!irV&fll'4 THE (HTTHBTJBG DISPATCH, SAJEOBDAY, ATTSTOT' 24, 1889. WON'T FI6HT OVER IT. tfo War Anticipated With Great Brit ain OYer Behrinjj Sea-Seizures. MERELY A POLICE PRECAUTION. The Only Tarpose to Intimidate Canada's Cruisers for Our Seals. OKLI A TOPGON TOLICI ADOPTED rtrECIXL TtLIQBAM TO TBX SISrA.TCR.1 "Washington, August 23. Personi who are particularly friendly to the administra tion have advanced the theory as to the seizure of British vessels in Behrintr Sea that it is not the purpose of the United States to institute any condemnation pro ceedings against the vessels, and that this is the reason why they are not brought into American ports, and adequate crews are not provided to do this. "The only purpose of-the administration," said a gentleman who has some knowledge on the subject, "is to intimidate the Cana dian cruisers and prevent them from illicit capture of the seals. The United States has no intention of vigorously enforcing the laws to the extent of condemning the appar atus or vessels of the Canadians. The pur pose of the administration, in other words, is not to have the vessels of the Canadian fishermen condemned, but to take whatever seals they have captured within the waters of tbe United States, and TO POLICE BEHBIXG SEA. The Canadian sealers warned off will not be likely to return again this season. It is very probable that the Harrison adminis tration desires to avoid the experience of President Cleveland and doesn't care to bring Canadian sealing vessels into port and then be compelled to release them. Meanwhile the somewhat ambignous statement of Secretary Blaine, made some weeks ago, that no claim had been made by the United States that Behring Sea is a closed sea, appears to derive additional significance. At all events, it is pretty certain that the instruc tions which have been given to the com mander of the Bush relate to the policing of Behring Sea, to prevent the capture of seals, and do not have in view any attempt to assert the claim that Behring Sea is a closed sea. If that was the purpose of the administration, it would be the four naval vessels which are now cruising in those waters that would be heard from, and not the small revenue cutter Bush." REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK. USL, 401 Smlthfield Street, cor. Fourth Avenue. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $45,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent zrs Exhibition. If you are interested in artbtie house dec oration you should not fail to see the ex hibition of Boston art tile stoves at French, Kendrick & Co.'s china store, opposite the CitvHall. vrssu Go TO John S. Boberts, 414 "Wood street, to see the finest line of interior decorative wall papers handled in this section of the country. ihs RffilYPnitf rnVDITK theirbustnessand MXtUhlia uKCLliOi political methods and their progressive policy, are entertaining ly described in tomorrouft DISPATCH by Frank O. Carpenter, HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mnrrlace Weenies Granted Yesterday. Nam. Beildenee, (Harry P. Qneck Homestead J Emma A. Mayer Pilt.burg 5 Frank B. Koblnson Pittsburg Jennie Wilson Pittsburg V NOT MUCH KNOWX OF IT. This is the iew of a gentleman who is on close relations with officials of the State Department, and it is deserving of consider ation on that account. 2no one here ap pears to be very clear what the object ot tbe administration is with respect to the seal fishery matter, and it is not altogether cer tain that the administration has any definite views about it The situation is in part inherited. Both the President and Secretary of State have been so busilv engaged,- to this hour, in peddling offices, and in regarding the claims of various claimants, that it may be doubted whether they have had much opportunity to take down the books of international law and treaties to ascertain exactly how the Government stands on this question. One thing is pretty clear about the whole business none of tbe Republican leaders anticipate any TBOUBLE WITH GBEAT BRITAIN because of the Behring Sea matter. It is to be added also, that very few of the Re publican leaders know very much about the subject. It is pretty certain, however, that if the administration contemplated any ' war policy, it would not be proceeding with a petty revenue cutter, from whose crew a single man, even if dignified by tbe omin ous title of the "prize crew," is seriously niised. C. C. Shayne, of .New York, having re cently stated that the Alaska Commercial Company is mainly made up of foreigners, the representatives of that company here correct tbe statement. The law provides that the fur seal lease shall be forfeited if foreigners are interested in it. The state ment is made that the present directors aud managers are Lewis SIoss, the President of the company; Lewis Gerstle, ex-President; Gustave Xiebaum the three being residents of San Francisco and C. A. "Williams, of New London, Conn. FOR SEPAEAfE TRIALS. Tbe Cronln Snipecta Will Enter Fleai or That Nature, i CniCAGO, August 23. There is a general belief that when the Cronin murder case is called for trial in Judge JlcConnell's court next Mondav the urincinal efforts nf thi defense will be directed not to securing a continuance, but to endeavoring to break the solid lront of the prosecution and dividing its thunder, by securing separate trials for one or more of the defendants. States Attorney Longenecker, however, to day appeared to be indiilerent to any such attempt. "I do not know who could ask for a sepa rate trial," said be, "unless it would be Woodruff. The State will be ready for trial Monday, but I think some of the de fendants will want a continuance. If they can show cause thev might obtain one, but I candot tell hew the' State will stand on that question until the time comes." It is understood, however, that Senator Kennedv. of Wisconsin, will mat M riehnt in the case by an elaborate argument in la vor of a separate trial for his ciient, Martin Burke, the late 'Winnipeg suspect MURDERED FOR HIS MONET. The Cold-Blooded Crime Committed by a Wlaconaln Barkeeper. Appleton, "Wis.. August 23. "What will probably turn out to be one of the most cold-blooded murders ever perpetrated in "Wisconsin is just coming to light at Gagen. A stranger went into the saloon of one Nel son, called for a drinkand exhibited a large roll of bills. Nelson walked out from be hind the bar and struck the man with a slungshot, knocking his brains out. The only witness was a man named Barlow, and Nelson told him he would kill him if he ever told. Barlow made an affidavit and Nelson was arrested. Nelson buried the man at the back door of his saloon and afterward dug him up and carried him off somewhere. Barlow says that all Nelson got were six $1 bills, which were wrapped around a newspaper. He fouzht desneratelv when nrrMteif in.) kept using the expression, "I did not kill him, but was told to." His examination will take place Saturday. DID flOT BELIEVE IN BANKS. DIED. BACKOFEN Attho residence of bis daugh ter, Mrs. M. Schleiter. 61S Fifth avenue, on Thursday. Ausrnst 22, at 7.30 A. JL, G. Q. BACK Ofin, in the 79th year of bis age. Fnneral takes place on Saturday aftee i? oon, August 21, at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. Inter ment private at a later hour. 2 CONROY On Thursday, August 22, 1S39, at 10 .o'clock p. ir., Margaret Gertrude, daughter of Michael and Undget Conroy, aged 17 years 0 months and 1 days. Funeral from the residence of her parents, Forward avenue (Four-Mile Run), Twenty- second ward, on SUXDAY, tbe 25th Inst, at 2 o'clock p.m. Friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend. 2 DORAN-On Friday, Aueust 23. 1S89, at 6.30 A. M., Annie, daughter of John P. and Ellen Doran, aged 3 years, 1 month and 23 days. Funeral from the residence of her parents, 49 Stenben street. West End. on Saturday, Au gust 24, at 2.30 p. K. Friends of the family are repecttully invited to attend. ECKY At the residence of James E. Ledlle, No 424. Liberty street, on "Wednesday evening, August 21, 1889. Charles H. Ecky. Requiem high mass at St. Paul's Cathedral on Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Inter ment private. Philadelphia papers please copy. 2 FREIL On Fndav. Auinist 23. 1889. at 8 p. K.. Joseph, youngest son of John and Han nah Freil (uee Neelis), acedl2 years S months. Notice of funeral hereafter. DAVID S. Fmnder, aced 68 years, at the resi dence of his nephew, Wm. J. Post, Ingram sta tion, P.. C. & St L. Ry. Funeral services Saturday; Aueust 21, at above named residence, at 2 o'clock P. ac. In terment private. ' I Washington, Pa papers please copy.l HEMINGRAY On Friday, August 23, at 4 p. it., Robert P. Heminqray, In bis 30th year. Funeral from his late residence, No. 88 Arch street. Allegheny, at 230 p. M. Sunday, August 23. Friends of tbe family are respectfully in vited to attend. 2 LYNCH-On Friday, August 23, 1SS9, at 8 P. Jf., Willie J., infant son of Patrick and Mary Lynch, aged 8 months. Funeral from the parents' residence. 8131 Millwood avenue, on Saturday at 4 p, m. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. LOWSTETTER On Thursday. Aueust 22, 1SS. at 5.15 A. K., William S., son of Thomas and Mary J. Lowstetter, aged IS years and 2 months. Funeral will take place from the residence of his parents, corner of Friendship avenue and Ella street, on Sunday. August, 25. Ib89, at2.30 p. M. Friends of the family are respectfully in vited to attend. 3 MOORHEAD-On Friday, August 23, 18S9. at 1:50 P. u at the residence of her son-in-law, John S. BntIe,5J2 Forbes street. Rose Ann. wife of William Moorbead, in her 52d J ear. Notice of luneral hereafter. 2 MOODIE On Friday. August 23, at 5.50, George, Jit, sou ot George and Jane Moodie, agea 19 years. Funeral at 230 feUNDAY afternoon, from residence or parents, 431 Thirty-third street, city. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. " " 2 McNEAL-On Friday, August 23. 1S89, at 6.I0A.M., Mary Airir Means, wife of E. J. McNeal, aged 26 years. . J. Funeral from residence of John McNeal, on Three Degree road, Hampton township, on Sunday. August 25, at 1030 o'clock a. it. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. McCRADY-On August 23, 18S9, at H A. K.. Gretta A., aged 7 years 7 months, daughter of J. H. and Lizzie McCrady. at Rankin station, near Braddock. Funeral servic3s ats p. at. Sabbath, August 25. Interment at a later hour. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. 2 McMORRlS-On Fridaymornlne. August 23. at Gallitzln, M. McMoKRis, formerly of this city. Funeral at Gallitzin, Sunday, August 25. 18S9. NANNAH On Thursday, August 22, at 2 15 p. JL, Gail J son of J. Land late EllieNan- uau, &kcu 1 year ana .smontns. Funeral services at residence of Captain Jessie Nannah, at Rochester, Pa., Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Funeral from Wood's Run station upon arrival of 1030 train Satur day morning. 2 NATCHER At 815 p. jr., John T. Natcheb, in tbe 41st year of his aee. Funeral notice in this evening's papers. NEELY On Wednesday evening, August 2L 18S9. at 7 o'clock, James Neely, Jr.. aced 38 years. Funeral from his late residence, near Econo my, on Saturday morninq at 10 o'clock. 2 POLLOCK On Thursday. August 22, at 3 o'clock a. m., Sarah Aiken; wife of A. W. Pollock. Funeral from her late residence, Franklin street, Wllklnsburg. Saturday, August 21, at 230 o'clock p. m. Interment private. ROESER On Thursday, Angust 22, at 835 P. if., Lizzie, wife of Christ Roeser, aged 28 years. .Funeral from her late residence, Mt, Troy road, Allegheny, on Saturday at 9 a. m. Friends ot the family are respectfully Invited to attend. EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -- To make room for new fall stock we are compelled to sacrifice last season's patterns at extremely low prices. We will therefore offer the following extraordinary bar gains', viz: cents for quality of Body Brussels whose regular price with all . dealers has been $i. cents and (i "J H for Bigelow, Hartford and other best makes of Body Brussels whose regular price has been from $i 25 to $1 50. PnCarpets$140 English, Bigelow, Hartford and other best makes of Wil ton Carpets at (pf) reduced from $2 5a 77 95' NEW ADVERTISEMENT B. & B. Saturday, August 24. THERE'S METHOD -rs- $2, -- OJcCIiDtock&Co. 33 FIFTH AVENUE. anlO-TTS LOOK and READ. Mk THE F. P. JsKk ' i! only by ROBINSON CO. Boston, Km OUR MADNESS! We know what we are about In slaughter ing prices in our present rough shod man ner. "Make room for Fall aud Winter Goods" is now our motto. Summer goods hare had their day; what was sold early in season paid us a fair profit, and whatever we can now get for the remainder is better than carrying it oyer for another year. When the fall season opens weVwant to show the public nothing but new goods. There fore Summer Goods Must Go AT ANY PRINCE. They must "stand, not upon the 'order of their going, but eo quickly," if there is any efficacy in low prices. ! SPECIAL LEADERS. Gentlemen's Pennine French Balbrig&an Shirts and Drawers reduced from 75c to 50c.N Gentlemen's French FJannel Shirts re duced from $3 to $1 50. J Gentlemen's fine Silk Scarfs AH our SOc, 75c and $1 Scarfs reduced to 25c. Gentlemen's genuine British Socks full regnlar, reduced from 20c to 12)c. I Boys' Star Shirt Waists reduced froin 75c to 50c. Ladies' Bibbed Cotton Vests.reducea from 22c to 12)c. Ladies' Gauze Vests reduced from 25c to 18c. Ladies' Balbriggan Tests reduced from 38c to 25c. Ladies' fine Gauze Vests reduced , from 50o to 38c I Ladies' Silk Vests reduced from $1 to 75c. Ladies' regular made Hose, 20 styles to select Irom, reduced from 25o to 18c f Ladies' Berlin Gloves reduced from' 25c to 12Kc. Ladies' Pure Silk Gloves reducedlfrom 50c to 25c 37 Celebrated Bradley Blankets On sale this morning.at three-fourths value. Newfresn and clean, but with slight mill imperfections that Hurt neltner appearance nor wear. BUT THEY ABE NOT JUST PEEFECT. Just 37 of them, i to 8) lbs, at three fourths real value TO-DAY. Will they go by small lots to families or by tbe entire lot to some hotelf Small lot of beaded shoulder wraps with prices that show we are determined to close out summer stuffs these go to-day (Satur day). Tbe ti ones at SI 60. Tbe t6 ones at S2 50. Ibe 3 ones at 8 00. Gent's furnishings to-day. New Fall Neckwear. Bargain lots of -summer underwear. Flannel shirts that shrink only in price: profit by the shrink age. Blazers, only a few and only (1 50 each. Best white shirts made. Bargains in percales, and other things to interest the men to-day. Bargains in ladies' wear all summer stuffs half price and less. B0GGS & BUHL, 115,117,119,121 Federal st, Allegheny. t au24-D NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. USEFUL INFORMATION! YOU CAN PICK UP IN G-TTS-K- 'B MAMMOTH MD GIGUraO STORE. BARGAINS IN CLOTHING, HATS. FURNISHING GOODS AND. WL L 'V "jif " "3"W Health, Happiness. Detachable Umbrella Covers. Tbe old, worn out coTers can be taken off and the new one replaced in the space of A. VERY FHW MINUTES. They come in Gloria, Windsor and Pure Silk. Prices ranee at SI 75. $2, C3 2S, 12 50 and $3 eacb. We are the sole airents In Pittsburg. Bring; In your old Umbrella and see how qulcklylt can be made new. Fleishman & (Jo., How impor taut that chil dren erow up healtnj, and bare every de formity removed before it is too late. Dr. Orr has bad eminent success for over At . JT-r-r,- ." ?""" uuoacs ml wdiubo, ajopepsii, caiarrii, tumors, cancers, etc. Bis two associate doctors have also made chronic diseases a special study. Persons desiring medical or surgical treatment by doctors of medicine can call at 720 Peon avenue during office hours, viz., 10 to 11.30 A. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 7. K. Consultation free. Terms moderate. aul4- FOOTWEAR WHICH ARE NOT OBTAINABLE ELSEWHEBE. McMUNN'S ELIXIR OF OPIUM Is a preparation of the Drug bywhich its in jurioas effects are removed, while the valuable medicinal properties are retained. I possesses all tbe sedative, anodyne, and antispasmodic powers of Opium, but produces no sickness of the stomach, no vomiting, no costive ness, no headache. In acute nervous disorder s it Is an invaluable remedy, and Is recommended by tho best physicians. E, FERRETT, Agent, 372 Pearl St., New York. mh30-Z7-s PmBBTJBGr, PA. au2HT HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTX Jl VENUE. au20-D 8CHWAN-On Frida; ana 2 months, 120 F. M., CUABLES Sc August 23. 1S89. at crrwAW, aged 69 years No Speculation. Our goods are too solid in quality to admit of sky-rocket talk. Though we don't make a great hurrah over them, the prices are extremely low. It will be a difference of a number of dollars to you if you buy clothing now that you will need within the next two months, or early next fall. -AKD- Taught Cay and Evening at Duff's Collegj For Terms ca 1 at the Collece Offlca 49 Fifth Avenue. afill-28-S JAS.- LfNECL & BKO., BOILERS, PLATE AND SHEET-IBON "WORK. PATENT BHEET IRON ANNEALINO BOXES. with an Increased capacity and hydraulic machinery we are prepared to furnish all work In our line cheaper and better than by the old methods. Repairing and general machine work. Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val lev Railroad. ie5-65.TT3 STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. IT MAY BE A SUIT OR COAT, a pair of Pants or a Vest, a Boy's Suit, a Hat, any kind of Furnishing Goods, or aj'pair of Shoes, to fill out the remainder of this season and for early fall wear. No matter what it is you want, a Closing Out Pricb has been put on all a price that will surprise and please you. There'll be LOTS OF NEW FALL GOODS HERE BY SEP TEMBER 1. They're coming every day, and 'tis to make ROOM FOR 'EM that we're rushing out our Summer Stock. Low-water mark in prices will make high-water mark in trade. That is what we're after; this is what we mean to have. FOR THE PAST THREE WEEKS MEN have had a picnic with our Great $6, $j 50, 8 and $10 SUITS. These bargains will be continued until the end of this month, providing of course they are not disposed of before then. Machinists, Mechanics, Mill Men, Street Car Employes, Steamboat Men, Railroad Men, Clerks, Laborers, in fact, all who desire to dress welt for a lower price than they think, possible, should come early and inspect these suits. I N A FEW WEEKS MORE BOYS' VACATIONS WILL GIVE WAY TO STUDY. The country, the seashore and the various other health-giving means have been hard on the wardrobe. New Suits, New Pants, New Shirts and Waists are in order. We have them by the thousands made for hard wear for healthy, hearty, romping boys. You know our claim PRICES LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE. Our Advance Stock of Fall Overcoats Received. - Ready for Inspection. Ready for Buying. AMERICAN LINE, Batting every Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations lor all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Great Britain and Ireland. Norway, Swe den, Denmark, etc. PETER WRIGHT 4 SONS, General agents. 307 Walnut st Philadelphia. FuU information can be bad of J. J. MoCOR MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithfleld street. LOUIS MOESER, 616 Smithfield street. mhl3-6&TTS URATEF :OMKORTTN(j EPPS'S COCO BREAKFAST. By a thorough kne Pledge ot the n wmen govern we opt rations oi Ql, nuinuon,ana ana oy careiuia nne properties oi well selected loco: has pro rided our bre kfast tables i cately flavored bevei tge which mi many neavy aoctors' ills. Itisbytl ue ui buca articles o: oiet mat a may be gradually but : up until st to resist every tender :v to dise-iiu of subtle maladies areTfloatlnp arm to attack wherever thtre is a weak! may escape many a fatal shaft by ! selves wed fortified with pure blood erly nourished frame." Civil Si .Hi ilv Jas.Enns&rcn. in"pai .., g-Mw .WWW. ade dmnlv with boilinr water n only in nail pound tins by Gi And Now He Ilai Been Robbed of All of Ills Savings. tsrzcui. TELZGEAX TO tot DtsrATcn.i New Castle, August 23. Last March "William Huston, a farmer oi Wilmington township, nine miles from this city, drew all his money, $1,600 from the Lawrence County National Bank. He had no faith iu banks, and determined to take the money home for safe keeping. Some time last night thieves enterecVhis house, which is located in a lonely country road, and stole the entire amount, which was kept in a trunk. The robbery was not discovered until this morning. No clue has Deen obtained of the robbers, but it is thought that the robbery was done by persons acquainted with the house. Fob a disordered liver try Beecham's Pills. Peaks' Soap tbe purest and best ever made THE EXCHAXTED flA VR1W. J"? gallant Prince and beautiful Princess and the irouoim caurcuinem eri nest Funeral service at tbe family residence on Boquet street, Oakland, on JIoxday, August 28,at2p. it. SCHARTZ On Friday morning, August 23. 1889, at S o'clock, Katie Schabtz, daughter of Nicholous and Margaret Hary, In her 23d year. Fnneral services from the residence of her patents, corner Twenty-eighth and Jane streets, Twenty-fourth ward, on Scndat aiternoos-, at 1 o'clock. Friends ot the family are kindly invited to attend. TRIMBLE On Thursday, August 22, 1889, at -ju a. ju vuiuL nujLZicus XKIABX.E, in her 23d year. Funeral from her husband's residence, No. 60 Locust street. Allegheny, on Saturday, August 24, at 2 o'clock T. it. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. 'USXLLISON At Permville. Fa.. Ann.iii 1889, at 6.15 p. jr., O. P. Wrmsoir, aged 72 years. Fnneral from his late residence, Satiteday August 21.1839. at 2 p. X. 2 ' -- Wanamaker & Brown, Sixth street and Penn avenue. au23-s tural laws stion and Hon of the Mr. i'pps th a dell- v gave us e iudiclous institution OBp enough Hundreds :nd us ready point we eeping our and a uroo- ice Qaiette. milk. Sold abeled thus: ie Chemists. Londfon. England. o3h90TUS -TTTH1TE STAB LINK- rOB QtJEEiJSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Boyal and United States Mall 8teamers. Oermanle, Aug. 237am Britannic, Sept. 4, 1 p m Adriatic, Sept. 11. 7 a m "Teutonic. tient.l&. noon JTrora White Star dock. Germanic, Bept.25.5pm Britannic. Uct. 2. 11am Adriatic, Oct.9,S:p m Teutonic, Oc.lS, 10.3O a root oi westrectn at. Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon ratea. 50 and upward. Second cabin. 33 and upward, accordlnr to steamer and location of berth. Ex cursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage. R0. White Star drafts payable on demand In all tbe principal banks throughout Great Britain. Ap ply to UOIIN J. MCCUKMICK, 401 Smithfleld St.. PltUbnrtr, or J.BKUUKlSHA, General Agent, 41 Broadway, Hew York. an21-42 G-TTSIKZ-Sr'S, 300 to 400 Market Street aul7-TTSSu WE ABE SHOWING ALREADY FALL STYLES -or- OTTEEN5. 1VEB. JrocersJ RESORTS. HOWLAND HOfTEL, LONG BRANCH, N.j Hesby "W"Al.TEH,Prop'r., Jho. B.UCTXLOSSKS, Manager, late of Hotel DuquesnejPitubnrr. 1 iy7-59 THE-MAHSIOE, ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. Largest and most prominently lofcated hotel witb a new and nrst-class RestauraCt attached. 850 chairs. Open all the year. Coalnes to and from Beaxh and Trains. Brophy'a 1 Orchestra. jeaj-ai UH.AHL1K8 MJGLAU.K. -"1UNABD LINE. NEW YORK TO T.TVKHPOOT. Via TOWN, IfBOM riEH NORTH ET JTAST EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE. Auranla. Ang. 24, Jp Ml Gallia, Sept. 11, 6:30 A x Bothnia, Ang. 28,6:30 a m Etrarla, Sept. 14. 9 am TJmbrla, Aug-.3L8:30 AM(Anranla,gept.21,2i3PM Serrla. Sept. 7, 3 PM i!otbnlxbept.2S,5J0AM ioia passage, tou, fou anu siuu; raiermeaiaie. IS. Steerage tickets to and from all parts of .urone at verv low nui. VEUNON H. BUUWN A CO., General Agents, 4 Bowling Green, New York. J. J. MCCORMICK. Agent. fourth ave. and Smithfleld St., Plttsbnrs. anl-D 135. 1-urc State Line' To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage ss to S50. according to location of stateroom. Excursion 65 to S90. SUerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates. AUSTIN BALDWIN ft CO., General Agents, 63 Broadway. New Yor. J. J. McCORMICK, Agent, Pittsburg. Pa. mhI2-D STOCKINETTE JACKETS At prices that cannot be undersold for same quality of goods. Lot No. i. All-wool Stockinette, $a 75. Lot No. 3. All-wool Stockinette, $3 95. Lot No. 3. All-wool Stockinette, 3 45. Lot No. 4. All-wool Stockinette, 3 75. Lot No. 5. All-wool Stockinette, 4 5a Lot No. 6. All-wool Stockinette, 5 00. Lot No. 7. All-wool Stockinette, 5 75. Lot No. a All-wool Stockinette, 7 45. We guarantee these goods to be perfect-fitting and well made la every respect. Sizes 33 to 44. Our own importation of guaranteed Fast Black HOSIERY Has arrived and Is open for inspection. It consists of three brands, viz: HE RMS DO RF PURE DYE, THE ONYX, THE INDELIBLE BLACK. We have ail sizes for Ladies, Misses and Infants, at prices ranging from 19c to 50c, all excellent values. OTZBHETffc ILSTIEj-W" GOODS. Ladle fancy Lisle Hose, 37c and 44c worth 75c. Ladles fine fancy Silk Hose, 75c, worth $1 35. Ladies' nne English Cashmere Hose, 50c, NEW VELVETRIBBONS, black and colors. NEW CHATELAINE BAGS, 48c to S3. NEW BELTS, SILK UMBRELLAS, NEW JERSEYS and BLOUSES' at attractive prices. ' 510, 512, 514 MARKET ST. AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE. au2-TTS3m "W. s. 3ynonsriDA.75r3 -a.ttg-"ctst 19. "W. s. JAMES ARCHIBALD & BRO LIVERY AND HALE STABLES. 117, 119 and 1S8 Third avenue, two doors below Smithfleld st, next door to Central HoteL Carriages for funerals, S3. Carriages for oDeraa. parties, 4c, at the lowest rates. All new car! riages. Telephone communication, rayl-ll-ris I) EPRESENTED IN MTTSBURQ IN 153 ASSETS . . t3fm,690l. Insurance Co. of North America. ixisses aojostea ana paia dj WILLIAM L 0 M JONES, i Fourth avenue. ia20-s2-rj WESTERN INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURG. A18 H4S,501S7 NO. ill WOOD 8TREET. ALEXANDER NIMICK, President. JOHN R JACKSON. Vl pTm... itt-i-r Wm T trr.Tr,Tr ir"1. - .. . mumm oecretarr. feZKK-TTS afL it told in it JL HeinricM. DATEITTS. tgnorrovft Dispatch by Er- cfflceNo delay., EsUbiXSaSSf ROYAL WHISKIES. Take jour choice. They are Hie Finest, Bie Best, Tie Oldest That money can bay. or can be had at any price. Everv brand we? offer von has the exirt . we claim for it, and it Is a well-known fact that any one of these favorite brands can be de pended upon in sickness and family nse gener ally. Yon cannot go wrong by making your se lection from the following Est: LOOK AT THE PRICES. Pare 8-year-old exportOaekenheimerWhisky, fall quarts. SL or $10 per dozen. Overbolt Pure Rye, five years olifull quarts. SLortlOperdossn. " Finch's Uolden Wedding, ten years old, fall quarts, Jl 25. or 112 per dozen. Danville's Old Irish Whisky, .quarts, $1 60, or 115 per dozen. Ramsay's Old Bcotch Whisky, dlstillerv at lilay, II B0 per bottle, foil quart XtaS.'" SX 'Wih7' Ju,,t"'rr at North 4ut vvuk-, 9. iw p. wiuo, auu qaftrs. wo guarantee posHiy protection in regard to tbe parity of oar Wines, Whiskies. Brandies and Gins. , Our California Wines costless money and are far supetlorin body and flavor to all others. Fall quarts, 60 centsfor 85 per dozen. Jna. FlEminjj l Snn, $, t ' 412 MARKET ST., HTT8BUBG. PA. aolS-TTMTj , "" w: SEMPLE'S STORES. 165, 167 and 169 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA ONE MORE BEFORE WE PART - ;v WITH THE'FEW EElVlAINING BARGAINS. 4 ASM VH The shelves must bi The profit is all yours. PALL GOOD; Final cut in DRESS G 5c a yard. Double fold G Double fold Henrietta 40-inch Henriettas, all col Henriettas 35, 40 and 50 year round. 42-inch al 6-4 wide Ladies'' Cloth, e: 35 and 30c, 'all-wool, suit: plaids, forsuits and coral 75c, $1 and fi 35. cleared for the incoming fall stock. We know they will be cleared. The boom is on. How prices win the day. kPlenty of goods to select from and lots of time to use them if you come at once. , CROWDING SHELVES. ODS of every kind. Colored dress goods shmere 10c Double fold De Seiges 10c. nish Cashmeres, all colors, 15, 20 and 25a rs, 37rec 40-mcn ail-wool uasnmeres ana are worth one-half more and good all the wool Serges 25 and 31c, have sold at 50c tra good quality, 45 and 50c Colored'Tricots ble all the falL Imported fancy stripes and inations, at 50, 60 and 75c, are reduced from Don't forget the bar, ment and the slaughter plices on all WASH Challis, Scotch Gingham, Lawns, etc - It wm pay evrjr-oMl witbia a radius of us this week. ains all through the BLACK GOODS depart- GOODS such as Satines, 100 miles to come And lee ROOM FOR EXPOSITION. LACE CURTAINS. Thse are goods you like to buy all the year round if the prices are right. We have 2,000 pairs Nottingham Curtains we want to sell this month, ranging in price from 50c to $6 a pair; such values have never been seen in this market It will be a pleasure to show them to you and convince you of this fact. CARPET DEPARTMENT. For the balance of this month yott can carpet your rooms from our stock at about half the regular price. Previous to the arrival of ihe fall stock we offer Body Brussels 65c, worth tx; at 75c, worth $1 25. Tapestry Brussels 40 and 45c, worth 60c. Ingrains, extra Supers, etc., at same cut prices. Rugs, Mats and Mattings all reduced. v ' Similar low prices and.good values found in our Silk Department Linen Department, Hosiery and Glove Department, Cloak and Sail' Department and the other 50 departments in the house. Mail orders solicited and promptly filled at lowest prices. 4 & ,1V jT- s VJK? Jfer sisSteisiswslNMMiE iswSHSiSr'alSil gi23BEslsisHHsHiB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers