ifllKESEJ r"W theISpittsb, bisTgi;smpDH T' "UPr Blanchard Would Beturnj lOld System at Once TFOETflEOPIOUSLAW. f Ee BelieTes in Giving the Weak Lines Differential Kates TO STOP THE COMMISSION BUSINESS Commissioner Blanchard, of the Central Traffic Association, passed through the city last night bound irom If ew York to Chi cago. There will be a meeting of the "West ern roads with the Joint Bate Committee in Chicago to-day for the purpose of extending the jurisdiction of the weighing and inspec tion bureaus. Mr. Blanchanl is impressed with the importance of the work, and he is anxious to have the system extended. On the question of commissions, he said: "The only way in which commissions can be abolished is to give the weaker lines a differential rate. I believe in the old pool ing system, and would go back to it to-mor-aw if the law would allow it. "What harm ould be done by submitting the plan of the pool to a Governmental committee for their approval? Some of the Senators TEOPOSED SUCH -A- SCHEME ben the commerce law was under discns on. "What difference does it make whether the roads divide the gross receipts among themselves on a pooling basis, or make an agreement to maintain rates? "A few years aco the newspapers jumped on the roads lor making pools. Now they rake them over the coals for cutting rates and not earning dividends. It shows that the gentlemen of the press have good sense, and are coming around to accept the views of the railroad men held before the days of the inter-State law. If a private citizen makes a good Investment in real estate his fellows sav he is a shrewd man, but if he in vests in railroad stock, and it increases, the newspapers denounce him as a robber. 'Tis always so when a corporation is under dis cussion. "It is not true that the Trunk Line and Central Traffic Associations will be com bined. There are too many railroads for one organization, and the plan wouldn't work. " The Central Traffic Association will be continued, and there is no danger of it collapsing. The roads are maintaining rates, and I hope it will continue. One can't tell what kind of a year this will be for business. So much depends on the crops ind the lake competition." DECIDED STEPS TO BE TAKEN. Chairman Blanchard hascalledameefing of general managers to be held in New York March C to consider the commission question, or evil rather, as the Pennsylvania officials would express it An intelligent drummer who travels ex tensively, remarked the other day that the weaker roads could not exist without pay mi; commissions, and it is useless to pass prohibitory laws. Such laws would be un constitutional anyhow as well as a deliber ate attempt to check business by shutting out the poorer lines. Railroad men do not agree by any means on this commission question. The Pennsyl vania officials who would have everything to gain and nothing to lose at the expense of their weaker competitors, are rabid for the abolishment of commissions. Said a railroad man yesterday: "It is a notorious fact that with all the other roads fi ghting them, the Chicago and Alton made a finer passenger showing last year than any other road in the country, and the C. & A. paid commissions, and is doing it now. "The first year the Erie system abolished the commission business the number of passengers carried to New York annually tell ofi 63,000. At 510 per capita, allowing the agent the balance of the rate between Chicago and New i'ork, they could hare been $630,000 ahead. The expenses would not have been increased. Instead of KnKETG EJLPTX.TEATSS their canr should have been crowded with people. These passengers went to other roads, the New York Central and the Penn sylvania. Tis plain to be seen why the latter roads are so anxious to down the com mission system. When they have gobbled the earth'they will be satisfied. "Since the agitation against commissions was started by Judge Cooley and some of the larger line's, the system has been greatly abused. It attracted into the business a lot of disreputable brokers, who have taken ad jutage of every opportunity to cheat the public as well as the railroads. The time was when the commissions were confined to railroad men only. Now the roads by their action have deprived honorable employes of their just dues, and turned it over to the scalper, "When the railroads paid commis sions to their own men, it was seldom any complaints were ntade. CLOSELY SCBTJTISJT.ZED. "The employes were held 4ti a rigid ac count, and if one was discovered cutting a rate or giving a rebate he was fired bodily. Xont you think it would be better to have the. business conducted by men who can be reached rather than by outsiders who can snap their fintrers at the companies? "What harm is there in payine a man a percentage? It has been proven often that he will do more and better work than a sal aried employe. The weaker lines must have" men to work ud trade for them or collapse. "Yesterday the Ohio Legislature defeated the 2-cent a mile rate for that State. If ouch a law were passed the majority of the roads in Ohio would not be able to hold up under the strain. The Nypano, Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton, Lake Shore and Pennsylvania roads could stand the reduc tion, but none of the others." THE EXPLOSION WAS FATAL. Sirs. Smith Dies at Tnrentnm oflhe Injuries Sue Sustained, Mrf. Maria Smith, one of the persons who was injured at the natural gas explosion in Tarentum on "Wednesday, died yesterday morning. The Coroner held an inquest yesterday afternoon and irom evidence given it ap pears that the explosion was caused -by a leak in- the main pipe of the Tarentnm Heat and Light Company. The rest of the people who were injured" will all recover. - FOE BOARDING WOMEN. A House la Presented to the Women's Christian Association. ' llr. and Mrs. F. E. Brnnoi have pre sented a house to the "Women's Christian Association to be used as a boarding home for women who are supporting themselves. The deed is being made out now, and the Association will take possession of the place by the rst of April. AS A AERYE TOMC Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. S. L. Williams, Clarence. Iowa, says: "I .ve used it to grand effect In a case of neu algic fever, and in uterine difficulties. Also, in cases wliere a General tonic was needed. Por a nerve topic 1 think it is the best I have ever usea, ana can reyunmena it most conn dently." No Fictitious Values Here $1 23 India bilks for 75c Choice large, styles good, colorings both light and dark. Come now for these bar gains. Jos. Hobite & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Big MarU-Dovrn Sale to the big mark-down sale of clothing for me and boys at the Hub. The people WH never have another chance to buy clothing at such low prices as we are offer lag at this sale. "We want room and the goods mnt be sold at the Boston Clothing House, 439 Smithfield st. Fixe watch repairing; lowest prices, at Baueb-'s, No. 293 Fifth are. v?rsu m t5p5Il8. k J. i il TWts-A Lady's , - e Great Occasions JMl"' al i u ' tl . e c tl ?.;.-. .- a . I - i t r . .. rin to compare notes ie past in Pittsburg, i and keen, interest in among the middle the subject yesterday, jung, remarked that ns of the old people as ;emed.neither so vivid i rould have a right to ex- . tlike men, anyhow," stimable critic; "they ir observations of events. , General Harrison at the o.v. ,1 rememberl went there as a child to a reption given for ladies and children, and I certainly have had a clearer picture of the scene in my mind than any J. have read in the newspaper recollections so Jar given. "General Harrison was in the parlor or the hotel facing Penn street, looking very old and worn. He had a bine cloak, which he kept around his shoulders. "We children were very much impressed, by him. He was very polite, but was either fatigued in his right arm, from some cause or other, as he asked us to shake his left hand. "Then the great log cabin and hard cider convention in Pittsburg was a big event for the young people of those days. Many of them must surely remember still how the streets were thronged with country people who came in by canal and boat it was be fore the railroads and a much superior class of people they were who came to con ventions then than would be found in Pitts burg on a political field-day now. There were ever so many from Ohio, women as well as men, taking an enthusiastic part in the proceedings. I remember seeing ladies from Ohio that day wearing strines of buckeyes as necklaces. You can imagine how quaint the scene would be in com parison with what Pittsburg presents on a thronged day now. The city was so new and primitive then; the costumes of the visitors were so different from those worn now. During that convention every "latch string" was out. It was understood that visitors could go into any house and make themselves at home. A celebrated French man who happened to be in Pittsburg at the time, on, going home wrote a book about the United States, and therein sagely set down that our people became insane regularly every four years." "And then." continued the fair informant of The Dispatch, "I wonder how many people remember clearly the details of Gen eral Taylor's visit to Pittsburg. To this moment I remember how, as a child, I was dressed up it see the triumphal entry, which was alone Penn street, bvwav of the Greens- burg pike. I can remember the brass bat tery, with the inscription that "it took nine men to beat a Taylor." That was in allu sion, you know, to'the Mexican "War, which we thought a very big thing then. though, distance and history have diminished its proportions, its glory and its importance. On those occasions "Wilkinsburg used to send in showy processions, headed by two of its best known citizens, riding upon hay wagons." "How was Pittsburg in point of size then?" "Well, the best idea you can get of the growth of Pittsburg was given me lately by a lady who lived here (luring the War ot 1812. She was telling me of going out to see a regiment reviewed going out along wav, beyond wheat fields and orchards, po tato fields, and away out. Finally I asked her about how far the reviewing place was from the Pointwhich was then the resi dence part of the town. 'Oh,' said she, 'it was away out to where the Fort "Wayne offices now stand, that is to Eleventh street. That was considered a long distance in the suburbs in those days.' " WHAT MIGHT HATE BEEN. A Lady Drops 810 Instead of Tiro Cents In a Besear's Tin Cop. A blind colored man who squeezes out "Sweet Violets" on a dismal 'accordion in front of the new Government "building until the statue of Mercury up on the third floor makes faces at Venus, was making money rapidly yesterday afternoon. He lost it just as fast. He was just at what used to be the sweet part of it, and violets was stealing second, when a philanthropic Fast Fnd lady dropped two bright new cents in his tincup. Vi was forgotten until the money was in his pocket. The lady walked as far as the postoffice, when she discovered she had lost two $-3 gold pieces. She concluded that she had been, too generous, .and summoning Officer Crossan, she returned to the colored man, who was now "Climbin' TJp the Golden Stairs." He allowed himself to be searched, and the gold pieces were found. The phil anthropic lady gave him two 25-cent pieces. "When last heard of he was playing "Goldie, Thou Art Gone, but Not Forgotten." TO VALUE THAT LOCK. Appraisers to View the Blonongahela Navi gation Property. Judge Acheson, of the United States Cir cuit Court, yesterday made an order ap pointing viewers and appraisers to report as to the value of lock and dam No. 7 belong ing to the Monongahela Navigation Com pany. The viewers and appraisers appointed are George A. Kelly, John Ml Sullivan, James M. Bailey, S. S. Graham, James M. Clark, John Dowlin and Alex. Nimick. The time for meeting on the premises to make the appraisement was fixed for March 21 at 10 A. M. Be Did Not Like the School. Boy Johnston, the little boy who, six months ago, disappeared from his parents' home, on Dinwiddie street, was found yes terday to be in the care of Mr. Briggs, in "Wilkinsburg. The boy said he went away from home because he aid not like going to school. Prohibition to be Discussed. . A Constitutional amendment meeting will be held to-night in the Fourth TJ. P. Church, Allegheny, and prominent speakers have promised to address the masses. She Charges Him "With Perjury. Rose Smith says that Louis Frank gave false evidence in an assault and battery case, and she suss him for perjury before Alderman Doughty. Babbit's Tbicophebous gives gloss, silkiness, luxuriance and flowing wavy beautv to the hair. r Secure Your Parlor and Sleeping Car Ac commodations To the inauguration via the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 72 miles the shortest route. Trains leave at7:00 and 1130 A. M. and 1020 P. M. Excursion tickets $9 00 the round trip, good toreturnuntilMarchT, inclusive. Dress Goods Department. Plain, plaid and striped novelties at 50c per yard. Entirely new effects'. jiwfsu Hugtjs & Hacke. Silk Department. Bich novelties in Armureand surah silks. Plaids and stripes plain to match at $1 and 51 27 a yard. Htjqus & Hacks. mvrstt Massage Treatment. Scientific and electric massage applied by L Munt, 806 Penn avenue. MOT i Digest Yonr Food If yon want to be healthy. How can you if your teeth refuse to do their work? Get them pat in order by skilful dentists, and useSozo dont to keep them right. Sozouont is the best preparation for the teeth. frrsu A NOYEL EXHIBITION. The School of Design Tarns Out Wall .Flowers in Sober Earnest. OVER 300 AWARDED IN PRIZES. Many of the Fair Artists Will Be Retained as Designers. SOMETHING ABOUT A NEW INDUSTRY From time immemorial wall paper decora tion has been followed in China. The very same process is used to-day, as was prac ticed when the world was hundreds of years younger, with' the exception that the Mon golian of to-aay. employs a continuous roll of paper made by a European machine, in lieu of the detached sheets of rice paper formerly in vogue. Messrs. Hughes & Temple, who are now erecting a wall paper factory in Allegheny, offered six weeks ago a series ot monetary prizes to the art students of the School of Design, for a competition in designs for wall paper and decorations. Miss Hender son, the talented principal of the school, ap proved of the plan, and after six weeks work, the designs were submitted, and the prizes were awarded yesterday. From 60 to 60 designs were placed on exhibition. The prizes offered consisted of three first prizes of (50 each, and seven second-class prizes. The judges were: G. C. Shidle, Chairman; G. "W. Pusey,"W. H. Barker, A. Clark Bane, J. P. Deihle ,& Son, "W. G. Allej, J. Kerwin Miller, William Badcliffe, J. SfSnively and. E. F. Graff. POrNTKBS FOB ABT1STS. The points considered in the designs were their coloring, and .general poire. The judges awarded the first prize to Miss Mand Palmer. It was of a geometrical character, or a modern Italian of scroll treatments in soft colors. No. 2- was of "a conventional character, and consisted of a heraldic drawing, both pleasing in form and the distribution of color. Miss Cora Bichards was the designer. The young lady was also fortunate enough to capture one of the second prizes. Mias L. McKnight was the winner in the third first-class prize. Her design was a specimen of the naturalesque treatment, with the circular strap.motive. The second prizes were awarded to Miss Jennie McMasters, whose designs was very attractive; Miss Bessie Young, a pretty de sign in Japanese work; Miss Bertha Gill, Miss Laura Dummett, Miss Florence Fast and Miss Mary T. .Patterson, whose work deserves much praise. EVEBYTHIN G WAS FAIB. None of the contestants work was known by the committee, as each design was num bered. The work-of the unsuccessful com petitors, -war good, but not quite equal to the winners of toe-prize. The firm of Hughes & Temple is now erecting a wall paper factory in lower Alle gheny. It is the first that has ever been established in the city and is one of the few outside of the city of New York, which has until lately, had the monopoly of wall pa per lactones and decorative work. Several of the youngladies at the school are retained as artists for the firm. Em ployment will be given a number of other designers, as well as a small army of em ployes about the new factory. THE ROSE OP JERICHO. A Peculiar Plant Is Presented to the Botan ical Society Other Odd Gifts to the members Last Night, A meeting of the "Western Pennsylvania Botanical Association was held in the parlors of the Pittsburg Library Association last evening. Dr. Ziegler, of Allegheny, pre sented the society with a valuable collection of Alpine plants. He made a few informal remarks as to where the plants were found, their growth, and their peculiarities. A large collection of Bocky Mountain plants were also prespented by the learned botan ist. Miss Jennie "W. Jeffrey, presented an interesting collection of Atlantic seacoast flowers to the society. The most interesting and valuable plant received last evening was the Bose of Jeri cho. One of its botanical names is Anastati ca, the other Hioerochuntica. It may be said here that the flower is much prettier than its name would imply, and fully sub stantiates the old saying about roses smell ing sweet under any name. The plant was given to the societyby Dr. T. L. Haggard, who received it from a Persian traveler. The flower is a peculiar one. When dry weather is prevalent, it wraps itself into a ball, and is to all appearances dead. The wind blows it from the stalk, and it goes bounding along the plains in an erratic course until it reaches a moist spot, where it unfolds its leaves, drops its seeds and a garden of roses soon appears. Colonel T. P. Koberts presented the Pres ident of the society, Dr. "William K. Ham ilton, with a gravel made of hard Brazilian wood. A section of the Black Palm tree was also presented to the society by him. This tree grows in South America. Mr. C. H. Beadle presented a collection of Texas and other Southwestern plants. The early part of the evening was spent in discussing. the formation of these plants, and in pointing out their interesting points. The talks were by the members ana were instructive. Prof. B. H. Patterson, of the P. C. H. S., read a paper upon "Indigenous Mosses of the United States.' His talk was interesting to botanists,displaying the speaker's knowl edge of the higher departments of botany. At the business meeting held during the evening, Messrs. N. L. Scaife, Joseph XllCESOa ana u luiuui ti. .u.euueuy were elected to membership. Bev. Hubert Bex Johnston was proposed for membership. . An Inveterate Runway. For about the hundredth time little Amos Curly has run away from his home at 84 Alpine avenue. This time he took all his clothes, while at other .times he took scarcely any. His fond mother promises to send him to the Beform School if he but returns. ' i Fob pain in the side, back and limbs, I .?. A4.A )j GfllvtnliAH 1 Oct rneumaiism, eic, uao uumuuu vu. o cents. $9 00 the Bound Trip to the Icnnicnrntlon Via Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad, 72 miles the shortest to Washington, D. C. Trains leave at 7.-00 and 1150 a. h. and 1050 P. m. Secure your parlor and sleeping car accom modations at once. Is order to prevent any misunderstand ing by the general public, it has been ar ranged that the Pennsly vania Bailroad Com pany will run through parlor cars and coaches on their morning trains, leaving Pittsburg at 8 A. M., on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, to accommodate the many peo ple who intend to participate in the cere monies attending trie inauguration of President-elect Harrison. The Pullman palace cars are of the finest construction; the coaches are Eastlake, and superb in their appointments. Everv arrangement is being made to ac commodate all applications for seats on day light trains and for "berths in the sleeping. cars at mgnt. Jiue evening trains leave m cioanaar. m. J.ne jure lor we ruum trip is 59; tickets for the return trip an good until March 7, with privilege of sto; over at Baltimore in eitner direction, ee in the parlor cars and berths in the slei ine cars can be seenred at ticket officesin Union station or 110 Fifth avenue. z Invalids call at 1102 Carson st. and be rnnwl fraA nf r BULrfffl. A T&CBNIOAIi .EXHIBITION. Architect of he CitTv Sfaovrinc Some of Their finest Drawings. An exhibition of architectural'drswings, consisting of water colors, sketches, per spectives, elevations, etc, was opened in the rooms of the "Western Pennsylvania Association of Architects, at their rooms in the Penn 'building, on Penn avenue. The Work is excellent, and consists of the draw ings of some of the finest private residences and business blocks in the city, some of which are soon to be erected. The principal contributors are Messrs. George Orth, Fred Saner, Joseph Anglin, Joseph Stilburg and S. F. Heckert The exhibition will continue during the re mainder of this week, and the rooms will opeded from 10 A. ji.' to 5 P. if. Admission is free. Will Take nn Aerial Boute. A Fifth avenue cable car and a loaded wagon collided at the corner of Fifth avenue and Dinwiddie streets yesterday morning. The horses of the wagon were more or less injured, and the cable car was damaged and windows smashed, bnt no human being was hurt in the collision". The farmerwho drove the wagon says he will pass through the city in a balloon hereafter. PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS, ADDRESSED TO Rev. A. A. Lambing, "Wilkinsburg, Pa., and indorsed "proposals," will be received till MONDAY, March 11, 1889, at noon, for the erection of ainck church and school building on lots of St. James' congregation. Wilkins bnrg. Plans and specifications can be seen at the pastor's residence. Bonds will be required for the faithful performance of the work. The committee reserve the right to refect any or all bids. A. A. LAMBING, mhl 63 Pastor. ELECTION'S. Office of the "Westmokelaud and' : cambbia Natural Gas Company, 43 Sixth Avekue. Pittsburg, February 28, 1859. THE ANNUAL MEETING OP THE stockholders and the election of Directors to serve for the ensulnc year will be held at the office of this company on TUESDAY, March 12, 1889, at 3 o'clock p. M. mal-9-p R. MACKENZIE. Secretary. LEGAL NOTICES. IN THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS NO. 1, of Allegheny county, No. 518. Marcn term, 1888 Commonwealth ex reL va Elizabeth Dean. The undersigned gives notice that be has riled his final account as committee on above matter and the same will be allowedly the Court on Saturday, March 11, 18S9, unless causo to the contrary bo shown. A. M. MAR SHALL, Committee. fe8-25-F ADMINISTRATION NOTICE ESTATE of Eccles Robinson, deceased Notice is hereby given that letters ot administration upon the above-named estate have been granted to Letitia Robinson, and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will make them known without delav. LETITIA ROBINSON. Administratrix, Or her attorney in fact, F. E, MOORE No. 63 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mhI-7-F JN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States, for, the Western district ol ennoylvania, B0T"J'anlS3hieiS0mPanyl Jgg Term The steamboa Mayflower. dn admiralty.) Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed commissioner to report a schedule for the distribution of the fnnd realized from the sale of said steamboat, and that he will act under said appointment at the clerk's office of said court, at Pittsburg, Pa., on THURSDAY, March 14. 1889. at 2 o'clock P. M. 8. C. McCANDLESS, Commissioner. iezrf.iw-p - OFFICIAL-PITTSBURG. Department of Public Works, ( Pittsburg, February 28, 1589. ( NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TEAT THE Viewers' reports on the construction ot sewers on Erin street, from Webster avenue to Wylle avenue, and Reed street, from Miller street to Colwell street, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. fe2S-6 TO JOB PRINTERS-SEALED PROPO SALS will be received up until March 5, 1SS9, at 3 o'clock p. Ml. for the printing and binding for the several departments of the city government for the ensuing year. Blanks for bidding and Information furnished on applica tion to the office of the City Controller. Bonds to bo furnished as required in specifications. The right to accept or reject any or all bids re served. E. a MORROW, Controller. fel93-D Department of Public .Works,! Pittsburg, February 28. 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of Viewers on the opening of Carnegie street, from Fifty-second street to McCandless street, and Kent alley, from Stan ton avenue to Fifty-second street, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. , KM. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. fe28-6 Crrr Treasurer's. Office, Municipal Hall, Smtthneld street. ( NOTICE IS HEREBY" GIVEN THAT ALL owners .(whether residents or non-residents of the city of Pittsburg) of drays, carts, wagons, carriages, buggies, etc must pay their license at this office forthwith. All licenses not paid On or before first Monday in March, 1888, will be placed in the hands of police officers for collection, subject to a collection fee of GO cents, and all persons neglecting to pay on or before first Monday in May. 1889. will bo sub ject to a penalty double the amount of the license, to do recovcreu ueiuro me proper legal authorities ot said city. The old metal plate of last year must be returned at the time licenses are taken out, or 25 cents additional will be charged on the license. Rates of license: Each one-horse vehicle, 16 00: each two-horse vehicle, $10 00: each four-horse vehicle, S12 00; each four horse hack, $15 00: omnibus and timber wheels drawn by two horses, $10 00. One extra dollar will be charged for each additional horse used In above specified vehicles. J. F. DENNISTON, feM-70-n City Treasurer. AMUSEMENTS. 11 RAND OPERA HOUSE-EXTRA! VT E.D.WILT... Lessee and Manager. Week Commencing Monday, March 4. Mati nees Wednesday and Saturday. The Distinguished Irish Comedian, MR. JOSEPH MURPHY. ' Monday and Tuesday Nights, . KERRY GOW. Wednesday Matinee, Wednesday and Thurs day Nights, THE DONAGH. Friday Night, Saturday Matinee and Night, SHAUNRHUE. fe28-ll B IJOU THEATER- MURRAY & MURPHY. OUR IRISH VISITORS." ,ek "The imgltive." IRANI) OPERA HOUBE jt I MARGARET MATHER, Dupponea oy J. ix. ciuaiey. To night "LEAH " WeeB March 4-JOSEPH MURPHY. mhl RIS' THEATER Every Afternoon ana Evening, TRUE IRISH HEARTS. March 4 Palmer's "Danites" Co. f e24.19-D (ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY lb.nlffht Matinees Tuesday. Thursdav and Saturday. GUS HILL'S J WORLD OF NOVELTIES. The Golden Boom. f e24-21 lASINO MUSEUM 7"eek of February 25 Welches. Charles and until Asftllln aitn(naftA f3nnnn Hnvlnna A airal Dot and others. Admission. 10c Onen From 10 A. K. until 10 p. M. f e24-20 SEWICKLEY and other P., FtW.-itC. R.R. dwellings and lots for sale and rent; low prices: send for list. SAMUEL WTBLACKd: CO., Established 1878. 99 Fourth avenue, fe!4-15-MWF 1EO. H.BARBOUR. , , VLVUj liNUJN.lSEK, lurveyor, Draughtsman and Destgnerof onara xwoeb ana jhui unuaings, Room 62 Eisner Buildtoe, del2-kS6-D 6dfl,IHAYKNUE,PittDUiE. c Nextwt JOL H H ; . ' f r MSrJHspteg aOveriUemenU one dMar per tquare or one tntcrUon. Classified Advertise menu on thu page tueh at Wanted, tor Sale, lb Xet, etc, ten cento per line for each truer- tton, and none taken or leu than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the publio, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Tns DIS PATCH. prrrsBUKa. THOMAS McCAFKREY, 35g9 Bailer itreek EMIL G. STUCKET, Zith street and l'cnft ave. E. G. STUCKEY& CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton St. N. STOKEUY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST XKD. J.W.VaLLACE, 4121 Penn avenne. OAKLAXD. MCAX.LISTEK & SHElIiLER, Sth ay. & Atwood St. EpUTHSIDK. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SUHWABM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEltCHEU, S9 federal street. H. 3. MCBKIUE, Federal and Ohio streets. FEED H. EOGEHS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EOGE1W SON, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. T. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHEN Br, Western and Irrrlnaves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEBltYM.GLEtM. Rebecca and Allegheny ayes. WANTlED HELP. Slalo Holn. WANTEU-A GOOD WINDOW IBU1MKB. FLEISHMAN A CO. mhl-32 W; ANTED-WOODWOHKER AT CENTRAL CAKK1AGE WOKKS, 64 and 66 Twelfth st. mnt-tH WANTED-A THOKOUGHLY COMPETENT book keeper; no boys need apply. BOX 918, Pittsburg, p. o. mhl-18 WANTED-HONEST AND WILLING 31AN ;' Llcht -work, steady employment nnd'good wages. K.UNZ A CO., 62 Fourth ave., 2d floor. mhl-30 WANTED-TWO YOUNG MEN WITH SE CURITY. Apply at once at the NEWS STAND, P. Ft. W. tCKlt. depot, Allegheny. - mhl-70 WANTED-SINGLE MAN TO TAKE CARE of horse and cows; must understand gar dening. GLO. W. SNAMAN, 138 Federal St., Al legheny. mht-73 WANTED -GLASS ENGRAVERS GOOD and steady employment guaranteed. Apply atonceor address WILLIAM JUESLING. 1219 Tenth ave., Heaver Falls, Pa. fe27-31 XTTANTED-BOOK CANVASSERS FOR OUK TV great prohibition work; a bonanza for this spring; irrlto for our extra inducements. E. GATELY & CO., 10 and 12 Sixth st. . fe2-7S TIT-ANTED THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL it sheet roller whjcsn take care of a train and turn rolls In housings. Apply SCOTTD ALE IKON AND STEEL CO., LIM., Scottdale. Pa. xnhl-57 WANTED-AGENTS IN THIS CITY AND outside towns to sell Dr. O'Keefe's pills and bitters: steady work; can make $12to 18 per week. DR. O'KEEFEACO., Homeopathic Chemists. 34 lifthave., Pittsburg, Pa. mhl-63 Female HelD. WANTED GIRL FOR KITCHEN. ALSO one for chambermaid. Apply to HART MAN BROS., 13 Carson St., H. 8. mhl-72 TTTANTED-A GOOD GIRL AS COOK; BEST TT references required: l'rotestant preferred. Apply, In afternoons, 192 BIDGE AVE.. Alle gheny. mlil-IG -TTTANTED RELIABLE PROTESTANT GIRL TV to nurse and assist with light chamber work: references required. Call or address 5316 PENN AVE. mnl-23 WANTED FIFTEEN GUJLS TO PACK crackers; girls of experience preferred; call at once at the Keystone Biscuit Works, 94 to 100 Beech st,, Allegheny, Pa. THOS. B. HERD & CO. mhl-7 Mnlo and Peinale Help. WANTED-ATONCE, A BAKER, COLORED " liov. farm TiflnilL punk,. f.Timhrnitrfa ljise, pantry and kitchen girls, child's nurse, SO kjls for hotels. MEEHAJi'S, 845 Grants'. fe28-p -TTANTEU 10 ENERGETIC MEN AND TT women for the city and country as agents for the Improved tailor system of dress cutting; sells readily; no experience needed. Address SUSTEM, Dispatch office. mtn-6l T7-ANTED-LrVE MEN AND "WOMEN TO TV engage in an easy, paying business al home: can work daytime or evening and mace 50c to (2 per hour; sure thing: sample and complete instructions sent free Address WORLD SUP PLY.CO., Rutland, Vt. fe25-l WANTED-AGENTS ON SALARY: 173 PER month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home; salary paid promptly and expenses in ad vance; full particulars and sample case free, we mean Just what we say. Address Sl'ANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass. fe!8-3-D WANTED-S1TUATIONS. WANTED-SITUATION BY A MILLER, widely experienced, temperate and respon sible. Address MILLER, P.O.Ilox 898, Pittsburg. fe28-85 . WANTED-SITUATION -BY AN EXPERI- ENCED nurse; bestrererences. inquire at HOLLY TREE HALL, 123 Sandusky st. Tele phone building, Room No. 1. mhl-33 WANTED POSITION BT A TOUNG MAN as an assistant bookkeeper; two years' ex perience; reference, J. C. Hill & Co., No. 109 Wood st. Address P. J., Dispatch offloe. mht-62 WANTED-POSmoiT BY REGISTERED drug clerk In the country or city; have ex perience In wholesale ana retail trade: can furnish good reference. Address OPI1, 37 Anderson St.. Allegheny. Pa. mhl-30 WANTED PARTNERS. WANTED-A PARTNER WITH A CAPITAL of (2,000 to invest In a flrst-class specialty. Address IRON & STEEL, Dispatch office. le27-5 WANTED-A GOOD, ALL ROUND PRINTER who understands Job and newspaper work to buy half Interest In a paying country office; ?ood opening for right party: capital required, rom goo to 11,000. Address REVIEW, room 204, Penn building, Pittsburg. mhl-23 WANTED-IN A SUCCESSFUL MANUFAC TURING firm in this city, a competent busi ness man to purchase a l-5th Interest and take the management of one of the departments: amount of capital required fis.000: the business Is well established and highly prosperous; present mem bers of the firm are well known to ns and are worthy ot Implicit confidence In every respect and are strong financially: all communications and conferences will be treated confidentially. J AS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mhl 52-D WANTED-ROOMS. UOUSES. WANTED-FURN1SHED BOOM FORTWO, with or without board, near Observatory Hill, Power station. Address H. M., Dispatch office. mhl-18 WANTED-FINANCIAL. WANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN in sums to suit, at VA, S and 6 per cent. GRAEBINU & LYON, 135 Fourth ave. ap6-el-D T7-ANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH- VV LY settlement .with Itemized statement. BLACK & BAIRD, WFourth avenue. a23-a29-D WANTEDMORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over M.00; 4 ner cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 92 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D -TTTANTED RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT- VV LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. Ial9-31 WANTED-MOBTGAGES-SUMS FROM 500 to (500,000 to loan at4K, S and 8 per cent. J AS. W. DRAPE & Co., 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. mhl-52-D WANTED MORTGAGES, LARGE OR small, a'.iX to 6 per cent, according to kind and size of mortgage. W. A? HEBRON i SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mhl-38-1. 4, 6, 8, 11,13, 15, IB, 20, 22,25.27,29 WANTED-TO LOAN 1500,00a IN AMOUNTS of (3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on i per cent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at 5 ana 6 per cent. BLACK $ BAUtD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d26-D VXTANTED-TO LOAN (200,000 ON MOBT TT GAGES: (100 and upward at 0 per cent;' (500,000 at 4H per cent on residences or business property: also In adjoining counties. S. H. FRENCH, 123 Fourth avenue. oc31-eS4-D WANTED-MORTGAGES-M, COd; 000TO LOAN on city and suburban properties at 4H, Sand 6 per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent; no money loaned out of Pennsylvania, 1. M. PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-fll WANTED-TO LOAN (100,000; TBUSTFUNDS on mortgage 'at 5 per cent net In sums of (5.000 and over, on real estate, exclusively in Alle- fbeny County, also same amount on Pittsburg Na lonal Bank stocks or collateral. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO.. 92 Fourth ave. mhl-28 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTEDPUBLIC TO TNUW THE ELITE 'GALLERY, M6 Market street, Pittsburg, will make cabinets for (1 00 per dot., and show roofs, until May It so come early; bring the ttle ones; use elevator. feis-9 XT7-ANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO W TOGBAPHER. 96 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, erorybody to know that he is making fine cabinets a: (1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: instan taneous process. mhl3-k27 WANTED-TO LEASE THE WARM SPRINGS HOTEL and grounds) established In 1775; the oldest, most historic and romantic summer resort In the State of Pennsylanla; located five miles from Huntingdon station, on the main line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, Apply to M. MCNEIL & CO., HuntiBgdou, pa, reM-iiMrwx WANTEDt-HIBCELLANBOUS. -TTTANTED-A. GOOD SECOND-HAND NO. 2 tY Remington typewriter. Address A- B. D., Dispatch omce. fs27-H "TTTANTED-CONTBACTS FOR CLEAR LAKE VV ice at lowest price, and shipments in car lots during season as wanted. Address GAGEB & CO.i'-Sandusky, O. fe27-17 -VXTANTED-A SECOND-HAND CLAY OR TT ore pan. State price, condition, size of pan. weight of wheels and where it can be seen. F. B., Dispatch office. mhl.71 w ANTED BUYERS FOR GOLD AND silver) -watches, ch&rna. clocks, diamonds. silverware, etc , at $1 per weefcr Rogers', knives and forks tl 75 per set for cash. JOIlS MIISUH, 130 Federal st., Allegheny. fel7-ls-JtwTSu WANTEU-EVEHYBODY TO KNOW THAT H. Terheyden has laid In a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that he can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, UObmlthfleld St. noll-UWFfin FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. F 70R SALE-CHEAP. IF DISPOSED OF SOOK, J No. IS Second avenue, a very desirable new house. II rooms: lot 20x80 ft. W. A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe2S-78-MWlbF TTOK SALE-FOU S2.CO0-ON MONTHLY- 1N Jt! STALLMENTS or (20, a good brick house of 6 rooms, bath, range, nat. gas: possession can be had at once; No. SJ1 Plymouth St. ; call or send for particulars. V. A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mhl-45-srwr East End Residence. FOR SALE-SOUTH HILAND AVENUE, very desirable residence, 8 rooms; all con veniences: lot 37KXH0 to alley: stable and sewer connections. HENRY A. BREED, 316 Market st. mtil-37 FOR SALE-S3,700-ON MEYRAN AVENUE, 2 squares from cable line, Oakland; bouso 6 rooms; lot 22x1(0 ft.: stable In rear; easy pay ments. W. A. HERBON $ BONS, 80 FouTth avenue. mhl-46-D FOR SALE-(3,800, ON HAYS STREET, ONE square from North Hi land avenue a beauti ful 7-roomed residence: lot 3CKH00; all newly papered; porches and cement cellar; a good bar gain; come and examine. MELLON BROS.. 6319 Station St., E. Liberty. . fe23-26-MWP FOR SALE-ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS--A new houe with good lot In East End, near railroad station; 6 rooms, hall natural gas, marble mantels, porches, etc. etc.: price. tltOU; posses sion given at once. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 123 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mhl-52-D FOR SALE-AN ELEGANT BRICK HOUSE OK 9 rooms In first-class condition; both gases In this house, laundry and stationary wash tubs. w. c, etc. ; lot 38 feet front, 120 feet In depth to a co foot alley; situated 320 South Ulland ave , E. E. inquire on the PREMISES. fell-M-TUF TfOR SALE-ON EASY PAYMENTS-A NEW Jj and complete East End residence: Just com pleted; 9 rooms, handsomely finished and com plete to small details: cor. lot 40X120 ft.; near steam and cable cars; (7,500: call at once. V. A. HERRON SONS,S0Fourchavenue. mhWG-D FOR SALEDESIRABLE HOUSE. BEN VE NUE PLACE, P. it. K., new Queen Anne dwelling of 8 rooms, reception hall, bath. w. c .' notches, laundry: all conveniences: large lot, Wx 120. with forest trees, ete.t pricereasonable; terms to suit. BLACK & BAIBO, $5 Fourth ave. fe24-105-MWT FORSALE-A NICE QUEEN ANNEHOCSE1N the East End; 5 minutes from railroad station; 6 rooms, with bath, w. c, natural gas, marble mantels, hall, attic and cellar, porch front and rear: everything In fine order andalmost new; Im mediate possession. JA. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth are., Plttsbnrg. mhl-52-D FOR SALE-PRETTY HOME IN THE EAST End; street paved with asphalt: complete sewerage; Queen Anno frame dwelling; reception hall, range, bath, laundry with stationary tubs, 9 rooms, ptntry, furnace; lot 50x100 feet: close to P. R. R. station; price 57,500: terms, (1,000 cash, bal ance to suit. BLACK & BAIRD, 93 Fourth ave. fe4-18-MWP EOR SALE-SHADYS1DE RESIDENCE, ON one of the finest streets between the station and Fifth avenue cablo cars, complete In all its appointments, with handsome grounds well laid out with walks, drives, shrubbery, fruit and shade trees: house has a rery commanding appearance; has 17 rooms, 6 large fine rooms on first Boor, 6 on the second floor and 5 rooms In attic; tbe laundry Is complete; cellars are cemented: large furnace, wide halls, natural gas all through, ample porches, bay windows, etc.: also, stable for 3 horses; lot 1UQX-.XU ieei. inis is one or tne nest located dwell ings In the East End, has an eastern and southern exposure, and can be bought for (30,000. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. ' fe4-18-MWT Aneahcnr Residences. FOR SALE ALLEGHENY DWELLING, choice location. Third ward, new three-story pressed brick, eight larxe fine rooms, bath, two w. c., sliding doors, marble mantels, natural gas, hard wood front and vestibule doors, stone trim mings, stone steps: lot 24x93 with u& of 4-foot side alley: two lines of street cars; fine location for physician, or any one wanting a good home; as an investment wlllpay about 8 per cent; call and see photograph. BLACK BAIRD, 93 Fourth ave. fc22--22, 23, 25, 27, mh-1, 4, 6, 8, 11. 12, 14, 16, 19 Saburbnn Residences. TTOK SALE-(12,000-SUBURBAN RESIDENCE JL? of Mrs. Eliza A. Cooper, West End avenue. New Brighton roadi lot 90x260; brick double house, 12 rooms and attics. A. LEGGATE & SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. fe2S-l FOR 8ALE-(99)-ON LINE OF PROPOSED electric road, Bellcvue: handsome mo'dern dwelling. 8 large rooms, ball In center, heater, natural gas, laundry, porshes, hardwood mantels, tiled fireplaces, splendid lawn, 161x80; choice fruit and shade trees; neighborhood flrst-class: 2 acres ground; can be snb-dlvlded. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth avenue. luhl-54 FOR SALE-S3.600 BELLEVUE, LINCOLN ave., a two-story frame dwelling of 7 rooms; natural gas, water in kitchen, front and back Sorches. bay window, cemented cellar, perfectly ry; lot 40x175 ft.: this property is one or the best locations in Bcllevuc; terms to suit. Inquire of J.W.BROWN, Dentist, '800 Penn ave.. Pitts burg, Pa., orF. D. TRIPP, Bellevue. Pa. fe23-92-WTSU F IOR SALE-1N SEWICKLEY-HOUSE AND X! large lot at a rare bargain; 9 rooms, with bath, hot and cold water, w. c. natural gas, marble mantels, dry cellar, porch, hall, etc, all In excel lent order; fine large lou stable and carriage house, etc., and pr 'e only (5,500: very cheap: best value In the plaonly3 minutes from railway station. PartlcnUrs from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mb.l-52-D FOR SALE-TWO ACRES OF LAND AT Howard Station, P. V. and C. railroad, with fine house, containing seven rooms, water in kitchen, spring-house, grapery, fruit trees, etc. This beautiful place is located In what Is common ly called Forestvllle, and only about five miles from the city, and cost only ordinary car fare. This place will be sold at a great sacrifice. If sold soon, or will rent the same reasonable. Apply soon to O. R.TOUDY, 1721 Carson street. South Side. fel9-61 FOR SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST beautirul suburban places In Allegheny county; the house Is large, containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; it Is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas: there Is a good stable and handsomefowlhouse: tnegrounds are very beautlfnl and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; the whole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres of ground, at a very moderate price. KNOXVILLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenue, KnoxvlIIo borough. jal9-9 FOR SALE LOTS. East End Lots. FOR sale-lots: lotsi-frankstown ave., Brusbton station: Bank of Commerce addition plan; no lot less than 40x140 feet to 20 foot alley; terms, (50 down and (10 a month; cheapest lots In the market. Secnre plan from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smlthaeld st. fe2M5-Tup Suburban I,ots. TTlOB SALE AT COPELAND STATION. 5 Jj minutes' walk from Braddock; 15 building lots, 21x115, price 175 to (450, and vour own terms; send for list, MELLON BROa, 6349 Station St., East Liberty. fe27-43,wr Farms. FOR SALE-OR TRADE-FOB CITY PROP ERTY, farm 160 acres, 2 miles from Salts burg, W. P. E. R ; house 6 rooms, barn, etc. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st, Allegheny, mhl-24 FOR SALE-FARMS NEAR MORGANTOWN, W. Va.: all kinds, sizes and prices: see no tice In this Issue of residences and building lots for sale in Morgantown. Write for descriptive UsttoT. W. ANDERSON, Morgantown, wTva. fe24-7-JIWTSU T Manufacturing; Sites. FOR SALE-MANUFACTURING STTE-THE property bounded b" Rebecca and Sturgeon streets and South and Allegheny avenues, Alle gheny City; streets all paved and sewered: large Ironclad building, with lot of machinery, etc. ; ftood facilities foreblpplnz either in car-loads or ess. 1 or particulars Inquire of D. R. MCIN TIKE, 412 Grant St., Pittsburg. fe24-61 Sllscellaneons. TTIOR SALE-RESIDENCES AND BUILDING JD lots In Morgantown, W. Va. ; also farms near Morgantown; we have a railroad, the State Uni versity, natural gas, and will have slack water thlsyear. Write for descriptive list to T. W.AN DERSON, Morgantown, W. Va. fe24-7-ltwrsu FOR SALE-CALL FOR ILLUSTRATED PLAN of lots on the boulevards; the finest lots in the East End, fronting the parka and circles, with 90-foot paved streets, flagstone sidewalks, com plete sewerage system; close to station, surround ed by fine residences ana at remarkably low E rices; terms, only (Sou cash, balance to anlt uyer: come early, get theplck of lots and ground floor prices. BLACK & BA1BD, 93 Fourth ave. fe4-T8-MWF FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chnnces. FOB SALE-A RETAIL GROCERY BUSINESS (an old-established stand), with good paying trade; one of the best thoroughfares in Allegheny; stock and fixtures worth- about (3.00O; business about (30,000. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mbl-32-D FOR S A.L E bTORES. BTOBES. STORES; drug, dry goods, grocery, notion, shoe, tea, cigar and tobacco stores bakeries, hotels, restaur ants, contectlonerles, boarding bouses, coal works, etc.; 100 good city business chances lor men or women. SHEPABD & CO., 64 Fifth ave. Ja30 FOR SALE A GENTS' FURNISHING AND clothing business In a growing town, on line of two railroads, about 50 miles from Pittsburg; tocJclsln good condition: buslneM prosperous; satisfactory reasons for selling. Particulars from J A8. w, JJaAPE A CO., 1 jourth avenue, Pitts bars, , mlil.5S-j FOR SALE BUSINESS. - Buslneu Chnnces. TTK)B SALE-SHOE STOKE. WITH OB WITH X? OUT stock; pricereasonable. For full par ticulars, address Mrs. AUA.Ea.UU.tu1, "oonracra ave., .Mount Oliver, Pa. fe2B-57 -TTIOR BALE-A GOOD DRUGSTORE IN A BAP V IDLY growing manufacturing town on line of railroad; population over 3,000 and increasing: a splendid opening. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mhl-S2-r TTIOR SALE-AN OLD ESTABLISHED BOOT J and shoe store, lnagoodcountrytown,onllne or railroad: present owner lias made a small fortune; satisfactory reasons for selling, JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mnl-52-D FORSALE-A RETAIL GROCERY BUSINESS (an old-established stand), with good paying trade; one of the best thoroughfares in AUeghenyt stock: and fixtures worth about (8,000: business about mono. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., IS Fourth ave ., Plttsb urg. mbJ-69-P Business Stands. FOR SALE-WISHING TO RETIRE. I OFFER sir old established business stand (with or without stoek):dolng(20, 000 annually: store, ware- house, dwelling at r ana siaoiesa noura irum jtuw- bunr, on C. 4 P. K. B. , U TJ ..ana, i general store, Kensington, Col. Co.. O. C. E. BICHABDS. leiO-OV-ilAJU T?OR SALE-THE HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS WITH JJ storeroom. No. 53 Chestnut St., Allegheny; good lot with side entrance: to be sold at public sale ou Thursday. March 7, at 2 o'clock, on the fremlses: title perfectt'terms at sale; full partlcn r n-nm JAS w. iirape A Co.. Agents afad Auctioneers. 129 Fourth ave. mhl-53-D FOR SALE "MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept In stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted: good as new, at lowest rices; mounted portable engines. 8 to 23 b. p. i-25 Park way. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. ja3-92-uwr FOR SALE 28x4 CORLISS ENGINE; ONLY run a year; can be seen In operation; price on application; alsoa new strange Co. stave ma chine, all complete: capacity 10,000 In 10 hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK. 130 First ave. aul-p32-HWT FOR SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY; one 7jxl2-lncb double engine, double drum: others large and small, with slHgle or double friction drums: wire and manlla rope, eentrifugal pumps, etc.; two 28x48-lnch horizontal engines with flywheels. THOMAS CAHLIN '3 SON S, cor. Lacock and Sandusky sts Allegheny. Jal7-UWT Financial. FOR SALE-MORTGAGES 1 MORTGAGES from (500, (1,000, (1,500 and upward, hearing 6 per cent Interest, approved by attorney. These mortgages are nearly all purchase money mort gages. An excellent Investment for anybody. Apply to O. B. TOUDY, 1721 Carson street, booth Side. IC19-61 .Miscellaneous. FOR SALE CHEAP, OWNER MOVING-UPRIGHT piano, oak sideboard, walnut ball rackr-bookcase, cook stove. .Address BOX 825, P. O. , mhl-59 FOR SALE-CHEAP SIDEBOARD, HAT RACK, bedroom suit, library suit, etc., in good condition. Inquire H. A. WOLF. 162 Shef fleld St., Allegheny, Pa. mhl-51 TO LET. Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE ONLY (1.000-HOUSE 2 ROOMS: lot 23x100 reet: on AshConst. A. D. WILSON, 53 Federal St., Allegheny. fe28-6S TO LET-107 FAYETTE ST., ALLEGHENY. 8 rooms beside bath, laundry and late con veniences. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mhl-46-D TO LET-NO. 7 STOCKTON AVENUE, ALLE GHENY, elegant honse 12 rooms; fine order; latest Improvements. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mhl-46- D O LET-NO. 103 FAYETTE ST., ALLE GHEN Y good house, 8 rooms, besides bath, range, washhouse, etc.; (400 per year. W. A. HERRON SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. fe2S-77 TO LET-HANDSOME RESIDENCE. 10 rooms, with over an acre of ground, on Linden avenue, electric road, hill district, Alle gheny; beautirul outlook. A. LEGGATE 4 SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. fe28-l TO LET-MODERN BRICK DWELLING OF eight rooms, all modern conveniences, on Jackson St., Allegheny: (500 per year, without water tax. STRAUB 4 MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third ave.. Pittsburg. x mhl-49 TO LET-HOUSES 403 AND 405 FEDERAL ST' extension, 5 rooms, all modem convenience; also; store rooms and dwellings 160 and 164 Penna. avenue, Allegheny. Inquire of J. R. McKEE, 708 Penn ave., Penn Building, room 611 Ja3l-73-uwr TO LET HOUSES IN ALLEGHENY: 157 Grant ave . 6 rooms, (33: 43 Besaca St. 6 rooms, (28; 23 Klrkpatrlck ave . 6 rooms, (22; 3 Frazlerst., 6 rooms, (25; 13 Sheffield St., T rooms, 23. A. LEGGATE 4S0N, 31 Federal St., Alle gheny. mhl-77 rTIO LET-FOUR NEW SCX-ROOM HOUSES JL with bath, w. c, natural gas, etc: on line of electric road, Perrysvllle ave., Allegheny: also store and dwelling a Chestnut st., Allegheny. Inquire of J. A. MCKEE, 708 Penn ave . Penn building, room 611. Jl31-73-MWF Snbnrban,ResIdences. TOLET-AT INOBAM-TWO SMALL HOUSES 4 and 2 rooms each, with 4 acres of ground; rent (12 per month. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. fe27-50 TO L"ET AT INGRAM SEVEN-ROOM frame house, with ten acres of ground; plenty or fruit trees; rent (25 00 permonth. GEO. JOHN STON, Ag't , 62 Fourth ave. fe27-50 rrio LET-,25Hoyi T SEWICKLEY: ALL s sizes ana pm sale. Inquire of some good property for F.RUUISILL. Real fe24-9-MWFSn -bstate Agent, se' fTlO LET-AT IS SIX-ROOM FRAME -1 house, surrou shade trees, about 10 (15 permonth. GEO. minutes' from stall JOHNSTON, Agen rthave. fe27-50 ' Apartmems. T O LET-ONE FLOOR OF NICE APART MENTS, suitable for llirhthouseteenlnr. to small famllv onlv. Annlv at J. G. MORROW'S SHOESroRE,2S90hlo St., Allegheny. mhI-47 TO LET-IN THEMOST CONVENIENTLOOA TION In tte city, double parlors. No. 720 Penn avenue, corner Eighth street; suitable for doctor or dentist offices: can be had for sleeping apartments, with board If desired. mhl-31 TO LET-SOME UNFURNISHED BOOMS 4-room flats, one 6 and 8-room dwelling houses, 2 Liberty street storerooms, 1 on corner of Penn and Third, and on t erry street. Inquire of S. MUbGRAVE. 44 Fourth street. fe24-85-itWTSu Farms. TO LET OR FOR SALE-ISO-ACRE FARM, i minutes' walkfrom town of Manor,on Penna. R. K., Westmoreland CO.: 15 acres timber, balance cleared: bouse, bank barn and outbuildings, orchard, etc. CHAS. L. MCCUTCHEON. 104 Fourth ave. Jal3-30-itwr Offices. Desk Room, ifcc TO LET-SEVERAL VERY FINE OFFICES GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. fe27-&0 rilO LET-SECOND FLOOR. 510 SMITHFIELD i. St., one or two rooms. Inquire of A. M. 4 J. B. MURDOCH. 510 Smithfield St. fe27-9 T IO LET-ROOMS SUITABLE FOR A PHYSI CIAN or dentist, furnished or unfurnished: good references given and required. Apply at 37 ROSS ST. mhl-13 TO LET-SUIT OF OFFICES ON SECOND floor No. 114 Fourth avenue, adjoining the Dollar Bank: rent low. W. A. HEREON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. le2S-77 TO LET-OFFICES IN THE NEW BLAIR building, cor. Federal and Isabella sts.. Allegheny: the offices are very desirable and rent low. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS. 80 fourth avenue. mhl-42-1, 4, 6, 8, 1 1, 13, 13, IS, 20, 22 T IO LET- IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK, Smithfield. Liberty and Seventh avenue well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a nrln- cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. JaS-32-D TO LET-THIRD FLOOR OF DIAMOND National Bank, building, cor. Fifth ave. and Liberty St.: this large and well-lighted room fronts on Fifth ave., Libert v and Union sts. ; use of elevator. GEO. JOHNSTON, Ag't, 62 Fourth ave. fe27-50 TO LET SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms In the Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and Water streets, and Third ave. and Wood street: also warehouse and basement No. 211 Wood st. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO.. 10 and 12 Wood St. JalS-31 fTlO LET-NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. X. The Gennanta Savings Bank, 423 Wood St., having changed the Interior of its building by adding 15 large, airv and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc , offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the BANK. dc21-73-D Business Stands. TO LET-BUSINESS STAND ON SMITH FIELD street: best location in the city: ac cessible liyall car lines. Apply to 619 SMITH FD3XD STREET. ' fe24-29 TO LET-STOKE AND DWELLING. (WILL rent store separately). No. 1703 Penn avenue: Sossesslon free to April 1. W. A. HERRON 4 ON S, 80 Fourth avenue. mbl-43-Mwr TO LET-NO. 93 WATER ST., AS A WHOLE or In parts, a fine 3-story business bouse, elevator, 160 ft. deep to First avenue. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mhl-43-MWF TO EET-FINE STOREROOM, 287 OHIO ST., Allegheny, with plate glass front; flrst-class business location; at present occupied as confec tionery. Apply to J. H. AUtEN, 100 Fifth ave nue. fel4-83-D Special. fTK LET-DWELLINGSLAROEAND SMALL, X in both cities and suburbs; call or send for printed list free. W. A. HERRON 4 BONS, 80 Fourth ave. mhl-K-Mwr TO LET-ODB "TO LET" LIST, AS HERETO FORE Issued, from our office. Is now pub lished every Wednesday and Saturday (without expense to landlords) In The Dispatch only. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. fe22-14-MTTT LOST. T OST-FEBBUABY15, GOING FROMLOCUST XJ, street, Allegheny, to. Woods Kan, a lady's goldwctch. A suitable reward will be paid If left with J. O. GBOOAN, w Market street, cor. Fifth aveaue, mbl-w - TO LET. Ckr Residences. mO LET 8-ROOM DWELLtNG. NO. HJ 1 Butler it. City; rent (90 per month. GBO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 6S Fourth ave. fe27- mO LET NO. rJ9 THIRD AVE.. IO BOOMS: iabo iinpiuTciucDu; ont cisu oracr; 119 per c UVUUli IT. A. ,1 ril.rew. , &tOlOm NJUUILU.TCt fe28-T7 TO LET-10-ROOM HOUSE, COR. CHAUNCEY" and Wylle avenne: rent (as 33 per month; large lot. GEO. JOHNSTON, Ag't., 63 Fourth. ave, fe27-30 mil LET-THAT NEARLY NEW TWO-STORT JL brick and Mansard roof. No, 84 Locust street, city: 8 rooms, bath, natural and artificial gas; modern Improvements. WM. L. SMITH. 933 Fens, avenue. f-24-39-fTSn TO LET HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS AND BATH. onPennave.. near Ninth st.; will rent to two families for light housekeeping. If so re quired. Inquire of DR. LAKE, 906 Penn ave., be tween 9 and 4. mbl-65 mo LET-THE RESIDENCE AND GROUNDS I of the late M. McCulIough, Jr.. Forty-rourth street. Seventeenth ward, cltyt frame dwelling of 12 rooms with modern Improvements, stable, etc; long lease can be had. GUSHING 4 FOX agents, 4319 Butler street. fe20-86-wrsa East End Residences. TO LET NO. 5604 ELLSWORTH AVENUE i line new house. 8 rooms, late Improvements; location first class; 2 squares of Roup station. V. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe28-77 O LET-SNEAK FIFTH AVENUE CABLE line and Roup station, several good house from (20 up to (45 per month. Call or send for list free. W. A. HEBRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fc28-77 TO LET FOUR ROOMS. WITH CELLAR. IK new honse. furnished or unfurnished, la pleasant location on cable line; references re quired. Address, by mall, L. L COOPER, eara "Bookmart,"clty. fe27-24-wr PERS05AI PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU" have one book worth 10 cents, or a library ' worth (1,030, let us know: we will buy one as) . quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE," Seventh Ave. Hotel building. fe20 ERSONAL YOU WILL BE A CONG TIME Mead, but a short time alive, so be np and make the best of it: see that vour wearing apparel always looks neat and tidy. DICKSON, the, Tailor, of 63 Fifth avenue, corner Wood street, second floor, makes a specialty of flnecleanlor and repairing: give him atrial. Telephone 1558. as FOUND. TTOUND-THE TRUTH! WE SUFFERED UN-i-.JD TOLD agonies 1 Dr.Grlffith'sTa-va-zon rem edies cured us when all other means had failed. Mrs. Rev. I-otLake, Mrs. Wm. G. Cover, Youngs town. O. ; 31rs. Hannah John, 663 Forbes st. ; John, i S. Fahey, Tallapoosa. Ga.; Thomas Brown, S.S.: Michael. Hlnes. 121 Wylle ave., and thousands oc others. W elnvlte the worst eases from whsteveV cause. See testimonials at GRIFFITH'S PHAU MACY. Third and Grant, Plttsbnrg. Pa. mhl-7S AUCTION SALES. ATJCTIONSALEAT31I MARKET ST-FRT-DAY MORNKIG.Marcb J, comroencineaf 10 o'clock. Fine mahozany, walnut, oak: and, cherry chamber suits, folding beds, wardrobes, dressers, washstands, bed lounges, cupboards, desks, bedsteads, chiffoniers, bookcases, secre taries, cheval and pier mirrors, center and ex tension tables, sideboards, hall racks, chairs, rockers, I square grand piano forte, npriffhe piano, fancy rockers, easy chairs, fine pictures, bronzes and ornaments, lace curtains, stair pads, brussels, ingrain and rag carpet, lin noleuru, rues, clocks, decorated toilet ware, lamps, glassware, drygoods, notions, tea, stores, trunks, easel, wraps, harness, bedding, HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM"., fe2S-92 Auctioneers. ' BY ORDER OP THE CITY PROPERTY Committee of the city of Allegheny; I will expose at public sale on the premises, on -1UESDAY, March 5, 18S9. at 10 o clock: a. m building lot cor. of Anderson and Lacock: stSi, Fourth ward. Allegheny, on which is erected a two-story brick building, better known as tho old Columbia engine house. This property is used as a business property at present- Terms made known at sale. Particulars from A. J. PENTECOST, Auctioneer and Real Estate) Agent, 413 Grant, Pittsburg. .fe26-T a'O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN . That certain 7-octave square Calenburg 4 Vaupel piano No. 1369, carved legs and two round corners, left on storage by one Mlss Hall, of Pittsburg, will be sold for charges (storage and repairs), amounting to $150, on March 20, 1889, at 10 A. c. at our storerooms, -No. 508 wood street, 'Pittsburg, unless re deemed cm or before said date, f e250-Jf F H. KLEBER A BRO. RESORTS. Atlantic City. rE ROYAL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Always open. Appointments first-class: steam heat, sun galleries, etc. fe22-30 W. H. REYNOLDS. THE ELDREDQE, NO. 18 SOUTH CARD UNA avenue, within three minutes' wait to depot or beach. Large cheerful rooms, ex cellent table. Terms moderate, MRS. E. J. ELDREDQE, Proprietress. . feU-3-TJ ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. HOTELS, Boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or tor sale by L G. ADAMS & CO.. Real Estate Agents, Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic City, N.J. felt-l - T IHE OCEAN HOUSE- ATLANTIC CITY, N. J Now onen nnder old manasrement. fe22-3lQIWT J.A.REID. T70TH1SRGILLH0TJSE. ATLANTIC CITY, T N. J. Located near beach. Perfect san itation. Steam beat. ELIZABETH HART LEY, Prop.' f e25-13-MWTSu THE ISLESWORTH. ATLANTIC CITY. N. 3. Ou the beach, sea end of Virginia avenue. Steam heat, electric bells. Will open Febra ary9.1889. . fal3-72-MWTSu BUCK & McCLELLAN. ON THE BEACH: Atlantic Crrr, N. I, ilADDON HALL. felO-51 EDWIN LITPINCOTTr THE CHALFONTE, ' ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN "VTETV, Salt water baths in the house. Elevator. fel&oo-D E. ROBERTS &. SONS. HOT SPRINGS, N. O. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL' First-class in every particular. Stsamheaf, Open Fires, Porches inclosed in glass. Superb Location, ideal Climate fer the debilitated. Baths in Marble Pools. Finest inAmaricaf Waters unexcelled anywhere in curative power or luxury. G. K. LANSING, (Lata of Astor House. N. Y.) Manager. iel6-5Q-P OLD POINT COMFORT, VIRGrNIA. HYGEIA HOTEL. 100 yards from FortMcnroe; open all the year, accommodates I.uOO guests; admirable location; delightful climate; thrilling historic snrround Ings. Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric and HOT SEA baths, the latter especially beneficial in rheumatic troubles. Music by the famous Artillery School Band. Glass-Inclosed verandas. Average temnerature for winter 48. Absolutely free from malaria. All things considered, the most comforatable and delightful resort at which to spend the winter months in the United States. Send for desenptive pamphlet. noZ7-y40-TuFSu F. N. PIKE, Manager. DR. SMITH, " THE MAGNETIC PHYSICIAN, At the SEVENTH AVE.HOTEL. will give A FREE LECTURE : To men NEXT SUNDAY atf 2 o'clock r. IMPERIAL HALL, Corner Seventh avenue and new Grant street. - , Atthecloseof thelecturetheDoctorwillheal '.. t the sick free of charge. Everybody invited. No T i tauies aamitteu. mui-oo' , - . FOURTH-AVENUE, i Between Wood and Smithfield, lots 129 feet deep for sale by SAMUEL f. BLACK 4CO,i va e ouna ave. leit-xi-xwr. A E. L1NKENHEIMER; ARCHITECT, 613 Se&Ithfleld stoeefcOPlttstafr. Pa. Fr Kxeuad BoildlBg, seed fleer. Ie3fSl-i n 1".1 t i 4 ;' &
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