, THE MABKET BASKET. Fisli and Oysters Continue Active at .' ' Expense of Meats. NEW VEGETABLES IN GOOD DEMAND i f - (Eggs and Creamery Butter DownPoultry Higher and Firm. IEKT "QUIETING TO FLOKAL LINES office of pittsbubo Dispatch, office "Feidat Mircn 22, issa. I Visit to the meat stalls of Diamond Mar ket developed no new ieatures in the week's trade. Prices have undergone no change. Choice cuts sell for the same price as they did last fall when 1,500-pound steers brought S30 more than they brine to-day. On tbo rougher portions of beef, batchers are ready to make concessions on prices rather than lose a customer. The low prices of boiling meat, bides and tallow, they claim compels them to keep up prices on choice cats. Said an old time stockman a day or two ago: "American people are determined to have the best of the beef at any cost and hence batchers find it bard to dispose of the low grade meat which makes up the principal part of the cattle. There is no let-up to the active trade in fish and oyster lines. It is very evident without re ferring to the , calendar that Lent is fully on, from the activity of trade in the products of the great deep. There are fewer fresh fish in the stalls this week than last. The breaking up of ice on shores of lakes and bays prevents the usual catch, and dealers are forced back to the old reliable frozen stock. Lettuce liaised by Steam. New vegetables come in freely and trade in this line shows a decided improvement on last week. Said a leading Diamond Market dealer: "Our trade has been more satisfactory this week than for some months past and business in our line is full as good as usual for this time of the year. Our customers are hungry for new lettuce, rhubarb and other garden stuff and we have little cause to complain." Tho choicest lettuce, nome raised, appeared on stalls this week raised by a new process in frames heated by steam. This process requires a much shorter time than the old-fashioned method of manure beds. A Troy Hill gardener has made a success of the new process, and the fruits are seen in as fine bunches of lettuce as were ever shown in our markets. Country batter is more active since oleo has been knocked out. Creamery is oS from last week's prices. Poultry grows very scarce and keeps advancing. Eggs have bad a decided fall in the week past, and in a wholesale way go a-begging at 12Kc a dozen. It is very rare that eggs are as Ion at this time of the year as they are to-day. florists report no change in the situation. Trade is fairly active. Prices are unchanged. Tbetrade feels the effect of Lenten times, but society is expected to get in its regular work when the nreat Christian fast is over. Following are retail prices for Saturday's market basket filling: Meats. The prices called for at the Diamond Markets remain unchanged. The best cuts of tenderloin steak range from 20 to 25c, with the last figure for very fancy, which are very often no bet ter than the 20c article; sirloin, best cuts, from 18 to 20c; standing rib roast, 15 to 20c; chuck roast. 10 to 12c; best round steaks, 15c; boiling beef, 5 to 8c: sweet breads, 25c per pain beef kidneys, 10c apiece; beef liver, 6c a pound: calf livers. 25c apiece: corned beef from 5 to 10c per pound. Veal for stewing commands 10c: roast, 12 to 15c: cutlets. 20c per pound; spring lambs, fore quarter, 12 to 15c: hind quarters, 15 to 20c A leg of mut ton, bind quarter, of prune quality, brings 12c; fore quarter, Sc; lorn of mutton, 15c Vegetables and FrnlU - Jersey sweet potatoes, 25c a half peck; potatoes,15c a half peck; celery.lO to 15c a bunch; new Bermuda potatoes, 40c per peck; new Ber muda onions, 25c per quart; tomatoes, 40c per quart box; pumpkin, 15 to 25c; cabbage, 5 to 10c; angles, 15c" to 20c per half peck; bananas, 1j to 25c a dozen: lemons. 25 to 30c per dozen: oranges, 3550c; onions, 25c a half peck; spinach, 25c per half peck; lettuce,10c per bunch, 3 for 25c: radishes,Tc per bunch; cran berries. 15c per quart: cucumbers. 25 to 35c a piece; mushrooms, SI a pound; asparagus, 20c a bunch; new beets, 15c a bunch; strawberries, 75c a quart. Cotter, Efrirs and Ponlrry. Choice creamery butter, 30 to 32c Good country butter, 35c Fancy pound Toils, 60c The ruling retail price for egg Is 15c Choice country eggs bring 20c The range for dressed chickens is $125 to $1 50 per pair. Turkeys, 25c per pound. Fish and Oysters. Following are the articles in this line still on the stalls, with prices: Lake salmon, 12c; Cali fornia salmon, 40c pound; white fish, 12c; ber nng, 4 pounds for 25c; fresh mack erel, Soc apiece; Spanish mackerel, 45c to 50c a pound; sea sal mon, 40c a pound: blue fish, 20c; perch, 10c; halibut, 2oc; rock bass, 30c; black bass, 20c: lake trout, 12c: lobsters. 25c; green sea turtle, 2Sc Oysters: standard, SI per gallon; select, SI 50 to SI 75; X. Y. counts, ft 75 per gallon: snaps, SOc: shell oysters. 25c dozen; smelts, 20 to 25c pound; dams, SI 25 gallon; scollops, 50c a quart. Flowers. La France roses, S3 00 per dozen; Bride roses, $2 00 per dozen; Perles, SI 25 per dozen; Is lphetos, SI 35 per dozen; Bennetts, S2 00 per dozen: Magna Cbarta roses, SI 00; American Beauty, 50cl 00 apiece; Mermets, J2 00 per dozen; le Wattvllle. S2 00; carnations, SO cents a dozen; Violets, T2 00 a hundred; Lilv of the Valley, 75c per dozen; Maiden Hair fern, 50c per doz. fronds. Bermuda Easter lilies. S3 00 per dozen: tulips. 75c per dozen; mignonette, 75c per dozen; lilacs, 25c a spray: daffodils, 75c per dozen; Dutch hya cinths, 20c apiece: pansies, 25c a dozen; Jacque minot roses, 52 50 a dozen. LIVE STOCK HA11KETS. Condition of the Market at the East Liberty Mock Yards. Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, 1 FETDAT, March 22, 1SS9. J Cattle Receipts, 1,260 head: shipments, 1,260 head. .Market firm at unchanged prices. No cattle shipped to New York to-day. HOGS Receipts. 2,800 head: shipments. 2,700 head. M&iktt firm; medium Philadelphias. $5 00; heavy bogs S04 90; pigs and York ers, S3 00QS 10. Eight cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. ' Sheep Receipts, 2,400 head: shipments, 1,600 head. Market slow at yesterday's prices. Br Telegraph. New York Beeves Receipts, 71 carloads for exportation, 59 carloads for city slaughter ers direct, aud 26 carloads to be sold;ordJnary offerings rated steady; good to choice a shade firmer and higher; poorest to best steers sold at 3 50' 60 per 100 pounds: fat bulls at S215 3 It; dry cows at ft 602 90; exports to-day. TbO beeves. Sheep Receipts, 2,700 head, and 1,800 head were carried over yesterday; market dull and barely steady for sheep: active and firmer for yearling Iambs; extremes for sheep. SI O05 70 per 100 pound: for yearlings. S5 fi0 7 55: sreneral sales at S5 00Q5 50 for sheep, and atJ6 007 50 for yearlings. Hogs Receipts, 2.030 headinone offered alive; market nominally steady at ScOOgSoU Kansas City Cattle Receipts. 3.5S0 head; shipments, 4.616 head; active; choice heavy steers strong to 510e higher: medium steady to strong; cows steady; stockersand feeding steers active and firmer; good to choice cornfed, 53 t50$i 15: common to medium. 12 703 60: Blockers and feeding steers, SI G03 20; cows, $1 60S2 75. Hogs Receipts. 3,210 head; ship ments, 1,147 head: active and steady to a shade higher; good to choice. $4 5W?1 GO; common to medium. $4 30445. Sheep Receints, 477 head; shipments, none: steady; good to choice mut tons. S4 254 50: common to medium, 13 50 CHICAGO Cattle Receints, 6.600 head: ship ments, 4,000 bead: market easy; choice to extra beeves 14 404 GO; stcers,S3 00Q4 15; stackers and feeders. S2 30335; cos. bulls and mixed, S175 0f 10- Texas steers. S2 2o3 2a Hoes Re ceints. 1L000 head; shipments. 5,500 head; mar ket weaken mixed, (mi 82X; heavv. J4 60 4 60: light, 54 C01 80: fancy. .S S55 00; S.!ps.S350435. Sheep-Receipts, 6,000 head; shipments. 2,000 bead: market dull and a shade I ower; natives. S3 00!5 25; western cornfed, J4 00 4 TO: lambs, S4 105 6a St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 300 head: ship ments, 1.200 head; market steady; choice native steers, S3 b04 40; fair to good do. S3 00g3 00; stoclvers and feeders, S2 103 2fcrangers. corn fe H 80S3 60: grass-fed. SI 802 80. Hogs Reiipts. 3,200 head; shipments. 3,900 bead; market strong: choice heavy. 54 7064 85; pack ing, medium to prime. S4 6084 70: light grades, 54 65fi4 75. Sheep Receipts, 100 head; ship, nients. 1.000 bead; market steady; fair to choice. S3 004 8a Buffalo Cattle Steady: receipts, 600 head through: sales, 40 head. Mixed butchers, $2 7533 25. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 400 bead through. 8.000 head sale; sheep steady: good, S5K465: lambs strong: 152oo higher: good, $5 6&ffi6 85. Hogs opened f3' closed strong to 10c higher; receipts, 4.600 head throuih, 3,200 bead sale; medium and Yorkers, 5 005 la CntcnraiATi Hogs in good demand and higher; common and lirht, S4 0034 80: packing and butchers', 14 804 95; receints, 1,680 head; ifhlnrnents. 1,480 head. TsTsTsBGKsbJ. t , , 'r -!. -i -&.-. L.'i.gtem&A: - ' 3& . .iin" iii. -S.S SfelijsaMfci-. 'j- -- . a - . .' t.t.-te.i , - ... i S&aBMKkm BBEifiii.,,, .,t-:;!i--fa-''-,l-i-ai jtiTttai-i'ii m 'r --'-iito!a-fc6&"''i -n it tisiWii ffH-Tn-ifrv- -- JJ--t '---'''isirts-iiiiiiia IAaiBBIismB BHBnMjABJBWMHBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBBBBJB&BJB)S SBJBBKSHBJBBJSJBJBjBjBJBJSJBaBJBJBjSBnBJSJBBBBJSJBBBSSJ MAEKETS BY WIRE. Wheat Active, Excited and Higher for All Ike En r It Options The Question of Snpplra fetroug Factor Hoe Products Stronger. Chicago From the wide and rapid fluctua tions in wheat to-day one would he led to be lieve that the volume of trading was very large, bat such was not the case A very fair busi ness was transacted, bnt there was so little wheat to be had at times as to restrict trading, and a good many orders could not be filled on account of prices getting beyond the limits at which the orders were placed. May wheat opened Jic lower than yesterday's closing, and declined Kc more, then started upward, ad vancing, with numerous fluctuations, 6c, then sagged again ic, advanced c and closed 40 higher than yesterday. June opened at yesterday's closing and advanced Jc and closed 9-Afi higher than yesterday. July advanced 2c with fair trading, and closed about lXc higher than yesterday. While interest centered principally in tho May future, a good many opeiators are dis couraging the trading in this future and en deavoring to Induce traders to operate in July. The advance was again a matter of local spec ulation, with shorts frightened and anxious to cover, many, in fact, were forced to do sc Stop limit loss orders came iu play, aud the flue t nations were so rapid as to make the fill, ing of these orders very unsatisfactory, some not being executed within llKc of the limit placed on them. Changes of Mlc occurred frequently, without a chance of doing much trading. The short interest no doubt feared themselves trapped and were anxious to es cape a lurtber squeeze. There were some re ports of too much wheat, and prolonged dry weather In Illinois and Indiana, with weather indications predicting clear, cooler weather. The condition of supply is no doubt having some effect on tho market. Corn opened slightly lower than the closing prices of yesterday, was quiet and steady for some time, then ruled active and firmer, ad vancing He, upon good buying by two or three large local bouses, and covering by shorts, eased off Jc, again advanced, recovered the decline, and closed firm at Kc higher than j esterday. There was a fair business in oats, at yester day's range of prices. Quite an active speculative business was transacted in mess pork. Sales at the opening were made at about the closing figures of yes terday, and later in the day an advance of 20 25c was gained. Outside figures were not fully supported, however, but the market closed rather firm. Lard and short ribs fluctuated in sympathy with port Tho leading rutures rangea as follows WHEAT No. 2 May. 99KcgSl 0599c $1 03?$ June. 90996Sl4i&c: July, 86) Cons-Not 2 Anril. MlittaitztS&iSi ... --. ,.ri. .Av. z -'o" --' ,t.j c; way. e3Q?i5ooji(ff3q?&c; June. a. soj4-?fcc Oats No. 2 May, 25K25Kc June, 25V 625K25V&25Kc; July. 2o&25Hc Mess Pork, per bbL Mav, $12 2512 50 12 2512 45; June. $12 3012 5212 30 12 47; July, S12 40012 60612 4012 o7. LARD, per 100 fts. May. 6 9o7 P2&6 85 7 02K; June, S7 007 07J47 007 05; July, 57 057 17K7 02K7 ia Short Ribs, per 100 lbs. May, $6 'j06 32UQ 6 206 25; June. S6 276 356 27K6 32)i; July. So 306 4236 306 47. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm and unchanged: No. 2 spring wheat, SI 01JJ1 01; No. 3 spring wheat. 91c: No. 2 red..Sl 01?41 01. No. 2 corn. 34Mc. "Nc 2 oats, 2ic No. 2 rye. 43c Nc 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, $1 50. Prime tim othy seed, tl 451 46. Mess pork, per barrel, S12 35012 40. Lard, per 100 lbs. $6 956 97& Short nbs sides (loose). $6 20g6 40. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $5 5005 75. Short clear sides I 7SS5: 7-Wc 1 I2,uuu ousneis: corn, uh,vuu nusneis: oats, uo, 000 bushels: rye, 2,000 bushels; barley, 21,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 7,000 barrels; wheat. 11.000 bushels: com. 70,000 bnsbels; oats, 64.000 bushels; rye, 4.000 bushels; barley, 24,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was easy and unchanged. Eggs weak at lie New York Flour active and steady. Corn meal quiet. Wheat Spot JiQliic higher; op tions 5jJ3ic higher. Barley quiet. Barley malt dull. Corn Spot Srmer; options ii Jrc higher. Oats Spot firm; options dull and Hteady Hay firm and in fair demand. Hops quiet andsteady. Coffee Options opened steady, 515 points down; closed steady, 5 iioints up; sales. 24,750 bags, including March, 6.90c: April. 16.8016.95c; May, 165017.050; June, 16.8517.15c; Julv, 17.1517.25c; August. 17A517.S5c; September, I7.3017.40c; October, 17.45c; November, 17.4517.60c; December, 17.50c; spot Rio about steady; fair cargoes, ISMc Sngar Raw strong and higher: fair refinine. 5&c: centrifugals, 96 test, 6K6cj Males, 15,000 bacs centrifugals, P. T.: a cargo oo canaf; refined ic higher and moderate tfemand; C, 66Kc: extra C, 6X55c; white xsxtra C, 6 ll-166 13-lOc; yellow, 6 6c: off A, 613.16g7Hc: mold. 7Kc; standard A, Tc; confectioners' A, TJc; cut loaf, 8Kc; crushed. 8Xc: powdered. 7Jc: granu lated, TMc; cubes, 75c Molasses Foreign f-trong 505 test, 2412oc; New Orleans dull. Rico ftcady but quiet. Cottonseed oil strong. 'Tallow higher; city, 4Kc bid. Rosin steady and in fair demand; strained common to good, (1 1712a Turpentine quiet and steady at otijc liggs qniet ana weaKer; Western 1IJJO ruckled bellies, 12 pounds average, 7c; pickled shoulders, 5"c; pickled hams, 9JJ10c: middles quiet. Lard firmer bnt quiet; Western steam, S7 35; citv, S6 90; March. S7 27, closing at S7 32; Anril, $7 27g7 28, closing atS7 32; May, 7 31 7 34.closmg at $7 35; June. $7 30. closing at S7 36; July, S7 30. closing at &7 Si; August, S7 40; September, $7 40, closing at S7 4i Butter in moderate demand and weak; Western dairy, 1318c; do creamery, 1725c; Elgins, 2627c Cheese quiet and unsettled; Western, VXfil HJfc ST. Louis Flour Demand good; trading active and values strong. Wheat higher; an other advance in Chicago sent the local market b igher, but tbo feeling was very unsettled. There was some talk of dry weather in the winter wheat section and of export buying In "Mew York. Cables were dull and the weather threatens rain here; May closed lc June 2c July Ic and August Jgc above vesterday; No. 2 red. cash. 92c: May. 91i93Jc closing at 93?c asked; June, 8S$i20c, closing at SSiic bid; July, 80K80K81Kc closing at 81SlKc: Aucust. 7&a&19iic. closing at 79c asked. Corn higher; advances in other markets and In wheat strengthened values; No. tcash, 29Jc; April, m-.siic: ainv. asuso30e, closing at30?ic; July, 32K32Kc closing at 32cbid. osini ibid . 2M, Oats better; o. z casn, -siwsrtao bid: May, '2h 26Jc Rye lower; more doing; Na.2,41Jc Barley easy; No. 1 Canada, 77c Provisions nrmer. Cinchtnati Flour heavy. Wheat4ulI;No. H red, 96c; receipts, 1,100 bushels; shipments, 700 bushels. Corn in moderate demand; No. 2 mixed, 34c Oats, good demand; No. 2 mixed, -28iSKc Rye dull; No. 2, 47c Pork quiet at 512 62& Lard firm at $6 87U. Bulk meats firm; short ribs, S6 376 60; bacon steady and unchanged. Batter quiet. Sugar strong. -Eggs heavy. Cheese steady. Milwaukee Flour steady. Wheat firm; cash,S7c; May, 89c: July, 6Sc Corn steam; No. 3, a31c Oats firm; No. 2 white.2S 8Kc Eve quiet; No. 1, 43Xc Barley nominal; No. 2. 59c Provisions firm. Pork, S12 32. Lard. J6 S7i. Cheese firm but quiet; Cheddars, ll12c Philadelphia Flour dull. Wheat dull, but prices nominally advanced l2c in sym pa thy with the West, closing firm. Corn firm but quiet. Oats Carlots quiet but firm; futures qniet but steady. Provisions quiet hut steady. Baltimore Provisions dull and quiet, car lots, mess pork, $13 S013 75. Butter easier; western packed, 18JJ20c; roll, 1517c; creamery, 28c Ezgs easy at Uc Coffee firm; Rio, fair, 1818c Toledo Cloverseed dull and steady; cash and March, $5 25; receipts, 576 bags; shipments, 1,390 bags. SIctnl Market. New York Pig Iron steady. Copper stronger and few sellers; lake. March, $16 00. Lead dnll and easier; domestic, S3 67. Tin quiet and firmer: straits, S21 la Loitdon Pig Tin Firm market and de mand fair: Straits. 94 0s Od for spot; futures (three months), 95 Os Od. Copper Increas ing business has made this market steadier; Chili bars are now quoted at 40 0s 04 for spot; 40 for future delivery; best selected English, 5a Lead Barely steady market, trade moderate: Spanish quoted at 12 17s 6d. Spelter This market held barely steady on a moderate demand; ordinary Silesian quoted at 11 5s Od. Tin plate Market continues firm -with good business. Boston There has been a moderate Inquiry from manufacturers during the past week, hut the sales are smaller than for the week previous, as the market has had a very Quiet tone. On fine washed fleeces previous prices have been maintained, because the stocks are "very smll, bnt for most ot the other grades an easy feeling prevails, as dealers are anxious to clean up before tho new clip is started. Ohio X sold at 3233c, XX and above at 3135c and XXX and No. 1 at 363Sc Michigan X rules at 3131Kc. bntnosale have been reported at over Sic Sales of territory ana California have been made on a basis of S&gGOe. secured. Kentucky unwashed combing has sold at 31632c, the out side price for best tbree-eightbs blood. Palled wool has sold freely. Chicago supers were firm at 4042c, but lower grades were easy. -Nothing has been done in Texas wool. Australian was sold to the extent nr 296,000 pounds at SS 42c The total sales of domestic andforeigu wool for the week were 1,596,400 pounds. UXC contribute one of hit characteristic & letter to tc-morrovt Dispatch. Be tpeakt of the people he hat met, including Joteph Cook and Dr. Mary Walker. AN IMPORTANT DEAL In Eeal Estate Involving a Very large Amount of Hard Cash. THREE BIG WAREHOUSES GOING UP. A Eacj Sketch of Steuueirville as it Was Sixty lears Ago. HOW TO AVOID OIL LAMP EXPL0SI0NB One of the largest sales yet made oT unim proved suburban property, has just been closed by W. A, Herron & Sons, they hav ing sold a part of the Eose estate, on the West Fenn Railroad, near Sharpsburg. The plot contains about 200 acres, and the price paid was $155,000. The purchasers, whose names are withheld for the present, have formed a land company, and will subdivide and sell in acre lots at once. E. B. Mahood, a prominent local operator in grain, will on April lbegin the erection of three warehouses, each six stories high, on the cor ner ot Seventh avenue and Cherry alley. The lot Js 63K by 124, upon which are two or three buildings, one ot them being the old Leonard homestead, erected nearly three-quarters of a century ago. Mr. Leonard was one of the pio neer merchant tailors of Pittsburg, whose establishment on Wood street, below Diamond alley, will be remembered by all of our older citizens. He was patronized by the lato Mat thew Simpson, when he was pastor of Brim stone Corner, in 1834, long before his elevation to the Episcopate. Steubenville Is one of the largest and most thriving suburbs of Pittsburg. It has a popu lation of about 30,000. and is fall of energy and enterprise. It'is thus described in a document bearing the date of 1829-60 years ago In pos session of a real estate dealer in this city: "The town contains about 3,000 inhabitants. It is well situated for manufacturers, having inex haustible beds of stone coal in the neighbor hood. There are in the town and neighbor hood three merchant flouring mills and. a very largo woolen factory, at which 60.000 pounds of wool are annually manufactured into cloth. Large flocks of sheep of the merino breed are owned by tho neighboring farmers. There are beside two cotton factories of 3,000 spindles, a largo paper mill, belonging to Mr. Holdship, of Pittsburg, three iron foundries, a steam saw mill, two breweries, a court house, five churches, two printing offices and a land office A mineral called copperas stone (sulphate of iron) is found more or less in all tho coal banks, from which about 150 tons of copperas are manufactured per year." W. A. Herron, the veteran real estate agent, who fell and broke his arm a few weeks ago, has sufficiently recovered from the injury to be able to resume office business, and may be found, as regularly as before the accident, at his old quarters on Fourth avenue. Mr. Herron is one of the best posted men on real estate iu the city. Accidents arising from the use of petroleum as an illumlnant are of frequent occurrence. Two or three of a serious nature have taken place in Pittsburg within a week or two. These could be avoided if the oil were tested before using in the following manner: Take a pint tincup, fill it nearly fall of water warmed so that a thermometer immersed in it will show 120 degrees, pour a small quantity of oil on the water, stir a little, then pass a lighted match quickly but closely over the surface of the oil once; If It ignites, the oil is unsafe. If pur chases are made of three to five gallons at a time, and this test is made, people can protect themselves. The following is an additional list of patents expiring March 26, when they may be appro priated by any one so disposed: Automatic boiler feeder, D. Vaughn; water-tube steam boiler, C G. Beitel; derrick, H. a Blood; electro-magnetic apparatus, J. Vf. Powell; recipro cating steam engine, Shepherd & Clark: manu facture of coal gas, A. M. Giles; lubricating device, C. Hirsch; photo-engraving on metals, McGIll and Pine: manufacture of steel, G. F. Wilson: safety valve, T. D. Rand; driven well tube, W. D. Andrews. STOCKS LIVELY. The Gaaers Uniformly Stroneer nnd West Inchoate Electic Braces Up. Westinghoase Electric showed decided weak ness at the first call yesterday, selling freely at 56 but it was stronger in the af ternocn, when Bii was bid and 58 asked. There was one sale at 57. There was no pressure to sell at these figures. There are orders booked for large blocks of it, and another spurt is considered quite probable. The passers were all strong, with more anxiety to buy than sell. Philadel phia was In request at 3738, with a sale at 87V. Switch and Signal displayed more activ ity than strength, selling at 23K24, with lib eral offers. Tractions were neglected. There was a sale of La Nona at 1. MOBxnro. afternoot. STOCKS. Kid. Asked. Hid. Asked. Pitts. I'et.S.&M. Ex.. M0 S50 Fld.Title& Trust Co... 124 .... US .... Boatman's Ins 40 Pennsylvania Ins 33 Chartlers Val. Gas Co. SO .... 50i 51 Pennsylvania Oas Co 14K .... Philadelphia Co 37 37X 37 S3 YVhcellnr Gas Oi .. Soft 31 3o 31 Central Traction 3 .... 24 Citizens1 Traction 634 Ash. & Pitts. It. B M Pitts. 4 Western K.B. S'A 8)4 I.aNorlaMlnlcicCo.... 154 1 1 iS Westlnghouse Electric. S6J4 KM S7J4 S3 V. bwltch AblsnalCo 23j 24 Pitts. Plate Glass Co 150 .... The sales at the morning call were 163 shares of Wheeling Gas at 81, 37o Electric at 56K. 465 Union Switch and Signal at 24 and 40 at 23. After call 200 shares of La Noria went at 1, In the afternoon 50 shares of Philadelphia Gas sold at 87, 100 Wheeling at 31,20 at SlVi, 35 Union Switch and Signal at 24, 30 at 23, and 10 Electric at 67. W. H. Watt sold 100 shares of Chartlers Gas at 50. The total sales of stocks at NewYprk yes terdav were 173,509 shares, Including: Atch ison, 0.815; Delaware, Lackawanna and West em, 6,023; Erie, 3,610; Lake Shore, 5,235: Louis ville and Nashville. 8,620; Missouri Paciflc,7,275; Northwestern. 1L600; Northern Pacific pre ferred, 2,509: Reading, 19,200; St. Paul, 10,471: Union Pacific, 3,900 SLOW BUT SURE. Local Banker Iteport a Steady Improve ment In the Qloney SInrket. The local money market remains in about the same condition as last reported. A small but steady improvement in the borrowing de mand was reported yesterday. Counter busi. ness was fair and the Clearing House business up to the average, exchanges being $1,183, 407 25, and tho balances 312,896 8a Foreign coins are quoted as follows: English sovereigns 4 S3 4M) Twmty-franc pieces 3 83 3 SO Twenty-inarS nieces 4 72 4S0 bp&nlsh donbloon 15 45 015 70 Spanish twenty-five -peseta 4 72 4 80 Mexican doubloons 15 40 015 70 Mexican dollars 70 75 , rive-lrauc pieces 85 85 Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 22H per cent: closed offered at 2J. Prime mercantile paper, 4W01. Sterling ex change dull but firm at $1 854 for 60-day Bills, and ti 88 for demand. Government Bonds. Closing quotations in New York'f urnlshed The Dispatch by Robinson Bros.. Wood street. Local dealers charge a commission of an eighth on small lots: U. S.4J4S. reg lWffllosK U. 8.4H&. coups IC7fci1034 U. 8. 4s. rcg I28J4(ai28K U. 8. 4s, coup 129&3123J IJId. Currency, 6 per cent. 1835 res IX Currency, 6 per cent. ISDSreg. La Currency, eporcent, 189reg I3i Currency, 6 per cent, lo08reg 129 Currency, apercent, ISWreg 131J4 New TOBK Bank clearings. $93,962,311; bal ances, $4, W4.S39. Boston Bank clearings, 512,81907; balances, H,663,I4. Money K2 Per cent. PnaABELPniA Bank clearings, $10,236,735: balances, $1,325,119. Baltimore Bank clearings, $1,770,023; bal ances, $370,003. Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, $8,877,000. St. Louis Bank clearings to-day, $2,702,576; balances, $515,807. Mining Stock. New York. March 21 Amador. 100: Bodie, 120; Caledonia B.H., 300; Consolidated Califor nia and Virginia, 825; Dunkln. 100; Deadwood, 150; El Crlsto, 105; Gould & Carry, 245; Hale & Norcross, 375; Horn Silver, 115: Iron Silver, Mexican, 345; Mutual, 140; Ophlr.650; Plymouth. 1250; Savage, 275: Sierra Nevada, 285; Stand ard, 100; Silver Cord, 105 Yellow Jackot, 875. E0DGH AND T0J1BLE. The Oil Market Enlivened by a Scrimmage Between Balls and Bears. The oil market, yesterday resolved Itself into a battle betweea the bulls and the bears, in which, the former had a little the best of the scrimmage. George B. Hill & Co. dumped about 150,000 barrels, and Sprout Lawrence 75,000 or more. Boseberg, in New Yqrk, was also a heavy seller. At this juncture, when it looked very blue forthe bears, Simpson, of Oil City, sailed In and took everything offered. This steadied the. market. After this the coarse of prices was generally upward. It was a narrow escape from a disastrous slump. The market opened at 90 and held around that price for some time, when, by easy stages, it reached 91, where it held for an hour or two, and then climbed to, 91K. vith one sale. From this point it sold down m the last half hour to 90, and closed at 91, with plenty of stuff and carrying about 25 cents. It was the opinion ot several brokers that a lowsr level would be reached within the next tno days. A. B. McGrew 4 Co. quotes puts, 90c; calls, 9iaic llio following table, correciea Dy 1)0 "Witt UI1 worth, broker in petroleum, etc.. corner Fifth avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows tne order of fluctuations, etc. t lime. Hid. Ask. Time. Hid. Ask. Opened 80S 8as 12:4SP. M.... tlH MH 10:15 A. M.... Ill n4 1-.C0P. If... 91)4 DIM 10:30 A. M.... 91! HI ( 1:15 F. M.... 81! Wi 10:45A. M.... 91H 01 Vi 1:30 P. M.... 91!i 91.H 11:00 A. M.... VIS CI (4 1:45 F. M.. 01J4 BIS 11:15A. M.... Sij 8U( 2.00P. M.... SUM 9IH 11:30A. It.... 9IH H1H t:15P. M.... 81)4 Wi 11:45A. U.... 81H tl'A 2:30 P. M.... 91!4 91H 11:00 m 9114 91H 2:45 P. II.... 01X 91)4 I2:UF. X.... Ol'i 9IWLClosed tl ...? 12:30 P. M.. 81,'j DIM I opened. 90Kc; aUtheat, 91 Ho: lowest. 90ftc; dosed, 91c. Barrels. Drily runs 50.655 Average runs 45,44 Dally shlmnents - 62,033 Averssre shipments ; 73,701 Dailv cnarters - 15.190 Average charters 44.3 3 Clearances , i imum 215,000 liew York closed at tlUc. Oil City dosed at 91c bradrora closed ai SlHe. , Mewyo. retined. Jo. London, rennea, 54l. Antwerp, ruined, 16K& Other OH Markets. Oil Citt. March '22. National transit cer tificates opened at9c; highest, 91Jc; lowest, 90c; closed, 91c, Bradford, March 22. National transit cer tificates opened at90Jc;closedat91c; highest, 91c: lowest, 90c Titusvillk, March 22. National transit cer tificates opened at OlJ-ic: highest, 91c; lowest, 00c: closed, 91c. . New Yore. March 22. Petroleum opened steady at 91c, but after a slight decline in the early trading moved up to 91 A reaction then set in after which the market became dull, and remained so throughout the rest of the day; closing doll at 9lc Sales, 603,000 barrels. PK0PEETI CHANGING HANDS. Transactions In Renl Estate Showing the Market Is Very Active. Graebing & Lyon, No. 135 fourth avenue, sold a farm of 252 acres in White township, In diana county. Pa., for $11,000. They also placed a mortgage for 31,200 on property In the Tenth ward, city of Allegheny; also one for $650 on property in Tarentum, both at 6 per cent, for three years. Ewing & Byers, No. 107 Federal street, sold for J. B. Urben to' W. W. Kevan, three lots, 20x230 each, on Perrysville avenue, Allegheny City, for $2,200. Black & Baird, No. 95 Fonrth avenue, sold for the heirs of Agnes Lonergan a tract of land in Chartlers township, nearSheridan station, con taining about nine acres, for $4,500. They also placed a mortgage of $2,000 on Allegheny prop erty for five years, at 6 per cent. L. O. Frazier, comer Forty-fifth and Butler streets, sold for E. H. Stefller two farms, one of 62 acres and one of 60 acres, with store building and other Improvements, situate near Wurtem berg station, Pittsburg and Western Kail road, Beaver county, to Mrs. J. Hamilton, of Belle vue, for $7,850 cash. L M. Pennock & Son report the sale and set tlement of a mnrtgago on property on Mt. Washington for $3,700, one for $3,500 on prop erty in Homestead and one for $900 on property in Reserve township. ' James W. Drape & Co. placed a mortgage of $5,000 at 4$ per cent on residence property in Allegheny; also a mortgage of $5,000 on resi dence property, in Ben-Venue at 5 per cent. They also sold a brick resUence and Interest in a manufacturing property in the city at $17,500; also placed a mortgage of $2,000 on house and lot in McKeesport at 6 per cent, and sold a farm of over 100 acres in Virginia at a figure approximating $2,000. " ' ' -. John F. Baxter sold lot No. 21. Bank of Com merce addition, Brushton station, situate on the northwest corner of Kelly and Park streets, with a frontage of 40 feet on Kelly street by 137, to 24 foot alley, to Charles C. Voegly for $750. , ADVERSE INFLUENCES Brought to Bear Upon Wall street Stock Open Firm, Bnt Weaken and Close Fractionally Lower Bnllrond Bonds Fairly Active. New York, March 22. The .stock market was Intensely dull during the entire day with the exception of the first hour and prices were as near stagnant as possible. There was a firm feeling in the forenoon and the purchasing continued with the effect of raisine quotations fractionally, and many of the active stocks reached the best prices of the week. There were several Influences which, however, had a depressing effect upon the speculation, first of which was the engagement of $1,000,000 gold for export and the loss in the Northwestern earn ings for Eebruary, while there were further re ports of rate cutting in the West. The market yielded to the adverse influences and prices sagged off slowly until the bears at tacked Burlington, which dropped 2 per cent, and most of the Granger stocks sympathized to a greater or less degree, though Bock Island was the only one which showed any decided weakness. The trust stocks were the strong feature ot the day's transactions, and again Chicago Gas led the list in both activity and strength, although it lost most of its gain late in the day and closed only a small fraction higher than last evening. Chicago was a buyer in the early portion of the day, but later there was evidence of somo selling for that center. London did little either way, though it sold somernotwithstanding the advices from the other side were to the effect that the crisis was over and the European mar kets had resumed their normal condition. Ten nessee Coal was weak under the selling on the closing of the books, bnt in no other stock was there any movement of importance, the trad ing being principally the scalping of the traders. The opening prices were generally slightly higher, and further fractional gains wero scored all over the list in the early trad ing, while Missouri Pacific and Burlington rose a point each. The early demand for stccks, however, soon died awav, and the market sank into the most extreme dullness,and prices remained stagnant until the sagging tendency became noticeable, when some pressure was brought against the Grangers and Burlington and Rock Island sold off rapidly and Chicago Gas lost almost allot its early material advance. The rest of tba,list sympathized and everything was brought down to a shade below the opening figures, the mar ket closing qniet and, heavy. Almost every thing on the list is a slight fraction lower this evening. Tennessee Coal lost and Burling ton 1J. Thero were more issues traded in the railroad bond market to-day, and again there was a moderate degree of animation, the sales aggre gating $1,683,000, of which $194,000 was in Read ing 43,5130,000 In Texas Pacific secondsand$110, 0C0 In Wabash, Detroit dividend receipts. The tone of the dealings was generally flrm,but the important changes in quotations were few in number and several declines occurred. Great Western firsts rose-4Ji to 11 Tho following table snows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, ""njfirabers of New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: . ... & Open- High- Low- In in?. esu est. Bids. Am. Cotton Oil alt 56 Atcb'., Top. & 8. F.. KH 47)4 48)4 6 Canadian I'aeific 43H Canada bouthern. i 61 C24 52 H Central orew Jersey. 95 S5!4 95 94K Centrairaclflc . US 34), 34J4 Chesapeake A Ohio ... JH 17s 17 17 C, Uur.iQulncy...,. MJ4 3)4 93)4 93)4 C, Mil. & St. l'aul... 62H 62 ttti 62W c. Mil. 4 St. l'.. pr....loo loo i B9 eog C, Rock 1. 1 -. 91M 92 90 SO a, St. L. & Fltts.. .-. 17 C, Bt. L. & Pitts- pf. 17 U, St. P..M.AO....--31HT IH S1K 30M a, st.r..M.&o.. pr. uh k 9iJ na C. Northwestern.i..im 105H 104 104 C&onhwc8tarn,-p. ..- - .... 136)4 C. O. C&I ,...71, 71 71 KH Col. Coitl & Iron 31)4 31)4 3 IX 31 Col. A Hoctlng Vsl ..,.,, 24 lwi.. L. AW vH . J3SX 133 V3 Denver 4 Rio 0 15V ISU 15M 1544 Denver KloU., Df 5( 42V 42M 42)4 E.T., Va. 4Ua.. ....... E.T.,Va, AOa.. Irtpf A.' 67 E.T.. Va. AGs.2dpf.-.. 21)4 Illinois Central I09M 109)4 109)4" 1TOX Likerie& Western.. ; 17K Laks Erie & West. JrK ltt 55)4 65M LsteShore&M. S.....iqi VsiH 10114 101 Louisville ft Nashville. M l)i M W Michigan Central..,"...-...-. - ' 56)4 Mobile A Ohio .".";.. .... ,10- &l.iJitiiS!&iafeB . L. ' A 6714 .275 67 67K 27H 67 rX 40)4 433? Wi 13 41S 25 5911 3 0 UH 353 23)4 45 177)4 25)J 79 14 88 99 4 55 !4 100 UK 61 12K 28 84)4 4a 16)4 60 S0 52 m ISA St.1,. A ban Fran , 23)4 St. L. A San Fran nf.I 66 Hr. T. a. U.n V ,.. nr inft 1H4 Texas Pacific..'. '.'. MH H7i llnlnn Pi.tfl. JtJ HA Wabash """.""! 13 1!! Wabash preferred 28 23! Western ITnlrm 84W Ml Wheeling A L. K 65), 65)4 Ex-divldend. BOSTON STOCKS. The market Firm, Althonnh Bond Are Still Dnll. Boston, March 22. The stock market opened firm to-day and continued so, with copper stocks the best feature. Calumet and Hecla gained 5. Trading remains doll, especially so for bonds. Atch. ATon..lSt7s, 115 Atch. A Top. K. R... 46M Boston A Albany.. .215 Boston A Maine.. ...168 C. B. AO. 91X Clnn. San. A Cleve. 24 Eastern R. K 82K Eastern R. It. es 125 " Flint A rereM 27 Flint ft PereM. nfd. 95)4 Mexican Cen. com.. 13 N. X. A New En... 4J OKd.&L.Cham,eom. 6 Oia Coibnjr 170 Rutland preferred.. 37 Wls.CentrsI.com... 16)4 Wis. Central pr.... 34 AHoueziI'''Co.(new) 1 Calumet A Hecla. ...225 Catalpa 17 Franklin... 10 Huron...... 2 Osceola 12X rewaoic mewj m Quincr 55 Hell lelephone 228 Boston Land 64 Water Power 6)4 Tamarack 125 San Diego U Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers, No. 57 Fourth avenne. Members New York Stock Ex change. Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Railroad MM 54)4 Reading Railroad 22)4 22 9-18 Buflalo, Pltubnrg and Western 12 12)4 Lehigh Valley..." .-. 53 t... Lehigh Navigation 1 52 Allegheny Valley bonds 113)4 Northern Pacific .:.. 25J 25)4 Northern Pacific preferred 59 60 BEITISH IE02T. A Good Demand for Nearly Everything and Prices Strong. Special Report hy,Cable for the American Manu facturer. London, March 2L Scotch Fig The activity in this market con tinues, with prices holding strong. No. IColtness 55s. 6d. to. b. Glasgow No. 1 Summerlee 55s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Gartsherrie 52s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. lLangloan 63s. 6d. f.o. b. Glasgow No. ICarnbroe -46s. Od. f.o. b. Glasgow No. IShotts 53s. 6a. f.o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Glengarnock 60s. 6d. atArdrossan. No. lDalmelllngton...45s. 6d. atArdrossan. ' No. lEgllnton 44s. 6d. atArdrossan. Bessemer Pig Active market and prices irregular but strong. West Coast brand quoted at 47s 6d for Nos. 1, 2, 3, f. o. b. shipping point. Middlesbrough Pig Market firm and active. Good brands quoted at 37s. Od. for No. 3. Co. b. Splegelelsen Firm market, but business less active than last week. English 20 per cent quoted at 80s. f. o. b. at works. Steel Ralls This market holds firm but less is being done. Standard sections quoted at 4 7s. 6d. f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Blooms Demand better and market firm. Bessemer 7x7 quoted 4 0s. Od. f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Billets Fair demand and market good. Bessemer (size 2x2) quoted at 4 5s. f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Slabs This market is irregular and business moderate. Ordinary sizes quoted at 4 Us. Od. f. o. b. shipping point. Crop Ends While the demand is only mod erate the market is steady. Run of the mill quoted at 2 10s.. Od. f. o. b. shipping point Steel Wire Rods Barelv steady market; trade moderate. Mild steel. No. 6, quoted at 5 IV s. 6d. f. o. b. shipping port Old Rails This market is barely steady and trade moderate. Tees quoted at 3 5s. Od, and double heads at S 10s. Od. c L New York. Scrap Iron Steadier market with more busi ness doing. Heavy wrought quoted at 2 5s. Od. f. o. b. shipping points. Manufactured Iron Market firm and trade good. . . , Stafford, ord. marked bars(f.o.b.L'pool)8 2s 6d " , common bars 0 0s Odg! 5 12s 6d " blk. sheet singles 0 0s Od 712s 6d Welsh bars, f. o. b. Wales... 5 5s 0d 0 0s Od Steamer Freights Glasgow to New York, 4s. Od. Liverpool to New York. 10s. Od. Wool Market. St. Louis Wool quiet and dull. NewYork Wool weak and quiet; domestic fleece, 323Sc; pulled, 2339c; Texas, 1527c Philadelphia Wool quiet: Ohio, Penn sylvania and West Virginia XX and above. 32 35c: X, 32333c; medium. 3739c: coarse, 37 88c; New York,Mlchigan. Indiana and Western fine or X and XX, 3032c; medium, 3738o; coarse, S73Sc: flue washed delaine X and XX, 355337c; medium washed combing and delaine, 4042c; coarse do. 3940c: Canada, washed combing, 3536c; tub washed, 3540c: medium unwashed combing add delaine, S032c; coarse do, 2830c; Eastern Oresron, 1422c; Valley Oregon, 2229c; uew Mexican and Colorado, 1520c Drygoods Dtnrket. New York. March 22. Both business and the tone of the market were better. A good trade was had by jobbers, but not up to the activity of last week. There wero no drives to day, though it is believed that there are one or two more lots that will have to be thrown over board. Agents were doing a moderate busi ness with Improving tendencies, while the mar ket continues In good shape with a good tone, low grade cottons especially being very firm and scarce. A large auction sale of Phoenix Manufacturing Company, colored and black silks,-will be held on Tuesday next, comprising 2,000 pieces. THE1E POLICY DIFFERS. A Lawyer's Decision Knocks Oat the 2 Cent Kate on the Penn Lines. Last week General Passenger Agent E. A. I"ord, of the Pennsylvania Company, withdrew the 2-cent rate for parties of ten or more. This week General Passenger Agent Wood, of the Pennsylvania road, restores the rate. The difference in policy has caused considerable comment in local railroad circles, and Hr. Ford's next move is looked for with interest. Hr. Ford says his reason for withdrawing the 2-cent rate was based on a decision of General Counsel Brooks, of the road, who declared that snch rates are illegal. Mean while the balance of the great roads of the country will continue to issue 2-cent rates to parties of ten or more until Judge Cooley decides that it is against the law. AN OPIUM PALACE-&: rouf Dispatch, deteri be the large t and most magnificent opium den in the world, give an account of it frequenters, show that opium i a factor in-civilizaUon. B. fcB. Onyx fast black stockings 25c, 35c, 40c and SOc a pair. Bring them back if .they fade, and they are warranted. Booos & Buhl, Allegheny. New millinery Goods. All the latest styles' of bonnets, hats, flowers, laces, in greatest variety at Koseu baum & Co.'s. B. otB. All the new shades with new embroidery, in our real kid glove, at $1 a pair, and the best; every pair guaranteed, at $1. Booos & Buhl. THE FREEHOLD BANK, No. 410 Smithfield SL CAPITAL, . . - . 8200,000 00. , DISCOUNTS DAILY., EDWARD HOUSE, Prest JAMES P. SPEER. Vice Prest mh22-95-p JOHN F. STEEL, Cashier. CITY SAVINGS BANK, SIXTH AVE. AND SMITHFIELD ST. Capita, J100.000, with pri.vllega of 8500,000. Surplus and undrrided'proflfs, 23.600. . Transacts a General Banking Business. Ac counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty. Interest allowed on time deposits. JAS.CALLERY .'. President W.J.BURNS.. t -Vice President JOHN W. TAYLOR ....Cashier mb23-59 Missouri Pacific' 67)4 63)4 . .. L. E. A W 27j 28 M.Jf., U E.W.nref 67 67)4 X. Y., C. Abt. L K. I., C &St. L. pf. H. C. ASt.li.2d nf N. YAW. K Ai'A 44 . V., O. A W 16M ISVf orfolk A Western .Norfolk A Western, pf Northern Pacific Northern Pacific prer, 60S4 GOH Ohio A Mississippi..... 20 20;, Oregon Improvement. 52 52 Oregon Transcon 32 SIH PacifleMall 38)4 38!4 Peo. Dec. A Evan Phlladel. A Kcadlnu.. 45)4 45H Pullman Palace Car...l77K 177 Ktchmond A W. P. Tl. 25 25,-i Richmond A W.P.T.pf Ht. Paul A Dututh St. Paul & Dulutb pf. St. P.. Minn, i Man 23)4 23 5634 58 108 JS 63 4 13X 28 A MM 6434 DOMESTIC MARKETS. Eggs and Creamery Batter Slow, Tropical Fruit Active. GENERAL PROilJCE.EEVIVES HOT. Sound Oats, Shell Corn and Choice Timothy Hay Higher. WHEAT ADVANCES, FL0UE FIRMER Office or TniTmsBURO Dispatch, KbIDAY, March 22, 1889. Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Egg market gives no signs of improvement. Tbo choicest nearby eggs are slow at 12c. Supply is in excess of demand. Creamery but ter shows a downward drift Country rolls are firm. Tropical fruits are more active. Bananas feel the improvement most. There is little change in general produce lines. All commis sion men report trade as qniet as ever. Last year's products are forced to take a back seat as new stuff begins to come to the front. Com mission merchants.who would talk cheerfully of the situation are few and far between. BuTTEB Creamery, Elgin, 28c; Ohio do, 2526c: fresh dairy packed, 2021c; country rolls. 2023c; Chartlers Creamery Co. butter, Beans Choice medium. S2 00J2 10: choice peas, 52 032 15: Beeswax 2?25c 1ft lb forcholce; low grade, 618c. Cider Sand refined. 6 S07 50; common, $3 501 00; crab cider. 58 008 60 'H barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c; New York, fall make, 12K13c: Limburger, llKc; domestic Sweitzer cheese, llk12Kc Dried Peas-81 451 509 bushel; split do, 2&34c f &. EGOS l212Jc $1 dozen for strictly fresh. Fkuits Apples, $1 6002 00 ft barrel; evap orated raspberries. 25c fl ft; cranberries, S8 00 9 barrel; S2 402 SO per bushel. Peatheks Extra live geese, E060c; No. 1 do., 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c $ ft. HOMINY $2 652 75 a barrel. Honey New crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13 15u Potatoes Potatoes, 3510c ft bushel; 32 50 2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 253 50 for Jer sey sweets. Poultry Live chickens, 6575o ft pair; dressed chickens, 315c pound; turkeys, 13 15c, dressed, ty jpound; ducks, live, E085c 'f. pair; dressed, 13Uc V pound; geese, 1015c per pound. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel. $6 33 busnel; clover, large English, 62 lbs, t6 2d; clover, Alslke, S3 50; clover, white, S9 00; timo thy, choice. 45 16s, SI 85; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts, SI 00; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, SI 20: orchard grass, 14 fts, J2 00; red top, 14 ts. SI 00: millet, 60 fts, 51 25; German millet, 50 fts, 12 00; Hungarian grass, 48 fts, S2 00: lawn grass, mix ture of fine grasses, 25c per ft. Taiaow Country, 4k5c; city rendered, 550. Tboficau Fruits Lemons, fancy, S3 00 3 60 ft box; common lemons, S2 75 -H box; Mes sina oranges,' $2 503 50? box; Florida oranges, S3 504 50 box; Valencia oranges, f ancv, S6 50 7 50 case: Malaga grapes, S3 00 10 00 ft per keg; bananas, S2 50 firsts: SI oO, good seconds. "& bunch: cocoanuts, S4 004 50 ) hundred: new figs, 1214c ft pound; dates, 5 6Kc fl pound. VEGETABLES Celery. 4050o doz. bunches: cabbages,. S3 004 00 f 100; onions, SOc fl bushel; Spanish onions, 7590c ft crate; turnips, S0 40c ft bushel. Groceries. Gf.een Coffee Fancy Rio, 2122c; choice Bio, 2021c: prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18K19c; old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo, 22023c; Mocha. 30K31Kc; Santos,U922c; Caracas coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2022c: La guayra, 2122c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c; high grades, 2628c; old Government Java, bulk, 32K33; Maracaibo, 272Sc;Santos, 2324c; peaberry, 27c; peaberry Santos, 2224c; choice Rio, 25cr prime Rio, 23c; good Rio, 22Xc; ordinary, 21c. Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c; cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 7080c Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio, 120. 8Kc; headlight, 150, 8Jfc: water white, lOKc; globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; camadine, HKc: royallne, lie bYBUPs Corn syrups, 2629e; choice sugar syrup, 333Sc; prime sngar syrup, i033c; strict ly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup, SI. N. O. Molasses Fancy, 50c: choice, 4Sc; me dium. 45c: mixed, 4042c ooda ui-carD in Kegs, iJnjic; 01-caro in MS, 6c: bi-carb. assorted a 1 packages. 56c: sal- soda in kecs. lUc: do granulated. 2c. UASDLE9-aiar, inn wennt, umc: n . ! ' . ' . .'I ... .. . stearine, per set. 8Kc: paraffine. 11012c Rice Head, Carolina, 77J4c; choice, Bi 7c: prime, 56Vc: Lonlsiana, b6Kc Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 57c; gloss starch. 62S7c. Fobeign Fbuits Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon don layers, $3 10; California London layers, S2 50; Muscatels, S2 25: California Muscatels; 51 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 77c; sultana, 8c; currants, new, 4it5c; Turkey prunes, new, 45c; French prunes, 813c: Salonlca prunes. In 'i ft packages, 8c: cocoanuts, per 100, S6 00: almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do Ivica, 19c: lo shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12K15c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12 16c; new dates, 5KCc; Brazil nuts. 10c; pecans, U15ct citron, per ft. 2122c: lemon peel, per ft, S1314c; orange peeL 12Kc Dried Fbuits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c; apples, evaporated, 6y6c; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 1518c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 21jJ22c; cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424kc; blacKberrles, 7KSc; huckle berries, 10l2c Suoabs Cubes, 7JJc: powdered, TJic; granu lated, 7gf7c; confectioners' A, TVc; standard A,6j!c: solt whites, 6JJ6c: yellow, choice, Sbic; yellow, good, bJi6Jgc; yellow, fair, 6Jc; yellow, dark, iic Pickles Medium, bbls. (L200), $1 75; me diums, half bbls (600). $2 83. Salt No. 1 ft bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex, ft bbL SI 05; dairy, ft bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, SI 20; Higgin's Eureka, 4 bu sacks, S2 80; Htggin's Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, SI 300 1 90;2ds, SI 30 1 S3: extra peaches, SI 501 90; pie peaches, 90c: finest corn, SI OOigl 50; Hid. Co. corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90cSl 00; lima beans, SI 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 7o 85c; marrowfat peas, SI 1001 15: soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, SI 401 50; Bahama do, 52 75; damson plums, 95c: greengages, SI 25; egg plums, S2 00; California pears, $2 SO: do greengages, t2 00; do egg plums. J2 00: extra white cherries, S2 90; red cherries, 2fts, 90c; raspberries SI 151 40; strawberries, $1 10; gooseberries, SI 201 SO; tomatoes, 82K82c; salmon, 1-ft, SI 752 10; blackberries, SOc; suc cotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2fts, SI 251 50; corn beef, 2-ft cans. Si 75; 14-ft cans, S13 50: baked beans, SI 401 45; lobster, 1 ft, SI 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, SI 50; sardines, domestic, lA?, S4 154 50; sardines, domestic, s, S$ 258 50: sardines, imported, Ks. Sll 5012 60; sardines, Imported, Hs, S18 00; sardines, mustard, $4 00; sardines, spiced, S4 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S36 ft bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, S40: extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do. messed, S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole pollock, 4c ft ft.; do medium George's cod, 6c: do large, 7c; boneless hake. In strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 6H7Kc Herring Round shore. So 00 ft bbl.; spilt, SI 00: lake S2 50 ft 100-ft. half bbl. White fish, $7 ft 100-ft. half bbl. Lake trout, So 50 ft balf bbL Finnan haddcrs. 10c ft ft. 'Iceland halibut. 13c ft ft. Buckwheat Flour 22JJ ft ft. Oatjieal SO 30i86 60 fl bbl. MiNEEs' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6860c ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c. Grain, Floor and Feed. Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 20 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 5 cars of hay, 1 of oats, 2 of bar ley, 3 of wheat. By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St. Louis, i cars of hay, 3 of corn, 2 of oats. By Pittsburgand Western, 1 car-of corn. Sales on call were, 2 cars of white oats, 32c, 10 days. All grades of sound oats are firm. Receipts of shell corn arelight and demand is good. Ear corn is steady. Graded No. 1 timothy hay is active at quotations. The same is true of Iowa upland. Low grade hay is abundant and slow. Wheat has taken a decided turn upward, and flour already feels the change in growing firm ness. Jobbers here are advised by Northwest ern millers to go slow a d await events before pushing flour on to markets. May wheat was close to 10c above lowest price of last week at noon to-day. Whether this spurt Is altogether speculative or.not, time only will tell. In the meantime Dear operators aie having their fingers burnt. Wheat Jobbing prices No. 3 red, SI 05 106:No.3red,91U5c Cobn No. 2 yellow,ear,39s39Kc; high mixed ear, 26037c; no. 1 yellow, shelled, 3s3c; No. 2 yellow;sbelled, 37K38c; bleh mixed. shelled. ea. ;ra37c: mixea, sneueu, soejoc Oats No. 2 white, 32 33c; extra. No, 3, 31 S30c:No. 2 mixed, 23 31c;No.3 white; (Q!JC RYE No. lJWestern,707oc; No. 2, 5556c Barley No. I Canada. 9598c: No. 2 Cana da, 85s8c; NO. 3 Canada, 7072e: Lake Shore, 7SS0c Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, S3 25 6 60; spring patents,S0506 75: fancy straight, winter and spring. S5 60B5 75; clear winter, S5 005 25: straight XXXX bakers', SI 755 00. Bye flour. S4 00. Millfeed Middlings, fine white, $16 00 17 00 ft ton; brown middlings, S13 0013 60; winter wheat bran, $13 56814 00; chop feed, 15 0016 00. HAY-Baled timothy, choice, SUG03U75; No.l do,UWH26;No.2 do, U 0013 00; loose from wagon. SIS 0020 00: No. 1 upadnl prairie. $10 0010 25; No. 2, S3 008.50; packing do. S6 757 ca Straw Oats. S8 008 25; wheat and rys straw, S7 007 25. Provisions. Hogs are 10 to 15c higher to-day at Chicago and all hog products are firmer. Sugar-cured hams, large, IOJc: sugar-cured hams, medium, 10c: sugar-cured hams, small, lie; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar enred shoulders, &c: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef fiats, 8c; sugar cured dried beef sets, 9c:sngar-cureddried beef rounds. He: bacon shoulders, 7c; bacon clear sides. 8K0; bacon clear bellies. 8c; dry salt shoulders, 65r; dry salt clear sides. TJic. Mess pork, heavy, $14 00; mess pork, family, $14 60. Lard Refined in tierces. 7c: half barrels. 7Kc? 60-ft tubs, 7e: 20 ft pails, c: SO-fi tin cans 7Hc;3-ft tin pails, 7Vc; 5-lb tin pails, 7? c; 10-ft tin pails, 7c. Smoked sausage, long; 6c; large, 5c Fresh pork links. 9c. Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 75; quarter barreL SI 75. Dressed meat. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 55a fts, 5c; 550 to 630 fts, 6c: 650 to 750 fts, 6c. Sheep, 7c ft ft. Lambs. 8Kc V ft- Hogs. 6c Swift's Specific has cured me of " a malignant breaking out on my leg, which caused intolerable pain. It was called Eczema by tho doctors four of whom treated me with no relief. I candidly confess that 1 owe my present good health to 8. 8. 8., which in my estimation Is invaluable as a blood remedy. Miss Julia DeWitt, 2227 N. Tenth St., St. Louis, Mo. Our baby when two months old was attacked with Scrofula, which for a long time destroyed her eyesight en tirely, and caused us to despair of her life. The doctors f 41ed to relieve her, and we gave Swift's Specific, which soon enred her entirely, and she is now bale and hearty. E. V. Dele, Will's Point, Texas. 43Send for book giving history of Blood Diseases and advice to sufferers, mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. fel-7-TTS Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. WHOLESALE HOUSL JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week in BILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS,. SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTS. For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-r83-D G0I SLEDAL,?.ABIS,187& BAKER'S retttCocoa Warranted absolutely pure Cocoa, from which the excels of Oil has been removed. Ithasoure' than three time the strength ot Cocoa, mixed with Starch, Arrow root or Sngar, and Is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It Is dellclons, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted .for Invalids as well as for sersona II In health. Sold by Grocers everywhere r.BAm&CO,DorcttrJIa& DUES; SYMPTOMS-ttAtst. I latenie items c Uttcinsimotfit hti wpe br crAtn 1 f al lowed to continue tnnaM fnnii mnd ITCHING PILES.id.hitA beeomfDr Very torn 8WAYJCKS WT. MEAT top the Itching and Meedjnff, heal ttlivtfAia anil In miiat 4M r AtM UA tsV mora. 3irATiTBOnrTTrUoldbydroKitt,ormiedt ur ftddreu ea reedpt of price, SO ets. box ; 3 boxes, tUX Xddress letters. DR. STTATNK k SOX FbiUdelphU. Fa. M' ONEY TO LOAK - On mortgages on Improved real estate in sums l w,to ana upwaru. Appiv at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, mh4-31-ri No. 124 Fourth avenue. UKOKEUX K1NANC1A1- De WITT DIL IVOR TH, BROKER IN PETBOLET7M Oil bought and sola on margin. de27-21-Dsu AYHllMY & STEPraSOff, OT FOURTH AVENUE. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS THUOCQH MESSRS. DREXEL. MORGAN 4 CO, NEWYORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. an28-iJ9 MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 930 PENN AVENUE, PITTSBURG, PA., " As old residents know and back flies of Pitts burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician In the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From piMo NO FEE UNTIL CURED MCDn 10 ana mental diseases, physical. INLn V UUo decay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self-distrust, basbfulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, falling powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN .eTerupSoni1 blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood , poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. IIRIMARV Sidney and bladder derange UnillrVn Ijm ents, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experience insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9 A. at. to 8 p. M. Sunday, 10 A. M. to 1 P, M. only. DR. WHITTIER, 930 Fenn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. feS-S-osuw MEN ONLY! A POSITIVE CUKE For LOST or trailing MANHOOD. Nervous ness. Weakness ot Body & Mind, Lack of Strength. Vigor and De velopment, caused by Errors, Excesses, Ac. Book. Mode of SELr-TBZATMXXT. and Proofs mailed i sealed) free. Address KEIE MEDICAL CO., iuSalo. N. Y. d5-57-TTS&wk HARE'S REMEDY For menl Checks the wont cases in three days, and cures in five days. Price $1 00. at J. FLEMING-S DRUGSTORE, ja5-29-TTS3u 412 Market street WEAK JMaoO Strong AOYtCSmS. HOW 70 AST. LottVlgorandMsnhoodBestored. Pro Mk..nE mstore Decliita and Fractional disor- l Hers cured wtiAow. Stomach Medlems. Sa!sdTrett!M.enlfrM on application. ' Mfitm Cajar-rsnaMtlawTarb de-15 '-gTTSWk TOSlfN Xnanhood . etc. I wllT send tjJ suffertoff from the ef fects of yoctMul er rom. eoxlr decay. lost tnanhood ( etc. TjJojLble treatise (sealed) contain: .talnlxur fan particulars for noma core free of PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Moodus, Conn. l-noS-kD3uwk Tffe. Aauiro, DYSPEPSIA. Riga, Mich. Gests I now write to let you know that I hare been using your Bubdock Blood Bit teks, and also to tell you what they havo done for me. I have been troubled with dys pepsia for years. I commenced the om of yourBrr&DoexBLOODBzTTXBsvand they havo brought me out all right. The use of three, bottles conferred the great benefit for which I feel profoundly grateful. I will never bo without It. WM.H. DELKEB. jn 1 wVh m I 11 lnil
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