" ' Transient Advertisements, INCLUDING WANTS, TO LETS, FOR SALES. ETC.-, FOR TO-MORROW'S ISSUE Should be handed in at the main advertising office of The Dispatch. Fifth avenue, np to midnight. 3' 'FORTY-rOUBTH TEAR f I fOne of the Coroner's Jurymen Galls the Destroyed Dam A GREAT DEATH TRAP. Rumors of Damage Suits Before a Verdict is Rendered. DENOUNCED BY EXPERTS. .Two Famous Engineers Make a Si Thorough Examination of the Ruins. JEALOUSY DOES ITS WORK. A Number of Undertakers and Policemen Re turn Home. THE DEATH ROLL 15,000. Many of the Volunteers Becoming Dlscour nged nt the ImmenUyol the Worlt Be fore Them Poor Sanitary Condition of tbe Demolished City Cremation the Only Remedy Remaining Great Work and Generosity or the Undertakers About a Olany Workers Leaving as There Are Arriving Tbe SnrrlTors' Registry List Very Much Smaller Than on Previous Days Damage Suits Be- "ported Already Entered Against the Reservoir Owners The Coroner's Ver dict Withheld for the Present. t tTBOK X STATF COKEISrOlfDKKT.l Johnstown, June 7. Three hundred sni d eighty feet at the top, 125 feet at the bottom and 75 feet deep. That is the ae- cription of the break in the reservoir. l &. resiaent oi tne neignooraoou hiu u that when the Pennsylvania anal Evened the lake they had it perforated at The Bed Crott Report! for Duty-Mitt Barton, President. Clara II Oil r . -.. fc-sg. the bottom by a number of pipes under the . stone wall, but the present owners closed the rents so that the fish could not escape. Twelve feet of "sipsap" on the -water side was all the stonework. The rest was an earth bank. "When the waters burst through ,the wall of earth an arch was left over the hole, but soon crumbled and fell. The verdict of the Coroner's jury will not be issued for several days, but when it appears it is expected to be a severe one. In tbe interval Coroner Hammer is obtain ing legal advice from his attorney, A. D. HcConnell. Coroner Ehrenfeld, of Armstrong county, and Coroner Barber, ot Indiana county, are also holding inquests. .It is reported a number of damage suits have already been entered, but this could not be confirmed. On Monday the County Commissioners of the immediately inter ested counties will hold a meeting to call upon the Governor to convene the Legisla ture in special session, to grapple with the difficulty. Commissioner Thompson, of "Westmoreland, says it is costing that county $500 a day to build bridges and make other needed repairs, and he expects the total cost to be 75,000. . The papers in 285 cases were made out to .'day by Coroner Hammer, of Westmore - land. One of the jurymen said to-day the dam was the greatest deathtrap he ever saw in his life. Isbaee. D0CT0RSDISAGREE. ANeir York Expert Thinks That an Uonsnnl Rainfall Was Necessary to Wreak , Such Destruction as That of Last Friday The Idea of One Wan. TBOM A ETXTT CORKES FONDEST. Johnstown, June 7. Something authoritative about the South Pork dam will be read with interest, especially when it comes from so eminent an authority as Engineer Brinkerhoff, of New York. That gentleman was sent to the scene of the .disaster on a special mission from the New . lTAfB KnnfM.-uMj. ..a. . XY7.1 .. Tin... ..f L?ellftrirA lk 41.- fa J- ilf 4Vhi. Binmt. : . " W aanVW Ae SWClM3 Bcasurements- of .thc.remnsnts of the dam, V, -r securing a sketch thereof, and iu addition the -delicate and arduous mission of for mulating an opinion on the character and stability of the dam from an expert stand point. In company with Mr.-Hugh Kennedy, Superintendent of the Isabella furnace at Sharpsburg, Mr. Brinkerhoff spent the en tire day of Thursday at South Fork, and took accurate measurements of the dam and bestowed a most careful and ' Exhnustlve Examination upon the surroundings. The detailed re sults of his work will be reproduced at length, with his sketches on the spot, in the journal of the current issue. In conversation with Superintendent Kirtland, of the "West Penn, Mr. Brinker hoff gave the following as a hasty opinion of the situation: His measurements showed Booth A JKnn'l Ucadqtiartert. the feet, The water leDgth of -the dam at 900 and the height as 80 feet opening through which the hurst he found to be 60 feet" in dej)th and 350 feet wide, thus show ing that exadtlv seven- eighteenths of the dam was swept away by the waters. He measured the waste opening, and seemed of the opinion that it was amply adequate for the discharge of the amount of water which would be generated by an average rain fall. Strongly Built Dam. As to the material of which the dam was composed, Engineer Brinkerhoff stated that he found the stone footing of the dam had been strongly built, and from the remaining portion of the dam he seemed of the opinion that the puddling of bine and yellow clay was extremely substantial. From these facts he arrived at the conclusion that the water would never have burst through the dam but for the over flow and consequent disintegration of the outer face of the structure. The fact that less than one-third of the dam yielded to the pressure of the rushing .waters seemed to his mind another argument in favor of his deduction that the dam was soundly con structed, and only gave way under circum stances beyond the possibility of human control. "Waxes. AN INFERIOR DAM, Engineering Experts Say Such a Structure Would Dave Been Contrary to the Practices of Thirty Years Ago Wherein it - Wns Weak, rnr associated msess.3 Johnstown, June 7. Mr- A M. .Well ington, with F. P. Burt, associate editor of the Engineering JfetM, of New York, has just completed an examination of the dam which cansed the great disaster here. Mr. "Wellington states that the dam was in every respect of very inferior construction and of a kind wholly unwarranted by goodfengineering practices of 30 years ago. Both the original and the recon structed dams were of earth only, with no heart walljbutonly riprapped on the slopes. The original dam, however, was made in ramnietf and watered layers which still show distinctly in the wrecked dam. The new end greatly added to its stability, but it was to all appearance simply dumped in like an ordinary railroad fill, or if rammed, shows no evidence of good effect from it. The New Part Not at All Strong. Much of the old part ,is standing intact, while adjacent parts of the new work are wholly carried off. There was no central wall of puddle or masonry, either in the new or old dam. It has been tbe invariable practice of engineers for 30 or 40 years to use one or the other, if building high dams of earth. It is doubtful if there is a single other dam or reservoir in any other part of the United States of over 50 feet high which lacks this central wall. The reconstructed dam also bears the mark of great ignorance or carelessness, being made nearly two ieet lower in the middle than at the ends. It should rather have crowned in the middle, which would have concentrated tbe overflow. Interior of the II. S. Church. if it should occur, at the ends instead of in the center. Had the break begun at the ends the cut of the water would have been so gradual that Iilttle or No Barm might have resulted. Had the dam been at once cut at the ends when the water be gan rnnning over the center, the sudden bieak of the dam would have been at least greatly diminished, possibly prolonged, so that little barm would have resulted. The crest of the old dam had not been raised in the reconstru6tion of 1881. The old overflow channel through the rock still remains, .but owing to the crest in the mid dle of the dam, only five feet of water in it instead of seven feet was necessary to run wr.ter over the crest, and the rock spillway, narrow at best, had been further contracted by a close grating to prevent the escape of fish, capped by a good-sized timber, and In some slight degree also by a trestle foot bridge. The. original discharge pipes at the foot of the dam had been Permanently Closed when reconstructed, and this, while a minor matter compared to the other men tioned, further reduced the possible rate of maximum discharge.- The net effect' of all. w these differences of condition was that the dam as it stood was not much .safer against excessive floods, apart from its inferior con struction, than the original dam would have been with a crest -only- Zi to 4 feet high above the bottom of the rock spillway, instead oi 7 feet Ii is impossible to say if the riprapping of tbe new -part of the dam was as good as the old or not, since it has not been wholly carried away. A large amount of the old riprapping and slope wall still .remains in tact, and is of excellent quality. It does not appear that there was any great amount ol leakage through the dam before it broke. Destruction came from water flowing over the top. A Reflection on the Builders. Mr. Wellington said that no" engineer of known and good standing for such work could possibly have been engaged on it, since in the particulars mentioned it violated the most elementary and universally under stood requirements of good practice. He did not believe that any other dam of equal height had ever been constructed in this country wholly of earth without some kind of special protection against leakage or abrasion by water in the center of the dam. The-estimates of the original dam indicate that it was made about half earth and half rock, but if so there was little evidence of it in the breaking dam. The riprapping was merely a skin on each face, with more or less loose epauis mixed with tie earth. The dam was 72 feet above water, 2 to 1 inside slope, K to 1 outside slope, 2 feet wide on top. The rock throughout was about 1 foot below the surface. The earth was Pretty Good Material for Snch a Dam if it was to be built at all, being of a clayey nature, making good puddle. To' this the fact of its standing Intact since 1881 must be ascribed, as no engineer of The Pottoffice That Wat. standing would have, ever tried. to so con struct it. The fact that the dam was a re construction of one after over 20 yean' abandonment made it especially hard on the older part of TSje dam to withstand the pressure of the water. Wr. "Wellington left for Pittsburg this evening. HOMES P0R THE QEPHANS. One Prospect Hill Family Adopts 17 Home less Little Ones. rrEOM X BTXTT COKEESPONbEST.-j Johnstown, June 7.WiUiam Bam-, gayest Pittsburg, Is here as'tC represent tive of the Pittsburg Cbamberof Commerce, to aid the-ladies of the Philadelphia Chil dren's Aid Society. He has found already nearly 100 destitute children to be cared for During his tour on Prospect Hill he dis covered one family that had six children of ! w and had adopted six of one family and eleven of another, which had been left homeless. Thewaifs average not more than ten years of age. When Wm. Tne Opera Home, At it It. Bamsay entered the house two tables were set with 20 plates. The family, named Cronin, claims to be able to care for them. Bev. Father Trautwine, of Johnstown, whose home was originally in the Twenty fourth ward, Pittsburg, is also gathering up homeless children and having them cared for. Superintendent Sogers, of the Juno ville school, is here, and says he will be re sponsible for hair a dozen children. Simpsox. THE KOIIBER OP IITES LOST. Good Judges Say That Fully 15,000 People " Must Bare Perished. iraon x btxvt cobbespohdet. Johkstowk, June 7. The last estimate of 15,000 lives lost is looked upon by all as about correct Bodies are still appearing above the wreckage. Many dead have been found to-day, which only increases the esti mate heretofore made of the lost It is thougbt that a bureau of statistics should have been established, as many bodies were carried away for burial before identification. This, however, was a precautionary measure taken to avoid, disease. In some of the im provised morgues the list of dead bas been very much underestimated. In one church alone 35 bodies were re ported to have been cared for, while a reli able person says he kne it of 500 bodies being taken there identified and claimed, before any record could be made. If this is the case there ia no doubt that the exact num ber or even a fair estimate will never be known. Katnz. CEEMATION THE 0SLT KEHEDI. It Must be Resorted to la Order to Save " Precious litres, ITSOK X BTXTT COKBESPOKDEKT. Johnstowk, June 7. Sheriff McOand less is here, taking an active part in affairs, and is accomplishing much. His opinion, after a careful view of the vast ruins, is that fire is the only specific for the early clear ance of the dangerous debris. He said to me to-day: Perhaps the friends and families of the miss ing will not concur with mo ia this, but public sentiment" must give way to public 'necessity. Anyone sizing op this matter correctly can OElr see the, tuter jolly of -.removing the large x Continued on Seventh page." ;.vy,ie-- v,'A,"--t pBtei PITTSBURG, SATURDAY,. JUNE, 8, .1889 TWELYE DILLON ON THESTAlJft Be Gives Some Sensational Evidence Against Alex. Sullivan, HIS TESTIMONY IS CONFIRMED Bj a Larpe Number of the Other Witnesses in the Case. PEOGBESS OF THE CB0NIN INQUEST. !' Two More Important Arrests Are Hide Bight la the Open Court Eoom. The testimony given before the Coroner' jury in the Cronin case yesterday was of a decidedly sensational character. Luke Pillon and others made direct charges against Alexander Sullivan. Otner wit nesses told of frequently hearing Dr, Cronin say that he believed Sullivan would have him killed. Two more persons were put under arrest rSFECTU. TEUCQB-LM TO THE DISPATCH.! Chicago, June 7. There were many dramatic scenes and' sensational stories to day in the official inquiry which Coroner .Hertz is conducting in the Cronin case. The- crowd at the door of Judge Shepard's room was so 'great iu the morning that officers were called. Like the testimony" taken at previous sessions, the evidence to-day was overwhelmingly against Alexander Sulli van. Nearly every witness had heard Dr. Cronin declare that the Irish leader was at the bottom of a plot to' kill him. Amid sensational scenes Luke Dillon, of Phila delphia, scored Sullivan in bitter language. .The spectators became intensely excited at the recital. Once Sullivan's name was hissed, and when Dillon denounced him as being chief conspirator against the life of Dr. Cronin there was an outburst of ap plause which the bailiffs quickly suppressed. Officer Daniel Brown, of Stanton avenue station, was the first witness- He is the man who, in 1884, preferred charges of treason against Dr. Cronin. He did this, he said, of his own volition. He swore to the truth of the charges in the camp and there his dnty ended. He had based his charges of treason against Dr. Cronin because the latter had read a circular issued by an expelled camp. The attempt of the witness to conceal work ings of the Clan-na-Gael Society was so ap--parentthatthe spectators laughed derisively. ANOTHER SENSATION. Then Coroner Hertz sprang a sensation. He said.: "Now, Mr. Brown, I am going to, ask a question which I asked you before, and I want you to answer, remembering you are on your oath. Tell this Jury whether anyone spoke or wrote to you or suggested to you about the preferring of those charges against Dr. Cronin? " Brown replied slowly, but firmly: "-No one did." There was more in the maneuver of 'the Coroner than was apparent at first sight It was not for the jury to get a good look at Brown that the Coroner made him I stand .up. Jn the-, court . room,, with- ,-thejr eyes fixed on the man as he stood clearly outlined against the gray .light corning through the large window, were Frank Scanlan, Mrs. Conklin, Pat Dinan's hostler and young Carlson. The officer was sus pected of having been the man who droye Dr. Cronin to the slaughter house, on Ash land avenue. "Did you ever go to Dinan's livery sta ble, on the Korthside, and get a-horse and buggy?" asked the coroner. "I never did; I don't know where it is." "What kind of a hat do you wear?" "Sometimes a stiff hat and sometimes a soft hat. I have got a soft hat here now." "Get it and put it on." Brown did so, and the coroner said: "Now stand up." Brown stood on the little platform on which the witness chair is placed. "Face the jury." There was a dead silence of half a minute it seemed five which the wit nesses, who had seen the man who came to -Dr. Cronin to go to his death, looked at him from head to foot SOMEWHAT NEETOUS. Brown was by this time very nervous, but he bore the ordeal well. Captain Schuettler whispered to Chief Hubbard. The coroner resumed his examination of the witness re garding the charge of treason. Brown was greatly confused and at times' showed great anger. When he left the stand he was placed under arrest Luke Dillon was on the stand for an hour , and a half during the afternoon. He will be called again. "Did he ever say anything to you about being in danger?" 'He did. He told me that he thought that the personal ambition of Alexander Sullivan to control Irish and American politics in this city would probably result in his death. During the trial of Alexan der Sullivan, Michael Bpland and Dennis C. Feely, at Buffalo, on the charge of using money of the organization without permis sion of the home organization, Sullivan protested against Cronin's acting on the committee which tried him, and used'such vile language toward Cronin that it was thonght he would resort to harsher methods. At one time I thought Cronin had Alex ander Sullivan on the run. and that Sulli van would not hurt him." "Have you since changed your mind?" "I have. From what I have since learned I have a reason to' believe that , Alexander Sullivan is responsible for, it not a princi pal, in this murder. My reason is that the language used by Sullivan wonld justify one in supposing he would use other methods." AN EXOITED JURY. As the witness uttered these words there was great excitement in the court room. The jurors' leaned forward with facesstream ing with perspiration. "I heard Sullivan," continued Mr. Dillon, "talk against Dr. -Cronin in Buffalo, and a man who can use the language whichhe did, would commit murder, and Dr. Cronin thought so at the time. It was at the trial of Snllivan,:Feely and Boland for misappropriation of funds' Dr. Cronin was on the jury to try him. When Sullivan heard that Cronin was be to on the jury, he broke loose and poured tbe vilestof abuse on the head of Dr. Cronin." Mr. Dillon then read a letter of protest from Mr. Sullivan. The letter is directed to the Clan-na-Gael, It covers six, or seven pages of foolscap, and contains the most vindictive vituperation of Dr. Cronin. In the letter Sullivan says that Dr. Cronin was a.personal enemy of his. was' a perjurer ten times over, was a' scoundrel of the worst sort, and a man unfit to sit on a jury. Dr. CpnihhadtMr.,.SullivanJaid,. been tried; arid'cenvic'teoY ofperiurv.'iaaiiv times .over.. w,w iL.rz ,cnr, iv .--.... . . i ae was set oniy. au uusy.Emt' a; .witisfl such- r "-;-; ject, having sworn allegiance toHer Majesty the Qttent and therefore a spy. Bobert Hes was the next witness. He said: "I am a lawyer, and had an office in the. same, building, with Dr. Cronin. One day he jtpld,ae he had .evidence that a con spiracy was working against him. , BITTEE DENTrNCrATION. He concluded by springing up from'.his chair and saying: "Alexander 13ullivan is as black as hades. They will try to ruin my reputation, and failing in that, they will seek my life."' 4 Luke Dillon was then recalled! "Do you know JIcGeehan?" asked Foreman Critchell. "Fes, Blr." "Is he in Chicago now?" "Yes, sir; I saw him a moment ago." "A moment ago?" exclaimed Critchell. "Here in the courtroom?" "Yes, sir; there he sits, right over there." Everybody followed the directions of Mr. Dillon's finger, and to the left of the heater on tbe north wall sat a, sinewy, swarthy man, shifting uneasily in his seat. He bad been brought in a moment before by De tective Crook. McQeehan was placed under arrest. The inquiry will be resumed in the morning. ELECTRIC QUERENTS. Ths Medico Legal Congress Discusses Mcnns of Preventing Accidents An Argument In Favor of a Penal Colony In Alnskn.- reriCIAL TEX.EOIUX TO THE CISPATCIt.l New Yoek, June 7. The Medico-Legal Congress in Steinway Hnll listened to-day to a paper entitled, "A Medico-Legal View of Electrical Distribution." Harold P. Brown pictured a 'rosy onjtlook when electricity shall have been pnt to all the uses oi which it is capable. It was a fact that if automatio apparatus ehould shut down the currents at the instant the first grounding of the current took place or reduce the pressure below the killing point, there would be no more deaths from this cause. Such ap paratus had been devised and exhibited, but while it was easy to make safe the use of a high tension continuous electric current for use in incandescent lighting, it was not possible by any apparatus yet invented to protect human life against the alternating current "Legislative Control of Dangerous Elec trical Currents" was tbe title of a paper by Lawyer John Murray Mitchell, of this city, who said: "It is not in my province to-day to discuss what currents may be fatal -to' human life, bnt rather to maintain that such currents as have been, or may be, proved to be dangerous,, even where the best insulation has been employed, should riot be tolerated in any place where they can cause death or injury to the individual. 1 1 would divide electrical currents into two classes, viz: harmless ana deadly. . For all commercial purposes enrrents of snch low in tensity can be used thatTho one,not even the most sickly, could be injured thereby. The question therefore resolves into this; Shall we allow a dangerous electrical current to be used when a safe one can do the same work?" Mr. Mitchell read a bill which he said he proposed to introduce, into the Assembly absolutely forbidding" the use of currents of deadly electro-motive force, except for exe cutions, scientific experiments and .the like. Dr. H. S. Drayton, of this city, read a paper entitled: "Shall we have an, Ameri can Penal Colony. " Dr. Drayton argued 'that criminals are too much coddled and that their proportionate number is .increas ing. He suggested transporting them to Alaska or its outlying islands. A KEW KIND OP HUISAKOB. One Now York Landlady Wants a Chinese Laundry Abnted. SPECIAL TXLEOBAM TO TBS DI8PATCB.1 New Yoek, June 7. Helen Adele Wess man asked Judge Andrews to-day for an in junction to restrain Henry J. MoGnckin and Hop Wan from maintaining a laundry at 1239 Third avenue. 'Mr. McGuckin is a plumber and has been lessee for several years past of the ground floor and basement of the building. Lawyer B. L. Sweesey told the Court that the sub-letting of one half the store for a,laundry and particularly a Chinese laundry was in violation of the lease,and was detrimental to tbe satisfactory renting of the upper stores. The steam, the clatter of irons and the patter of wooden shoes on the floor were drawbacks,and other tenants complained. A. J. Westermayer responded that the only business prohibited in the lease was the liquor business; that Hop Wah was a converted Christian; that only one tenant had complained, and that she was a dress maker. The noise of flatirons, Mr. Wester mayer said, was not worse than that pro duced by sewing machines, especially when the latter were -run on Sundays. Judge Andrews gave the lawyers until Monday to put in further affidavits. INDEFIfliTELT POSTPONED. Murderer Kcmmier Will Not be Executed by' Electricity Just Yet. rSrXCUL TSLSGBXU TO TBE DISPATCH. . Buffalo, June 7. Wm. Kemmler's ex ecution by electricity was to-day postponed without date by the seryice on District At torney Quinby of a notice of appeal. Law yer Cockrao, of New York will soon apply for a writ of habeas corpus on which to test the power of the State to hold Kemmler subject to suffering tbe electric death pen alty. District Attorney Quinby says that the appeal will cost the county several thousand dollars and will, delay the execu tion several months. Kemmler has no funds to pay the ex penses of these proceedings, and people are curious to learn whether other murderers better fixed, financially or the electrie light folks are going to pay the costs. HARRISON'S CLEMENCY. , The President Commutes tbe Sentcnco of Two Southern Murderers. Washington, June 7. The President has commuted to imprisonment for life the sentence of death imposed in the case of Henry W. Miller, convicted in Arkansas in February last of murder, and sentenced to be hanged, The President says in his in dorsement that there are circumstances in this case which makes him unwilling to confirm the death penalty. The President has also commuted to im prisonment for life tbe death, sentence im posed in the case of George Brashears, con victed in Arkansas, of murdei. GIVEN TO THE J0RY. The Pate of the Alleged TJmberger Assas sins la Their IIand. Somesset, June 7. The TJmberger "murder case was given to the jury this evening at 7 o'clock, after occupying the court eight days. Hon.'W. H. Koontz made the principal argument for the ac cused. It was a masterly effort - The closing argument to the jury was made' by Hon. John Cessna, of Bedford, and is said to be the most powerful and 'able argument ever made in a Somerset court room. nWM AT HOME &ST "&&& article in to-Btomne'jVDHrATCJl, in tsMoft the. Jir tat Italian, actor' t AsfiM Ufe it ' deterfbed n a ,i0iy tnteretmg memwr, mvmb PAGES. MILLEK FOR JUSTICE. He is Practically Certain to Go Upon the Supreme Bench. GOFF WILL GO IN THE CABINET. A Delay Caused hy the West Tirginia Elec tion Contest. - PUBLIC PKINTEB PALMER'S POSITION Is by Ko Means a Bed of Roses, Because ot Office . Seeking Congressmen. From all indications Attorney General Miller will be elevated to the" Supreme Court It is believed that General Goff, of West Virginia, will be his successor in the Cabinet His Gnbernatorial contest must show signs of settlement first, however. Public Printer Palmer is being much wor ried by office seekers, particularly Congress men who have friends. fSPIClAL TELIOILOI TO TBS DtSPATCH.1 Washington, June 7. It is decided almost beyond a donbt that Attorney Gen eral Miller will be appointed to the Supreme Bench as the successor of the late Justice Matthews. This is given upon the au thority of an Iridianan, a friend .of the President, whose business it has been for' some time to quietly take the sense of the public in regard to the ap pointment of Mr. Miller. He claims to have discovered that the elevation of the Attorney General to the Supreme Bench would be very acceptable to businessmen and the legal fraternity. He arrived here yesterday and gave the result of his inquiries to the. President, and was assured that Mr. Miller would be appointed. The same au thority assures the correspondent of The Dispatch that Miller would have been appointed some time ago had General Goff, of West Virginia, been in a position to abandon the contest in his State. Until that is finally decided no appointment will be made. The prospects are, however, that he will soon have his case so far ofrhis hands as to be able to take up the portfolio of the At torney General when Miller lays it down for the Supreme Bench. NOT A SrNECUBE. Frank W. Palmer has not been in office more than five weeks, but he has already begun to find that a public office as a public trust is not a sinecure by any means. Since the time the civil service law was made to apply to the other departments the Pnblic Printing Office has been the dumping ground for ail the political refuse that comes to Washington. Every Congressman who has a friend seeking an office, however in competent he may be, looks to the Public Printerto get him a place, and the more in competent the more likely he is to be taken to that office. There are not many pnblic men in town now, but those who are here have besieged Mr. Palmer day by day with applications forplace .for friends and constituents of .theirs: jh'the day vthat he took charge" of the office Representative Peters, o'f Kansas, made his appearance with an application for office, and since that time Mr. Peters has visited him more than once. Other members of. the House and Senate have called upon him to "help them out, and if he made all.the. changes that are requested of him he would turn the Publio Printing Office upside down once a month. The Public Printer's position is a very difficult one to 11, and it is one that is not very well paid for the -responsibilities that its possessor assumes. Mr. Palmer draws only 54,500 a year, less than any member of the Cabinet and he has more work to do and more bother than any two of them. If Mr; Palmer succeeds in passing through the trials and ordeals of the next four years without incurring the enmity not only of tbe Democrats in both houses of Congress, but or the members of his own party in public life, he will have done better than any of his predecessors. WOEK IN PLENTY. When Congress is. in session there is an enormous number ot public documents sent' down to the Public Printer. They consist ot reports from committees, reports from the departments made to the two Houses of Congress, and other documents. Many of them are. illustrated, many contain costly maps. Some of them come to him with the injunction upon them that they are needed immediately and thesehe will push forward to the neglect of other work. Meantime, one of the departments has probably sent down some important work which should be issued in a very short per iod it it is to be of any avail and several Senators and members of Congress have come in with immediate orders for their speeches, which must be printed by the Pnblic Printer at their expense, for circula tion. The Public Printer is urged to hurry this piece of work and push that one along. If the Congressman does not get his speeches he is offended; it the bead of the department does not get his publioatiou he feels that he has cause of complaint, and Congress must not be neglected for Congress makes the ap propriations which keep the PnblicPrin ting Office going. In the midst of all this hurrying word comes from some one of the contractors who were to furnish so many tons of white paper that be is unable to supply it, and that he stands ready to pay a money forfeit The Public Printer must go into the public mar ket and obtain the paper if he can. If he cannct obtain it he incurs the enmity of all these people whom it is so necessary he should make his friends. There is an enor mous amount of unnecessary printing done in the Public Printing Office, and all of this, of course, .interferes with the neces sary work. SUBEOUNDED BY SPIES. It is not generally known that therPublic Printer is surrounded by spies and black legs. There is. hardly an ' incumbent of the office who does not learn soon after he takes charge of it, that his every action is watched, with a view to placing him at a disadvantage. Bidders who fail to get im portant contracts, and who are watching for evidence agafnst the more fortunate con tractors or against the Pnblic Printer in connection with 'the contract giving, obtain employment in .some devious way. for per sons who will report to them whether or not the Public Printer is requiring contractors -to deliver material of the required quality. These are not the only . people, though, who have .ulterior objects in obtaining em, ployment for persons in the Publio Printing Office. Money lenders who are forbidden entrance to the departments have their rep-, resentatives there, discounting the salaries of employes at enormous rates of interest Another Editor n theldst. Washington, June 7. James H. Stone, appelated CeUtetor of Internal Bev- .enue for the First district of Michigan, is at present eaiter si u uetroit Tnoune. .k is . .n- T' il T.. .-j l .,,-,,.,,. JtmJt I . vv:s'v" f.iri -vT--- -a 3 READY TOREBUILD, The People of the. Stricken City of Seattle Exhibit True Pluck A Proclamation 'Prom 'the Governor Calling for Aid Tbe Total Loss and Insurance. Poetland, Oee., June 7. Late dis patches from Seattle state that the loss from fire yesterday will not fall short of $10,000,000. It is estimated that the total insurance will reach all the way from 51,500,000 to $4,000,000. Already in many places the workmen have begun to grade and to clean up pre paratory to rebuild. Many of the mer chants have secured quarters in the resb dence portion.of the city, and are open this morning with the remnants of their stock from fire. The people have decided to rebuild the city with brick and stone. This decision was reached quickly and almost unani mously at a meeting held this morning. All companies of tbe First Regiment are out guarding the damaged property, and preventing the pilfering of the merchandise or home furnishings. The city is quiet and everybody hopeful. Governor Miles C. Moore has just issued a proclamation in which he says: The city of Seattle Is in ashes. A hurricane of fire swept over the queenly city, and she is in ruins. Thousands of her citizens are without food or shelter. Nothing can subdue the spirit of her people. She will rise again. In her aesoiauon .sue is not a supplicate, out uiera are homeless people to be sheltered, and hun- cry ones to be be i ed. I anneal to the ereat- hearted Tieonla of our Territory, wl cently so generously responded to the. cry of eariea people oi our xemiory, wno as-re ie opl distress from Johnstown, to heed this anneal for aid for their own suffering fellow-citizens. The record of losses will include every business man of prominence in town. It is a dreadful calamity from which few have escaped. All the citizens made a common cause with the firemen in the power less fight It had been predicted by insurance men time and again that the city would some time be swept by fire, and only the wind from the north and north east, which kept np steady blowing and drove the flames into the bay, saved that part of the city north of Union street This leaves good wharf room cutside of the burned district, and sparing the homes of a large number of the poorer people, who had all their earthly possessions within the wooden walls ol their humble huts. Engines were sent from Portland, Tacoma and Victoria and reached the scene with all possible haste, but on arrival could accom plish very little toward checking the speed of the flames. Tacoma cititens sent to Seattle early this morning large quantities of bread, provisions, blankets, tents and 100 slaughtered beeves to' supply the immediate wants of the home less. . Portland sent several carloads of pro visions, blankets and tents. AN0THEB BRUTAL TfiAGEDI. A Minister's Family Killed and the Honse Robbed lu His Absence. Knoxville, Tenn., June 7. Particu lars of one of the most brutal tragedies in the history of East Tennessee has just reached here from an ont of the way section of Scott county. H. F. Beynolds, aged 45, and Thomas J. Lloyd, aged 21, went to the house of Bev. Jacob Harness, a Baptist minister, believing him to have a large amount of money concealed in the house.. They reached the' house about midnight on Wednesday night and demanded admission. Bv. Har-J nesa wafAway from "home, and -hi wife J and a half-witted sod, aged 16, were sleeping in the same. room. Mrs. Harness, who was about SO years of age, went to the door and told the cut-throats that they must leave. They broke down the door, rushed in, shoot ing, the old lady dead in ber tracks, the first thing. The boy, awakened by the noise, rushed out at another door. They followed him out, and, overtaking him, beat him to death with a garden hoe. Tney carried him back and threw him in the doorway, his legs protruding. They ransacked the house, found 74 and then, to cover up their horrible crime, applied the torch. Neighbors next morning found the charred limbs of the" young man and that was all. The murderers were ar rested in a saloon at Jellico last night, and officers were started to HnntsvUle, the county seat of Scott, with the prisoners. It is reported here to-night that" they were taken from jail at an early hour this morn ing and lynched. The rumor has not been confirmed. ALMOST INCREDIBLE. A Story Abont tbe Extensive Use of Adams Express Franks. Washington, June 7. jA.- curious story is being turned over with a great deal of relish by a few gossips, to whom it has pen etrated in regard to shipments un der a frank made by Adams Express Company for the President of the United States. It is vouched for by one who cer tainly bas the means of knowing all about the matter that the President has recently sent numerous packages to various parts of the country without paying a cent of charges on any of them, each one being stamped with a coupon from Book of Franks numbered "950." The same authority slates that each one of the Cabinet officers has a frank, and that the system of deadheading express pack ages extends to every member of Congress and to many high officials of the Govern ment The number ot the President's alleged frank would seem to indicate that there are in this city at least nearly 1,000 beneficiaries from the liberality of a great corporation which- has its franchise from the Government, and which nets an immense profit annually from contracts with the government. When all the relations of the Express Company and the Government are considered, the story seems almost incredi ble, but as has been stated before it comes from one who has the best means of know ing what'he is talking about and who does not speak of the matter as one who is en- gaged id in a base fabrication. THE INDIANS ARE SIGNING. Nearly Half of the Required Number Hare GlTcn Their Consent. Bosebttd AGENCr, S. D., June 7. The commissioners held another council with the Indians this afternoon. The Indi ans are signing at three tables as rapidly as interpreters can give name and identify them at this time. At 6,6'clock to-night 400 have signed, in-eluding-many prominent chiefs. Ten hun dred and forty must sign in order to meet the requirements of the pill. A Pittsburg Gas Company CbnrTired. ItrXClAI. rXUORAUTO IIS DISr-ATCB. Hakbisbubo, June 7. A charter was issued to-day to the Monpngahela Natural Gas Company of Pittsburg; capital $1,000, 000. The stockholders ore David B. Oliver, H.W. Oliver, George F. Oliver, John Phil lips and Horace Crosby, of Allegheny coun ty, and E. C. Converse, of New York. The Bellevernon district is to supply the gas. Sunday Saloons Id Cincinnati. Cincinnati June 7. A struck jury in the case. of J. H. Wetzel, a saloonkeeper charged with violating the Sunday law, brought in a verdict ot not guilty to-night. i.. -yy-ir.ji - i . iw,!? BLAIELY HALL ,? ZZ morrovtt DssPATOH on'noble JmgtUh deiftit of the furf.urtth aeta remarks on (A JPrinc: of 'Wale and hit family. - ' ?r . Traasient jfiyertiseieflls BeceiTEl At the Branch Offices of TUb Dispatch. For to-morrow's Issue up to 9 o'clock T. yc. For list of branch offlces in the Tariona dis tricts see THlrtD PAGE. - .1. THREE- CENTS SDia Promif Energetic Work f Prevent Dis ease Spreading. WHAT HAS BEEN DONE The State Board of Health Establishes an Office Here. THE SURGEON GENERAL Asked to 'Assist With the Pow er of the National Government TRAVEL EAST IS OPENED. Communication Established With New York by a Roundabout Way. THE PROGRESS OF RELIEF. Money Still Pouring In to Treasurer Taomp son and Goads of All Kinds to the Various Belief Committees More Refugee, Well and Injured, Reach tbo City The Water Reservoirs Not Muck Contaminated Effect of Stopping; Work a Big; Contracts Plenty of Laborers' Iieft, but Few Foremen Chicago Sends a Delegation to Pittsburg to See How Things Are Conducted Here. A large placard, bearing in black letters the Inscription, "Branch f Office, State Board of Health," was placed over a desk in the Chamber of Commerce early yester day announcing that Br. Benjamin Lee, of Philadelphia, the executive officer of the board, had transferred hts headquarters from Johnstown to -this city. He arrived in tkecity atll o'clock Thursdaynight and' immediately resumed operations. The change was found necessary, as there are no less than six other districts beside Johnstown that require sanitaryvneasures, and better facilities for corresponstcwlth all of them by telegraph had to be obfasstyd . There fs GraTo Danger. V "Whatever yon write, couch it in lan guage that will not create alarm," said the doctor to a Dispatch reporter in the after noon. "We are doing all we can. There is grave danger of an epidemic, but to alarm people wonld help the matter along. We have taken and shall take all measures possible to prevent such a calamity, and our sister cities along the rivers may rest assured that we shall leave nothing undone that will protect the public health. I tele graphed the Sheriff of Indiana county to start a posse of men cleaning the streams, and just received an answer that he had 500 men scouring the country along the differ ent streams. Allegheny county's Sheriff is also on the scene with a large force, as are also the Sheriffs of Westmoreland and Cambria. A Great Baud of Searchers. In all probably over 3,000 men are search ing the streams for dead bodies of all kinds and clearing away debris. "My orders to the men are to burn every thing. The carcasses of all 'dead animals are taken from ths rivers, debris piled on, them, oil applied and the whole burned. All dead human bodies are ordered to ba taken to the nearest railroad station and left with the proper authorities. "Last night a conference was held at Johns town to consider burning all the debris. There are a few good houses among the dif ferent piles', but it is better to burn them, than let the pollution remain. I have lull power to order the piles burnt, and that was my advice last night before leaving. I had the power, bnt wished to work in conjunc tion with the other authorities. I have not heard yet whether they set the piles on firo or not, The Hirer Patrol. "Two squads of men are now patroling each bank of tbe river from Johnstown to BlairsviUe. Two mofe from Freeport up to Blalrsville, and two squads will leave for Freeport to-night to patrol the Kiakimine tas; In addition to, this two boats bavo been searching the Allegheny and another left Pittsburg yesterday. ' "We are doing all we can and, if- ths people co-operate and guard in" all ways possible. against the detrimental condition and pollution of ihe. water, all may go well. I have repeatedly urged the people). everywhere on the river to boil the water. Boil every bit that is used; distil or filter in addition if you wish, but boil be sure to i boil and the danger will be gone. The city' , authorities should make this caution plain. . I suppose they have. "We have been using every means possi ble to disinfect the district We use mostly chloride ot mercury and copperas. The copperas is brought in wagon loads frosi a vitrsol factoryat woodvme. Several carsy of disinfectants have been sent from Wash ington, D. C. It is used in powder and ia solution by use of sprinklers as seems best. Use for a Fire Beg4ae. "I aa bow arranging to sprinkle-the . flebnswithdlnrectnts;bysld- of aUra esgiae. j.iw uinareswai win Be a liaia , 1 W2 Bf Tl 7 -J . '." i A.: :..-?! rsi- '. 'Xv-:Ktf- .-JWT.. h T ii -ii r t iffi -ITatnin diutf s s&:3&&im&&?'&? -'. -.sT";: --.
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