co . Sir. contrast Michigan with Arkansas ficithin the last twenty years, the former has w orried a high position among the States of the Union. She exhibits at this -day all the elements•and resources of a great State; cities, n ouris hing towns, and highly Cultivated fields. si . rt h a popula ion that outnumbers three or (our time that of Arkansas. Vet, - Arkansas has even abetter soil, and supericr natural ad- Tailta ,, e s. What is the cause of this disparity ? li is slavery. sir, and that alone. Slave labor e xhausts , and makes barren the fields it cult,- rates. That labor is only profitable to -the gaiter in the production of staples of cotton. sugar, and tobacco. Crop follows crop, until the fertility of the soil is exhausted. when the old titdds are abandoned. new and virgin soil s ought out, exhausted in the same man- Der, and in its turn likewise abandoned. Thus, or. sterility' follows its. path. Eastern Vir ginia. unrivalled in the fertility of its soil, and diegt mality of its climate, with navigable rivers and harbors unsurpassed in co•nmercial importance. is this day hut little. better than a barren waste. The free labor of the North has commenced the work of regeneration, and to this alone can Eastern Virginia look liar re demption and renewed prosperity. Sir, as a friend of the Union, as a lover of nor country, and in no spirit of hostility to the South. tiffered.iny Amendment. Viewing flarery as 1 do. I must resist its further exten sion and pritrca'gation on the North American continent. It is nu evil,-the magnitude and the end of whiL•ll, no man can see. Mr. ‘Valker in lug cciebriat&•d Texas letter, urged the pith cr al arl Ilea a ti,lll- A •is a means and atil in the li n,ll,hiilition of slivery. Be the annexation of Texa , , lie said, a frontier of two thousand miles tit caletit would be opened, bordering on Mexico, over which our slave and black popu ktion• as it should press upon the country, cntdit p se, and become mingled with the nox• rice? , of Alexico and South America. Sir. . I ,h,.„ahi at the time, and still ,think, that there Ka, niu.•ll hirce in this argument. But if we Like the yen; comury that was to IV their re•- (age, and solicert it fur slavery, what In...tws u: t e and argument of Mr. Walker ? Ilea the hour expi red, and Mr. was ',oaken off in his rein ark s. • l'atr., COCGTI. Asti CosiscsteMox.—Wriglit's In dun V. getable Pills are a mo s t delightful medicine for ,n..; off a cold, because they expel from the system niarbid and corrupt humors, (the cause of every kind ltie,e) in so easy, and natural a manner, that the Hy is relieved of all fits sufferings as if by magic. Four o. I:ie of said taken every night on going to bed, in,. in a short time remove the most obstinate cold—at gni same time the digestive organs will be reatiared to a teanhy-tone, and the blood so completely purified, that itlimstiim of the longs, consumption, or any other form disease will be absolutely impossible. llt tlti: ur COUNTETIFEITS.—The public era can t-fa-aid against the Frady spurious medicines which, in Cr. er to be, eise.are Called by names similar to Wright's Vegetable Pills. Rep,re`wr. the only origin,il and genuine Indian I i.,!..t.1.:.• P.:l4'hane the written ti4nature ut Willsani 1t,, ; 14 ,n the top label of each bi.x. laceo devoted escluuve!y t, the sale of Wright's /,..11.,“ l'o;eud.le Pi ii , ‘Vholetoile and Retail, 169 Race :•.7 I".d, Ic'ploa; 2S Greenwich St„ N. York ; and I ei Tr•lnot.t. SI., B.". on_ \z , so. for the sole of Wirizltig Indian Vezeta , lle I' 171 r Niontanye's &Co ; for other ugen -3,l,ln...rine:it in utter 3Earritsil, 't.l:l. l .ty. Marti. 11. bribe Rcv. Mr. I.aynon. u.a J. t; zur of Cl.ter, to Dr. Wm.S. latuatsEr, to:N.I t.t.N. Y. Nco3 lbuccisimnits J• FOR A FEW. DAYS ONLY. . JOHNSON'S 1 )1\ (1 . (. 1.-- 8 .PeA7l.7faill-M, Of Colored Mltdalfil'eS. of Gra. -11,realeCaUt% in Pate Street, - opposite Pre.sbyteriaa Charch. 111: 1 , 1 11N,.,0N beg*, leave to cal: the attention of Gelstiefileil of !hi, vitiate to kis le of Plio FUG RAPIIIC MINIATI7/:Es, I; I r a Inl'.liancy and tr.-autv, are n•orrpassed l.y any tae c.e.ntrv,.and warranicif imperishable. JuLts•sos: ha: been ~.verat )ears emiagerl in the and train fomicrly an operator in the celebrated NI. Pite: at'', Gallery. :New'. }Cork. and hi. Picturea '.e-takert the Preraivam, too, )cor4 in sun r.- m. at the Crest Fair ofthe American Institute, in the rt ; l e of Prof. Plunthe.. • ti r. J. rt .peetfully solicits n c from the citrzena r , Illaze,—ti„t only 1 - 1 - 0111 tho..e degiron. of proem...! t Iran all at ho may wish to examine .pe• um its of the .let. It,, color and materl'al of the dreg:, add a Great deal to the l‘eauty dt the impres,ton.-and therefor, to! Le er dark cireS,OS are considered Feferah:e. • Pow-, taken in clear or cloudy weather. l', pi,seeelle ml tier pictures, can have them ri..l,anz e d on ie./Non tide teT i n s oi.,en from Si A. M., to 5 P. M. In•trnenorrs and apparatus furrn.hed on the most rra•onahle I.da.Al ZNiTlaaa 1 . - LYS'ES-NIERCI7R HAS REMOVED his L.9IV ' WWI:, to the second story of No. 5, Brick March 16. 1817. - Ali - WE I'ITILEN A having left my house end ivnhout any cause or provocation. 1 hereby 1.1t411 peosins harboring or trusting her on my au "lnl, a=s.l ,Fall pay no debts of her contracting. WILLI.III R. ROBINSON. _ l3, :c:lnzlon, March 12. 1817. • Fire Fire Fire I.IONT ANY & FOX would. revcctfully inform • their old cw,toinerst and the public generally. that Lry are on: quite used up 'et,' but have removed their Gump, - to old •rore•lornierly occupied by 0. H. 'l!rr.oray ,loi n town, where we will sell anything in ou line, a, cheap as.the cheapest • Pn-e call - and see us. - March 16. I‘.r; In Towanda. BARER respectfully informs the public that • be It3l commenced the GRAVE•SPONE bu.i trsy, it] all us branches, at Towanda, where he will be !hey at tH times to attend to all his line. Tomb-tables, Grare•slones, of 'ry description, 4-c.. 4-e.. tnd furnished as cheap as WORK and le same quality can be obtained ai any ntry. to public to call and examine his work loping to merit their patronage) by strict mess, and by superior workmanship and :IiTTING done with neatness and des test my le. in door to T. Ellioles store, 'lave Briggs Hotel. birch 17, 1547. 40y NOTICE. • • ;ERY,Jr., has removed his Goods,.Books, Tv ke., to the •Briek Store, formerly wen & Overton,' where hts friends arid the iced to call, !Harsh 16, 1647. . • TEAS !. TEAS ! on hand a large stock of nice FRES Sat all kinds of prices. Ha, wa,ha seta of is. Tea' that is right. Ca:i MONTANYE & FOX. New Voris abncrtisenienlo. 1847. NEW YORK CARD. 1847. THE attention of merchants and oaten Tishing .ITew York is requested to the followiug Cards. Those advirtising are detcrnt ned that nothing .n their power shall he wanting to en aLlc customers who call on them to pure haae cheaper than ctn.. PRINTS ONLY.' Spring Styles, 1E47. Lee 4if liretosten !lave received and are nose opemng 500 CitscsPicartro CALl curs. comprising all the nose spring styles of American, Bri tish and French mitritiractiire, to market:—all of which etc now tieing exhibited and offered for sale,—at the 1 - M.MlaWiaalth 44 CEDAR STREET, ./retv Fork. 11. H. Schleffellta & Co., Druggists,: 104 and 106 John -area, N. Y. Importer. of British. 'Mediterranean and India Drugs. Agents of New York and Brooklyn Glass works. While Lead and Tiensanns colors at factory prices. Agents (or Swalm's Panacea and Vermifuge. Vamshes, Instruments, Snuff Brushes, at factory• prices. Edward Baack, Manufacturer and Importer of Mus:cal Instruments, No. el Fulton street. corner nt Gold. N. V.. keeps constantly on band the largest assortment of Muscat Instruments in the city, and all kmds of musical merchand:se, Brown's Coffee Mouse-et Dining Saloon, 71 Pearl street, Centrally situated in the bus netts part of the city, (facingCoen hes sit, between Hanover Square and broad std The beat ca. tabllshment in the etty.for country nierchenta to get their meals. GEO. B ROWN, late of Lovrjoy's Hotel. Wrought Iron Pines, For bleara. &C.. trom 1•: lo 3 niches calibre. Also. Elhosia, Brass and Iron Cocks. Flanges. &c. Manufacturers. and others, sendmg a diagram, can have pipes accurately fitted to measure. T H . NOIiRIS 5t BROTHER, 6.1 Gold•st. Flushing Institute. at Flushing, L. I. Nine u.ih•s from the city of New York. This School has been well sustained more than twenty years. Its present uccommodavons are not surpassed in the country. For c rculara. terms, reterences, Sc., apply by marl or othervki , c, to EZRA FAIRCHILD; Principal, Flushing. Camphene Solid. Bottom Glass Fountain Lamps" Cannot corrode or beconte heated—they are superfor to a!lother !atop,. IVlantnactured wholesale and retail by J. 0. FAY, 13$ Ftntoa-st. Also. Lowe's, the. beg article of Campbells. Stoat & Ward, Manufacturers ant! orno.esale de:versa/ Zoom and Shoes, Lea. tier. Morocco Ac. No.,2Zir N. 1.1.—5:0, & Ward are munutbeturtur, the finest quality of Lad:. s' French and Sid stitched Slips and Gemara, orn.eil they warrwit saper:or to: any thing manutneturcd in the - t.:.ty or luuntr). Billiard and Ten Pin Balls. SHAFiIII.O‘,V & DBOTHEB, 118 Fulton-it, Turners and deniers In Ivory and Fancy hard Woods. Mania gal and Na irk n r.trFs. Sund-tones. Letter stamps. Wafer caps and :04.1.-rs Ivory Cheeks or Counters. or of all patterns,,Dice k'an.o kes s. Cue itlialet. and wax. Orders solmsted. Carpeting., Oil Cloths, die. The subsentl, eonsLamly reed ent4 1?y, Importations and OthalW sLppl es of apestry, than Brussels. Three p;y. Ingram and Ven.tan Carpeungote and 0.1 Clothes In great eompr ng a complete assortment. at prices sae/necta r). La the macnaser. Wholesale and rural by R. E. PURDY, 44:', Pearl street Silver 'Ware Manufactory.. J: & I. COX, IS .%looleu Lune. New 1 ork, kcep constantly for .cle of the, osvn ,nanu:acture. S.lver Tea Sets. Forks, Spoons. &c. I.uu. Gas Fixtures, Lamps of every dcscopoon, Mantle CL.liijOi.l.-F6.1,r0t10.e.5. Table eunery, Japannery,Sl vcr placed ao.J wares, &c. &c. Looking Glasses. JOtIN WILLL %eta. 40., & CO.. Importers and 311umfac titre rs of lao' Looking Glass Plates. &e., 31.5 l'earl a. loppos.te reek slip.) %%It: suppty tbo above at such price. us preclude um po,etlubly undersold, and of a qua lity equal To that chamearteud our establishment for the f.l tarty -Seven years. Upholstery. SOLON: & ILA RT. Inipurwrs and NI amffactarer of &II I.nds L!. gvoa.. curta II rnazerints and truant ugs. wiudow • od I,p, Lang.ngs, wtal:ciale & remßroadway. opi 24d Broway, opi „Vatic. Thu trade hoprnled an the most liberal tom& Nankin Tea Company. ht • Natik:u Tea Company.::.;•t, I•narl ,reet, N Y.: dealers in Nat: aug igng.unt Teat: exclus•rely. Hy recent nuponations Lie) sr prepared 'to 6:I up all orders for their superior teas to .r tunl_ly use. Met - chains and others wishing to have re Atier.or packed lean on sa:e, wdl he allowed a libenil disc. Iron Safe Warehouse. 139 Water sl, N. Y. SILAS C. TIERRINCi. denier in aii kinds Di Iron Safecand Ma icy Cher, and is the only pr t.ll in this slate authorized to actur • or sell W.ider'a Citinuine Patent Double and Ei~ r Salaninuder Sate. Second hand Safes orother makers. such as have been taken in I an r o } lnvut jar ICildet's, tor sale at less arse cute -1:11.1 of first cosy Looking Glasses.. 3terchaurs from the coll.:ins, ulna tt sh to purchase Looking rest :Milt the IniannilttelOry. al natal lower prices halls Tilvy have tier doh, are invited to make the . r selections ..o:n a moot client Sc insislainharlil at line svarestpoal of B. \V. MERRIAM, 130 C-1:;i-thain-st. Snuff and Tobacco. =ThM2= 116. :141 I[: Gcm, n• - • &im •a• - en MaceaLoy Se•urch Snuff, Sons I I lich Tonal do. do. Ann, & Fltll,lltogree strolls. It sh Toast oh Irish Black- Ih•tu ctn. do. Art. g. nt du. I g.inrd do Put up in pound And otter k trlso. brown snots,. and hit pound bottles. Jar e op a hiJ keg,. Jars. und f and small bladders. barrels, 10. and ha, ib. tAntles. kegs and Jars. ]lw r 0.. 4:4,1,•1,,,,..,Th1,n,r0 t urge- and small papers and balk. & sweet scenteJ o.utokocitrri strp to quarter lb. papers. F ne Cut • 'll,ttt,co. a'; r. I Or.ltnar) and cut sterrld. tp, V 7 1 ,1 SP:ra papers. :tint pg.ckerl In tierce,. hea rt s. toil Larrcl. an.: kegs. A lull pr.ce current may be hod by d rec.l og per ma Ira • PE DIRILLARD -Jr, 4, Chatham-st T lie Book of the Feet I ♦ DISTORT or OuuT■ ♦YII NUDES W :h tt tttls at the VI. of the Egyptans, Hebrews. ~ 11 anJ Ronan:, no' the preen,llng style through 4. 1.,1 , •• .1 , ,,n; the tri dd azes. down to thepresent per.od —A no. II nib 111 C 1.13i - IMInCI . 3 and 11.:ine,hes lot Corns. etc. h J •... (rain the bet end lAinlon eft:: on. with a • . . ./ • :c.l , i'gn. w a.i.: ..',':-.., :ri the Unitedlates, B ci7aplcal ro ~:o a... 0 Shrwroak.-0. An.-eaotei fr.c. Pree 50 els. Pt, Co;. or bye cop es for '- ‘ 1,2 by mail. Cot u nry merchants ea, ; 1.,.., LN n work 111 tb.. trade pr ce in an) of thc emus. Nt M. H. ti RA H A NI, Tribune I.Juildinge. Chas. F. 150 Ilinadway, and 7 Liberty street, New York. 111:N; RICIIS& CO., 41 Klairst., Boston. lur - ortcrs o: Fronch. Gernutll and F.11:41.5h Fancy Goods. Fr. lore-'arn Va, • acid Oral:mutts. To) sat all des,iptton. Bo he ut an r ell cut. c'on-t1 and rorrela n Glass ware, vases and 111.1 . S. ( . 4.) * 0, aural g ass pr,arns. alabaster statuary and °ream: ills. twlidalcs. cagravtatts and bthographa, archery and cr:ckct Implements. eta. Adam.' Fancy Bazaar. IDS Chatham Squa e,'New York. tV ADAMS. dfral., m tl atelws. Jewelry. Aceordlans, Toss, Fancy GooJs. & every arttele marked in plain figures. No :or look tig—mv.lMes to non-purchasers grabs, at 194 Cha , .l.aut Square. near the flowery. Codee & Spices. TH: STATE MILLS man:nurture and offer for sale to won try nizrehants at the lowest renumeranng cash prices, Mus tards. Cocoa. Co lee. and Specs of best mater.als. packed and boxed :la the first style 01 :wetness and elegance. BENRY B. BLAIR, 1711 Washington-et. New Hardware, Cut Wrought Nails, &e. DEN:\ Ir. 101.; \ & DI:stiROW..:& Pearl. opposite 1 earl Street tints,:. Now York. are openitig for sale a very full assortment of New I lardware. They keep constantly on hand Cut and wrought na In an, if an d vices. 107 and trace chains, mill, entnla cut uad realm saws. shovels. spades and hoes, scythes, tick les and sad :rolls. &e. &c. Stationery, Blank Books &Paper. RICA & LOUTRE.I., 61 W. 11.616 sz., Iry oven of Foreign Sta. t o6ery o:cvery descr,pt:on. :11inufacturers and deMers 1a Account Books, Papers of all k mls. go;d pens, letter presses. seal presses. manifold writers. Erects or ink. and all other art•e les sold by stationers. Please call and see no. Goods freely shown—prices very low. J& .Es v. RICO. .< 61 William at. } wx. X. LOUTaLL. Emma' S. and William Wood. No. 26! Pawl at., New York, Publishers of G. Brown's Gninernar, Now York lipaders,Pnt noes Analytical Readers. &c. &c. Medical Books, a verrex tens ye useornavnt, all on the most resikotaldo terms, Mr cash, or approved erodir. Britannia Ware. Britannia nuts. tea Sc:,., cofec pots. castors. candlesticks, p.tchcrs. flagons tankards, goblets. ladles, table and tea spwns, molasses cups. plates and cupafor children, 'pineal's, shaving Loxes. tumblers. &c. manufactured and in sale at the lowest price. Also Banc!' tin, Straits tin, antimony and bar tin, for sale at 6 Burling slip, by LUC IV'S HART, late Boardman .& Hart. . Umbrellas. 71; The subscribers being the larpst manufacturers of 4.7 rerlas, Parasol.,Parasollettes apd butt-shades in the Unite States, mid haring tacit:ties wbiefr no other house posies. c a conk