-J r THE PITTSBXJEG DISPATCH, MONDAY, APEIL 1, 1889., The Pennycomequic-ks Written for THE DISPATCH by S. BARING GOULD,- Authorof"lEHAI.AH.""COURT ROYAL,""JOHX HEEEIKO," "THE GAVEHOCKS'ETO SYNOPSIS OF PRKCEDING CHAPTERS. ilrs. Sidebottom, and her sou, Captain Pennycomequick, arc unable to live In the stvle they wish on their income of 400, and speculate on the probable fortune they may receive on the death of Mrs. bidebottom's half brother, Jeremiah Pennycomequick, The Utter Is in love -nith his niece, Salome Cus-worth, vi ho lives withblm Jeremiah Pennycomcnulck, while walking at midnight, is overtaken by a flood fn-m a bnrsted resert olr. lie and another man, who is half-clad, seek refuge In a hut, and Jeremiah wraps bis coat around his companion. Alter the flood subsides a -body is found which is identified bv the card case in the coat pocket as that of Jeremiah Pennycomeaulck. Phillip Penny comequick is telegraphed for and arrives. A will Is found making Salome Cusworth her uncle's heiress, but the document has been invalidated by tearing off the signature. Mrs. Sidebottom declares that shcwillnotrespectthc-wishesofherdeadhalf-brother as expressed Jn bis will. In the meantime Jeremiah Fennycomcquict, w ho was not drowned, has been picked up by a coal barge. Salome thinks the 6ees the ghost of Jeremiah Pennycomequick In the house. CHATTER XVTL Misfortunes Never Come Sikglt. Next morning Salome was agreeably surprised to find her mother better, brighter and with, out the expression of mingled alarm and pain that her face had worn for the last two days. She refrained from telling her about the mysterious nocturnal visitor, because it was her invariable practice to spare the old lady everything that might cause her anxiety and provoke a relapse. Jt could do her no good to unnecessarily alarm her, andSalome knew how to refrain from speak ing unnecessarily. Before paying her mother her morning visit Salome made an attempt to get at the bottom of the matter and that puzzled her and rendered her uneasy. It was the duty of the housemaid to lock the doors at night. Salome bent for her and inquired about that which, gave admission to the garden. The girl protested that she had fastened up as usual, and had not neglected any one of the doors. Notwithstanding this assurance, Salome remained unshaken in her conviction that the open doorway was due to the neglect of the servant. She knew that in the class of domestics, truth is esteemed too precious to be wasted by telling it, and that the asseveration of a maid charged with misdemeanor is to be read like morning dreams. She did not pursue the matter with the young woman, so as not to involve her in fresh falsehoods; she, however, remained of the same opinion. On her way across the hall to her mother's room, Salome noticed that the garden door was not only locked, but that the key had been withdrawn from it. This Philip had aone last nightt and he had not replaced it. It now occurred to her that she had omitted taking a step which might, and probably would, have led to the detection of the trespasser. The door led into the garden, but egress from the garden could only be had through the door in the wall of the lower or vegetable garden, rarely used, generally locked, through which manure was brought, and the man occasionally employed in the garden passed when there employed. As this gate would certainly be locked, the man who had gone out of the house into the garden could only have escaped thence with difficulty. If he had been at once pursued, he might have been captured before he could scale the wall. This had not occurred to her or to Philip at the time. "Salome, my dear," said Mrs. Cusworth, after her daughter had kissed her and congrat ulated her on her improvement, "1 am thankful to say that I am better. A load that has troubled and oppressed mc for some days has been lilted off my heart" "I am glad, mamma," said the girl, "that at last you are reconciled to the change. It was inevitable. I dare say you will feel better when we are settled at Redstone." "My Sear." answered Mrs. Cusworth, "I must abandon the idea of going there." "Where? To Redstone?" "Yes. The house is beyond my means. I cannot possibly afford it." "But mamma." Salome was startled. "I have already secured the lodgings." "Only for a quarter, and it would be better to sacrifice a quarter's rent than turn out again in three months. I could not endure the shift again, so quickly following this dreadful change.', "But mamma!' Salome was greatly taken aback. "This is springing a surprise on me We have no other house into which we can go." "A cottage, quite a cottage, such as the artisans occupy, must content us. We shall have to cut our coat according to our cloth." "Mamma! You allowed me to engage Redstone." "I did not then know how we were circumstanced. To make both ends meet we shall have to pinch." . v "But why pinch? You told me before that we had enough on which to live quietly, but comfortably." ' "I was mistaken. I have had a great and unexpected loss." "Loss, mamma? "What loss?" "I mean well," the old lady stammered, "1 mean a sore disappointment. I am not so well off as Ihad supposed. I had miscalculated my resources." "Have you only just discovered what your means really are?' "You must not excite her," said Janet, reproachfully. "I do not wish to do so," explained Salome. "But I am so surprised, so puzzled and this is such an upset of our plans at the last moment, after I had engaged the lodgings I do not know what to thln& about it." She paused, considered, and said with a flush in her face, "Mamma, you surely had not reckoned on poor uncle's will?" Mrs. Cusworth hesitated, then said: "Of course, it is a severe blow to me that no provision had been made for you and me. We might fairly have reckoned on receiving something after what was done for Janet; and yon were his favorite." "Oh mamma, you did not count on this?"' "Remember that you are left absolutely destitute. What little I have saved will hardly sup port us both. Janet can do nothing for us just now." "Because of, She Prussians," said Mrs. Baynes. "Wait a bit; as soon as we have swept them from the face of fair France, I shall make you both come to me at Eibceuf." "Mamma," said Salome, "I am still puzzled. You knew very well that uncle's will was worthless when you le: me make arrangements for Redstone, and now that I have settled everything, you knock over my plans. If you had told me " DOMESTIC IAEKETS. Continued Solemnity Among Produce Dealers Trade Slow. CREAMERY BDTTER MORE ACTIVE. Decline in Cereal Beceipts Flour Seeking Lower Level. COFFEE STEADY AND SUGAES STEOXG OFFICE OF THE FITTSBTJEG DISPATCH, I Saturday, March 30, 1SS9. J Country Produce Jobbing: Prices. Eggs are not moving as freely as for a few days past, and prices arc a shade better. Retail, ers have stocked up at low rates, and appear to be waiting for another decline. Ohio cheese stock runs low in this market hut New York is in good supply. Low grade Sweltzer is a drug in the market and prices are merely nominal. Creamery butter is moving out very freely at rates of a week ago. Potatoes, onions, cab bage and apples appear to find no stopping place in the downward movement Liberty street commission men are ready to make lib eral concessions on all for the cash. It would be impossible to write cheerfully of the prod uce trade from statements of dealers, with one consent all report trade'as little good. Buttee. Creamery, Elgin, 2Sc; Ohio do, 2526c; fresh dairy packed, 2021c; country lolls. 2023c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter, 2S30c. Beaks Choice medium, $1 90: choice peas, 52 05215. Beeswax 2325c ?) lb forchoice; low grade, Sand refined. S6 507 50; common, 53 504 00; crab elder. SS 008 SO f? barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c; New York, fall make, 1213c: Limburger, lie; domestic Sweitzer cheese, llK12Kc ukied rEAs-si (Bi ou ousnei; spilt ao, EOG& lllljc dozen for strictly fresh. 1 Fbuits Apples, SI 001 oO ?) barrel; evap- cranberries, fs 00 ceese, 60a,60c: No. 1 do., 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c f? lb. Hominy S2 652 75 ?) barrel. Honey New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13 15cj Potatoes Potatoes, 3035c bushel; 52 50 62 75 for Southern sweets; S3 2o3 50 for Jer sey sweets. Poultry Live chickens. 90c a pair; dressed chickens, I315c 33 pound; turkeys, 18 20c, dressed, jpound; ducks, live, SOQSoc ? pair: dressed, D14c pound; geese, lOffilSc per pound. Seeds ClOTer. choice, 62 Jbs to bushel. SO ft busnel; clover, large English. 62 lbs, JG 25; clover, Alsfke, S8 50; clover, white, S9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 lbs, SI 85; blue grass, extra clean, 14 lbs, SI 00: blue grass, fancy, 14 lbs, SI 20: orchard grass. 14 lbs, S2 00: red top, 14 lbs. SI 00: millet, 50 lbs, SI 25; German mfllet, 50 lbs, S2 00; Hungarian grass. 4S lbs, S2 00; lawn grass, mix ture of fine grasses, 25c per lb. TAfxow Country, 45c; city rendered, 55Kc Tropical Frutts Lemons, fancy, S3 00 3 50 t bos; common lemons, S2 75 box; Mes ina oranges, $2 503 50 box; Florida oranges. $3 504 50 box; Valencia oranges, f ancv, $5 50 6 00 oose: Malaga grapes, S9 0010 00 ) per keg; bananas, S2 50 firsts: SI 50, good seconds. f5 bunch: cocoanuts, S4 004 60 V hundred: new figs, 1214c ?1 pound; dates, 5K (iUc fi pound. Vegetables Celery, 4050c doz. bunches: cabbages, SI 502 60 hundred: new cabbage, S2 002 50 crate; onions. 5075c barrel; onion sets, fancy Enes, S3 253 50: Jerseys, S2 753 00; Western, S2 502 76; turnip 2o 80c bushel. Groceries. Coffee was off a few points in New York yes terday. Taut soon recovered. Prices are steady, ana no permanent drop is in sight The fluctu ations on coffee options are simply Indications of an effort on the part of speculators to bull r bear markets. Sugar continues very firm at ith recent advances.. Oheen Coffee Fancy Ric, 2223c; choice R'o. B021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18K19c; old Government Java. 27c; Maracaibo, 2223c; Mocha. 30K31Kc; Santos1922Kc; Caracas coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2l23 La guayra, 215:22c Roasted (in papers Standard brands, 24q high grades, 262Se; old Government Java, bulk, 3233Sc; Maracaibo, r7J28Jc; Santos, 2324c; peaberry, 27c; peaberry Santos, 2221c; choice Rio, 25c: prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, 22c; ordinary, 21)c bPiCES (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c; cassia, 8ig9c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg. 70S0c Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test 7c; Ohio, 120, SKc; headlight. 150, 8c: water white, lOKc; globe. 12c; elaine, 15c; camadine. UJc; royaline, 14c. Struts Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrup, 333Sc: prime sugar syrup, H0gi33c; strict ly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup, 90c N. O. Molasses Fancy, 4Sc; choice, 46c; me dium. 43c: mixed, 4042c. Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bi-carb in Un, aJic: bi-carb, assorted packages, 65c: sal soda in kegs, 15c; do granulated, 2c. Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine. perzsei, qsjc; paramne, ligZJlzc. Rice: Head, Carolina, imc: choice. 6 7c; prime, 5Ji6Vc; Louisiana, o oiAiiui r-ean. oc: cornstarch starch. 5HGKc J7c; gloss Foreign FRurrSr-Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon don layers, $3 10; California London layers, 82 50; Muscatels, $2 25: California Muscatels; SI 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Oudara Valencia, 7K8c; sultana, fKc; currants, new, 4K35c; Turkey prunes, new, 4JJ5c: French prunes, 8J13c:balooica prunes, in 2ft packages, 8c: LuwauuLa, yei iw, Co w; aimunus, ian., per id, 20c: do Ivlca. 19e; rln shpllpri 4ftp. trnlnntc , 12k15c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smvrna fig's, 12$ lbc; new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts. 10c; irciiuB, .uigxtjt.. uuuu, per jo, zig&; lemon peel, per i, S1314c; orange peel, 12Xc Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per lb, 6c; apples, evaporated, &4m)c; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated. 15lbc; peaches, evaporated, pared. 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c: cherries, unpitted. 56c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424kc; blackberries, 7KSc: huckle- Sugars Cubes, 8Ji8c; powdered, 8W 8kc; granulated, 8K68&c; confectioners' A, 7lc; stanuard A, 72c: soft whites. 'ioar,'.e- enun, uuuice. i'tc; yeiiow, gooa, 0b H 1 I v-W " ,. . .' -,S.-'.?- Jhoice. .Vc; yellow, good,6k6kc; fair, 6Kc; yellow, dark, 6Xc .ES Medium, bbls. (1,200), $4 50; me- Pickles Si diums. half bbls (GOO). S2 75. Salt No. 1 bDl, 95c: No. 1 er, 8) bbl, SI 05; dairy, f bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, bbl. Si 20; Higgirfs Eureka, 4 bu sacks, $2 SO: Higgin's Eureka, 16-14 lb pockets, S3 00 Canned Goods Standard peaches. $1 30 1 90; 2ds, SI 301 35: extra peaches, SI 501 90; pie peaches, 90c: finest corn, SI 001 50; Hfd. Co. corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90cSl 00; lima urans, si iu; soaKeo. uo, ic; string do do, 7o 85c; marrowfat peas. Si 101 15: soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, SI 40&1 50; Bahama do, S2 75; damson plums, 95c: greengages, SI 25; egg plums, S2 00; California pears. S2 50: do greengages, S2 00: do egg plums. S2 00: extra white cherries, $2 90; red cherries, 21bs, 90c; raspberries, $1 151 40; strawberries, 51 10; gooseberries, S120130; tomatoes. 82K92c; salmon. 1-tt, $1 752 10; blackberries, 80c; suc cotash, 2-B. cans, soaked, SOc; do green, 2fts, SI 251 50; corn beef, 2-lb cans, SI 75; 14-lb cans, S13 50: baked beans, $1 401 45; lobster, 1 lb, SI 751 80; mackerel, 1-B cans, broiled, SI 50; sardines, domestic, XA, $4 154 50; sardines, domestic H SS 258 50: sardines, imported, Jis, $11 5012 50; sardines, imported, Us, SIS 00; sardines, mustard, S4 00; sardines, spiced, S4 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S36 bbl.: extra No. I do, mess, S40: extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do. messed, $36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole pollock, 4e 33 lb.; do medium George's cod, 6c: do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do Georgo's-cod in blocks, 67Jc. Herring Round shore, S3 00 W bbl.; split, $7 00: lake $2 50 V 100-ft. half bbl. White fish, $7 ft 100-&. half bbl. Lake tront, $5 50 V half bill. Finnan hadders, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut. 13c ?? lb. Buckwheat Flour 223 W lb. Oatmeal SO 306 60 fi bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6Sa60c & gallon. Lard oil, 75e. Grain, Flour and Feed. Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 13 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and" Chicago, 7 of hay, lof oats, 1 of flour. By Pitts burg. Cincinnati and St Louis, 1 car of hay, 1 of oats, 2 of corn. There was but 1 car sold eta call, viz, oats straw, $7. five days. Total re ceipts for the week bulletined at the Grain" Exchange were 184 cars, againgt 231 last week. There were but 4 carloads sold on call-tbe en tire week. Markets continue as for several weeks past In buyers' favor. Outside of the Exchange transactions must be large, or ware houses bursting. These outside deals are made byaiconsiderableshading.pf prices. Notwith standing advances In wheat the past few days flour is lower and quiet A leading -jobber re ports purchases at a drop of 20c per barrel since the beginning of the week. WUEAT-Jobbing prices No. S red, $1 02fi 1 03: No. 3 red, 9195c Cor.N No. 2 yellow,ear,-38(j38Kc; high mixed car. 30J37c; No. 1 yellow, shelled, 38033c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 37K3c; high mixed, shelled. 37S37kc: mixed, shelled. 35ffl3Bc OATS No. 2 white. 32K33c; extra. No, 3, 31 f31Kc;No.3 white, 8030Kc: No. 2 mixed, 28 2Dc Rye No. 1 Western, 7075c; No. 2, 5555c Barley No. 1 Canada, 9538c; No. 2 Cana "I could not tell you. I did not know," said the widow. "That Is to say, -I had mlsreckoned my means." "Then there is no help for it I must try to get out of the agreement for Redstone, if I can I am afraid the agent will not lot me off. We shall have to pay double rent, and there Is little chance of underletting Redstone at this time of the year." "Better pay double than havo to make a double removal; it will be.Iess expensive in the end." "Perhaps so," answered Salome; then she left her mother's room that she might go upstairs and think over this extraordinary change of plans. She was painf uUy aware that she had been treated without due consideration, subjected unnecessarily to much trouble and annoyance. 'In the hall she saw Mr. Philip Pennycomequick. He beckoned her to follow him to the gar den door, and she obeyed. He unldcked the door. "I took away the key last night." he said, "and now you see my reason.' He pointed to the turf. A slight fall of snow, that comminuted snow that is like meal, had taken place at sundown, and it had covered the earth with a fine film of white, fine as dust. No further fall had taken place during the night. A track of human feet was impressed on the white surface from the door to the steps that gave access to the vegetable garden. Without exchanging a word, both followed the track, walking wide of it, one on each side. A footprint marked each step, and the track led, less distinctly, down the lower garden to the door in the wall at the bottom, through which it doubtless passed, as there were no signs of a scramble. The door was locked. "Have you the key T" asked Philip. "I have not. There is one on Mr. Pennycomequick's bunch, and my mother has a second.' "It matters not," said Philip. "Outside Is a path along which the mill people have gone this' morning to. their work, and have trampled out all the traces of our mysterious visitor. The prints are those of unshod feet The shape of the impression tells me that" They returned to the house. "This unpleasant incident convinces me of one thing," said Philip. "It will not do for me to live in this place alone. I can explain this mysterious affair in one .or other way. Either one of the servants having a brother, cousin or lover, whom she wished to favor with the pick of my uncle's clothes, that she knew were laid out for distribution, allowed him to come and choose for himself '' "Or else " "Or else the gardener left the little door in the wall ajar. Some passing tramp seeing I open, ventured lu, and finding nothing worth taking in the garden, pursued his explorations to the house, where he was fortunate enough to find another door open, through which he effected his entrance and helped himself to what he first laid hands on. He would have taken more bad he not been disturbed by you." "Ho was not disturbed by me." "He may have seen you pass down the stairs and so have, taken the alarm and decamped. My second explanation is the least probable, for it demands a double simultaneous neglect of fastening doors by two independent persons, the housemaid and the gardener." "The gardener has not been working for some weeks." "Then how this has occurred concerns me less than the prevention of a recurrence," said Philip. "I must have a responsible person in the house. May I see your mother?" As he asked, he entered the hall, and Janet at the same moment came out of her mother's sitting room with a beaming face. She slightly bowed to Philip, and said eagerly to her sister "Salome, the postman it coming down the road. I am sure he brings me good news. I am going to the door to meet him." Salome admitted Philip into the sitting room. She would have withdrawn, but he requested her to stay. , "What 1 have to say, Mrs. Cusworth," he said, shortly, "concerns you as well as your mother." He took a chair at the widow's request, and then, in his matter-of-fact business fashion, plunged at once Into the subject of his visit. "I dare say that you have wondered, madam, that neither Mrs. Sidebottom nor I have made any call on you lately with a proposal. The fact Is that only yesterday did my aunt and I arrive at a definite and.final settlement You are aware that she has acted as administratrix of my uncle's property. We have, after some difference, come to an arrangement, and by that arrange ment I take the factory under my management that, however, is not a matter of interest to you. What does concern you Is the agreement we have struck about the house, which is become prac tically mine. I shall live in it henceforth and conduct the business so successfully carried on by my uncle, and I hope and trust without allowing it to decline. You arewel aware that Mrs. Sidebottom gave you formal notice to quit; this was a formality, because at the time nothing was settled relative to the firm and the house. Please do not consider for a moment that there was a slight intended. As far as I am concerned, nothing could have been more foreign to my wishes. Do not allow that notice to affect your arrangements." "We accepted the notice, and have made our plans to leave," said Salome quietly. "In the first uncertainty as to what would be done," said Philip, "Mrs. Sid ebottom came to you, Mrs. Cusworth, and I fear spoke with haste and Impetuosity. She was excited, and at the time in a state of irritation with me, who had withstood her wishes. Since then an arrangement has been concluded between us which leaves me the house. This house henceforth belongs to me, and not to my aunt, who ceases to have authority within its walls. I am going to live here But, madam, as you may well believe, I am incapable of managing domestic affairs. I have been unused to have such duties devolve upon me. 1 shall be engaged in mastering new responsibili ties which will occupy my whole attention, and it is imperative that I should be spared the dis traction of housekeeping. The event of last night the appearance of a man invading this house" Mrs. Cusworth turned deadly pale, and a look of fear came into her eyes. Salomo hastily turned to Philip, and her appealing glance told him he must not touch on a subject that would alarm and agitate her mother. , "I mean," said Philip, hastily, "that a man inexperienced like myself, entering a large house in which there are domestics, of whose freaks and vagaries he knows nothing, and desires to know less, is like a colonist in Papua, of the natives of which nothing certain has been revealed. They may be cannibals; they may, on the other hand, be inoffensive. Of landladies in lodging houses I have had a long and bitter experienre. I have. run the gamut of them, from the re duced gentlewoman to the wife of an artisan, and I believe it is one of those professions which, like vivisection, dries up the springs of moral worth. It will be essential to my happiness, I may say to my success in the business, to have a responsible person to manage the house for me You, madam, will relieve me from grave embarrassments if you will consent to remain here on the same terms as heretofore. It will indeed be conferring on me a lasting favor, which I know I am not justified in asking." da.85SSc;No.3Canada,7072c;Lake Shore, 78S0c Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, $6 25 6 50; spring patents, $6 506 75: winter straight 85 505 75; clear winter, fa 005 25; straight XXXX bakers', 84 755 00. Rye flour, $4 00. Millfeed Middlings, fine white, S16 00 17 00 ton; brown middlings. $13 0013 50; winter wheat bran, $13 0013 50; chop feed, $15 0016 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice, SJ4 50014 75; No. 1 do, $14 0014 25:No.2 do, $11 5012 00; loose from wagon. $18 004J20 00: No. 1 upland prairie. $10 004J10 25; No. 2, $8 008 50; packing do. $0 757 00. & Strait Oats. $8 008 25; wheat and rye straw, $7 007 508 00. Provisions. At the regular meeting to-day of the dealers in hog products, the following advances were agreed on: Breakfast bacon advanced ic dried beef Jc, clear sides Je and laid Jc Sugar-cured hams, large, lOJc: sugar-cured hams, medium, 103c: sugar-cured hams, small, lie: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, lOJc; sugar cured shoulders, 8Jc: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, SJJc: sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8Jc: sugar cured dried beef sets,9Kc: sugar-cured dried beef rounds, lljc: bacon shoulders, 7c; bacon clear sides." 8Jc; bacon clear bellies, 8c: dry salt shoulders,6Jic;dry salt clear sides,75ic Mess fork, heavy, $14 00; mess pork, family, $14 50. ard Refined In tierces, 7jc; half barrels, 7Kc; 60-B tubs,7?4c: 201b pails, 7c: 50-B tin cans, 7c; 3-lb tin pails, 8c; 5-lb tin pails, 7Jgc; 10-lb tin pails, TJic. Smoked sausage, long, 5c;large, 5c Fresh pork links. 9c Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 75; quarter barrel. $1 75. Dressed Blent. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 lbs, 6c; 550 to 650 fts, 6c: 650 to 750 lbs, 6c Sheep. 7c lb. Lambs, 8Kc I fi. Hogs. 6c MAEKETS EY WISE. W'bent Slightly Lower for All Iho Early Months Corn Higher and OatsStrong- cr Ilotc iProducta Unsettled, but Close Steady. Chicago In wheat to-day a quiet and easier feeling existed. The only feature in the market was the rather free selling of May wheat, partly on stop orders. Trading was light at best from all sources. May opened about the same as yesterday's, closing to lc higher, declined, to a point 2c, and closed about 2c lower. July sympathized with the weakness in May, and declined c, closipg Jc lower than yesterday. There was no encour agement. In outside market advices. Home markets were weaker. Lower barometer gave indications of a change in the weather, possibly snow or rain, and this in duced selling of the new crop futures, and increased the weakness of some. Corn was quiet and steady early, and moder ately active and firmer later. Opening sales were at about the close of yesterday, and steady for a time. Operators who usually trade in wheat then came Into the 'pit and pur chased fair quantities and local shorts in cov ering, bid the market up and prices advanced i,c, reacted KffiKc, ruled .steady, closing a shade higher than yesterday. OaS were stronger and MJc higher early, but outside prices were not maintained until the close Trading was fairly active in mess pork. Opening sales were made at a slight advance, but the offerings were slightly increased and prices receded 1517c. Later prices rallied 1720c but settled back again 1215c and closed steady. A comparatively light trade was reported in lard and the feeling was easier. Trading in short ribs was only fair and ranges slight. Prices were reduced slightly, but the market was firm at the reduction. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat No. 2 May. $1 omi 051 OIK 1 0y.; Juftc 9899595c: July, 88Ko3 S7k87Jc; year, eW80K7979?c- Uorn No. 2 Mav. 3&35ic; June, 35J 35Jc; Julv. 36V363636Sc OATS No.2ilav,26c; June, 25K235fiffi25? 25Kc; Iuy2525K " 'mm Mess Pork, per bbl. May. S12 87K12 90 12 70012 77K: June, $12 77KS12 8U; July, $12 9l13 (i012 82K12 S7 LARD, per 100 6s. Mav. $7 107 05; June, S7 10; July. !7 17K7 17JJ7 127 12; August, $7 17K. Short Rms, per 100 lb. May, S6 321 6 32U."ili 27K6 27K; June $0 S56 408 3o 6 35; July m 456 456 37J$ 8 40. Uash quotations were as zoilows: Flour quiet and ste.nlj; No. 2 spring wheat $1 0D1 00li; No. 3 spring wheat 80c;No. 2 red, $1 001 00W. No. 2 corn. 231Jc No. 2 oats. 25VC. No. 2 rye. 43c No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flax seed. $1-6 Prime timothy seed. $1 281 30. Mess pork, per barrel, $12 80012 65. Lard, per 100 lbs. S700&7 02. Short ribs sides (loose). $6 256 30. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $5 50 5 75. Short clear sides (boxed), $6 02ti 75. Sugars unchanged. Receipts Flour, 7.000 bar rels; wheat, 23,000 bushels: corn, 103,000 bushels: oats. 101,000 bushels; rye, 2,000 bushels: barley, 37,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 8,000 barrels; wheat 34,000 bushels; corn, 62,000 bush els; oats, 97,000 bushels; rye, 2,000 bushels; bar ley. 13,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was easy and unchanged. Eggs weak atlOKc. . New- York Flour dull and barely steady. Wheat Sppt dull and easier; options dull and i4yic lower, closing steady. Barley dull. Barley malt quiet Corn Spot a shade firmer and quiet: options moderately active and stronger. Oats Spot dull and steady; options firmer and quiet Hay about steady and quiet; shipping, 65c; good to choice, 8095c Coffee Options opened steady and unchanged to 10 points up. closed steady at 510 points down; irregular: sales, 32,250 bags, including April, 16.3516.45c; May, ia3516.55c; June, 16.45 16.55c; July, 16 6516.70c: August. 16.7D16.60c; September, 16.80(316.95c: October, 16.90 17.00c: December, 16.9517.05c: January, 17.0017.05c; February. 17.0017.10c; spot Rio quiet; fair cargoes, 1818c Sugar Raw quiet and firm; fair refining, 5 ll-16c; refined firm and in fair demand. Molasses Foreign firm; 50 test, -2526c: New Orleans quiet Rice quiet and steady; domestic, 46c; Japan. 45Vc Cottonseed oil firm: crude, 42J443c: yellow, 0c Tallow strong; city, 4c Rosin quiet and steady; strained common to good, $1 151 17K- Turpentine lower and dull at 47jc Eggs steady; Western, lOKfflHKc; re. ceipts, 3,837 packages. Fork firm: old mess, $13 00; new mess, $13 7514 00; extra prime, S12 5013 75. Cut meats quiet; pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 7c; pickled shoulders, 5Kc; pickled bams, 9-10c: middles quiet; short clear, $6 90. Lard easier and dull; Western steam, $7 40; cly, $6 90; April, $7 35; May, $7 40; June $7 42; July, $7 43; August, 87 46; September, $7 43, closing at S7 48. Butter Choice steady; others weak: Western dairy, old, ll16c; do creamery, 1624c; Elgin, 2626Kc. Cheese quiet and unsettled; Western, 9llc St. Louis Flour quiet steady and un changed. Wheat The cold wave was not cold enough, and with bright clear weather, fine crop reports and weak and declining markets elsewhere, there was a pressure to sell the new crop options, that brought a decline. At the close July was Kc and August and year Ha below yesterday: No. 2 red, casb, 93c asked; Miy. uajiKMc. closing at 3j4c: .nine. 873fflSSe closme at 87! Julv. 803ft21f;c. closing at 8081c; August 79J80c, closing at 79c; year, 7879c closing at $c nomi nal. Corn dull but firm; No. 2 mixed, cash, 29c: April. 29c: closing at 29Kcbid: May, 304iS0Kc closing at30JJ30c asked; August, 3JKc Oats firm; No. 2 cash. 2526c bid; May, 2627c asked. Rye. No. 2, 43c Barley, noth ing uone. Flaxseed quotable at $1 45. Provls ons higher. Cincinnati Flour dull. Wheat heavy: No. 2 red, 9'c: receipts, 1,500 bushels; shipments none. Corn in fair demand and stead) : No. 2 mixed, 3535Uc. Oats dull and lower; No. 2 mlxed,2626Kc Rye quiet and flrmjNo. 2. 48c Pork steady at $13. Lard dull and lower to sell, $6 95. Bnlkmeats and bacon steady and1 unchanged. Butter weak. Sugar firm. Eggs firmer. Cheese quiet. Philadelphia Flour, demand very light and market weak. Wheat Carlots firm; op tions advanced K ana closed nominal. Corn quiet but firm. Oats Carlots steady, with' moderate demand; futures neglected and nominal. Butter steady: Pennsylvania cream ery, extra, 24c: do prints, extra, 24c Milwaukee Flour easier. Wheat easy: cash 87c; May, 88c; JulyJ7Kc Corn steady; No. 3, 31K32c Oats dull; No. 2 white. 27K 28c Roe steady: No. 1, 44c Barley dull; jvio. J.M.oooc i-rovisions easv. Pork. 112 tio. Lard, S6 95. Cheese dull; Cheddars, 10llMc Baltimore Provisions quiet and steady. Butter quiet; western packed. 1620c: cream ery, 25c Eggs steady at 101c Coffee quiet; fair. 18K18c "" Toledo Cloverseed active but lower; cash and March,$5 00; April, $4 90; receipts, 599 bags; shipments, 1,699 bags. niinlnc Stock. New York. March SO. Mining quotations closed: Amador, 100: Aspen, 10.00; Belcher, 300; Best & Belcher, &85; Caledonia B. H., 300; Crown Point, 300; Consolidated California and Virginia, 825; El Cristo, 165; Hale & Norcross, 405; Homestake) 900; Horn Silver, 125; Iron 8ilver, 300: Mexican, 325: Mutual, 140; Ontario. 33.00; Ophir. 515; Savage. 250: Standard. 100; Sullivan, 150; Union Consolidated. 310; Yellow Jacket, 315. Metal Market. New York Pig iron firm. Copper dull; lake, April, $14 75. Lead quiet and firm; domestic $3 7a Tin stronger and moderately active; straits, $21 05. St. Louis Lead quiet but strong, with $3 42K hid for carlots. . "It is very good of you.to suggest this," began the widow. "On the contrary," interrupted Philip, "It is selfish of me to propose it to wish to retain you in a place where you must be surrounded by sorrowful reminiscences, and tie yon to work when you ought to be free from every care." 'T thank you," said Mrs. Cusworth. "It so happens that I am distressed by pecuniary losses, and I am therefore glad to accept your offer." "I am sorry, madam, that you have met with losses. But I do not wish to force you to ac cept obligations for which' you Jo not feel yourself equal without understanding exactly how matters stand. Mrs. Sidebottom and I have consulted together about the probable wishes of my deceased uncle, and we unite in thinking that he never Intended to leave Miss Cusworth un provided for. The will he had drawn out perhaps erred on the side of excessive liberality to her and disregard of the claims of his own relrtlons. That was cancelled how, we cannot say. Suffice it to say, it was cancelled, hut without cancelling the Obligation to do something for Miss Cusworth. We are quite sure that Mr. Pennycomequick intended to provide for her, and Mrs. Sidebottom and I agree in proposing for her acceptance such a sum as was invested by my late uncle for the benefit of Mrs. Eaynes on her marriage a twelve month ago." Ho was the lawyer formal, cold, stilt as ho spoke, measuring his sentences'and weighing his words. Even when he endeavored to be courteous, as when inviting the widow to stay on in his house, he spoke without ease of .manner, graciousness and softness of tone. "Of course," said Mrs. Cusworth, "it has been a great disappointment to us that we received nothing from Mr. Pennycomequick " "Motherl" interrupted Salome, quivering, flushing to the roots of her hair, then turning white. Mrs. Cusworth was one of those ordinary women who think rt becomes them not to re ceive a favor as a favor, hut as a due. Salome at once felt the grace and kindness of the arrangement proposed for her advantage by Philip, and had little hesitation in attributing it to him, and freeing Mrs. Sidebottom from the initiative, at least, in it. But her mother supposed it due to her dignity to receive it as a concession to a legitimate claim. Salome did not look in Philip's face. Afraid that her mother might say something further that was unsulted to the situation, she Interposed "Mr. Pennycomequick," she said, in a low, gentle voice, "you said just now that you had no claim on our services. You have created such a claim. Your 'proposal is so generous, so kindly intentionedy and so far transcending what we had any right to ask or to expect, that you lay us under an obligation which it will be a pleasure for us to discharge. My dear mother is not herself able to do much with her hands, but she is like a general in a battlefield on a commanding eminence she issues her directions, and 1 am her orderly who-fly about carrying her commands. We accept with gratitude and pleasure your offer to continue in this house, at least for g. while. For that other offer that concerns 'me alone, will you allow me time to con sider It?" At that moment, before Philip could reply, the door was burst open, and Janet rushed in, with a face of despair, holding an open letter before her. "Mammal Oh, mammal The Prussians have killed him. Albert has been shot!" CHAPTER XVIII. John Dale. In the cabin of the Conquering Queen, Mr. Pennycomequick had much time for thought be fore he was sufficiently recovered to leave his berth. He fell to wondering what Salome and her mother, Mrs. Sidebottom and his nephew, had thought of his disappearance. "Can you get me a back newspaper, or some account of the flood?" he asked of Ann Dewis. 'I am interested to hear what happened, and whether I am among those accounted to have fallen victims." After several trials, Mrs. Dewis procured what was required in pamphlet form a reprint from one of the West Riding papers of its narrative of the inundation, of the appearance of the country after it had subsided, from its special correspondent,- and full lists of'the lost and drowned. Mr. Pennycomequick rea'd this account by the light that descended from the hatch way; read about the havoc effected in Keld-dale, the walls thrown down, the cottages inundated, the roads and the embankments torn up, and then among the names of those lost he read his own, with the surprising information that the body had been recovered, and though fright-1 fully mutilated, had been identified. This was news indeed. That he was esteemed dead did not surprise Mr. Pennycomequick when he learned how long he had been ill, but that some other body should have been mistaken for his was indeed inexplicable. "By this time," said he to himself, "Salome will have proved my will and Louisa will have' exhausted her vituperation of my memory." It took him two days to digest what he had learned. As he recovered, his mind returned to those thoughts which had engaged him on the night of the flood, as he walked on the towpath by the canal. If he were to return to Mergatroyd when supposed to be dead, he was confident that Salome and her mother would receive him with unfeigned delight, and without reluctance surrender to him what they had received through his bequest But he was by no means sure of himself, that in the joy of his return he would be able to control his feelings so as not to show to Salome what their real nature was. , He recalled bis prayer to heaven, that be might have the- way pointed out to him which he should go, and startlingly. in a manner unexpected, in a direction not anticipated, the hand of Providence had flashed out of the sky and had pointed out his course. It had snapped his tie to Mergatroyd at all events temporarily: had separated him from Salome, and set him where he had leisure and isolation in which to determine his conduct Jeremiah was a man of religious mind, and this consideration profoundly affected him. He had been carried from his home, and his name blotted out of the book of the living. What would be the probable consequences were he to return to Mergatroyd as soon as he was recovered? The very desire he felt to be back, to see Salome again, was -so strong with in him that it constituted evidence to his mind that if he were at home, in the exuberant joy of meeting her again he would let drop those words which his judgment told him ought not to be spoken. Other thoughts beside these exercised his mind. He turned to the past, to his dead brother Nicholas, and his conscience reproached him for having maintained the feud so persistently and so remorselessly. Nicholas had suffered forwhat he had done, and by suffering had expiated his fault He, Jeremiah, had, moreover, visited on the guiltless son the resentment he bore to the father. He endeavored to pacify his conscience by the reflection that he had made a provision for Philip in his will; but this reflection did not satisfy him. Philip was the representative of the family, and Jeremiah had no right to exclude him from the firm without a trial of his worth. Then he turned to another train of ideas connected with his present condition. Was bis health likely to be sufficiently restored to enable him to resume the old routine of work? Would a resumption of his duties conduce to the re-edification of his health? Would it not retard.if not prevent, complete recovery? Would It not be a better course for him to shake himself free from every care keep his mind disengaged ixoja. business till his impaired consti- GETTING ON THEIE FEET. Stocks Continue Their Upward March Not withstanding Sharp Driven by the Bears All of the Leader Fractionally Higher Bonds Qnict. New York, March 30. The reaction from the extreme depression of the past few days, which made some headway yesterday, was con tinued to-day, andwhile there was a sharp drive made at the stocks which have been the most prominent objects ' of attack, the effect produced was only temporary, and the final fig ures this afternoon show fractional gains all over the list The temper of the room this morning was somewhat mixed, but there was a disposition among the smaller shorts especial ly to cover their outstanding contracts, and, with some foreign purchases, the opening was made at advances which in the general list ex tended topper cent, while the improvement in Atchison was 1 per cent The bears, however, renewed their tactics of yesterday, and a sharp drive was made at all the stocks which were prominently weak yes terday, and in a quarter of an hour the lowest prices of the day were reached all over tbe list Atchison dropped 1, Lackawanna and New England IK, and others fractional amounts, with Chicago Gas, Union Pacific, Rock Island, Burlington, Missouri Pacific and Jersey Central most prominent The stubborn resistance met with at the concession, however, caused an abandonment of the demonstration, and covering was freely Indulged in after that time, the rally being almost as sharp as the decline Louisville and Nashville proved to be the strong point on tbe list, and rose 1 per cent, without sharing in the early decline. There was but little further change in the market, though there was some reaction toward 11 o'clock, but the upward movement was soon resumed through New England, which became very prominent Union Pacific and Atchison again were forced off to the neighborhood of the low est figures. After this flurry was over the im provement was continuous until the close, which was active and stronz at about the best prices of the day, notwithstanding the fact that the bank statement again showed a marked de crease in the surplus reserve Almost tbe en tire list is fractionally higher, but Louisville and Nashville andSau Francisco preferredrose 1 per cent each. Railroad bonds were again quiet and without special feature of any kind, and while the mar ket was generally firm in tone, the changes m quotations were in but few cases for more than small fractions, and these wcro very evenly di vided between gains and losses. The sales of all issues aggregated $633,000. The sales of bonds for the week were &7,26L00O, against 87,403,000 for last week. The following table snows the price of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected dallj for The Dispatch by Whit ney Stepherison, members of New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: Clos-Open- High- Low- lnc in?. esu esi. iiui. .. 5j5 S5 .. tin ilH 40H 4V4, 496 .. 51 52 51 52H ,. 34 34 31 a Site . Ki K'4 KM IB .. 91K 91 9W . 91k Am. Cotton OU. ... Atch., Top. A S. F Canadian Pacific... Canada southern... Central Pacific Chesapeake A Ohio iv., nr. a uuincy. V., Mil. A St L Paul.... 82)4 82 61K dlu o., Jiu.Abt. P.. pr....ioo!i loo" ioo; looji C, KocK 1. & P: 90,"i 90)3 sou so , ot. ii. &. ruts . is C, bt. L. & Pitts, pf. : C, St. P.. M. 4 O Zm 31 H 308 C, 8t.P..MJfcO.. pr. 90V C. & Northwestern.. ..V2 103 t02 101 C.& .Northwestern, ptlSS 33'4 C.CC.&I 6914 Col. Coal 4 Iron 30 S04 30 2)1 Col. Hocking Val 23 Dei., L. & W 136 136 VSoH mH Del. & Hudson 131 Denver&HioG 16 Denver & Bio G., pr... 44 44 IX 43m E. T., Va. iUa 9 E. T.,Va. 4 Ga 1st pf 6S E. T., Va. 4Ga. 2dpf. I0J Illinois Central 0t Lake Erie Western.. 16X 17 K 17 nane juies west. pr. Jtofcj Lake Shore & SI. S 101 101X lOO 01K Liouisvuie & si asnviue. m k:4 iu gj Michigan Central 86 88 83 K Mobile Ohio i Mo., K.. A Texas 12 mi . 1 1! Missouri Pacific 66 biU 65 '-2 M h.Y.. L.E. & 27X 27H 2TX M M. V L. E.AW.nrel 61 a. Y., C. &bt L li H. ., C. & St. L. pf. r X.Y., V. &St.L.2d pf 4C H.Y&N.& 43i 43 41 42 . Y., O. W 16Jt 16 Norfolk Western 1) Norfolk A Western, pf 49X WL 49 S northern Pacific -.. . 23 Northern Pacific pref. B9H 60 69k K Onto & .Mississippi..... 20 tOH 3W 20 Oregon Improvement ,,.. 47 Oregon Yranscon ii 32k 32H 32 Peo. Dec. A Evan :. ... 23 Phlladel. A Heading.. z H 43 43 Pullman Palace Car 179 Richmond .t W. P. T.. 25X 25)f 24 25 Bt. PaulADuluth .... 33 Bt. Paul A Daluth pC 88 93 93 93 21& 57 107 i 184 b9H 1V4 25 84 68 no Bi4 mi 84 M5 THE SITUATION IN OIL. Bearish Field News Increased New Pro duction for March Extreme Views. There was nothing in the oil market Satur day to dazzle eitber dealers or outsiders. It lacked vim from start to finish, being so life less at the close that tbe boys put in part of tbe time singing snatches of popular airs. It opened at 90, held at that figure for some time, and about 11 o'clock sold up to 90. It then weakened and closed at 90 the opening price. The fluctuations were too few and nar row to afford even scalpers an opportunity to tnrnan honest pen ny. The market was held up more to tide over the bearish news, probably, than anything else. The monthly report of field operations, due to morrow, will show, it was stated, a larger new production than for any previous month since the shutdown began. From the best informa tion obtainable the new production for March will be between 4,000 and 6,000 barrels. "while the reduction of stocks will fall below that of February. The McKeown well was reported making CO barrels an hour. Tbe output of the Masbey well was reported on Friday as 450 barrels. It should have been 150. Sixty cent oil was talked of after the close by some whose wish, was father to the thought Tbe Derrick correspondent, Mr. Harrison, offered to bet it would not fall below SO. A. B. McUrew 4 Co. quote puts, 90; calls, 91. The following taWe, corrected Dy Ue Witt Ull wortb, broker In petroleum, etc.. corner Fifth avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the order of fluctuations, etc.: St P., Mmn. Allan... 98 St.L. ASan Fran St. L. A San .Fran pf.. SS'A St. L. A SanJMst pr. Texas Pacific 18J Unlonl'acifio.....,.i... 69)4 Wabash Wabash preferred.. Western Union 83X Wheeling A L. H.7;:.. 84 "Ex-dividend. Time. Bid. Ask. Time. Bid. I Ask. Opened 90, Sales 11:15 p. m.... 90-H 90JJ 10:15 A.M.... 90H 9u 11:30 V. M.... m 90 10:30 A. M.... 90 90 U:45 P. M.... S0 60 10:45 A. M.... 90; S034 1Z9XI 90W .... 11:00 A. 31... . 'MH 90ij Closed tlnenpit- V)U! hlgneat, 90c; lowest 90Kc: Barrels. 63.203 47,040 63,637 7 423 V.'.'.'.'.'.Z 4063 - 40,674 2,493,000 ClOSCU, UO.R. t Dflly runs Average runs Dally shlDments Average shipments Dailv cnarteri Average charters Clearances New York closed at SOe. Oil City closed at flOe. hr&Ulora closed at 904c New YorK. reiined. lc London, refined. 5vl. Autwirp, refined, lbljf. Other OH Markets. On. City. March 30. National transit cer tificates opened atDOKc; highest, 91c; lowest 90c; closed. 90Kc Bradford. March 3a National transit cer tificates opened at90c; closedat 90c; highest 90c; lowest. 90c. TITUSVTX.I.E, March 30. National transit cer tificates opened at 90c: highest, 91c: lowest, 90Jc: closed, 90c New York. March 30. Petroleum opened steady at 90cand moved up on light trading to 91c: the price then sagged off slightly and the market closed dull at 90c. Consolidated Exchange: Opening, 90c: higbant, 90c; lowest, 90Kc; closine. 90c- Stock Excbanget Opening, OOc: highest, 91c: lowest, 90)c; closing, 90c Total sales, 270,000 barrels. BOSTON STOCKS. The Market Closed Wenk for Bonds, but Stendy on Slocks. Boston-. March 30. For bonds of the Atchi son family this was the worst tmorning of the year. Atchison stock bad a trifle more than held its own, while tbe rest of tbe stocks are rather lower or unchauged. At the close the market was weak for bonds and steady for stocks. Atch. A Too.. 1st 7s. 117 A. AT. LandGr't7s.l05 Atch. ATop.K. K... 41 Boston A Maine. ...,16n C. li. All 91 Clnn. San. A Cleve. 24 Eastern R. K...... ..81 Flint A PereM 27 Rutland preferred.. 38 AllonezM'gCo. (new)90 Calumet A Heela....2Z5 CatalDa 15 Franklin 10 Huron 2 Osceola fcwaolc (new) 3 Hell Telephone 223 Boston Land 6) Water Power SK Flint A Fere M. pfd. MX Little K. & Ft. S. 7s. 100 M. p.. litMorubds. 67 H .". i. liitwjini.., 42 N. Y.ANewEns 7S.128X Ogd. 41. Cham, com. 5 Tamarack 120 San Diego 22) Wool Market. St. Loins Wool dull and values nominal. tution had been given time to recover? Ue knew the heart, and he asked himself whether be struggle, sure to attend a recurrence to the wisest course for him to go abroad for a, twelvemonth or more, to some place where his mini mlghtrecover its balance, bishealth be re-established and he might acquire that perfectmastery over his feelings which he had desired, but which vvnat aid ne care about the fortune he naa aoie7 He was a man of simple habits and of no proud of the good name the firm had ever borne. quick should cease to be known in Yorkshire as associated vith figured linen cUmasks. But was tlnnanpaf He looked at Ann Dewis squatted by the fire smoking. For 17 years she had kept Earl? Schofield's pipe going, whichdie had put Into her month, and she had been faithful to a simple request He had put hU mill into Salome's hands, and bad said, Keep it going. Was she less likely to fulfill his wish than had been Ann Dewis to the desire of Earle Schofieldf He was not concerned as to his means of subsistence should he determine to remain as one" dead. He bad an old friend, one John Dale, at Bridlington, the only man to whom ha ' was not reserved and suspicious the only man of whom he took counsel when in doubts and difficulty. John Dale had a robust common sense, John Dale first went to Bridlington he had been lent a considerable sum of money by bis friend which had not been repaid, but which, now that Dale had established a good practice as a sur geon, he was ready and willing to repay. John Dale had been constituted trustee on the occasion of Janet's marriage. He had paid visits to Mergatroyd, and Jeremiah had visited Bridlington; but as both were busy men, such visits had been short and few. Though, however, they saw little of each other,' their mutual friendship remained unimpaired. As soon as Mr. Pennycomequick was sufficiently recoved to leave the barge, he provided himself with a suit of clothes at a slop-shop, and settled into an inn in the town of Hull, whence he wrote to Dale to come to him. He had his purse in his pocket when bo was carried away from Mergatroyd, and the purse contained a few sovereigns, sufficient to satisfy his immediate, necessities. "'Pon my word, never was so astonished in my life," shouted John Dale, as he hurst into the room occupied by his friend, then stood back. looked at him from-head to foot, and roared. Mr. Pennycomequick was strangely altered. He bad been accustomed to shave his faee, with the exception of a pair of cutlets that reached no lower than the lobe of his ears. Now his face was frowzy with hair; lips, jaws, cheeks, chin, throat, were overgrown, and the hair had got beyond the primary stage of stubbledom. He had been wont to attire himself in black or Ox ford mixture of a dark hue, to wear a suit of formal cut and chiefly to affect a double-breasted frock coat that gave a specially substantial mercantile look to the man. The suit in which he was now invested was snuff-colored and cut away "TTnnTI mv wrnrt thla la .wun.-.tlnnl Tin.,.? Is the moral transformation as radical? What is the meaning of this? 1 saw your death in the papers. I wrote to Salome about it, a letter of condolence, and nad her reply. How came you to life again, you Impostor, and in this guise?" ( The doctor he was really a surgeon, but everyone called him Doctor Dale was a stout, florid man, with his hair cut short as that of a Frenchman, like the fur on the back: of a mole. He was fresh, boisterous in manner when out a.u ", ., iuu(uuni .uu uvue iiu liucoiiuc. ius iuusiu tu id-o giuvujjr view Ul A case, made him popular, and perhaps went some way toward encouraging nature to make an effort tow, throw off disease. Jeremiah told him the story of his escape. "And now," said Dale, "I suppose yon are going back. By Jove, I should like to see the faces when you reappear in the family circle thus dressed and behaired." "Before I consider about going back, I want you to overhaul me," said Jeremiah, "and please?' to tell me plainly what you find. I'm not a woman to be frightened at bad news." - '- "At once, old man. Off with those togs," shouted the surgeon. ,- ,. When the medical examination was over. Dale told Mr. Pennycomequick that his heart was -weak, but that there was no organic derangement He must bo careful of himself for some', time to come. He must avoid climbing hills, ascending many stairs. "As, for instance, the several flights of my factory." 'Yes you must content yourself with the office." "1 might as well give up at once the entire management if I may not go to the several de partments and see what is going on there." "You must economise the pulsations of your heart for a while. You will And yourself ' breathless a't every ascent Your hearttis at fault, not your lungs. The machine Is weak, and you must not make an engine of one horse power undertake work that requires one of five. IX you could manage to knock off work altogether" "For how long?" 'That depends. You are not a boy with super-abundant vitality and any amount of recuper ative power. After the age of 50 we have to husband our strength; we get well slowly, not with a leap. A child is down to-day and np to-morrow. An old man who is down to-day is up per- . haps that day month. The thing of all others for you would be to go abroad for a bit, to let us say the South of France or Sicily, or better still, Cairo, lead a golcefar nienle life, forget wor--ries, neglect duties, disregard responsibilities, and let nature unassisted be your doctor and nurse." " "Now look here, Dale," said Mr. Pennycomequick. "your advice jumps with my own' opinion. 1 have been considering while convalescent what was the good of my drudging on at Mergatroyd. I have made a fortune, a moderate one, hut ope that contents me. and have no' need to toil through the last years of life, to fag out the final straws of existence," ' 'Fag ontl" exclaimed Dale, "you dog, you why you have gone into the Cauldron of Pellas, and have come forth rejuvenated. "It I remember the story aright," retorted Jeremiah, "Pelias never came out of the cauldron. I am like Pelias in this, that I have gone into the "Now. Jeremiah, old boy," said the surgeon, strength for a twelvemonth at least and you will into narnesa at once 111 wo years x suau ue "Very well," said Jeremiah, "if things are allow the business to fall into confusion. To tell wish not to go back there till I am quite restored, there." "That I can, perhaps, tell you. I have had when I have been away from Bridlington on everything must be going out of gear on account patients slip and mismanaged dimcult cases, yet when lhave returned I have found that 1 was not missed, all has gone on swimmingly without me. You will find that it has been the same at Mergatroyd." "But what says Salome?" "In the first place, that cricket Janet is back. in love with her or she fall in love with an Uhlan, served as a volunteer uncalled for; as he was an Englishman." "Albert Baynes deadl Then you will have some work on your hands as trustee." "So I shall. Now about your affairs. It seems that the will you drew up against my advice. without taking legal opinion, was so much waste paper; Salome says merely that it proved in valid, so Mrs. Sidebottom had to take out letters of administration, and divide your property. between her and your nephew Philip." t "What! Salome get nothing! I shall go back at once and send those two vultures to the rightabout" ' "Have patience, they came out better than you might have expected. It has been arranged that Philip shall live in your house and undertake the management of the factory, and he has asked Mrs. Cusworth to remain on in the old "I am glad they have had the grace not to turn her out" "That is not' all. As it was clearly yonn wish that Salome should be liberally provided for. your sister and nephew have agreed to fund for her the same amount that was Invested for her sister Janet Now I do not know what your will was, but it seems tome that nothing could have been better, even if you had the disposing of it Your natural heirs get their rights, and your pet Salome is honorably and even handsomely treated by them." Jeremiah said nothing, his chin fell on his breast He had not thought that Mrs. Sidebottom would do a generous thing. Of Philip he knew nothing, but what he had just heard predisposed him in bis favor. "Now take my advice, Jeremiah," continued Dr. Dale, "Let Philip go on where he is. He has thrown up his place in a solicitor's office at himself energetically to the work of the mill, and X ou wanteu some one io relieve you, auu you nave me man me ngnt man, already in the place." "He may get everything wrong." "I do not believe it. You have an aversion to lawyers, but let me tell you that a lawyer's office is an excellent school: there men learn to know human nature, how to deal with men, and get business habits. The fellow mnst have a good heart or he would not have come to an ar rangement with his aunt to part with a large sum fool, and she writes of him in high praise for his and consideration for her mother." John Dale paused for Jeremiah to say something, but his friend remained silent, with hid u head down, thinking. . -m "If you go back," said the doctor, "you will self and take the s,ptrit out of Philip. Trust him. that is natural and he will suiter for it, but he for that" "Dale," said Mr. Pennycomequick, "If I make up my mind not to return to Mergatroyd, I make np my mind at the same time to leave those there in ignorance that I am still alive." , "As you like. It would not be amiss. Then Philip wonld work with better energy.' If things go wrong I can always drop you a line and recall you. and you can-appear as Deus ex machine and set all to rights. I have often thought that oe (ne seeiug .mugs ku1u u oi-.t uuu sewus wiiuuub ueing auie to ngnt inem, a DUSiness we have got together being scattered, a,reputation we have built up being pulled down; to have to see things going contrary to our intentions, and he unable to put out a finger to mend them, (o hear ourselves criticised, and ill-natured and false stories told of us, and be Incapable of saying a word in our own defense. I will tell you a story. At one time when I went to dinner parties I was the first to go. But on one occasion I stayed, and Sir. and Mrs. Smith left before me. No' sooner were their backs turned than the company fell to criticising the Smiths, their pre tnnelnna thp aim thAV frnvn themselves, till thrt T?rnwni flanartAit whnrannnn .,.i,-..f.: "--"""" "--'"- :":r. - - Decame scanuaious auoui. iue urovraes; uien me jones iamuy aepartea. xnereupon l learned that tbe Joneses were living beyond their means, and were on the verge of bankruptcy. So on till the last was gone. After that I have never been the first to leave, r try" to be' last, so as 'to' leave only my host and hostess behind to discuss gone out quickly and unexpectedly, and if you then you will find that the maxim de mortals fortunate, you can return at will and correct false ceptionally privileged." "You will goto Mergatroyd for me," said Mr. how things are?" "Certainly I will. Do you know, old fellow," sometimes feared for yon, feared lest you should dear little piece of goods. Salome, your wife. It wonld have ceased to respect you; you would have everyone in Mergatroyd. Old boy. it would never "No," said Mr. Pennycomequick, "it would have done." "It would have been a cruelty to her," pursued mate with Spring, to bring a frost on all the sweet sap. perhaps to kill tbe plant" "No." said Jeremiah. "itvonld never have (To be Continued Br Telegraph. Kansas City Cattle-Receipts, 1,171 head; shipments, 860 head; strong and active on me dium weight steers and slow on heavy ship ping steers; cows steady to strong: stockers and feeding steers quiet and steady; good to choice cornfed, $3 90425; common to medium, $2 753 60: stockers and feeding steers, 1 60 3 40; cows, ?1 6002 80. Hogs Receipts, 4,820 head: shipments. 548 bead; market weak and 2K3C lower; good to choice, M 554 60; com mon to medium, $4 254 50. Sheep Receipts, 480 head; shipments, none; market steady; good to choice muttons, S4 254 50: common to me dium. $2 50S3 90. St. Lours Cattle Keceipts.none; shipments, 400 head; market steady; choice heavy native; steers, S3 804 40; fair to good do, S3 003 90; stockers and feeders, fair to good, 2 102 g0; that rheumatic fever often seriously affected1- dare return to the conflict of feeling, the inner same conditions as before. Wonldit not be the he had lost . ' ifi amassed by no means a large one, but respecv ambition. He was interested in hjs business, He would be sorry to think "that Pennecome- the title of an old established, reliable business ' his presence in the factory essential to its con- " i and to him Jeremiah resolved to apply. When ' - in stable fashion. ' "Ut ici 4 in.nnf.ntitrM allvA oa ,, tTia . TM o,f the sickroom, hut when engaged on a patient, jj waters of Lethe." "let this be a settled thing, you husband your then be vigorous as ever. II you insist on going k a-ienoiug youriunerau' in order at Mergatroyd I shall go, hut I cannot you the .truth, 1 have reasons which make me but I should like to know what is going on a letter from Salome. Do you know, m v friend a holiday I have been on'thorns.thlnklno'thaV of my absence, that my locum fenens has let, j She was sent home lest an Uhlan should fall and now her husband is dead. Like a fool he place in the same position as she occupied before." ' Nottingham, and as Salome writes, is devoting ',' learning all the ramifications of the business. of money for Salome. Besides, Salome is no diligence, his regular habits, and his kindness; throw everything wrong. You will worry yotnyf'n He is on his mettle. If he makes a blunder'. will commit none that is fatal, he is too shrewd . half the aggravation of leaving this wor fd. must - - --'""-. ."--i: """"-- and blacken me. Now. Jeremiah, you havi could steal back to Mergatroyd unpercelved nil nisi bonum is not being observed. You are estimates. That is not given save to the Pennycomequick, and see with vour own e; said Dale, with a twinkle in his eye, "I havi make a ghastly fool of yourself; and make that would not do, old boyif.you had done it I1 lost the regard and provoked the ridicule of. have done,''' never have done; you are right, it would never -- i Dale, "for Nature never designed Winter to blossoms of youth, and in checking the rising done." . Next Saturday.) rangers, cornfed. 2 &JQ3 60: grass-led. J2 flo ! 3 00. Hoes Reeeints. 3.600 head; ih1nmtr 300 head; market strong; choice heavy and j botchers' selections, $4 8504 95: packing. mJ u.uu. w iiiuu uui(i oi uub grades, or1! dlnary to best S4 704 8.3. Sheep Receipts?) 100 head; shipments. 1.200 head; market stroii?v fairto choice, J3 00S5 00. K Chicago The Drover? Journal -.' J r,tnm ... .-. a V, UCA.1 K,. ,.. . . Ki Cattle Receipts. 1.600 head: shipments, hone mirl-.t Arm. hunt tJ tTulfil OC. .. "T'Jr -'; 3 90; stockers and feeders. 2 203 40; aws,l UU119 UU U1U6U, 0A IUyO 4U. XXOgS XV6CeiDt&. 5 05: heavy. U 75S5 o6:sklns. M KnfflT ovT2 Receipts, 1,200 head; shipments none; markes npoft 65; iiTm W& " "wra ' ' - U' - mifs .'V5
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