• rooforb:Rtoortgr• Towanda, Wednesdav, Oct; 1'47 The neci lo►►. IVe hat - •• rrums at the o'clock P. NI., frog i noatly 1. :t r;:•t:tctA !:1 ti e comity, bnt net in tittle 1 ,, Inzures. All the strong holds of it•,lvrali: in a. - r• heard from. the: far Coy Shenk at-en Itm ahead of his-vote in the sanne N tovk osl 1 1 t< m l'; ,Of course tre ( ' ac. nolgive the exact Yee', but the return: received demonstrate •r‘l'h tolerable c ertattUy an incrca:-ed majority for Shunk, and clecnon ol.tho cc Petuocrat ie . The Democracy o.f P: i! ,, rd int \ r 4'nne their whole duty in romham.::: : 1 .9% ,d fdelluns and fragment: of l'art;r: uar d d.•'.oat Smnhfield has dnublyd hot ;it th e very teeth of Pr. 5...1;,-.l , ury's poor Yorick. Federal Littlenera The Bra Ward .Irgus. 'to ridicule and make ft13..0f Mr. I y : pre sonting to tho:piti lieyvery irinccurgry in 1), of . ",...tic?fais lu thrir place.—err. , l:l•l orlll,..2;raphy &,• The Ar 2.11 :. :ir! Caltcd In pu1.1,11 1),.. of Mr. \V.. a- r n an=- , or .0), - 1 iChi r m to azatn , ', :kir ; IVat7i.-- , in a teco , it of that rarer i , i his n, , 1i.•pt , "4'4' , , , ‘ \V lei:- them he i, nn letter w r it,-. h t . h i , I b een to swir u z the spv:ll , • and hold . rho wW.,•11, Mr w thr , and otlered to p:, , vare it tr , or the eolni) , ,- , .:015, rorreetiti , l any errors m tin' 0-01 &e. Bin they tail r.o. 111,•‘• , l`t• i.l its it w a ..: set up . But !Len `: wOrti. in vi , lation Of the: fieeQ. anal in Vipkeion of 0 eC , itir'‘'s Irjbutfiri.. Ihry put it pi 1,, r. ,ilo , it a p pear :IF ridtcnl, to a s c tti" puf, , •tie that roure•r V it!t. t!, cerhi . ;Ind eorrnFrtrni,h , nr:•• , fhtt. ev't• 111:1 t 11,,• tion_ irc that euel-e. -'nr'tll•l • fee! !hiee we'had ineurre•i Crs:IFI.Ve ~1 honorable men. and di-;:raecti thc , co. cur prufe2siun With the Arg.u4, tlee ca. e• is different . trotdd act honorably—their poliwal mitt etrittib , are so pertectlyender the er - ...r0l of \r hip m:1113_.-- that they are not alway., permitted to act accord ing to their knowleago of the right. In ihe ease be fore us—they have done no injury. to tiny one but it shows to what little tricks of meanness the leaders of the Fe - :dcrul party will de-.rend to injure an opponent, whenever'they think they have found an opportunity: NVe can po6i ice that the Federal leaders of this ton it. vit. 11 C. Mrrrr'r. C: :Warw. TV. C. Bop-ro-t, ene assis tance of F. R. 'Myer the Fe „ yleral candidate, did compr/ the editors of the Arg . E. by tin( att , et with drawing their support and countenance Deem that . paper. to pursue the course they did.'tit diiect N 10- lation of their hotter, aad their positive prrimi.4e to, correct the manuscript—as all punters are e‘pect cil to do, hr a rule of Ilse trade. And. after all their efforts at disfh.turin.! Mr. Wattle= letter. with the . c.xception of the distribution of a few capitas . and.commß,. it appears a- well and reads much bet-' ter than most of the !hatter ii the Bradtbril Argim We will:venture the prediction that if Gen. Irtins electioneering. letter. idiont the :llecnng had been printed, in all respects as it was wooer,,, it would' have gained but littlo coinParison, as a .literary production, with ta" letter of Mc. W tler. The wkr and \ear• from -Mexico The AVaFilitv_rton I "mon cc:}l:6l . ls. a ter, in relation tllc teccnt V:otories ar.l,re‘f!ti by our army at the very zsteS nf the capital of i\leNiro an,3 their tritmilibant . posse , Ficn ( - tribe city tVe hap r., in ariothei column. condei:Forl all the impor.cit ttnrl leading details. nha h arc too volumnieu.ti kr in sertion in our p „ ape r r. NVe sui.join the ron:a , k• of the Umon. on the recept of the irlorron• tilling= fa - I'll the Feat of war.-aF 'lie polwy to he pur sued by the administration. in the farther presortu- Lion of campaign. 1 : 01111EMIANCE IDS CEA?! nTo A emr - rr —The Mexicinn government havwg. deer:m - 4110 accede to the Thieral propositions (-door L!overnmellt for peace. or even, fil would - seem, to them a zeriott.r. and respectful hearing . , it is now wanifest that the for spirit an a l el . ject whit h has induced the administrzeion to tender peace has 'ber , ll v‘ holly misunderstood. • propositions of Mexico—that we slionl.,! pay• 14111exican citizen« all the damages sustalned by • them dunng the -war. F rmader all 11,t1 potion of Texas west of !h i e Nuecits. abonclori oh et Now Mexico. all of Lower and one-half of 'Upper Call. fornia, leaving the import:, of our own and all other merchants' into the Mexican ports open tit new tlu- . ties, or even to confitvation, and give op our claim to any, right of NV 7.y across the isthmus--as p.v poFterout: a to put all hope. ,, of peace, at lean for the present, on: of the me Lion. ••We understand it IN. been determined by the government to-rfake no tinnier ovetturea of peace on our part. When Mexico want.tpeare herealiktr y let her rue for it. We are now yt the possession of her capital, principal cities; p6rt.s. and posses «lone. Large reinforcements are daily moving for- Ward from Vera Cruz, ,sufficient to support the gab Larichumn in the present occupation txf - the capi tal. Pnebla, Ste.., and to open, and keeliopen, the line of courrinication betweep the seaboard and the main grny, In addition to. o:r.r.ltocideA the re uimentr.,47 organizing and movirrt Il?rtv a rd from Kentucky, Tennesr4, and Indiana. febeiifori•r arents,. to the hill extent anti:on-70d t.:, t!;e I.lw of of Congress, will be called out at once. to ni..ll;e certain of the security of the aerny in it.; pre,eitf'..e cupafion and upe,rations As the continurtnee of the war t= forced upon 1;q must be waged with l!".lor. 'rlit• el ) utite, co!l— -quereil must be occupied and gov:Tired he ttiattl4l law, and its resources and rel enues ren,l e ,td t, il- Vtary in every practirahle manner to the , up port our occupation andgoverritueut. We are happy to learn that them , tneatim in tic' treasnri. (thanks to the operation : of the tariff of is -16) for the inost s igorniis pros , •t' tiau al the war, ineluilite.; the on,anization, equip ment, transportation, Sir., of ail the new tWoopa required, until some time after the meeting of Con gress. • Mexico would never have . offered terms so pre posterous, ifehe had not been encouraged thr the no territory party, - by the Faeces party and Max jean party at home, by the party which has denoun ced tlm= war as ug#te , sive, unholy. and unjubt on nor part" Let us hope. Itolsevw, that her recent trearlo-rous and rindicLive courEc will rouse and uutte the nation in the prosecutiop of the war, and la r‘:rtin4 f, to her, by milltari cuuttlbutto..F, as tar azt. practies) , Je. its future expita,et,.. 3.1.1tryr.0.v.--L-The news from the :\ra..- I,\ cif e.lOll is tiinst glorious. Titutrtts the De for Gi_iverilm: to elected v a ;;tL M i •r..< lave tnijr,ri! lens I' KENN Zril the milk: candid-lee for Con 'zees. in the ci , y of I3altiniore. is defeated. arid a Democrat elected, by 500 majority. jaltimore gale a Democratic majority of near one thousand. 'this is the bright - slide of the pirkure. The dark sr it rzives us a fedora gain of one member of-Con g-ess, certain. and wit fear, tiro. ‘Vorider if the Argils won't call the false returns —zit out on Sunday.? N YorK Nem INATIoN..—The Democratic St.tie Conyen:ion Of New York. met at Syracuse on tho lst inst. and nominated the following - tick( t— ail old licinkem Lteut. Governor, NATHAX DA 1 . - ros —!Statt.• Comptroller, OaviLLE Ilusw.liz.ri-nit,--- S,oc-ret;try of SialP. bnw.tru SAN roan—for .Itiu.ne t;oneial, LEvI S. CHATFLELn---State Treamirer Gr.° Ccvlyt—State l'nTineer: 0. W. Coach. Canal rwm,, v .igi n e rs . JOHN C. EL1:411 13 Smiin. FrtrpEntric FoLtrr. ISI - 2 ANT) IS following tree comparison 1. , 41%Nee:1 the eourse Bt the Vedelabsts of the la , t an.i federa n .l-c.' nnder the name of row. may 1101 ite ttilMter(sting. 1 commitlee of thr... le . 4v-lature of l'nnn cu, \IL NV11) reported tar or of eat , " u , Ow linworel convent:Am. env Chit fiat) : , •011 admini - tra!wn had' mvok . ed the ' country in. an Odions, and iii-astrolls ar. waged for foreign eon im do to a t . invasion of the elA \ .s.ermorr.- S 15- • 4G.--4 4W. Brib, the precpnt \Vhif ! C;over• nor rt nl.“). rpeal.s of thr w;ir with Movie() as a NVZ:r of conc i u...,•:' and a •• war beTon t. ith . ma, Ahnost the NVOrd, the Ilartfota comet - o . ton lezkhatire ut Connecticut. 11 orop;4er Spy of - 181 :;;I,EI • • •V: bare a alurrttlt . entered 'our protest aaain.t t 1... r tina mar x‘ h u •h o n •he a ich x d, ut a c•ortupl and u.bectic go. e:-1.1n,•..t... P; —The New York Tribune says. •• People S!wes. your rulers are procipitathez von iii, a tathoml6,s of crime and ealanu.y. - 4 114.-1 - fear an,oth-r potation from ho Worces tor l-py of 1314: '• In our affliction let us always remember it is James Madison and his party that hate hroutflit the-e ealamines on 181(3 —Now hear the 80-ton At'as in IR4G: hieSII IT tilt ‘ •• All the ‘riong of the v. ar—all the evil of the sorrow if !nay occasion, belongs to Mr. Polk." Isl 4 —The Federalist of Boston said, in a public addres s in 1515 spcokin2 . of Aladigon'4 admiluAra •• ns nir•aure of init,oity is now filled imp by a declaration at war iten.int Great Britain— a war ininereQsary, and unium... Ig4G.—The uhv*Convention of Conneeti (-tit in thetrit,l.lrefn itclS47, speakin4 of Polk's They :..hraimen us In arms to overrun aril phnider a neialibontig: republic.- 12. lite Rev. Mr. Parish. said in I>tl2 [low will the supporters tlt this anti-chrtstian 'car• tare endthe this sentence " 1x46.—" The whole christain world erie? out agitnist, us.•' My,rvaiors FE.VIR.—The Lynchbur; , Airg:nian, of Sep 23. "On Saturday week. Mr. Litteil John Moon. alltghly respected citizen of Camhpell county, whilst m one of his tields where his hands were at work, was approached by a man on foot. - who proposed to buy a horse upon winch Mr. M. was then mounted. The price, 51,0. was agreed upon • Mr. Moon at the time, doubting whether the stranger had the cash to par it. He pulled out. howel,er. a roll of notes, ;40 presented six twenty ' dollar hells Mr. Moon's suspicions as to his being I a passer of counterfeit money were awakened. an(' with a view to see how much he had. he intimated e a pretiirenee for lar4er notes the stranger gave him, in exchange, two fifty dollar bills and one, twenty. M M then, as a measure of precaution. intimated that he would be obliged to ride to the villaze et Leesville. close at hand, to inquire wether the dills w ere genuine. „To this the man somewhat relnetarely assented,: and promised to await ins rriurn. ra:her than accompany him. On leaving Leet.ville. Mr. M. was joined by a neighbor. and cc: ' , Prin.:. at 'OIIIP dt-'xiee, that another person wits likely to Join him, the stranger - made fur thy wood, and has not smee been heard from. The ci'e% are genuine. and are now in the poi; , ession of r . The Man was evidently very anxi ,.!, !‘, paircai,se t .e .or ,, e. and his abrupt departure NVllh, Ihe money r.r tile animal. is well calculated to iiiduce the ste,picion that lie hai:Lsome reni-on to ; avoid scrutiny- He is represeti'.••l as a sin ill man. • of middle age, travel ea and and tolerably wed clad. The skim of money in 'his possession. must hate been of tonsi,icrable amount. A S rrs ; CA se—The Boston Tra (-e'er sacs : • • voting cirl has lately been brought to this city for the benefit of eminent medical treatment who has tern su&ring itt,r several years with a strange nitirmuy. It is a noise in the thr oa t, land an.! at— !incl. and sounds like the -triktaz of two metals to gether. or castinets used he boy- in the street. The noise is kvithout intermission save perhaps a lew mino:es occasionally. As vet the eau-e of the lias not been a-ternimed, or any nieans foam! to abate the disorder. As loch AO far has been on gradual increase. •It is totally distinct from the mo mai at the lungs while breathing, and altogether is one of those eases which ate beyond the ken of human wisdom. - • RILEY AN ENGLISHAIAN.—The Mobile Herald con tradicts the Picayune, and says that Rileti . the com mander of the foreign company. or birtgade, or s }lawyer it is, of runaways and reuecade4 from the' U. States army. who were made prisoners at the late battles in Mexico. Is not an Irishman, but an Englishman Mr. Leonard,lht,comedtan, in a corn tnuaication to this. paper from "I amplco last sum mer. dented. also in contradiction to the picayune, that, Riley was an Irishman. He stated that. he had made full :inquiry is relation to the matter, and was fully sathlied that he was not. , Moan TaooPs.—The Pc esident resumed his place in the Cabinet on Tuesday.. every member be ing present. The eight regiments, making up the 50,000 troops authorized by Congress, were to be called out yesterday. .11 is not known upon what States the requisition is to be made. In Lereren. Mass., a child of Peter Hobart, Jr., cut tic arteries of his anu with a scythe, but was trereuted horn „bleeding to death by the pregencr maid of hi. mother, in pre , qine: the flesh above, the wound. until a doctor arrived two-hours after, and took up the arteries. • L mad de r!. said to, be from Baltimore, was kalt;,l in York. Pa.. but not till he had bitten two fikr , Ile be1,,w2e,1 In Joseph Schall, Jr. 'rite Mcwan account of the baths of the 19th and 2uth 2 IVC,' us finsr di-T . lll[g victories. This is two more than we claim. ...._----- Atuottg the exports from Boston to the West In- Wes, la=t week was one ease of Lahr•-jnmpers This is a ranker notion. which will doulglo,s de li ht the West liviiamn. frail' au Natuinif. A tew days tip a man of Bethel. Upper Canad a picked up abox floating on St. Lawrence ) neatly opposite that. lace, which be brought ashore, and having broken it open, found a child three Teats old in it, wrapped an a blanket, and alive; The Coburg Star indulges the gloomy freboding that one-half the potato' crop of Canada will he de stroyed by the blight. Its opinions are based upon information derived from farmers in; various parts. A young lady was found dead in her bed. at Mont:, near Caen. not lonz .sine—her death was occasioned by sleeping in tight stays to preserve her shape. Mr. Samuel 'Mccleman, fmm Bath Mc., was on. Monday evenirnz pt Boston, relieved of his pocket book, which contained 5514 and a draft of 5310. 4 The whig county convention. at Detroit, 3lichi *an unanimously nominated John McLean for Pret,i delft' the friends of Clay and Taylor giving in they adhesion. All the papers of the court at Keene, N. H„ have heen stolen, so that the court cannot proceed with its business. f 2500 reward is offered for their re turn. Mr. John Cos-, of Meade county. !Cy.. was im mediately with a colored girl belonging 'to turn. in a blrn which was struck by lightning on the 17th inst. - The State of Arkansas invites emigrants to come and take lands which have been forfeited for taxce and no payment tr;11 be required of them. The receipts on t' e Boston Telegraph line for the three mouths. ending September Ist. hare exceed ed the expenditures. an amount equal to 12 per cent, per annum upon the capital. A short time since, at Sandlake, (N. V.) a woman cut off the tongue of a boy, to whom she was step mother. The reason she assigns for so doing, is to :-top his telling lies. An A ineilean trw.rehruit at the Cape of Good. Hope. has within twelve years sold a hundred thousanll Yankee plouizhs. chiefly to the Dutch Ter the use of their ‘ineyaras. Dvsentery prevails in the townp in the vicinity o; ll.,ston. It te , sumes a malignant form and a fatal ensues In Lowell, the deaths havd run up to ui hi•4h a GO in one week Mr. Lucius Beach had a bundle of small bills on the Citizen's Bauk. Worcester ; 'Msss.. amounting to one thomand dollars. stolen from his pantaloons pocket. in Springfield. on Wednesday last. Mary Runkle has beeen sentenced at Utica to be huna, on the 9th of October for the murder of her Imbband. David Se . ra. the eminent merchant of Boron. has given .-.7.1:2 7 000 to Amberst College, to lotmd a libra ry hall. Ernu-As BOOKs.—Loneellow has a new poem to press at Boston, entitled Evangeline.' ;tit.. Griswold has. it is aid. a new work in press. The Corn Crop is said to have been mulch injur ed in nonliern sections of Alassachusetts, by early trost. Much of. it is only fit for fodder. \Win. Lloyd Garrison. th«. 2-rent Boston abolition ist-. is in Cleaveland, 0.. quiet low with a billion, lever. An effeetnal remedy for the various diseases of mankind is, simple living. A collision took place on Tuesday night. on the railroad between Syracuse and Utica, between the regular train going west. Both engine; were smashed, and the plat/brats upon the cars crushed. Oue of the erwmie:s had his collar bone broken and several of the passengers were injured, but not seriously. A farmer's wife in New Connecticut, Ohio, is preparing an immense cheese fora present to Queen Victoria. With some few of her neighbors, she has procured the milk of 500 rows for one Mi!, . The production is. asheese w.etghing 600 pounds. The New Orleans Picayune is complaining of he sale and use of condemned army provisions. in nhat city..and calling for a rigid .investigation oldie facts of the case. The new Government mail steamship. A. R lletzel. sailed from Philadelphia for Vera Cruz via New 'Orleans, on Monday morning, laden w_ith arms stores. A protestant lady in Ireland has Just given a site of fonr acres and 1100 to provide for the Ro man Catholic glel,e, for the parish. Wi h such ex• ample:, of true Christain chari l y. there is hope for -poor humanity. Another American newspapef i< talked of at Vera Cruz, and the /pas in Gen. Scott's arm} were to commence issuing a daily paper frbm the capital early this month. trs Neal, the widow of the late. witty Witter of the .."'itharroal Skek•hes." hac a , sitmc..l the editor ship of Nears Saturday Gazete. Philadelphia. She is lirt(At a to the magaztlies as. Alice G. Lee. The editor of the Dublin Nation is trying to per siladeJle ; people of Ireland to Nevant all exporta tion acorn and provisions, and to pay no rent to absent landlords. Colonel Fremont has "returned to' Washington from his visit-to South Carolina. We regret to state that he has been unfottunate enough 'to lose his respected mother. The Venerable John Quincy Adams Will take his seat in Congress during the en-umg session Ile thinks he can winter in Iva...lnn:von more carp - lortably than in the secere climate of Massachusqs. the sword procured tor Col. Fremont by the enizerte of cliarleNon. S C., is said to be awaiting. his acceptance. 'Melodies of Charleston propose to fttrint-h as a t yrolirtate belt to accompany the 6 W o The repored death of Col. Burnett, of the New York volunteers, it 4 nut relied upon Hi t (fiends have sa , isfactory evidence to the contrary. _ . - Piiitch. and The Al'eckly Despatch are prohibited in France. K^arner left Wasbintrton for N. York on IVednesilay—thence. probably, to St. Louis. A woman was held to hail, on Wednesday, at Philadelphia for having robbed her husband of 40. Three quarters of the crimes committed in Eng land. are in.consequence of using spirituous liquors. Of the. 700 ; 000 habitual drunkards. 160 die evert day. The American !Aces are supposed to contain 1400 cubic miles of water, more than one halt the fresh water on the globe. Matthew Lyon, of Vermont, was tined 52,000 and imprisoned under the sedition law of John Adams. His daughter, now living at lowa city; has received her pro rata of that fine, which was re• funded during Van Buren's adininistmtion. The Auburn, wrecked at Barnegat, was insured fort 324,000, about all she was worth, and her cargo toits full value. Bulwer said-of her husband. that he was in love with himself. and had no rival. The Chancellor says that z , when `precious chil dren die, their parents suffer more pain than loss. There have been rely lately several mercantile failures. in Quebec. Canada. Joseph Levert was eonvivteg of the murder of his wife at Pittsburg ; on the 24th ult.. The vacancy in the Lieutenant Governorship of New York is lobe filled this fall, a special lo t h fur an election having been passed. A draft of 70 men were to leave the Brooklyn yard on Monday, to join frigate Cumberland, now under sailing orders at Norfolk. A bill is before the New York Senate for the re peal of the,Usury laws. Impipalant Worn Failure ql thi s Peace Negotiations—Renewal a af Ilos tilities—the American Troops i_nthe City o,rl l lc-ria 3 —Worth Seriously "wounded. gy the arrival on the 21st ult. ofthe trig Osceola at Pensacola, five days later news froth i Vdra Cruz has been received. The Sun of Allah= has a letter stating that are , tolthad taken place at Puebla. and liat the ..ame ricans at that place and the city of Mexico. had lost pOOO men. It also states that the propositionsmade by Mr. Trist were rejected, or at leasfone portion of them, and that hostilities had Fecommenced on the Bth, in the afternoon, and that a battle had been fought on that e - ftrting by a few hundred men from (len. S.eott - s army and four of the picked regiments of the Mexican army, ci,z :—the 11th regiment of the line. the 3d and 4th regiments of light infantry, and one regiment of the National Guards, all com manded by Gen. Leon-:-that the enemy's forces had been badly used up, and that their lois excee ded 2500. Trist's propositions were in substance that the citizens of the Lr. S. would_not claim from Mexico for damages acqi.sioned by this' war. • The United States to have the-privilege of estab lishing two positions in rppet California.' :Cot ac cepted. Then Ttist. unclothing himself of his ot fic pn NV - I.tr, remarked that Mexico hail better cede in full, Upper California to the United States tor 15 or 20.• 000,000. This probably would have been agreed to if the Mexicans had assented that the Texan boundtry should be on the line of the Rio Grande front the left side to the right side of the Rio Gila. This proposition was rejected. The Mexicans would not ield one inch of ground beyond the Nueces. Trist then asked 4R days to consider, rayintz that he w•as not authorized to vteld to any st r ait propo sitions. The . Mexicans offered to give, live days but no more. On the fifth day.:Of the conference, Santa Anna addre:•sed a letter (45 Gen. Senn. :( 4 harvitil that 11:e terms of 114 armlpstico had been violated. ;nick, General Scutt rnatle'-similar Lharges against Salim .Inna. Fire hundred A mericans we.re Fent to aviii k Coapulpetie. There they- eneontiorred a large fora; of the enemy's hest troops. A terrible tight ensued when the Mexicans Nvere defeated. Gen. Leon. who' eomtnandett the efterny, was %rounded. 61)ii Dean , Ralderis killed. The small numKer of the americans, who went ding to the :Mexican report. % fought like des dx. re tired to Tueubas a. leasing tiye agons .Lehand them. Some of these had no wheels, while others had no horses. The to of the .Americans, rt i. said. 1.3 comp:lr ativelv e•tnall- A proclamation was is , -ned Ilerrera tO the Go vernor of the env of Mexico, r p c nmf rl ,• ; ! ( l, :!:4 citizens. men. women anti children to cuke, and other misr>des, and earry them to the to the house:, to repel the attack of the Americans. It they attempted to enter the city AccooltuLf to the last aceeunt-4 cur troops 11; d i k OSSeSSA I iWO ..tree:s of the'etty: and 11,:d driv en the plutcyal parrot the Mextcan forces to%t'ard , the Plaza. The American t_ronp. had grealy ht the tire of the enciny fiern the windn , tv-. a:fd ruo! , the ho-es • Gen. NVorth i. badly but not rim-tally NN The American 1,.)s :-.inec lea% ing Puebla 1:- e,n mated at 300 n. Paredes k said to on the rold 1 - ::ttopri Cruz and MeNiro. at the head ut a larz,e force rat The Son of Anahuac of the iG,h. says that the American troops are arrivirri )1/ Z11')! )/111/41.1.))", f rom th e B ra7 n s , and it has no den lb , I•h:7t i•lim the neza lire Or six day.. trom 2000 to will he read\ to March into the interior. LATER —The steamer Jame. , L Pay hail arrivcd at New Orleans with at-ccunts confirminu . the urn alte.tdy recei% The news appear! in be all from Mexican ?•ourec...4. Tlt Vcra Cruz. Irk has le.ters from Mt xico to the 9th Sriv.. statiruz that the commissioners had re jected the proposition. of Mr Trkt. Santa Anna had- called a council. and appotuted the loth for the recommencement ofcliosMi!itts. Ilerrera issued a proclamation to the priests to tnctte the people to arms. • On the Sth Gen. Scott attacked WI de! Hey and was repulsed Accordiii to the Nam del Goblet.. no his loss was 400 killed and 600 wounded This is represented as the most desperate battle of the war. The Mexicans state their loss at 100 killed and 150 wounded. Gen. Leon killed and .everal enlonels Santa Anna is reported to hat c commanded in person. A Nl4. wan account says that a amomithe.Amelican ammunition wa.2on:-. e.xplod m2 four of them. blowing up 300 men, tut..lo.ling. Gen. ‘VORTH. .Inotber account Kays that the battle of the St h the Americans lost 37 officers atnong them Gen The avtinn re-conimenred on the 12th. and con tinued all day. A letter friim Ouzaha dated on the 19th. addres- Seti to Mr Dimond. say,. •• an express ita.l arrived from Mexico with the intellitzenve that F: e ult was in Memel:). Gen Bray.; was killed and Santa Anna wouhded in the arm. lie retreated with his troops to Guadaloupe.. . Another aweount says The env was I.o m l-, ar . iced on the 11th and 15th. and was . erccred osnlnies continued. Iron) the sth to the t me of the coy wa.t token I , y :he A mei icant , ... The Amer wan loss is relit - trod a 1700 A Mexican letter stales that Riley and 70 mon. deserter horn the American army. had been butt: by sen tence of a court martial. Anothur letle, from Mexico to ;he Iris dated on the 10th. sa3s that Gen. P. P. Smith expued. The Mox le:an Frit eminent sewed e 300,000 sent by a 'commercial house to General Scotte ar 111 V U. S NAVY-YARD, PEN , “ 01. k, Friday. Sept. 23. t:t47. A mewhant bri.2 arrived hero at an early hour this momilla, da y s to nt Yera Cri, oirli des patches for the War and Navy Departments. nt the utmost importance. The news brcr2.ht by thi4i ar rival has cast a gloolp over the countenance nti our whole community. I.iecattse ut. its untavorable tenor. ' - The captain inforrn4s us that he was hurried off so unexpectedly. and with such de.patch. -that he was unable to gather theffull parneulars iu detaih— The .um and subi-lant e 01 the news tr.ithn. .'Mr. Tr - Ist proposed that no 'miller indemnity of ottr cnzens should be demanded from the Mexi. can government. Aii.reed to. Our citizens should be allowed the .privilege of establishing two lac. tones in California for a given period. Agreed to, That the Rio Grande should be the line. ' Not a.. greed . to. _ . But the Mexican ebmmiissioners. proposed the Neuces, to which Mr. Trist replied that he had no authoriti for making that line, and required 45daes to hear from his government upon the subject; bin only s.days were allowed him. By way of a con cluding proposition, Mr. Trist pM,pesedthe annexe tion of New California. for which the government of the United States was willing . to•pay some fifiech or mon . m illi ons o f iioll ars---nut agreed to. The next followed a letter from :biota Anna to Gen. Scott complaining of his havimz broken the armiy tic to winch Scott replied, acciting hun of the same Ming. Of c•ourZe. hostilities reeorninenced : and on the 9th instant a portion Of Worth's division met :a large Mexican knee at a little place near the city, and give them beans, - hist w•n I nsscomp; „„ t i vi ._ ly trittiruz, while that of the Mexicans vvll., very „ rent. o n th e loth there were other crrm -F -luent:s. our forces proving victorious in evet,y struggle. 0n the t ith, which is 'die Idtest accounts .1.0 have• Gen. Scutt had got int9.the city, (x•cupyiitg only two street: w hick commanded the Plaza. ai)d the two aunt a were cohtendizig - for victory. Scott's . Joss is said to be 3,000 since his departure from rnebla, and,igroog fears are entertained fpihissafe- , ty—beset inihis rear by Paredes ) ; withi.,ll strew' foree,ivtulethis front is menaced by crterwhehn inguumbets under Santa Anna. It kilo be l hoped that the accounts bunt,* by this arrival ;are greatly ,exaggerated,, the Ugh 'this seems to bel pretty well corroborateid, Vera Crni 'papers, containing letters from the scene of ac tion. The day this.brig Baud, reinforcements to the number of 3,otie, under General Lane, had arrived in-Veri,Cruz, aruOpiade not a moment delay in setting out .for the city of Mexicia. Other rein fineements pre now hourly expected,af,Vera Cruz, but the prevalence of a u norther?' which had last ed*some four or•live, days, was thought to delay their comirer. - - - -I forgot to mention, in speaking of the- . fights,. that it is reported that the gallant Worth vaisertous ly wounded. No other name is mentioned a mong the sufferers ; but from the numbers reported to have been killed, we shall doubtlos, em long, hear the names of many whom we would regret to lose, and Whose I , 3ss the country would sensibly feel. The fever had entirely abated at Vera Cruz !Alice the " northers'? set in, but the squadron is still suf fering severely—deaths roccurring 'daily, and new cases, I letup, hourly • reported. Out of. the num ber of sick, which was about 2013,' brought to our hospital by the Mississippi and sloop Decatur, not a single death has occured, under. the skilful hands of Dr. lssac Hulse, and his *assistants; Our yard and its vicirrity has again been ,visited With the epi demic of last fall, but we need not fear any danger a lieu we have such a man as Dr. Metecril.surgeou of the yard. ho-e reputation as au eminent .gen tlqmn» in his profession Vas established here years gone hitt. • ; The eaptain of the brig that bmught the "nri-s, follows this, to your city on his way to New Orleins, with despateltes for the Picayune office from Mr. Kethhill. which /10 doubt will give the full particu lars of thb .ri AitB. 310.,Air (.t....fontxr:.— Mr. P. Ifewiti, of !Lytton!, the Tinit 4 ( , I Mal city . says i has made a hultiv imp 4 imam d •overv. It 15 a ‘cornpo,-.lton ; t i,eaplv oh , aineJ. It ith wftich he make; ght,s plates for 'lto°, itt..--a , Lib:4 ou edor marble,. bent 4. stioner and more heau t',ul. and Tull fitly per (-eat cheaper. die ha= male a discove,ry intim process of col 0ra1.% by ‘chich. 11.. e plate- are made to'partake of even,: variety of color. .a l hich foam; a part of the ttla.;! , .,anil can INver be et acitea:c3 or le,senetl in) itczimez,d. . . Clrtit A Do - in:firs( t:—The pre-ident of tho rni tep States is ati 2 o,% - ed 7- r25.00Q a year. The Queen Ewland has fur her prisylm:,,e botrile , 05.000: - pea,mll. , - .61100. ~q 0 olber ruatner4 wk i , 11 make 3 1,) an attl.r.retlate of -1 7 . 25., ( 0n0 a p* - etly good ',f i . ,. to pay for the !...ervicets.ot of an urniat.le but ve;y pvr , ouiv.e. f . ;:nue of the pa p...N are eomplainin. , of the prt:(in ret. Very IIIIIP. If any of it ha , beeli ofr -eryckl itt Prrm-vi%ania. At Ft;t:iconia. N. II.: ttosard., elt.;..se of htst ‘‘..:4•1c.. the '11 , 1111.1 Hi a wbit, , ! ali.l the summit of 1110111111..afayette with !I.:low. Iqrliigencer letter Gout T.:, 10, Mr. in which he dri•;.i.ri., that have cult l for i‘lr. Clay: -- SHERIFF'S SALE. ,iii•dry wilts of venditioni exnorias issued I) out of tte` court of common ideas of firadtord co.. t. , me tie te.l, I •liall e•xp.,..e to mite sale at the house TI - 10;s . 1" WOODRUFF, to the borough of To wn .. da, on Saturday, the 13th day of IN..veloher nrit. at 2 o'cl.k-k. P. '4.. the follow it.g pore or parcel of land. to l.•unded its t..11,r05. to 1/4 on Olt- n. , r(li t , v lan.) of J. e - 1.1 by Late 1. try. wtitit by rhee'ver,, and west by Geo. timrtit coot.ontog about etOtly acre+ with ahout fillet n aerea unproved cv one Log aid one saw Mill therein. 5,32.,1 and taken in the soil of D. W. Brorn, to the use at N ‘lthati littihrock Jr., vs. John L. Notth. A1.50. , a twice or t arcel land situated in the township of Mouri-, and_houtided as billows, to wit B. goininit at a on the warrant, thence along th e s a id h o e, nt rth 6si° we-1, one hundred and twenty perene. to a porn, thence by !arida George Tracy, north 40 ° , east S 7 I-10 perches to a post, thence by land of Jared lVoodriatr, north 6 It° east tlitrtyverehes to a post, thence by land of Absalptu Co;ilbough, south east 8 perches to the south east corner ot said Coolbaugh's land, thence north 54° east,23 perches to a post, thence south 50 ° east fl 7 5-10 pas rches r to a pines, cornerof Russell Fowlers lot, thence along Said Foralen, Wit south 40' eat 4 122 perches to the place of beginning, containing ninety-one acres and forty-seven perches and alluivance be the same more or less, with about 30 acres improved, with one Log House and one Log Barn thereon. Seized and taken in the suit of E. IL Mason, now to the u,e of J. P. Smith and J. M. Gregg vs. James Mur phy. Al.BO, by sundry writs of Fi. Fa. All that Farm, piece or parcel ot land, situated in the township of Leroy in the Ci.unty of Bradford, bounded on the uunli by limits of the A-glum company, on the west. iv lands of Horace J. Stone. on the. east he lands of ,Joshua Gris wold, and on the south by the Towanda creek, h all irn prosed, 'soh three dwelluig houses one barn and wagon shop, one saw Mtll an,b an apple orchard thereon, con taining tonety-seven a cr es more Seized and taken in the suit of Martin Hawley is. Alfred W. Fellows and Jorsepli Fellows. - Al.lso, the following piece or parcel of land. situated in Ulster township, bounded and descrthed as follows, to wit: beginning at a stake on the main "street dl pUblic road running t rou.th Ulster village in said township, theme s nith '2l'• west emuht perches to an...fier slake, a corner. Owner. m+-th 1,9' west I 0 perches to another :.t ike a c. , m+ser. thence north 'l° east S perches 1., another stake, a corner of lot no. 3, thence south 69 0 east ten perches to the plaee of beginning, col - 0 . 4111ms 50 ',etches and 11.4. g lotts no. 4 and 5 on the west of said road as laid not bv:Zephon i Flowers.being the Rime tw o lots con veyed to Sidney S. Bailey and Milton Belly by Jarred If•;leolnh by dr. d, dated' the I I th day of February, A. D. I 539. all improved ft ith one ism ill h•iti.e thereon. Serr:dam! taken in the suit id S. S. and A. Rex, vs. Sidney St Bailey and Milton Bailey ALSO; by vie tor of a writ 01 Levert Pacias a certain a t Message leer'or parcel ~f land situated ly Mg and being in the I , l ' •1141111 lit Franklm enmity of Bradt - tin! state of Penoviyi , ma. arid bounded as follows. to wit : begin. fling at poet corner (being the , south east corner) thence I , dandle inithe wairantee name ial Peter Ladley, south tw [sty nine and a half degrees west, two hundred and twethv 'six perches - tort terntnek. thence be lands in the warrantee names of Samuel Skidoos and Nathan Hardy, moth sixty degrees scot three hundred and twenty perchr:s to a post thence by land'in the warran tee nam e s ofJo..eph Ladlev,noriti twenty-nine and a half degrees east two hundred and twenty-six perches to a maple. thence 'south sixty degrees east three hundred and twenty perches to the begining, containing four hun dred and fifty acies, being the tract of land rroree,yral to Peter Ladley, on.& warrant dated (the twenty fourth day of February, '794, One half acre improved, one block house and two coil openings thereon. Seized and takenin execution et the snit of John N. Weston, va. Nathan 'Smith. . . ... • JOHN F. MEANS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, , Oet.Sl I, 1847. • - _ Lit.;l' ot , LETTEHA; %rosining/71 the Poat Office at Troy, quarter eiatinni Sept. 3P, lA-17: Avery William Kinyan Elizabeth Miss A Ivord Natha4 • Krum Stephen Berry Hare, I) • . Elm Goddard Baiter Clarriasa Maxwell Thomas •ttright Wrn N• b e Orrin T er Batter* Alanson Peter A Iphenso . Burriit E'y Pierce ciamuel Covert %%m Rittenhhuse Atrium Chase Wm R Silverman Nicholas Case Bent • Stanley John Calen"Foter A Miss . Smith Mary E • Carpenter Welsh ' . Smith Grace Armando Mrs- Coleman Thus Shattuck Geo W Duvall Stephen Strang Fredrick J ' • 1 Furgers.n John Shepherd L C Field Anger Tears John II U.ter ll,ntrl NVarrief John II internat.% Chas Wilhsms Charles 1 tivt .‘rnna .. Wlher Jacob , 1' i Halton i;lecta M Miss Webber Lucinda R Miss it L. RUN YON, P.M. I eis Mine _ . AKIIB WINO, • , ~. gain inform the Ladles that shehe s from New_ York , with the t e r„, t le sty)e of flak : Cam-and B ea d th .„, rge aril choice selection of ifi‘ E rg of Plush Velvet., Silks Silks and scu m ,' rat of Ifibbans, Flo wers ,, Pliime l a „. ! ranch embroidered demi:4, , g i ntp , ack -trimming larr 1 alf of which *Ali* a price as can be purchased elsewhere etoher 12 r 1247- W 041) s73st fasitioas sa ; a . Goods, co . .a large assort Laces. Ailso fringe and b' fold at at low . Towanda. SO4 %Roam araw trza:z V GOODS, oa ND NEW PRI4S ! B KIN :BERY & CD.. at* just receiviag;de . !ootly row New, Yollk anti' opening si the new b r i c k do l e, cently erected at H.Kingebetrishtstand, a largo lessor went of Pall 4. WintSr:Goodt, tompti.ine Broad doll . , Cassimerrs, tS , ia tads : A I puccas, if e r . e _ ry desalt "French if Etiptah me rmos ; 211 , 4. aline to vies; G.i ll, ol'n's,. a.... "greet tofu, y Caskm eit Woolen , Shaul.. ; vomestie p x ,,,j .F, Muster and Gloms ; ty every drserti4l,ll Groceries, :rockery, Harthenre, B e ,„ # ~„„. s oit and upper Leatker, Frenek -and cwonun i salf wad kip skins Nails, square. round ant' Steedea„„ dhss,lds and Cups, 'Jul nail .Ski,e Warr 1 Paper Hatlgings. Bqffido rokis and "Vs!, ' public is respectfully' intitol te't ..ila - erel., 0W . 11511, Mind and I ler ,11‘ g i i tur T ! h prese nt :i e t It i t i r o g n e o a f trx ti c e- of goods, w limit are now tl:4lL:t.' ed fo r este t the lowest" pi ic2a, fur ready pay. Ttxr have be-enelected with unusual care and attentio n , el- pres.ty for lie . accommodation of cony eu , tamem In, wt believe offer induhernerreirti:a purchasers uo atirte else to re 11 with. i r y- Rea erober, before purchasing e I .evi here, to ca.: an. King f i ery 'a old stand, and etamine our gob setT prices. as e are cot - Aden' thej will meet the stews at the clusest i l cash buyers. BiIITON. ICIIIIG§I3ERY. J. K. SMITH, liet.ll2, IAI7. • W. F. MENARDI; q, 4 L' i o ffii_B.`.ol_lo.l,l 4\ tii.kl).edirc., Tills kiii.tituticn is now under the charge et Ifi. 1.. ..L_ W. orN.N, a graduate of Ya.b. College, Iltylc,i by Mr. 0..11. Pa ATT, Of CoAn. The tint term eon. utenced othe kith of Sept. ult. The second inti commence! on the G i th of Dec.iiitrupila re advent,,; ,t 1 1 any titzte:l TENN% r ITulion pyr term of elAen weeks. Common it.ttrpi t h .tudies, 1: 5.1 , . . Higher Elaglish stu, ira, 4 RI Am tent liatriguages and higher mathematics, 5(9 Extra th4rcie, (Ist and td term.) t`.s Arranoaientt will be made to steure the sertl et . i l an aertintlished Preeeprreas in the siaarig. • , Oct. 12. S. •1) . MI ).N T.l. N-1 - E. Pre,i.lent. ____ . i 1111133 • A _ The 31rdical Fatally in Inns: ;V rlcr's b fi,lliblc klocrly for Uritt of ta l l,.ing--artil sire of doses- eat; Dr . C Tr rr of tie °Mimi rtf the pa!icrtti . Til E ahoire knetheine cars he loom, at all times at rle v esi..l.islimeia of C.-\ HTER & t,„ a ,,tl, e wil, an Dem , acid foal. stock nt Gli l'El a S. eqini.rimnv.; every thing in their hne. as 'Fen' Coff-e, - sug..r.Tobacen, .Pepper. Spice. Ch 1:0e, Coln. Figs, Railmns, and an ,m 5. %an. ty.', of other at 1 i CIVS too II URief vaentm of I,thi c h "14 be lsold as lo btV ai the Nat i o. r, wa.t of the Empire city Vie .11.0 cfr Mended asaortment of French, cm. , !+, tl an!) th ever Mute otreirl in Northern PA.', together with a lull asortrbent :Vats. C.c!. Yankee'Notiona, Fancy glassasre, &c., n „ `ant, will suit ma to 11113111 y mid prtrs. l 1547. CA-it PER & ! JOHN ! don't tell nei .1, ready John Davt.,'' for 100 F.lsh , ;,,rac.va lbs. Lard. C 1 ETLI: & t , M %LEI ME Emir EMI LEM t 1. 4 .14 mu.t RI SILT YI 'LORING ESTAIILISJIMENT! M H. S R. DAVIzi. TAIL( oRS, City rtf Lundon.; hat-e epencri a steep, w rni r4, , tyof ilie new lirwk block, erected by BLit ZANITy. or?,Al ain ,rt, eel, u lore they ale pep hots an orders in their hue out, accuracy Isom their Long and rizoroto, :a ter itheir extensive experience as Foicineii, In far re in London, they 61 perfectly to pleoko trre most r,t,:th1i,,04 tA 4 4, end hr, ir r work in such siilratatitral and bro o ked satist4Nion to their cio,:ortirra. APCO Kin cif., Far eurttn g done tu order, dud p3manted petty made up. . H. I'ovranda. Oct. 12..11417, yl Fair Warnin, end inclavt,lotitr: .. HEREBY •warn every p.n . :rt.:T.-indebted p Tr . : 1- .3 unlesa, it-mm.41114e pen meta is nnadr, ILry tr.. d' Thni notice is given wit;i.iur iri.i.iy , iii.- ii all persona knowing tinnii.ei%i b iiid..ii•ii.t , itts. by eiving reiTtipt :itterVion. Towanda. Oct. 12. NI7. il Nl' OF I.E I' l'F:11: 4 . rt.m.t,:,,,u, :1, l, P:•: , I, et Towanda, quarter endon , „...!•ele.. 30. !' , C. lennett Chester • Kl:cner I ~ 14 ow.e . n 'Timothy li. , r;; 111-!,.),: liven Robert —1., ft 11 Ni .:!(;rf 4 apt craft Legrand Lawrence JAn K , .urlinzame Leander I e'r , w I:. , raneV.l Yist 1 lanrelt E'ij dt K I . .ent Puilvl dley Jerrnoah - 1.»:2` inn Jo'on -ow man DJ % ad- . • M.,r-e NI f 3 Saraa egnett Henry • • 1 lark chair r edier ,orthoneng :tit•kon l'nner 1)a vid .•arni.bell John ;aro! Elq.a A :II i:nzn••• 10.46 laz John M Iron Chz's For .13S It ►ayton A limn ':). /rike John 2 :Ilse %Vllliam Z lkisa ertzerAon Wm Burton 'osterNtmi Jane E Ica Patrick ^ Fitzgerald Cornelius Gardner Jacola 2 ICeer Robert , ..111 , pcf I; 11 • 1 47 :1 1 ! , i ntlrerr W.ittlt , Mons 11'xrDrr 1 I t'llry 111.0 , 1tHIT Wolf .I(irt A. s. CH_ 3 , 113 EfalN.! Hays Aliaiitel Harlem Win f - rattiness I.ueinda Hoyt :Miss Jane Hine Henry W Irvine Jaws W Johnson Andrew Jackson Thornan L _ ler or LErrERs; rernitinorg, in thelow l . il at Athens, quarter ending Sept. 30, I ' l7 ' Bertran James Ort John Brown Simeon II O'Caon John - i 4 Brown James sen • Park Jatnes N BloOrnfield Thomas Price Misr S It Clerk of the Circuit court Peters Mrs Elgibe llt i Crawl Robert Pelton ENV ' Curry EEU .. Rnerra John i Demoreet Nicholas Richards R Si • French Samuel IlOg,ers Elizabeth 0 Griswold Mary Reynolds I t , 4.. Hendricks F smith Joseph' . , Novella Fanny ) Stank Ann Ed'"' . ii Wet limes , Singh John "en Havens Sabez .. . Swartwood 64.. , ) 1 ". Horlen John ' tztoTard Job , J AIIIIIii» A. .C. Smith Harriet It Lyon C B Titus NI li. Loudoem James . Vann. cken H 11 Lamb Harrison VenTerSOn Joseph Lane Thomas Weller A. M c I:1 wain James • WilsOli Bodkin) Maxwell Thomas ' White Kebeeci llisTwrll Win ' lA"ainer NIP:S A P Nf 'ler Franc: et A . . ; NVe-tipid F.11.,hs Ne-bet M irgoret lir rnltiip Henry. Nearing Phebe Ann T a d, L e vlati ~ , L. C H. HERfileN, r• ' mem Ma . s fiNTIIkWO Ma. n Vo . Myers Ioe: lon ich:rl J,;;;t2 I'm:0: 'hart , 14 ne :•••ela Porter Revel p.” : , v \no MAI i II:. 11 41 ll , " Stone 1111:trj :Zwvel,v Nsch3fi Ntdnicy'John
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers