SECOND PART. . L- SOW FIRST ASERIES OF SHOET STORIES By J. Marsden Sutcliffe, ENTITLED THE R03I1N0E OF M ItfSURMCE OFFICE, -Beixo Passages ik theExpesiekce op Jin. AUGUSTUS WILLIAM WEBBEF. Formerly General Manager to the "Universal Insurance Company. ALL EIGHTS ' The Strange Disappearance of Mr. Const-am. UL Before the news of the strange disappear ance of Mr. Constam found its way into the public prints rumors of the mysterious oc currence reached the Universal, and Mr. Doggett was at once instructed to institute the most searching inquiries into the affair. Only one premium had been paid on the policy on Mr. Constants life, and the Universal stood to lose heavily in the event of his death. True, the loss would he shared by several other offices who had been joined -with us in the undertaking, but as the lion's share of the loss wonld fall to us, we deemed it necessary to take every pre caution against any possible attempt at fraud. It is not an uncommon circumstance for men to fly their country when trouble is at their heels, and give themselves up for dead until it suits their convenience to ap pear again in the flesh. To guard against any attempt to palm off a supposititious death, it was all important that our private inquiry agent should take the matter in hand immediately while the scent was still warm. The day after tidings of the occurrence reached our ears Mr. Doggett made his first report. Alter recapitulating the facts at tending the alleged disappearance, which had been recountedat thecloseof the former chapter, the report went on to say: "The friends of the missing gentleman show much anxiety to keep the affair quiet, hoping that he may yet return. All the same, a most active investigation is being carried on, under directions of Lord Selin court and Mr. Bretterly, who have called in Inspector Ferret, of Scotland Yard, to as sist them. So iar their inquiries have led to no result "The policeman, who is the last person known to have spoken with Mr. Constam, has been turned inside out, Dut is unable to add anything further to his statement that Mr. Constam was quite cheerful in his man ner, and after wishing the officer 'good night, walked away at a rapid pace in the direction of Trafalgar Square. ''The reticence of Mr. Constam's friends makes it difficult to ascertain precisely what jhad happened at Epsom; but from in quiries made elsewhere I learn that he had 'plunged' wildly, and his losses must have been phenomenally heavy. It is said that the whole of the large sum which he bor rowed sis months ago has disappeared, and that with the exception of the income se cured to Lady Barbara on her marriage there is nothing left Here is motive for absconding, and perhaps for suicide. "There are three theories afloat to account for his disappearance. "Some say he has Ie vanted.' This theory has been broached partly in consequence of some indiscreet revelations made by Mr. Bretterly. It is only fair to that gentleman to say that he repudiates the inference which has been drawn from his communi cations. "The second theory is that it is a case of suicide. Those who fade this view argue that when Mr. Constam quitted the card table it was in execution of some purpose at which he had arrived slowly alter mentally reviewing the situation; and that his prom ise to return immediately was a mere blind to get away quietly, without risk of interro gation. He knew that he had worse than ruin to meet dishonor! They declare that he could not face it out, and that a leap from "Waterloo bridge will turn out the right explanation of his disappearance. "The third theory has been adopted by the family. Their suspicions are summed up in one word: foul play. They say he was not the man to shrink from any ordeal, and they argue tbat he was the last man in the world whatever his imprudences may have been to leave the wife to whom he was tenderly attached in doubt of his fate, or to rush upon a doom which would bring a terrible stigma on his name, and leave his children fatherless, from want of common courage to face the full consequences of his indiscretions. Their explanation is, that when he went out he meant to return, but tbat becoming abstracted in thinking over his losses, he probably walked on until he found himself in some low part ol "London or Westmins'-er the river side possibly and was there waylaid and murdered. They say that in addition to the few pounds he had won at whist, he had at least fifty pounds in gold and notes, whilst his ring and diamond sleeve links and studs were worth more than treble that amount The flashing of his diamonds would temptrobbery with violence if he happened to hare wandered into any of the low criminal haunts. The family lay great stress on his excellent spirits down to the last moment as shutting out any idea of suicide, and they are indignant over the suggestion that he has "levanted." "I agree with the family in repudiating suicide, but for a different reason. His good spirits may have been put on; but a man never assumes good health or pretends to a good digestion. Now, Mr. Constam's health may be called robust; and if I am not misled, he could use a knife and fork pretty freely. His digestion, in fact, was simply periect That kind of man does not commit suicide. "Is it, then, a case of foul play? I have ''obtained a correct description of "the clothes Mr. Constam was wearing, and the rest of his personal belongings which he carried with him when he set out on that summer evening's walk which is so perplexing to his friends including Scotland Yard. I am not going to drag the Thames. Wap ping way is my next destination; and I may even work my way down as far as Graves cad, perhaps Plymouth, before I find in what ship Mr. Constam sailed when he bade farewell to the white cliffs of Britain "X. B. He has not been seen at Dover, Folkestone, or Ifcwhaven. "Watch is kept on all tbe Continental boats, and I have despatched a man each to Southampton, Liverpool and Glasgow." And so exit Mr. Doggett for the present His report tells everything bearing on the story, and saves space which would other wise be taken up in describing with more particularity the modus operandi of Mr. Doggett's'proceedings. It has also the -d- vantage of stating the three theories soon prevalent to explain Mr. Constam's disap pearance, and the general grounds on which each rested. The reader will chose his own theory, and will doubtless be able to adduce more cogent reasons for his particular theory than any here given. Several days passed by before Mr. Dog ECtt had anything of importance to commu nicate. He Muck manfully to what he speaks of in one of his reports as his "hap py hunting ground," which lay eastwards of London bridge. Meanwhile "the familv'asMrs. Doggett described the iriends of Mr. Constam, were pursuing the most active search, in which were snared neilhcr labor, skill, nor what is sometimes ot more importance than either in such cases money' It was noi possible to keep the matter pecref long. A gentleman of tbe position PUBLISHED. RESETTED. of the Squire of Greystoke cannot vanish suddenly without exciting inquiries, es pecially when his name figures for large amounts in the bookmakers' accounts. There was an indescribable sensation at the "West End, and the newspapers were not slow to make use of a dainty bit of scandal. "When at last publicity had been given to the affair, the friends of Mr. Constam issued handbills to watermen, bargees and others among the riverside community, offering a handsome reward for the recovery of the dead body of the missing squire. It was an excellent idea, on the theory that Mr. Constam had been foully dealt by, or had made away with himself. But what if neither supposition were correct? It was at least possible that Mr. Doggett's less tragic explanation of the strange disappear ance was the right one. In that case it seemed to us at the "Universal, that it was our duty (to ourselves) to have the theory of murder or suicide set at rest one way or the other. It was to our interest to have it made quite clear that the dead body of Mr. Constam was not lying in the Thames. Accordingly the Universal stepped in, doubling the reward; and the dual appeal to the cupidity of the river-side men pro duced such a scene as the Thames has sel dom witnessed. .From Westminster bridge to Beckton Gas "Works, wherry men, attracted by the large reward, were busy night and day in prosecuting the search. "When the light failed, in the short interval between even ing's twilight and morrow's dawn in those early summer days, the chance passerby crossing over "Waterloo bridge would have his attention challenged bv the dull red flaring of lights moving fitfully to and fro on the surface of the sluggish river, west ward as far as Lambeth, and eastward be yond London bridge. It was a weird scene gloomily suggestive of "corpse lights" flit ting about in an unearthly manner in some country churchyard. If the passerby had been of a curious turn of mind, he would have learned that these lights, moving fit fully hither and thither, came from the links carried by the wherry men engaged in their ghastly search. Many a horrible burden was brought to the surface which had long been hidden from the light of day, until the coroners found themselves unusually bnsy holding inquests on the bodies ot persons whose names were unknown and who had met with a violent death before being thrown into the river. And still there was no sign of Mr. Con stam. The first light on the mystery came from Mr. Doggett This indefatigable agent had been prosecuting his search for a lull fort night in the riverside district, which he stoutly maintained held the secret of Mr. Constam's movements after quitting the Elysium. Having bent his steps in the di rection of Limehouse, his attention was at tracted by a suit ot clothes which were de pendent lrom the rail of a dealer in new and second-hand clothing, principally of the slop type, in the "West India Docks road. He was so completely wrapped up in the examination of the suit, feeling the texture of the cloth and prying into the lining, that he did not notice the approach of the elderly Jew who owned the establishment, until a I voice broke in upon his reverie. "Veil, vat can 1 do tor you, my shild?" "You can tell me where the hat is which was worn by the gentleman who owned this suit, and perhaps you can tell me something lnf lio rrnnilnmnry liimeolf " Tlnrrrrait ... about the gentleman himself," Doggett re" plied sharply scanning the old mah's leaturcs. "Shentleman!" cried the Jew, "vat shen tleman? No shentleman has worn dot suit" "No, I suppose not," Doggett replied dry ly. "I suppose the nativeE of Limehouse wear best quality tweeds, silk lined, satin quilted, Poole's make. Try again. That tale won't wash. "I know nothing about any shentleman," the Jew replied, stubbornly. "Look here, Isaac," Doggett went on, "this pretense to be dark, like your Jewish patter, is a pretense altogether. You can speak English as well as I can, and you can tell me in plain English what you know about this. Come, cast your eye over that description," handing the Jew a copy of the particulars with which Doggett had been furnished. "You can see," he continued, "the de scription tallies in every particular. These clothes did belong to Mr. Constam, whose friends are looking for his corpse. It you persist in your reticence I shall snap the bracelets on yonr wrists and take you along with me as an accessory before the fact, or after; it does not matter which. In any case you will have to go unless you tell me what you Know about this." Mr. Doggett's bold stroke brought Isaac down from nis perch. In a few moments he had told the detective that a gentleman, who said he was out for a lark, had pro posed to exchange his garments for a new suit of fustian, such as stonemasons wear. He had since sold the hat to some stranger, whom he declared he would not recognize again. Shown Mr. Constam's photograph, he at once recognized it as the portrait ot the gentleman who was "out for a lark." He persistently denied all knowledge of any jewelry. He fixed the date of his transac tion with Mr. Constam as the day following the nocturnal walk in the direction of Traf algar Square. Clear evidence tins, that the day follow ing the night on which he was supposed to have met with foul play, Mr. Constam was alive and well; and that at the time when his body was supposed to be within the keeping of Father Thames, he was, aecoid ing to the Jew's testimony, "out for a lark." "Where, then, was Mr. Constam? The day following his interview with the Jew, Mr. Doggett appeared at the Univer sal, bringing witn mm the bat worn by Mr. Constam, which had been fished out of the Thames that morning. There was no mis take that this was a genuine relic, for Mr. Constam's name was written in bold letters on the lining of the hat It was of no im portance as a link in the case, and Doggett was always perplexed afterward to account fnr ihp. motive of his nptinn in lirinn-!n if seeing that it had already passed into the hands of the Jew and some third person to whom he had sold it, since it was in Mr. Constam's possession. The detail is, how ever, of importance, as the reader will see in a moment. Mr. Doggett had barely finished giving an account of his proceedings when Lord Selincourt was announced. The nobleman explained that he had heard that the Uni versal were interesting themselves to un ravel the painful story attaching to the strange disappearance of Mr. Constam, and he had called to inquire whether we could throw any light on the matter. At the same time he wished to suigest whether good results might not be obtained if we were to join forces and assist each other. As he completed his explanation his eye was suddenly caught by the hat which Doggett bad brought with him, and, seiz ing it from the table on which it was lying with a half muttered apology, he examined it closely, and, seeing the name, he ex claimed nnder his breath: "Newnham's hat undoubtedly; it has been in the water, too. Alas! it is as I feared." "We were compelled to rectify the error into which Lord Selincourt had "fallen, and thereupon Doggett recounted the story of THE PITTSBURG his interview with the Jew. After much conversation, Lord Selincourt avowed his purpose to see the Jew personally, and although Doggett endeavored to dissuade him irom his purpose, he eventually con sented to accompany him. On their arrival at the Jew's establish ment they found the shop left in charge ot a younger member of the tribe of Israel, who explained that his grandfather had been fetched by two policemen to see if he could identify the body of a man which had been drawn from the water, and that they had driven away in a cab to the parish mortuary. Thither Lord Salinconrt and Doggett rapidly followed. It was a loathsome sight which met their eyes. There, on a stone slab, rested the body of a tall and well-made man, so far as the swollen condition of the remains enabled the onlookers to judge. The body had been denuded of its cloth ing. Decomposition had advanced very far. But worse still, the rats had gnawed away the hands, leaving nothing oi that part of the person except the putrefying stumps; nothing certainly to furnish any evidence whether the body was that of a laboring man or that of a man whose hands had known no harder work than is involved in riding to hounds. ine leatures bad been entirely obliterated by the same agency. Even the very eyes had been scooped &ut of their sockets "by these voracious denizens of the slimy river. The empty sockets added to the'gruesonie horror of the spectacle. There was nothing left as a means of identification except the hair and teeth, and the clothing which had been removed from the body, and which Isaac with trembling fingers was leisurely examining, casting occasional glances from the horrid sight which lay on the slab to the pallid face of Lord Sellincourt The surgeon who had just completed bis repulsive office of examining the body was washing his hands, dictating to an assistant his notes, which Doggett also proceeded rap idly to transcribe. Here they are: "Body of a strong athletic man of six feet exactly; well-nourished; features oblit erated; hands gone; eyes judging from the size of sockets, full; probably been dark judging from color of hair which is a deep "black; teeth white, regular and good; head well shaped; evidently remains of a hand some man: age about 30, more or less. Been in water ten days or more. No marks of violence upon the body. That's all, I think." "See," said Lord Selincourt, handing Doggett one of the published descriptions, "it exactly corresponds." Doggett nodded his head and said noth ing. "He was keenly watching the Jew who had pricked up his ears on hearing Lord Selincourt's name. ""Well, Isaac, what do you say now?" the police sergeant asked. "The clothes came from you, that is certain. They bear your name. To whom did you sell them? Let us get at the man's name if we can." "I sold them to a shentleman 15 daysago," Isaac replied. "Sold them to a gentleman?" the police sergeant asked, incredulously. "Yes, and that shentleman there," point ing to Doggett, "has is photograph in his pocket" "Whereupon Lord Selincourt declared that to the best of his belief the body lying there was that of his son-in-law, Mr. Newnham Constam, the Squire of Greystoke, who had left the Elysium Club on the night of the 5th instant, and had notsince been heard of. "Are there any birthmarks on the body?" asked Doggett, addressing the surgeon, well knowing that Mr. Constam's body was free from congenital defect of any kind; but urging the question in the slender hope of breaking through the cnam ot evidence which he saw being pitilessly forged, link by link, before his eyes. "I can discover no blemish of any kind. In fact there are no marks natal or post natal. Nothing except what the rats have made. The man has been drowned, tbat is all." At the inquest which was held in due course, the legal representatives of Mr. Constam and the solicitors to the Universal fought and wrangled to very little purpose. The most important evidence next to that of the surgeon was that of Isaac the Jew, who swore that "the clothes were those he had sold to the 'shentleman' whose portrait had been shown him by the detective" the portrait of Newnham Constam. Isaac was subjected to a severe cross examination in the interests of the insur ance companies involved, without shaking his testimony in the least degree. He was quite certain that the clothes produced at the inquiry were the same that he had sold to Mr. Constam. He had sold no others of the same size that year. They were extra men's size, and garments of that Size were not often asked lor. It was 15 days since. The clothes, though stained with their long immersion in the dirty river, were evidently new and bore no marks of wear. The surgeon's testimony, threw no fresh light on the mystery. The man was alive when he fell into the water (or was thrown into it) and there were no marks of violence on the body. All post mortem appearances pointed to an ordinary case of death from drowning. The Universal could not oppose their un supported doubts to the calm certainty which had obtained possession ot tbe minds of the Coroner and his jury, and a verdict was rendered in the following terms: "That the body viewed by the jury was the body ot Mr. Constam, of Grevstoke Court; that he was drowned; butliowhe came into the water there was no evidence to show." And so this Thames derelict, inclosed in a coffin of richly polished oak with massive armorial mountings of solid silver, bearing the name, (supposed) date of death and age of the deceased Mr. Constam, was conveyed to Greystoke for burial, and there laid to rest beneath the chancel of the venerable church; and the strange disappearance of Mr. Constam thus cleared up to the entire satisfaction of a British jury soon dropped out of the memories of men. Probate was granted to the executors in due course, and the Universal met the claim, not without wry faces on the part of the directors. But how Mr. Constam's body, which bore no marks of violence, came into the water remained a sealed mystery, which Mr. Dog get often endeavored to elucidate, but in vain. "We have not got to the bottom of the business yet," he said. "Old Isaacs knows more than he has chosento tell us. A war rant to search his premises would probably bring to light the missing clew to the mys tery." IV. Seven years later. Lady Barbara Constam is a widow still, though she has long since laid aside the conventional symbols of her great sorrow. Suffering has written no wrinkles on her brow, but it has brought the soul into her face, and the girl-wife of seven vears ago, with features almost infantile in their deli cacy, and with a slight girlish figure, has developed into a graceful, beautiful woman. She is seated after lunch on a hot July day in the oak-paneled library at Grey stock, where she transacts estate business with Ballard, the steward. She is dressed in a lilac-sprigged muslin, open at the throat, round which is tied a piece of black velvet from which depends an open locket containing a miniature of Newnham Con stam, which has never left her bosom since it was executed for her in the earlv days of her widowhood. She is lookiug unusually thoughtful and anxious, for she is revolving in her mind a proposal of marriage. It is not the first by many that she has received, but hitherto lovers have sighed at her feet only to receive a firm but courteous repulse. Time has1 softened her grief, and dimmed the memory of that terrible day when she first learned tbat her children were fatherless, but it has brought with it no inducement to contract new ties. Be yond the circle of her quiet home life her PITTSBURG-, SATURDAY, EEBRUART 23, 1889. thoughts have relused to travel. Her heart has remained wholly bound up in the livest of her three children, to whose welfare she has devoted herself unceasingly since the news was brought to her at Greystoke that nevermore would her eyes he gladdened with the vision of her husband's manly form. A second marriage seems in her eyes something like a sacrilege. And yet, as she sits in the oak-paneled library on this hot July afternoon, she is seriously considering wfietherthe fates are not likely to prove too strong for her. All her lovers wno nave crossed iierpaui and met with a rebuff have gone their way and troubled her no more all, except one. He has meekly heard her denials (for he has sought her more than once) and gone away, only to renew his suit again and again, until she is beginning to feel that his very persistence must wear down her disin clination to enter into a new alliance. She even owns to herself, in spite of the resolute refusals with which she has hitherto met his overtures, that the patience with whichhe has carried himself since he entered the lists against her resolution has touched her heart more deeply than she had imagined, until the letter which now lies upon her lap came to inform her that the persistent swain would call that afternoon for her final an swer. There was a tone of patient suffering, as it appeared to her, in his pleading that stirred her breast with gentle pity. He will be here soon, for the timepiece is already pointing to the hour named in his note, and as yet she has not made up her mind how she will answer him. For the first time she is conscions of a disposition to hesitate. It is not love that produces this faltering. She has no love to give abso lutely none. Sheisauitesureof that The image of her dead husband is still as fresh in her heart as it was on the day when he drew from her the confession of her maiden love, and so far as power to return to an other man's affection is concerned she knows she has it not Here is one of those natures which can know no second love. But her life has been so entirely given up to serving others that she finds herself asking whether there is no call here to re ward a faithful lover with what he so much desires, although her surrender to his wishes will be fraught with pain to herself. Un like the others who accepted her refusal and rode away and troubled her no more, this lover still clings to hope; and his persist ency is beginning to tell upon her. , But she is as far a3 ever from reaching a decis ion when the door is opened, and the staid manservant announces a visitor. "Mr. Bretterly, my lady." The room was darkened by the heavy sun blinds outside the window, or the pretty blush of confusion with which the sudden announcement ot .air. Uretterly's name dyed the lovely face of Lady Barbara would not have passed unnoticed by the lover. But entering the darkened room lrom the daz zling sunlight outside Mr. Bretterly's eyes, keen though they were, had not time to ac commodate themselves to the change before Lady Barbara recovered her usually tran quil expression. She rose from her seat with quiet grace, and stretched ont her beautiful white hand in friendly greeting. Mr. Bretterly seized the opportunity to imprint a kiss "on the hand of the lovely chatelaine, not so much with the fervor of the lover as with that reverential knightly courtesy which was the fashion in a by-gone time. But as the Lady Barbara felt the warm pressure of his lips the crimson tide rushed over her face and neck, and this time Mr. Bretterly saw the tell-tale signal, though he mistook its meaning. For accepting this display of emotion as indicative that his love had at last triumphed over obstacles. he retained her hand and attempted to place his arm round her waist, making as though he would kiss her lips. But the Lady Bar bara drew back with an indignant gesture, which compelled him to release her hand. and assuming her most commanding pose she remarked, in a freezing tone: v "I have not given you the right to do that, Mr. Bretterly." "I beg your pardon," Mr. Bretterly re plied, with an apologetic bow; "I am really sorry. Pray forgive the misguided impulse of an affection which is as respectful as it as of long endurance too respectlul will ingly to offeud you, or give you pain." "Please take a s?at," said Lady Barbara, with an inclination of her head in accept ance of the apology, and as she set him the example by seating herself in a low chair, Mr. Bretterly threw himself at her feet, and with an impassioned glance from his eyes, he cried: "Let me sit here and wait the sentence from your lips that will raise me to the giddiest height of joy or plunge me into the blackest despair." Then, availing himself of a pause, in which Lady Barbara was laboring tos col lect her thoughts, he poured forth a flood of passionate pleading which she did not seem to have heard. The words were heard, how ever, by a third'person who stood before the French window unperceived by them, and who remained an interested spectator of the scene. Mr. Bretterly, interpreting Lady Barba ra's silence favorably, began a fresh stream of fervid talk, but ceased when she turned her grave eyes toward him, and made as though she would speak. "Your letter has given me great pain and distress, Mr. Bretterly," she began. "I thought our last conversation on this sub ject had laid the matter at rest forever." "Not forever!" Mr. Bretterly said, with emphasis. "Do not say forever, dearest Lady Barbara. Give me some hope a ray of hope, at least." "Yes. forever. I must repeat it I in tended my answer to he final. I tried to make it so, and now I do not know what I can say, more than has already been said. It is useless for you to hope that I can ever be more o you than I am nov. I am re solved not to marry, and were I to allow myself to be persuaded to take such a step against my better judgment, it would be a marriage without affection." "Not without affection," cried Mr. Bret terly. "I love you, ay! more than man ever loved woman. I loved you before you know Constam, and only waited the oppor tunity to speak. He came and took you away from me, but I loved you still. Mad ly, passionately, if you will, I loved you during the five years you were his wife, though I made no sign. You will do me justice there, Lady Barbara; I made no sign. It would have been an insult to you. But I loved you through it all. My God! how my passion burned! And then came your sorrow. Forgive me if I looked be yond it and saw hope. And through these seven long years I have loved and waited. Pity me, and love me if you can a little. I will be satisfied with such a very little." Lady Barbara shook her head sadly, her heart more profoundly touched than ever at the evident earnestness of the man and the long enduring pain of an unrequited affec tion. ""Well! if you cannot love me a little," he went on "give me the right to love you and to be near you. Lovo will come in time." "Never!" said Lady Barbai3, firmly, "If we are stiH to speak of this and ohl that I could convince you how useless it is let that be understood at once. Otherwise we shall only be beating the air. I have no love to give you, nor to any other; I never shall have. Love such as "Newnham Con stam taught me to feel for him does not die. It can never change. I can brook no rival. It can neither be transferred to another nor shared with any. My heart is unutter ably his." "You do not know what might be in years to come. After years ot devotion and care spent in studying to secure yonr hap piness and teaching vou to forget the past " "I have no wish to forget the past, except one miserable, terrible, hour of it," Lady Barbara broke in warmly, and forthwith broke into a flood of tears. "And yet the latter experiences of your married life were not quite happy," Mr. Bretterly said when Lady Barbara had. grown calmer. "You must not think be cause your former marriage was unhappy that happiness cannot be youis. All men are not alike." "You are entirely mistaken Mr. Bretter ly," said Lady Barbara proudly. "My former marriage was entirely happy." "Until a serpent entered our Eden and turned our bliss into misery and shame," said a voice from the window. The voice fell on both hearers with amazement as the eavesdropper stepped for ward into the room. But Bretterly was the first? to recover from the surprise into which both were thrown by the interruption. Springing to his feet, something met his eyes which almost froze the next words on his tongue. "Constam! The devil!" he muttered through his closed teeth. "No, that's where you make a mistake, Bretterly. Consult your looking glass when you get home, and "you'll recognize tbe lin eaments of the gentleman you allude to." Lady Barbara hud risen by this time, and was standing looking at the apparition for so it seemed to her in her bewilder ment with her hands pushing back her beautiful tresses from her forehead, and her eyes dilated with wonderment, a trifle va cant too, as though her brain half-paralyzed with a wonderful joy could not take in the meaning of the miracle which had been wrought in her life in a moment ""What! Barbara, don't you know me yet?" Constam exclaimed. And with a cry, Lady Barbara sprang into her husband's arras, which were opened out to receive her, and she lay with her head upon lm breast sobbing convulsively while he- kissed her again and again. Bretterly looked on transfixed with amazed disgust and wrath to see his love-dream wreaked forever, before his eyes. "You must see that this is no place for you, Bretterly," said Costam, alter he had soothed his wife into calmness. ''I was sorry to interrupt that little comedy of yours, but there was no help lor n. Good heavens, what an actor you are! You al most persuaded me to be'lieve that you were in love with my wile." "Curse you, I will be even with you yet." And Bretterly turned round to look for his hat. "I don't think you will." "No?" "No! Not a second time. You see I know you," Constam went on with provok ing coolness. 'I didn't before. Bnt now I know you down t the ground. You have been even witb me once, but a good deal has happened since then. However, I will settle accounts with you about bygone mat ters another day. Just now you had better leave us alone together. It is a longtime since you separated husband and wife." "Do I owe these seven miserable years to that man?" cried Lady Barbara. "To his villainous wiles and my own criminal folly. And when my back is turned be comes making love to my wife, but when he came courting Penelope he did not reckon on the return of Ulysses." "I will wish Ulysses au revoir," Bretterly mockingly replie'd to this taunt. "You understand Constam, it is au revoir, not good-by. "When next we meet positions will be changed, and the langh will be on the other side. An insurance company which has been defrauded by an absconding rogue is likely to cut up rough." And with this Parthian shot, Bretterly made lor the door, and in spite of his threat, passed out of the two lives which he had thought to destroy, and which he had involved in such bitter sorrow. It is unnecessary to add that the Universal did not take the line which the venomous hatred of Bretterly would have had them persue. "When Mr. Constam called at the entices in Cannon street on the morning after his return, accompanied by Lady .Barbara, arrangements were soon concluded to in demnify the insurance offices that had suffered in consequence of his reported death. There were difficulties to be overcome, but these were soon arranged to the satisfaction: of all concerned. Mr. Constam chose to think that he owed much to the ease with which matters were arranged to the good offices of Mr. "Webber, and when later on Mr. "Webber accepted an invitation to visit him at Greystoke Court, he heard from his lips the story of his adventures, as well as the facts that are set down here. Mr. Constam's account of his strange dis appearance was too lengthy for it to be de tailed here. The outline of the facts can, however, be briefly told. "When he quitted tbe Elysium on that memorable night after the Derby, he had no intention of setting up a hue-and-cry. He had formed no plan of meeting or escaping from the ruin which he had brought down upon himself. He strode on, heeding little whither his steps led him, until at sunrise he found himself in the east of London, mingling with a hungry crowd of dock laborers waiting for the dock gates to open. Curiosity ledthim to join in their conver sation, and when he learnt from fragments of talk that the clipper vessel .Kangaroo was to sail for Melbourne that day at 12, the idea suddenly dawned upon him that here was a mode of escape from his difficulties. He decided to sail for the New "World and there endeavor to repair the breach that his extravagance had made. If he failed he would remain dead to his wife and family and the world of his acquaintance. If he succeeded he would return and take up his old position once more. As things were, he was better dead than alive. After securing an emigrant's passage in the Kangaroo, he cast about for a dealer in clothes, where he could exchange his rai ment for the garb of a workman. Chance threw him in the way of Isaacs- He soon completed his meager outfit, but before the bargain ended he saw that he had roused the Jew's suspicions. To alloy the dealer's curiosity and bind him to secrecy he adopted the following de vice: He placed all his jewelry in a heap on the table and asked Isaacs to value them. The value which the Jew placed upon them was considerably less than half the sum which the stones alone were worth. Not withstanding, he took the money the Jew offered, remarking that "these articles are worth four times as much." I shall want them again before long. Keep them until you see me again, and if L find you have been secret I will redeem them at ten times the sum." "I will keep them until you redeem them," the Jew replied. "Then I was right," said Doggett, when he heard the story. "Isaacs was in his pay. and a search warrant would have supplied the missing clue." Mr. Constam, in the disguise which the Jew supplied-him, had no difficulty in es caping the inspection of the Plymouth de tectives, since the Kangaroo did not touch land again after leaving Gravesend until Melbourne was reached. Arrived at Mel bourne he went up country, and did well by roughing it, and Began to lay the founda tion of great wealth. He had been thus employed for five years, and had grown weary for a sight of his wife and children, when the colony of Victoria was plunged into a state of excitement over the news of the discoveries then being made in the South African diamond fields. Here, he thought, was a quicker method of gaining his end. He set about the realization of his prop erty immediately and took the next ship to the Cape. Within two years he was fortu nate enough to be able to return to En gland, as we have seen, and make a fresh start with an unencumbered estate. Alter satisfying1 several claims, he had several diamonds of great value still left, one of which he presented to Mr. "Webber in acknowledgment of his services in ad justing matters after his return, and another stone of great size and extraordinary bril liancy is seen sparkling with a thousand rays of glorious light on the fair bosom of the Lady Barbara on great occasions. Mr. Bretterly took to a Parliamentary career soon after the return of Mr. Constam. The latest news of him is that he is regard ed in political circles as one of the coming men who is safe for a seat in some future Cabinet. As for Lady Barbara, she remembers no more the days of her sorrow, when she mourned her husband as dead, in the full ness of her present joy. Her elder children DISPATCH. are growing up now, but there is still some use found for the nursery at Greystoke Court, for other children havo followed to bless the re-union of the long parted pair. The Ekd. Next Week: Tbe Mystery at Clomp Cottage. A FIGHTMR PURITY. Ohio's Straggle to Shot Oat Adulterated and Iinpuro Food A Plttabnrs Firm Tries Thinly to Rnn the ( Gannttet. SPECIAL TELEGBAJt TO THE DISPATCH.! Columbus, February 22. State Food and Dairy Commissioner Deithick is having a most interesting time in his efforts to en force the existing laws against impure food, and also in his efforts to have the laws so amended as to make the penalties more se vere for violations. A strong fight has been made against the oleomargarine bill, of which he is practically the author. He is an industrious worLer and is giving many large firms in other cities and States a great deal of annoyance. .The general agent of a Pittsburg pickling, vinegar and jelly works was here the great er part of last week in an effort to have the commissioner withdraw some of his objec tions against the vinegar which they have E 'laced on the market in' this State. They ave a brand made from corn and branded cider. Two years ago there was a law passed forbidding this, and a year ago there was another enactment requiring that all vinegar shall be white. This restriction practically barred the Pittsburg firm out and ruined their busi ness. They spent the summer in an effort to discover some means to give their manu facture the color of vinegar, and they pro duced what was termed a malt article. A sample of it was analyzed by the chemist at the State University, which showed that it was only 1 and 15-100 per cent solid extract, which is distilled vinegar with some malt in it After a long consultation the commissioner agreed with this firm that if they would make it 2 per cent solid extract that he would let it go on the market. This would make it the same relative quality as cider vinegar, but it would cost more to manufacture the same. This was the agreement practically arrived at, although the firm felt that it wonld be scarcely possible for them to manufacture and transact a paying -business under the restrictions. The object of the commission is to pre vent the article being placed on the market as pure cider vinegar. TAKING IT TO EAILEOADS. Gilmoro it Co. Propose to Ship Their River Coal by Ball. The branch of the McKeesport and Bellevcrnon road to New Webster will be completed about next Christmas. At this place the coal works of John Gilmore & Co., river operators, are located. Most of their output goes to Cincinnati for gas pur poses. Mr. Gilmore has become tired of the un certainty of the river, and when the new road is finished will ship his coal by rail. The coal will be delivered to the Pemickey road. The company are consideiing a plan to have some of the coal loaded on the Southside on to Pemickey cars. The coal will be brought down the river to Pittsburg in boats. Kivermen above JIcKeesport seem to think that the usefulness of the Pittsburg, Virginia and Charleston road is at an end, now that the McKeespori and Bellevcrnon road has been opened. The coal on the Pittsburg, Virginia and Charleston side of the river is said to be of poor quality, and that hereafter tbe road will become ex clusively a coke line. WAS THE TEEDICT STEAIGHT? Testimony to Show Irregularities on tho Part of Dimmcy's Jurors. Thomas M. Marshall, Esq., yesterday pro duced before Commissioner Reno testimony to show why a new trial is sought for Joe Dimmey, the negro convicted of murdering Special Officer Miller in Allegheny last summer. It was charged, and admitted by James Piatt, that, during the trial J. B. Dunlevy, one of the jurors, gave Piatt a note to hand to Duulevy's son, at a time when the jury was supposed to have no com munication with the outside world. Evidence of a Inmp on Dimmey's head was produced, with the intent to show that he had been struck with a handybilly or some other blunt instrument in a tussle with Mi'ler before the homicide was com mitted. There was also testimony to show that whisky was furnished to eight of the 12 jurors in place.of coffee at their meals, pending tneir deliberations. If Judge Collier does not hear the argu ments on the motion to-day still other tes i mony will be taken. A Wicked Way to Celebrate. Middletowit, CONK., February 22. An explosion at Wesleyan College, at mid night, was caused by some mischievous students beginning the celebration of Wash ington's Birthday, by throwing a dynamite cartridge in one of the corridors. K. C. Hubbard, a son of ex-Congressman Hub bard, of West Virginia, was badly injured by picking up the bomb, innocently, just before it exploded. A Pickpocket Canglit. W. G. Winters, a Washington county visitor, had his pocket pickee yesterday on Market street. Special Agent Bowden.of the Traction line, saw the pickpocket in time to sieze him. He called himself Henry Sey mour at the Central station, claiming to be from Harrisburg. As the collar he wore is marked '"Gibbs," he is not believed to have given his right name. s Fnlly 25.000 BadgcsSoId. Dealers in badges were reaping a great harvest yesterday. About 25,000 Catholic badges were sold yesterday, from the 1-cent bit of national bunting to its more gorgeous tin companion, costing a dime. The Me chanics did not buy, however, as the order furnishes all badges, getting them directly from the makers s CHINA'S WALL, one of the most ancient and arand. est of enaineerina triumphs vortraved bit Frank O. Carpenter, togtther with some anec dotes of a royal old joker, m to-morrow's Dis- rATCH. D. fc F. S. WELTY. Carpets and WallPnper, Wholcsalo and Re tail Tho Only Jobbing House in tho City. To supply our jobbing trade, we buy onr carpets, wall paper, oilcloths, mattings, window shades, lace curtains, etc., from first hands in large quantities, and at lowest prices. This enables us to offer every in ducement in our retail department Our prices are always as low, if not lower, than any other house in the city. A full stock for spring trade at 120 Federal street and Co and 67 Park way, Allegheny, Pa. D. & F. S. Wisirsr. Established 1869. Ths Compelled to Move Our store April 1, and will give at least 10 per cent discount for cash on any pair of shoes. Many lines below cost. its Cain & Vebneb. A vioonous growth and the original color given to the by Parker's Hair Balsam. Parker's Ginger Tonic thebest cough cure. Cain tfc Verncr Are offering great discounts in shoes. It will pay you to invest now. Fifth ave. and Market st xxs LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. One hundred Galacian miners employed In tho Blleslan coal pits have been ordered to quit the country. Prince Bismarck dines with Emperor Will iam on Monday next The Emperor has ac cepted invitations to dine at the Russian and other embassies. Early yesterday morning the village ot Al legany, N. Y., was visited by a disastrous Ore. Ten buildings were burned. Los3, S30.000; partly insured. The town has no fire protection. The German training sqaudrou, which has beee cruising along tbe Moorish and Spanish coasts, has been suddenly ordered to Port Said. It is believed that the fleet will be sent to East Africa. Advices from China and Japan per steam ship Gaelic, state that the British ship Anglo Indian, Can tain Cattanach, of Liverpool, was wrecked January 6, a few miles from tho shore of China, near Tamsui. Avery well defined rumor Is current in English political circles that Mr. Joseph Cham berlain is about to enter the Cabinet. The Home Office is the position mentioned as likely to be filled by the Birmingham states man. The Western railroad Presidents metagain yesterday. It was found that no additional name3 had been seenred to the agreement, and it was decided to go on and put tbe scheme in operation without waiting to secure any more signatures. Italian Government with a caravan of 2,000 camels, bearing gifts to King Menelik of Sboa, was received with great cordiality by His Majesty. Count Antonelli found all the Ital ians in Shoa in good health. Two thousand Prussian Poles have held a meeting at Fosen and adopted a resolution de- i of 2 11U1411 lli.ll. IUU pfUUlUlllUU Ul U113I1 CUT" mentary schools is a violation of tbe national rights guaranteed by international treaties and of the promises of Prussian Kings. On February 2 a great fire broke out in Shidsnoki, Japan, extending down 14 streets, and destroyed 1,000 houses, including temples, schools and hospitals. On the following day a Are at Yokosuka gutted 500 houses and burned to death three men. On the same day 10 houses were destroyed at Joshiu and It at Tokio. The excitement over the threatened out break of Indians on tho border is growing hourly more intense. Dispatches have been passing between General Kucer at St Paul and the officers of Fort Assinaboine and other posts in this neighborhood, and it is under stood troop3 have been ordered to move at a moment's notice. Mrs. Snyder, daughter of ex-Governor Oglesby, of Illinois, who has been spending a few days in Ban Diego, Cal., was robbed of $12,000 wirth of diamonds and jewelry at Del mar Hotel yesterday. They were given to the young man who acted as clerk to be placed in tbe safe. Tho young man and the diamonds have both disappeared. Oscar W. Neebo has supplemented the peti tion which his brotber has presented, with a personal letter to Governor Fifer, in which he reiterates his former denials that be had any connection with tho Haymarket tragedy, and adds that no one more deeply regretted the oc currence than himself. Neebe closes witb tbe statement tbat he shall, if he regains his liber ty, become a law-abiding citizen. It is reported that Robert Garrett's health has so imp'roved of late that he contemplates leaving Rmgwood in a few days for .Mexico, J. R. McKenzie, Passenger Agent for the Bal timore and Ohio Railroad at Philadelphia, is now at RiDgwood, and it is said he is perfect ing the traveling arrangements for the tourists. Mrs. Garrett and Mr. and Mrs. J. Swan Frick will accompany M. Garrett The application for an injunction to re strain the American Express Company from transporting liquors from outside the State to Independence. Iowa, has been denied by Judge Mey, on the ground that it would interfere) with inter-State commerce. It is believed that on the strength of this decision the wholesale dealers in liquors in the river cities will estab lish warehouses in the adjoining States and ship liquors from them into Iowa. Wm.A.Ryan, who was arrested at the Syracuse, N. Y., postofSce for robbing the mail3 of letters, was arraigned and plead guilty. He waived examination, which was set down for next Wednesday. About 150 lev ters were found in his pockets, 20 of which were stolen last night The money and other vala bles taken are said to amount to more than $2,000, and he Eays that his depredations were begun about a month ago. He is IS years old. Yesterday morning witnessed probably the most disastrous Are that ever visited Topeka. It broke out at 5-20 in the handsome doable front five-story stone block at Nos. SU and K18 Kansas avenue, owned by Wilson Keith and occupied by the George W. Crane Publishing Company. Crane to-day reopened in the old Commonwealth building. Keith's loss is $40 000, insurance $25,000. The block will be imme diately rebuur. The ongin ol the fire is un known. Rumors which havo gone abroad that Knights of Honor are about to withdraw from the State of Missouri are without foundation. The Supreme Dictator, Supreme Reporter and Supreme Treasurer and the Grand Dictator of Missouri have just returned from Jefferson City and say that the legislation now pending at the capitol witlr reference to fraternal be nevolent associations is entirely satisfactory and meets tho wants of the many orders now established throughout the country. According to the Naval Committee's report England is strong enough to cope with any single maritime power, but her navy suffers Dy comparison with the combined strength of any two powers, say France and Russia. England has 16 battle ships to France's 12 and Russia's 5. In unatmored cruisers and torpedo boats England is far behind her two rivals. To in crease the strength of her navy will be ono of the first measures of Parliament Great excitement prevails at Pocatello. Idaho, on account of tho closing of all nlacea nf UU3IUC39 vu wo iuauf viiLiuu uv uraer 01109 Indian Agent, acting under instructions from Washington. Special notices are being posted on all business bouses, declaring them closed and the buildings erected since September I. 1SSS, subject to confiscation, thereby rendering 2,000 people homeless. That it is the dete minationof the citizens to prevent the Indian police from destroying their property is very manifest Strenuous efforts are being made to settle tbe difficulty and if that is not accom plished there may be trouble. L. M. Hartley, ono of the wealthiest cattle owners in Northern Iowa, says that last fall ho let John O'Kcefo havo some cattle on time, taking a chattel mortgage on the stock as secu rity. When the mortgage camo is al leged, the cattle had disappeared, and so had O'Kcefc, who turned up at tho Essex House, in Windsor, Ont. last December, under the name of J. C. Conloy. After trying in every legitimate way to get Conley in the United States, Hartley gave up tbe chase and returned to Iowa, leaving a detective to work on tbe case. Through a ruse of the detective Conley was decoyed to Detroit and arrested as he stepped off the Grand Trunk ferryboat. It is said that the amount involved in the transac tion will reach K&.UW. Hon. J. D. Alsop, a prominent lawyer at Dyersvillc, la., and Mayor or thatplace. nar rowly escaped death AVednesday. Entering his office he placed in the stove a couple of sticks of wood, wben almost instantly a terrific ex plosion occurred. The stove was hurled up to the celling, a partition in the room blown down and firebrands and ashes scattered in every direction. One stick of wood flew past Mr. AIsop's head, through a window and into the middle of the street On being examined it was found tbat tbe stick had a hole bored in it almost the entire length. This apertnre had been filled with an explosive and neatly sealed up. Mr. Alsop luckily escaped with a few slight injuries. He disclaims any knowledge of the perpetrator or his motive. Tho Bordentown, N. J., Female College, after a life of nearly 35 years, exists now only in name. The realistic pictures of the ways and methods of immoral people, which the principal of thescbool.theItev.Dr.Bowen. depicted with such graphic minuteness of de tail to the senior class of 12 voung ladies, on Wednesday last, ba3 practically driven, every scholar from tho school. Three of the six teachers remain, though their occupation i3 gone. They sat in their recitation rooms to day at tbe appointed hours for lessons and were greeted bv-empty benches. The farce of con tinuing the form of the school being open can hardly be kept up much longer, and it is safe to say that by next week all of the teachers will have gone, and that there will be nobody in the big building but the Rev. Br. Bowen and his family. Tunnel No. 17, on the Cincinnati Southern road, near sunburr. renn., is still burning. The fire was cansed'by a freight train collision, by which a tank containing 2SflO gallons of oil was broken and set afire. Lmd explosions are heard every few minntes, indicating that the limestone, coal and woodwork inside tbe 'tun nel arc combining with tbe flames to make tbe tunnel a wreck. There is little hope of sub duing the flames, for it is evident tbat two 12 inch coal veins are burning, and may do so for months. Tbe idea is to flood tbe tunnel. Both ends have been dammed up and two large streams of water havo been turned inside. This water may fill the tunnel in a week. The tunnel is higher in tbe middlo than at the ends, and the coal veins are at the high point, so that the water will hardly reach them. If this fails an attempt will bo made to smother the flames by sealing tbo ends of the tnnncl to make it air tight Thousands of dollars have bsen lost in passenger and freight business, and a 1,250 foot tunnel will have to be rebuilt. The master car buildcrot tbe road says tbe.loss will not be less than $250,000, while General .Road Master Mullano says it wilt amount to much more. PAGES 9 TO 12. THE CANADIAN IDEA. Citizens of the Dominion Are Not let Keady to be Formally ANNEXED TO THE UNITED STATES. They Would like to Arrange a Commercial Union, However. ADDEESS AT A WASHIIfGTOx1" BAXQUET Chicago, February 22. In accordant with its annual custom, the Union Leagus Club to-d2y celebrated the anniversary of Washington's birth. Its commemoration ot that event was begun in Central Musis Hall this afternoon. The platform was oc cupied by distinguished men from various parts of the Union, and the large auditorium was completely filled with prominent peopla of this and other cities. One of the orators of the occasion wa3 General Jacob Dix, of Ohio, whose address on "Washington the Citizen's Example was listened to with close attention. At 7:30 this evening the members of the club and their gnests sat down to the annual banquet at the Club House. At its conclusion ths following programme of toasts was taken up: "American Policy forthe American People," General Russell A. Alger, of Michigan. The Political Relations of tho United State and Canada, from a Canadian Standpoint, Henry W. Darling, of Toronto. "Manifest Destiny," Hon. Frank F. Davis, of Minnesota. The American Commonwealth," Bishop Charles Edward Cheney. A CAXADIAir TALKS. Mr. Darling said in part: '"To thoughtful Canadians the word "annexation" has an omin ous and unattractive ring, conveying to them an impression of a confession of failure in tho mission committed to them by their fore fathers as to the future destiny of their coun try, an impression that they are adopting vol untarily in despair the only recourse open to them, if tbey are to escape irreparable disas ter; or an impression of coercion and force at which their nature revolts, and which they aro bound to resist I think I correctly describo the prevailing sentiments of Canadians generally, when I say the word "annexation" is extremely distasteful to them. You wonld probably despise them were it otherwise. The tie that binds them to the Motherland is a silver thread that can bo broken practically at will, but this affection for the land of their forefathers is a feeling which is and always wilt be predominant in their breasts. British Canadians cling to the glories and traditions ot the race. They hope to be ablo to preserve all the characteristics of England's prosperous policy. They bavn neither sympathy with, nor en couragement for the follies of the British Em pire. They maybe mistaken as to their ultimato destiny, and tbey may over estimate their abili ty to make the North American Continent tho home of a great and independent Anglo-Saxon race: but if their political relations are to ba changed, it will come about as the natural, seauence of events, and not purely as the re-l suit of an appeal to sordid or material considJ erations. (MJE MAT LEAVE. I can conceive of a policy of injustice to ono of the provinces being carried to an extent that might produce a movement in favor ol the separation of that province from the con federation, with a view to union with tha United States. Bat such an agitation, based on righteous and equitable grounds, would bo almost certain of accomplishing the removal of the injustice or the defeat of tbe party in power perpetrating it The feeling against against America, bredy your Revolutionary War, which drove the loyalists who founded Canada into exile by the War of 1812 and by subsequent misunderstandings, bas largely passed away; but the growth of good will is a different thing from readiness of political union, and I cannot help earnestly ab juring you. while we are discussing tbe advan tages which I hope to lay clearly before you of another union, to dismiss from yonr minds the Question of Dolitieal union. I refer to what is known as commercial union or unrestricted reciprocity or continental free trade, which ever of these terms may best convey the idea to your minds. I would ask you to look at the map of North America and say whether it is not in violation of all the indications of nature that artificial barriers to trade and commence should ba erected along an imaginary line stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacifflc, between peo ples of common descent andcommon language. who are engaged in a common aim. namely: The making tributary to their material ad vancement the vast resources of nature, which by the bounty of Providence have been placed at their disposal. OUE COMMOX EfTEEEST. Granted for a moment that there are two nations, that each has its individual interest to preserve; and its national requirements in tha way of revenue to be provided, the policy that separates them at present does not exist mainly for revenue purposes, because your Treasury is an overflowing one; and the policy of Canada was adopted as an alternative to one which, bad you been willing, would have been infinitely preferred by their people. The speaker declared that the position taken by Hon. Ben Butterworth and other American statesmen on reciprocal trade had caused an agitation of unparalleled rapidity in Canada, though it was some what checked by the passage of the retalia tion bill, which, however, he believed, grew out of a political exigency. With recipro cal trade, he thought there would be no difficulty about assimilating the tariffs of the two countries, as the tendency in the United States, he said, is downward, while that in Canada is upward. The speaker continued: The proposition is that reciprocally theduties should be abolished by both countries upon all products and commodities, the growth, pro duce or manufacture of the other country, leaving freedom to each country to levy what duties tbey might tbink proper upon the goods of other countries. The object, you will notice, is the same, namely, to secure continental free trade. JIM'S SON 1XTERYIEWED. Emmons Blaino Thinks Blalno Will bo la tha Next Cabinet. Emmons Blaine was at the depot yesters day, returning from Washington to Chica go. He believes his father will be in Har-. rison's Cabinet, though his father had told him he would not be. He said he hadn't heard that a reconciliaj tion was to take place between yonng Jim and his wife. OLIVE LOGAN, in to-morrovft Dis patch, tells about 2Irs. Cleveland's famous farewell waltz at the White House, describes the painful extremes of Washington society, and touches upon the stylet in dress. Salvation Oil is without doubt the cheapest, and best liniment Price 25 cents. Cnln & Vcrner Are offering great discounts in shoes. Ik will pay you to invest now. Fifth ave. and Market st its Lincrastn-Wnlton At John S. Roberts', 414 Wood st Compelled Co Move Onr store April 1, and will give at least 10 per cent discount lor cash on any pair of shoes. Many lines below cost us Caix & Verser. Liter complaint cored free at 1102 Cart son st, Southside. Itemovnl Sale. Shoes can be bonght cheaper now than ever before. Every pair of shoes is subject to a cash discount of at least 10 per; cent Many shoes below cost. its Cakt & Veekeb. REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LIU, 401 SmltliGeld Street, cor. Fourth Avenue, Capital, SIOO.OOO. Surplus, $33,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent xxs n 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers