A RICH HARVEST Will bo icaaed by all whflj advertise ia The Dispatch. It reaches every borne and is read bv evervbodv. If you are in business let the ublic know it through THE I1SPATCIT. P0RTY-1"0TJETH YEAR. ft flfllMJ SPITE, Dr. Cronin Was Condemned to Death by a Faction of it the Clan-Na-Gael. fTHE FIRST TO BE KILLED. But a dumber of Other Prominent Irishmen Are Marked. CHICAGO POLICE TRACING ALL CLUES. King; Arrested nnd Ice Dealer Snlllvan Re porlcd In Custody The Testimony of Le Caron, the British Spy, Convicted the Doctor Half a Dozen of HU Frlcnds.to Follow nini Hyncs, Father Gleaaon, Captain O'Connor, John Devoy nnd Two Others on the Fatnl List Immense Fn ncrnl of the Martyred Doctor The Chi cbeo Authorities Determined to see Justice Done. The latent developments in the Dr. Cronin tragedy are very Sensational. It is now urged that not only was he tried, convicted, found guilty of treason to the Clan-Na-Gael and murdered by a committee of that society selected by secret ballot, but that a number of other prominent Irishmen were convicted and "sentenced also, among them Father Gleason and John Devoy. The Chicago police are making arrests daily of suspects, King being taken in yesterday, and, it is reported, the ice dealer Sullivan also. Dr. Cronin's funeral took place yesterday and was one of the largest ever seen in Chicago. Seven thousand men were in line in the procession. rSPECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Chicago, May 26. The police have been put in possession of startling facts concern ing Dr. Cronin's murder., It has been clearly shown toy the dead man's friends that his removal was ordered by a commit tee representing the Clan-Na-Gael Society. Charges of traitorous conduct were pre ferred against him at a meeting of the Clan-,Ka-Gael camp. He was found guilty and his death was 'ordered. The charge was based on the statement of the British spy, Le Caron, that there were four more spies in America. "When Le Caron made that statement on the stand be fore the Parnell Commission he was ordered to give the names of the spies. He said he dared not do it because, if they were known, they wonld be murdered. Presiding Judge JTannen then took Trim into a closed ante rjoni, and in the presence "of Sir Bichard Webster; the Attorney General, who is con ducting the prosecution, and Sir Charles Russell, ParneU's attorney, lie Caron gave the names. Suspected of Being; a Spy. "Within 4S hours after this news was cabled from London, nearly every Clan-Na-Gael camp in America had met and passed resolutions declaring in favor of a rigid hunt for the four spies. Suspicion, justly or unjnstly, was pointed at Dr. Cronin. A committee was appointed to try him. He was convicted without giving a chance to make a defense, and .his assassins were brought here from other cities to carry out the mandate of the committee. The latter were chosen "by secret ballot Positively nothing is known of the evi dence that was produced to bring about the conviction, but it is said on the best au thority that it was furnished by men who were unfriendly to Dr. Cronin. It con sisted of telegrams, letters and affidavits. It seemed almost overwhelming and Cronin Was Declared n Traitor. His death was Ordered under the clause In the Clan-Na-Gael by-laws which says than a man can be '"removed" Tor traitorous conduct. The word "removed" simply means death. Cronin, his friends claim, was not aware of his trial and conviction. He had ex pected for years that his enemies would one day attempt to kill him, bnt when the trial finally took place he had no intimation of it. For nearly nine months previous to the time lis death sentence was signed he has been followed night and day by a detective whom his friends bad employed to protect him against surprise and assault Cronin, however, was not aware of this precaution, because the men who were most instru mental in getting the bodyguard did not care to alarm him by telling him what they had done. The detective would have been on his trail the night he was murdered had he-not Wen exhausted several weeks before. Dr. Cronin Bound to be Avenged. There are many patriotic Irishmen in Chi cago who are not members of secret societies, but who are thoroughly acquainted with all the facts of Dr. Cronin's career in this city. These men are determined that the murder ous conspiracy shall be fully exposed, and that the men who batched the plot, as well as those who committed the actual murder, shall be brought to justice. Some of them have undertaken to furnish the police with all the evidence they can find, and the ser vices they have rendered thus far have been of incalculable importance. It is claimed that the murderous con spiracy would not have ended with Dr. Cronin's death had not his mutilated body been found. There were other Irishmen on the executive list, and they would all have shared Cronin's fate had the chance to dis pose of them safely arisen. It is claimed that W. J. Hynes, the well-known attorney, Father Gleason, Captain T. P. O'Connor, John Devoy. and two others had been tried, convicted, and their death sentence signed. The Suspect Kins; at Last Arrested. A Press dispatch says: Another arrest has been made in connection with the Cro nin murder. The man King, described by the prisoner "Woodruff, alias Black, as the person who hired him to steal a horse out of Dean's barn thenightof Dr. Cronin's disappearance, was captured at 2 o'clock this The morning in disorderly house, arrest was made by de- ;lectives from the Oeatral station, who acted tinder orders from Chief Hubbard. The capture was made with all possible se crecy, an5 King was taken to the Central station by a circuitous route. The officers walked beside King in an easy and natural manner, and succeeded in getting him into the station without attracting anyattention. , Iji a number of particulars King answers the Jescription"givenof hint by Woodruff. When Woodruff, alias Black, first told his story he gave all the since oft-repeated par ticulars as to how he met King and was en gaged by him to take part in The Tragedy r the TranV. It is mystery why King has not been arrested before, though at no time has he apparently manifested any de'ire to leave t the city, so it is understood from the police. The arrest has been kept secret, as it is de sired to confront "Woodruff with King. When brought together the men may in dulge in mutual accusations that will be of interest King was the husband of a notorious wom an who died not long ago, and has asso ciated with the criminal or quasi-criminals for years, it is said. It has been believed for ome time that, while Woodruff may have told the truth in some respects, he also made misleading statements. In this con nection it is significant that in important details the description of King is defective. A Mighty Mysterlsns man. If Willard J. Smith, who says he is at present ia the employ of S. E. Gross, tells the truth, Detective Coughlln's "Unknown Smith," the man for whom he bays he or dered a horse at the North Clark livery stable on the night of the disappearance of Dr. Cronin, is more than ever a mystery. At the socialistic meeting at Waverly Hall yesterday afternoon L. G. Crowley, who lives at 68 West Chicago avenue, approached a reporter and said: "Would you like to see the Smith for whom Coughlin says he ordered the horse?" When he was asked to point out Smith he said he had been joking. "I don't know Smith," he said. "He is a friend of Coughlin's, and he came from Hancock, the town in Michigan where Coughlin says the Smith once lived. I think that Coughlin just happened to think of this man's name when he was forced to find some one. But I know the Smith Was not concerned in the matter, that he did not get a horse, and that he has not been to New Mexico." smith Seen and Interviewed. An effort to discover and talk with Mr. Smith finally resulted in his being caught just as he was about to leave the meeting. At first he refused to say anything, and was inclined to look upon the matter as a good joke. "I hare heard enough of this story," he finally said," "and Dai) is in enough trouble now. I don'f know anything about the white horse. Several of my friends have been talking this way, and I want it stopped. 'I am going to see Chief Hubbard about it." "Why are you going to see him?" "Because I want him to know I had noth ing to do with Dr. Cronin's disappearance. I don't think anyone has a right, because a horse was engaged for a man named Smith, to have me in mind, and that is the reason I did not want anything said about it, for Dan is in enough trouble now, without be ing caught in a lie." Ho Knew Congnlin la Hancock. "Did vou ever live in Michigan, at Han cock? " - ' "I did." "Did you knew Coughlt while you lived there?" "Yes." "When did you come to Chicago ?" "Three or four years ago. I have lived here lor that time, off and 05." "Did you revive your acquaintance with Coughlin during this time? ".No, I never saw him until last Tuesday. I thought often I wonld look htm up, but never did until last Tuesday morning. I saw him at the Station." "Did he send for you or toad you any rea son for wishing to See hint at that particular time?" "No; I just went in because I was passing, I saw him again on Wednesday afternoon, accidentally meeting him on La Salle street, and have not Seen him since." smith Not Telling All lie Knows. Smith refuses to give his residence or his occcupation previous to his engagement with Cross, which was entered into only about a month ago. He is an enthusiastic single tax man, and a regular attendant at Sunday Waverly Hall meetings. That he knew Coughlin he admits, and that he was twice with the detective immediately pre ceding his assertion, made on Friday, that the man for whom he engaged a horse was a "Tom Smith," formerly of Hancock, Mich., who has since gone to New Mexico. Smith says he has no relatives in the city and no brother. He does not know anyone of the name of "Tom Smith" in Hancock. Smith's friends say that Coughlin, find ing it necessary to invent a name for the unknown buggy driver, chanced to think of his newly-found friend, and afterward, to carry out the Story, gave the mysterious in dividual not only the name but the former home of his friend. Tracing the Expressman. Captain Shaack, Captain Wing and Lieu i tenant Scheuttler kept their offices, very busy, to-day. They were trying to find the expressman who hauled the trunk and fur niture from 117 South Clark street The omces of various Lakeview express compa nies and the homes ot certain express men were visited, but the right man tras "hhUhttnd. Tt Js th riivralpni lioliof with the officers thai When he is found the murderers of Cronin will be traced up to one week ago. The reason for this lies in the fact that the expressman will be able to tell where the men went to board or room after the fnrniture was taken to the cottage. The cottage was not occupied by them at all, yet they were in the city all the time, and called three times at Carlson's house before Cronin's disappearance. The Most Difficult Task of All. Again on May 16, over a week after the murder, a man called on Mrs. Carlson and tried to persuade her to accept 512 for another month's rent. It seems reasonable to conclude from these circumstances that the murderers remained some days in the city after the deed was done, and returned to their boarding place, or the place where they roomed, on the nignt of May 4, as if nothing had happened, and remained there until May 16. To locate them between these dates seems to be as difficult a task as to locate them now. It was reported late to-night that ice-man P. O. Sullivan, who has figured so promi nently in the tragedy, had been secretly ar rested by Lakcview officers and lodged in jail. COUGHLIN'S WIFE VISITS HIM. She Weeps to See Her Husband Locked In tr Celt -Chicago. .May 26. Detective D; uragniia Etui occupies a witness ceil atythe Harrison street station. No one washer muted to see the officer or talk with him until this atternoon, when a handsome pale faced woman approached the esk at the station and timidly inquired!? she could see Mr. Coughlin just tor ode moment "Who are you," inqubtd the Desk Sergeant, "that you take uch an interest in nimv" "I'm his wife," tearfully replied the lady, "and this," poitfting to a pretty! ffte golden-haired girl by her side, "is his child." A private consultation was held with the police headquarters over the telephone, the result of which was the lady and child were permitted to go down in the cell room. But five minutes were allowed for conversation) and but little passed between the husband and wife. When the woman emerged from the cell her face was buried in her handker chief and She sobbed find cried over her husband's unenviable position. "What have they got papa in that cage for?" innocently inquired the child "of her 'mother. k An unintelligible reply was whispered in the little one's ear, and mother and child quickly left the station. UBOHIK'S FPNEEAL An Enormous Crowd Attends the Obsequies of the Blurdered Man 7,000 Pet-sons in the Procession Prominent Names Among; the Pall Bearers Mil itary Display. Chicago, May 26. In all its details the funeral Of Dr. P. H. Cronin to-day was a most remarkable affair. From one end of the big procession to the Other, through the endless crowds on the streets, among the throng in the great cathedral, aboard train after train that, passing the fatal cottage, sped toward Calvary Cem etery, the dead man's fearful fate was pres ent in every mind. The corpse had been lying in state in the Cavalry Armory on the lake front, the most central point in the city, and there early this morning the mor bid and curious, with the dead man's friends, made their pilgrimage. Armed sentries from the Hibernian Rifles stood, arms at rest, at each corner of the raised platform on which reposed the cata falque and coffin. A crowd that jammed Michigan avenue stood before the armory. The police kept a passage way open for those who wished to enter the funeral hall, and two uniformed riflemen, leaning on bayonets, lent the glamour of their accoutrements to the military air of the place. Their Last Sad Glance. For three hours the procession, in double file, marched across the platform. Ohiy the picture and the big silver plate btt the coffin plate testified that all that was mor tal of Dr. P. H. Cronin was within the cas ket The apparently unending line of sight-seers was turned out at the south door, and few people remained long in the build ing. At last the procession stopped and the pall bearers entered. At their head was Luke Dillon, of Phila delphia, and Edward O'Meagher Condon and John Devoy, Of New York, and Thomas P. Tuite, of Detroit The first three are well-known Irish Nationalists, and the lat ter was a schoolmate of the doctor. Follow ing them came Frank T. Scanlan, P. Mc Garry. Charles Barry, Michael Kelly, Daniel Sullivan, Thomas McEuerny, Dud ley Solon, John T. Golden, Maurice Mor ns, Dr. John Guerin, ex Alderman Mc Aulev, John P. Bvan, John F. Scanlon and W. P. Bend, all of Chicago. They represented the friends of the dead man apd societies to which he belonged. Leaving the armory, the casket was placed in a hearse, drawn by four black horses, end the procession was formed. At the head was a platoon of police, with Lieutenant Wilson in command. Through the dense Crowds on Michigan avenue the procession pushed its way. Marshal P. J. Cahill and his aids rode at the head of the line. A Long; 1.1st of Mourners. A drum corps preceded the Hibernian Bines, with arms reversed, and then came the cortege, with Us hearse in a panoply of black, andja guard of honor from the Bines, nnd the nall'bearers. The Clan-Na-Gnel Guards -inT-frray-Tinifornn-and tri-cororeil'J piumes, ine unuormeu xvanK 01 -me xtoyat Arcanum in its olive-colored suits, and thonsands of memhers of the Ancient Order of United "Workmen without uniforms came next The Ancient Order of Hibernians, 1,000 strong, Several courts of the Independent Order of Foresters, 1,200 in all, and 2,700 Catholic Foresters were in line. The uni formed members of the Royal Arcanum, the Royal Legion, the Catholic Benevolent Le gion and fragments of a number of other or ders swelled the line. Marshal Cahill said that 7,170 taen were in the procession. Beaching the Cathedral of the Holv Name, an immense crowd was encountered. The vast edifice was packed two .hours before the ceremonies began. Bev. Father Agnew was the celebrant of the mass, with the Rev. Father Perry as assistant The dirges of the bands outside and the roll or the drums that came in through the windows from the yet moving procession, threw a shadow of the crime over the funeral vestments of the priests, into the solemnity of requiem and the jdeep re sponses of the organ. v Ont to the Cemetery Grounds. After the church Services the procession was renewed, and the crowds were as great as before. Down State street and Clark and Madison the march was taken to the Union depot at Canal and Adams streets, crossing two bridges en route. Three trains waited for the crowd, nnd 36 cars were confortably filled. Hundred of persons drove out in buggies and carriages, and hundreds came to the Cemetery from the neighboring Suburbs. The people on the ground num bered 3,000, probably more. Heavy black clouds in the west kept many persons away and Vague rumors of trouble may have frightened others. According to a friend of Dr. Cronin there had been a report that the doctor's enemies meant to blow up the funeral train with dynamite, and that this talk deterred many from attending. A threatening spatter of rain warned the crowd that a drenching was at hand, and the trains were soon filled, and in 15 minutes the trains were speeding back to the city. Back, within gunshot of the fatal cottage, whirling past ibe subsequent loui resting place of the dead man's naked body, at Argyle Park,i thundering along within a stone's toss of the finding place of the bloody trunk i Lakeview, the trains sped, hundreds of curious persons aboard strain ing their eyes to the awful spot, and going again over the imaginary details of the tragedy. A SITIVE DENIAL Dr. McCafaey Says the Clan-Na-Gael Had Nothing Co Do With Cronin's DInrder Ko Such Word ns Removal lathe By-Lams. rSPSUI. TELKaftAM TO TUB DISPATCH.! Philadelphia, May 26. Dr. MeCahey was p6ked late last night what truth there wasiin the report from Chicago attributing Dr Cronin's murder to the fact that he had beln discovered to have been one of the "friends" to whom Le Caron referred dur ing the Parnell trial, and that his "re moval" had been ordered by the Clan-Na-Gael Society after a trial at which Cronin was not present fit is a lie out of the whole cloth," re plied the doctor, "and will almost clearly he found on investigation to have been con r.ncted bv an accomrjlifte nr n tool of the men who murdered Dr. Cronin and who think they can cheat the gallows by throwing suspicion upon the organization that is determined to have them captured and hanged. Neither the Clan-Na-Gael Society nor any other society or individual in the United States has been furnished with the list referred to, and when they are it is more than likely that the names of some of the men who hounded Dr. Cronin during life and after tieath will be found prominent in it John Fitzgerald, Liacoln, Neb., and Patrick 'Egan ought to at once stop the Circulation of such In- Continuti on Sixth Fagt, potMrjg PITTSBtTRQ-, MONDAY MAY - 27, 1889. SPILLED HIS BRAINS. Sensational Suicide of ah Episcopal Minister in Baltimore. REMORSE OR UNREQUITED LOVE Leads the Bev. It. Greenfield Schorr Take His Own Life. to HE USED TO PREACH IN M'KEESPORT, tthers He Wis Successfol fn Building tip the Spls copal Cimrch. Bev. H. G. Schorr, at one time a minister in McKeesport, but of late assistant rector of the Finest Episcopal church id Baltimore, shot himself through the head yesterday, and when found he was dead. Two theories for the suicide are advanced, one remorse and the other unrequited love. ' tSFECllXi TEtzdBAM TO TUB DISPATCH.! BaltiMOKE, May 26-Eev. H. Green field Schorr, the assistant rector of St Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church, the largest and most fashionable house of wor ship in the city, committed suicide this morning by shooting himself through the head. All sorts bf theories are advanced as to the cause of the rash aCt, but the most plausible is that he considered himself in directly responsible for the death of a friend. About a year ago ho indorsed a note for?l,O00 for" tt College chum in Mc Keesport, Pa., and wheh the paper came due he was obliged t6 meet payment Last week he received a letter from his friend asking Schorr to Come to SCfanton to fix up the matter. He complied with the request, and alter a friendly Conference it was ar ranged that Schorr should be paid in week ly installments. The settlement was apparently satisfac tory to both men, and the minister returned to Baltimore. Soon after teaching home he received a telegram stating that his young friend had killed himself. He at once went back to Scranton and OtftflCIATED AT THfi tfuitfiBAI,. He felt much depressed at the time, bdt it Was thought that he would soon recover his usual spirits. Last night a reporter calied.on him for particulars of a singular marriage at which he officiated the night previous, and he then appeared in the best possible humor. After relating all he knew of the marriage, Mn Schorr gave some interesting reminiscences of his own career, dwelling particularly on his newspaper experience. He contributed quite frequently to The DlSPATCHTind other journals. It was quite late when the two parted and Mr. Schorr at once retired. This morning, about 9 o'clock) the matron of the school house attached to the rectory called Mr. Schorr and told him that a messenger wanted to see him. He replied that he would co'tne down immediately after-taking his bath. Not a half hour had elapsed when THE BEPOBT OP A PISTOL brought the matron to his door. It was un-' locked. On the bed lay the minister, his brains scattered oyer the sheets. 3y his. side was a bulldog revolver, with which he' killed himeir.yOn the-tabie lay an.pen Bible on which, was a note which read as On the-tabie lay an.flpeir1 .not GO yet. WhCn but lrhfe" was sent to follows: Many will condemn ine, but God will have mercy. Tell my dear aged parents, who lire at 905 Eastern avenue, but break tbe news to them gently. BUrJr ine frota St Paul's, Church, and do not take iny body to the homo of my parents, as it would kill them. Bev. Mr. Schorr had been assistant rector of St.,Paul's for two years. He was 29 years Of age, and considered a man of fine attainments. He was educated in Johns Hopkids University, and subsequently or dained to the ministry. His first charge was in AVilnlingtbn, Del., and later he went to McKeesport The suicide's parents are humble people) the father being a cobbler. A "WOMAN IN THE CASE. The remorse thepry was advanced by "the father of the minister, but late this evening it is learned that there was a woman in the case. This is the view entertained by the police. Schorr had been visiting a wealthy young lady with whom he was very much infatuated. She received him very kindly, but gave him little encouragement.' About a month ago he proposed marriage, but was refused. Notwithstanding the repulse he continued his visits. Early yesterday even ing he hired d carriage and ordered that he be driven to the young lady's house. Vhen shown into the parlor he was Very qniet, but gradually became very violent. He insisted that the young lady should marry him, and threatened that unless she consented lie would blow ont his brains. A WATCH placed OK Hill. He was finally prevailed upon to leave the house, and, fearing that he might do himself harm, the young lady sent word to Bev. J. s. ju. Mouges, rector Of St Paul's, informing him of his assistant's behavior, and advising him to kfeptt natch on him. Dr. Hodges had ho idea he would carry out his threat, but thought he might create a scene in chhrch, so he asked the officer bu the beat to watch for Mr. Schorr in the morning, and in case he made lis appear ance at church to advise him to return to his room. But Mr. Schorr did not turn up, and when next Dr, Hodges heard from him he was dead. His father, however, declines to believe the love theory, and insists that his son's death was due to remorse. A SUCCESSFDIi PASIOR, Bishop Whitehead Says Mr. Schorr's minis try at McKeesport Was Satisfactory. Eev. H. Greenfield Schorr was for three years a pastor of the Episcopal Church at McKeesport. A call was made at the residence of the Bight Bev. Bishop Whitehead last evening in regard to Mr. Schorr, and from facts ob tained there it appears that the gentleman's work among the McKeesport congregation was very successful, a new church edifice being built while he, was there. He left that placc because he received a call to a church in Baltimore, and as he had some friends living there he accepted. BOBBED Br BIS NEPHEW, A Young Man Steals a FnelingD of Checks and Money From Ills Uncle. ISFECIAI. TELEOBAM TO THE DISPXTC1I.1 New York, May 26. Speer & Dewey, under the name qf the New Jersey Wine Company, have stores in New York and vineyards near Passaic. It has been Joseph T. Speer's custorn to carry the week's wages for the men in the vineyards to Passaic every Saturday night, and give the money at the depot to Morgan Speer, the 18-year-old son of Alfred Speer, to take to the vine yard office. Last night young Speer re ceived from his uncle a package containing $200 in checks and $60 in money. The checks passed for money at the firm's co operative Store. ' Youhg Speer did not arrive at the office at the vineyards with the package, and it was discovered in a few hours that, he, in Company with Thomas Hoffmftn, aged 16, and a boy nimed Hunt, 15 years old, had run ofLwith it The Delise fere htetlift fa J the culprits. A T1YID IMAGINATION Leads a Pastor Into Difficulties lie Says t He Saw White-Robed Angels In a , Death Cbnmber--tiI Belief i Cannot ho Shaken. rSFZCTUi TILtOBAM TO TBS StSPATCH.t New Ca8xls May 26. Bev. J O. Boh ner, pastor of the German Lutherad Church of this city, has been suspended until certain charges brought against him by his congre gation can be beard in August nexf. The offenses of which Bev. Bohner is charged are by do meani as grave as they are pecu liar. He ig charged with uttering falsehoods, And here is a sample of ode tale credited to him. Two years ago a member of his con gregation died, and the minister was pres ent at the time of death. Later he related to the Sorrowing friends how he had seen the fioor of the room open up and a troop of white-robed beings enter. They stayed but A shbrt time, but Were succeeded by a com pany of beautiful children, who also came into the room through the .floor. He further stated that a .member of the church that Same tight had gone to Greenwood Ceme tery in this city and haa stolen a skeleton, which ghastly relio he brought to the home of the deceased and frightened a young lady Very badly when It Was discovered. It seems that no one else present at the time the member died saw these things, though the pastor's belief is Unshaken, and to the committee of the Lutheran Synod sent to investigate the charges of falsehood he repeated the stories, saying that nothing could cause him to change his mind on the subject Ho is also charged with with obtaining .money from one of the ladies church societies by making false representa tions. President Kttnkleman, of the Synod, notified him of his suspensldnuntil August, but he has declared that he will preach and has refused to give Up the keys of the church, abd this morning held services as usual, notwithstanding the fact that the trustees of the church forbade it. An injunotion from Court will be asked for to-morrow by the officers of the church, restraining him from preaching until Au gust Bev. Bohner says some of the mem bers have been unfair to him and that President Kunkleman'a order was irregular and not in accordance with the rules gov erning the deposition of ministers in the Synod. FISH'S PRISON PARTNERS. Convicts In Whose Behalf the Ex-Batlltek Is Interesting: Himself. rBFICIJLE f ELEOBAlt T3 THE DISPATCH. Nbw York, May 26. Now that James D. Fish is out of prison he says that the first business he will attempt io do will be in the interest of two of his fellow prisoners. He thinks they ought to be re leased. One bf them, Thomas Sheridan, was appointed with Fish, superintendent of the boot and shoe department, and the keep ers say they did their work as conscientious ly as if it was a private copartnership. Sheridan has known no other home for 19 years. He was a war veteran, and while oa the field sent his pay faithfully to his wife. One day he came home on a furlough and found his, wife living with anotherman, with a baby in the Cradle. She laughed at his rage and the mah ordered him ontof the house. Sheridan had his pistol with him and he shot the woman dead. He was sent enced to life imprisonment and has been a model prisoner. The other1 prisoner whd excites the sym pathy df Fish is" a man named Brady, who has been a prisoner more than 31 years and prison 10c some minor crime anu joiueu sev eral prisoners in an attempt to escape. In the melee One of the keepers was killed. Brady took no part in the attack upon him. He was tried for murder, however, convicted, dnd Sentenced to imprisonment for life. Smith M. Weed has taken an interest in Brady, at the request Uf the prison physician, and a committee of ladies are also interested in appeal to the Governor. Fish will probably spend part of the sum mer with an aged aunt living atMystio Bridge, Conn., the widow oi Isaac Denison, a lady of some 93 years of age who is in ex cellent health. LAUEA BEIDGMAN'S fUNEKAL. Impressive Services Over the Body of the Famous Blind Denf-Mnte. rSPECtAt TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCn.l Boston, May 26. A pure white casket contained to-day all that was mortal of Laura Bridgmah, the blind and deaf mute whdse history is known all over the world. She was buried this afternoon from the Perkins Institute for the Blind, which had been her home for more than half a century. The funeral service was simple, and the at tendance was restricted to the pupils at the institute and the immediate relatives and friends of the deceased. They were sincere mourners, add the occasion was most im pressive. The flowers that surrounded the bier showed their love for the woman whose patience had overcome the terrible affliction which had made her so widely known. At the head of the casket was a bust of Dr. Samuel G. Howe, who had been instrumental lu training the faculties which were left to her. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe flhd Mrs. MaUd Howe Elliot, of Chicago, sat with the two sisters and brother who had come from Chicago to bury their dead. The pupils Of the institute sang the hymns which Laura Bridgmau loved, but which she had never heard in song. Bev. Dr. Jutten, the chaplain of the institute, con ducted the services, assisted by Bev. Ed ward Everett Hale, D. D., and Prof. Fay, of the Institute for Deaf Mutes at HartFord, Conn. The burial will be at Hanover, N. H., to-morrow. A QUIET CINCINNATI SUNDAY. Saloons Close Their Front Doors, bnt Thirsty People Don't Sailer. Cincinnati, May 26. With fewer than a dozen exceptions the saloons were to all outward appearance closed to-day. Front doors were closed and locked and blinds were drawn. There was little or no diffi culty in finding ingress to- perhaps one third of them by a private side or back door. In one or two instances a man stood in front and Unlocked and locked the door for the ingress and egrCsS of customers. About two-thirds of those whd kept Open on Sundav are believed to he hermetically sealed. There were five arrests by the police of tbe most defiant proprietors of open houses. In one case the proprietor was ar rested three times. The policy seems to be to proceed against the" saloons only a few- at a time, and let baseball and the theaters eo for the present (Three concert halls are open to-night A PRIEST DlfcS OP OLD AGE. Father llhrdlne Exptt-cs Withont Seeing His Life's Ilopo Rentlfecd. SPECIAL TELEQBAM TO TUE DISPATCH.! New HAVen, Conn., May 26.'-Eev. Father James H. Harding, chaplain of St Francis' Orphan Asylum, died of old age to-day. He was 77 years old Father Hard ing was born at Kilkenny, Ireland, and was educated by the Augustinian Fathers in Paris. For many years he was located at Dnbuque, and afterward Came to this city. The chier desire of his life has been to found t protectory in Fair Haven Heights, where the boys who are inmates of the asylum can be taught trades. After ur chasing Und and partially constructing the building, the scheftae failed for lack of funds. Mpnit A KIOT IN OKLAHOMA. United States Troops Called Oat to Quell the Disturbance. A DISPUTE OVER A LAHD CLAIM Caused a K&w Which Quickly Serious Proportions. GUTHRIE IS BECOMING A TOUGH TOWN. iawl essaess and Critne of Every DeicriptUn Are on the Increase. A dispute over a valuable comer let in Guthrie caused a riot yesterday. One of the claimants attempted to erect a building on the land, but it Was torn down by an exdted mob. The troops succeeded in dispersing the crowd and arresting a ringleader. A number of persons -were injured in the struggle. The condition oi affairs at Guthrie is very bad, tSrCTAl. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. t Gctheie, I. T., May 26. The city of Guthrie is in a ferment of excitement over a riot which occurred at 11 o'clock this morning, in which several persons were se riously injured. The United States troops were called out and succeeded in dispersing the rioters. The particulars are as follows; United States Deputy Marshal Hayes and Ambs Burnet, of Nashville, Washington County, 111.; J. W. Sampsel, of Iola, Kan,, add E. Weed, of Connecticut, are four con testants for a valuable corner lot All except "Weed agreed to leave the matter to an arbitration committee, which by the authority bf a City ordinance arbitrates all such matters. Before this committee a number of witnesses testified that Deputy Marshal Hayes staked the claim before 13 O'clock on April 22. Evidenoe waB adduced showing conclusively that the deputy mar shal was engaged in staking off the claim wheh the first train arrived in Guthrie. This train was not expected to arrive so Soon, and its Coming threw Hayes and others, who were staking claims before the appointed time into a.state of consternation. On May 13 the arbitration committee de cided in favor oi Sampsel, and he was ac cordingly given a certificate. The mad Weed is a professional lot-jumper. He has already been beaten in Several contests. WEED'S LITTLE SCHEME. It is claimed by some and with good rea son, that Weed is but the tool of the crowd that came in before 12 o'clock o n the open ing day. He and Deputy Marshal Hayes seem to be co-partners in the corner lot over which the riot Occurred this morning. In fact the same lawyer represented both men. This morning Weed, with a gabg of carpen ters, began the erection of a frame house on the disputed corner lot thathad been awarded to Sampsel by the Arbitration Committee. A mob of Bampsels sympathizers imme diately collected and began to shout: "Tear down the house, tear down the house.'1 The mob gathered scantlings and drove the Car penters away from the building. They then, raftfefby ratter, razed the building to the ground. The carpenters attempted to begin a new foundation,, but it was soon" torn up by the infuriated mob. Marshal Needles appeared upon the scene and ordered the mob to disperse. They Booted and jeered at him nnd refused d go. Meanwhile a deputy marshal ordered the carpenters to delist from their work and respect the Sabbath. This deputy was called aside by Marshal Needles and con versed with him for awhile, when Needles returned abd ordered the carpenters td go on with their work. AN OBSTINATE MOB. The mob again interfered with the car penters add tore Up the foundation. Frank Loneworth, of Chicago, made an incendiary speech to the mob, which incited a free-for-all fight, in which sticks and stones were freely used. Several revolvers were drawn but no one Was shot. During1 the Melee pickpockets were discovered plying their himble fingers and one of them was knocked down and tramped on by the crowd, and had his leg broken by a falling rafter. Meanwhile the United States troops, un der Cap'taid Cavenaugh, catne upon the scene at a double quick step. They imme diately charged upon the crowd, "who re treated before them like sheep. One man named George Stevenson. Nile?. Mich., re fused to go beyond the cordon formed by the soldiers, and he was knocked down by a blow from a soldier's musket, and his skull was fractured. A report from it re volver scared a team of country horses and they ran away, throwing out of the vehicle an old man and two children. One of the children was seriously injured. The man Longworth was arrested for his incendiary speech and taken to jail. WANTED TO KESCrE HIM. A mob followed determined to secure his release, but Longworth spoke to them through the bars of the jail window and counseled moderation and the crowd re tired. At 9 o'clock P. M., the United States troops are patroling the. scene of this morn ing's riot They are ready to charge at the earliest intimation of riotous disturbance. Denunciations or Marshal Needles' Course are very bitter. They say that two weeks ago during a conference with District At torney Waldron and Mavor Dyer Marshal Needles said thathlS deputies WoUId sup port the decrees of the Arbitration Commit tee but that on this occasion, in defiance of the city authorities decree in awarding the lot to Sampsel he encouraged and supported tbe building of a house ou premises to which builders had no title. The complaining parties claini that the incentive Which actuated Needles in this matter was the fact that a deputy marshal was interested in this disputed lot. They even go so far as to charge that Marshal Needles and deputies and the "12 O'clock Crowd," of which General Pierce,of Topeka, is leader, are organized into a land-jumping ring. Marshal Needles was seen by The Dispatch correspondent this evehing. "Why did you encourage and support the building of a honse upon another person's premises?" was asked by the reporter. SIB EXPLANATION. In answer Needles said that a citv ordi nance' was extant which provided that in contest cases in which adjudication was pending, either of the parties could, by giv ing bond", erect a building on a disputed lot. Weed gave tho bond yesterday, so Needles took the position that it was his duty to secure peace and order by ordering that the carpenters -be not interfered with in their work. Tbe Marshal denied that his deputy, Hayes.jWas in any wav interested in the lot or building the house, Dut your re porter ascertained definitely that this Is not true. Deputy Marshal Haves has not re linquished his claim to the lot t As time passes outlawry in Guthrie in creases. Not a day passes but there are fre quent rows over claims. Guthrie is fast earning the distinction bf being the tough est town in .the Union. Some lively tinles may be expected in future. ' James B.Neale Noralnnted for Jadae. RPICIAL TELIGEAM TO TBS DI8PATOTM KITTANNING, Pa., May 26. Enough returns have been received to show that James B. Neald has received the BCpnbli can nomination for President Judge over M. Ii Iieftson, Efcq., by about 800 majority. IT'S A. SPLENDID MEDIUM. HXING HIS PEKOES, Cliler Arthur, of the Iiocotadtlve Eogtaeers' Brotherhood,- Meets Sbnto of Bis Soys In Scrantod He Has Never Yet Met Mr. Powderlr. rsncclAii TEUtaaAtf to tbe dispatcIi.1 BcbAnton, May 26. Five hundred members df the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Assembled At ID o'clock this morning in the Academy of Music. Chief Engineer Arthur presided. Chief Arthur said that tbe meeting was purely for social purposes, but nevertheless the doors were closed against all comers not members of the order. It was reported that the meeting was held to consider grievances of the engineers on the Grand Trunk Ballway, but Mr. Arthur denied this. Engineers were pres ent from New York. New Jersey and North eastern Pennsylvania. Strange as it may seem, Chief Arthur has never Seen Mr. Powderly, Wr so he stated to a reporter this afternoon. He has visited Scranton several times during the last five years, yet he and the chief of the Knights of Labor have never met. Mr. Arthur told the writer that the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Engineers had no connection whatever with the Knights of Labor, but were glad of its success. Personally he considered Mr. Pottderly's order a great one. Speaking of the-strained relations be tween the two orders daring the South western strike, Mr. Arthur said: "There was a disposition on the part of some Knights of Labor to find fault with the en gineers On tbe Southwestern system because they Would hot join in the strike. My ad Vice was to abstain from all participation in the strike organized by the Kightsof Labor, and to adhere to the contract made by us with the company." Mr. Arthur was accompanied by Mr. Boyal, of Chicago. A prominent railroad man who does not belong the Brotherhood, but who has been a friend of Chief Arthur for many years, said this evening: "Mr. Arthur is a good politician and a capital fellow, and he has got the boys to meet him here so as to have a nice general talk With them. His term will expire before long. I gues3 they wilfj re-elect him, and I reckon that is what he wants them to do." ItURDEEED HIS FATHER-IN-LAW. An Italian Barber Stashes the Poor Old Man Wltb a Itazor. rSPEClAl. TELEGBAM Td THE blSFATClti D2NVEB, Cot., May 2G. One of the most cold-blooded murders known for years oc curred late last night when James FallaCo, an Italian, murdered his aged father-in-law. Three years ago James Fallacd met and formed the acquaintance of Pulize, and fell in loVe with his 9-year-old daughter, and so informed the old Italian. They had some conversation which resulted in the two men entering into a contract to bind them both, and Fallaco paid to his new acquaintance the sum oi $500 for the girl's hand in marriage, the ceremony to be per formed within five years. He also agreed that on the day the young girl became his wife he Would deliver over to Pulize a handsome wagon, and deed to his wife lalf interest in the house and lot he owned. The old Italian was poor and had only what he could make with his violin playing at dances dnd entertainments, while on the other hand Fallaco, the barber, was prosperous. Late last August, Fallaco, at the age of SO, was united in marriage to the daughter, who was scarcely 14. Since the time of his marriage the husband most brutally treated his young wife and frequently attacked the girl's father. Late last evening when the father-in-law Called oa hisdaagfter he was met by FallaCo, who killed hilar on the spot with a razor which he happened to be using at the time. IT WASN'T HEP. BUNDLE. A Wdmltn ACcnsed of Deserting a Babe - Declares- She Is No Mother. IFFECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE blSPAtCn.1 New' Yobk, May 26. Julius Bauer, janitor of the Maternity Hospital, was sit ting at the window of the office last night when a yottng woman With a bundle in her arms came Up the steps and rang the hell. Then Bailer saw her run down the steps without the bundle. Bauer ran after her and Caught a young woman with blonde hair. When they got back to the hospital a boy baby, alive and kicking, was fonnd on the doorstep, wrapped in a shawl. The young woman denied that she had left it there. At the Yorkville Police Court to day her eyes were red with weeping and her dress was dusty and crumpled. There was a good deal of contradictory evidence given. "I am willing to submit to an, examina tion," Said the prisoner, tearfully. "I have had no child." She said that she was a seamstress, and that she had jtist returned from a Visit to some friends when Bauer stopped her. She was frightened and did not know what he wanted, but she went back to the hospital ith him without ques tion. "It was 9 o'clock," she added, "and very dark and cloudy," Justice Power was much puzzled, but held the girl for ex amination. A TEXAS SHERIFF KILLED. A Strong Probability That tbe Murderers Will be Lynched. rSPECIAX. TElEOEAjt TO THE DISPATCH.! Shebman, Tex., May 20. Sheriff May, bf this (Grayson) county, was killed this morning in a battle with three des peradoes he was trying to arrest The mur derers are the Isom brothers. Warrants had been placed in the Sheriffs hands for their arrest on the charge of disturbing the peace. Knowing their desperate character, he took a posse with him and located them at noon. When called upon to surrender they fired on the posse, killing the Sheriff. The fire was returned, but the desperadoes Were not hit. They surrendered when their amu-1 nition was exhausted and were lodged in jail here. The murder caused great excitement and the Grayson Guards were called out to pro tect the jail. The general impression is that the men will be lynched before morning. THE INSPECTOR CALLED DOWN. A Member of the Guthrie City Council De UoaneesHlslteport. Chicago, May 26. J. A. Ellis, a mem ber of the City COuhcil of Guthrie, Oklaho ma, is on a visit here. He is very indignant at the published report made hy Inspector Picklerto the Interior Department from Guthrie. In an open letter he explalnshow the Mayor and the City Council were chos en, and he denies that the question of the legality of title to lots is one for the Council to settle. The charges that any member of the Coun cil wa on the ground before noon on April 23. and thus obtained lots, he brands as be ting false SHE IS DOUBLY FALSB. The Sequci to the Cctebrnted St Louis Elopement Cake. St. Louis, May 26. Information comes from New York that Henry M. Moore, formerly managing editor of the St Louis PosUDlspatch, andllrs. John W. Norton, the wife of the well-known theatrical manager, with whom Moore eloped, have parted. When Moore left St Louis with Mrs. Nor ton, he did it with the idea that as he had caused the woman's downfall it was his duty to stand by her. V Since that time he has had abundant proof that Mrs. Nort'n has been unfaithful to him, as well as her husband. This knowl edge has resulted in a separation. WANTS 01 any kind can "best "be satisfied by advertising m the columns of Ins Dispatch. HKBE- . CENTS' BLAimiS NOT BOSS. S. tT. The Belatl&2&Between Presides ?V.E'A'RafwAt Harrison flis Premier r.-i.1 -.. BATHER FOKMSHD STBAINED, But They Work Well Enough Together, SinCe James G. is Not an Autocrat. tfli NORTHERN NEGROES FEEL NEGLECTED. They Claim Their Southern Brethren Are Gettlaa; All the Offices. Mr. James G. Blaine, Secretary of State, i not the autocrat -of the Cabinet table that it was predicted he would be. True, Presi dent Harrison is apt to take Mr. Blaine's advice about many consular appointments, but he also exercises his own judgment, as have many of his predecessors. Northern negroes are reported as becoming very jeali ousofthe favors which have been shown their Southern brethren in the way of offices rSrECIALTErzOEAUTO THE DISPATCH.l Washington, May 26. While the? President and the Attorney General were o& on a yachting cruise, the Secretary of State and Secretary of the Treasury were attend' ing divine services this morning in ther" church the President is accustomed to at tend. Secretary Blaine has not been seen at church before, although Mrs. Blaine goes every Sunday, and this morning the Secre tary was observed to join in singing the in--vocation hymm His attendance at church this morning may be attributed to the fact V that the rush of business at the State De partment is largely over. There is prob ably little more than he can do in the way of sorting ont applications for consulates. While there is at the Stato Department large quantity of applications for appoints ments not yet even looked over, there is at the White Honse a considerable list of con sular appointments recommended by the? Secretary, but not yet acted on by the Presi dent. The list has been there a good while. Yifi'a but the President has not passed judgment on Mr. Blaine's recommendations. NOT VEBT STBA1NED BELATIONB. This is the foundation for the stories! about strained relations between the two, but if Mr. Blaine's position in the Cabinet were disagreeable, his intimate friends would have been certain to know of it and they have not found it out If ther&ra any unfriendly feelings between them, the President would not have given the second best position in the consular service to a man whose only claim to consideration was his personal relations with the Secretary. That the President should have hesitated some time over this appointment was natural enough. The Liverpool consulate would have been gratefully accepted by men who have been Senators and Governors. The Presi dent must have deliberated upon it befora giving- it to an $1,S0Q clerk who had simply been Mr. Blaine's secretary, for he could have satisfied Mr. Thomas Bherman well enough with a 13,000 or $4,000 place, and Met Blaine could not have complained. BLAINE NOT AN ATITOCBATr The fact tbaMbe PrCSidiaHs giving good deal of personal attention to the con Bular selections, and that he is in personal and daily communication with the Samoan Commissioners, shows' that Mr. Blaine is hot the autocrat his friends wished him td be and expected he would be, but there is nothing Unusual about the situation. Mr. Lincoln revised the dispatches of Mr. Seward, General Grant acted on his own judgment as much, as on Secretary Fish's advice, General Garfield directed the appointment of a Consul General at Berlin without consult ing Mr. Blaine, and certainly selected other Consuls, and Mr. Cleveland person-t ally directed State Department affairs in more than one instance. In the matter of appointments, the recom mendations of Cabinet officers have never been final, and no President has left tho ' settlement of international questions en tirely to his Secretary of State. It is also well known that Secretary Blainehas neither the physical vigor nor the political ambi tion he once had. He is less aggressive and less autocratic than he once was, and Is not unwilling to take things rather easily. NORTHERN NEGROES NEGLECTED. They Ciatia Their Sootbern Brethren Are Cietttng All tho Offices. rSPECIAI. TXLEQBAM TO THE DISPATCH. Washington, May 26. The colored I men who are in Washington in great num bers, seeking their portion of the loaves and fishes, are complaining now that the admin istration is inclined to give all the places to the colored men from the South, to the utter neglect of those from the North. Lynch, the new Fourth Auditor, Spellmaa dnd Smith, land agents, and Townsend, Land Office Becorder, are the colored men who have received good offices up to date. Three of them are from the South, and Townsend from Southern Indi ana. The neglected Northern negroes are) now pusbinz C. E. McCabe, ex-Auditor of the State of Kansas, for the Begistership of the Treasury, and are inclined to make & row With the President if their wishes are not respected. Ex-Senator Bruce, colored, Of Mississippi, was the oredecessor of Gen eral Bosecrans, tbe present Begister. The Northern and Western negroes are) even more dissatisfied with Wanamaker than with Harrison. Colored men in tho South are being appointed postal clerks la large numbers, while the Northern brethren, who cast such a solid Bepublican vote in New York, New Jersey, Ohio and other States, seem to be entirely forgotten. BLAINE'S NEW PRIVATE SECEETARI. Louis A. Bent, of Washington, Bncceeds the New Consul to Liverpool. Washington, May 26. Louis A. Dent, of this city, has been appointed private sec retary tc Secretary Blaine, vice Thomas H. Sherman, appointed Consul to Liverpool. Mr. Dent was formerly private secretary; to Congressman Hitt, of Illinois, and aided Mr. Blaine in the preparation of his book "Twenty Years in Congress." The Bayord-CIymer Wedding. x Washington, May 26. The marriage of ex-Secretary Bayard to Miss Mary Will ing Clymer is announced to take place on June 12 in St John's Episcopal Church, in this city. EXCITING DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES. After a Bitter Fight There Is Some Talk of a Bait. f rgTECIAI. TZLIOBAM TO TBE SISPATCSCt Mansfield, O., May 26 Saturday Democratic primaries were the. bitterest ever held, and the excitement was acre in tense than the Presidental campaign. Much money was spent. The ticket nominated is: Eepresentative C. N. Gaumer, editor of the partv organ: Sheriff, Leonard Tressels; Auditor. John Seward; Treasurer, Henry Lerisch. There is some talk of a bolt oa the headofti tick'et. y c i'ihjttiin' - &. a k, - -& - " as.-vVgattv r t IsssssssssssssssssllMT lir X ITlsilMsWf MssssW TsTTl n IT" T 11 riWiTifl i 'T irrfirr i 1 11 rTsWiiTlMVr ffi ririirfll tTliii MIlirfsssTsTss Ht 1 -flfm iTJ f n a ti 'Tvr it' -X ." . . C'fUikV J- r rV lilflr - Tii TT fT u ,-t... -V . ;Vi ...-? 2J.x 3 3.4,. . g. . . j SBJBJBJBJBHSBJBJSBJBJBJBjrSBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBjagjgBJISlJBJBjnSB
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