Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 08, 1848, Image 4

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    G real Mani ilienucal-lltstoyerv.
-• •
flionecallloniUratinn flkm i•
the Vegfralc
r to repel Morrie-
Pn. Tuc
tir iLlAtT
11;u: 71,.r s ,rue.l , l . 3lce)irir.c in Me Ifireli !
rr Hit!' CHENIICA I. COMPOI ND. containing a,
-/- it flora, Y••Ilow Bock, so . I.i.eily 4e:detains! I y
OW faeulty—viith other r getable porky-lions; is • Le
of the most impotent sltscoveri , s of the age.; and tat.
superior to all etude Wars4pottlia prepwatioiss i l l use.
Although less than two j caw s 11.1 V e claps. d since it
discovery, it has already effected over l 5 000 cures.
The .untiva! .1 power disease which this Spun poslu
era may be at ributial to the ritt tb-it it iii , composed
purely ul vegeta* extracts. Cat It one a direct
tefer,nce to some internal oresn; ennseepiently the
abide system is lietwfittril; and the fact that, in it
operation, it tweasions neither sickness nor pain, and
ran be taken under all eireunistanews witiniut regard to
business r diet, and by the aged and the infant with
equalelfteacji, ti certainly a coosiderat inn in the history
pf Medici n e. This Extract in put up in Quail Bottles.
and is the most hi_ ily concentiated Syrup in use. It
in offered at the low price of inc dollar per Bottle, the
object of bring isi titre the pa tent an opportutitty by
the purrhase of our Nude, to test its valuable nwilical•
properties yid its power over ili , e ow.
'Flats comomnil Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsa
parilla is a positive, speedy. and permanent cure for
Consumpti •ti, Scrofula or King's Evil, Erysipelas. Salt
Rheum, Pin pled un the Lev, Illieuenat ism, Gout, Ceti
eral Betide', Dyspepsi-i, Liver Complaint., Spinal Al.
lecithins, Female Complaints, Gleers, Syphils in its
worst form. A freetions of the Bled ler met Kidneys,
Bilims Colic and serous Looseness. Biles, Costiveness,
Colds, corrupt Humors, A sauna, limpl, endirgement
i•f the 13ones. Fever and Ague, Giddiness, Gravel,
Headvehes, Meyer). kind. Impure blood : Jaundice, Loss
o f Appetite, Leprosy. N terrorist Diseases, Night Sweats.
Nervous Complaints of ell kinds, Neuralgia, Organic
Affections, Pnlpitation of the Heart, Painter's Colic,
Piles, rush of fl o ut to the iretta. 'scurvy, -Swellings,
Sick Headache, Stilfaims of the j ants, Exposure and
linpru:lence of. l ii f,..
It extorts nervous disen.e, purifies and conches the
Blood, and invigorates the body more effectually than
any mesheine Lithe rto offia NI to the piddle.
lit the Vegetable Kingdom, an All wise Being has
ilepo-ited such Wants and herbs as are congenial to our
constitutions, and adapted to the rurc of all curable
I eases to which human nature is inekerit. r-II this
Cointsiogii S) nip is composed of nll .those valuable
plait's, some of which have lately 'wen iliSirovereil anal
used, and ("um! to be certain specifics in thousands of
diseases that before dotard the best of medical skill.
This is to cert.`) - that we, the undersigned Physi•
dans of the city- ot New York, have in a very great
Ol.llly . C3:4•13 FeSCri! , Cif DOetrlr U) • soti E Vide( of
Yellow hock and Sar,snparilla, and arc Tully assured
That it has no equal am••ng the asried Syrups and Sar
saparilla preparatiaus that have over been sold. Octo
ber llb'47s
.1.41 n F. :-_ l ,tel,l:inq, M. D.; F. R. Thom*, M. D.
P. r. 3. mud, M. P.; James E. Morgan, M._)
tiatuuel T. Wells, M. D 4 M. Johnson, M. D.
illnrr 7-4nruany in furor "Ilre superiority of D
-4:uputt's Ex!rart of Yalow Ik4rk and Ntraapar.'
la firer all other sinular rclulirr.
1?••• ! ! Fin - re: rjlrttrra reerire4l.
Dvt:rEpstA, GENEItAI , DEBILITY, &c.
W ATEnTowN, 4varstal Gu., Nov. 4, 1817.
Mr. S. F. BEN NTT:
. .
D•ar Sir—l am at a loss to express with words what
his been sad in prose of your Compound Extract of
Yellow Doili and Sarsaparilla ; all who have It ol the
pleasure of usitig it speak of its marvellous effects in
removing diseases, with so much feeling and heartfelt
satisfaction. that I am confident now that tin medicine
in use can boast of its superior qualities. Willi , who
have been comptaining for years with pain in the side,
burning and pain in the chest, dyspepsia. general debili•
tv, loss of appetite, chiqs, night sweats, salt rheum,
scrofula, in fact all the diseases that we in this climate
are heir to, Gut in the Ys7low Dock and Sarsaparilla,
all that is requisite to make them What they were in
their d tys of health &c.
We have had twelve dozen bottles in three months,
and find we are n"arly out. Please send an equal
amount, and 0 lige yours.
Sr. JOHNS{ I LLE. Montgomery Co. Jan. 3, '4B
S. F. Boil 74 s-rr —Dear B.r—:Snme four weeks since
I wart .indured to try your Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla
for Dysirep.i.r; 11.3 heel: afflicted a bout 40 earo, most
part of the time unal.le to eat anything with?ut sulTi•r
-ing intensely. froin its effcets. I have used now only
one bottle of your invslualile medicine, and consider
rwroclf entirely enred solely hy its use. eat
hertrty weal, without the ohi t titeot inconvenience,
Very truly)ours, ANTIIONY BE EIC MAN,
The mild alterative properties of Dr. Guysott's ex- I ,
tract of Yellow Dock and Barsap . arilla, render it pecu
liarly applicable to the slender and delicateconstitutiou
of h,
. the female. It is unrivalled in its effects upon such,
iliseases as Incipient Consumption, Wirrenness, Leu
corrlities or Whibot, Irregular Menstruati-m,-Ineonti
oence of I:iine, awl general Prostration of the system.
It immediately counteracts that distressing nervousness
and lassitude as common to the female frame, and im
parts nn energy and buoyancy as surptising as they
tire grateful.
We cannot, of course, exl - W , it certificates to any e 4.
tent in this class of complaints, but the two following
extracts of letters recently received, indicatrosuffirietit-
Iv the great virtue of the medicine as a remedy for the
diseases relent,' to.
Mf. URN ca-r—We take .leasuro in stating that
yoar Yellow I).,ck and<aparilh gives great satis
faction in ever . ) , ease. We &hall try sad Send you some
c eta ites.
A very respectable zenticman informs ua that his
r was ' , ambled with difficult menHruntion. and
"flier diseases peculiar to her set. She hail not had her
regular menstrual ilischaraes for a lung tint: ; but by
the ~ ae of tn.. timystat's Vidtfnis Dock and SirSapililla.
W rltil , lllly cured. Hid used Tuts f104•21 , r 8 a
others', without tea-riving tho sitglitcst benefit
had one danc.liter die from tho mime cause.
send us an additional oupply. Very regrwriftrtly
Them ere counterfeit medicines of uat ; therefore the
renter is particularly asteionext nut to allow himself to
be impreted upon.
Beware bow you buy medicine put up in ininant
Tiirt but h.,. Be very sure and mit for Dr. Guyterte's
Compound Extract of Yr-11.1w D , wk and Sarstapanlla,
hearing' the written signature of S. F. Bennett, on
err+ outside wrapper, written with black ink ; and
ti .t, on any acemnit, be induced . to buy nny other arti
cle—as it is this preparation 'only that is performing such ,
mirrelnue and astonishing rums. Tuke /to man s
word; as persona having the counterfeit medicine and
tmu genuine. are of course des aof making. their
profits—consequently you aro liable to buy worthless.
trash, UllieSS you examine for younieher.
• Cr Itemfnifier, Dr. GIiVSt)TT'S YELLOW
Prepirod at S. F. Bennett's Loh:awry, Tattle Falls,
Tierki:ner county, N. Y., and 5... ht at whnicisale in N.
York City by .1. E.Tripi.c., 12S Maiden Lane: alsoby
i'rAcy Beadle, Elmira. 1.. M. itcxinnl , Binghamton.
b• 6. Pinney, & Son, Owego. and by the principal
drn4ed.ta and wrehlnts throughout the U. lames,
bleat Indies and Vanada.
• , b • N. no genuine unless put up in loge square
bottles (=twining a (mut. with the owe of the syrup
blown in the glass, with the written aignatare of, 8. F.
BENNET:Con each oubtide wrapper.
cold Wholestle and Retail by C.l H. RERRIC
4 , I hens, Jt N 13. I - ORD, Totraoda.,
NEWAUK. Jun. 25th, IRIS
iitictiicaL ‘ . I')
ester!' N. YOrk College of Health,
AO 7 Meths Street, air Vale,
Teagfin's . Teirtable thin - athrlpie Lilutr.
Mils celebrated trenwily is co ristantly, increasing it.
1 fame by the- m soy cures it to making
AU. OVER THE W °imp,
now liorome the only medicine far family ato
mti is particularly nwommesnlod fat
ill stares of this• complaint immeiliecty relieved, tie
matter of hors long standing. See p.imphld
and an &WOWS of the urinary organs; for Ohese dis
tr,moiri.; complaints it dirndl ethane; no other article es',
ret eve ynU ; and the curvy testified to will convince the
most skeptical t—see panspylet Liver Complaint. Bil
lions diseases.
To the vent west epperiAlly. an.l whenever they
prernil this me.lksne ix offered.
110 deleterious compound is a parl If this mixture, it
cures these diseases with certainty and celerity, and
does uut leave the system torpid. Bee pamphlet:.
tomi,iaint of a mei painful character it ISIIMEDI
ATE 1.1 - 11E1.11E1( El). and a cum. (allows by ■ f
Jaya use of this officio : ft is far lirfiire any other pre
paration fur this disensr, or for any other anima orig
inating from impure Mood—See pamphlet.
vi-rak back, weakness of tho Kidneys, &c.. or infLma
non of Finite ix immediaiely rrbered by a filo days use
f az, maicisie, and a cum is always a result of Uso:
It atAndo us a_
or sae% complaints, and aLk) fur derangements of thee'
p.titiftil menstruation.... No arrelr has trer (men of
hired except this which winch' cure this
It may be relied upon as a sure ■nd effective remedy
and did we feel permitted to .lo an could give
re proof of cures in this class of complaints.
See pamphlet. AU broken down, dthilauledconslito-
Goo fr o m the Ted of In/Miley, IA ill find the bracing pow
of this salvia to act immediately, and the polsonous
mineral eradicated from the system.
_ _ _
will find the alternative properties of this article. PURI
FY THE BLOOD, and such diseases from the sys
tem. See pamphl, fin testimony of cures in all dis
eaace, which the limits of an .advertisinent will nut pet•
rn,t to he named, hero Agents girt /hem away they
contain f2pager of certitieat. s of high character, and a
stronger array of proof of the virtues of a medicine, ne- '
ver appeared. IT is one of the peculiar bawls of
this article Thai /t nrrer fails in !enejl in any ['We,
and if hone and muscle are left to build utan let the
emaciated and lingering invalid hope on, and keep ta
king the medicine as long as there is an improvement.
The proprietor would caution the pnblic against a nuni
her of articles which conle.out under the head of Sara
pvrillas, Syrups. &c., as cures fur Drop4y, gravel; bro.:—
they are goodfor nathitig, and connected to gull the
unwary ; touch them not. Their inventors never
thought of curing such diseases till this article had done
A partielar study of Ole pninplikt is soheited.
Arias and all who se.l the ankle are glad to circu
late gratutintisiv. Put np in 30 oz, bottles, at $2 ;
oz. do at $1 each—the larger holding 6 oz. more than
two small bottles. Look out and not get imposed upon.
Every bottle has "Vaugn's Vegetable Lithowriptie
Mixture,”,blown upon the glass, the written signature
of'• G. C. Vaughn" on the directions and "G. C. Vaugh
in, Buffalo," sta;nred on the cork. None other are ge
nuine. Pn-parni by Dr. G. C. Vaughn, and sold at
the Principal °nice. 'nu Main stsreet, Buffoln, at whole
ade and retail. No attention given to letters unless
lastraid--ortlerx f.tim reOrlorl . y con:diluted .4genta ex
cepted : post luid Idlers, or verbal communications so
liciting advice, promptlT
. rittent?ed to, g:slis.
Offices devouvi exclwrirely to the wile of this artietc--
I:12 Nassau st., New Itork city : 225 Mae: at., Salem
Mass. ; and try the principal Druggist thropughout the
United States and Canad as Agents.
wroußs & ('O., Wholesale A genie, Philadelphia.
J. B. FORD, Towanda. T. D. Spring. Lacer ilk.
C. H. Ilernck, Athena. I A.Durharit, Tunkhanu'k.
C.D. Fisher, Wyalusing. I
E. Dyer, Covington.
;. Reilington, Troy. April 12. tB4s.—y
r i OR board and tuition, including Orthography, Rear:-
ing. Writing, Arithmetic, Algebra, -Bonk-Keeping.
English Grammar. Rhetoric Compo-itirin, Geography.
Use of the Globes, Mineralcmy, Natural Philosophy and
Astronomy. (with the use of a good apparatus to illus
trate those studies,) Moral Philosophy and Chemistry.
payable quarterly in advance, pee annum, $lOO 00
Day scholars, per quarter, 4 00
French, per quarter,
Spanish, • "
Music, (on the piano,) pfr quarter,
Embroidery and rug work. " 2 00
Any young lady receiving instruction on the piano,
is privileged 10 leant rug•work, or any one of the above
languages, at the same time, without additional charge.
To a young lady who studies the Englis branches, the
terms of learning each of the above branches, are per
' quarter, ,f,:t 00
Instruction on the Guitar, ' 4 00
U4l of Pianos, 75
Drawing and painting in watercolors, Including
the use of materials, such as drawing paper,
paints,peneik &c. 4 00
Oil painting on canvass, 10 00
Painting transparent window ahlatles, including
the supply of materials. each 4 00
Formula painting on paper, silk and velvet, per
twelve lespons,
Gilding on silk, crape, &e. do.
Wax flowers, per quarter,
Pens and ink, *
Washing, "
Board in vacation. 1%2 DO per week.
Letters, post-paid. addressed to the Misses W MTE
& Binghamton. Bresrine co., N. Y., will
ft-mire pmnipt, audit iota.
The next session of this ettablishment opens on
th'•: first Monday in September.
Auctiqt 9. 11.44 t.
No. 1., Brick Row, again in the Field
if" .1. Chissubcr/121,
• Ati pie returne..l from the city
Hof New 'York with a large
impply of Watches, Jewelry and
/ 4Pilver ware, comprising in part.
the following articles r--Lever.
4 *L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
t, 8 41 a complete assortment of Gold
Jewel's, such as Ear Rings. rim
ger •Rin :s, Breasarms, Bracelets. Lockets. Gold chains;
Gold Pens, Keys, etc.. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which be offer.
.for pole e tcoeedingly cheap for CASE.
Watieluv 'repaired -on short ncaico, and leancenterl
to run well, or the money will be refunded. and a writ
ten 'agreement given to that effect if required.
N. 13.-41 A PIE SUGAR, emu) Country Piolore
taken in payment for work; an.l els r, learn mar, and
foreeer,tkat the Produce must be paid token the work
is donc-4 war against credit in all its form..
W. A. Unit= E (MIN, Agent.
Towanda, April tB. 1114$1.
iparguaz_t - a CUlVii.llol2'o
• N. NEWTON; M. D.
MENDERS his professional' services to the citizens
of htonroeuin onti vicinity. His rooms are at the
sfk,nroeton Exchange of J. P. Smith.
asters to Dr. 111JSTONj TWA ar0.12 j and Dr. Buss
Leroy. A 21. 1818.
I)4ilabelpbia 21borrti9esictits
I • WW I- -
halted Ift yeantle:4lkbE. XINKELIN.
Meat,. sweat, andVi hie d o ewe tfrfurms of semi
liseases, diSessra of the skin and stenry habits of youth,
Is DLL KINKELIN: N. W. confer of Thintsnd Union
as., betereen Spruee'imd Pine, I j squares from
the T:-
ehange, Philadelphia.
Youth who have injured themselves by a certain pray
CO. fr. quently indulged ite , .-a habit frequently learned
min rail companions De at school—the effects of tibias
ire nightly felt. even wheriesteep, and destroy both mind
ind Cooly, should apply Immediately. Wealmeas and
-mniiiitional debility immediately cured, and full vigor
.estored. All letters post paid.
If you value your life or your health, remember, the
lelay of a month. nay, even a week, may prove your rti
•n, both of ;Katy and mind. Dent.° let no false modesty
leter you from making known iota, ease to one who,
ed neat ion and ro.pectanility. ran alone befriend you.
tie hu places himself underDß. RIME:IAN'S treat
tnent, may religiously' confute in his honor as a gentle
man, and in whose bosom wall be fuycver .oched the se
cret of ilia patient. . . .
Too many think they will bug the secret to their own
hearts, and cure then...elves. Alas! how often is this
. fatal delu-ion, and how many a promising toung nom.
who might have been au ornament to society, has faded
from the earth. .
COUNTRY INYAjallit.. - -
finding it inconvenismt to make personal application.
can, by stating their case explicitly, together with all
their symptoms, (per letter. post paid,) hese forwariltal
w them a chest containing Dr. K's medicines appropria•
ted accordingly..
Packuva of Malidnes forwavied to any part of the
U. S. at s moment's notice. 29
c0"-Piiter rain Le-rrcaiyaddreimerl to DR. RINKE
AN, Philadelphia, will be promptly attended t o .
See edvertireinent in ; the Spirit of the Time.. Phila.
No. R. Pear street ; near the E:rehange. rhiladeirhin.
Subscriber having made great improvements
-I- in his method Dictating type tad mixing of me
tals, and hail a thorough revision of him matrices, the
feces of which are not excelled, in beauty and regu
larly of cut by any in the country ; flutte-s hiuwelfthat
by a strict personal ottenticavto business, ac.d employ
ing iinne but the must skilful woilimen, he is enabled
to oar a superior article,
He is constarkly adding to his stock all that is new
from the best workmen of this bud taller countries, and
'lining lately procured fmm Europe a great vasiely of
NEW FACES and I /IZNAM &NTS, solicits the atten
tion of Primers thereto.
Specimens will be Ken{ to !him cri•hinq to order
Presses, Chase., Cases, Ink, etand., Galleys, Brass
Rule, and eves"- other artic'e needed to furnish a cow
pieta P.inling Office, Ptipplied at the slowest notice.
of the newest style. on I of all sizes, csrefully put up
in founts of correct proportions.
.41123,raMVE.T.,,:liTI.Rg 2
rrOMKINB & bIAKINSON would inform those
intenatted, that we have concluded to close up die
business of the fitm. We find our Capital is not in our
hands, but distributed over Bradford and Tioga coun
ties, and we have employed an Agent to call upon our
cu-Comers, sons to give
.t hem set or portundy to take up
their notes; or either of the old firm will receive mo
net's and give a receipt to apply. We hope and trus
we shall not -be obliged to place a large number of our
customer's notes in the hands of magistrates. Neces
sity, however, compels us to make collections. Thase
of our customers in and shout Towanda, that have un
settled matters cn book, will be good-enough to call and
have them closed up. The business hereafter wilt be
continued under the firm of JAB. id A KINSON & Co.
'Towanda, June 22, 1818.
IN Nal obik• *AM 7—• t 1.41 L'lwf
L. M. NYE & CO., wouldre-
Aertipectlly inform the citizen* OI T0w
-'lE:g.- 71 4 :"- ii l , Bi th ada latntd•e th
rten ibtutilaiczeneralliy,.ttiilit
l'Elid VA' to " ord:r all kinds of C . ABINE u T
v--- 't l'''.. FURNITURE, of the best mate
,,....c.„, - --;-.=isrs •
rnEf Mil rials, and workmanship that cannot
Ng i be surpassed, in addition to the usual
assortment in country' shops, we will keep on hand and
make to order SOFAS, of various and most approved
patterns; Sofa Rocking Chairr, upholstered in superior
style, and fur ease and durability cannot be surpassed
even in our large cities. ' Also, the half French Ma
hogany Chair, beautifully upholstered, with ended hair,
which never loses itr elasticity, and finished with the
.best hair seating. M's flatter ourselves that having
bad much experience in the husinass, we shall be able
to - satisfy all who may feel disposed to call, both as to
quality and price, and by strict attention to business
hope to meth and receive the patronage of a liberal com
munity. L. 111. IN Y E & CO.
Towanda, Septehrlk.:l . 1R47:
C .1113Lar EAr'' l'U 1.1 St le
MAY BE IItAD std our shop much lower than ii
has ever been sold in Towanda. Goods are
cheap, and wheat am lowered, and that is the reason we
can afkrrk-ait for to do it. All kinds of produce will
be received in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kinds.
Sept. 1. L. M. NYE 4 CO.
" I "lliisr , !PM
T 4 -71.1.1. belret on hand a large assortment, and
made to cinder on shorter notice and for less mo
ney than can he produced at any other-establishment in
the land. Those who are under the necessity of pro.
curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A good
hearse and pall may he had in attendance when desired.
September 1, 1147 L., M. NYE & CO.
$t 00
4 00
4 00
10 00
What are you about here ! Aral ye: Tex, I guru X(.O
THOUS ANUS .f time, the question has been asked,
Where on ea th are all the Buoti and Shoes ma
nufactured that se ply the continual rush at the corner
of Main and IhiJ" • streets' O'Hara answers that this
is the place, and eso are the things we do it with !
5 00
3 00
5 00
2 50
Hear ye ! hear
re corner of M
thin season. 39,78 pairs of Boots, shoes and Brogans,
at less pt ice dia ! ever wad or probably ever will le of
fered regain to To • ands.
The Ladies' epartment in this estahrtshme - rit is
richly furniActi 11.11 fashions. Lathes', names anti
children's fancy a , d ermitnon hoots and shoes, even to
the extremity of t c latest favhions. MietaLe not the
place -Corner of Main and Bridge streets, me only
Shoe Slott in Br. ford Cuttniy. Half cash anti half
trade for Butter. H. 011 ARA.
Towanda, J 8, 1847.
- -
New ailoring Establishment,
In M. rh a Rote, nrrr the blare tf E. 1' Fox.;
gal story.
5 % 1aW22223‘29
informs the citizens of Towa
lk da. and the public generally, that he has remoVerl
his Tailor shop to No. 2; Brick Row, over the store of
E. T. Fox. third story, where be solicits those in want
of Tailoring, to give him a call.
Having been employed in the most fashionable °stab.
lisliments in Rliriladelphia and elsewhere, and being de
termined to spare no patine to please, customers may
depend upon having their work done promptly and in
s good style es can be had at any shop in town. All
work warranted well made and to ft.
Qo' Cutting done cheap, and warranted.
!0 . - Country Produce taken in payment for arnrk.
A LT. persens indebted to the estate of 4 REDEIZICK
rl BRADLEY, dix:d„ Lite of Litchfield, arc 'hereby
requested so make payasetit without delay, and than
having anima againtt said estate taill please mann
them duly authrnticated fax srulement.
Juu.: 11, 1 2 % F.
Serenhpelenrn new fashion*
ert ry Iwo *fronds!
Pat on the Steam ! !
c! aryl untlerattul, that O'Hara, at
and Uridhewtm•u, will well at retail
LtEmoiamaPso 9A. /. 3 ,4c4:5:
t W12 , 4 ,. 1 1 . rfar ± VIII.79,UIILZD
By Br. Uphise4 Aregrei,ibte'lieiluary.
A pit . 6iTERNAL REMEDY, mrillic .l ..lit,..useri;•c•
.1 - 1- cording u) directions, • cure for,itkkguaritutti
srxeross or THE •
A common consequence of this' affection is a kind o
tenelamittog beating down actuation, as it is familiarly
called ; thefe is alto, heat, tension and,throbbing4 the
part, varying fennii moderatio:*vilnf these Or:ma
tions to-die • most excruciating'selfferitigtheseti are
caused•by the great flow of blixattnibe.peds. Ererne
times the inner cots of the bond' plotrndetr:at every
evarmitien, fawning what it called Pnitaisiie or filling
of the bowels; this is the effect of long eantitts4 *rt.
tenon and weakness of that organ. In smug'
the patient experiences-nereons pains, velvet' aiwindis
cribable, and known only to the sufferer, which enrn•
met.ce immediately after an evacuation, and matinee i
from thirty minutts to several boon; these sensations.
are very annoying and modal/roes Vaarryy diutttessing.—
'-Phis disease, when of long eentinuatet, ia attended by
pain and weakness in the hack, irritation of the kid
neys and bladder, and other organs in the vicinity, pain
std numbness in the legs and feet, e sense of straight
ness about the &est, and unnatural fullness of the ob
clominal viscera, accompanied with palpitation of the
heart and oppression, individuals sometimes experience,
previous to au attack of the Piles, sy mptons denoting
great derangement in the circulation ; there is a sense
of weight and pressure in the abdomen, with % peculiar
feeling of uneasiness in the bowels, constipation of pe
rineum, attended with pain in the back and loins, nau
sea, and slight pains in the stomach, pale countenance,
confused sensations in the head, weariness, and • inha
bit, and discontented state of the mind, and a sense of
fullness and oppression in the region of the stomach.—
The circulation on the surface is feeble, and the current
of blood determined inward and downwards. rue ALL
OF TULA HOTS 19111541 1 1. s Asa COMPLAINTS.
Dr. Uphata's Inviable Electuary.
Cures Lffrauuny and therrfore prevents Piles
HunsoN. Decrmher 11. 1846
Gerres.—l have used Dr. liphato's Vegetable Pile
Electuary which I purchased of you. and tied it one of
the hest medicines in use for the piles, and also for all
billions affections. arising from on impure.state of the
system. Yours, &e. E. A. Cola., Allahle Dealer.
UNrrlD STATES Iguamot4ll..* OFFICIC,
New York. Dm- 6, 1817.
M EMMA. Wrarr & KICTCIII4I--Gentlemen :---Un
derstanding that you arc the general agents for the sale
of Dr Upham's Vegetable Electuary, for the core of
Piles, I have deemed it my duty to volunteer • recom
mendation in behalf of that invaluable medicine.. I
have been afflicted for many years with piles, and hove
tried various remedies but with no beneficial effects—l
began to consider my case utterly hopeless. But about
the first of September last. I was prevailed upon by a
friend to make a trial of the above named medicine. I
took h.s ed owe and rejoice that I am not only relieved,
hut. as I believe, perfectly cured. I moat earnestly
recommend it to all who may have the misfortune to be
afflicted with that annoying and dangerous disease.
Very respectfully, your oh% aerosol.
Berkmhirc Co. (Mans.) Nov. 29, 1917.
MER.Tte. T %TT & KETEn i,vt--ttents : For thirty
years I have been tlin , Cteti with piles, general debility
and inflamation, causing tumors and protapsus of the
bowelA, and which had rei.isted all the medical treat
ment Dr. Chapman and others could give. The Isat
three years of that time my sufferings defy description.
I was confined to bed, unable to help myself. and at last
given up by my phisicians and friends in despair of ev
er gaining my health; in fact fs.r three days before I
was entirely speechless and my burial clothes were
made. Dot under Providence, and the use of Dr. Up
ham's Eleetuary, though an ot.n way I have the pleas
ure of stating the TACT to the puhlic that my health is
now god, and hope to live many years, if it is God's
will, to make known the virtues of Dr. Upham's Elect.
nary, and to recommend it to my afflicted fellow crea
tures. It helped me beyond the expectations of all that
knew my case, and_ I only say to others that it is, in my
opinion, the best medicine in the world for Piles, or any
other disease of the trowels; and if they will use it ac
cording to the directions, I will myself warrant a cure
in every case.
Yours, with the utmost expression ri'f thrinkfullness.
FAD AMOVT. Berk. Co., (Maim) Nov, 19. 1947
The olmac certificate tell. o simple snd truthful sto
iy of suffering and relief. of which, as physician and
niuicaa in the case, I cheerfully endorse.
NOTICE. —The genuine Upharn's Eleetuary has
his written t•ieature, thus k r:r A. Upham; M. D.)—
The hand is alone done with a pen. Price $1 a box.
TT- Sold whole aslo and retail, by WYATT &
K ETC H AM, 121, Fulton at., N. Y.. and by Druggists
generally throuihout the U. S. and Cantulas.
JOHN IL FORD. Acrnt for Towanda, Pa. 45,r
Siwriotrs arlitirs afloat !
mit n..J. ANDREWS. in justice to your 'Amide
.I.VI PAIN KILLER, and for the benefit of the pub=
lie, we befell certify that we have used your lain Kil
ler in our Families for yrrra, for many of the diseases
for which it is recomincntied, anal we deem it the best
Family Restorative in use, and would recommendevery
Nina) to keep a ;supply un hand, in case of sudden
nr accident.
Rev. Aaron Jackson. pastor first Baptist charch,•ltheca.
•• William Cormac, Peach Orchard, Tompkins Co.
Rachel Willson, James Clark, .
Ano Dudley, Philip Case,
W Ilastings, Ann Teter, ••
A Baker, A Bower,
John Doolittle, M Collins.
John B Owens, Ithaca, N. V., IA IR.
Never isochase the Pain Killer without the Written
signature of J. Andrews, on the label al each bottle, in
black ink. by CHAMBERLIN & PORTER,
and JOHN B. FORD. only agents for Towanda.
Fur further particulars ace advenisement in another
column. 47.—1 y
Death to Pain : relief to the sick : herrith to the ten& !
A talin is Jamul for the whole h.rnan rner, in
r pins is an en t irely Vegetable Compound, compoved
J. of twenty-five did rent ingredient., and is an inter
nal and external remedy. Put up in Irottles, varying in
price from 25 to 75 cents, each. For Tunher p,arneu
lan., Pre timpleletv, to, be had of every agent gratis, eon-
Wiling a brief history of the origin and divcovery of the
Pain Killer, certificates of cure.. dinletions, ace.
i i .
CAUTION.—Each - buttlo bas the tirritten ittt re eifu o
the proprietor, J. As an a ws, on the
.iiihel, ,a without
it none are genuine. Bet:rate of lisixkers uti pedlars
selling inim hou.e to, howie, to be the
genuine Poin Killer.
Sold only by tho ft:Mewing regnlar appointed agent
i.. thi. county :
John B. Font, Towanda. I George A. Peikina, Athens,
Chamberlin & Porter. do. I J. J. Warlord, Mon-noon
E F & F I. BalLird, Troy, I C. 1•:. Ilatlibone., Canton.
SW &D F Potnemy. do. Coryell & Cree, Burlington.
M Bullock & Co., swithfichi
Bold in sit the principal towns in the United States,
Cunha and Tclas.
Whotervile agents in the city of New York and
ll4yrlock. Carpi: & Co.. 218 ; Wyatt
& Ketchum, 121 Fulton-4. ("Went rutanikcylto the
proprietor, or(,. W. Schuyler, post paid, will meet with
prompt attention. :Ay
- E , OR SALE, t'vo new BUGGIES in complete inter
1: for running - . They tire fmi.hed in a 'anterior man
ner, made of 'toed and ettbstantisl - motterishs. and will be
eald at a treat harcidn. for lissa only. They may he
seen at Ea-marines' Shop, in the lower pan of the born ••
May 24. IR4R. - I J. A. ESENWINR.
- rk, EGHORN BONNETS are loto—if any-doubts it,
Li let them step in o FOX'S. and test the fart ; a gold
aisortment of Fioreil ee braid. also. new and fashionable
ribbons, flowers and rise, of No. 2 [kirk Row m. 21
. _ , .. .
1 - I:mtitti Within: for sale at the New Turd.
.llware stare. , jrl:3 IL LORD.
• ........ -..L.Q.,...v...,:rwir e ,,,,
', „ ii •:. . - O f i''''-`'.'sc' '
, i -f• ' l . is. 7-1 -:, ,c__--
um a . kt . , -, r scvortx
-,:.,:,4 RI _' •, k
_3 7. - ?-1 • i ; 1,1 if
• • '' . .:1 1 ' ' j ___
' '''' r if . . l t i iy i ,
. -..-
- 4-''
I V • I 4 3i i 4
1,1 i. ... - ." ' • , - tr....i.f-r, -r.t. ,
Wander and blessing, rf the Age 1
' World ! This Extract is put up in Quart Bottles :
it is ail times cheaper, pleasanter, end warrant. d rope- I
rffir tia any sold. It cures Without vo miting, ' purging. '
sickening or-debilitating the. patient.
The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla
over Whether medicines is, that' while it radiance the
disease, it invigorates the body, It is one of the very best
Ever known ;-it not only purifies the whole system, and
wrengthens the person, but it creates new pure and
rich blood ; • power possessed by no other rnedirine. ,
And in this lies the grand• secret of its wonderful suc
cess. it has perfumed withinths last five years, more
than 100,000 cures of severe cases of disease; at least
10,000 were considered incurable. It has sated the
lives of more than 5;000 children during the two 'past
seasons. I
10.000 cases of General
. Dcbilityand want of Energy.
Dr. Townsend'i Sarsaparilla invigorates the whole
system permanently, To those who have lost their
muscular energy by. the effects of medicine or indiscre
tion committed in youth, oc the excaurive indulgence of
the passions, and brought on a general physical prostra
tion of the nervous system, lassitude, want of 'ambition, -
fainting sensations, premature decay and decline, haste,
ing towanle that fatal disease. Consumption, can be en
tirely restored by this pleasant remedy. _ This Sarsapar
illa is far superior to any /rittorafing Cordial, as it
renews and invigorates the System, gives activity to the
limbo, and strength to the muscular system, in a must
extraordinary degree.
Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can be cur-.
ed. Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint,Culds,
Catarrh, Coughs, Asthma, Spitting of Blood Sureness
in the Chest, Hectic Flush. Night Sweats. Difficult
or Profuse Ex; oration, Pain in the. side, &c., have
been and an . cured,
New York, April 28, 1847.
Dn. Tow NSEN :-1 verity believe your Sanaparitla
has been the mean through . Providence, of saving my
life. I have for seve I years bad • bad Cough: It
became worse and worse. At last I rased large quanti
ties of blood, hadonight sweats, and was greatly debilita
ted end reduced, and did not expect to live. I have
only used your Sarsaparillas short time, and there base
wonderful change been wrought in me. lam now able
to walk all over;the city. I raise no blood, and my
cough has kft me. You can well imagine that I sot
thankful fur these results. •
Your obedient servant,
W M. RUSSELT., G 5 Catherine-et.
This is only one of more than four thousanl cases of
Rheumatism that Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla has cur
ed. l'he most severe and chronic cases are weekly er
adicated by its extraordinary virtues.
denies Cummings, Eau, one of the assistants in the
Lunatic Asylum, Blackwell's Island, is the gentlemen
spoken of in the following. letter :
Bleckwell's island, Sep. 14, 1847.
Dr. Townsend—Dear Sir : I have sufferal terribly
for nine years with the Rheumetism; considerable of the
time I could nut eat sleep or walk. I. had the utmost
distressing pains, and my limbs were terribly swollen.
I have used four bottles of your Sarsaparilla, and they
have done me more than one thousand dollars wroth of
good. lam so much better—indeed, lam entirely re
lieved. You ate at liberty to use this for the benefit of
the afflicted. . Yours, respectfully,
Below is an account of another child saved. Dr.
Townsend's Sarsaparilla has saved the lives of thou
-sands of children. the following two certificates are.
seleted (rum a great number received this week.
New York, April -1, 1847.
Dr. Townsend : Dear Sir—One of my children was
very sick with a Canker in-the Mouth and Throat at.
tended with great debility. It came near dying. I 06-
i:6mA of your excellent medicine. and it cured it
directly for which I assure you I 'eel very g tateful.
Yours, respectfully,
ELI 7. ITIETII row bE li, •J 7 Deshrosses-rt.
Dr. Townsend, not having tested his Sarsaparilla in
caees of Fits, of course never recommended it. and was
surprised to receive the following from an intelligent'end
tapectable Farmer in Westchester County :
Fordham, August 12, 1847.
Dr Townsend—Dear Sir : I have a little girl seven
years of age, who has been several ye ars afflicted with
Fite ; we tried almost everything for her, hut vrithout,
success ; al last although we could find no recommends ,
tion in nor circular feL cases like hers we thought, as she l l
was in- very delicate ealth; we would give her some cl
your :Sarsaparilla, and
arc veryglad we did, for it no
only restored her strength, but she has had no return o 1
the Fits, to our great pleasure sod surmise. She is fa- t
rugged and hearty, for which we feel grateful ,
Yours, respectfully. JOHN III.; ELEN, Jr.
Dr. Townsend's :Sarsaparilla is a sovereign and spee
ily cure for Incipient Consumption, Barrenness, Prot+
sus Uteri, or Falling of the Womb, Costiveness, Piles,
Iscueorrhaea. or Whites, ofwtructed or difficult Nfensiru
anon, Incontinence of Urine, or involuntary discharge
thereof. and for the general prostration of the system—,
no matter whether the result of inherent cause. produc
ed by irregularity, illness or accident.. Nothing Can lit
more surprising than its invigorating effects on the hu e
man frame. Persons all weakness and lassitude, iron
taking it, at once become robuat and full of energy un
der its influence. It immediately contracts the nerve
lessness of the female filmic, which is the great cause n
Barrenness. It will not be expected of us, in eases of s 4
delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of cures perform{
ed but we can *snare the afflicted, that huridredS of caseS
have been reported to us. '' Thousands of „cases where
families have la-en without children, after. using afe
bottles of tide , invaluable medicine, have been blessil
with fine, healthy offspring,. •
This Extract of Sarsaparil'a lots been expressly pre
pared in tekrenee to female complaints. No female
who has reason to suppose she is approaching that elite
real period, •• The torn of life ," should neglect to tak
it, as it is a certain preventive for ar t y of the numeniti
and horrible diseases to which females are subject at thi
nine of life. Thilpeviial !rid!' It^ d- burled fur steers
years by using t is medicine. Nor is it less valnabl •
for those who are approachitte wominhood, as it is €7l -
related to-assist nature, by qua-teeing the blood sit I
invigorating the swetem. 4nileed, this medicine is i -
valuable for all the Mimic diseases to which %POEM, 1
are subject. •
It braces the whwle system, renews permanently t .
natural energies, by removing the impurities of the boil .
not AO far stinuilithugos to produced subscauent rela -
ation. which is the case of most the i
tlirines taken for f -
Male weakness and disease. By using ii few - hottles tf
this medicine, many severe and painful surgical open -
lions may be prevented.
Dr.-Townsend is almost daily. receiving orders from
Physicians in ,different paits of the Union.
This is to certify, that we the undersigned, Physicians
of the city of Albasiv, have in numerous case's preseri t
ea Dr. Townsend's :Sarsaparilla, and believe it to be sue
of the most valuable preparations in the market. - -
IT. P. Petren, M. D. =
J. W LSON , M. D.
R. B. llamas, M. D. -
P. E. Etaxxilonr, M. D.
C A UT 11/iNi •
Owing t o the great success and immense sale of r.
Townsend's Sarsaparilla • number' of men who w re
f -rmerly our Agents,have commenced making Sarsep r
ills-Extracts. Elixirs. Bitters, Extraits of Yellow D k
6:e... They generally put it up in the same shaped ' t•
ilea, and sung of them liars stolen and copied our , d
vertisententa, they are .. only worthless -imitations,
should be avoided.
Principal Office, 126 Fulton Street, Sun Building - IS
Y. J. KINUSBERY, .111..,..T0WU1K14, 'PI., only it It
fur Ilra..rord county. • 'l'y
Albany, April 1.
ISilence thilf'inliendfut Coush!
In't a mound, death.
. .
• re pf,ts a Mother I' Your darling drild, you r w it
earthly joy. is now pertars 4edigle4lo be* chard"
a dangerous - cold—her psi. elialeks r ,her thin sh ilm i .
fingers. tell the bold disease has alwed.l Pitted to il
r—the sound of her sepulchre! mit pierces y o ,
1 1$ 1.
!Yung man, when just about to enter ,r*, di,
. i • heart-crushing blight over the Csi,r , prospe c u 0
, future—your .heetic coughand feeble limbs tell or
or loss of hope, but you need not despeir.—Th ei , i
limWhich will Leal the wounded lungs, it is -
Attrei% the wife of Wm. H. Mime, Esq. wasgi,
e up by Dr, Sewall of Washington, Dr. Roe and m e
C ellen of Philadelphia, Drs. Roe and Mott of lity
Y k. Hei friends all thought she. Intuit die. b ) ,
every appearance of being in consumptio' n, and iva,
pronounced by her physicians--Shorman's Ltalsn a
w given edit cured her.
Mrs. Garrabrants of Bull's Ferry was also cured of
e.nsumption by tlis Balsam when all other mantles
f led to give relief---she wasirdoced toa skeleton. Dr.
A. C. Castle, Denthi, 281 Broadway, his *kneeled -
it affects in several cases where no other medicine an.
d. relief—but the Balsam operated likeacharm. Dr,
G also witnessed its wonderful effects - in curing Asthe
1 .5, which it never fails of doing. 'spitting Blood,
rming as it may be, is effectually cured by this Bst.
I m. It heals the ruptured or wounded blood vessels,
d makes the lungs - sound again., .
1. Rev. Henry Jones, 108 Eighth avenue, was eared of
ugh and catarrhal affections of 50 yearsstinding. 'II *
4 Joie gave him more relief thaw's! l the other Drat.
toe he had ever taken, Dr. L. J. Beals, 19 Delaney
reel, gave it to a sister-in-law who waslaborine e n d"
nsumption. and to another sorely !st 111 eted with the
, thma. In both cases its effects were immediate, ,000.
ming them to comfortable health.
Mrs. Lucritii Wells, 95 - Christie et., orffered from
lith . ake 42 years. Sherman's Balsam relieved b e , 4
o ice, and she is comparatively well, being enabled to
a bike every attack by a timely use of this medicine.
1 his indeed is the timely remedy for Conelv,
:pitting blood, Liv.r. complaints and all affectionate( tie
mat, and even Asthma and Consumption.
Price 25 cents and $1 a bottle. sold in Towanda
blv CHAMBERLIN 41r. PORTER, No. 1, Brisk nnt:
Lei Its Works praise It -
°LIBBY'S I.;:fi[yEßS3l, OINTMLENT : A ems.
piste remeily for Burns, Scalds, Outs, Swelling'',
iuises, Sprains, Salt Rheum, Piles, Fewer Sunni, 8,„
ips, Chspped - Hands, UliilLlrina, Scald Head, sod al
Inds of Ihflanted sores.
Persons in all conditions of life, are at times li a bl o ,
afflicted with.the above complaints. It is therein
e duty of head, of families to provide and keep as
and, ready for any emergency, a REMEDY that is
polite of removing the suffering attendant on those
cry troublesome comPanions. Those who have nod
red not be-told that it is a complete remedy, a mute
t - pain, and the most speedy remover of rnfrannnot:on
ver discovered. ' The experience of such persons issal•
icient to prompt them to keep it always on hand, know.
ng that many valuable lives have been saved, by this
Ung:cal Conqueror of inflamed and other sores, hem,
slits, &c. It instantly stops aIF pain of the severe.'
ind, and prevents scars. No family shouli be without
t. as an immediate application of it in uses of bummer
aids, would do more good while waiting for the dettie
ban he could do when arrived, besides preventing lung
hours of the utmosisuffering-which-might pass before'
physician could be obtained. -
It possessed control over the severest injuries by fire,.
.ver mortification, over inflammation, and by its com
bine(' virtues it acts. as anti-septic, namtrie,
modk, anodyne, rnsollient and healing, and is the malt
complete external remedy in use. -
Thousands have tried, and thousands praise it. It is
working its way into public favor with a rapidity au.
known in the history of medicines. All who use it,re.
commend it. Again we say. no family should be with
out it. Toe agents furnish - the public gratis, with heats
describing this ointment.
( Each box of the genuine T9CSIT ' S trir 4l
OUNT3I ENT has the signature of S. Tousey emit/en on
the outside label in black ink. Never purchase a lan
unless this signature can be seen. Pnce 25 eel ts . iin
box or five boxes for $l. Prepared by Ettion d Tai
.ssr, Syracuse. N. Y. , Sold in New York at •apt. ..
Fan street; and in Towanda, by CHAMBELLL'cric
'PORTER, No. I, Brick Row. sy
Cllcknees Vegetable Purgative Pilh,
ARE the first anti - only medicine ever discovered that
will positirely can Heada'clae, Giddiness, Pile.
Dyspepsia, Scurvy, Stria Upset, Jaundice, Pains in tie
Back, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Ih.
sing in the Throat, Dmpsy, Asthma, Fevers of all kiwis
Female. Cemploints, Measles, Salt Rheem, Heart Bum. i
Worms. Cholera, Morbus, Coughs, Quinsy. Wheeling
cough, Consumption, Fite, Liver Complaint, Erripelis.
Deafness, Itchings of the Skin. Colds, Nerscil , rcat.
pi:tints, and a variety of other Diseases arising from im
put ins s of Indigestion.
It has been proved that nearly every, disease to which,
the human frame is subject, originates ' from imporitirt '
.'of the Blood nr Derangements of the Digestive Organs.
1 and to secure Health, we must iemove those obstructions
or restore the blood to its natural state.. This fact a
! universally known , but people have such an aversion
in medicine, that, unless the case is.urgent,they mks
the - disease to the cure, until an impaired Constitution
or a fit of sickness rebukes them for the fully of their ems
- duct. Still they had some excuse,-for herdoftre, mai,
irine in almost all its forms, was nearly as disgustlm
as it was beneficial,. Now, however, the evil lie:roan•
factually removed; for t lichener - ti Vegdable Purgatirt
1 Pills, being completely enveloped With • co.nyiss or
erns wills e.l - G-In.(which is distinct from the kernel' ,
have no tame of medicine, hot are as - easily swallosml
as bits of candy. . Moreover they do not nausran or
gripe in the slightest degree, which is occasioned bylbe
feet that .are componadt sl on scientific principles, sad . 1 4
operate equally on all the diseased parts of the syartn.
instead Of confining themselves to, and racking any Pv* 7,-;..'
ticuLir region. (a114).6 the great and asimitted cod 4 i
every' other purgative.) Hence, they strike al the e el 3
of Di.vcrisr, rinnove all impure . humor s from the Moos!. j
open the pores externally and internally, .prosnote the .-.
Insensible Perspiration, obviate paiolency, Heatedly..'. ,_
i '-
&c.—separate all fornign and obnoxious particleafrom .;...
chyle, so that the blood, of which it is the se:gin, must ..5 . „. ;
1 he thoroughly purc--secure a free and healthy action to
the Heart, Lungs and Liver. and thereby restore health
! arca when all other means fume failed. ''
(ij• - • A I letters of inquiry or for advice most be et• -5:
dressed .(post paid) to I)r.t.:. V.CIAUKENER, No.6ii
Vesey-st.,,New York, or his authorizes! agent& throuelr ..:,
out the country. For sale in Towanda, by .
CHAMBERLIN & PORTER, No. 1, Brick Rost.
N. R. Remember, Dr. C.V. Clickener is the inventor !-.
if Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing of the sort en
ever heard of. until he intrialuced them in June, 1841 ;:,..:r
Purchasers should therefore ask for I.lfickener's SuZar' s P.
Coated Pills. and take no other, or they' will be male :fs
tha victim 4 of a fraud. . 5V i:i'''
Corning, Elmira and Buffalo Line -A
..t1 & EI.MIRA for BUFFALO, mil week Juno;
the season, in the following matt : -
Leave Corning, Tuesdays, at 10 o'clock, A. i.
Leave Fdatira, . ..... ...Wednesdays, at 2 o'clock, m
Leave Havanna, Thursdnys...... .. . ... M
Tow 'Down Seneca Lake on Friday, touching at
Stream, Starkey, I.odi, Dresden, passing. Geneva, Ws"
terloo and Seneca Falls, on S. tunlay.
teave Buffalo for Ehnira and -Corning, cviry Satunlav
Maening. Leave Rechebter every Monday morning.
BOAT CORNING, Ogre. A. M..Tar tvr
BOAT ELMIRA. ' Carr..lL W. Tancreo
BOAT 8UFFAL0,......:.E 11, CA!'"
For Freight or .Pascage apply to Captains "
hole!. or to the following A conts .
W. M. Mallory. Corning. !Price & Holly, Genets
-S. B. Strang Sr ElmieadHastings.& Field. do.
.LWinterrouit, Horse Headsl.l.. Miller, Seneca r.n.
E. S. Hinrn in, Havanna. L. Bostedo, Monti-sums.
/..G.Tnwnsenit, Big stream 11. L. Fish, Rochester.
Wooewnrth & Post, Lnli. Nil es &Wheeler, Buff, ll °
Goy & Sweet, Waterton. !Silk
MS.—We hire
VI pattern'', very finnilsnine
linen ging :ants, of i icellent
tnay 12
r , .n,--_a,,. .. a~.,.
a large plantitv of 4 034
aniklerirable Flrciut and
quality. ' •