J--1 THE PITTSBTTKG DISPATCH, "THUBSDAY, MAEOH 28, 1889. jgf&fr- 'JOHN BEIGHT,DEAD. v The Famous Commoner of England Passes Peacefully Away. -J)EEP AKD UNIVERSAL SOEROW. QueenTictoria iffectionatelj greets a Sis ter Sovereign. LIBERTY OF THE PBESS IN GEEMAKI Loxdcmt, March 27. Mr. John Bright diedat 8:30 o'clock this morning. His end was peaceful and pain less. He had lain in a comatose condition since yesterday. All of his family were present at his death- SSbed. The death of li' the famous Common- 5?5 cr diverted attention from all other sub jects. Bulletins were posted in the House The Great Commoner, of Commons and out side the newspaper buildings on Fleet street. Accustomed as everybody has been to the idea of his death, it created a proiound shock among Gladstonians, and even the Irish members share the general sadness, for the old man, they say, was led off into Unionist folly by the mere vanity of old age. Mr. Bright represented the Central di vision of Birmingham in the House. The district has never been polled on the Home Bale issue, as Mr. Bright was unopposed in 1SS6. Doubtless there will be a contest now which will enchain the attention of the whole country. FEELIXG IN THE HOUSE. In the House of Commons to-day the Bight Hon. "William H. Smith, the Gov ernment leader, with much emotion, referred to the death of Mr. John Bright. He said that he would postpone his remarks on Mr. Bright until next .Friday, when Mr. Glad stone, who was called to Scotland by the death of his brother, could be present Mr. 3rorley thanked Mr. Smith for his consid eration in regard to desiring Mr. Gladstone's presence, and said that the latter, who was the life-lonjr friend of Mr. Bright, wonld be greatly gratified. John Brieht was born at Greenbank, near Bochdale, November 14, 1811. Having re ceived the rudiments of a substantial En glish education, he entered his father's business and became a member of the firm of John Bright & Brothers, cotton spinners and manufacturers, of Bochdale. Though he had taken part in the Keform agitation of 1831-32, Mr. Bright first dis tinguished himself in political life by be coming, in 1839, one of the earliest members of the Anti-Corn-Law League, which grew out of an association formed in 1839 to ob tain the repeal of the Corn laws. In April, 1843, he unsuccessfully contested the repre sentation of the city of Durham, for which, however, he wasreturned in July fcllowing; and he continued to sit for Durham till 1847, when he was returned for Manchester. He made his maiden speech in Parliament on Mr. E wart's motion for extending the prin ciples of free trade, August 7, 1843. AJT ACTIVE STATESMAN. Mr. Bright's activity in Parliament and on the platform was varied and continuous. In the House of Commons he proposed to apply the remedy of free trade in land to the state of things which produced the Irish famine. He appealed, unsuccessfully, for the dispatch of a royal commission to in vestigate the condition of India; and in 1849 he was appointed one of the members of the celebrated select committee , of the House of Commons' on official sal aries. In the Iegislatnrk''aid in- the'prov Snces, especially at Manchester, he oo-op-erated with Mr. Cobden in the movement which the latter sought to create in favor of financial reform, mainly with a Tiew to the reduction of our naval and military estab lishments. "When the Liberals returned to power in May, 1880, Mr. Bright was reappointed Chancellor of the Dnchy of Lancaster. On July 17, 1882, he announced in the House of Commons that he had resigned the office, and retired from the Cabinet because he differed with his colleagues on their policy in Egypt, which led to the bombardment of Alexandria. Mr. Bright was elected Lord Bector of the University of Glasgow No vember 15, 1880. Tlie sculptor Brucejoy has taken a cast of Mr. Bright's face. Political deputations will follow the funeral. Only personal friends will be admitted to the meeting in the house At political meetings through out the country last evening sympathetic references were made co Mr. Bright. Sir "William Vernon Harconrt, speaking at Bradford, said that no greater or purer man ever adorned political life. The funeral of Mr. John Bright will take place on Saturday. The interment will be in the Quaker's burying ground at Boch dale. The ceremonies will be as private as possible. TWO QUEENS MEET. Victoria Makes a State Tlsit to a Sister SorerelcB. San Sebastian, March 27. Queen Victoria paid her expected visit to San Sebastian to-day. Her Majesty was accom panied by Prince and Princess Henry of Battenberg and members of her suite, in cluding Lady Churchill. Upon the arri val of the train here, the queen was greeted with salvos of artillery front the Lemotta citadel and volleys from the troops that lined the route to the Boyal castle. The Queen .Regent, accompanied by the Duchess of Baden and the Countess Sastago, was waiting at the station, together with numerous officials and deputations. The Queen, upon alighting from the train, kissed Christina on both cheeks. After mutual presentation including the intro duction of Prime Minister Sagasta to Vic toria, the two Queens entered a state car riage and drove to the castle, attended by a brilliant military escort. As the royal car riage passed between the long line ot troops on either side of the roadway the military bands played the national anthem, and the populace cheered enthusiastically. IIBEETT OF THE PRESS. Xt Will Soon be nn Unknown Quantity in tv ym K7J 'TTM Germany. Beeltn, March 27. The Freisinnige Zeitung says that the penal bill pro vides punishment for the divulg ing of State tecrets, even though the divnlger be ignorant of the necessity of secrecy. Two editors of the YolH Zeitung bare- been fined for de clining to name the writer of an article al leged to be insulting to the Emperor and Prince Bismarck. A resolntion will be submitted to the Beichstag, favoring concerted measures be tween Germany, France and Great Britain, to prevent the importation of spirits into "West Alrica. An American Conricted of For eery. London, March 27. The Court of Queen's Bench has decided that Iguatz Beinitz, the American who was recently ar rested at Liverpool on the charge of swindling the "Commercial National Bank, of Kew Vork, in filling in checks for r "mounts larger than the sums he was au thorized to draw, committed forgery, and loused to grant a trjt of habeas corpus in ' his case. . Henry Grorgc in Ireland. DUBLrN.March 27. Michael JDavitt will i'b?jLarman i the meeting to be addressed tJj??nl3' Gsorge in this city shortly. SOMEWHAT OF A WEDDING. X Marriage Performed by a Special Act of the LegUlainrc. Nashville, March 27. Senator Pryor Carter, of Macon, county, and Mrs. Corelia Jordan, of this city, were united in mar riage to-day in tha State Senate Chamber, in the presence of both houses of the Gen eral Assembly, the two Speakers occupying prominent positions on the stand. The cere mony was nerforined by Governor L. Tay lor, this being the first time that a marriage has been solemnized in Tennessee bv the Governor. Both branches of the Legisla ture yesterday passed a bill empowering the Governor "and the Speakers to perform the marriage in question. There were present a large number of citizens, and the affair was very interesting for various reasons. The members of the Senate presented a handsome silver service to the happv couple. The Senator stands six feet eight inches in height, is 66 years old, and is one of the leading mem bers of the back'woods delegation. The bride is considerably younger, and is well and favorably known in this city. THE AEW GOIiD COUXTBI Itloy Belong to tbe United State and Not to Mexico. San Fbancisco, March 27. A special from Ensenada, Lower California, says: A discovery is reported here which is said to be filling the International Land Company people with dread. It is said that by mis take in tbe English maps at the time of the treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo, the boundary line between the United States and Mexico was placed 60 miles too far north, and that the real boundary terminates on the Pacific Ocean at a point some distance south of Ensenada. The treaty prescribes that the line shall cut the mouth of the Colorado river, but the English maps the only maps extant at that time had the Gila river, whose mouth is near Yuma, incorrectly marked as the Colo rado river. The mouth of the Colorado river is 60 miles south of Yuma, at Point Pabelle, and if the boundary line were to be drawn at that point it wonld place the Meanereado, the town of Ensenada and all the country north of those places within the limits of the .United States. THEI TOTED IX INDIANA. The Arrest of Twin Brothers for "Violating the Election law. ? Chicago, March 27. Elvin and Melvin Light are twins and two handsome young men. Uncle Sam had them in the toils this morning. It seems that they live at Center Schoolhouse, "Washington township, Ind., but went to work in Sheldon, 111. The Jndge'of this county advised them to go to their old home in Indiana to vote at the late Presidental election. They did eo; and yesterday Deputy United States Marshal Jones went to Shel don to arrest them on an indictment found by the grand jury of the Tenth Congression al district of Indiana for illegal voting. They were taken by Commissioner Hoyne this morning and give a bond of 5500 for their appearance before the District Court at Indianapolis. It is said that nothing wrong was intended by the Light brothers they were simply badly advised. Two Colored Illorderera Hanaed. Nashville, March 27. At Lebanon to day Jim Turner and Mack Francis, colored, were hanged for the murder of Len Martin last August Turner's neck was broken, but Francis died by strangulation after hor rible suffering. THE WEATHER. Tor Western Pennsyl vania and West Vir ginia, light rain, fol lowed Thursday by fair; cooler winds, becoming northwesterly. PrrrsBUBO. March 27. 1SS9, The United States Signal Service officer In this city lurmsbes tbe loiiowmg. Time. Tlier. 111 jr. '.-00 A. 47 55 60 Mean temp SI Maximum lemo.... 64 10:00 A. M. 1:00 F. M. 3:00 P. X. Minimum temp.... 4S Range IS Precipitation 50P. M 59 8:00 P. it. 53 Trace. Hirer at 5 P. M., 6.4 feet; a fall or 0.4 feet in 24 hours. Hirer Telegrams. tSrZCIil. TELEGRAMS TO THE DIEr-ATCH.l BBOW5SV1I.1.E River S feet 2 inches and falling. "Weather clear. Thermometer 58 at 6 p.m. Wakren River 3 feet 3 inches and falling. Weather cloudy and warm. Marrlace licenses Granted Yesterday. Kune. Residence. (Jacob Fisher. Allegheny (Emma Jones Allegheny (W. S. G. White Allegheny Elizabeth E. Doud Allegheny (John Mellon Sprlnjrdsle ) Ida 31. MurdocL bprlngdale ( Conrad Herr Bearer county iWllhclmlnc Head land Marshall township ( "William P. Uueschle Chanters Lizzie Brandes Chartlcrs I Arthur BlacVbnrn Westmoreland township Emma IS. HUler flttsbunr (LewlsbnpDfs Elizabeth township "jAognrtaHoff Elizabeth township (John Fleishman Pittsburg J Annie L. Haus ,. Pittsburg (William Buegle Pittsburg Christina fachnapp Pittsburg ( Kelso Neelv Klnley township (Aggie E. Brers Flnley township ( Emlle 3las5art .T. Tarcntum J Ueslree bouply .Tarentuin Jblmon Pearlsteln Pittsburg 'Jennie Wlzansky Pittsburg I Albert binlth Pittsburg I Anna Eenner Pittsburg ( Williftn H. Heck Pittsburg I Kate Moratb Pittsburg ( Frederick Karl Allegheny J Bertha llorchant. Allegheny (John Simon.. Pittsburg (Katie Lothes Pittsburg ( Matthew Donaldson Pittsburg ( Lizzie Williamson Pittsburg (William Suffern Pittsburg 1 Lizzie Curtln ... Pittsburg Is dangerous as well as troublesome. It renders tbe patient liable to the rup ture of a blood vessel or to other serious injury of throat and lungs. To allay bronchial irritation and give immediate relief, the best medicine is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "I was recently troubled with a dry cough which seemed to be caused by an irritation in the throat. My physician prescribed lor me, but no relief was ob tained. A little over a week ago, my attention being called to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I concluded to try it, and pur chased a bottle. After taking this med icine only one day, I could see a, change for the better, and, by the time I had used it a week, my cough had entirely disappeared." H. "W. Denny, Franklin square, "Worcester, Mass. "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral leads all other medicines as a sure, safe, and speedycure of throat and lung troubles." W. H. Graff & Co., Druggists, Carson, Iowa. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREFACED BT Dr. J. c, Ayer & Co., Lowell, , Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $5. m i v5ak rHEpv I ' i I BnV I b I l i Mb W 11 4 irillwil'n "A- Dry Cough" Special Sale. Thursday of each week during the present season we shall devote entirely to advertis ing our business, by selling the most desira ble goods in our establishment without profit, and in many instances below cost. To-day we offer a line of the most elegant suits and spring overcoats which money and skill can produce, at 510 $10 and we guarantee that thegarments spld to-day can not be duplicated for less than $20 to $25 anywhere in Pittsburg. P. C. O. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. new Court House. Onr Second Shipment Boys' Star Shirt Waist. Additional new patterns, and very pretty ones. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores, KM Glove Barsalni t 150 real French embroidered kid, 89c, worth $1.50, at Eosenbaum & Co.'s. 13,000 Pairs New Stockinet To.Day, 25 cents to $1 a pair, in the famous "Cable Dye" fast black. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. If you want to bay a bedroom or parlor suit, rail and examine the Iarsre stock at Dain & Dasohbach's, 111 Smithfield street. Thssu Dr. Sophy E. Peitwelt, Dentist. On and after April Penn building. 1, office, room 407 MARRIED. SOHULTZ-McGREGOR Noon, March 27, 1SS9, at the residence of the bride's parents, WeUsville, O., by the Rev. J. L Lowrv, Mr. C. J. ScrrtJirz, Jjj., of Pittsburg, and Miss Mab gaeet J. McGregor DIEp. BAILEY On Wednesday, March 27, 18S9. at U a. jr.. Mart, widow of tbo late Samuel Bailey, in tbe 7M year of her age. Funeral Fbiday afternoon at 230 o'clock from her late residence, No. 190 Sandusky street, Allegheny City. Private interment, 2 BECHTOLD At his residence. 7 Federal street, Allegheny, on Monday. March 25. 1889, at 12 o'clock, EaiDlus Bechtold, Sb., In the S24 year of his age. Funeral from the residence, on THURSDAY at 1:30 p. st. Friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend, a CTJSHING On Tuesday, March 28, 1883, at 9.3U P. Jr.. Maurice, son of Maurice and Mag gie Cashing, In the 3d year ot his age. Friends of the family are respectfully 'in vited to attend the funeral at the parents' resi dence, 108 Ridge avenue, Allegheny, on THURS DAY, at 2 p. it. Interment private. DIXON On Tuesday, March 28, at 2 p. M. Annie Mary, beloved daughter of John and Maria Dixon, aged 5 years 11 months 26 days. Funeral from the home of her parents. Holmes street, Eighteenth ward, at 2 p. at. on Thursday. Friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend. GOFF At 3.15 A. M Tuesday. March 26, 1889, of typhoid fever, Nellie K., only daugh ter of John, Jr., and Nellie H. Goff, aged 14 years. Friends are Invited to attend the funeral ser vices at the family residence. No. 230 Shady avenue. East End, at 2.30 P. M. Thursday, the 23th inst. Interment private at a later hour. "" Youngstown papers please copy.J 2 HARDY On March 27, 1889, at 1 A. St., Johit Hardy, aged ii years. Funeral will take place from the residence of John Hamilton, No. i Clay alley, on Thursday at 2 p. si. Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners arc respectfully invited to attend. McLAUGHLIN-Tuesday, March 26. 1889, Miss Kate McLaughlin, in her 43d year. Funeral Thursday morning at Braddock. Interment private. ROSS-On Tuesday, March 26, 1889, at 11 p. su at the family residence. Nolo, Indiana connty, Pa., David Ross, In his 87th year. Noticeof funeral hereafter. SCRIMSHAW At the family residence. 611 Murtland avenue. Twenty-first ward, on Tues day. March 26, 1S89, at 4.25 P. it. Cora Scrim shaw, daughter of William and Lizzie Beck ett, aged 21 years 7 months and 13 days. Asleep in Jesns. Funeral services on Thursday, March 28, at 3f. at. Friends of the family are respect fnl'y invited to attend. STAUFFEN On Wednesday. March 27,1889. at 5-45 a. it., Anna May, daughter of John and Carrie StanSen, aged i years 5 months 7 days. Funeral from the residence of her parents, 59 Grant alley, on Thursday March 28, at 3 p. M. Interment private. THOMAS On Monday evenine. March 25. at 9.30 o'clock, at her late residence. No. 109 Magno lia street, Allegheny, Catherine Elizabeth Difpel, wife of William H. Thomas, in her S3d year. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services at the residenco of her brother, John Dlppel, No. 24 Franklin street, on Thursday, March 28, at 2 o'clock. 2 WOLFF On Tuesday evening, March 26, 1889, at 8 o'clock, Jacob Wolff, son of tha late Frank Wolff, at tbe age of 37 years, 6 months and 19 days. Funeral to take place onFniDAYat 8 o'clock, from his father's residence, New Brighton road. Eleventh ward, Allegheny City. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 JAMES ARCHIBALD JBRO., LTVERY AND SALE STABLES, U7, 119 and 136 Third avenue, two doors below Smithfield st, next door to Central Hotel. Carnages for funerals,$3. Carnages for operas, parties, Scl, at the lowest rates. All new car nages. Telephone communication. my3-d60-TTS JOHN L. TREXLER & CO., Funeral Directors and Emhalmers, Livery and Boarding Stables. Nos. 378 and 380. Beaver ave. Residence. CS1 Prebla ave., Allegheny City. Telephone S116. mh23-MThSn E EPRESENTED IN PITTSBURG IN 1SCI ASSET? - . !9J071,69633. Insurance Co. of North America, Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES, 84 Fourth avenue. ia20-s2-ij Walter J. osborne. . Richard harrows. BARROWS fc OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, 90 Diamond street Telephone No. 812 se2-k5G-TTSSu p A.BALPHJ BUILDING CONTRACTOR, - 41 Seventh avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Telephone 1344. se5-nC0-TT3 WM, SEMPL'& Unprecedented Attractions for This Week. CLOAK .DEPARTMENT. . plain, embroidered and braided. Hisses . In Lone and choice' materials; all well made garments. On same floor we show a superior line of Muslin Underwear, in great variety and Dresses, Skirts and Corset Covers. Complete outfits for infants. A visit to our Cloak Room will repay you at the presenttime. LINEN DEPARTMENT. new, ejura latc. wwiwt uuiuciw xunuo, very vuuiuc, iw, -uu uuu .sou, nuuut uau men inmca. xiajjuua, iuv, fix, 3i -su ujj. a. lull xinner JNapKin at $1 OU; specially TOOd. Tapestry and Plush Covers in sizes for the stand, table and piano. Stamped Linen Tidy Splashers. Tray and sideboard sizes in White and Ecru, at low prices. We carry fall lines of Mattresses, Pillows, Bolsters, Sheets and Pillow Cases, ready made. "White and Colored Bed Spreads at popular prices. PI flTHS ANn r.fiSSIlVlFRFS 7J!SSJJftS!!fm Mea and Boys' wear- Latest styles in Checks. Stripes, Mixtures. kT a A v& 1h aaA aaI An4 hnhl tA2 VmaI h IJigU s IIW nilW WnWWI IIIImI IEmWm rmrco nnnnc ncoiDTuruT UnCM UUUUO UrMn I 11 Open to-day, two cases Pancy Dress Goods at 25c; best goods for the inonev ever offered; 40-inch, all-wool Serges, at 25c, worth 40c. Double width Plaids and Strip'es, new styles and excellent clothes, 37Jc, including Black and White Plaids and stripes ior combina tions, with the latest Hih-Art Novelties in Imported Fabrics, 50c, 7jo, 81, 1 25 and Si 50 a yard; all the newSpring colors in French Cashmeres, 50c, 65c, 75c. 90c, and 51( 46 inches wide and superior values; lots of Ch allies from ii up; Domestic Ginghams, excellent dress styles, 10c and 12J4c; Scotch Zephyrs, 20c, 25c, 37c and 40c; Etoile du Nords and other wash fabrics at low prices. Note our superior assortment Satines, 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c and Zlic CH V nCDABTMCMT Bla:k and Colored Dress Silk, 50c up; Black Gros OILtV UCl flll I mull I . Grains, 65c, 75c, 87Uc, 24-inch at 51, SI V2U and $1 25 are unquestionably rare bargains; very superior values, El 50 to S3 a yard. Double Wrap Surahs, Merveilleaux, Baratheas, Bhadames and other fancy weaves at low prices. CARPET ROOM. Body Brussels, New Patten J. no stock is now line Tanestrv Patterns Ingrains. Hall Smyrna Bugs and Druggets and Oil Cloths at 165, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE FURNITURE. ROLL TOP DESKS, FLAT TOP DESKS, STANDING DESKS, SHIPPERS' DESKS OFFICE TABLES, DIRECTORS' TABLES, REVOLVING BOOK CASES, ROTARY and ARM CHAIRS. 5 Feet Long, - $40 00 4 Feet 4 inches Long, $33 00 3 Feet 6 Inches Long, $26 50 Keep in mind that these low prices . are for desks of best possible cabinet work, latest mechanical devices and finest finish. They are as low as regular market prices for inferior desks. We have sold hundreds, but have yet to re ceive the first complaint as to their operation or durability. OJIcCliotock&Co. 33 FIFTH AVENUE. mh2S-TT8 WESTERN INSURANCE CO. OP PITTSBURG. Assets M18.60187 NO. 411 WOOD STREET. ALEXANDER NIMICK. President. JOHN B. JACKSON. Vice President fe2M6-TTS WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary. !' Hi l ""SIS', a fat iz4 ttrfjczJm iwcfod AU6&n am -OP- MILLIJSTEKY. .-. &Atdd4mm (0 (&. SOj So6 9 SO& MARCH this room we are displaying ;ng the latest CffitffcfaMrtdj Stockinette Jackets in Black and Colored. Garments and Jackets. Jersev Blouses, Another importation of specialties in Table Linens from 20c up. See those Golden Plax Table Linens at 60c; never sold under C5c. And those 72-inch Damasks at 75c. Thev are beauties. Past-Colored Tnrkev Red Tabling at 20e and IRf. flnor vrnAe ommlttr nl,i voir.... Mjk l... 1 Da OAa aw9 0??a. l L L1f l yw UUI&SUUWB auu Jiaiu, wmuii JUU ff JU Special values, double width Cash- Cll I . meres.lll,c.l2Uc.l5o.20cnnd25c complete and prices lowerthan ever. Pine Brussels, reliable make. 60c. 60c. 65e and 75c. and stair Caroets. Mats and Mat tines. popular prices. 167 and 169 FEDERAL MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHILDREN AND MISSES' ! Trimmed Pattern HAT OPENING, Friday and Saturday, THIS WEEK, 29 AND 30 The very newest and most stylish Bats that good taste and skill can produce will be shown. Come in and bring the children along. In the meantime, we' are showing a full line of the newest things in SPRING MILLINERY . FOR LADIES. TRIMMED-AND UNTRIMMED GOODS. HORNE & WARD, 41 FjfrTE AVENUE. mb28-D OLD CITY HALL MORIZ ROSENTHAL'S Farewell to Pittsburg. Leaving on April 13 for Europe. MONDAY & TUESDAY evenings, April 1 and Z Two (2) Farewell Piano Recitals, - MOBIZ ROSENTHAL. Will bo assisted by FRITZ KRBISLBR, (The Wonderful Boy Violinist.) TrH. I f CHAS. E. PRATT, GITTINGS. 5 t Accompanist. Reserved seats, SI; also 75c. Sale of seats at KJeber & Bro.'s, commencing Thursday, 28. mh27.35-MTnWThsSn MANUFACTURERS AND MERCHANTS INa CO., 417 Wood street, Pittsburg, Fa. capital S250.000 00 Assets January 1, 1S89 363,745 80 Directors Chas. W. Batchelor, President; John W. Chalfant, Vice President; A E. W. Painter, Root Lea, M. W. Watson, John Wih son, Joseph Walton, Win-G. Park, AM.Byers Jas. J. Donnell, Geo. E. Fainter, John Thomp son. Wm. T. Adair, Secretary; Jas. Little, As sistant Secretary; August Ammon. General Agent. , ja22-46-TTS Established ISia. Telephone Call 107a FRAUK J. GTJOKERT, ...Coniractorand Manufacturer of BANK, OFFICE. STORE AND CHURCH FIXTURES, poors. Wainscoattag, Ceilings and Hard Wood Work of every description, for building and decorative purposes. Mantels, Cabinets and Furniture of Special Designs. Drawings and Estimates furnished on application. Office and factory, Nos. 68 and 70 Seventh Avenue, Pitts burg. Pa. Hard wood lumber. n27-hl0O-TTS tz auty ybenma, &$QvMi IW a. mh2S-D 23, 1889. choice styles and largest assortment in New New Spring weight Newmarkets in Black and plain and braided. Infants' Cloaks. Ladies' vrnlOTArt TahI, m 7f tfl Cf OSf A M1 1 uv ncu w U.1UIUC. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT NYVW Hats and Bonnets, all new and the latest shapes and colors. Feathers, Gauzes, and Ornaments for hat trimmings. N. B.- ii u cuure jur uiiummg nnis O0UUt MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Colored Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, New Neckware and Hosiery and Seasonable Underwear at low figures. R A R R A I N Q in.NewTCoefc, .Hosiery .for Indie's and children; Gloves, Dress Trim DHnUHIIlO mwgs, Lace and Eeavy Curtains, JPortiers, Window Shades, etc. SPECIAL.- Five Cases New Ginghams at 6c; regular price, 10c. See them. sent when requested. Mail orders promptly Samples filled. STREET, ALLEGHENY, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. B. & B. Thursday, March 28. We would like every lady of me iwo cines to see our latest importation of Paris Robes. We believe (here is such a se lection (several hundreds in -number that even the varied tastes purchasers may have will be satisfied. No one has yet gone away disappointed and we have sold thousands of these patterns. We offer to-day an entirely new line of evening- dress fab rics. Until you see them you will have but an incomplete idea of what beautiful things have' come out. The first is the Cream Nuance Suiting, with 'the rich co?nbination col ored border. Some of the prettiest effects we have seen are shown in these deep bor ders, and they all harmonize in shade with the goods. The other new thing is the Cream Mouslin. Too much cannot be said in praise of these ele gant new fabrcs. In con?iection with our tfiorough lines of Robes and Novelty Dress Patterns we have what everybody this sea son is demanding, Buttons and Buckles for ' Trimming, in appropriate shadings and de signs. The directoire costumes are being trimmed in large buttons, and some of the most novel and handsome goods, in large add swall designs, have come out to meet the new re quirement. One is the Eiffel button, showing the great tower of the Paris Exposi tion, with a Yankee at the base looking up. There are others just as unique. All imported goods. - Prices for the large buttons, 2kc to $6 per dozen, and for the small, 25c to $1 75. The Buckles and Clasps, especially for Blouse Waists, come in oxi dized silver, antique and other novel effects. Speaking of buttons re- minds-us that this is the sea son for making up wash-goods dresses, and that we have an immense stock of pearl buttons. Among them, and perhaps the most popular, are the lines of sett shan ft OalL peart 2 sc, ?oc, 35c and 40c. Others, includ ing the 22 line, come from I2X2C up. Some elegant offerings in the Black Goods Department that should have a brief mention. 24-inch Mexican Grena dine, 75c and $1. 24-inch Iron Frame Gren adine, 75c and $1. 24-inch Silk Grenadine, 8 5c to $1 25. 27-inch Crepe deChene, $1 25 and $1 50. 48-inch Crepe deChene, $3 75 and $4 75- Boggs&Buhl, 115; 117. 119. 121 Federal Street, Allegheny. mh28-TTS WM, SAMPLE'S, Serine Jackets for Ladies. SI 50 un. Km Colors. New Jersevs. Black and notnrmi- and Misses' Suits and Dtbbm! ltt ivi. range of prices. Chemises, Drawers Ni"ht ' f T? . . . f a A,.d wn "- We are famous for correct styles and low prices. We show this weekiOOTrimmed New Bibbons, Flowers, Ot US. Unlaundried Shirts, 31c, 45e, 50c, 60c, and the bestshirtin thncniintrvnt? T...'r.r,.:ri atiiw. PA. NEW ADVERTISK1CXSTS. THE BRIGHTEST HUSKY'S T7fffff?ftfffffff WW WW fffffrf J -X ' feT A REMARKABLE ASSORTMENT -or- CONFIRMATION SUITS -AKD- COMPLETE EASTER 0UTEITS. ft- .-?v V'L Iff f 'b i$ nr sas? iff "" . .J ! J I u 1 ' .inyntiT"' ' ii lb W J. Pi-fL? I, v rrr" ' ( J I Pri"' C I .SF L : J H w.& l si f n' c i lu U "" ni l It o- 111 I I MAMMOTH ASSORTMENT of HATS and CAPS Spring shapes. Spring styles. Spring goods. Fine Silk Hats Derby and Alpine Hats in all the latest and newest colors and shapes. All the new style Crush Hats. Windsor Caps. Steamer Caps. Chil dren's Fancy Caps in all colors. In fact there's nothing in the Hat line but what we can supply you with and all at lower prices than you can get them for from any one else. Spring Styles Shirt Waists. Very Latest in Spring Neckwear, All Kinds of Hose, Underwear, Shirts, Footwear, etc .. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. .'. :) - GUSKY'S i.- j-. itf STORE IN TOWN MEN'S CLOTHING! The best of the best, the finest of the fine, everything as near perfec tion as human skill can make. Quality, fit, make and the abnor mally (off prices are their recom mendation. We've beea famed for years for our superb styles and high quality goods and we intend to make this season further and still greater inroads with the business done by high-priced merchant tailors. We'll convince .gentlemen that it is pure folly for them to pay outrageously high prices for their clothing when they can get here good! better ia every way for anywhere from on third to one-half less money. BIG BOYS' CLOTHING! Forty large tables piled high with long pant Suits and Spring Over coats, to say nothing of large quan tities of fine Fants and Coats. Suits in all the latest styles, and you have choice from an'almost endless vari ety of the newest and handsomest materials. Our buyers, who were the earliest in the market, scoured every Clothing center for the best, while other dealers were asleep, and the consequence was that they scooped in the finest of the fine, leaving later buyers to take what our buyers left. Depend on it there is no room for improvement in our goods and our prices will, as usual, be the lowest possible. Pants i i -AVD- Short Pant Suits This department of ours is crowded with such elegant goods at such low prices that we are sure of adding many thousands of new customers to the vast army of purchasers who now make this sto're their headquarters for Boys' Cloth ing. Talk about new styles, exquisite designs and dainty novelties, we have everything here, sure. The combination of colors and tints is exquisitely beauti ful and the trimmings as fine and artistic as possible. Couple these desirable qual ities with the fact that all our goods are guaranteed to give satisfactory wear and that prices will be found to be the lowest and you have the secret of our enor mous business. Children's Suits. i Everything in Children's Suits that a fond mother's heart could wish for. Swell little things, cute, small ones, nobby large ones. Our assortment of Suits for the little ones the only real complete one in the city. Kilt Suits, one and two piece, in all the lovely French novelties, imported especially by us, as well as every novel and neV design of American manufacture. Just depend on it that our Juvenile Clothing is the most charming ever seen. Not a word will we say about prices other than we guarantee to under sell each and every clothier in the State. We can do it and invite every parent to ascertain this fact for themselves by com ing and pricing our goods. (; YOUR FAVORITE STORE, to 400 Market street, VUtTMM
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