Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 24, 1845, Image 4

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    Bans &bath%
ksoitT..;..AirtPraci.ismif or. zz.
Ilana:Bcbatler trait a Dutchmen.
In Jerry born and bred; ;
Where peaches ate co ident'y,
And all the nand is red.
His father an. a Hatehmin,
tAesasinii mother too ;
, .
And his wades, aunts, and cousin,—
Faith were not a few !
Hans wore the real Dutch breeches,
Dutch was his coat.tuul hat;
fie was his omb-er4lla
But I wont speak of that.
His shoei and his kneeltocktes,
His colter and his vest,
And his linsey-wOOlsey stockings,
Were Dutch, rake all the rest.
Hans Schaffer he gokmanied, '
Having nothing else to do;
His wife.—may heaven rest on her!—
She was a Dutchman too.
But eh ! poor mortal creature,
It happened that akat died,.
About a week or two before
The nuptial knot sculled.
And 'the people mourned ter...
'Twu very right they should;
Yes, all Hen's wife's relations
Of tears shed quite a flood.
Well, what of Rana 2" you query;
What'■ that to you or me?
He's living still in Jersey.
And there we'll let him be.
The Farm s - of Moan Tann.
Washington was passionately ,fond of Agri
culture. Its improvement was ever with ham
an object of paramount vegan!. Virginia can
boast of few sons to ivhiamohe'r agriculture has
been more indebted; whii its)sisted in promo
ting her interests to a greater extent, or' with .
the manifestation of a more ; a lent and patron
izing ne following account of his
fartiontoperation will servel to exhibit the
Father Of, hie country (the an first in war.
first in peace, and first in the hearts of his
countrymen) in his true light
!. The farm •of General 'Washington. at
Mount Vernon, contained ten.lthousand acres
of land in one body, equal to fifteen square
miles. 'At was divided into •laren's of conve
nient size. at 'the distance of one, two, three,
four and five miles from his mansion, These
'farms he visited every day In pleasant weather,
and was constantly engaged in making 'experi
ments for the improvement of agriculture.—
Some idea of the extent of his farmirg,opera
tions may be from the following facts. In
1787, lie had five hundred acres in grass
sowed Fix hundred acres of oats; seven hun
dred acres in Wheat; and prepared as much
corn. barley. potatoes, beans, 1 ear, &c., and
one hundred and filly acres in turnips. Ilia
stock coosisted,of one hundred and torty hor
ses. One kindred and twelve eons. three hun
dred and thirty-five working oxen. heifers and
"sheep. Ile ronetantli emAyed two hundred
and fifty hands, and kept tweUly-lour phoighs
going during the whole tear, when the earth,
a nd the weather would permit. In 1788, he
slaughtered one hundred and fifty hugs weigh
ing eighteen thousand five hundred and ninety
pounds. for the use of his family, besides the
provisions (Cr the use of his negroes.
Stance of the wonderful character of the Bible
and the facility with which even a child can
austiee t the greatest questions, and solve the
sublimest mysteries, was perhaps never given
than at an examination of a deaf and dumb in-,
stitution, in London. A little tiny was asked,
in writing. Who ii ade the world 1'
He took the chalk, and wrote underneath
these word+ : .
" In the heuinaing, God created the heavens
and the earth."
Tire clergyman then inquired, %Vhy did
Christ come into. the world .?
A smile rested upon the countenance of the
Mite fellow, as he wrote--
•• 'Phis is /1 faithful saying. and, worthy of
all acceptation. that Jesus came into the world
to save sinners."
A third question was then proposed eviden t=
ly adapted to call the'most powerful feelin':'
into exercise: Why were -you born deaf a
dumh; when I can hear and speak ?
Never• (says an eye-witness) shall I forget
the look of resignation which sat upon his
countenance. u he again took the chalk and
Born' so, Father! for it seemed good in
thy tight.
A Pnestast Asecoars.--A young man hav
ing been caught in, the act of stealing. was
brought before Haroun Al Hartchid. h ao
the theft was proved against him. Haroun or
dered his hand to be cut off. The aged mo.
iher of the youth came before the Khalif in
great distress. and said "Oh. Khalif of the
age. cut not off that hand which the Almighty
ha. formed and gifted." Hamm replied, "It
is by 'the order of the Almighty. .who pre
scribed this; puniahment (Koran) that I cut it
off." The old woman replied " Oh.lChaltf.
my strength and sup Port are dependant on that
hand which you are cutting off." c t it it
oft," said ilarmin." for if I let him escape his
just punishment. I shall he of the _numher of
the transgressors." Oh, Kbalif.7 raid the
old woman. "you have many sine for which
you iinplor.! foNiveness night and morning;
include this among Ahem." The Khalif as
pleased with her wit, and pardoning her son.
dismissed her happy, and contented. -
IciLrittitrrs.--The idle levy a very heavy
tax upon the -industrious , when by frivolous
risitatioris they rob them of their time. Surh
persons beg their daily happiness from door
to door as begg'ars their daily bread, and like
them, sometitneameet With a rebuff. A mere
gossip ought not to Wonder if we evince signs
that we are tired of him, him, seeing that we are
indebted for the honor of his visit solely to the
circumstance of his being tired of himself.--
Ile sits at home : until he , , has accumulated all
insupportable load or ennui. and then sallies
forth to distribute it amongst- his acquain
4,YOUNO . MARRIED COUPLE - riding home
from churels, nut west. on -a rainy - day. the
Imehand looking up and pereetving rhe donde
breaking au*. laid... 1 do hope !hat we shall
have alittle " Oh. la !my dear." airg.'
perea the innocent young wife, ••-1 would pre
fer-a li4ilt daufrlaler; •
".1 one
",1 'Hsu; re•wne ohnitly." thtf dan'iuid
on the teething of his 'ts'eddieg day.
The'Occan and a Volcano in Wife.
.Whiti the torrent of fire precipitated itself
into the ocean, the scene assumed aTcharaeter
Ott ierrifie and .indiscrihable grandeur. The
Magaifieenie 'of 'destruction was never more
perciptibly displayed than When . these antago
nistic elements met in deadly strife. The
mightiein of earth's magazines of fire .poured
forth its burning billows to meet the mightiest
of oceans. Fur two score miles it came, roll
ing. tumbling. swelling forward, an awful agent
of death. Rocks melted like waz in its
path; forests crackled and blazed before its
fervent beat; the very hills were lifted from
their primeval beds. and sank
.beneath its tide.
or were borne onward by its waves; the works
of man were to it but as a scroll in the flames;
nature shrivelled and trembled before the irre
sistible flow. Ima g ine Niagara's stream above
the brink of the fall s. with its dashing, whirl
ing. tossing and eddying rapids. madly raging
and hurrying on to their plunge. instantaneous
ly bursting into fire. a gory-hued river of fused
minerals ; the wrecks of creative matter blaz
ing and disappearing beneath its surface:
volumes of biasing steam arising ; smoke curl
ing upward from ten thousand vents, which
gave utterance to as many deep toned mutter.
ings. and sullen, confined, and ominous clam
oring., as if the spirits of fallen demons were
struggling against their final doom ; gases do
nating and shrieking as they burst from their
prison house ; the heavens lurid with flame ;
the atmosphere dark. turgid and oppressive;
the horizon murky with vapors, and gleaming
with the reflected contest ; while cave and hol
low, as the hot air swept along their heated
walls, threw back the unearthly sounds in a
myriad of prolonged eclides. Such was the
scene, as the fiery cataract, leaping a precipice
of fifty feet, poured its flood upon the ocean.
The old line of coast, a mass of compact, indu
rate lava, whitened. "cracked and fell. The
waters recoiled, and sent forth a tempest of
spray ;• they foamed, and lashed around and
over the melted rock ; they boiled with the
beat, and the roar of the conflicting energies
grew fiercer and louder. The reports of the
exploding gas were distinctly heard twenty-
Eve miles distant. Thet were likened to dis
charges of whole broadsides of heavy artillery.
Streaks of the intensest Fight glanced like
lightning in all directions; the outskirts of the
burning lava as it fell, cooled by the shock.
was shivered; into inillions of fragments. and
borne aloft by-Istrong breezes blowing towards
the laud, were scattered m scintillant showers
far into thin country. For three successive
weeks the volcano disgorged an uninterrupted
burning tide, with scarcely any diminution,
into the ocean. On either side, for twenty
miles. theorean became heated, and with such
rapidits, 'that on the second day of the junction,
fishes caine'ashore dead in great numbers at
Keau, fifteen miles distant. Siz weeks later,
at the base of the hills. the water continued
scalding hot, and sent steam at every wash Of
the waves.—Jarues' a Scenes in the Sandwich
The Genesee friticr gives this brief sum
'nary of the native countries of our most fa
tuthar plants: •
The potatoe is a native of South America,
and is still found wild in- Chili, Peru and
Monte Video. In its native state, the root is
small and bitter. The first mention of it by
European writers, is in 1588. It Is now
spread over the world. Wheat and rye origi
nated in Tammy and Siberia, where they are
still indigenous. The only country where the
oat is intim, wild in A bt filth, and thence may
be,considered a native. Maize or Indian coin
is a native of Mexico, and was unknown in
Europe. until after the discoveries of Colum
bus. The bread Iruit tree is a native .of South?
Sea Island. particularly Otaheite. Tea is
found inative no where except in China and
Japan. from which country the world is sup-
plied. ;The cocoa nut is a native of most
equinoctial countries, and is one of the most
valuable trees, as food, clothing and shelter are .
afforded- by it. Coffee is a native of Arabia
Felix, hut it is now spread into both the East
„and %Vest Indies. The best coffee is brought
from Mocha, in Arabia. whence about 14.000,-
000 of pounds are annually exported. St.
Domingo furnishes from sixty to seventy mil.
ions of pounds annually. All the varieties
of the apple are derived from the crab apple.
whirh is 'found native in most parts of the
The peach is derived from Persia, where it
still grows in a native state, small, bitter, and
with poisonous qualities. Tobacco is a native
'of Mexico and South America, and lately one
spefi:•s Las been found in New Holland. To
bacco was first introduced into England from
North Carolina.. in 1586. by Walter Raleigh.
Asparagus was brought from Asia ; cabbage
and lettitce from Holland ; horse radish from
China I rice from Ethiopia; beans from the
East Indies: onions and garlic, are natives of
of various places both in Asia and Africa,
The sugar cane is a native of China, and
from thence is derived the art of making sugar.
from. it.
SvnITITUTE FOR A BATA.—The following
plan was adopted by, Sir Astley Cooper during
many years of his life, and is worthy the es
ample of those who cannot enjoy the blessing
of bathing in their own houses
Immediately on rising from bed, and•hav
ing all previously read. take off your night
dress, takelup from your earthen pan of two
gallons of water a towel, quite wet, but not
dropping-; hewn at. your head, rubbing hair.
and lace, and neck and ears well , : then wrap
yourself behind and before, from neck to chest,
your arms, and every portion of your hotly.—
Remand your towel into the pan. charge it
afresh with water, and repeat once all 1 have
mentioned. excepting the head. unless that be
in a heated state. when you may do an, and
with advantage.: Three minute. will now
have elapsed. Throw your towel into the
pan. and then proceed, with two coarse dry
long towels, to scrub your head, and face, and
hod}, front and rear, when four minutes will.
have you in a glow ; then wash and hard rub
your feet, brush your hair, and complete your
toilette; and trust me that this wilt give you
a new zest to"your existence. A mile of walk:
mg may be added with advantage.
Give an example of .• lixtriation." A boy
dipping his head into a bucket of water, to
get a penny at the bottom of it. Where may
"accidental productions" be found t At the
hospital des enfans natives. Which is reck
oned the roost common "dislocatiort r Hav
ing your nose put out of joint. What is "'gas
tric irritation' P'' A poor man at a conk shop.
What do imply by '• capillary attraction ?
ttingletirand handelets. Name the beet ao-
Purifies " and " sudorifics." Washerwomen.
The Food of Nan.
extismEltwL. MMICIPII(Mo
WHEREAS, by an act of Assembly of the Com
tionwealth, entitled, " An act relating to .the
election in this commonwealth," it Is enjoined Upon me
to give public notice of such election to be held, and al
so the enumeration in such notice what offiturs are lobe
elected, I, JOHN N. WESTON, High Sheriff of the
county of Bradford, do hereby make known and give no
tire to the electors of said county, that a GENERAL
ELECTION will be held in said county, on TUES
DAY, the 14th day of October in the several districts in
said county, o wit:
In Albany, at the school house in the north district
near the house Of W. Wilcox.
In Asylum, at Jacob Frutchey's.
In Athens. at E. S. Matthewson's.
In Armenia, at Wrightmsn Pierce's.
In Burlington, at Ad'n
In Canton, at Benj. Coolhaugh's.
In Columbia. at James Slorgan's.
In Durell, at S. S. Bradley's.
In Franklin, at Wm. Deemer'..
In Granville, at the school house, No. 1, at Granville
In Herrick, at Wm. Durand's.
In Litchfield, at IL Park's,
In Leroy, at the school house in Leroy.
In Monroe, at J. P. Smith's.
In Orwell, at the house of formerly eccupied by I. H:
In Pike, at E. Dewolre
In Ridgeberry, rit Stephen Mummers.
In Rome, at L. ,S..,Maynaril'a
In Shesherruin, at / D. Brink'a.
In Smithfield. at A. 3. Gerould's.
In Springfield, ell D. D. Black's.
In Standing Stone, at S. Stevens'.
In South Creek, at the school house near AsaGilletes,
in South Creek.
In Towanda Bone at the Claremont House.
In Towanda tp., at the school house near Andrew C.
Gregg s. -
In Troy, at the school house in the village of Troy.
In SOinglrill, (formerly Tuscarora,) at the school
house near J. J. Lewis.
In Ulster, at S. B. Holcomb's.
In Warren, at R. Cooper's.
In Wells, at E. E. Ayres'.
In Windham, at E. Russel's decd.
In Wyalusing, at John Taylor's.
In Wyse!, at the Academy. At which time and
place the electors aforesaid will elect by bshit—
One person for Canal Commissioner of thin State.
Two persons to represent the county of Bradford in
the House of Representatives of this Commonwealth,
One person for High Sheriff of Bradford Camay.
One person for Prothonotary', Clerk Quarter Sessions
and Oyer arid Terminer.'
One person for Register of Wills, Recorder of Deeds
and Clerk of the Orphan's' Court.
One person for Treaserer of Bradford Co.
One person for Commissioner of Bradford Co.
One person for Coroner of 13railfied
One person for Auditor of Bradford County.
And in and by said act, I am furthir directed to give
notice " that every person excepting justices of the peace
who shall held any office of profit and trust under the
government of the United States, or of this state, or of
any city or incorporated district, whether a commission-.
ed officer or agent, who is, or shall be, employed under
the legislative, executive or judiciary department of this
rowel or of the United States, or of any incorporated db•
trict, and also that every member of,'Llongreas, and of the
state Legislature, and of the select(and common council
of any city, or commissioners of any incorporated district
is by law incapable of holding or exercising, at the same
time:the office or appointment ufjudge,inspector or clerk
of any election of this commonwealth, and that no in
spector, or judge or other officer of any such election,
shall be then eligible to any office to be voted for.
By the 4th section of an set palmed the 16th day of
April, 1840, it is provided "that the 13th section of an
act passed July 2d, 1839, entitled o An act relating to
the electors of this Commonwealth," shall not be so con
strued, es to prevent any militia officer from serving as
judge, inspector or clerk, at any general or special elec.
tion of this commonwealth.
In the 61st section of the act first mentioned, is enac
ted that every general and special election shall be open
between eight and ten - in-the forenoon, and shall contin
ue without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in
the evening, when the polls shall be closed.
It is further directed that the meeting of the Judges at
the Court House in Towanda, to make out the general
return, shall he on the third day after the election, which
will be the 17th day of October.
.Sheriff's Office, September 17, 1846,
TOTAL 11141L - ALIIIT IG., •
111.1i4Jrall SMITH Jf sorr,
RESPECTFULLY inform that they still continue
the manufacture of Saddles, Bridles, Harness,
in Col. Mix's building, next door to J. C. Adams`
Law Office, where they will keep cut:latently on hand,
and manufacture to order,
Elastic TT eb, Contmon.and Quilted Saddles,
Harness; Carpet Bags,
Bridles, Trunks,
Collars, T'alises, 4.c.
Carriage Trimming and Military Work donelo
Mattrasses, Pew and Chair Cushions made on short
notice and reasonable terms.
The subscribers hope by doing their work well, and
by a strict attention to business, to merit a share of
public patronage. ELKANAH SMITH & SON.
Towanda. May 21, 1845.
ITILEOX & SAGE have associated themseves
in the Boot and Shoe Making business. in the
borough of Towanda, and may be found at the old stand
of S. Hathaway.Dtely occupied by Elkansh Smith. near
I. H. Stephens' Exchange Hotel, where they solicit •
share of public patronage. They intend, by a careft i
selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of
their customers,to make as nestand durable work as can
be manufactured in this portion of the country.
They keep constantly on hand, and will manufacture
to order, morocco. calf , and coarse boots and shoes;
Ladies' Gaiters, shoe, and slips; children's do.; gent's
gaiters and pumps, &c., &c.
Towanda, May 14. 1845.
WELLS & SATTERI.EE ire receiving from
New York, their Fecund stock of Spring and
Summer Goods, consi..ting of a choice and general stock
dell articles kept in country stores and a ill be sold as
cheap as at any store in the country for cash. produce
or approved short credit. Please call and examine our
stock and prices. WELLES &SATTERLEE.
Athens, June 9, 1845.
THE Ladies will hod printed lawns, nerlsines, bal.
urines, and prints for summer ; and bombazines,
alpaccas and merino goods for winter dresses. Linen,
count & worsted mitts, gloves and hose ; black, blue
black, striped and plain silks in patterns; for sale very
low at
LEATHER—Saltniarsh, Overton & Co's beat solo
anal upper leather—calf and hipskins always on
hand in exchange for caah and hide., very low el
At the Head of the
KINGSDERY 4. CO, et their old stand one
R.d.'door south of the •' Athens Hotel," have just
received in addition to their.fornier stock, a large and'
splendid assortment of Fancy and staple Dry Goods,
Groceries, Hardware, Queen's ware. Boots, Shoes, &c.
whichehey offer at the very lowest prices for cash, lum
her.or produce of most kinds. We ask our .friends to
call and examine:our Goods and prices, and we flatter
ourselves that none shall go away dissatisfied. •
Athens ono 25;1815.
essoSißeut, It :.• H. KINGSBERY dr. CO.
TH'preceding figure a to represent the INSEN
SIBLE PERSPIRATION. his the great evac
uation forlhe impurities of the body. It will be noticed
that a thick cloudy mist issues from all points of the sur
face. which indicates the wonderful process going on
within. This perspiration flows uninterruptedly when
we are in health, but ceases when we are sick. It should
be the caroof every one to see that it is not checked.—
Life cannot be sustained without it. It is thrown off
from the blood and other Juices of the body , and dispo
ses by this means, of nearly all impur ities within use.—
The blood by this means only, works tselfpure. The
language of Scripture is, "in thebloca is the lift" If
it ever becomes imptire. it may he traC-d diiec i ttp to the
stoppage of the insensible perspiration. IA negrrequires
any internal medicines to cleanse it, 10
, ftivays puri
fies itself by its own heat and action, an ttows off all
the offending humors, through the inseniablniferspiration.
Thus we see, all that is necessa-ry when 'the blood is
stagnant or infected, is toopen the pores, and it relieves
itself tmm all impurity instantly, Its own beat and vi
tality are sufficient, without one particle of medicine,
except to open the pores upon the surface, —Thus we
see the folly of taking so much internal redmilies. All
practicioners, however, direct their efforts to restore the
insensible perspiration. but it seems to he no always the
proper one. The Thompsoniana for insta pa, steams,
the Hy.'ropathist shrouds us in wet blankkts. the Ho-
mopathist deals out infinitissimals, the A llopathistbleeds
and doses us with merc'ury. and the blusteiing quack
gorges us with pills, pills, pills.
But one object only is in view, viz: to res ore the in
sensible perspiration. If this can be done, th y say, we
will take care of the rest. It will he seen, therefore,
-that all physicians understand alike what is necessary-to
a recovery, how much they may differ as to !the mode
of obtaining it.
To give some idea of the amount and consequently
the importance of the insensible perspiration, we will
state that the learned Ur. Lewenhock, andthe great Boer
haave, ascertained that five-eights nt all we received in.
to the stomach, passed off by this means. In other words,
if we eat and drink eight pounds per day. wb evacuate
five pounds of it by the insensible perspiration.
This is none other than the used up re licles of the
blood, and other juices, giving place to t g new and
fresh ones, by carrying with it all the imp rdes within
up to the surfa6.. To check this, thetefor ,'is to retain
in the systemOlt . Te eights of all the vii4lst t i matter that
nature dernsndkahould leave the body. A even when
this is the case,'"the blood is also active a p)nciple, that
it determines those particles, to the skin, where they forrn
scabs, pimples, ulcers, and other , spots'; but if it is di
reeled inwards, and fa:ls upon the hings, the mune
guences are generally fatal.
By a sudden transition from best to cold, the pores
are stopped, the perspiration ceases, and disease begins
at once to develope itself. Hence, a Stoppage of this
flow of the juices, originates so many clunplainte. It is
through the surface that we imbibe nearly all our ills.
it is stopping the pores, that overwhelms mankind
with coughs, colds, and consumption. Nine-tenths of
the world die from diseases induced by 'stoppage of the
insensible perspiration. It is easily seen therefore, bow
necessary is the flow of this subtle humor to the surface,
to preserve health. It cannot bstopped ;.it cannot even
be checked, without producing disease. The blood
and intestines must relieve themselves of all their worn
out particles, and poisonous humors. and they must go
through the pores as nature designed.
Let me ask now, every candid mind, what course
seems the most reasonable to pursue, and unstop the
pores, after they- are closed and let the perspiration flow,
that the blood may relievetbwlfof its impurities l Would
you give physic to unstop the pores!
_Or would you
apply something that would do this upon the surface,
where the clogging actually is I Would not this be com
mon sense!; And yet I know of no physician Who
makes an internal application to effect it. The reason I
assign is, that no medicine within their knowledge. is
capable of doing it. Under these circumstances, I pre-,
sent to physicians and - to all others, a preparatien that
has this power to the fullest extent.„—lt is dlcAllialera
All -Healing Oinhnent or the Wores Sake. It has
power to restore perspiration on the feet, on the head,
around °Wean's, upon the chest. in short, upon any part
of the body, whether diseased slightly or severely. W hen
the perspiration is restored, it has power to penetrate the
lungs, liver, or any part of the human system, and to act
'span them, if they be diseased, by separating the in
flamed morbid particles therefrom, and expelling them
to the surface.
It has power to cause all external Ewes, scrofulous MP.
- more. skin diseases, poisonous wounds to discharge their
putrid matter, and then heals diem. •
It is a remedy that sweeps oil the whole catalogue of
cutaneous disorders, and restores the entire cuticle to its
healthy functions.
It is a remedy that forbids the necessity of so many
and deleterious drugs taken into,the stomach.
It is a remedy that neither sickens, gives inconveni
ence, or is dangerous to the intestines.
This remedy is probably the only one not known,
that is capable of producing all these great results. Its
great value is in restoring at once, the circulation of the
juices when checked, or disarranged by cold or other
causes: It preserves and defends the surface from all
derangement-of its functions, while it keeps open the
channels for the blood to avoid all its iinpurities and dis
pose of all its useless particle.. There is,s connection,
harmony, and feasibility in all that defies contradiction.
It is a simple. hut wonderful principle that preserves in
healthy operation the entire machinery of qur being. It
indissolubly holds together the surtace and the internal
viscera, the internal viscera and the surface. They are
inseparably connected and cannot be disjoined. The
surface is the outlet of five-eights of the bile and used
up matter within. It is pierced with millions of open
ings to reliTe the intestines. Stop up these pores, and
death knoc sat your door. It is rightly termed All-
Healing, for there is scarcely a disease, external or in
ternal, that it will not benefit. It will be found the most
useful as well as the cheapest family medicine in the
world. I have used it for the last fourteen years with
success without a parallel. I haveused it-for all disease
of the chest, consumption, liver, and the most dangerous
of internal maladies. I have used it in cases of extreme
peril and hazard, involving the utmost danger and re
spansibility, awl I declare before Heaven and man, that
not in one single case has it jailed to benefit, when the
patient was within the reach of mortal means.
1 never, to my recollection had more than five or six
among the thoueanda who have used it,.say that it was
nut favorable to their complaint. On the Contrail I have
had hundreds return voluntarily, and in the warmest
and most pathetic language speak in its praise. I have
bad physicians, learned in the profession; 1 have had
nisters of the gospel, Judges on the bench, aldermen
and lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition and
multitudes of poor, use it in every variety of way. and
there has been but one voice, one united. universal voice
saying " McAllister your ointment is Fond."
Consumption.—Of all diseases, we find this the most
important, and concerning which we meet with the most
opposition. It can hardly be credited that a salve can
have more effect upon the lungs, seated as they are with
in the system. But we say once for all, that this eint
melt will reach the lungs quicker than any medicines
that can be given intetinally. Every body consents to
the fact that if bealine medicine could he applied on
the lungs, there woul be great hopes of recovery. The
difficulty is to get the medicine there., Now the Salve
has the tvonderful - virtue of extracting the putrid hu
mors from all external' sores by causing them to is
charge.. In like manner it operates upon internal affec
tions by driving all the impurities through the pores to
the surface., Thus with consumption, if placed upon
the chest, itpenetratei directly to the lungs, separatei
thepoisonous particles that are consuming them and ex•
pets them from the system.
It is the simplest and Most rational process in creation,
if one has the medicine - capable of doing it. The A ll-
RealMg Dintment pessessei this power -to the felled
extent I need not gay that it is curing persons of Con•
gumption continually, although we are told it is foolish
nem. I care not what is said, so long as I can cure se
sera! thousand persons yearly. If ibis medicine was in
the bands of some patent medicine brawlers, they would.
make an uproar through the country that would be in
Scrofula or King's EriL—This disease hue* in
veterate, and hard to be subdued. It is generally seated
in the sides of the neck, behind the ease and under the
chin, yet scarcely ony psit of the body is .exempt. It
sometimes falls upon tbetungs end produces corlsomp•
tion. It is a dreadful circumstance, that .this disease is
transmitted from parents to children. The Salve will
clued, all the morbid matter by causing the sores to dis•
charge; and then let then the Solar Tincture be used to
drive it to one point ; which done, a continuance of the
Ointment will completely remove this disorder. This is
the g.fest and niost effectual of any method. It should
be adopted without a moment's hesitation.
"'- --
'% - _A
Erysipelas—Thiscomplaint arises from impurities
being driven out to the surface by means of the insensible
perspiration, 'and lodging in the cuticule, forms sores,
pimples &c., it being of a ,caustic, acrid putrifying na
ture. It only requires that it should discharge its vi
rulent particles through the skin, and the disc ilty will
pass off. If suffered to remain, and driven inwards it is
frequently fatal.
Let the Salve and Solar Tincture be used as in scro
fula and the patient will soon get well.
Sall Rheum.—This is another obstinate disease but
can be cured effectually as the scrofula. There is no
difficulty in this disease.
Head ache, Ear ache and Deafness.—The Salve has
cured persons of the Head-Ache of 12 years standing
and who had it regularly every week, so that vomiting
often took place. It cured the wife of a man who laugh
ed in my face for proposing such a cure. and who now
would not be without-it for the best farm in the State. If
any one will take the trouble to call I will give his name.
Deafness and Ear-Ache are helped - with the like sac
cesa as also Ague in the face. -
Cold Feet.—Consumption, liver complaint, pains in
the cheat or aide, falling of the hair, one or the other
always accompanies cold_ feet. It is g sure sign of dis
ease in the system to have cold feet. Some persoris are
totally unable to get them warm, and endure much suf
fering thereby.
The salve will restore the insensible perspiration and
thus cure every case. It is infallible for this. .
. Asthma, Tightness of Breath.—lf this disease is not
hereditary and produced by the malformation of the chest,
the salve will core it.
Dyspepsia.—One would suppose a salve would not
effect this disease much hut the All-Healing Ointment
will cure,two sooner than any internal remedy.will cure
:ore Eyes.—The inflamation and disease always liea
hack of the ballof the eye in the socket. Hence the util•
ity of all remedies that are used upon the lids. The
virtue of any medicine must reach the seat of inflam
mation or it will do little good. This salve if rubbed
on the temples will penetrate directly into the socket
and infuse all its virtues upon the disorder. The pores
will be opened. a proper perspiration will be created and
the disease will anon peas off to the surface. How
easy and how natural It is as perfect and valuable as
it is simple and philosophical.
Sore Lips, Chapped Hands sell a great deal
of salve to Seamen, who say it is the only thing they
can depend on to cure their raw hands, when exposed
to the weather - at sea. It acts like a charm in these corn
plaints. Two or three applications cures.
Pimples on the face, freckles, tan, masculine skin,
gross surface.—lts first action is to expel all humor. It
will not cease drawing till the face is free from any mat
ter that may be lodged under the akin and frequently
breaking out to the surface. It then heals. ' When
there is nothing but grossness, or dull repulsive surface,
it begins to soften and soften until the skin becon es as
soft and delicate as a child's. It throws a freshness and
blushing color upon the now white transparent skin
that is - perfectly enchanting. Sometimes in case of Freck
les it will fiat start out those that hay!. lain hidden and'
seen but seldom.- Pursue the salve and all will soon dis
The reason for this wonderful change in a lady's
face is that it excites into natural and healthy activity
the Insensible Perspiration, while it renovates and re.
news the surface, and leaves the skin in as lively and
delicate a condition as the most fastidious could desire.
It is put up in fine jars and beautifully scented on pur
pose for the toilet.
Eiwns.—Life can always be saved if the vitals are
not injured. I have so many testimonials for the cure
of this complaint that I could fill a book. I suppose
there is not a faunh• in the United States, that would
consent to he without this salve a single day if they
knew its halm in healing BUMS alone. , It extracts the
pain and leaves the place withouta scar:
Quinsy gore throat. Influenza. Bronchitis.—There
is not an internal remedy 111 existence that will cure
these disorders as quick as the salve. Itopens the pores
on the neck and draws off all the inflammation and im
pure juices. finite, few days will see the patient well.
It is sovereign' in these cases.
Piles.—The sake acts upon the piles as upon sore
eye.. There is en infisnunniion which must be drawn
from the parts. The salve does this.
Ilcrnia or-flupture.—Thin salve has cured some very
had cases of rupture, and although it might not all, yet it
would be wise to try it. It is a peculiar complaint, but
it may be helped some, if not cured entirely. I have
not the shadow of a doubt that it would cure thousands
if the trial was made, who believe no medicine of the
least benefit.
Two shillings worth would satisfy any one, whether
it would do good or not.
Worms.—lf parents knew hiaw fatal most medicines
were to children taken inwardly, they would be slow to
resort to them. Especially " mercurial lozenges," call
ed "medical It zenges," vermifugrs," &c. Eves
Were it possible to say positively that worms were pre
sent, it is iot safe. The truth is, no one can tell, inva
riably, when worms are present. Of coulee the remedy
is not applicable to the complaint. Now let me say to
parents, that this salve will always tell if a child has
worms. Let it be rubbed on the neck and chest, to keep
them from going tip, and then down on the bowels and
they aid soon leave. It will drive every vestige of them
away. This is aesimple and safe cure. No injury can
come of it in any way. But should it he cholic, infla
tion of the bowels, or gripe of the intestines, it will ef
fectually cure them as the worms.
There is probably no medicine on the (moor the earth
at once so sure and safe in the expulsion of worms.
It would he cruel, nay wicked, to give internal doubt
ful medicines, so long as a harmless, certain, arid effect.
ual external one could he had.
Chulie, Pain, or Inflammntion of the Bowels". —Let
the salve be rubbed in and heated with the fire or hot
flat irons, and all pains and difficulty will soon cease.
Swellings of the joints, or weakness, or any affection
of the bone, nothing is so good for as this salve.
Poisons.—l never knew anything so gond as this
salve. It causes the poison to discharge immediately,
and leaves not the slightest cause of alarm. Poisons by
nails, bites of animals, or burns, it removes when no
thingelse will.
Toilet.-1 have it done up in fine order for the dres
sing case. Although I have said little about it as a hair
restorative, yet I will stake itagainst the world ! They
may tiring their oils far and near, and mine will recline
the hair two cases to their one. These are no idle words,
for I am ready to hack it with any reasonable amount.
Old Sores, Mortification, Ulcers, 4c.—There is no cf
ectual way of curing these, but drawing off the putrid
matter. To merely dry it up would only endanger one'
health more. That some sores are an outlet to the im
purities of the system, is the only reason, because they
cannot pass off through the natural chanwls of the In
sensible Perspiralion If such sores are healed up, the
impurities must have some other nutlet, or it will endan
ger life. This is the reason why it is impolitic to use the
common salves of the day in inch cases. For they have
no power to open other revenues, to let off all this mor
bid matter, and the consequences are always- fatal. This
salve will always provide for such emergencies. There
heed he no fear. It is perfect.
Broken Breasl.—Persdns
,need never have a broken
breast. The salve will always prevent it, if used in sea
Liver Complaint.—Peronms laving this complaint fre
quently have eruptions of the hands, face and other
parts. and never once this It that it arises from the liver.
!'heir utter inability to remove these irruptions, proves
their misapprehension of the disorder. Such must use
it first on the feet. then wear it on the cheat, and the
difficulty will soon go away.
Mae Passion or Griping of the Infestines.—This
disease caused the death of the late H. S. Legere, At
tomey General and acting Secretary of the United States.
It is the stopping up of the smaller intestines, and some
times the twisting of them. It is brought on by a negr
lect of the daily evacuations, or from incarcerated Her•
nia: - The pnrns are awful, and unless help cornea epee.
day, the sufferer soon dies.
The All-Healing Ointment would have s ib ,
of Mr. Legare and all when ender similar tin
Corns.--If the salve is need mottling r
people need never be troubled with •
Cot . oni by some travelling mountebank wh o
is doing more mischief than be can possibly r tlit
little alibis ointment put on now and then 1,4
keep them down.
Indeed there are few complaints that it will t .
efit. It is a Family Sake of untold value. A ,
as the sky rolls over one's head and gran
the earth, it will be sought after, used and val utd. s
there is no mercurial substance in it, but cum r' .
tirely of vegetables it gives no good ground fo r ‘;
hension. - 4ri
We have full certificates, from all the perecni,,
names ore here given, but not having room for ti L , t,
merelpgive their names, Nos. and the disease a p t .
they were cored.
Thomas Mushier, 179 Ninlh-st—weak ha c k ; 1 1 I
Way, cm. King end McDonough sts—sore eye ; :
Way do erysipelas ; Dr J Clark, 210 Stantonst-0,2
aced sores; Dr J Cove', 132 Sußiven-it—ag ue
face; F R Lee, 245 Bowery—pain in the bresst ; i
J Gibbs Dover-st-4amily medicine; Hemy Gnia,
Bowery—influenza; A Stuckey, 608 totta at k
ly medicine; E Conway; II S , Court—burns,se4,
Eliza Bunker. Flatbush:—consumption; M A
Oliver st—burns ; E Kipp, 275 Second-st— go i'
Vanderpool Cherry-st—cancer; Burr Nash—p e ,,
E Turner, 91 Ridge-st—do; C Mann, Globe Ho
ruptures; J. Hurd, 17 Batavia-at—salt rheum; GRio,
mer, 124 Division-st—do; J Mollie, 20 Means.,
do; H A West, 107 Marks place--4urns, frosted j e
D Thorp, 145 Norfolk st=sore eves; F. Cash, z:
B ro om e st—do ; P Bowe, 36 Willett 'at—do; Hill,:
kips, Plueniz Bankdo; .1 F Henly, do—e sm i
gunpowder; Dr Mitchell, 79 Mereer-st—broken brit ;
C D Jacobson, 199 Staston-at—rheumatism ; B I p 4.
; E Willett/1,303 Pearl st—eruptions;Eß, , :
237 Bleeker-st—agae in the face; C Frances,39 ta w ,
cry—family medicine; D S Judd, 657—fe.
ily ointment; F Otten, 124 Diviiion at—rheurnsu m‘ '
the bead; S W Robinson, 70 Essex
tit .
ment ; S Haariot, 45 Allen st —sore eyes; G Co ao,
145 Division st—do ; M Develin. 313 Wster at—tw o
&c; P Demarest. 368 Hudson at—inflammation in t!,
chest: N Achinson, Huston at—asthma; M A Be,;
ett, 66 Suflidk st—ague in chest; N Wrath. 120
vision st —bite of a-dog and piles; .1 Vincent., 124 Ap o
st—weak hark ; J Chapman, 259 Division a—affects
of the liver; W Giaham o rs Hester-st—pain in the ride
E Hamel, 19 Norfolk-st—cutaneous eruption; H B.
ham. 84—inin in the breast; A Knox, m
Laight-st—chapped bands; J Culver, 194 Stanton rt.
ulcerated sores; J P Bennett, sore throat. rheumstat,
G P Taylor, 46 Forsyth st—livercomplaint; W
kin,. Huston—consumption.
Sold by H.S.Ir C.2IIERCUR, Towanda, and C
A. PERKINS, Athena. (4;,
6L -17 0':1 )-- I.OZE ta-.1-02111111
At the Elmira Cheap _Cash Store,
.Vo. 1, arta: Row.
A S. CHAMBERLIN respectfully informs th i
ic*: , • public that he has purchased of I. S. Wood &
Co. men stock of goods, and has just received s on
supply, which renders his assortment of Drugs, A'eri,
tines, Paints, Oda, Dyt-stuffa cud Family Grompie l
complete. ills stock consists in part of the tehoetti
Annetta Essences
Arrow root Flour sulphur
Antimony do Benroia
Aquiitortis : . G lue
Aqua ammonia Gum camphor
}Ether Assatiedita
Brimstone Myrrh
Blue Vitriol Gamboge
Bayberry bark Glauber salts
do tallow Bellew.
Balsam iobe Harlem oil
do Copaiva ' Hydrioate Potosi
Barbadoes tar Iceland moss •
Balsam honey Ipecac
Blood root • ' lodine
Blue pills Jalap
Balsam Fir Juniper Berries
Black drop - Lunar Caustic
Barley Pearled _ Liquorice ball sod root
Bateman's drops Laudan um
Bugundy Pitch filorphine \ --,
Cayenne pepper Manna
African do Mace
Camphor Musk
Calomel Nut Vomica
Chamonile nor. Oxalic acid
Corrosive sublimate Essential oils, all kinds
Cochineal Oil soap
Cantharidel Paregoric
Cutlet's Pills
Coe. inudicus Phosphate iron
Carbonate iron . Quicksilver
do Magnesia Quassia
do Soda Quinine
Cowage Red Precipitate
Coloo nth Senna
Chloride lime Sugar Lead
Cream tartar- Syringes
Dragon's blood Valerian root
Dover's Powders Saffron
Digitalis Uvu Ursa
Emery, assorted • Vol. Liniment
Epsom salts Ven. turpentine, &c.ike.
A cpmpleie variety of GROCERIES, such as Tea
Sugar. Coffee. Starch. Raisins, Cinnamon. Soda Crack.
ere., Ginger, Pepper, Eng. Currants, Nutmegs, Tobacco
and Snuff. Candles, &c.
A I omplete assortment of Paints, Dye-stuffs, Win
Linw (Ansa, Putent Medicines, &c.
Towanda, June 16, 1845:
RESPECTFULLY informs his
Spends and the public that he har
- i n k RE3IOVED to the Brick Rea.
f No. 1, w here he still continues to
• carry on his old business of
ett k g. 7,1 Watch and Clock Repairing;
which willbe done on short notice,
and warranted to he well done. From a long experi
ence in the business. he believes that be will be able to
render perfect satisfaction to all who may favor him
with their pstronage.
.B. Watches warranted to run well one year, or
the money refunded; and a written agreeMeni 'given
to that etfra , to all that desire one. •
CLOCKS.—A large assortment just received and
for sale very low for cash.
If you want to huy Jewelry cheap call at- Cbaot
betlin's Watch Shop, No. I, Brick Row.
ill M. 4 PLE SUGAR, Wood, and all kindatif Coun
try; Produce received in payment.
Towanda, Jure 18, 1845.
Fashionable Tailoring !
pORGE H. BUNTING would respectfully in.
Ur ) form the public that he still continues at his old
swim on.the west side of Main street. between Kings.
bee's lad liartletes stores, up stairs, where he may
be found7 . lNeadiness to all work in his line in • style
not to hi surpassed in Bradford -county. • Pikes to suit
the times. Tfilifkful for past favors, be respectfully
solicits a continua nce and hopes by strict attention to bu.
sine., and accommodating terms TO merit patronage.
The Spring and 'Summer FASHIONS have just been
received, and he is prepared to make garments in the
mod fashi nahle manner.
PartieWar attention paid to CUTTING,and witrant
ed to fit if properly made up.
He has the latest Spring and Summer Fashion, for
sale. Towanda. May 14, 1845.
BU ITER FIRKINS, a first rate article. for sale at
Aug. I I. BAIRD'S, No. 3, B.R.
7ernzs of the Bradford Reporter.
Two bllam and fifty yenta per annum; Film yenta
deducted if paid within the year; and for CASH actu
ally in advance, ONC DOLLAR will be deducted.
Subscribers at liberty to discontinue at any time, by
paying arrearages. Most kinds of COONTNY PRODUci
received in payment, at the market price.
Advertisements, not exceeding a Nettie of twelve
lines, inserted for fifty rents ; every subsequent insertion.
twenty.five cents. A discount made to yearly advetrisers.
Joe Pat STING. of every description, neatly and ex
peditiously executed on new and fashionable type.
Letters on business pertaining to the office niustcoms
fee of postage, to ennute attentinn.
gt'' Office in Col. Means' brick buibrmg corner of
Main and Bridge streets, up stairs ; entrance on the
north door.