$'- -V -r 1 it s : A--J0M START To l)e GiTen' the Allegheny Biyer Improvements THAT HERE'S ISLAND DAM. A Big Public Demonstration is flow Being Arranged For, WHICH MAT BEAT DAYIS ISLAND'S. 'All the Up-Biver Towns to be Invited "to Visit Pittsburg. 5 PBOPOSED SHIP CANAL TO LAKE EEIE A public demonstration which may equal the dedication of the Davis Island dam is projected by friends of the coming improve ments on the Allegheny river. It is pro posed to open the work on the Govern ment dam at Heir's Island this summer with a big flourish of trumpets, not because of the fact that the construction of a single dam will be commenced, but for the reason of its significance. The building of that dam commits the Government to a continu ation of the enterprise until a string of locks and dams will extend from Pittsburg to "Warren, making the noble stream nav igable to the Xew York State line. The Dispatch reported exclusively, a few weeks ago, the purchase of property on the river bank on the Allegheny side by United States District Attorney Allen. He acted under orders lrom the "War Depart ment through the Attorney General. This property is just below the island, and will be the site of lock walls, abuttments and tool houses. On the Pittsburg side the Dis trict Attorney had to sue for the condemna tion of property on account of a dispute as to the price. This suit is now pending, but "will be decided speedily. THE PBOPOSED DEMONSTEATION. It is the first breaking of this ground for Government purposes that public spirited men propose to formally celebrate. The Executive Committee of the "Western Penn sylvania Eiver Improvement Association has already had a consultation on the matter. The idea originated with this asso ciation, and will probably be managed tinder its auspices. The Executive Com mittee's meeting, at which the sub "ject was discussed, teas held in this city. The Pittsburg members of ;this committee are Messrs. Arthur Kirk, George Finley and E. T. Graham. Nearly all of the towns along the Allegheny river 'and tributaries have a representative on the committee. The officers of the "Western Pennsylvania Eiver Improvement Associa tion are Arthur Kirk, Pittsburg, President; Hon. A. Cook, Potter county, Vice Presi dent; S. "W. Colvin, Allegheny, Secretary; E. T. Graham, Etna, Treasurer. One of the members of the Executive Committee stated to the writer yesterday afternoon that the celebration will be such as to fenlist the sympathy of business men and citizens generally. An effort will be made to have the Councils of both cities turn out in a body, with the two Mayors and the officers of the Eiver Improvement Association. Invitations will also be sent to the members of the Ohio Eiver Commis sion, some of whom live in Pittsburg, and a special letter of invitation will be sent Colonel "William E. Merrill, the, officer commanding the TJ. S. A. Engineering Corps on the Ohio river and its tributaries. Congressmen and State legislators from all the counties bordering on the Allegheny, Kiskiminetas and Clarion rivers will be urged to come. CROWDS MAY COME. Excursion rates will be secured on all the railroads running into the city. It is be lieved this afiair will bring more people to the city from e. distance than the dedication of Davis Island dam, for the reason that in that instance the benefits "arising from the completion of the great work were purely local, while the Herr's island undertaking is a matter of deep interest everywhere up the valley of the Allegheny between this city and New York State. Eepresenling the various connties in the charter member ship of the "Western Pennsylvania Eiver Improvement Association were the following gentlemen: H. E. Fuller ton, Parker City; Joseph E Beale, Leech burg; E. A Paul, Salisbury; J. E. Mitch ell, Punxsutawney; A W. Bell, Brady's Bend; A C. Weaver, Ereeport, J. E.Long, Erookville; James Miller. Franklin; Harrv "White, Indiana; S. B. McElroy, Apollo; 6. H. Manifold, Parker City; John Dn Bois, Du Bois; S. W. Calvin, Allegheny City; A. Cook, Cooksbuig; J. BEevnolds, Oil City; S. S. Crosby, Kittannine, "Steph en Forrester, Freeport; Matthew Smith, Springdale; Theo. S. Wilson, Clarion; X. G. Ayres, Sharpsburg. Most of these gen tlemen arc still in the association, and their influence will send large crowds down to the celebration. A prominent steamboat owner said to a reporter yesterday evening that he would participate with all his craft in another "steamboat procession," such as was had at the Davis Island dam opening. He became so enthusiastic in the matter that he said he would communicate with the committee and suggest an illuminated fleet off the Point; the duplicating ol the flat-bottom oil-barrel boats used on the Allegheny when petroleum was first discovered; and the bnilding of some of the great Corn planter Indian rafts of early Allegheny days. Those he thought would make unique features of the celebration. A SSAG HT ALLEGHEST Just now the Government has run against ai little snag. The property they bought in Allegheny to be available for the use of lock walls will have to encroach upon the foundations of the retaining wall of a pub lic street. The United States Government is therefore preparing a petition which will be presented to Allegheny City Councils at their next meeting, asking the vacation of this street It is hardly probable that Alle gheny wilL refuse Uncle Sam this little favor, but the red tape necessary will cause more or less delay to the great work. It is not generally known that the West ern Pennsylvania Eiver Improvement As sociation has as one of its objects of organi sation a far grander scheme than the slack watering of the Allegheny. Its constitu tion says the association was organized for the purpose of "collecting and spreading information about the improvement of the great rivers, particularly the Allegheny river and its tributaries, to a minimum stage of six feet of water; and also, to secure the construction of a ship canal from the Allegheny river to Lake Erie." Connecting the Allegheny river with Lake Erie has been pronounced by some engineers as an Utopian scheme, but oth ers believe it practicable. A Bad Growler Worker. , Alderman Schaffer committed Daniel Mc Ehaffrey to jail yesterday on a charge of larceny. Mrs. Mary Trago alleges she sent HcShaftrey for a bucket of beer, giving him a 15 gold piece, and he never returned. -TnpaiwrTOWHinioDBT.' The Mysterious Hancloe of Sin. Ulmer to - Bedpost Shorter Thau Herself Insane About a Child's Fntuny,, A reporter from The DfsPATCH yester day Went to Beltzhoover boroughTand inves tigated the case of the supposed suicide, Mrs. Amelia Ulmer, whose body, was found hanging to a very short bedpost; last Mon day night. It was stated ,ia an afternoon japer on Friday that there Vere rumors of foul play, and that the circumstances sur rounding the death were at variance with the verdict of the Coroner's jury. The reporter yesterday visited the house formerly occupied by the Ulmer family. It was closed and locked up, and Mr. TJlmer had removed to McDonald station, where he is working. The neighbors were, inter-i viewed, and the general impression is that it was a clear case of suicide in a fit of tem porary insanity. Mrs. Wesslaiger, a step sister of Mr. Ulmer, and who had been at tending the woman during her illness, said: "I was probably the last person that saw Mrs. Ulmer alive. I was at the house all evening, and left about 8:30 o'clock. When I leit her Mrs. Ulmer was in bed, and I thought she acted strangely at the time. She was dressed in a black overdress and had a sack over the dress. I asked her why she had attired herself in this way, and she made an unintelligible reply. In the after noon she said to me: 'I- feel that I am not long for this world. I am not right (mean ing that she was out of her mind).' She talked incoherently, and before I went home I made her promise that she would try to go to sleep." Mrs. Colligan, who lives opposite the house where the tragedy occurred, said: "I do not think there is the slightest doubt that the woman banged herself. I was over in her house about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and she seemed to be distressed. She was sitting up at the time, and seemed to be worrying over the future of her baby. The latter is only eight weeks old, and the mother had been ill since its birth. This was her' sev enth child, and the only one that did not die." Mrs. Sheppard, who also lives across from the Ulmer house, said: "There is a great amount of talking going on; but I do not think the trouble in that family amounted to more than an ordinary spat between man and wife. Mrs. Ulmer lived a very retired life, and was not of a neighborly disposition. She was a good woman, but did not visit very much. People who knew them say Mr. Ulmer thought a great deal of his wife' Squire Barr, of Beltzhoover, scouts at the idea of foul play. He cited a number of cases where people had hanged themselves to projections lower than an ordinary "bed post. He said that when he cut the body down Mrs. Ulmer's knees were bent and touched the floor. The position of the body showed that she had died of strangula tion. Undertaker Vierheller, however, sticks to the belief that the bedpost was not high enough for the woman to hang herself. THEY ARE GROUNDLESS. Mr. B. F. Joues Denies the Charges Against the Mononsahela Water Company The Answer, to be Filed Terr Shortly. ""Hon. B. F. Jones was interviewed at his home on Irwin avenue, Allegheny, last evening in regard to the filing of an answer to the bill in equity against the Mononga hela Water Company, in which Mr. Jones is one of the chief defendants, and H. Sel lers McKee is .the principal prosecutor. The charge made is that of watering the stock, and absorbing enough thereof to make a difference of $115,000. Mr. Jones said he had only just returned to the city, and, although he had noticed the bill lying on his table, he had not yet had time to read it over. As the writ is against the water company, Messrs. Knox & Eeed, its attorneys, will prepare an an swer to the bill. . Mr. Jones said that the charges amounted to nothing, and that they were entirely with out foundation They were made pn the spur of the moment. The answer will consist of a general de nial of all the charges made in the bill. Mr. Jones stated that he did not know when it would be filed. He is the principal stock holder in the company, and is also one of its directors. A LARGE FUXERAL PAETT. A Number of People Attending the Obsequies of Captain Brown's Nephew. A funeral party of 30 some people arrived in the city yesterday and registered at the Monongabela Honse. They came from Niles, O., and Hew Castle to attend the funeral of Charles S. B. Ward, son of W. A Ward, of Ward & Co., founders, at New Castle, and a nephew of Captain William H. Brown the steamboat owner of this city. The deceased was only 21 years of age, and died from an attack of typhoid malaria. He formerly lived at Uiles, but for the past few years has made his home in New Castle. He died Friday afternoon and the remains will be interred in Allegheny Cemetery to morrow. Among the funeral party are: W. 13. "Ward and wife, Mrs. Hartzell, Mrs. Leslie, Miss Hde Baldwin, Miss Cleo Baldwin, Mrs. Ingrowham, Mrs. B. B. Bobbin, William Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Kouch, Michael Lynch, Michael Kellintr, Edward Henry, Myron Crow Icy, Michael Guggenheim, Francis Wilson, Francis Bentley and David Jones, of Niles; James Trimble and wife, Mrs. Sharpless, Charles Phillips. Samuel Foults, John Hntton, Edward Rice, James Rice and Michael Qantz, of New Castle. The pall bearers at the funeral will, be Charles Phillips, Samuel Foults, John Hut ton, Myron Crowley, Michael Guggenheim and Frank Bentley. A NEW CAR LIGHTER. The Pennsylvania Railroad Experimenting; With One. The Pennsylvania Eailroad is experi menting with a new system of car lighting, which will probably supersede the gaslights now used on all its trains. For the past few days there has been a car lying in the Union depot yards which has been fitted up with the appliances to make the light, and an instructor has been explaining it to the trainmen and others. The car is local coach No. 969, an d will remain at the Union station for several days yet. The new light is called the Carhurreter system of lighting and is a mixture of gaso line and coal gas. It makes a blue flame 'and its brilliancy is said to be greater than that of an electric light. The fluid or gas, as it may be called, is stored in the tank underneath the car, and when the cylinder is charged the power generated will last for a week without having to be renewed. If the experiment is successful the new system will be placed upon all the cars. AT DR. HOLLAND'S HOME.. Amherst Alnmnt Form on Association In Western Pennsylvania. The graduates of Amherst College, in Western Pennsylvania, met at Dr. Hol land's home and formed an Alumni Associa tion. Prof. Mather, of the faculty, and a number of graduates, were present. Dr. Holland gave his guests a fine dinner. " John A. Emery was elected President of the association and S. W. Cunningham, Secretary and Treasurer. Prof. Mather will preach to-day in the Bellefield church. A Dance an the Stockdale. A dance was given on the Katie Stock dale last evening by E. J. Henderson, W. H. Gordon, J. E. and S. E. Johnston to 30 couples. The music was furnished by the boat orchestra. A fine supper was served I iaie m me evening, xae occssiuu was m deed a very "enjoyable one. TEE nnLraANSMTTLna. Farmers to Ship But One-FourtL of Their Usual Supply To-Morrow, TO MEET A THREATENED BOYCOTT. -Dealers of the Two Cities Not let Fright ened Into Defeat. HOW THE HERRI WAR IS PROGRESSING The merry milk war goes on. A number of additional farmers yesterday signed the agreement of the Milk Producers' Union of "Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio, and are now ready to turn all their product over to F. O. Eeed, the union's agent. He is ready in turn to dispense the household beverage to retail dealers, A new phase of the movement was announced by Mr. Eeed last evening. Beginning with .Monday morning, all dealers who wish to buy their milk through Mr. Eeed's agency must first get an order slip at his office, No., 616 Lib erty street. After that they go to the rail road depots for th milk. Heretofore the dealers have been getting their milk at the trains without any formality. Although, as agent of the farmers, Mr. Seed now controls 30,000 gallons of milk daily, it is not likely that he will allow more than one-fourth of that quantity to be shipped into the city to-morrow. He does not propose to be caught with a big supply on his hands if the dealers try to boycott him as some have threatened to do. Should order slips be given out during the morning for more than that amount, then a larger shipment will be quickly telegraphed for. THE PABMKRS DETERMINED. The farmers' agent will charge'dealers the same price to-morrow for the milk .as they have been paying. After to-morrow prices are not yet fixed. It is supposed a big cut Trill be made if the dealers try a counter movement with milk from Central Ohio. J. D. Little, Secretary of the Producers' Union, was rather wrathy yesterday ove the allegations made by leading members of the Dealers' Union that the dealers had not been treated fairly by the producers, and that the latter had" not given the former proper opportunities to negotiate with them. Mr. Little sent for a reporter of The Dis patch and then replied to this as fol lows: "It is the dealers who have treated the producers unfairly, and now they are squeal ing because we have put them in a hole. Listen to this: On February 19 a delegate meeting of the producers was Held, at which the constitution and by-laws were adopted. Of this action the dealers were promptly notified. They sent their executive com mittee to consult with us on March 12th. They said they would agree to pay us 12 and 18 cents, declaring that price was no-object, as they desired our union to be organized to protect them. They agreed then to meet us on March 26 to fix matters up. When we came together at that date we could get nothing out of them. They asked that the whole matter be dropped until October. We then offered to sign articles with them to go into effect in Oc tober. They declined, saying they had not the power to act for all dealers. "We then moved that the next conference be held on April 2, and that the dealers' committee come fully empowered to act. On that date none of the dealer showed up at all. Instead, our President received a postal card from the committee of dealers explaining that they couldn't get enough of the dealers together to transact business. But since we went right ahead without them they seem to have been able to get enough together for a big meeting, at which these, charges of un fairness were made. AMONG THE DEALERS. Two of the largest retail dealers in the cities yesterday notified Agent Eeed that they were ready to receive their supply of milk from him at the farmers' terms, begin ning to-morrow morning. One is on the Southside. the other in Allegheny Mr. William Dilworth, the leader of the dealers, was met at his store on Pennsylva nia avenue, Allegheny, last evening, and during the course of a conversation on the existing trouble, said: "I have just returned from the Fort Wayne depot, where I met a large number of milk dealers, who were after to-morrow's supply of milk. The feeling among them is stronger than it has been at any time since the commencement of the trouble. They are confident that in the end they will be able to supply the most of their customets' wants. The majority of mine have said they would be lenient and allow me a little time in order to meet their demands. Such is also the case with all the dealers in the city. I have enough mils: on hands to furnish all the sick people and babies among my customers. The remain der will have to wait TO-MOBBOW'S SHOET OUTLOOK. "A milk dealer in Allegheny I will not give his name wiU go after ,000 gallons of milk on Sunday, and will, on Monday, bring it to the city. This milk will be for Tuesday's supply; so it does not matter if the milk does not get into the city before Monday noon. We have enough on hand at present to supply our customers on Mon day 'morning. '"'Several farmers have been in the city and say that the agents ot the creamery company have misrepresented the facts in the case, stating that the dealers in the city sanctioned the movement. Tbey did not know they were cutting the dealers off with out any warning. This, they say, was not fair, and they would not accede to such de mands. "According to the laws of the association, shippers who have contracts with dealers are permitted to fill them. This, in many cases, will allow the dealers a small supply, as a number of contracts have been made. A SLIGHT HITCH INDICATED. "The shippers do nOt agree with the first order issued by the association, which is that one-fourth of the usual amount of milk shipped be sent to them. This will throw tbe remainder on their hands, to get rid of as best they pan. It does not pay them to make it up into butter at this time of the year. One said to me that he shipped 55 gallons of milk per day. Tne profits on three-fourths of the milk will be over $25 in a week, and he proposes to pay his fine, which is the amount' just named, and get out of the association immediately. "Taking it all in all, I think we can make a winding fight, and can break the association, or union, or trust, or whatever it may be." TO BE BURIED TO-DlT. The Mnnlerons Father and His Little Victim Going; to the Grave. Peter Datz, who committed suicide after cutting the throat of his 3-year-old child, will be Buried in a pauper's grave to-day. The body of the child will be put in St. Mary's Cemetery. Inspector McAleese and Detective Coul son placed a beautiful cross of flowers at the$oor child's head. PUSHING THE DOUBLE TRACK. President Newell, of the Lake Erie, Makes Bfs Costomnry VIIt. President John Newell, of the Lake Erie road, was in the city yesterday on one of his periodical visits. Mr. Newell went East last evening. The work of double tracking the road is being pushed rapidly. The President was too busy signing vouchers to be seen, and he sent out word to the reporters that he had no news this time. Db. B. M. Hanb-a, Eye, ear, nose and throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Penn street, Pittsburg, Pa. s&su PJTTSBtJEG? DISPATCH, SPECIAL TRAIF TO OREGO-j;) A Remarkable Transcontinental Shipment of Agricultural Implements Wonderful Growth of the North wesfi The largest amount of -agricultural ma chinery ever"shipp'ed to the1 Pacific coast in one lot will be shipped by,Eussell & Co., of Massillon, O. to-morrow. It comprises 46 threshing machines, 24 horse powers and 32 traction engines, and will require an entire train to transport it,, tfhe train will consist of 24 flat and 2 boxcars, and will be ran through from Massillon to Portland, Ore., as a special. The route will be: Wheeling and Lake Erie Eailway, Massilon to Monroeville, O.; thence via Baltimore and Ohio Eailway to Chicago; thenoe via Wis consin Central Eailway to St. Paul, where the Northern Pacific Eailway will take it and carry it to Portland. The train is ex pected to make fast time to Portland, where Eussell & Co.'s Pacific Coach Agency will receive und reshipto various points in Oreeon and Washineton Territory. The aggregate value of the shipment is1 upward of $80,000, and it is urobably the largest single shipment oi mresning ma chines and engines ever made. The freight charges on the shipment will amount to" about $8,000. " With the exception of one other case where a train of I7"cars was loaded to one consignee on the Pacific coast, this, it is be lieved, is the only -'attempt to run' a solid train of machinery through to that Terri tory. ' This is a striking indication of the rapid growth of Oregon and Washington Terri tory in the last few years, and: all signs, point to a still more rapid growth in the future. It is estimated by those in position to know that the population of Washington Territory will -this year be increased 250,000 by immigration from other parts of the United States. From New England, from the Middle States, and even from Iowa, Missouri and Kansas, people are going to seek homes on the North Pacific slope. It is probable that the next census will find Oregon and Washington Territory ranking above many of the older States in population. THE PROJECT PROGRESSING. Working Night and Day on the Extension of the W. fc L.E. M. D. Woodford, Tice .President and General Manager of the Wheeling and Lake Erie Eailroad, passed through the city last night on his way to New York from his home in Toledo. Mr. "Woodford is one of the executive officials of the growing West ern line that will run into this city some time in the near future. At present their line extends from Toledo eastward to Bow erstown on the Panhandle and from Valley Junction to Marietta on the Ohio river. They are extending the road from Bowers town to Wheeling and by the middle of the coming summer they expect to reach the Nail City. In speaking of their line last night the Vice President said: By the end of next week we. expect to be gin work laying on the extension of the line from Bowers town to Wheeling. We now have our energies concentrated on a tunnel under the Cadiz branch. The tun nel will be half a mile long, with 60 feet of a cut. We are working at it night and day and have 400 feet of it completed. By July 1 we expect to be at the Ohio river. We now get a good share of traffio out of this citv via the Pittsburg and. Western road at Orrville, O. , DOGS ARE PATTER Since Natural Gas Was Generally Intro duced as Domestic Fnel. "Lean curs are Beldom seen on the public streets now," said a police officer yesterday. "The reason is that dogs in this city have actually become fatter since the general in troduction of natural gas as fuel. Don't you see 1" Tbe Dispatch reporter confessed that Z&J "ii?An&ar "5"r refuse thrown into back alleys and vacant lots now than when people burned coal."' explained the officer. ' "In those days tile average housewife burned all suoh refuse. Eyen bones were chucked into the kitchen fire or cellar stove. Now the natural gas grates will not permit the burning of garb age. Consequently it goes to the dogs. I am telling 'you what my experience on the streets and alleys of three years has shown me. Watch Pittsburg dogs yourself and see if this is not true, AMERICUS CLUB CHANGES. The Active Membership Increased and a Few DIen Drooped. The Americus Bepublican Club held its regular meeting last night. Mr. Harry Darlington, of Allegheny, was elected a life member, and 36 members were added to the active roll. The resignation of a mem ber who has moved to Michigan was pre sented and accepted, and eight members were suspended for non-payment of dues. This leaves 541 members in good standing in the club. The Secretary reported the death of W. E". Murdoch, of Sewickley, and a suitable minute was adopted. The club sent a floral tribute to Mr. Murdoch's funeral. Colonel William ' H. Eeed was tendered a vote of thanks for his tact and diplomacy in procuring a private reception for the club by President Harrison while in Wash ington. ADDISGTOTHE'HST. An Old IiawrencevlUe Gentleman Knocked , Down by a Cable Oar. As George Lunpert, an old Lawrenceville resident, was crossing Butler street, at Thirty-sixth street, last night, he was knocked down and severely injured by cable car 105, o&the Citizen's line. The old gen tleman failed to notice the car approaching, and the gripman rangthebell furiously, but before the car could be stopped he was struck by the pilot. He would probably have suffered greater injury had not Constable Thomas Packer pulled him of! the track, Mr. Lunpert's in jury was an ugly scalp wound. He was taken to his home on Thirty-seventh street in the patrol wagon. TRIALS OP JL TOUNG WIFE. Her Hnsband Deserts Her.bnt Agent Dean Comes to tbe Rescue. A 19-year-old husband Was sent to jail yesterday for want of bail by his 15-year-old bride on a charge of desertion. The plaintiff is Minnie Camp, the defendant W. H. Camp." Minnie claims that her husband deserted her a month ago and went to Michigan. He returned a few days ago when he was ar rested. During this time the wife says she and her child suffered for the want of sup port. Agent Dean, of the Anti-Cruelty Society, helped them generously. Minnie has no friends in the city except an aged grandmother. A, FIGHT IN A MILL. - mike Kelly Is Struck on the Head With ah Iron Gits Pipe. John Bohn and Mike Eelly got into a fight in the Clinton mill yesterday morn ing. During the fistiouff it is alleged Bohn struck Kelly a blow on the head with a gas pipe, inflicting a. painful wound. When the police went to arrest Bohn he had left the city. A Quaint Old Piece of Scrip. Mr. S. M. Thorp, of Springdale, possesses one of the most unique old pieces of scrip to be seen anywhere. Printed on thin, transparent paper, it recites that the "Cox sackle (N. Y.) Association promises to pay to I. Swan or order 6 cents." It is the size of a shinplaster, is dated 1815, and was evi dently Issued just after the-War of 1812. when cash was scarce and scrip was resorted to. ,-.'' APKLtV 7, B0BT30BS." The Millvale Mill May be Started With Non-Union Men To-Morrow. OLD EMPLOYES ARE CROWDED OUT. The Bonghers and Catchers Mr. Oliver's Statements. Correct ONLY A MORE EQUAL DIY1SI0N WANTED The Millvale Iron Works, formerly operated by Graff, Bennett & Co., will be started to-morrow morning under very peculiar circumstances. Just at present it is impossible to state whether the firm will sign the scale, but it is already a well known fact that the object of the company that will operate the works is to do so on the cheapest plan possible. The steps that have already been taken are damaging to organized labor. The company has engaged nearly all the day workmen, or those 'Who do not come under the rule or scale of the Amalgamated Association. The work hat has so far been let has been given to the lowest bidder, something that has never been known vr heard of around Pittsburg before. The men who called at the office for work were first and sim ply asked-what they wanted for their ser vices. In this way the company will likely save from CO cents to $2 on each skilled workman per day. The firm has notified their managers not to hire any of the old men, giving as a rea son that they had broken up the late owners of the plant. APPLIED, BUT GOT LEFT. Nearly all those men who formerly worked in the mill, who are members of the Amal gamated Association, and who live in Mill vale, have asked for work, and not a single one was given any satisfaction. In the past week a number of colored men who were discharged from the Black Dia mond Steel Works during the Knights of Labor strike nearly two years ago, have moved their families into the company houses'at Millvale.. Prom this the men in fer that the; firm intend to operate the mill on the non-union principleT If none of the old hands are taken back it will not give them any power to act through their committee on the scale ques tion, and' those in authority to know have not heard of any move on the pari of the head officials of the Amalgamated Asso ciation having been made. The mill will be run on a small scale for one week at least; a portion of the puddling department only will be on single turn, and the large train of plate rolls is to be started later on, making heavy pipe iron. No ex tra precaution has been made by the firm for any future trouble by any of the old workmen. 2TO XNTERFEBEXCE. A laree number of them who are workine in the Vesuvius mili, of Moorhead Bros. & Co., at Sharpsburg, stated to a representa tive ot The Dispatch last evening, that none of the men who formerly worked in the mill will interfere, as nearly all of them are working in other mills, and a large number have moved their families away from the town. The old firm had commenced building a new pnddling department of 16 double-furnaces, which was nearly finished when the mill was closed in February of last year. They can be made ready to be started in about a month. If the new company starts every department of the mill on donble turn, it will cive work to about 800 men. who, if paid at the scale, will draw $23,000 : . p it nigu , number of puddlers who had formerly been employed at the Ulinton Mm naa neen en gaged to go to work to-morrow. A CHARTER REFUSED. Qlixed Assemblies Cannot Form N. T. A.'s in the Knights of Labor. The attempt of the glass packers to form a National Trades Assembly of the Knights of Labor, composed of all workers not eli gible to membership in L. A. 300 and the A. E. G. W. V., is a failure. It will be re membered, they proposed to form a national organization in. the Knights composed of mixers and teasers, boxmakers, coopers, teamsters and others employed around a glass factory. Master Workman Boss, however, entered a protest to general headquarters, raising the point of law that an N. T. A. cannot be formed of mixed districts. His point, was sustained. A charter for the new district was refused. The glasspackers have decided, to send a representative to headquarters and lay their claims before the General Executive Board. They say while in the K. of LT they have induced ten factories to organize; have con tributed to every strike, and gave money to men out of employment. They think they are entitled to something now. One of the arguments that will be used, it is said, is that Mr. Eoss protests because the forma tion of the district will decrease the mem bership of D. A. 3 about 300. It is stated that President Campbell, of the Window Glass Workers Association, is backing them in the movement to secure a charter for a National Trades' Assembly. A number of leading Knights who were seen yesterday agree with Master Work man Boss, and say they cannot possibly ob tain a charter unless one of the laws of the organization is violated. The packers say they will withdraw from the Knights and reorganize the old Glass Packers' Union if the desired charter is not granted. ' A RUN OF 2,350 TONS A WEEK, The Largest on Record, at the Jones &. Laathltn's Steel Works. The Jones & Laughlin's Steel Works last week turned-out 2,350 tons, the largest run on record for even that mammoth establish ment. In the same connection it may be stated that the puddlers at the Eliza Eurnace are still idle, and that one of the furnaces is yet blowing out, and, by the present blasting process, workmen hope to have it ready in about six weeks. to resume operations. D. D. Lewis, foreman of the Jones & Laughlin's blooming department, had one of his fingers amputated last week, owing to an accident.' TRADE8' ASSEMBLY MEETING. ' New members Admitted and a Significant Letter from Lewis. A meeting of the Trades' Assembly was held last night, with Joseph L. Evans in the chair. John Aneho, John Brew, Will iam Steward and Emanuel Corbin, repre senting Hod Carriers' Union No. 1, and W. H. Decker and J. D. Gearing, of Box makers' Assembly, 1533, were admitted as members. The Executive Board reported a letter from W. E. Lewis, stating that the demand tor labor bills which are to come before the Legislature is bo great that the supply has become exhausted. He sent them the titles of a number of bills. Welho Settles tho Trouble. President Weihe, of the Amalgamated Association, has been making.a tour of the Southern iron mills. While at the Lookout Mill, at Chattanooga, Tenn., he settled trouble there. The firm was only working single and used but one force of men. Pres ident Wefhe explained the rules requiring a division of work, and the mill is now run ning as usual, I Conld Not Get Encash Heat. Slowing was to iaye.be en commenced at gURDAY, 1889. Jeanuetterto-murro w by the tansrjHOcese, buTif. wSsriscovered that enoflghdieat fcan oiot be obtained to 'melt down the bateb. This tank is the greatest in the world, and in order to make it work successfully some extensive- Improvements and alterations will be necessary. This work will require about a moth'.time. ' . ' ROUGHERS AND CATCHERS' JROUBLE. They Want to Correct Mr. D. B. OllvsVa Statement Aboat Their Wanes. A committee ot roughers and catchers from the Southside called at this office last evening to make a correction of what Mr. D. B. Oliver stated in regard to their wages. They asked that publication be given to the fact that when Mr. Oliver said that the roughers and catchers on their ten inch mills earned 55 17 per day each, he forgot to mention the fact that they worked on two furnaces and three men did four men's work. .The rules of the Amal gamated Association do not permit this, but the lawsof the organization are not enforced in this respect. The men have .no objection to the wages paid by the firmbut want part of what is now paid to the heaters. They say the work done is harder, in many cases, than getting out a heat of iron, but the heater gets twice as much wages as a rougher. They want a more eaual division of what the mill earns. The sum and substance of the whole matter is that it will be a fight between the roughers and the heaters, with the rollers who hire them, and the firm who pay the rollers looking on and saying nothing. This will be abont the most important matter that will be brought up at the coming Amalga mation convention. Daniel Davis, of Custer Lodge of the Southside, has announced himselt as a can didate for a delegateship to the convention in Jnue. The fight in this lodge will be be tween Mr. Davis and ex-Vice-President Patrick Wilson. THE PRICE OF ICE ADTANCED, And the Haulers and Helpers Want a Cor responding Advance In Wages. The ice crop last winter was unusually poor, and in consequence prices this season will be higher than for many years past. Notice of an advance will not be a great surprise to consumers, for they have been expecting to pay more for ice this year than last. A meeting of ice dealers was held yester day afternoon in the SteVenson building, at which the rates to private dealers were ad vanced. No advance was made, however, on carload lots. Cards will be printed con taining the new schedule of prices and mailed to consumers this week. The ice drivers and helpers who belong to Local Assembly 7182, Knights of Labor, do not believe an advance is strictly necessary, particularly with tbe Chautauqua Lake Ice Company., as the ice crop was as good in that region as last year. They are willing to have the rates increased, but they want a portion of the advance themselves and have made a demand for more wages. Sev eral of them stated yesterday that they would insist on their demands for an ad vance in wages unless the prices remain the same as last summer. Labor Notes. The conference committees of the a. P. G. W. U. and the Manufacturers' Association will meet on April 11 to discuss the price list in the engraving departments. Peepaeations are being made for a big labor demonstration in this city on July 4, the object being to take preliminary steps toward enforcing the eight-hour system. The move ment has been started by the American Federa tion of Trades. Excelsior Lodge 63, A, A. of L and S. W. (Jones & Laughlin's steel workers), will this afternoon present to Mr. Phlneas Barnes, their manager, a very neatly expressed and hand somely framed memorial, setting forth their sympathy with him in the recent death of his estimable wife. HOT DEAD TET. The Moot Court Hofds 'AnSHier Session Young Lawyers Try a Sinn for Stealing a Pencil and AcQnlt Him. In the regular session of the Moot Court, which convened yesterday afternoon in Common Pleas No. 1, the case of J. Mc Kirdy vs S. Sllvey, in an action for damages, was postponed until next Satur day as a result of the absence of the at torneys for the defense, which was thought by the plaintiff's counsel as a point in their favor. However, the young legal aspirants pres ent concluded to hold magistrate court and the case of the Commonwealth vs Jerry Carney, charged with larceny, E. J. Mc Kenna prosecutor, was taken up. The defendant, who is a rum seller in Al legheny (and his appearance also indicated that Ee was a rum "swiller"), was charged With surreptitiously "nipping" a lead pen cil from the License Court table, said ar ticle being the property of E. J. McKenna. The latter prized it highly from the fact that his deceased sweetheart had given it to him. It bore tbe marks of a hungry schoolgirl, as it was filled with a million teeth indentations, so characteristic of tbe studious maiden. It was by these marks that the purloined article was identified. At this juncture a street band created a temporary adjournment of court, as the judge, attorneys and prisoners all rushed to the window to listen to the music. Mr. Goss made a preliminary address in which he proposed to prove the unqualified falsity ot the charge against his client. During his legal harangue the prosecutor, his attorney and the constable were seen to flip coins for the drinks and to mutter quietly, "that's a horse on you!" After Mr. Goss had finished the prisoner took the stand in his own behalf. He said he was a saloon keeper; a resi dent of Allegheny; 35 years old; not mar ried, bnt willing to be. He had found that pencil in front of his place of business. Mr. Goss, for the defendant, made a very creditable and forcible plea in behalf of the prisoner, and his speech was worthy of many an old practitioner at the bar. A de cision in favor of the defendant was rendered. President Callery's Funeral. The funeral of President James Callery, of the Pittsburg and Western Eailroad, will take place at 2 o'clock this afternoon from his late residence on Hiland avenue. The services will be held in St. Peter's Pro Cathedral in Allegheny. Bishop Phelan will conduct the services. '' Pianos and Organs To make room for the large stock of Haines' Bros., Ahlstrom, Mason & Ham lin, and Scbultz & Co. Pianos, and Mason & Hamlin, Tabor & Worcester organs that ate arriving daily, we have concluded to offer the following slightly used pianos and organs, at a great reduction: Bradford & Co. sq. piano, 7 octaves. .$145 Behning & Diel, sq. piano, "t octaves 145 Keystone sq. piano, 1 octaves.. 175 Horace Walters & Co. sq. piano, 1i oc taves 15j)' Schultz & Co. upright piano, 1 oc- ' taves ..'i , 180 Palace organ, 6 octaves 85 Sterling organ, 5 octaves... 50 Mellor & Hoene organ, 5 octaves 35 Keystone organ, 5 pctaves 55 The above instruments are all in first class condition and are fully warranted for six years. Easy payments arranged on all instruments sold. ECHELS MCMUERAT & CO., 123 Sandusky st., Allegheny City. (Telephdne Building.) All lovers of the delicacies of the table use Angostura Bitters to secure a good di gestion. -. James McKee, Jeweler, Late of 13 fifth Avennei Now at 420 Smithfield street. New store and a complete new stock. Please call and see him, one door below Diamond street, .. WHENWILL THIS END? A Member of the Grain and Flour ' Exchange Arraigns the Eoads. UNEQUAL BATES TURN BUSINESS From Pittsburg to UTestern Cities Not Entitled to tl)? Steal. THIS CITI NOT ONE OF THE FAY0RED ' Mr. Carnegie's letters on the subject of freight discriminations have awakened great interest among Pittsburg business men. It is just possible at movement will be started to bring such pressure to bear on the Pennsyl vania road that it will have to reduce its rates. The woods are full of manufacturers in other lines, too modest to allow their names to ap pear in print, who have the same complaidt to make as Mr. Carnegie. Even the mer- cnants, me wholesalers in particular, suuer from the effects of the railroad's discrimina ting policy. As a sample of how the railroads turn away the grain business from- Pittsburg, a perusal of the following interview from a member of the Grain and Elour Exchange will show Said, the modest grain man, who has a holy horror of seeing his name in a newspaper: I am a member of the Pittsburg Exchange, pay 100 a year for the privilege, and vet I haven't bought a pound of grain on the floors of the exchango for a year. Whyr I will tell you. I eo to the exchange and; learn the price of corn; say It is 23'oents per bushel. I at Once telegraph Chicago, Peoria or St. Louis for prices, and they can furnish it for Id cents per bushel. BEXABKASLE COMFABIS02T. A customer of mine at West Newton, Johns town or some other nearby town wants a car load of corn. Instead of shipping it to him from Pittsburg, Torderit to be sent direct from one of these western cities, and the freight Is not any more than It would cost me to ship this car from Pittsburg to Johnstown or West Newton. The result Is that I don't keep grain in my Pittsburg warehouses anymore. This business which should come from Pittsburg is captured by these western cities. They have big grain elevators and warehouses and employ a great many men, but there 13 nothing of the kind In Pittsburg. My connection with the Exchange here doesn't do me any good, but I will stick to it because sucb an organization is a credit to the city. Freight discrimination is turning plenty of grain away from this city. Here is another sample of bow the roads do business: I am encaged also In the flour trade. Punxsutawney is 132 miles from the city and I want to ship a barrel of flour there. It will cost me 13 cents per 100 pounds or 28 cents a barrel to send it from Pittsburg. Buffalo is 223 miles from tbe same place, and the rate from the former city is only 6 to 7 cents per 100. FLOUB FBOM BUFFALO. What do I dor When a customer of mine in Punxsutawney orders flour I have it shipped from Buffalo. I save money by the operation, Pittsburg loses the business and Buffalo gets it. The fact is that rates are so arranged these days that a Greensburg merchant can buy a3 cheap in Philadelphia as he can in Pittsburg. The majority of Johnstown merchants go East to buy their goods. Cumberland people go to Baltimore, Youngstown business men to Cin cinnati and Columbus, and Pittsburg nearer to these places than any of the cities mentioned by an iniquitous system ot freight discrimina tion loses all thisbuslness. By the way, I have had some experience in try in e to secure excursion rates for Pittsburg on different occasions. I know what it is to wrestle and pray with obstinate passenger men. I am convinced the day of a l-cent-a-mile rate for Pittsburg, no matter what the occasion may be, is past. Other cities can secure these favors, but not Pittsburg. Baring the late County Centennial one of the managers of the Pennsylvania Company told me that if he had teen in the City at the rime the-1-cent rate for ISO miles was made he would not have allowed it. "Pittsburg," said he, "doesn't need any centennials, expositions or May festivals to boom its trade." THETTVOTOU ALL TVAST IT. "If Pittsburg Is granted any favors then every little way station holding a picnic will ask for a contribution and rates;" and then sinking his voice to a whisper he said: "The inter-State law forbids such discriminations." Alas! if the inter-State law could only reach the unfortunate and helpless shipper In the State, they wonld rise up and call Senator Cnllom blesBed. Why, the wholesale men in the city had an awful time to get a 2-cent rate for the retail merchants within a radius of 20O miles, who have been Invited to visit the city during April, beginning on the 22d and continuing until the end of the week. Tbe Hew England roads, however, gave tbe Boston merchants a rate of one fare for the round trip for a similar pur pose. When the proposition of a 2-cent rate was flrstmade to the Pittsburg Passenger Agents' Association the Allegheny Valley, Pennsyl vania Company lines and the Lake Erie voted against it, while the B. & O. and the Pittsburg and Western voted for it. Afterward, when the rate -was granted, they positively refused to make the same rate as the New England roads had for the Boston merchants. However, a 2-cent-a-mile rate within a radius of 200 miles pf Pittsburg was never made be fore, and we have trained one victory at last. These are only a few instances which show how Pittsbure business men and manufacturers suffer at the hands of the railroads. MARSHEXL, THE CASH GKOCEH, W III Save You Money. "Git on board, chillun, dars room for a millyun moar." Those are our sentiments. We can number our customers by the thou sands, and withont any exaggeration can claim double the trade of any retail grocer in Western Pennsylvania. But this is a big country and we think we are just com mencing to get there. The one object which we always keep in view is to save money for our oustomers. We know if we do this they will appreciate it and return us the favor. We know you do appreciate it, for in the past two years we have had to enlarge our store Jwice, and we are now making a third addition which will double our capacity. Our tea department is going to receive first attention, and Mr. Shaw is to have full swing here, and he will surprise you all. Our provision department has been sadly neglected and we will give more space to it. O ver half our trade consists of mail orders shipped to points outside the city, and we have 4 men constantly packing goods for shipment. We will make radical changes here, giving our packers ample room, and arranging things with special view to the convenient and rapid handling of goods. We are all rustlers and we are going to get there. If you want to save money, come and go along with us. Send for weekly price list and give us a trial order. If we don't save you 20 per cent, leave us alone in the future. M abshexl, 79 and 81 Ohio st., cor. Sandusky, Alle gheny. SOMETHING MEW. Silver Inlaid Spoon And Forks. The backs and points have a piece of solid sterling silver inlaid, and are then plated with five thicknesses of silver, making them almost equal to solid silver. They are warranted to wear a lifetime. Eor sale only by E. P. Eoberts & Sons, corner Elfth ave. and Market st. xusu Ladles, If Yon Tatne Oloner, Read This. To-morrow morning at 9 o'olook we com mence a ten-day sacrifice sale of ladies' mus lin underwear and infants goods. Infants' Mother Hubbard cloaks, embroidered top and bottom, during this sale at $1 75, regu lar price $2 50; nice cloaks 99c, fl 25, $150 to (10; infants' cambric chemise, 10c: zephyr sacks, 23c; cambrlo and embroidered flannel skirts, 35c np; bootees, 9c: cashmere bon nets, 25o up; mull embroidered caps, 5o to $1; slips, 14c to 75c; fine robes, 75c to $6; ladies' muslin chemise, 17c, 24c, 35c to $1 50; skirt chemise, 65c to $3, skirts, tucked and ruffled. 25c; Hambure skirts, 45o to $2: Torchon lace skirts,. $3; long Hubbard gowns, 39c to $3; short gowns, 25c to ?1 50; Hamburg drawers, 25c to $1; Torchon lace drawers, 45c to $2, with a full line latest designs medici lace underwear at prices that will show a saving of 25 per cent. Come early and avoid the rush, at Louis Eogslinei's, Easy BeHiveucor Birth awl Liberty. . , - .- Kerro-Ckroalc Disease- -. It may be stated as a fact that every nerv ous and chronic' disease, provided there are no organic changes, is curable. What is the rationale of treatment? The most suc cessful specialists jire those who mix in their treatment plenty of common sense. Nature cannot be forced, therefore the great aim should be to assist nature in her struggle with disease. The essentials- are careful study1 in adapting mild medicinal agents, frictions, special water treatment, exercise and diet. This is only half. We must have the faithful, persevering and intelli gent co-operation of our patients. It re quires time, even with our best assistance, tor nature to eradicate any chronic disease. Add patience to the above attributes and you may he sure of a well marshalled and effective force; and finally that nature will lead to almost certain victory. Exer cise such principles and don't expect mira cles. Any other treatment is irrational, and good is not to be hoped from it. Dr. S. O. Moore, 34 Arch street, Allegheny, Pa., has given, for 14 years, exclusive attention to nervous and chronio diseases. A minute record of each case is made in a special case book, so adapted that a given case may be restudied at any time, together with all re ports entered on the Opposite blank page, and an exact record of the line of treatment below. No line of diseases requires more careful, discriminating, prolonged and oft repeated study, and no diseases' are more curable, b$ it the asthmatic in his veritable struggle for the breath of life "or a case of nervous prostration, characterized by the terrible burning, tingling, numb and throbbing sensations, which rob-life of its pleasures, 'even, these are amenable to right treatment.. BRONCHITIS AND ASTHMA CUBED. Bbookville, Pa. Dr. S. O. Moore, 34 Arch street, Allegheny, Pa.i When I called onyOu in September, 1881, 1 had not done any w.drk for two years, owing to my disease anoMoss in weight and strength. I had dryness and tickling in my throat, ex cessive shortness of breath and much wheel ing, severe cough day and night, so bad that I could scarcely bleep any after mid nightgagging and vomiting, by coughing frequently after meals, copious expectora tion of a dark yellow character, palpitation of heart on exertion. Soon after commenc ing the treatment I began to improve in every particular, until restored to health. Tours, Lawbesce Ebsst. xebvot7s disease akd weakness. Dr. S. G. Moore, 34 Arch st, Allegheny, Pa.: Deab Sib I shall ever hold you in grateful remembrance for what you have done for me. To the publio I would add that I was confined to my bed for oyer one year, and now I am able to be up and around. I had lost the use of my left side, including my arm and limb, and I never thought I would be able to walk again. I suffered with the top and back of my head, and before I became bedfast I could not walk without feeling as though my back would Dreac in two, and would be entirely exhausted on the least little exertion. Pain in the left side and shoulder, hot flashes and frequent fainting spells, hands and arms numb, so nervous that when a strange per son came into the room it would set me all of a tremble. Added to these troubles L was a confirmed dyspeptic and suffered untold misery. Under your systematic treatment I began gradually to improve, and I can now be around the house. Hoping this will induce others suffering as I was to u-o to you, I remain your well-wisher. Mes. J..M. Hepleb, August, 1887. Petrolia, Pa. rsSOlUflAAHD KIETOTJS DYSPEPSIA. Dr. 3. O. Moore, 34 Arch St., Allegheny, Pa.: Deab Sib It affords me great pleasure in saying that I have derived more benefit from yonr treatment than all others com bined. I was a great sufferer from dys pepsia, resulting in complete insomnia. I tried all specifics I could hear of. took treatment from several eminent physicians, but received only temporary benefit. I was at first persuaded to try your treat ment, and I am gratified to state that I can enjoy a good night's rest and eat three meals a day. I have gained in flesh and feel like a new man. Would advise any person suffering from chronio indigestion or affection of the liver to give your treat ment a thorough trial. You are at liberty to refer any inquirer to me. Tours thankfully, J. H. Chatham. Those interested and desirous of verifying the above, can find this gentleman at 130 Ohio street, Allegheny, Pa. The Homes of Onr Favorite Poets. The above is the title of a booklet con taining 12 highly illuminated pictures of the homes of our most popular poets. In the way of a, souvenir it eclipses all pre vious efTorts. Mr. F. Schoenthal, who is just establishing himself in the ladies' fur nishing goods business at 612 Penn avenue, obtained a limited quantity of these and mailed them to his friends, announcing his grand opening on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. These souvenirs created such a sensation that Mr. Sohoen thai was compelled to wire for more, and expects to have them in time, when one will be presented to each patron during opening days. - Twenty Dollars for Twelve. The handsomest garments in the world aref our'Glenmore suits. They come in the following fabrics: Cheviots, cassimeres, worsteds, diagonals, tricots, broadwales, meltons, etc., and black, blue, brown, gray and mixed are the shades. The pants are cut either wide or medium.. Ho ready-made looks about the entire garment. Our price for these suits is 512. They beat anything ever yet shown at 520. Ask for'the Glen more. They combine ease, grace and-fit. You'll find 'em at our store,, P. C. CXJ., con Grant and Diamond sts., opp. .new Court House. APRIL SHOWERS. 25c A YARD, - .- Luster Plaids and Twills. 38-inch Cashmeres, fancy striped and check.. Dress Fabrics, specially serviceable qualities. 50a A YARD, French Cashmeres, new shadings. French Plaids and Striped Novelties. Serees, Cloths and Henriettas. Line-bordered Suitings, wide, all-wool. Frsftcn, Challies, unique designs. 65c A. YARD, 40-inch French Serges. 40-inch Drap d Almas. 48-inch Mohair Brillian tines. 75c A YARD, Extra grades of French Dress Goods. Burah.Twllledand Habit Cloths. Foule's Drap d' ete Cashmeres. AYARD. Superb qualities of Silk Warp Henriettas, lovely ligat tints and quiet shades for street wear. Largo variety of wide, choice, stylish Forelga Dress Goods. Our Fast Dye Black Hosiery Ladies. Misses, Children and Hen's guaranteed absolutely stainless. . ' Light and Medium-weight Underwear? full t lines and splendid values. 7, Attractive assortment of spring shade4-But ton Kid Gloves, 75c and SI; 5 hooks, 75c, SI, s sd. Second floor Cloak and Suit stock invites Sour patronage for novel and staple, styles r. of, nits. Cloak. Wraps and Jackets. Fine range. of Bead Mantelettesall the popular numbers Xromt8toW0L " NbtMagham, Swiss and Irish Point Curtains, loadtnz values, from 1 to $10 a pair. ' - ' B1BER ilAffiaJk . --..-ij, , v SOOATiUOlH mAUJUkTXVSu . . ' . : Jt. 1 a H lift 1111 1 t " vsri"- I s fciiAi- ?J ..' Cfikl v. .Vj6 J Li. ." Tlm-1 O. V -r1 " imttUf a KSraB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers