv. Little Falb'' r•ff in gt t g e rt e k,lnegjq.N. fire.tim.PgMil itlef#leeilis if Pli ` l 7: ol l * .___ 10. E....eV.PPe.'ll/81daMettil.wee 0 silatiip, TiceyriblitliMiliElefirao Li M. Rextord. l 42lingnetarton. liii ri x. l 4 l ll;-a r: =.. .,, - 1 4 : 1 9; 11 0 -14 # a , 14 ,t4 0 .0"C i l ' '' ' :17-ziatw•wstits" ug t libut Alia ". '. * ... N - efend_Ciiiitta.:!.__ 1 CllO gernjalNlOß, up in large square - k M‘99l4e n il l l i 94 , itl ar !' w • tik u r4ti ti ri e T ittiwwi.miheglitgi o ,i. jil,hkWri cen sigi'aiii6 . o 8. te.s r.Trir Of ! ,cliheiiiik i gi', L .-. "',_' '' - ' Sold Viiiiiti‘Wileenii s ieifty..trjr..HZEittie .Athis, HIRAM MjXs ,, , Uthenai.. - • -iiii ii•,l,- - _,,,..;:...,:i.1.--,..„„...„....:,.._._-_ ,_.... , , westerntillifCgC -411 tort r`!r Asti- A i sle itagraos ,- j or stew St,t,',C.6l4.lilighleandiattAllkostbr i p i ta kot illit icsteiiratea .tented) rs canstinttriitenieuh4iiba ffirb7' l " l ". 15, 1 " i 1 t P"lft =l7l"aff t y AIX •-c5 Vt.,lS A VE Fi) It has now beciimiilhe onlyese d tan e for' funtaty ore 43 ‘ 7 aerie grai:ticularly menthasendedk foe ?• -1:: • 114;1MPA1N1444- • ' . lllO/41 0 4/"' Miti-441 Vailgg Inswing complaints it al 4loUe; no 443 r a can • reliossoriter-and.tbo sisrettcstifiedioulrlikuoir Ybi llFl ,ossit sluipticalpwarapunglyirei •.LisneGoopkart. tliesskellhoi tr‘t-, 4 .te.fx.! y.r 7.4 lc . 1 1:‘, Ir. ,T, FEVERI kND-ACtUE: -1 cr Tr : To tho ure a at "tit respeetill#, rod & relkiehrweer - lbieli tolomplaints prevail this Inedkinit is offered: kku- km • 4-1 4 ,t0 MINEHAI. AuENT. 1 - - tin creklehm 4comAurid islepirt, fAll ' o l iesh ire l cures tltise Aboame•ltti-Cetudiity does not lesie the systeintddiiiir • PILES a complaint of a,most chsisailir ep a• 7 6 l"' ,. ATELY RELIZVEDkonii -torslfolko.ork,' daises. of this article r-tt is.farbefore,oitypiticr pruy pandiailforifila&disaaar• MI fur 4A.v.„mbr4.4 1, 0 , 4 , g+ i n atinst from impure hlonii—.4— r ampbt.A. 11E1311.1T-Y OF THE tiIS'EF.34... weak bark+ grantee.. of - the 'dory...die.: or iclisraa tirm of same is imeiciffirdely rehrealiy. a fart days Ude of Misurediciztet soda cure it always a orarliof It stands as • , . c.FArrAiN RENIEpY. for •stiben d siersgsigentihrthelf:' male (mine. - , 11tREVN taA REITER SUPykiESSI4I4 , I painful mepilnalit t sus. lib , dr/fair-rho& AFTa , i oe- en. )( l.4' jerepl teccpf,,l4is lOW terarfd fare Ala deripigaa k 4 a• It may be relied upon art, a aura and r;lTective,•reptetly, awl did we feel ,permitted ta do o ans., . THOUSAND. Di 442Ez;. : is proof of cures dratressirrg class of.complaints. All broken doom. debildatedmonsffiu- See panmbictr linnfrom the rfircri of mercury... ill fit • dthebrachic paw of this rum* to art immeiliaiely and the poisonous mineral enure( ate diko m itine,svidenr; • -r, gri l l; IV E\ OPE Vl ' • / the alloireiilye i E 111. r in and such ;11..114,1 front IIIP sy= See protn i ih/e/ for testimony 01 OM'S' w MI 41. ons.flo. wh ic h Ito' Limos nt en a4wirti4mmut will not t non..!herr .4 g rolv E rr! /hem aunty ; they cow on pokes o f en•rlifia , w aof tilet4ivit me ri f Iffy) If i o n • 1.11 the t:e nl 111 nteib eine. lie ver pore• ••••• 1 II • e thr crCial f eb• th I .1 I lo bun . f Ott 41. 'fl Jae!, IT kg a/ sr.,. 1a, ,1u • • rsitHi.tads / .. .e•s• se :14.1” 111 1..1.. •Aa WWI k.yat. Iw -111. 1. .011: 1. I'll sr V- a.l Ilifite••••4l'ff ne n, • I.f•• a • 01' r.1n%b.1, the I .ohlir fen_' I r am f. '0 • nu I . vole lot Al. art 1. r Mor e it till nu._ N.• 5- ',ire- •f loll' 1,0 0 e.. 410:7 - 7 - iffley . C.r eswe l f , Issib 0 , 107 ,, 3 1.,,,i t h,, VOA qrt; •••• I flr ft •11 in , ent q r. lir‘ et f/ ' • „ .41.c . ' .r 1.. .f CI 1,• r .11. i nf i n. • than Igo %,11/111 L'fffk 1111 .1,•41 4,1 g t g //e9;o , :ef upon Every I”,ttl.- 1131 "V 11.1141... 14. lal) le tit MI X titre," blou n urn ihr• 'lie wrilf;tl Mitt. of C. V.iu g hii 'on the ilirt r ti ? lein4l„l6. Biar4!"., ! tom peil on the corp. Ni h rie tither arc r nuin4 P-epared 1, 7 Dr. r; s o ld tillYe'e. 209 \Lie Ituffil;, 'at vittille e.4 aid intenti.iii elven ter letiers unit-ta postpaid—orders (,ram regqiirlarymmlitykird ix erplEdi post p• ? ill lotrrp, one i.eriwieosimplaysil,,,is.. so. licitinu ad) ice, promptly 0tt.41, 1/78 4 .1 .,„ tiffirea devoted esrlusi.ll , l ) , to tile, sale of Chip article = 3 . 2 Nassau At, New York city : 225 Essex Maw. ; end by the principal Drug:nit throoughouc the Cnitevl Simms and Coined us Agents. 4 roRRM & CO., Wholesale Aceide. Philadelphia. HIRAM MIX. • No ands. 1). % price. loreerille. C. H. !term*, itiftirns. I A.Uurhbm,Tttutltstul + k. p.n. Fisher, W va linon g .. I E. I.)yer. Covington. 6, F. Reilineton, Troy. pti! 12. !gift—. _ • - Removed to north side PIIb=IC Square ! U . Ckertnerlfst, 1.• titthe city 11 AV Yortc -guith larg• - • mql4y of .lA'aieehrw, "alli' .; ir .e..bitser.ware. • ihr inlk‘• r • Wat,hra. win a Clari7d.4o -U .- 141W " • le.* 1 . 1 . 1 . ./0 . 11 Ea , Fire • D'r ii!n .a.Bren.t ehain-.1 (101.1 Ka . 1a...4. ~.I.)ap. .oil t ant.ta ..1 SIIV..f . an. ...I any•tf 134 t',teAt e 1 1 1.91 4." e k 4'6(4.111%4 riteni) ler Asorherr. fi•tiitired oni allin`l linttr. an I . 'r,.lti4tlitt 4, , t,. nap txrll:6r tile niniley fie n.rit lett sigti.eitiPttl . OVPil•tri ittairptiVet 'pi 'la- • NPLE 8110 AR takeit in Tavintio fnr wnrk ,•;- /pririvrire; prieer,tbat Ike; ;Wiest' be 'poirttekri,ffit ibar-14- ix • Itni--1 war a l iainat . "644ll leo ' '" W. A. (MIN NlTlBltirlff."A&terri Tourrinria,, April Iflgn -I,oolritoOr 'Poe( viil3 , )titlA:aft , , articlesafloat T 11. J. ANDRE WS.' blip:to, to your vratt..l, PAIN Ki1.1.F.12 th...h I• "of th. vt.• 1 1•••••ily evrtdy that wr i finve. ‘ofir 1'•• •n •otr rlttoilios y r jra ram u l m y .0 Ire m for o hieh It kert . .eritunteti e t,ifth . 11 - 1161kkkk- . ... rt rh • Family Rratmn.i,Ain mod family t.. k. ep rrrfiiina. ..n.• of ..x.61, o nr.ot or 4eciarnt. I ' 7 Rev. Artron,jai-Piln;:o4.l.lllstilkOi,mhut,i,• 1 11 Rachel. Will*n9. • •lPme!'i C 40- t.. Ants Do4.ley. . . . • .. kßillwr, • - - . . 1 ,0%:,Taft 11 141... • 4 41 ,..iiVliind John B Owens, Ithaco.. , N. X ;1.4 Vileil‘ruCPW 04T.'01 1 , 1 S4 14 1:Mil) 1 10, 1 4, f , , 6 :9 11 "" AlPaig*cg /L,,Air0gre4r..09.44,14 3 1 11 41 , _ 1 0 Auntitmil 4440 1 .4- iftll4 kili#TON. 4 a t),1014 . ed, 014 1 T-larritifigA4.itr.o. , fk adVerA acca,T*44 ifficl. tne t, 44 11 4 4 R- 1 1 1 -1,...* e. ,i.-017 - 14.Vit. 1 ZattElS 4 Mte i r ri f .. ;I, 'r" . 1' (34-A ra 'Art' I if OREATIREVOLUTION"IN—FFIANI¢Ei merwftrithe wthe ch?or-onebiflwiltekvAtniti , 1,11 Grehrit t 4llllikeehr - 17 Ist ;, 4 HEW MOM 'AV, , J I A -1 14 1 E4 U P. ' 1 . 14fief4fully inform. the eitizeni ticrowninh wtetnity' ? thot he inot,lnnl2 . tivoni il a lr and perinaintnitrtiktti"il ' , tarot% DO! 04,0ebrillt-RtIN tioAqki 411401 1 9 1 41 fin . " farl 911 4 11YIPPSPOTO -134. 1 erelleithq , §*?%*?A'?"71.!lrf 1 " 1 *up", igaik sa t , silver ,wattitel,...,colp tohoponk ark!, r.tottito.piold and iilvrr, , prociDt. stOligtp;s l ,4sekcbgi lutarAutts• *co c 6 ,0-1(1- 1 F"'• IL;k4:AvAItATFINW ; :Verge attt , i4l 411/Vtlig,tAlliil' rort):ll.4teintitriPtlherfrent hour; tog flays awl ~[plictik,rtith t n o:inlin2. Col,l"*Airubor rt nn 0,4rp0i0 4 4 vkpfpcs: 41704.11-FA ett Jli. W Blatt nirretpiesertytinti. on .1.1 1 the lons.ipsiiitaidtnit had in the bui etiaitz.vratk Irk his ono , OrtlEbo-thooq-itt 3WI aroclotaidtiettoonnet.) apitt, , otkiuitirepAorldj .iiit•tionerogo4rowomtarAtottOotiagiOallittt H Ar,gtot • Ts.- -st-• autriFjtpart" . .T irp m tat 4, tf , pgronoitliraid, alio, oily An rilibOtti, dowers aid ietoe, of No. Z. Dritk f p t jgtc:W 7 C . . ' -- -zitrz 4 - a ,- . 1 .. M. AN* . frfill4" l '--=-.------ -friesliti4.llooWOSlPATAiNt -- ..• ...,%...- anal Alk; 1110414*100 11 . 111 17 1 11 2 M it iqll,Fit-fith.yha... an ilosi 414tamoray,oiot ' lO onler eit inn 4 of i4 I INNEIS •ei 1. 1- i ....-_ _..;-_ . r „: 'EyekriP 4. 01%iiRk barn maws 3 ,i, wnikartoiroogimibiptpot E t , .1490;p0•0430.040.-.4.. 0 :iimPittiornt in conntrs *44 rt.:TO-Istep. beAnietotk °omit* tinier SOFAS. of, vaineners# oppicTest plitteinet . Sofa RocifißiallAino;-_-4glf4ftri.e4 :seprporL !Mlle/ enttftw.pasiii.4:l64o44l4ivinitel ; orpoireelt 'ettnin exleileren eilifil. I.AAlSCAm_ilski, eekr4lef Ilsoirarf:CAAit.:beeeiffilllllPliPlatftieVit . lied.heir, I skiehmeiree loses its elastieitin wild -finish with the belt hair sfstinv TOA*,IIO,O 0 cf.,qww4v.f 4 Atkodminit 1 tad Mach experience in tbsitne. we shall be able lirisaidi allbßigoi*Sillk'4Pi l r o4 195-e4 1 14411 4 sa ' 4 l 4ll ditYisna Price. and bi Sr*. sention to business borpato nieliwrad.oceimobiu449pswia,s likgreiteopit mashy.___ • L. M. NYE & CO. .Beroenonin. September I. 1841. k - - • 11"aaltlelfdrifIlv xi AY BE igitnonthoppoth IftwoktiAf AR has eve "roinAffa. 5 wawa'. ettesti, rod sibrottiutdokssiodosiStlihatirpthe-feison eye can afford all for to do fir 'All linda of produce wilt' he reeeivell in papmenttelTio, LUMBER of all kintgi.; Sept. 1. M. NYE 4C1).7 VILL be impt.o.liwkal a large as. vi. irtnieui ne made to order ottrikerter notice- and !nut. ney than eau be prniluecikaany other eiitAttietilueui pc the land. Thoac slip err under the- ev-vrai, curing that article will W/Wall t hr eetofir!.t. twerp, and p.. 11 may be had i n attenthitii . Prrle,mber I. 1.47 1.. 1 , 4.4 ki; • - Bt 10'1'S Sir What are pun about herr ?Aral ). r 4, 10111. - SAZi 4S of tithes t • r • • ' .tirr nuLto o ned r 4.9, fit net, JPitaln tootßiur t.t.teel , t ••Et t4 t t:.l to thik'plire, and these a€ the, tlgottit dust •••• ir • . Int;ml/- 4 , • 1 • r. - • - Se ryttl y. etc (.1 )(Autft, i a.v. • • • est rji two Far rat? (1.1 . Pill heN:Sflki t.!(' c lintr ye ! hew ye! sna untlerstamt,thes , tr.ll ton. Fs , ' or corner Of Mein-and butiftstretts.iaoll f this season. 39.741 pair n a t erzAantv. `hoe! aµ+ ►proantaw vs so Ws mire then ever wajor prothibly,e•Ft will le. ' t.travi ogsin m Tt.waritle ? I U.. j I'l . . . Departprt*,jitt thin teetsbliy.,timent rt.•%lS , furni-hed with ("Now. Laitiotp'ypissev' amt., fancy . empaugOtonts and:Aor*. ev.rn Ilse extremi%of, the 1at , ..1 fn.bions. A.l,t4ai.e not a m gdree -C..rnet pf %Nut n.t.t• t/4 , : Store lit afrdf.rd-.C.Ptniy. i It ex 'io LA; •ra.t, f.r Ilitttrr4 ' H. t..0.1A1l 1.,1n bow 11, nie • , .. ,Nw ,e CitilorlifY, l',stalll6lini, i„ No. 2, Brick nntr:'4 ,, ert the store- of .E. T. aq. ti r ing 4ito i If. 'lt. '..o' 0 ..'''' Mlt lit a ) Et 2 "a! 7-.• i r:r . I:!,viiettut.r.vii,:....H.,- the cis ti;ifitVf Tonal!): 1 k On, awl te litilitietzern-t i .iiiy. ite titie ~,n, - .44 1 , 14 T a il.,, iifi,iti in Nn, 2; 13riek Rio:. nvi:iY• tile AtoreOf a: .rq Fiix.'iliiiii gt,iry„fit:liee l e he golieitic thisiie in won't of T.olontig : . to giti. E rn A rill. H ii • as ing heeitiiiplie, ~ l i in iite ean.:t fitqltinnithle eet it-Ittnents in l'fnlntlell , is snit:else. tieie. ititt: being: tile ti`ftninetl to Imre no pain,. to i,'. •a-e;eninripier. tttl'i! lenentl matt; tiNs 41E! ihrit'SVllrk I: .no )ientninly and (ii - a'..h.i . •t , IC M. ran tie•ii-ni at any .1161/ in th. ii . AY ‘‘',lllt Wllf nrnirt4 Nell 'tonic and ..,s fit_ - , warratiipit •iN,unty • • .• in payniirnt for work Z 7 • OMINATIONS ARE 'DE, et. a- AND %OW IT, T. 1 Y .f WED V/75Cal: 193315: M A ri F. WARDER risit:eetfully wishes to inform the citizins tif Towanda' arid the goblic . .that be has commenced the • iIARNESLIM 11311111 C... :MINIMUMS, in Towanda, on.. Main street; slew dons'above Brit* street, where he will keel) eonstantly on hand or mate to owkr. Plated end comwon Harrien. Trunks cad , Trunk Valises, nod.llll kinds of work in his Ilne. OA4- EpAGE TRIMIIING . arI MILITARY WORK done to 9r7lei• Froin his etfiiiience in the busines.. o wl punctinstity initttkolind, it,.he hope's be way rectiv. a shat. of puLlic patronage. t ,G' AU kinds of wort may be hall at. his . st&ou cheap er than at an+ ;Inn) n this county. Toutn:l.i June 1?... :1;14S, I% GREAT LOSS 07 LIFE, w i~1• --,----, ' tirr.l i , 431:} , 7, . .7 - , I ) 1,, f. at 111% the ruin , t... t x --, 4 7t. ^ "i :+. I 1 , ‘,....0, --, ' ier' , . - ,„ A , 11111 hihit r, hrt. '- s•:'"- -'t -4 k`rrhtt it If Ir' I fit 110 T ,s r.t et LC ~ I (..,-. ~ 1 • :.:,..i&iv . ..,2„,5e- .. ..t.„, , . . glztt. , t , '. ,1...1, hhi Li .... .., . , - I " Trr"iMigtil ,lo l ,ll K. , h B .1 . •.:4•44 hunt,: - et. ,l F r . ,0. itel , yto4,. L vr9ll, V, 4, P... A. Alit•t Oalitvit ,VI I to Ow 14..4%r , ?. 1. ' t'ilittils $ & ;4'4,1,1 the 1... it pr 0 sull 1, or,' I 1 itif i t ..n hazel 41111 tor ilti• .t to. pri....a , I:4 r , amt.. A %le •.: 9: "Igtii 1:111 ' LEY • if Eit F.W4'; t fiy"'itii , Yt si;', i 2 • • r • I. „ 'lots of the Bon,' of . , • t neton l ;' at,tl r : ..1 1 . , • 13 sti : ' NEIZEI 4 - t • _ .4111114 Obi 00, ."41 !Li titifgtalti "to ',vise., IVI N . ..44111 - 7 1 " .40/ . 4si r."4"31•4( c.mot or ..LS%• r .1-, tek TepAR - MT ..ilbetss"'W4 3 y siz a MEI MINIM - - , iii",irviorarvi -IT , / ;"« ...,t - ft tia•hrvAt'aill - Alillifilf - titii•litk - -' - I .ltivil` Wit'p 'OW •Ci , ~ -t,- Ifiivitieltlfilleifinifilit iiiieuettii iCii-iiiiii'lVitiPielt. •IthoiAVOitiall,Vitellifitiktillit Otitibllfirtlitiktihl4ll,ltie aqttii IfiiitirWortli‘;‘'teiifieliirgilireilii' iircAll :Illiti orritatEsllliil illealfM4ii7lThilirlii 04 .1 1il Ilebt;t • rtre*o *fil.tib - war ft i lremiitkki n i , vrifiki-it. ' . l3 , o\iOrtrepsM ,ii Amite , Plii4Alliii. 1. I o;ilfidi4; itlieilieWiimilif. tViikeillit ~,i4. im-Erthiait iftelktretioavikiNitiiiint.elirttiP swear .40030 uM 136441 e' ru ' I I "' A` 6437- "' CO Iv:WM:TA 014 - 4306Tifit ittso4 , rime tr we iiiitt'Selanl. '" Tit*, Pe IIFb443F4WIEL., 14 ' ' N .!' t o--: t .. 1 .1.. 0 4 . i-it-:‘ , •:'-e 30 ' ''''... I St. i _ 4 Di n . B. The at ' ditirmpage of the Public iik 00410 . to the 1 He 'Lie of the familial! metchindisd NifiiVOrtilrii.itrfera 4: 1 • Astr , rriat)ear L ' Itcr.UlS 1Q , 14M Dna .04 . 4 ~ , pig .tria. ; .:4701.0 ~,,t. y .e-poroCA ,o1„..14•R . • j zc.••4l i tc.+,) -sir , •e1 ,111 04 , Ilaat#ltVilit4fMteliiiiStKlee 32ittre*. 4 TM* ; J•elr.ratbmisclOilfilir.ri Collotar,STßal•rlar-W4Y.Athe 1 I4ror r est-4vh•aelnliS 40d 4140,44 . .,4 Om* trtg , 0101,aatler *MX 4tologn ttiotia•Pove:;, ti - lard ow) tiv: qt* ,Titvikki too ,r4Krocoutirste4Evn.. -4 amioltl l 4ol7l7 l ttllntra fatt)l7.KßAS , rep,ikit,ftsoll riktotipiilr ;,,i f f zontesk, Oar ..;l'art,Pedleelh WorgianituverAlNeigh,oAlliCiPlg. , ORhits4 , QUlttl.sintbkr:VizletalikAte,".4ll34.Pailiguickle, and oiher property, will he 20114...hyster)fc rpmarts3t. or appmgOatslis,trpotujm,bst bought elsewhere, as the aforesaid Company's trusinter , ninst he... Owed, ,T 4:0 The Azgus,-Reporter. Eagle ana -4/toner-arta please s zi linridgsper fomthrie ononttus t madt i c e , 1.80 t .au ri tor ayaliepA.,,, II ' 44 f... 1 oiPziALEVIVI • . 0 , ,tam I faitiiityible Ir t ritr il l44l44 6 4 l ek - TA Gik. _ r „ Nrinadr ITIMEM • TI 4 E CNINACt.: n r,~q~•r.. 11111 ‘, % 1 . - - ,• . r • • 11/ : ~,,, p n ,Q, ..., 4 . • . 2 ~.11 tidal e4..e.thary, - Ji, ... - tarliV i tt S # gli Me n t* ul to i ...1,, , CAlk ;p.*. , 1417- 1 1 11 11 24 #1 1 15 4 411,4 , ' t: ;01 icommoor ow it ifooldieeti94F,akia4 limeimus„ orbeating4krein activation, as it is (will 'lirly qpiielki them is-aisn heat, **melon and thstabbingia Ab e i R egtogying from . a moderate' degree - of;#411. .".. 'tifikitiP th,14.../51JAA5t9",...„..1kirAr...i.W.771heas an mivansi hy . the Weal lloie at DIOOd to the -pane, Some.; ~iFtthe•iimeg_colitoo She imA.4 l -04 3 .1.4"; 4 .47etit , Og 'e.swiiWtign, forming what it calico riRl4 l Ar g iSf a i i i us , ekilxibowels ; this is ths4l9,.. i shiritMlMlJl9tted. itp. s i ssogrik sinless o4hat organ. [ti : -l i w ..i tt m aoce ; i OPis ilient Ilieste f ilPyriA, 9 4 M?1,.0411.5.14ici0ara Maim 0i,ifibithk....,k0va t er,„4....,yirt.m,m04..,...a. wri.a...a.,,,,aw,yatter ..armilyikpoitytt, L imns etwitipk ie: .fglintthirty =Amu.* to sesgral bouni ; ti . mte set t aeti on , storo smarming and sometimes v e g i ory i s tsw i bl i._, Illui.orret i Cri* OLIIII r-i*? , ,il.‘"ife if Patruleti by sati 130niW I 4 . 11 1 1 11 13 0.4 i „LPWl,' , ?f , ' ,l 4e Yid, p elf _ atic dr, a n d d otbet organs in the vicinity, poke leldlitiyAltneso in the legs.and feet, a sense of straight. _ogssAboo44-. ..410,214..11.WW& JALlOliness of the a l.. 4 ic dirnidal viscera =t r i i ;tisd with_ to:pit:llion of the heat igasai . whiliegaltii int., experience . OfTi4WA tqinr ItacVgfirsPileqe.Mmi4lo,4 Asketi.4 atattdffatsifitetit io4lifbfircßW4ol.(t (bile i• a, lease of wriOt Ofokoregoort4titff !WW I: a lAkk . 1- peculiar frifing ofloolisinOt-itv4kofhoootOronstio4tioo of pel • Riligedin, implied wiga4.4l;imijpoll4obikotdoio4 Das. . cell, and siWirpoino itialeicAfKoici4l ,4l " couotocoloce, ip-mltp.rd senratiotti*,-,AeAlesArsolinneso, lo s ', i n i t .. pi.- awl atetietetiled,AveAe4}lpeleti4 l, ,,eteLe • come et • rolli,co- and ... ictAitle is or itie z wemateh.— lihe ritenistion on I.l,c. l 9:gfihre l iclolkile oo s l,,thocuirolit . , i :9 4.1.1....1artert0q0 , i inek. l oo,lp-4_diterrivat , ll. lea ALL 04 , pr TN P 4 A sqvg DI. A 'pip...ISAMU lat . :.,,141i11XJ11:44Tt4. .' ~..,. , Dr. I T lOlutit44frfablr .iiierlonry. ' -.. 4..: eor , s Ei mi 1..,d1i, andifirittrettpreverax Ales. BE •,;•• . E •1 t kr' r3:—.1' 4 111: • Niirj-i itstii,..i.l*.adri. it. , er I !. .t , n,riafttni. I'e v A,lll)erlitts itire•-tti , r) tath.elt 4 prtralitlldiarsii6r ~;,111,41%.*wfiti,f itss h.--t rt. Mesh.* tittusoi.44thru4dirs.,. aUtirriTtrorifilAill intlostr- nll et flow., itytituirlidamidAlifitintre viiitteLitiatthst st•t•detm Yours. 6: r. 'AI (Asti, Marl , • ,'Li-e:o.ilLecrry".. l 'UN rrsts.ettsi9 till's/ImA L i s Orr tot; *C-# • .T'"'cileNtilit.Y‘trivAiVe. 6. 1817. eV. ME -snit. W7 A TT gili:lettif WAllia l ol.l , Lir MTh !---1 7 a:. id‘Cdalditmg that % übsitutitaftlesetsVarzettla fur the ssla tT p h at ,,• * egetti6lo , ,Elocinattl., far-itte .. iure of Prile..l have deemed taustrkilturm iklurturii a mom: Itatutf , oe that - tiossilliftltkcltittilirine. &Woe heen filicterllor snairly.jemitrwith piles, mut hove Ilarterl sariou- remedies nwsuriel 0 0 - finieficial.eff; c l,4 cotO:Mer my case - trieriffitilwlesa: 13uttihottt oilteri,temintittuttniiiiepoisalletk upon by to makes tri ill oft 'hitt stinVe'. trume,l.merlirine. f iiVat 11. P a hoes and rojnicre'thtalli6i not feiiPVoii. • t.itt. Hi I lwlle:r. I H.ViiHril V iirAilieft. L I m •,.. t eur.t,t,m•to , It t•t tiluto - nuili_lutscre I o Mtn. ,611, f.n %silk It. stittatayiitd had ditideeme-aineaae. Very re •••.'t 'l' OEM SZE . . _ - -11E , IAIIIi ‘r,f,n-e(IRE AF I'I,I.Es:" *r it Ili r VYFH'it.4 V - idylin,i;')! Mtn ..14:111ralitry , • - • - ov. Bettoihtre e*. ( Vtits l i) ri.,. -..9, , ql7. M r....ti 4. Vk T4TT & 14 - 4 : trirl Sr—='.llk : F..r ttirty Years I have been AlitHetitlfriailetg, ut n.• , 41 d.b..;t 3 .. I , „. -"ad InfVtgartimnO,',lttinng futrityo i 1 ;k1 Iproi.t.l , - ,,, of thv lanvele. and which Ilia 4.oaie r tlL . 141 pie needy .1 to• s t. joent Dr. Cbspinhb ane,uttur _cn , 43.! ,give. The 4, , in , tiskre year. of that tittfie moilinioanigr,/ltis de-eovi:i,„ 1 j 1 , 3% confined to bed4tt e i.s toltvltt tai it l',l gt‘eit up by my pllnActnfi..." itAtlffii: rinl#. In delkitt of es- It coy lienlifrfi, , );osl. T It gm- i t,, v ... i,..f.,., t ' .!, , ..L.- entirely speecitbm".• tenk In }onal .loin,. .err Ist,t , le 11111 u wit r'l4:.eiilriecn ticd,tio. n•-• of IYr. rie ,. .tetteu's Preen te:‘ .e he neih,,itti,e, att. It PC 4-44, I It I%e :tle ;,‘,eo,. 4*of r.tating the r 41:1-1.111;_Rytajr,. 111 it nu h a'th or t t!tev two, o , and hope tlive tl i saikv Ira, no.c .if ii fl• I . ti!l, to make k itthe4:4lrniet,opi t• 1 , , ,a111 . 3 r;r r t. u. rr ary.. and to reconimcmilt .. l Ty,glieted alion ere* tufes. It helped. ie)wytalt 41te egietlan 414 of a n owi ti t tlew my case, and 1 cortly:oskyli) (alerts that It t-,to my Piantan, the he-t medicine ilk the wof Id for P'le.,or au) other clu.ease of the bowels ; I Rua if they will u-e it . s.ording to the directions, I wilernyttelf warrant a cute in every case. " - Irialara, with the utmost expression of thank fullness. _ CORNELIUS SPUR: rtitwitrilre. - Berk. CO., (11/1111.) Nov. 19, 1647. The above hmtiftette tells n triinple ere , truthful dp. try of *suffering until relief, of whirh,, t hTeiritu awl witne.e in the etc. , . eheerfulle N trr I 4 tv t.,, nigii • •ir .1 t" 44 - 1 '1.0.! I- • ...11• %11 s• i I • ,• VA I'r EIY 11 NI. 1.21. VI, X.. ~••.i t,v i , "Aft? NI # .I" •, 1 - RFT DIM • e• • E.V , br-Vak . „11 , 1 iy =III x f*,. 1.4 ; =a SEEM WES ~.'• • 1 :•S -t‘ c 4 6,•; I I , • • • 'e(l'oei) ! • ) • cl t JIL.k. • ic Cilii; \ • i 1 t1141')11t:M: 0 !M t 1 - 0 - 44 . r- "r -1 1 ) , F -. At''fif xtti"..2l!* , yf-v0 41 • 10 , 441 1E , 0r - IN, A', t ! /1 4.9,1it . 44 4 1..e,§4,?4 , '..4xart{0w4740i . 1833 GERM ; OS% . PR ACTr:4;torMOVE. 1 --. OCT. BELL nr.lnhl to lreettully A 1;0 - e t ink tll4 i , peb. ,'().13S t ft it4r4 4 %'illiA. ithatentr vavatl be It 'fin mndits hAtel ifiC siflg 4 4—oftdiailfriatie en tt liititglaty ioffeaMtiiitaith;utt , ' - ~n in Satett. KAA MI drio4tinitariatiliiiileta ''''-, nil lAVooth" 64 ifort4iirTawirntil'ia& tititlnkrtf '„.,, "1 . th. 1.4 0 ', 'ht. tittit'llk•ektet4tAtild irP-ftiWlWltiettr 418COPI.t triitt 4A. 41. 1 iAitifitIPPRe'ofriv ‘ ' ..wbfeittellgo Intin% aii.iifiiiiiiiffiiivforAtigia . ,ff low . oper to s” (Illimit4t4444.TrAh4 0r:14,1414nt liri .111 , $priOnny .4" met itasaA, ~,;itacA*o l .4l, l ,,ficti,,, • ,iilove--1 , rtl. 44 ashoriean - - -- fbmw-ei,,-,... 21 1;(•r in„- -, 41 Aiithiligit.1 4 viiwn tir thiat-licst pa..E.l in the RR` ,” 410/41,1il'INROWOWill'10 . 441W011ift i . Ity . on in.yeergo ° thi, specimen he t.. ett."4.,1 iilllll4lll . itt -mu*. at a O r. ect * . 4 lnaytell,al..t. L -,_r .‘ • lattt . ,94 the Ititnytn RN ern . ' '4 . .40'1..111, 'Yee ;4,, --' t , i 'nitit"4AriPtiNtiVitt4., elt4'l.oo2ltitt.4t,era t o '? woo:lA . 4r tiling AA felAVlaloj NIFIIPO. Alta ,ir li` .lo. 4 'ki erred the hlus!ywhteh itir4 en` or a. , r I.V the llMSNl.y.r i pliiiiijeot ‘ tevii lin.; PI,- ei " His medieigrAl heel weleeteal Atte' *Retstrle hn: '' i , f , ranit.twinfignn thegFa,kirtlipviria ,o "' ....7 ' o 3f.Tiel i MVo rieB444)ote‘ittisirAclPP . .. o, , rup9g4amviiiet44.,thrAibut. d . is , rav s : SI . #4 gi t i E l fri r c li ft be . .t i t ; t ai t it rr C HII, It : fat od t i e 17+ q a .,,Prf , „7-1,... , Ti1 d ay„, „,, tir .., g ,,,,... pw a, , .., t t, tw rbii II - als, I e:MR i r , qier_Ftge.,..": IN onu 4 4 6... -•' ' . z , ... 431- ...firrs,ll4 Airme;pla rie - it.u.t la fle 4 .! r3 l" X ' 1 1 " ll —. ' 'lx r;r. , tg, copta t imultkeyspy !her, or, c 1:urp.?,10 , 4 .... 4 _. .. &c. IR 1. ... 7 - 14 DR Cif ‘PMAV - I *•••-•,, ,%•%. i 11 . ~ _Ai'V.'f.DINPAY ! ath• tfie • t . 1. v • '4';f1,4,,1T 1,11 Mil t• t• til.. ,LF -.-+~ . - „ a • , E REM - 111 IS MD >,., r . ,1 I",
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers