W ,- S3" $v $ftt$Mm A IT'S Al SPLENDID MEDIUM. I Will bo reaped by all who advertise in The Dispatch. It reaches every borne and lis read by everybody. " It Of any kind can. best be satisfied by advertising la the columns of The Dis patch. HURVESTJE I you are in business let the !...K11 I nnwU fc.vwf.h Ttt ISTATCH. POETT-FOUUTH YlAIL PITTSBURG. TUESDAY, MAT 7, 189. Tgfil -EE CENTS PURE PERSONALITIES tThe. Basis for Mr. Shims5 Attack on the License Court. Says Judge liite. A COUNCILMAN -Happened to be a Political Friend of the Framer of ' ' the Impeachment Resolution. PARTY LEADERS KILL And Judge White and 3Ir, Shiras Furnish Eacy Interviews on the Subject. The Judge Sajs Mr. Shiras' Move Was Made Because Councilman Schad, of Allegheny, Vas Refused license He Threatens lo Publish Two Letters Sent Him by the Hon, Georce on the Subject In Eeply, Mr. Shiras Defies Him to Print the Letters, and Dares Him to Submit to a Private Presentation of at Least 50 Charges, Any of Which Ought to Impeach flim, if Proven Interview with Judge Ewing He Did Not Want to Hold the License Court An Unpleasant Duty How He Used His Influence to Get a Man a License Hon. John Dalzell Says He Did Not Try io Influence Judge White in License Matters Ex-Councilman Schad Talks Back Judge White in Pittsburg. A series of very readable interviews is Tjrought out by Judge White's return from the East The Judge spoke right out in Harrisburg, and upon his words being re peated to Mr. Shiras, the latter gentleman was equally ss outspoken. A number of other gentlemen were brought into the con troversy, and all have something interesting to say. tFEOH A ETATP COEKESrOXDEST.l Habbisbubg, May 6. Judge J. W. F. "White, of Allegheny county, arrived in Harrisburg from Baltimore this afternoon, fend left at 3:10 o'clock for Pittsburg. He vas standing on the depot platform, calm ind serene as a spring morning, while the moke from a fragrant cigar curled upward from his lips, as a DISPATCH reporter ap proached him. Judge White said he had fc home because he was worn out, and he was now on bis way back to resume bard work. "What have you to say concerning Rep resentative Shiras effort?" he was asked. "It's a purely personal matter on his part," returned Judge White. "Mr. Shiras wanted me to give a license to a man named Scha3, in Allegheny, a constituent of his, and I didn't do it. If I had done so his resolution would never have been heard ok The charges I deny. I never exchanged a word with any person concerning license during the progress of, the hearing, except in open court, and Refined to XJstcn-to Anything after a hearing was ended. I gave every applicant opportunity to deny every charge that was brought against him. "I bad two letters from Mr. Shiras about this man Schad. In the first place, Judge Ewing and myself had decided at the last license Court to grant no licenses to Coun cilmen not that it is inconsistent with the law, but as a matter of pnblic policy. You know yourself how it is when a Councilman has a saloon; it at once becomes a headquar ters for all that is bad in politics a place where jobs of all kinds are set up. We al lowed Councilmen to resign in cases where we thought it proper that they should have a license if they were not in office. "Mr. Shiras first wrote to me from Har risburg, early in the spring, concerning Mr. Schad. He said that the gentleman was a candidate for Council at his request, and Could Do Him Much Good In His Ward, and he asked me to give him a favorable consideration. His -next letter, also from Harrisburg, after Schad's hearing, asked me as a personal favor to grant Mr. Schad a license. Now, I am always willing to do a man a favor when I can do so consistently with my ideas of duty. I therefore looked into Mr. Schad's case. Unfortunately for him, it was reported to me that he kept the worst place in his ward the most disorderly and disreputable. 1 found besides, tbat a year ago he had misrepresented his accom modations to the Court when he said he had 17 rooms. He also made the same statement this year, and when he was on the stand I questioned him concerning his accommoda tions for the public He asserted that he had 17 rooms, and I asked him their dimen sions. At first he said he could not tell, hut when I pressed him he admitted that one of the rooms was six by six, and from four to six of them were six by eight, and similar sizes. fixed Dp far the Occasion. "They wete fixed up for the occasion, of course, to deceive. I pressed him also as to whether he had not treated men to drinks when he was running for Council. At -first he equivocated I don'tknow but he denied hut he at last admitted that he had. It was also alleged that the night before the election Ms son had taken a keg of beer across the Way for the purpose of treating voters, but this he denied all knowledge of. There was also t. witness who said he had stood in front of the bar the aight before the election and bought drinks for men with Mr. Schad's money. He had spent 10 or ?12 in this way. JJecause ot these things Mr. Schad was refused a license, and Mr. Shiras was displeased accordingly." "Ton deny, Judge, all allegations of bribery Jn connection with this resolution to investigate you?" Alt Charge of Brlbrrr Denied. "I do positively, and I have no doubt I could easily have made $100,000 if I had wanted to. Indeed, I heard it reported that U- i.i't- & ' H0 "WAS REFUSED OFF THE MOVEMENT, one saloon keeper had said he would give 520,000 for a license. It didn't come to me as an offer, however, or even an insinuation of an offer, but just as a report. If I had wanted to be bribed the men to whom licenses were refused were just the men who would have paid the money." " "The preamble to Mr. Shiras' resolution says you granted licenses through favorit ism, and that you were seen by perple pri vately on the matter of licenses." "That is not true," returned the Judge. "Why, one day when I was in my judge's room with Mr. Fullwood, jny stenographer, going over the notes, a card was brought in from Hon. John Dalzell and C. L. Magee. I sent out word to them that if they wanted to talk to me en license matters I would have to refuse to see them, and I did not see them. m He Would Not Even See Women. "Lots of people wanted to see me, but I invariably declined. Numbers of women came very frequently to try to get a talk with me. As to favoritism, I refused men I considered among my best friends. There was Fleming, my neighbor at Sewickley, for instance, and a client of my son. There were others I might name. Why, I couldn't do anything else than I did. The law is very strict; the man who is given a liquor license must be a temperate man, of good moral character, and it is made imperative that his place shall be necessary for the en tertainment of strangers and travelers and the accommodation of the pnblic "I found it very hard to adhere to the law and at the same time grant as many li censes as I considered necessary. The first list I made out was a very small one, and I thought it necessary to revise it. I searched diligently through the list, and the greatest difficulty I encountered was to find as many persons as I did who were entitled under the law to a license. In. some wards it was an impossibility. Would Rather Resign Than Do It Again. "I say honestly," continued Judge White. "that I would much rather resign from the bench than go through another session of the license Court Throughout the whole time 1 worked all day, and then until mid night. Often I did not go to sleep before 2 o'clock in the morning. I did not want to have anything whatever to do with the last license Court. In fact, it was arranged that Judge Ewing and Judge Magee should hold it, but ten days before the time for it Judge Ewing issued a venire for a jury for a civil court, and Judge Magee was busily engaged with the Criminal Court I tried to have him put off Criminal Court, but on the Monday before the Friday on which court opened he decided this to be impossi ble I believe he was perfectly honest in the matter, but Jndge Ewing Wanted to Escape the license Court Before I was in this way forced to hold the court against my wishes, many plans were suggested, but none adopted. One which I advocated was to divide the county into three districts, each judge to take one of them, ana thus expe dite the business. I was also quite willing to assist Judge Magee in the license Court, if he would hold it "You say you heard no one except in court Did the Department of Public Safety give you no information?" "The Department of Public Safety fur nished me with information in certain cases which was used when the applicants were on the stand in court That is something like the way it was done in the license Court in Philadelphia. The information to me was concerning places at which dis turbances had occurred or which had vio lated the law in any way. I had requested Chief Brown to furnish me with informa tion before and during the continuance of the court, and he did so. How Mayor Pearson Was Recorded. "I also asked Mavor Pearson to do the same, but the only response be made was a brief note in pencil, that all the persons granted license last year had obeyed the law. In Philadelphia the courts have the active assistance of the police department, and receive weekly reports of all violations of the law." "Then, Judge, you deny all the allega tions in the preamble to Mr. Shiras' resolu tion?" "I do, and had Mr. Schad been granted a license, nothing whatever would have been heard of them. If Mr. Shiras presses the matter I will make his two letters to me pnblic His last letter to me was after Schad had been given a hearing in defense 6f the charges against him, and Mr. Shiras made a great many excuses for him and pleaded I ..!-. that a refusal of the license would be a great injury to himself." Surprised at the minority Tote. "I am surprised," continued Judge White, "that the affirmative vote on Mr. Dickey's resolution at the meeting of the Allegheny Bar Association was so small in view of the cunning manner in which it was worded. I like Mr. Dickey very much personally, and I suppose he thought he could do no less for Mr. Shiras, who is his warm personal friend, and who has his office with him. Mr. Shiras, alsoworking on the same line, urged the necessity of the inves tigation as a vindication of myself. I need no vindication at Mr. Shiras hands, and he is not working for anything of the kind. "I had intended to stay here over night on my way home, but under the circum stances concluded that it would, not be wise. Before I left Baltimore I wrote to Mr. Gra ham concerning Mr. Shiras' motives, and he will probably be heard from in case the matter is pushed." Simpson. SHffiAS IOEBUTTAL. The Gunner Fears His Gnni Are Spiked, hot Declares the Judge Faces n masked Battery He Demands the Fnbllcnilon of His Let ten to the Court. rritOM A STAIT COBBESFOKDEXT. Habbisbubg, May 6. Representative George Shiras was informed this afternoon of wbat Judge White bad said concerning him, and made the following reply: "By force of habit he clings to personali ties. As a lawyer I am not surprised at his trying to silence the guns by knocking out the gunner. Shonldbis shot prove fatal I am still of the opinion that he is facing a masked battery, whose strength and deter mination will not be impaired by the death of its apparent leader. As he ap parently places great stress on the opinion of men of unsavory character and surroundings, he is a little inconsistent in being severe upon the opposition, should, in his opinion, their leader be a man given over to revenge and disappointment. While I realize that His Honor has a decided ad vantage in attacking an individual and ignoring his charges, I am decidedly of the opinion that His Honor is making a great mistake. Given an Insight Into Affairs. "If it is a source for gratification, I am perfectly willing to admit that it was a keen feeling of disappointment over the result of what I then and now consider an act of in justice so deliberately wrong that, however insignificant the man, in the public eye, for whom I appeared, or however out of line with the moral sentiment of bis vocation, it was the means of affording me the first clean insight into a state of affairs that only this personal experience could have given me. "Perhaps if Mr. Schad has been given his license my resolution would never have appeared, but if so it would have been due to ignorance of existing evils, not to any fear of taking such a responsible task in charge. I should be glad to show that I am not entirely given over to malice by declining to notice Judge. White's charges, were not snch a favorable chance given me to clear from reproach a man who left the license Court resting under the imputation that he had kept a low resort and that he lied last year and this in open court dis reputable charge, reiterated in the inter view. The Jndge Called on for Thoso letters. "I not only do not fear the publication of my letters to the court, but I demand their publication in their entirety, together with the nffidavits.therein inclosed and properly marked for filing. If there is a single word or line that is improper, believing as I did that wrong was about to prevail, I am will ing to take the full responsibility. The idea of unsworn allegations depriving a man of character and business has made such an impression on my mind that the whole environment of the license Court, as last constituted, will never be blotted from my mind. In my arguments and sworn documents there is no secrecy. That their truth might be tested, I notified by letter at the same time, B.C. Christy, that such papers had been submitted, ana challenged their inspection, notwithstanding he was Mr. Schad's bitterest maligner in the license; Court A Very Flat Contradiction. "I specifically deny"that those letters con tain intimations' that Mr. Schad would do me good politically, and that therefore he should be taken care of. Kot a word was read other than I am willing to stand by, however peculiar a personal appeal for his vindication may be seen when read without an explanation. In regard to refusing Councilmen licenses, I say un qualifiedly that my. information came tbrongh Harry Ewing, on an assurance from his father that Mr. Schad's applica tion was not endangered by his election. This point I must leave to the parties inter ested to explain. "While my motives are thus publicly impugned, I will still declare that I tried to act judiciously and on proper fonndation. I would have come back to Harrisburg with many signatures demanding "investigation, bnt trusted instead to the conservative ac tion of the Bar Association. I have de clined to be specific in charges, but trusted my responsibility by declaring they rested on Charges of Sufficient Gravity to warrant the investigation if the welfare of the judiciary, the bar and the community are to be considered. That the accused may determine whether, nfter all, lam entirely lost to a proper regard for the position I have 'assumed, I invite him to visit my office or choose any other place of meeting to hear in private and in the presence of mutual friends, over 50 specific charges, which, if proven, render impeachment proper and necessary, and which, if explained, entitle him to the high est vindication that my life and efforts can bring about" THE HOUSE WAS FIXED. Delamater, Andre we and Other leaders Pre vent Mr. Shims Resolution Being Read. ritOM X EXATT COBBXSFOKDBNT.J Habbisbubg, May 6. Yesterday a Presbyterian clergyman at Columbia, lancaster county, prayed for Judge White, that he might be delivered from the snares of his enemies. As an answer to this, Representative Brooks, Dr. Walk and other prominent Philadelphians came over from the Quaker Cityjon an early train, to be here when the legislature opened at 3 7. M. Senator Delamater and Chairman Andrews arrived early, fresh from their conference with Quay, whom they left at Baltimore to return here . The heads of these were put together, and the result was that this evening, just before supper time, ex-Speaker Graham, of Allegheny, moved that the House take a recess. This was carried without anv diffi culty.! The technical point is that had the House adjourned in due form original reso lutions would hare been in order, and Rep resentative Shiras could hare introduced his resolution to Investigate Judge White. By taking, a recess the House technically contiuued the afternoon session and abol ished the regular order for the evening. Thus Representative Shiras could not pre sent his resolution under the rules, and did not try, as he knew the House was fixed, against it t The leaders pointed to the action of the mSfcft BwYs S ffseSnS block important business in the considera tion of a resolution that was condemned by those in the. best position to judge of the necessity for it. That settled it. THE JUDGEIS HEEE. He Arrived late last Night and Declares icnhnUcnlly No Rehearing Will be Granted Ho Claims He Did Only His Daty, nod No More. Judge White, as mild-mannered as a lamb, returned to the city after midnight last night. He carried a well-worn grip, and wasvdressed in his usual swallow-tail suit of black. His shirt front was bright and shiny, and showed no evidence of dirt or soot irom the train. His train was an'hour late, and the re porters didn't have more than three minutes to talk to him altogether before he boarded the Cleveland express and went to Sewick ley. "Well, boys," he began in a quiet way, "I don't want to talk to-night, I am tired, it is late and you must excuse me. I really haven't anything to say. I tried to do my duty conscientiously, and I believe I have done it I had no idea my action would raise such a furore, and, to tell the trnth, I was totally ignorant of all the excitement the attempted impeachment is said to have raised. THE LAWYEBS DBOVE HIM AWAY. "I was at, Atlantic City until Charley McKenna and John McConnell drove me away. I went there to recuperate from my labors, and I feel much better, and am ready to go to work again." 'Will you grant any re-hearings, Judge?" ".No, not under any circumstances," he replied, in a little more emphatic tone than he bad used before. "I can't do that," he continued, half im patiently, "It would only produce more trouble and dissatisfaction than ever. I have gone over the list very carefully, and I do not prooose to grant a single re-nearing. I will treat them all alike in this respect." When told that John Bobb, Esq., had gone to Philadelphia iu behalt of the bottlers to raise a point ol law before the Supreme Court that, where u wholesaler produced evidence of Good Moral Character, and declared his intention of conforming to the. law, it was mandatory on the Judge to grant him a license, Judge White replied : "Well, I do not profess to know every thing. The Supreme Court is higher than the license Conrt, and if they see fit to quash the proceedings or grant a rehearing, I have nothing to say to that. I can't help it, and must obey; but I do not con strue the law that way. I think the wholesale and retail acts are to be con strued in the same manner, though the for mer was passed after the latter and is sup plementary. I do not remember now all the provisions of the wholesale act, but take the ground that since it applies to the brewers, bottlers and wholesale trade in general, that it must be construed in con nection with the retail act" JUDGE EWING'S OPINION. He Defends Judge White Sblrai' Proceed- logs Were Harsh and Unjust It Will React Against the L1qaorEle, ment Why Stronp Got His license. Judge Ewing was found in his cheerful home on Center avenue late last night, and the first words spoken to him seemed to be a surprise and almost a pleasure to him. "Judge White will be here to-morrow, and he tells our Harrisburg correspondent you shirked the responsibility of the license Court" "Well (pleasantly), I am glad he is com ing back, and I did not shirk the responsi bility of the license Court I was respon sible for Common Pleas Court, and had a very decided opinion that public opinion de manded that Common Pleas be not aban doned ior two or three months as it was last' summer. My place should have been there, and there I remained." "How about the other judges?" 3 "We had all made up our minds that either Judge White or I should be the man, and I insisted that it could not be me. I "even suggested that grand jnry trials be abandoned in Quarter Sessions, and that Judge White and Magee go there, but that could not be arranged. Another Judge Needed. "Judge White and I agreed that the other Judges had power to hold license Court; but they claimed they had not We agreed with them, however, that they had the power to refuse to hold it if they wished, so we had no way to arrange it, as we knew of no means' by which two Judges could hold twodiferent courts at the same time, since I could not abandon Common Pleas. We ought to have been given another Judge. I have often spoken to our Representatives, and to the proper people, insisting that we had not enough Judges, and that we have the same nnmber now as we had 16 years ago, with ever so much more business." 1 "Judge-Ewing, Judge White says ho was forced to accept the license Court." "He was," said the Judge, forcibly; "he was absolutely forced to accept it against his own will and wishes. He may call it shirking for me to have 'refused it, but I still think I was right in continuing Com mon Pleas Then public good and heavy lists demanded it. I do not blame him at all for saying that I shirked, for the man's temper has been sorely tried, and, in addi tion to that, the responsibility and worry of that license Court has broken down his health. Trao Manly Sympathy. "I was afraid he would not have strength to carry it throngh, and advised him to go away atonce for a few weeks' rest, and he took my advice, only to be called back by this miserable affair. The people who Bay he ran away don't know the man, or they would never charge such a conscientious, upright man with running away from a field where he had merely performed his duty. "And another reason why we wished him to hold License Court, we fejt that he had given the subject more attention and more study than the rest.-and was conseanentlv more fitted to perform this duty. "Not one of us was willing to bold that court and Judge White least of all; that is the plain trnth. Had I foreseen, however, the unjust abuse that was to be heaped upon him alone, I wonld have taken a dlfierent course, though at that time I myself was ill from overwork, and feared I should break down at the wrong time." Criticizing, Mr. Shiras. "And what do yon think of these Shiras proceedings in Harrisburg?" The question was put plumply, and the answer was a lit tle delayed, but when it did come it came without anv evasion, was right to the point, and was delivered with the solemnity of a sentence: "It was a harsh, ill-judged, unnecessary and unjust proceeding, and I am sorry that it has come irom Mr. Shiras. If it had to come, it ought to have come, and would have come lar more gracefully from some indifferent man. "The movement was certainly intended to affect and intimidate the judgesTn other cities,' and especially' the judges fn Pitts- (.Continued m Eighth Page.) QUAY IS NOT POSTED On the Stains of Prospective Appoint ments in Pennsylvania. HIS 10KG TALK WITH HARRISON Develops Nothing Tangible About the Pittsburg Posloffice Fight. ' A LOT OP APPOINTMENTS PENDING, Among Which, It Is Erpected, Will bo a large Homier of Consulates. Senator Quay called on the President yesterday, and had a long talk with him, but afterward declared nothing had been said about Pennsylvania appointments. He also said he couldn't tell when the promised "something to drop" might be expected in Pittsburg. . , fSriCUU. TXLXOBAMTO TUB DI8PATCH.3 Washington, May 6. Senator Quay dropped into the city late last evening from Harrisburg, had a good night's rest at Chamberlain's, called early this morning upon the President and spent more than an hour in close consultation with His Excel lency. Then he called at the Department of Justice, made a short visit there, and after that spent some time with Private Sec retary leach in his room at the Capitol. About 3 o'clock in the alternoon he took his two daughters, who are here at school, out for a drive, taking in the Virginia shore and Arlington, and didn't return until 6 o'clock. The Senator said this evening that he did not mention the Pittsburg appointments to the President and that he could not say when any important offices in Pennsylvania nuum ue miea. HE COULDN'T GET AWAY. It was the intention of Senator Quay, when he came here, to remain only for the day and go to Philadelphia this evening, but on acconnt of the many who wished to see him he deferred his departure until to morrow. His rooms were crowded this evening by personal friends, applicants for office and-department employes seeking a good word from him for promotion. Among the callers were ex-Speaker Meyer, of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, Dr. Doane, of Williamsport, Senator Ed munds, ex-Senator Mahone, and manyjoth ers. Senator Edmunds called to learn whether he had better go to Canada for a season of fishing in the demesnes of a new fishing club of which he and Senator Quay were members, and Senator Quay thought it would be a good thing for both of them. Dr. Doarie merely made a friendly call to let the Senator know that his application for the Montreal consulate would probably be favorably considered. The doctor 'did YOEMAN SERVICE IN THE CAMPAIGN, and is a fervid Blaine man. He called on Secretary Blaine and the President to-day, and is so well satisfied with his prospects that he will go home to-morrow morning. He inferred from the tone of the remarks of the President and Secretary that there will be a large number of appointments for the consular service this week. Senator Quay would not say whether the report that Frank Oilkeson, who was the basis Jf thrfVuction with Senator Sherman, had heen promised the Judgeship for the Northern District of Florida as had been reported, bnt hjs manner suggested that the story is not far from the truth. The ap pointment had been almost promised to a young attorney' with little or no practice or experience, named v urz, on the recom mendation of a few Floridians, bnt Repub lican leaders at Jacksonville, which city BUIiES THE BOOST in legal affairs, soon settled the hash of Mr. Wurz. Then the Republican politicians of the State got into a quarrel," which pre vented any agreement Jacksonville was determined to have the appointment, and outsiders were determined it shouldn't, Had.it not been for the selfishness of Jacksonville the plum would probably have gone to .Mr. Robert Smib, a prominent and able Republican lawyer of Fernandina, an ex-State Senator, who did a laborious and snecessful task in codifying the laws of Florida. But the fight has apparently re sulted in a determination to transfer the friend ot Senator Quay to the land of oranges and hills and alligators. CLETELAHD'S CAEEIA6ES. Secretary Blaine Tried to Bay One, bnt tho Price Wa Too Steep. fWASHnfOT0N, May 6. The seal brown horses which generally pulled President Cleveland when he went out riding, and the cxjPresident's carriage and stable outfit were sold at auction to-day, Secretary Blaine drove up just before the sale, and after examining the carriage, spoke to ex Bepresentative Swett in regard to the victoria and then drove off. He did not, however, secure the Victoria, as Mr. Swett's bid was not high enounh. The landau, said to have cost $1,400, was J soia ior fcbou; tne victoria wnicn cost Mr. Cleveland $1,000, for 485, and the brougham for $460. The 'silver-mounted harness with the monogram "Ot. C." on it went for $62 0. JL miscellaneous lot of stable paraphernalia was knocked down to various persons for an aggregate of $114 36. Altogether $3,043 85 was realized from the 'sale. The only part of Mr. Cleveland's stable while President which was not sold were the horses and carriage nsed by Mrs. Cleveland, which she took with her to New York. POLITICS MUST BE IGN0KED. SnperintendcntMalone Justifies HIsActlons, to An Extent. ISrSCIAI. TXLXOBAM TO THS DISPATCH.! Washington, May 6. Superintendent Malone, of the Pittsburg Postoffice, made his appearance at the office of the Super vising Architect to-day to offer In person some explanations in regard to his manage ment. He had a long conversation thia afternoon with Supervising Architect Win drim, and succeeded to some extent in jus tifying his proceedings. He was admonished that he must allow no politics to intrude into bis management, that he must not interfere with existing contracts, and that in his removals he must make it plain that be is acting only in the interests of bringing the building rapidly to completion. . Senator Gorman's Brother Resigns, rsrxcxu. TEuaiuui to tbx dispatcb.1 Washington, May 6. The trouble be tween the Republicans of Maryland and Secretary Windom, on aconnt of the 're tention in office of Collector of Internal Bevenue Calvin Gorman, a brother of Sena tor Gorman, has been ended by tbe resigna tion of Mr. Gorman. It was received at the Treasury Department to-day, but was not acted upon on account of the absence of the Secretary. Want to See the I. S. C. Commission. ISI-ECIAt, TILIOlUlt TO TjrX DISPATCn.J ' Washington, May 6. Messrs. E. A. Ford and his secretary, E. S. Morrow, of the Pennsylvania Bailroad, are here for the. purpose of attending a meeting of the Inter Stftte Cozaerw Commission .-;- - -' bace pboblem. One of the Bones of Contention in tbe Qoos- tion Expresses Himself Plainly Bev. Pollard'Issaes an Address on the Important Matter, rsrsexu. tzxiobax to the dispatch. l Charleston, S. C, May 6. The Bev. J. M. Pd!lard, the colored rector of St Mark's Colored Episcopal Church, and who is better knownas"theBoneof Contention," from the fact that it was on the question of his admission into the diocesan convention that the great Episcopation secession took place in 1887, has issued an address on the subject .of the race problem which will at tract considerable attention. Mr. Pollard, in his letter, says: Our race 13 now In possession of upward of (100,000.000, but the masses have made little progress. Divide the money in your possession by the whole number of individuals, and you will hare abbut $12 to every Individual. Many of you are living in rented bouses. This .von ought to remedy as soon as possible by pur chasing a place of your own. It is absolutely essential that a larger number should become small farmers, in order to reach a position of independence. The money required to pur chase a house and lot in the city is sufficient to pay for fire or ten acres of land, to build a small house for the use of the family, and also to stock the farm. To the friends of the colored race he says: You wish to see them elevated. Now, take hold of the work in the right way and much good may tome out of it Philanthropic rich men, in addition to the establishment of schools and tbe building of churches, could use their money, and with a profit to themselves. by purchasing large tracts of land and selling them off in small farms of five or ten acres each to heads of families or young men, with from fire to ten years to pay for the same. This is already done to some extent by the whites of the South, bnt for tbe most part they own nothing but the land, and need tbe price thereof to meet their immediate demands, and hence cannot wait long enough to give poor men a chance to settle themselves on a solid foundation. The diocesan convention meets at Aiken, Wednesday next Mr. Pollard, tbe "bone of contention," has been declared a clerical delegate, but it is understood that he will not present himself at the convention, and hopes are entertained that the seceders will return to the fold of the church.. AGALNST THE WESTEEN UNION. Tho Case jUnst Be Tried m the Pennsylvania State Courts. f SPECIAL TZLIGBAM TO TBX DISPATCH.! Habbisbubg, May 6. Judge Simonton has decided against the Western Union Telegraph Company in its argnment to have its case removed to the United States Cir cuit Court. He holds that as it is brought to enforce a forfeiture for violation of the State's laws, it is not a snit of a civil na ture. He, therefore, retains jurisdiction of the case. In the case of the electrlo light companies,he decides that they are not man ufacturing corporations, and, therefore, not exempt from taxation'. The term "manu facturing," he holds, cannot properly be ap plied to any corporation wnicn does not pro duce material substances. Judge McPherson, in the case of the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company, de cides that the portion of the capital stock. invesrcu m us wauuiucburing plant gnu property reasonably necessary for the prose cution of its manufacturing business, is exempt from taxation, but city lots and cer tain other property not necessary for its bus iness, are taxable, it being the intention of the act of 1885 to exempt only capital em ployed in manufacturing. Judgment was entered against tbe company for $11,866 37. The State's claim was for $37,000 for 18S7 and 1888. PEEISHED IN THE HAMILTON WEECK. Strong Evidence That 'Harry Evnrts Was One of the Mining Victims. tSFKCIAI, TELEGBAJI TO TIIE DISPATCH. 1 New YoEk, May 6. A telegram from Corning Depot, N. T., was received here to day, asking for immediate information as to the whereabouts of Harry Evarts, a press agent of the Forepaugh circus. The dis patch was from Mrs. Evarts. It served to confirm the report that Evarts had been killed in the frightful railroad accident near Hamilton, Canada. An investigation was promptly made, and later in the day it was found that among the debris of the acci dent were picked up some cards bearing Evarts' name and a letter addressed to him by E. H. Madigan, also Of the Forepaugh show. Moreover, his name did not appear in the list of the survivors. Evarts was on his way to join the circus for the season. He was a very valuable agent, and, from his eloquence as aside Bhow talker, had won the titleof the "Little Giant Orator." JCwo years ago he was press agent for Sells Brothers' circus in the West. Later he acted in the same capacity at the Court Street Theater, Buffalo; at Bunnell's, in the same city, and with other houses. Dispatches from Forepaugh's people last night strengthened the supposi tion that their agent had perished. LOCAL PE0HIBIT10N IN OHIO. Only One Town of Any Size That Is Still Trying; to Enforce It. , rEPECTAL TELEORAM TO TUX DISPATCH.J Weixsvtlle, May 6. The newly elected Council will immediately proceed to repeal the local prohibition ordinance which has been on the books here for two years past. At a special election last fall the people voted in avor of repeal, but the Council then was dry and refused to take the neces sary action. As a result a Council has been secured which will do the will of the people. The ordinance was never a success, and the people were thoroughly disgusted with it betore it had been in alleged operation six months. Its repeal will leave Alliance as the only town of any size in the State, among those which originally adopted pro hibition, which is still seeking to enforce it. AFBAID OF MAD BOGS. Seventeen of the Animals Iioose In One West Virginia Commanlty. rSPXCIAt. TM.I0BAM TO TITS DISPATCltl Chableston, W. Ta., 'May 6. A mad dog scare, rivaling in extent and alarming circumstances that recently reported from Wetzel county, exists along the Poca river. A dog whose ownership is unknown, went mad Saturday and before it could be killed, it had bitten 17 dogs, a bull and a horse. The two latter animals are dead, but the dogs are running ever the country and serious loss of live stock is expected within the next few days. NO B0ULANGI8T DID IT. The Man Who Wired at President Carnot Is . an Imbecile. Pabis, May 6. Perrin, the man who fired a blank cartridge at President Carnot as the latter was leaving the Elysee, yesterday, to attend thecentenary celebration at Yersail les,was recently under treatment for insan ity. His mental trouble was due to a lever contracted in tbe colonies. Two Prominent Men Commit Suicide. ISrXCIAI. TXLXOBAV TO THX DISPATCH.! Wilkesbabbb,. April 6. M. Huber, a prominent railroad contractor of Scranton, committed suicide last night The cause assigned was financial reverses. Charles Oldenshaw, prominent citizen of Plains, hacked bis brains ont with a hatchet this morning. He became insane fxoia overwork. the fund closed. After Collecting the Sara of 8163,206 for Pnrnell's Defease, the Fond A.socla- tlon Closes Its Books and Cease Its Collections. tttXClU. TZLXOBAK TO THE DISPATCH,1 New York, May 6. The Secretary of the Execntive Committee of the Irish Par liamentary Fund has sent this letter to Mr. Parnell: New York, May i, 1889, To Hon. Charles Stewart I'arneU, M. P., House of Commons, London, England: MtDeabSlr At the last meeting of the . Executive Committee of the Irish Parliamen tary Fund Association, held in the Hodman House on tbe evening of Monday, April 15, it was decided upon resolution to close the ap peal for further subscriptions and to forward tbe money collected up to date. In accordance with this resolve. I am directed by tbe Hon. Eugene Kelly, Presi dent of the association and Treasurer of the fund, to mall to vou the inclosed draft for 111,- 918 43. This sum represents tbe amounts re- ceivedfrom Jannaryi to April 20 of the pres ent year. It has been contributed for the Par nell Defense Fund. The total amount, there- fore, which has been received and forwarded since the organization of the fund, November 28, 1885, is $163,200 18. The larger sum was for the more general purpose of payment of the members and of fighting the big Parliamentary battle at the general election, then impending. We only wish it might be said tbat a general election is once more impending. Mr. Kelly asks me to say that thi3 draft for 21437, Bs Id would be larger only that there are innumerable calls upon our people at this par ticular time, that we have but emerged from the excitement and turmoil of a Presidental election, and that there are many organizations other than this one to which Irish are continu ally subscribing in aid of the battle for home rule. In behalf of tbe members of the associa tion of which I have the honor to be secretary and in behalf especially of its venerable and patriotic president Eugene Kelly, whose name and influence have added greatly to the success which we have thus far achieved, I congratu late you on the triumphs you have won and are winning. I There is a common sentiment, unbroken by Bieu uuo uiacuruant uutu luruuguuui. uid length and breadth of the republic, in favor of home rulo for Ireland. Even your bitterest foes have been at length compelled to recog nize and acknowledge your ability as a leader and an advocate. With a united Ireland and a divided England, universal Sympathy and a just cause, we aje confident of your ultimate triumph; of the establishment upon a firm and enduring basis of a government of the people. by the people, and for the people, in our dear native lana. I remain, mv dear sir. vot ours sin- cereiy. Secretary Irish a tion. J. M. tVA Parliamentary Fund Assoc!- DTJT APTEE A BLACK BBAE. A Whole Neighborhood Excited by the Ap penrance of Brain. rSFXCIAI. TZLZOEAlf TO THZ DISPATCH. Chahbebsbubg, May 6. A bear hunt which extended over three States and terri fied a number of communities came to an end here yesterday. On last Friday a big 200-pound black bear was driven out of (he mountains of West Virginia by a party of hunters and swam the Potomac Biver. Urofn made his first appearance at Williamsport, Md., on Saturday morning and terrified the town, several dozen hunters and packs of hounds going after him without success. The bear then crossed Mason and Dixon's line into Pennsvlvania and made his next appearance near Greencastle. Then another big hunting party was or ganized, but the animal escaped the men and dogs. On Sunday morning bruin was seen near several small towns in this coun ty and the whole neighborhood turned out to hunt him. Late- yesterday afternoon he was seen near Qnincy, eight miles from here, making his-way up the .North moun tains. A big crowd of men and dogs started after him. The dogs treed the bear and he w was -finally dispatched alter show ing a great deal of fight. A JOKE ON MAT0E GRANT. His Own Private Telephone Wire Cat by Bli Pole Choppers. rSFXCIAI. TZLIORAit TO THI DISPATCH. New Yobk, May 6. Two gangs of men were taking down the telegraph poles and wires to-day along Eighth avenue, between Fifty-third and Fifty-eighth streets, and the other in Fifty-eighth street,, between Sixth avenue and Broadway. The pole line in Fifty-eighth street is particularly heavy, and it will be necessary to close the street when the pole chopping btfzins. Mayor Grant told Commissioner Gibbens to-day, with a laugh, that his private tele phone wire iad been cut on Fifty-eighth street. The wire runs nnder Sixth avenue to Fifty-eighth street, where it emerges from the ground and proceeds by pole to the Mayors house in Seventy-third street. CATSOLL MOUNTAINS ON PIEB. Simmer Weather Prevailing: and theFIaraes SpreadinsEvery where. SPECIAL TELXOBAM TO TUX DISPATCH.! Poughkeepsee, N. T., May 6. Forest fires are burning in the Catskill and Shaw angunk Mountains, in the highlands and on the Fishkill Mountains. Passengers coming in on the New York and Massachusetts Ball road say that forest fires are also burning on the mountains in the vicinity of Boston Corners. The atmosphere along the Hudson is filled with smoke, and unless rain comes soon, pilots on the night boats-will have a bard time in seeing their way tbrongh. The weather is dry and summer heat prevails. A large amount of woodland has been serious ly damaged. The fires are on the increase in all directions. EBADT FOE AN0THEB BUSH. The Sioox Keservatloa Land Said to be Far Snperlor to Oklahoma. Chambeblain, Dak., May 6. The bluffs along the Missouri are becoming cov ered with the white prairie schooners and tents of the hardy farmers from Iowa and other States, who have here cast their tents in anticipation of the speedy opening of the Sionx reservation, when they will locate claims in the rich agricultural lands of the fertile section. It is believed that tbe rush to these lands in the reservation when finally opened for settlement will resemble the now famous Oklahoma rush. Tbe land is in every way better than the land in Oklahoma, and the amount is many times greater., GEEMANI'S LirTLE IDEA. Malletoa Slay be King If America Will Pay .All the Bills. London, May 6 It is stated that Ger many will consent that Malletoa be rein stated as King of Samoa, provided the United States Government purchases the German plantations, or guarantees the pay. ment if Samoans purchase them. Germany will further waive her demands for the pun ishment of Mataafa if the relatives of the Germans who were slain are amply com pensated. .Germany will not claim political preponderance. ' AN OLD CLAIM ALLOWED. Money One to Georgia for a Revolntlonary War Debt Jost Awarded. Washington, May 6. The Court of Claims to-day .gave judgment for $35,555 in favor of the State of Georgia in its suit against the United States to recover money advanced to the Government during the Bevolutlonary war. The money had been withheld from the State by the accounting officers of the Treasury as an, onset to money due the Gov ernment under the direct tax'law. PARIS WED' BED i The Great Expc formally Inaugurated Ar Jaze . of Exciteme IMMENSE CROWDS PRESENT The City One Mass of Profuse and Brilliant Decorations. AMEEICA PLAXS A PE0MINE5T PAET. Aboot One Ilnndred Thonsand Citizens of . tbe United States Are Now In the French Capital The Stars and Stripes Float Everywhere Beside the Trl-Color Oars tho Only Government That I Offi cially Represented Exhibits Front Nearly Every Nation in the World Ex. cept Germany. The great Exposition is open. Paris cele brated the event in the most fervid manner, and streets and sky alike glowed with crim son. President Carnot formally inaugu rated the great display. All countries ex cept the United States refused any official recognition, but the entire diplomatic corps was present The American exhibit will be one of tbe leading features, and residents of the United States are seen at every turn. The American jury of art re fused to admit some of the pictures of Whistler, and he had them all entered through the British Committee. IBY CABLE TO THB DISPATCH. 1 PABIS, May 6. Copyright The pre liminary ceremonies to-day had the effect of driving the Parisians to a rather exalted and hilarious pitch of excitement It is so long since there has been an occasion for a genuine and thorough blow-out on the part of the citizens of Paris that they were ripa for a carnival of fun. A slight shower of rain had no effect upon them whatever. Until daylight the bonlerards were ripe with a crowd of enthusiastic and in most cases frantic men and women, dancing, singing and shouting in a way that sug gested pandemonium. Wherever a man with a fiddle, hand organ, fife, harp or any other instrument that prodnced anything approximating music, took up bis stand ho was instantly surrounded by crowds ot shrieking and yelling people who danced with an abandon tbat would have started the ghosts of the old times. Opposite the Doyens restaurant at 6 o'clock this morning, there was a crowd numbering thousands going through tho . most fantastio figures conceivable. Most of them still wore evening dress and the sun light brought out the lines on their faces with brutal distinctness. '1 CELEBRATING VrTHk TESfB2i3Wji,-s, This was the preparation which a large portion of the citizens of Paris had made for the ceremonies to-day. The city-ha3 been turned perfectly topsy-turvy since yes terday. It seems odd that so big a town can, be so thoroughly crowded that new-comers have Jived in cabs, dragged for hours wear ily irom one hotel to another looking for' quarters in vain. But such is the fact. Hotel keepers are charging prices that would abash Bothschild, and cabmen who wond blush to charge 50 cents for a trip a week ago, now look upon ft for the sama service as an absurdly inadequate reward. The Exposition itself is above everything" else ot amazing bigness. To-day the crowd was so great that the people were wedged in like sardines in a box, and sometimes could not move for hours at a time. Carnot, who is a small, thin and exceed ingly unimpressive person to look at went through his portion of the ceremony with the implacable serenity which always-distinguished him. Owing to the fact of his being shot at the day before, he was the hero of the hour, and everything he said was vigorously cheered. StJEEOUNDED BT A, GTABD. The President drove to the Exposition from the Elysee at 1:30, escorted, as on Sun day, by a full company of cuirassiers, Madame Carnot and some others having; preceded him some 15 minutes before. When the President arrived at the grounds few people comparatively had gained ad mittance. It was not until the President and his company had threaded the long rows formed by the two regiments and en tered the Centennial hall, where the recep tion was held, that the vast crowds, helin check by the police and soldiers, broke through the cordons formed at all the doors leading to the Centennial grounds and streamed in masses across the newly laid out gardens. From that moment till the departure of -the official visitors every attempt to hold the public in checK was useless. Young flowers were trodden out of sight, new plats of grass became a mass of mud and millions of small colored lamps, hanging all around a few inches from the ground, were smashed to pieces and no trace Iett of them bnt a few broken and tangled wires strew ing the pathway in every direction. At the base of the tower some tropical plants of rare beauty and value were trampled. AN EXPENSIVE OPENING. In short, the damage thus done will cost the directors of this evening's illumina tion great expense to replace. When the President reappeared a special uard of honor was formed of colonial troops con sisting of Algerian, Tunisian and Annam ite regiments, in themselves exhibits of no small interest The latter are undoubtedly the most curious, being little Mongol- looking fellows, attired in their national costume. Few are above four feet in height but, -. apparently wiry and remarkable for their long marching powers, in spite of the fact of wearing no covering on their feet Whila these gallant defenders of their country V weal are drawn up outside, Carnot having declared the Exposition opened,made a tour of the entire buildings, accompanied by the' ministers, military and naval officers. ,t Though he was commencing to look jaded,., and worn, he continued bowing to the ex- cited crowd that followed close upon him yelling at every corner, "Hurrah for Car not" At 4:45 his handsome carriage, driven by two postilions, wearing the same bind and silver uniform of yesterday's fete, onca more drew np before the Centennial buljd- ing, and as the clocks beyond the trocaderov were chiming the hour of 6r the President J issued from the Exposition and was' con- " ducted through an unbroken line of mili-l4 tary to the Elysee. " DENSITY OP THE CBOWD. The crowd was denser than ever. All along the quays it was- absolutely impos sible to circnlate, and the march past of thousands of soldiers on their way to their barracks intensified the pressure. Innumer able hawkers of lemonade, cream. Ices, oranges and other'refreshing articles were Continued on Fifth Pagt, n VI v . -.3- ,, a. tb .a&jx.. 'fcSto titj&i. tfe k . msm&-$J- 5ft?.i- - i. rw. & J:KisA: &xteit&M &-&1 tvVStfbfaitcS&jfl&fc V..3LvJL wmtnm Dl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers