iRF & ? rx-s -v SPLENDID MEDIUM. W-A- J.O . -SJ,- -r?f2 'Ot any kind can best be . T -- satisfied by advertising la v, the columns of The DI3 - " PATCH. , v PORTT-TOTIRTH YEAB. TCIeverly Turned by the Sly "Schemers of the Stand ard Monopoly. jTHE IMMENSE OHIO FIELD Gradually Bought Up at Bidiculous Prices, and its Product FOUND TO HE EEFLNABLE. A Story of High-Handed Double Dealing and Hypocrisy With out a Parallel. LIMA OIL LOSES ITS BAD ODOR The Moment the Octopus Wants to Pit it Against the Pennsylvania Product and PIPE IT FROM CHICAGO TO SEW TORE Eoir the Ohio and Pennsylvania Fields Will be Joined Orders for Many Miles of Pipe Reservoir for millions of Barrels of Oil Under War The Largest He nneries In the World to be Bnllt A Re markablo Statement From a Source That, It Is Claimed, Is Reliable. The odor so mysteriously discovered to bang over Lima oil two years ago, is now said to hare almost as strangely and sud denly disappeared. The reason for this modem magician's work is told in a Chi cago special to The Dispatch. The Stand ard Oil Company, having obtained nearly all of the Ohio oil territory at ruinously low, loud-smelling prices, is now preparing to pipeOhio oil everywhere in competition with the more expensivcand desirable Pennsyl vania product. In some strange manner it has discovered a way in which to perfectly refine Ohio oil. Four hundred miles of eight-inch pipe have been ordered, it is said, and the Ohio and Pennsylvania fields are to be connected. The largest refineries in the world at Lima and Chicago, are to com plete the greatest scheme of all 'the great schemes of this gigantic monopoly. rSTECTAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.l -Chicago, April 16 "When oil was ac cidentally discovered while drilling for gas in the broad level fields of Ohio three yeqrs ago, it was confidently believed that the problem of supplying the constantlv and rapidly increasing demand for petroleum products at low prices bad been solved. The production of the Pennsylvania fields had ihen fallen to a point far short of the con sumption, and the discovery of the new fields changed the outlook from one of ap proaching famine to one of abundance for years to come. Visions of Solomon's Ulcbes for All. An army of producers.many oi them from the withering fields of Pennsylvania, pro ceeded forthwith to the new fields of Ohio. "Wells without number were drilled, the oil was easily reached, and the quantity pro duced was phenomenal. The market value of the product was 60 cents per barrel, and producers and land owners all saw visions of the riches of Solomon almost with grasp. Suddenly there came, without warning, like thnnder ont of a clear sky, an official announcement from the mysterious realms of the Standard Oil Company that the Ohio oil was not refinable. Indeed, it had been suddenly discovered to be of a very inferior grade. It would give only a very poor light, at best, and was said to possess An Insurmountable Obstacle n the form of an odor so repugnant that it would be absurd to ask the public to use it It was also found deficient in many of the elements necessary to a good lubricant, and was, in fact, unfit for either domestic or me chanical purposes, and, in short, useless ex cept for lueh Of course, the announcement was most vigorously denied by the producers, and the public press championed their cause, but to so purpose. The edict had gone ont, and even fact had to give way, so tenaciously was the "lie stuck to." The Standard Oil furnished substantial evidence to back up its claims by rapidly reducing the price of Lima oil from 60 to 15 cents per barrel, which price barely covers the cost of getting it out of the ground after the well is completed. This price still prevails, and has prevailed for nearly two years. Everybody Too Peep to Get Ont. The effect of this sudden move of the monopoly can be easily imagined. 'Every body interested became discouraged, and with hopes blasted, sought to sell mif, but buyers were nowhere to be found, there being no profit in the business at 15 cents per barrel. Many succumbed to the min ions of the law, being unable to meet the obligations made on the basis of the 60 cent oil and the merits of the case, and wandered away, poverty stricken. Many of tlitm are jid to have returned to the. Penn sylvania fields, with hopes of recovering their lost fortunes there, and it is a matter of regret that this piece of news must necessarily make known (o them the fact that they were not only deliberately euch red out of cood property in the Ohio fields, but are again at the mercy of the great corporation, and pot unlikely to be evicted from present possessions, for the Ohio oil is to be Krficril on nu Enormous Scale, and the Ohio and Pennsylvania fields are now beiug united by a pipe line, and the Stand srd.Oil Company has" bought at a great sac rifice to them, and now owns nearly all X I OIL THICK r ; ' STVafc, . - "fc.fc-tis'aEP - -. , , si of their old possessions in the Ohio fields, and is to-day refining Ohio oil so success fully that it is being marketed everywhere without even exciting a suspicion of a change in the source of supply. All of the bad odor and dimness of two years ago bas disappeared as mysteriously as it came, and the transparent, brilliant, odorless oil of the Pennsylvania fields is duplicated from the Ohio product in the fuel oil tanks of the Standard Company at Lima. There probably was never a more high handed or more successful scheme worked at public expense under the cover of strat egy. The Standard Company not only se cured at 15 cents millions of oil which will be soon found to be worth very much more, now that the monopoly owns it, but by con tinuous discouragement succeeded in buy ing this oil land for barely what it is worth for agricultural purposes. Where Ibe Squcrzo Came In. The scheme was worked so successfully that everybody wanted to sell out and leave the country, and when real estate was suf ficiently depressed, the Standard conde scended to buy, and it has to-day acquired about 13,000 acres of Ohio oil land by ac tual purchase, at an expense of abont $100 per acre, or $1,300,000. This includes prac tically the whole of the Cygnet and .North Baltimore fields, in "Wood county, amount ing to 3,000 acres, and 10.000 acres in the heart of the as-yet-wholly-undefined Lima field, in Allen county. The Standard has acquired most of this territory within the past three months. The manner of working thescheme is interest ing. First, the oil was said to be worthless except for fuel, and as there was no demand for it for that purpose, the Standard did not care for the oil at any price, but conde scended to take it and the chances of cre ating a fuel market for it at a net cost to them of 15 cents per barrel. AH the Ohio Oil Needed at Present. The field being very productive they have accumulated, and now have in tanks nearly 15,000,000 barrels of this oil, -or an amount equal to the whole supply in the Pennsyl vania field, in accordance to the National Transit Company's report, which shows about 15,000,000 barrels in that field, ex clusive of sediment. "While accumulating this oil they have been gathering in the land which produced it, and are to-day owners of territory which, when actively worked, will produce about all the oil that the Standard requires. The fact that the Lima field is as yet un defined is due to the 15 cent oil, which stopped the drills, and now that the truth is known these operations will probably begin at once, and, as in the case of the Pennsyl vania field, be carried on to the uttermpst parts of the oil earth, where only sand and gas are found. The present product, at 15 cents per barrel, averages 27,0it barrels daily, according to the Standard report for March. . At Work Silently for Two Tears. The Standard for three months has had, and still has men in the Lima field, buying all the developed territory they can get at farm prices, and is now about to consum mate the deal which has been progressing since the announcement that Lima oil is worthies, two years ago, building the largest refinery in the world at Xima, and by connecting the Ohio fields with the Penn sylvania tankage by a pipeline from Cyg net, a new oil town in "Wood county, Ohio, to Beaver, Pa., where it will connect with all existing pipe lines leading to their several refineries throughout the Fast. The right of way has been secured and the pipe bonght, and the pumping station at Cygnet is now well under way. This line will be of eight-inch pipe, and will have a daily capacity of about 30,000 barrels. An Absurd Claim on Its Face. It has been announced by the Standard that this line is to supply Cleveland with fuel oil, but the absurdity of the claim will be apparent when the fact that there is prac tically no demand in Cleveland for fuel oil is taken into consideration, together with the capacity of the line. As a matter of fact, Beaver, Pa., and not Cleveland, is the objective point, and the course of the line will be through Bellevue, Norwalk, Grafton and across the Cuyahoga river, about midway between Cleveland and Akron, thence to Mantua, on the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railway, where the existing pipe line from the Pennsylvania fields to Cleveland is reached. From this point to Beaver the line follows the right of way of the existing pipe line. All the Orders for Pipe Placed. Standard has, within the past month, placed orders with the National Tube Works and a number of the leading Pitts burg mills for the pipe of this line. About 400 miles of pipe have been ordered, and the distance from Cygnet to Cleveland is about 100 miles. The contracis call for delivery of this pipe within three months, at points to be designated later. "What effect the building of this line will have on the Pennsylvania field remains to be seen, and conclusions must be drawn from the fact that the Standard now owns its own territory in Ohio, with production nearly equal to that of the Pennsylvania field, together with 15,000,000 barrels of oil in Ohio tanks. It must also be remembered that it costs the Standard only 15 cents per barrel to get the Ohio oil out of the ground. A Great Big Club In Its Hands. . The octopus is now able to turn around and use the Ohio field as a club with which to make producers surrender their homes in Pennsylvania. The scheme does not end with the build ing of the pipe line to th'e Pennsylvania fields. It also includes the building of a large refinery at Chicago, and the doubling up of the capacity of the Lima refinery, which will then, it is said, be the largest in the world. It also includes the building of a reservoir 14 feet deep covering 22 acres, at Lima. "Work on this reservoir is now well under way. There will also be built at Lima, the cen ter of the Ohio field, an extensive paraffine works, boiler works, machine works, etc., and the Cygnet and Lima fields will be united by pipe line. SHERIDAN IS CAPTDRED. lie Is Charged With fetenllng Jewelry From an Actress. William Sheridin was arrested at 1 o'clock this morning by Special, Officers Mulvehill aud Denniston on the charge of having robbed one of the members of Lydia Thompson's troupe. The robbery occurred on last Sunday on the Washington express on the B. & O. It. P.., one of the lady mem bers of the troupe being relieved of $20 in money and a ring valued at $30. Sheridan is also wanted on a charge of appropriating funds belonging to the Union News Company, by whom he was era ployed for a time. He ii also accused of holding up a man in Cumberland, and try ing to rob him of a gold watch and ehain. NEW TOBK IN DABKNESS. Electric Light, Telegraph and Telephone Poles and Wires Cat Down Narrow Escape From Death of tbo .Workmen. New Yobk, April 1G. Chips have been flying in the streets of the city to-day. The poles and wires are falling at last. After more than two years' bickering between the authorities and the telegraph, telephone and electric light companies, the removal of the overhead wires and poles in the sub way district was begun to-day. The com panies fought for delay to the bitter end. The Western Union Telegraph Company, acting like a drowning person catching at a straw, didn't surrender until it had ap pealed to the United States Courts to pre vent Mayor Grant from issuing the order taking down the wires and poles. Judge Wallace's order dissolving the in junction, the Mayor left the companies no grouna to- siana upon, xne poie on me southeast corner of University place and Fourteenth street was the scene of the first attack. The foreman had his spikes on, and in a few minutes, with nippers in hand, he quickly climbed the pole, while a gaping crowd gathered around Commissioner Gib bens, who was on hand, and wondered what was going to happen. The nippers were put in use, and a moment later a wire dropped. This was followed by others until 12 wires had been rendered useless. The work of clearing the pole was accomplished in six minutes. When the cutters began work it was found that, notwithstanding the notices given the different companies affected by the move of the Board of Electrical Control to cut off the electric current, the Brush Company had left 'five circuits in full work ing order. The linemen, however, were fully prepared for this difficulty and wore rubber gloves. As the nippers went through the wires there was a flash that made- the crowd below step aside in lively fashion, and which proved that the powerful cur rents for arc lighting were turned full on the wires. Commissioner Gibbens, who stood on the street below watching the work, became indignant "Why, they want to kill our men. This is outrageous," he exclaimed. "It is a for tunate thing that the inspectors have their rubber gloves, as otherwise the currents in the wires thev cut would have instantly killed them." Madison and Union squares, usually alter nightfall the brightest and gayest localities in the city, 'were to-night in gloom. With in the squares there was no flicker of light, and the tramps upon the park benches were less frequently disturbed in slumber; young people filled the settees, and there were ex cursions from distant parts of tho city by citizens curious to behold the results of the first day's work of axes among the wire poles. BEFORE THE PARDON BOARD. Pleas for Clemency Being UTade for n Num ber of AMcgbcnians. (SPECIAL TELDOKAM TO TBS DISrJLTCItl Habbisbubg, April 16. Thtr applica tion of George Clark, of Greene county, for the commutation of his death sentence to imprisonment for life, was not argued to day before the Board of Pardons, because his counsel pleaded for more time for the preparation of his case. Counsel for Robert M. Geary, of Alleghe ny county, whO'Was sentenced to the peni tentiary for 20 years, found on file a letter from Congressman Dalzell, protesting against the pardon of the prisoner, "because he considered him one of the most danger ous of criminals. B. H. Johnston, of Pitts burp,"whomade the principal argument for Geary, ascribed Congressman DalzeH's course to a misconception of the case. Rep resentative Stewart, of Allegheny, sur prised the counsel for the prisoner by pro ducing affidavits from three of the men who had been robbed by Geary and his accom plices, showing his connection with the' crimes. Counsel for the applicant asked that no action be taken until they had had an opportunity to cross-examine the men who had made these statements. The mother of John Wilson, of Allegheny county, sentenced to three years in the peni tentiary, represented her son before the board. W. H. Young, of Greensburg, to-night ar gued the case of Absalom M. Bowser, con victed of the killing of Obediah Haymaker. la addition to the papers referred to in The Dispatch last week as .having been filed with the board, letters of Mayor McCallin and Chris Magee were submitted asking for the pardon of the prisoner. William D. Moore, who represented Congressman Welty McCullough, opposed the application. B. H. Johnston and W. D. Moore ap peared for Edward Slattery. Mrs. Slattery was among those in attendance. HAD HER HUSBAND ARRESTED, Bat Fell In a Faint When His Trlnt Began, Tcsterday. (SPECIAL TELEQBASI TO TUB DISPATCH.1 New Yobk, April 16. A young woman who said she was Miss Delia Bobbins, of 387 Fifth avenue, Brooklyn, summoned a policeman a few nights ago while returning to hefhome, and caused the arrest of George Baldrick, whom she accused of following and annoying her. Baldrick was arraigned to day before Justice Walsh, but the examina tion had to be adjourned, as Miss Bobbins fell back in a faint in the arms of her mother the instant the prisoner emerged from the prison pen, and she had to be taken home. Baldrick says Miss Bobbins is his wife, and that they were married four years ago. His story is that his lather, who now lives in Pittsburg, was for 14 years a hat manufacturer in South Brooklyn. He graduated from an Eastern college eight months ago. They separated seven months ago. He had lost the means of supporting her properly, and he agreed not to be any trouble to nT, A few days alter the alleged annoyance he received a note from her requesting him to meet her on the corner of a street near her bouse. He kept the appointment, but as he approached, her on the corner she pointed him out to a detective, who arrested him. He says he could get ball if he wanted to, but does not want to expose his present predicament to his friends. He is about 25 years old. ' THE BIG BILL READI. One Point at Which the Pennsylvania Com pany Wns. Interested in Appropriations. iSrlWAL TELEGnAM TO TUE DISPATCH. I HABBISBUBG, April 16. The Appropri ations Committee adjourned after 12:30 A. M., after spending most of the night in the general appropriation bill. They will re port it in the morning. It will appropriate about $6,000,000. The appropriation for the Philadelphia harbor improvement wilh be reported favorably, with the rider providing for a free belt railway stricken out. This action was in the interest of the Pennsylvania Ballroad, and was cham pioned by Mr. Fow and opposed by Mr. Wherry. The appropriation for the publie schools is made $1,500,000 a year. An effort will be made for the House to make it $2,000,000. ' Knocked Down and Robbed. SrECJAL TELEGnAM TO THE DISPATCn.J Beaveb Falls. April 16. At n late hour last night a man named Robert Aiken was found wandering about, bleeding Irouj several wounds. He had been knocked senseless, and robbed of .$10 by an unknown party, He may die. PITTSBURG, -WEDNESDAY, ABRIL 17, 1889. ONE FOE HOME RULE. Tories Astounded and the Allies of Gladstone Delighted by a LIBERAL VICTORY AT BOCHESTER. It Was So Unexpected as to Amount to a Political Revolution. BOULANGER'S RESIDENCE IS .SEARCHED By the French Police and a large Kumber, ofDocn nents Confiscated, Yesterday the Tories were exulting in the fact that they had managed to hold their own in Central Birmingham. Now they are mourning an unexpected defeat in Eochester. A hitherto 'solid Tory borough has been captured for Gladstone and home rule. Boulanger's late residence in Paris has been searched by the police. An American has been acquitted of a charge of murder in London on the ground of self defense. tBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.! London, April 16. Copyright. Your correspondent had occasion to call at the Tory Carlton and St Stephen's Clubs late last night, and found the members in a state of frenzied delight at their glorious victory in Central Birmingham. Visiting the lobby of the Honse of Com mons half an hour later several staid Tories were found at the refreshment bar, also cele brating festively the election of young Al bert Bright. A gentle remonstrance to the effect that they must be indeed thankful for small mercies, seeing that they were so wildly hilarious at simply retaining a Unionist seat instead of losing it, was howled down. PBEMATTJBE JOLLITY. This rooming the Tory and Unionist newspapers joyfully shrieked that the wicked home rule had failed to storm their citadel,and the great British Empire had in consequence escaped a deadly peril. To-night the House of Commons, having adjourned at 7 o'clock for the Easter holidays, your correspondent was deprived of the pleasure of studying at the refreshment bar the devotees engaged in explaining away the real, live Liberal vic tory at Eochester, where the Tory strong hold in the most Tory county in England had been .gallantly stormed and captured. A sepulchral gloom pervaded the Carlton and St. Stephen's Clubs, and the nerves of some of the delicately built members were so strained that they requested the police to move on the newsboys, who, about 11 o'clock, invaded the aristocratic precincts of Pall Mall, yelling special editions of the newspapers containing the result of the Eochester election. At the National Liberal Club over 100. members of Parliament were in the smoking room when the result was announced, and the triumphant cheers with which the vic tory was hailed were distinctly heard in Scotland Yard, near by, and caused a tem porary fear that the Socialists were march ing on Trafalgar square to assert the right of public meeting in defiance of the police pro hibition. A BEMAEKABLE VICTOBY. The victory.a3)3iei8ter-is' the m6re Re markable because the Tory candidate had a long start in the important work of canvass ing, because all the weapons of secret bribery and almost open intimidation were un scrupulously used to prevent-Liberal work ingmen from recording their votes, and be cause the, county oi Kent has hitherto been solidly Tory-Unionist To-day Mr. Hugess, the Gladstonian can didate, polled 1,655 votes, against 1,580 votes for Mr. Davies, the Liberal-Unionist can didate. In the election in 1885 Colonel Hughes Hallett, who was the nominee of the Conservatives, received 1,602 votes, against 1,353 votes polled by Mr. F. F. Belsey, the candidate of the Home Rulers. ANAMERICAN ACQUITTED. He Shot and Killed a Mnn Who Attempted to Rob Him. London, April 16. A'verdict was given to-day in the case of Luke Emerson, of Bowling Green, Mo., who was charged with the murder of a man named Bobinson on Oxford street, in February last. Emerson was acquitted, and was discharged from custody. Emerson, who is a horse dealer, came to England last winter to buy horses. He displayed a considerable sum of money in a public house here one night and upon leaving the place was, he claims, set upon by two men, who attempted to rob him. He thereupon drew a revolver and fired two shots, killing Bobinson, who was one of his assailants, and wounding the other. Emerson's plea was that he had simply acted jn self defense. BOULANGER'S HOUSE SEARCHED. - The Government Using Evpry Effort to Con vict the Ilravo General. Pabis, April 16. The police have searched the residences of General Boulan ger, Count Dillon and M. Bochefort, and have seized a number of papers. The Government lias ordered the prefects of the various departments to promote fetes simi lar to those which will be celebrated in Marseilles on May 5, the anniversary of the meeting of the States General iu 1879. The prefects have'been instructed not to allow public meetings likely to create dis order. The order to the prelects states that they represent thecentral power. Political action is centered in their hands, and other officials should second them. Might Have Been Hit by the Denmark.! London", April 16. The British ship Yandalia, Captain Coonan, from Perth Amboy, February 8, for London, before re ported stranded at Brighton, England, after having been in collision with an unknown steamer,' has been go$ off and towed to Shoreham, where she will effect temporary repairs Another Decision Against Dion Bouctcnntt. London, April 16. The appeal of Dion Boucicault from the order of the divorce court to enforce the payment of the alimony granted to Agnes Bobertson Boucicault in 1888, has been dismissed and the court has ordered that the arrears of alimony be paid. The Times Called to Account. London, April 16, Mr. Parnell has in stituted a suit against the London Timet for libel, claiming 100,000 damages. The Western Union Wins Again. Philadelphia, April 16. The suit of Frank J. Primrose to recover heavy dam ages from the Western Union Telegraph Company, arising from ah excessive pur chase of wool in June, 1887, owing to a mis take made by a receiving operator in a cipher message unrepcated. ended in favor ot the defendant in the United States Court fo-day. .General Newberry's Successor. Washington, April 16. James A. Sexton has teen appointed postmaster at Chicago. ' ONLY THEIR BEYOLYEBS. The Oklahoma Boomers Have Parted With Alt Their Other Possessions Forced to Beg and feteal Lively Times in the Fature. IETECTAL TELEOBAU TO THE DISPATCH. I fPUBCELL, GniCKJ.SA.Vr Nation.LT., April 16. The condition of many of the Oklahoma, settlers this side of the Canadian river is desperate. Hundreds are practi cally without shelter or money to buy food, and eei day men, women and children can be found begging in the streets. They have sold or pawned their camp outfits, and though they are practically helpless they still clirig tenaciously to the idea of-preempting homesteads in Oklahoma. j All they have left is their weapons. They have held on to these through all their ad versities, and now rather than part with them they will beg and steal. They believe that a six-shooter will improve more Okla homa soil than a plow for a month or two to come. A large majority of the men down here belong to the original Payne boomers. They have been into Oklahoma time and again. They are acquainted with every foot of the soil between the Canadian and the Cherokee strip, and nine out of ten of them have not only located their claims but havej oled and staged them off. They believe ndw that these claims be long to them and when the time comes they will fight for them. Marshal Jones, of Southern Kansas, who has been here sev eral times, savs he will have a bigger force of deputies this side of Oklahoma City than in any other part of the Territory. POISONED HER CHILD, And Then Took a Dose Herself and Died In Great Agony. Chicago, April -16. Mrs. Carolina Bruckner, who lived with her husband and daughter at 233 Cleveland avenue this city, was found dead this morning in a partially finished and unoccupied building in Harlem, a suburb about nine miles west of this city. By her side upon the flqor was her 11-year-old daughter, Alma, who was in an almost dying condition. The child, though suffer ing excruciatinz tortures, told the following story: Yesterday morning she and her .mother rode west on a Lake street car to the end of the track. They walked in a little strip of woods, her mother took from her pocket a bottle of "rough on rats," gave the child some and took some herself. Then thoy wandered about In great agony and finally went into the house down where they were found. The mother died in great agony, as was shown by the dis torted features and the linger nails pressed deep Into the palms of the hands. A physician who was called said that the child could not re cover. Charles Bruckner, the husband, says that he had a dispute with his wife as to the dis position to be made of the.child, who was very wild. He wanted to send her to a re formatory institution, to which she strenu ously objected. He thinks this may have been the cause of the fatal deed. A STATESMAN'S CHARACTER, Inspector Byruos Replies to nu Attack From a tievr York Legislator. rftPZCIAZ, TELEGRAM TO TUB DISPATCH.) New Yobk, April 16. Inspector Byrnes said to-day that Assemblyman "Dry-Dollar" Sullivan's statement at Albany, that the police had pulled two ' ot his three saloons in this city on Sunday last because he had objected to a bill Inspector Byrnes wanted passed, was totally untrue. He did not even know of the arrests .until he read 'of thliftvMiteiorlng pApvtvt'S.inX partment had nothing to do with excise ar rests. Then the head of the detective force delivered himself as follows concerning Mr. Sullivan, of the Assembly Committee on Military Affairs and Sub-Committee of the Whole: Timothy D. Sullivan, better known as "Dry Dollar" Sullivan, associates In New York with thieves and disreputable citizens. Peter Barry, one of the leaders of the famous Whyogang, was one of his boon companions. Barrv is now serving seven years In State prison. Tommy McAveney, general thief, is another chum of Sullivan's. Some time ago, when Tommy Nicholls and John Clark were arrested for bur glary, Sullivan tried his hardest to get Cot trelf, one of my detectives, to make it light for them. IN THE EARLY MORNING A Railroad Company Captures the Plincpal Street of a Buckeye Town. IEPECIAL TELEQBAK TO THE DISPATCB.I Zanesville, April 16. The little town of Dresden, 16 miles north of this city, is the scene of a great deal of excitement to day. Three hundred and eighty men in the employ of the Coshocton and Southern Bail way Company, began about 3 o'clock this morning to lay a track through one of the principal streets of the town. They seemed to be under the command of no one, but were worked with such effect that the track, three-quarters of a mile in length, was fin ished by 7 o'clock. It had been the intention of the con tractors to lay the track Saturdav ni:ht, but some of the citizens of Dresden got wind of the affair and nine injunctions were served. The matter was then transferred to the Cleveland and Canton, and men were assembled from the entire length of the road, some of them being taken from Cleve land. ' BUYING WASHINGTON HOMES. Mrs. Zach Chandler and Mrs. Hearst Pur chase Elegant Residences. Washington, April 16. Mrs. Letitia 0. Chandler, widow of the late Senator Zach Chandler, has bought for about $64,000 from John F. Cook, a colored man, formerly Collector of Taxes here, the ground corner of Sixteenth and K streets, northwest. Th lot is on the corner of two of the most fash ionable streets of the city, and the price paid was about $550 per foot. A deed was placed on record to-day trans ferring the residence of ex-Secretary Fair rhild to Mrs. Hearst, wife of the California Senator, for $56,000. Shot on Small Provocation. rSFECIAL TELEOBAU TO THE DISPATCH.! Wilkesbaebe, April 16. Thomas Gal lagher, aged 17 years, was fatally shot by E. P. Wilkinson to-night Wilkinson was walking along the street, when Gallagher twitted him. Without speaking Wilkinson pulled out a revolver and fired a bullet through, Gallagher's neck. The McCausIand Murder Conspiracy. SPECIAL TELEOBAM TO TUE DISPATCn.J WaynesbubO, April 16. The Com monwealth opened the McCausIand trial by alleging that they were going to prove the defendant, James Nefij at the bottom of the conspiracy which resulted in the murder. Neil Gray was the chief witness called to day. Didn't Know It Was Loaded. Dayton. O., April 16. Joseph Heath, aged 18, playfully picked up a revolver,and not knowing that it was loaded, pointed it at his cousin, Miss Dora Webster, aged 16. He pulled the trigger, a loud report fol lowed, the bullet crashed into the girl's brain, and she died within ten minutes. The Insurance Trouble Not Ended. Chicago, April 16. The employes of the Baltimore and Ohio have issued a mani festo stating their position on the insurance trouble. They remain firm in their de mands, and it Is evident the trouble is by no means ended. ffl A UNIQUE BANQUET Tendered to the New Administration by the Chinese Hinister. A DECIDED DIPLOMATIC SUCCESS. General Franz Sigel Resigns His Kew York Pension Agencji HIS TRUST HAS BEEN FAITHFULLY KEPT Governor Bobinson Destroys the Hate-Up ot the Indian Commission. The new administration was last evening tendered an elegant dinner by the Chinese Minister. It was an occidental affair and thoroughly enjoyable. Poor General Sigel, unable to remain in public life with his load of family trouble, has resigned his Pension Agency. Governor Bobinson, of Massachusetts, has necessitated a shift in the Indian Commission by resigning as a member of it rSFECIAL TELEQKAU TO TUB DISPATCTT.l Washington, April 16. The dinner given by the Chinese Minister to-night was in the nature of a compliment to the new administration, and only Bepublican mem bers of the Supreme Court) and the Senate were invited. The Chinese Minister gave his arm to Secretary Blaine, and escorted the idol of the anti-Chinese agitators to his seat at the table, which was directly op posite that of the Minister, each sitting in the center of one of the long' sides of the table. The Chinese Minister sat between Justices Miller and Blatchford, and Secretary Blaine sat between Justices Bradley- and Harlan. The dinner was thoroughly occidental, so much so that the two Mohammedans pres ent, representing Turkey and Persia, did full justice to the wine course, and the Turkish Minister departed so widely from his natural usage as to appear without nis fez. The Persian Minister enjoyed himself im mensely, and afforded much entertainment to the rest of the company. Most of the scintillations of the evening came from him. Observing that the two guests neglected their snipe in order to carrion their conver sation, and that a servant was waiting to take plates away,- he said, facetiously: "You not eat bird, bird fly awav." He in sisted on talking English, although he knows French perfectly and hisneighbors understood French. Be said, in explaining his lingual preference: "I am American. I have beautiful girl, very beantiful girl; she teach me English long time. I speak English very good." In addition to this he explained that he understood English, and had been in England. He was asked how long he was there -and said eight hours. "Plenty." he added; "too much." At the close of the dinner he said to an American guest who had been laughing and talking all the way through dinner, "You not American. American have long face, sit up straight, say nothing, like them," pointing to a group of Senators and Cabinet officers who had eaten their way steadily through their menu withont lookinir ia thaf ri K wA I eft, : exflbanBfng a word wMtfiwyhwiV,'' some cases oecause Tneir neignoors spoKe no English. After dinner in the smoking Toom the Ministers from China, Japan and Corea, who cannot understand each other's spoken language, carried on a three-cornered con versation with pens and paper, for their written language is identical. A BREAK AT THE LAST MOMENT. Governor Robinson Refuses to Serve on the Indian Commission. Washington, April 16. Governor Bob inson, of Massachusetts, one of the Commis sioners to negotiate with the Cherokee In dians for the cession of their lands in the Indian Territory to the United States, called on the President to-day and informed him that He could not possibly serve on the commission. The President accepted Gov ernor Bobinson's declination with regret The departure of the commission to the Cherokee country will be delayed by this declination, but steps have been taken to fill the vacancy at once, so as to cause as lit tle delay as possible. The place has been tendered by telegraph to another gentleman, and his reply is ex pected to-morrow. Secretary Noble said this evening that he thought it wonld be better not to divulge this gentleman's name until it was known that he would accept the appointment. GENERAL SIGEL RESIGNS. Ho Longed to Retire From Office and Em braces the First Opportunity. Washington, April 16. The resigna tion of General Franz Sigel as Pension Agent at New York City was received by Commissioner Tanner to-day. For some time past the Commissioner has had several examiners, detailed from here, investigat ing the affairs of the New York agency. On Saturday last Commissioner Tanner wa's at Jiis home in Brooklyn, where General Sigel cauea upon mm. -ine voinmissioner naa received the report of the special examin ers, and General Sigel called to a&fc him whether there was anything in the special report that in any way reflected upou his integrity. Commissioner Tanner informed him tha't there was absolutely nothing re flecting upon his integrity. General Sigel then informed the Commis sioner that he was desirous of retiring from office, and would at once forward his resig nation. HE WILL CONSIDER IT. Tho President Asked to Amend Certain Pro visions of Civil Service Rules. Washington, April 16. Bepresenta tives Houk and Alfred Taylor, of Tennessee, asked the President to-dar to amend the civil service rules so as to permit the restora tion to theserviceofmen who were dismissed for political reasons by the last administra tion, without -regard to the length of time since they were dismissed. The President said he would give the mat ter very careful consideration. MORE THAN HE CAN MASTER. The New Pension Commissioner Receiving 69.000 Letters n Week. Washington, April 16. Commissioner Tanner, of the Pension Bureau received during the first week in the present month, 60,871 letters and other pieces of mail mat ter pertaining tothe business of his office, and last week he received 69,000 pieces. The Commissioner desires this fact made public, as a general explanation of delays in answering correspondence. A New Candidate for Printer. Washington, April 16. A new candi date for Public Printer has appeared in the nerson of General Frank Palmer, of I Chicago, sLjAHY ONE fesV Who has a good " J B- VW'. wivi. JLfOA. "DATT B1WF -DK.ssKf.sCl A.VXU, ujxaa. vyfy A Desperate- Attempt Made to V V M LAmllncr Tnarltntlnn fit HTtininDtk. V . The Thieves Captured After aV JT Lively Running Fight V SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TBI DISCATCII.l Minneapolis, April 16. A bold at tempt was made to rob the State Bank this afternoon. The robbers were successful in escaping from the bank building with $14, 000 in paper money, but were captured a few moments later and the money recovered. Two young men strolled into the bank shortly alter 12, one carrying a valise in his hand. There were but two men in the bank at the time. The "intruders strolled np to the bank window and in a flash they thrust revolvers in the faces of the bank emnloyes. ' The Cashier supposed the man at his window was after change, and was com pletely off his guard. An instant later the second man jumped over the railing and grabbed up all the money on the counter, thrusting it into his valise. Before either of the surprised bank employes could make a move the valise was throws over the rail ing to the man's confederate. Several shots were fired in the scuffle which followed an attempt to stop the men. Citizens pursned the robbers and both were caught They were James Henry and Fred Douglass. Henry is a young man about 22 years old, 6 feet and shaves clean. He is not known to the police, and they think he is a new arrival here. Douglass is a boy not over 18 years old, and has been employed as a bartender in the city. A JURY REBUKED BY THE JUDGE. He Discharges Them for Bringing In an Unexpected Verdict. (SPECIAL- TELSOaAll TO THE DISPATCH.! New Yobk, April 16. John Berning, formerly a clerk in Frederick Meyer's grocery, at 46 Monroe street, was tried to day in the General Sessions, for selling a pint of ale on May 5 of last year to Fred erick Meyer, a 9-year-old boy, the liquor department of the grocerybeing unlicensed. Detective Cornelius Leary7 testified that he followed the boy into the grocery and saw him receive the ale from Berning and lay 7 cents upon the counter. The boy's blood relatives said the ale was given away and not purchased. The jury acquitted Bern ing after talking the case over for a few minutes. "I cannot understand how 12 intelligent men could have reached such a verdict," said Judge Gildersleeve. "Every fact tes tified to by this officer, who has been on the police force for 18 years and has an envia ble record, is conceded by the defense save one, the sale of ale. To deny this, of coarse, was necessary to save the defendant from conviction and punishment Therefore, the witnesses for the defense had an abundant motive for testifying falsely, whereas the evidence shows that the officer had no mo tive other than to do his duty and to tell the whole truth about the arrest. I do not think that a jury that could substantially brand an old and worthy officer with perjury under such circumstances is fit to serve longer here. X dismiss you from further at tendance at this term of the court." The jurors filed out, looking uncomforta ble. A SEKI0DS STAB - Which May Result In Murder A Law. reneevllle Fight, In Which Al Carter Is Woandcd Dennis Mnher Under Arrest. A. cutting affray occurred about 8:30 last evening at. the corner of Fprty-fifth and Willow 'streets. Al Carter and Dennis MAerrboth of whonrwere intoxicated, it fa- claimed, got into a quarrel in front of ilaner s house. Carter was stabbed in the stomach. He was taken to his home on Forty-fifth street, near Hatfield, and attended by Drs. Camer on and Fife, who pronounced the wound dangerous. Maher was arrested about 11 o'clock by Captain Brophy and Lieutenant Orth, and locked up in the Seventeenth ward station. HE WILL BE PARDONED NOW; A Convicted Horse Thief Is the Holr to a Large Fortune. (SPECIAL TELEOaA3I TO THE PISPATCH1 Denveb, April 16. John F. Pierce several years ago came to Colorado from Circleville, O., after leading a way ward life, which was continued in this State till one day he was found in a gang of horse thieves. Although he asserted his innocence he was sentenced to a term of years in State prison. Last night word was received that his father had died, leaving $100,000 to him. Ef forts will now be made to secure a pardon for him. FORTY GAS WELLS, And Yet a Party of Drillers Has Returned Home Disgusted. A party of men took passage on the A V. B. B. express yesterday afternoon, for the upper oil country. They attacted at tention at the Union depot by their rugged ap pearance. They were oil and gas well drillers. George Marth ens, one of their number, said: "We have jnst arrived from .the natural gas region of the lake shore. That is. the people np there call it a region.' bat I don't Thus far 40 wells have been nored alon; the sboro of Lake Erie between Erie and Cleveland, and none of them are what we wonld call good. Very few produce enough eas to pay for the expense of drilling. That is wby we left there." MATRIMONY UNDER DIFFICULTIES. A Case of Black-and-white That Ended With Some Trouble. Washington Alexander, an African and Ida Hison, a Caucasian, got a marriage license and adjourned to the residence of William Johnson, on Jones avenne. The col ored population gave a demonstration in honor of the event, and Johnson waxed very wroth and charged the crowd. A colored policeman named S. H. Brown quelled the fight by put ting Johnson and his prospective bride in the Twelfth ward stat'on. At the morning bearing yesterday Johnson was fined 810 and, costs and Ida $3 and costs by Judge UcKenna. Bonnd. Gagged and Assaulted. Mrs. Mary Sholes entered a serious charge against WiUiam Hlckey and John Orgill be fore Alderman Porter 'yesterday. The prose cutrix lives on Laurel avenue, and has a fami ly. Her husband has been dead for some time past She alleges that Saturday night last her bouse was forced open and the defend ants found their way to her room, the door of which they broke open. She was seized by the men; gagged and bound band and foot and dreadfully assaulted. The men are in enstody. She Will Risk the Grand Jury. Alice Hamilton, of 58 Second avenue, charged by Georgie Francis with keeping u disorderly house, selling liquor withont a license and sell ing on Sunday, waived a hearing before Judge Gnpp yesterday and -gave bail for court in $1,500. Probnbly Blood Poisoning. Chris. Weyand, a tinner of Sarah street, Southslde, has sustained a cut fn one of his legs by a piece of rnsty tin. A physician has sewed the wound up, but expresses fears that blood poisoning may set it The Stock Is Secured. The stock of $200,000 for the new Southslde bank the Germanla National has been raised, and the stockholders will meet In a f eV days to formally organize and select the site. Wlthcrow Resting Easy. The man vViiherow, who was shot Monday noon by Daniel Davis, is resting easy at the Homeopathic Hospital. Davis -was tent to jail yesterday, 5J 4e9s, MVd!ii. SIPX CAM WAKE.IBONEY article to seui and who adver- tlses vigorously and liberally; Aavernsins is , truly the life of trade. All enterprising and Judicious advertisers succeed. THREE OENTS PLATE GLnSSWEALTi It Figured in, a Big Deal Con-fl summated in This City , Yesterday. THE. SUM OF $1,500,000)4 Paid for the Purchase of the largi uj lYorKsat-iora uiy, BY THE PITTSBUEG PLATE GLASS CO.-' The Greatest Plate Glass Corporatlsn la tbo World Formed Its Output of 500,- . OOO Feet Per Moatk Cannot bo Beaten j In France, England or Belgium An In dustry MarveIoaly Developed ia Eight Jm Years Bow Natural Gas Has Helped Mm tho Glass Men. The purchase of an additional plant by the Pittsburg Plate Glass Company, yester day, for $1,500,000, completes the formation of the greatest producing company of plate glass in the whole world. How an industry, scarcely eight years old, succeeded in not only building up the Allegheny valley, but , in driving France and England out of ' the -' American markets, is a story full of in terest One of the largest deals ever known in this city was consummated in the parlors of the Monongahela House at noon yesterday. Plate glass and shining dollars brought it about. Between 50 and 60 persons attended the meeting. They were stockholders in the Pittsburg Plate Glass Company, and were assembled there to decideupon a propo sition to'purchase the Ford City Plate Glass Works; near Kittanning. It abpeaxs that negotiations have bees goin.on quietly for more than a month. On March 9 the stockholders got a special car and visited the Ford Cityw orks. - From there they went to their own works at Creightontand discussed the proposition to buy at length. Nothing as to terms could then be agreed upon, and the meeting ad journed until yesterday at the Mononga hela House. After a thoughtful and frank discussion at this meeting, it was finally decided to purchase the Ford City establishment, and $1,500,000 was agreed upon as the price. There were but few dissenting votes. WHATT 2IEANS. Captain J. B. Ford, of Tarentum, his two sons and Messrs. J. and A. Pitcairn were owners of the Ford City works. These two . families are also the heaviest stockholders in the Pittsburg Plate Glass Company, con trolling 75 per cent of the stock of that cor poration? This company operates the two great plate glass factories adjoining' each other at Greighton and, Tarentum ontne" west Pcnn Railroad, and although the Ford City works is on the opposite side of the river, 20 miles.farther up the A. V.. B. E., it was found that a "great saving conld be effected by having all three establish ments under one management A consoli dation could not be effected, so it was nece's- stockholders to a format purchase of tho third rilfint The purchase of the third plant necessi-'3 tales an increase in the capital stock of the Pittsburg Company, and swells it to a total "S of $2,750,000. John Scott, President of the. 1 .- v xv. xv., nun ujeu recently was one oi the directors of the Pittsburg Plate Glas3 Company, and an election will be held shortly to fill his place. Edward Ford is President of the combined company, .J F. a Scott, Treasurer, and E. L. Ford, J. Pit-"J cairn and A. Pitcairn the other directors. Jl Captain Ford is represented by bis sons in ,- the directory. The details of the deal will be finished up at once. f IJIPOBTANCE OF THE SEAL. The transaction of vesterdav makes the production of the Pittsburg company greater ' tnan any otner plate glass worss in the world. There is no concern in England, France or Belgium which can approach it With its three factories the Pittsburg Com pany now produces 500,000 feet of the valu able glass every month. This output is divided as follows: Creighton, 100,000 feet; Tarentum, 150,000 feet; Ford City, 230,000 feet Since starting up the company's pro duction has not varied 5,000 feet in. a year, so that the above figures are actually -what was accomplished. Srch an enormous output of glass, so heavy and costly as plate, can scarcely be realized at first .thought With the three factories combined the corporation now em ploys from 2,000 to 2,600 men, boys and girls. The works at Ford City cover 25 acres of ground; at Tarentum. 9 acres: at Creighton, 7 acres. The Allegheny river J itself has been made tributary to the indus try, the company maintaining a fleet of Bieaxn ureuge ooau uuicii gainer irom me river bed a Quality of sand equal to that taken from the streams of France for grind ipg and polishing the beautiful glass. A MAEVELOUS DEVELOPMENT. It has not been much more than eight years since this industry was planted in the AllpefTienv vallev. Tt ivilnTimpnt iin.A then has been most marvelous. If there isgj such a thing as an industrial romance, then here it is. .trior to that time the manufact ure of plate glass was considered a hazard ous venture anywhere in America. France, had a monopoly on. our shores. Captain "C A T,rl ItA.n THiBnn.natfnl in Ik. business in the West because he wasvthefl first to start it, ana its mtancy was too weak to pull through. Even now there are but' two or three other factories in the United. States- 1 When Captain Ford came to Allegheny) county from Indiana eight or nine years -j ago plate glass was not among Pittsburg's articles oi manuiacture. a or a long ttme his enterprise was regarded with doubt, but his triumph was subsequently emphasized beyond question. Now, beside the three plate glass works J described, Captain Ford's company hasU built 50 dwelling nouses at Tarentum forjj employes; 50 more at Creightont enoughs houses at Ford City for 300 families, whilej other persons' interested in the operation of the works have built 300 or 400 more hoascs atCreicbtou"and Tarentum. There were-i literally no such towns as Creighton, "West Tarentum," and Ford City eight. years1 a?o. Plate ?lass built them all Ford City fi the newest, beingi scarcely two years old. It lies on ibO acres of ground bought by the company. The' corporation has set out on this in avenues two trees, laid out i,wu ouuaing jots ana built an opera house, reading room, billiard hall and bowling alley for their workmen. WHIPPED PBANCE TOO. Ten years back is net so long ago. Ands yet at that time the imported French platai Contlnved on. Sixth JPagt. l M 1 ! A.S- .J . II
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