FORTY-FOUKTH Mrs. May brick's Execution for a Crime Not Fully Brought Home to Her LIKELY TO CHANGE A LAW. Her Chances for a Eeprieye None of the Brightest. THE TEODBLB IS CRETE EXAGGERATED. Bovlanscr'a Chief Crime as Viewed by the French Government London Trnmcnr Slen Score a Sweeping Victory Through Thorough Orcsnlsatlon The.Frlnee of Wales Shoulders a. Bnrdenaome LoaS American Working-men Recelred Royally la Londoo The French Working Hard to Make the Coming; International Cereal Congress a Success Rnssell Harrison a Creators of Grandeur His Purchase to Startle Americans When He Returns. If Mrs. Maybrick is hanged, the pre cedent established in her cue may lead to a change of law, allowing prisoners to testify in their own behalf. The trouble in Crete is not as bad as it has been represented. Boulanger's chief crime is described as a slavish regard for trnth, where it farthered his designs. tBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.: London, AugnstlO. Copyright The sensation of the week in England is the ver dict in the Maybrick case, and the general opinion seems to be that thongh the unfor tunate woman was tried for murder, she is to be hanged for anotBer crime, to which she confessed. The truth is, Mrs. Maybrick has been a very bad woman. The letters that were cot read at the trial show her to have carried on a number of intrigues with different men, and that she was depraved 'and conscienceless; nevertheless, she has popular sympathy, and it is even possible that her case may result in a change in the j English code of criminaljprocedure, so as to J allow the accused persons to go on the wit ness stand in their own defense. Begging: for a Reprieve. f To-day petitions for her reprieve have Leen circulated widely and numerously signed throughout London and the prov inces, and there is little doubt that hundreds of thousands of names will be obtained. The petition will be presented nominally to the Queen, though the decision lies with Home Secretary .Matthew- who-accordine, to official etiquette, must consult with the justice who sentenced the prisoner. As both. Justice Stephen and Secretary Matthews are firm and severe men, it is not altogether improbable that a reprieve will be refused. Matthews will be supported by the Lipski case, in which he resisted popu lar clamor to the last, and was rewarded for his temerity by a full written contession from the murderer. A Peculiar Medical Treatment That there was sufficient doubt as to the cause of Maybrick's leath to warrant a ver dict of acquittal must be admitted when the medical treatment of the unfortunate man is considered. The evidence shows that dur ing his 13 days' illness he was given 22 dif ferent remedies. ' The" Chemist andDruggist, which devotes an elaborate article to the scientific aspect of the case, says: "The entire course of treatment is the saddest commentary on modern medicaKscience which we have had for many years. The old school and new, allopathy and homeopathy, vegetables and minerals, calmatives, and explosives, acids and purgatives were tried. The whole thing has been a jumble of irrational empiricism, utterly destitute of scientific order or de sign, and bringing home to us far too'forci bly the fact that the medical treatment of to day is as great a toss up as it was in the days of polypharmacy." Need of a Change of Lavr. The Law Times also discusses the matter at length, and decides that from the law yer's point of view the Maybrick trial is a case of limited importance, "but from a med ical standpoint it is of enormous moment, because it proves that scientific evidence is practically useless in difficult cases, and that it is an alarming fact that upon almost any issue involving medical opinion, con trary and diametrically conflicting views may be laid before a jury to almost any ex tent. Nevertheless, the Law Times advo cates a change of law to allow prisoners to testify in their own behalf, though it is of the opinion that the verdict of the jury is just One discussion of the case in Parliament enabled Arthur O'Connor to make a cood point for the home rule movement "When Home Secretary Matthews stated that the prisoner was cheered, the jury who found her guilty hissed, and Her Majesty's Jndge mobbed and hooted, Mr. O'Connor arose to remark that such scenes often occur ira Ire land, and when they do ' The Mob Is Mode to S offer. Had the honorable gentleman heard, Mr. O'Connor asked, whether on this occasion the police on duty had either batoned, or bayoneted, or shot any of the crowd? Mr. Matthews made no reply, but sat down hurriedly. The Junior Travelers, one of the aristo cratic clubs of London, is anxious to and out who the "John" is who wrote to Mrs. Maybrick from that institution,- and whose letter was read in court ,lu this letter, which was simply signed "John," and was written on club paper, Mrs. Maybrick was warned that she had put her foot in it by telling conflicting stories concerning her whereabouts on certain nights to an aunt of the writer.' As there are more than 100 Johns in the club, the guilty one stands little chance of detection, while all of them are said to be more or less uneasy. Aracnlr and Its Uses. Should there be any women anxious to experiment with arsenic, either on their husbands or on their own complexions, they will have henceforth comparatively little J difficulty in obtaining the poison and learn ing how to use it The newspapers have been full of learned disquisitions upon arsenical poisoning, and people who believe in Mrs. Maybrick's guilt have been writing letters suggesting various cunning ways in which arsenic could be administered with certainty and with a minimum amount of risk of discovery.. It has been discovered that' there are cer tain districts in. Cornwall where crude arsenic- may be found on the hillsides in considerable quantities, and the localities are indicated by name. Patent medicines containing arsenic have obtained an unde sired advertisement, and manufacturers of cosmetics have let the public into some of the secrets of their trade. Druggists have told of the mysteries of pickmeups. Swallowed Dally by Many People. On the stock exchange, it seems, the jaded brokers prefer pyretic saline, dashed with lime juice syrup, or quinine and nux vomica, or a fearsome compound of sal vo latile, chloric ether, and essence of ginger. Most of the pnarmscists who have been in terviewed on the subject declare the use of arsenic as a pickmeup is very rare, but one tradesman, who,it is interesting to learn, is largely engaged in dispensing American prescriptions, states that among his custo mers is a surgeon who swallows daily a tonic mixture composed of gentian and liquor arsenicalis. , . The opinions of medical men who have practiced In India have been eagerly sought, and in view of their large experience it is A Matter for Wonder That none of them were called at the May brick trial. Of the deaths by poisoning in India 52 per cent are due to arsenic In the Bombay Presidency alone, 652 cases of pofs-' oning by arsenic have occurred during the last ten years. In 806 cases the victims died, and in six the irritant symptoms were slight Accidental deathfe are frequent in India. In Bombay a number of school children were poisoned by eating some arsenicous oxide which they found lying on the ground. A woman who died at Jamsetjet Jejeebhoy Hospital had eaten arsenic in mistake for pipeclay, which Hindoo women are rather fond of devouring. Another case is men tioned of a woman who was accidentally poisoned by the external application of a solution of arsenic, but she did not die of it until two years afterward. RECEIVED TERI CORDIALLY. American Working-men's Expedition An Treated Well Abroad. f BY CABLB TO THE PIsrATCH. ! London, August 10. The 50 working men who have been sent by James E. Scripps, of Detroit, to visit the Paris Ex position and mercantile centers of England, Germany and France, for the purpose of observation and study, arrived in London on Wednesday. They dined at the Tavi stock Hotel in the evening, and Minister Lincoln and several members of Parlia ment dined with them. The expedition re ported that it had been received with the utmost cordiality on British soil, and Min ister Lincoln made a speech, in which he dwelt upon the fraternal relations existing between 'English and American working men, who formed the real basis of both social systems. Mr. Biggar, M. P., pointed out to the American workingmen that the English Government was virtually the same as that dw United PtatCTT-ulrog tlip ''tuyaiTainUy Jiad no more to do with the Government here than there, and he wound up with an allusion to Abraham Lincoln, in the midst of which he burst into tears and Fat down. It is due to Mr. Biggar to say that his emotion was not vinous, because the only bottle of champagne at the table was placed before the Minister of the United States, in graceful recognition of his official standing, and was consumed by him and his right and left neighbors. A SPECTACLE OF, GRANDEUR. Russell Harrison ns He Appears on His Trips to London. CBY CABLE TO .THE DISPATCH. 1 London, August 10. Russell Harrison, as he occasionally appears in London from the country houses of the nobility to get clean collars and things, is a spectacle of cheerful grandeur at once beautiful and ele vating to behold. The son of the adminis tration is still human, however, and he ven tured to visit the Empire "Variety Theatre incog, one night, to see the performance which pleased his friends, the Prince of Wales and the Shah, but it is the fate of greatness to court self communion in vain, and Harrison was horrified to be seized, upon his entrance by a vulgar American, who introduced him by his full name and title to an admir ing group of his countrymen, one of whom had the impudence to salute him the next day at Aldershot while he was talking to the uuce 01 uamDriage. Harrison has purchased eight suits of clothes, 14 pairs of trousers, four top coats, and boots enough tofit cut a centipede, and the name of his white waistcoats is legion. The Customs department is informed that he contemplates smuggling an Inverness cape and evening suit into the United States for his father. . ANXIOUS FOR A SUCCESS. The French Government Preparing a Fro- craning of Great Interest, rnr cable to tob pisfatch.i London, August 10. The French Gov ernment is very anxious to make a big suc cess .of the International Congress upon corn, flour and meal, which meets in Paris on the 20th inst In connection with the 1 congress there will be an exhibition of ce reals, machines and tools for use in flour mills and bakeries and in agriculture. iThe committee of the French millers promise to do their best to make the American and other visitors comfortable, and already a most appetizing programme of dejeuners, banquets and excursions has been drawn up. t The French Government has just issued a special circular on the subject, a copy of which has been sent to The Dispatch by the French Ambassador in London. , ALMOST A HOPELESS TASK. The Frlnco of Wales' Endeavors to Aid n Frlcnd.Mayn't Succeed. JBr CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.: London, August 10. The House of Lords has dutifully passed the royal grants bill, and the Prince of Wales, by a piece of sharp practice characteristic of the whole business, will receive his first quarter's increased allowance next month. The Prince of Wales has been lending countenance to Sir George Chctwynd, and lately the rumor la that his royal high ness means to get Sir George re-elected to the Jockey Club, but as two black balls are sufficent to bar him, his chances of election appear somewhat remote. OUR LOSS KOT LONDON'S GAIN. Mrs. Langtry to Kemala In England the Coming Season. rBT CABLE TO THE DlSFATCn.1 London, August 10. The American public is to be congratulated upon the cir. cumstanco that lit. Langtry i looking tor a theater in London, and will play here next season. Charles. Wvndham made his farewell ap pearance before his American tour, on Wed nesday evening, in a revival of "Wild Oats." He will play "The Headless Man," "Wild Oats" and "Betsy" in America. MUCH MORE SMOKE THAN P1EE. Tronble Over Crete Not nearly So Serious ns Represented. rBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.! London, August 19. Little Greece Is making desperate efforts to cause an inter national row over Crete. Telegrams, mostly emanating from Athens, hare been-pub-lished in the newspapers of Europe giving bloodcurdling accounts of Turkish attroci tles in that fair islanJ, but these stories al ways turn up opportunely whenever Bnssia desires to trouble the Eastern waters. They are, as usual, grossly exaggerated. There has certainly been some throat-cutting,-but it has not been confined to one side. The Cretan, for the Christian, can handle a knife as dextrously and determinedly as his Mus sulman neighbor. The strife has been deliberately stirred up by agitation from outside, and Europe is now waiting, with ill-concealed trepida tion, to know what use Bussia intends to make of it Greece professes to be anxious to fight Tuikey, but Greek valor is largely tempered by discretion. All the Powers except Bussia and France have admitted Turkey's, right to suppress insurrection and restore order in Crete, and the Sultan has sent his troops to do the work. The next mov rests with Bussia. IN UNION LIES STRENGTH. London Tram Car Men Triumphant All Along the tine. tBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.! London, August 10. The agitation of London tram carmen, to which reference has been made in this correspondence from time to time, has triumphed all along the line. In most cases wages have been increased and the hours of labor diminished'. The right of the men to combine has been everywhere recognized, and the biggest company in this country has decided to set apart $10,000 from its yearly profits toward theormation. of a provident fund for its employes. A few years ago tram men were veritable slaves, and their improved condition U solely due to persistent soberly 'conducted agitation, backed by- "the -forced of public opinion. BOULANGER'S CHIEF CBUIE,. He Never Allowed a Regnrd.for Train to) Thwart His Designs. tBT CABLE TO TUB DISFATCir.f London, Angnst 10. The trial of Gen-v eral Boulanger, Henri Bochefort and Comte Dillon has commenced, bnt the newspapers long ago published the indictment and Pro cureur General Beaurepaire, unable to tell the world anvthing new, has sought conso lation in ferociously strong language against the three defendants. The chief piint proved against the Gen eral so far has been that he .never allowed a slavish regard for tbe truth to interfere with his designs, but it is generally admitted that he has good answers to some, at any rate, of the more serious charges. QUITE HAPPY AND Y1RTU0UG. Flnnger Benzon's Experiences Abont to be Given to thp World. JUT CABLE TO TOE PIsr-ATCB.l London, August 10. Jubilee Plunger Benson says he has nearly finished writing the bookjn which he. tells how he spent "SlJKiO.'bOO orThorse racing aniTbetting"in two years. He feels very nappy and un usually virtuous; happy because be is as sured of an immediate profit of some $30,000 from the book, and virtuous because he has refused the bribes offered by certain aristo cratic blacklegs to keep their names out of print. Benson will first bring out a half-guinea edition and then issne the bock in popular form and price. A MABSHAL MTJBQERED. West Virginia Again the Scene of a Bloody Crime A United Slates Official Am- bashed nnd Killed Tbe Canse and Perpetrators of the Deed Unknown. rSTZCIAL TXLEOBAK TO THE PISPATC1M Charleston, August 10. One of the most brutal murders in the history of the State occurred near Oceana, the county seat of Wyoming county, yesterday morning at daylight. The victim was Deputy United States Marshal James O. Hager, who was ambushed and wounded three times, the ball striking him entering his back, and penetrating through the lungs to the stom ach, inflicting awountl which caused death, in 24 hours. Marshal Hager had recently been ap pointed by United States Marshal White, and had gone to his home from this city to arrange some business matters. About 5 o'clock in the morning he left the house and proceeded to the stable to attend to the horses. As he set out to return he was' fired upon from a clump of bushes bv five men, each firing two shots. One shot struck- Hager in the thigh and the other in the lower part of the body. He ran toward the house, and just as he reached it he received the third and fatal ball. He had strength vtnough to enter the house and get his gun. out was powerless to use the weapon, and was unconscious when found. There is no clew to the murderers. A PECULIAR SURRENDER. I Two Men Accused of Murder Walk Into a Police blallon. Chicago, August 10. Two young men quietly walked into tbe Deering street sta tion this afternoon. One of them remarked: "I understand you fellows want us. My name is McGrath and this bloke is Mar tell." The sergeant in charge of the station leaned from his place behind the desk and took hold of the two men. "You need not grab us in that manner," said the young fellow who had first spoken. . "We came here to give ourselves up. We hear you want-usfor the -murder of Officer Fryer, and here we are.'' Though questioned closely the prisoners denied emphatically that they had. anything to do with the brutal killing of the police man. They will probably receive a course of treatment in ,the "sweat-box," but as they have, if guilty, had time to concoct a cood story, the chances of confession are slight TOLEDO'S NEW GAB LINE.. Something: of a Mix Over the Issuing pf the Necessary Bonds. Toledo, August 10. There is much com ment here over the half-million Issue of bonds to furnish natural gas by pipe line. Spitzer & Co., bankers, were the successful bidders, but refnsed to lake them-unless the words "natural gas bonds" on their face was changed to "general purpose bonds." This was done,' hot they sent a letter to the Ways and Means Committee to-night re fusing to take them, alleging they had legal advice that the bonds are invalid because of defective wording of the ordinance author izing them. , TKo tftTYimf t Acs s ftos a Trini aTinlsi A a elded to readvertue them under the samp There is much feelinir -ens-eni dered by the muddle becamse of the sup-' posed injury to the cUj'aariit, oruiuaoce Jury of Whiter Men Finds Preacher Not' Guilty HE MAY HAVE SHOT BLACKWELL, As the Evidence Goes to Prove, Bat the Judge Bays That if He Did HE WAS NOT THE MUDRERER The Verdict Beee'ied With Pleasure by the Colored Pecjls of Edgefield, John Yeldell. alias Eev. E. F. Flemon, the colored Pittsburg preacher, over whose requisition from the Governor of South Caro lina so much disturbance .was made, has been tried on the charge of murder, in Edge field, S. C, and acquitted. The trial was short, sharp and conclusive. The late pris oner is well guarded, but some fears of vio lence aro expressed. IFFXCIAL TELSGBAM TO TOE PISrATCILl Columbia, S. C, August 10. John Yeldell, alias Preacher E. F. Flemon, has been tried forthe murder of James S. Black well, in Edgefield county, In 1884. and ao quitted. The Edgefield Court House was as densely packed with spectators to-day as it was on yesterday, when the trial began. The twelfth juror was selected immediately upon tbe assembling of the Court this morn ing, and the taking of testimony commenced at 9:30 o'clock. Mr. Benet conducted the cross-examinations for the defense. The State's testimony was closed at 1:30. Im mediately upon the announcement by the solicitor that the State rested, Mr. Benet arose and said that the defense would intro duce no evidence. This was not a surprise, as the defense took the same course when tkeBriggs were tried. gTJBATJMONT beottohx out. The) following is a summary of the testi mony adduced by1 the State: The attending physician testified a to the nature of the gunshot wounds which caused Blackwell's death. W.B. Parks testified that he was the trial justice who, issued, the warrant for Seidell, Briggs and Harris for disturbing the peace and parrying concealed weapons, and, that he appointed his brother, F. M. Parks, as his constable to execute the war rant; and upon nis report that he could not make the arrest by himself, he -instructed his constable to get a sufficient number of men to assist hirudin making the arrest F. M. Parks, the Constable,' testified that he proceeded to make the arrest, but could not effect it withoutaid, and under instruc tions from the Trial Justice he summoned a posse of five men, among whom was James Blackwell. The posse left Parksville be fore day on the 30th of October, 1884, and proceeded to Josh Briggs' house, where Yeldell, Allen, Harris and Lige Briggs had taken refuge. Before Teaching tbe house, the posse was fired into from am bush, ana Blackwell was shot down. BIOHT TO THE POINT. Josh Briggs was the next witness. He testified as follows: John Yeldell, with other negroes, came to his house a little be fore sundown on the evening of the 29th of October, and stayed all night Before day light next morning Yeldell waked him up and said he heard a noise. They were ex- the lot As Blackwell and a Mr. Slone were seen approaching, Josh said "Halt," and immediately Yeldell fired and Blackwell fell. Then he (Josh) fired the second shot at the same parties near the gate. Josh was asked by the State whether anj of the negroes in his party were hurt or hit by any bullets which were fired at them by the whites, and he replied that-cone of them were hurt. Lige Briggs was not put up to-day to tes tify. J. L. Stone testified that he and Black well were together and were seeking to sur round the house, when a voice said "halt," and two shots were fired, almost together. He recognized Josh by his voice and also recognized Sohn Yeldell, who fired. SPEECHES OF THE HAWTEBS. These were all the salient points disclosed by the testimony. ' It was agreed that each side should be allowed two hours for argu ment As the defense had offered no testi mony, they were entitled to both the open ing and closing address to the jury. Mr. Tompkins submitted the legal propo sition relied on in the case by delense, and was followed by Colonel Echols, who spoke for one hour and made a magnificent argu ment The Solicitor presented the case of the State in a half hour's speech, at the con clusion of which court took a recess for din ner. After the dinner hour a battle of rhetoric took place between ex-Governor Sheboard. for the State, and Hon. W. O. Benet, forthe defense, both making elaborate and exhaus tive arguments. The charge of Jndge Pressley was fair, but favorable to the prisoner on two impor tant points. If the jury believed that they met at Josn Juriggs house, supposing there was a party on foot determined to lynch them or do any violence to them, the negroes assembled had a right to congregate together there and resist arrest, if possible, and if Blackwell had his gun presented at the time he was shot, then it was not murder for who ever killed him. t A VEBDICT SOON BEACHED. The case was given to the jury at six o'clock, "and at 9:30 o'clock to-nignt they brought in a verdict of not guilty. As soon as it was announced on the streets that the jury had agreed -the "court room was quickly filled with about 400 negroes and whites. The judge warned the crowd before the verdict was published that he would permit no demonstration of any-kind, and consequently the verdict was heard by the negroes without applause. They are greatly rejoiced at it, however, and to-night on the streets they are stand ing in groups, shaking each other's bands IB congratulation. Yeldell was not in the Court House after the evidence in the case closed, and. was in formed of the verdict by a constable. The jury was composed entirely of white men. On the first ballot 11 were for acquittal and 1 for conviction. It stood that way at every subsequent vote until 920 o'clock, when the solitary juror who had been hold ing out for conviction went over to the ma jority, v SOME TEAB3 OF VIOLENCE. There is a feeling of uneasiness among the people here to-night Yeldell will spend the nieht In fall, and will start on hf re. j turn trip to Pittsburg to-morrow. At lziw a. M. there are gathered in front of jail about 200 whites and blacks. Two thirds of the crowd still lingering in the public square of the village are whites, and it is feared there may be trouble before morning. The jail is guarded by 20 picked men ot the Edgefield Rifles, armed with Springfield rifles and supplied with an abundance of ammunition. The Sheriff has taken every precaution to keep Yeldell safely until he can be quietly gotten out of harm's way.r A Bride's Fatal Headache. rsTKCtAL TZLZOEAM TO TUB DISPATCH. J Wabash, August 10. Mrs. Farley was to have been married to-night She toek I morphine last night to relieve headache and Idled to-day. v. Wonderful Effect of the. Brovrn-Seanard Treatment oa a Philadelphia Be porter An Old Man Made Young Again A Mar velous Tonic. rSFZCIAL TZXXOBAK TO TUB PISrATCS.) Philadelphia, August 10. Dr. p. Ellsworth Hewitt, of this city, has been ex perimenting with "the elixir" for over a week, with marked success, and to-day he experimented on a reporter who had been affected with loss of sleep. The reporter loosened his clothing and exposed his left breast The doctor filled a syringe with the fluid ' and thrust it under the reporter's skin. For the moment .the pain was acute. The physician rubbed the spot vigorously to quicken cir culation, and awaited the result. After a brief feeling of faintness there came an awakening of circulation in every part of the bodv. The pains departed within 15 minutes, and in half an hour the reporter felt like one who has arisen from a healthy sleep. An hour before the experiment he "had taken a car to ride two blocks, but now he was ready to walk a full mile. There was a disposition to go to work with a rush, and to look on the bright side of things. . Dr. Hewitt has had wonderful success in treating an old man who was sorely stricken with rheumatism, The man was a charity patient at a city infirmary, and did not know that he was being treated with the elixir. He has received seVen injections, and, although three weeks ago he was very feeble,, is now decidedly strong. Another of Dr. Hewitt's eight patients is a packer" in a cigar factory who has been treated for catarrh. He knew nothing of the character of the injections, and in three doses' has been transformed from a lifeless young man into a sprightly one. Dr. Hewitt is a modest young man, and makes no claims to being the first to use the elixir in this city. He is pf the opinion that it will como into geperal the by physicians, and that it is a marvelous tonic; the best and most rapid yet known. He does not be lieve tbat it will restore structural decay, but looks upon it as a stimulant which is the most effective yet discovered. He has made no investigation a's to the extent of -its power. AMERICAN SCHOOLS IN TUEKEti Ex-MIoister Strauss Talks an Bis Pet Scheme of Education, i IS FECIAL TZLEQBAH TO TIIE'DIGPATCII.J Nevt Yobk, August 10. Mr. Oscar Strauss, lately Minister to Turkey, was among the passengers on hoard the steamer Etruria to-day. Mr. Strauss says that his sojourn in Turkey will always be a pleasant memory to him. In speaking of his pet sclxme, the growth of the school syitem founded on the American idea, Mr! Strauss said that there are nor 200 American schools. In Turkey, all of Which except one are open daily. An order was recently made by the Turkish Government prohibiting any local interfer ence with the schools. This was a great aid to tie school system, for it had been impeded and interfered with by the local authorities. Mr. Strauss was asked what he thought of the jkorld's fair idea. "Everybody speaks well of it," he re plied, "and 1 see no reason why it shouldn't be agreat success. It should beat all the fairi ever heard of before. This city is the placb for it, and there couldn't be a bettor time to start it for there are at presintno political animosities or foreign plications.,'1 ThevParis:Brp-ositlon has 'tet.Jhe -people's thoughts in the right direc tion, and we could have a fair that would go far ahead of anything "ever heard of before." KILLED BY A BLOW. An Kx-Conrlct's Fatal Fistic Aasanlt Upon n Young Man. rSriCIAL TILEQKAU TO TUX DlSFATCn.1 Fkeehold, X. J.. August 10. With one blow of his fist Asher Haggerty, an ex convict, struck and killed Edward Baggett on the porch of the Monmouth House this afternoon. Baggett, who was but 20 years old, came from" the barroom with George Doane, who keeps a shooting gallery below the stairs. As they cNime out on the porch Huggery approached Baggett and began to talk to him in low, angry tones. Doane left them and was going down stairs when he heard an oath and saw Baggett fall, evidently from a blow dealt by Hag gerty. A half minnte afterward Constable John son, who saw the assault from across the street, came to arrest Haggerty, who was trying to escape into the barroom. Hag gerty turned on the officer and fought him like a tiger. The officer and the prisoner rolled off the stoop into the street, but the ex convict was handcuffed and arraigned before Justice Lawrence. It was not then known that Baggett was dead. He was locked up, lor disorderly conduct scarcely had the jail closed upon him ere news came that young Baggett was dead. . Haggerty struck Baggett one blow on the left cheek, followed by three terrific full arm .blows on the neck in the immediate vicinity of the jugular vein. BEASIIEAE1NYITED. The Allegheny Ohserralorr Professor to Photograph the Skies at Paris. Washington, August 10. Invitations to attend an "International Congress for Photographing tbe Skies" have been sent through official channels to Profs. Brashear, Allegheny Observatory; Eastman, Hall, Kogers and Hotchkiss, Naval f Observatory; ElkinsYale Observatory; Gould, Harvard Observatory; Holden, Lick Observatory; Langlev and Winlock, Smithsonian Insti tution; Morton, Stevenslnstitute; Newcomb, Nautical Almanac; Peters, Hamilton Col lege; Pickering, Howard College; Eowland, Johns Hopkins University; Young, Prince ton; Profs. Curtis and Kutherford, of New York City, and Lieutenant Winterwalter, of the Navy. This Congress will begin in Paris Septem 6er 2, and is supplemental to the "Congress for Mapping the Skies," which met at Paris in 1887. A TE8I CUBI0US QUESTION." Can Electricity Generated la Canada be Used In tho Dolled States. "Washington, August 10. Solicitor Hepburn, of the Treasury Department, has been called upon to decide an interesting question in regard to the introduction into the United States of electricity generated in a'foreign country. It seems that an associa tion of gentlemen have established an electrical plant at Niagara Falls, ou the Canadian side, and propose to extend their wires to uuilalo for the purposes ot illumi nation, etc Before doing'so, however, they desire to know whether the electrical cur rent thus transmitted into the United States should be subject to duty or other tax. It is believed that the solicitor will evade the question by informing the persons inter ested that it is contrary to the rules of 'the office to answer hypothetical questions of this character. . . Did Not Want to be Talked Abont. BPICIAL TXLXOBAX TO TBS JI8P ATCU.1 Tiffin, O., August 10 James Law rence, a prominent married man of Mel more, to-day tried to shoot himself, and then took poison because the neighbors talked about him. The dootors pumped him ojVyj xwKbiBjye, i OPPOSITION TO ME. BOYER. No Expectation of Beating the- Speaker for His Slated Office. PEEPAEING FOE NEXT TEAE'S FIGHT. Chairman Eisner Hot Likely t Conduct Senator Wallace's Campaign. The Democrats of Pennsylvania will meet at Harrisburg in less than four weeks to name a candidate for State Treasurer, in opposition to H. K. Boyer, the Bepublican nominee. There is not that cut-and-dried air in the Democrat camp that the op position developed. There are a number of candidates for the nomination. tSFXCIAL TELZQUAM TO Tin DIBPATCH. Philadelphia, August 10. The Demo cratic State Convention will meet at Har risburg September X to name a candidate for State Treasurer in opposition to Henry K. Boyer, the Bepublican nominee, and to declare a platform of principles expressive of the opinion of the Democracy in relation to corporations, high license, trusts, etc. Since Cleveland's defeat last November, very little interest has been taken by the Democratic leaders regarding the organiza tion of the party in the State .until this weelc,.when it was announced that ex-Senator William A. Wallace, of Clearfield county, would accept, the Democratic nomination for Governor next year, if tendered to him with any degree of unanimity. Since the announce ment there has been considerable talk re garding the selection of a candidate for the office ol State Treasurer, and, quite a large number of names have been canvassed, with a view of putting up a strong candidate, in order that the party organization mav be gotten into good shape for next year's fight. NO IDEA OF BEATING BOYEB. The Democratic leaders have no great idea of beating Boyer for State Treasurer at this date, because there is no opposition to him within his party, coupled with the fact that McManes, Magee and Loesch were just as anxious for Boyer's nomination as was Quay. But next year they an ticipate plenty of bad feeling after tbe Bepublican State Convention has done its work, and the Democrats propose this year to make an effort to so shape their or ganization that they will be able to take ad vantage of any internal dissensions that may arise within the ranks of the Bepub lican organization. The Prohibitionists also will nominate a State Treasurer this month,-and he will no doubt be fairly supported by his party, but, like the Democrats, their opportunity, they think, will cpme next year, when there is to be an entire State ticket nominated and a successor chosen to J. Donald Cameron, the senior united mates benator. KISNEB "WANTS NO UOBE OP IT. The Democrats have Elliott P. Kisnerto manage this year's fight, but it is under stood that Kisner will retire, and somebody, as. yet not named, will bo selected to man age the State, fight next year. Kisner has been in ill-health for some time back, and is anxious to be relieved of the disturbing cares of the position. Among the most prominent of the names suggested for the State Treasuryship nom ination are: BobeTt E., Wright, of Allen town; ex-Senator Homer J. Humes, of Craw ford county; Bepresentative Clay, of Elk county; Bepresentative Wherry, ot Cumber land, and John S. Davis of Philadelphia. Bobert E. Wright, oi Allentown, has entered the lists as a candidate for the nomination, and will be backed by nearly all of the. counties representing the "Old .Tenth Legion." Wright's name has been often mentioned for State offices by the Democracy, but he has had hereto fore to fight against the pre-arranged pro gramme of the leaders, ' but this year his friends hope that, with as open fight, he may be the winner. HUMES BID FOB Tb5s TTEAB. Ex-Senator Homer J, Humes, of Craw ford county, is well known throughout the State as tha author of the "Humes funding bill." He has repeatedly publicly charged the present State administration with mis management of the State finances, and is regarded as thoroughly equipped to perform the duties ot btate Treasurer. Not long since he informed one of the city leaders here, when spoken to regarding his acceptance of the nomination, that he would, if the party to make him its stand ard-bearer, go Into the fight willingly. Bepresentative Antonia Alexander Clay, of Elk county; is not so well known throughout the State as those whose names have been mentioned, and his name has been v brought forward by some of hjs colleagues of the Lower House, who think that he would make an acceptable candidate because of his- non-identification with the factional strife of the party organization. Bepre sentative Clay is a son of 'the late Hon. Bandolph Clay, and was born in Vienna, where his father was at tbat timeSecretary of Legation. He was educated in Phila delphia, and has an honorable war record. WHEBBT COULDN'T GET IT. Samuel McCune Wherry, one of the present members ,of the Legislature from Cumberland county, and a recognized leader of the minority, can, it is believed, have the nomination if he will consent to accept. During his term of service at Har risburg he has made himself known as a faithful, conscientious legislator, well up in matters of State craft, and, as he is a practical farmer, would no doubt be supported largely by the granger element. Ex-Select Councilman, John S. Davis, of the Twenty-ninth ward, Philadelphia, has also been mentioned. forthe nomination, and many of 'those who favor Wallace's nomination for. Governor are in favor of I la .., nnmln.tinn .... 41.n .Miln. In.f should Philadelphia name the candidate for State Treasurer this year. she would, not be likely to ask the naming of the candidate for Governor next year. It is doubtful if Davis would accept the nomination if tendered. His training in politics has been in the practical school, and he would hardly care to make the fight with a doubtful show of winning, The Philadelphia delegates to the "State Convention were elected in January last, and as yet they have not held a meeting for the purpose of outlining a" programme, but it is expected that a meeting will be called shortly, when the question of presenting the name of a candidate for State Treasurer from this city will be thoroughly discussed. THE TE0UBLE ALL OYER. An Ofllclal Report of tbe Honolulu Rebel lion Received at Washington. Washington, August 10. The follow ing telegram has been received at the Navy Department from Admiral Goldsborough: San Fbancisco, August 9. Honorable Secretary of the Navy: Unsuccessful revolution at Honolulu. The-f Adams landed men for the protection of the United States consulate and American citizens. The Alert and Nlpsic arrived the day the Aus tralia sailed. All well. Leaders ot the revolu tion are prisoners. No further trouble. A "W. Owsbobotjok. Slaldoon Thlaks the Champion Will Get a? SUtTeientence-Why Governor "dowry Was So Persistent Bulldoz ing; a Connur Jndge. rerXCIAL TKLEOKAM TO TUX DISPATCH.! Bochesteb, August 10. William Mul doon, the trainer of Sullivan, was in Roch ester a few hours to-day. He had just come back from New Orleans, where he went to look after Sullivan when the champion was arrested and taken to the State of Missis sippi at the instigation of Governor Lowry. To your correspondent Mr. Muldoon, said he did not see any bright prospect of Sulli van getting off easy. "You see." he went on, "Governor Lowry did not so much care that the fight took place in his State in spite of his proclama tion, but he smarted under 4he gibes of the newspapers, and especially annoying to him were the humorous rhymes that everpwhere appeared in ridicule oi him. At first the Southern newspapers claimed that he was making so much noise for the purpose of getting a renomlnation. Well, when he failed to secure that the papers said he would drop the effort to punish the fight ers. That made him mad and he said: 'I'll show them whether I will drop 't or not and with that he redoubled his energy and determination to punish both Sullivan and Kilrain. We had 'it all arranged to have the trial come off be fore the County Judge in the same county where the fight took place.and it was under stood that this J adze would only impose a fine. But on the day fixed for the trial the Governor and the State Prosecuting Attorney went out to this Judge's court and they frightened him. He was not used to dealing with such big men as Gov ernors and Attorney Generals, and therefore he weakened and sent the case to another court, in which Sullivan will not fare as well. The trial comes up next Tuesday, and if convicted he will probably be imprisoned a year and nned 51,000." F1FTX MEN IN A FIGHT. A Sheriff and an Inspector Killed and Jllany Others Are Wonnded. FbAnkfobt, Mich., August 10. A ter rible encounter occurred at Otter Creek, 20 miles' north of Frankfort, this morning, in which' Charles T. Wright, President of the Otter Creek Lumber) Company, of Bacine, Wis., shot and instantly killed under Sher iff Neal Marshall and Dr. Frank F. Thur ber. It seems that Wright had not paid taxes on his mill property at Aral Lake town ship'for several years, and had a suit with the township in regard to it. About three weeks ago the Sheriff attached a large lot of logs.- Wright tried to replevin them, bnt could not get the proper bonds, and his mill lay idle for want of logs to cut. It is thoueht that Wright, with a force of men, attempted to gain possession, and in the melee Supervisor' Thurber was killed first and Marshall soon, after. It is rumored tbat 50' men were engaged in the tray, and there may have been others wonnded. Tho propeller Dewar, with a force ot officers and a picked company of' men, are leaving for Otter creek to capture Wright dead or alive. It is said that the barge Seymour, owned by Wright, has taken him on board and de parted for the Wisconsin shore. NO TELIOW FEYEE THEEE. - Not Even n Sporadic Case Is to bo Found la Florida. . W-BHINOTON, Aueust 10. Dr. F. J. Combe, who was detailed by the Surgeon General of the Marine Hospital Service to make an investigation of rumors of yellow fever at. the port of Tampieo, Mexico, has made a detailed report on the subject. He says that on his arrival at Tampieo he made himself known to the members of the pro fession and was condncted through the hos pitals, civil and military; that he examined the records and made as thorough an investi gation as possible. On all sides he met with assurances of the non-existence of yellow fever in any of its forns. At present, he says, there is not a suspicious or even a sporadic case of yellow fever in Tampieo. This, however, he regards as sur prising, as the city is in constant commu nication with Vera Crnz, where the disease is said to be epidemic and annually preva lent. Malaria abounds, he says, very fre quently assuming its most complicated forms. This is principally owing to negli gence among the lower classes and the stub bornness of the ignorant natives who are Buperstitiously free from medical attention or advice. The sanitary condition of Mex ico is said tojbc good. AN EARTHQUAKE IN NEW I0EK. Gnosis at the Uountaln Resorts Are Terr Badly Scared. j, ISFECIAL TTXraBAt TO TUB DISPATCH. J Sabatooa,- August 10. A large portion of tbe Adirondack region had the expe rience of an earthquake to-day. The shocks were felt at 8:10 A. M. and were continuous' for 45 seconds. The earth-move was from west to east The shock were so successive as to have more the effect of an undulation, the surfacex)f the earth seemed 'to take on the nature oi the long rolling surface pf the sea after the subsidence of a storm. Trees and forests swayed as they might in a heavy gale of wind. Horses were restless with terror, and cattle ran about the fields bel lowing' with fright. People rushed out of houses, expecting that they would be thrown down. , It is not as yet learned that any lives were lost, or any considerable damage done. As far as ascertained the shock was severe at Jessups. Landing, Warrensbnrg, Chester town, Biverside, Bacquett Lake, Cedar Biver and Bide Mountain Lake, and was felt with more or less severity throughout the north'woods. AH the summer resorts in that region have many guests, among whom tho consternation amounted to a panic. NOT THE EIGHT TASCOTT. Tho Man Arrested la Texas Is Just What He Claimed to Be. Emfobia, Kas., August 10. The young man arrested in Laredo, Tex., supposed to be Tascott, is believed htre to be one of the sons of James Dolphin, of Concordia, Kas. When arrested thb suspect gave his name as Dolphin and said he was in the railroad business and formerly lived at Concordia, where -he Was employed on the nfght of the Snell murder. Dolphin was seen by a reporter to-day. He, said he had two sons in the railroad business in Texas, one of whom might be taken for Tascott. He believes it is one of his sons who is under arrest. NEW1 lOBK'S WOELD'S PAIE. Mayor Grant Names a TJost of Prominent Men Upon the Committee. New Yobk, August 10. Mayor Grant appofnted the four committees to do the pre liminary work for the International Expo position in 1892 late this afternoon. Among the members are Grover Cleveland, Abram' S. Hewitt, Calvin S. Price, August Bel mont, William Bockafeller, Elliott P. Shep ard, Cbauncey M. Depew, Charles A. Dana, Joseph Pulitzer and Thomas C. Piatt. It is proposed by several members to make Mr. Cleveland Chairman of the Committee On Permanent Organization. He baa not jet beea, consulted oa the subject, HANUFAXaNG OF CAR FEAMES 13 the .Business Which Has a Golden. Proa pect in the Future. AIUMIHUM MAI BE THE COMING METAL, Some Interesting BnestIons E gardinj the World't Fair of 1803. Ex-Mayor Hewitt has returned from Eu rope and the Paris Exposition. He says that under new processes soon to be intro duced in America steel can be manufac-i tured from Southern pig iron at a cost ol 15 a ton. The manufacture of car frames from steel is a coming industry of great magnitude in his opinion. ISnCTAL TELZOBAM TO TKS DISPATCB.1 New Yobk, August 10. ExMayo? Abram S. Hewitt returned on board thg steamship Etruria to-day, after a four months' stay in Europe. That the trip had benefited his health was shown by his im proved color and by a more erect carriaga than he had in the closing months ofhisj Mayoralty. When asked about his trip he said: "My family were with me and we had a very en joyable time. We did not travel around very much, but spent most of the time irt England and France. We were a month in Paris. I passed most of my time there aft the Exposition. The Exposition is a wonder. It is tho best exposition of the arts and mechanics' that could be got together. The fines' specimens of the products of modern induiHi try are to be seen there. The most impor tant feature of the Exposition is in the fact that it illustrates the progress made in the arts. A special effort was made by the) managers to get together SPECIMEN PBODTJCTS and processes from among the partly civif ized and the savage nations of the world The methods of the rudest mechanics in thcr world are, there, where they can be com pared with the best of civilized countries. I cannot imagine anything .more instruct ing than this. After an examination of tha, exhibits it must be said there is a compara-i tively little to be seen that is actually new. "In 1867 we first saw the Bessemer process and the open-hearth system for producing steel. Electrical appliances and apparatus' .ilso made somewhat of a showing then. Of course, in these matters the present exposi. ,tion is now much more extensive than was! that in 1867. The machines are larger and the producii are finer, but there are few, Ix any, new principles. , "The one new thing that was likely to at tract .notice from engineers was a process for making frames for locomotives and cam of all sorts from sheet steel. The frame is cut out of a sheet of steel by hydraulic pres-, sure. This would have been 'impossible 20' years ago, because the iron plates of that? time would not have stood the strain of sucb an operation. A STBrXTNO TIIING. "That wes to me the most striking thing in" the Exposition. People have been won- dering where the next opening for the nso of steel was to be found. There Is no doubt that it is in the manufacture of car frames. The ordinary frame will rot out, say in tea years. I should think that a steel frame) might still be in excellent condition after being used 100 years. Another important feature of the Expos'-, tion is that which shows how much the cost of steel has been cheapened. The reduction in prices of steel fa this country have been made through tbe adoption of foreign pro cesses,' but steel is to be cheapened very much more. I saw steel made repeatedly from low-grade pig at a cost of 84 a ton. On account ot the difference in the cost of labor we cannot do that here, but we can take the) pig iron of the South, costing say $8 a ton, and 'convert it into steel, at a cost of $7 more. This process will be introduced here at once. I look for an unprecedented extend sion in the consumption of steel in thid country. It will be produced at a price sa low that it will be used in an almost infinite number of places not now thought of. Tha process of producing aluminum has reached a point where the metal costs only $1 ft pound." A POSSIBLE BETOLTTTION, Should it reach the cost of steel, of which there is now a possibility, it will create a revolution in the arts. The world never" gave snob, a promise of producing wealth at so low a cost as it does now. "I have seen nothinir about the proposed exposition in New York in 1892, save a few dispatches to papers on the other side, but Z am in favor of the exposition. I was con nectedwith that of 1876 in Philadelphia, and I know that it produced a remarkable, development in the arts in this country; If one is to be held here we must determine) whether we will try to make it international or American onjy, as that of 1876 was. If we make it international we' are likely to have some difficulty in getting foreigners) -to come here with their products. They will care very little about seeing our some what less advanced processes and cruder products. They will not bring their pro ducts and processes here because we say to them by our tariff that we don't want ta buy their products, but would like to sea them onlr, so that we can steal the model. If we make it an American exposition it will be a grand undertaking, and well, worth the doing. THE CHAMPION PASTES. An Indianapolis Slan Completes His Filly, Seventh Day Without Food. (SPECIAL TXLianAK TO TILS DISPATCH.1 Indianapolis, August 10. This Is tha' fifty-seventh day of the fasting of Bobert Marvel, aged 86. "I don't think he will live much longer," said Dr. Hardy: this morning. "He is shrivelled up like a dried peach and is getting weaker, but even yet he shows some energy. He is not so ready 'to fight as he was formerly, bnt if heishandled much he will push one away. He has not even talcen any mus: ot late. .During tha whole time he has taken 3J4 quarts of milk. It is a remarkable case and I have heard of nothing like it. Many can't believe tha story, bnt neither the family nor I have any motive for misrepresenting the facts." IN GOOD OLD S0DTHEEN STILB. Two Presidents of a Railroad Corporation? Fight a Cesnlnr Daek Atlanta, Oa., August 10. Pat Cal houn, general counsal for the West Point Terminal Eoad, and J. D. Williamson, President of the Chattanooga, "Borne and Carrollton Eoad, fought a duel at Hokea Bluff, on the Coosa river, this evening, in ' which Calhoun wonnded Williamson in tha right arm. The trouble grew out of Williamson's de nouncing a statement made by Calhoun bey fote a legislative (Committee as false. ' Cap tain narry uaosjson, oi Atlanta, was ual boun's second, aid Captain Jack King, off Pnm. Wfl. Wni!lamMn'. ui.JI. mvw. nmm ,i niyirinvM wwki sa .,'df4 M &&&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers