v ?8ir& a?-- K i . IT'S A. SPLENDID MEDIUM. "WAISTS 01 any kind can best ba satisfied by adTertisingui the columns of The .DISPATCH. PORTY-FOITRTH TEAR. CAST UP BY THE SEA. Many Bodies Recovered at Sa moa and Given a- Hurried But Christian Burial. THE ADMIRAL'S NARRATIVE, He Blames the Kavy Department for the Loss of the Trenton. THE GERMAN COKSUL STILL SPITEFUL Alter the Disaster Admiral Klmberlj's Anxiety Captain Schoonmnker's Body Recovered German and American Me morial Exercises Kindness of the Na tives King Mataafa's Offers-Danger of Fever Breaking Oat The Political Situation Unchanged Awaiting the Re sult of the Berlin Conference Both Sides Armed Boorlshnlsh of the Ger man Officers and Consul. The latest news from Samoa does not lift the cloud of sorrow caused by the recent awful disaster. There are grave fears that the survivors of the storm, who are poorly sheltered, may become the victims of fever if they are not soon removed. Admiral Kimberly, in his story of the wreck of the Trenton makes a serious charge against the Navy Department. The Samoan natives have shown their innate courtesy and kind ness, against which the churlishness of the German officials contrasts unpleasantly and vividly. JCOPTEIGHT, 1883, BT XEW TORE ASSOCIATED PHESS.1 Apia, Samoa, March 30, via San Francisco, April 14. After the storm of March 1G had subsided and alter the officers and crews of the wrecked vessels had come ashore the evidence of the awful destruction was presented on every side. The German survivors remained in that part of the town where the property of the German Trading Company is located, but the Americans were to be seen everywhere. The officers had lost their uniforms and were dressed as common sailors. Admiral Kimberly was the last to "leave the American flagship Trenton. He went at once to some rooms which had been pro-. vided for him in the house of an American resident The correspondent found the Admiral a few hours later sitting alone on the porch of a small house facing the harbor. There was an expression of great anxiety on his face as he sat watching the -wreck of the American men-of-war. An Atrial Experience. "Is it not awful?" he remarked to the cor respondent "In all jnj experience on sea, I have never seen a storm to equal this one. I can hardly realize yet the full extent of damage which has been done. My chief anxiety now is to get these 800 or 900 sailors back to America. It would be of no use for them to remain here, and I must get them home as quickly as possible. I shall either t legraph to "Washington for a steamer to be sent from San Francisco to take the men backor I will charter a ship in Auckland. They must get back soon in some way." The Admiral was asked in regard to his experience during the storm, but had little to say of a personal nature. He continued: "The fires of the Trenton went out at 10 o'clock in the morning and our rudder and propeller were carried away at the same time. No one can realize the force with which the rodder was struck. I suppose a piece of wreckage fouled it The Admiral's Sorlons Choree. "The pilot wheel whirled around with terrible velocity; every spoke in it was broken, and one of the men at the wheel had a leg broken. The great volumes of water poured in npon the berth deck through the hawse pipes; the fireroom was soon flooded, and the fires were put out The hawse pipes should never have been placed where they were. It was a piece of faulty construction which the Government officials had been asked to remedy several times. If they had been located on the deck above the water wonld not have come in. I consider this as indirectly the cause of the loss of the Trenton. After our steam gave out we nscd the storm sail, and sent the men into the rigging and used them as sails. The ship was handled skillfully. It would have been impossible for us to steam out of the harbor as the Calliope did, as our engines were not powerful enough. "We had on every pound of steam that would carry, and with three anchors out, we were 'not able to hold up against the storm. "We fought against it as long as we could do so, but we were finally driven back upon the shore." The Admiral spoke feelingly of the death of Captain Schoonmaker and other officers and men who perished. Apia Under Marine Guard. The confusion which was present every where in Apia during the first few days after the storm had disappeared at the end of the week. The quarters of the ship wrecked sailors had been made more com fortable, and the daily routine duty was properly attended to. Consul Blacklock's orders prohibiting the sale of liquor to the sailors had a good effect, and very few drunken men were to be seen. The town is still underiinarine guard, in rharge of Cap tain Huntington, and Mataafa's police have also assisted in maintaining order. The men from the Trenton and Vandalia have formed a barracks and have erected temporary tents for sjhelter. The Nip sic men are still living aboard their vessel, and the German surviv ors are quartered in a warehouse be longing to a German firm. "Working par ties are kept busy all the time on the wrecks . of the Trenton and Vandalia, and articles T of every description have been brought ashore from the vessels and piled together in a large yard. Divers Examining tho Vessels. Divers have been at work, and many ar ticles have been saved in that way. The safes from both vessels, containing large .amounts of money, were recovered. The "smokestack of the Yandalia has been re moved, and it will be placed on the Nipsie, to til. l.ll.a isI.!m !.. I. ...a I-Mfl1.A.t.nt 1F1 H P collision. The divers also have been mak ing an-cxamination of the Nipsie, and have discovered that her keel had been carried away. It has not yet been ascertained whether the Nipsie will be able to leave the harbor of Apia or not Admiral Kimberly is most anxious to get her away and send her either to Auckland or San Franciso for repairs, if he is satisfied she can stand the trip. She is not likely to leave, however, until the arrival of some other men-of-war. The Monongahela and Mohican are expect ed to arrive here soon. , King Jlntaafa'n Generous Offer. King Mataafa came down from his camp a few days ago. A light rain had fallen the night before, and the water had leaked into many of the tents occupied by sailors. Mataafa pointed out to Admiral Kimberly the danger of sickness breaking out among the men on account of this exposure, and on behalf of his own people, he offered to va cate all the Samoan houses in Apia and al- low the American sailors to have the use of them. Admiral Kimberly thanked Mataafa warmly, but stated to him it would be al most impossible to control the men if they were scattered around among Hhe native houses. He promised to consider the offer, however, if the situation became more pressing. There is no immediate danger of the supply of provisions being exhausted. Several parties with whom contracts have been made for the feeding of men have plenty of provisions on hand, and the steamer Lnbeck will arrive from Sydney in a few days, and a fresh supply will be ob tained from her. A Fever Epidemic Feared. The officers and men of the Yandalia lost nearly everything, and a great many on the Trenton fared Ait little better. The officers are scattered all over town, and have se cured such accommodations asthey can find. Many are living in native houses. There has been no local government in Apia for many months, owing to the wars between the natives, consequently the sanitary con dition of the town is very poor. The little streams are choked up with vegetation which has been allowed to grow without check, and the garbage is emptied every where. The immediate quarters of the men is kept clean as possible, and a great effort is being made to prevent disease, but the men are compelled to work on the wrecks in the hot sun, and there is considerable danger of fevcrJJ Although 146 men lost their lives during the storm, there have not been more than 40 bodies recovered. For the first day or two, bodies of Americans were buried in a ceme tery connected with the London Mission, and the bodies of the Germans were buried in the French Catholic cemetery, but it soon became impossible to identify the bodies, and owing to the warm climate it was neces sary to bury them where they were found. Captain Schoonmaker's Body Recovered. A number of rough coffins were made, but a number of bodies were buried in mats. Some of the bodies were terribly mutilated by the beating for hours against the coral reefs. Paymaster Arms' body was recovered two days after the storm. It was positively identified by the clothing and the ring which he wore. The body was in a terrible condition, and was buried in the mats where it was washed ashore. Some of the natives also found a body about the same time, four miles up the coast, and from the description which they gave it was believed to be that of Captain Schoonmaker. but the identifica tion was not positive. The bodies of Lieu tenant Sutton and Pay Clerk Boach have not been recovered. On Friday, March 22, the Germans held memorial service at the French Catholic Church. Admiral Kimberly, Captain Farquhar, Consul Blacklock and many other Americans, attended, and a guard of honor from the United States war ships was also present. The American memorial services were held Sunday morning, March 24, in a large yard in which the Trenton men have their quarters. The services were very brief, and were conducted by Chaplain McAllister, of the Trenton. German Boorishncss. Over 700 men from the three American men of war were present, but none of the German officers attended. The storm does not seem to have changed the political situation of Samoa so far as the natives are concerned. Both the par ties are still encamped in the same positions they have ocenpied for several months-past. Mataafa's men have not given the slightest intimation that they intended to take ad vantage of the unprepared condition of the Germans, and it is not thought they will make any attack upon Tamasese's force pending the Berlin conference. The German Consul, Dr. Knappe, is still pursuing a spiteful course, which has al ways characterized his administration of the affairs here, notwithstanding the noble work of the Samoans in saving the lives of the Germans during the storm. Dr. Knappe posted printed notices a few days ago de claring the Samoans daily steal the.-produce from the German plantations, and warning the public not to purchase anything from them. Captain Fritz has not yet recovered from injuries received during the storm. A HAPPr DAY m SAMOA. Admiral Klmberlj's Arrival Hailed With Delight His Presence Expected to End Srrlfo Mataafa Dcalres Honorable Peace and Relics Upon the United States. The correspondent had an interview with Mataafa and the principal chiefs prior to the great storm, in regard to the proposed conference in Germany. King Mataafa discussed the matter freely, but answered all inquiries with great deliberation. "While he did not seem to believe that the confer ence would have any beneficial results as far as the native Samoans were concerned, he expressed a strong desire that the Ameri can and British representatives might be able to effect a solution of the recent diffi culties and former Samoan Goverment, and insure peace and prosperity to the island. Mataafa declared thaLbe had nothing to hope for from Germany; that all the wars among the natives in Samoa and the blood shed which had occurred during the last few months were due to German interfer ence and that German representatives here had made so many misstatements to him that he could no longer place any confidence in their promises or their professed desire for peace. Germany Acknowledged His Klngnhip. Mataafa shdwed the correspondent the original letter written him by P. Knappe, the German Consul, after the recent fight between the Germans and the Samoans, in which letter the Consul addressed Mataafa as "Your Majesty the King," declared that he desired that there be no more war be tween the Germans and Samoa, and made the proposal that "Samoans should rule over things on the islands pertaining to Samoa, and that Germany should rule over things pertainingsto foreigners." Mataafa did not reply to Knappe's last letter making the proposition for dual gov ernment At the time this interview was held with Mataafa the Trenton, with Admi ral Kimberly aboard, had not reached Apia, and the natives were looking forward eagerly to the Admiral's arrival. Mataafa was asked by the correspondent if he ex pected any assistance from the American Admiral, and he replied promptly that he looked for such assistance. He did not say that he expected the Admiral to act as his ally in making war upon the Germans; in fact, he disavowed any desire to carry on the war against Tamasese's forces. Mataafa Wnnts Pence. His chief desire seemed to be to bring the strife to a close as quicklys possible, and to allow the 6,000 warriors, now encamped behind the breastworks, to return to their homes and families, and resume their peace ful occupations, which they followed before King Malietoa was carried off by the Ger man forces. Mataafa stated that the assistance ex pected from Admiral Kimberly he believed would come in the form of an emphatic pro test against any further German interfer ence. He believed the Admiral would force the Germans to cease their operations against the natives, and also to require them-to render no more assistance to Tama sese, which must thereby bring the war to a close, as Tamasese's forces were so greatly reduced that without assistance from the Germans there was little or nothing to fear from them. A Handsome, Intelligent Man. Mataafa is a large, finely proportioned man, and is about SO years of age. He is regarded by the white residents of Samoa as far superior to his predecessor. His camp is located on a high plateau, about a mile back of Apia. The King's headquarters are near the principal entrance to the camp, in an ordinary Samoan house, but little better than the other structures that are scattered around it. Mataafa's flag floats from a staff in front of the house. Long lines of stone breastworks extend around the camp, which, with steep sides which ascend to the plateau from valleys and low lands lying around it, make the position a particularly strong one. A great number of cocoanut and other trees cover the entire en closure, and there is a heavy growth of brush in all the surrounding country. A Happy Day for Samoa, The correspondent called on Mataafa again on the day after the arrival of Ad miral Kimberly. The King said it was the happiest day of the year for all of the Sa moans. Mataafa was asked to express his views in regard to the possibility of a re turn toSamoa of the ex-King Malietoa,who is now held as a prisoner on Marshall Islands by the Germans. Mataafa was asked if he would be satisfied to see Malie toa brought back to Samoa. "I would be most happy to see him back in Samoa," replied the King. "In case of Malietoa's return would he be entitled to resume his former place as the King of Samoa?" "I'm not able to answer that" replied Mataafa. "I am a member of Malietoa's family and at the time he was deposed by the Germans, was his principal chief. Just before he surrendered to the German com mander, he handed over his office to me and left the administration of affairs in my hands. Who Will bo KIngt He appointed me his successor in every respect, and my people afterward confirmed the appointment by electing me king, and I now- hold myjimce, not only by virtue of Malietoa's appointment, but also by the votes of a majority of the Samoan people. In view of the fact that Malietoa resigned his office in my favor, he will not necessarily become king again in case he returned to his native land. Malietoa and myself would have to determine between ourselves who should be king, and if he should return here we would at once hold a conference for Jhat purpose. I feel sure there would be no serious controversy be tween us." American and English residents of San Francisco who have lived in Samoa a great number of years, and who are familiar with the political situation of the country, appear to agree in the belief that if Malietoa re turns there he will make no effort to resume his former power, but will resign all claim of.authority in favor of Mataafa, and ac knowledge him as King of Samoa. NO OflE TO BLAME. So Bays Commodore Wnlker, Who Ex presses Regret nt tho Death of Captaia Schoonmaker Admiral Porter Not Ready to Talk Official Advices Expected. "Washington, April i4. The long and graphic report of the disaster at Samoa was read with a great deal of interest here. Na val officers generally were of opinion this evening that no blame could be attached to anyone for the loss of ships and life. They were not inclined to have decided opinion in regard to the handling of the various vessels. Com modore "Walker, Chief of the Bureau of Navigation and Acting Secretary of Treas ury, voiced the opinion of them all when he said to a reporter to-night: "Any man who gives an opinion is simply guessing. "We do not know just how matters stood, and it would be merely guesswork to say what might have been done. It is impossible to tell much about it There was some fine men, excellent officers, on the ships, and we know that the vessels were lost Admiral Kimberly is a splendid officer and a fine man, and Captain Farqu har, Commander Mullane and Captain Schoonmaker, of the Yandalia, who lost his life are, excellent officers. They doubtless did all they could. I think probably there is no blame to be attached to any one." Admiral Porter was seen, but he had not yet read the published reports, therefore could not express any opinion of the situa tion in the light of the fuller particulars received. No advices were received by the Department to-day, but it is probable that irt four or five days the mail from San Fran cisco will bring a long and carefully written report from one of the officers at Samoa. A FATAL MINE EXPLOSION. Gas In an Abandoned Working Blows Two Men to Pieces. ISrECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Wilkesbarre, April 14. Charles Hodges, a fire boss, and Even Madden, a pump runner, were passing through an abandoned working in Grand Tunnel "mine this morning, when their lights ignited a large amount of accumulated gas, and both men were blown to pieces. Hodges was 45 years of 'ape and leaves a wife and six children. Madden was 60 years old and a widower. GOBBLED BY THE ENGLISH. A Big Newark Brewery Sold for 8600,000 to the Syndicate. rSFKCIAL TELEGRAH TO TBI DISPATCH.! Newark, N. J., April 14. Mrs. O, Trefz, who, since her husband's death, has been running the Trefz Brewery, in this city, has agreed to sell out for $600,000 to the English syndicate, and the necessary papers will be drawn this week. This is one of the four largest brewing plants In Newarki , PITTSBURG," MONDAY, WHO SHOT HANCOCK? Sergeant Wood, of Pickett's Brigade, Claim's the Donbtfal Honor of W0UKD1NG THE GALLANT GENERAf During tho Hottest Fighting at tho Battle of Gettysburg as HE CHAEGED UPON THE BLOODY ANGLE. A Question Raised ass to the Proper Location of Hancock's Monument A claim is madeTiy Sergeant Wood, of Pickett's Brigade, that he was the man who wounded General Hancock at the Battle of Gettysburg. He seems anxious to reap any honor that may be connected with the act, and the claim is put forward for him by the brother of his commanding officer. Cir cumstantial details are given, which inci dentally recalls to memory one of the blood iest fights of that memorable battle. rrcOM A STAFF COEEESrONDEXT.l Haerisbubg, April 14. A claimant for the honor of having wounded General Hancock on the battlefield of Gettysburg, is put forward in the person of Sergeant Wood, of Company H, Fifty-sixth "Regi ment, Garnett's Brigade and Pickett's Di vision. The claim is made in his behalf by Agustus Michie, of Washington, D. O., who had the story from his brother, who was in command of the company and who gave Sergeant Wood the order to fire. Yet Mr. Michie fears some other officer of rank may have been at that particular point on that day, and he writes to Hon. H. Wallace Brown, detailing the circumstance and ask ing for information on the point. The place mentioned in the letter as the one at which the general officer was wounded is the same one the guides show as the scene of the wounding of General Hancock. Whatever honor there is in the transaction should in all probability therefore go to Sergeant Wood. AN INAUGURAL MEETING. Mr. Brown, who represents Crawford county in the Legislature, met the writer of the letter during the inauguration of Gen eral Harrison at Washington and the letter is written as one result of a conversation be tween the gentlemen at the time. Mr. Brown's regiment fought at Gettysburg, but he at the time was in Libby Prison. M,r. Michie's letter is as follows: "I have reasons for believing that the shot that wounded General Hancock, and thereby nearly paralyzed the movements of the Fed eral army during the remainder of the day (July 3, 1863), was delivered under trying circumstances by Sergeant William Bice Wood, of my old company, which was com manded at that time by my brother, Lieu tenant Henry Clay Michie, its captain hav ing been mortally wounded during Pickett's charge npon the heights of Gettysburg on that eventful day. I bad the honor to organize and to command this company during the first year of the late unfortunate sectional war. and will give you all of the facts upon which the opinion is based that Generall Hancock was shot br Sereeant "Wood, of Company H (Whitehall Guard), Fiftv-J ett's "Division, of Virginia-Volunteers. WHERE HANCOCK WAS SHOT. "Company H, which had been fuilyre cruited before I left the service was reduced by the casualties of war to about 50 men, when it began the charge npon the Federal defenses unon the heights of Gettvsbnrir. "Upon this part of the field Garnett's anas Itemper s Drigaae ot jficKetts division Composed the first line of the attacking forces, and Armstead's brigade of the same division the secondline, orreserves, support ing the former brigade. About a third .of the men belonging to my old company who were present were killed, a third wounded and the remaining third captured, after they had aided in driving the Federals from the first line of defenses (a stone fence), which thev held until the last cartridge that was within their reach including many that were taken from their dead and wounded comrades was fired. "When my brother, Captain H. C. Michie, returned home from Johnson's Island, where he had long been held a pris oner of war, he informed me that he had seen General Armistead, of the Keserves, cross the stone fence, which had been aban doned by the Federals, with his hat upon the point of hisword, at the head of the remnant of his brigade; that he saw him fall after going a short distance; that the men that followed him and were not killed quickly returned to the stone fence. THE ORDER TO SHOOT. 'tfe saw a mounted Federal advance soon afterward at the head ot a heavy column of apparently fresh troops to a point opposite his command, and he then inquired of his men whether any of them had a cartridge left, and Sergeant Wood replied that he had one, and desired to know whether he should shoot the officer; that he then directed the Sergeant to shoot, which he did, and that the Federal officer immediately fell over, and would have been dragged bykis horse but for assistance rendered by Federal of ficers, who extricated him. "During the political campaign between Garfield and Hancock, I saw an article taken from' a Pennsylvania Democratic paper in which it was stated that General Hancock,' though greatly exposed, went almost through this battle unscathed, and that he was wounded by a stray shot while gallantly charging the rebels, when the last of them were on the point of surrender ing. Captain Michie also informed me that white flags had been raised upon his extreme left and right when this Federal officer was shot by Sergeant Wood, but that the fire was terrible in front of his com mand. THE STORY CONFIRMED. "After reading the above mentioned arti cle, I became fully convinced that General Hancock was the officer that was shot by Sergeant "Wood, and requested my brother, who was preparing to attend the "Blue and Gray" reunion at Gettysburg, to ascertain the exact 'spot where General Armistead was killed and General Hancock was wounded, as well as allpf the attendant circumstances, and the distance from each of these snots to the position his immediate command held behind the stone fence. My brother thinks that the monument that was erected to the memory of General Hancock is not located upon the snot the Federal officer was shot by Sergeant "Wood, bnt he understood Colonel Batchelder to say that General 'Hancock did lead a heavy column of troops about the close of the battle from the direction of the monument toward the bloody angle, which would have brought him to the spot the officer in ques tion was shot by Sergeant Wood, and that General Hancock was the only mounted Federal officer and the only one that was wounded about the close of the fight on that part of the line, and that he was dragged and relieved by Federal soldiers." THE BLOODY ANGLE. The writer of the letter then asks Mr. Brown to secure lor him the following in formation to make the whole matter per fectly clear: "First "Whether General Hancock was wounded npon the exact spot npon which the monument in his honor has been erect ed, and the distance of each monument -?- APRIL 15, 1&89. from the nearest position held by the Con federates during the battle. 'Second Tie distance from said monu ment tothe bloody angle, and whether Gen eral Hancock led a body of troops from the direction ot said monument toward the bloody angle about the close ot the fight, as my brother understood Colonel Batchelder to say. "Third Whether any other officer went into this battle on horseback at this point just before the battle ended, and whether any other officer than Hancock was wounded and dragged at that time or place. . "Sergeant Wood says that he deliberately aimed at the lower part of the body of the officer who led the advancing column of Federal troops, and the fact that General Hancock was struck not lar from the part of the body that was aimed at by Wood should be considered in the formation of an opinion upon the subject" Simpson.1 tbouBle brewing. A Scheme Afoot to Capture Lower Cali fornia A Secret Society In the South Said to bo Engineering tho Ulattcr. I6PECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Los Angeles, Oal., April 14. There is a well-authenticated scheme on foot to capture Lower California. A reporter yesterday found two gentlemen who had been asked to join in the undertaking. They are Grand Army men, well known and reliable. At their request their names are not given, but if it becomes necessary their names can be established. One of them occupies an official position in this city, and the other is a well-known capi talist To a reporter one said: "Yes, sir, I think there is a scheme to capture the lower peninsula, and if the plan is as well organized and has the powerful backing that the members claim for it, they may make considerable trouble for Mexico. I was asked to join, and was offered suitable rank and pay. Of course I would have nothing to do with such a vile scheme, and did not want to know too much about it" The second Federal officer, when interro gated by the reporter, admitted having had the same offer made to him. "The scheme is being worked through a secret order which has a large membership through the South," he said, "and they are well organ ized and number over 1,000 men in the mili tary department, and the civil department takes in many prominent and influential men. I refused to have anything to do wjth the scheme, but expect to hear from it before longT Any one who has watched the progress of things on the peninsula dnring the past year, and who has known of the ex istence of this society, can easily see that trouble is brewing." A DOCTOR'S TRAGIC DEATH. While Snflerlng From n Mind Diseased, He Takes a Dose of Strychnine. ISFECtAL TELEOBAV TO THE DI3PATCH.1 New York, April 14. Dr. George B. Gyles, who has been for the last 40 years a well-known physician and druggist in this city, committed suicide by taking strych nine, this morning, at his residence, 417 "West Twenty-fifth street Becently Dr. Gyles' friends have noticed that his health was failing, and at times his mind seemed to be rambling. The death of his only daughter, about a year ago, was a shock from which he never recovered. About the time of his daughter's death a verdict for 51,500 damages was found against Dr. Gyles, in favor of a patient who charged him with malpractice in setting a broken leg. Becently his devotion to a patient, a lady whose case was critical, is said to have overtaxed his strentrtb. He greatly feared lilhat she wonld die, but she recovered. last few weeks leEhis wife to think that he was suffering-from softening of the brain. After the doctor's death a card was found, under a book on the table, which read as follows: Sunday morning. Nobody to blame. G. R. Gyles. Notwithstanding this evidence, Mrs. Gyles refused to believe that her husband had committed suicide. Deputy Coroner Jenkins found on Dr. Gyles' medicine chest a bottle partly filled with strychnine, and after an examination came to the conclusion that Dr. Gyles had swallowed that poison. Dr. Gyles' friends think that he was insane. A TRAIN SINKS INTO THE GROUND.. Disastrous Wreck Canscd by tho Caving-In of a Coal mine. 1SPECIAL TELEQBAX TO THE DISPATCH. I Belleville, III., April 14. A re markable freight wreck occurred on the Cairo Short Line, two miles from Belle ville, yesterday morning. Freight No. 3, north-bound from Duquoin, was run ning toward Belleville at a rate of 25 miles an hour, with Engineer Pat Tobin and Fireman Harry Nolan in the cab. The track was clear ahead, when suddenly, with out any warning, the roadbed, began to sink, and the engineer and fireman felt themselves rapidly dropping below the sur face of the ground. They jumped for their lives, and both escaped with but a few bruises. The engine and train went down a distance often feet, and the terrific wreck followed. The cars, engine and freight were smashed and destroyed in the earth. As soon as the frightened trainmen could recover their wits, they learned that the train was over Marsh's coal mine, and that the mine had caved in. Along the track for a distance of 100 feet the road had sunk down from 8 to 10 feet Sam Patton, a brakeman who went down with the wreck, was badly hurt. A CLERK OUT OF CLOVER. He Systematically Robs His Employer, Getting 810,000 In Goods In Two Years. ISFECTAL TELEGBAH TO THE DISPATCH.l Newark, Nr J., 'April 14. Alligator skins, lizards' skins and kangaroo hides have been disappearing from E. G. Salo mon's factory, Newark, for two years, and recently Mr. Salomon got an anonymous letter warning him that one of bis most trusted employes was robbing him. Detec tive Ben Sta'insby on Saturday evening lodged Bernard Schroeder, of 183 South' Orange avenue, in the prison at police head quarters, having previously taken Schroeder to Mr. Salomon's house, where he made a full confession to his employer and begged for meroy. The amonnt of Salomon's loss is placed at $10,000. Schroeder was getting a salary of 522 SO a week. He lived in good style. Stainsby found a number of letters from the clgk to bis customers, and Schroeder pro duced some documents which, together with his evidence, will enable Mr. Salomon to sue them. Schroeder is still locked up. THE ROCHESTER CAR STRIKE. A Mob Makes n. Raid Upon a Boarding Iloasc Six Arrests Made. Bochesteb, April 14. There was com parative quies to-day among the strikers, and cars were run without trouble in many of the lines. It was reported that one car had been thrown over in Hndson street, but no one was injured. The windows of sev eral cars were broken with stones. Early this evening a mob surrounded a boarding house in Clinton street where four drivers lived. The men became frightened, and as their landlady cannot speak English, theyweresomewhattroubled. The woman dis guised, herself and escaped to another house, whence she sen't a note to a telephone- sta tion asking aid. The patrol wagon was promptly on hand, and six men were ar rested. The four drivers were taken to the Main street barns, wbfere they will stay. BRIDE OF A BARON. Deserted by Her Titled but Penniless Husband' of a Few Months. A REGULAR MODERN MUNCHAUSEN Twice "Weds a Beautiful and Trusting American Lady "Who Was OLD ENOUGH TO HATE HER EYEB OPEN His Fictions of Finance Masterpieces of Assurance and Ingenuity, Another lesson is read to American girls who have an inclination to marry a foreign title without first learning something- about the character of the biped to which it is at tached. A German, claiming to be Baron Von Sureow, is married to a Baltimore heiress, Miss Willie Constable, and when, upon the point of having the truth of his stories of great wealth coming to him tested, he disappears, iking with him all the money his still trusting wife can raise. SPECIAL TEZ.EOBAU TO THE DISPATCH. 1 New York. April 14. Baron F. E. Von Sureow and Miss Willie Anna Constable were united in marriage at Baltimore in September last Following the, example of other nobles, the Baron immediately em- 1 barked with his bride to Philadelphia, where the tie was made more secure, if pos sible, by the repetition of the matrimonial rites. Thereupon the couple camo on to New York, where Miss Constable is well known and much respected, and went to live in a fashionable boarding house up town. V The intimate friends of Miss Constable reside in Baltimore, where the wooing took place. They were bitterly opposed to the match. Absolutely nothing was known of the Baron, other than what he told them. concerning his vast riches, great estates, and honored position in Germany. His appearance was not prepossessing. He was beyond middle age, of medium height and slight of build. He had thin gray hair and slight blonde whiskers tinged with gray. His dress was plain, and he ap peared not at all elated with his own daz zling personality. His English was very broken. OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW BETTER. Miss Constable was a large, handsome woman of 33, with great lnstrous eyes, a velvety complexion and brown hair. A pair of eyeglasses, which she always wore, gave her a decidedly distinguished appear ance. At her father's death, which occurred in Baltimore, she came into a handsome vfbrtune. During his courtship the Baron explained his seeming lack of lavishness by saying that his father, to whom he made known his intention to marry an American girl, had become angered and prevented the Baron from enjoying the income of his own estates for the time being. After the ceremony was performed the nobleman's finances appeared more strait ened than ever. The couple lived, while in New York, on the modest income the Baroness possessed in her own right The Baron announced about this time that through the intrigues of his father he bad beenrfere3$o resume- his rank, in -the German army, which he refused to do, and his disobedience bad caused his court mar tial and conviction of insubordination. DECIDEDLY UNFORTUNATE. This seemed exceedingly unfortunate, for at the same time the baron said he had re ceived official information of his mother's' death and of an inheritance she had left him of $250,000, and a bequest to his wife of $25,000 in addition. The angry father, who was the ruler of a prosperous German vil lage, Baron Von Sureow explained, had also attached this inheritance of his court martialed son, an arbitrary act that was possible under the laws of Germany and the exalted position held by his father. The baroness was assured, however, that the in justice could not last agreat while, for even if the unnatural father did not relent, his death, which he could not think of without a son's regret, was a matter of but a short time, he being a man over 90 years of age, and quite feeble. At the same time Baron Van Sureow told hip wife and acquaintances that his god mother's death had occurred shortly after that of his mother, and through her he would come into possession of $14,000 per year on the 1st of August. OREAT KINDNESS OP A FRIEND. On the same date he inadvertently stated he would begin the enjoyment of 56,000 per year additional, which a sympathetic friend had willed him to in a measure offset the cruel decrees of his father, whom the friend had in life vainly importuned to do justice to his son. These bequestshad fortunately been made in such a manner, the Baron said, that the machinations of his father could not de prive him of them. If they could get along until August 1, therefore, they would be assured of a competency that would keep them modestly until he got possession of the many millions that would be his when his father died or relented. These assurances, in which the Baroness had implicit cre dence, greatly encouraged her, and the couple continued to live in comfortable style on her money, which was fast ebbing away. The next story told by the baron was that a demi-millionaire uncle, who was a bach elor without kith or kin save the baron and his father, had died at sea and left the bulk ot his possessionSj. which amounted to about 500,000, to his beloved nephew. HE WOULD BRAVE HIS FATHER. The stern father, the baron said exnltingly. could not keephim out of this, either, and he expressed his determination io leave at once for Germany, in company with his wife, to brave his father's anger and the ter rors of the court martial sentence, and take possession of the last fortune that had been left him. This trip involved an expenditure of con siderable money, bnt the matter was press ing, and by an effort the necessary amount was forthcoming. Last Monday the money was placed in the hands of the baron, who left to engage passage on the first outgoing steamer. The baroness retained but $60 for pin money. That day and night passed and the baron did not return. The next afternoon a letter was receiyed from him. In it he stated that he had learned that other heirs to his nncle's property had turned up, and that thev had determined to contest the will. He did not have THE HEART TO FACE HER with this last of many disappointments, and he did not wish tolsubjcct her to the annoy ance of struggling against circumstance in a strange country. Therefore, when she re ceived this letter, he would be on board the Alaska, of the Guion Line, bound for Ger many alone. He advised her to live economically, and begged that she retain her trust in him for one short month, when he would return to her with ample wealth to thereafter provide for them luxuriously. The Baroness was overcome with grief and mortification. She was certain that his great troubles had unbalanced his mind, and on the inipulsehe purchased a ticket for Liverpool, where she cabled her husband to await her arrival. The Alaska sailed' Tuesday, and shi followed on the Gallia, of the Cunard Line, which sailedJWednesday.. She took with her but part of her wardrobe, and all the money she had was the $60 men tioned, she being loath to ask favors from her friends under the circumstances. A PALPABLE DESERTION. It is Improbable that the cablegram will reach Baron Von Sureow. His name does not appeafon the passenger list of the Alas ka, and if he sailed at all he did so incog nito. Neither is the name of the baroness on the Gallia's passenger list, but her friends know that she did not intend to use it on the trip. The Baroness VonJ3nreow is well known as Miss Willie Constable, at the Hotel Nor mandie in .this city, where she was a guest for upward of a year prior to her marriage. STOPPED HIS BEER; An Indiana Millionaire's Wife Orders Saloonkeepers Not to Sell to Herllos- " band The Latter Will Back tho I!qnor Dealers in a Fight Against His Wife. Michigan City, Ind., April 14. Mrs. "W. O. Leeds, wife of one of the richest men in Indiana, has secured evidence that 19 different saloonkeepers in Michigan City have sold liquor to her husband this year after she had, in accordance with the law, formally notified them not to do so. The papers were served by her in person. In an interview Mrs. Leeds attributes Mr. Leeds' drinking habits to the influence of politicians and saloon men, who have fastened themselves, upon him. Mrs. Leeds says she proposes to nave the saloon keepers suffer from $10 to $100 fine for every drink sold Mr. Leeds after the notice was given. Her investigation showed incidentally that out of 65 places in Michigan City where liquor is sold only 51 are licensed. She in tends to have the unlicensed 14 forced to close. Mrs. Leeds adds: "I'm nqt a Pro hibitionist I'm a temperance woman. I've told them in one place in town that Mr. Leeds can come in there and take his beer, but he must not take too much, and they must not sell him too much." Mrs. Leeds is well supplied with money and looks like a determined woman. The saloon keepers do not appear to be worried. It is rumored that Mr. Leeds has promised to stand back of them in any proceedings and supply the sinews of war. The amount of money he can control is estimated to be $5,000,000. SHOT HIMSELF THROUGH THE HEAD. A Brave Soldier Chooses One of tho Most Ignominious Deaths. rSFECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Albany, April 14. Information comes from Plattsburg that late Saturday night Captain Ogden B. Beed, of the Eleventh United States Infantry, stationed at the Plattsburg barracks, committed suicide. The Captain had just returned from town, where he had obtained permission to visit the Court House on Monday morning, to hear the closing arguments in the Harrison murder trial. After speaking to his wife he went Into the sitting room. The report of a pistol soon after brought his wife to the room, where she saw her husband lying on a sofa, bleeding at the mouth. He had placed the muzzle of the revolver in his mouth, and shot himself through the head. He died soon afterward. Captain Beed was born in Colchester, Vt, September 16, 1843; enlisted as a private in the Eighteenth Vermont Volunteers August 4, 1863; worked himself up by brave and meritorious service to Major, and was brevktted March 13, 1865. He was through the war, and" several times severely wound ed. He had been in the general recruiting service in the West, and was commanding officer at the Plattsburg barracks for two years. He leaves a widow and three children. tfOT' VERY MUCH ACCOMPLISHED. Only Thirty Bills. Mostly Local, So Far Passed by tho I.eclslatare. ITIlOil A STAFF CORKESP03TDEXT.J Harrisburg, April 14. The resolution for the Legislature to go to New Yoik to help celebrate the last of the centennials was passed by the House early in the ses sion, and now that the Senate has passed it, opposition has arisen to it in the lower branch- As a result, a resolution will be offered in the House to-morrow evening by a .Republican member, looking to a revoca tion of the action. It is urged that the business of the session is so far behind that tEe trip to New York would be fatal to many important bills on the calendar if the Legislature adheres to the action taken to adjourn on the Oth'of May. This argument can be used with excellent effect on members who have bills on which their political future is largely staked. The record of the session on bills passed is thus far very light. Tfiirty bills have rcacned the Uovernor; lx ol these nave been approved, three have been withdrawn, and one, the bill for the sale of the Allegheny court house buildings, has been vetoed. The most of the bills have been local in their character, or of. a nature not particu larly interesting to the public. MINNEAPOLIS CAR STRIKE. The Men Still Firm, Bat an Attempt to Ban the Cars Will be Made To-Day. Minneapolis, Minn., April 14. There is no change in the status of the strike of the street railway and motor line employes. The men continue firm, and declare that they will not give up the fight Mass meet ings were held Saturday night and this afternoon, and local labor leaders advised the men to not give in. "Monopolists" were also strongly denounced. President Lowry to-day reiterated his de termination to run cars to-morrow, and the attempt will undoubtedly be made. Mayor Dean to-day issued a proclamation warning the strikers against attempting to interfere with the running of cars and against creating disturbances on the streets. A BAND OF BOY ROBBERS. They Steal Hundreds of Dollars' Worth of Brass From Railroads. fSPECIAI. TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCTM Lima, O., April 14. It has been discov ered that there are eight or ten boys banded together here who have been stealing brass from the railroads and different factories and selling it to junk dealers. The paper mill has lost several hundred dollars' worth and other factories have lost more. One of the boys, named Costello, who was arrested, squealed oh the others. He was sent to the Beforni School yesterday. The aies of the boys range from 10 to 17 years. They claim the junk dealer put them up to do the stealing. The boys and the dealer will be arrested to-morrow. WINNERS AND L03ERS. West Tlralnla Federal Office Holders Moving Ont for Their Successors. rSFECTA TELEOBAM TO THE PISrATCH.l Wheeling, April 14. Quite a number of changes have been made in the Federal offices in this city within the past two days, and others are impending. The- Board of Pension Examiners has resigned in a body, and Drs. S. L. Jepson and W. E. Stathers have been appointed, leaving one place to be filled. Custodian Thomas Fee, of the Custom House, received his dismissal this evening, and Chillies Bickerton is appointed in his place. Superintendent James M. Todd, of the' Custom House repairs, has hppn TMTinvpr? and Phnrlp Ttjihmnn li- , .,- - HH p- pointea. xne latter win go on duty M ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY Who has a- cood article to sell, and who adver tisesvrteorously and liberally.; Advertising Is truly the life of trade. All enterprising and judicious advertisers succeed. if CENTS rv AFIGHT(ICLAII. v hs- Two Parlies of Boorik1!; Rifles on the Prairie to $, THEIR TITLE TO OKLAHOSt, iD. The Rush Beats Anything Since the Days oftheForty-Niners. W0HEH SEEKING THE PROMISED LAND. Artansas, Illinois, KentneVr, Kansas and Tens Sen! In? Oat Colonies. Thousands are heading for the. promised land of Oklahoma. Women are prepared to assert their equality with men in the matter of pre-empting claims. Already a bloody ficht has occurred in a dispute over land. The colonists are going from all the Western States, and it is expected that there will not be enough land to go around. St. Louis, April 14. Among theJatest -items from the Indian Territory, i3 one, a bloody tragedy, 'a few days ago, in the western part of Oklahoma, between two men from Kiowa, Kan., and two men from Texas, for the possession of a claim. Guns were used freely,and one of the Kiowa men was killed-aqd a Texan mortally wounded. The other two men called a truce, and, placing their wounded comrades on a wagon, started for a neighboring ranch. Before they reached it the fight was re newed, and the entire party was discovered later by some cowboys stretched out on the prairie. The cowboys took the one deaf and three wounded men to the nearest sbge station. The Topeka and Santa Fe Ballway Com pany now has 487 freight cars on their1 side tracks in the yards at Arkansas City, Kan., which are being loaded with implements, household goods, merchandise and houses framed and ready to be put up. The agent at that point said to-day: I can now move 1,000 cars of freight and 5,000 passen gers in 12 hours." . ALL BOUND FOR OKLAHOMA- The entire Western Arkansas border is a scene of bustling: activity. People are striv ing to get into Oklahoma by the southeast ern entrance, which opens by far the richest portion Of the new Territory. Captain S. H. Scott, a prominent lawyer of this city, has organized a large colony and proposes to lay out a town site near Kinekapoo reserva tion. A party of North Carolina ne groes, headed by a planter named George Ingram, have just arrived. Government officials from the Pottawatomie and Iowa reservations report that the neighborhood is fairly alive with a heterogeneons mass ot ceople. Old forty-niners say the scene rivals anything in the old Call ornia davs. If the present rush continues until the 22d more than twice as manv will be on the southern border of Oklahoma as can be ac commodated. General Merritt at Fort Leavenworth, has issued orders to the military officers in the Territory to permit boomers to cross the Cherokee outlet in time to Teach the Okla homa line on the 22nd, the date set lor tbs opening of the Territory by the President's proclamation. WOMEN SEEKING- -THE.PROMISED-LAND. Among the arrivals af Wichita yesterday were two women, Miss Holly Young, of Quincy, and Miss Manitta Daisy, of Louis ville, Ky., who will take up claims in Oklahoma. Besides these there are a party of young Kansas "inarms" in charge of Miss Bruce, who were driven out by the soldiers, and a party of eizht young ladies from Purcell that will battle for a quarter section each. The Texas contingent of the boomers is massed at Gainesville, and the excitement there is as intense as in Southern Kansas. ' Thousands will leave there on the 21st for Oklahoma. A meeting of the Chicago Oklahoma Colony was held to-day in the Plumbers' Exchange. About .60 persons were pres ent, most of whom declared their in tention of going to Oklahoma. Among those present were several la dies, Philip Snmmerfield, the President of a colony organized on the West Side, was present, and a proposition was made for. the two colonies to unite. This was re ferred to a committee, who will report to morrow night. The Chicago colony num bers about 300, and the officers say thev will be reinforced by contingents from Bock ford, Freeport and other towns in the north ern part ot the State. wy-x&L -wSSf COULDN'T PART WITH HIS LENA. M Affecting Scene at the Crave ot a Girl Who Took Her Own Life. tSPECTAL TELXOKAX TO THE DISPATCH.! Stapleton, L. I., April 14. There was an affecting scene yesterday afternoon at the burial of Miss Lena Zimmer, who killed herself with carbolic acid poison at her home here. As the coffin was being lowered into the grave in the Cooper's cemetery, Joseph Nichols, the dead girl's lover, broke down completely and attempted to jump into the grave. He wept like a child, and as he was held back by two men he wrung his hands and called ont repeatedly: "Lenal Lenal I must go with you." The heart-broken lover was finally induced to enter a carriage, and was driven to his father's home in this town. Nichols, who is about 20 years old, is a son of a State a Island florist It is understood that he and Miss Zimmer were engaged to be married. As far as can be learned, there was n& trouble between them. Miss Zimmer's sui cide is attributed to another cause. Coroner Hughes has not yet finished the inquest. HE FODGnT NAPOLEON. v- A Centenarian in Chicago Who Was In the Battle of Waterloo. rSPECTAL TELEOKAK TO TOT DISPATCH.l Chicago, April 14. Charles Voss, over 100 years old, walked into the Twelfth street station this afternoon and asked for food and shelter. He had been thrown out of his home by his son. Voss told the offi cers that he was born in Leichen, Germany, and that in 1811 he enlisted in the Blue Uhlans and fought against Napoleon at Austerlltz, Leipsic and Waterloo. Voss witnessed the burning of Moscow, and .was decorated with the Iron Cross in 1813. In' 1848 Voss was a revolutionist in Berlin. He came to New York in 1858, and reached Chicago in 1860. He has been here ever since. The old man's son came to the station' this evening and took him back to his home. "" ' He Wants Big Money. ISrXOAX. TELEOBAM TO TUI DWPATCII.I VoTTwnsTOWTr. Anril 14. Robert P.. Campbell, of Pittsbnrg, has entered suiti A here against the Ohio Iron and Steel Com-' pany for $25,000 damages, alleging that while riding on a freight car over a trestlef belonging to the company it gave way,' crippling him for life. ' A Steamship AOre. " New York, April 14. The steamer Bio Grande was damaged, $25,000 by fire.atythr, , aocs to-aay. : 4 K- 1 1 vS&StSr' -BBBBbBbsBsbbssmssbbbIsbzsIBsbsBbIKJsIHbssesbbm L-LJL11" "gg gaSggBBBBBSSSSfESlSggg7rjlMCTS yi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers