Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 18, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Yol.W, 0.23. Entered at Pittsburg l'ostoffice.
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Averaee net circulation or the dally edition of
The Dispatch for six months ending August 31,
lbS9. as sworn to before City Controller,
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ATerage net circulation of the Snndav edition of
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Both the city of Pittsburg and the Schen
Icy estate are to be congratulated if it shall
prove that the terms of the proposal for the
3It. Airy Park are so liberal as is indicated
ith the assurance of an approach to cer
tainty in our local columns. A gift out
right cf 279 acres of valuable property al
most in the heart of what will be the future
city, is not lessened in value or significance
by putting a moderate price upon 100 acres
additional. It is a fact not only that the
tract is admirably situated for park pur
poses, but that the portion alone which is
understood to be had as a gift would bring
in the open market not less than halt a
million dollars while the price discussed
for the other optional 100 acres is below
rather than above quotations in the neigh
borhood. The growth of the town and the appre
ciated need and policy of making such rea
sonable provision for the comfort and pleas
ures of the people, as other cities do not
neglect render it unnecessary to dwell here
upon the advantages which this proposal
contemplates. But it is eminently in place
to say that Mrs. Schenley's liberality must
commend itself most handsomely to the ap
preciation and good will of this community.
IN'nt the less does this hold good because in
times past it has been thought that her vast
e:,tate, while sharing the benefits, had not
shared fully in the enterprises of the city.
In the nature of things, that perhaps could
not have been expected. But, in the highly
jrenerous proposals now being favorably en
tertained, Mrs. Schenley and the advisors
who attend to her interests so faithfully,
ccrtainlv show both a most gratifying pride
in the place and a cheerful willingness to
contribute with the utmost liberality to its
If the arrangements for acceptinc this
gift be satisfactorily carried out, the park
i ill itself be the best monument and testi
mony of the public spirit of the donor.
A runaway car on the Federal street elec
tric railway, which went smashing its way
into the Xorth Park with a narrow escape
iroui fatal accidents, might be held to afford
an argument against that class of transit
But it is balanced w by the equally narrow
c-cape of a cable car on Penn avenue, at the
railroad crossing, in which it is claimed
the brake failed to work. Brake failure in
both cases, with the most hairbreadth escape
as the result of both, shows a necessity of
the closest precaution and most thorough
safeguards, especially in connection with
new methods of transit where increased
speed and enlarged traffic make the conse
quences of accident far more disastrous.
Tue rival Eystems are about even on these
two casualties; and in both the need of care
and watchfulness is demonstrated.
The report is revived that the window
glass manufacturers are going to form a
tntst, with details that show the proposed
project to be free from any of the features
that are comprised in the modern idea of the
The statement is very plainly made that
the window glass manufacturers are going
to combine to build a $2,000,000 tank fac
tory. That is a perfectly legitimate enter
prise, and it can be easily carried by form
ing a corporation underthecorporation laws
of the State. The plan is said to include
the union of most of the present glacs firms.
in the concern, which may be good business
policy; but it is by no means vital The
new factory can be built if only a few of the
old firms are interested in it; and anyone
else can buiid a factory of like character, if
lie can raise the capital. The purpose of
the enterprise is to compete with the tank
factory already in operation at Jeannette.
Now this is 'exactly the reverse ot the
trust policy. In the first place no trust de
vised for the strangling ot competition ever
Etarted by building new factories. The
purpose of the trust is to make the adoption
of new and improved processes unnecessary,
and to make the old ones profitable, by buy
ing off the competition of the newest and
cheapest production, 'lhis project proposes
to compete, and illustrates the action of com
petition by establishing a two-million dollar
concern so as to compete at the best ad
That the new concern after it gets into
active competition may talk of combination
with other new and large concerns is pos
sible; but in its present shape instead of
being an example of the trnst policy it is
just the opposite.
The buckboard has been in high favor
with fashionable society this year. "We are
inclined to credit President Harrison with
inaugurating the reign of the buckboard.
"When he was at Bar Harbor early in the
summer ne rode on one of these pecnliar
vehicles in company with nearly a dozen
distinguished citizens, and, by the way, it
lias never been explained how so many per
sons contrived to ride at once upon a buck
board. Since that August becasion the
buckboard has bounded upward, a motion
to which it has always been addicted. The
culmination of its glory came at Lenox,
Massachusetts fashionable resort, last week.
There was a parade of the most exquisite
dandies and belies, society leaders and
their disciples, all on backboards. No less
a person than her ex-royal highness the
wile of ex-Secretary of the Xavy "Whitney
led the gay cavalcade. She declared the
buckboard peerless as a vehicle of pleas-
auuee v e can hear that dictum rolling
in the heavens still. Long' live the buck
board I
Nobody need be out of the fashion now as
far as carriages go. The buckboard is a
democratic car. Its habits arc democratic,
and it is revolutionary in its effect upon the
liver of him who drives in it over a rocky
road. The horse which appropriately goes
with the buckboard, as it is oftenest found,
in very rural districts that is, is a demo
cratic beast also. Free, independent and
none too well fed is the buckboard steed. Its
lines areas sharp and its gait as rhythmical
as the pitching of a pilot boat in a gale of
wind. Society having taken the chariot
will adopt the steed we hope. It will bring
many an honest old horse out of undeserved
obscurity, it will fatten the purse of many a
guileless old farmer, and it will assist the
buckboard in the reformation or society
through the liver. The buckboard and the
horse that goes with it may save our plu
tocracy from ruin yet.
A prize fight for the munificent sum of
thirty dollars, which resnlted in the death
of one of the contestants, is a leading inci
dent of what, iu the unwittingly sarcastic
phraseology of the day, are reported as the
sporting events of yesterday.
That result should be a sufficient com
mentary on the class of so-called -sports
which run into mere brutality. The attrac
tion of prize fighting beiug in the sight of
two mtn, each inflicting as much injury
as he can upon the other, the spectators
of the affair which amounted to killing, had
the largest possible return for their money.
"When people of social standing can indulge
in that sort of thing, it is rather difficult to
specify the exact difference between modern
civilization and the ancient barbarity which
rejoiced in gladiatorial combats.
If onr laws have any force at all, it is to
be hoped that it will be demonstrated in the
suppression of the brutalities of the prize
The sublime electricians who are opposed
to the advertisement of the fatal properties
of their machines by the substitution of
electrocide for hanging will be for embrac
ing Mr. "W. H. Preece, chief electrician of
the Postoffice Department in England. Mr.
Preece certainly is not afraid of making
assertions, and he says he's not afraid of
electricity. "What he knows he says, and
he is the sort of man who knows everything.
He knows that the New York act providing
for the execution of condemned murderers
by electricity will be rescinded. He knows
that it is impossible to get an electric cur
rent of sufficient intensity to kill a man.
And most valuable of all his knowledge he
knows that sensational reports published iu
the newspapers about people being killed by
shocks from electric wires had, upon inves
tigation, been found to be nonsense.
This last piece of peculiar knowledge will
give great comfort of course to the relatives
and friends of those who have been killed
by contact with electric wires. They will
accept Mr. Preece's assurance with perfect
faith, and the consolation of knowing that
their dear ones were snatcned away by some
mysterious agent, but not by electricity)
will be immense. But the men who are
dead will not benefit by Mr. Preece's ex
traordinary discovery. They are dead to
the number of scores. Every city in the
land has had some experience with the
mortal effects of the innocent electric wire.
It has been the misfortune of many of us to
see the electric current escape from man's
bondage and wreak vengeance on its en
slaver. That is we dreamed we had so seen.
Now we must accept Mr. Preece's word for
it, that what we saw was all sensational non
sense. Mr. Preece declares that he tried to kill a
pig with an enormous induction coil and a
spark twenty inches long, but failed. He
should try an experiment of the same sort
on himself. He has nothing to fear if his
knowledge is made of solid stuff. If his
knowledge or his regard for truth are faulty
and death should ensue, the world will
know beyond all donbt that it is rid of a
fool or a falsifier.
The ClassoaAvenue Presbyterian Church,
of Brooklyn, seems to be conducted on a
novel financial basis. The pews of the
church were sold in 1871, and it was stated
in the deed of transfer which was given to
each purchaser that he could occupy his
pew or not as he pleased, and if he elected
not to use it the church retained the right to
rent it, agreeing to pay 7 per cent upon the
sum invested by the owner. A Mr. J. G.
Cooley is now sning to recover interest due
to the amount of over $1,000 upon his in
vestment in a pew.
The renting of pews in fashionable
churches at extravagant prices and the com
petition of wealthy men in bidding for pews
at auction are no new things, but this is the
first time we have heard of a church selling
its pews as real estate or stocks are sold for
speculation or investment. Prom a financial
point of view the scheme may have its ad
vantages,but it is not altogether in harmony
with the purposes of a church. If the pews
were sold in this fashion we presume those
at the rear went as common and
those in front as preferred stock.
And what about the pulpit? Is it
mortgaged? The aisles would be bonded of'
course, and the organ would stand good for
the issuance of notes. Baptismal fees could
be applied to pay interest on the font
debentures, and money could be raised by
making a hymn book and Bible trust. In
such a church we should not be surprised to
find that the trustees held an insurance
policy on the pastor's life, and demanded 5
per cent discount for prompt payment of
his salary. There are still money changers
in the temple, and if doves are no longer
sold there, pews are.
Judge Finletter, of Philadelphia, is put
ting in force some views which, while not
at all pleasant from the corporate stand
point, is likely to produce a lively sense in
the minds of those interests that the law
means something. His recent action in re
fusing to set aside a heavy verdict against
one of the traction companies was an illus
tration; but it is not a more salient one than
his declaration the other day, that it wonld
not be sufficient punishment to merely im
pose a fine on a railroad Superintendent for
violation of the law, and therefore he would
impose a sentence of six months imprison
ment. The fact that wealthy and influen
tial offenders could violate'a law and get off
by paying a fine which they do not feel, has
been one of the weak points in the adminis
tration of justice. Judge Finletter's conrse
imposes a punishment that will be felt, and
that is likely to prove effectual.
They are now charging "Young Napo
leon" Ives with forgery; and the charge
seems quite probable in xjew of Ives other
financial feats. But if the ambitious opera
tor had succeeded in the schemes which his
shady practices were intended to support,
would the newspapers be overflowing with
that sort of charges against a financial
The gallant fight which the planters of
the South are making against the jute bag
ging monopoly, by the development ot other
and better bagging Jor cotton bales, has
given the trust schemers an expensive lesson
on the exceedingly bad economy of slaughter
ing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
The unanimous report that the exhibits
at the Paris Exposition of such countries as
Mexico and the Argentine Kepnblic leave
that of the United States cleat in the shade
should make this country feel pretty small.
It should also impress upon the public
mind the fact that something more than
wind is necessary to redeem our reputation
in 1892. "
The assertion of the Philadelphia Press
that "Russell Harrison's traducers will
never forgive him for being the son of the
President," may be correct; but we were
under the impression that the most general
fault was found with the President for being
the father of Russell Harrison.
The "blackleg" and "scab" slang, or the
prejudice, rather, which gives rise to the
rise of those ugly terms, threatened to spoil
the honorable and satisfactory settlement of
the London strike. Workmen should learn
to be satisfied with the real fruits of victory,
and not to be swayed by the passions of the
contest to teir own disadvantage.
Mks. Bkowu Pottee's declaration that
the American press has opposed her as an
actress because she did not "conciliate" its
representatives, makes her road clear. Let
her conciliate the prpss by doing some acting
worthy of the name and all may be once
more serene.
An enterprising newspaper of Chicago
has discovered that the original meaning of
the name of that city is "strong." The gen
eral public will perhaps be disposed to ac
cept the translation of the word, in view pf
the fact that its acquired meaning has added
so much to its original as to make it convey
a sense of rankness.
Of course the only live way of meeting
the competition of a new process for making
window glass more cheaply than the old, is
for other manufacturers to adopt that pro
cess. That is the straight-out competition
and good business policy.
Me. Chatjncet M. Defe'W's notifica
tion to President Harrison that he had
nothing to ask, but that Mrs. Depew -wanted
her cousin, General liosecrans, kindly
treated, is the latest and most refreshing
discovery in the line of people who do not
want anything. Is this one of Mr. Depew's
efforts ot humor?
The declaration of W. H. Preece that
electric light wires cannot kill anyone
leaves the people who have perished by con
tact with loose articles of that description
no excuse for not resurgmg.
The statement that the trade between
Mexico and this country last year amounted
to 187,000 tons, is an evidence ot the im
portance of cultivating trade relations with
other American countries. The Pan-American
Congress should have the effect of pro
ducing an indefinite expansion of these
A eusawav electric car on Federal
street and a smashed grip-car on Penn ave
nue leave the performances of the two meth
ods of transit about even.
The way in which the Emperor of China
has ordered a court astroaomer to be be
headed for making a false prediction, is cal
culated to make the weather prophets of our
own glorious laudthanklul that they live in
the land of liberty to make as many falte
prophecies as the newspapers will print.
Rev. Augustus Scuultze, of Bethlehem,
Pa., has been elected Bishop of the Moravian
Church in America.
Loud Salisbury has such an extreme
aversion to tobacco that even his own sons do
not venture to smoke in his presence.
Private Secretaby Halford has dis
played a good deal of pluck during his illness.
He has kept up with his work as well as possi
ble and has written many letters in betl.
The Presbjterian church in Philadelphia
which the Rev. Madison C. Peters left to go to
New York will try 30 clercymen and then take
a vote to see which one of the SO shall be called.
The Czar has a new train of cars to travel in.
The cars are connected with each other by ves
tibules, so that be can pass from one to an
other without being seen from the outside, and
they are covered with iron and cork.
Frederick F. Thomas, a mining engineer
of California, recently went to New South
Wales and took hold of a mine which was said
to be played oat. He has uncovered a mother
lode, the oro of which is said to be worth 310,
000.000, It is positively announced that the President
will not be able to attend the Exposition this
fall at Atlanta, Ga. He cannot, says Mr. Hal
ford, accept any invitation that would take him
away from Washington before the assembling
of Concress.
The portraits of Generals Grant and Sheri
dan and Sherman, which were painted by direc
tion of Mr. George W. ChUds for the United
States Military Academy, will be formally
transferred to that institution October 3. Gen
eral Horace Porter will represent Mr. Childs
on the occasion and will deliver an appropriate
address in presenting the portraits.
Ho Talks With n New York Reporter About
Plttsbure Politics.
From Yesterday's New ork Star.i
Hon. John Dalzell of Pittsburg was in the
city yesterday, registering at the Windsor Ho
tel. He is the Pennsylvania Congressman sup.
posed to be at variance with tbe administra
tion, because the President insists in letting
Senator Quay dictate all the Federal appoint
ments in his district in order to break the
power of his old rival. C. L. Magce. Ot these
matters, however, Mr. Dalzell has but little to
say, and in a short talk yesterday the only ref
erence he would make to the difference was to
say that Hon. Harry Ford, President of the
City Council of Pittsburg, his candidate for
postmaster, was not yet out of the fight.
"He has the indorsement of every prominent
city and county official and hundreds of tho
most prominent business men of the Republi
can County Committee, and. indeed, of the Re
Eublicans of the western end of tho State. He
as been a business man for years, and never
asked an office before, and my only object in
supporting him was because I knew him to bo
an honest, deserving Republican."
Of Congressional action this winter the only
thing Mr. Dalzell would predict was "that some
measure would be introduced tending to in
sure lair elections, not only in the Sontb. but
in every State. Of course nothing can be done
to conflict with State laws, and such action
can only affect Congressional elections."
"Who will be Senator Cameron's successor?"
"So far no candidates have been mentioned,
and 1 gnes it is taken for granted that he ex
pects to go back. It is most too early to specu
late upon that point." '
Comfort for the Poor Man.
From the Boston Globe!
It is better always to have been poor than to
have once been rich and then to have lost all.
This is frequently evidenced of late In the
number of "once wealthy" unfortunates who
resort to suicide as a final relief.
Ho Sncceeded Too Well.
from the New York World.!
Tbe young but dethroned Napoleon, Ives,
made a brilliant attempt to forge ahead in
Wail street The new developments in 'his
case seem to make it appear that he succeeded.
A Diabolical BIcrry-Go-Ronnd So Snm.
mer' Fled Two -Kinds of Stogies Fore
thought. Until a few days ago a merry-go-round made
a dismal vacant lot on Fifth avenue a very
paradise to the young folks of Sobo. The man
who owned the whirligig made lots of money
while be tarried there. A gentleman who lives
near by calculated that no less than 00 were
exchanged for rides on the merry-go-round
every day that was tine.
Still the owner of tbe flying horses did not
have thimrs all his own way. Now and then a
a gang of toughs would descend upon him and
insist on running things to suit themselves.
Alter one or two soch visitations the showman
determined to trlvo the toughs a surprise party
the next time they came. A day or two after
ward a dozen hard characters, ranging from 12
to 16 years old, appeared upon tbe scene, and a
young fellow with closely-cropped hair, a black
eye and a square chin stepped up to the show
man and said: "Say, mister, we'so goiu' to ride
on dis yer machine, an' we aint goln' to pay
sec!" To the surprise and even disappointment of
the youne sluggers their victim smiled pleas
antly and said: "All right get on."
So the short-haired citizens mounted the fly
ing horses, and the showman started the ma
chine. Around went the touebs in great glee.
The machine went a little faster, and the
riders howled for joy. Again the speed in
creased and the howls grew fainter and fur
ther apart. The showman turned on all the
steam, and the merry-go-round whirled like a
humming top at its first gait. The boys were
shouting no longer. Silence would have reigned
hut for the rattle and creaking oi the machine.
For two or three minutes the big whel revolved
with tremendous rapidity. Then like ripe ap
ples the joung touehs, with pale, scared faces,
began to hustle through the air. They struck
the ground anything but softly, but they
usually got up quickly and staggered away.
If they lingered the showman helped them
along with a baseball bat. When the ma
chine stopped only two desperadoes, looking
deathly sick still, clung to the bobby horses.
They looked so miserable that the showman
allowed them to climb down and slink away
without any assistance from his club. He was
never bothere'd with the noble comrades of the
owl gang again.
So summer 's fled she did not wish to go,
Dut weeping went, and whispering the wind
The story of her love, attuned to woe.
For this fair land she had to leave behind,
Set forth for Southern shores and kinder skies.
I heard her fingers tremble in the trees;
The tender airs at sundown were her sighs.
Such gentle sounds as gave her fond heart ease.
And through the night on shingle roof and pane
Her tears fell fast-and now and then a fall
Of heavy drops would swell and slowly wane
As muffled drums announce a funeral.
But thoughtless nature mourns not summer fled,
She'll welcome autumn garbed in gold and red.
They've been selling Pittsburg tobies or
stogies In the Cumberland Valley and the East
ern end of the State with a good deal ot suc
cess of late. But at times the name of this
delicious or abominable (adjust adjective to
your taste) weed leads to complications.
A few weeks ago the junior partner of a firm
which manufactured stogies was paying a
flying visit to tbe towns in the Cumberland
Valley when one day found him in the prosperous-
little community of Mechanicsburg.
He stepped into one of the grocery stores and
asked tbe proprietor if ho could not sell him a
hill of stogies.
"No, thankee." replied the groceryman, "I've
just got in a new lot."
The Pittsburger was a little aghast 'at this,
for he had not found stogies for sale in that1
neighborhood at all. ,
"May I ask where you get them from?" he
"Certainly they were sold me by a Boston
man," said the groceryman, and seeing the in-l
.credulous look upon the Fittsburger's face he
added: "Come and look at them."
They went to the back of the store and the
groceryman pulled ont tw o cases, and, opening
one, took out a pair of boots. "Here you are,"
he said, "that as good a stogy as I ever saw,"
and the Pittsburger remembered for tbe first
time that there was such a thing as a stogy
boot. In tbe laughter which ensued, however,
he managed to get a nice order for stogies of
tobacco leaf.
Sympathetic forethought Is very good in
its way, but it may be carried too far.
For instance, I heard yesterday that a Pitts
burger, three of whose dearest relatives are on
their way to these shores, suggested to them
before they started to sail teach on a different
steamer. "For then," he argued, "if one of
the ships sinks! shall only lose one of you,
whereas if you all traveled together I might
lose you all at once. There is less likelihood of
my losing you one at a time."
How London Tonsbs Preserved Order nt a
Kelialous Sleeting.
From the New York Sun.J
It was a touching story which tho late Lord
Shaftesbury told ef some of the greatest roughs
in the East End of London. A joung clergy
man in one of the most wretched parishes had
asked his advice as to how to deal with the
terrible human vice and misery of the place.
Lord Sbaftesbary bad counseled him to begin
by establishing a ragged school, and had at the
same time f nrnished tbe necessary funds. The
school met with immediate success but it was
impossible, in spite of all the vicar's efforts, to
induce the people to come to church, and the
young clergyman finally resolved to meet them
by preaching in theopenair. He selected one of
tho worst courts, and had the benches from the
school taken there for his bearers to sit upon,
but was dismayed when be came upon the
f scene to see the front row occumed by a num
ber ot the most notorious rougns oi the neigh
borhood, who, he made no doubt, had come to
break up the services. To his surprise, how
ever, everything went off quietly, and when
tbe services were over ho stepped up to the
leader of tbe gang, told him he had not ex
pected to see him there, though ho was very
glad to welcome him, and asked what had
brought him. The man said:
"Well, sir, you've been very good to our littlo
kids, so 1 said.to my mates: 'Parson's goin' to
preach in court on Sunday night. It's a
roaghish place. Lot's go and see fair play.'
That's what brought us."
The Will of the Lute Prof. Loomls Adds to
His University's Fund.
Nkw Haven, Conn., September 17. The
will of the late Prof. Elias Looinis. tho astron
omer, of Yale University, was made public to
day. He leaves $1,000 to each of his sons, John
C. Loomis, of Somerville, Go.; E. V. Loomis,
of Stillwater, Minn. His life-size por
trait, by Mrs. H. Loop, of New York, is given
to the astronomical obsenatory of Yale. Tne
income of tbe residue nf bis estate, amountin '
to about $300,000, he leaves as follows: One
third to his son, Henry Bradford Looinis; one
third to his son, F. E. Loomis, and one-third to
the Yale Observatory. Upon the death of ins
sons, the entire income goes to Yale, to assist
in tho payment of the salaries of observers and
the publication of scientific works on as
tronomy. This, together with the moneys received from
tho Sheffield estate, make Yale richer by about
$1,500,000 than during the first six months of
this) car.
6b o Swallowed n Dynamite Cnnrldge and
Died Soon Afterward.
Quakkrtown, PA, September 17, A cow
belonging to John Bardman, of Soinnertown,
this county, ate a dynamite cartridge that had
been lef t in the field where the cattle were graz
ing and soon thereafter sbo dropped dead.
So Aro Other Stntes.
From tbe Baltimore Herald. 1
We take tbe liberty to inform President Har
rison, while he is looking around for a suitable
person to fill Corporal Tanner's place, that
Maryland Is alive with statesmen who are am
bitious and willing.
Hon. James nieCnllnm.
Nashville, fceptember 17. Hon. James Mc
Callum. the oldest member of the Masonic fra
ternity In this btate, dieu in Pulaski to-day. sir.
McCallnm was a member of tbe Confederate Con
gress, and for many years was one of the leading
members of the Tennessee bar. He was several
times a member of the General Assembly,
impeopbbh emploibd. - , a queer bopoeific. Y hew yoimsws hotes. ' ' cmom;mi)&ZmSi3JB
Tho Mluncnpolis PostofUce, Not on it Civil
Service Reform Oasis.
Wasiiin OTON, September 17. The Civil Ser
vice Commission has Tendered tbe following
opinion in tbe case of the Postmaster at Minne
apolis: John J. Ankeny. Esq., Postmaster, Minneapolis:
Sib This commission has received your com
munication of August 27, replying to tbe com
mission's letter to you Inclosing extract from an
affidavit charging irregularities in appointments
at your omce, in which yon explain in detail the
clrcumltances connected with each of said ap
pointments so charged to be irregular. In reply
you are Informed that upon an examination of
your explanation, it is found that one O. A.
Haic-n, who was employed in the Mailing Di
vision in September. 1833, and who still continues
in the service, was improperly employed without
authority under the law or rules, and that his
set-vices should be at once'dlscontluued. That,
as io me oiner caBes, except those or scnoil,
KranzaudDean.lt Is sufficient to say that their
employment for thb time they were in the service
prior to examination and certification was wholly
unauthorized and Improper. The employment of
Schell as a substitute fur a clerk occupying an ex
cepted place wasproper.
In the case or Kranz.who Is employed In the
Registry Division, under the supposition that the
place occupied by hlui is an excepted place. It
may be stitell that fie only excepted place In the
Kejrlstrv Division Is thatofChlelr or Superinten
dent of the Division. Kranz Is therefore Improp
erly employed and his services should be discon
tinued. In the case or Deane, employed In the
Money Order Division, the same may be said as In
the case of Kranz. unless Deane la employed ns a
money order teller or In the actual handling of
money. In that case he could occupy excepted
Elace and his appointment regular, otherwise he
as been improperly employed and his services
The employment of any person In a place sub
ject to examination temporarily or otherwise,
without regulir examination and certification by
thelJoardof Examiners, in accordance.wlth the
requirement of the rule, is wholly unauthorized
and SUCH Practice. Which nrmet-armni vnnr atata.
ment to have existed at your office, must be dis
continued. As to the measure of blame that
should properly attach to you for these irregularl-
urn IUCWU.WWWUM niiiiuriner consiaer ana re
port. HUQH 8. TIIOMP60V,
Acting President.
He Will Endeavor to Dnlld Crnlaers is the
Government Nnvy Yards.
Washington. September 17. Secretary
Tracey is giving careful consideration to the
question as to what shall be done in respect to
tho two 3,000 ton cruisers authorized to be built
by act of Congress. The department failed to
securVs a bid for constructing them within the
limit of cost imposed by Congress. It was not
possible to reduce the requirement as to speed
and Increase the premiums as had been done in
the caso of the 2,000-ton vessels, for the law had
fixed these specially. There was little hope of
securing lower bids upon readvertisement, so
that aside from awaiting the tardy action of
Congress the alternative seemed to be to build
vessels m navy yards. It is this phase of the
case that Secretary Tracey is considering and
should he be able to satisfy himself that tbe
work can be dune in a reasonable time and at
moderate cost it is highly probable that he will
decide to have it done at the navy yards.
Upon this first point it may be stated that,
while the Eastern ship building navy yards are
crowded with work. Naval Constructor Hich
bom is prepared to recommend that the Mare
Island yard be given an opportunity to show
what it can do in the wav of bnildln? a modern
man-of-war. Acting under the authority con
ferred by Congress, tbe Construction Bureau
has been actively increasing the plant at that
aru. -uucmuc- ioois oi me latest type are Do
ing delivered rapidly, and the acting chief con
structor believes that within two months the
jard will be able to undertake successfully tbe
construction of at least one of thelD-knot
Tho Dlnnnfactnrrrs and the Growers DIs
ngree Upon the Tariff" Question.
Boston, September 17. The Executive Com
mittee of the National Association ot Wool
Manufacturers is in session here to-day. The
question of free carpet wools is one of the
principal topics under discussion. No action
has yet been taken, but the association's
quarterly bulletin just published says editor
ially: it is admitted that the 1867 duties upon carpet
wools were not designed (to serve as protective
duties , but were imposed for purely revenue pur
poses. Wc cannot subscribe to the claim now
made that conditions have so changed In 20 years
thit a protective duty Is now desirable and would
be advantageous The argument is that the con
ditions then existing, which removed all neces
sity for a protective duty on carpet wools, have
ocen inorea&ea ana lmensiuea ny tne lapse or
a pruuiuiiury ur uigmy protective amy on
tne cneaper grades would not lead to tbe pi
auction in this country 01 wools similar to the
iiu not te&a to tne pro
of wools similar to those
now Imported for this purpose. Manufacturers
wpuld be Justified in insisting that the low grade
carpet woois siiau go upon tne iree list, inese
low grades carpet woots are almost the only raw
material upon which a revenue duty was Imposed
when the Government needed tbe money, from
which It has not since been removed, or It is not
there (in the Senate tariff bill) proposed to re
move it. The argument in favor of free carpet
wools Is vastly stronger than that which was made
forircc blues.
Attempting to Swallow the Wrong Kind of
Fish It Lost Its Llie.
From the Chicago Herald. 1
"Saturday mornins at just 5 33 o'clock you
see I want to be exact when telling a fish story
I saw a big snake leap forward and catch a
fish in its mouth. The snake jumped so quickly
I did not see what kind of a fish it was, but It
knew its business pretty well, I tell yon. The
snake at the first gulp swallowed the fish as far
as the sharp side fins. There it stuck for a
minute, the fins pressing hard against the cor
ners of tbe snake's month. The reptile evi
dently did not liko the sensation, for he let up
a little on his grip, and the fish receded an inch
or two Loth to lose his prey, however, tho
snake drew it in again and with snch force as
to cause the fish to split him open for some dis-
"Again he relaxed his hold, but again drew
in, tue sharp fins cutting until the mouth of tho
snake was a yawning chasm. This was repeated
until the snake was split entirely in twain, two
halves squirming about trying to get together
again, while the fish, with a contemptuous swish
of Its tall, swam away unharmed. Now, there Is
a true story, and if people would only confine
themselves to the truth we fishermen would not
get the name and reputation of being such
Extremely Odd Causes of Visions That DIs
tnib I he blmnber.
A well-known English doctor having on one
occasion gone to bed with a vessel of hot water
at his feet, dreamed of walking up Mt Etna
and feeling the ground hot under him; ana, on
another occasion, having thrown off tho bed
clothes in his sleep, ho dreamed of spending a
winter in Hudson's Bay. An American physi
cian, having a badly dressed wound on his
head, dreamed of falling into tho hands of In
dians and being scalped by them. It ii related
that during an alarm of a French invasion in
Edinburgh it had been arranged that the first
intimation ot the enemy's approach was to bo
the firing ot a cun irom me castie.
A certain gentleman, a zealous volunteer, re
tired to bed, dreamed that he heard this gun,
went out and witnessed and joined in the pro
ceedings of tho troops. At this juncture he
was auakcued by his wife in a great fright sbo
having had a similar dream. It was ascertained
that the tailing of a pair of tones in an upper
chamber was the common origin of tbe dream
in tno minds already predisposed to the same
lino of fancy.
A Lamb, a Pis and Chickens Gaily Deco
rntrd and Itonsted Whole.
Akbon, September 17. Nicholas Larkaris, a
well-to-do Greek fruit dealer of Akron, was
married last week, and the event was cele
brated in a grove near tbe city to-day by tho
Greeks of Wheeling, W. Va.; Newcastle, Pa.:
Vnnncstown and other towns. There' were
abont 40 present, and a Grecian wedding feast
was held after tbo peculiar customs of their
native country.
A lamb, a pig and several chickens were gaily
decorated and roasted whole." The festivities
concluded with a Grecian wedding ceremony
and wedding dance.
A Newspaper Itlnn Harried.
A notable wedding occurred at California,
Pa , yesterday. It was the marriage of Walter
8. Abbott, proprietor of the McKeesport Times,
and Miss Minnlo E. Applcgate, of California,
a former popular teacher in the McKeesport
public schools. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Dr- William Codville, of McKeesport
As a newspaper man, Mr. Abbott is well and
favorably known throughout the valley.
Wbero He fs Most Successful.
From the Inter Ocean.: '
Ex Congressman W. L. Scott Is having much
better success with his race horses this year
tuan with his coal mines. Mr. Scott may dis
cover that he has all along mistaken bis call
ing, and give up his mines to more competent
business men. It is to be hoped that he will,
and hereafter devote himself to tbe race
course, where pools are considered legitimate.
A Man Who Ought to Know Says That
Sweet Kepoae May A I way be Bad by
Sleeping Crosi-LegBcd.
"What with mosquitoes and bad dreams, I
gef no- peace o' nights," sighed a beavy-eyed,
dyspeptic-loosing clubman to a group ofcon-
genial spirits, as they tarried over a midnight
repast a few evenings ago. "It doesn't make a
particle of difference what I have tossed off
before seeking my couch, whether it be deviled
crab or buttered toast, whisky cocktail or river
bacteria, a night of unrest is snre to follow.
My eyes no sooner close than a horde of tire
some sprites begin to dance through my brain,
the old-time villain still pursues me, and every
body I ever knew, together with myriads that I
never want to know, oegin to chatter a foolish
jargon that has no cessation till the morning
breaks and the rising bell rings. I'd give a
mint oi money to tne doctor wno wonia give
me tbe prescription for a night of solid, dream
less slumber." .
"Why don't you try Mother Mebitabel's
soothing syrup?" suggested a sympathetic
friend. v
"Or a dose of arsenic?" murmured a facetious
one. '
"Cross yourself thrice before retiring, turn
yourself about on your left heel in front of tbe
mirror seven times and step Into bed back
wards," came from a man who never sat 13 at a
table nor looked at tbe moon over his right
shoulder, "and I'll warrant you'll never see a
sight or hear a sound tbe livelonc night."
An Infallible Bemedr,
"If you recline on your back or your stomach
of course you'll see all the terrors of tbe In
ferno." vouchsafed a young medical student.
"LIo on your side, with your head upon a low,
hard pillow, and you will sleep dreamlesaly
till doomsday or breakfast time."
There was a little muse, broken only by a
sigh from the man of dreams. He evidently
bad no faith in any of these specifics. But an
other voice now spoke up: "Old man, be so
good as to try my method, and I promise you'll
never nt to try another. No quackery or
mummery about it, no potion or lotion either,
no explanation for that matter, yet it's a sure
cure every time. I used to be fearfully
harassed with visions. My nights were made
hideous, batotbere came a sudden change. I
awoke one morning supremely happy in the
thought that for tho first time in years I had
had slept for eight hours in perfect peace and
f orgetf ulness, with not a dream or a nightmare
to mar my delight.
"I wondered what was the cauBe, and at
length discovered that I had been sleeping
crosslegged. 1 tried It again the next night,
and again, and again, and will you believe it,
my friend, from that day to this, save once
only, I have never had anything worse than
daydreams. Tbe reasoi Is that I never close
my eyes without previously adjusting my legs
at right angles, and keeping them poised in
tbis tailor-fashion the night through. One
night, however, I was so tired that I forgot tbe
usual arrangement The horrible creatures
that neopled my mind that night will live with
me to my dying day." ,
A Night if Sweet Oblivion.
The dream-bonnd banqueter looked incredu
lous and heaved another sigh. He asked a
question or two as to the angle of the leg-crossing
and its tendency to lumbago, and then re
lapsed into silence.
Yesterday, however, he met his friend and
advisor on the street, and greeted him uproar
iously. "Not a dream nor a vision." he cried:
"not a sprite nor a gnome, nor a friend nor a
foe. but a night of perfect, sweet oblivion. I
tied my legs in a double bow knot and every
blasted dream took flight. Now tell me how
to banish the mosquitoes, too, and, by George,
the world is yours."
It Cnn be Given it Roddy Tinge by Feeding
Cayenne Pepper.
From the New York World.l
Tbe following is from tho proceedings of the
Berlin Physiological Society: Starting with
the observed fact that canaries fed with cay
enne pepper acquire a ruddy plumage. Dr.
Sauermann has based upon it a scientific in
vestigation of canaries, fowls, pigeons and
other birds. From these he has obtained the
following results: Feeding with pepper only
produces an effect when given to young birds
before tbey moult; tho color of the feathers
cannot be affected. Moisture facilitates the
change of color to a ruddy hue, which is again
discharged under the influence of sunlight and
A portion of the constituents of cayenne
pepper is quite Inactive, as, for instance, pip
erin and several extractives; similarly the red
coloring matter alone e t tbe pepper has no
effect on the color of the feathers. It Is rather
the triolein, which occurs la tbe pepper in
large quantities, together with the character
istic pigment, which brings about tbe change
of color by holding the red pigment of the
pepper in solution. Glycerine may be used in
stead of triolein to bring about the same result
The same statement holds good with regard to
the feeding of birds with aniline colors. Tho
red pigment of tbe pepper is also- stored in the
egg yolk as well as in the feathers.
The first appearance of the pigment in tbe
yolk maybe observed as a colored ring four
days after the commencement of feeding with
the pigment dissolved in fat After a further
two days' feeding the whole yolk is colored.
Dr. Sauermann is still engaged in carrying on
It Repeats a Whisper So That It Sounds
Like a Mlabty Ronr.
From the New 1 ork World.:
The Americans who como home from Paris
now on every steamer appear to have a much
greater idea of Edison and a much better
knowledge of what Edison has achieved in the
electneal and scientific world than the stay-at-homes
imagine. "The megaphone,"' said one
of them yesterday, "in the magnificent exhibit
which Edison made and which, by the way, was
tbe very finest thing in tho American exhibit,
seemed to attract more attention from the
Frenchmen than did any other of the Edison
exhibits, not excepting the graphophone,
which is so well known on this side. Going into
the American exhibit with a friend, yon sent
him to a point a half mile away and asked him
to whisper certain words into the megaphone.
As soon, it seemed, as tbe syllables had left
his lips, they came bounding over tbe wires to
yonr ear so greatly magnified that what he
spoke as a whisper reached you as a mighty
roar, powerful, resonant, jet as distinct as if
shouted at your side. Tho popular American
topical songs as rendered through the grapho
phone, attracted continuous and enthusiastic
Two Finely Decorated Vehicles Built for tbo
Emperor of Morocco.
Edmund Yates in New York Tribune.
Two magnificent' carriages of Oriental de
sign have just been built in London for tbe
Emperor of Morocco. One is a hansom cab of
green and gold, which is to be drawn by led
mules, as there is no driver's seat. Tbe other
is a palanquin, which is to be carried by two
mules instead of human bearers. Tbe interior
is sumptuously decorated in green silk, and
tbe seat is so arranged tbat the Emperor can
sit cross-legged, if be is so disposed.
On tbe right side is a little cupboard, which
contains a tour-chambered revolver, with gilt
barrels and a receptacle for ammunition. On
tbe left are a sword stick and other weapons,
also a letter-box and a writing stand. Tbe
palanqnin is ingeniously made so that springs
and wheels can at any time be added.
Mr. Whitney Responds Co ibo ConBrntuln
tory Tclt(tr:im of Secretary Tracy.
Washington, September 17. In response
to tbe telegram of congratulation sent yester
day by Secretary Tracy to bis predecessor on
tbe successful trial of tbe new cruiser Balti
more, the following dispatch was received this
morning at tbe Navy Department: ,
Lesox, Mass., fceptember 16.
To tho Secretary ot the Navy, Washington:
Many thanks for your kind dispatch. I have
felt certain the result would be satisfactory, as I
do also that you wl 1 continue to raise the stand
ard and In time register much hljcber results than
these. W. C Whitney.
Adown the west In amber light
Has sunk tbe golden day:
And after through the summer night
Tbe pale moon steals away.
Bhe steals away down western steeps,
Io hide her in the sea;
To hide and slip through emerald deeps
To that enchanted lea
Where her beloved Edymlon 6leeps,
In dreams that loveless be.
Only tbe stars shine through the boughs
To guide me on my way,
To sing beneath thy casement vows
I dare not breathe by day;
1 d ire not breathe altlioub my breast
Can sctrce res-train the word
That blrdlliig-like would leave its nest,
Fly to thee and be heard;
Fly to thee with Impassioned zest.
By coldness undeterred.
Bottorr Courier.
A Good Joke on Her Hassand.
urrwVoBK EtJnSAU sficials.v
New Yomt; September 17. The Custom
House officers have unintentionally just given
the public a peep Into tbe very private affairs of
Herbert C. Ayer, the divorced husbaniof Har
riet Hubbafd Ayer. About two weeks ago Mr.
Ayer started home from Germany, where he
has been vainly trying to get possession of bk
young daughter, who Is now being educated
there nnder her mother's supervision. On the
steamship he became remarkably intimate with
a Miss Moore, a beautiful blonde young woman
of tbe stunning sort At the Custom House
Mr. Ayer, after a deal of trouble, got Miss
Moore's trunks oat of official bands and packed
them and their owner off to her New York
home. Then the official went down into bis
trunk. They fished out six pairs of ladies'
robia's-egg-blue silk stockings, a yard long,sev
eral silk undershirts of feminine cut and great
quantities of ladies' gloves, handkerchiefs and
tb,ellke. The trunk containing these articles
was seized for appraisement, and Mr. Ayer got
out of the way in xonfnsion. Mrs. Ayer con
siders her former husband's predicament a
hugo joke, and is greatly tickled by It.
.Faith Curlst Olsen Yet In Jail.
The inquest in the case of young Martha Ol
sen, who died recently of typhoid fever, with
out proper care or medicine, in the house of
Carl Olsen, faith curist was concluded this
afternoon. The jury returned the following ver
dict: "We find that tbe said Martha Olsea
came to ber death by typhoid fever while under
the care and guardianship of Carl Olsen, and
we farther find tbat ber death was due to his
criminal negligence in not securing a physician
for ber in time, and for not carrying out said
physician's instructions when communicated to
him; and we respectfully call the attention of
the grand jury to the vicious practices which
are carried on by members of tho sect or reli
gious organization to which the deceased and
the prisoner belonged." Olsen was remanded
to jail to await the action of the grand jury.
Tony Hnrt Incurably Insane.
Recent rumors tc the effect that Tony Hart,
formerly of Harrigan 4 Hart, had so far re
covered his mental balance as to think of join
ing his wife, Gertie Granville, In playing "The
Will O' The Wisp" turn out to be nntrue. A
short time ago he began to realize tbat he was
too weak mentally to ever again appear on the
stage. He became despondent, and occasion
ally violent His symptoms were so alarming
tbat eventually his tfamily, tbe Cannons, of
Worcester, placed him under surveillance.
Last Friday he "was sent to an asylnm. The
physicians there have no hope of his recovery.
Two Very Yoothfnl Travelers,
Rndolph Kurtz, 5 years old, and his sister
Lena, 4 years old, arrived here on the steam
ship Ems from Bremen, to-day. They were un
accompanied by parent or guardian. Fastened
to their waistbands was the address of the
father, "Samuel Kurtz, 116 Randolph street,
Chicago, III." The two mites were put on
board a Chicago train this evening;
A Piano Makers' Trust Formed.
Over 30 representatives of piano and organ
manufacturers from all parts of the country
met in Clarendon Hall this afternoon to form
a union for mutual protection. The meeting
bad been called by the editors of the Husic
Trade Jieview, which has been advocating such
an organization for a long time. E.L.Bill,
who called the meeting to order, advocated the
establishment in each city of a mutual mer
cantile agency, which should inform manufact
urers of the standing of dealers. R. M. Wal
ters was chosen temporary Chairman, and
Henry Behnng, Jr.. Secretary, On motion of
A. H. Fischer, it was decided to have a com
mittee of twelve appointed to draw up a plan
of organization. Mr. Walters announced the
following names: George A. Stelnway, James
Vose. A- H. Fischer. Henry Bearing, Benjamin
Starr, Frank Conover, John McLaughlin, T. P.
Brown, W. A. Kimberlj and August Bans. To
these were added the Chairman and tbe Secre
tary. By a resolution offered by E, L. Bill, the
organization is to be known as the Protective
Union of Piano and Organ Manufacturers of
America. At 4.30 o'clock the meeting ad
journed, to reconvene at 8 o'clock on tbe even
ing of October 3. at tbe hall. In the meantime.
an effort will be mode to bring all the large
manufacturers into the organization.
A Duck With Three Leas.
Some unsophisticated -farmer lost the oppor
tunity of a lifetime to gain fame ami -at the'
same time earn a tew 'dollars when he slaught
ered a three-legged duck and forwarded it to
tbis market. Instead of putting it on exhibition
at some country fair or dime museum. The
prize fell to the lot of E. B. Orcutt, of 200
Broadway, and to-day was on exhibition on
tbe bar, lying on its back, in a cool-looking bed
of ice and lettuce, with its remarkable malfor
mation displayed to tbe best advantage. The
duck Is of the ordinary farmyard species, and
weighs about six pounds. At first the manager
of tbe establishment was disposed to serve it to
his customers at dduble prices. Three drum
sticks from one fowl ought to satisfy any land
lord. Later he decided to send it to Prof.
Bickmore, of tbe American Museum of Na
tural History. The third leg is at tbe center of
the body, just back of the other two legs. The
abnormal leg is perfect in shape, and the foot
is fully formed. Tbe boll and socket joint,
where the leg is joined to tbe body, is stiff, and
the lee Is bent backward against tbe body, so
that it was probably not of any service to the
duck in life.
One of the Employes Crashes In lis Head
With a Board.
JEFFEESOSV1I.I.E, Ind., September 17. Over
200 men aro employed in the shops of the Ohio
Falls Car Works, at this place. This morning
Claude Harper lifted a piece of timber from a
pile in tbe corner. A large rattlesnake crawled
out of the heap and colled itself as if tc strike.
Harrier snranir back in horror and cried ont.
One of his fellow workmen snatched up aboard
and crushed the head of the serpent with a
single blow. It was five feet long and had six
rattles. It was the first rattlesnake seen within
ten miles of tbis place for many years.
Taught by the Anarchists.
from the Philadelphia Inquirer.:
A peculiar juror bobbed up in the Cronin
trial at Chicago on Saturday. He said he was
not opnosed to capital punishment as such, but
hardly tbonght it severe enough. In his
opinion a more severe punishment would be to
make a man work all ills life. That juror must
have formed bis ideas from intercourse with
the Chicago Anarchists.
A Few Trnth-Tellers Survive.
From the Chicago Iews.l
Tbe first man to admit that ho isTascott
has just been captured in Buffalo. His claim
has called forth a general hawl ot derision.
Such conduct is indefensible, as there are well
authenticated cases of Buffalo men who have
told the truth.
In endeavoring to break a colt William Mc
Knaugbt, of Oompassvllle, Chester county,
waa thrown and badly hurt, The horse ran
home, and McKnaaght's 60-year old sister, sur
mising what had happened, mounted tbe steed
and went to his assistance.
A chick batched at York first saw tbe light
of day through three eyes. It bad two mouths,
but did not know how to use either, and died.
Frank Kinden, a Lancaster contractor,
gave a party in honor of four relatives who
celebrated their birthday on the same day.
A BUNCH of ten peaches is growing on a
twig a foot long on the farm of William Steel,
at Conshohocken. '
Newspapers aro a necessity. A Mercer
county man stopped his paper recently, and a
few Sundays later he took his marketing to
town to sell it, having forgotten tbe days of the
A ZANESVII.I.E woman has worked on a
crazy a,uilt an hour a day for 13 years, and tbe
quilt is not finished yet.
TnE inhabitants of Ohio graveyards are get
ting uneasy. Four ghosts are rorortod to have
been seen at different places in that State last
A West Virginia maiden of 49 summers is
the plaintiff in a preach of promise suit.
John Brawn. aMrraef XaWa ommt
Ga. jn a few dan oMgfct rats tea rot of
water. ,
A potajo welgWsg two'-pewMk osd
ten ounces is one or tfee carieH4ea exhibited ia
Aroostook county, Me.
A rare and fine vlolia ef the gnat bmm
ter. Nieolaus Amati, made ! Wit, is ewaed by
A. H. Pitkin, ot Hartford, Cobb.
John Praugh, orGosiea, lad., aged M,
5pnm? ? IaibeT boaBCtee baby boy,
presented to him by bis wife, aged 7(L
A young housekeeper of York bosgtU a'
chickeatho other day, but retained i 'to Use
? iJtn..?ot5no.t!r because it bad a'oaa
cer. It was tbe first gizzard sat ever saw.
Ah8fiatMadIsoD1Neb..ias adopted a
litter of kittens. For the past week, saotkaa
ssjssisl satejrtatrha to i.
. ., KUk waea anyone approaokes,
Eoy Leport,13 years old, of Bariiagtoa,"
la was in apparent good health, except for'a
!i?h ?et Friday night the boH b,''
and tho littlo leHow died, within a few hW
Physician are mystified over the case.
An English tenor who gets abont $189
for singing at & concert at home, asked SS,We
to singin five concerts In Boston. Heexptaiss '
why he asked such an exorbitant price by sav
i?".",1.0"6 t to atasm aa Americaao.-
provincial city. tr f
Oneoftlioobjeets of curiosity at Kea-
nebunkport Me.. Is the stone hoese Eev: E, l
Zplzt' or Mef York-bnllt rocks hauled oat
S?. ?nW1 OTeralls and steered taa
steers part of tbe time himself.
Miss Eebecca Fairbanks, tho last of a
family that came over in 1635, is said to be sMH
broufhtnover.nn'1hat Dedham, Mass., that wm
SS,1?,1"1 Tear Bientionedand locate
2Vir,E-Ment,UotlliUlne. ThaFairbaaks
scale man came of this family. """""""
A Miss Annie Johnston west dowa aad
"ayedjnthe water at a summer resort la Ea t
gland 3 minutes 10 seconds, which beats the
""H0"- "cord of a minutes Hconds!
MissJohaaton is only 19 years of MeVaBd 5
accounted the best Uy swimme? b?the world!
HamiUoa MaJett, who resides north ot
Lawrenceville, Ga has been almost at death's
door since caaipaieeting, caused from a spider
bite inflicted oa the left shoulder a year or two
ago. Mr.Maffett la now in bis !2d year, and
the family are ferfulthat should he recover
he will lose his eyesight
On Saturday last Jfrs. G. M. Howard,
of Dublin, Ga., went into her kitchen for the
purpose of cooking diaaer. Seeing the oven
doorbf the stove open she closed it and after
hull ding a good fire la th e stove went out in tho
garden for her vegetables. Besoming sha
smelled something earning, and opening the
oven door she found the family eat baked to a
. A new process for tiaraing eoo without
smoKe nas uteiy Deen discovered. It cessfet
in sprinkling water containing a special prejP
aration of resin over the coaLand tnaressttis'
that there is no smobe and tbe glow fa a In
tense as coke. An English company ia to be
formed to work tbe new patent. -An authority
vouches for tbs fact that it works admirably,,
and in Its fire is a remarkable lmproveaest oa
The largest brook trout eyer caa'g&t oa
this continent was landed recently at' Syriag
Creek, N.Y. Tbe fish weighed six pound and
two ounces, and its proportions were perfect.
This was one of the species of brown front, tha
spawn of which was imported 'from Germany
on February IS. 1881, so that its age cannot
have been more than between 5 aad years.
The largest ever caught previously weighed a
trifle over fire pounds.
There is a iady in Ellijoy, Ga., who
has a singular experience about reading. When
she was about 20 years old she was converted
and joined the church.' She did sot know how
to read, jurt barely knew her letters, and sho
was very anxious to read tbe Bible. She 'got
her sister to help ber read three chapters in'
the Bible, and then she took, it up herself, and
can read tbe Bible as fluently as anyone, and
5 renounce all the proper names correctly.
'he strange part of it. is tbat she caaaot
read anything else but the Bible. She cannot
getany sense ont of a newspaper or any other
According to the customs of Chinese:
society, the wife of the Chinese Minister to thls"
country will comb her hair up from her fore
head, to show that she is married. Her tresses
reach to ber feet, and to difficult is the task of
dressing them that one arrangement lasts sev
eral uayo. rortuo preservation oi rue Comoro
she lies while asleep on a willowpillowas finely
woven as an imported bonnet, shaped-like ax
loaf of baker's bread. The maids dress thtaia -backCAlrln
a quone, and axnajre a tuKMjPt
.inches deep.fron: sartStarAltcf 8CfJ32t7
IS-AtsplayeH by allowing a single lock to float
loosely in front of tbe face and over tho '
shoulder. The hair ot the Chinese girl ts
never cut, and. as a result ot the splendid care
bestowed, it grows luxuriantly.
One of (ne very interesting things seea
at the Pans Exposition are the dwarf trees
which the Japanese horticulturists are show
ing, and whicn are attracting much attention.
Pines, tbujes and cedars, said to be 100 or ISO
years old, are only 18 Inches high, and with such
specimens it would be easy to have a coniferous
forest on a balcony. These arboreal deformi
ties are produced by great labor, and if the
truth is told about their ages, this work ot
arresting the tree's development and forcing It
into contorted forms must- be persisted In by
several generations of foresters. All this pains
taking is hardly naid for bv the beaurv of tho
resulting abortions, but a look at these trees
will explain where the fantastic forms come
from wnichaerve as models for the plants we
see on the lacquered trays, bronzes and em
broideries which come from Japan.
The Cable Car Company, in New York,
intend running a drawing room car oa their
line to see if it will pay. The-car is 32 feet long,
with rounded ends, and will seat 28 persons.'
The windows are heavy plate glass, and blue
shades with gold borders hang at each. The
interior of the car is finished' in blrd's-eje
maple and French walnut. It is furnished with'
cushioned seats covered with dark green
leather. Sixteen of these seats are parlor
chairs turning on pivots. Ten ot them are
placed at the windows up forward, and the re- i
mainder extend midway down through the
center of the car. Two lamps of tour burners
each are supplied with gas from two tanks run
ning lengthways of the car outside. , Two radi
ator gas stores are supplied from tbe same
tanks, and are expected to prove a neat and
economical way of heating the car. Swinging
doors at tbe rear of the car are opened and.
closed with a lever by the conductor. Tbe can
cost $iS00. Should it prove a success, IS feet
will be added to tbe next one of its kind. This
extension will be used as a smoking car. and
will he so arranged as to be closed in winter
and an open car in worm weather.
The man who goes to the seashore resort
for change frequently comes back without any.
Botton Vouritr.
There may not be any snch thing as tbe
elixir or life, buf the youth thinks he has found
something very near It when he kisses the girl he
loves for the first time. Botton Courier.
Jinks I was up to my neck in the sea at
Cape May when I proposed to my wife.
Jacquese Ah, Indeed.
3 Inks Yes ;and now 1 am up to my neck in debt.
"What do yoa mean, sir, by swearing be
fore my wife? You must apologize!"
Pardon, Monsieur! Pardon I I do make ze
apology. I did not know ze lady wish to swtar
ze first." Botton Timet.
Mr. Ham A. Tewer "What did you think
of my humble effort last night, my dear boy?
The dear boy Oh. you were an Ideal, Claude, be
yond a doubt. I am snre of that, for there never
could have been a real one like yonrs. Terr
Haute Exprut.
How He May Become Useful. Hackmaa
at Niagara Falls Take yon to tbe falls for So.
Crank I wish to enter the stream at a point
above the cataract and float down over it.
Eackman (cordially) Take jou there for noth
ing, slr.-CVifcaffO Tribune.
Toaug Hal (visiting a neighbor) Why,
Sirs. Hummer, you are quite big.
Mrs. Hammer "Yes, my dear; did you have any
idea that I wasn't?
Young Hal-Yes, urn, cause ma said yon were so
mighty small that no one could get along with
yon. Kearney Enterprlte.
Mrs. Potts When I was first married I
thought it was solely for love tbat John had
sought my hand, bntl know better now. I am
firmly convinced tbat It was my money he was
Miss Spyte Welt It mast be considerable satis
faction to you to know that he Is not snch a fool as
yoa thought hs was. Terrs Haute Exprut.
Eejoice, oh, lover, when the days
Are hot, when flows the oersplratlon ; ,
When panting In the solar rays
ilen sigh for summer's termination.
With not the frigid winter nljh
That tingles ears and reddens noses.
Tor Ice cream does not come so high
Botton CourUri
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