Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 17, 1846, Image 1
755.T.Z2 720 VM'•A& --- S7 ID& a WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1846 A Searrustu. Corrry Srow.—A correspondent; Who has read oar specimen of York county literature, semis as a literal copy of a tavern sign in Schuylkill co., neu plnegrove. The copy was taken on the spot, and .ads es follows: ENDERDESMEN FUR MAN UN HOS BA DO DA UN DRUS DOMORI BI DOMI RED ' . Interpreted it reads dins Entertainment for Man and Horse. Pay to day and trust to-morrow.• By Thomas Reel" A Pt-aux.—it is said, "An American sailor on a recent arrival at Liverpool, 'hired a horse for a ride a short distinct into the country ; but a sailor on a frolic does not always return quite so pu - nctually as some Otherclas sd ef equestrians, and on this occasion the horse and hi i rider not retuning exactly at the time stipulated, the horse was sent for by the owners The next day, the bill was presented in the words and figures following; to Anntafada, A gitinonimome, £0 4s Od" Tba twofer will prove himself one, by reading this [From the Excelsior.) The Ruined Mill. =I A lone and roofless thing it stands, In s unshine and inshciver, Nirciching abroad its palsied hands, A wreck of giant power; Each mouldering beam and crumbling stone, With velvet moss is now o'ergrown; While many a wind sown flower Is peeping through the broken BOOT, . king the place it hehl of yore. The bright-eyell toad loops fearless out, And newts to covert steal, While the spider weates her web about The cogs of the massive wheel ; And where the miller once gaily stood 'rile add, r rears her hissing Mood, . Nor fears his iron heel; Man's rule within the place is o'er And nature wins her own once more. :Yer the t ruken Jam the brook leaps free,, And speeds on its course along, uoing the wild llovrels daintily. With its bottles and pleasant song; No longs•: chained to the busy mill, It wanders on at its own sweet will, The hoary rocks :along; Then creeps around the old tree's foot, To brighten the inoss•on its gnarled root. I sat me on a gray old stone, And natched the lapsing stream, Till outward things before me sill= Like pictures in a'dream ; Amidst the mists of reverie, I rather seemed to feel than see Eat th's bright and sunny gleam: 'Once more the angel of my youth 'Couched all things with a sweeter truth That bright !dean oh, how well My spirit knew its power, For early had I learned its spell In childhood's sunny hour; It gave new-glory to the skies, NeW music to earth's melodies, • New beauties to the flower : But rarely now the gentle sprite Awakes me to such deep delight Yet there, in that secluded spot, Beside the ruined mill,. Coo back The fancies long forgot, That fain would haunt - me stilt That stream an image seemed to be O( mine own gushing poesy, Wasted with wanton Without concentrative - pi:Aver to sway A leaflet on 'its loitering way. • A FEW HINTS TO KEEP AWAT HARD TIRES. —Rise to the moraine, end be diligent during ',le day in attending to your business, and not worry ourselves by our neighbor's concerns.. lusteild of following the fashions of Europe,' let us cultivate a spirit of independence, and decide for ourselves, bow our coats, hats and boots shall he made. Keep out of the streets. unless businetni calls us to transact that which we cannot do in our ewes, shops and dwellings. By all means keep away from Drinking and, gambling houses. When we buy an article of clothing, study commendable economy, at the same time get a good article, and when made take particular clre of it, and wear it out regardless of any diange of fashion. Fashion is great tyrant. 4 nd men are fools Ao be slaves to it. 811ty at home nights.. improve our studied l!y reading, or writing. or instructive conversa ! 'inn, and retire to your beds at en early hour. Be kind to relatives, obliging to our friends, and charitable to all. Sadatxo.—Physician—Madam, I can no longer prescribe for you ; unless you throw away that pipe. • l i utienf—Why la, doctor, ‘ l change the cob every day or two. Physician—No matter, while you continue 1 0 smoke at all. Besides, I see you do not chang e the stem. That reed, madam. filled with a pill of totiacco, a deadly poison, the e therialization of which is sufficient to suffo cate a rhinoceros ! Horrid practice, madam. 0, reform it altogether.' Patient—La, doctor, how you talk. Sup- Pose I should quit smoking, what should I do for excitement—seeing I have no baby to 'num .Cums.—ln the year 1846 there will be hvo . eclip , es, both of the sun. The first is Pa . rival eclipse of the sun, April 25, visible to All parts of the United States. THE -'. . .• : .. ~. - : :, - -.- .... - :• . : .., .r.- : .. ... ..; .. .. .„, ‘. 7 ... .-- . , ,9) - ' :.-.• . • .'.- ; ,'• .', i ._, .. i i:!' , , • _ : .-., • - : : • -. .. . - • • - ' - . , . , - '' • i 1:, : -.:', ~. ';,, 1 : , .- B' . 1 Jr' , Vi . ' " I FOR . . . , . . . I ' I ~ . , ' ,1'...., ' - , I , .... , . _ ~ .„, RT E ~. . ... ~... , ~ I ... . ! emarks of Mr. Dickinson, of B. Y. In Senate, January 280846, on the naval de fences of the eountrit and' in reply to Ma. BENTON, of 3fissouri. Mr. DICKINSON -said, at an early day in the session, the senator from Michigan, (Mr. Cass) introduced resolutionsinquiring into the state of the public defences ; and, although the reso lutions were at 'first resisted: a little reflection seemed to change opposition to support; Bud, upon full debate, and under a call of the yeas and nays, the resolutions received the unani mous vote of the Senatp. That part of the inquiry. which related to maritime defence, was appropriately referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, of which he had the honor to be a member, and the bill before the Senate was the result of their labors. He had no intended to detain the Senate by i. any remark , and it was entirely unnecessary, after the . ear and minute vindication it had received at the bands of the honorable chair man, (Mr. FAIRFIELD.) He felt bound, how ever, to notice. and without delay, some of the very extraordinary positions of the senator from Missouri, (Mr. Bstcroin.) to which be should mainly confine himself. That honorable senator (said Mr. D.) had proceeded to denominate the bill a war meas ure, which was the first official baptism it had received, and then to frighten the Senate front its propriety by parading, in its most imposing form, the vast expenses to which the country must be subjected by its passage. He held it to be immaterial whether it was denominated a war or a peace measure, for it was necessari ly neither; and he should only inquire wheth er it was just and proper; and, if he believed it such, should support it accordingly. He would assure that honorable senator that he would open no ledger account between nation al honor on one side, and pounds, shillings• and pence, on the other: and, while he would resist at all times, upon all occasions, and un.: der all circumstances, and any every useless ,and extravagant appropriation, where the hon or and interests of the nation were concerned, he would not.inquire whether it would cost a I large or a small amount—one million or more —to vindicate and preserve them. The argu. meta of the senator. (said,Mr. D.) that the bill should not receive the favorable consideration of the Senate. because of the expense it would occasion, without regard to its necessity or utility, might be applied, with equal propor tionate force to all the transactions of life, and individuals be admonished to deny themselves food and raiment by reason of the enormity of the expense. If such a paltry consideration should control, and every enterprise be aband oned which require money to carry out, there would be a sorry advance in human progress; for, probably. upon strict computation of out lay, and its interest account, it would be found that the whole business of the world, from its foundation, had scarcely paid its prosecution and superintendence. That senator, too, has reminded us (said Mr. D.) that a great and powerful party, a few years since, was oyerthroivii because of the cry of extravagance charged by its adversaries, they insisting that government could be admin. istered for thirteen millions, while a greater sum was expended. The senator was doubt less correct in his historical reminiscence; but lie (Mr. D.) would beg leave to recal another, and to enquire of the honorable senator wheth er he had any recollection of a great and pow. erful party which once towered high in its pride and loftiness, but wail overthrown furop posing the defences of the country, and for resisting in a becoming tone and spirit foreign insolence, and aggression. Yes, Mr. Presi dent, this party which once stood firm and se. cured in its fancied strength—stretching out its gimt arms to. heaven Idle the sturdy mountain oak, and defying the fury of the thunder-gust —was seated, blasted, and prostrated by the omnipotence of opinion, and nought was left of its ancient and imposing grandeur but its foe. ail remains. Its members, like the, rebellious -descendants of Israel, had been dispersed throughout the earth ; but, unlike that fated race, so emphatic was the sentence of their condemnation, that they despaired of being re stored to their political Jerusalem, or of behold ing the advent of their ,Messiah. But where ever one of this ancient and honorable frater nity can be found, like the sea-shell torn from its native bed, .he still is •• muttering of the ocean and theitorm." The senator from Missouri. admitted we had now what lie was pleased to term a peace , establishment; the results of a plan which had been pursued for thirty years, from which the senator, is unwilling to depart for any existing reasons. The proposed divergence from the path beaten by the foot-prints of thirty years; he regards as improvident and wasteful, and the contingent authority conferred by this bill upon the President, to call into service the whole maritime power of the nation, in case of high necessity, he denounces as unprece dented anti enormous. Sir, (said Mr. D.) let that honorable senator show that our position is now what it. has been in all respects for the last thirty years, and his admonitions will not be unheeded, or his plan transcended. . But what within that period has been the progress, of the Lunen I One-third of the present num ber of the sovereign States have been the confederacy—three-fold to its population— its various and diversified interests increased beyond the power of computation. and its ter ritory stretched from the morning to the set ting sun. - But has there been no departure from the plan of the last thirty years, sanction ed too, and supported by the senator front Missouri—ay, and by the united voice of Sen ate ? Then, when the grim front of a boastful and gigantic power was lowering over the north eastern boundary, a contingent authority was given to the President to employ the whole naval and military force of the country ; and for that purpose, the sum of ten Millions of dollars was planed at his command. He was literally invested with the purse and the sword. and authorized - to exhaust the ono and draw the other in iis discretion, to -maintain the £O, 2a 6d 0 Is 6d , wa w , vziyor I=lll PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, AT. TOWANB4BRADFAHID COUNTY,,,PA., BY E. 0. & H. P. GOODRICH. " REGARDLESS UE, :DiNiNateTlON.:lfito/111 ANY quArirsa.", honor and interests of the. country. Now, when our righorupcin the north-western boun dary are in jeopardy, and the 'empower is evidently preparing to assert and maintain her claims. rather than her fights, peaceably Valle can, forcibly if she must, a propoial to confer this same contingent authority upon the pres ent Executive, placing at his diiposal leis thin one-half the amount appropriated upon a.for mer. occasion, to be used only in a case of stern necessity, is a naked authority, dangerone, unprecedented, : and enormous. But whence this change t It cannot be that the senator can hold the soil of the mighty West of less value than that of the East; national honor more cheaply now than then ; nor can it he that he distrusts the wise discretion of the Executive. Our commerce was almost. limitless, extend ed to every sea, and should be adequately pro. tected. The senator supposed because it had been respected, it must be so. hereafter. But, should our relations become less friendly,what authority had he for saying that it would be protected then ? 'The assertion of that senator, that one frigate and a few smaller vessels were sufficcient to protect our commerce in the Med iterranean, at the time when the Batbary pow ers were a lawless band of pirates. should have been accompanied by a statement of the fact. that most of the great powers of Christen dom were paying tribute to this detestable horde of lawless robbers, and after our prison. era had groaned for nineteen months in a Tur kish prison. were ingloriously ransomed by a larger amount of national disgrace. And such was the opinion formed of our ability and spir it, by the Bashaw of Tripoli, that in 1,118 fanci ed power and petty insolence. he declared that if he had one frigate and two brigs he would blockade Smerica! The senator at ore moment objected to the bill because it was 'a war measure, and would require great expenditure ; at another, that it was too insignificantand meagre for a prelimi nary'war measure; and again, it was too com prehensive, because of the authority it confer red upon the Executive to bring into service, if necessary, the whole disposable force of the country. That senator might have either born of the dilemma, but should not nave both. It might, perhaps, be resisted because to limited, or too extensive in its provisions, but not with much propriety or force of argument, from the same senator, because it was both. Mr. D. desired to see the country placed in a decided and unequit:ocal state of defence— not such a state as would be required in case of open and actual botitility, but such a state as would cause the nation to he respected abroad and would insure respect at home. He hoped and trusted we should have no war. Ile re garded the late news from abroad decidedly pacific,particularly the failure of Lord Johnßus sell to form a cabinet with Lord Palmerston in the foreign office; nor Would England or any -other nation be likely, wantonly, to wage a war with a nation who was furnishing them bread. Still it was the dictate of prudence, ,of experi ence, of patriotism, and of true economy, to make such reasonable and preliminary prepara tions as the temper of the times would justify, and the vast interests of the nation seemed to demand. Ile denied that the resources of the nation were weak, or that the people were penurious. They sought no war, but they would hold those responsible to whom they had confided their best and highest interests,if they did not put forth the energies of the gov ernment when the dark clouds of war hovered ' over use Mr. D. believed that adequate prep arations would be the harbinger of peace. If there was any one matter which Great Britain understood better than another, it was the spir it and temper of her adversary. She knows (said Mr. D.) our condition much better than we do hers. She has long played at a game where the destinies of nations are hazards.— Her history for two hundred years shows that when she has dealt with a taine,spiritless, and vacillating power, she has been bold. exact-' , ing, and aggressive, and atretched out her mail ed arm over them : but if she has been met at the threshold, as she should, and he trusted would be, by the American people, site had found some quiet and convenient way of dis posing of the question. under the allegation that commercial interessa of the world, and the Christian religion, forbid that civilized nations should engage in war. And such will now be her conclusion, if she lees a quiet and peace. ful, yet firm and manly spirit, and becoming , preparation to resist egression. Nations, like individuals, as they become civilized, Chris, .tianized and cultivated, were disinclined to re sort to the arbitrament of physical force, or to rush precipitately into bootless and bloody conflict. War, it had been often said—and its truth, must be admitted—was a great calamity ; and' the way to avoid it was to look it fully in the face, and not sit tamely down and brook insult and dishonor, and tremble at the mention of its name, because, forsooth, among its results, must be the destruction of property, and Op loss of human life. All this should be proper ly appreciated, but there were considerations far dearer than either. and nations, like iodi viduals, should cherielf an untarnished memory. War was not the only destroyer. On either hand, the aged and the young were descending in their final resting place, amid the pursuits of peace; and that mighty commercial mania, which but recently swept over the land, brought '1 if posiible, a train. of evi more numerous and, deadly, and more destructive to cominerce, than war and its attendant horiorii. It 11ad long been the theme of some to mag nify the power of Great Britian—the mistress 01 the ocean, as she wss called by way of em phasis—and to ery down that of our own ; and so prevailing had been this sentiment, that it, was proposed to confine our gallant little navy to mere harbor defence, during the late. war,— . But it went forth to battle, and crowned itself with glory. and gladdened every patriotic heart in the nation. During that war, in most of the leading actions between vessels of similar force it would be seen that in killed and wounded Great Britain lost more than- three to one ; -and' to say nothing of the results of naval conflicts,. she list in that brief war with us more than ME 081 one-fourth of her merchant niaritimuch more than in her protracted" and broody war with France front its commencement to its tannins %ion: 'where the destipiee 'of Earopeliung fur a momelitupon the coming bight or Blucher ! Great Britain had a large and formidable force. especially upon paper ;' fur the returns of her admirably were like the money account of an insolvent bank, where everything was reported available. Many of her reported vessels were rotten, worthless convict-ships, modelled after the plan of Noah, and others. steam tugs and coasters, which could not be made 'available for 'offensive war. Still. she had formidable physical power, which should not be underra ted; but she was sadly deficient in her moral 'elements. Where she had one subject who arose in the morning alive to the honor and interests of the country, how many thousands half she who awoke to starve and-curse the tight. She was making active preparation, but whether it was to silence the hungry mouths of her own star ving 'millions, orlto perpetuate her tyrannical and oppressive reign over the down=trodden sows of Ireland, or to plant her armed heel more firmly in Asia. was perhaps uncertain.— She had much to do insides to awe this Union into subjection to herdecoands ; and it was ap parent as the meridian sun that she would wage no war upon us; if she found us prepared and united, for she knew full well that we could then successfully resist the- world in arms. Should a war be fastened upon us now,(said Mr. D) we have learned from competent au thority that it is' to meet . with no resistance at home; but every heart will glow with patriot. ic ardor, and every hand be raised for his-coun try's weal. The lights that once burned blue will now burn brightly, and light on the suns of. freedom to victory and glory. Mr. D., said he hid not discussed our rights in Oregon. nor would he now, further than to say, if it belimged to Great Britain in whsle or in part, let it at once be yielded, to her ; if the title to it was involved. obscure, and doubtful, lie would compromise it in almost any manner, except by arbitration ; but if, as lie believed, our title wits clear and unquestionable, he Wotild not yield up the most rock-bound island in the north-western archipelago to purchase peace. It was not the way to secure peace,or to secure respect. If inglorious peace must be purchased, which lie denietLlet it be done open and directly, and pay a consideration in dollars and cents, and thus keep up our self-. respect as far as possible—a show of solvency. and not like a prodigal &bankrupt heir, transfer our patrimonial estate. We had employed the beat talent of the land to show that our titre to this country was bayond dispute or cavil ; as if we were to transfer it to Great Britain, if yield ed to her with covenants of.seisin, quiet enjoy ment, further assurance, and general warranty; and she was apparently waiting to see our title fully vindicated before she accepted a convey ance that her aggrandizerhent and our humilia tion should appear of record. In the British Parliament, the common place and undefined expression that .. Great Britain had rights in Oregon that must he respected," called forth spontaneous cheers from both min isterial and opposition benches, and there was no divided sentiment upon the questiOn. But in the Senate of the United States, oue distin guished senator incidates his intention to field a portion of the territory, and another n,grat ulates the country that we shall• thus he able to avoid a war. Having succeeded in gaining a g reater territory on the north:eastern boundary 1 than George..lll had sketched with his own hand upon the map, she might well suppose she could, under her - favorite system of the .. balance of power." take a portion front the north-western, especially when she saw distin guished statesmen shaking in their shoes at the mention of war, refusing to place the country in a state of defence; or to show that we are a people who "know our rights. and knowing, dare maintaio them." For one, he was ready to meet the - question openly. fairly, and direct ly. He was not to be alarmed by the cry of war, or the cry of expense. The way to avoid both was to act firmly and seasonably, and he only asked the senators would vote upon the bill, and for it or against it, and not dispose of it by postponement or other indirection. Noth ing was wanting to quiet the whole difficulty but firmness and decision. Let us exhibit to the world the great moral spectacle of a united and determined people, and there will be'ito resort to physical force'. As to the amendment of the 'senator front Indiana. he would not now discuss it. He had given his approbation to the bill of the committee in its provisions and li mitations, as being all that was necessary, and thould be best suited With that for the pretient. Besides, lie would prefer that, if it was to be increased in its provisions, it should he by direct appro priations,and id the usual form. ~ Mr. I) apologized for having detained the Senate longer than he had intended, and would close his reinarlts, necessarily somewhat de eultoo, by repeating the request, that the bill might receive the respectful ,consideratiod of the Senate by a direct vote. ' _._ T az& nnexii.—The celebrated .Wilberforce ascribed Lis continuance for so long: a rime. under such a pressure of cares and labors. in. no small degree to the conscienstions and, h a bitual observance of the Sabbath. 0. what a bles sed day." he says. is the Sabbath which al lows us a precious interval wherein to pause; tit come out from the thickest of worldly e4llltVfliti, and giVe ourselves .up to heavenly and spiritual object. Observation and my own experience have convinced me that there is a sperm! files- sing on the right employmenrof these intervals.. .• One of the prime objects in my judgment. is, to strengthen our impression* of living tinder their influences. 0, .what a blessed thing i. Sunday. interposed between the waves of worldly business, like a divine pad, the. Isis elites through Jordan. Messed be God. who has appointed. the Sabbath and, .interpnee4 the seasontof recollection.. It ie a blessed thing to have the Sabbath deioted to God. There . is: nothipg in which I would continent! you ,be more strioly conscientious than in beeping the il=4=l iffill =I [From the 'Cincinnati Semicolon.] Short Serincin on Virtuoni Women. . . Tsar.—Who can find a virtuous woman, or her price is far ahove rubies.—!Solomon. As virtuous women have in our days be come as plenty as they were rare in ilia trays of Solomon ; we can easily test the accuracy of his description. desecting the inaccuracies. and observing how they. are intermingled with correct descriptions 'of which we subjoin the following instances:— •• She seeketh wool and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands." • Hired laborers are technically denominated "hands,' and so are the slaves on the other side of the river. The inaccurracy in the abilve account consists in the uxe of the term hands." or servants of both sexes, it being generally confined to the males. The rorrerl portion of the description is, that the virtuous woman ate willing that her •' hands," or ser vants, should do her work. .. She is like the merchant's ship—shebring eth her food from afar." This similie has generally been considered very correct. Merchant ships usually carry small burdens in proportion as they are swift sailing and stylishly rigged ; and the•more ex pensive and beautiful they are, the less profita ble are they. •• Her food is brought from a f a r;" that is to say, her tea comes from China, her sugar from the West Indies, and her other lux uries from from all parts of the world. She riaea also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household. and a portion to her maidens." There is a little incorrectness here. which may. perhaps, he in the translation. . Theirue meaning of the verse probably is, that the vir tuous woman, when, she gives a party. sits-tip all night. and gives a supper to her visitors. allowing her maidens to eat a portion after them. She con■idereth a field and huveth .it with the fruit of her hands she planted' a vine yard." That is in say, the virtuous woman being oc casionally tired of town, persuades her hus band to buy a country seat, and by the labor of her hired hands, to ornament it with vines and fruit trees. She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms." This is strictly correct. The virtuous wo man requires a strong girdle around her loins. in order to make her waist as small as fashion requires ; and she must strengthen her arms in order to draw her girdle as tight as neceasary. • She perceiveth that her merchandize is goal; her candle goeth not out by night." That is, when she goes a shopping, she ex amines an immense quantity of goods for the purpose of being sure that they are the best quality, before she makes a purchase. Her candle, of course, cannot go out by night. whether she gives a party or goes to one. She layeth her hands to the spindle. and her hands hold" the distaff." • This is a very obscure passage. and it is not easy to determine what the terms .. spindle " and distaff" mean, when used in the above connechion. It is generally admitted that they mean something exclusively used by women ; but whether they were articles that have gone out of use and are forgotten, or are the names of something now in use, is a matter of great controversy. Some rrsons are of the former opinion, while others think they must have been musical instruments, like the piano and guitar. Others imagine that they were articles of household furniture, such as a hand-bell, or pull-bell, to which the virtuous woman has fre quent occasions to lay her hand. Upon the whole, the decision of the question is so diffi cult that we leave it to our readers. • She maketh herself coverings of tapestry —her clothing is of silk anti purple." That is to say, the virtuous woman is dres sed in the most expensive style, and the richest materials are used for her clothing. The test of a virtuous woman being easy to the public it is not extraordinary that it should be a favo rite one. . - But, without proceeding farther, ii is evi dent that. at the present day, virtuous women, instead of being as scarce as in the days of Solo- Mob, are quite as plenty as necessary and con venient for the Supply of the wants of the emri munity ; and an inquiry like that at the head or this chapter would not now tend to increase any man's reputation for wisdom. The following advice to the farmer, we ex tract from a paper published more than twenty ago, and the advice it contains will not bu rout of place at the present time ; The farmer, as well as the merchant, ought to reckon with himself at least once a year.— This is the proper time. low stands the bal ance with you at the end of the harvest ! I trust you have nothing to do with the ‘ banks, so we will let them pass. Are your taxes squared with the collectors ? Are there no executions against you Are all your laborers and honest tridesinea foi the last year paid off ? Are all your broken windows repaired ? is your cellar' banked and pointed, so as to secure your sauce and apples from the frost! if so.. let us go lo the barn and see whether the barn doors. racks. and loungers, floors4c...are.sll set to rights for the winter. if we find allthese things as they should he. then a happy new year 10 you ! But if not, then set your ho) s immediately to' thresh ing. to shelling corn: mil dressing flax—stop the calls of the collector. the visits o 5 the sheriff, and the duns of your laborers and mechanics vs quick as possible ; buy giass.and putty. repair ycur windows. and sell inflict. paper-npker, the rags which had,been used tn, stop . pine lights secure your . cellar before the frost penetrates fat ther. •All this ;being done.' go to the': barn arid del likeiiise. 'the may' how ileitin for the evening by a clean hearth before a brisk fire in Yluranug:kitclica or parlor. eiack a few nuts, eat a, f e w.apples,,aml Fegrile„ yourself . auil your friends.witli.a,gkass, of pyre spring , and go bed when you please. The Farmer. Yammatim ' Farmers' Boys and Winter Evenings. We copy the following good and. timely sug gestions from. the l'arineis Cabinet : - All know that it is by little and little ,that the biros builds its nest and the bec; her cell. In dustry and perseverance will accomplish in time far more than the unreflecting are apt to suspect. Fiiritiers' boys, for instance, who would spend a couple of hours these long winter evenings in smile useful books, would accomplish hi three or four months what would surprise one who is accustomed•to loitering away these quiet por tions of the day without employment. Sixty hours in the muntli„saved from evenings which might, otherwise have. been spent, would amount. in the course of a long winter. to as much time, and would enable a lad to, ilccomp lisli as much as would several weeks schooling. And the boy who will thus perseveringly attend to his own improvement, may rely upon it that his increased ntelli ence will nut Only add to respectabillitv, but lie will be all the better fitted for the'active and responsible duties Of UN:to wards which lie is often impatiently looking. In selecting books for rending, we say to far mers' buys reject such asare founded on fiction, and choose those only which deal with instinc tive facts—as u n natural history. voyages,travels and biographies, ancient and modem history— that of your own country in preference to all others. You will worse than waste your,time by deioting it to fictitious reading—which. though sometimes unobjectionable in , its tenden cy. is quite of a contrary character, and seldom indeed really useful. As some writer has ob served, vou should be as particular in the choice of your books as in the choice of your friends. If you early contract a habit •of devoting-your leisure hours to useful leading. you will find - the taste to " grow with your growth and strength en with your strengih"—and you will become improved by the exercise of the mental powers, as your bodies are by action. if the young could but justly appreciate the inestimable value of ltnowledge--the power it has over ignorance—the influence it has in securing virwe, respectability, awl even worldly thrill—they never would spend in frivolous amusement or waste in idleness, a single hour of winter evenings, which they might devote to profitable study or reading. Vi here there is no opportunity for farmers' sons to eet books from libraries, their • parent' should by all means purchase them for them, if possib'y within their power. Even one or two good books each winter, would be of great vantage to them—soda indeed, this number would be better than too many—as.they would be likely to derive more profit from becoming well acquainted with the contents of a few, than from a supetticial perusal of many. Once in- terested in reading or study, progress is certain, and profit ultimately sure. Knowledge is power"—it is Pleasure—it is wealth. He who to a pure heart unites an enlightened mind. possesses a treasure, compar ed with which the costliest diamond is meaner than common dust. Farmers sons, we are ad dressing you iu particular: improve. whatever opportunities you have to id nn your minds ; he assured that when you shall have become young men. yourinfluenee anttstanding in socie ty will depend a vast deal upon the -extent of your knowledge. A man is in one important respect. superior to another, inasmuch ashe is more intelligent than another—and ignorance must always pay tribute to knowledge. Store it theft. in your vouth—lor remember the truthful aphorism of Goldsmith. The boy is father to the in4n." LIVE NOT FORYOURSELVES.—Ltve not mere ly fur yourselves, but also for the geed of oth ers. Selfishness contracts'the soul, and hard ens the heart. The man observed in selfish pur nits. is incapable of the sweetest, noblest joy of which our nature is susceptible. The author of our being has ordained laws accord ing to which the most exquisite pleasure is connected not with the direct pursuit of our own happiness, bin with the exercise of be nevolenee. On this principle it is that he who labors wholly for the benefit of others. and as it were, forgets himself, is far happier than the man who makes himself the centre of all-his affections, the sole object of all his exertions. On this principle it was, that our Saidour maid, .. it is more blessed to give than receive," Re solved, therefore, to lead lives of ttre - illness.— Be indifferent to nothing which has anyrela tion to the welfare of men. Be not afraid of diminishing yonr own happiness by seeking that of others. Devise liberal things, and let not ovariare shut tip your hand from giving to him that.needeth, and to promote the cause of 1 piety and humanity. THE m ORMONS.-11 is stated in the Jackson ville Journal, of Friday, hat Major Warren, with a posse of the Handock Guard, had Os sed through that place having in custody Mx. Thatcher, county court clerk of _Hancock co., who was on his way to Springfield. there•to he tried on a writ of habeas corpus. Very re cently, Mr. Thatcher was removed from office by the Jack MorMon Commissioners of Han cock countv..but he refused to deliver up the hooks to his succes Or, and backenstos, the Sheriff, was ordered to arrest him. The :at tempt of, Backensto to execute this order pro ducedtreat eicitement in the court room—pis tols were drawn on both sides, and the en , aion . of blood was only prevented by ,die inter , ference of Majiir Wnrren. He tlok Thatcher aril his' books itito his costmly. Soil inform , d the commissilineit that he-wl'uld take the clerk to Springfield on a writ•of 1.b..110 corpus, and have him set at liberty. Major Warren - gives it as his opinion that the Mormons will not leave in the Spring. So we days feitr. , d .1 - and so sure as they do not there will be afore blood shed. .. llertistf SOON. Our Imp says, to sae a fa ther knoek his son down, is the most driking subliinity of sun-down he ever saw. Out of darknes cometh light." as the Prin ter's Devil said, when soliliquizing upon the ink-keg. the truth is not always _to be spoken," we ought not always to speak. 0