, - ~n, -,,..!: telMtgE-12.;a17311.40:1.D;•3 .1-,:r.•.11! n , I ~ ,Q4l7os..LPblsr-4,4 1 . " Challeß4o 4 7nalkeubjimetof the slay kiepatil - ii Di. itralkihilf:-LZI 'ant prepared is eetite7: l l . l f . *, telitifl4:4l 6 4 l l . i fergreleil elen4ilke, '' ' . war. Wm iriimkplield bribe roil) and a Use 'peculiar derhstawhich they'shoeld be, Owed, according _ t :##". iikiles elf _ „1, We Ole;e0 0.11 filly 04 - 1 . , vemoforgo all Ulle, 'but let fill , ineMtsi ) by lite.:rit- i nes*, that •probably, near one kindred , millions of dollars - worth of manures are atuinOlyupplied in the, reld,ofthe UnitedFiatess; enatinitby putting them on too near the surfaces—we lose one half by es. tape into thentmospbere, in the coursed bar long hot leuillonn. ' fine Inmnitant object is, then, to. sae a otueb as pomaliwtsf this amount, by a judi cious on of them. It May be safely, t4tr.diterthird dell etpertse in fanning iethe ma 'nurineg ailli lands. The quotionuotter consider. ationloydo.thet fertniaitqr elements td• manors des cand4 Do they always' rise! When thentittlidle agtitaisolves i thern,.theY deuced to. Leona* tr.- tent,thut win* the stm shines again they astatutsi— I itiiewintin:ged my tarn **imbed'', and I have - PlOall sal deep' hi tek 4- The proper _ tingthAseithi'mrthatfund of sofil—if we.put - erns nuts on the surface of sandy land, like much of that ' oVlikig Wand, it is erten last under the strcin,g solar • Matt,: ,iii each soils in ray hag I put it degt, and is a drought I find the excellent. Ido not int it so deeteinitiff day soil, nor in :real soul. 1 When tkOriiinum is deep, the first . growth of plants its ' ilow,,but woe appear the vigorous influence of the manure below. It hasbeen observed a long time that !Isere is li *Olin vigor in the vegetation in griiie ) 1,4.i-wit it hiss also been obseved that in, anchyards when old, no interments having been - made in a long time, they become sterile. And it elinoticed that where sand has been carried upon Tallies, that lead soon becomes &utile— theilflOring elements ascend. Rime a thin cov edneirstraw °Velar* land, an the places cover ed are lead soon to become rich. The covering arrests the ascending elements.of fertilizing, and conlitinei theta to the surface of the soil. In North 4celioa it was' remedied that when the soil was covered by leaves of the pine tree, it was rapidly enriched: . So .a• coat t:if dower arrests the flight ofthe 'fertilti elements and enriches land. All that is far ' tilizinglu aunnue resoluble re gaseous. What would pei liminess of soil in primitive forests, if fertility `= ilikuld rimer ascend ? Ter we find it on the levels 'where it has never been washed away—but about eighteen inches ? elements do not amend as rapidly in day soils porous sandy lands. ' . Tl tin I covered , a windy field with a coat of clay, and " found great benefit to the soil by it. Far the pur pose/of potting manures out deep, it is - necessary :‘ dill we ehoeltiplow deep, the justly celebrated Su, - el smugly reccommended it. _The salts &c., in so - Aution - in th e sod, timid by capillary attraction to Vii k ' the enfant: -A fall of snow late 'in the spring has prerinuked to cause fertility --greseesespecially 4 : , this power. I covered my orchard with do s yen, and it enriches the ground, and I find more .. vegetable mild than there was before.. Our clear sky and great solar heat cause a great loss to the ..." *.etility of our soils. In a cool, moist climate like that orEnglartd, the results are not the same—a top dressing cf manure is good in England, but al aunt lareifidese ander our ann., Long Island far mers shoeld pie the manures deep in their porous egg sods._ In what is called a cool season here, ws lisreys mile the best vegetables. Not only do flangcfeir , e elements rise, but caloric rises also. 1 4 10,10undlce ball an inch on th e ground in my or : k4uird, and yet the apples on the trees entirely on - . tisi hoe. This is 'doe to the rising of caloric .. e. . body 'and finite of the trees dming the night. ~. , Ras W ,—Manures b oth eacerld and de ''" 004 Itywhirth process is the loss greatest 7- 1 'll atifittiend on the, natureof the soil. Loose Ors land adman' water containing in solution the elmeterminentatinfe,ea demised readily to the bet ' tilKend then find its way to the - valleys through . . i Vibe* 'Sid) meth ebscebsthe gases of manures --' initeraterion r forthe sees of megetation—and the '+y` the firth the tensor the minute goes down. de bk.: ins of water W il l 'absorb four hundred '''4l4 ' 4 th illia H o li n velli eertein re : lll9 o6 `that p c win ° lon ia g p inc re d v r hell e o4u nt ih of i l l r . easens m sr e 4glisl : itimp the . t h m re s: nn , Tr land, but it is not so certain dial putting 4 Dify: pperiments of drying soils perfectly, and then iiiiii4l, their power of attracting and , absorb l ing mtre proved that the "'chest soils attract and i po thketi ' Unite. The elements which descend in r. . feeseecendin heavy, but rich soils ietian them. Dr. Underki4. 7 l place rich murk deep in .my sandy soil, ,pl i alird grape vi over it, and seven years afteiviat ina examination, I could not find wieagn" s of the Meek, Ivcr *Lent I put it, or any; Where else—it Must have ascended: -' FEED FOIWCEN.,.. • P 4 MEWllirri am ieeding.my working 4eases and OXlSl,podding mixed with mit corn stalks; welled by hot 'water (of conrie before fed.) Attere. ft tilkfa they ,will eat it well, and my a:- in i mprove rapt*, even while working hard. I • useiskii2di ir , L'lllottrs large kettles - to cook the . meal 7 Tl' . lit t io*it, the cui,corn narks, !helot vra teet4 sise,K, seta_ salt. ' Fresh min only be heated to 212 degrees—imn, with al& added, it is ca pable ofleceivir%a tench higher (kites of heat--; lb'liisealtliZlinll of cut corn melba but in three gallons of boiling water containing one quart, • of salt, cover the hogshead with a blanket / and let them sweill , litil strain. When cold, tak/ them as, dry as they witalip; then mix th em Sth hasty padding, and any animal of good fair leommon sense Win eat it. f , BASCROTT'II 0/11007.1 Or Exacters lAGRICUL. -mgt.—At - 44 diiihei of the Royal Agricultural So. ciety at Northappoto l no* th, Mr. Bancroft, the Arniiiiiek,,Aeaboisa riM,:epon the *alai of " The foreign Ministers" being even, made the rolk!w.fog ;meek; .fleveh, Weal- $ e could bard. ly A, r ? t► ; , e praes Wit grate the kind shouter country had been alluded to. Although the Minute, of eioteign toontry, be was, not although a stranger irr that meeting, or titenttr had established the bonds if nnion i betieen the far• mcrs of-every nation on thole:trot - the earth. The sinus sun shontibn aomoseasone as they resumed . anti the harvest. The -1164 initientooto must look k. a blessingonbleatittionstnight,welt biendVW.bilkin - Of the'lhitsbandmen Witirtbet spirit of brotherhood monk had made 'tike tiller of ly.otibt Meer Brat origin—the guardians of find9plikatcometwators of pos4 . , W)lerivet iiiiiitiOKOL* cultivators dibet.l o ll rrevailed, there it was militia that milieus would a 0- beheld the evidetigtei.di•oo4.o( *MeV* sed inaproveMent which ditiemilhaillkepeoeheeElhie econtir They Vied. eTety s;of IrakAid OLOWini to *tante die *nit. oflbeirsirni.‘ 00,•- !tivat.e. 4- 044 441 0 1 i 1L .V 1 44:***0 usistedniomi:hmodei, together .thetittehite . id. the earth: Mese he bed beat inAligtheid , he sieret flartim plants 14 which gogligt*lf.* l 4 cultdialtai been .aiglittd; :4 1 4= 1 4/ 1 l ath&O# 7ll- degree klttoratrand perfection =which they saver -temilieed intfielr native soil. It Inattlforded him the highest gratificsdate to wihmsathe &anti! ofthe horses and stobt exhibfted that (tar kgrien"lit+ ijailb‘conn4:o4 l (laety much riOth, land. In England the , farmers. went Aftrougis a course of went' which ha maimed bas tellillo sicet4tnii' ' ,, end had Only to parfait what:the/ Tilb ers..had. handed down In them ; the Americaon the otherhand had rep* with the difhwitierred naturee 7 -to tame, subdue, and - tender uselid thene twat eanbennnws of the soil. Nothing inia stria him more Since hp has been in England, than the manner in wbich the, fieldi were:Cidtivated::sed weedai by the bouand the hand.. 4a America the trees wets older thati , the reads- . -olderthate the tovnts—lutd,..wheie.', were the'AdoUP * Pil6- MOOS in the •country. England ;not an anim was stated tatty, Wes it donkl produce *paw pod and proVerittifild to be fanehed and fed —;• They farmers of England cuhivited the seil Inuit:nth the beloved churches which stood amidst the graves of the their faeherei the; seemed to shed 'a sawed influence on their toil. With the Americans beneath whose the kerestfetl—with that mov ing and active fllatictia—thoee who now lived upon the soil were more numerous than.W4vho slept beneath it. There the agriculturists, with the implements of husbandry in • their hands, were obliged Id erect school-houses and churchea, and prepare for competition with the mother country in all that was calculated to promote the prosperity of mankind by the advancement of religion, and the cultivation of science and art. • Let , it be hoped that the relations of commerce, and the interehange4d, Well:gene. between the Cultivators of the soil in the two countries would knit, them tokedwir in such bonds of amity that no apprehensions of a rupture need be'entertained. With theite sentiments, utter ed from his heart and soul,. be responded to the sympathy shown for his cowry, and would con clude by praying for the prosperity of the farmers ofEngland. K AGRICULTURAL &sracr---If agricultural science continue to make Emigre , ss, it must be by the same agencies that have brought it thus far, and if we wish to senate-an efficient county organization, we must all unites Scholars must furnish the aids of scieneMmechanies their skill, and farmers their practical wisdom. Everyman- luta a common interest in such an enterprise, and every man ' too hail a special interest -if he. either keeps a pig, a cow, a hoise, or a flock of sheepi or if he cultivates a kitchen garden on his village lot, or plinur choice fruiltrees around his resident, or makes fanning his business. • • Nom are the ladies nuintereated in an organiza tion which will give stimuli% to the cultivation of better fruit and a larger supply of vegetables, which prom'ses to load their table with delicious strawber ries, and to fill their vases with richer vanity of sweet lloWers. - • Agrietatnral societies are no, contemptible bond of social and political harmony: dissen sions alienate the feelings of near neighbors, and array one section of the country mania another. Whatever platforms therefore are erected on which we can meet in friendship and with mutual inter- est, are centres of hammy. The wise Greeks re liiiongly, observed their celebrated Olkatile games, where jarring factions and hostile Mates, forgetting political divisions met in friendly contest for the mach prized laurel crown. Agricultural improve ment furnishes ns a broader and more useful plat form. Periodicals and newspapers 'devoted to this subject know no patty, they are taken by men of every political creed. Agricultural Fake invite to generous and• profitable emulation, men of all par ties. •flow much more noble, too, and advantage ous, to intim not for the mere remiss of a fading crown, i but for-the substantial fruits which the ge nerous eanh always yields to judicious cultivation. There den be but firm more beautiful stilts in broad America thantheagricolnkml fair, where thethrong ing croWds visit in succession the golden stores gathered from orchaikeekl, and garden—the wen made implements of firm, bright from the shop--the well fed animal from and pasture, and last, but chief in point of attention, , e richly decked Floral Ha, planned by womatt+s mind and graced by her superintending prase /ift. ? Eason ruses . Fosa= a Horses.—A writer iu the S. W. Far mer stye that he rode a , hired hotte 99 Miles in two "Pr retaining, hire..st night the second day. In the meantime he bad been deeply foundered, but ve.effectually cured that the owner *mild hive known neddirg•of it, if he had`nnt been fold. In other cases be l'est nearly as successful. This is his method of mire Bleed bim initnediateiy in the neck, according to the severity of the founder-in extreme cases, u long as he can stand. Then draw.his head up, and with a spoon- put tuck on his tongue saltracm,gh till hti has swallowed a.pint. Let him drink mod erat4y. -- Then anoint the edges of .hisluiefs with lurpentine, and lie will be well in an hour. The 'salt operates as a eathaitic, and with the htierring, arrests the fever. Pbtatit.ast, Ftvta IN • Cr.--4 is stated that some matronly hopeless cases of this diocese have beet% coed by s eornponnd, of ether with cathartics. In arm caw where there is every appearance of aped)! death, by repeateify admisielering them medicines, the cow in thirty- Six hours {raft* sad began feeding, sad was gnit well in a weep. Vow to Atom favastarts,—The Rev. J. Clark & of Rome,: vas asked by .. a frimid how he alwayslept hinisef from being involved in quarrels, to which he Weird, "Ry'letfing the Unary person hive all the gitarrel.to Mullett." This afterwards became a proverb m the town. When a quarrel wasrising, they would say i " Come, let im remember old Mr. Clark, *A1144 - file atiwmart to ipuitrelty hitn self. Iftbetreader willalways follow this ruhihe mire himself a great deal of (amble, and perhaps many hard knooks. Remember, it always takes two to quarrel. . • Lord firougltyn, "in speaking Of man whose elasecame•lietote him at.,least. twenty Mum, said he - was - born - unlucky, and he belieied, if he had eYerfalleti upon his back, ho would have luolsen* his se. • •• "r• Dthittii:- p if' to.o4:64(ikr?', coulax!"•rmiisp i . e'lm o ayp - AV 6fflet4leatbi gli r a "I! = "ail 11 . 10 1i,# 18 ir it igt""ilarAgr: . ; AO tworiiheia. Aiai ill, - irpfq, wiiPiiiieli: !PO -40119401.014"" 01 114- 4 44 1 1 , ,, it mi., aegiis winkit 'Witmer .tbs 6 1 11 01 4 # 4 4 114 ':: 1 04 4rOf ilie 1°67 14,010 19. i i i "l". i , - watic9 ,40,1 1 61 16 0 1 . 1. , t ' : tial t b t !Of fi , 11 4 TOZ:tu t 44 i i i <r e t il t r i e 04 1 ** f itt i t " ' li c e i g l aP: . aii ovailOn ovoi gen'ilia`worth. ti ii iethahkiiiia reatil intrabitiosqvarleap _WI, or mitbdtaw itiajuriou's cleinwi illatW• now 4sorskatt iwAsichiinewriii:l o tkrtiviing the glove to an honbriiiio Wit oEl6l:ant Pg. h SO° #0 1 / 1 4 reelfti of i Olen igumbsi or nentotypes reeistia at dip Dagnentriti 'Mori of m, P. oisosk irt Meowing etreekirill Inbibit a or aiming, otllirfeetinWitt the 'milks* ' any singlet, ev way tingabeitons ii i iy other iiii&ry Ili tbit treat - Ttile ill 1110 We Imst•-•,, Ast wi asp, Wt ' dialrous th at * 1 4 4 4 i"at'ula 7ilkibeir P litma r " wail not Pre!"nelge We ask iniestisatiosi, Soy HO. Ippartial bidietio, the. Wii 'bay* thrown' the store. Who will pick up 1 ' 'M. P. eltWiriik 179 C h ea t iA Sweet, _ - opposite the State Haaria;?ki Pi.ll. ilt will ter italawiroil by oar doeltei friamils that lb* above chslitiage has new let binsseeepted tali "wit Asti bib ii onamieda, that-we did not in .. . to wake by this tv4vmr, as we havaishady *sprang/II hitenilisi tikapprop&ta the pia, toeoate ebaritali. pow „ hen29n M. P. SlittQNS. , &elm k tienan's Dasgerreetype No. t9B Chanut south . east corner of Bishth ot, 11.11111141111111114. PORTRAITS from the earailesa Infiniti+ tit the hal gworiber, aittilkar in imps. Tee' Propristere ga # warranted in saying, that their wort bait pined Cation second In rwte-in the world:" Esusets front the Press r•—" Lifio.like in the ism+= ehastalkeoneet in the shading."—Lieier. " newt , haa.airivid at great perfection, Val none understand or practice it better than McGlone di, titer goon."-Bahintori Iris. . " Admirable I nettling can exceed their engrains ile• licacy."—U. & attexate. Extract; from ski report Of the Judges. at the last fide of the Franklin Institute " Dsveneotypee—in this department there ere some . very excellent specks= ia the exhibition, and the fodires think they as I proves; dye improvement 6 this4inch of the wt. They hove not recommended Wn award in favor of say of the tow petitoes, but are disposed to rank as fret in order, the collection of McCLEEB &GERMON, aseentatniagthe korai rworniet of superior specimens." 11e29 AFFLICTED READ PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE.--Estah. limbed lb ,Aars ay. by DR. KINKELIN4 The oldest, sums, and - best hand to cure all forms of secret disease,.diesanefthesuspendsolita,i Wits of yocith, is DR. KIN/CELIN. N. W. corner of Thial end' Union eta., between Sprites and Pine, 1 squares - Dom the Ex amine, PhiladelOia. TAKE .PARTICULAR NOTICE. Youth who have injured themselves by a certain prac tice frequendy indulged in—a habit trequantbr learned from e.il compusions or at school—the areas oi which tae nightly felt, even whin asleep, and destroy both mind and body, should apply immediately. Weakness and constitional debility immediately wild, and fall vigor restored. All letters post paid. YOUNG MEN! If you value your I& or your health, nmsember. the delay of a neonth. wry, ~A a week, may prove your ru in, both of body and mind. Hence bet no false modesty deter you from, making known your can to one who, from education end rerpoetability, can alma befriend you. Hs who places kisser/If under DR. KINKELIN'S twat meat, may religions* confide in his honor new pi:Wo man, and in whom bosons will be forever .oeked the se cret oftba patbmt. Too many think they will , hog the secret to their own hearts. and cute thernseltroo, Alas ! bow often is this a fatal dehasion, and bowman; a promising young man, who might bare been an ornament to misty, has faded from the ea*. COUNTRY INVALIDS, finding it incdosenient to make personal spptiestion. can, by stating their awe explicitly, together •with all their symptoms, (per letter. post•paid,) base forwarded to them a these containing Dr. K'. medicine Omelet tad accordiagty. Packages of ifedieintee forwarded to any part of the U. 8 ate moment's nodes. cbsPose Fla, terra's, addressed to DR. KINK£• LIN, Philadelphia, will be promptly attended at. Bee advertitemimt in the Spint of the Times, Philo. .C. HARKNESS' CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT; The mosiOeneire Walking Warehouse in the U.S. 111Q1R-OPEN FOR WiNTER. 100.000 garments it , on handiauluterly for disposal, Melanie 4. taunt To patrons we Witold say, that having but one price, thous who not understand the real valuation pnce of good*, will helicon opportunity of purr:basing Garments as low aseprvilkesed judge,. - Jobbers and dealers in ready made Clothing, can replenish their stocks for the winter. end we guarantee the largest establishment in Philadelphia to select from. We attend personally to the packing of goods, end see that a good• assortment of Uses and well-made ankles are put up. Singlet suits forwarded as per order. trlelrElergoode ere for ado only at the large building, 128 Market st.. southeast corner of Market and Fourth eta., Philadelphia. C. HARNESS. Philadelphia, September 29,1847. 3mlB PAIN KILLER, Death to Pain relief to the :ids ; health to the freak! Al balm is ; timid fir the whole human rase, in . ND RE W ' 8, PANS 8 is In entirely Vegetable Compound, composed weird's different ingrolieelnend t. sn inter* nag and es evenedy. Put lapin bottles, varying in plies frog ; h•eesta, each.. - rev further wawa /us. aeepethphlsts, be bed of Trey agent gratis, con taining btief binary origin end discovery of the Vein Kilke,Cereilleetor of directions, ke. CA ererorr..—Esch bottle has written signature of the proprietor, J. A Nuitaws, on the r • , and without, it none ant i genuthe. Ilewere;of lows d pedlars selling frost holm to house, representing it • the genuine Piths Siam Sold only by the following regular - appointed agen t in this ww,. ty: • - ~ -, - , a.st.Chambetfin, Towanda. I 0. P. Diflerd, Troy, Geom. A. Perkins. Athens, L. 4 E. Reny" de. J. J. Werfend, Monroeton ; C.B. Railthons, Canton: sold in 411 the yirineipel towns intha United Btetse, Canada aid Term Who!owls *gents in the city of New Yoe* and Hajdock. Cori* & Co., 218 Pearpet.; Wyatt & Koichi's", 121 riilton-et. Orders' addreared to the proprietor, orG. W. Schuyler, post paid, will meet with Prmult ' tim 2sy 92112,1 1 17111161111 M LIE= II cisasatua swesanateati4os s _ Late of de Clanneserd Herrae. - Toseandri, toeich 'see iihrfroyed by fins on do ISM ef March hat, tpllit leased the old stand, es tire west bide of:the " imadiElVAllrep lately occupied bj William Una sign of .:44 Tiger, wherilielepryperedund s eall be hap_ py to *Aiken hie all ensteromeinei the public rein* His befont r in .;* goo d onicr..end,hir,facilitire hir_ec eosnrrodating traveller; nod viainrsointh us rill enable hies or givennaploratisifictioe... ~Chrirms moderate:: T de, Pecker 20, 1444. • TYPE - FOUNDRY:- tellita;rattei:of Ante street, New YOrt. 108 Rl' TA t irt.o,ll is . ptepared .to furnish-hand. . 'Type,. arid Pririfer ri TiLteriahr of all kinds, at e i short n 'et., and on reasonable terms.' ' - ' ' • ' Proptietdra O a f newspapers, who have not advittliiied for - the ilf;4k' , Oil!, who may pp 11111111, - Ars - notice for - 3 monih r ev jogs to Jan: 1. 1840, iit4lll* . ibtitled to Fit. cave ps in typi 6 „, on. purehasing Ore times the amount of then ' Islor advertising. Old Type taken in etchange tit Dew at If cents pet 20— 4 lb. • . , , .. • . m : -- GOODS-100 pieces isow•opening et the o(Fftneb Ifetinos,o4, Mpik -.°4 Abysiniaii *tripes. cerdevei OULU, ce.ithiPere* mmHg de-laines. plain end twilled gtnewai, ate.ofe all of which will be sold Iwo a - NEE WM `II 2L • • .• ••• 1 1101101110 .7.-777 110_ • ts, _.MaaaWierMene imp es hest .rolqr giber a 1 2 .4 est ersisiessin Isise • - MI- ONT-T.SEB et ionises kiwis 101 l , REEISTEADS•of onnY: 'WIMP - siosoce Aar r,x-•., • :sok iftelossh.or whir Pian iniabsr, , Wiess we'd. Sas we. • .a. Coessier el aisles*. mirtiyi 4 flosedieg ha lonp-ieiiimerilinononoi,,Bernroal or aim be tenierd kens voila Tenons *aim coke is iho mass se - .. • ~ ..,TOJIOCIATB &MACILINIk.N. - Towanda, UN' 112, 1547. • - • ' - „ - me , asa., at 'air, eie mir *Ea Unglatize w &Wino • • • AAEsixerruLmasuss4huisisssspr as. eastiltelsblie seawalls aist'be hogs* to astute in the neelset,atyisali . lpac*Sions of House. Sign, Coiels or-Carriage Painting. or Trinnnile t and every variety e Raney andffrnernsental Omni his long !speaks .014 the . 0122 1 sPectiklkel* his productions now lo ye, be atenaine a ilatteiioi hope that by eking spoliation to' Vs pragogion, and being FONTS to *Wet be mey.iciiia . traiitalrie shire Of public pitunage. 'lie maybe tuba it all those a 4 the bits rectoty;of Taal& 4 Maklasiim when hi wih be on band to atom) the alle of tboei Who say want hie etrii#l. PAPER-HANGING done on short no tice. is a superior inarmer sod reeerets* lea* Towanda:7a - 1j 6, 1847% ' 1,1'4 • A Wiiiiien Factory' . at Home.. ITIHE subicsibem takeplessare 6 "guiderithis.ta the • shirr rA Bradford county and vicinity, that they bare loseelforii tor of years the building situate in Wyalusing township, and known es bigheir's nasf.Y. and which they ate new gluing up 'ri' machinery and apparatus for she manufacture of lord and narrow cloths, dennele, ec..in superior MOP sad en resod permeable terms. 'those wishing le have wool away fretsred upon shares will And it se their advantage to give them a call, as they are detarrioed that no pains shall be spared to give the most perfect sadden lion., They wash Wool into Broad or narrow dressed clothe for one half the clod), or if profaned, they will menu- Guitar by the yard as fellows:-broad cloths for from $1 to $1.25 ; Narrow cloth, front 44 to nets. Other ankles manufactured for proinste pekes. Wool carding and cloth rug mill be done on short notice and reasonable tars: They *HI be pre. pared for business onus before the hit of Jane next. Wyaloung, April 25, 1841. HALL & HILL. New Tailoring Establishment, In No; 2, Brick Row, over the gore VE. T. Fox, third story. UIVTUIribIBUSIIITO RESPROTPULLY Informs the chimps of Towson da.. and the public morally, that he has removed his Tailor shop to No. 2. Stick Row, over the store of E. T. Poe, third story, where be solicits those in want of Tailoring; to give him a call. ' - Having been employed in the most fashionable estab lishments ito Philadelphia and elsewhere, and being de termined to spare no pains to please, cameo:nem may depend upon baring their work done promptly and in a good mil •as can be had at any shop in town. All work warranted well made and to fit. (0' Cutting done cheap, and warranted. rj:j• Country Produce taken in payment for work. Towanda, August 30, 1g47. BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTORY. smibidito l 4l TOUN W. WILCOX. having purchased the lute- J rest of his late partner, respectfully informs the pub. lie that be may still be fo und at the old stand, near T. P. Woodruff'etavern, where he still solicits a share of public patronage. He intends, by a careful selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of his caste. mans to make as neat sod Amble work as can be ma nufactured in this pint of the country. He will keep constant y on hand, and manufacture to order, Morocco, Calf and Coors, Boots and Shoes ; Ladies' Gaiters, Shoes and Slips ; Children's do. ; Gent's Gaiters and Pumps, ke. 03. Country Produce, of most descriptions. taken in payment for work, at the market price. Towanda, August SO, 1847. No. 1., Brick Row, gain in the Field ! In 4. . ..' -. 11(rAS just Warned from &achy . PP: -ILL of New York with a large If 0 ....k itipply of Wettims , . l ieweity and 4 7 Silver ware, compnang in pert, % . the following articles :—Lever, . .„. L'Epine sad Plain Watches, with 9 Cok 1,,, .--- ' - -.e a complete assortment of Gold Jewelry. such as Ear Rings, Fin ger Rin Is, Breast Pins, Bracelets. Lockets, Gild clans; Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, ill Sorts of Silverware, and any quantity of Steel Besda—all of which hi offers fur sale escceedingly cheap for CASE. Watches repaired on short notice, and toarranied to run well, or the money will be refunded. and a writ- ten agreement given to that erect if required. N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country. Produce taken in payment for work; and WU. learn now, and forever, the! Ike Produce must be paid when the work ts done —I war against credit in all its Awns. W. A. CHAMBERLIN; Agent. Towanda ; April 28, 1847. EIMMIIaiMSTO I:O)=DMESTo The Medial lenity lr Irail • Dr. Carter's Infallibk Banally for Holum*. Tune of lakrdsrand size of doses entirely al the option of the patient: . • • MBE-above medicine can be round dill times at the new establishment of CARTER & SMALLEY, together with an entire new end fresh stock of CAIN RIES, compviiing every thing in their line, inch as Cope, Sugar. Tobacco{ Pepper, Spice, Chow late, Co • Citron, Figs, Raisins. &c., and an endless variety of o snicks "too numerous to mention;" an of which wil • - sold es low as the mune can be bought west of the . •.• city. Wcalso near the most - splendid assortment • French. English and tier: man TOYS, seri before o •in Northern Pennsyl vania, together with a full ono •t of Nuts. Confec tionaries, Yankee Notions, Fang $1 • ike, which • mud and will suit silo quality and price: Oct- 12. 1847. CARTER & SMA Y. The. Saddle and Ilarieti Stainer Is still continued by F.LKANAH 8141,11, J. CULP dt C.. T. SMITH, ender the Firm of Fdkanah Smith do CO., at the old stand North sidsof the Public Square, where trill the kept constantly on hind • littet Plus a m Q u ote saddles, Plated and Common. Harness, all kinds of Trunks. Falk" sod other stork in their line:. Cstititt4 Trimming 4 Military dose 'to era:. From-their experience and pride ity , they aro in hors d to receive a Share of public pat ro nage. Work can be aat their. shop se cheap ei al.any.othet shop in the county of the same 10204. May tg, '47 • • gum . _ . TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT a H. &R. DA VIA. raILOR r4te from th. NA. 'Cilia/ London have opined a shop, in the second story of the new Wick blotdr,. erected by Burton .liiegabeeyr, out Main street, when thaierecirepared to execute ail orders in their thie with accuracy & despatch. Flom their long and ripen!. instneition In the art, and their extensive expenenee a. rorernerieln the bed aboliw in i.oridoo.,ibey fer I perkctly cocapetent.otheing able to,please the most Vaindieitts twits. anti to execute their work in Such - inbstantial and finished style. as to give - astiektion to their eudoinens.: wry Coinin g done to codsr, and warranted to fit if properly made up. . 0. H. DAVIS, Towanda, Oct. 12, IRV. 3.48 R. DIM. TIVESEEMI tam TL , .pains.. din ' titmatise keel thrums •• &Mita; Ingueohis ibis booing of inedsdhirrast entensOlki.; Mu: - whisk asseybp. :testa-af spree:6lft deaftwaNand-rilar guevally - misil" ' dart - with than ditwaseo Mem/ portions who ban her duel Sit timilitoesi and eves tummy 11111111. and west obliged U. use op tnuerly, Nava, after ming ow stye bettlicOnnwir aside thoirtrampets, beinguade tj welt.= Phyriciase and leenroan highly reaxemend newsy tires emither of rusks thee Mee St& lowed *wino /if WARTA% AtXtUOTIC 0114, base. been Italy asoombing. I. And 'whet iv - wondiefeh'aohos woe wore deaf from bilk; haw bun ow mode 4112PriaNid Of so hoar corneas usestudow itity•seadily. • • • oteuld 'be ttio -height et purnaption ao wining i , l curs in all cuss, but is nitre easel eet of Wu of. newt data, there is • cumin* that !hi stestilui will be oat happy end utischilary toils patient. 'The appliessisc of the oil produce no palm but on the contrayne apts., abiereed:pleisint seesation: 'Moue* kr this wadi. acne Ira been °minted froni an Amiss II pest repots. I lion, who'll:Nl:and Viet denfoesi, In Women use. out of sweaty, seat radiated from a: wait of action in the nerves et hewing,. ix a drynies in the nark hie object thereinto was to find something which would sate a healthy condition in thou parts. After a long aeries of espethbenti his itiTorts wets at lasi crowned with sac. use, in the discovery of this roparstion.' which hae-nr: delved theism e SO CA RPA'd COMPOUND ACOUS. TIC OIL. A long Int of certifies/NW& be given Ind such is the coniblence feritniniediciat, and's) high' hei been ititmputatien, that but otos of them will be et preeent published : 'I Muse Eltrasintanrany Cans!--A. lady in lindar• field,- Dad. Co. Pe and now about eighty 'yews ail age, bad been 1; , radtnialy soiling deaf for more than `4lO years, oo that it was next britepaeribleto erste hnheite conremation rote louder* tote of -voice. Last whiner she wu indite/id Wiry " ElaupenrOil for Deafness." It is only neceinary teadd list she dud two bottles, and is perfectly restored—Abe is cured, Any information in regard to the ease may be Stained it theNtore of Dr. Jayne, No.B, ElouttiThini eutet, Philadelphia. Foe Nile by A. 8. CHAMBERLIN, Towanda, Pa.; only unit for Dradibrd county. 2*—i? Plpv inuporfaist Cousassastadtion sa ALL FULSOSIII .11/c ALL MAST*, AI all dam. AND UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTAKCES. ' jF YO U ARE SICK, get cored .7 if ma w employ l maws to modem so. Every individual indulges io habit., which most. to a greater or lesser went, dia. sump the admirable mil intricate eorobinatioas which , form theraystena,.and coniequestly *mar INDIVIDUAL ahead poems same mild,yet efficaciohs, simple and ac credited agent for preeemiacidl the functions of the 104 goad mks. ' DL WOOD'S , DAMAN-MULL% ADD NiLD CRILDIIV Dirririss . I will achieve this misb r and should he la every falOY, and in the hands of every person. who by brisiness,Lprot keels° or parrot coarse of life, is predisposed to tlWr ve ry many little ailments that render life a conk, instead or a bleating, and finally result, in their aggregated con dition, is the ern ) OF DEATH. -. ;' The Bitters here mentioned are unwounded by n man of great' skill end knowledge, from the simple Na ture presents to those who cars to find them, and whist snobs only reliable antidotes to the poison of diem*. The chief ingredients are the univeraally.beloved Sap. trarfia and tbe &AO:the Cherry Tree, with which the red man of the forest clues nearly every die ease of the internal organ. These materials, though powerful in their action, an, as common sense teaches um. ENTIREjA BARMLEB ; and . pmpered as they are here, one of the greatestmedi cal opera:hes in the inhabitable globe. By taking these curt-Ras, the scrofulous may be restored to beau ty. sod avoid the sharp; ifs' or the surgeon ; for they not mai eradicate pimples and tumors, but overcome CANCER AND KING'S EVIL ! Whoever is subjected to the hormes of Consuneption, should at once ptirchase this aura remedy. In the train of Coetivenem follow dreadful load congestions,, often times insanity, very frequently mania or hypoc hondria. violent landaches,psdpitations, and, other affections of the heart and rheumatic swellings. Dr. Wood"' Com pound is one of the most efficient medicines in routing the complaints, and their fountain bead, that can possi bly be procured. , Froarteing confined in close rooms, and from taking a small modicum of exercise, numerous perions daily an mode to deplore a lose of appetitcpsinfotheadaches, weakness of the muscles, languor, went of energy ancient to permit them to seek recreation. &c. ft.— Them persons say for years, that they " don't feel very well." If they do not employ • method by which they can feel tries visa, they eventually sink tender a se vere fit dinners, and are SAVED FROM THE GRAVE only by a miracle, and even then the lanai, leech, Eta ter and cabinet have left them mere /shattered bulks. full of tithes and comers, and not only a pest to themselves, but a source of disgust and annoyance to all with whoa they come he contact. All these - FEARFUL CONSEQUENCE§ May be avoided by an early application of the virtues of these Birettas. For the . tru t h of this , the proprietor pledges his word and honor, and in evidence can ihow tHes of undoubted certificates which be has received, un solicited frum all neuters. He does not, however, ask the invalid to swallow his certificates, but his Bursas, and is willing to stake all he bolds dear on earth in ior of their worth. . THE DYSPEPSIA, in either a motiVied.or severe form, will disappear be fore the (militia' of Dr. Wood's preparation, and the cure may be relied on ea a permanent one. Did the Bursas possess DO Other recommendation, it would be one of the tinest'vetetible compound. medical sci ence can invent ; but it is equal to the complete eradi cation of • MYER COMPLAINTS, • io every shape; and ornery affection, minor oftbe,biliavy apparatus. Individuals, who are constitu tionally billions ought iegularty to take this mild agreea ble and excellent roam Awn Artatairr, as it will dif fuse health throughout every • fibre of the frame, and mind lfi iibeis . and love of life thrilling to the heart.— FautiliesMsgfa SO keep IS on hand. Every mWidne chest on board of ship should also be wall ateeked• with this capital remedy, a. SCURVY - cannot /Mkt time who take it. or long resist its vigor oiss smaulls. Ara twrournisa or Inez atoms vanish before'it; iatrd the old relics of earlier imprudence inva riably disappear, .one after being submitted to its action. Every emiplairt of the stomach is broken by it. Tea Emma have in nainstance failed of _curing JAirsaut, err eau, Wan rarer every disorganization of • • THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. • Br imsletting the little inroads wade upon the lett* eat ponies of oar fellow brsinp we rendered extreme. 07 &KE vomit. i Whol;sile and Retail Ageots, 121 Fuhon St: N.. Y., MIN TON 4 LADD, Tioron4, and by denies, &flightily doming/hoot the' U. 9. 5 T ARIES! •I RAY. LADIES.! ! If lon -have.reade 1.4 up your minds to, bay a nice dress. , ejosk or shawl this season, don't tail to call at N 0.3, Reich RoW, where yon can find the Most. best and eheapestortieles in that linty that' is kept in town, besides all kind* of trimmings, fternember.2eall at ; net I BA /RD'S. n OOl.B $ ROES,ZT•triona assortment or Ores, NO, and ebil3ren7s Posit!'" IDJ kip. boots; also. ernl'misses 4 5h0c4.. 4 4 spigrirtenßY variety. cr'"P VA !Ter, by '4ll E. r. POT. ,; „- ATE.W4gepdB,ALSISIMENT ; 7,) • ' 'Attliarliklll7 4l3llrillige .• " • • LIt•NXE/kiltA., ',Mate. -- apedlly kforpole ahem arrow. -_ anai and the Pliblicienandly. tat —7 l 1 - 13 they hate on hand do waw a wow C. it% tri,order ell kits& tADINE'r Lff r naitriiTUM:or 41iii,tinit mina. 1111, ri0t4 , 44 ....rotkow4oh:tatanc 4 be eurpaapauttnaadinento the m i l www ii t i en t i t; atuistiy shape, we w ill kiep hand Ind wi w k w .t w esdu 139F410, -of iariotei,iuid roost approved ' Routine Idota Roiking Cldia;',upludatered in superior stole, ant for ease and 4tirability, cannot o be inwp wwe d even in our lama. cibieo., Alto, Ali-half Preach Ma. hogany Chair. beintifallj'aphofetered,isith curled Ink orhickir,rociosae its elasticity.., and *listed w i t h the belt Wiesuing. _No gaiter otrareitea that. bating \ had much experience in,thashstainsaa, we awl be able to @misty all „rho nay feet dihoried to at both es to qualitY sod price. ,and is bjl.4itdet attention to h lts a w y e how° merit-and , mean the patronage of a liberal corn. , inanity. , ,NYE & CO. Towards.lusembitf 1, 1847. . OZE AI: 1.4 „ IMI SIM lEEE C.4_44/AVET FeNtAITTVItie" MAI'.BE - HAD at our ship much lower than 11 hoe' evil-been •da id Towanda. Valois are cheap; and wheat am lowered, and that lathe ma ce vo , can agora all kw to do it. AU kin*, produce wilt be received in payment. Mao, Llibllifitorail kink- Sept. 1. L. M. NYE 4 CO. • CO=s` =111174111111, W ILL be kept on band a largeasseg_Aa . .. sent; and made to odor on shorter Rorke ailf hr leas uto: nay thari can be produeetlat any other eitablialinsent the land. Those who are under the twaruity of pro. curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A good hearse and pall may be had in attendance when desired. • September . 1. 1847. L. .ht, NYE ift CO. IYEAS.RIOI,II C).ldr, In Touisuda. LT M. BAKER narctfully informs the public tbet 1.1.• be has emnimmemi the GRATE.STONE busi ness, in all its branches, st Towanda, wham twain be 'lady at ail limes to attend in all calis in bis lice. Monuments;,' Thinb4ables, ©rave•stones, of every description, fe., made to order, and furnished as cheep as WORE and MARBLE of the sane quality can be obtained at any shop in the country. He invites the public to call and examine his wed; and asstexials. hoping to merit their patronage by stria attention to business, and by superior workmanship and goad marble. LETTER-CUTTING done with neatness and der patch, in the latest style. Shop on Man sweet, next door to T. Elliott's store, and three doom ramie Briggs' Hotel. Towanda, March 17, 1847. 4 TEN THOUSAND PERSONS THAT HAVE USED DR. UPHAM'S ELECTU ARV fur the PILES, CHRONIC, DYSE.NTA RY, INFLAMMATORY DISEASES AND !SEVERE have given their certificates of mum made by its use, when all other remedies have failed, and be proprietors are now prepared to offer • ONE HUNDRED DOLLATS • to any persona afflicted with Piiea , and all diseases of a similar nature, or which are band in conjunction with the Piles, if a cure is not 'affected by the use of DR. UPHAM'S VEGETABLE ELECTUARY; it is an iNTINSAL Aaranr, not ID external application,. and will cure soy case of Piles, either bleeding or blind, internal or external, and the only thing that will. There is no mistake about it. It is a positive cure, speedy and permanent. It is also a convenient medicine to take, and improve the general health in a remarkable man ner. It is very mild in its opperationa, and may be ta ken in cases of the most acute inflammation, without danger. AN external applications are in the highest de ,gree disagreeable, inconvenient and offensive and from the very nature of the disease, temporary in their effects. This medicine attacks the disease ai its source, and removing the cause, renders the cure ahem and perms• neat. INFLAMMATORY DISEASES Although the Electtia4 was originally preparedlor the care of Piles, yet it has proved itself to be a medi cine far.superior to all others, 10 all 'diseases of or in Barnmatory character, with a determination of bind to any particular part or organ. in Infiammation and Congestions of the Liver and Spleen ; Inflammation, Soreness and Ulceration of the Stomache Bowels, Kid. net's and Bladder : Inflammatory and Mercurial Rho. matism, it is the beat medicine ever discovered. IMPURiTIES OF THE BLOOD For all Impurities of the Blood, arising -Rom thin m• prudent use of Mercury, or other poses ; for Ml dis eases of the skin and scrofulous affections ; in all eases , where the blood isinswerfully determined to the head, producing dizziness and distress, Dr. Upham's Elegem) entirely unrivalled. TO MARRIED LADIES Married ladies are almost invariably subject to that painful and injurious disease, the Piles, with consequent i l fiemmation of the Stomach, Bowels, and Spine, weak. nees of the Back-,alow of the blood to' the head. ficc.—t• The Electuary is perfectly safe for pregnant ladies and the meet useful Cathartic that ran poratibly'betned,srol it will. not only remisse the i Piles and all inflammatory diseases without pain or irrttation, — but will ensure su easy time, is safe delivery, and a sound constitution to the offspring. CAPT. G. W. McI.EAN'S CERTIFICATE. RlawAr, June 113, 1847.' I have been afflicted for rears with the Piles, and have tried, without anything like permanent benefit, et , most everything assuming the 'NAIL". 0(5 remedy. I had, as a matter of muse lost all confidence in medi cine. • Under this feeling, I was induced -oot without reluctance„ I confess—to use ESECITAIII!," and having used it for about three weeks - according to the directions laid down, I find, to my utter surprise as well as satisfaction, that every symptom of the disease has left me. I think it due alike to Dr. Upham ati myself to make this statement. ' G. W. NcLEAN, late of the U.S. N. PAILADELHPIA CERTIFICATE.• DR. UPHAST—DEsst Stn.—About five years ago I was afflicted with what was called Chronic- Dysentery. I have suffered with it ever since, and physicians have told me that my liver was affected, and that my boliels were ulcerated, for blood and pus, attended with a pe culiarly putrid smell, were the frequent discharges. A short time since I made a visite to Massachusetts, in hopes of benefit from a change of air, but suffered mom severely than ever before. While there a physician of fered to cure me for $4O, in three months. Happily, in the midst of intense pain, occasionally relieved by land anurn, I aw in the wrapper of your Etectuary, a perfect description of.my complaint, together with many certifi cates of cures. This. gave- me great confidence in the medicine, and I purchased a box, and nine doses of which has apparagtly eared me, and I am .prepared to say every thing in its favor, or render any service I an to humanity by subscribing to its merits Respectfully Yours, BENJAMIN PERCITAL, - 89 South Sixth +. Sold Wholesale and Retail by WYATT & KETCH UM, 121 Fulton SL N. Y., HUSTON & LADD Tr wanda, and by druggest generally throughout the L'. 8. Price $l. a box. NOTICE.—The genuine Electivity thus A;Uphana M. D.) The hand is also done with a pen. - - ------- - QH A WLB.—Broche, Thibet, M. DeLsine, Str ?.. dals 1..-7 and Wool Shairis, a largo ass't at MERCUR _ CPS! A CA S!—Men's, Boy's, and Children's rel vet, pfush cloth az,d fur, and fur trimmed caps. - . - comprising the, greatert variety ever seen in tbis.place , just received and for sale, very low by October 19, 1847. O. D.II A RTLE TT. liatoukvJwoxAm DavEBn, it FIF adt tir 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers