Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 17, 1847, Image 3

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    co . Sir. contrast Michigan with Arkansas
ficithin the last twenty years, the former has
w orried a high position among the States of
the Union. She exhibits at this -day all the
elements•and resources of a great State; cities,
n ouris hing towns, and highly Cultivated fields.
si . rt h a popula ion that outnumbers three or
(our time that of Arkansas. Vet, - Arkansas
has even abetter soil, and supericr natural ad-
Tailta ,, e s. What is the cause of this disparity ?
li is slavery. sir, and that alone. Slave labor
e xhausts , and makes barren the fields it cult,-
rates. That labor is only profitable to -the
gaiter in the production of staples of cotton.
sugar, and tobacco. Crop follows crop, until
the fertility of the soil is exhausted. when the
old titdds are abandoned. new and virgin soil
s ought out, exhausted in the same man-
Der, and in its turn likewise abandoned. Thus,
or. sterility' follows its. path. Eastern Vir
ginia. unrivalled in the fertility of its soil, and
diegt mality of its climate, with navigable
rivers and harbors unsurpassed in co•nmercial
importance. is this day hut little. better than a
barren waste. The free labor of the North has
commenced the work of regeneration, and to
this alone can Eastern Virginia look liar re
demption and renewed prosperity.
Sir, as a friend of the Union, as a lover of
nor country, and in no spirit of hostility to the
South. tiffered.iny Amendment. Viewing
flarery as 1 do. I must resist its further exten
sion and pritrca'gation on the North American
continent. It is nu evil,-the magnitude and the
end of whiL•ll, no man can see. Mr. ‘Valker
in lug cciebriat&•d Texas letter, urged the pith
cr al arl Ilea a ti,lll- A •is a means and atil in the li
n,ll,hiilition of slivery. Be the annexation
of Texa , , lie said, a frontier of two thousand
miles tit caletit would be opened, bordering on
Mexico, over which our slave and black popu
ktion• as it should press upon the country,
cntdit p se, and become mingled with the nox•
rice? , of Alexico and South America. Sir.
. I ,h,.„ahi at the time, and still ,think, that there
Ka, niu.•ll hirce in this argument. But if we
Like the yen; comury that was to IV their re•-
(age, and solicert it fur slavery, what In...tws
u: t e and argument of Mr. Walker ?
Ilea the hour expi red, and Mr.
was ',oaken off in his rein ark s.
• l'atr., COCGTI. Asti CosiscsteMox.—Wriglit's In
dun V. getable Pills are a mo s t delightful medicine for
,n..; off a cold, because they expel from the system
niarbid and corrupt humors, (the cause of every kind
ltie,e) in so easy, and natural a manner, that the
Hy is relieved of all fits sufferings as if by magic. Four
o. I:ie of said taken every night on going to bed,
in,. in a short time remove the most obstinate cold—at
gni same time the digestive organs will be reatiared to a
teanhy-tone, and the blood so completely purified, that
itlimstiim of the longs, consumption, or any other form
disease will be absolutely impossible.
llt tlti: ur COUNTETIFEITS.—The public era can
t-fa-aid against the Frady spurious medicines which, in
Cr. er to be, eise.are Called by names similar to Wright's
Vegetable Pills.
Rep,re`wr. the only origin,il and genuine Indian
I i.,!..t.1.:.• P.:l4'hane the written ti4nature ut Willsani
1t,, ; 14 ,n the top label of each bi.x.
laceo devoted escluuve!y t, the sale of Wright's
/,..11.,“ l'o;eud.le Pi ii , ‘Vholetoile and Retail, 169 Race
:•.7 I".d, Ic'ploa; 2S Greenwich St„ N. York ; and
I ei Tr•lnot.t. SI., B.". on_
\z , so. for the sole of Wirizltig Indian Vezeta , lle
I' 171 r Niontanye's &Co ; for other ugen
-3,l,ln...rine:it in utter
't.l:l. l .ty. Marti. 11. bribe Rcv. Mr. I.aynon.
u.a J. t; zur of Cl.ter, to Dr. Wm.S. latuatsEr,
to:N.I t.t.N. Y.
Nco3 lbuccisimnits
1 )1\ (1 . (. 1.-- 8 .PeA7l.7faill-M,
Of Colored Mltdalfil'eS.
of Gra. -11,realeCaUt% in Pate Street, - opposite
Pre.sbyteriaa Charch.
111: 1 , 1 11N,.,0N beg*, leave to cal: the attention of
Gelstiefileil of !hi, vitiate to kis
I; I r a Inl'.liancy and tr.-autv, are n•orrpassed l.y any
tae c.e.ntrv,.and warranicif imperishable.
JuLts•sos: ha: been ~.verat )ears emiagerl in the
and train fomicrly an operator in the celebrated
NI. Pite: at'', Gallery. :New'. }Cork. and hi. Picturea
'.e-takert the Preraivam, too, )cor4 in sun r.-
m. at the Crest Fair ofthe American Institute, in the
rt ; l e of Prof. Plunthe.. •
ti r. J. rt .peetfully solicits n c from the citrzena
r , Illaze,—ti„t only 1 - 1 - 0111 tho..e degiron. of proem...!
t Iran all at ho may wish to examine
.pe• um its of the .let.
It,, color and materl'al of the dreg:, add a Great deal
to the l‘eauty dt the impres,ton.-and therefor, to! Le
er dark cireS,OS are considered Feferah:e. •
Pow-, taken in clear or cloudy weather.
l', pi,seeelle ml tier pictures, can have them
ri..l,anz e d on ie./Non tide teT i n s
oi.,en from Si A. M., to 5 P. M.
In•trnenorrs and apparatus furrn.hed on the most
I.da.Al ZNiTlaaa
' WWI:, to the second story of No. 5, Brick
March 16. 1817.
- Ali - WE I'ITILEN A having left my house end
ivnhout any cause or provocation. 1 hereby
1.1t411 peosins harboring or trusting her on my au
"lnl, a=s.l ,Fall pay no debts of her contracting.
_ l3, :c:lnzlon, March 12. 1817. •
Fire Fire Fire
I.IONT ANY & FOX would. revcctfully inform
• their old cw,toinerst and the public generally. that
Lry are on: quite used up 'et,' but have removed their
Gump, -
to old •rore•lornierly occupied by 0. H.
'l!rr.oray ,loi n town, where we will sell anything in
ou line, a, cheap as.the cheapest •
Pn-e call - and see us. - March 16.
In Towanda.
BARER respectfully informs the public that
• be It3l commenced the GRAVE•SPONE bu.i
trsy, it] all us branches, at Towanda, where he will be
!hey at tH times to attend to all his line.
Tomb-tables, Grare•slones, of
'ry description, 4-c.. 4-e..
tnd furnished as cheap as WORK and
le same quality can be obtained ai any
to public to call and examine his work
loping to merit their patronage) by strict
mess, and by superior workmanship and
:IiTTING done with neatness and des
test my le.
in door to T. Ellioles store,
'lave Briggs Hotel.
birch 17, 1547. 40y
;ERY,Jr., has removed his Goods,.Books,
Tv ke., to the •Briek Store, formerly wen
& Overton,' where hts friends arid the
iced to call,
!Harsh 16, 1647. . •
on hand a large stock of nice FRES
Sat all kinds of prices. Ha, wa,ha
seta of is. Tea' that is right. Ca:i
New Voris abncrtisenienlo.
1847. NEW YORK CARD. 1847.
THE attention of merchants and oaten Tishing .ITew York
is requested to the followiug Cards. Those advirtising are
detcrnt ned that nothing .n their power shall he wanting to en
aLlc customers who call on them to pure haae cheaper than ctn..
Spring Styles,
Lee 4if liretosten
!lave received and are nose opemng 500 CitscsPicartro CALl
curs. comprising all the nose spring styles of American, Bri
tish and French mitritiractiire, to market:—all of which etc
now tieing exhibited and offered for sale,—at the
1 - M.MlaWiaalth
./retv Fork.
11. H. Schleffellta & Co., Druggists,:
104 and 106 John -area, N. Y.
Importer. of British. 'Mediterranean and India Drugs.
Agents of New York and Brooklyn Glass works.
While Lead and Tiensanns colors at factory prices.
Agents (or Swalm's Panacea and Vermifuge.
Vamshes, Instruments, Snuff Brushes, at factory• prices.
Edward Baack,
Manufacturer and Importer of Mus:cal Instruments, No. el
Fulton street. corner nt Gold. N. V.. keeps constantly on band
the largest assortment of Muscat Instruments in the city, and
all kmds of musical merchand:se,
Brown's Coffee Mouse-et Dining Saloon,
71 Pearl street,
Centrally situated in the bus netts part of the city, (facingCoen
hes sit, between Hanover Square and broad std The beat ca.
tabllshment in the etty.for country nierchenta to get their meals.
GEO. B ROWN, late of Lovrjoy's Hotel.
Wrought Iron Pines,
For bleara. &C.. trom 1•: lo 3 niches calibre. Also. Elhosia,
Brass and Iron Cocks. Flanges. &c. Manufacturers. and others,
sendmg a diagram, can have pipes accurately fitted to measure.
T H . NOIiRIS 5t BROTHER, 6.1 Gold•st.
Flushing Institute. at Flushing, L. I.
Nine u.ih•s from the city of New York.
This School has been well sustained more than twenty years.
Its present uccommodavons are not surpassed in the country.
For c rculara. terms, reterences, Sc., apply by
marl or othervki , c, to
EZRA FAIRCHILD; Principal, Flushing.
Camphene Solid. Bottom Glass Fountain
Cannot corrode or beconte heated—they are superfor to a!lother
!atop,. IVlantnactured wholesale and retail by J. 0. FAY, 13$
Ftntoa-st. Also. Lowe's, the. beg article of Campbells.
Stoat & Ward,
Manufacturers ant! orno.esale de:versa/ Zoom and Shoes, Lea.
tier. Morocco Ac. No.,2Zir
N. 1.1.—5:0, & Ward are munutbeturtur, the finest quality of
Lad:. s' French and Sid stitched Slips and Gemara,
orn.eil they warrwit saper:or to: any thing manutneturcd in the -
t.:.ty or luuntr).
Billiard and Ten Pin Balls.
SHAFiIII.O‘,V & DBOTHEB, 118 Fulton-it,
Turners and deniers In Ivory and Fancy hard Woods. Mania
gal and Na irk n r.trFs. Sund-tones. Letter stamps. Wafer caps
and :04.1.-rs Ivory Cheeks or Counters. or of all patterns,,Dice
k'an.o kes s. Cue itlialet. and wax. Orders solmsted.
Carpeting., Oil Cloths, die.
The subsentl, eonsLamly reed ent4 1?y, Importations and OthalW sLppl es of apestry, than Brussels. Three
p;y. Ingram and Ven.tan Carpeungote and 0.1 Clothes In great
eompr ng a complete assortment. at prices sae/necta
r). La the macnaser. Wholesale and rural by
R. E. PURDY, 44:', Pearl street
Silver 'Ware Manufactory..
J: & I. COX, IS .%looleu Lune. New 1 ork, kcep constantly for
.cle of the, osvn ,nanu:acture. S.lver Tea Sets. Forks, Spoons.
&c. I.uu. Gas Fixtures, Lamps of every dcscopoon, Mantle
CL.liijOi.l.-F6.1,r0t10.e.5. Table eunery, Japannery,Sl
vcr placed ao.J wares, &c. &c.
Looking Glasses.
JOtIN WILLL %eta. 40., & CO.. Importers and 311umfac
titre rs of lao' Looking Glass Plates. &e., 31.5 l'earl
a. loppos.te reek slip.) %%It: suppty tbo above at such price.
us preclude um po,etlubly undersold, and of a qua
lity equal To that chamearteud our establishment
for the f.l tarty -Seven years.
SOLON: & ILA RT. Inipurwrs and NI amffactarer of &II I.nds
L!. gvoa.. curta II rnazerints and truant ugs. wiudow
• od I,p, Lang.ngs, wtal:ciale & remßroadway.
24d Broway,
opi „Vatic. Thu trade hoprnled an the most liberal tom&
Nankin Tea Company.
ht • Natik:u Tea Company.::.;•t, I•narl ,reet, N Y.: dealers in
Nat: aug igng.unt Teat: exclus•rely. Hy recent nuponations
Lie) sr prepared 'to 6:I up all orders for their superior teas to
.r tunl_ly use. Met - chains and others wishing to have
Atier.or packed lean on sa:e, wdl he allowed a libenil disc.
Iron Safe Warehouse.
139 Water sl, N. Y.
SILAS C. TIERRINCi. denier in aii kinds Di Iron Safecand Ma
icy Cher, and is the only pr t.ll in this slate authorized to
actur • or sell W.ider'a Citinuine Patent Double and
Ei~ r Salaninuder Sate.
Second hand Safes orother makers. such as have been
taken in I an r o } lnvut jar ICildet's, tor sale at less arse cute
-1:11.1 of first cosy
Looking Glasses..
3terchaurs from the coll.:ins, ulna tt sh to purchase Looking
rest :Milt the IniannilttelOry. al natal lower prices
halls Tilvy have tier doh, are invited to make the . r selections
..o:n a moot client Sc insislainharlil at line svarestpoal of
B. \V. MERRIAM, 130 C-1:;i-thain-st.
Snuff and Tobacco.
116. :141 I[:
Gcm, n• - • &im •a• - en MaceaLoy Se•urch Snuff,
Sons I I lich Tonal do. do.
Ann, & Fltll,lltogree strolls. It sh Toast oh Irish Black-
Ih•tu ctn. do. Art. g. nt du. I g.inrd do Put up in pound
And otter k trlso. brown snots,. and hit pound bottles. Jar e
op a hiJ keg,. Jars. und f and small bladders. barrels,
10. and ha, ib. tAntles. kegs and Jars.
]lw r 0.. 4:4,1,•1,,,,..,Th1,n,r0 t urge- and small papers and
balk. & sweet scenteJ o.utokocitrri strp to quarter lb. papers.
F ne Cut • 'll,ttt,co.
a'; r. I Or.ltnar) and cut sterrld.
tp, V 7 1 ,1 SP:ra papers. :tint pg.ckerl In tierce,. hea
rt s. toil Larrcl. an.: kegs. A lull pr.ce current may be hod by
d rec.l og per ma Ira •
PE DIRILLARD -Jr, 4, Chatham-st
T lie Book of the Feet I
W :h tt tttls at the VI. of the Egyptans, Hebrews.
~ 11 anJ Ronan:, no' the preen,llng style through
4. 1.,1 , •• .1 , ,,n; the tri dd azes. down to thepresent per.od
—A no. II nib 111 C 1.13i - IMInCI . 3 and 11.:ine,hes lot Corns. etc.
h J •... (rain the bet end lAinlon eft:: on. with a
. .
./ • :c.l , i'gn. w a.i.: ..',':-.., :ri the Unitedlates, B ci7aplcal
ro ~:o a... 0 Shrwroak.-0. An.-eaotei fr.c. Pree 50 els.
Pt, Co;. or bye cop es for '- ‘ 1,2 by mail. Cot u nry merchants
ea, ; 1.,.., LN n work 111 tb.. trade pr ce in an) of thc emus.
Nt M. H. ti RA H A NI, Tribune I.Juildinge.
Chas. F.
150 Ilinadway, and 7 Liberty street, New York.
111:N; RICIIS& CO., 41 Klairst., Boston.
lur - ortcrs o: Fronch. Gernutll and F.11:41.5h Fancy Goods. Fr.
lore-'arn Va, • acid Oral:mutts. To) sat all des,iptton. Bo
he ut an r ell cut. c'on-t1 and rorrela n Glass ware, vases and
111.1 . S. ( . 4.) * 0, aural g ass pr,arns. alabaster statuary
and °ream: ills. twlidalcs. cagravtatts and bthographa, archery
and cr:ckct Implements. eta.
Adam.' Fancy Bazaar.
IDS Chatham Squa e,'New York.
tV ADAMS. dfral., m tl atelws. Jewelry. Aceordlans, Toss,
Fancy GooJs. & every arttele marked in plain figures.
No :or look tig—mv.lMes to non-purchasers grabs, at
194 Cha , .l.aut Square. near the flowery.
Codee & Spices.
TH: STATE MILLS man:nurture and offer for sale to won
try nizrehants at the lowest renumeranng cash prices, Mus
tards. Cocoa. Co lee. and Specs of best mater.als. packed and
boxed :la the first style 01 :wetness and elegance.
BENRY B. BLAIR, 1711 Washington-et.
New Hardware, Cut Wrought Nails, &e.
DEN:\ Ir. 101.; \ & DI:stiROW..:& Pearl. opposite 1 earl Street
tints,:. Now York. are openitig for sale a very full assortment
of New I lardware. They keep constantly on hand Cut and
wrought na In an, if an d vices. 107 and trace chains, mill, entnla
cut uad realm saws. shovels. spades and hoes, scythes, tick
les and sad :rolls. &e. &c.
Stationery, Blank Books &Paper.
RICA & LOUTRE.I., 61 W. 11.616 sz., Iry oven of Foreign Sta.
t o6ery o:cvery descr,pt:on.
:11inufacturers and deMers 1a Account Books, Papers of all
k mls. go;d pens, letter presses. seal presses. manifold
writers. Erects or ink. and all other art•e les sold by stationers.
Please call and see no. Goods freely shown—prices very low.
J& .Es v. RICO. .< 61 William at. } wx. X. LOUTaLL.
Emma' S. and William Wood.
No. 26! Pawl at., New York,
Publishers of G. Brown's Gninernar, Now York lipaders,Pnt
noes Analytical Readers. &c. &c. Medical Books, a verrex
tens ye useornavnt, all on the most resikotaldo terms, Mr cash,
or approved erodir.
Britannia Ware.
Britannia nuts. tea Sc:,., cofec pots. castors. candlesticks,
p.tchcrs. flagons tankards, goblets. ladles, table and tea
spwns, molasses cups. plates and cupafor children, 'pineal's,
shaving Loxes. tumblers. &c. manufactured and in sale
at the lowest price. Also Banc!' tin, Straits tin, antimony and
bar tin, for sale at 6 Burling slip, by
LUC IV'S HART, late Boardman
.& Hart.
. Umbrellas.
The subscribers being the larpst manufacturers of 4.7 rerlas,
Parasol.,Parasollettes apd butt-shades in the Unite States,
mid haring tacit:ties wbiefr no other house posies. c a conk
<neatly sill goods cheaper than any other esuddishut ut ..
Bagleyte Celebrated Gold Pear.
A. p. 13AG1.E i & Co. Ic9 Broadway, N. Y. manufacturers of
their ever pointed gold pens, pntent extension cases for pen ttt
pencil, and pencil cave. The trade supplied at the lowest rates.
Withington, Frolic's & Welch,
Coffee and Spice Factory. N 0.7 Dutch 4., N. Y.
14aveconsiandy on hand the folloWng articles
Colleo—l;reen-Roasted and Ground.
filliScee-:Wliole and Ground.
hlustard orsupefor quality in various sized packages.
Drugs & Chemicals ground for dealers in driags & medicines.
.1V halebones.
IttNCEIMAN & NEWION. Maneacturers and wbolesale
dealers in Dress. S:ay and Skirt , Doors, of superior quality.
suitable for tlie retail trade, always on hand. sobbing and
County Merchants supplied. N 0.35, Cedar wrest. - •
Platforms Seralet4 • -
Fairbanks , Patent Platform Scales. of every desirdtle modit."
cation, Dormant and Portable Scales. (or. stores. warehouses,
dr.r. Ray. Railroad, Coal and Grim Scales, it.c. to Warrant
ed perfectly and permanently accurate. •
For sale by FAIRBANKS & CO., 124 Water at.
Late WilLatns & Hle
awy, 0'
Wholesale dealers in fine Teas and Groecne inviteattetub'
to their super:or assorime_nt. which they offer on the most fa
vorable *arms for cash orlipproved credit, No. let, Front st.,
(near Fulton.) -34-4 t.
No. 7 Spruce street, Tribune Buildings.
WHOLESALE ant; RetaiI—SHADES of all do•
scriptions, incliding superb and brilliantly
colored Gothic Scenes, of various sizes and prices ; .al-
so the late style of beautiful Rural Landscape Scenes,
a .much admired and desirable article ; together with
every style 'and description of shade mist in use, at
fifty per cent. cheaper than can be bought at any other
place, Trimmings at manufacturers' prim,. Sign,.
Banner and interior decorations done in a styli not to
be surpassed. BARTOL & ORMSBEE,
9m214 Manufacturers and Importers.
Premiums Awarded to .Lev i Brown
By the American Institute for Gold Pens. .
TN 1840—A Silver Medal for Superior Gold Pens..
1841—A Diploma fot Geld Pens,
1842—A Diplorita far the best Geld Pens.
1843—A Diploma for the twat Gold Pens.
1844—A Diploma for superior Gold Pens.
1845—A Silver Medal fur the best Gold Pens. -
1846—A Silver Medal fat the best Gold Pens.
This is to certify, that the above is a true copy from
the records of the American Institute
Rec. Sec, of the American Institute.
BY virtue of sundry writs of venditioni exponis
sued out of the court of common pleas of Bradford
county, to me directed, I shall expose to publit sale - at
the house Of I. H. , tephens, iu the borough of Towan
da, art Saturday, the 17th day of April next, at 2 o'clock
P.M., A piece of lend in Curd township, bounded north
by land of John Acla, 'east by the. Sumpiehanna rive.,
south by tondo! the Hoidens, and west by lands in the
warrantee name of Sarah ltforrkon. Containing about
thirty-five acres, all improved, with a framed house and
barn, and an orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Thomas
Elliott vs. Anion Ada.
ALSO—A piece-or parcel of land in Standing Stone
township. bounded nort't by John-Park, east by Thos.
Burns and James M'Gregory, stiuth by Patrick Lynch,
and-west by lend in possession of Wm. Compton. Con
taining one hundred acres or thereabouts, with about
thirty se es improved, with ono log house, one framed
-born and shed,and some trait trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Edward
Overton, vs. Harry N.Spalding.
JOHN P. MEANS. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. Towanda, March 14. 1847.
In -Bradford Common Pleas, Feb. T., 1897.
IN the matter of the application of T. Morgan and
others, to be incorporated under the style and utle of
"The Baptist Church and Society of Athena Borough,
county of Bradford and State of Pennsylvania."
Notice is hereby given that Wm. Morse, C. Bene
dict, 'l'.-Lane Jerome White, R. 'l'. M'George, G. W.
Plummer, L.D. Hart, and Levi Morse, on the 10th
day of Feb. 1847, presented to the said court an instru
ment to writing; end the objects, articles and conditions
therein set forth and contained, appearing - to the said
court to be lawful, and not injurious to the community,
directed the said writing to be filed, and notice to be
given in one newspaper piloted in said county of Brad
ford, for at least three weeks before the next court of
common please of said county, setting forth that appli
cation has been made to said court to grant such an act
of incorporation according to enact of Assembly in such
case made and provided.
A. M'KEAN, Prothonotary
Prothonotary's Office,
Towanda, March 3J, 1847. 5
Orphan's Court sale.
nuritti) NoTicE is hereby given that in pursu
ance of on order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford
County, held at Towanda, the first day of Feb., 1847,
will be exposed to public sate on Thursday the Ist day
of April seat, at two o'clock, P. M., on the premises,
the following described lot of land situote.lying and be
ing in the township of Monroe. county of Bradford, on
the road leading froth Monroeton to Towanda, bounded
as follows : on the north by Joseph Hornet, on the east
by Russell Fowler, on thesouth by the heirs of A. C.
Rockwell, and on the west bv, the above mentioned
road. Containin g about three fourths of an acre with
a large building erected and fitted for a tannery, together
with a distilling house and barn t. to be sold as the pro
perty of 1.8. Warn, deceased. Terms made known on
the day of sate. • JOSEPH. HOME?,
Monrrwton, Feb. ID, 1847. Administrator.
and offer aor sale the
Orphan's Court Sale.
I N misname of an order of the Orphan's Court in and
for the County of Bradford, held at Towanda, un
the 11th day. of February, A. D. 1847, there will be ex
posed to sale, by public 'endue or outcry, on the premises,
on Thursday the 2Sth day of March, 1847, at one o'clock
in the afternoon, a certain piece or parcel of land situate
in the township of Troy and bounded north by land cf
-Ward, east by lands of James Dewitt, south by
land of Wm. Morrison, and west by the highway lead
ing from Granville to Troy, containing one hundred
acres or thereabomMbeing land of which_ Wm. Knox,
deceased, late of Troy township, died seixarl. Terms made
known on the day of sale. CHARLES DRAKE,
Feb. 22d, 1847. Ad's of WM. KNOX, dec'd.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's spurt of
1 Bradford county, there will be exposed Of public
sale at the. house of Moses Herman, in Ridgbery, at two
o'clock in the afternoon of the Gth day of April next,
the following tract of land, to wit:—A tract of land
situate in Ridgbery aforesaid, bOunded north by,land of
Aaron Matcellui, east by land of said larceUus and
Mitchell , south by land of Curdulna and David
Hapeman, and west by land of Marvintrd Stevens. Con.
taming about one hundred acrcs,with about thirty acres
thereon improved with... saw mill and a framed house
and barn thereon erected.
ALSO—A certain tract of land situate to Ridgbery
township. bounded north by land of Wm. Covell, east
by land of Obediah Hall, south by land of Wrn.Cooper,
and west by land of Lake N. Pitta. Containing about
'forty acres with a framed house and. barn thereon erect
ed, and with about twenty acres thereon improved.
• J. 11. WEBB, I
March 9, 1847. Adipinistrators.
AUDI fOlt'S - NO 'ICE.
THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's
Court of Bk.(gold county, to make distribution of
funds raised by an administrator's sale of the real estate
of Hector W. Strong, deceased, hereby gives notice that
be will attend to the duties of his appointment at bis
offme in Towanda borough, on Tuesday the l'ad day
of March next, at two o'clock P. M, when all persons
interested ere required to exhibit their claims to him,
or be debarred from coming in upon said funds.
Feb. 15, 1847. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor.
Michael loons et. al. to the use of D. F. Bar.
stow vs: the Towanda Bank. No. 577, May
Term, 1842. Bradfoid Common Pleas.
THE undersigned having been appointed an Audi.
for by the Court of Common Pleas, to distribute
moneys raised by execution , in this suit, hereby gives
notice that be will attend to the duties of his appoint
client at his office in Towanda borough, on Thursday
the 25th day of March next, at two ° . el°° l P. M.,
where all persOns interested are requited to make known
their chums before him, or be debarred from coming in
upon said funds. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor.
Feb. 15, 1847:
A LL persons Indebted to the statue of JOSEPH
GILIBS. late of Windham twp., decd.; ate heieby
requested to make payment without delay, and those
haying claims against said estate, will please. present
them duly attested to the subscriber.
- JULIUS RUSSELL, Adinit.harator.
Windt:mut. Februltri 23, UHT. •
New Pork' tniertioements3_.
f,enul 3.2rocrtiscTents
Orphan's Court Sale.
WINTE.' 0-O.D S !
H. S. & M. C. MERCUR,
HAVE just received and ate now-offering fur sale at
wholesale or retail, the largest and most genial
aortnient of Foreign and Domestic GOODS, ever brought
into Northern Pennsylvania. which will be cold as here
tofore at prices satisfactory to the purchaser. Dec. ID.
Cloth; Cushman and BattinettL
A U. those wanting anything for Cloaks, Overcoats,
Coats, Pants or Vests, arill find it to their advan
tage to,ersmincthe large stock of French, English and
American Cloths; black' and fancy Cassimereg, Sati
net% Kehtucky Jeans, Vestinge, &c. &c.. at
. Dec. 10, 1848. MERCUR'S.
LA DIES-can find a amnia/ assortment of DRESS
1 O TONS IRON, American, Swedes . and English,
a general assortment of hoop, band, scroll, round.
square, ono aud_ two horse wagon tire, bar, &e., just re.
calved at
.d 33 ME RCU RS'.
AQUANTITY of superior new Clover Seed this
day regtived.and for sale at MMtp UR'S.
-Raw mums% lawcxr eroz,=,
MEANT just received and are now opening • very
extensive assortment of GOODS, consisting of
almost everything every kept in a country store, which
they pledge themselves to as low as the seine can
be hotfght in any town this side of the .city of Nov
York. Come one and all, and if we don't sell you
Grimm Omar don't buy; it will cost you nothing to
look, and all we ask is a chance to show our stock of
goods. Be sure and find the right place, it is the Old
Corner Store. a few doors south of illontanye & Co's.
The B'hoyrare on hnnd and will sell you goods right
for Cash or Produce. Towanda, Nov. 9, 1346.
selhog very low (or cash .n pioduce, by
E HAVE a good assortment of Do !sines, sews,
eashmeres, ginghams, (some beautiful patterns)
white dress-goods, different styles; fringes, gimps, cord,
velvet ribbons, bonnet ribbons kid and silk gloves and
mitts, comforters, linen handkerchiefs, Sze., &e., all of
which will hs sold cheap. MONTAN Y E
TXTE HAVE a fine lot 'of
,Broadcloths, Cassimercs,
V V Vestings, and some very nice Satin; Kid and
wonted gloves, suspenders, net drawers and wrappers
tirc., which we have pu' down to the lowest notch.
ri ROCKERY—a good assortment, in setts or other
airs, to twit purchasers, by
MENS' kip and coarse boots; boys' do., mens' and
boys' coarse, kip and fine shoes; mens' and boys'
pumps; ladies' thick boots, morocco do., common and
kid slip and buskins; misses slips; gent.'w rubbers
ladies' patent and buskin rubbers, misses' do.; also, a
first rate lot of children's shoes.
november I I. MONTANYE & FOX.
You may be late ested •
A LL persons that know themselves to be indebted to
-CI- be indebted to- the subscriber for Goods or Medi
eines, arc requested to call and isetlle the same before
the let-of December, however small the amount may be,
or they may expect to pay cost, without respect to per
sons. nel l A. D. MONTANY E.
LIQUORS, a full assortment, consisting of Cog.
Brandy, American Brandy and Ulm Monongahela
Whiskey, Port. Maderia and Malaga wines, may be
found at the New York Cheap Store, No. 2 Brick
Row of REEDS'.
BOOTS & SHOES—a first rate assortment of coarse
and fine Boots, Shoes and Slippers, the latter
French of course, just opened at
.nova 0. D. BA RTLETT'S.
QUA WLS—quantities of Shawls, nice-t.kintl. going
LI off fast and cheap at 0: D. BARTLETT'S.
CAPS of all kinds cheap, besides every thing else at
J - UST received a large and splendid assoitment of new
J Goods, bought entirely with Cash, during a great
depression in the market, and with the express view of
FLOUR, from the "Globe Mills," a superior snide
also PORK, first quality,!or sale by
November 3. FLYNT &
MORE of tho,o A. No. I. (SOOTS, and large .
B a
quantity of LADIES' SHOES, juat received by
November 3. FLYNT & CO.
ALARGE ASSORTMENT of Clothe of all shades
and colons, and qualities, and prices. Casimeres.
Fancy and Plain. Sattinetts and a good assottment of
Vestinge may he found at GEO. E. FLYN I' & CO.
and the Green llfountain Vegetable' Ointment, lot
sate by the subscriber, only agent for the town and bo
rough of Towanda. d 22 N. N. BETTS.
PRINTS -a large and beautiful lot of PRINTS. by
nov.ll. MONTAN YE & FOX.
LADIES ! I SAY; LADIES ! ! If you have made
up you! minds to buy a nice dress, clock or shawl
this season, don't fail to call at N 0.3, Dick Row, where
yon eon 'find the most, best-ail cheapest articles in that
hue, that is kept in town, besides all kinds of trimmings.
ItsmemliA:, call at nall BAIRD'S.
V11,A,T1318 - 1- C3EAV - 1181
Tins way for Bargain a-!
THE subscriber would respectfully say to his- old
I- customers and the public generally, that he has
re-commenced the manufacture of Chain, etc., at his
old shop on the north side of Bridge street. in the build
ing known as the- " Yellow House." Ho keeps con
stantly on hand, or will make to order, (in a neat and
durable style) all articles in his line as --cheap as the
cheapest. His friends' can be surplied with
Winsor and Common-Chairs. of differ
ent patterns—Settees. Rocking Chairs,
Children's Chairs. 4-c.. 4-c.
Also--Brdstrads and TnbleL •
Call end see mu at my chop on Bridge street, and I
will satisfy you that you can buy reasonable.
N. B.—Whito wood, Cucumber and Battierood
plank, wanted hi exchange for chairs on reasonable
Towanda, Jan. 20, 1847.
THE undersigned_ having been appointed an Auditor
• by the Orphan'a Court of Bradford county to
amine and adjust tho. accounts of tits administrators of
Richard Hotta' deceased, he will. attend to the duties
of his said appointment at his office in Towanda boro,
on Wednesday the 24th Jsy of March nest, at two
o'clock P. M., of which all persons interested will take
notice, HENRY BOOTH, Auditor.
Feb, 16, 1847.
BONNETS -A great saving to the " Heads of the
Nation." The Ladies will Snd it a great saving to
heir beads to call and purchase one of those beautiful
Straw, Devon, Gimp. Florence, or Lace, Lawn, Gifw.Y-
Bonnet's. selling so cheap at REED'S.
2000 its, Shin,so teLte",,L
ever Lea Leather
Towipaa, - ,13. KINPSBEny.
Q WEEDS'Iron, Hone Shoe, Round Hand, Nail rode
Hume *lei Neils, Steel of all kind. will - be fold
veiy low by - B. RINGSBERY.
1 rinYDS. Beautiful Carpeting, two shillings per
VLF yard below the tniuket prior , at - •
• barns. Rept DeLoins, Lemma cloths for Summer
dresses, so long looked for by dio Ladies, have arrived
and may cow be seen at . - BERMS
NEW . . ,
Corner of &Vain asutypfrWe Streets.
JUfIT OPENING, at the cmeniiiirldein h ßridge
street, a well-selected assort:di - ea of new and fastr
ionabte DRY GOODS, which will he sold unusually
low for ready pay. The stock consists in partof
Satinett, flannel, gingham, elpacca, the ch.capeat Int of
prints in town, edgings, insertings, Swiss and cam
bric marlins, limey, canton flannel, drilling,
bleached and, brown muslin, (not to be
surpassed) ncking, check, cashmere,
cotton, wool and buck gloves,
cotton hose, suspenders, •
German haruldrchfs,
. cotton and pongee Mkt . 's,
- gingham cravat& plaid shawls,
wool comforters, cotton tapes, patent
thread, sewing silk, cotton balls. 'parka
suspender, shirt and metal buttons, with many oth
er articles, usually found in a store, not mentioned.
The public are invited to call and examine the stock
before purchasing elsewhere, as they will be sold cheap
er than at any other establishment in town.
Towanda, Nov. 11. H.O'HARA dr CO
. New Fall and Winter Goods.
HE subseriber is now receiving - from the city of
New York a large assortment of GOODS suit d to
the reason, carefully selected, and purchased at'unusual
ly low prices, which will enable him to. sell very low
for cash, !anther. country - prialute, or approved credit.
'His friends and the public generally are invited to call
and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere.—
He feels confident that he can offer them better bargains
than they have heretofore made in this town, or any
other in this region of country. In hi+ assortment will
be found in ell their roneties. Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware. Crockery , thins, Nails, Iron, Steel, Paints,
Oils, Dye Stuffs. Boots, Shoes, 4c. 4e.
Towanda, Oct. 26, 180, N. N. BETTS.
/SHE Ladies will fusil a - groat variety of worsted
.1 dress goods ; also, a beautiful assortment of prin ts
at very low prices at BETTS'
VtRENCH and. English cloths. heavy. Braver and
Tvvewls for over coats. fancy Cassimcres awl Sal
tinet% a great variety will he found at BETTS'.
MOUSLIN De LAINE, Casturierea,llob Roy and
Brocitto Shan,. le, a great variety wilt tie round
l by dec 9. 11InNTANYE
to the beat maple mobilises, for a/le by
December 29. MONTANit & FOX. -
CCLO riis—We wish the attention of all
who are in want of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinet
&c., to our large stock on hand. Thews cloths must
be sold. We never have been undersold, and 'never
will be: Call and examine. G. 1 7 FLYNT 4. Co.
AXTQULD respectfully ray to the citizens of Torren
t' da, and the public generally, that if they web to
have thpir work done in the most fashionable, neat and
durable manner, and good fits, and as cheap as at any
other establishment in town, they will find it to their
interest to give him a call.
1:0" CUT ONG thine on short notice, and warranted
to fit, if made up ri ;ht.
Bhop in the next building below Brick row, up stairs,
directly over Brown's Grocery.
Towarw's. JanuLtry I, 1947.-43
Broad Cloth, Cassimeres & Sattinets.
ALARGE assortment of Broad Cloths, Caasimeres,
and Sattinetts, which we have long been famous
fur selling good and cheap, now cheaper than ever—
and upon which we challenges the world, just received
at 0. D. BARTLETT.
Towanda, Nov. 3, 1646.
VV Wheat, Domestic Flennet,
Rye, - Woolen Socks,
Corn, Buckwheat.
Oats, ' Flaxseed,
Butter, s White Beans,
in short, almost anything, for which liberal prices will
be paid at O. D. BARTLETT'S.
Towanda, Nov. 3,'1846.
A FFW hum_red pounds BUCK WHEAT FLOUR
LA. in 50 lb. sacks, a superior article, just received and
fur sale by Feb. 2.2. 0. U. BA RTLErr.
JUST received a large quantity of Fine era Ca nn on
Hamm Also, Plated and Japan'd flanress Trim-
mings at Feb. V. 2. M EROU,IFS.
0. D. BARTLETT. ""
Surrender of the Mexican Batteries !
Old ..Rough and ..Ready" agaiii Victorious
f - NE ARK LOAD, and several wagon loads of NEW
V GOODS, have just arrived, and are selling cheaper
ban ever st No. 3, Brick avow.
November 9. WM. H BAIRD & CO.
THE COMMISSIONERS of the County of Brad.
ford, hereby give notice, that they have 6 xed upon
the following places and Jaye respectively% for the hear
ing of Appeals of those who tray think themselves ag
grieved by the asse.menta for A. D. 1917, and are de.
sirous of appealing from the same, to wit;
Towanda township,and borough—at the Commission
er's (Ace. on Tuesday. the 16th day of March.
Ulster—at J. M. Pike's, Wednesday, 17th..
Athens township and borough—at E. S. Mathewson's,
Thursday, 19th.
Litchfield—at Reuben Park's, Friday, 19th.
Sherthequin—at Daniel Brink's. jr., Saturday, 20th.
Rome—at W. W. Kinney's, Monday, 22d.
Orwell—at H.Z:Fristne's;Turaday, 23d.
Windhlim—at Wm. Sibley's. Wednesday, 24. h
. Robert Cooper's; Thuuraday, 25th,
Pike—at Dennison , Zohnson's, Friday, 26th.
Herrick—at 11. Wetmore's. Saturday, 27th. •
Springhill—at 1). D. Buck's, Monday. 29th.
Wyalusing—at J, 11. Black's, Tuesday, 30th
Asylum—at James DePurs, - Wednesday. 31st
Standing tkone—at S. H. Canfield's Thursday the lot
day of April
Wysuk—at Harry Morgan's, on Friday, 2nd
Monroe—at Josiah Lawrence's, Saturday, 3d
Burlington—at Henry Pukes, Monday, 5111
Smithfield—at A. J. Gerould's Tuesday 6th
Ridgberry—at M. D. Hermon 's Wednesday 7th
Springfield—ate Thomas Sinead's, Thursday Bth
South Creek—at David R. More% Friday, 9th
Wells—at Wm. S. Innen. Saturday; 10th
Columbia—at James
,Morgan's Monday, 12th
Troy borough & townships—at - F. Tucaday
Armenia—at E. Kill's, Wednesday, 14th
Canton—at A. E. Spalding's, Thursday, 15th
Leroy—at Parley Morse'a on Friday, 16th
Granville—at Levi Taylor's, Saturday, 19th
Franklin—at A, llihhard'a Monday, 19th
Albany—at Horatio Ladd'a. Tuesday,' 20th
1 a
Durell—at bimenn De r's, Wednesday 21
At each of which places, pectively, they will attend,
between the hours of 10 i clock A. M. and .3 P.- M.
L. P. TN. M,
A. h. CRANv,"eit Commissioners.
J, H. IlLkt-X,
Attest—J. M. Wirletas, Clerk.
COMMISAOIIeen Mice, Towanda, Feb. 18,1847.
DZID I .I. I . D111R135 DAWV...S
•_ _ .
WHOLESALE Druggists, No. 40 Market' street,
(South aide, below Second.) Philadelphia,
offer for sale a !ago stock of Fresh Drugs, Medicines
an&Dye.Stuts, to which they call the attention of
Country Menthenu and Dealers visiting the . ci ty.
Coach, Cabinet, Japin„ Black and other iarni•hea of
a superior quality. Also, White and Red. Lead. Win.
dow Glass. Paints and 008-echeaper than ever. -
(QT. Ar. C. are also proprielorsof the Indian Vege
table 'Balsam. celebrated throughout their own and
neighboring States, as the best preparation' for the cure
of Coughs, -Colthar.Astitme: Am. ninety refunded in
swam instance where no benefit is received,
Phiiadslpbis, Jan. 3m
Mertbaa*,, f%et.
pins, needles, spool cotton. hooks - sod eyes,
‘. -
-k.. ..fir
~~~ ~,.,
1,14 T received large Ind Nolen
did aveortmcnt of men's calf,kip and causerbools.
ufrm $1 50 to . ss'so; boy's do.; ladies [patens and
walking shoos; fine kid slips and buskins, and ill
Una. of overshoes; do. calf bootees and laced shoes ;
cbildren's and Misses /hoes of all kinds. heavy and
light. suitable fur essay kind of weather, Youth's calf,
kip nod coetme Loots to suit children from 4 lo 12 yev.
old. We pledge ourselves to give a bettor irticle at a
lower price (boa any calwr establishment in Bradford
county.. TRUNKS from $1 50 to slB 00
A large ass,rttnent of fashionable Hats end Calm of
every kind and description for sate very low.
Viola saes, sugar, coffee, eodfiah, No. 1. and 2, Maeikew.
Lest quslOy Mock find green tea, from Of to BS &VW
a pound ; polar ri.ed and loaf sugar; tire ton atouir.
'perm dipped and mould candles ; raisins by the boas
,or pound, staten, soap, segara at 50 cents per hundred,
and in fact all kinds ever our line which pcophr
will find it their advantage to purchase and we will
give you reaaona fur it:
A Hue Logic end Common Sense.
There are three things beyond dispute:—lvt--If a 02114
pays out much money, he moat-receive as much.
2. If a man'■ expenses in business are larib, his runts
must be large.
3. Therefore, the Grocery and Shoo Estiblialtment Si
the corner of Main and Bridge eta.. in a small plain
store, at a cheap tent.cati afford to sell boots& shoes.
hats & caps, and groceries, at lower pima, and of
better quality than any other store in town.
Now, if this is not sound logic, two and two no not
make four; but if it ix, common lien,. call* on you to
come to us for your flats & Caps; Boots& Shoes &e.
Bce the contrast, and let your own reason decide it it
was not your advantage to give us a trial.
FIN LIN GS °fall kinds constantly on hand. Thread,
awls, bristles, Shoulder-sacks, kit and files pincers. all
kinds of binding, silk curd 'and straps fur boots, patent
pegging awls, skiving„ paring and crooked knives and
Beate. H. O'HARA & CO.
Towanda, Nov. 17, 184 f.
GROCERIES, of all descriptions, at wholesale con
tail. Attention is particularly directed to their
assortment of Fresh Teas ; (we don't know the differ
ent Clams of the packers, but the •! arliefe" is •' C.K.")
novl I W. H. BAIRD & CO.
HARD W ARE, Iron, Nail... Glass, Paints, Oils, Dye
Wants, Dye stuirs.Aledirines. etc, in general and
large quantities. u• I I W. H. BAIRD do CO.
EATABLES !—Su perfine flour, pork, fresh butter
wheat, etc., etc., conbuntly on band and for sale
NO. 3, B. R.
Tif E subscribms still continue
to manufacture and keep on band
at their old stand, all kinds of cane
and wood scat CHAIRS; also
SETTEES of various kinds, end
BEDSTEADS of every descrip
tion, which we will sell low for
cash or 'Produce, or White Pine
lumber,'W bite word, Bass wood,
or Cucumber ci air plank, or 4 by
4 Scantling 13 feet long.---either Buttonwood, Basswood
or Maple, will a l to be received for our work.
Turtling done to ordei ‘ in the neatest manner.
Touianda, :A 1847 i.
& E. REED would respectfully beg leave to
NIU. tender their thanks to the citizens of Bradford
for their liberal patronage and support, and would in
form them•they are now receiving a large and full sup
ply of FALL and WINTER GOODS, which will
positively be sold at even less than their former low
prices. •The war to exterminate high prices is still kept
up—no compromise has been made, and they intend to
carry the war into the heart of the enemy until they shall
yield or adopt the principle of selling goods at small pro
fits. A nimble sixpence better than a !slow shilling, is
our motto.
such as nails, axes, shovels, manure forks, shovels
and tongs, sad untie, knives and forks, pocket knives,
butcher do., shears and scissors, razors, cloth and hair
brushes, shaving and tooth Jo., wool and horse cards,
ruffed mills, hstehets, augers, wood saws, doar trim
wings, steel squares, fish brushes, ark ropes, end bed
cords, by visit• MON PAN YE & FOX.
CODFISH AND MAtICEREL o good ankle. by
fir APIOCA—a nice article—t,r puddings, for sale at
nest 1 MONTANYE & FOX.
ALARGE quantity White lend, No. pure,gend
m oil and dry. whiting, Venitian red. chrome green,
Paris dn., Prussian blue,"iMse pink, ctc., linseed oil,
lamp oil, coach and copal varnish, Ingwoqd. red wood.
caniwood, madder, cochineal. annatto, etc. We eanno
he undersold in anything in this line , at all, at all.
nnveinher I I. NION PANYE & FOX.
TE have on hand the largest stock of Drugs ano
V V Medicines in this county, including every thing
used h the Physicians and people generally Wealdo
keep on hand nearly all of the moat popular Patent
31etEcines of the day. One of our firm (A. D. M.)
having had a long experience in dealing out medicines.
we flatter nurt4lves we ran snit ell who may favor us
with a cull. Prices can't fail to suit. Particular atten
tion wil; he, paid to orders from physicians.
november t 1. MONTANTE & FOX.
ITS. velvet and superior Leghorn Denys.
I , Aka, selvetsuf all colors, together with snificiats,
rips, bo . nnet ribbons. &c. may be found at REDDB`.
The Last ArriTal of New Goods,
T N TOWANDA, are now being opened at No. IL
1 Brick Row, by Wm.ll. Buird 4. Co...the fiat Pio
neers in the cause of Low Prices - ond liberal Meter ex
chances. They do not hesitate to say, tbst they wil
sell Goods for cash or any kind of Merchantable pro
duce, at lower prices than any other establishment in
Bradford County, Owego, Elmira, Binghamton, (or any
branch thereof.) Coll and see. Further particulars
next week. November 8, 1840.
DOMESTIC COTTONS-. Brown aheelings, *hitt.
ing, and drilling; Alao,, cotton yarn, batting, wick.
rugs, and wadding, for fah: Lor the halo or fermi quantity,
at , ncti BAIRD'S.
O ::TANYES' & CO., are now recievintca Try ,
desirable assottment of Goods,purchased during'
k'rent, depression in the market, emnprising French di
English . 8110 AB-C CTRS, Caasimeresind Saltine's,
and the choicest patterns of Prints and Wended Goods,
Grateful for pa'.t favors they respectfully solicit a news
taus public to call and examine their stock. and thhat
can bold out sufficient inducements to enaureywitstsam
of public patronage.
Septembor 7, IVA.
p -
Ice: at REEDS'
2 00 pieces note opening and for tole eery
I VERYTHING the line, including Elliptic
R" Springs, Iran Axeis, Mailable Burs, Dash, Seat
end Stop 'lron% Orna men ti, India Rubber and Oil Cloth,
ta;ce,..Tufis. Moss, hr. Cu sate at jIR 74E1{1'1181%.
OODEN MEASURES, became, patent pails and
VV st;aled hut,hels. MONTANYE & FOR..
HATS & CAM a first rate lot, of all hinds, deseript
tions. colors and 'qualities. cheaper than ever by
november IL ' MONTANIYE & FOX.
LOOKING GLASSES, cue can of very nice, 0
frames, latest style, just:opened at
null NO.' 3, BRICK ROW.
21 HEAD OF COWS and young cattle will mold
cheap for eavh or approved credit.
Towanda, Oct 13,1816. HIRAM. C. FOX.