Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 07, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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tfltyt Bigpfcfj.
Vol.15, ml ss. Enterec- at Pittsburg Postofflce,
November 14, 18S7, as second-class matter.
Business OfficeCorner Smithfleld and
Diamond Streets.
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77 and 79 Diamond Street.
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Daily DISPATCH. Including Sunday. 1 month 90
M2day Dispatch, One Year 280
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PATCH baa been rcmoTed to Corner of
Smilbueld and Diamond streets.
The latest report in the -way of contem
plated extensions of Pittsburg's railway
connections comes from Findlay, whence it
is reported that the Pittsburg and "Western
combination, by the purchase of the Amer
ican Midland, will secure a route to Chi
cago. By the construction of forty miles of
new track, it is stated.this line can be made
the most direct of all the routes from this
city to the "Western metropolis.
f n estimating the probabilities of the new
through line to the "West, it is necessary to
recognize that the report comes from a push
ing town which is nearly as prolific of rail
roads on paper as Pittsburg was a few years
ago. The principal importance of the re
ported project is in its possibility. If it is
the fact that the consolidation of a group of
moribund railways, beginning and ending
nowhere in particular, can by the construc
tion of forty miles of new track, be elevated
into the shortest route between Pittsburg
and Chicago, the realization of the project
is only a question of time.
Another important aspect of such a
scheme is its natural relation to the reports
concerning the extension of the Beading to
Pittsburg. The need of the new line fore
shadowed bT this report would be an East
ern connection. The need of the Beading,
if extended to this city, would be a Western
connection. Both together would form a
new trunk line with exceptional advantages
in the way of traffic and directness; and
when it is perceived that the bridging of
two gaps would erect these corporations
into a prosperous trunk line, the possibili
ties of such a scheme become very great.
Both corporations arc now in the bauds of
capitalists anxious and determined to ele
vate them to the highest importance and
prosperity. There ought to be something
weighty for the interests of Pittsburg in
these facts.
The ice problem, as appears Irom a local
article, has already begun to pioch the
butchers. Onr jovial purveyors of steaks
and chops find that the ice necessary to
keep their meat from spoiling in hot
weather is going to cost them this year two
or three times what it generally does, and
the prospect is by no means a satisfactory
one. The case seems to be one in which the
rule of "what can't be cured" must suffice;
except for those fore-sighted people who
have invested in artificial freezing plants.
After an open winter some years ago, some
enterprising individuals went up to Lake
Superior and towed down ice by the barge
loads, to be distributed everywhere within
shipping distance of the lake ports, but
this year no one has been able to carry out
so daring and what would have been so
profitable an enterprise. In the meantime,
the cost of ice to domestic consumers this
summer remains a mystery too dreadful to
be rashly investigated.
The probability indicated elsewhere that
the League baseball managers of this city
have strnck a rock in the shape of a notifica
tion tbat they will be boycotted if they keep
their contract with a certain band that has
Ixen engaged to play at their matches, fur
nishes a remarkable instance of the dilemma
to which the claims of rival labor organiza
tions may subject the public
The Great "Western Band, a Pittsburg
musical organization of long standing, be
longs, as we understand, to the Knights of
Labor. No one has heretofore claimed,
however much the course of that order has
been criticised in other matters, that the
Knights of Labor do not represent regularly
organized labor. Yet the rivalry is such
that the threat of a boycott is beard, if other
people without undertaking to take sides in
the disputes between the two organizations,
employ the members of the K. of L. If that
threat was yielded to, would not the Knights
of Labor have just as good a reason for boy
cotting the baseball managers for a breach
of contract with the members of that order?
It is certain that the cause of labor is not
to be aided by attempts to boycott people
who recognize the E. of L. If the labor
organizations cannot agree among them
selves, they have no right to drag the public
Into their quarrels.
A remarkable evidence of the unique
views of some of our Democratic friends nn
the total separation of consistency from the
tariff, is afforded by a recent deliverance of
two very esteemed Philadelphia cotempo
raries. Congressman Earmer having said
something, in Ha interview, showing that he
is disposed to pay attention to the call for
free raw materials, the line of tariff policy
is laid down by the Record and indorsed by
the Times, that wool, coal, lumber, iron
ore, jute, hemp, salt snd chemicals shall be
admitted free of duty. "This" say our
Democratic cotemporaries, "is all the tariff
bill that is needed at present," Such a dec
laration is a terrible going back on the
Hills bill. But it is less significant in that
aspect, than it is as illustrating the fact
that after these very papers have occupied
colums in declaring that the way to sup
press trusts is to abolish the tariff on their
products, the one tariff policy which they
declare to be "all that is needed" takes
Terr cood care not to disturb the Sugar
Trust in the slightest degree.
A singular example of idea wh eh are
rery widespread is furnished by one of the
replies to the question agitated by a Chica
go paper which called upon its readers to
say what they would do if they had $10,
000,000. This reader seuds a letter which
expresses very strongly the idea that he
would use the money to establish purity in
politics. He "would go into practical
politics" with the purpose "to down the
foreign boodlers who run for office because
there is something in it," to "get back to
the idea that a public office is a public
trust" and to shut out the liquor element
from any participation in political affairs.
This programme is based solely and
avowedly on the expectation of purifying
politic of the corrupt elements. "With that
aim in view it is interesting to observe the
methods by which the $10,000,000 would
be put to work. "It would require money
to fight the brewers and saloons," says the
reformer; and so evidently he would use a
liberal share of the funds in buying votes
at higher prices than corruption would pay.
After this, he "would buy up a Legislature
if need be" to submit the constitutional
amendment that he thinks would reform
things. In short, the plan of using ten mil
lions to purge politicsofits corruption means
that he would use the money in corrupting
voters right and left to secure the passage ot
certain reforms.
"What good would these reforms do, if
purchased by bribery? Is it not strange that
at the close of this century people who start
out on the platform of opposition to corrup
tion should regard the resort to corrupt
means, as the legitimate way to go to work?
Any reform in the laws secured by de
bauching voters or legislators resting upon
the basis of corruption must be as evanes
cent as the time taken for the opposing
influences of corruption to get in their work.
It is a discouraging indication of the general
idea that legislation can be bought, to find
one man so ignorant of the meaning of pure
politics as to propose to purify them by
"When American citizens recognize that
no purchased reform is worth a cent, and
that the man who can arouse the sense and
virtue of the people is worth more forreform
than the man with $10,000,000, then it will
be possible to take the first steps for the
purification of politics.
The small town of Irondale, Alabama,
seems to have a pressing need of some prac
tical instruction on political liberty and the
observance of the law. The facts given
elsewhere about the attempt of certain
Democrats to run out of town some Bepub
licans who have been guilty of being elect
ed to municipal office, and having their
election sustained by a Democratic court,
coupled with the shooting of the Town
Marshal by some negroes whom he was try
ing to arrest, presents a beautiful picture of
a community which has yet to learn the first
principles of governing itself.
Properly viewed the practical instruction
needed is furnished by the events reported
by our telegraphic dispatches; but the les
son is not likely to be applied. The asser
tion by the special dispatch that the shoot
ing had nothing to do with the political dis
pute is probably correct enough as to the
actual fact. It is necessary to view the
matter at a considerable distance to per
ceive that they have the relation which the
lesson of disregard of self-government, vio
lation of individual rights and contempt of
duly elected authority must always bear to
acts of disorder by the ignorant.
If the whites can undertake to drive regu
larly elected officials out of a town, how is
it to be expected that the negroes will learn
that law must be respected and its officers
We should be loth to believe that this
picture of crime and lawlessness is typical
of the South. But it certainly is an exam
ple of the necessity of teaching the South
ern negroes respect for legal authority, and
of the fact that the only way to teach that
lesson is by the example of the whites.
The important question which is occupy
ing the Senatorial attention is whether Sir.
Windriru,tbe United States Supervising Archi
tect, did or did not win a larce sum of moneyof
Powell Clayton at the American game of draw
poker. Senatorial acquaintance with Powell
Clayton leads to incredulity on the subject:
but a. prima facie case having been made out,
by the testimony ot a witness, the Senators are
trying to determine -whether to pat Mr. Win
dnm up as the champion of the world or to in
quire what building Powell Clayton wanted lo
cated to suit him.
The reports from that Penn avenue
bridge in East Liberty indicate the necessity of
a little well-placed repairing. It would be a
very severe commentary on city management
if such an important avenue should be closed
because a bridge was notkeptin repair, whether
anyone were killed by the fall of the bridge or
It is stunning to discover such a reliable
Republican organ as the St. Louis Globe-Democrat
declaring that "Governor Hill's veto of
the ballot reform bill has destroyed wbat little
chance the Democratic party bad to elect a
Senator next year. No doubt something else
was intended: but it is a remarkable outbreak
of trankuess for the Globe-Democrat to assert
that with the ballot reformed, the Democrats
might elect a United States Senator in Kew
Germany is reaching the point where
she will soon find it necessary to repeal the
prohibition ot American pork. After a fall
experiment ot the grand policy of making food
dear, it is beginning to prove not all that it has
been cracked up to be.
The dire news from "Washington that
Mrs. Dudley had revenged her husband by pre
tending not to know Mrs. Harrison when they
met in a drygoods store, is a striking illustra
tion of the petticoat in politics. Being able to
Ignore Mrs. Harrison, the wife of the "blocks
of five" politician, ot course, regards it as an
easy thing tor the rest of the country to Ignore
so unimportant a little document as tbat un
fortunate letter.
That clause of the tariff bill which puts
jute on the free list and increases the duty on
jute bagging has a suspicions significance as to
the ability of the cotton bagging trust to get in
its work.
The doom-sealers have fixed the total de
struction of Chicago and Milwaukee, together
with transcontinental cities, for a week from
to-morrow. Chicago feels as if she can stana it
to go down, with her exposition project, but it
is rough on Geo. W. Peck, of Milwaukee, to be
thus cut short in his great act of smashing edu
cation in the English language.
The confirmation of United States Mar
shal MIzell, of Florida, expresses the command
of the United States Senate to pnt none but
"tried and true Republicans" in the jury box.
The city clergyman who took the ground
in his sermon yesterday tbat Easter should be
aevoted to contemplating beauties of holiness
instead of the beauties of millinery and dress
making, is evidently one of those unpracticable
theorists whose ideas of religion are wholly
irreconcilable with the modern practices of
fashionable church-going.
It is reported that the Mormons are mov
ing from Utah to Canada and Mexico. In tbat
case our gain is Canada's and Mexico's loss.
It is pleasant to learn that Lord Salis
bury has taken to praising George Washing
ton, Since the Tory leader has progressed to
the point of reoognizing somethinc good In the
popular movement of a century ago, there is
hope tbat he may be able to appreciate the re
forms of the present day if ho lives about one
more century.
If the "Weather Bureau keeps on with
the success of its weather for Easter, all may
yet bo forgiven. n
BOSTON turned herself over on Friday to
the unrestricted joy of opening the baseball
season, 20,000 spectators being present to start
the Flayers' League with a good send-off.
While Fanuell Hall stands by the right ot the
professional ball player to own himself, the
popular institutions of the land must be im
pregnable. M0MINENT PEOPLE.
General Alfred H Tebry is at his home
at New Haven, Conn., in poor health.
The present Emperor of China was vacci
nated when he was 2 years old and when, of
course, there was no idea that ne would ever
ascend the throne.
There is wide and profound sympathy for
ex-Governor James Pollock in his critical ill
ness, and the hope will be sincerely cherished
that be may soon recover.
Miss Clara Barton, President of the
American .National Red Cross, speaks in most
cordial praise of the conduct of the people of
Louisville in their recent trying experience.
Rev. Dr.Cuyi.er concluded his thirtylyears'
pastorate in the Lafayette Avenue Presby
terian Church, Brooklyn, yesterday. The
reverend gentleman is nearly 70 years old and
will retire.
By the death of the Duke of Manchester,
Lady Mandeville, who was the beautiful Miss
Yznaga, of New York, is promoted to wear the
strawberry leaves, and becomes the second co
temporary American duchess in the English
Mr. Chauncey M. Depew disposes of the
contents of his daily mall with the aid of bis
private secretary and two stenographers, one
of whom is a negro. This man is said to be un
usually competent, and to be treated with
great respect not only by Mr. Depew, but by
everybody with whom he comes in contact.
The late Mr. George IL Boker, the Phila
delphia poet, was pronounced in bis youth by
N. P. Willis, who spoke with authority, to bo
the handsomest man in America. His intimate
friend. Mr. Charles Godfrey Leland, says that
the busts of Byron were remarkably like Boker,
though Boker was the finer looking, and in
figure much more imposing.
Mrs. Morton, wife of the Vice President, is
not only a beautiful woman, but a kindly and
gracious one. She has, moreover, a sweet and
well-trained voice, and a capacity to touch the
right conversational note under difficult cir
cumstances. Notwithstanding her wealth and
her sumptuous way of entertaining, her five
young daughters are brought up iu the most
rigid simplicity of dress and habit.
It Contnlned All the Notts of tbe World and
a Complete Library of Romance, Sci
ence. Humor, Travel and Current Com
ment. The Easter morning sun shone yesterday
upon nothing brighter and more in unisou with
the season than tbe ICO-column issue of The
Dispatch. It was as full of news as the sea
sonable egg, and was considerably more piq
uant in flavor. Some of the more prominent
features are mentioned below, although it is a
difficult ask to particularize where all is good.
The Dispatch's special cable service inti
mates tbat the Czar's sickness is alarming and
is tbe result of a Nihilistic attack. Boulanger
has determined to emerge from his obscurity
and make another bid for fame or fortune.
Emperor William is hard at work formulating
a national policy, while tbe Germans, as a peo
ple, mourn the removal of Bismarck. Coming
nearer home. General Hastings avows his deter
mination to stay in the Gubernatorial fight, and
the prospects are good for an exciting contest.
A New Jersey man, weary of being ridiculed on
account of his big ears, has them trimmed by a
physician and the operation is bighly successful.
A Chicago servant girl poisons the family tbat
bad befriended her. A member of the defunct
drygoods firm of Flummer & Co., is missing
and the accounts are involved in obscurity.
The Mississippi river has burst its banks and is
flooding town and country with disastrous re
sults. Pringlehasa comprehensive review of
the world of sports, and a full report of current
sporting news.
Locally tbe last hours of Lent were stained
by a brutal murder for which there appears to
have been no provocation. Several men were
arrested, and the police are confident tbat
among them Is the murderer. Tbe Department
of Public Works is projecting gigantic im
provements which will employ tbousands of
men this summer. Successful license appli
cants are hustling to get ready for business by
May 1. Postal clerks indorse Postmaster Mc
Kean's efforts to obtain a vacation for them.
Machinery molders will fight non-union firms.
Judge Slagle judicially criticises England for
sending paupers to this country. Senator
Quay drops into town.
The second and third parts of this issue were
devoted mainly to articles of a literary charac
ter. The opening cbapters of "The
Ace ot Clubs," a powerful story of
Russian life, by Prince Josef
Lubomirski, appear m this number.
David Dudley Field talks about lawyers and
law, and Claire A Orr describes a journey on a
special train into tbe interior of Africa. Scient
ists and theosophists discuss the miracles of
the Bible, while BUI Nye shows bow latter day
prophets give the land speculator good bar
gains. Ella Wheeler Wilcox defends the
American nobleman. ColODel Armoy Knox
tells a story of bluffing the Bank of En
gland directors. Tbo relations between Moody
and Sankey form tbe theme of an article by S.
N. D. William Churchill produces evidence of
the existence in tho past of a vast continent in
tbe Pacific and Bert E. V. Luty offers an inge
nious theory on tbe relations of sun spots to
finance. Among tbe other contributors to this
issue were Hepburn Johns, Frederick R. Bur
ton, B.imhalo. Bessie Bramble, Rev. George
Hodges. D. L. J.. Clara Belle. H. Rider Hag
gard, John G. Brecan, R. W. Shoppell. J. F. H.,
Paysie, Fannie B. Ward, E. R. Chadbourne,
Shirley Dare, Miss Grundy, Jr., Meg, Eleanor
Kirk, Caroline Sipton Pepper and Marquise
Thr Public Undoubtedly Pleased.
From the New York Tribune.
In promoting General Miles to the Major
Generalship left vacant by tbe death of Gen
eral Crook, tbe President has undoubtedly
pleased the American public and correctly in
terpreted its wishes.
A City and a Passenger Rallwny Company
at War.
Wilxiamspobt, April 6. The city authori
ties have petitioned tbe Attorney General for
a writ of quo warranto requiring tbe Williams
port Passenger Railway Company to show cause
why it should not operate portions of its road
on certain streets or forfeit its charter privi
lege to occupy the streets. Some two years
ago tbe company extended its tracks on West
Tbird and West Fourth streets, with intersec
tions on a number of cross streets. Only a por
tion, of the extended lines have been used, and
Councils some time ago passed a resolution
directing tbe City Solicitor to proceed against
tbe company. It is claimed tbat the tracks are
an obstruction and impediment to travel. At
torney General Kirkpatfick has fixed Wednes
day for tbe hearing.
The city authorities and the railway company
have been at war for some time, and in tbe
present issue the trouble will be forced to a
Coming After Wealth.
New Yore, April 8. One thousand eight
hundred and six foreigners, in steerage, landed
here to-day.
Henry linker.
BKAavznww. April 6 Henry Baiter, late
messenger on the Itelleyernon road, died this
evening at the residence or a. M. GriliMn. Ihe
funeral will be held at Klltanplng. Pa., next
Gencrnl Hnro.
CITT OP Mxxico. April. QeneralHaro, form
erly Chief Customs officer on the Northern
frontier, I r dead.
Marvelous Facia About Hypnotism IlcnllliT
. Grovfth of American Journalism Best
Features of tbe Populnr Mncnzlnrs.
"The Forum for April has two articles bear
ing npon the relation between tbe mind
and the body. One is about hypnotism, tbe
other is about spiritualism. Year by year dis
coveries are being made along this line, and
wonders almost certainly lie in tbe future. It
is only within a f ow years that such words as
"hypnotism" and "talepathy" have come into
common use. Dr. J. M. Charcot, who writes on
"Hypnotism and Crime," has some marvelous
things to tell about the power of ono mind over
another. Mr. Richard Hodgson, who writes on
"Truth and Fraud in Spiritualism," has given
bis paper a fitting name. He believes tbat
there is a great deal of Genuine truth in spirit
ualism, and be is strongly of the opinion that
one way to have that truth brought out into
tbo light is to use every effort to detect and
expose fraud of which, he tonfesses, there is
no lack.
iiTm American newspaper," says Mr.
Charles Dudloy Warner in the same mag
azine, "is a marvel of intelligence and enter
prise: in many respects it is the most wonderful
product of our civilization. Consider the
brains, the bard work, the incessant vigilance,
and tho mechanical ingenuity needed in one
issue of a great daily, which is an amazing con
spectus and reflection of the life of the entire
globe the day before. Remembering tbe hurry
and excitement in which it must be made up,
and the brief time allowed for deliberation, the
wonder is, not that there are so many mistakes
in it, but that there are so few. Ana consider
ing its contents, and its cost In its pay of em
ployes, it is the cheapest of all human products.
Tbe reader pays for that which gives bim the
daily history of the world Und most of the
ideas which he uses in conversation) scarcely
more than the price of the white paper."
After this Mr. Warner is entitled to speak,
his mind plainly about tho faults of the Ameri
can newspaper, and he does so without mincing
matters. However, if the paper is vulgar, it is
the vulgar people who want it. And, as Mr.
Warner remarks, "if I hear that a grocer who is
known to sell adulterated and unwnolesomo
food is more Is-gely patronized than a grocer
who sells only wholesome food, I nave my
opinion of tbe customers as well as of the
pvERVTHlNO in the Forum is teadable and
quotable, and if we had the space which
the editor of tho new Review of Reviews has.
in which all the new magazines are discussed
at length, we might consider iis attractive con
tents by the column.
AJr. Gbant ALLE is still "catclilng it" In
the Popular Science Monthly for his
"Plain Words on the Woman Question." Miss
Alice B. Tweedy asks and answers in the
negative, tho question "is Education Opposed
to Motherhood?" Tho Swedish wood-carving
instruction, which they call "Sloyd." has an
article, describing a Sloyd school in Boston.
The old topic "Ethics and Religion "is dis
cussed in much the old way by Prof. Toy, of
Harvard. Northern lights. Pategonians,
Dragons, fabled and real, ghosts and tho gold
ot the alchemists invite the reader. Prof.
Huxley's paper on "The Natural Inequality of
Man" is reprinted irom its xmgusa panea.
There is a sketch and portralt.of David Kitten
bonse, tbe clockmaker astronomer.
""iTjtinq gets more interesting than ever as
the outdoor dajs draw near. With the April
number the sixteenth volume begins. "The
English Yachts in 1889" are capitally written
up by Prof. Sumichrast, and pictured By Fred
S. Cozzens. The roader goes antelope hunting
in Western Texas and fox bunting in the
happy hunting grounds of England. Fishing
In Alaska Is entertainingly described. Lawn
tennis and bowling are given articles. "Wheel
and Camera in Normandy" is by J. W. Frodicb,
who contributes both the text and the pictures.
"Tho Pedestrian Tour of Mr. Webster" is a
clever story.
"hristian Reid, whose name is always a
promise of cood things, contributes the
complete novel to the April Lippincott's. Tho
hero's "Cast for Fortune" is made in Mexico,
where, after pretty hard luck in bis search fo"
silver, he finds the lonely daughter of a Mexi
can gentleman, whose company proves to be
better than gold. Julian Hawthorne ends in
this number bis publication of bis father's
"Elixer of Life." What a manuscript Haw
thorne's must have been, in which when a
word displeased tbe writer he quietly blotted it
out with bis little finger drawn over the Iresh
ink and wrote another word on the black spot!
Wilson Barrett, tbe English actor, maintains
that Hamlet was not mad, but reigned mad
ness to serve his purposes. A concise account,
which many readers will welcome, is givpn of
Stanley's expedition for tho relief of Einin
Pasha. Who Eiuin is, and wby he needed
to be relieved, and where he was, and
bow Stanley found him, and whax happened
afterward, is all set down bere in good, plain,
understandable order. Mr. Richard Vaux, ex
Mayor of Philadelphia, begins in this numbera
series of interesting recollection of people
whom he met iu England a good while ago.
iiQver the Calops" is still the leading attrac
tion of tho Atlantic, though some will
turn first this month to Mr. Oliver T. Morton's
civil service reform article. Dr. Holmes has
bis opinion of -'realism" in fiction, and tbe
opinion is not a complimentary one. He says
tbat the additions which have been made by it
"to tho territory of literature consist lartrely
in swampv, malarious, ill smelling patches of
soil, which had previously heen left to
reptiles and vermin." He advises leaving the
"descriptions of the drains and cess-pools to the
hygeuic specialist, and tbe details of tbe laun
dry to tho washerwoman."
The spoils system gets some hard knocks in
Mr. Morton's article. It is, ho say?, "at war
with equality, freedom, justice and a wise
economy.and is already a doomed thing fighting
extinction." Andrew Jackson is given his rich
"Trial by Jury of Things Supernatural" is an
account by James B. Thayer, of the queer
goings on, called jastice. at the old witch trials.
The serials by Henry James and Margaret
Deland and Edwin Bunner add now chapters
to their stories. Thomas Bailey Aldrich has a
"The frontispiece of Scribner's Magazine for
April is an illustration of an ode of Hor"
aco and is one of a series to be done by tho Eng
lish artist, J. R. Wogucliu. Another capital be
ginning in this number is the first of a series of
papers on "The Rights of the Citizen." "As a
Householder" is tho subject of this initial artl
cle.and as a user of tbe streets.as a traveler, as
tbe possessor of a reputation, etc., will bo taken
.up in tbe months to come.. This is a happy
thought. "Dawn and Dusk at Karnak,' is a
fine poem by Charles Henry Lidess. "Tadmor
In the Wilderness," gets even farther into the
East, and is a most unconventional paper of
travel. "In the Footprints of Charles Lamb"
is another illustrated article. Octave Tbaret's
story, "Expiation," comes to an
end. "The Electric Railway of To
day" is the subject of an interesting essay.
THE boys and girls are taken into the wilds of
the "darkest Africa" in the opening articlo
of this month's St. A'icholas. Mr. E. J. Glave,
one of Stanley's pioneer officers, begins to tell
the story of his six years along tho Congo. The
article is illustrated. Mary Hallock Foote det
scribes "A Visit to John's Ca mp," a glimpse a
mining life, with illustrations by tho author.
"Through tbe Back Ages," has for its text "To
Begin at the Beginning" and it does begin at
the beginning, indeed. It commences back in
that ago of tbe world's history whose record is
written in dim heiloglyphics in the works, and
which was ended before man came on the
scene. "A Precious Tool Chest," is a good
story by Ernest Ingersoll. This April number
is the end of the seventeenth volume of St.
Nicholas. It has a record of which it may well
be proud. It set a high standard long ago,
and has never lowered it.
""The Century for April contains two f nll.pago
engravings by Timothy Cole, the engraven
each subject being a "Madonna and Child," by
Giovanni Bellini: namely, tho famous altar
pieces in tbe Church of S. Zaccaria and the
church of tho Frari, In Venice. The conduc
tors of the Century claim that modern wood
eneraving has never been put to such valuable
and permanent use as in this series of engrav
ings made by Cole in the very presence of tbe
greatest pictures. The original relations of
tone, which are so sadly confused in tbe photo
graphs, especially in those or tbo Venetian
scbool, are retained in all the accuracy possible
to black and white. In the Nation, Prof.
Charles Eliot Norton, of Harvard University,
wrote of this series:
H otlilnK tnat has yet been done by the American
engravers on wood, who, durlnir the last few
years, have carried their art to the highest excel
lence In reproducing the characteristic qualities
or the work which they have had to copy, has sur
passed In exactness of delineation, in refinement
and vigor of execution, and in sympathetic ren
dering or the subtlest features of tho original,
these remarkable productions of Mr. Cole. The
variety or the technical methods of which he
shows nlmself master has enabled him to repro
duce with cqnal success work as wlaely different
iu motive and st leas the Mosaic ol Kavenuaaud
the panel paintings of the tlorentlnc nrtlsts of
tbe fourteenth century. lo engravings hitherto
existing or the works of early Italian art give so
much of the essential spirit as well as or the man
ner of painting of these works as this series of
Mr. tjoies. ,
Burne-Jones has declared tbat nothing bo
good bas ever been done of tho Italian masters,
and that tbe photographs are not to be com
pared to them. Hebert says that he had no
conception that wood engraving could be made
to do such excellent work. Mr. Stillman's
articles in themselves form a little history of
Italian art, and the series has now reached tbo
painters in which there is tbe broadest popular
Ad dins lunnlt to Injury.
Kiom the Minneapolis Times. 1
Now York is to-day tho most thoroughly
snubbed, Kicked and cuffed community in the
conntry, and sbo has invited by her pusillan
imity overy insult that bas been offered. There
is not room in New York for a fair, but there
is for reform: reform in her politics, reform In
her aristocracy, reform in her society, in her
dress, her manners and her Sheriffs office.
General Trnde Is In a wound Condition and
Money Is Ensy.
New York, April 6. Henry Clews & Co.
will say to-morrow: "The present outlook,
financially considered, is more encouraginc.
April settlements were passed with but slight
disturbance, tho less active state of trade and
speculation counteracting all tendency toward
close money. From now on tbe money market
is likely to show increasing ease, as interior
demands aro diminishing, tbe prospects ot
gold exports are vanishinc and bank reserves
are likely to continue rising for some time to
corao. With easier money bere aud in London
the effect cannot but be stimulatinir upon
"For months past Stock Exchango securities
have refused to reflect the general improve
ment shown everywhere else, chiefly because
capital found more profitable employment in
trade. Tho great expansion of commerce and
industry diverted money from railroad stocks
into other enterprises, and this in spite of the
extraordinary prosperity of railroads. Busi
ness men aro altogether too much occupied,
mentally and financially.to think of Wall street;
and the result bas been stagnation and de
pression at a time when the country was really
making phenomenal progress. A change has
taken place. Business is growinc quieter.
After the rush of the past season a halt bas set
in; and it is quite evident in some branches of
trade that a period of rest is noccssary. unless
wo are to invito the evil of general overpro
duction. In somo departments the effects of
excess are alroady being felt Tbo woolen
trade is suffering from extreme depression, tbe
end of which is perhaps not vet seen. The coal
trade is also strugcllng with overproduction,
the mild winter having greatly ageravated the
troubles in both of these branches of industry:
a weak tono is also observable in tbe iron trade.
Still these are really tbe darkest spots in the
whole industrial situation, and there are
abundant influences to counteract them, so far
as tbe stock market is concerned.
"Trade in general is in sound condition, and
there are no serious evidences of overproduc
tion. Now that funds aro in less demand for
mercantile purposes, they will drift back to
Wall street. Tho average merchant will have
less employment for his balances, and will be
obliged to invest thm in securities, which
present low prices will enable him to do with
advantage. In short, easy money is tho key
note of tho stock market; and high rates of in
terest having held tbo advance in check during
the winter months, prices are now more likely
to respond to the removal of such a draw
back." No Pretext for Collecting Money.
From the Philadelphia Record.
The Australian ballot system would remove
all pretext for collecting money to print and
distribute tickets and to pay holders of window
books. Thus the legitimate expenditures of a
campaign, apart from the hiring of speakers
and brass bands, would be reduced to a very
low figure.
The Dispatch Sinnds in tbe Foremost Rank
of Newspapers.
From the Bellefonte News.
Among tho most valuable exchanges tbat
come to this office is just The Pittsburg
Dispatch. It is always brimful of the very
latest news, which is given in a way that not
only informs but interests and attracts. There
can always be found in its pages a full and com
plete epitome of all tbe goings on. not only in
this part of tbe world, but also in all foreign
countries. The growth of tbe Sunday edition
of The Dispatch has been remarkable, al
most miraculous, during the past year. It now
bas a bona fide circulation of over 53,000. The
reason for this remarkable growth is because
of the choice literary matter selected for its
columns. Its Sunday issue now consists of 20
pages filled with contributions from tbe best
The marvelous growth of this paper has
rendered it necessary to increase its publishing
facilities, and a new Hoe perfecting press will
soon be put in. Tni3 will make it one of tho
best equipped offices in tbo State. The Dis
patch now stands in the foremost rank of
newspapers published in the United States,
and we wish it continued success.
A Nice Lltilp Family Fnrty.
From the New York Herald.
The Emperor of China bas started on a fort
night's trip accompanied by his retinue, num
bering 10,000 persons. A nice little family party
to entertain.
The Massachusetts Press Association will
take a Southern Jaunt next month. No duels are
During the'past three years Ireland has lost
69,224 Inhabitants, or rather her population bas
decreased to that extent. The majority of them
are now New York aldermen and policemen.
It is settled at last why Bismarck resigned.
He announces that he will write occasionally for
the newspapers.
Before Idaho is admitted into sisterhood
the United States Supreme Court will hare to be
consulted. In the meantime Idaho hpr own row.
"American humor," says the London
Times, "has a sort of stocial grlmness which can
be traced directly, I think, to tbe inter-marrlage
or the whites with tho aboriginal Indians." The
Times made this remark, too, while Bill Nye was
in the AT est.
A Kansas man has been sent to jail 90 days
for whipping his wile. While ho was serving his
sentence aud having an easy time, his abused
wife was taking iu washlntr to support her chil
dren. The proper caper would have been to put
the woman in prison and made the man do the
The novs is wafted over tbe wires from
North, East, South and West of strikes. It Is not
confined to one particular line of business either.
Tbe dispatches also send out the old, milldewed
and moth-eaten chestnut, 'both sides are confi
dent." THE bill giving married women absolute con
trol of their wages bas passed both houses of the
Kentucky Legislature, and tbe Governor bas
signified his Intention of signing it. The women
bad the bill passed for the purpose of compelling
their husbands to do an occasional day's work.
There was only one thing sweeter tban the
Easter bonnet. It was the lady wbo carried it.
The Congressman who claims that he never
drank a gallon of liquor In bis life will never
know how much fJn he has missed. A sensitive
people arc no doubt anxious to know wbat Is in
cluded in his bill of sundries.
Remarkable Adventure of Children In Search
of n Home.
From tho Philadelphia Times.
When tbo Western express rolled into the
Broad Street station last evening it bore' two
little waifs who had been shipped East by ex
press, Chnssie and Sophia Burke, the former
5 years old, and tbe latter but 4 years old.
Some time ago William Burke and bis
wife emigrated to California, finally set
tling in Stockton. Shortly after tbe
birth of Sopbla tbe mother died and
on the 15th of last month the father also died.
The two children were left destitute, but kind
friends cared for tbem until the relatiresin the
East could bo communicated with. Their
grandmother, Mrs. Burke, of Atco, N. J., at
once replied and requested that they be sent to
her. So tbe two waifs were given tickets and
money, and ticketed with tags bearing the in
scription, "To be banded over to Mrs. Gottleib
Burke, of Atco, N. J., upon arrival at Phila
delphia." Every kindness was shown the two travelers
while on tuelr journey, and were cirefully
looked after by the railroad men through their
long journey. Upon their arrival at Broad
street they were met by their grandmother,
wbo took, tbem onto their future home. The
youngsters were very contented during the
long journey, but were pleased to meet their
grandmother and felt that their trials were
now over.
Gloomy Outlook for Republican Success
Encli Party Without a Definite Policy
What tbe People Want How to Capture
Millions of Votes.
nTASniNOTON, April 5. There is no attempt
on the partof Republicans to conceal the
fact that they are In a state of profound gloom
as regards tho outlook for the party in tho im
mediate future. All classes seem to feel tbat
defeat is m tbe atmosphere as it is at present
constituted. It 13 even directly reported that
Senator Quay has admitted a doubt in regard
to success in tho great Republican State of
Pennsylvania, and if this be possible, what is
not possible in other States?
This hopelessness is partly duo to the knowl
edge of the established apathy of tho "off
year," and still more perhaps because the ad
ministration of President Harrison totally
lacks tho "go" that is necessary to inspire ac
tive party pcoplo with confidence and enthusi
asm. There is no snap, no vigor to it. Mr. Har
rison seems to wrap his cloakaboutbim and lie
down to pleasant dreams of tbe Immortality
tbat no encroachment of oblivion can now take
away from; for. failing or successful, bis name
is irrevocably inscribed in the roster of Presi
dents. His air suggests that of one who is so
satisfied with having got so mu:h above what
be ever expected or deserved as to desire noth
ing more, the lark of desire being partly due,
perhaps, to a conviction tbat 60,000,000 of people
have found him out and are not likely to do it
But more tban all, I fancy, the looming up of
the specter of defeat is due to an innate con
sciousness of Republicans that their party em
bodies no distinctive policy which strongly
commends tbem above the Democrats, and
tbat tbe natural discontent. In such circum
stances, with the party in power, will excite a
demand for change merely for the sake of
change. With a discontented and disgusted
people anything is better than stagnation.
Crooked Party Lines.
pjOTH parties are on all sides of all questions.
The Republican party is only a little more
of a protective tariff party than the Democrat.
The construction of tbe latest tariff bill shows
that. No question of principle, no definitive
idea enters in to tho bill. It is a strugcle toward
free trade as far as seems possible. If there is
any principle involved at all It should have a
logical application, and producers of hides and
manufacturers of hides, as well as all other
producers and manufacturers, should be ade
quately protected. Tbe war of the canned
goods people upon the infant industry of tin
plate making should be crushed out at once by
imposing a prohibitive duty on foreign tin
plate; and for the sake of possessing the indus
try thus developed, the people should be will
ing to pay a small additional price for canned
goods. Either everybody sbonld be protected
or nobody. If one industry is to bo" fostered
all other industries should be. and no Ameri
can gold should go abroad for the purchase of
things that can b- made at home if properly
encouraged. As now constituted, and as pro
posed in the new bill, tho tariff is helping one
person at the expense of another, and the self
ishness of one class will allow ot no
benefits to another class, which does not
innre to their own advantage. No system
of statecraft can long bold together, which is
so illogical and unadjustable. A legislator
who bas no positive opinion, and impresses bis
doubt on every act of legislation, is an imbecile
and not a statesman. A party to be successful
must not only be absolute in its declarations,
but also in their execution.
Broad &tatesmanahlp Lacking;.
pURTlNa with every warring element on the
tariff question; a prohibitionist in one
place, a liquor advocate in another, and a high
license straddler in another; now a Sunday
observer and now a broad Liberal; a Godin-tbe-constitution
fellow one day, and the next
a hot and noisy opponent of all re
ligious intrusion into the fundamental
law; opposed to polygamy in the
West and practicing bigamy generally in tbe
East; driven by anxiety and imbecility to legis
late for morals and religion when it utterly
fails to recognize in its congressional acts tbe
plainest suggestions of political economy, or
commercial and industrial common sense,
wbat is there to hope for in tbe future of tbe
party in such hands? And this crass dema
gogism which runs through all the acts of the
Republican party is the very life and soul of
tbe Democratic party. But there is this differ
ence in favor of tbe Democrats tbat they bavo
never even professed to be progressive, while
Republicans constantly boast that theirs is tho
party of progress and enlightenment.
As now constituted even tbe most enthusi
astic party man can scellittle in party contests
except a struggle for onico and power. Poli
ticians want office for themselves or those who
will be subservient to them, for selfish pur
poses, either merely to serve themselves, or
corporations whom they serve, or both. Where
broad statesmanship that which deals with
the physical and intellectual interests of the
mass regardless of all narrower considerations
should be inscribed in glowing letters in the
annals of party there is nothing but a blank,
while all around is hypocrisy, demagogy, cant
and buncombe.
A Political Opportunity.
ynAT party which in tho near future is to
dominate the thought and catch the votes
of the mass must drop its flirtations with so
called moral aud religions factions which
would determine how we shall worship, eat,
drink and clothe ourselves by act of Congress,
and must capture that vast and to-be-dominant
class with which tbe great question is not how
they shall eat and drink and clothe them
selves, but whether they shall bavo an assur
ance of good eating and drinking and clothing
at all.
Tho economic sense of the
masses has drifted away from the old moor
ings. Tho Federation of Trades, the Knights
of Labor, tho various farmers' organizations,
the Nationalists and tho Socialists, numbering
millions of voters, all told, are recognizing their
common interests, and are drawing close to
gether for political action. Let either the Re
publicon or Democratic party see this and take
advai tage of it and it will be invincible for
years to come. Let either of the old parties de
clare for Government telegraphs and railroads:
for mnnicipal ownership of water, gas,
telephones and local railroads; for a
coinage uncontrolled by speculators and usurers;
for the establishment of Government banking
institutions where deposits will bo secure as
tbo Government itself, and where money may
be loaned to all who would borrow, upon satis
factory security, at a rate of interest which
wonld'merely compensate the Government for
the transaction of the business: and wbo cannot
see that tho party doing so would jump into a
long and practically untroubled lease of power.
Wbat is to prevent one oi tne oia parties
from taking this brilliant departure?
Simply the devotion of party leaders to the
Interests of corporations which pay tbem. Only
tbat and nothing more. If they question the
wisdom of these things, they do so hypocriti
cally, for there is not one of tbem but admits
in his own heart tbat one and all of these propo
sitions are in tbe interest of every citizen, ex
cept the few who, already glutted with wealth,
would grasp more, and more and always more,
at the expense of the laboring, suffering, hoping,
despairing multitude of honest producers.
Work Don't Agree With Tbem.
From the New York Herald.
That tbe average tramp bates work as a toper
hates water Is again demonstrated by an inci
dent at the Kings county almshouse. One hun
dred able bodied paupers were set to work at
the sand hills near Crow Hill recently. The fol
lowing day.65 left the institution rather than
resume work. They would eat and they would
loaf, but they would not be insulted by being
compelled to be useful.
Celebration of the SOth Birthday or Mrs.
James Hamilton.
A family reunion was held at Mr. Charles
Hass' residence, at McKeo's Rocks, Saturday,
in the 89th birthday of bis mother-in-law, Mrs.
James Hamilton, one of the oldest residents of
Allegheny county. Mrs. Hamilton came to
this city in 1810, and has lived bere ever since.
Among those who were prcent on this anni
versary were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hass, Mrs.
A M. Moreland-and daughters, Maggie and
Jennie, Mrs. Newell, of Elizabeth; Mr. and
Mrs. William Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Sacke,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hass, and other relatives
and friends.
Mrs. Hamilton bas lived to see her great
grandchildren, many of whom were present.
She received a number of handsome presents,
and everything was made very pleasant for the
mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.
The Cause of Defeat
From the New York Times.
The failure ol prohibition in Iowa bas been
recognized not merely by tbe virtual defeat of.
the Republican party in a "banner" Republi-1
can State. Tbe causes that led to this defeat I
are various, but there does not seem to be any
doubt tbat the attitude ot the party in respect
of prohlbition'has been one of tbem.
Tbo Library Site Why tho East End Is tbe
Spot Plttkbanr and New York Coupared.
To the .Editor or The DIsoatch:
The most important public question beforo
tbe people of Pittsburg, is tbe Carnegie Lib
rary site. Much has already been said on tho
subject, but much yet remains to be said. The
'question is not what will best suit the wants of
the people of Pittsburg now. but wbat will
best suit tbe greater number of people who
will enjoy tbe library from its erection until it
is worn out, or razed to the ground. How long
will tbe proposed building last ? Say 5100 or
150 years. If it lasts 100 years the site now se
lected should be tbe one tbat would best snlt
the people 50 years hence, thus giving an aver
age, being for tho first 50 years in advance of
the requirements and tho last 50 somewhat be
hind. But let us be liberal and say that it be
located to best snit tbe people 25 years hence,
and who will say for a moment it should be
farther west tban East Liberty ?
Let us consider for whoso convenience it is
built. Allegheny Citv has already bein sup
plied, the Souttalde will have its own building,
thus leaving only thf people living between the
rivers. Tho residence population west of Grant
street is a mero bagatelle, as the entire district
is taken up by business save a bandfnl of peo
ple, who live on Scbenley property at tbe Point;
even this land is now put on tbo market for
sale for business 'purposes. The population to
be considered, then, begin on the west of Grant
street, and east where? To Grcensburg?
Surelr not much west of it, for who will say
that Braddock. Wilmerdlng and Jeannette are
not as much a part and parcel of Pittsburg as
the First ward Itself?
How we are following tbe footsteps of New
York. First, the old city was built at the
Point; then, in Allegheny we have Brooklyn: In
the Soutbslde we have Jersey City: in tbe East
End our Harlem. The elevated roads
made upper New York, our cable
and electric roads will make East
Pittsbnrg. In Fifth avenue and Penn
avenue we have Broadway and Fifth avenue,
running several miles almost parallel, then
nearing each other and crossing at an angle at
which point will be our Madison Square. What
a grand start for our Madison Square would
this magnificent gift of Mr. Carnegie's be. and
what a grand site would our Madison Square
bo for Mr. Carnegie's gift! This is a pointthat
can be reached from all parts of the city for 5
cents. It is no hardship for the residents of
the old city to pay 5 cents to go out to Point
Breeze, but It is unjust for people living in
Wilkinsburg, Homewood andTorrens to pay 10
cents to go downtown.
While the Bite already suggested, the Carr
Place, is admirably situated and in every way
suited to carry out to the best advantage the
magnificent enterprise, there is an
other site not yet spoken of that
would be twofold in its benefits.
This site Is tbe square bounded by Penn ave
nue,PennsyIvania Railroad and Putnam street,
now occupied by the eastern portion of tbo
stockyards and the repair shops. This prop
erty could likely be had, as the repair shops
will be removed to Wall's station this summer
at any rate. Tbe railroad officials have prom
ised a new depot at Fifth avenue this spring.
This plat of ground, with a magnificent build
ing with four tronts. one facing the railroad,
one Penn avenue, one Fifth avenue, and one
Putnam street, with a fine park sloping down
to the railroad what elegant facilities for the
people, with an electric road on either side,
and depot at the corner of tbo grounds, and-ali
the cable roads within a few mlnntes' walk.
By selecting this site one of the best suited for
the purpose would be bad. and at tho same
time abate a nuisance in tbe neighborhood.
One of the People.
A Reservoir Site Boomer.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
I seo in The Dispatch that Mr. Carnegie
expresses himself that tbe library is intended
for the masses of the people, and that it should
be In a locality where it could be reached by
the many, not tho few. He makes only two
objections to the reservoir site. Now both can
be removed (although I cannot speak authori
tatively). But everyone Knows that the officers
of the Pennsylvania Railroad and Pennsyl
vania Company would only be too glad to co
operate with the city. ?s their employes wbo
wonld be benefited are numbered by tbe thou
sand. In one building alone, corner Tenth and
Penn, there are upwards of 800 clerks. Tbe
Baltimore and Ohio, Westinghouse. postoffice.
Court House, high school, also furnish their
quota. East Liberty is all rigbt for a branch, or
stockyards, or mounted police. Let tho commit
tee call upon the officers of the railroad and I be
lieve that they will remove every objection
without an ordinance. If Mr. Carnegie has
given Pittsburg a library, why keep it in Pitts
burg, Do not place in tho suburbs. Pus the
library on the hill, say L P. C.
A Veteran's Error.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
A Boutbside veteran wants to know where
The Dispatch gets the news of tho service
pension bill having passed, when Congressman
Dalzell, in answer to a letter, says it has not
passed. Yet The Dispatch has said it
twice, and last Tuesday refers to it editorially.
Would like to know how this is thusly.
Southside, April 5. Veteran
Veteran is in error. Last Tuesday The
Dispatch said editorially: "The passage of
the dependent pension bill by the Senate yes
terday appears to introduce a novel difference
of opinion between tbe two branches of Con
gress. The House has already passed a service
'pension bill for soldiers over 50 years of age.
and tbe announcement was made that the .re
publicans in the House will accept no de
pendent pension measure. The divergence
will probably necessitate a compromise, unless
it be harmonized by tbe passage of both meas
ures." etc Surely this is plain enough, and
we cannot understand bow Veteran arrived at
the f oregoipg conclusion.
Indian Arrow Heads.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
Please state through the columns of your
paper how Indian arrow heads were made.
HUI-TON, April 5. E. J.W.
fThe arrow heads of the North American
Indians were of flint, obsidian or other hard
stone, or of cone, as well of metal, and were
often barbed. Tho stone beads were doubtless
chipped to tho requisite shapes by the red
armorers, wbo also fashioned tbe metal heads
by the aid of such rude implements as they
Answered nnd Unanswered.
Jean McLean of Steubenrillo, thus answers
Knarf Leer, of McKeesporf Tbe names of the
days of the week are derived from tbo Saxons
and Scandinavians, and are. viz: Sunday is
named from the sun; Mondav is named from
tbo moon: Tuesday is named from Tuesco, God
of War; Wednesday is named from Woden;
Thursday is named from Tbor. god of thun
der: Friday is named from Friga, wife of
Woden: Saturday is named from Saturn.
"Crafton Reader" March 17, 1861, was Thurs
day. This is taken from a "Centennial Calen
dar of the Nineteenth Century."
Anonymous, who has made a bet. wants to
know in wbat year the Mt, Washington Incline
plane was built.
It Is All the Sntne to Him.
Whether the play Is bright or flat
To him Is never known
Wh o looks at the back of a lady's bat
And swears as the act goes on.
Boston Courier.
Courtsblp'as Practiced In Boston.
Deep in ber eyes of bonnle blue I saw tbe lore
light shine:
Sweet love, ' I softly asked, "will you be mine?1!
She raised her head and breathed a sigh, her eyes
with tears -were wet,
And blusblngly shemade reply: "You bet!"
Boston Courier.
A Rrverlr.
I saw a chestnut tree tbat In its day
Spread high and wide the luster of its bloom;
But now an Ivy vine clasped Its decay
And wrapped In living green its beauty's tomb.
Just oo, 'twould seem, the jest nuts ot tbe Past,
Like ghosts of fun that will not down or die,
Oft walk to-day In new-made fashion's cast
And bring up memories of the Long Gone By.
Philadelphia Timet,
A Sore Hicn of Spring-.
Spring Is here, there's no denying;
Balmy winds arc hither hieing.
And the cbllllus breath of winter for the present
Is all o'er.
Days of sunshine, birds and flowers
Now. we know, will soon be ours.
For refrigerators greet us in tbe windows or the
.Veto lork Press.
An Unhappy Exception.
The world Is full of changes; there Is nothing
here abiding:
All things are evanescent, fleeting, transltorv,
The earth, the sea, the sky, tbe stars where'er
tbe fancy ranges.
The tooth of time forever mars all life is rull of
Like sands npon the ocean's shore thatare forever
So all the fading scenes of earth Incessantly are
Change rules the mighty universe there Is no
power to block it.
There's change In everything, alas! except a fel
low's pocket.
A farmer of Braintree, Mass., has just
died of glanders, having caught tho disease of
one of bis horses.
Potatoes in Anderson, Shasta county,
are sold at I cents each. They are. more of
luxury than oranges.
The SantaKosa letter carriers complain
that their letter boxes aro stuffed with cigar
stumps, sticks and overy kind of refuse instead
of letters.
Burwell Spence, who lives in the Nav
ajo country. New Mexico, sports a beard seven
feetlorg. ii0 generally has it braided and
coiled tuside his vest.
Marshall Pass, on the Denver and Rio
Grande Railroad, 10.851 feet above the sea
level, is the highest point crossed by a railroad
inside the limits ot tbe United States.
Mrs. Mary Cooper, oi Paterson, If. J.,
celebrated her 100th .birthday anniversary
Thursday, surrounded by 70 of her descendant!
including one of the fifth generation.
Two teams, one loaded, the other light,
stood still for an hour in the road near Bangor,
Wednesday, while their drivers, both promi
nent citizens, argued the question whoso plac
it wa3 to turn out.
A California judge is the possessor of a
night blooming cereus that is the largest of lU
kind in tbe United States. It is 30 feet high,
with branches tbat cover his house and porch
nearly 250 square feet.
Plowing by steam has been introduced
in Walla Walla Valley, Wasb and is pro
nounced a success. Heretofore it has cost ST
per acre to plow, while under the new system it
can be done for 40 cents.
A mountaineer preacher down in Crook
county, Oregon, astonished a part of his audi
ence by exclaiming: "My friends, all the world
shouted for joy when tbe good news of Christ's
birth flashed over tbe wires."
All of the bank note currency of the
Italian Government is engraved and printed in
the United States. The notes are neat, but
small, resembling somewhat the fractional
notes issued in tbe war times.
A woman, Miss Jessie Carson, drives
the stage between Osage and Park Rapids,
Minn. She bas done it for years making tbrea
trips a week summer and winter, and often
with tbe thermometer down to 40 below zero.
A new worm has made its appearance
in Atchison county and is killing the wheat.
The farmer who discovered it has never seen
anything like it before, though he has been
fighting weevil and fly and chinch bugs for 50
A Baltimorean who ''went it blind" at
an auction sale of unclaimed freight, buying
for S2 a barrel that bad not been opened,
thought be had a barrel of lamp black, but
found tbat be bad about 'JO worth of fine
Soldiera from Fort Lowell recently
penetrated the extensive cave near Mountain
Springs. Ariz., for more tban a mile without
coming in sight of the end. According to tho
Tucson Gazette tho cave has never been thor
oughly explored.
The barge Maud McLain was formerly
the blockade runner Robert E-Lea. After
being captured and returned from St. Johns,
N. B.. she was turned into the United States
gunboat Frolic, and finally transformed to her
present shape and name.
o Malcolm McPberson, the erratic Scotch
man who got into the Detroit House of Cor
rection tor a term and wrote up his experience
for tbe newspapers, and wbo bas traversed the
State as a knight of the pen, is now editing a
daily paper at Milwaukee.
In Europe iron slag is cast into blocks
and used for street pavements and in house
building. In Cleveland there is a factory which
converts it into mineral wool. It is a mass of
very fine fibers filled with classy particles. It
is soft, pliant and inelastic
While grubbing a short time since a
Florida man discovered an Indian canoe im
bedded in muck. It is about 12 feet long, hewn
from a cypress log, and is in a good state of
preservation, altbongh showing great age.
With it was an Indian paddle.
Two Georgia ministers preached from
tbe text in the sixth chapter of Galatians and
first verse. There had been no consultation on
tbe subject between these ministers, and, of
course, they were surprised to learn they wera
both on tbe same lino of thought.
Ernest C. Koutz, the 24-year-old Aud
itor and Recorder of Atlanta, Ga., earned
during tbe summer mouths, by acting as a Pall
roan conductor tho money with which be paid
for bis tuition in tbe University of Georgia,
from which be took the degrees of both litera
ture and law.
The beautiful Duchess of Marlborough
wears three gold bracelets ftom which three
gold keys hang en pendant. One opens the
lock of Her Grace's jewel box. tho other be
longs to ber writing folio and tbe third to a
small satchel, brass-bound, in which she keeps
her loose money.
During the recent floods at Anaheim,
Cal.. every hummock was swarming with hares
and rabbits that were driven from tbe plains.
They were slaughtered by thousands by boys
and men, who nsea sticks, and when tired of
the sport would run tbe poor beasts off their
dry places into tbe raging waters.
A reporter found a "stamp fiend" gloat
ing over some rare envelops stamps of tbe issue
of 1S70. The stamps fivo in number wera
sent to Muskegon, Mien., by an agent, their
value being S17 50. A 30-cent stamp was quoted
at S3 50, a 15-cent stamp at $3. a 24 and KO-ceat
stamp at $4 50 each and a 12-cent stamp at 12.
A Chicago npholsterer, in repairing an
old sofa that had been brought to his shop,
found tho following articles, which bad slipped
down between the back and the cushion:
Forty-seven hairpins. 3 mustache combs, 19
suspender buttons, 13 needles. 8 cigarettes. 4
E holographs. 217 pins, some cloves, 27 cuff
nttons, 6 pocket knlves,l3 poker cbips,a vial of
homeopathic medicine, 31 Inmps of chewing
gum, 59 toothpicks, 23 matches and 4 button
A strange battle is reported to have
taken place in Tokio. Japan. A stream rusj
through tbe compound of TobukujI Temple at
Sugatno. and some hundreds of bullfrogs
gathered on either bank. Then a terrific battle
ensued, lasting from 9 A. jr. to i P. M., and it is
stated tbat when tbe combat finished tbe brook
was blocked to such an extent with the bodies
of tbe slain that tbe course of tho water was al
most totally impeded. Largo numbers of peo
ple visited tbe place to witness the strange
Elon Booth, a miserly bachelor who
died at Newton, Conn could not bear tho idea
ot leaving his wealth behind him, but when he
found tbat be was obliged to do so he willed
the property so that no one can spend it for 14
years. At tbe end of this time it will go to his
brother's grandchildren. The estate Is rained
at 100.000. Booth onco walked from New
York to Newton to save tbe dollar for passage,
and during bis entire lifetime denied himself
everything bat actual necessaries in order to
accumulate a fortune.
"Papa," said Willie, who had been down
street. 'The town looks iust the same as It did."
"Why shouldn't it?"
"Mama said you bad painted iW'WasMngtoix
He (sorrowfully) Ton say that your love
for me is dead? How do yon explain this sndden
She ( sententious! j) Heart failure. Chicago
Miss Pnssanfeather Are you going to
Saratoga next summer?
ilr3. Overgalter No, I think I will stay home
and use Ice. It will be quite as expensive, I
fauncy. Xonkers Statesman.
He Now that yon have made me the
happiest of mortals, can I kiss yon?
bhe (Clrton girl) Never having had any per
sonal experience Of your osculatory abilities, Mr.
Uesner. I do not know If you can, but you may.
Pick Jf Up.
Teacher What's the past tense of see?
'What's your anthorlty for that form?"
"A sign in tbe grocery store."
What does it say?"
Timothy seed." Binghamton Republican.
Girl Friend at a Chicago Wedding
(kissing the bride ecstatlcallyHOh. Fan, you did
splendidly at the altar, and this is only your sec
ond. Bride (complacently) Tes. I've really had very
little practice. -JIunsey's Weekly.
A Woman's Reason. Maude "Why
have yoa thrown Clarence overboard?
Madge I couldn't marry a man with a broken
"How did his nose get broken?"
"I struck him playing tennis." The Epoch.
"I envy that man," said Mr. Yfeeks,
Ills wire is deaf and dumb."
"Wbat oflt?"
All he bas to do is to shut his eyes. " Wash
ington Post.
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