E59K35I119 S&cNSW "r "f? &fsr ir; J& -k; "3JrV3' THE PITTSBTJBG DISPATCH. WEDNESDAY. ATJQ-TJST T." 1889.-1 l - Hr A SAMPLE CITIZEN. Bis Check for a Round Million Would Be Promptly Honored. V A SAFEGUARD AGAINST PAKICS. The Stock Market Suffering From Too Much Bear and Too Little Bull. BIG LUMBER LEAL BY E1TTSBUEGEEB Speaking of millionaires, aTgentleman who is acquainted with many of them re marked yesterday: "There are some yery rich men in Pittsburg, but only one, I think, who could draw a check for $1,000,- 000 and get the cash on it. "While other millionaires hare their wealth tied up in business of various kinds, he has the bulk of his in bank in the shape of hard cash, ready to draw upon whenever he sees an op portunity to make a big strike. He is a shrewd business man, and very seldom makes a mistake in an investment. A few Years ago he purchased a large tract of mineral land in the Northwest, in payment of which be drew his cheer- for 900.000. That was the largest single transaction of which I have any recollection." V In the local stock market ;the bears seem to have the upper hand. This is patent in the treatment of Electric, Philadelphia Gas, La Koria and in a few others of the so-called favorites for a few weeks past. If left to theni' selves these stocks would go up like a toy bal loon. While in the long run a good steady bear has the best of it, there is such a thing as over stepping the mark killing the goose that lavs the golden eggs, for instance. A little more bull would greatly revive business at the exchange. , Pittsburg capitalists are rtill hungry for mortgages, showing that they have xaitn m real estate. Tnirty-sevcn of these liens were recorded yesterday, representing about 800,000, The largest was for $1 4.690. Seventeen ranged from $1,000 to $4,000. The smallest was $100. The CardUlae, JHch., Stale Democrat of the SOth nit. says: "A big lumber deal was made here last Saturday, one that knocks out all former records, J. Cummer t Son selling to D. L. Gillespie & Cot. of Pittsburg. Pa, 3,200,000 feet. This is one of the largest, if not the largest, single order for lumber ever placed in this country. Bids had been made in all the leading lumber cities, and about 100 other deal ers were after the contract. More than 300 freight cars will be required to transport lt,and it must all be delivered u I thin four months. The deal figures up over $75,000. All of this im mense amount of lumber goes into the mam moth new plant now being built by the West lngbouse Airbrake Company, at Wilmerdlng, a new town 14 miles from Pittsburg, being built by Mr. George A. Westlnghouse." ! Some people look upon the abundance of money asan evil; others think it is an element of strength a safecuard against panics. One of the latter class, whose name stands high among local bankers, said yesterday evening: "We have over $500,000 of idle money. Some other banks in the city have more, some less. While wenonldliketohave it employed and Dring. lng something in it will do no harm while lying in our vaults, and we will have it when business begins to expand and the big crops begin to move. The fact of so much idle money in the country indicates a widespread conservative sentiment and an absence of the speculative craze, which are an assurance of a sound finan cial condition. When people borrow only what they need for the proper condnct of their busi ness there is not much danger that they will fall into bankruptcy. This seems to be the general policy this season. If persevered in a squeeze of any sort will be impossible." The American Architect says that in 85 cities the ontlay in buildings of all kinds, so far this year, is estimated at $70,000,000 more than up to this time last year. New York leads off with an increase of $18,000,000; Philadelphia with be tween $4,000,000 and $5,000,000; Pittsburg with be tween $2,000,000 and (3,000,000, and so an, clear to the Pacific coast, where in some parts, at least, something like a building boom Is tn progress. So far as information is available from the smaller cities and towns tho increase over last year is even more noticeable. Here Is an incident showing how easy it is to make money if one only knows bow. It was told in a whisper by one real estate broker to another, but somehow it leaked out. Unfold ing a plan of lots on the Xorthsidc, be said: "Here is a daisy (pointing to a lot about tho middle of the plan)t I sold it a year ago for $CO0L The purchaser held it for some time, got tired of it and sold it back to me at the same price. less the interest. In a few weeks 1 found a customer and sold it for $900. When I told the first purchaser of my good luck he com menced to kick himself and has kept It up ever since." The moral of this is: Property bought at a low figure should be held on to. It is al most certain to advance. There are very few lazy men in Pittsburg, but now and then one may bo found. They are, next to croakers, the worst pests of society. A man who is too lazy to think about his work, ana to study to the end of knowing something of the principles underlying the art, not only will not get any higher in the scale of work men, but he is too lazy to do his work properly if there is opportunity to the contrary. He is the man who will be left behind in the race all the way through. What is now needed, and badly needed, is a trust to manage the other trusts. This happy thought originates in the Wall Street JTewt, and opens a way out of a hitherto unsolvable difficulty. A bond specialist cays: 'The bond market is dull and somewhat irregular, as the supply of 'gilt-edge' securities furnished by corporations whicn desired to employ their funds in the money market has been somewhat exhausted. As a consequence prime Investment securities show a tendency to appreciate." BUSINESS AXD FUN. A Ilnppy Commingling of DIverso Elements nt the Slock ExcUnnse. There was some business and considerable fun at the Stock Exchange yesterday, the lat ter beginning In the morning and culminating in the afternoon. On all sides it was conceded that Mr. John D. Bailey could hold his own as a humorist. His pleasant sallies, in which La Xoriawas not overlooked, kept the "boys" in good humor, but whether or not they spoiled any trade is not known. As to the dealings, it may be said that they were on a midsummer basis, but might have been worse. The total sales were 329 shares. The most active stock was Chanters Gas, which declined a full point on sales of 400 shares. A sale at 51 was followed immediately by one at 50f and another at 50. There was no pressui e to fell Philadelphia, but it was a shade weaker. There was no particular change in the other gas stocks. Of the tractions. Central showed a further improvement, and was wanted at 32, with S3 asked. Citizens Tias stronger and Pittsburg weaker and neglected. Offers of 52i for Electric were declined. While several brokers are hungry for this stock, they are absorbing it quietly so as not to attract much attention. Manufacturers' Gas was bid up to 2 with none offered. La Noria paraded around the old ficurcs, but there was less demand for it. Asked why the long-prom lsed statement as not forthcoming, a broker replied: "It's too good." Whatever this may mean, investors would like to scan the docu ment. Ten shares of the Pittsbure Plate Glass Company's preferred stock brought 205, this be ing its first appearance on the public stage. Bids, offers and sales were: HOENING. AFTXBKOOS. Kid. Asked, llld. Asked. l J, 8. M. Ex Fidelity Title &T. Co.. Jver tone Hank of Vg lieu Franklin Ins. Co. Brblgewater Gas City Insurance Cliartlers Val. Gas Co. Manufacturers Gat Co. Nat. Gas Co. of W. Va. Ohio Valley Gas. P. N. O. 41'. Co Pcnnsvlvanla Gas Co.. Philadelphia Co "VVrstm'l'd & Cambria. 500 "ii not "is "so 21 51 0 ft 49 ' "iix VH S8 II Wheeling uas vo.. 30 80X JforestOllCo 100 109 .... I M 70iJ 49 85 71X soo 2M u 22 48 200 II m a IS an 21 Westlnghouse A. It. Co. 116 US 117 At thn forenoon call 5 shares of Wheeling Gas sold at SO. and 10 of PitUbnrg Plate Glass preferred at 205. At the afternoon session 14 shares of Pleasant Valley went at 200. 100 Chartlers Gas at 51, CO at 50, and 150 at 60. The total sales of stocks at2f ew York yester dav were 205,733 shares, including: Atchison, 13.87a; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. 3.300: Erie. 8,000; Lake Shore, 5.300; Missouri Pacific 14.702: Northwestern, 5,685; Northern Pacific 8,578; Northern Pacific preferred, 19, 180; Beading, 23,2SX):Blchmond and West Point, 3,541; St. Paul, 18,110; Union Pacific, 6,021. AT THE BANKS. Money Neglected, bat Routine Business Slalntnlns n Fair Average. The local banks continue to report a full sup ply of money. Rates are steady at 5b on time and call paper. There was a limited borrowing demand yesterday. Clerical business was a fair average, but featureless. Currency was scarce, ana considerable gold was used in set tling balances. The Clearing House report showed a slight falling off in the volume of mercantile transactions incident to the season the exchanges being Sl,6S9,949 75 and the bal ances $306,10 43. Money on callatNew York vesterdaywas easy at 2Je 4 per cent; last loan, 3: closed offered at 3. Prime mercantile paper, 4Ji8K. Ster ling exchange dull but steady at Hm for 60 day bills and $4 87 for demand. Closing Bond .Quotntloui. U. S. 4s,reg...., U. b. 4s. coup.., U. 8. 4tfa. re.. U. S. Vs. conn Pacific 6s of'95., ..128k M. K.&T. Gen. 5s . S7U ....128X Mutual Union 6s. ...100 ..I05X N.J. u. int. tjerl... lizi lfoH Northern Pac lsts. .11714 .118 Northern Pac. Ms.,11614 Loulslanastampedis H Nortnw't'n consols. 145 Nnrthw'n debens..lHX Oregon 4 Trans. 6s.l00S bt. 1.. l.M. Gen. Ss 81 Missouri 6s 10014 Tenn. new set. 6s....l0tS lenn. new set. Ss. ...102 Tenn. new set. 3s.... 7J Canada Bo. Ids 99 On. Pacificists 11X Den. 4 K. O., lsts.-iaWj Den. Ait. G. 4s 78 l.AK.U.Wet,lsts. 101 Krte.2ds 103 11. K. AT.Gen.es.. 63 St. L. 8. F. Gen.Jl.ll7, Su Paul consols ....125i St.Pl. JhliPc.lsts.117 Tx., PcU U.Tr K. 90i Tx.,PcK.a.Tr.Kcts 37S Union rae. isu...U4j West shore 1085, Yesterdays bond offerings aggregated $83, 000. as follows: Registered 4s, $75,000 at 12 $5,000 at 129: coupon 4Ws, $3,000 at 106; regis tered 4s, $10,000 at 106. New York Clearings, f 111,010,626; bal ances. $5,384,691. Boston Clearings, $13,401,979; balances, $1,S73.6S5. Money, S4 per cent. Philadelphia Clearings, $11,296,123; bal ances. $1,870,977. i Baltimore Clearings. $1,945,850; balances, $291,996. London The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England on balance to-day is 71.000. Bar silver. 44-d per ounce. Paris Three per cent rentes, 84f 90c for the account. Chicago Monev steady and unchanged. Bank clearings, 811,006, Oua OIL IN DOG DAIS. Fair Trading and Steady Values at the Local Exchange, Trading at the Oil Exchange yesterday was smaller than bad been expected, from the fact that the anticipated attempt to increase the short interest failed to materialize, the bullish situation, according to statistics, acting as a deterrent to snch a movement. In consequence business was fair, bnt not large, and the most of it was transacted in tho forenoon. Consider able cash oil was handled at to Jf below the regular option. The market closed almost at the highest point of the day, indicating that it is in a healthy condition, with no visible signs of a slump. The fluctuations were: Opening. 100: highest, 100; lowest. 99; closing, 100. Monday's clearings were 663.000 barrels. A broker re marked: "Business iu options shows increased activity right along, even in this dull season. I don't expect anything like a spurt until the dog days are over, but even now I am inclined to think short selling would be a mistake. The market looks the other way tome." Yesterday's" Oil Range. Corrected dally by John MT Oaxiey & Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened 100 I Lowest... llUhest lO0)ClbBed.... 93V 100H Barrels. 40,803 77,563 S3, SOS Average runs.. .... ..... ... ATerasre shlpmeats .. ATerajre charters Iteflned, Jiew York, 7.40c itenne", ionaon. sjso. .. Kenned, Antwerp,JSHf2T KeUned, Liverpool, 6)d. A B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, 99K 99c; calls, $1 OlQl OlJ-j. Other Oil Slnrheta, , Oil ClTT. August 6. National transit certifi cates opened at $1 00: highest, $1 01; lowest. 99c; closed, $108. Bradford, August 6. National transit cer tificates opened at $1 00: closed at $1 01 high est, $1 00; lowest, 99C Titusville, August 6. National transit cer tificates opened at 99c: highest, $1 00J4; low est, 99c: closed, $1 00. New York, August 6. Petroleum opened at 99c and was dull and featureless until after noon, when a slight advance occurred. It then reacted slightly and closed steady at 99c Total sales, 470,000 barrels. STILL MOVING. Important Deals In Choice City and Sub urban Real Estate. Tho Pittsburg Company, limited, sold a lot corner of Davison and Center avenues, 75 feet front by 170 feet deep, for $4,000, to Mrs. Rachel A. Kerr. The purchaser intends erecting a $10,000 residence at once. Graebing & Lyon, No. 135 Fourth avenue, placed a mortgage for $1,000 for three years on property in the Sixteenth ward, city: one of $700 for one year on property at Emsworth, and one of $525 for three years on property in the Thirtieth ward, city all at 6 per cent. Ewing it Dyers. No. 107 Federal street, sold for A. C. Robertson to R. Phillips, a lot 47x 130, on Perrysville avenue. Second ward, Alle gheny, on the line of the electric road, for $1,600. Black Balrd, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to James P. Carney for J. 8. McCord, a lot on Boquet street, Oakland, near Sylvan avenue, 23 xl20 feet, for $750. John F. Baxter, 512 Smithfleld street, sold to M. M. O'Connell, three lots in Villa Park plan, Urusbton station, Nos. 377, 378 and 379, with a frontage of 174 feet on Franktown avenue, by ,70 feet to a 20-foot alley, for $1,000. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue, sold lot No. 49. S. L. Bogjrs' plan of lots, Allen town station. P. 4 C. R. R., caving a frontage of 25 feet on Paul avenue and extending back 105 feet, for $200. EVEEYTHING HIGHEE, Stocks Continue the Upward Movement London n Seller Chicago en the Bull Side The Grangers In the Lead Trusts Under a Claud. New York, August 6. The' stock market was not so active to-day as yesterday, but there was a continuance of the movement for higher prices, and while some of the late factors in the rise were absent a material advance was scored over all the list. London figures came lower this morning for the first time In many days, and although there could be no reason assigned for it, that center was a seller in this market to-day. There was a powerful Influ ence at work for the advance of quotations and the Chicago party was especially promi nent in the movement, Mr. Nat Jones himself directed the bull manipulation from the floor. The short interest cave evidence of practical elimination, and the demand for stocks in the loan crowd was smaller than for a loner time. The shorts, however, were a factor in the early rise to-aay, ana woea mey ccmcu iceir aemana the market became quiet and prices drarred. There were some remarkable gams In the earn ings reported lor tne lounn wees: in July, and the news of the day generally was of a favora ble nature. The advances as a rule were most marked in the Grangers and Southwesterns, and in those shares there was more business than iu the other portions of the list, the busi ness done being not nearly so well distributed as during the past two or three days. A drive was made at Reading, but the result, in the condition of public opinion, was small and un important. First prices wero generally slightly higher than last evenine's Azures, bnt th trpne-th nt the market was immediately made apparent and a general upward movement began, tbongh Missouri Pacific became the leader, and it was believed in some quarters that Mr. Gould was again interested in the market on the longside. The stock moved up 1 per cent, and other marked advances were made In Lake Erie and Western preferred. San Fsancisco nreferred and Jersey Centra), the Cbesapeake.and Ohio and Southern' Pacific The greater portion of the improvement was madoln the final hour, however, after which the demand from the shorts ceased and the market settled down to dullness and in many cases stagnation. vvuftftuciauie piukuxq to Bell VH Bnown area Washington Oil Co.... Central Traction. - Citizens' Traction l'lttsbnnr'l taction Pleasant Valley Pitts.. Alle. A Man.... Pitts. June K. B. Co Pitts. A Western U. It. La Norla Mining Co... esttnrhouse JJectnc it. s. jfcsir. Co. at times during tho arternoon, but little Im pression was made upon prices, and the strength in several specialties toward the close gave a firm to strong tone to the entire market. The close was dull and firm at close to the best prices of the day. The trusts were never prom inent, tbongh there was considerable business done In lead and sugar, and the latter, after a drop of over 1 per cent rose to 116. Railroad bonds nere again quiet and firm, though the dealings as usual of late presented little or no feature of special interest. The sales of all issues aggregated $1,577,000, of which thn i!h.uiuakt and Ohio 6s contributed (115,000 and Richmond and Alleeheny $119,0007 xne important cnanges are very lew. out are generally in the direction of higher prires. Long Island firsts rose 2to 128, and South Car olina incomes 2. The rollowine table snows tne prices ofactlve stocks on the New York Stock Exchange yester day. Corrected dally for The Dispatch by AVnrrsiT & stephkhson. oldest Pltubur mem bers of Mew York Stock Exchange, (7 Fourth ave nue: CIos .lng 'mas. SI 37 Wi S2H 112S 23 VBX 12H lis 7M 14 35 f7 110 10 74)4 lootf 27 14 1KH 45V, VH 61 225f 117 J8X 615? 63 s 87H IS vH 70H 106X 17 65 uH sM 17 15 WW 23K 65X 22M 54 32K 22 44 183 23 TV 89)4 275a 59 109 20J4 COX 15H 29S 85 69 115W Open tnsr. Am. Cotton Oil "X Atcn.. Top. B.F.... 36X, Canadian Pacific UH Canada Sou t hers SSh Central orew Jersey.lll Chesaneake Ohio ... IN C Bur. Ouliv. ....103W C MU. s. St. Paul.... 72H C nu.&st. p., pr....liJ C. KoceL P H C, St. L. & Pitts C, 3U L. 4 Pitts, pt. .... C St. P.. 11. 4 0 33K . Mt. f 51. A O.. Df. 97)4 33H S7J4 S3 C. & Northwestern.. ..UOJi U0 ut: t Northwestern, pf. a, c. i nit uh 734 cc.!.. pf tooS wi io54 o, a, Col. Coal & Iron 2tfc 27 2 Col. & Rocktnc Val .. MM Del.. L. AW. 145 Denver A Rio G., PI E.T.. Va. AGs .... K.T.,Va. iOa.lst pr. .... K. T.. Va. &Ga. 2dpf. .... Illinois Central Lake trie- A Western.. 13 Lake Erie A West. Dr.. etH LonlsTllleAMashTllle. CSJa Michigan Central Mobile Ohio Mo., Kan. A Texas Missouri Pacific tSX New fork Central I0S . v.. l. e.a iv ayi H. r.. L. E. AW., pref .... M. I., a A St. L. 1KX H.Y1JI, KH h. Y.. O. A W VH Norfolk a Western.... 15 Norfolk Western, pf. 80V Northern Pacifie.7!... Nortnern pacific oref. S5K OuloA Mississippi...- .... Oregon Improvement Oregon Tranacon S3 Peo. Dec. A Kvan 22J Phlladel. A Heading.. 44M Pullman palace Car... ISO Klchmond A W. P. T.. 13V KicnmondAW.P.T.pf .... bt. P., Minn. A Man.. 93! SuL. A San Fran MS St. L. A San Pran pr.. Ss St. I,. A ban p. 1st pr.. .. Texas l'aclflo 30)4 Union Pacino 60 Wabasn , Wi Wabash preferred..... SSa Western Union. S5 Wheeling A L. . 69 Sugar Trust ll&H National Lead Trust isy G2 69 Boston Stocks. Atch. ATop.E. K... 37X Mis. Central pt... 60 AllouezMgCo(new). H Calumet A flecla....225 rranKiw 10 Huron ..... 1 Osceola. 10 Pewablc (new) 2 Qnlncy Hell Telephone 232 UosionLand 6 Water Power 6 Boston a AiDany...zis Boston A Maine. ....201 C U. AU 104 Clnn. San. A Cleve. UH Lastern R. It P Eastern K. K. 6s ....1J5H LltUe It. A Pt. 8. 7s. 105 Mexican Cen. com.. J4V Jlex.C.lst mtg. bds. 65H N. If. AAewlCng... 5CH H. Y. AN.E.7S....128H oldCoionr. 176 Rutland preferred.. 40 Wls.central.com... 23 Tamarack 103 San Diego Santa Fe copper.. , Z8 67 Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers, No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. xiin. ASKefi. lnn!tTlTnl& Kallroad.. .. 1K 52 Reading 12 5-13 Buffalo. Pittsburg and Western 1 Leblgh Valley 5314; Lehigh Navigation 52 Northern Paclflo 29W Northern Pacific preferred ei-'i a sh'i 66 THE LEATHER HUES. Tannera Well Satisfied With the Present Business Outlook Some Advances Looked for The Boot and Shoe Trade Good. Office of PrrrsBUBG Dispatch, Tui3day. August 6, 1S88. f A representative of the leading harness leather tanneries of Allegheny said to-day: "We have no reason to, complain of trade. Trade fs active for this time of year, and stock is well cleaned up. Onr volume of business in July was fully up to last July, though, margins are a shade narrower this year. "August opens up well and prospects are good for a brisk fall trade. An advance in harness leather is almost certain at an early day. Sole leather is firmer In the east the past few days, and from 'present outlook we are likely to be kept busy the next few months." The leather industry, as is well known has been dull the past year, and now the signs are that bottom has been reached, and that we are to have an upward movement. Manufactur er's here will be among the first to reap the benefit of an advance, as Allegheny sole and harness leather are always at a premium in the world's markets. Though the capacity ot onr home tanners has been donbled or more in the past five years, there is little doubt from pres ent outlook that stuff will all be taken the coming fall at outside rates. Though margins of profit are greatly reduced, as compared with former years, the, increased volume of trade will f nrnish a fair compensation to decline of values. New Enclnnd Handicapped. The closeness of margins has. in recent months, had a disastrous effect on New En gland leather manufacturers, where the Item of bark is a much larger factor in expense than here. The failure of a prominent shoe firm in Boston recently led to the aaslgnmentlast week of one of the heavy leather firms of that city last Friday, namely, William F. Johnson & Co. Times have been rough of late to New England tanners and shoe dealers. In this city all are as solid as the bills, and though margins are uncomfortably close, there is a good time coming for the fittest who survive. Several months ago an interview with one of the leading Alleeheny tanners was published in this column In which the prediction was made that New England tanners were opera ting at a loss, and that it was only a question of short time when those who were not firmly established, and with good bank accounts ahead, mnst go to the walk Said the gentle man interviewed: "On the amount of leather onr firm manufactures annually we have an advan tage $10,000 in bark alone over New England tanners, and we are having little or no profit. Look out for breaks in the tanning Industry of New England." Facta About Hides. Light weights are still slow and dull, as are calf Bklns. Heavy steer hides are firm at old prices. Said a leading dealer: "Our July trade was ahead ot last July In volume, and August shows no falling off. We have sold more so far this year than for the corresponding period of last year. But trade has to be pushed. The time has gone by when hide dealers can rest on their oars and wait for trade to come to them. The only way to win in this time of close margins is to go for trade, and not wait for trade to come. We have sold more goods this year than last only by pushing things, and as it is, though we work harder, we make less profit." The fact is daily developed by Interviews with merchants and manufacturers that there is no salvation these times for tbosewho neglect printer's Ink and fail to push trade. Instead of waitine. Micawber-llke. for something to turn up. the winnerju the business battle must go to work and turn something up. Boots and bhoes. ' Fall orders from distant points began to come in freely about tho middle of June, and from that tune i.ntil the middle of July the bulk ot orders were placed. The nearby trade is best in August and September. Said one of our leading jobbers: "Our trade is holding up fairly well and we have placed an amount of orders for fall fully up to last sea son. The outlook for an active fall trade is good. There is a scarcity of good heavy sole and upper leather in the market, and in these lines an advance In prices Is likely to come be tween now and sprinc- The prospects for fall trade are better than tbey were a year ago at this time. The outlook Is healthy. Rubber goods have been under the weather for a year past. Last winter was not as severe as rubber manufacturers like. Many retailers were forced to carry over stocks of goods. The weak point of the shoe trade now is in rubber coods. And only a severe winter will tone up this department of our industry." Bletal Market. Nkw York Pig iron quiet. Bcotch, 120 00 20 25; American, $15 o017 00; Copper un changed; lake, August. $11 SS; G. M. copper, f3 75. Lead steadier: domestic, $3 ttjc Tin quiet, steady; straits, $19 5. Whisky Market. ' There is ft good demand for finished good aj High- Low est. est. J7 S6H SOW iSH 52 S 111 111 1032 103J4 J 72 112K m2 8H m& domestic -Markets. A Sluggish Produce MarketBe tween Seasons for Fruit. CHEESE AND BOTTER MORE ACTIVE Spot Grain Steadyr-New Oats Weak In coming Crop Immense. PACKAGE COFFEE LOOKS TJPWAED Office or PrrraBnBO despatch,'). Tuesday, August 6, 1SS3. i Country Produce Jobbing: Prices. Volume of trade yesterday and to-dav was not up to standard. Stuff Is plenty and de mand slow. Said a leading commission mer chant: "We are now between the seasons for smalland large fruit. The small fruits are prac tically done. Peaches and pears havenot yet put in their appearance, excepting Inferior grades. Farmers are supplying stores and families with potatoes, cabbage and other vegetables, which makes our trade slow In these lines. Sweet po tatoes are still too nigh for the average con sumer and the result is a flat market for fruits bnd vegetables. Cheese is up iu Eastern mar kets and firmer here. Creamery butter is in active demand and the drift of prices is upward. Eggs are fairly steady, but not brisk. The principal difficulty Is In securing entirely reliable eggs." Buttkb Creamery, Elgin, 1819c: Ohio do. 1718c; fresh dairy pacKed, 12313c; country Beans Navy hand-picked beans, $2 40Q2 CO: medium. $2 304S240. Beeswax 1B4J30c f? a for choice; lowgrade, 18020c. - Cider Sand refined, $6 607 50: common, $3 5004 00; crab cider, $3 00&8 50 ? barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c p gallon. CHEESE Ohio. 8c; New York, 10c; Xim burger, 89c: domestic Sweitzer, 9)U)ici Imported Sweitzer, 22c California filtuiTS California peaches, $2 00 V K-bushel box; cherries, $3 00; apricots. $2 OO a 4-basket case; plums, $1 752 00 a 4 basket case. Egos 15c 13 dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples, $2 002 50 18 barrel; pine apples, $1 0001 25 dozen; whortleber ries, 75c$l U0 V pall; blackberries. 58c quart; wild goose plums, $2 50 ft crate; currants. $3 604 W 2-busb el stand; watermelons. $15 0023 00 V hundred; sickel pears, $2 00 2 25 bushel crate; Delaware peaches, $2 per bushel. Feathebs Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1, do, 4045v; mixed lots, SO35c V ft. Potatoes $1 251 50 1 barrel. Poultry Live spring chickens, 50C0c ?) pair; old, 7075c $1 pair. Seeds Clover, choice,tel fts to bushel, $5 60 p bushel; clover, large English, 62 as. $8 00; clover, Alsike. $3 60; clover, white, $9 CO; timo thy, choice', 45 as, $1 65: blue grass, extra clean. 14 as, 90c: bine grass, fancy, 14 as, $1 00; orchard crass. 14 as. 51 65: red top, 14 as. $1 25; I millet, 60 as. $1 00; German Milieu. 60 as. 1 ou; Hungarian grass, tu is, ti w; uira grass, mixture of fine grasses, $2 60 $1 bushel of 14 as. Tallow Country, 4Jic; city rendered, 4 5c Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy. $5 50 6 00 53 box; Messina oranges, $5 005 60 fl box; rod!. $4 5005 00; California oranges. $4 5004 75 fl box; bananas, $2 25 firsts, SI 25 good seconds, V bunch; cocnanuts. $4 0042150? hundred; new figs, 8K9c jf) a; dates, 5K6c ft ft. Vegetables Tomatoee, home-grown. $249 2 25 ft bushel; wax. beans, $1 ft bushel; green beans, ' 60075c $) bushel; cucumbers, home raised, $1 50 ft bushel: radishes, 2540c fl dozen; home-grown cabbage, 50c ft bushel; new celery, home-grown, 50c ft dozen. Groceries. Green coffee continues firm at the advance, and wholesalers here think packages should go up at least c to correspond with the price of the creen. Expectations are general that an advance must come in a short time. Other groceries remain as before. GnEEJf Coffee Fancy Bio, 2122c; choice Bio, 1820c: prime Bio. 18c; fair Bio, 17018c; old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 22023c; Mocha, 272Sc; Santos, 1022Kc; Caracas 2022c: peaberry, Bio, 2123c; La Guayra, 21' Boasted (in papers) Standard brands,22jc: high grades. 2126Kc; old Government Java, bulk. 3131c; Maracaibo, 26027c; Santos. 20K22Xc; peaberry.2oJc; peaberry.cboice Bio. 23c; prime Bio, 21c; good Bio, 21c; ordi nary, 20Jc Spices (whole) Cloves, 2123c: allspice, 8c; cassia. 6c: pepper. 16c: nutmeg. 70080c Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test,7ct Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, 160, SJc; water white, 10c; globe. 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadine, llctroyaline. 14c bYRUPS-Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrups, 33038c: prime sugar syrup, 3033c; strictly prime, 33035c; new maple syrup, 90c. N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me dium, 43c; mixed, 40012c Soda lii-car b In kegs, 3Klc; bi-carb in ys, 5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 506c; sal soda In kegs, 13c; do granulated. 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, ft set 8c;paraffine, 11012c Bice Head. Carolina, 77c: choice, GJ 7c; prime. 5JG6Vc: Louisiana, 06Kc STARCH Pearl, 3c: cornstarch, 5i7c; gloss starch, 607c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon don laers, $3 10; California London layers, $2 50; Muscatel?, $2 25; California Muscatels, $1 85: Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia, 7K8c; sultana, 8c: currants, 45c; Turkey prunes, 4jjS5c; French prunes, 813c; Salonlca prunes. i 2-B packages, 8c; cocoanuts. ft 100, $6 00; almonds, Lan., per a, 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 1215c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12 16c: new dates, 6K6c; Brazil nuts, 10c: pecan?, 11015c; citron, per a. 21022c; lemon peel, per a, 13014c; orange peel, 12k'c Dries Fruits Apples, sliced, per a, 6c apples evaporated, 6V66Kc; apricots, Califor; nia, evaporated, 15lsc; peaches, evaporated, pared, 22023c; peaches, California, evaporated, nnpared, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 21022c; cherries, unpitted, 66c; raspberries, eyapor-t ated. 2424Kc; blackberries, 7K8c; huckle berries. 1012o Sugars Cubes, 993ic; powdered. 9K 9c; granulated. 9Jic; confectioners' A 8j 9c; standard A 8c; soft whites. 8XSc: yel low, choice. 8Jc; yellow, good, 7K0c; yellow, fair, Sc; yellow, dark, 7c Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), $4 60; medi um, half bbls (600). $2 75. Salt No. L ft bbl, 95c; No. lex, ft bbl, $1 05; dairy, ft bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, $1 20: niggins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 80; Hiegms' Eureka, 16-14 a pockets, $3 00. Canned Goods standard peaches, $1 30 1 90: 2ds, $1 3001 35; extra peaches. $1 5001 90; pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, $101 50: Hid. Co. corn. 7090c: red cherries, 90c$l; Lima beans, $1 10: soaked do, 85c; strjng do do, 75085c; mar rowfat peas. $1 1001 16; soaked peas, 70g'75c; pineapples, $1 40Q1 50: Bahama do, $2 75; dam son plums, 95c: greengages, $1 25; egg plums, $2; California pears, $2 50: do greengages, $2: do egg plums, $2; extra white cherries, $2 90: red cherries. 2 as. 90c; raspberries, $1 4001 50; strawberries, $1 10; gooseberries, $1 3001 40; tomatoes, 82J92c: .salmon, l.a, $1 752 10; blackberries, cOc; succotash. 2 a cans, soaked, 99c: do green,2as,$125160:cornbeef,2-acan8, $2 05: 14-a cans, $14 00; baked beans, $1 4501 50; lobster, 1-B. $1 7501 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, $1 60; sardines, domestics. fa, $4 500 4 60: sardines, domestic Ks, $8 2508 50; sar dines. Imported, Js, $11 50012 50; sardines, im ported, s. $18: sardines, mustard, $4 60; sar dines, spiced, $4 50. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. $38 ft bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess, $40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed, $36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole nollock. 4Vc ft a: do medium. Georce's cod. tic: do large. 7c: boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do ueorge1 itonna $2 50 a half bbl. Lake trout, $5 50 ft half bbl Finnan haddock. 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c ft a. Pickerel. J4 barrel, $2 00; V barrel, $1 10; Potomac herring, $5 00 ft barrel, $2 50 ft K barrel. Oatmeal $0 3006 60 ft bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 580600 ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c , Grain, Floor and Feed. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 23 cars. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St Louis. 6 cars of corn, 6 of hay, 4fcf oats, 1 of wheat, 1 of bran, 1 of straw. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of oats. 1 of rye. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 1 car of oats, 2 of hay. Sales on call: Ono car No. 2 white oats. 32Jc. 6 days, Pennsylvania lines; 2 cars No. 2 White oats, 2SJc, September, Pennsylva nia lines. There are no changes in cereals worthy of note. Spot gram Is steady. Oats are weak for the good and sufficient reason thai the new crop is one of the largest on record, and quality Is good. Throughout the region, which recognizes Pittsburg as Its trade center, the wheat and oats crops are fully up to any thing in the past. Wheat Jobbing prices New No. 2 red, 83 81c: No. 2 red, 89690c: No. 3 red. 8384c Corn No. 2 yellow ear, 4546c: high mixed ear. 4444Kc; No. 2 "yellow, shelled, 42043c; hlch mixed, shelled, 4142c; mixed, shelled, 40Q41c OATS No. 2 white. extra. No. & 31J3Uc; No. S white. ;3ic: No. 2 mixed Oat ZUKW2JC ..BNo'lpS?S.!,Ta,1a hd Ohio, 61S2c; Ii2:iWestern5151Hc;,newrye N0.2OM0, Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and spring patent, f6 75 2;-Water etraigtkt, 5 00f25; clear winter, $755 00: straight XXXX bakers', $4 254 50. 'Bye flour, $3 50 Millfeed Middlings, fine white. $14 609 15 00 f ton: brown middlings, $11 60012 00: win ter wheat bran, fll 00011 25; chop leed, $15 60 IB 00. Hat Baled timothy, choice. $14014 25: No. 1 do. $13 60013 75; No. 2 do, $11 00012 50; loose, from wagon. $16 0018 00; No. 1 upland prairie $10 0010 60; No. 2, $7 5008 00; packing do, $5 00 06 50. m Straw Oats, $6 50; wheat and rye straw. 5 5006 00. " Provisions. Sugar-cured bams, large, llKc; sugar-cured hams, medium, 12c; sugar-cured hams, small. 12Hc; sugar-cured breakfast bacou,10c; sngar cured shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef fiats, 8c; sugar cured dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds. 12c; bacon shoulders, 6c: bacon clear sides, 8c: bacon clear bellies,, SKc; dry salt shoulders. 6c; dry salt clear sides, 8c Mess pork,ibeavy. $13 00; mess pork, lamily, $13 50. Lard Befined in tierces, 6Xc; halt barrels.ec: 60-a tuns, O&c; 20-a palls, .c; 60-a tin cans, 6Vc; 3-ft tin pails, 7c; 6-a tin palls, 7c; 10-a tin pails, 6c; 6-a tin palls, 7c; 10-tt tin palls. 7c Smoked sausage, long, 6c; laree, .6c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, 10c, Pigs feet, half barrel, $3 60; quarter barrel, $2 00. Dressed Meat. Armour & Co. furnished the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 430 to 650 as,5c;550 to 650 as.6Ve: 650 to 750as.6Jfc Sheep, be ft a. Lambs, lOo ft a. Hogs, 6c Fresh pork loins, 8Kc MAEKETS BY WIRE. Wheat Opens Dull and Spiritless, Braces Up Under the Influence bnt of Good Buyine Leading Fcntnrca Finally Lose Their Grip and Close Lower. Chicago The wheat market again ruled dull and spiritless In the speculative dealings, but it averaged firm, and during the first hour or so of the session exhibited considerable strength. The opening was about the same to a sm al fraction above yesterday's closing, followed by a gradual improvement of Kc more, strong early cables, with a reported advance of-ld in spot grain at Liverpool being the basis for this bulge. The market then began to sag and an irregular decline of K0c ensued, December selling from 79J to 78c before the downward tendency was effectually checked. Buying of about a quarter of a million by a local operator was what turned prices up from this point, which shows plainly the light and unimportant character 'of trade these days. That the market is sadly wanting in outside support is apparent. Speculative trading here was under an average volume throughout, and after fluctuating narrowly prices .closed Ha lower than yesterday for the leading features. A moderate speculative and good shipping business was transacted In com and the feeling was a little firmer. The better feeling was due largely to the good demand for cash property, firmer cables and large export clearings from New Orleans and Atlantic ports. Trading, however, was largely of a local character. The market opened at yesterday's closing prices, was firm and advanced c, ruled steady and closed io higher than yesterday. . There was a good business in oats, bnt it was in small lots. A firmer feeling developed and prices ranged higher, but fluctuations were con fined to c A fairly active trade was reported in mess pork, mainly during the latter part of the ses sion. Prices were lO012c higher and the market closed steady at inside figures. A decidedly stronger feeling was developed in lard. Prices were advanced 1012c, but settled back again 205c and closed quiet. Suite a good trade was reported in short ribs the feeling was stronger. On the whole range an improvement of 701Oc was gained, but the market closed at aboutmedlum figures. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat No. 2. September, 77K77K"6K 78Jfc: De-cember,797978j0783-6c:yar,77 77K76076. Corn No. 2, Beptember. 35K036 1-6035 36c: October, 3636i36K03bKe; Decem ber. 35. Oats No. 2, September. 202OXc: October. 2O?S21K02O52Oc: May. 24K2424 24kc Mess Pork, per bbl. September, $10 70 10 72K01O 65010 65: October. $10 45010 62K 010 45010 47K:January.$98509 85. Lard, per 100 as. September, $6 27X0337 6 27K08 35; October, $6 3006 4006 3006 35; year, $6 0006 02. Short Bibs, per 100 as. September, $5 45 05 6005 420647; October, $5 4205 47Q 5 4005 45; Januarv. $4 9504 92. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour quiet and unchanged. No. . 2 spring wheat. 77c; No."3 spring wheat, nominal; No. 2 red, 77c: No. 2 corn, 86c; No. 2 oats, 20Jic No. 2 rye. 42043c No. 2 barley nominal. No. 1 flax seed, $1 25. Prime timothy seed. $1 4201 43. Mess pork, per barrel, $10 65010 7a Lard, ?er 100 pounds, $S SOL Short rib sides loose), $5 4005 60. Dry salted shoulders boxed), $4 8705OO, Short clear sides(boxed), $5 7505 87. Sugars unchanged. Becelpts Flour, 15.000 barrels; wheat, 167.000 bushels; corn. 332.000 bushels; oats, 284,000 bushels; rye, 6,000 bushels; barley, 6,000 bushels. Shipments Flour,13,000barrels;wheat.7S,000busbels:corn. 100.000 bushels: oats, 182,000 bushels; rye, 1,000 bushels; barley, none. On the Produce Exchange to-dav the butter market was active for finest giades and un-. changed, .ttggs better at nc. New York Flour less active and heavy. Cornmeal steady. Wheat Spot dull and un settled; options dull: 0Jc higher and steady; moderate baying by lorelgn honses. Bye strong. Barley malt quiet. Corn Spot mod erately active and easier, closing steady; op tions quiet and firmer. Oats Spot quiet and lower; options fairly active and firmer. Hay in good 'demand and stronir: shipping, 65c; good to choice, 80095c Hops easy and quiet. Coffee Options opened steady and unchanged to a points down and closed steady and unchanged to 5 points up; sales, 32,000 bags, including August, 15.00c; September, 15.00015.15c: October. 14.90 015.00; November. 14.00c: December, 14.90 15.10c; January. 01605c: Marcb, 14.9olo.10c; Mav, 15.00016.10c; spot BlQ quiet; fair cargoes, lSc Sugar Baw dull and nominally un changed; refined steady and a trifle better de mand. Molasses Foreign -neglected: New Orleans dull. Bice quiet and steady. Cotton seed oil quiet. Tallow quiet. Bosin quiet and steady. Turpentine quiet and steady. Eggs in good demand; western best, 1415c: do fair, 12014c; receipts. 5.719 packages. Pork steady. Cnt meats dull; pickled hams, 11 llc; pickled sbouldeVs, 65c; sales pickled bellle. 7c for 12 pounds, 7Jfc for 11, 8c for 10; middles neglected. Lard strong at 607 points 'advance, and quiet; sales western steam, $6 65; city steam. $6 50; options, no sales; September closed at $6 68: October. $6 69; November. $6 47; December, $6 4a Butter an let and steady on choice; western dalrv, 1012c; do creamery, 11017c; do factory. 812c Cheese In fair de mand and strong; western, 7c St Louis Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat The market was strong earl v on strong and higher cables: unsettled weather abr6ad and better outside markets, combined with moderate receipts, caused August to be bid up c, and the whole Hue of options improved: later reports and freer selling locally caused a o decline, but the close was somewhat firmer; No. 2 red cash. 74K074c: August, 737 74c, closed 74c bid; September. 74K074 74c, closed 74Jic bid; December. 72077c. closed 77c asked. Corn higher: No. 2 mixed, cash, 33c; August. 3333Jc, closed 333c; September, 33033U033c closed 33c Oats stronger; No. 2 cash, 1920c bid; Septem ber, 20c; May, 24c. Bye loner; No. 2, 3S 39c Flaxseed Again lower and more doing; spot, $1 2201 25; August, $1 20 bid. Philadelphia Flour Choice old winter in fair demand at firm prices; new wheats not wanted; springs dull and weak. Wheat firm and prices of fnturesbeond this month; closed KQ&c higher: No, 3 red In export elevator, 78c: steamer No. 2 red, in do, 81c: No. 2 red in do, 81c: No. 2 red, August, 81084c; September. 8408154:: October. 8485c; November. 85K 85c Corn Little or no speculative grading and demand for export light: options nominally Unchanged: carlots quiet Tut firm: No. 2 mixed, in Twentieth street elevator and grain depot, 45c; No. 2 high mixed, in do, 46c Oats Car lots dull and barelv steady: No. 3 white, 32 33c; No. 2 white, 3234&c; futures quiet and unchangod. Provisions qnlet but steady. Ezgs firmer and in good demand; Pennsylvania firsts, 15J4c Cincinnati Flour steady. Wheat In fair demand; No. 3 red, 77078c; receipts, 25.000 bnshels; shipments, 17,000 bushels. Corn stronger; No. 2 mixed, 38c Oats irregular and lower; No. 2 mixed. 2525Kc; new, 220 23c Bye easy; No. 2, 45c Pork firmer at $11 37, Lard stronger at $6 05. Bulkmeats barely steady: short ribs, $5 7005 75. Bacon steady; short clear, $6 75. Butter steady and firm. Sugar quiet. Eggs stronger at llc Cheese strong. Milwaukee Flour steady. Wheat easier; cash. 77c; September, 76c Corn steady; No. 3, 3637c Oats dull and easier; No. 2 wbtte. 26027c Barley easier; September, 68c Bye dull; No. 1, 43c Provisions firm. Baltzxore Provisions dull: mess pork, $13 00013 5a Butter steddy; creamery, 16017c Eggs firm; fresh, 14c Toledo Cloverseed quiet; cash, $1,45; Oc tober, $4 4a TheDrrsoe'ds Market. New York, August 6. The general demand for drygoodi was moderate, but It Included Im portant orders for staples and -department coods. The market continues in coud shaue and was Without change of tone. Business in mow wooieus was lair, out hui irregular as to the sale of cMobaeiM. Satinets are selltog Bro rreeiy- LIVE STOCK MAEKETS. The Condition of Bmtneu at the East Liberty Htock Yards. Office ofPittshurg Dispatch, 1 Tuesday, Augusta, 1889. J Cattle Becelpts, a! head; shipments, 620 head: market slow, 10 to 15c off from yester day's prices; no cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hoos Receipts. 1,700 head: shipments. 900 head; market dull inallerades at $4 6081 75; 3 cars of hogs shipped to New York to-aay. Sheep Receipts. 900 head; shipments, head; market fair at yesterday's prices. 600 Br Tetecranh. New York Beeves Becelpts, 700 head, all for exportation; no trading in beeves; market dull for dressed beef at 4JJ05Ko ft a for Texas and Colorado; 607c for native do., some very choice going to 7ic; exports to-day. 300 beeves and 3,040 quarters of beef. Calves Receipts, 70 head; market very quiet with limited busi ness at $2 124 00 ft 100 as for buttermilk calves and tat $4 2506 00 for veals. Sheep Becelpts, 2,100 head; no change to note in tone for prices; sales were at $3 7505 25 ft 100 as for sheep and at $5 0007 25 for lambs. Hogs Be celpts, 1,900 head; a few heavy hogs changed hands at $4 0004 50 ft 100 as and thn nominal range is $4 6004 90L Kansas City Cattle Receipts. 6,770 head; shipments, 4,724 head; native dressed beef and steers firm and 6010c bigber;Texas and western steady to strong; cows steady; calves, 25050c lower; good to choice corn-fed steers, $4 00 04 25; common to medinm, $30003 SO; stockers and feeders, $1 600? 00; cows, $1 5002 75; grass range steers, $1 7502 85. Hogs Becelpts, 6,000 head; shipments, 272 head; market steady to to strong: good to cboice light, $4 2204 30; heavy and mixed, $4 0004 20. Sheep Receipts, 400 head: shipments, none; market steady to strong; good to choice muttons, $3 7504 00: common to medium, $2 6003 6U CniCAOO Cattle Receipts, 8,600 head; ship ments, 3,500 bead; market steady; beeves, $4 30 04 50: steers, $3 5004 45; stockers and feeders, $2 2503 30; cows, bulls and mixed, $1 5003 10: Texas cattle, $1 7503 15; natives and half breeds, $2 403 Sa Hogs Becelpts, 11,000 head; shipments. 5,000 head; market steady: mixed, $4 3004 65: heavy, $4 2004 40; llcht, $4 3504 65; skips, $3 5004 6a Sheen Receipts, 6,000 head: shipments, 2,000 head; market steady: natives, $3 8004 85: western, $3 6004 12:Texans, $3 60 04 10; lambs, $4 7505 7a St. Louis Cattle Receipts, 2,400 head; ship ments. 5,400 head; market strong and active: choice heavy native steers, $4 2504 60; fair to cood, $3 8004 20; stockers and feeders, $2 20 2 60; ranzers, corn fed, $2 7503 60; grass fed, $2 1002 80. Hoes Receipts. 3,300 head: ship ments, 2,800 head: market active and strong; fair to choice heavy, $4 4004 60; packing, $4 204 40; light grades, fair to best, $4 400 4 6a Sheep Becelpts, 2,400 head; shipments, 3,700 head; market Btrone; fair to cboice, $3 5004 60. Lambs, $3 7505 60. Cincinnati Hogs scarce and higher; com mon and light, $3 7504 60; packing and butchers. $4 4004 65. Becelpts, 900 head; ship ments, 650 head. Wool Markets. Philadelphia The market is quiet and prices nominal and unchanged. St. Louis Receipts, 66,075 pounds; market quiet but steady. New York Wool in fair demand and steady; domestic fleece, 32039c; pulled, 23040c; Texas, 14028c Boston There was a fair movement in wool, confined mostly to small lots, and prices were without material change. Holders are not dis posed to accept lower prices for wool which cost them hlch prices, and prefer to wait until manufacturer's stocks are partially exhausted and they are obliged to buy. Ohio and Penn sylvania fleeces have been selling at 33c for X; 34035c for XX: 35036c for XX and above, and SSc for No. L Michigan X fleeces move slowly at 32c In combing and delaine fleeces there have been small sales of No. 1 combing at 40c; Ohio fine delaine at 36c, and Michigan fine delaine at SSc Upwasbed combing wools move quietly at 30031c for three-eighths blood, and 28c for one-quarter. Territory, Texas. Oregon and California wools are moving to a fair extent at 60065c for fine and 60063c for fine medium, on a scoured oasis. Pulled wools continue steady and sell at 80039c for super and 25029 for extra. Foreign wools are very firm. Carpet wools are in better demand. At Eminence, Ky., yesterday, Deputy Mar shal Maddox attempted to arrest William Mon roe, colored, under a mistake. Monroe resisted and Maddox shot him dead. Both were Be pubUcana. When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children.she gave them Castorla ap9-77-Hwrsu ARMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. ARMOUR & CO., CHICAGO, SOLE MANUFACTUBERS. This is now conceded to be the best in tbe market, 13 witnessed bv tbe fact that we have just secured the DIPLOMA FOB EXCEL LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be ing held In Philadelphia. CLEANLY IN MANUFACTUEE, 8UPEBI0R IN QUALITY, And with tbe bright appetizing flavor of fresh ly roasted beef. BEMKMBEB, jy5-19-KWF 512 AND 5(4 SMITHFIELD STREET. PITTSBURG, FJl. Transact a General BanMi Bnsiness. Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer cial Credits, IN STEBLING, Available In all puts of the world. Also issue Credits - IN DOT.TjARS For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, South and Central America. ao7-81-srwr llltOKJEIfcs FINANCIAL. -TTTH1TNEY & 8TEPHENS0N, a FOUBTH AVENUE. Issne travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel, Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured. ap28-l GEORGE T. CARTER, INVESTMENT BONDS. 614-515 Hamilton Building, Pittsbure. Pa. mvlO-TO-TJ MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 VESS AVENUE, PITTdBUllG, PA.. As old residents know ana back files of Pitts burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. SblersCsNOFEEUNTILCURED MCDni IP and mental diseases, physical ll Qn V UUO aecay.nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self istrust,basbfulness, dizzines", sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers,organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business,society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKINSrW! blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, montb.throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. 1 1 R I M A R V kidney and bladder derange U 11 1 1 1 M II I luents, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whlttier's life-long, extensive experi ence. Insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 p. jr. Sun day, 10 A. X. to 1 P. K. only. DB, WHITTIER, E14Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. jj9-40DSuwk DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases re quiring scientific and confiden tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake. M. R. C. P. S., is the oldest and most experienced specialist in tbe city. Consultation free and strictly confidential. Office hours 9 to 4 and Zio 8 P. if.; Sundays. 2 to 4 p. M.Consult them personally, or write, DOCTORS Lake, 908 Peaa are., PiKaBurg, Far jurarjiw a- f- - IILLi&WBlI, SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EOlBTER'S "NarlOB-NOTlUE la HkitEUY Klven that the following accounts of execu tors, administrators, guardians and trustees nsve been duly examined and passed in the Register's office; and will be presented to the Orphans' Court for confirmation and allowance on Monday, September 2, 1883: ..... No. 1. FiritandflnaraecountofKobertF. John ston, administrator or the estate of Martha Ford, deceased. Filed May J, 1SS9. . Jlo.2. First and final account of Annetta Ttg (tsrt, administratrix of the eetate or SamM. Tag gart. deceased. Filed May 7, 18i. No. J. First account of James Gllmore and A. Dempster, administrator or the estate of Charles Utlmore, deceased. Filed May 8. 1889. No. 4. Final account of L. H. Uonner, admlnls tratorofthe estate of Sarah A. Uonner, deceased. Filed May to, 1889. . , , No. 8. Final account of Joseph Payne, adminis trator of the estate ot Sarah Gass, deceased. Filed May 10. 1889. No. 8. Final account or Patrick O'Connor, ex ecutor of the will of Patrick Boren, deceased. Filed May 11. 1889. No. 7. Final account of William Kwlng. Jr., guardian or Fannie Ewlng. Filed May 14. 1889. No. 8. Partial account of Julia F. Ludewlg, ex ecutrix of the will ot G. Ludewlr, deceased. Filed May 14. 1889. No. 9. Final account or Lena Goldstrom. ad ministratrix d. b. n. e. t. a. of Henry Goldstrom, deceased. Filed May 13, 1839. , No. 1(C Final account of Ilalthaser Stotz, guar dian of AnnaZschoes;ner(now Sueis). Filed May 15, 1889. No. 11. Final account or Balthaser Stotz, guar dian of Emma Zschoegner, deceased. Filed May 15,1839. No. 12. Second account of Johanna Zschoefrner, administrator of the esUte of John Gottlieb Zschoegner. deceased. Filed May 15, 1889. No. 13, Final account of JobnM. Edmundson. executor of the will of John II. .Burroughs, de ceased. Filed Mav IS, 1889. No. 14. Final account of John HuffnaRle, ad ministrator of the estate of Bachel May. deceased. Filed May 18, 1889. No. is. Final account ot Henry Luchslnger and Luclnda A. Luchslnger, executors of the will of Victor Keller, deceased. Filed May 18, 1889. No. 18. Final account of Joseph Kobe, executor or tbe will or Theresa Baamliotf, deceased. Filed May 18. 1489. -No. 17. Final account of Gustav Otto, adminis trator of the estate of Edward U. Bussing, de ceased. Filed May 17. 1889. No. IS. Final account of Frank Bhopene. ad ministrator or tbe estate of Kachel Shopene, de ceased. Filed May 13, 1889. No. 19. Final account or H. L. Mershon, M. !.. administrator of the estate of Mary Mershon, de ceased. Filed May 20. 18S9. No, 20. Final account or Frances J. B. Forster, execntrixoftnewlllof John J. Forster, deceased. Filed May 20, 1889. No. S. Final account of TnomasT. Brown, ad ministrator or the estate of Hannah E. dements, deceased. Filed May 20, 1889. No. 22. Final account or John Selpert, guardian of Louis Schatx. Filed May 21. 1S8. Ho. 23. Final account of Matilda Roth, adminis tratrix of tbe estate of Emllle Fralkowskl. de ceased. Filed May 22. 1889. No. 24. Final account of Charles G. McEIwaln, administrator or the estate of Henry Dixon, de ceased. Filed May 22, 1889. No. 23. Final account of Henry Belter, exeentor ot the will or J. M. G. McClung, deceased. Filed May 22, 1839. No. 28. Final account of G. Edward Suiter, ad ministrator of the estate of John K. Suiter, de ceased. Filed May 23, 1889. No. 27. Final account of Sarah McMlllen. ad mlnlstrlx "cum testamento annexo" of Samuel McMlllen. deceased. Filed May 24, 1889. No. 11. Final account or Mary Ann Prosser for merly Mary Ann Fannin?, administratrix of the estate of John Fanning, deceased. Filed May 24, 1889. No. 29. First account of Thomas B. Moreland, administrator of the estate of Catharine Toner, deceased. Filed May 25, U89. No. 30. Final account of Marg't L. Gibson, ad--mlntstratrtxof tbe estate of B. F. Gibson, de ceased. Filed May 25, 1889. So. 31. Account of Frederlka nelmlch. execu trix of will of Franz Christian Helmlch, deceased. Filed May 25, 18S9. No. 32. Final account of E. C. A. Bnch. sruar dlan of Bertie K. C. Bueb. Filed May 25. 1889. No. S3. First partial account or Deborah tihaner, administratrix oftbe estate of Cornelius Shaner, deceased. Filed May 27, 1889. No. U. Final account of George A. Lashell, ad ministrator or the estate of Jacob LashelL de ceased. Filed May 27. 1889. No. 35. Second and final acconnt of Michael Schmidt, executorof the will or Walburger Schrei ber. deceased. Filed May 28, 1889. No. 38. Account or Anna K. KUllnger.admlnls tratrix of the estate of William KUUnger, do ceased. Filed May 29. 1889. No. 37. Final account of P. H. Stereifson, ex ecutor of the will of Nancy Aten, deceased. Filed May 28. i889. No. 38. Final account of Adam Mangold, execu tor oftbe will of Jacob Mangold, deceased. Filed May 29. 1889. No. 39. Final account of Daniel Harrison, ad ministrator d. b. n. e. t. a. of estate of Henry Schnltz. deceased. Filed May 31, 1889, No. 4a Final account of Graham Scott, guar dian or Mary Isla Blanche Hays. Filed May 31, N o. 41. Fourth partial account of James N. and Thomas H. Finney, executors of the will of Wm. Finney, deceased. lied May SI, 1889. No. 42. Final account of . Z. Thomas, execu tor of the will of Jobn L. Inula, deceased. Filed Junes, 1889. No. 43. Partial account of B. S. Fahnestock, executor of the will of Benjamin L. Fahnestock, deceased. Filed Junes, 1889. No. 44. First account orW. W.Davis, execu tor or the will ol William Davis, deceased. Filed June S. 1689. No. 43. Final account or George G. Turfley, M. I)., admlalstrator or the estate of Mary Trultt, deceased. Filed June 7, 1889. No. 48. Final account of Theodore Urtman. ad ministrator of the estate or Eliza Voskamp, de ceasea. Filed Jane t. 1889. No. 47. Accouut of K. H. Negley, guardian of the estate or Joseph Strothon. i lied Jnne, 1, 1889. No. 43. Firfetnartlal acconnt at T.hlla.l ir.- gns and W. 1. Fergus, executors of tbe will of Thomas Fergus, deceased. Filed June 1. 1889. No. 49. First acconnt or VVm. T.Bell and Thos. J. Bell, executors of the will of Mary A. Bell, de ceased. Filed June I. 1889. No. 50. Final account of Edwin Z. Smith, trus tee In partition of the estate of Johns. Toy, de ceased. Filed June 3. 1889. No. 51. Final account or William Hehl. trustee of the estate of George Koegler, deceased. Filed June 7. 1889. No. 52. First and partial account of Charles Bellsteln, Wm. Bellsteln and Albert Bellstelni executors or the will or George P.itellsteln. Jr., deceased. Filed J one 8. 1889. No. 53. FinalaccountorMaryJ. Gaches.admln lstratrlx or the estate of Joseph L. Caches, de ceased. Filed June 8. 1889. No. 54. Account of William E. Kelso, trustee to matte sale of real estate of James . Kelso, de ceased. Filed June 8. 1889. Vo. 55. Final account or Lewis Mathews, ad ministrator or the estate or Charlotte Mathews, deceased; filed by Charles Mathews, administra tor or tbe estate or Louis Mathews, deceased. Filed June 8, 1889. No. 58. Final account or Henry Kelb, Jr., guar dian or Kalph D. Kelb. Filed June 11. 1889. No. 57. Final acconnt of the Safe Deposit Com pany of Pittsburg, guardian of estate of Frank, W. WelcheL deceased. Filed June 12. 1889. No. 59. Final account of Charles S. Glll.admln lstrator of tbe estate of John Owens, deceased. Filed June 12. 1889. No. 59. Final account of A. B.Stevenson, guar dian or Edwin II. NoDle. Filed June 13. 1889. No. 60. Final account or Barbara Durkln. ex ecutrix ol the will or Michael Durkln, deceased. Filed June 8, 1889. No. 61. Final account or W. J. Canning, guar dian or Ella K. Means and Addison B. Means. rued June ii, vsa. N o. 62. FlnaLaccount of Mrs. Elizabeth Glover, administratrix ofthe estate or James Glover, de ceased. Filed Jnne 17, 1889. N o. 63. Second partial account of John, James H. and David Blssell, executors of the will of Wm. S. Blssell, deceased. Mled June 17; 1S9. No. 64. First and final account ofT. A. Wright, executor of the will of John Wright, deceased. r ilea June is, issy. No. 63. Final account of Jobn H. Logan, ad ministrator ancillary of tl estate of Bev. E. D. Bryan, deceased, t lied Juue 19. 1889. No. 68. Final account of James A. Kuhn. guar dian or Bobert E. Uwlngs. Filed June 19. 18b9. No. 67, Account of James E. Karns and H. F. Otterman, executors or tbe will of John Ran dolph, deceased. Filed June 19, 1889. No. 68. Final account of John U. Fowler, ex ecutor of will of Louis Caldwell, deceased. Filed June 21. 1889. . No. 69. Final account of Barbara King, execu trix of the will or Charles King, deceased. Filed June 22, 1889. No. 70. Final account of Bobert Nlblock, exec utor or tbe will of Jane Gillespie, deceased. Filed June 25, 1889. No. 71. Final acconnt or Adam Herchenrother, executor or the will or George Hetzel, Br., de ceased. Filed June 26. 1889. No. 72. Final account of W. T. Bradberry, guardian or Clara B. Ueed. Filed June 28. 1889. No. 73. Final account of EUseSlgmund, admin istratrix c. t. a. of Jacob Slgmund, deceased. Filed June 28, 1889. No. 74. Final account of Wm. Roberts and Anna Roberta, executors ofthe will or Cbas. V. Rob erts, deceased. Filed June 28. 1839. No. 73. Final account of William M. Klhn and Andrew Klhn, executors ot tbe will ot Mary Mag dalene Rlnn. deceased. Filed June 26, 1889. No. 76. Final account of B.N. and J. D. Mc cormick, executors ofthe wUl of Benjamin Mc Cormlck, deceased. Filed June 20. 1889. No. 77. Partial account of Alice Prosser and Margaret E. Hughes, administratrixes or the es tate ol James W. McGeary, deceased. Filed June 27. 1889. No. 73. Account of K. A. Carter, administrator of tbe estate or Lydla Clark, deceased. Filed July 23, 1889. . No. 79. Final account of George H. Thomas, executor or the will of Irving O. Thomas, de ceased. FlledJuneSS. 1889. No. 80. Second partial account of E. H. Myers and John B. Baum. executors of will of B. H. Landwebr, deceased. Filed June 28. 1889. No. 81. Final account of George M. Tenan. ex ecutor ol the will of Sarah Johnston, deceased. Filed June 28, 1889. No. 82. Final account of Nancy J. Miller, ad ministratrix of the estnte of Martha Miller, de ceased. Flcd July 1. 1889. No. 83. Final account of Henry Wilson, guar dian or William Beed Cook. Filed July L 1889. No. 84. Final account or llenry Dlebold and Louis Dlebold, executors of the will or Catbailne Ben der, deceased. Filed July 2, 18s9. No. 85. Account of John S. Coe, executor of the will of RelM-cca Howe, deceased. Filed July 3 1839. No. 86. Final account of Paul Keck, administra tor of the estate or Samuel Selbert, deceased. Filed July 3, 1889. No. fir. Sannlemental account or C. C Arnes- bergi Mich; prgand John U. Kerr, executors or the will of ael McCullougb. Jr.. deceased. Filed July 3. 1889. No. 88. Final account of A. W. Bedell, admin istrator of the estate of Calvin IBedeU, deceased. Filed July 5, 1889. No. 89. Account of J. W. Sprout, guardian of Elmer Y. GUIeland. Filed JuIt 6. 1889. No. 90. Final account of Jobn Bradley, admin istrator of tbe estate of John Swaney, deceased. Filed Julys, 1889. No. 91. Second account of Lemuel Googlns, guardian of Howard W oodson. Filed July 8, 1889. No. 92. First and final account or James Lar klns, administrator of the estate of Mary Ann Larklns, deceased. Filed July S, 1889. No. S3. Final account or Mary E. Hamilton, administratrix or the estate of Ann E. Hamilton, deceased. Filed July 9, 1889. No. 94. Final account or F. W. WaliL adminis trator c. t. a. or the estate or Leonhard Miller, de ceased.. Filed July 10, 1389. No. 95. Final account of D. Denalson, admin istrator or the estate of Martha CuanlngtuUB. de ceased, Filed July Ki 1889, " k . wvnf nVTDTfiirM UK1L. - - NaLK- mn;rrrwint or. John Hazlett. exec ff l utor of the will of 'William Hazlett, deceased. Filed July 10, 1889. .,,, No. 97. First partial account of W. W. Fuller ton, executor oftbe will of iillzabeth Roup, de ceased. Filed July 10. 189. . No. 98. Final account of Nancy Craig, admin istratrix of the estate of Wm. II. McCarter, de ceased. Filed July 11. 1889. i No. 99. AcconntofFredcrlckThomas, exeentor or the will of Michael Thomas, deceased. FUed July IX 1889. N o. loo. Acconnt of Wm. J. Thomas, guardian of Annie P., Edward E. and Richard R. Evans. Filed July it ISM). No10i. Final account of Henry Dlebold, tea- . tamentary guardian of Cella, Julius. Flora, Al bertlna and Florence Bender. Filed July II 1889. No. 102. Final accountofHenrvHerr, executor of wiU of Henry Voegele, deceased. FUed J uly IS . 1889. No. 103. Final account of Johanna Knox, ad ministrator ofthe estate of James Knox, deceased. Filed July 17, 1889. No. 1CH. Final account or William Rlmllng. administrator of the estate of Martha M. Kim ling, deceased. Filed July 17. 18S9. No. 105. tlnalaccountorMarrLowe.exrcutruc of the estate ot Josiah Lowe, deceased.. Filed J nly. '. ,T lean r No. 106. TInal account of W. S Springer. Jr., actlna executor ofthe will of Wm. 8. Springer, Sr., deceased. Filed July 18, 1889. No. 107. Final account of Theodore F. Straub. administrator d. b. n. of Elizabeth Mueller, da- ceased. Filed July IS. 1889. No. 108. Final account of John O. SIppeL ad ministrator d. b. n. e. t. a. of John Farst, de ceased. Filed July 18. 1S89. No. 109. Final account of Clara C. Relnecke, ad - mlnlstratrix of estate of E.W. Belnecke, deceased. jjieaiiuiy it, jasv. No. 110. Final account of R. J. Linton, trustee or the estate of John Linton, deceased. Filed July 18, 1889. No. 111. Final account of Peter Blmoa. adminis trator of estate of John Eyman, deceased. Filed' July 19. 1889. No. 112. Final aceount of John Colrin. executor of the will of Luke Chapman, deceased. Filed July 19. 1889. No. 113. Final account of Jobn Hlneman, ad ministrator or the estate of Sarah Porter, de ceased. Filed July 19. 1889. No. 114. Final account of. Samuel Franciss. ad ministrator of the estate or Martha Wallace, de-. ceased. Filed July 19. 1889. No. 115. Account of John Scott, deceased, guardian of Joseph Hogan, filed by John F. Scott' and W m. Stewart, executors of will of John Scott, deceased. Filed July 2a 1839. Ho. 116. Final account of August Brockman,, administrator c. t. a. d. h. n. or Joseph Boolf, de ceased. FUed July 20, 1889. No. 117. Final account of Joseph Roolf, de ceased, guardian of Maria, Joseph and Leo Win ters, filed by his administrator. Filed July 29, 1883. No. 113. Final accountof Joseph Roolf. guardian of Mary, Albert and Charles Lang: filed by Au gust Brockman, administrator of Joseph BoolC, deceased. If lied July 20, 1839. ' No. 119. Final account of P. H. Lawson, ex ecutor of the will of Christina Beystrom, deceased. FliedJnlyS). 18S9. No. 120. Final account of Casper Emraert, ex ecutor oftbe will of Elizabeth Emmert, deceased. Filed July 20. 1889. No. 121. Final account or George Wheatley. ad ministrator of estate of Chrlstena Scharley, de ceased. FUed July 22, 1839. Do. 122. Second account of G. W. WurzelL trustee ofestate or Dennis Carlln, deceased. FUed Jnly23. 1889. No. 123. Final account of Sadie E. Btevenson, administratrix of the estate of Kev. Samuel B. Stevenson, deceased. FUed July 23, 1808. No. 124. Final account of Sarah C Black (now McGeary), administratrix of tbe estate of Florence C Bell, defeased. Filed July 24. 1889. No. 125. Final account of Andrew T. Hunter, acting executor of the will of Eliza Hunter, do ceased. Filed July 24. 1889. No. 126. Final acconnt of George Bauman. exec'1 ' utor of the will of George E. Pollock, deceased. FUed Julys. 1889. IINo. 1Z7. Final account of tbe Safe Deposit Com- Jiany or Pittsburg, guardian of Josephine B. Llv ngston. Filed July 28. 1889. No. 128. First and final account of John Schus- . ier and Henry Schuster, administrators or the es tate or Mrs. Margaretta Schusler, deceased. Filed July 26, 1389. No. 129. Final account of Alice E. Johnston, administratrix of the estate of John S. Johnston, deceased. Filed July 28. ISS9. No. 130. Final account of tbe Safe Deposit Com- Sany of Pittsburg, guardian of Edward A. 'Brien. Filed July 28.1889. No. 131. Final account or John O'Reilly; exec-' utor ofthe will of Thomas McCartan, deceaaed-l Filed July 17. 1889. No. 132. Final aceount of Frank Anshutz. ad ministrator or the estate or Elizabeth l'ulrermll ler. deceased. Filed July 27. 1889. No. 133. Final account of J. H. Irwin, adminis trator of the estate of A. J. Bhoads, deceased. Filed July 27. 1889. No. 134. Partial account of Jos. If. Kobbs, ad ministrator of tbe estate of James Douglass, de- " ceased. Filed July 27. 1889. No. 135. Final account of Henry Battersby. ad-i mlnlstrator of the estate of EUza Battersby, de-l ceased. Filed July 30, 1889. No. 136. Account or Michael Kirk an.d James Corbett. executors of the will of Ann Qulnn. de ceased. Filed July 30..1839. So. 137. Final account of Joseph He.lck. admin istrator or the estate or Catharine Hoslck. de ceased. Filed July 31. 1889. No. 133. Final account of Elizabeth Lougbrey, administratrix of the estate of Thos. W. Longh- -rey, deceased. Filed July 3L 1889. No. 139. Final account or Ellen C. McEtwaine, administratrix or the estate or Daniel S. Mc Elwalne, deceased. Filed July 31. 1889. No. 140. Accountof Elizabeth Kleber. admlnls-' tratrlx c. t. a. of the estate of Frlederika llarlen, deceased. Filed J uly 31, 1839. No. 141. Final account or T. W. Martin, admin istrator d. b. n. c t. a. or the estate ol Nancy Walker, deceased. Filed August r. 1883. No. 1- Account of Thos. Konrke. guardian pf estate of Mary Qulnn and Thos. Qulnn, minors. Filed August L 1839. No. 143. Final account of D. C. Clappand W.N. Howard, executors of tbe will of Martha H. Cbllds, deceased. ilea August l, 1889. No. 144. Account ot Marshall Johnston, admin istrator or tbe estate of Charles Matters, deceased. Filed August 1, 1889. . No. 145. First partial accountof Wm.L.Steuder, administrator of the estate of Conrad Eckert, de ceased. Filed August L 1889. No. 146. Final account of Frederick D-Ehel- man, executor of the will of Frederick Franken bach, deceased. Filed August 2, 1889. No. 147. lnai account of M. K. Fife, guardian or the estate or John Keenan, minor. Filed August -2, 18e9. No. 148. Final account or Wm. Glenn, adminis trator ofthe estate of Bessie 11. Glenn, deceased. Filed August 2, 1889. No. 149. Final account of John Messer, adminis trator of the estate of James Messer, deceased. Filed Augusts. 1889. No. 150. Final account of Elizabeth Gregg, ad ministratrix e. t. a. of estate of Martha Marshall, deceased. Filed August!, 1839. No. 151. Third account of James L. Orr, admin istrator of the estate of bamuel G. R. Love, de ceased. Filed Augusts, 1839. No. 152. Final accountof Duncan McAllister, administrator ofthe estate or James M. Sharp. deceased. Klled August 2. 1889. No. 153. First partial account or P. S. Jennings, administrator of the estate of Mrs. . P. Jen nings, deceased. Filed August2. 1839. No. 154. Final account of J. E. McKetry, ad ministrator ofthe estate or John Bradrord, de ceased. Filed August 2, 1889. No. 155. Final account of J. E. McKelvy; ad ministrator of the estate of Michael Bradford, de ceased. Filed August 2. 1889. No. 156. Final accounlor Margaret J.MeCaslIn, administratrix of the estate of Robert MeCasUn. deceased. Filed August 2, 1889. No. 157. Second partial account or Mary A. Craig and Craig Houston, executors of the estate of Harriet Houston, deceased. Filed August 2. 1S89. No. 153. First partial account of Minna T. Langenlieim, administratrix of the estate of Uns ure Langeuheim, deceased. FUed August 2, 1839, No. 159. Final account or Florence Roesslng. guardian of Sadie Slay Momeyer, now Swanger. Filed August 2. 1S89. SAMUEL P. CONNOR, Register, PirrSBCBQ, Augusts. 1339. office or mi Clsbk or tiii onrnASs' Cocbt. Notice Is hereby given that the following ac- ' counts of trustees have been duly examined and passed In the Clerk's office and will be presented to tbe Orphans' Court ror confirmation and allow- , ance on Monday, September!, 1839: No. J60. Final account of A. M. Brown, trustee under the will or David Sims, deceased. FUed June 4. 1889. No. 161. Final account of James J. DonnelL trustee of Haddie Hamilton under will or George P. Hamilton, deceased. Filed June 7, 1889. No. 162. Final account or James J. Donnell, f trustee or George P. Hamilton. Jr., under will of. George P. Hamilton, deceased. FUed June. 7, 1839. No. 163. Final account of James J. Donnelly trustee of Dora n. Felton, under wllf or George P. Hamilton, deceased. Filed June 7, IS89. So. 164. First account of Andrew D. Smith -and James B.Scott, trustees nnder will of David E. Parke, deceased. Filed July 5, 1889. No. 165. Final account of Trustees of Flrst Presbyterlan Church, of Pitt burg, trustee under will of Sarah L. Morrison, deceased. FUed July 9, 1889. No. 166. Final account or Dr. J. A. Oldshue, trustee ot the estate or Lincoln Oldshue, de ceased. Filed July 16. 1889. So. 167. Final acconnt of nilary B. Brunot, trustee to sell real estate of William Jack. do-.. . ceased. Filed Julr 18, 1389. No. 168. Final account of William E. and K.Tw?, Uarotners. trusiees or urown smitn unuer the will, or Hunter Blchey, deceased. Filed July 24. 1883. SAMUEL P. CONNUt. PITTSBCBO. August 2, 1889. Clerk. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT. -AUDIT NOTICE. Creditors, heirs and all other persons Interested -are hereby notified tbat an audit list will be mads np of above mentioned accounts (except guard ians) which shall show balancea for distribution and all accounts to which exceptions shall be filed, and tbat sucb audit list wUI be taken up on MO.N--llAY.SF.lf. IS. 1889. and rontlnn thereafter each . day (Saturday and Sunday excepted) until the . wnoieiistsuau nare oeen aisposea or. , SAMUEL P CONNER, Register and Ex-Officlo Clerk of Orphans' Court. au7-37-W iolc'e Cotton. :Rootjv COMPOUND .Composed of Cotton Boot, Tansy aad'-'-. Pennyroyal a recent discovery or aa- "old Physician, is tuccessuui; uses tnontnJi- Safe, Effectual. Price JL by matt, sealed. Ladies, ask your druzgist for Cook , f"otnn Boot Cbmnonnd and take no substltBte. or Inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Act" dress POND LILT COMPACT, No. 3 flafear Blocx, 131 Woodward aye-. Detroit. zucBj GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE CURES NERVOUS OEBU.ITV.Vj, bV3i ituun, LOSS OF MEMORY." Full particular In pamphlet sent free. The genuine Gray Speclnc sold by druggists only la yellow wrapper. Price, fl per package, or six for ts. or by malt on recelnt or nrlM K mffetr. m ng THE OKAY MEDICINE CO, Buffalo, N. X 2S2.iR.?KL3;.0' VWaJlV eargwi V& M&$ Iouhu4w , t pyaniQ . A ' i A ' .4 t 1 . a - i , , , 4 S&J- 'MiMe .A f-d rSZ?i gHnUBSoLiMUtMjSMBBKHmKBy lEsnVSsssLlBliissHsifisSssfiBfiMs? '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers