753T,33 vr X .??? ADVERTISE yonr business In THE DIS. PATCH. Prompt returns assured. WANTS are always promptly responded to when advertised In TBE DISPATCH. Kcal Estate can be sold, through adver tlscmcnt In THE DISPATCH. ffe pp$tott$ If you want Board, Rooms, Homes or Help, advertise In THE DISPATCH. Purchasers can be found far everything offered For Sale In THE DISPATCH. THE DISPATCH la tha beet advertising melnra in Westers. Pennsylvania. Try It, W FOETY-rOUHTH YEAR. THE OIMMUCHIIE In Charge of the State Organi zation for the Campaign of This Year. NO STRANGERS TRUSTED. Only Tried Friends of the Little Napoleon Are on Guard. WHY MR. BIGLER IS BEING BOOMED. Tho Friends ol Ex-Senator Wallace Sus picions ot Certain Advances Senntor (aay Determined to Brine Ont a Big Toto for Boyer Tho Junior Senator Back at Ills Home In Bearer Sorry Sam Fesscnden Was Hurt Prospects for To Day'a Virginia Democratic Convention A Hot Fleht Anticipated Hon. Robert Wright, of Allcntown, Not a Candidate for Sstato Treasurer. Chairman Quay has returned to his home in Beater, presumably refreshed by his yachting outing. His campaign will not need his presence in Philadelphia this year, though he proposes to get out as big a He publican Toteas possible, to make things run more smoothly next year. The move to no minate Bigler for State treasurer is inter preted as inimical to "Wallace. IEFECIAL TELECEAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Philadelphia, August 13. National Chairman Quay left for his home at Beaver on the 11:20 train. Before leaving the Continental Hotel he was called on by Collector of Internal Bevenue Martin, whom he had informed by wire ot his com ing. Collector of Customs Cooper, District Attorney Wanger, of Norristown; Con gressman Yardley, of Bucks county, and Senator Delamater. A few minutes before 11 o'clock, in com pany with Collector Martin, Senator Quay ' started for the Broad street station, and the -arge number of callers who came later ex pecting to see him were sadly disappointed. SOEBY FOB FESSENDEN. The Senator expressed regret on account of Mr. Fessenden's accident, but was pleased that no fracture of limbs occurred. Unless some unforeseen thing occurs, Senator Quay will remain at Beaver for some time, taking an occasional run down to the headquarters of the National Committee at Washington. His presence at Philadelphia will not be needed during the campaign, as Chairman Andrews, who Is now at Titusville, will be here In a few days, and Frank 'Wining Leach, Secretary, and Chief Clerk Morri son, of the House of Representatives atHar risburg, who is now acting as chief clerk of the State Committee, arc busy at headquar ters sending out to the chairmen of the vari ous county organizations poll books, etc., for use in the coming' campaign. AS IF 'TWAS NECESSARY. Affairs are being managed at the Repub lican State Committee headquarters the same as il there was going to be the hottest kind of a fight this fall Senator Quay is giving every attention to the management L i of the details, and Chairman Andrews is perfectly willing to carry them out under . the Senator's guidance. 1 None of the old force, with the exception of Secretary Leach, who were with Chair man Cooper during his career as field mar shal, will De at Chairman Andrews' elbow. The State organization will be a Quay machine, pure and simple, and none but trusted friends will be on guard. It is intimated that every effort will be put forth to get out a heavy Republican rote this year, and to roll up an overwhelm ing majority. By so doing, the junior Sen ator, who will be credited with the victory, will be able to make THE NOMINATION OF DELA2IATEB or whoever he may select, an easy matter, and at the same time, scare off any of the leading Democratic candidates who might look lor a show of winning. The friends of ex-Senator William A. "Wallace, who is willing to run for Governor next year, "if there is a chance," are con siderably exercised by the movement to nominate E. A. Bigler for State Treasurer. Bigler hails from the same county in which "Wallace claims his home, and the adherents of the latter fear that the nomination of Big ler would seriously handicap, if not prove fatal to "Wallace next vear. Geography is recognized as a very arbi trary factor in politics, and the supporters of Wallace have taken the alarm at the Bigler boom, because they think they see the work of designing hands in the con struction of the political map. Thev charge the scheme to the enemies of Wal lace, who have other candidates for Gov ernor in view, and who have PASSED THE WORD ALONG the line to nominate Bigler. They blame ex-Chairman Hensel for engineering the business, in the interest of Chauncey F". Black, with a helping hand from Scott and men like Larkin, of Pittsburg, who would be for Pattison for Governor. In order to lead off Hensel & Co., the "Wallace men are going to try to persuade Bigler not to run. One of them said to day: "i don't see why Bigler wants to run, unless having once had a taste of office he has got the office-holding mania. He will not be elected, although there is a chance to beat Boyer with the right kind of a fight, as some of the leading Republicans who are opposed to Quay want to have their fight out with him this year, bo that they can get into line next." t ALMOST AS SAD. The Wallace supporters, while not so outspoken in their opposition to Captain Clay's candidacy as to the Bigler move ment, think that also would militate against the Clearfield statesman, since Clay lives in Elk county,which is in the same Congres sional district with Wallace. What tho Wallace leaders want is a Philadelphian for State Treasurer, and they are now spying out the ground and looking for the man. B. K. Jamison has been men tioned as a man who would fill the bill. Edwin S. Stuart, President of the State League of Republican Clubs, will issue a call in a few days for a convention of the State clubs at Lafayette Hall, Pittsburg, on September 21. AN EXCITING CONTEST. Virginia Democratic Candidates for Cover- nor Running n Close Knee McKonney tho Favorite Several Others Poshing Him Hard. rSrECT.lL TELZOKAM TO TUB DISPATCIT.l Petersbueo, Va,, August 13. In politi cal circles here to-day bnt little else has been talked of but the State Democratic Convention, which assembles in Riclfmond to-morrow at noon. The speculations and conjectures as to who will be the choice of the convention have been many, but the general impression appears to be that the gubernatorial candidate will be Captain Phil McKenney, ot Farmville. Tho convention will bo composed of 1,532 delegates. Necessary to a choice, 767. Captain McKenney, it is said, will get 631 votes on the first ballot, and that Hoge Tyler, of Pulaski county, who is very prom inently spoken of as the candidate for Lieutenant Governor, will throw his strength over to McKenney on the second ballot . The Norfolk delegation to the convention passed through here to-night, en route to Richmond. It is understood that 20 of these delegates are for McKenney and six for Bierne, with Samual Woodson Venable, of Petersburg, as their second choice. The whore delegation from Pittsylvania county are for McKenney, with Venable for their second choice. It is believed that the dele gation of Richmond City, who are for Bierne, are also for Venable as a second choice. It is thought by the friends of Captain Venable that if McKenney or Bierne are not nominated that then Venable will be the choice ot the convention. The delega tion for Prince George County and lor Petersburg went over to Richmond this afternoon, wearing silk badges on the lapels of their coats on which were, in large letters, the words "Samuel Woodson Venable for Governor, the war horse of the Democracy." This morning about 100 delegates from the southwest passed through here en route to the convention. Most of these are for McKenney, with many of them in favor of Venable if McKenna cannot he nominated. James W. Marshall, of Craig county, was selected to-night by the State Commit tee as temporary chairman of the conven tion. The amazing feature of the convention is the immense gathering it has brought from the country. The total failure of crops and consignment, and the consequent depression begot the belief that it might be difficult to secure even the attendance of farmer delegates. Not only is every delegate on hand, but each county is largely represented byontsiders who have come lrom a deep interest in tho proceedings, and with the determination of downing Mahone. The talk of nominating that in dividual for Governor on the Republican ticket has been like shaking a red rag at a DUU. Chairman Barbour says this is not a na tional convention, and therefore he does not see that national questions can entgr into the campaign. He says the internal revenue ought to be abolished, and, so far as the State debt is concerned, that the Democratic party will, of course, adhere to the Biddleberger bill, which has been concurred in by all the conventions since 1883. Concerning the color question, he does not see that it is incumbent upon the Democrats to make any issue. If the negroes mass themselves withthe .Republi can party they will raise that issue them selves. WILL BE BRISK AND BITTER. A Son-in-Zjuw of a Late Congressman Has a Fight on Unnd. IfnCIAL TELEGRAM TO Till Disr ATCn.l New Orleans, August 13. The Demo cratic convention in session at Lake Charles, this evening, nominated Mr. Andrew Price lor Congress, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of E. J. Gay, who died soon alter his election. Mr. Price is a young man, 35 years of age, and the son-in-law of the de ceased member, Mr. Gay. He is rich in his own right, and thouch his wife gets a portion of the large iav estate, amounting to several millions, he is a large and successful sugar planter and a protectionist Democrat He has held no political office, but was largely instru mental in the election of Mr. Gay in 1884. The nomination is regarded as the hnst that could be made, and greatly improves the Democratic chances in the district The election occurs September 3, and the con test from this time on will be a brisk and bitter one. NEXT MEETING IN TENNESSEE. The Republican League of Clubs Will Con vene In the South. Sabatooa, N. y., August 13. The ex ecutive committee of the National League of Republican Clubs met at Congress hall, this afternoon. In the .absence of Judge John M. Thurston, of Nebraska, president of the League, Vice-President James Al Blanchard, of New Yorkpresided. Tues day, March 4, 1890, was fixed upon as the date for the next national convention, which will bo held cither at Nashville or at Chattanooga. Colonel M. S. Colbarn, of Manchester, Vt, was elected a member of the committee in place ot Hen. Guy C. Noble, deceased. Ap propriate resolutions were drawn up con cerning the death of Mr. Noble. One of the special subjects under dis cussion has been the question of the. or ganization of Republican clubs in the South. Another session will be held to-morrow at 10 A.M. WRIGHT NOT A CANDIDATE. He Wishes It Emphatlcallr Understood That He Won't Blake the Race. rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THX DISFATCII.1 Philadelphia, August 13. Hon. Rob ert E. Wright, of Allentown, has furnished the following to the press: I see it stated that I have entered the lists as a candidate for the Democratic Domination for Btato Treasurer. Will you permit me to cor rect the statement? Whenever proper occa sion offered 1 have said that I am not, and will not be, a candidate for the nomination. I re gret that a contrary impression exists in some of the nelghborinc: oonntles to my own, but trust that my wish that my name should not be presented to the convention will be respected. A MISSISSIPPI LYNCHING. A Colored Man Receive a Short Shrift and a Long- Rope. Abebdeen, Miss., August 13. Monday morning about 3 o'clock a negro named Keith Bowen, employed on Charles S. Moore's farm, nine miles from this place entered the room occupied by Mrs. Moore her daughter and a niece. Bowen attempted to assault the niece, but her screams awoke the other occupants of the room and he fled. He was recognised by" all the parties, and be fore noon he was arrested and turned over to a Justice of the Peace. The entire neighborhood congregated took Bowen from the custody of the officers and strung him up by the neck on the pub lic road near where the assault was made. A Valuable Cuban. Havana, August 13. Senor Sardina, who was recently kidnaped by banditti, h" be.e,?,r&?.ed ,n,tho Myaent a ran som of 12,000 in gold. IN. FULL OPERATION. The Camp at Mr. Gretna Gets Down to Business The Adjutant General's Banquet Some of tho Many Coming Events, JEFECLU. TELZOBAM TO TUB DISFATCH.l Mr. Gbetna, August 13. The joint en campment of troop B, Fourth United States Cavalry; troop B, Sixth United States Cavalry; Battery F, Fifth United States Artillery; Battery C, Third United States Artillery, and Battery B, Fourth United States Artillery, under command of Colonel Carpenter, and the City troop, Sheridan troop, Governor's troop and Batteries A, B and C, of the National Guard, under com mand ot Colonel Hudson, Chief of Artil lery, is now in full operation. Adjutant General Hastings and staff and Lieutenant George E. Sage, of the Fifth United States Artillery, inspected the cav alry of the National Guard at 10:45 a. m. to-day. The inspection' was thorouch, and included different drills. The cavalry had a skirmish drill this morning, which was a fine sight There were two lines of skir mishers and a charge by the entire com mand across the plateau and up the hill on which the artillery are encamped. Adjutant General Hastings this evening tendered a banquet to the United States officers and Colonel Hudson at the Park dining rooms. The affair proved a very enjoyable one, although tho rain was fall ing. Colonel Frank J. Magee, commander or the Eighth Regiment, National Guard; Captain Watts, of the Gobin Guard, Car lisle, and Surgeon Riley, of the Eighth, were in Camp Sheridan to-day.- Adjutant General Hastings and staff will to-morrow afternoon inspect the three batteries of the .Rational uuard. Governor Beaver will have a review of the entire force in camp on Thursday. Gen eral Schofield, commander of the United States army, and possibly the Secretary of War, will be present Adjutant General Hastings and Colonel Carpenter have fixed the line of review. The United States troops will occupy the right on the plateau, cavalry first, and then artillery. The Na tional Guard cavalry and artillery will be on the left The entire line will be over one-half mile in length. To-morrow even ing the entire force will have dress parade together. The Second Brigade Band, of Pittsburg, composed of 30 pieces, gives nightly con certs, and the attendance is large. There was a large excursion in the park to-dav from Wrightsville, Marietta and Co lumbia, in which over 1,000 people partici pated. HARRISON ENJOYING LIFE. Boat Biding:, Driving and Eating Taking; Up All His Time. Bab Habbob, August 13. President Harrison received a warm greeting on his arrival here to-day, on his return from the Ellsworth visit by the midday boat He breakfasted with Senator Hale this morn ing. Subsequently Hon. John B. Redman, recently Democratic candidate for Governor, Mr. Nichols, of Minneapolis, and other gentlemen called on the President Then Senator Hale drove Mr. Harrison and Secre taries Blaine and Tracy in his carriage to the depot, other members of the party fol lowing on buckboards. Very soon after arriving at Bar Harbor President Harrison lunched with Mr. W. B. Howard, -whose cottage, Mossley Hall, stands directly opposite Stanwood. Then the driving .floral parade called for atten. tion. The party drove to the Kebo valley club grounds in order to witness it Presi dent Harrison and Mrs. Blaine occupied the first carriage. Secretary Blaine being seated in the second. NOBLEST MAN IN THE WORLD. A New Yorker With Ideas of Fhllanthropy Strictly His Own. New Yobk, August 13. William H. Ramscar,an alleged philanthropist, keeper of a boarding house which he calls the Un sectarian Home for Aged Persons, was to day held to answer a charge of assault upon John Lefferts, one of the inmates of the home, who objected to leaving a room for which he had paid, to take inferior quarters in the attic, Lefferts, bearing evidence of a brutal beating, testified against Baniscar, while the defendant, unscathed, claimed self defense. Ramscar sobbed and called himself the "noblest man in the world, if yon oniy Knew it, J uoge. Ramscar has an unsavory reputation, and. it is alleged, underfeeds and maltreats those placed in his charge. He once had a children's home, bat it was broken up be cause he sent his charges out to beg. For this he was imprisoned. - SONS OF ST. GEORGE. Officer Elected nt the Meeting of the Pean- sylvanla Grnnd Lodge. tSPECIAL TELEQBAJt TO THE DISFAICH.1 Wilkesbabbe, August 13. The Grand" Lodge of Pennsylvania, Sons of St George, met in annual session here to-day. Dele gates are present from all parts of the State. A brilliant reception was given this even ing, after which the following officers were elected: President, James Lea, Philadel phia; Vice President, John Kenworthy, Pittsbure: Secretary. J. H. Williams. Phil adelphia; Treasurer, Joseph Longford, Pitts ton; "Messenger, Joshna Golightly, Ply mouth; Inside Sentinel, William Poole. Shenandoah; Outside Sentinel, William Mallin, Scranton;Past President, Dr. Henry Manchester, Pittsburg: Trustees, John Shot ten, Philadelphia; Ephraim Coke, Potts ville; Richard Neus, Pittsburg. HER BEAUTY RESTORED. A Physician Has Discovered a Method of Removing smallpox Marks. tSriCLUi TELZGEAM TO THE DISPA.TCH.1 Youngstown, August 13. An elabo rate report has been presented here to the Mahoning County Medical Society by Dr. William Wickham, a practicing physician of this city, in which he claims to have discovered a means of removing the marks left by smallpox. He reports the case of a lady who was very much pitted, and asserts that he has sue-, ceeded in filling the depressions in the skin so that there was no evidence of the patient having had the smallpox. IRONWORKERS' WAGES INCREASED. The Pennsylvania bteel Company Grants an Advance to Their Employes. Habbisbueo, Pa., August 13. The em ployes of the Pennsylvania Steel Company were notified of an increase in wages this morning. The increase is from 2 to 10 per cent and restores the wages paid before the reduction several months ago. A Preacher's Promotion. Baltimoee, August 13. Eev, H. H. Weber, of the Grace English Lutheran Church, has resigned to accept the position of Executive of the Board of Church Ex tension of the Lutheran Church of the United States. He will locate. at York, Pa. Centennial of Dickinson Colleae. Ocean Giiove, N. J., August 13. Dick inson College celebrated here to-day its one hundred and sixth anniversary. Eesbln tions passed pledge those present toraake personal efforts to secure 600 studtaU ud 1,000,000 pr the collage. PITTSBURG, "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1889. MjQT ENOUGH IN IT. President Harrison "Will "Not be Sued by His Late French Cook. 'TWOULD BE A BIT TOO EXPENSIVE. Madame Pelouard Will Utilize the Free Advertising 6h Bos Hod. A TREABURT WATCHMAN'S NEW WORK. Hade to Distribute Circulars Pauls? the rostmaster General. Suit will not be brought against the President for the wages of his discharged French cook. She has found it would cost too much. Instead, she and her husband will use the free advertising they have re ceived to boom their new pension. John McMackin, the New York labor leader, re ceives his reward for favors received during the late campaign. J6FECTAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Washington, August 13. "I do not zeenkzat I zall breeng roat against zee Brezedent of zee United, States," said Mon sieur Marcel Pelouard to the correspodent of Tub Dispatch to-day, in his very dilapidated English. Monsieur Pelouard is thrifty and has discovered that It would re quire more money to pay the lawyers that he would get if he should bring suit and win it He went on to explain that he was very indignant at the manner in which some "j'oornaleests" had misrepresented and slandered him. He declares that Madame Pelouard can prove by two witnesses that Mr. Ziemoun, the White House steward, induced her to leave th'e employ of Mr. Bancroft upon a promise that she should have employment for the summer, that is, until the beginning of the fashionable season, at $50 a month. AN INTEBESTINQ COLLOQUY. Monsieur Pelouard recites a colloquy be tween the steward and Mr. and Mrs. Har rison just previous to the departure of the latter for Deer Park, which would seem to explain this extraordinary business. A day or two previons to her departure Mrs. Har rison called Ziemoun and requested him to dismiss the French cook. "But," said Mr. Ziemoun, "I secured her services for the summer, otherwise I could not have got her at all." "Oh, that does not make any difference," said Mrs. Harrison, "we cannot afford to pay her (CO a month for doing nothing while we ore away. Give her a week's notice." The steward, feeling that he was being made responsible for a great injustice, ap pealed to the President, but the latter was decidedly of Mrs. Harrison's opinion, ex cept in one thing, and that was the week's notice. NO NOTICE NECESSABY. "1 don't see why we should give her a week's notice," said Mr. Harrison. "Dis miss her at once." And thus Ziemoun was left no discretion, hut had to break his contract with Madame Pelouard, though he acted as the agent of the President, After this Madame Pelouard attempted to appeal for "joostees," as Mon sieur Pelouard cays, but was stopped on the' Stairs Dy sergeant uinsmore, wno threatened to arrest her. Monsieur and Madame Pelouard have taken a large house at 80SEighteenth street) and before winter will open a private! French hotel, or "pension," with a select cafe, and will cater for small families. While Indignant at their treatment by the President and Mrs. Harrison, they are shrewd enough to recognize the value of the irea advertising they have received. A GOOD FIELD TO WORK. Tho Advantages' to Accrue From an American Industry In Italy. Washington, August 13. Isaao B. Diller. United States Consul to Florence, has made a report to the State Department of American interests within his consular jurisdiction, that now includes nearly 3,000, 000 souls, one-tenth of the population of Italy. The Consul urges the establishment of a large warehouse at Flprence for the ex hibition and sale of American agricultural machines and mechanical implements. Sev eral attempts to sell American machines have heretofore proved failures because of the unreliability of the agents employed. A good trade with the peasaut proprie tors, Mr. Diller believes, could be secured by means of a grand central depot In the past year, Mr. Leroy DeKoven.jof Chicago, has established a dairy farm at San Donato, on the outskirts of Florence, which has proved successful, despite direful predictions of failure. TO BE LOOKED INTO. A Postmaster Accused of Making Illegal Appointments. Washington, August 13. A complaint has been filed with the Civil Service Com mission against Postmaster Ankeny, at Min neapolis, charging him with making illegal appointments. The complaint is a formal one, and is accompanied by an affi davit in which the facts in the several cases are fully set out. The commis sion has, however, asked for further informa tion regarding some of the allegations made, and will take no further action pending its receipt An investigation will no douhl be insti tuted, by the commission. Mr. Ankeny re ceived his appointment in 188G. DODGING THE ISSUE. Tho 'Department Will Not Settle That Niagara Falls Electricity Qncstlon. Washington, August 13. The ques tion as to the dutiable character of elec tricity generated in a foreign country and introduced into the United States is not likely to be decided for some time to come. Solicitor Henhurn, to whom it was referred, said to-day that he proposed to inform the gentlemen who asked tor an opinion as to whether duty should be imposed on elec tricity, which it is proposed to eenerate on the Canadian shore of Niagara Falls and trans mit to Buffalo, that it is contrary to the department to answer hTDotbeticalnnptnn of this kind. THEI HATE MORE 01? THE SAME. Any Number of Senecalndlans Who Wonld Like White Squaws. rSPECIAL TELEQKAM TO TJTX ISrATCH.l Washington, August 13. Miss Stella Cox, a well-known young lady of Washing ton, .was married on July 24 to a full blooded Seneca Indian, at the Cattaraugus Indian reservation. Mr. A. Sim Logan, late of the United States Indian Bureau, in writing of the affair remarks: We have a few more young men to spare'lf Washington should desire to send some more of her daughters among the dusky braves. Redaction In IiUmber'Dntlcs. Washington, August 13. The British Legation has informed the State Depart ment that the Governor General ct Canada, under the pow.gIv aha. by the lairs of UW AjQBUUeB,BM INHH MM tXfHt IMlM on pine logs from $3 to $2 a thousand feet, board measure. A WATCHMAN IN NEW WORK. He Is Hade to Distribute Circulars Adver tising the Postmaster General, SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TBE DISPATCH. 1 Washington, August 13. The watch man at the northeast door ot the Treasury building found himself in new business this afternoon at i o'clock, when the men and women filed out on their way home from work. He handed to each a large four-page sheet, which was evidently intended to ad vertise a local business "college." The most interesting part of the circular seemed to be a picture of Hon. John Wanamaker, the Postmaster General, which was printed on the first page, in the midst of a two column speech, entitled "Golden Words; Address of Hon. John Wanamaker, Post master General of the United States and. the Prince of Business Men, aft tho Twenty third Annual Commencement Exercises at the Washington Business College, in Al haugh's Grand Opera House, on Tuesday, May 14, 1889; a Tribute to Business College Training by a Distinguished Citizen." In the speech the Hon. Postmaster Gen eral told the story about the bad little boy who put a button and not a nickle in the Blot, and reminded hf delirrhtad hparpra that some day when the machine was opened the lad who had proved untrue would be found out, but he did not explain how the particular boy who dropped the button and not the nickel in the slot would )e discovered. , But the most interesting thing about the advertisement was not the Wanamaker feature. The watchman said that the cir culars had been sent down from upstairs, and that he had understood at the time that he was to distribute them to the Treas ury clerks as they passed out, by the order of one of4he chief officials. RECEIVES HIS REWARD. i One of Quay's New York Converts la In Out "of the Cold. Washington, August 13. The Secre tary of the Treasury to-day appointed John McMackin, of New York City, to be Special Inspector of Customs for duty at New York. Mr. McMackin is a warm friend of Dr. McGlynn and was at the head of the can vass when Henry George ran for Secretary of State. A K. OF L, CHESTNUT. r Sir. Powderly Will Not Resign and tho Order Is Flourishing- Tho Secre tary's Flatteries; Beport An Increase In Membership and Wealth, rsrzciAX. tiliobak to the dispatch, j Philadelphia, August 13. Eegard ing a report published this morning to the effect that the Knights of Labor are fast going down and that Mr. Powderly is about to resign as General Master Workman, General Secretary-Treasurer John W. Hayes said to-day: v I don't care to mako any formal answer to this. It's unnecessary. This same story I should say chestnut about Mr. Powderly has been published COO times and as often denied. Wlat's the use of me adding to the list! Tha fact is there is not a word ot truth in it Bo far as anyone can know Mr. Powderly has neier thought of resigning. And why should he' It seems to mo that when certain nevspapers have nothing else to write about tbff publish lies about the Knights ot Labor. -Peftrverygreat institution, I suppose, must hve its enemies. The truth of the matter is simply this: There never was a time in the his tory of the order when it was in better condi tion than It is at this moment There is no ouncomoe in tnis; it is an actual lact, as all the members know. When I took the office of Treasurer in conjunction with that of Secre tary, we had a debt ol about 112,000. My re port, made last April, showed that every cent of this had been paid off, that tha order did not owo a Denny, and that it owned real estate and other property worth' 5125,000. Does that look like a decline? Well, hardly. .Now, then, my last quarterly report, just finished but not yet is sued, shows an even more gratifying exhibit We are ont of debt and have a surplus. As to our membership, that, too. Is on the increase. It is true there was a time when we lost heav ily in that respect but we have recovered from that and are now going ahead. A membership of nearly 300,000 can baldly be called insignifi cant and that's what we have to-day. No. I did not exaggerate one bit when I said that the order was never in better condition than it is at this moment for that's the lact Astoth Powderly story, that's a summer chestnut; xiuuuiig in it ab aai. SOMETHING OP AN ITEM. A Fight Between a Railroad Syndicate and ' the State of Ohio. IrSPECIAL TELZOSAX TO THE DIBrATCII.l Columbus, August 13. About ten days ago, Burchard Hayes, representing the (Wabash Bailroad consolidation, paid Secre tary of State Eyan $52,000 for a certificate of incorporation, which was one-tenth of 1 per cent on the capital stock of the new syndi cate. The money was paid under protest. Mr. Hayes tendering, first a check for the amount that would have been due under the old law. Secretary Eyan construed the law and the full amount was paid. It was not turned into the State Treasury, as the time of the quarterly settlement has not arrived. To-day Mr. Hayes and the committee authorized to purchase the bonds ot the companies consolidated, and issne new bonds of the syndicate, petitioned for an in junction to restrain Eyan from paying the (52,000 into the State Treasury. The con stitutionality of the law will be the issne. Judge Evans, of the Common Pleas Court, granted the injunction and fixed the bond at $500. The injunction will stand until the meeting of the Supreme Court, Septem ber 16. The Wabash syndicate is the first corporation to test the law, and the result will beawaited with much interest. The action is at the instance ot the bondholders, who are How York parties. GOBBLED UP A RITAL. Tho Thomson-Houston Electrlo Company Bwollows Another Corporation. rsf ECIAI. TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Boston, August 13. The Thomson- Houston Electrio Company has purchased the entire stock and assets of the Van de Poele Electrio Manufacturing Company, of Chicago. That company after the sale of its railway patents to tne xnomson-iiouston Company, retained an important arc light ing industry, and also obtained a royalty per car on all cars manufactured by the Thomson-Houston Company. Owing to the increase in the company's business the roy alty was much larger than anticipated, and a favorable arrangement had been made for the purchase of the Yan de Poele Company and its royalty. The arc lighting interests will probably go to the Ft Wayne Electric Company, which is controlled by the Thomson-Houston Company. WILL INVADE CANADA. A Brooklyn Regiment Will March Upon Hamilton, Ont Hamilton, Ont., August 13. Secre tary Smith, of the Carnival Committee, has received word from the officers of the Thirteenth Eegiment at Brooklyn, N. X., stating that the Thirteenth Eegiment, National Guards, 600 strong, would De here on the military day of the carnival, pro viding the Canadian Government would give permission for the team to come under arms. , The local members at once communicated with Sir AUelp X. Omfm awl Mftmt vu THE LAWLAD) DOWN. Judge Terrill Calls the Trize Fight Grand Jury Before Him TO REMIND THEM OP THEIR DUTY. lie Will Not Consent to Dave tho Case Transferred to a Justice. THE GRAND JTJRI MUST TAEE ACT10K. Straws Show That the Accused Will Plead Guilty If They Are Indicted. The grand jury at Purvis, Miss., consider ing the Sullivan-Kilrain prize fight was called before JudgeTerrill, who told the mem bers that they could not transfer the case to a Justice of the Peace. It is now thought those under suspicion of being connected with the fight will plead guilty. (SPECIAL TELElJllAM TO THX niSPATCn.1 Pukvis, Miss.. August 13. The Circuit Court met promptly at 9 o'clock this morn ing, but could do nothing but patiently await the action of the grand juryto fur nish "grist" for the court mill to grind on. Eumor has it that Sullivan and Kilrain have been indicted jointly for prize fighting. The court kept open in informal session' with nothing to do until this afternoon, when the judge took, the bench (moved thereto, as is supposed, by rumors that the grand jury were averse to making any presentments, but would in all probability refer the mat ter to Justice of tho Peace W. W. Carter, pursuant to authorityaccorded them by the act of the Legislature of 1888) and told the sheriff to direct the bailiff to bring the grand jury into'court immediately, which was ac cordingly done. The J udge then re-charged tnem as loiiows: chabge of the judge. Gentlemen: I had you brought out here to say something to you that I might have said before. I heard this moraine, from a gentle man in no wise connected with the grand jury I don't know, however, that It is in any way your fault from a gentleman, too, who never makes it his business to inquire Into what is going on before the grand jury, that there were certain proceedings had before you that have become public, and I had charged you specifi cally to keep everything secret You swore upon the Bible and you kissed the Bible if you did not it was the same thine that you would keep everything secret Besides. I Besides, 1 suppose you know yon are indictable for everything uiab guea uub uy your xauit. The matter I refer to is that It was rumored Jou desired to refer these matters to the ustioe of the Peace. Upon your oaths you said yon would make true presentment of all matters and things coming before you. I specially Instructed you to find according to the facts. Tb ere is a statute in the books here (whether it Is constitutional or not I don't know), authorizing the grand jury to refer certain misdemeanors to the Justices of the Peace. There is one thing, though these mat ters cannot be transferredto the Justices of tho Peace without the concurrence of the Court The Judge Is as much a part of the Court as you. hioheb than the legislature. The Constitution is a part of the supreme law.of the land, higher than any legislative act It says that a circuit court jhall haTO full jurisdiction In all matters, civil and criminal; in this Btate this court has original jurisdic tion in all criminal matters. No justice of the peace court -has got it This is the only court having it It has it by the- Constitution. All the Legislatures that might meet could not transfer it to any other court I want to say to you, genuemeni that It Is not in your power to transfer without the consent of the court I don't Suppose it was in the minds of the Legislature, or any intelligent member of it, that matters of this kind shall be referred to the Justice of the Peace. .It was Intended, I suppose, that petty cases, on account of their expense, and such matters, might be referred to the Justice of the Peacstf or trial. But the Court is here, and comes here simply for the matter of trying this case. As J n dge of tho Court, I would not per mit such a thine. So far as your deliberations tend in that direction, you. micht as well give them up. Just say if you want to transfer them to the Justice of the Peace, and there is a power in this Court to do without your services. NOT EXACTLY THEIB BUSINESS. I want to tell you, gentlemen, that It Is not your business to know what other persons think, about this, outside. The only lawyer who has any business beforo you is the District Attorney. Yon ought not to listen to anything except what your own minds suggest I think you may be laboring under a false Impression as to your power in this matter. If you are loboring under the idea that you can transfer it to the Justice of the Peace you are laboring under a great misapprehension, because It can. not be transferred, and will not be. You are selected by the Sheriff, and unless you obey my instructions I shall discharge you and direct the Sheriff to summon anew grand jury, and I shall inform him that unless he summons men who will obey my Instructions I will Impose a nne or i,vw upon nun. in investigating tnis matter, if you find there is nothing in it, and you say so, you will havo done your duty. This court costs 5100 per day. That Is no lit tle money for these poor people. Tho. sooner yon end this matter the better for all parties. I hope you will take counsel of your own pru dence, and if you don't want the counsel of tho District Attorney vou must not take It If you want any counsel" either take Ms or mine. Either has full authority to Instruct you in all these matters. 1 nope there will be NO MISUNDEBSTANDING.OE delay about this matter. 'I think under tho Consti tution this Court has jurisdiction and the Leg islature cannot transfer it I might possibly transfer it to the Justice ot the Peace. Cer tainly It would take my action to do so. If there is anything wrong about it you are not to blame. The responsibility is mine. I don't see how you can get ont of tho court myself, as everyone of you know there are a great many little cases come up in the Circuit Court, where fine or imprisonment is imposed, which are hardly worth the cost of a trial, and these are the cases which the Constitution intended should be referred to tho Justice ot the Peace. I wish you would make up jour mind one way or the other. If you want to transfer the case say so. if vou do not want to find bills siv so. This Court is amply big to do without your services. I expect my instructions to bo noticed. Gentlemen, yon are sworn to keep secret and that you will diligently inquire Into and true presentment make of all matters. Presentment is not information at all. Pre sentment is a Din ol indictments made by the grand jury. I want to ask you not to take any advice of anybody, just the advico of your selves. Gentlemen, I am much obliged for your attention. A subfbise to all. This was a surprise to all, and was re ceived by the defendants, their counsel and friends with bad grace and chagrin. This morning it was believed that all of the par ties charged would get off light Now 'the reverse opinion prevails. There is no other thought but what the fraud jury will Indict the parties. True ills are looked to be reported to-morrow against Sullivan and Kilrain, when it is supposed the legal fight will begin in earnest District Attorney Neville has telegraphed Attorney General Miller that it will be use less for the latter to come here, that he does not need his aid. It, is inferred by this that Sullivan and the others will plead guilty. L0WRI MEETS A REBUFF. Governor Foraker Refuses a Requisition for 8aperlatendentCarroU. rSrXCIALTXLXQBAXTO TUX DISPATCH. J Columbus, O., v August 13. Governor Foraker to-day, on his return from New York, declined to issne a warrant of extra dition for Elchard Carroll, General Super intendent of the Queen and Crescent route. who ( wanted by Governor Lovry, of Mis-t-lMlppi, Ma aids gad abettor la the Sal- lUwKUrtU ftiM V J4h Xmbmi M af f0 C :.--S-l.- 1L. C5-,l. Ttt-f. "1K, uufcHUheiiuemiui mc ouubucru a,,, tne yueen and Crescent is already arrest in Mississippi. Governor For u - finding is as follows: This requisition coming on to bo heard, and ,i vtsiuK uiaue hi appear, on lesiimuuy uucicu on behalf of Carroll, that he was not present in the State of Mississippi at the time of the fighting of the prize fight mentioned in the requisition, and that ho had nothing whatever to do withe same, it is considered that a war rant of extradition should not issue. BROADWAY BANDITS. A Money Chancer Attacked In HIi Office by Armed Men Looking Down the Mnzzlo of a Revolver One 'Robber Arrested. rSFXCUT, TELXOBAK TO THE DISPATCH.! New York, August 13. To have rob bers rush into a broker's office under the very shadow of Trinity Church, present a revolver of 44-caliber, and order hands up is a decided novelty in New York, but that is precisely what happened at 69 Broadway at 11:05 this forenoon. For the post 1G years Mr. G. Loeb has been dealing in for eign and domestic money in Lower Broad way. His office is in the Arcade building, which boasts, among other tenants, the Union Trust Company, the Manhattan Elevated Bailroad Company, and Mr. Jay Gould. Perhaps the robbers came there after Mr. Gould. The entrance to Mr. Loeb's office was down a flight of seven steps. At the bottom of the steps the double doors are kept wide open in warm weather. The show window is protected by a frail wire netting, a foot high only. The connter is about seven feet long. For six days in the week, and eight and a half hours in the day, Mr. Loeb can be found on the other side of the counter, and an assistant attend ing to the books and correspondence is usu ally handy by at the counter, a little further back, where he has a glass frame before him With a window in it Between Mr. Loeb and this assistant and under the counter, is a cash drawer with no bell on it. Mr. Loeb's clerk walked out of the office at 11 o'clock for lunch as usual. After five minutes Mr. Loeb saw two young men com ing down the stairway and" arose from his chair to greet them, supposing them to be customers. They came down the stairs rapidly. The moment they reached the floor Mr. Loeb'happened to turn his eyes toward the show window, when he next looked toward the young men he found himself looking square in the muzzle of a 44-caliber revolver. "Throw up yer hands," said the nice young man with the revolver, and Mr. Loeb made a Y ol himself instantly, but instead pt standing there.as the robber expected him to do, he jumped to the right and fell up against the show window. Then he began to bang to bangthe glass with his knuckles and call for help. Exasperated at this, the robber with the revolver said: "Yon shut up," and at the same moment pulled the trigger of his revolver. The ball cut away a foid of Mr. Loeb's shirt over his shoulder and buried itself in the wooden frame be neath the show window. The other bandit made a break for the money drawer, but found it empty. They were interrupted by the crowd which the revolver had gathered and did not see a pile of coin and notes on shelves within reach. They bolted out of the door, bnt one who called himself 'William Trainer ran into' a policeman's arms and was arrested. He said he had lived in Chicago, was a clerk, but had been in the prize ring. TWO PRISONERS GOHfi SOYf. One Went Oat to Caleb the Other, and Is Now Missing. rsrXCTAX. TELEGRAM TO TBE! DISrATCH.l New Castle, August 13. As was stated in these dispatches yesterday, Sam Huston escaped from the New Castle jail'in a mys terious manner. Another prisoner named Dan Carson, a notorious tough about tho city, informed the Sheriff yesterday that he had been made a confidant of by Huston, and that he knew exactly where Huston was going. Carson said he would go along and point out the house in which the escaped prisoner was hiding. The Sheriff believed Carson and the two went to Enon Valley. 14 miles from New Castle. Carson came to a house which he said was the one in which Huston would be found. At-the suggestion of the Sheriff Carson started for the house, and as he got out of sight this was the last seen of prisoner No. 2. The parties who reside in the house said that Carson walked right past and when he had gone a short distance started on a run. The Sheriff returned to Newcastle early this evening with no clue to tile whereabouts of either of the prisoners. DISASTROUS BTORit IN KANSAS. Railroads Washed Ont, Crops Destroyed and the Country Flooded. KAHSA3 CitV, Mo., August 13. Ee ports of the effects of this morning's heavy rain and windstorm areieing received here. The tracks of every road, excepting the Union Pacific, running into Kansas City, were damaged in some manner by the storm so that all the trains were delayed. Many bridges on the Santa Fe and Southern Kan sas roads were destroyed and the heavy iron bridge on the former road at Olathe was washed away. Several trains on these two roads were abandoned. Almost every foot of country between Kansas City and Topeka is covered with water, and the corn crop in tnat territory is badly damaged. At Atchison several build ings were blown down. -At Falls City, Kan., J. M. Boommis' barn was struck by lightning and burned. A SUIT FOR BULLDOZING. A Man Who Was Compelled to Leave Ar kansas Wants 8100,000 Damages. Helena, Aek., August 13. A very im portant suit wits filed to-day in the United States Circuit Court in this city. The plaintiff is S, F. Sweet and the defendants 35 citizens of Forest City, Ark., composing some of the leading merchants of that city. The plaintiff was, during the riot on the 19th of May last, one pf the men who, it was claimed, was compelled to leave the State, and being nowa citizen of the State of Tennessee ho brings this suit in the United States Court for (100,000 damages against the defendants, who, he-claims, drove him from his home .because he chose to vote his own sentiments. MARRIED IN JAIL. The Experience of a Girl Who Wanted a Handsome Trnssean. Jebset City, August 13. Marie Eose Bablich was recently sentenced to 2 years imprisonment for burglary and will soon be taken to the State prison. She, on the eve of her wedding, because her trousseau did not suit her, entered her ex-employers resi dence and stole three dresses. She was to have married William "Kaufman. Last night Kaufman secured the services of Justice Aldridge, and they went to the county jail where Hiss Bablich was made Mrs. Kaufman. A National Bank for. Jeannette. Washington, August 13. The Con troller of the Currency to-day authorized the Frankfort National ..Bank, of Frank fort, Ky., to begin business with s capital of 1100.000. and Iks Tin Vatlsnsl lui mi JMwvtto, ?, wtital 9tW,m THREE CENTS ALL IMAGHATM vlief. Af Turn Phtrc;;r,a sin tho. 0 2r Aiiv Aujoiuxuua va lug .rmect on&o Hew Elixir. BAD eesults is two cases. A Eraco of Reporters Laid Up by a Coarse of the Treatment. THE! DO HOT WA5T ANI MORE OF IT. Tests at Ealtliaore and BaSala are Froaoaneed Partly Successful. Philadelphia physicians have made ex periments showing that the alleged effect of the new elixir are largely imaginary. Two reporters are in bed as the result of a test Experiments continue to bo made all over the country. rSrXCIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Philadelphia, August 13. A new theory accounting for the apparent effects of the Brown-Sequard animal tonic, or elixir of life, has been developed by the experi ments of Dr. Joseph Leidy, Jr., of the Penn- . aylvania Hospital for the Insane, and Dr. W. G. Howell, of Tioga. These gentlemen, while not condemning the elixir as a hum bug as yet, have been led to ask wheth er these results are not due to imagination... Dr. Leidy first injected the preparation recommended by Brown-Sequard into a man 90 years old, whose only 'ailment is general debility due to age. The man, within five minutes after the treatment, declared that he could read with much more ease and rapidity than he could before, and on the following day he a veered-that he conld walk with much less difficulty. The physician then injected into his arm a preparation of nothing more than water and salt, and the nonogenarian reported the same felicitions effects in a still greater degree than he had received from the first preparation. Pre cisely the same facts confronted Dr. Leidv in several other cases, in all of which the patients thought that the second dose was the much vaunted "elixir." effect of niAorjrATiojr. au conversation to-day Dr. .Leidv in conversation to-day Dr. Leidv stanced the well-known fact that the imag ination is a potent factor in the treatment of ailments. "I have often eiven hvrjo. dermic injections of water to people suffer ing pain or sleeplessness," he said, "and generally with the jfrompt result of driving away the pain or the insomnia, a result due entirely to the belief on the part of the pa tient that the water is a medicine sure to do its work." The reporters who subjected themselves out of curiosity to the Brown-Sequard elixir, at the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital, yesterday, are both laid up for repairs to day, and one of them is considerably scared about his condition. He sent a summons for Prof. Henry C. Boenning, who administered the emulsive preparation, and upon concluding his experiments to-day, Prof. Boenning repaired at once to the house and found the patient, who was enjoy ing the best of good health and spirits yes terday, in bed. His face wore a woe-begone expression and he showed traces of having slept very little during the night 'His symptoms were severe pains in the head, soreness in the limbs and high fever. ' He sorely regretted having had anything to do with the new life-giving remedy. TJN DEE THE "WEATHEE. The other newspaper man who tried it failed to report for duty also, and inquiry developed the fact that he was compelled to keep his bed to-day with a high fever, pains in the head, a painful couiusiou of ideas and severe pains in the groin and its vicinity. This young man is also badlv scared, and reproaches himself for his folly. The result of the experiment with the newspaper men made Prof. Boenning ex tremely cautious to-day, and he declined to administer the injection to any patient until he first explicitly stated that it was at his own personal risk. "We do not know what this thing is yet," said Prof. Boenning. "We only know that it comes recommended from a very high source, and that its results so far as learned have been in a number of coses beneficial. What its influence may be iu any specific case we cannot telL We must have it distinctly understood that we advise no one to undergo this treatment" A POWERFUL STIMULANT. The Result of a Baltimore Test of the Mew Discovery. Baltimore, August 13. Physicians here think the new liquid, Brown-Sequard'B so-called elixir of life, is nothing more than a powerful stimulant which might, if properly used, do much good,v for instance, in tiding a patient over a dan gerous crisie. Dr. W. H. Brooks ha3. experimented on an Irishman 60 years oldi who was run down by rheumatism. The material used was from a healthy lamb ancL diluted with water. He put into the man's, arm about 11 a. it. three injections of at dram and a half each about the temperature.: of a man's blood. In ten minntes the man, who had no idea, he was having a new remedy tried uponr him, acted like a man who was "feelinc pretty good" from a drink of whisky. His;, tongue got loose, he talked in the happiest: way, his pulse became accelerated 20 or 30 beats, and he asserted that he had improved wonderfully. There was no action like that of a man really intoxicated. The exhilara tion lasted three hours, when the patient went off into an easy sleep, and when ha awoke said he was feeling much better. Only a Strong Tonic. Buffalo, August 13. Experiments with the Brown-Sequard elixir, by doctors of this city, lead them to believe that it is a strong tonic, but not a panacea. THE RAILROADS WIN. An Anti-Monopolistic Measure Practically Killed la Georgia. Atlanta, Ga., August IB. The House; Committee on Eailroads this evening prac-. tically killed what is known as the Olive MIL This bill was aimed at railroad con solidation, providing forfeitures of charters in certain cases. It was an extreme anti monopolistic measure. Bailroad men all over the country, it is said, have watched the progress of the bill with deep interest Glass Workers and Manufacturers Confer. IirXClAL TSLZQBA1C TO TItX DISPATCH.! Wheelxno, W. Va., August 13. Tha conference committee of the Flint Glass WorKers Union met representatives of the Wheeling glass concerns at the McClore House this morning, and spent several hours in revising the paste mold list No definite conclusion was arrived at, and the meeting was adjourned for one week, when another conference will be held. The Color Line la Mexico City of Mexico, August 13. The Vox de Mexico ot to-day says petitions against negro immigration to Mexico are shortly to be simulated throughout the WBfy, for. mlPfwlMn Nfwt t, mUIm ft xtstr if 1 I i r 5 '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers