-.T it' THE PITTSBURG' DISPATCH,- SATURDAY, APEH? 13, L889. -ii. V Business is better, A Decided Gain at Several Points and Trade Fair Everywhere. EVEN IRON IS A SHADE FIRMER. The Total Output for April One-Third Larger Than Last Xear. A SHAEP BALLY IN EEFI5ED SUGAR. lie General Eltcation u Bcrlewed by Braastreet's. ana E. G. Dun Co. According to the reports .received by Bradttreet't and E. G. Dun & Co. business has decidedly improved at many points. JJearly ail staple lines are showing signs of increased activity. Agricultural exports are larger than for some time. The number of failures, however, is still large. tErXCXU. TELTQEAJI TO THZ DISrMTCR.1 Kew Yobk, April 12. The greatest amount of improvement in the movement of general trade at the various business cen ters, reported by wire to radtreet's, has been shown this week at Kansas City, Cin cinnati and Chicago. At the first named considerable activity is due to buyers of supplies preparing to enter Oklahoma. At most other points business has remained steady or quiet The fires at Savannah have checked distribution there. Vessels have been chartered "at Ban Fran cisco to carry 150,000 bushels more wheat to Sydney, Australia. Crop prospects in all directions, except for Louisiana rice, are re ported good. The weather is generally favorable. General trade at New York is dull; but the volume of business done there this sea son is equal to or in excess of that a year ago. Sales of fnrniturc, liquors, boots ana shoes, leather and paints are fair, while groceries, crockery, glassware, hardware, cigars and leaf tobacco, drugs and rubber are dull. Paints are firm, with strong prices. Cheese, eggs, leather, crockery and glassware, seed Teat tobacco and crude rubber are weak or lower. A BULLISH FEELING PBEYAILS. Bullish sentiments govern the New York stock market. Manipulation, aided by re newed European and public buying," ad vanced prices of the leading seennties, and liquidation in the Southwesterns is ap parently ended. Bonds are firm and ad vancing. The city of New York placed $7,457,000 2J per cent bonds at par and over. Money at New York shows increas ing ease. Call loans 33f per cent. Ex change is firmer, with demand sterling at $4 88Ji54 89. "Wheat went off Friday night about 2 cents on lower cables, favorable weather "West and a heavy speculative liquidation, with sales nt New York ot nearly 55 000,000 bushels, against less than 500,000 bushels cash wheat sold. Floor reacted 5 to 15 cents per barrel. Indian corn declined about three-quarters of a cent on freer inte rior movement and lower cables. Spot oats were firmer and five-eighths of a cent up, while speculative sales induced a decline of one-quarter of a cent on the options. Exports of wheat (and flour as wheat) from both coasts this week aggregate 1,226,073 bushels of wheat, against 1,117,370 bushels last week and 2,140,730 bushels in the like week in 1888. fork, in sympathy with the West, has gone off 75 cents per barrel. Cattle at Kansas City are 20 cents higher than before this year. Hogs are weak. TEOSPECT FOE DEYGOODS. Drygoods jobbing is more active at Bos ton, but only moderate at New York. Some buyers are reported to be holding off to take advantage of the centennial celebration at New Tort. Commission men report a larger reorder demand for printed dress fabrics at both markets. Increasing stocks and slack demand have lowered print cloth prices one-eighth of a cent on the week and one-fourth ot a cent since April 1. Deliveries of men's wear goods are of good volume, but new business is limited. An auction sale of over 10,000 rolls of car pet at New York brought prices 15 to 20 per cent below regular rates. This is regarded as satisfactory. A drive of 500 cases of prints at New York this week was the event in that line. Raw wool is easier on indifference of man ufacturers, efforts of dealers to clear out old stocks and the near approach of the new clip. Cotton is one-eighth of a cent higher on favorable advices from abroad, lighter crop movement and improved speculative feeling. SUGAE OK THE EISE. All foreign advices as to sugar, under re stricted offerings and increased require ments on the part ef buyers, are stimulat ing, and prices are higher. Crop prospects are discouraging. Cuban holders await an extreme figure. Baws are Jc andA-efined with a readier sale c higher at New York. At San Francisco refined is c higher. At New Orleans sugar is easier and San Fran cisco refined is underselling the Louisiana product at that market. Speculation in coffee here and abroad has been more confi dent with a net gain to Thursday night of two-fifths of a cent. Business failures reported to Bradttreet't number 186 in the United States this week against 141 last week and 162 this week last year. Canada had 28 this week against 26 last week. The total of failures in the United States January 1 to date is 3,873 against 3,362 in 1888. A DISTIKCT IMPK0TE1IENT. C G. Dun Si Co. Present an Encouraging Review of the Situation. New Yobk, April 12. B. G. Dun& Co.'s weekly review of trade says: There are distinct signs of improvement in business. Reports from interior points, almost without exception, indicate an enlargement of trade. Rapid advances In sugar, coffce,cotton, butter and oats are nearly balanced by the de cline in wheat and corn, pork products, print cloths, leather and other articles, so that the general average of prices is but a shade higher than a week-ago. But further disbursements by the treasury hare Increased the already abundant supply of money; the market for se curities has improved, and exports continue to increase. The most significant feature of the week's commercial news Is the report of furnaces in blast April 1, which shows a weekly output of anthracite and bituminous iron only C57 tons less than March 1, and nearly 37,000 tons, or 36 per cent, larger than a year ago. The signifi cant fact is that, with a production up to the largest ever known, prices scarcely yield at alL These facts. In connection with the narrow de mand for rails. Indicate that the consumption of iron in other forms must be increasing. The demand for sheet iron is fair, and rails are arm at 127 to J27 50. though sales are but 10,000 tons. Nails are firmer and bar Iron is still irregular and low. Pic iron Is rather weaker, and some southern Is offered below (17 for No. 1, while mill iron ranges from 114 75 to $15 6a The sharp advanc of 32 cents per ten pounds in raw sugar, with the purchase of the San Francisco refinery for the trust, accompany a sudden rise of 6 cent, in the trust's stock. The boot and shoe trade is said to be large beyond precedent. Leather is a shadelower. and hides are overabundant. Baw cotton has risen a quarter. In oil lower prices caused a decrease of t200,OCO in value for March, and the market has been. dull and weak. Woolen manufact urers and dealers are excited by the news that the recently appointed appraiser at Philadelphia his advanced the duty on worsteds to corre spond with that on woolens, and some believe that a similar ruling will soon be made here and at other ports. The market for raw wool is stronger in tone, and an advance in price is expected. Copper and tin are still somewhat weaker, and the excessive supplies still depress the coal market, which is worse than dull. The volume of business is unsatisfactory, and sales below schedule rates are reported. Without exception, reports from the interior show that money is abundant, though in a few Instances the demand Is improving, fear of disturbance in connection with April settle ments having passed. The disbursements for the week have exceeded the receipts by &S00, 000. No demand from abroad appears as yet, though foreign exchange has been strong in spite of some purchases of securities on Euro pean account. The stock market; owing to these purchases, and an apparent change in the plans of some operators, has been stronger, with sharp advance in a few stocks, and sales for the week have reached 1,500,000 shares. A more important symptom 1s that exports of merchandise from New York for April thus far exceeds last year's by IS per cent, and the further fall of 1 cents In wheat and 1 cent in corn tends to increase the movement. The reports of increase in spring wheat acreage continue, and sowing has progressed favorably, the season being about three weeks earlier than last year. Business failures number 239, against a total of 222 last week, and 240 the week previous. For the corresponding week of last year the figures were 222. A EDM0RED BIG PURCHASE. The Westlngbonse Company Boys Liberty Street Property. The 'Westinghouse Electrio Light Com pany has, it is reported, purchased the old three-story brick building on Liberty street opposite the Union depot. It is to be re modeled and fitted up as store and sup ply house for the company. It is reported that they have also pur chased six old brick houses adjoining this property and fronting on Liberty street. What they are going to do with the latter property was not known by the informant The buildings have long been an eyesore, and, if removed and replaced by better ones, will greatly increase the value of property in the neighborhood. CLARA BELLE contribute! a very bright letter to to morrow' Dispatch. She talks of Mrs. James O. Blaine, Jr and ner desire for fame and a divorce; relates an incident or a college dra matic performance, and speaks of the current of travel already setting toward Europe. Prices Talk. "We want all buyers of clothing to call and see us to-day, especially nobby dressers. "We've got the finest and best goods, that are produced. "We claim and do name lower prices for fine clothing than our competi tors, and we are ready to back these state ments up with goods and prices. "We dis play the finest line of $10 and $12 suits shown, and our fine spring overcoats, silk faced and very English, have made a big hit The prices of them are $10, $12 and $15. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. They So Say That black and brown hats are the style this season. That C. A. Smiley & Co. have the best assortment That the Dunlap hat is the leader for young men. That we are agents for Dunlap & Co.'s hats. That Stetson's and Silverman's derbys arc having a great sale. That our featherweight and flexible hats are easy fitting and comfortable. That we are doing the fine hat trade of the town. That we can please customers easier and better than any others. That we are the most centrally located. That you should buy your hats from C. A. Smiley & Co., 28 Fifth avenue. Prices Talk. "We want all buyers of clothing to call and see us to-day, especially nobby dressers. We've got the finest and best goods that are produced. "We claim and do name lower prices for fine clothing than our competitors, and we are ready to back these statements up with goods and prices. "We display the finest line of $10 and $12 suits shown, and our fine spring overcoats, silk-faced and very English, have made a big hit The. prices of them are $10, $12 and $15. ' P. c. c. c, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. The largest Assortment of Easter Cards, Books and Novelties Ever exhibited in the city has been placed on sale by Jos. Eichbaum & Co., 48 Fifth avenue. Fob the finest photographs in twin cities at popular low prices, patronize the "Elite Gallery." 516 Market street, Pittsburg, Pa. Bring children. Elevator. The family trade supplied with choice old wines and liquors at G. "W. Schmidt's, 95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city. Look at the kid glove bargains to-day at Bosenbaum& Co's. See our new London four-in-hand scarfs. Jaiies H. Aiken & Co., loo iftfth ave. Easter Opening Next Tuesday and Wednesday at Rosen baum & Co's. La Matilde imported cigars from $10 to $40 per hundred. G. "W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. See our new London four-in-hand scarfs. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. PATENTS, During APRIL and MAY my fees dne only on allowance if desired. Write WM. H. BABCOCK, 513 Seventh st, Washington, D. C. P.O.Box22U. Formerly Examiner In Patent Office. THIRTEEN DEARS' PRACTICE. apl3-16-13,27 Almeria and Malaga Grapes, Bananas, Florida Oranges and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Fruits, JOHN TE35E fc CO., 60S LIBERTY STREET. no8-TTS IF PEBSONS WHO XiI"VE I3ST BIB-AVEIR PALLS Will Buy TJieir WALL PAPER OF WM. H. ALLEN, Brgb5Ca- They Will Get a Great XTXHCEOTD"ATL7r"SSVlHS At 4 per cent Compound Interest expressed in Round numbers, as issued by lk Mi Bit i Slip, OF PITTSBURG, PA, Per Day. For 5 Years. I For 10 Years. .01 .02 .03 .05 .10 .25 .60 LOO 20 40 CO 100 200 600 1,000 2,000 The above table shows what can be accomplished by anyone -disposed to lay aside a small portion of tbelr weekly receipts, and depositing the same In some well-managed Savings Bank. Everyman who is obliged to work for his living should make a point to lay up money for that "rainy day" which we are all likely to encounter when least expected. Unquestionably the best way to provide for this emergency is to open an account with a good, live Savings Bank. Accumulated money, thus cared for, is .safe. Is rapidly increasing. Is Always ready to use when needed, and is free from the many uncertainties and fatalities of life. Strive at once to get together five dollars, or even one dollar, and make your first deposit Then resolve to add to it as often as you can, even though the amount be small. You will be surprised with the magic comfort and strength of this course. Nobody knows, without having tried it how easy a thing it is, without being miserly or stingy, to save money, when once an account with a bank has been opened. A man then feels a new ambition and a constant desire to enlarge his deposit It gtres him pleasant lessons in frugality amd economy, weans him from tho habits of extravagance, and is the very best guard in the world against intemperance, dissipation and vice. If you are not already a depositor, and have no special bank in view, permit us to suggest that you at once try a deposit with THE PITTSBURG BANK FOR SWINGS, No. 60 Fourih Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. To all who may thus favor ns, we promise a courteous and accommodating treatment and itsball be our endeavor to make our business relations, when once formed, pleasant and of long continuance. GEO. A. BERRY. President. CHAS. G. MILNOR. Treasurer. Managers Geo. A Berry, Alex. Bradley, H. C. Bughman, J. K. Dorrlngton. Ji L. Graham, Geo. A. Kelly, Jas. Laughlln, Jr.. Chas. F. Wells, T. OVLazear, J. Painter, Jr., L. M.Flumer, Frank Rahm, A. C. Dravo, Wm. Roseburg, Chas. G. Milnor. apl3-5 KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - LITTLE MARY CECILIA. BR01LD Has just been eared of the worst Eczema syer seen by the doctors who treated her. Front held to feet a mass of diseased skin. Several physicians, a modioli collage, and all remedies fall. Cured by Cutlcura Remedies. My little daughter, Mary Cecilia Brunold, was afflicted with the worst case of eczema, ever seen by the doctors who treated her. She was literally covered from head Xo foot with scabs. These physicians tried their best to cure ber, but P believe they were only experimenting. Tbey kept on experimenting for over ten months, but instead of getting better the child got worse, and I did not know what course to pursue. My wife took her, after we had paid all we could afford for medical treatment, to a medical college where there were some 20 or 80 doctors assembled, but the case baffled them all. My wife had to go every day, and some times twice a day. In fact the medicine they gave my child did not have time to act even if there was any virtue in it, it was changed so often by orders of the doctors. The latter part of January, after everything had failed, and patience and money were both exhausted,! maae up my mind to quit all doctoring and try the Cuticuea. Remedies. 1 did so, and now, I can say that my daughter is cured, sound In health, and well, to the surprise of hundreds. The druggist Mr.H. M. Krueger, corner Chauteau and Ewlng avenues, who sold us the CrmonitA Remedies, is as much astonished as any of us. TbeCtmcuKA Remedies have worked a complete cure, and we have used but a little more than three-fourths of a bottle of Cuticuba Resolvent, and a proportionate amount of Cuticuba and Cuticuba Soap. I am ready at anv time to make affidavit that my daughter bad the worst case of eczema, as the doctors all admit ever seen in this city, and. that she had been cured "solely by the Cuti cuba Remedies, after the best physicians and remedies failed. I shall be glad to have anyone call upon or write me who has a child similarly afflicted, or any person who is troubled with a skin disease, that he may see for himself what your Cuti cuba Remedies have done. I do this In gratitude for the cure that has been effected in my child's case. CHAS. B. BRUNOLD, 2005 Gratiot st, St Louis. CUTICUBA REMEDIES Are sold everywhere. Price, Cuticuba, 60c; Soap, 25c: Resoivent, JL Prepared by the Potter Drug and ChemicaIi Cobfoba- tion, Boston. OS-Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. I niPUEST, Whitest Clearest Skin and tU E. softest Hands produced by Cuti cuba Soap. ftfjrt 11 Weak Painful Kidneys With their weary, dull, aching, life less, ail-gone sensation, relieved In one minute bv the Cntlcnrn Antl Pnin Plaster. The first and onlv In stantaneous paln-killing strengthening plaster. 25cts. aplO-ws Optical and Mathematical Instruments, Arti ficial Eyes, Medical Batteries. All American and European Patented Eye Glass and Specta cle frames. Glasses perfectly adjusted. KORNBLUM, OPTICIAN NO. SO FIFTH AVENUE. Telephone No. ISA ap7-86-Dsu -rrt -rrv"-v SCIENTIFIC Jl. D W-2L., OPTICIAN, Patentee and sole manufacturer of the Eureka Eye Glass. No chain required. Eureka nose blades fitted to other eye glasses. Oculists prescriptions a specialty. All kind of lenses ground and spectacles made on the premises. 908 PENK AVENUE, PITTS. Seventeenth and Chestnut Philadelphia. del-b53-TTS PURE AMERICAN WLNE3 1-CALIFOK-N1A Sonoma dry port, SI 20 per gaL; Cali fornia Sonoma dry sherry. 1 2U per gah; Cali fornia Sonoma Angelica, SI 20 per gal.; Cali fornia Sonoma mnscatel, SI 20 per gal; Erie Island AAA Dry Catawba, SI 20 per gal.: Erie Island A Drv Catawba,tl 00 per gal.; Erie Island Sweet Catawba,Sl 0U per gal.; Sonoma Brandies, from $2 00 to $4 00 per gal.; Guckenhelmer Rye Whisky, 12 00 to $8 00 per gal.; BoonekampBlt ter Liquenr.Sl 00 per quart. F. ANDRIESSEN, 40 and 12 Ohio street Allegheny City. mhlO-TTS BON1STALLI BISI, IMPORTERS AND dealers in wines, liquors and French cor dials for family use. Sole agents for San Gab riel Wine Company, California. 10 DIAMOND SQUARE, Pittsburg. Foreign produce a spec alty se22-bl3K-TTS JAS. E. MORRIS. 153 CnAMBEBs St., New Yobk. Deab Silt For 20 years I have been going to sea, and up to last month by exposure to cold and rain, together with taking little care of my digestlre organs, have got mykidneys Into such a state that I did not spend a single day in com ort. I heard of PRATT'S AROMATIC GE NEVA GIN and tried it, and was astonished to find my trouble gone inside of two weeks. Yo have the only curative medicine I ever found. ROBT. P. SMITH. JOS. FLEMING, Sole Wholesale and Retail Agent in Pittsburg. my29-TTS 84 Market street GRATEFULCOMFORTINU. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. B y a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition,and and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a deli cately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. Itisbythe Judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may,eseape many a fatal shaft by keeping our selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop erly nourished frame," Cm' Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in half pound tins by Grocers, labeled thus: Jas.Epps&Co.,rforSncEhnea no3-h-S0Tus Selection at Low Bates. apll-TTS For 20 Years. I For 25 Years. 1 For 40 Ye? re. SMaBsy SsSsu J' raUil flPv x. f 10 iHf A f.PAl JAIL Z l885BBr 45 S 115 160 80 230 320 140 840 470 '230 670 780 450 1,130 L660 1.140 2.830 &890 2,280 5,650 .7,780 4.540 U.S0O 16.650 S65 780 1,090 1.820 3,630 9,060 18,120 86,240 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DO-YOU sGLie-w? THEN GET The Best WHICH IS ITmzer's Old Honesty. Genuine has a red H tin tag on every plug. OLD HONESTY Is acknowledged to be the PUREST and MOST L ASTLNO- piece of STANDARD OHEWTNGr TOBACCO on the v market Trying it Is a better test than any talk about it Give it a fair trial. YOUR DEALER. HAS IT. mh2-35-S OPTICAL AND MATHEMATICAL GOODS. Specialty Correct fitting of lenses and frames. All styles of Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Experienced Opticians and our own factory and workmen are our Inducements. WM.E.STJERM, Optician, 644SMITHFIELD ST..PITTSBURG, PA. "Ie22-27-TTS mHE PITTSBURG CLASSICAL AND I MATHEMATICALINSTITUTE,rooml3, Jackson building, 81xth and Penn ave. Latin, German, Shorthand, Memory Training, Mathematics, etc., etc. Classes now being en rolled. mh9-75-TT8 IJIliBi EASTER MILLINERY. We have made extraordinary preparatibns to meet the usual "rush just before Easter. You will' find in our stores the grandest exhibition of t Stylish Hats and Bonnets, in Milan Straws, Lace Braids, Gimps, etc, in all new shades and blacks. We add daily to our immense stock of TRIM MED HATS and BONNETS, so that you can be suited at once. Exquisite and dainty Flowers, with, Ribbons in all con ceivable styles and widths, in greatest profusion. A larger assortment than can be found anywhere else. We again call your attention to our great line of Spring Wraps and Jackets, Which is being augmented daily by new arrivals. 6o styles of Silk-lined Beaded Wraps, $2 85 to $20. 30 styles of beautiful Silk Mantles, beaded and braided. Tailor-made Stockinette and Striped Jackets, as well as Corkscrew Jackets, in largest variety and at lowest prices. An examination of these will be advantageous to you. Another large shipment of Lace Curtains arid Portieres, our own importation, just opened. The low prices will sur prise you. pSerjbavin 510 TO 514 MARKET ST. AND 27 FIFTH AVE. UNEQUALED OFFER! This Parlor Suite A for $48 ! The above cut- represents one of our new parlor Suites. Although low in price it embodies much of the style, handsome lines, and carved wood work of our finer suites. The frames are in mahogany finish, the coverings bf Silk Plush in different but harmonious colors, back (except ing sofa) same as fronts;, bottoms covered against moths. Our Furniture Department contains the latest styles from most re liable makers and at lowest prices to be had anywhere. 0. McCLINTOCK & .CO. 33 FIFTH NSW ADVERTISEMENTS. BMING. WITHOUT MEDICINE ! The Grand Opera House Filled With People. A MEDICAL WONDER. The interest manifested by invalids of every description in thopublic healing of the sick at the Grand Opera House every morning from 10 to 11 o'clock by Dr. Smith, seems to be Increas ing. ' The Opera Honse is filled to overflowing every morning with invalids from all parts of the country and city who are suffering from all manner of complaints, eagerly waiting for an opportunity to receive a magnetic treatment from Dr. Smith. That this man is endowed with a strange and mysterious gift to heal dis eases there can be no possible doubt. The many wonderful cures be performs simply by laying bis hands upon the invalid is truly mar velous. Scores of helpless invalids are carried upon the stage, and after receiving a magnetic; treatment of not more than five minutes' dura tion, get un, walk around the platform and de clare to the audience that tbey are entirely well. Dr. Smith is a thoroughly educated phy sician and surgeon, and performs all operations known to surgery; he cordially invites both the sick and the well to go to the Grand Opera House and witness his many wonderful cures. This morning a man went upon the stage who had been a helpless invalid for four years, suf fering from rheumatism in his back and legs. He was so lame that he was obliged to walk with crutches and could not stand alone with out them. In five minutes he was running around the platform with his crutches over his shbulder, as well as he ever was in his life. Another gentleman who suffered from a lame shoulder and who had not been able to put on his coat without help in five years, was cured in less thanfive minutes. A lady who had been deaf five years was made to hear a whisper. A lady suffering from rheumatic headache was re lieved of all pain in a few moments' time. These wonderful cures were witnessed by an audience of more than 1,000 people. Dr. Smith will treat the sick every morning this week at the Grand Opera House from 10 to 11 o'clock free of charge; everybody is Invited to attend aud listen to the lecture and witness the cures. The Doctor is located at 602 Penn avenue, where he may be consulted free from 9 a. h. until 7 p.m. The Doctor will also give a free lecture to ladies next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Grand Opera House. This lec ture will be illustrated with life-sized charts, and will be the most interesting of any lecture evertglven in Pittsburg. Every lady should attend. Letters of inquiry must contain two stamps. aplO-74 ERNST AXTHELM, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL BELL HANGER. Repairing a specialty. 103 THIRD AVE., near Wood St. Telephone 85L PITTSBURG, PA. au25-e76-ws ap9-TT8Sn AVENUE,, 33 ap9-TTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO-DAY ONLY, KAUFMANNS' WILL OFFER THE FOLLOWING MARVELOUS AND MIRACULOUS aril Earns in Sirs itti $6 FOR YOUR CHOICE From 800 Boys' hand some Sack Suits, like cut, made from strictly all - wool Cassimeres, Cheviots and Worsteds. We want you to compare these suits with any of-r fered elsewhere at $10, and, if there is any dif ference in the qualities, it will be in favor of ours.. It was only by reason of our having bought a very large bill of these suits that we managed to get them as cheaply as we did. They were intended to retail for $10, but, if you come in before n o'clock to night, you can take choice for just $6. CONFIRMATION SUITS A SPECIALTY. Over 100 styles to select from all made in our own Custom Tailoring department. Prices $6 to 15; and don't forget that we take the address of each Boy candidate for communion or confirma tion and will send him A GRAND EASTER GIFT. $3 FOR YOUR CHOICE From 1,200 Boys' Short Pant Suits sizes 4 to 14. There is nothing very startling about this, you may say. And neither there is. Any clothing house, it is true, can ad vertise and sell Boys' Short-Pant Suits at I3, but here's the rub these particular suits are no shoddy materials, but fine, all-wool Cassimeres, Worsteds and Cheviots, made in the very height M or rasnion ana are truiyi and honestly worth every cent of p$' EFTS to fvh 7r A ' A OP" A ik- ' if V i !u Vi wm,... w MIL I jmiQ FOR A FEW DAYS LONGER ONLY. If you want any of our "Pigs in Clover," or "Cows in the Corn" puzzles, as well as our wonderful Calliopes or Crack Shots, you had better hurry, as the free distribution of these articles will shortly terminate. $2" FOR YOUR CHOICE From a beautiful and bril liant line of Children's Kilt Suits, made from all-wool Flannels, Serges, Assabeth Cloths, Cheviots, etc., in blue, brown, gray, combina tion patterns, silk effects, large and small plaids, checks and stripes, etc. We -warrant these suits to be equal in quality, fit and gen eral style to anything offered elsewhere for $4. During this i-dar" Special Sale, however, you can select any one (there are about 500) at the extraordinarily low price of S3 50. Don't miss the chance. A Large and Fine Variety of Boys' Shirts, Boys' Waists, Boys' Scarfs, Boys? Stockings, Boy' Mats, Boys' Caps, Boys' Shoes, etc Qualities, Styles and Prices that are right. K A UFMAN N Q I X Vast J Fifth Avenue and Smithfleld Street. DRUNKENNESS OrthsLlouor Habit Positively Cured by Administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be given in a cap of coffee or tes -without the knowledge or the person Uklng It: is bso- latelr harmless, and will effect a permanent and Seear cure, whether the patient Is a moderate Inker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands or Drunkards bare been made tern Persia men who bare taken Uolden-Speclfic in their coffee without their knowledge and to-day bellere tbev quit drinking from tbelr own free will. ITU EVER i'AIliS. The system once Impregnated with the Specific, It becomes an utter Impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For sale by A. J. Bankln, Btxth and Penn ave...Plttsburg: E. Holden & Co., 63 E. Federal it., Allegheny. TTrado snpplled by Heo. A. Kellr & Co Pltuburjr. ra. oefr-M-rrs J. DIA3IOND, Optician, S3 Stactb. Street Plttstmrjr. Spectacles and Eyeglasses correctly adjusted to .every defect of sight. Field' and Opera Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Barometers, Thermometers, etc. jMABTIFlCIAti EYES made to order, HFksd warranted. Always on hand a 3E large and complete stock; jaS-Txssu WW Vf' FOR YOUR CHOICE From 650 Boys' very fine Cutaway Frock Dress Suits sizes 14 to 19' just the thing for the nobby college youth or the fashionable city young man. These suits . . come in choice imported materials, in Scotch' effects, plaids, silk mix tures and solid light and dark colorings. Make and trimmings are first-' class, while the fit is per fection itself. Come in and take a look at these suits, and then, if you take the trouble to fracV out, you- can see the same identical suits marked $15 in the show window of a certain clothing house. - Our price is $10. $r FOR lr YOUR 9U CHOICE From 800 Boys' Short Pant (3-piece) Suits, with vests, sizes 4 to 14. It'll' be a great puzzle to the clothiers how we can sell these fine suits (see illustra tion) for $5, while they tnemselves paid a cold $7 for them. But this doesn't concern you. All you need to know is that the suits can be had at our store to day for $5, and, if you're wise, you'll buy one as quickly as pos--sible. THE $4 FOR YOUR CHOICE From a select assortment of Imported Kilt Suits, sizes 3 to 6. They represent the very latest Berlin and Paris ian ideas, and are the most bewitching and charming little garments you ever laid your eyes on. Can't describe them they must be seen. They are our own exclusive styles, no house in this city having as yet received them. Wish you'd give ns a chance to try one on your little boy. No harm done if you don't buy. But we have yet to see the first mother who saw these lovely Kilt Suits and left the store without buying one. apll-p TO CAPITALISTS. FORSAIEr SEA GIRT -. AND SPRING LAKE, MONMOUTH CO., NEW JEBSBY. Sea Girt is practically intact as one property, while perhaps one-third of Spring Lake re mains nnsofa. The two places are so well known as Summer Resorts that details are ua necessary. Maps and data will be exhibited to possible buyers. A fine opportunity for capl tallsts or a syndicate. Several of the hotels and a number of the Spring Lake improved lots can be included in the i purchase. Apply to SAMUEL a HUEY. Attorney Xc owners. Nos. 515 to 550 Drexel Bulldttifc Philadelphia. ap3-7-TTS . P Jill 11CS cuui3,i.ww". u..raa,.TOMOTMiro. cBce. (No delay.) EJUbllsfeeiMie.'rC- w.. . .... hLma HmffiUUU ..V.T...IW $10 A irii-jL i . :4i?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers