ADDRESS TO THE PUBLIC. Tbe u nprecedented success attending the use of Dr. Sarre Smith's raver coated) "latrtiovEn VEGE. TOILS PILLS," and the acknowledged superiority which t h e y possess over the - common Anti-Bilious, Cathartic, an d various other Pills in general re, have given them decided preference with all who have used them ; and t h e y are universally esteemed the most safe and pleasant pur gative ever offered to the public. Dealers furnished at the New York College of Health, 79 Gieenw io street, New York. And sold by E. H. Mawr, A.S. CRAMS SIMI., Towanda ; HENRY GIBBS, ; Jolts PASSSIORE, Rome ; J. E. BULLOCK, Pike. (CrCAUTION.—As a baisentble imitation has been ma de by the name of "Sugar Coated Pills," it is neces. cu y to be sure that Da. G. Bus. SMITH'S signature is ua e vely boa. Price '25 cents. Large Arrival of Goods and • NE W FIRM.. J. D. E. 11. vlrlontatsye, XWING taken into their firm, WM. A. ROCK WELL, as co-partner, with renewed energy and p ity hopes of rendering satisfaction to their numorous customers, have been receiving, during the past week, ¥ Tons of Goods, and will receive seven tons more to s few days. Their stock.consista of a greater variety than they have ever before been enabled to offer, and at prices which will be sure to please. In their stack of Dry Goods may be found 12 pieces Alpaca; 1: do Cashmere de Eeosse ; 100 do New style Prints; do French Broadcloth ; 4 do English do. 2 do Pilot a nd•Deswec 4 do Cassimere; do Beautiful articlelor Ladies' cloaks. Other Staple and Fancy Goods in proportion, too no- - rnerouslo mention. BOOTS AND SHOES Men's, boys, youths', and children's and ladies' fine kid id ad, Walking: as also superior article of over shoes. HATS AND CAPS 50 DOZEN, comprising every quality and style in the market. GROCERIES. p ow d et td, crashed, loaf, Santa Cruz, Porto Rico, and 0. Sugar. Tea, coffee, pepper, spice, &c. &c. and some fresh Soda Biscuit. HARDWARE. Iron. steel, mils, ark rope, butts and screws, door ban. dirs. and ihr various kinds 01 Hardware suited to the wants of the country . EOM Sperm, Elephant, linseed, and a good article fur Tan , The above stock is offered at wholesale orretall. For Cash, approved credit - of EIS months, or Boards St stonles. Beef Hides and most kinds of country pro tium • MONTANYES Or; CO. Towanda, September 9, 1845. H. S. & M. C. MERCUR, OCLD respectfully announce to the good cal %ens of Bradford and adjnit.inn counties, the arrival at the TOWANDA CASH STORE, of the Ittgeat and most general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Dye-Ifoods, Paints. Oils . , 4.c. 4-c. Ever opened in Towanda, and which will be sold for CASH at wholesale or retail &flower prices than the same quality of goods are selling by any of our bluffing neighbors, as our goods Are purchased with great care —principally for cash—of the importers and manufactu . Towanda, Sept, 111, 1846. F'NEECT CAVENDISH TOBACTO, a new article, for sale at • BAIRD'S. TEAS. -A large lot of Fresh Teas, warranted at prices varying from two shillings to srventv-five Cents, at No. 3, Brick "Cow. "WATCHES—by the gross or othemise, to suit customers, at No. 3, Brick Row. TOPE & CORDS of all sizes, from a fish line to a cable rope, atBAIRD'S, N 0.3. UM BRELLAS---a very large lot, for sale cheap, at sep 10. 11i,. 3. Brick Row. ADIES' SLIPS, from 3 to 6 shillings per pair. I_4l •Black and Fancy Gaiters and half Gaiters; Mis ses' slips and gaiters ; Gent's gaiters and lace boots. A first rate lot of 'overshoes, different styles and qualities at sep 10. No. 3, Brick Row. 1 CASE-10 lbs, CINNAMON, for sale cheaper JIL than it or as ever sold in this county, at rep. 10. BIRD'S, . ILL in and see those splendid VESTINGS, C CRAVATS 4.' GLOVES. Quick, before they are gone, at No. 3, Brick Bow. CENTRAL DRUG STORE. THIS DAY RECEIVING, at the Central Point, a few doors south of Montanye's Cash Siore, di reet from New York, a fresh supply of DRCGS AND MEDICINES, which will positively be sold at city cost and charges. Physicians of this and other coun ties, will do well to call and examine the qualities and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we ere determin ed to make it your interest to purchase of us (consult in, the interests of your patients, notwithstanding). Our assortment consists in part of the following : Blue mass , Sjiinges, assorted" Nit silver Sugar lead . Quicksilver Quassia Ipecas Phosphate iron Tart. Antimony Carbonate do lodine Paregoric lodid.'potassa Laudanum . Red precipitate Lunar caustic White do '• Nux vomica .Strychtia Musk Known Mace Pal,. Jalap Juniper berries • Ext. - 'do Aqua ammonia do Colocynth Carb. do do Gentian ' - Nit. Ether do Ciente .. do Hyosciannus Brimstone e do Tanxicum Bias vitriol Manna White do Marsh rosemary Bayberry hark Squills Fswitial nik of all kinds. ' Chauhnonile Bower s . Corn. :111•1 white glue Borax. aria. d, :', Dultal. Rhubarb puts imii,,,, • do . mt. . • &dunce' of Tin Arrow TOO( Annie seed Hellebore mg Shellac gum dulpb. morphine Venice turpentine do Quinine Delwin Fir En. Calomel ' do Honey . Yaleinin root do Copaiva, Seneca - do do Tolu Serpentaris do -,' Barbadoes Tar Gentian do . C' Oil do Colombo do Burgundy Pitch ink do Bateman's drops Liquorice do Lemott'a do Extract •do • Chloride of lime Senna leaves Cubebs Gum Myrrh,.No. L Coe. Indices do Guaisci Tartaric Acid do A b o a • Citric do do Gamboge Oxalic do do Foetida Prose. do do. Camphor Nitric do do Opium Sulph do Prepared 'chalk Mangle do Rochelle salts Car. magnesia 0 '''' Epsom •do do soda Glauber do Calcined magnesia Flour sulphur Cantharides i do beiz u g .n - Corrosive sublimate Hiera picra Cochineal livs U Spring &Thumb lancets Saffron Lancet cases, &c., &c. Printers begin to grumble already, or we would still continue to enunciate; but all we say iw come and see for youtieliteu Many thanks to a generous pnblio fon past favors, bopiagtx a continuance of the same: , • A.D. MONTANYE,,DIII;OOIIIT• Tovramia,Serptember 10.1846,- BLuE lint' Black Ink to uit purchasers, in bet. *air otherwise for tale at the CENTRAL- DREG STORE. DEMOCRATIC REVIEW. Greatly Rebeed Price—iron $5 to $3 per Intim. sisoui con., 25 CYSTS Prospectus ofthe next (or 17th) Volume. The price of the DESOCULTIC REVIEW has hereui ore.been too high—not for its size, cost, and charades, butior the means of tens of thousands of readers who would be glad to receive it, and among whom it is high ly desirable that it should circulate. For the purpose, therefore, of largely widening the range of its usefulness, and of multiplying the numbers of those to whom it may be accessible, it has been determined,.simaltan.eously with the great reduction in the expense of postage, to reduce its subscription price also, from Five to only Three dol lars; and when several unite in subscription, to as low as $2 50, or even $2 30 per annum. This very large reduction in the ieceipta (accompa nied with but a comparatively small diminution of its ex penses) involves, of course, an entire sacrifice of profit upon it, unless compensated by a vast multiplication of its subscribers. There will be at the outset only email reduction in its number of pages; soon to be restored to its old numher, without increase of price, when the anti cipated success of the experiment shall justify it. The PURTAITS OF DISTINGUISHED DEMOCRATS will be continued—engraved in beuer and more costly style than I t eretafore, The Powrzoa will hereafter, for any distance, be only .five and a half cents ; it has heretofore been fur over 100 miles, eihteen center. 'We look fo r an extension of chcularion to be reckon ed by lens of thousands, as the result and compensation of this great reduction of price' Every friend of the work, and of the Democratic principles and cause, is confidently ippealed to to exert himself with an active in terest to procure it subscribers; both to extend its use fulness, and to carry it successfully through the crisis of this great reduction of its receipts. Those who have paid in advance for the coming year, will receive it, at the reduced rate, for a year and half. TERMS HENCEFORWARD. (INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE.) • Single copy, $3 00 Eight copies, $2O 00 Four copies, 1 I 00 Thirteen copies, 30 00 It will thus be seen that when thirteen copies are or dered at once, the price is brought down to about $2 30 each. For six months, tudf these rates These rates afford high inducements to agents and others to interest themselves to procure subscribers. The cash system and payment in advance must be uncompromisingly adhered to.• The past relaxation of it has caused an accumulation of not far from $40,000 of debts due to the work. Hereafter, this must be whol ly reformed ; nor must either the most eminent political friend, or the most intimate personal one, be displeased on experiencing its application, in the stoppage of their numbers, if they neglect this rule; the vital necessity of which, at the present reduced rates, must be obvious to all. Nu communications will be taken from the Yost Of fice unlit,. free of postage. All communication., both on editorial and publishing busintss*, must be addressed henceforward to the under signed. .I*Kose relating to the settlement of the past debts duo the work will be still addressed to Mr. H. G. LANG.. LET, 8 Astor House. the past arrangements with whom, as publisher, have reached their termination. July, 1840: J. L. O'SULLITAN, 136 Nassau at. New York. • Important 'to the Citizens of Bradford County 4 P- 1(04 . Once more at the Head of the Heap ! s USUAL, the first arrival of new goods for the Alk . season, are this day opening at BAIRTIS, N 0.3 Brick Row, where We invite every body, men, women and children to call and examine our splendid assort ment. We owe an apology to our friends for the crowded and jammed up state of things which has ekistrd for several months past at No. 3, but the public are aware that such results must necessardi arise from the fact that we have generally bad the largest and best assort ment of goods in Towanda. and it having been ascer tained to a certainty, and generally understood that the place to buy cheap is at Bainfr, No. 3. In order, how ever, to obviate some of the difficulties, we have just completed a large and commodious storehouse in the rear of the brick block, where many of our heavy goods will be removed, and we hope now to be able to make roam for our many friends, and enable them to do busi ness in our store with comfort and despatch. We also have the pleasure of announcing that we have Henry Shelden & Co.' fairly floored"—theiropo. rations intended to injure us fall harmless at our feet, and our arrangements are now complete for keeping al ways on hand a splendid assortment. It is impossible to enumerate all the articles, for they are so numerous and the assortment so general, that it I would require at least ten acres square of foolscap. We cannot refrain, however, from informing the fair ladies of Bradford that we have for fall and winter dresses, a large assortment of plain 'black, figured and colored ALPACAS, mouslin and rep do fairies, French cash meres, (new styles) Affithans,lsombazines, winter ging hams, Scotch and American. All kinds of dress and Dress and Clunk trimmings, fringes, gimps, cords and tassels, laces, edgings, Victoria skirts, &c. Men, Young and Married, N't e ate opening blue, black, brown and green broad cloths; fancy and plain cassimeres and sattinets; the nicest lot of Feelings, ever offered in Towanda. &c. GROCERIES. A few more tons of those cheap Sugars and Teaa, and other articles in that line of business. Retail Gro cers can be supplied with NUTS, FRUITS, &c..,chcap er than they can buy in Owego or Elmira. Hardware, Crockery. Fish,"4-c. without end. As we informed you above, it is useless to itemize. In closing this advertisement, we need not say to our friends, - don't forget the place." for every body knows where to find BAIRD'S CHEAP STORE, right in the centre of the new brick block. We know that to insure a continuation of your very liberal patronage we have only to continue our very low prides, and to keep, as we have done, the best of goods. We intend to do that, and have no fears but you will call and see us, not withstanding any pokerish stories that have been,,or may be told you by some of our neighbors. One thing you will always find at No. 3, that we always sell goods which we hare, as cheap as those we hare not. W til . H. BAIRD & CO. Towanda. Sept. 1. 1845. No. 3, Brick Row. FRUIT. NUTS. &•c EsmisH %V ALNUTN. Brazil nuts. filbert.. al monds. pee riot.. figs and raisins for -ai cheap at Sept. tl. BAIRD'S. /I ‘ .1 1 : :1 1 ; ) , "' .1. : s A t i 1 F: 1 s, 6' st ra C p 6 l, l ;r l Pes k r l O ' pe C o a f TP a e l n l t'siZeBs an n o d r .1. neap atBA IRD'S. pAINTs & OILS llyp 'woods and Dve stuffs. a v..fc krze stork just reefisPil at BAIRD'S TO THE PUBLIC HAYING purchased the entire itock of goods lately opened by D. C. & 0. N. Salsbury. and assumed the entire business and responsibility of the firm I would return my thanks to former customers for their patronage, and solicit the same and the public generally. My stock of Goods is complete and will be sold on the Most liberal terms. Any quantity of LUMBER will be received in ex change for Goods, and fur first Quality, cash will be paid. Produce of all descriptions will be taken for goods. Monroetod; Aug. 2 1. 1845. D. C. SALSBURY. ¢ DISSOLUTION. T" partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of D.C. & 0. N. Ssls. bury, is this day dissolved by mutual agreement All outstanding debts are to be paid by D. C. Salsbury, who is also to settle all matters due (be late firm. Those having unsettled accounts with the firm will please settle - the same as speedily luv possible. D.- C. SALSBURY. 11fonrocton, Aug, 21, 1945. 0. N. SALSBURY. BIANKS! BLAWKS JUSTICESI BLANKS, o full assortment just printed and for sale at this office. aug2o. (51101.b.a&MTOUBDIEUlgo MAD QUARTSTIN, July I, 1 845. IfT is hereby ordered that floor and after this date goods are to be sold in this. encampment fer cash whenever they will bringanythingsbove coat. Clerks, agents and customers are hereby commanded to govern themselves accordingly.- Braggarts are to - stand back and keep off the parade ground.- 0. .D. BARTLETT, Commanding ernes, . NEW ESTABLISTBIENT, 3IEs I MILIIEIIIC:I3IMBWar o.• L. M. NYE & CO., wouldre. speetlly inform the citizens of Tow ;:z?-7"•-fr:::‘,:r.,!;. aode rul tbe publiclgenersll7, Mat Ignuft t h eyt h 1:1". 11 rd ' s i f ;MET ' re FURNITURE, the best at 111: ,deli, and .wOrkmmship that cannot be surpassed,in additionto the usual assortment in country shops, we will keep on band and make to order SOFAS, of various and most approved patterns; Sofa Rocking Chaim, upholstered in superior style, and for ease and durability cannot be surpassed even in our large cities.. Also, the half Preach Ma hogany Chair, beautifully upholstered, with eroded hair, which never loses its elasticity,. and finished with the best hair seating. We flatter ourselves that having had much experience in the business, we shall be able to satisfy all who may feel disposed to all, both as to quality and price, and by strict [attention to business hope to merit and receive the patronage of a liberal com munity. L. M. NYE & CO. Towanda. September 1, 1845 EZ.Uajt .. 4hfi/y . a . d MAY BE HAD M our shop much lower than it has ever been sold in Towanda. Goods are cheap, and wheat am lowered, and that is the reason we can afford all for to do it. All kinds of produce Will be received in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kinds. Sept. 1. • I. M. NYE 4 CO. r ..L • ) Qi. ,„,p li, li.._-11 WILL be kept on hand a large assortment, and made to order on shorter notice and for len mo ney than can be produced at any other establishment in the land. — Those who are under the necessity of pro curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A . good hearse and pall may be had in attendance when desired. September 1, 1845. L. M. NYE & CO. , "THE NORTH BRANCH IRON & COAL COMPANY" owning a large body of LANDS , on and contiguous to the wa ters of the branches of Towanda Creek, in Bradlonl County. Pennsylvania, are prepared to dispose of the same to settlers. Application may be made to SAMUEL C. NAGLEE, At Greenwood; near Monroeton. Brad. co. Any trespassers on these Lands be prosecuted according to law. Information of the same given to SAMUEL C. NAGLE& will be suitably rewan'ed. By order of the Managers, Sept. 3. HENRY M. NAGLER. Agent. List of Retailers F Foreign Goods and fiferebendise as filed in this Cr office by the Commissioners of Bradford County, April 15th, 1845. Class, Paid,Unp'd ATHENS BOROUGH.. Welles & Satterlee, 12 $l2 GO L. S. Ellsworth, 13 10 00 Chester Park, 14 7 00 Kingebery & Comstock, 13 10 00 George A. Perkins. 14 7 00 ATHENS TP. John Watkins.• 14 7 00 • ASYLUM, 14 7 00 14 7 00 John Horton Jr Elmer Horton, BURLINGTON. Coryell & Gee, A. & S. H. Morley, Lockwood Smith, CANTON. A. H Gaylord. DURELL, U. Moody St Co. 14 10 50 0. D. Chamberlin & Co. " 700 FRANKLIN, • R. K. Hawley, J. W. Maraca, MONROE, J. J. dt C. Warford, 13 15 00 Hanson & Phinney, 14 10 50 D. C. & 0. N. Salsbury, IS 00 Rogers Fowler, 13 - 10 00 John Naglee & Son, 14 7 00 ORWELL, Henry Gibbs, Theophilus Humphrey, PIKE, Daniel Bailey, Smith & Little, R. Barnes & Co L. C. Belding, G. J. Norton, ROME, John Passmore, RIDGBERY, Clark & Coolhangh, Abner Roberts, —.--- Calebarn, SMITHFIELD, Lyman Durfee, E. B.*Traey, SPRINGFIELD. Elmer Norman, SHESHEQUIN, Allen & Storrs, 10 50 Horace Kinney & Co. " 10 50 Wells & Nichols, 7 00 STANDING STONE, Albert Newell. N. D. Warlord, H. W. Tracy, TOWANDA BOROUGH. H. Mix & Bon. 13 10 00 Elliott & Mennr, 12 12 50 0. D. Bartlett, 14 7 00 I. D. & E. D. Montanye, 12 12 50 B. Kingsbery, J. Kingsbery Jr. " 700 H. S. & M. C. Mereur, 12 12 50 C. Reed, 10 10 50 W. H. Baird & Co. 13 15 00 Tracy & Moore, 14 10 50 E. H. Mason, 7 00 8.8. Daily, " 700 A. Montanye, at 41 I. S. WOO4l & CO. 64. D. Refloat. 44 14 44 Patrick O'Slain, 44 G. E. Flynt & Co. 13 10 00 TROT, S. W. & D. F. Pomeroy, Eli Baird, 0. P. Millard, U. F. Reitlington, W. A. Gustin, 14 10 50 Layton Runyan, ULSTER, Guy Tracy. L. Truman, William Gibson, WYALUSING. John M'Kinney 'dr. Son, " 7 00 Dish& Lewis, WARREN, Marcus Tyrrell, Benjamin Buffington, Robert Cooper, " ~ Alexander Dewing, " 10 50 W YSOX. R. Spalding, 0 700 The unpaid licence!' in the store list must be settled tat September term, or costs will be made immediately hereafter. L. PEIRCE, Treasurer. Treasurer'. Oflie; Towanda, August 20, 11145.5 SAVINGS BANS.—Nab, Brick taw. Super Moe black silk. do. d o . striped. Ricb chameleon do. . Plaid do. Parasols, ribbons. Cashmeres, Debrines. Ladies' Cravats. • Calicoes. shftiii:,;s--cheap as ever. Window parer, &c., &c. The above are a few of the many Ns* Goods just opened at G. E. FLYNT & CO'S. _ MORRISON'S PILLS, the genuine article for ale at BAIRD'S, the only agents in Towanda; August 20 1845. . 20 QUINTALS CODFISH, - ItECEIVED THIS DAY, at No. 3. Also, Mack • arel, U) bakrels and bin karrels• eept.2.. DAMP do CO, SUPERIOR COLOM Daguerreotype Miniatures. - Faith lf "Mgr, RESPECTFULLY announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Towanda, and vicinity, that they have opened rooms in the new building up ineirsisouth west corner of the public square (in the room formerly occupied by Ulysses Merritt u a Law once,) and would bo, happy to wait on all those who may wish good likenesses of themselves, single or in gtoups. En trance west side of Montanyde store. Mr. F. ¢ P. base the satisfaction of knowing that their Portraits are equal to any taken in the city of New York or Phila delphia, and superior to any heretofore taken in the country, and respecifully invite the Ladles and Geode men to call and umpires specimens. Portraits taken equally well in clearer cloudy weath er. When children are to be taken, a clear day should be seketed. The hernial between 9A. M. and 4P. M. see the best. As the color and material of the dress, adds much to the beauty of the impression, therefore for Ladies, silk dresses, of any color (except white, light blue, or red.) either plain, striped or figured, are tho best for the pur pose. 03Tersons hawing Inferior pictures, can hare them exchanged on reasonable -terms. Air our stay is limited, persons residing in the village or country would do well to call as early u conceal. enc. Towanda.Jnly 30th, 1845. A CHANCE FOR PRINTERS. A WASHINGTON PRESS FOR SALE! CI AVING enlarged the Reporter, the Preis which we have heretofore used, is offered for sale, very CHEAP FOR CASH. It is a Washington patent, Imperial size, and an easier and bitter working press never was put up. It will be delivered at Owego, El mira or Ralston. Address E. S. GOODRICH & SON, Towanda, Pa. aug2o. ddjourned Spectai Court. AN adjourned Special Court will be held at the Court House in the borough of Towanda, in and for the county of Bradford, on Monday the 3d day of November next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, of said day for the trial of all causes certified to said court. By order of the Honorable William Jessup, president of our said court.' AARON CHUBBUCK, Prot- Prot's. Office, Towanda, Aug. 14, 1845. TOWANDA ACADEMY. MIME next academic year of this institution. Rill commence on Monday, the firet day of &ptem• her next, under the superintendence and management of Mr. J. C. Yandercook, as Principal. JNO. P. WORTHING, ASSISTANT. Misr Sarah F. Worthing, Preceptreaa. 14 7 00 10~50 Mr. Vandercook has been successfully engaged in teaching for ten yeah past; be has much experience in this important and truly elevating department of human enterprise and benevolence, and brings testimonial, from various sources of good moral character, and excellent scientific and literary attainments. Mr. Worthing is a gentleman of very excellent at tainments, experience and skill in teaching, and cannot fail to do much for the advancement of the student and the prosperity of the ininitution— Miss Worthing, the Preceptress of the Female De partmont. has alreaey, by her devotion to literature, and her superior virtues, obtained the unqualified confidence of the community, and the esteem and affection of her numerous pupils. Young ladies will seldom find an instructress better qualified to meet all the wants of the student, not only as a tercher, but as a guardian friend and associate. They cannot but be improved by ner example end society, as well as by her engaging instruc tions. 13 10 00 7 00 )4 7.00 TUITION will be as follows, in all the departments: Primary and common English studies, with Pen manship, composing and speaking, $2 50 Natural, intellectual and moral science, botany, chemistry, history, astronomy, rhetoric, logic, book-keeping, drawing, painting, &c., 4 00 Mathematics smith. languages, 5 00 Incidental expenses, per term, during winter, 25 No student will be received for less than hat( a term, and wo deduction will be made for absence, except in cases of illness or other unavoible causes. 4. .1 At 10'50 7 00 13 10 00 The Academic year will be divided into four terms of eleven weeks each. There will be a vacation of one week after the first term ; also one week alter the third, and a vacation of six weeks filer the fourth, including the harvest season. " 15 00 ' " 10 00 We desire to make the Towanda Academy an agree. ble and desirable resort for student* from abroad, as well as those at home; a place where the purest virtues shall be cultivated, and the germs of science firmly set in the youthful mind. For this great object, no care or labor will be spared on the pert of teachers or trustees. The Principal should be consulted before purchasing books, RS several changes are contemplated in the text-books of the School. Students from abroad ran find board with the Princi pal or other', on tenantable terms. Lectures will be given regularly by the Principil and other., on the most important topics of education, and a society organized for the especial benefit of young men. There will be two examinations and exhibitions during the year, the time to be determined by the teachers and trustees. • HIRAM MIX, President. 14 7 00 10 . 50 14 10 50 Enos Tomkins, David Cub, J. D. Montanye, Button Kinphery, C. L. Ward, H. S. Mercer, John F. Mean,. William Elwell. Towanda, July 31, 1845. AT MY OLD TRADE MMIN A. Warner, Cluck & Watch Maker. 11A AS opened a shop in the Drug Store of A. D. Montanye, two doors below Montanye's Cheap lash Store, nearly opposite Kingabery'sßrick Mansion, where be can be found at all times of day, and ha- at again invites his old customers and others to give him a cell. He pledges himself to them, and the public generally that all work entrusted to his care shall be done correctly and warranted to perform well or no pay. Having had much experiencein his business and being determined to give satisfaction, he hopes to be able to satisfy all. He also has on hand a email assortment of JE WEL RY, as low for cash u can be had at no. Inn, Old Ar cade, or at any given number in the Brick Row, altho' mope of it might have been purchased of Shelden & Co. Heis not able to bout of as large an assortment of gold chronometer, duplex, lever and L'Epine Watches, diamond rings, pins &c., &e., as can be found in the assortment advertised near the ljapticales, but what he has shall beiold so low that competition with hint would be useless. 12 12 50 13 ' 10 00 14 10 50 13 10 00 . 7 00 • 10 SO N 10 50 N 7 00 He tenders his grateful acknowledgements to the public for past favors and it the same time, solicits a share of public patronage.. Towanda. August 20, 1245. Coon-rue Puente' of every description will be ta ken in plly6llllll for week. Casa not refused. To the Collectors of Bradford County. IHAVE given notice that ell, whose Dipßoues of County and State.Tszea romain unsettled on the 18th day of September neat, will posilierfy be proceed ed against In a legal manner. The financial condition of the State and the Countysimperionsly demands that the laws for the collection of tasesshould be rigidly en forced. This is ne humbug. Mark that. - L. PIERCE. Treararer. Treasurer's Office, Towanda, Aug. 19, 1845. Humeopathie Phy sician-. DOCTOR L. PRATT. wo resprctfully inform Air the citizens of Towanda sod its "mink , . that ha will be happy to be of essential satin, to those who need medical aid. Prom hie erperience to the system which he adopt,. he Batters himself that the community .will be well pleased with its effects epee the various diseases which "flesh Is heir to." His °Me au, be found at the residence of L. HateiTCH &qr.. Tuirtufa; hay 7th Mb. . _ Waive, County. llougbs. 4DOZ Wayne county ploughs, for sale at the Pa tr tags Dank. Plough merchants sapplleo at num , tectur.”. pieist, sal Fsrctutts an the most teasonabht terms 0. E.: FLYNT 4. CO. - • Juli 30. ' No. 5 Era Bow. TLS,—PURE SPERM di LINSEED OILS, al yroyss on hand at OE. FLYNT ec 2TONS DUNCANNOI% NAILS, and shill be receiving more, to which the attention of Mer chants is invited at wholesale, at July 7. - MONTANYE'S. Dr. J. N.' Sumner, lurgeon Dentist, ESPECTFULLY informs Li friends that her. 1% inn recovered trom his illness, be will realm his nen professional visit t) Towanda, on or before the first day of Oeteher next. FRUM—Just received a supply of Lemons. Prunes, Figs, Raisins, acc. - at CH AMBEiILIN'S. Juno, 1845. No.l Brick Row. eiNUESE , 7 C 110253109 Taken 4T P4ll for all kinds of Goods, July I. 1845. by ELLIOTT & MERCUR. ' Cigars! Cigars! FOR SALE, at DR. MOOS'S DRUGSTORE. a large lot of the best CIGARS in town, by the box, single cigar or otherwise, and very cheap, Towanda. July 30.1845. Not Me Towanda Shaoin's Bank, nor No. 3 Brick Row, nor the Old dircade. But No. 2, Brick Row, Is NOW ACKNOWLEDGED to be the identical spot where goods an sold cheaper for cash or ready pay, than any other establishment west of the cities of New York or Philadelphia. Pasant wishing toprove this fact, can easily do it by calling in to see. No time will be spent in shinning flints, or filling oat bills of worthless Institution. But the whole time and atten tion of thesubscriber and his clerk, will be exclusively devoted to selling goods cheap. A nimble sic pence, better than a slow shilling. C. REED. June 23, 1845. No. 2 Brick Row. An Apprentice Wanted, WANTED, by the subscriber, an apprentice to the TAILORING business. A lad from 16 to 17 years of age, who can come well recommended. is re quired. G. H. BUNTING. Towanda, August 20, 1845. ell TON SUGAR & MOLASSES.=This day reed by tbe "Cbenning Line" and for sale cheap by the pound, Gallon, Barrel or Bls'd. July I. BAIRD'S. N 0.3 Brick Row. D S ° to Z ner, o u r in aa e le be' by t qua o "ty l?. ° ll7lt g t4 c r e TOWANDA SELECT SCHOOL. ArkWING to some arrangements that have been made, 11U, the present term of this School will continue un til the 15th of August. Then there will be a vacation of two weeks, and the school willbe removed to the Academy. JNO. P. WORTHING, SARAH F. WORTHING, Teachers. FRANCES HUTCHINSON, Towanda, July 21, 1846. CHAIRS AND BEDSTEADS. THE subscribers still continue • / to manufaiture and keep on hand a L tb ne and ifr s t t 'oo and d . seal liair all tCki nds of .1; also Settees of various kinds r 7 7- 4. BEDSTEADS, of every I , description, which we will sell low for cub or produce. TURNING done to order. TOMKINS & MAKINSON. Towanda, April 23, 1895. Administrator's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Jerome R. Bowman, late of Towanda township, deceased., are requested to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against the same are requested to present them, legally atterited for settlement. The administrators will meet to adjust the claims of said estate, at the house of Geo. Bowman, on the last Saturday of each month. , HIRAM SWEET, G. BOWMAN. Towanda, July 2, 1845. Administrajors. QNE DOZEN Norgan'a colebratal GRAIN ORA. DLES, with Harris' Scythes, for sale by June 23, 1845. REED. Friends & Fellow Citizens. WE are now in want of Bradford County stock, and any persons having certificates, called county orders, can find a makin at No. 3, where they will be taken at par in exchange for any of the articles comprising the largest and cheapest stock of Goods in the United States. We bed some thoughts of taking a few shares of "Savings Bank" stock, but we find after the " Pan. nick" which is now about over, it has gonedown below pr, and holders are beginning to think they have burnt their fingers. Don't forget that our office is at - No. 3 Brick Row W. H. BAIRD & CO. GKIN Dercoms.—The best assortment of Nova Scotia and other kind of grindstones, ever brought to this place, for sale by 0. D. BA RTLETF. 41 DOZ OLD FASHIONED SCYTHES, a splen did article for sale cheap by July 1. O. D. BARTLETT. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Samuel Eilsall, deceased, late of WaLu tp., are requested to make immeihatepayment, and all those basing demandsagainst the same are requested to present theta. legally attested, for settlement. JESSE EDSALL, NATHAN ALVORD, Jr. Wells, July 7, 1845. Administrators. T 11)111111- 3 3111AV ItaL7i7tit'‘ PAMPHLE'r LAWS of the last Legisla & tare have been received, and are ready for distil*. button. A. CHUBBUCK, Prot, Prothonotary's Office, July 8, 1845. MEDICINE AND SURGERY. DR. JAMES M. GOODRICH has located himself at MONROE, for the practice of hie profession, cud will be pleased to wait on those requiting his ter vices. He may be found at J. L. Johnson's tavern. Reference may be mule to Drs. HUSTON & MASON', of Towanda. April 23, 1R45. '0 PO tY PO al o HIRAM MIX & SONS', • RE now opening at their store• beautiful and cheap lot of SUMMER GOODS, direct from the City, which will be sold for Cash, as low as can be bought at "The Savings Bank," or at any stare in town—call and see. Towanda. 19th May, '45. Portrait Pa;:oting, by W. 11. Perkins, il of the N square, in the room over .1. NORTH KID C. Allard Law Office—Col. Mix's block. New Blacksmithing Establishment. Liken saes annulled. Troup:rent Blinds, of . Soy THE SUBSCRIBER, having' finised a partner. 84e .,..--- I'i Pstosm desired. June 18.1845. ship with his brother, continues to earry on thefAlL's--Linseed, Sweet, Castor and Lamp Oils, businessat his brother's new stand. east side of Main Ur good and cheap at CHAMBERLIN'S. street, south part of the borough, where he is prepared. l lute. 1845. . No. I Brick Rote. to execute all orders for Horseahoeiug. Carriage dr, I. klaarb work and Edge Tools. In all your„ettings, get Understanding. He assures the public that all work entrushzd en i t i n ND TO UNDERSTAND where Goods are to . care will be well done, as be has thorough ty le iyned A be sold CHEAP. don't forget the Old Establish , his trade and is determined to render satisfectite j : men', MONTANYE'S 'STORE, corner of the pnblio JOHN A. ESF,N VINE. square and main street, where goods always tome been Towanda. December 30. 1844. disposed of forihe Ready. and always will' he: as lentils ____ _ „-.. ._ the film Modinues to do bustrom, at as small a pita ar. at any other establishment this side of New York 'dry. In addition to former stock, we bate been vcceivtet ma rines articles of Husbandry. such as &ye” 'Scythe Stones, Cradles, Rakes. Pitchforks. he. Also, 500 bushels of first-rate SAIS, putt? i n t h e . very best barrels. 100 yards CARPETING Tar sale very , ehesp. Wawa 500,000 15111ITGLESand astifirmy Bowies for which Liberal pikes will herald. July 7. J. b.. te. E. IX MOIC TAD= ' ' MS, all the lute style& MTN. & STOW. 110! FOR TIM TlnfS ! stamp %%Quo WO a ia aat zit c , I.E auseribera now fialre oL band all kinds of Mer handise for , the scasiori..- Ar d o i t h o , they do no , pledge themselves to sell 'owe.; by 10 or 2 0 per cent. than their neighbors. yet Pity do pledge themselves to sellas kw for cad& as rain be bought at any house in town, Elmira. Owego or 'Ai ng h tirown . .May 20.1345. H. MM . SONS'. - A FEW LEFT chi , di,. new and CHEAP GOODS.: Tlfey win kr be sold strainer than ever. (tivieselblej us - make tombs Fan Geode. Look for No.Voilsvingseank." as it is the only genuine Cheap Cash Stow. July V:. G. E. FLYNT & CO. zumazattelion =am, At the Elmira Cheap Cash Store, Aro. 1, Brick lime. A B. CHAMBERLIN' respectfully informs the AL- w public that he luta porchasod of LS. Wood & Chi: their stuck of gags. and Ins jest received t new supply. which renders his assortment of Drugs Medi cines, Paints, Oils, Dyo-riu s fs amid .Famdy Drugs, complete. His stock consists in pin of the following Zisences Annatto Flour sulphur do Benin 1714 Gum camphor Assafredita Arrow root Antimony Aquafortis Aqua ammonia Attie, CM Brimstone Gazebos' , °lsobar salts Hellebore Harlem oil , Hydrioste Pews Iceland moss • Ipecac Wino Blue Viviol Baylirtry bark do tallow Balsam iobe ' -do Copal', Barbados.. tar Balsam honey Blood ma Jalsp Juniper Berries Lunar Caustic Liquorice ball and root Landartrun Morphine Mims Mai* Musk Nu: Vomits Oxalic acid Essential oils, an hilt& Oil amp Peregotic Bice pins NW= Fir Black drop Barley Pearled Bateinan's drops nogundy Pitch Cayenne pepper African do Camphor Calomel Chamenileder. Corrosive sublimate Cochineal Csntharides Pilo Phosphate iron Quicksilver Quassia Quinine Hed Precipitate Senna Sups Lead Cubebs Coc. inuilicus Carbonate iron • do Magnesia do Soda Cow.age Colocynth Chloride lime Syringes Valerian root Saffron Cessna tartar Dragon's blood Dover's Powders Digitalis Uva Vus Emery, assorted Vol. Liniment Epsom salts , Yen. turpentine ; &e &e. A complete variety of 'GROCERIES, math u Teti Sugar, Coffee, Starch, Raisins, Cionamon.Soda Crack ers, Ginger, Pepper, Eng. Currants, Nutmegs, Tobacco and Snuff, Candles, &e. A complete assortment of Paints, Dye-dna, Win+ dow Glus, Patent Medicinee, &c. Towanda. June 16, 1845. RIJSITI - E3.—A general assortment MR*, Paint, MI Flesh, and ■hoe brushes it CHAMBERLIN'S, No. 1 Brick Row, HO, FOR. THE BRICK ROW. Jro. 4, Bouud to Shine. Mr ERE ARE WE, ON HAND AGAIN with a ra new arrival of fresh GOODS, directly from Nam York City, Consisting of Broadcloths, Cassimeree of the newest styles, Salaams, Kentucky Jeans, Camboons, Summer cloths, and Vesting., of every description and variety, . The latest styles of Barash's., Fancy Prints, and Ginghams, Irish linens, Linen ,Diaper, Brown and Bleached Sheeting, and Shirtings;Apron Cheek, Cot- - lon Batting, Ark Wadding, and serious other things in that line too numerous to mention. ALSO, a large rock of Groceries, Hard-ware, and Crockery, which together with our former stock renders our assortment complete. Arid we wi.h to be positively understood, that we CAN and WILL sell as cheap for CASH, as any other establishment in Town. the " Sevier' Bank" not excepted, and if strict attention to the wants of cus tomers and cheap prices merits patronage, we say again, that we are bound to shine. ('Please call on us be fore going elsewhere. Good fresh Butter, and all kinds of GRAIN and LUMBER taken in exchange for goods, for which the highest market price: will be piid. 07 Don't mistake the place—No. 41-Briek Row, two doors ahead of the Savings Bank and next door to W. H. Baird and Ca Towanda, July i 845. TRACY & MOORE HE cheapest and best tot of Crockery in- Towan da may be found at TRACY & MOORE'S. July 20th., 1645 No. 4 Brick Row. WII.LOW WAGGO3B and Croaks for chit drat., for sale cheap at July 30. TRACY & MOORE'S. A A GOOD uuortment of Tin end Stone• Wars at TRACY 4. MOORE'S, No. 4 Bride Row. ASPLENDID lot of Winn of every description at prices to soft the purchaser et July 30. TRACY & MOORS*. No. 4 Brick Row: I)ATENT PAILS. Brooms, Clothes, Pins, Hearth Btubhes, Trace Chaim, Shovels and Manors s, Hay Knives and Hand saws for sale at the 'my lowest prices for cash at TRACY At MOORE'S. July 3D. . No. 4 Brick Row. WALL PAPER, Mi iudow sash of all sizes and Glens at TRACY & MOORE'S. July 30. 110.4 Brick Row. Executor's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Jeduthen Whitey, late of Canton. deed, are requested to make immediate payment, and all those havlngdemsade against the same are requested to pressitt them, legally attested for settlement to either of the subscribers in Union township, 'flop co. CHARLES 0. SPENCER. BENJAMIN LANDON. Canton, July 1, 1845. ' Executor's. A NEW SUPPLY ! BURTON KINGSBERY informs the pribilic rally that he has just received direct from New York City, his spring stock of G('ODS. It comprises a very general assortment of Dry Goods, 610001111:11. Hardware &c. His goods have been selectee with much tare, and will be sold as cheap as can be bought to To wands. Call in and see it it is not so. Towanda, Aril 30, 1845. "Goods for the Millions." /UST received at the Savings Bank, a number of toes CB of those cheap Groceries, which makes our assort ment complete. Those who patronise our cuaA este , lishment, will derive s decided advantage over those who purchase at other stores who do business on the credit system, as they are not 'overcharged eqc.ivalent to the detinguence of those who never pay. tio 5. Brick Rowe G. E. rLYNT & CO. FANCY ARTICLES.—A. gmL .- variety for sale low, at CHAMBERLIN'S. une 1845. No. I Brick Row. ATS & CAPS 4. BO foT sale et ERE I 8 10.3 AGAIN-43 Quintls►Co.C sh lust rred and fos is at &WRVS. June :G. . Nu 3 /*or: Raw.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers