G real Mani ilienucal-lltstoyerv. -• • flionecallloniUratinn flkm i• the Vegfralc r to repel Morrie- MGUYSOTTIS Pn. Tuc 4 RICAT ILIA SI THIS tir iLlAtT NILS T IT lhaternrs St IT tlivicloakt EaDY. 11;u: 71,.r s ,rue.l , l . 3lce)irir.c in Me Ifireli ! rr Hit!' CHENIICA I. COMPOI ND. containing a, -/- it flora, Y••Ilow Bock, so . I.i.eily 4e:detains! I y OW faeulty—viith other r getable porky-lions; is • Le of the most impotent sltscoveri , s of the age.; and tat. superior to all etude Wars4pottlia prepwatioiss i l l use. Although less than two j caw s 11.1 V e claps. d since it discovery, it has already effected over l 5 000 cures. The .untiva! .1 power disease which this Spun poslu era may be at ributial to the ritt tb-it it iii , composed purely ul vegeta* extracts. Cat It one ha.ing a direct tefer,nce to some internal oresn; ennseepiently the abide system is lietwfittril; and the fact that, in it operation, it tweasions neither sickness nor pain, and ran be taken under all eireunistanews witiniut regard to business r diet, and by the aged and the infant with equalelfteacji, ti certainly a coosiderat inn in the history pf Medici n e. This Extract in put up in Quail Bottles. and is the most hi_ ily concentiated Syrup in use. It in offered at the low price of inc dollar per Bottle, the object of bring isi titre the pa tent an opportutitty by the purrhase of our Nude, to test its valuable nwilical• properties yid its power over ili , e ow. 'Flats comomnil Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsa parilla is a positive, speedy. and permanent cure for Consumpti •ti, Scrofula or King's Evil, Erysipelas. Salt Rheum, Pin pled un the Lev, Illieuenat ism, Gout, Ceti eral Betide', Dyspepsi-i, Liver Complaint., Spinal Al. lecithins, Female Complaints, Gleers, Syphils in its worst form. A freetions of the Bled ler met Kidneys, Bilims Colic and serous Looseness. Biles, Costiveness, Colds, corrupt Humors, A sauna, limpl, endirgement i•f the 13ones. Fever and Ague, Giddiness, Gravel, Headvehes, Meyer). kind. Impure blood : Jaundice, Loss o f Appetite, Leprosy. N terrorist Diseases, Night Sweats. Nervous Complaints of ell kinds, Neuralgia, Organic Affections, Pnlpitation of the Heart, Painter's Colic, Piles, rush of fl o ut to the iretta. 'scurvy, -Swellings, Sick Headache, Stilfaims of the j ants, Exposure and linpru:lence of. l ii f,.. It extorts nervous disen.e, purifies and conches the Blood, and invigorates the body more effectually than any mesheine Lithe rto offia NI to the piddle. lit the Vegetable Kingdom, an All wise Being has ilepo-ited such Wants and herbs as are congenial to our constitutions, and adapted to the rurc of all curable I eases to which human nature is inekerit. r-II this Cointsiogii S) nip is composed of nll .those valuable plait's, some of which have lately 'wen iliSirovereil anal used, and ("um! to be certain specifics in thousands of diseases that before dotard the best of medical skill. OPINIONS OF PHYsICIANS This is to cert.`) - that we, the undersigned Physi• dans of the city- ot New York, have in a very great Ol.llly . C3:4•13 FeSCri! , Cif DOetrlr U) • soti E Vide( of Yellow hock and Sar,snparilla, and arc Tully assured That it has no equal am••ng the asried Syrups and Sar saparilla preparatiaus that have over been sold. Octo ber llb'47s .1.41 n F. :-_ l ,tel,l:inq, M. D.; F. R. Thom*, M. D. P. r. 3. mud, M. P.; James E. Morgan, M._) tiatuuel T. Wells, M. D 4 M. Johnson, M. D. 11E 1D Tux TESTIMONY. illnrr 7-4nruany in furor "Ilre superiority of D -4:uputt's Ex!rart of Yalow Ik4rk and Ntraapar.' la firer all other sinular rclulirr. 1?••• ! ! Fin - re: rjlrttrra reerire4l. Dvt:rEpstA, GENEItAI , DEBILITY, &c. W ATEnTowN, 4varstal Gu., Nov. 4, 1817. Mr. S. F. BEN NTT: . . D•ar Sir—l am at a loss to express with words what his been sad in prose of your Compound Extract of Yellow Doili and Sarsaparilla ; all who have It ol the pleasure of usitig it speak of its marvellous effects in removing diseases, with so much feeling and heartfelt satisfaction. that I am confident now that tin medicine in use can boast of its superior qualities. Willi , who have been comptaining for years with pain in the side, burning and pain in the chest, dyspepsia. general debili• tv, loss of appetite, chiqs, night sweats, salt rheum, scrofula, in fact all the diseases that we in this climate are heir to, Gut in the Ys7low Dock and Sarsaparilla, all that is requisite to make them What they were in their d tys of health &c. We have had twelve dozen bottles in three months, and find we are n"arly out. Please send an equal amount, and 0 lige yours. HOYT & GREGORY. DYSPEPSIA CURET►, OF 30 Y'RS STANDING Sr. JOHNS{ I LLE. Montgomery Co. Jan. 3, '4B S. F. Boil 74 s-rr —Dear B.r—:Snme four weeks since I wart .indured to try your Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla for Dysirep.i.r; 11.3 heel: afflicted a bout 40 earo, most part of the time unal.le to eat anything with?ut sulTi•r -ing intensely. froin its effcets. I have used now only one bottle of your invslualile medicine, and consider rwroclf entirely enred solely hy its use. Ua..now eat hertrty weal, without the ohi t titeot inconvenience, Very truly)ours, ANTIIONY BE EIC MAN, THE. GREATEST FEMALE MEDICINE NOW The mild alterative properties of Dr. Guysott's ex- I , tract of Yellow Dock and Barsap . arilla, render it pecu liarly applicable to the slender and delicateconstitutiou of h, . the female. It is unrivalled in its effects upon such, iliseases as Incipient Consumption, Wirrenness, Leu corrlities or Whibot, Irregular Menstruati-m,-Ineonti oence of I:iine, awl general Prostration of the system. It immediately counteracts that distressing nervousness and lassitude as common to the female frame, and im parts nn energy and buoyancy as surptising as they tire grateful. We cannot, of course, exl - W , it certificates to any e 4. tent in this class of complaints, but the two following extracts of letters recently received, indicatrosuffirietit- Iv the great virtue of the medicine as a remedy for the diseases relent,' to. Mf. URN ca-r—We take .leasuro in stating that yoar Yellow I).,ck and ti.ir