r -rx. t M n THE PITTSBUKG- DISPATCH, ' 'SATURDAY,' JUNE . 2$ 1889. 3 :& m WjO&ptey advertisements one dollar per igxtare'or one insertion. Classified advertise' menUion'thti page such as Wanted, Far Sale, Jb Set, efo, ten cents per line or each inser tion, and none taken Jor lets than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH tBUAACl OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will , be received up to 9 P. M. for insor tion next morning: AdvertUementa are to bo prepaid except where advertisers already have account wlthTHXDU-r-ATCU. rrrrsBUBp. THOMAS MCCAFFKKY, 3608 Butler street. F.MIL G. STUCKET. 34th .erect and Penn are. E. G. STUCKEYCO.,Wylleave. andKultonst N. BTOKELY. Firth ATenue Market House. XASTXXD. 1. TV. WALLACE, Karenn avenue. OAKLAND. UCALLISrEK&SHEIBLEB.Sthav. & At wood It sorrnsiDE. JACOB &POHN, Ko. S Carson street. C1IAS. SCUWARM, 1T07 Canon street ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEK, 59 Federal street. 1!. J. McBRIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FEED H. EGGEUS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. ZGGEKS i. SON. Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVEISON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENKV, Western and Irwin avej. G. W. HUGHES. 1'cnnsvlvaniaand Beaver ares. X'ERRY M. GLEIM. Kebe cca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. aiaJe Ilcln. WASTED A BAKBEB. AT ONCE. CALL at 57 FOUK1 H AVE.. Pittsburg. jcS-S3 TTTAKTED-AGOODfeECOND-HANDBREAD IV baker. Call at 1K7 L1BEKTY. ST., between 3and4 o'clock. jeS-10 -rT7-AXTED-A BEGISTLBED DRUG CLERK vv that can furnish reference. Address L. . G.. Dispatch office. ieSS-2 "TU"-JfrED- OR 7 GOOD BKIOKLAYEKS. V ApDly at once to a TBAU1WEI. 2S3S Sarah st., S. S., city. jc29-59 "T17'-ANTEU-GIRI TO DO MACHINE SEW. VY INU on cloaks: steady work. bAMPLIN ER 4 RICH, 819 Liberty st. JeS-52 "TT7"AITED-FIRaT-CLAfcS BARBER-GOOD V wages and teady work. S. D. VASBIND FJL. Grove City, Mercer Co.. Fa. Je-K TTTAN TED-STEADY YOUNG MAN ASCOL- V LECTOR: one who can drive: state age and references. Address STEADY, Dispatch office. Je29-I9 WANTED-A FEW MORE AGENTS TO SELL photo stereoscope views of the Johnstown flood. Address L. M. LAUGHNEK, Braddock, Fa. Je29-4 -XT ANTED tOUNG MAN FOR OFlCE erson: state OOB.S. Dls-Je29-34 wages and experience. Address paicu omce. TU"--TED-TOUAG MAN FOR GENERAL vt office work: reference required. Address THEBRUNSWICK.BALKECOLLENDER CO., 117 Fifth ave. JeS-51 WANTED-FIRST-CLASS BRASS MOLDER can find permanent employment at the KELLY & JONES CO., 113 First ave., Pr or Greensburg, Pa, Je-36 WANTED-SOME LIVE AGENTS TO SELL our new Installment goods: good pay weekly: -only those with good reference need ap plv. US ION CREDIT CO., 103 Fourth ave. JeSI-4S "TTJANTED EXPERIENCED INDUSTRIAL V Insurance agents: better terms than any other company. Apply to JOS LPH VAU GHAN, isupt. Home Office, 271 Main street, Cincinnati, o. Je3-I00 -VTTANTED A SOBER, STEADY DRUG H clerk speaking German; also one or I or 3 years' experience: good wages to right parties. Address PERMANENT blTUATION, Dispatch office. JeSS-38 -TTTANTED PRACTICAL SOAP MAKER V good opening for a man with undoubted reference as tu character and ability: state ex perience and with whom. Address SOAP. Dls patch office. JeiS-lo-wrs TTTANTED-AGEJ.TSTOSELLTEA. BAKING V powder and pure spices: gtrts with goods; coke workers, miners or mulmc-n can makemoney in their spare time. YAMASHIUO TLA CO., 88 Jackson St.. Allegheny, Pa. Ja2S-8S-TTS -TT7" ANTED A FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN r acquainted with the grocery trade along the line of Pennsylvania It R. and branches lnl'enn sylvanla: liberal arrangement to right party. Ad dress SALESMAN, P. O. Box 15Si Phllada, Pa. Jg3-33 -TTANTED-BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S v xiecuc snonn.ina ana business college, 4 Sixth street. Pittsburg. Stndents (both sexes) nn.llriMt ftp niiifli.nt fVnm tn rv ri a.. .win!, . Clvd bervlce exercises. College open dav and evening through summer. je23-TTSSu WANTED MEN TO ATTEND NEW "YORK Cutting School: Urllng's -actual measure jnent taught in all its branches; the only true system fitting any and all shapes; no trying on: instructions, 10 a. m. to 4 r. M.; evening. 7 to9 p. v.; call or write for circular. 14 WOOD ST., llltsburg. Pa. Je3 -VT7-ANTED MEN TO SELL SHETLAND v V Mountain ponies; sample pair free on busi nesslike conditions: largest herd fancy spotted Sonles In America: letters answered if aself-ad-ressed stamped envelope islndoscd. PROPRIE TOR SHETLAND PONY RANCH, Van Kaub, Bexar countv. Texas. JeS-7 WANTED SALESMEN WK WISH A FEW men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; on salary; largest manufacturers In our line: inclose c stamp: wages per uay; purio&ncni position; money aavaniea for wages. advertising, etc UJ.-M I 1 AJj J1X 'l. jv. Cincinnati. O. Je29-1-TTBSU -rTTANTED MAN-TO TAKE AGENCY OF f onr sarcs; size Mxl8xlS Inches; weight 00 lbs.: retail price S35; other sizes in proportion : rare chance to create permanent business at home; these sates meet demand never berore supplied by other sare companies, as we are not governed by the Safe PooL ALPIN E SAFE CO., Cincinnati, O. JeSM-D -Tf ANTED AGENTS THE LARGEST, tV handsomest, best bookP-"Johnstown Hor ror, or the Valley or Death" Is now ready; agents desiring to have a share in the enormous sales 6huld send 40c for outfits at once; octavo volume, S00 pages: cloth binding. (Z 00. sheep, fi 50; copiously Illustrated and beats all else for sale. Apply P. J. FLEMING & CO., 77 Diamond St.. 1'litsourg, Fa, 1cI7-72 WANTED-THE MUTUAL RESERVE FUND Life Association desires to employ one spe cial agent In each city and county In the United States, Canada, Great Britain ana France; It also has excellent openings for good business men In all or these countries as managers, general and district agents: compensation liberal: results cer tain; position permanent; this company furnishes life insurance at one-hair the usual rates: it has already paid six and one-hair million dollars in death claims: It has more than two million dollars cash surplus; It Is the greatest success ever known In lire Insurance. Address or call npon E. B. HARPER, President, or N. W. BLOSS, Vice .President, Home Office, 33 Park Row, New York, or npon any general manager. Je2J-H-TTS Femnle Itclp. WANTED-A SEWING GIRL FOR PRIVATE family outside the city; constant employ ment; must come well recommended. Address OKAY, Dispatch office. Jc2S-27 -lnrTANTED-A YOUNG GIRL TO MAKE HEB f SELF useful. Apply to J. DEENS, at Evans' glass store. Market street, (between 9 and 10 o'clock Saturday morning. JeS-18 Slale and female Helo. -VTrA'NTEDAT ONCS-50 COAL MINERS, M YV farm hands, cook, chambermaid, waitress and dish washer forsummer resort; 200 honse girls, GO cooks, 20 chambermaids. MEEHAN'S AGEN CY, 545 Grant St. TTJANTED - ?25 WEEKLT-EEPRESENTA-V V TIVE, male orfemale. in every community: goods staple: household necessity: sell at sight; no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad vanced. Full particulars and valuable sample case free: we mean Jutl what we say. Address at once STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. jeli-70-P Situations. Yn"ANTED-TYPEWRITING AND COPYING, or light office work, by aladyot exnerl ence. Address TYPEWRITER, Box 194. Atlantic City, M. J. Je29-45-TUSSU -rT7-ANTED-BY AN EXPERT BOOKKEEPER , Y V or long experience, account books to post and adjust: doctors' and other professional bills to make out! best or references. Address B. T. W., Dispatch office. Je9-5S Boarding. -TTJANTED-BOABDING IN THE COUNTRY YV for boy 12 years old. on line of railroad. Address I9S THIRD AVE , Pittsburg. 1eS9-9 WANTED ROOM AN D BOARD IN PRIVATE .family; 5 or 10 minutes' walk from East Lbcrty or bhadyslde station, where a young man can feel at home; reference given ana required. Address E. K. P., Dispatch office. Je27-lou-Ths Financial. WANTED MOKTG AGES-fU 000, O00TO LOAN on city and snburban properties at 4K, 5and C per rent, and on Jarmi In Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. M. PEN NOCK A bON, W3 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 -TTTANT.KD-TO LOAN 90.000 ON MORT- TT -UAtJa:iw lP0,6e0at Qi per i ' property: also In FRENCH. MBFom -GAGES: 1100 and upward at 6 per cent; cent on resiaences or Dusiness adjoining counties, s. H. Fourth avenue. oc31-eS4-D -vrrANTEb-fsiLpeo to establish a M'F'G W business or great future promise; 35 per cent profit per annnm gnaranteed on the invest ment: principals only corresponded with. Ad dress, for full particulars, STRENGTH. Dis patch See, Pittsburg. Je3-4J "VTTANTED-TO LOAN-MONEY ON MOKT YY GAGES on Improved real estate. In funis of tseo and npwara, at 4X. 5 and 6 per cent, for dree or five rears; privilege given borrower to pax part or all before due; this opportunity is uo extended, to parties who have good unim proved real estate and desire to build on It. .Call and' 'consult L. O-FRAZIER, Forty-flfth and Jhrtteratreeu. ' Je29- "WANTED. Flnnncial. TTTANTED - MORTGAGES. LARGE' AND YV small. ED W1TT1SH, 410 Grant, St.. Pitts burg. Jel8-32 TTANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP YV ERTY. over . 000; 4!f "ner cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER Jt CO., 92 Fourth avenue. mh2-a?2-D f TTrANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN VV In sums to suit at 4X, 6 and 6 percent. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 1C7. apl9-14 TJANTED-KENTS COLLECTED FROMFT- YV LY: property managed with satisfaction, ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167, ial9-Sl -TTT A X T E D MORTGAGES IN ANT Y T amounts: 4f to 6 per cent: city and country: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. W Fourth avenne. Ja2M5-IThS WANTED-JIORTGAGES-ISOO TOJ500.000TO loan on mortgages, city or country property; 4X, 5and6percenL JAS. W. XJluvr c A vr. a, Fourth ave., telephone S7o. Je22-45-JJwrs WANTED -MORTGAGES-M. 000, 090 TO LOAN In large and small amounts at 4H, 5 and 6 per cent, free or State tax; no delay. REED B. UO LE A CO.. 131 i ourth ave. my21-0 WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY IN LARGEOK small amounts, at lowest rates, on Pitts burg, Allegheny or suburban improved real es tate. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood st. Je59-27-MWS , - -rrjANTED MORTGAGES IN LARGE OR Y V small amounts on Improved city or Allc- Sheny county property. McCUNE & COULTER, eal Estate Agents and Auctioneers, 93 Fourth ave. Je2-39 TTANTED-TO LOAN 3500, CTO. IN AMOUNTS Y V of 3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on AH percent, free or tax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d2G-o aiUcclIaneoua. TITANTED-50 TEAMS. APPLY AT POWER W HOUSE CENTRAL TRACTION CO. Wylleave. GEO. LOAN, Contractor. Je29-8 WANTED-GUITARPLAYERSANDPUPILS to learn pieces and all chords wlthoutnotes: send for circulars. PROF. MURDOCH. 262 Via duct, Cleveland, Ohio. Je29-99 TITAN TED-GOOD HOMES FOKTWO GIRLS, Y T 10 and 12 years, where they would be cared for and treated as of the family. Address ADOP TION, Dlsgatch office. Je29-55 -TTTANTED USE OF GOOD FAMILY HORSE YV through the summer: light-work and care ful attendance, on suhurban estate. Address PASTURE, Dispatch office. Je2S-33 WANTED-FARMERS WILL FIND A MAR KET for their cherries and red lasnberrles at Helnz's Preserving Works, 16$ and 170 Second ave-, city, H. J. 21.I1PIAJ. Je2S-32-D WANTED-LADIES TO KNOW HAUGH Kecnan repair, reflnlsh or upholster old furniture promptly and In the best possible man ncr. S3 AND 34 WATER ST. 'Phone 1625. my9-82 -TTTANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO- V v ijixjtA.t Hx.fi, w fuin avenue, jruisnnrg. and 43 Federal street, Alleghe eny, ablm evervbody to nat ne is1 making r fine cabinets at fl 50 per dozen: photos delivered when promised: lnstan- taneous process. lnhl3-C3 -TTTAITED-USERS OP FJGUBES-FARNS-YV WORTH'S New System or Addition solves the secret or "lightning calculation." Learned In an honr. For highest Indorsement and particu lars Inclose stamp to THE FARNS WORTH CO., Johnston Bldg., Cincinnati, O. Je29-46-Wfs -TTTANTFD-ANT ONE WANTING A HAND VY SOMELY engraved 14-karat, gold-filled, hunting-case watch, stem wind and set, guaran teed for 20 rears: Joints, bow.crown. lips, all solid goia; ia exira jewels, pairs in cup sellings; spring compensation balance, quick train, safety ninlon: all latest lmnrovemenls: at a low nrlce lai on eas; on easy payments. Aoaress Luua jjva miu f llis burg P. O., and I will call and show same; corre . .Sj .. ....- ... .. spondence strictlv confidential. Je27-6j FOR SALE-IMPKOVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. -TTOR SALE-2-STORY BRICK DWELLING IN J First ward.with Immediate possession; terms very easy. C H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. Je29-35 FOR SALE-NO." 43 LINDEN ST., SIXTH ward, near Chestnut, 7 rooms only 3,000. W. a;HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Jel6- 24, 27,29 T710 lOK SALE NO. 30 BLUFF ST.. SIXTH warn A rood house of 8 rooms: nrlce low. V. A. HEBRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Jel6-73-17.19, 21,24, 27.29 TJOR SALE-ON VINE. NEAR FIFTH AVE. X' NUE. lot 50x60 ft.. with a dwelllnr orfi rooms. W. A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Je3-79-27,AJr2.6 FOR SALE-A 3-STORY BRICK DWELLING on Colwell St., near Dinwiddle, containing 5 rooms and finished attic, ball, wash-bouse, good cellar, paved yard: lot 20x100. and onlv t2,800. For particulars call on BLACK 4 BAIRD, 93 Fourth ave. Je2S-40-D FOR SALE-J3.100-ON BUTLER ST.. EIGH TEENTH ward-lot 60x110, with 2 three-story brick dwellings and 1 frame dwelling, the whole renting ror 35au, at terras to suit: proptrtv In good repair: best bargain or the season. THOS. 11c CAt FREY. 3509 Butler st. JeI9-6 FOR SALE-SEVEKAL BARGAINS IN CITY dwellings, viz.: 5 on Colwell St., 4 on Clark St.. loaScottst., 4 on Chatham St., 2 on Wash lngton St., 3 on Congress St., Z on Townsend st. and a number of others; call for particulars C. BERINGER4SON. 103 Fourth ave. Je27-7-ThB FOR SALE-WYLIE AVE.. NEAR FRANCIS St.. 2 new tWo-story and mansard brick dwellings or 8 rooms each, city water, natural gas, bath, hall, vestibule, slate mantels, etc.: nice lot extending nack to an alley: will be old cheap. Call at office BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Je25-60 FOR SALE-6 CHOICE HOUSES ON SIDNEY street, above Tnenty-thjrd, the best and pleasantest location on tbe Soutbslde: Sidney street being wide, newly paved and well im proved: houses, to be finished bv August 1st, nave pressed brick and stone ornamental fronts, and contain eight rooms, witn Oath, laundry and every other convenience: city water, gas and natural gas on each floor, and good plumbing leading to city sewers makes dwellings first class in every respect; bmlthfield and Carson streetcars Eass within one square: terms, SLOOO cash, with alancc payable as arranged to snlt purchaser. Apply to BAKEWELL .PHILLIPS. Dispatch Olill ace. Fifth ave., city. Je27-85 East End Residences FOBSALE-AT J2. TOOGOOD HOUSE S ROOMS on Atwood near Forbes St. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS. 80 Fourth ave. J els-73-17, 19, 21, 24,27, 29 FOR SALE-A GOOD 6-ROOM FRAME HOUSE on Sierran ave , Oakland, near cable cars; lot 22x100 ft. to an alley; stable, etc.; price only $3,500. ALEXANDER 4 LEE, 313 Afood st. JC29-24 T7OR SALE SL70O ELLA ST.. KIVTrifTJTlf JL ward, frame dwelling, four rooms, basementH aiicncn, etc: lot zaxira leci: a Dargain: terms easy. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth andButler sts. , Je29-9 FOR SALE-SOUTH HILAND AVE., E. E., a rare opportunity: an elegant new brick house of 8 rooms; aU conveniences; well worth JS.500: win sell ror f7,500 on terms to suit. D. P. lHOMAS 4 CO., 408 Grant st. Iel3-83 FOR SALE-N EAR SWISSVALE STATION, A very conveniently arranged 8-room house wnn large 101: nouse is comparatively new ai flrstrclass condition: price low. MCCUN COULTER, Agents, 98 Fourth ave. Je2! and in NE Je29-39 FOR SALE-1N THE EAST END, NEAR Penn ana Firth avenues, a modern rrame honse of 6 rooms, both gases, closets, bath, w. c. laundry, inside shutters, papered throughout: nice corner lot 48X109 it.: nrlco low; terms very reasonable. ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood st. Je29-24 FOR SALE-S2.700-GROSS ST., NEAR LIB ERTY AVE., Twentieth-ward, convenient to Ben Venue station, P. R. It., new rrame dwelllnr 5 rooms, attic halL vestibule. ifrout and rear porches, grained and well finished all throuch: lot 21x100 feet; terms easy. L- O. FRAZIER Forty-fifth and Bntier sts. Je29-9 FOR SALE-OAKLAND AVE.. ONLY ONE square rrom cable road, a new 8-room brick residence, stationary washstands. bath, h. and c. water, nat. and art. gas, slate mantels, tile hearths, fine large pantry and closets throughout, laundry In cellar, front porch full width of the house, electric bells, etc.; lot 25x100: terms rea sonable; possession at once. SAMUEL w. BLACK 4 CO.. 99 Fourth ave. - Je27-83 FOR SALE-ONLY' A FEW NOW REMAIN unsold of the very desirable eight-room dwell ings on Oakland square. The rapldty with which sales have been made show the estimation in which thev are held: durably built and handsome ly finished, supplied with every modern con venience; standing on large lots and facing a handsome park planted with beautiful shade trees, these dwellings have the notable advantage of be ing but 15 to 20 minutes from the postofflce by the Pittsburg Traction road: a cable loop, ror which an ordinance Is now In Councils,' will pass within 100 feet or tbe square; prices (6,500 and (6,750; terms, moderate cash payment and long time on balance Apply to b.W. BLACK 4 CO-, 99 Fourth avenne. Je23-S7 Allegheny Residences. FOB SALE-11 REBECCA ST.. ALLEGHENY, a good house 6 rooms: lot 20x100 ft. W. A. HERRON 4 SOS. 80 Fourth avenue. Je27-79-27.29.Jy2,6 EOR S ALE-HANDSOMEvMODERN all conveniences and lurire lot. ch HOUSE choice loca tlon, Bldwell street, Allegheny; low price easy terms. JNO. H. M'CBKERY. 95 Fifth ave. an9-46-TTS FOR SALE-IN. "ALLEGHENYw J SQUfcRE f rom Rldge.avc and Uulon street cars, two brick houses of rooms each, finished attics. Soth gases, nans, etc.; gooa corner lot; a Dargain. ALEXAN DEB 4 LEE, -313 Wood St. JeZS-24 FOR saVe-aiopercentinvestmbt-j small houses In Allegheny, near Ohio street, renting for (348: price only $3,200, on moderate payments, or discount ror cash: a rare bargain. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. Je29-29 FORSALE-EXCELLENTBKICKDWELLING and good lot 25x90 feet, with side entrance. No. 10 Greenwood avenue, near Bearer avenne, Allegheny, 10 large and commodious rooms, with bath. w. c, natural gas;. 'all in prime order throughout: to be sold at public sale on Monday, JuIyL at 2 o'clock F.M..onthe premises: Wremp torysale. Terms from J AS.tW. DRAPE 4 CoT, E Fourth avenue, Plttsbnrg. Je28-63-D FOBSALE-ATVkUCTION, .MONDAY, JULY L'at 3 o'clock, on nremlses. No. 11 HcClin. tock ave.. Second ward, Allegheny, electric car 1 station, lot wxutk nanasome resiaence six rooms, ball, attic, bath, laundry, pantry.porch, furnace, cedar and china closets; lovely situation: excellent Jeff-0 FOB SAIB IMFKOVED REAL ESTATE. Suburban Residence!. FOB SALE IK ACRES GROUND FRONTING on two or the best streets in Wllklnsburg, wlth9-room frame house, about Smlnutes'walk from station. MCCUNE & COULTER, Agents. 9S Fourth avenue. Je29-30 T70K SALE-A VERY FINE SMALL PLACE X or 72 acres adjoining the city line, about 3 miles lrom the Court House; a good orchard and rich land; no buildings on the place. C. BJR INGER 4 SON, 103 Fourth ave. Je27-7-ThS FOR SALE-CHEAF-AT W1LK1NSBUHB, P. R. R., new Queen Anne house, 10 rooms, well finished; lot 126x122 feet, bcautltully located on Rebecca St.: a quick sale Is desired, W. A. HER EON & SONSNo. 80 Fourth ave. Je25-41-TTS EOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- SUBURBAN residence anjl about 2 acres or ground, fruit and shade trees, pure water, outbuildings, etc., on line or railroad, 3 minutes' walk from station, only 7 miles from the city. Particulars from JAS. W. DKAFE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. JC29-29 F! IDBSALE-CRAFTON STATION, P., a AST. Rv. klfr; , on Craft ave., above Noblestown roaa. i gooa irame awemng oi o rooms, maroie man ;ood frame dwelling of 6 rooms, marble man- tels, natural gas, good spring water, young or- s. natural gas. gooa snnng wnxer. young or- rhtrd lot 150x200 feet: Immediate possession: call at office for particulars. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Ainu, a; ie25-60 Fount Te. FOR SALE OR EXC1IANGE-A COUNTRY home, about 25 acres, with fine residence, large orchard, spring house, outbuildings, etc., etc.: a beautiful place: 5 minutes' walk from rati road station: would exchange In part for cltv property. Particulars from J AS. W. DRAPE 4 CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Je29-29 TTTOB SALE-SUBURBAN HOUSE AND C grounds near the city and railroad station; 8 r,ooms In house, sewing room, hall, dry cellar, natural gas and all In nice order: fine lot, 125x200 feet; fruit and shade trees and shrubbery, good water, beautiful location; a cool, shady spot In the midst of pleasant surroundings; price low; terms to suit: Immediate possession; would take small city property In part payment. Keys at office of JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth ave nue, Plttsburr. JC29-29 FOR 8ALE-BELLEVUE T2LEGANT JipD ERN residence.'; rooms, wide hall, hard wood finish, large porches, bay windows, bath and w. c, stationary washstands, fine mantels, elec tric bells, closets, pantry, laundry, furnace, ce ment walks, cemented cellar, very complete stable and carriage house: lot 140x290; choice fruit and shrubbery; especially attractive and will be sold cheap; the new electric railway will greatly bene fit this neighborhood. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave, Je29-30 FOR SALE LOTS. City Lota. FORSALE-CITY LOTS-10LOTS ON LIBERTY ave., between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth sts.. ruisourg, .ra.:' low ana on long time. i. forbes; wheeling, w. Va. Je22- FOR SALE $1,050 ON MIFFLIN, NEAR Thirty-ninth St.. lot 20X101 ft.; title guaran teed: must be sold wlthtn 10 davs as owner Is leav ing city: terms cash. THUS. AlcOAFFREY. 3509 Butler st. Je29-6 3710R SALE-(99)-ON YOUR OWN TERMS. ? lots 25x120 In the S. L. Boggs plan, Allentojwn station, 5mln. from Castlebhannon Incline: price (200 and upward: terms, flO down, 35 per month, without Interest: salesmen on grounds Saturday afternoons. For further information and plans see SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., W Fourth ave. Je27-W-ThS East End Lots. ORSALE.-BUILDING LOTS 25x150 FT. ON Boa net. near Forbes St.. Oakland, w. A. HE ERRON 4 SON., 80 Fourth avenue. JelS-51-TTS FOR SALE 4 LOTS-EACH 50 FEET BY 185 feet, about 2 minutes from Swlssvale station; Srlce very low. McCUNE 4 COULTER, Agents, I Fourth avenue. Je29-39 FOR bALE-fl,400 WILL BUY TWO VERY fine lots on Carver street. 20 and 22x100 feet to 20-rt. alley: sewer paid. Apply to F. O. VAN GORDER, 6014 Penn avenne. East End. Je27-67-TTS FOR SALE-ON ESPLANADEST., NEAR THE narks, Allegheny, a desirable dwelling in first-class order, 8 rooms: lot 20x13) ft. to James st. W. A. HEREON 4S0NS, 80 Fourth avenne. Je25-40-TTS FOR SALE-CHOICE SHADYSIDE LOTS ON Atlantic avenue, 50x120 reet, covered with fine shade trees: convenient to station, and sur rounded by first-class Improvements. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. Je29-9 FOR SALE-6 ACRES OF GROUND IN THE East End, all level and in first-class order; small house and stable on premises; a good specu lation, as It could be divided into fine building lots. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. JetS-U-D FOR SALE ONLY 12,500 FOR A BEAUTIFUL bhadyslde building site 100x250, covered with large forest trees and commanding a splendid view; only 3 minutes from station; other city con veniences. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 15-4-15.18,20,22.24,25,27,29 FOR SALE-FINE BUILDING SITES AT Homewood, among which are some very de sirable ones for business; this location Is improv ing and values are good; prices range from 1450 to (950 per lot. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., ij. E. JeT7-17-ThESU .' T70R SALE-NO W IS THE TIME TO SECURE f X; a choice building lot tor a home: 60-foot streets: no city xaxes: Bans or commerce aaai tlon and Villa place plan. Brnshton station. Se- cnrecoiorea plan irouijuiin r. JiAAXEU, Agt., 512 Smlthfleltf sL Je23-74-TT8Sa FOR BALE-J800 A CHOICE EAST END LOT 40x120, near the beautiful Silver Lake, and convenient to P. K. R. or cable line: IT you desire a cheap lot rora home don't miss getting all thn Sarticulars or this handsome building site. LACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Je25-60 AIIefftaenT Lots. FOR SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street, Allegheny, In thelenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCN AUGHER, 43 N. Diamond st. rah7-93-D FOR SALEVERY CHEAP, AT THE HEAD ofthe Nunnery Hill Incline, Twelfth ward. Allegheny, desirable building lots; call or send for plans. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Je2-59-4,7,12.15.19,22,28,29 FOR SALE-2 NICE LOTS IN SECOND WARD. Allegheny, near street cars and parks; 40x139 feet deep to an alley: fine place to build for rent ing. Particulars rrom JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Je29-29 Hazelvrood Lots. FOB8ALE-FLOWERSAVE,HAZELWOOD Building lots at anctlon to-day at 2:30 o'clock p. K. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. Je29-13 FOR SALE-FLOWERS AVE., HAZELWOOD Building lots at auction to-day at 2:30 o'clock P.H. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS. No. 80 Fourth ave. Je29-13 TT'OK SALE- LOTS AT HAZELWOOD AND near the station: onlv 15 minutes JP Glenwood. near the station: jrora new a. o. station, smitnneia St.: graded streets, sidewalks, city water, gas: (300 to (1,000: houses ror sale, small payment down, balance In monthly payments if desired: railroad rare, monthly tickets, 5J4 cents per trip. GEORGE C. BUBGWIN, 150 Fourth ave. fel6-71-MWFSSu Trarma. FORSALE-ATVINELAND, N. J.. I0-ACBK fruit and poultry farm; house, outbuildings; hennery will hold 1,500 chickens; well fruited with crops. Price. (1,400; cash, (500. M, ROBERTS, owner, box 1012. Je26-55-ws FOR SALE-A FARM OF 30 ACRES IN O'Hars township, 3 miles rrom bharpsburg; good garden ground; has house and barn on It, and plenty or rrult and water. SEBASTIAN RITTER, Snarpsbnrg, Pa. Je26-5 FOR SALE-FARM OF 75 ACRES-niGHLY lmnroved, 6 acres orchard, variety or fruit: 2 story brick dwelling 12 rooms, brick stable and carriage bouse; rrame tenement house 6 rooms: 8 miles rrom city, close to two It.lt. lines. ED.'W 1T T1SIL 410 Grant St., Pittsburg, Pa. Jc22-D FOR SALE-VERY CHEAP-A FARM OF 108 acres on tbe line or the P. K. K. in Westmore land co., one-hair mile rrom the K. R. station; about 50 acres cleared; frame house or 4 rooms,, good barn, etc.; land lays weU and about 40 acres unuenaia wm coai; price only rAoou, orwuiex- change,for city property, U. BlUUaUEK 4 SON, J XUIUIUKIC, Je27-7-Ths FOR SALE-FARMS-EASY PAYMENTS OR exchange 35 acres. new5-room house, barn, filenty rrult: nice home miles rrom Beaver sta lon: $3,300; also, 225 acres, 1 mile from Station, Fort Wayne railroad, 8-room honse. 2 orchards, 2 barns, etc., only $10,000. Send for Farm and Ex change List. N. F. HURST, Real Kstate Agent, Rochester. Pa. Je29-77 OTIscellaneona. TTIOE SALE ATLANTIC CITY.N.J.-HOTELS, JU boarding bouses, cottages, lots and bath houses toietoriorsaieny i. u. adaus 4 CO., real estate agents, It. Est. 4, Law Bdg., Atlantic City. N. J. Je20-3-D FORSALE ACHOICEBLOCK OF BUILDING lots fronting on Davis and Erin streets, hair square from Central Traction road. Street here nicely elevated, paved and sewered. Buildings surrounding all good. Costly and handsome new buildings now being constructed in vicinity. This Is a good point for Investment. Will sell at less than present and away below prospective values. A choice business corner. Thirty-third St. and Madison avenue, opposite Central Traction stable, 100 feet on Thirty-third st., paved. A first-class location ror retail business of any kind or ror pub lic halL A sure and profitable Investment. Elegant building sites on Adelaide and Clarissa streets and Herron avenue. Ground unbroken. Clean and handsome as a lawn, gently sloping to the southeast, perfect drainage, pure air, mag nificent view of Allegheny, Monongahela and East Liberty valleys, within 12 minutes' ride of any part of city by. Central Traction road. Will sell In any number ot feet fronts re at nrlces that will guarantee the purchaser profitable Invest- J ment. Desirable residence property on Benton avenue, Allegheny, convenient to New Brighton road and proposed electrlcroad. Large lots, lowprlcel and easy terms. J e29-3 CHARLES BOMERS. 313 Wood street. FOR SALE BUSINESS. ' Business Stands. TTIOR BALE-CHEAP-DOWNTOWN PROP- JL' ERTi: corner itoss ana nrst avenues. For full lnformatiod see W. A. 80 fourth ave. HERRON 4 SONS, JelS-SO-18,21,25,29 nrriOK SALE A FIRST-CLASS STAND FOR A JD blacksmith, consisting of a rrame house of 4 rooms, stable, blacksmith shop and 2H acres land on a nubile road near Freenort. West Penn H. R.: price only $900. C. BEB1N GEK & SON, lrt! Fourth ave Je27-7-Thl STORIES OF ACTORS-ct and anecdotes of well-known people of the stage will be found fn a brio fit sketch tn to-morrovft DlSFATrr FOR SALEBUSINESS. BnalneM CUnncei. F OR BALE-SAND BUSINESS AND CON- 'jLKN IS. s Horses ana. Harness, a -wagons, i , CHARLES KLEIN,.or CCSUING FOX, cart. 4319 Butler st. juri-iio FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS SHOESTOKE, ES TABLISHED trade and good stock: located In best Iron town in Ohio: good reason for selling. Address WADE, Dispatch Office. Jc2S-S2 TT'OR SALE-SALOON AND RESTAURANT JD with extensive trade: fine bar fixtures: large stock liquors; fine rooms In best location; five Sear lease: tl, 500: bargain; best saloon town In bio. C. IL FOLSOM, Lima, O. Je29-70 T7IOR SALE HOTEL FURNITURE AND Jj lease, with extensive transient trade: new modern brick house, furnished throughout A 1; aoing large oar easiness; price, wim long lease. CB9, UllhC, m.ll Address C. H. fi&oo; rare chance. FOLSOM, uma, v. je.3KlU FOR SALE-A PATENT IN WHICH THERE is large money : the Inventor cannot give It Ills attention, and will, therefore, sell out to some one that will undertake the business; terms reas onable. For particulars address M. C, Inven tor, 323 1'enn ave. Je27-93 IJIOR SALE-FINE, EXTENSIVE AND PROF 7 ITABLE bakery, ice cream and confection ery business: nothing better and must be sold; also, grocery, drygoods. drug, cigar, china and notion stores; printing office, butcher shop, baker ies and other business chances. 1 ree partlcnlars. SHEPARD 4 CO.. 54 Flfthave. Jel6 T710R SALE-THE HOUSE FURNISHING AND L? hardware store advertised by us recently has been sold; will onr numerous correspondents E lease accept or this Intimation; we have other uslncss openings ror sale or which wo will be glad to send particulars on demand. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., Real Estate Agents and Brokers, 129 Fourth ayenue, Pittsburg. Mortgages nego tiated. Je29-S FOR SALE-RAILROAD HOTEL FURNI TURE and lease. 35 rooms, all m odern im provements: doing business JI.S0O ner mo.; hotel to be enlarged to accommodate increasing trade; will bear personal Investigation: splendid oppor tunity for person understanding hotel business; near Pittsburg on P. 4 L. E. R. R. Farther par ticulars of ALLES 4 BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. TeL 167. Je26-19 'TTlOlt SALE-A COMPLETE JOB PRINTING JP and druggist's label outfit: 3nrcsses, label cutter, about 300 fonts metal and wood type. In cluding several hundred pounds of body type: send tor catalogue showing styles of work and labels executed; this plant must be disposed or within the next four weeks; appraised at 91,802 81, abont two-thirds or value. Address A. W. TAY LOR, Salem. O., Assignee of Kir by 's Buckeye La- UCl ITUIKKi JCJM1 ?: FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, ifcc. F' OR SALE-FINE ERAZIEB ROAD CARTS. C. tV EST 4 CO., 420 Duquesnc way. JelZ-K FOR SALE LIVERY STABLE, STOCK AND fixtures. Inquire 0 GEO. BEET, Bridge St., Etna. Je27-74-irwFS "TTIOR SALE HORSES-JUST RECEIVED A X7 carload or drivers, drart and coach horses. Can be seen at Nos. 310 and 312 LIBERTY ST., Allegheny, Excelsior Sale Stables. J 1 14-24 Machinery and Metals. IT-OR SALE-TWO LARGE SAFES. THREE desks and other office furniture. ROOM 402, Lewis block. Je28-63 FOR SALE-2 HORIZONTALENGINE3, 18x22. 1 Ball engine, 1 small dynamo and2 lamps' and meat choppers, rendering kettles, etc. VELTE 4 MCDONALD, Penn ave,. cor. Thirty-second st. Jel-91-TTS misceTlaneons. F IOB SALE-A GOOD HEDZIE'S 'WATER filter (3 CO; 100 nl leccs bedsteads, side rails. heads and loot boards, f3. at No 230 WESTr.KJN Je29-68 AVE.. Allegheny. PERSONAL. Personal-books: booksi books i New and old. ancient and modern, standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30, 'JOO vol nmns to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE 900 Liberty at. my3-28 PERSONAL WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters In renalring and clean ing your old clothes,. when It can be donefora trifle by DICKSON, tbe Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st second floor? Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed; suits made to order; spring styles now ready. Telephone 1558. mhS PERSONAL-INFORMATION IS DESIRED OF the whereabouts of the 4 children of Mrs. iPeschke, of Johnstown. It Is the belter of the mother that they were sent 'to Pittsburg the day after the flood, but nothing has been heard from tbem since their departure. Any Information concerning them can be directed to Mr. GEORGE HASELBAUER. Concord alley, near Center ave.. Thirteenth ward, Plttsbnrg: and will be greatly appreciated by the distracted mother. Je29-97 FOUNE. FOUND POCKETBOOK CONTAINING small amount of money, near Ingram, Pa. Owner can have the same by calling at L. SINGER, Ice Dealer, Cbartlers, Fa., and paying charges for advertising. Je28-23 LOST. T OST-riANO TUNER'S KIT OF TOOLS IN XJ black satchel. A'SultableTeward If returned to KLEBER'S MUSIC bFORE, 503 Wood St. Je29-37 PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR -12-INCH BREECH LOADING rifled mortars. Ordnance Of fice, War Department, Washington, Juno 22 18s9. Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will be re, celved at this office until 3 o'clock P. M.. on MONDAY. JULY 22,1889, et which time they will be publicly opened, for finishing and as sembling twenty-nine (29) 12-inch breecb-load-ing rifled mortars, more or less, tbe principal Sarts being .supplied by the United States, lank forms on which proposals must be made and all information required bv bidders can be had upon amplication. S. V. BENET, Brig. Gen., Chief of Ordnance. jc25-4i -j-OTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by tbe un dersigned until Saturday. July 6, A. D. 1889, for tbo grading and paving of Seventh avenue, in Beaver Falls borough, from Eighth street, south, to the New. Brighton bridge, said pro posals to be separate for firebrick and Ligonier block paving, and the bid for both to be by the square yard. , Each proposal to be accompanied by a certi fied check for $1,000 payable to the order of Charles P. Wallace, Treasurer of the borough. All checks accompanying proposals which are not accepted will be returned immediately after the award shall have been made. Tbe check received.! rora the successful bidder will be re turned to bim upon bis entering into a formal contract for the due performance of the work, and giving bond with approved sureties for 60 per cent of the contract price. But in case he shall fail to enter Into such contract and give such bond within ten days after notice of tbe acceptance of his proposal, the check accom panying uch proposal shall become the prop erty of the borough of Beaver .Fails. Each bidder must furnish a sample of brick or stone block which he proposes using. Specifications can be seen at tbe Burgess office of James Piper- The Borough Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. GEO. E. LISCOM B, Secretary Borough, 805 Second avenue. Bkaveb Falls, June 24, 1889. je27- EROPOSALS FOR 8TEEL PLATES FOR use in the construction of the United tes armored cruiser "Maine," at the Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y, Navy Department, Washington, D. C, Junefi, 1889. Under author ity conferred by tbe act of Congress, entitled "An act to increase tbe navAl establishment," approved August 3, 1886, (24 Statutes at Large, page 215.) scaled proposals are bereby invited, and wfll bo received at this Department until 12 o'clock noon,on MONDAY, the eighth day of July, 1889, at which time and place they will be opened in tbe presence of attending bidders, for furnishing about four hundred and twenty eight (428) tons (2,240 pounds) of stel protec-tive-ddtk plates, forty (40) pounds per square foot for use in tbe construction oLenld cruiser, about two hundred and fourteen (214) tons of such, plates being for the upper layer of plat ing, and about two hundred and fourteen (214) tons for the lower layer there of. Such plates to be delivered at such'' place or places in the navy yard, Brooklyn, N. Y., as tbe Commandant of that yard may designate. Deliveries to commence within thirty (30) days from tbe date of con tract nd to be completed within sixty (60) days from snch date. The plates to be in ac cordance with a detailed schedule, Vhlch may be seen on application- to the Burean of Con struction and Repair, Navy Department All such plates to be of domestic manufacture, and to be accented onlv after nasslnt- snch tests as may be prescribed therefor by tbe Sep-tetary-of tbe Navy. Proposals must be made in accordance with forms which will be fur nished on application to the Bureau of Con struction ana Repair. Each proposal must be accompanied by satisfactory evidence that the bidder is able to f nrnish and deliver the mate. rial for which he bids. Each proposal must be, accumpanieu uy a ceruueu cnecK, payaDie to tbe order of the Secretary of tbe Navy, for an amount equal to Spar cent of tbe bid. Tho check received from the successful bidder will be returned to him on bis entering Into a formal contract tor the due perform ance of the work, xaa giving bond for the same, with satisfactory surety, in a penal sum equal to 25 per cent ortbe amount of his bid; but In case be shall tall to enter into such contract and to give such bond with-' in ten days alter notice of tbe acceptance of his proposal, tbe cbeck accompanying such proposal shall become the property of tbe United States, All checks accompanying pro posals which are not accepted will be returned immediately after the award shall have been made. Information relative to the dimensions and shapes of plates, and all other information essential to bidders, will be furnished fin appli cation to tbe Bureau of Construction and Re pair. Proposals must beruade in duplicate, and inclosed in envelopes-'marked "Proposals for Steel Plates' for the Armored Cruiser 'Maine, V and addressed to tbe Secretary ot the Navy, Navy Department Washington, D. C. Tbe Secretary of, the Navy reserves the right to reject any or. all bids, as, In bis judg ment, the interest! of -the Government may re quire. RF.TRAOy, Secretary of the Katy. TO LET. CitT Residence. TO LET-NO. in SECOND AVE.. BRICK dwelling: hall and t rooms: possession im mediately. J. M.STONER, 22 Bakewell Bulld lng. Je22-96 To let-no. 201 Bedford ave., brick house of 10 rooms, bath, natural gas; house in good condition: rentif33 34 per month. W. A HEHRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Je25-70-TTS TO LET-99)-eS FIFTH AVE., 10 MINUTES from.postofflce. modern two-story mansard brick dwelling, 9 rooms, bath, hail, vestibule, both srases. newln nalnteri And n&ncrfrt! first. -I class repair: very moderate rent. SAMUEL W. ouata 4 CO., 99 1'ourtn ave. jeZ7-8Z East End Residence. TO LET-A FURNISHED HOUBEON O'HARA St., near Fifth ave., until October or April 1; moderate rent. Inquire by TELEPHON E 5147. Je23-93 mo LET-(99)-PENN AVENUE, E. E.. RESI JL DENCE, 10 rooms, 4 acres of ground; all modern conveniences: completely furnished: will rent for summer months;flrst-class neighborhood. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth avenue. Je26-28-WP.4 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-8-HOOM HOUSE-IN ALLEGHENY CITY, In Second ward, hot and cold water, bath, etc. C. H. LOVE, 9 Fourth ave. Je29-35 TO LET-ON KIBKPATRICK AVE., ALLE GHENY, brick house of 6 rooms and fin ished attic, hall, bath, w. c. both gases etc. : nice lot: no water rent. ALEXANDER 4 LEE, 313 Wood St. Je29-2S-D TO LET-(99)-ALLEGHENY. 176 WASHING TON ave., new modern. 2-story mansard, pressed brick dwelling: e rooms, bath, h. and c water, inside w.c, electric bells: all modern con veniences: cheap at Hooper year. SAMUEL w. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. Je9-3!-MThS Offices. Devk Room, ifcc TO LET-DESK BOOM IN OUR MAIN OF FICE, with use of desk, etc. C. H. LOVE. 93 Fourth ave. Je29-35 TO LET-DESIRABLE OFFICE ROOM, WITH large front wlndow,on Wood St., near Fourth ave. ALEXAN DER 4 LEE, 313 Wood st. t?Je29-;s-Tus rpo LETWWELL LIGHTED OFFICE NEWLY JL painted; elevator. Janitor service and al xuuuerii conveniences, jvppiy SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood stre to GERMANIA street. Je2-C3-D TO LET-OFFICE ROOMS OR SUITES FOR general business purposes In the new DIS PATCH BUILDING. 757 and 79 Diamond St.; situation most central In the city: electric light Included in rents, which are moderate. Apply between 11 A. M. and 5 F. M. Je27-i Tn LET-PENN BUILDING. PENN AVE.. near Hpvpnth Rt.. nfflp., Kfnirlii nr nn cnltp In this elegant 8-storv bulldlne: 2 Crane elevators. heat and Janitor services; rents exceptionally low; floor plans at our office; we have also de sirable offices In other good buildings. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. Je29-32-D Bnslnens Stands. rpo LET-HOTEL-CORNER OF GRANT AND -a. water streets, near B. 4 O. K. R. depot. In- quire of C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. Je?9-35 JTIO LET-AN ELEGANT STORE WITH A. plate-glass windows, suitable ror drygoods. notion or shoe store, at 65WvllA ave. Tnnnlrnor D. T. REED, 21 Sixth St. le26-99-ws TOLEr-HOt'EL-THELAKESHOHEHOUSE, 37 and 39 Bank St.; 3 minutes' walk from Union depot: contains 30 rooms. Address J. DUNN, 51 Rockwell St.. Cleveland. O. Je20-5 TO LET-LARGE. WELL-LIGHTED ROOMS; the second and third floors of tbe new build ing. 529 Smlthfleld St.: rooms all In one. and specially suited for lodge or light manufacturing purposes;rent low. Inquire of HARDY 4 HAYES, field st. JC22-10-TTS NOTICES. A. THE PITTSBURG AND WESTERN RAIL WAY CO. Coupons from the first mort gage bonds of this company maturing'July 1, 18S9,wilI be paid on and after that date upon pre sentation at the office of Messrs. Drexei, Mor gan A Co., New York. H. D. CAMPBELL, je25-4o ' Treasurer. OHIO COUNTY BONDS NOTICE IS hereby given that the Board of Commis sioners of the county of Ohio, State of West Virginia, will offer for sale (200.000 4K per cent teh-tbirty bonds, dated July 1, 1889. interest payable annually July 1, S50JXXI of which will be delivered July 15, 18S9. '130,000 October!, lbS9, $50,000 December 1, 1889, and 850,000 Feb ruary 1, 1690. accrued interest to be added. Healed bids for said bonds will be received (in dorsed "Proposals tor Bonds") at the office of the Board of Commissioners of tbe county of Ohio until MONDAY, July 15, 18S9. at 10 o'clock A M. No bids will be received at less than par. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids, P. B. DOBBINS, President. CHARLES C. WOODS. Clerk. Je25-62-25.29.jyll,lo LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE APPLICATION WILL BE made to the. Governor of Pennsylvania under the general corporation act of 187 and its supplements, on MONDAY. July 2Z 1889. bv James A. McDevitt, A. F. Keatintr, Joshua Rhodes, John F. Steel, T. Hartley Given and A. M. Keeper tor a charter of incorporation for the SouthMde Bridge Company. The object of the intended corporation is to construct, erect and maintain a bridge over tbe Monongahela river trom Ross street to South First in the city of Pittsburg, and the necessary approaches therefor. A. M. NEEPER, i,je29-93-s Solicitor for Applicants. LYON & SHOEMAKER, Bakewell Law Br.ildinc. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS X No. 1. of Allegheny county. No. 178 Sep tember term, lbii). .Notice is bereby given that an application will be made to the said court on SATURDAY, tbe 20th dav of July. A. D. 18S9, at 10 o'clbck A. 21., udder the "corporation) act of one thousand eight hundred ana seventy-four," and the supplements there to, by Frank K. Koliler, Charles D. Hughes, L. P. C. Godfrey, Ira B. Duncan and R. B. Ford, for the charter ol an intended corporation to be called tbo "Commercial Trav eling Men's Club," the character and object of which Is to maintain a clnb to promote the welfare of commercial travelers, to protect its members against unjust discrimination and to provide a beneficiary fund for the benefit of sick and disabled travelers, and for these pur poses to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said act and its supplements. LYON A SHOEMAKER, je2a.75-29,tj5,12 Solicitors. AMUSEMENTS. TJECREATION PARK BASElALL GrandDouble Game To-day. SATURDAY, JUNE 29. PHILADELPHIA VS ALLEGHENY. First game called at 2.15 P. M. Second game on termination of first Admission 50 cts. One ticket admits to both games. Train for second gameat 3:40. je29-12 BASE BALL-SPEC1AL-Reserved seats for holiday games, THURSDAY, JULY 4, Will be on sale at McClurg's cigar store, Fifth avenue and Wood street, Monday, JulyL je29-H-D NICKELORAM, Of Coney Island. N. Y Coliseum, Allegheny. Cool summer amusement Steam Riding Ca. rousell, largest and finest in the world. Steam power "organ and full brass band. Cornet solos, mystery of London.- One-half of .'the ladies at oqr entertainments are moral and refined in every particular. Admission 5c, including ride. Ladies ad mitted free. Doors-open at 3 p. M. and 7:30 p. It. dally. je29-74 PICNIC GROVE FREE! WINDSOR PARK. Only six miles from the city, situated on the bluff overlooking Davis Island dam. Easily reached by rail or boat Large grove of forest trees, cool, clear springs of water, flue dancing platform, etc The use of the grove will be given free'td Sunday schools, societies, lodges, G.A.R. posts, private fetes, etc, the only charge being fare on the steam elevator to and from the grounds. For dates and further particulars apply to J. H. DAWSON, Lacock street near Fed eral street Allegheny, or to A. CLANEY on the grounds. mvll-15-D AUCTION SALES. A. E. WEGER, Attorney. 93 Diamond street ORPHANS COURT SALE-ESTATE OF Carl J. Ross, deceased. I will expose at public sale, on the premises. No. 1729 Josephine street, Soutbslde, MONDAY, July 22, 1889. at 3 p. Jr., lot of ground, 20x60, on said Josephine street, on 'nhich is erected a two-story frame dwelling, with storeroom, basement and attic: property sewered. Terms of sale One-half cash on confirmation of sale; balance in one year, with interest to he secured by bond and morteasre witb a scL fa. clause. JOHN A. HAFNER. Administrator. A. J. PI1NTE- TJOST. Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent 413 urant sc Jeai-UB-S PERSONAL- WILSON. 61 FOURTH AVENUE, Sells' fine watches. Jewelry, clocks, silverware, spectacles, etc Watch, clock and lewelry re pairing a specialty. " Je25-75-TTS Walter J. osbouiTSe. kichabd babeows. BARHOWS & OSBOURNE ' JOB PRINTERS, 90 Diamond street Telephone No. 8U se2-k5fVrrssn TOW Til Till 1766 th" subject of an UUsT JLU illllYSd excellent paper on the latest fashions, from the vtn. of 'Mrs. Frank 'Leslie, in to-morrovft Dispatch. I O OFFICTAXV-PITTSBUBCi. QEPABATE and sealed proposals O will be received at the office of tbo City Controller until JULY a, 18S9, at 2 o'clock P. su for the erection of a police station honse in the Thirty-sixth ward. Also tor altering and repair ing police station bouses in tbe Eleventh and Iwellth wards. Plans and specifications can be seen at tbo office of tbe Superintendent oil tbe Bureau of Police. Bonds in doable tbe amount of each bid will be required, said bonds to be probated before tbe Mayor or CityjClerK. Tbe Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or alt bids. J.O.BROWN, Chief of the Department of Public Safety. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE openine of Torley street, from Friendship street to Pearl street. Section I Be it ordained and enacted by tba city of Fittsbnrj;, in-Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is bereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be and Is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be surveyed and opened within GO days from tbe date of the passage of this ordinance. Tor ley street, from Friendship street to Pearl street, at a width of 40 feet, in accordance with a plan on file Jn the Department of Pnblio Works, known a "plan of lots laid out by John and Henry Loefller," recorded in the Re corder's office of Allegheny county In plan book, vol. 3, page 135. Tbe damages caused thereby and tbe benefits to pav tbe same to be assessed and collected in accordance with tbe provisions of an act of Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating; to streets and sewers in cities of the" second class," approved tbe 16th day of May, A. D. 1889. ' je29-60 AN URDINANCE-aUTHORIZING THE opening of Moore afreet, from Bedford avenne to Ridge street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, In Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of tbe same. That. tbe Chief of the Department of PuDlic Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to causa to be surveyed and opened within 60 days from the date of tbe passage of this ordioance.Moore street, from Bedford avenue to Ridge street, at a width of 50 feet, in accordance with af)lan on file in the Department of Public Works, known as "Plan of partition of tbe Moore estate," re corded in original plan book, vol.1 6. page 75. The damages -caused thereby and tbe benefits to pay the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of tbe second class," approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1889. je29-60 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE opening of Bowery alley, from Garden alley to Government alley. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tbe city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That the Chief of tbe Department of Public WorKS be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be surveyed and opened within 60 days from tbe date of the passage of this ordinance Bowery alley, from Garden alley to Govern ment alley, at a width of 20 feet, in accordance with a plan on file in the Department of Public Works, recorded in Plan Book. vol. 6, page 132, known as Dr. J. G. Brown's plan. Tbe dam ages caused thereby and tbe benefits to pay tbe same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled. "An act relating to streets and sewers In cities of tbe second class," approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1889. je29-60 AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE opening of Summerlea street, from Wal nut street to Pennsylvania Railroad. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsbarg.'in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That tbe Cbief of tbe Department of Public Works be and is bereby authorized and directed to cause to be surveyed and opened within 60 days from the date of the passage of this ordinance. Summer lea street, from Walnut Btreet to Pennsylvania Railroad, at a width of 50 feet, in accordance with a plan on file in the Department of Public Works, known as plan of streets bounded by Fifth avenne. Roup street. Center avenue and Shady avenue, approved December 29,1871. and an ordinance locating part of said street, ap proved March 9, 1ES8. The damages caused thereby and tbe benefits to pay the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled. "An act relating to streets and sewers In cities of the second class." approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 18S9. je29-60 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE opening of Amber street, from Penn avenne to Baum street Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Councllsas3embled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same. That tfcft PhliiVftf th TIriaM,on nt VnhlfM UWorks be and is bereby authorized and directed to cause to be surveyed and opened within 60 days from tbe date of the passage of this ordinance. Amber street, from Penn avenne to Baum street, at a width of SO feet, in accordance with ordinances locating the same, approved March 2. 18S6, and March 22. 1889, respectively. The damages cansed thereby and the benefits to pay tbe same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers tn cities of the second class," approved tbe 16th day of May, A. D. 18S9. je23-60 AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE opening of Lydia street from Greenfield avenue to Biselow street Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and itls bereby ordained bvthe authority of tbe same. That the Chief ot tbe Department of Public Works be. and Is here by authorized and directed to cause to be sur veyed and opened within 60 days from the date of the passage of this ordinance, Lydia street, from Greenfield avenue to Bigelow street at a. width of 50 feet, in accordance with plans on file in the Department of Public Works known as "plan of streets in the Twenty-third ward." approved November 12, 1877, and D. Wenkes' plan of lots in the Twenty-third ward, recorded inplan book voL. 6. page 77, City Engineer's office. The damages caused thereby and tbe benefits to pay the same to be assessed and col lected In accordance with tbe provisions ot an act or Assembly of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "an act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the secondclass," approved the 16th of May, A. D. 1889. je29-60 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE opening or Woobllayer alley, from Thirty seventh street to-Thirty-ninth street Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tbe city of Pittsburg, in select and Common Coun cils assemDled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to he surveyed and opened within 60 das from tbe date of tbe passaee of this ordinance, Woolslayer alley, from Thirty-seventh street to Thirty-ninth street at a width of 20 feet in ac cordance with a plan on file in tbe Department of Public Works, approved by Councils De cember 21, 1874. Tbe damages caused thereby and tbe benefits to pay tbe same to be assessed and collected In accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly ot tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act relating to streets and sewers In tbo cities of the second class," approved tbe ICth day of May, A. D. 1889. 629-60 AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE opening of Government alley, from Main street to Fisk street Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsbdrg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of tbe same, That the Chief of the Department of Public Work be and is bereby authorised and directed to cause to be surveyed and opened within 60 days from the date of tbe passage of this ordinance. Gov ernment alley, from Main street to Fisk street at a width of 20 feet in accordance witb a plan on file in the Department of Public Works, re corded in Plan' Book vol. 6, page 132, known as Dr. J. G. Brown's plan. Tbe damages caused thereby and the benefits to pay tbe same to be assessed and collected In accordance with tbe provisions of an act of Assembly of tbe Com monwealth ot Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to streets ana sowers in cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1889. je29-60 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE opening of Clement alley, lrom Thirty eighth street to Fortieth street Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is bereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Pnblic Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be surveyed and opened within 60 days from the date of the passage of this ordinance, Clement alley, from Thlity-eightu street to Fortieth street at a width of 20 feet, in accord ance witb a plan on file in tbe Department of Public Works, approved by Councils December 2L 1874. The damages caused thereby olid the benefits to pay the same to be assessed and col lected In accordance with the provisions of an act ot 'Assembly of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of tne second class," approved the 16th day or May, A. D. 1889. je29-60 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE opening of Balboa way, from Crescent street to the eastern line ot property of Patrick Flnnucane.' j. Section. 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common,Coun disassembled, and lt is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That the Chief of tho Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be surveyed and opened within 60 days from the date, of the passage of this ordinance, Balboa way; from Crescent street to tbe eastern line of unmerty' of .Patrick Finnucaae. at width of 12 feet, Inaocortance with a, plan on file la the Department of Pnblic Works known i OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. as "Robert Arthur's plan," in Plan Book vol. i, pages 46 and 47. The damages caused thereby and the benefits tapay the same to be assessed and collected In accordance with tbe provisions of an act of Assembly of tbe Commdnwealtb of Pennsylvania entitled, "An act relating to streets and sewets in cities of the second class," approved tbe 16th day of May, A. D. 1889. je29-60 Continued on Sixth, Tenth and Twelfth Paget. MEETINGS. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE COR PORATION of Allegheny Cemetery will be held at tbe new Penn avenne entrance on SATURDAY, the 29th inst, at 4.30 o'clock PJL e27-58 JAMES R. SPEER, Secretary. SOTICE-A MEETING OF THE TRAV ELING salesmen Is requested forTO 1T, JUNE 29, at wholesale grocers' rooms, S F. it., sharp, corner Sixth and Liberty street; LOU T. DALLMEYER, je29-20 Secretary of J. M. Little Fund. Headquarters Allegheny Count RlPTTBLICAN EtECoTTVTE CO JOOTTmC PtTssoTitta n 1) a Tn OA IDCfl rnHE ADJOURNED MEETING OF TH JL Committee will be held in Common Coun cil chamber, Plttsourg (Municipal Hall), on 8ATUKDAY, JDNiT29. at 2 o'clock P. M.. to take action upon the report of the committee appointed to revise and prepare rules govern ing your committee. By order W. D. PORTER, Chairman. ROBERT BERRY. Secretary. Je27-13rh3 EDUCATIONAL. NEW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY, Cornwall-on-Hndson. Courses of study In civil engineering, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful Buildings, gronnds. location. COL. C. J. WRIGHT, . S A. M., Snpt; BELDEN F. HYATT. Comd't of Cadets. Jel4-D CHELTENHAM ACADEMY, OGONTZ Fa. Unexcelled location and surround ings. New school equipment. Gymnasium, military drill, etc Thorough preparation for college or scientific scbooL For circular, etc address J. CALVIN RICE. A. M, Principal. e28-63 BUSINESS CHANGES. DISSOLUTION NOXICE IS HEREBY given that by a vote of a majority In num ber and value of interest therein tbe West End Coke and Coal Co. (Limited) was dissolved on the 21st day of June. 1889. All persons Indebted to said company wilUplease make immediate payment, and all having claims against said company will present the same for payment as. soon as possible. THE WEST END COKE AND COAL COM PANY, LIM. FRANK McCALL, President JOHN D. RICHARDS, Sec'y and Treas. je22s ; I DESIRE TO GIVE NOTICE TO THE trade that I have bought out tbe business of tbe West End Coke and Coal Co. (Lim.) and ' that I will hereafter carry on the coke and coal business at the place formerly ocenpied by the said Coke and Coal Co. (Lim.), on Main st. Thirty-sixth ward. West End, Pittsburg. Je22s FRANK MoCALL. pvISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP The co-partnership heretofore existing-be-tween W. J. McKain, Franklin M. Reed and John C. Hibbets, under tbe firm name of tba Eagle Roofing Company, has been this day dis solved. W.J. McKain having .bonght out the interests of F. M. Reed and J. C. Hibbets, will continue the business under tbe firm name of ' ' W.J.McKAlN&CO.. And will pay all debts and collect all ac counts. Je29-54-TU3 WORKING' MEN! A chance for employment at Glass or Iron Works, and Lots for Homes Cheap, on Easy Payments, on the Patterson Plan, At Cochran station. Monongahela Division, Pennsylvania Railroad. J.R.WYLIE,Agent Duqnesne, Pa. Or, No. 8 Wood street, room No. 5, Pittsburg. je27-57-D TjlOR SALE- AT AUCTION ! HbzeIwddlI Building Lota ON THE PREMISES, Saturday, June 29, At 2:30 P. SL, on Johnston avenue, onKUbuck street tn Blair's grove; lots 20x150 ft Also on Flowers avenue, lots 24x124 ana 25x195 feet: near Second avenue and the Electric railway, now being built and Hazelwood station. B.40.E. R. These lots will be sold at a low price and easy payments. For plans and full informa tion, see W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. HENRY AUCTION CO., jel9-23-19,22.Z7.29 ' Auctioneers. RARE CHAECE. FOR SALE WHOLESALE PRODUCE' COMMISSION HOUSE Doing first-class business. Will sell at a bar gain, as owner's time Is otherwise taken up. Address WHOLESALE PRODUCE, je23-17-TT3 Dispatch office. Rev. Louis H. Tafel; OF PHILADELPHIA, Will preach in tbe Methodist Chapel, on Race street near corner of North avenue, Alle gheny, TO-MORROW. JUNE 30, at 10:45A. if., on The Doctrines of the New Church. - THE PUBLIC IS INVITED. je29-17 PATENTS. T Until October 1, my fees, as attorney, dua only on allowance if desired. Write W. H. BABCOCK, 513 Seventh st Washington. D. G, EoxZ. Formerly Examiner In Patent Office. THIRTEEN YEARS' PRACTICE. je29-43 DRY CLEANING Of all kinds of wearing apparel, snch as dresess, tea gowns and wrappers. Also Turkish, Mad ras and portier curtains, lambrequins, table covers, mantel scarfs, tidies and all other tex tile fabrics dry cleaned at the SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. MAY SONS & Co. 86 SLXTH.AVE. Goods colled for and delivered. jeU-TTS DIAMOND STREET ORDINANCE Having been passed and the widening of tho street assured, now is the time to buy before prices advance. We have some good property for sale on that thoroughfare at very reason able prices. SAMUEL- W. BLACK fe CO. 99 Fourth ave. je26-29-WThS TYR. BURGOON, The Specialist of 47 Ohio street Allegheny, defies competition in the cure of all cbronlo troubles. He does not point to fictitious tes timonials. 'COME AND SEE THE ORIGINALS, At his office, of your .neighbors who have been cured in Pittsburg and Allegheny. Consulta tion free. je21 )IANOS, ORGANS. - a HAMILTON, 91 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-74-P mlME CHANGED OFTI CHANGEDOF THE A. F. G. W. TJ. The train scheduled to leave at 12 o'clock, R. R. time, has been changed to leave at 12:45, R.R. time or 1:45, city time. je284S r A. RALPH, Y' 'BUILDING CONTBAOTOB, 41 Seventh avenue, Pittsburg. Fa. Telephone 1344. . , aeS-ntO-m AbtDIH7T rAlllTiH whose wicked MfcUBil iUBBiiElA, neuwas terrU' bly avenged by those he wronged, is the hilt of. a pleasing story by&mett M. Ecfarichs to (ti morroto's Dispatch. ' 4 i . -1 "-C v IT -VZJ -aX' .. mrs .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers