7 it ft1 JOB PUBLIC BENEFIT. Nearly $100,000 Worth of the City's Property Kow Lying Idle. IT MAT BE TURKED INTO GROUNDS And Given to the Use of the Public hj a Little JlaneuTerinff. TWO 1JITOETAXT BOAED MEETINGS At a meeting of the Finance Committee yesterday, with V. A. Magee in the chair, and Messrs. Morrow, McCandless and Brown present by invitation. The invita tion was issued by the Chairman for the purpose of devising some means for dispos ing of properties to be sold for taxes for which there are no bidders. It was explained that heretofore, when such property is advertised and there are no bidders, the city is compelled to bid the property in, bnt the Sheriff cannot deliver the deeds unless the city pay the costs, and the latter cannot locally be done, so another sale ensues, perhaps with a like result In order to prevent this, Mr. Magee pro posed that 520,000 be appropriated to pay the costs of sheriff sales on property sold for city taxes, and that the Controller buy the property in and demand the deeds with out paying the costs, and if it be refused, to carry it to tbe "courts, and if the Supreme Court refused, then to pay the costs out ot the 20,000. There was 5100,000 worth of property in the city's hands which might be utilized, and if there were no bidders for the city property, he thought it ceuld be con verted iuto public parks or used for public interests. Controller Morrow thought the latter part of Mr. Macee's proposition was all right but objected to carrying the question of costs to the Supreme Court, Thomas Cauley asked $227 damages for injury to his child by the upsetting of a stop gate on Nineteenth street; referred. Saitta, Cueno & Co. asked ?1,868 and J. H. Lettnian S930 for damages to goods by the bursting of a water pipe near the Mc Cance block during a fire on January 13; referred to a sub-committee. -J. A. Mnndorf & Co. had said taxes on $20,000 worth ot property on the Southside, but it was destroyed by fire and they wanted tax s returned; referred. A petition asking the Chief of Public "Works to improve the streets and sewers of Xawrenceville was also referred. The Board of Viewers held a meeting on the assessment o benefits by the laying of the sewer on -Nineteenth street, and to-day will hear appeals for damages by the grad ing o Linden 6treet and to-morrow by the grading of Oakland avenue. THE! COULDN'T BE CORNERED. Defendants in the Bract Boycott Case Called Up in Tnln. Before Master M. A. "Woodward, the bearing in the Brace Bros.' case yesterday elecited lively interest. Joseph S. Mur doch, their driver, testified that he lost 15 customers out of 1,000 during the boycott. C. H. Brace was recalled and said he recognizd Messrs. Dicus and Dovey as having followed his wagons. The defendants were then called and asked to give their full names and ocenpations. John M. Kelly objected to being examined, on the ground that the evident purpose was to connect him with the boycotting by rea son of his being an editor ot a labor paper, and a member of the organizations inter ested. The objection was overruled and Mr. Kelly said he was proprietor, editor, publisher, and everything but the printers' devil, of the Commoner and Glass Worker. Mr. Dovey was called, but his counsel ob jected, for the reason that he was a de fendant and that the facts might -be proved by other witnesses. This was finally over ruled, and Mr. Dovey said he was Master "Workman of D. A. 3, but had resigned in November, 1887. His attorney, Mr. Porter, objected to several questions in regard to his relations with the organization and was sus tained. Mr. Jennings took np the remainder of the session in trying to identify a letter to Brace Bros., alleged to have come from Felix Mair, making Brace Bros, the one exception to the firms whose laundry work they were to take a hand in delivering, and especially indicating that all deliveries to that firm would be obstructed. None could or would identify the signature, however, and the hearing was adjourned for a week. TITTBURG'S RESOURCES. flow Tfaey Will be Laid Before the Com mercial Nations of the World. "While the reputation of Pittsburg and vicinity as a great manufacturing center is widespread, there is a want of information as to the multiform articles made. Even Pittsburgers are at a loss when abroad to specify beyond the primary staple articles. "With the object of disseminating such knowledge, Mr. Geo. H. Thurston will pub lish in the early spring a "Cyclopedia of the Workshops. Manufactures and Other Inter ests ot 'Pittsburg and Vicinity." The title indicates the character of the letter press of the work and its scope. Such a publication will be especially valuable to those whose specialties are described and illustrated, and to the manufacturing interests of the whole county generally, as Mr. Thurston will distribute at his own expense copies of the work, handsomely bound and printed, not only through the United States but alo to the'ehief business centers of England, Ger many, France, South America, Japan and Mexico. In the last 30 years Mr. Thurston has pub lished four or five statistical and historical works relative to Pittsburg and vicinity, which have become authorities in all quart ers where received. The proposed work will handsomely supplement those as a standard book of reference as to the thousand and one articles produced in Allegheny connty. IN SEED OP CARS. The Citizens' Line Contracts for Ten More Cable Cars. The Citizens' Traction road yesterday contracted with the Pullman Company for ten more cars to be used on the cable road. Mr. C' L. Pullman was in the city, and closed the contract. The company finds that it hasn't enough cars to accommodate the heavy travel since the road began operation on Monday. These cars will be built at once. A 85,000 Picture Free. "Will They Consent?" is a large magnifi cent engraving, 19x21 inches, an exact copy of an original painting by Kwall, which "was sold for $3,000. This valuable picture is fitting to adorn iny lady's parlor, and in order to offer a extraordinary inducement to introduce our AVar Starch, this costly picture will be given away, free to every purchaser of a small box of Wax Starch. Ask your grocer for Wax Starch and obtain this beautiful and costly picture free. The "Wax Staech Co., Keokuk, Iowa. The Queen of Flours Is a new brand, "Eosalia," manufactured by "Whitmyre & Co., Thirty-eighth street and Allegheny Valley Railroad. Try it and be convinced that it is a flour of most excellent quality. Carry University Is progressive in policy, liberal in manege roent, thorough and practical in instruction, popular inmethodsand snccessfnlfa results. Winter term begins January 2, 1889. D THE DOCTOR'S $1,150. How Joseph X. Dickson, 91. D., Hopes to Slake Some Insurers Svrent. Dr. Joseph if. Dickson yesterday filed his statement and claims in his suits against the Fidelity and Casualty Company, of 2f ew York, and the People's Mutual Acci dent Association, of Pittsburg. The suits' were brought to recover benefits under acci dent policies which allowed S25 per week for total disability from accident Dr. Dick son was accidentally cut on the thumb while performing an operation. Nothing serions happened at the time from the wound, but two months afterward blood poisoning set in, resulting from the cut, and Dr. Dickson was dangerously ill for sevcra months. He presented his claims for the bene fits, but the insurance companies refused to pay, claiming that the disablement was not from accident, but ordinary sickness. Dr. Dicknn broncht suit, and claims $650 benefits and SoOO damages lor breach of contract from each company. To-Day' EsUtes of Sarah J. .Baxter Abraham -Macro. Andit 1.1st. Accountants. .J. TV". Baxter. James A. Russell. Chas. W. fecovel. KouertU. Campbell j. L,. sniaii Alary Koch James Laugnltn.... 11. Houston , M. M. Hughes F. 11. Duckworth... Thos. 1". UUchrlst.. .Mary E. Small. ..James Mllllgan. .11. F.J ones etal. .Wary A. CralK. .Ann H. Lo?an. ..C J. Duckworth. .David UUchrlst. To-Dnv'a Trlnl Lint., Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Homer and Charles UpdegrafL John Leizkowskt, Will- iam Harrison, Kate Woods. Edward Barton, Harry Fleming. August Steinecke, Charles and George Jones. John R. Scott, James Devine, John Hoffman, alias Craig, George Anderson, Jack Finnefrock, Charles Bond, John Harpie, August Lewis, J. A. Cook. Lines From Legal Qunrtcm. The will of Samuel McKown, of South Fayette township, was filed for probate yester day. A thousand dollars was left to the Beth any Presbyterian Church at Bridgeville. Decrees in divorce were granted yesterday in the oases of Elizabeth Roach against John Roach, and Kate Sheppard against Henry Sheppard. Desertion was alleged in both cases. The trial of John K. Scott, for assanlt and J batiery on Dr. C F. Bincamen, was to have taken place in tho Criminal Court yesterday, but Scott didnot appear. A process was issued for him and the trial placed on the list for to-day. Judge Hawkiss, yesterday, heard argu xncnts in the Orphans' Court on the petition of "William C Albert R. and John C. Rjthrum, minors, to have removed William J. Rothrum, tbeirgnardian. They claimed the cnardian took possession of their property in Allegheny, him self, to suit his convenience.. No decision was rendered. Judge Achesojc yesterday heard testimony in the habeas corpus proceedings brought by William J. Conn, of Toronto, O., to recover his nephew, William J, Davidson, who had en listed in the United States army while under age. The court decided to dismiss the bill, and ordered Davidson back into tho custody of the recruiting station. ' The grand jury yesterday returned a true bill against Hugh O'Donnell, better known as "Oyster Paddy," for being accessory to murder after the fact. The case Is the murder of Thomas Miller, for which Daniel Leahy was tentenced 11 vears and 6 months to the peni tentiary. Paddy introduced him by a false name and procured him lodgings. The County Treasurer yesterday paid out 53,517 60, semi-annnal interest on Allegheny county riot bonds: $2,692 SO was sent to Town send, Wheelen & Co- for not "bonds held in Philadelphia; $33,473 37 was also sent to Phila delphia tor interest on registered coupon bonds and $3,339 30 for the same is payable here. In addition $6,000 interest is now payable on the 4 per cent Court House bonds. A Valuable Franchise Secured. The franchise of easy digestion one of the most valuable in the gift of medical science can be secured bv any person wise enough to use Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, either to sup press growingxlyspepsia, or to uproot it at ma turity. Bilious, rheumatic and fever and ague sufferers, persons troubled with nervousness and the constipated, should also secure the health franchise by the same means. MEETINGS. TOTiaEMEMBEBsTF SMOKY CITY L Council No. 119. Jr. O. U. A. SL, are hereby requested to meet at their ball, corner Eigh teenth and Sarah streets, on THURSDAY, Jan nary 3, 1SS8, at 1 r. sr., to attend the funeral of our late Bra. John T. Payle. Sister Coun cils invited to attend. jaS-91 GEO. T. EMERY, Secretary. The Chabtikks Cobxeb Wood Pittsburo, "VTOTICE A SPECIAL MELTING OF THE JA stockholders of this company will be held at the office of tho company on Wednesday, March 6, 1SS9. at 2 o'clock P. 3T. to take action on the recommendation by the board of Direct ors to issue bonds to the amount of $1,000,000, secured by mortgage upon the property of the company,' being for the funding of the debt of said company. F. J. TENER, Secretary. ja38-D OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. "YJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE i.1 assessments for the opening of the f ollowr ing named streets and avenues viz: Opening of Center avenue, from Sono to Neville street. Opening of Negley avenue, from Bryant to Butler street Opening of Greenbush street, from Wyoming street to Boggs avenue. Opening of Bellefonte street, from Fifth avenue to Walnut street. Opening of Moultrie street, from Fifth ave nue to Tustin street. Opening of Brady street, from Fifth avenue to Monongahela river. - Opening of Elwood street, from Roup to O'Hara street. Opening of Clinton street, from South Fifteenth street to McKee's line. Ooening of Cowan street, from Greenbush to Wyoming street. Opening of Bi eed street, from TJxar alley to South Fifteenth street. Are now in my bands for collection, and, if not paid within 50 days of the date hereof, liens will be filed for the unpaid assessments, with interest, cost and fees. W. C. MORELAND. City Attorney. PlTTSBUBG, December 29, 1888. de29-78- TAXPAYERS' NOTICE. Office of the Board of Assessors, I PlTTSBUBG, Pa, January 2, 1889. J Valuations upon propertv in the First, Sixth, Twelfth First, Twelfth Second, Thir teenth, Sixteenth.Twenty-third.Twenty-eighth, Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth wards have been completed for the triennial assessment of 1SS9. Appeals may be made as follows: First, Sixth, Twelfth First, Twelfth Second, close January 12, i p. jr.; Thirteenth, Sixteenth, Twenty-third,close January 14, 4 P. M.; Twenty eighth, Thirty-fourth, Thirty-fifth, close Janu ary 15, i p.m.. upon forms furnished with tran scripts, which can be had at once upon per sonal application, or by letter or postal card. All appeals must be probated at this office. Office hours from 9 A. M. till 4 F. M. Attention is called to Section 23 of the new charter, which provides that 'The Board of Assessors shall assess all property taxable for city purposes at its actual cash value; provided, that no property shall be assessed for a less amount than the price paid for at the last re corded sale." By order of Board. FRANK P. CASE, ) PHILIP HOERR. S Assessors. JAMES J. LARKIN, ) ja3-18-D Continued on Seventh and Eighth Pages. BUSINESS CHANGES. HAVING SOLD MY INTEREST TO H. HOFFERin Mercantile Protective Bu reau, the partnership heretofore existing be tween G. H. Connick. E. C. Hoover & G. H. Garber is hereby dissolved, and I hereby cor dially recommend the new firm to then hole sale merchants and manufacturers of the city, Geo. H. Gabber. E. C. Hoover. G. H. Connick fc H. Hoffer have this day formed a copartnership to be known as the Mercantile Protective Bureau, who will continue the business as heretofore. Office, 604 Penn Building, Pittsburg. ja3-91 DISSOLUTION NOTICE NOTICE IS hereby given that the copartnership here tofore existing between William P. Greer and Arthur B. French, under the firm name of Greer & French, condncting a china and glass ware bu-iness, at 622 Penn avenue, city of Pittsburg, has been this day dissolved by lim itation, Arthur B. French retiring therefrom. W. P. GREER. ARTHUR B. FRENCH. V. P. Greer will continue business at the old stand. 622 Penn avenue, opposite Library Hall. Arthur B. French will continue business at 516 Smlthfield street, opposite City Hall. ja2-45 C" QKE AND COAL MEN, PLEASE TAKE notice-The Arnbeim Livestock (delimited, hasnow in theirstableslOOheadof choice mules, of all sizes; any one wishing to purchase some have Vast selection to pick from. Call and examine our stock before buving at 52 Second avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. ARNHEIM " LIVE STOCK CO., Limited. . jaS-28 FFICE of Valley Gas Company. I ST. AKD THIKD AVE.. I . PA.. Dec. SL 1SSS. & Display advertisements 'bnt dollar pa square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc., ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch' Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad ver$isements "will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already bavo accounts with Tax DIS PATCH. FITTSBUKO. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 33C9 Butler street. EMIL O. STUCKET, atb street and i'enn ave. E. G. STUjL'KEY&CO.,Wylle ave. and Fulton st, N. STOKELY, Firth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. "W. "WALLACE, 6121 Venn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER 4 SHEIBLER, 5th av. Attrood St. SOUTOSIDE. JACOB SPOHN, No. 3 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWAEM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEBCHEK, 53 Federal street. McBRIDE BKOS., Federal and Ohio streets. FREDH. E6GERS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEK3 & SON, Ohio and Chestnnt its. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENKY. Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. FERRY M. GLEIM. Kebeccaand Allegheny aves. WANTED. Ulalo Ilelo. WASTED-BOY WITH SOME EXPERIENCE In the barber business. Apply 2001 CAR SON ST., a. S. JaW2 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS BUTCHER. FOR which (rood wages will be paid, by ADAM. APFEL, liraddock-. Ja3-7 -TTTANTrD-COMPETENT GARDENER ON V private place, ten acres, in East End. Ad dress P. O. BOX IK, Pittsburg. Ja3-10 WANTED-AT ONCE SHEARMAN. USED to Fhearlnir Bkcln bunks and shapes. Ap Dly SCOTTDALE IKON AND STEEL CO., 1VTD., Scottdile, Pa. Ja2-82 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS COA.TMAKER; none other need apply; a good man can have work the year round. Address LOCK BOX 601, Washington, Pa. J3-18 -TIT-ANTED ONE GOOD EXFERIENCLD wood turner: also a man that can work a spokemachtue. Apply JOHN HOLT, Necley P. O., Allegheny Co., Pa. 1a2-CG WANTED-TWO YOUNG MEN "WITH CASH security to run as news agents on railroad: H&t iiyai uaiua .n.tv3 uj .rjiisuurganu j.ikc e Depot, bouthslde. Ja3-MS: tTTANTED-AGENTS-Po A MONTH AND V expenses paid any person to sell our goods. No capital: salary monthly: particulars .free. STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. ocJ-rolS WANTED AGENTS TO SELL CLINE'S foot heaters and patent fuel for carriages, wagons, etc: sells at slKUt. Inquire after 3 r. jr., YM. SEMPLE. JR., 163 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. . delG-9-c -TTTANTED-MAXAOER FOR OUR PENN VV SYLVANIA office: salary S1.600: control S4. 000 (wholesale) worth of goods; must make 81.500 deposit; reference. WILSON, 2 Cooper Union. .New York. Ja3-I4 -rTTANTED-AN AMBITIOUS. ACTIVE MAN. V residing outside Pittsburg, to act for old hou6e in own btate: liberal salarv: references ex acted. MANUFACTURER'S SUPT., Lock Box 1610, N. Y. Oc7-48-Th -TTTANTED-A MAN THAT UNDERSTANDS tho running of gang slitters and rotary shears, and also a roller for a cold roll trip mill. MORRIS, WILLIAMS & BAILEY, Tbirty-nrst and Liberty sts. , ja3-8 WANTED-ALLMACHINISTS AND BLACK SMITHS to know that their fellow craftsmen at Wharton McKnight's Anchor Foundry and Machine Works. 44 Penn avenue, are on strike for good cause. Please look in news Items for caase. ja3-47 WANTED-PHYSICtAN TO LOCATE: MUST be a graduate of an accredited medical col lege, of not less than three years' practical exper ience: no office rent to pay; no horse needed; will average S3 per day. For particulars address BOX 73, Renfrew, Butler county. Pa. Jal-8 WANTED AGENTS TO HANDLE THE new patent Ink Erasing pencil; greatest noveltv ever produced; i-rases Ink In two seconds, no abrasion of paper; SCO to 503 percent profit; one agents sales amounted to 'so. in six days; another $32, In two hours: tcrritorry absolutely free: salary to ghod men: no ladles need answer; sample 35 ccnts.7-J,'or terms and full particulars, address, the manufacturers, J. W. SKINNER & CO., Onalaska, (Wis. Jal-57 WANTED-J, THOROUGHLY FIRST-CLASS man to alilst our Pittsburg salesmen In so liciting orders for lubricating oils among the con suming trade of Pittsburg and vicinity: previous experience In tie oil business not essential, bnt must be a rellallle man. good salesman and hard work er: no others need apply: good salary paid and permanent position to the right person: opnortu nltv for pcrsonal'1 nterview to suitable applicants at Pittsburg. Address, giving age, previous bus iness experience and references, VACUUM OIL CO., Rochester, N. Y. jal-47 WANTED-AN OVERSEER, OR CHIEF adviser, and one to three assslstants (ac cording to size of countv and population); S&5 a month salary and expenses to overseers, and S3) to assistants; no peddling; no soliciting: duties confined to making collections, distributing printed matter, putting up advertisements, etc., of Electric Goods; expenses advanced: salaries paid each month. Inclose 4 cent' postage for full specimen line of advertising nutter to ELECTRO UALVAMUCO, Palace Building. Cincinnati. O, No attention paid to postal cards. de23-43-Thsa Female IIClD. -VTrANTED-GOOD COOK FOR SMALL FAM- VT 1LY la East End. Address P. O. BOX 2)5, Pittsburg. a3-lo ' -TTTANTED-A WOMAN FOR COOK WITH V reference. J. S. ATTERBURY, 154 North avenue, Allegheny City. ja2-3S Slale nnd Pemalo Ilelo. -TTTANTED-IMMEIUATELY HOUSEKEEP- ER. Catholic preferred; pastry cook, ICO house girls, 40 cooks,10.ehanibermalds.nnrse girls, hotel chambermaid and ' waiters. MRS. MEE H AN. 54.1 G rant St. dc31-D WANTED-LIVE MEN AND WOMEN TO engage In an easy, paying business at home: can work daytime or evening and make 50c to S2 per hour: sure thing; sample and complete In structions sent free. Address, WORLD SUPPLY CO.. Rutland, Vt. de30-118 Situation. WANTED-SrrUATION BY EXPERIENCED nnrse; can take entire charge of a baby. Address C. S., Dlsnatcb office. ja3-23 VTTANTED-SITUATION BY A GERMAN V V gardener on a private place; good reference. Address N. D., Dispatch office. ja3-9 TrrANTED-A SITUATION AS STENOGRA- V PHER and typewriter by a boy 18 years of age: correct habits: willing to work for small wages until acquainted with business. Address P. E., Box 174, Blalrsvllle, Pa. J3-12 .Bonrdcra nnd Lodgers. WANTED -OCCUPANTS, TOR PART OF well-furnished house or several rooms fac ing park, well adapted for housekeeping. 43 MONTGOMERY AVE., Allegheny. Ia3-G -TTTANTED-PAUTY TO TAKE DINING AND VV other necessary rooms: family of four boarding with them; none but C-st-class party need apply: Immediate possession: rentral (Pitts burg) location. Address M. Q., Dispatch office. JaS-11 Rooms, nouscth Etc -TTTANTED-TO RENT-A HOUSE OF SEVEN V rooms with large yard: convenient to P. K. P.. or cable road. Address 11. D., Dispatch office. Jal-tt -rTTANTKD-BY APRIL I, SHOWROOM ON VV first floor on good business street; would rent one-half oflarge room with first-class party. Address SHOWROOM, Dispatch office. de7-f33 Bonrdlng. WANTED -DES1RAULE FHOKT ROOM, with board.for man and wife, near Plttshurg Postoffice. Address W. H. A CO., 515 Smlthfield street. , ja3-50 Kinnncial. WANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN in sums to suit, at 4& 5 and 6 per cent. GRABBING 4 LYON, 135 Fourth ave. ap6-el-D WANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT IN ALL parts of both cities: established 1863. V. A HEURON & SONS, 80 Fonrth avenue. JaS-43-l,7.1L 14, 18.21,23,23 WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over H.C00; iH per cent; no tax. HENHY A WEAYEK & CO., MFourth avenue. mli2-a22-D v ' -TTTANTED-GOOD MORTGAGES FOR ANY V V amount; lowest rates or Interest and commis sion. PITTSBUKH CO.. LIMITED, Kcal Estate and Insurance, 133 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, tfa. Jal-9l-D -TTTANTED-TO LOAN f500,000. IN AMOUNTS VV of p.000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 44 percent, free of tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and6 per cent. BLACK & UAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. ) sc21-d2S-D XTT-ANTED-TO LOAN $200,000 ON MORT- W GAGES; S100 and upward at 6 per cent; 1500,000 at 4K per cent on residences or business property; also in adjoining counties. S. H, kln Uti, i i oimu avenue. owi-eirt-D W" ANTD-MORTGAGE3-H,000,fC0TOLOAN on cltv and suburban nronertles at 4K. Sand 6 per cent, and on lanns In Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent; no money loaned out of PcnnsylvanU. 1. l. i'ENNOOK & bON, 105 Fourth avenue. ip'-fll WANTED-HOUSES TO RENT AND RENTS to collect In both cities. We give special attention to repairs, taxes, insurance and man agement of oropertles: itemized accounts, month ly settlements. I'lTTSBUltG CO., Llm., 138 Fifth, avenue, Ileal Estate and Insurance. jal-94-D WANTED. -r- Financial. -TTTANTED-HOUSES TO RENT AND RENTS VV to collect. A. H. LESLIE, Forty-second and Butler sts. de31-15 WANTlCD-HOUSEHTO RENT AND RENTS to collect. LAS1IELL & RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. 1a3-2-Tbssu WANTED Wis HAVE $5,000 TO LOAN FOB long or short time at S per cent. D. P. THOMAS Jfc CO., 408 Grant St. nol4-o73 WANTKD-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH LY settlement with Itemized statement. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth avenue. aSS-a2)-D Miscellaneous. WANTED-TO BUY TWO-CHAIR BARBER shop In good locality. Addresswlth full particulars, T. C. PIERCE, Warsaw, Wyoming county, N. Y. Ja3-17 WANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THE ELITE GALLERY. 516 Market St., Pitts burg, makes the finest photographs for less money than any otber gallery fn the two cities: cabinets $1 per doz. deM-fc:4-TTSSa WANTE1-BY PEARSON. LEADING PHO TOGRAFHERsOS Firth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that be Is making fine cabinets at 1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneons process. mhl3-V27 FOR 2 .. Cltr Residences, i FOR SALE WEBSTER AVE.- BRICK, bouse, 4 rooms and storeroom; lot 20x70; cneap. .). it. cuuirju a i;u., iu s ouriu ave lal-16-TnWTh3 FORSAI,E-S1,50CGRANDV1EW AVE.-SUB-STANTIAL5-room frame house, lot 20x100; only S250 down, balance same as rent. C. HAL TEN SPERGER & CO., 154 Fonrth ave. Ja3-49 F OUSALE DAVIS ST. NffW BRICK HOUSE, c rooms, finished attic halL vestibule, marble mantels, good cellar, nat. and art. gas: lot 20x94: cheap and terms easy. J. B. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. Jal-16-TuWThs P lORSALE-MT. WASHINGTON, ON GRAND VIEW ave. Si 500: must be sold at once; frame dwelling, 6 rooms, halL nat. gas, city water, con venient to incline: lot 42xl60. J. R. COOPER CO., 107 Fourth ave. Jal-16-TuWTls, FOR SALE-(39)-NEARTHEPAKK, SECOND ward, modern brick dwelling, 10 rooms, wide hall, bath nnd all conveniences; corner lot. 25 feet front: term". SI. 000 cash, balance 1500 per year. SA5IUEL W. BLACK CO., 99 Fourth ave. de29-73-TTS 1710KSALE-MT. WASHINGTON, ONLY 13,500, two squares from Incline, almost new frame dwelling, 7 rooms, hall, good cellar, nicely fnrulshed and papered; shade trees: fine river view; lot 35x233: a great bargain. J. R. COOPER &CO., 107 tourthave. Jal-16-TUWThs FOR SALE 199) -FIFTH AVENUE CORNER property near Jumonvllle et.. almost new brick dwelling, nine rooms, two baths, all con veniences; fine storeroom can he made In It; ex cellent Investment; will pay 10 per cent. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 89 Fourth ave." de23-77-TTS East End Residences. FOR SALE SEVERAL FINE RESIDENCES, on line of Firth avenue cable cars, at Oak land and East End. or between Oakland and city. THOS. L1GUETT, 114 Fourth ave. tie30-52-irwThssu FOR SALE - FINE QUEEN ANNE RESI-. DENCE, 9 rooms, all modern conveniences; also good stable and carriage house; lot 50x135 to 20-foot alley: good location; terms easy. J. C. RE1LLY, 77 Diamond St. 1al-79-TTSU ITlOK SALK-MEADOW ST., S3,6C0-7-ROOMED : frame dwelling, slate 'roof, porch, hall and vestibule, natural gas: lot 22,'4xl41 to alley. PITTSBURG CO., Limited, Real Estate and In surance, 133 Fifth ave. , Ja3-3-TT8 FOR SALE-STANTON AVENUE. GOOD LO CATION, a new brick and frame dwelling, 9 rooms, Bne halt bath. laundry, porches, etc; also stable and carriage house: price low, If sold quick. SAMUEL W." BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth avenue. JaI-78-jrwTSu FOR SALE HANDSOME MODERN QUEEN Anne dwelling, Stanton ave., near Ulland ave.: 10 rooms, reception hall, range, bath, laun dry, wide porches and fine lot 50x135 feet: good stable, stalls for three horses; both gases In honse and stable; special bargain: onlv f 10, 000, on easy payments. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. de27-49-TTSSu Alleshcny Residences. FOR SALE-SI. snO-N EAT (NEW) 4-ROOM frarao dwelling near electric road, Alleghe ny; lot 25x100. C BALTENSPEHG ER4.C0., 151 Fourth ave. Ja3-49 FOR SALE COR. NORTH AVENUE AND Federal st., Allegheny, a very desirable busi ness property: a large 1-story building In good condition: now saving a handsome Inco.ne. Ap ply at once. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Ja.J-33-TTS FOR SALE-FINE RESIDENCE SECOND ward, Allegheny, pressed brick front, 9 rooms, elegantly finished: both gases, hot and cold water on both floors: inside w. c, electric bells: large lot: a great bargain: terms easy, LASHELL & RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. Ja3-22-IhsSu OR SALE ON FREMONT ST., ALLE OHENY,' 2-story mansard, pressed brick front, 11 rooms, both gases and water, front and back stairs: lot 20x100 to an alley: brick house on rear of 4 rooms renting for (15 per mo.; verv de sirable and in good condition. THOS. LIGGETT, IMourth ave.,,, , de30-50-MTTF8.i. FOR SALE-UN NORTH AVENUE, ALLE GHENi, 2-story brick house 11 rooms, man sard roof, hall and laundry, stationary wash tubs, water and both gases throughout the houses electric bells, mantels of slate and marble, tile and marble hearths; house in good repair; lomx 110 toa paved alley. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. de3O-S0-MTTF8 Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-AT NEW GALILEE," PA.. A 'large ten-room frame house, with basement kitchen, washhouse, coalhouse and other neces sary outbuildings: lot 100x150; well good water; very pleasantly located on llneof p.Ft.W.&C. and P.M. &C. R. R.'s.; price, SI.500. Particulars from GEO. W. PYLE, New Galilee, Pa. Jal-58-D FOR -SALE THE ELEGANT RESIDENCE property ofMrs. A. B. Weaver, at the corner of Fifth and Market streets, FreeporL Pa , con sisting of a2J-storv brick dwelling of IS rooms, having a front of SO feet, and extending back 96 feet, with a hall 10x38 feet: natural gas through out; a good pavement all around: well shaded with maple trees; tbo ground of the premises Is 68x100 feet: a lawn, with shrubberyand peach trees bear ing: the properly can be bought very cheap. HENRY A. WEAVER CO., 92 Fourth avenue. Ja3-2-TbS Cltr Lot FOR SALE-ACT QUICK-OVER 8 ACRES within city limits; price only S6, 000. If sold this week. BLACK &BAIKD, No. 95 Fourth ave. Jal-53 FOR SALE CLIFF STREET LOTS, COR. CAS SATT St., 25x70. cheap. Desirable location near incline. PITTSBURG CO., Limited, Real Estate and Insurance, 133 Fifth avenue. Jal-88-TTS FOR SALE LOTS. LOTS; BARGAINS IN lots In Dickson and Denny's new plan: 600 building lots, between Twenty-eighth andThirty thlrd street, above P. R. It., at prices trom S100 to (1,000 per lot, on very easy payments; call and see plans at my ofifce at once if you want the pick of location and before the price goes up; come and see me before purchasing elsewhere. Call or eend for Immense list or over 700 "properties for sale all over both cltlea ind suburbs byTHOS. MCCAFFREY. Notary Public and Leading Real Estate Agent, 3503 Butler street. Telephone 1641-2. Office open evenings. lal-29-TTS . East End Lots. FOR SALE-ON HOWE ST.. E. E., NEAR Roup: lot, 20x138; fiOO. THOS. LIGGETT. 114 Fonrth ave. de30-ol-MWTSSu FOR SALE-ON FIFTH AVE.. snADYSIDE; 3 fine lots, 100x180 each. For further p rtlcu lars call on or address THOS. LIGGETT, 111 Fourth ave. de30-5i-MWFSSu FOR SALE-ON PENN AVE., E. E.; LOT, :04x2OO; running back to a 6treet: on line of Penn ave. cable cars. THOS, LIGUEIT. 114 Fourth ave. de30-61-MWPSSu FOR SALE-HOWE ST.. NEAR CORNER DEN NISON ave.. lot 25x120; alley In rear: cheap It sold soon. PITTSHURG CO., Limited, Real Estate and Insurance, 133 Fifth ave. Ia3-3-rrs FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS, AT DALLAS STA TION, P. R. It., convenient to steam and 6treet cars: cheap nud on easy terms, situation unsurpassed: price ranging irom HOOtoKOO. In quire of D. 0. NEGLEY, 6103 Penn ave., East End. no28-y78-TTS FOR SALE-LOTS! LOTS! LOTSJ-ORAZIER, Bennett and Kelly streets, four minutes' tvit from lirushton station; no city taxes, with city eonveniences; no lot less than 40xi37 feet; terms to suit purchasers. Secure plan from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smlthfield st. de30-67-MTh FOR SALE-EAST END LOTS-HOWE 8T. near Dcnnlson, some cheap property on Em erson and Carroll st. one square from Cable line eac way: also an elegant lot on Larimer ave. PITTSBURG CO., Limited, Real Estate and In surance, 13S Fifth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. jal-8s-TTS Allechcnv Lots. rriOK SALE-A CHOICE BUILDING LOT. 20X JJ 110, to a paved alley, on Buena Vista street. Allegheny. West Side, just above the park. Ad dress BUENA VISTA Dispatch office. Jal-25 Special. FOR SALE-A LARGE LIST OF CITY AND suburban properties: also several desirable farms. LASHELL & RANKIN. 67 Fourth ave. Ja3-22-IhSSu FOR SALE-AT CORAOI'OLIS-NEW FRAME honse of three rooms, lot 25x150 Teet: price, (500, Also, new frame house of five rooms, lot o0xl50 reet: price only Jl.ooo. Also, Ana residence or 12 rooms, kitchen and servants rooms, stable, etc.; hairacreof ground; commands the finest view in Coraopolis; bargain to quick buyer. Alio, several houses and lots; large variety ot lots ranging In size from 25 feet front to three acres. LASHELL CAN KIN, 67 Fonrth avenue. Ja3-22-Tb6Su T7IOR SALE- OSBORNE-Honce 6 roQmsslot 157x400, and a good garden, lot 157x500. OSBORNE Splendid house 8 rooms, modern style, large grounds. OSBORNE Fine lot 200x200; good location. OSBORNE Abont 5 acres; good building lots; all nearSewIckley. EMSWORTH-Flue building lot Mx 285. BUUSHTON-23 desirable lots; large size; good location. WILKINSBURG-2 two-story frame houses, 8 . rooms and hall: lot 44x121. HAZEL WOUP-Frame house S rooms; lot 50x113; a bargain. For pattlculwi' call on J..DEK. MITT, 407 GrintSt, JaMS-mv FOR SALE. Snbnrban. Lots- , FOR SALE-'WILKINSBURG LOTSj LOTS, lots: 6 minutes from station: finest lots in tho borough; 52x120 feet each; streets sewered and macadamized: board walk from station: natural gas, etc.-; very low prices and terms to suit. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. Jal-16-TUWTlis Forms. , FOR SALEGARDEN TRUCK FARM AT Sharnsburg known as 'NulettFarm,' over 9 arrea: frame dwelling, stable, etc. ALLES & BAILEY. 164 Fourth avo. Telephone 167. de20-95-20,21,22,23,27,23,29,a),31,Ja2,3,4 Horses. Vehicles, Live Stock, fcc TTWRSALE-Ksa, HORSE, GOOD SPRING WA A: GON and harness: horse 7 years old, weighs 1.400 pound: sound In every respect. Address BARE CHANCE, Dlsoatch office. Ja2-3t FOR SALE-OR WILL EXCHANGE IN PART for a goodfenggv or cow a well-bred, 5-year-old pacing mare, 16 hands; won't scare at any thing: good saddler; price S225." Address U. X., LJioyatcii omce. ja-i Machinery nnd Metals. FORSALE 2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22, IBall engine, 1 small dynamo and 2 lamps and meatchoppers, rendering kettles etc. VELTE& MCDONALD, Penn ave., cor. Thirty-second st. lelO-163-rxs FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND machinery; engines from 4-horse power np, hollers, pumps, etc.: call or write for prices. FAHEY A PFALLER. Fabcr and Washington sts., near Union depot. ap24-v35H-TT3 FOR SALE SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept In stock, front 4 to lOOh. p.; all refitted: good as new, at lowest rices; mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. 1-25 Park way. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-92 Bnalnesa Cininrea. FOR SALE LEASE. GOOD-WILL AND FIX TURES of a wholesale produce commission business, now doing a good, profitable trade. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. Ja3-21-Ths FOR SALiJ-CIGAR STORE AND FACTORY on Fifth ave., ncr tho Court Honse. inctud lngstocic,38how cases, molds, press, leaf tobacco, etc.; 1.500 cash. THOS. LIGGETT. 114 Fourth ave. . de30-52-MWTbSSU FO K S A L 15.000 WORTH OF STOCK AT par, paylng20 per cent: extensive coal works, good small hotel, stores, drug stores, boarding nouses, tea stores, shoo stores, bakeries, con fectioneries, and other business chances. SHEl ARD & CO., 54 Fifth avenue. J3 FOR SALE-LEASE, FURNISHMENT AND good-will of the best farmers' hotel and board ing house In Allegheny; 30 rooms, well furnished; 80 stalls and yard-room: all in first-class condition; best of reasons for belling: immediate possession given. Inquire of J. M. SWAN, 189 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. , " Ja3-31 Business Stands. FOR SALEBUILDING LEASE ANDGOOD willofa boarding and sale stable: long lease; bargain to a cash buyer. LASHELL A RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. Ja3-22-Thssu F IORSALE- FIFTH AVENUE CORNER PROP ERTY: store ana awetllnr wort i ED. too: will sell for $16,000: within a few minutes walk of the Court House: good Investment. PITTSBURG CO., Limited. Real Estate and Insurance. jal-83-TTS Slonnfacturinc Sites. FORSALE-SEVERALFINE MANUFACTUR ING sites, convenient to railroad and river: very desirable locations. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. de30-5S-MWThssu FOR SALE -MANUFACTURING SITE: ONE of the best in the city, near Twenty-fifth St., on Allegheny Valley Railroad; has an iron clad building on lot 100x120 feet, on long lease; side-track connections with Allegheny Valley Railroad. For all particulars address CARRIER NO. 25. Plttsbnrg P. O. Ja3-90-D ' NOTICES. "OTICE- BIRMTNGHAM TURN SOCIETY To stockholders: The interests, pavable January 10, 18S9, will be paid at the IROK AND GLASS DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, 1115 Carson st, S. S., instead, as stated on the coupons, at the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank. CHAS. LEISSER, Pres. 1a3-52-ThS G. A. SEXADER. JR.. See. AMUSEMENTS. pi RAND OPERA HOUSE EXTRA. VT Week Jan. 7, only matinee Saturday. EDWIN BOOTH, LAWRENCE BARRETT. Monday JULIOS OSSAR Tuesday night and Saturday matinee MERCHANT OF VENICE Wednesday and Friday nights OTHELLO Thursday HAMLET Saturday night (double bill) FOOtfS REVENGE and YORICK'S LOVE All presented with new and elaborate scenery, costumes, armor, properties, etc., and a quin tet of selected vocalists. Farq. and 2 rows Farq. Circle, $2.50. balance of Parq. Circle. 2. Dress Circle, 5 first rows, $1.50; balance Dress Circle, $1, Gallery, 50c. Sale opens Thursday, Jan. 3. BIJOU THEATER. TO-NIGHT! MAGGIE MITCHELL. IN "LITTLE -BAREFDFJE." Next week, "Held.By the Enemy." ja3 GRAND CENTRAL RINK. Six-day Ladies' Bicycle Race. Misses Jcsso Oakes, Elsie Von BlunTen, May Allen. Hattie Lewis, Hilda Suallor. 5 BEAUTIFUL BICYCLEINNES. EVERY AFTERNOON AT 2 O'CLOCK, EVERY EVENING AT 7 O'CLOCK. 8 HOURS DAILY. ADMISSION 25 CT8. RESERVED SEATS 25 CTS. EXTRA. ja3-63 THE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA POULTRY SOCIETY'S BENCH SHOW OF DOGS Will be held January 23, 30, 31 and February 1, isaut GRAND CENTRAL 8KATING RINK. A large list of prizes are offered. Premium lists ate now ready. Apply to A. C. Krueger, Sup't, office Jas. Bown & Son, Gun Store, 603 Smlthfield street. E. GREGG. de31-7-Tbsu President. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Every evenine.regular matinees Wednesday and Saturday.special matinee New Year's Day, Donnelly and Girard in the great New York success. Natural Gas. Week January 7 Booth and Barrett. de30-9 TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night, matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. HARRY KERNELL'S NEW COMPANY. Night prices New Year's matinee. de3015 HARRIS' THEATER- , Every afternoon and evening. THE KIMBALL OPERA COMPANY. Next week Lights O'London. de31-19 HoN. DANIEL DOUGHERTY. America's Silver-Tongued Orator, Will lecture on Oratorv at LAFAYETTE HA LL. THURSDAYJsJAN. 3, ii p.m., under the auspices of the Columbus Club. deSO-77-TWTSu pATHEDBAL FAIR- Open every eveuing this week in Basement of Cathedral. SpeciaL attraction each even ing. Laughable Comedy of Handy Andy on Thursday and Friday evenings. ja3-05 riASINO MUSEUM- J WEEK OF DECEMBER 3L The only and original CRESCENT CITY COMBINATION, headed with the following artiit's: SYMONDS, HUGHES andRASTUS. Open from 10 A. M. until 10 P. M. de31-12 AUCTION rJALES. AUCTION SALE OF THE ENTIRE FUR NISHMENT of an East End residence removed to the auction rooms. No. 311 Market street,for convenienceof sale.FRHJA'i MORN ING, January 4, at 10 o'clock sharp. Fino up right piano, elegant brocatelle parlor suit, flue oak center table, mantel cabinet, easy chairs, pier mirror, rugs, curtains.ornaments. pictures, fine bookcase, library table, secretary desk, leather chairs, couch, clocks, bronzes, oak, ma hogany and walnut chamber salts, fine folding bed, mirror-door wardrobe, cheval glass, dress ers; wasbstands, bedsteads, bed lounges, brus sels and ingrain carpets for rooms, balls and stairs, decorated dinner set and fine toiletware, bedding, sideboard, extension table and dining cbairs, rockers.sewlng machine, carpet sweeper, laundry and kitchen famishment, sidebar buggy, harness, etc Goods on exhibition until time ofsale. HENRY AUCTION CO. LIM'T., Auctioneers. ja3-29 LEGAL NOTICES. VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN 1 application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on FRIDAY, January 11, 1889, by Henry Daub, Jdbn A. Harbaugb. R. A. Stevenson, W. B. Benton and W. H. Sbafer, tinder the general corporation act of April 29, 1871, and the supplements thereto, for the char ter of an intended corporation to be called tho "Merchants Building and Loan Association ot the City of Pittsburg," the character and object o( which in to transact such business as build ing and loan associations may lawf ally do un der the laws of this Commonwealth, and for tbesepnrposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges ,of said act of Assembly and Its supplements. B. H. SHANNON, de20-73-Th' - BollcltorJ TO EET. I s Cltv Residences. TO LET-TVYLIE AVENUE. NEW PRESS brick dwelling cor. Logan; 8rooms.lnstcom pleted, all modern conveniences. PUTHBOIU CO., Limited. Ileal Estate and insurance. IS) Klftb avenne, Plttpbnrg,1Pa,- - . Jal-83-TTS TJ LKT-30S. 66 AMD 6S SIXTH AVENUE; tbat fine, UrgeApuble house, cor. of Cherry al ley: 11 large roomsra most desirable house for elnb rooms or a boardlnte house? W. A 1IKKKON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. Ja3-33-TTS East. End Residences. TO LCT VERY DESIKABLE SUBURBAN residence, 2 squares off cable line, on Robin son St., Oakland:, large, new double bouse, 12 rooms: 2 acres of ground: stable; possession at onco lr desired: only S35 per mo. W. A. JIRKKON SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Ja3-31-TTS Apartments. T lOLTCT-THBEE-KOOM FLAT, FIKSTSTOItY, Marshall st. Allegheny: w. c, stationary wash siana, etc. inquire at 21 jLLauiun avi.., Allegheny. Ja3-19 , Farms. TO LET-TWO FINE DAIRY FARMS. ONE of 203 acres ana the other of 80 acres; good Improvements; nearelty. UKAEBINO & LYON, No. 135 Fourth avenue. la3-25-MTbs omccs. Desk Room. fcc. TO LET -OFFICE 13 BY 21 FT.; WELL lighted; on first floor of Germanla Savings' Hank building; rent reasonable to approved tenant. Apply to THOS. D. .KELLER. 413Tood street. I v v oc2S-a64-TTS TO LET-IN THE JMcCAMCE BLOCK, Sintthficld. Liberty and Seventh avenue, nell-llahted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street: passenger and merchandise eleva tors. de25-41-D TO LET-LARGE FRONT ROOM, SECOND floor, S18 Smltlifleld, St.. opposite City Hall and adjoining Dnquesnc Hotel, with cnalrs, desk, etc. MORRIS & FLEM1NO, 1C8 Fourth ave. del-d(3-TTS T:0 LET-(S9-REUUCEO RENTS: OFFICES IN Eisner building. Fifth ave. and Wood St.: finest location In city: large, light rooms: janitor service and steam neat free. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 80 Fourth ave. oc21-xl"-p T 10 LET-NEW OFFICES; SPLENDID LIGHT. The Gennanla Savines Bank. 423 Wood St.. having changed the luterloror its bonding by adding 15 large, alrv and well-lighted office.', with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fino location should apply at once at the BANK. de21-75-D Business Stands. TO LET-A LARGE STOREROOM-WITH cellar, on Penn: avenue, between Sixth and Eleventh streets. Apply to H. D. MASON, corner Eleventh and Pikcitreets. - de20-S7 TO LET-IIOTEL-ONE OK THE MOST prominent hotels; sltnate on one of the prin cipal avenues in the city; this Is a rare chance to rent a good, paying hotel. Apply to WM. II. PltlCE. Fire Insurance Agent, No. 93 Fonrth ave.. l'lttsbnrg. Pa. Ja3-16 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! come and see! come and see! good editions low prices. - LEVI'S BOOK STORE. 900 Liberty st. no4-13 PERSONAL-A GRAND SCTIE.ME AFLOAT If I can cnllitasnfliclcnt number of my friends and the public; nothing more or less than taking your last winter's suit and cleaning, repairing it for a trifle, so that yon can tide over the fall months. It Is well worth thinking of. and 1 shall be pleased to see yon at mv rooms, "65 Fifth ave., second floor. JAMES DlCKSUN, Tailor: tele phone IMrf. " anl6-n87-D LOST. LOST-ON FIFTH AVE..POCKETHOOK CON TAINING small sum of money and diamond ring. Finder will be rewarded it returned to DUFFY 4 CLAKKt 513 Grant St. ja3-M LOST-FINE BEAVERMUFF. SUPPOSED TO bo dropped from a carriage curner Franks-, town and Venn aves. Suitable reward will be paid If left at EAST LIBERTY POSTOFFICE. JS2-53 LOST-A FOX TERRIER, WHITE. EXCEPT face, half black; John S.Ford name on collar; snttablc reward will be paid by returning to P. PRESTON. Penn avenue, near Lang, East End. de30-2i LOST-SOTVER CHATELAINE WATCH AND thaln, Wednesday afternoon. January 2, between Osceola school (Twentieth ward) and Ben Venue Place.-via Center avenue. Reward will be paid If returned to Miss SADIE C. HILL. Ben Venue Place. Ja3-43 FOUND. FOUND GREAT. TA-VA-ZON SPECIALS have restored health to thousands: all who use them enjoy life. GRIFFITH'S DRUG STOKE. Third and Grant, PltUbnrg, Pa. Read "Key to Health." Ja3-57-Ths DIVIDENDS. DIVIDEND-REAL ESTATE LOAN AND Trust Co. have this day declared a divi dend of 3 per cent, "out of tho last 6 mos. earnings, pavable on and after, Januarv 10, 1889. C. BUHATJER, Jr.. Cashier. de31-ll Fifth National Iajtk; 1 D TVIDETnj-A DIVIDEND OF THREE 1 (31 PER CENT, has been declared out of the earnings .of the past six months, payable forthwith. A. C. KNOX, Cashier? . ja3-M Freehold B . Pittsburg, Decern! iber 31.1888. ORS OF th: XYTVIDEND THE DIRECT' THIS 17 bank have this day declared a dividend of TWO (2) PER CENT out of the earnings of tne last six montus. payaoie tortnwitu. jal-61 " J. F. STEEE, Cashier. Odd Fellows SAvraGSfBAUK, J PlTTSBtntG, Januarv 2, 1889. T-vrVIDEND-THE DIRECTORS OF THIS 1 banklhave this day declared a dividend of THREE (3) PER CENT out of the earnings of the last six months, pavable on demand, free of tax. F. E. MOORE, Cashier. CITY SAVINGS BANK OF PITTSBURG. Pa., December 31. 1S8S. The directors of this hank havo declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENTUM op the capital stock, payable forthwith out 'of the carmnzs uf the past six months. J. W. TAYLOR, Cashier. jal-70 Mechanics' National Bank, Pittsburg, Pa., December 31, 18S8. 5 DIVIDEMJ THE BOARD OF DIREC TORS of this bank have this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT out of the earnings of the last six months, payable on Tuesday, January 8. 1889. jal-28 ,GEO. J. GORMAN, Cashier. NationsBank fob Savings. -I No. 43 North Diamond Street, Allegheny, Pa., January 2, 18&9. TMVIDEND-THE BOARD OF DIREC- J TORS of this banfchavethis davdeclared r dividend of .THREE (3) PER CENT out of the earnings of the last six months, payable forthwith, free of tax. JOHN T. MORTON, ja5S-3,4,5 its Treasurer. DUCJUESNE NA TIONAL BANK, 1 Pittsburg, Pa, December 31, 1888. DIVIDEND THE BOARD OF DIREC TORS of this bank have this dav declared a dividend of FOUR-PER CENTUM ont of the earnings of the last six months, payable on demand, free of tax. A. H. PATTERSON. , jal-2 - Cashier. J Allegheny NationalBank. Plttsburg.Pa. T'HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAVE this day declared a' dividend of THREE PER CENT out of the earnings of the past six months, payable Januarv 2, 18S9. F. C. HUTCHINSON. Cashier. December 31, 1888. ja3-43 Masonic Bank, Pittsburg. Pa, Dcermber31, 188S. THIRTY-SECOND DIVIDEND - THE Board of Directors of this b ink have this dav declared a dividend of THREE (3) PER CENT on the capital stock nut of the earnings of the last six months, payable on demand. jal-06-D C. B. McLEAN, Cashier. Arsenal Bane. Pittsburg. December 21. 1SSS. j DIVIDEND-THE BOARD OF DIRECT ORS of this bank have declared a divi dend of FOUR- (4) PER CENT ont of the earnings of the list six months, payable forth with. W. S. WILLIAMS, jal-o3-D Cashier. Pittsburg National Bank of Commerce. -rSrviDEND- The Board of Directors of this bank have this day declared & dividend or FIVE (5J PER CENT out of the earnings of the last six months, payable forthwith, free" of tax. 0.1. WADE, Cashier. December.Sl. 1SS8. 'a3-U Tuna On. Company. 67 Fourth Ave., j Pittsburg, January 1. 18S9. t DIVIDEND -1 HE BOARD OF DIREC TORS of the Tuna Oil Company have this davdeclared aqnarterlydividend of FOUR (1) PER CENT., payable on and after January 2. 1889,- at the office of the" enmpanv. No. 67 Fourth ave. GEO. W. COCHRAN, Secretary and Treasurer. , ja3-12 Office of the Allegheny Bridge Co., J Pittsburg. Januarv 1. 1889. K TMVIDEND-THE "PRESIDENT AND J managers of the "'Company for erecting a bridge over the Allegheny river, opposite Pitts burg, in the County of Alleehenv," have this day declared a dividend of TWO (52) DOLLARS on each share ofx the capital stock, payable to stockholders or their legal representatives lonnwiin. w. ttU4.Etsu.Ktf, .treasurer. ja3-96 PlTTSBUBG. Decembef SL 18S8. DTVTDEND-AT .A MEETING OF THE Board of Directors of tho Allegheny County Light ConipanV, held December 29, 18SS,a dividend of THREES) PER CENT, was declared ont of tho earnings of the com pany for six months. ending'Decemher 31, 1888. Sayable January 10,. 1889, through the mails, ransfer-books closed from December 28, 1888, to January 10. 1889, at noon. J0HNCALDWELU J&3-45 Treasurer, PROPOSALS. NOTICE TO'CONTRACTORS-BlDS WILL be received until Friday. January -4, 1S8S, at 2 p. -JL, at the office of The Brownsville Nat ural Gas Company, at Brownsville, Pa., for, the treuchins and layinsof about (6) six miles of 6-incb pipe. Privilege reserved of declining all bids If not deemed satisfactory. Plans and specifications can bo seen at the company's office, Brownsville, Pj; GEO.W.LENHART, jal-51 Secretary and Treasurer. Department of Public Safety, Pittsburg, December 31, 1S88. j SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Con troller until 2 p. it., January 5, 18S9. for the printing and binding of 300 copies, moro or less. Manual Bureau of Fire, etc" Specifications can be seen at the general office of the department- Bonds in double the amount of the con tract will be required, said bonds to bejprobat ed before the Mayor or. City Clerk. The De partment of Awards reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, jaLSa Chief Department of Public Safety. PROPOSALS FOR DAMS AND DIKES U. S. Engineer Office, Cincinnati, O., Dec 18, 1888. Sealed proposals. In duplicate, for furnishing material and constructing dams and dikes in the Ohio river, to-wit: a dam be tween Davis and Neville Islands, a dam at the head of Marietta Island, a dike at Eight-Mile Island, a dike at Bonanza Bar, a dike at Madi son. Ind., and a dike at Caseyville. Ky., will be received at this office until noon, local time, on "WEDNESDAY, the SOtli day of January, 18S9, and then opened. A separate contract will be made for each structure. All information fur nished on application. The attention of bid ders is Invited to the acts of Congress approved Feb. 26.J885, and Feb. 23, 1887. WM. E. MER RILL, Lieutenant Colonel of Engineers. de3I-2S-de3l-1al,2,3,23.26 Ohio Connecting Railway. Office of Chief Engineer, 1 Pittsburg, Pa, December 27, 1888. J HOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of tbe undersigned, Pennsylvania Company's Building. Penn street, near? Tenth street, Pitts burg. Pa., until Saturday. 26th January, 1S89, for the grading, foundations, masonry, and bridge, superstructure of the Ohio Connecting Railway, between Nirnlck station, on tbe P. C. A St. L. Ry and Wood's Run station, on the P.,Ft. W.& C. Ry. The length of tbe line is two and one-fourth (2V) miles, and embraces tbe following work: 5,000 Cu. yds. earth excavation. 10.0CO Cu. yds. loose rock excavation. 10,000 Cu. yds. solid rock. 19.7C0 Cu. yus. excavation of foundation, dry. 5,800 Cu. yds. excavation of foundation, wet. 6,340 Cu. yds. excavation for ,caiS3ons and crillage foundations. 5,675 Cu. yds. concrete in foundations. 2.165 Cu. yds. concrete filling in caissons. 203,000 feet b. m. timber in foundations on plat forms. 5.000 Lin. ft. foundation piles. 3,400 Cu. yds. abutment masonry. 11,100 Cu. yds. pier masonry. 850 Cu. yds. masonry in viaduct pedestals. 550 Lin. ft. framed wooden trestle work. 360 Ltn. ft. pile trestle work. 2 Spans pin connected iron deck bridge 121' 9" each. 1 Span pin connected iron through bridge 416' 0". 11 Spans pin connected iron deck bridge 171' 1 5-8" each. 1 Span pin connected iron through bridge 525 y'. 1 Span pin connected iron deck bridge 137" 6". 2 Spans pin connected iron deck bridge las' 8'.' each. 651 Lin. ft. Iron plate girder viaductin alter nate spans of 30 and 46 ft. 270 Lin. ft. iron plate girder viaduct in alter nate spans of 30 ft. 75 Lin.ft, iron plate girder viaduct in one span. 1 Span wooden Howe truss through bridge 60 ft. long. Plans and specifications for this work are now ready for examination at this office. The right is reserved to reject anv or all bids. M. J. BECKER, Chief Engineer Ohio Connecting Railway. J33-39-TT3 DASCING ACADEMIES. PROF. BROOKS DANCING ACADEMY, Sixth and Ltbertt streets. (Member of the American Society of Pro fessors of Dancing, New York.) The second term for ladies amlgentlemen will commence THURSDAY. JANUARY & at 8 o'clock p. M. For ladies (exclusively) THURS DAY, JANUARY 3 at 3 o'clock P. M. For misses and masters, SATURDAY, JANUARY 5 at 3 o'clock T. at. For particulars call for circulars at music stores. de30-23 ELECTIONS. -UTY SAVINGS BANK OF PITTSBURG, J Pa.. December 3L 1888. The annual elec tion for directors of this bank will be held at tbe banking house. Sixth ave. and Smitlifield st, on Tuesday, January 8, 1889, between the hours of 11 A. st. and 1 P. 31. jal-69 JOHN W. TAYLOR, Cashier. ELECTION NOTICE REAL ESTATE Loan and Trust Co Tne annual election for nine directors of the bank will be held at tbo banking bouse, cor. Ohio and Middle sts., January 8, 1SS9, between the hours of 10 o'clock" A. M., and 1 o'clock p. jr. C. SCHAUER. Jr.. Cashier. deSI-JO First National Bank. Pittsburg. Pa, i Pittsburg, December 10, 1888. ELECTION THE ANNUAL ELECTION for nine Directors of tbe bank will be held at tbe banking house, corner of Wood street and Fifth avenue, January 8. 1889. between the hours of 11 o'clock A. if. and 1 o'clock P. H. dell-187-D J. D. SCULLY. Cashier. Office Columbia Oil Co., Pittsburg. December 28. 1888. rTTHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JL stockholders of the Columbia Oil Co." will be held at No. 514 Market st. on THURSDAY. January 10.1889. at 11 o'clock A. M.. for the election of directors and for the transaction of such business as mav be presented. de28-I7-p A. P. McGREW, Secretary. Masonic Bank, i Pittsburg, Pa, December 31. 1888. ELECTION THE ANNUAL ELECTION for directors of this bank, to serve for the ensuing vear, will beheld at the banking house on TUESDAY, JANUARY, 8. 1889, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 1 o'clock p. if. jal-67-D CHAS. B. McLEAN, Cashier. Arsenal Bank. Pittsburg, December 31. 188S. ( ELECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for twelve directors or the bank will De held at the banking home, enrncrof Butlorand Forty-third streets, on WEDNESDAY, JANU ARY 9, 1S89, between th hours of 11 a m. and 1 P. m. W. S. WILLIAMS, Cashier. jal-5G-D Office of Ben Franklin InsuranceCo., INCZCO.,) , Pa.. J r L 1889. S 43 OHIO STREET, ALLEGHENY, January -pLECTION.-THE ANNUAL ELECTION JCJ of directors of this company, to serve dur ing the ensuing year, will beheld in tbe office of the company on MONDAY, January 14, 1889, between the hours of 10 a. X. and 2 p. x. WM. A. FORD, Secretary. ja2-39-D ELECTION-THE SAFE DEPOSIT COM PANY of Pittsburg. The annual election of nine directors of tills company, to serve for tho ensuing year, will be held at the office of the company. No. 83 Fonrth avenne, on TUES DAY. January 8.18S9, between tho hours of 10 A 3f. and 12m. Wh, T. HOWE, Secretary. de27-57-TTS Office Pennsylvania insurance Co., lNCE CO., 1 10.1883 j OR DIREC 419 WOOD STREET, Pittsburg. December fTHE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR JL TORS for this companvwill ho held at the office as above on Thursday, January 10, 1889, between the hours of 11 a. luanil 12 jr. THOS. D. KELLER, Secretary. de20-92-TTS Nations Bank fob Savings. ) Allegheny. Pa, December 26. 1888. ( ELECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for nine (9) directors of this bank, to serve forthecnsningyear.'willbe held at tbe bank ing house. No. 43 North Diamond street. Alle gheny, on MONDAY. January 14, 1889, between the hours of 1 and 3 pjT. JOHN T. MORTON, Secretary and Treasurer. de252G,27,28,29,jaL3,5,8,I0,12 PrrteBURO Union Passenger j Railway Company. Pittsbuko, December 2), l&SS. ) ELECTION-THE ANNUAL MEETING of stockholders o'. the Pittsburg Union Passenger Railway Company and the election for President and directors to serve fqr the ensuing year will -be held at the company's office, eorner of Liberty and Market streets, on MONDAY, January 14. 1889, between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock p. Ji. CHAS. SEIRERT, Secretary, de29-87-29.3LjaS.5;8.10,12 Office Wisterx Penxsyltaxia ) Exposition Society, v PITT8BUBO. January L 1889. ELECTION-THE ANNUALMEETING OF members of this soci-ty for the election of thirteen directors to seiTe for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other reg ular business as may be brought up, will be held in tbe muslo and art room, second floor of Hamilton building. Fifth avenue, TUESDAY, January 8, 1SS9, at 3 o'clock P. x. Br order of the Board. , ja3-20-D JAS.W.BATCHELOR, Secretary, " newadyertisemexts'. ' Ta -the StekMders'F'1 OF THE BANK DF PITTSBURGH At a meeting of the directors of the Bank of Pittsburg, held at the banking- house on th- 13th day of December, A. D.1888.1t was re- " solved unanimously that the following memo- rial and circular notice to the stockholders of this bank be adopted, and that the same be printed and sent to the stockholders: and also that the same be published in the newspapers for the information of tbe public and of thow ' stockholders wbose residences are unknown. JOHN HARPER; President W. ROSEBURG, Cashier. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE BANK OF PITTSBURG. n It is proper that the stockholders of this bank should know tbat its charter will soon ex pire, and understand its position in that event. The bank was first chartered in the year .1814, and after tbe renewal and extension of its charter by sundry acts of Assembly, fini'ly came under tbe provisions of the Act of As sembly of tbe 16th of April, 1850. and its sup plements, under which it was chartered and re chartered. By the act of the 19th of March, 1861), its char- ' ter was extended for the term of 20 years from the expiration of its then existing charter. As a consennence.'if its present charter be not re newed. ft must expire, and its affairs be wound np by five trustees to be elected by the stock holders at a general meeting called for the"., purpose. In case of a failure to provide trus tees, its assets would necessarily be taken into -custody, under an order of a court of equity, to . be collected and disbursed for the benefit of creditors and stockholders. Tbe effect of an expiration of the charter win be to convert tbe claims of the stockholder Into a pecuniary demand upon the fund for tbo stock of each stockholder and its incre ment. As more than one-half of the stock is held by executors, trustees and persons in s fiduciary capacity, and by females, a reorgan- ' ization under a new and original charter cannot be effected, because trust f unds cannot be in vested without the authority of the-proper tribunal, a thing involving a practical Impos sibility. It Is obvious, therefore, that without a re newal and extension of the present charter, the "old" Bank of Pittsburg, so long known and - esteemed as a rock of security, and the helper and supporter of tbe men of business, and even, of other banks, will come to an end, and its large cnpital and assets taken out of the business of Pittsburg and ad jacent territory into private bands, many in distant place9. The loss to the wbola community, and the effect of the collection of its assets and withdrawal of its capital upon tbe business men and tho customers of tho bank, will be disastrous and ruinous. The city of Pittsburg and adjacent cities and country cannot afford to Ioso tbo capital, business and' stability of the bank. This condition of affairs is stated because,, since the last recbarter of the bank, the new constitution has presentedabarrierto renewal, wbich must be understood. By the seventh section of the third article of the new constitu tion, no special law to recbarter the bank. can' be passed. This necessitates the passage of a general law. and none such now exists. The Dank cannot reorganize under the bank ing company law of the 13th of May, 1878, for articles of association under it must be entered into by persons, each one competentnd in bis own right, who must make a certificate under their bands specifying tbe terms of association, . and complying with the law, and acknowl edging tbe same before a judge or notary nublic In such a proceeding, necessarily a 11 trustees, and others acting in a fiduciary ca pacity, whose investmentneedstbeantborftyof the proper tribunal, must drop out, and tho bank lose probably one-half its capital. Such a reorganization cannot supply tbe place of the "Old Bank" and would not command its in fluence and ability. It therefore becomes a duty to the stockhold er?, and to the public so much interested, to make known to them tbe situation of the- mat ter, that an enlightened understanding of tha necessity of a general law may exist, applicable -to this bank, and all others needing the means of renewal. ja3-37 TO LET. Some of the finest rooms in the cltv for feneral business purposes at tbe New IISPATCH building. 75, 77 ana 70 Dia mond street. ,. WELL LIGHTED, well venttlateiLwith con venient passenger and freight elevator service. SITUATION, the most central In the city, within a few hundred feet of the posw offices, (new and old). City Hall, the new county buildings. Fifth avenue. Smith field street and Fonrth avenue, PARTIES requiring power service also sup plied, with special quarters and .every convenience. . ELECTRIC LIGHTING, steam heating and ,. janitor service included In tho rents,"1 7 which are moderate. - , , GREAT advantages and economy in these) - new quarters. Apply between II A. 3. - and 5 p. Jr. at the NEW DISPATCH BUILDING, 73. 77 and 79 Diamond street.' 0 LET OR FOR SALE An Sept. ComiOuious aMWeMK Med Honse on Hftii Ayenns, - : Near Dinwiddie street. Built and finished in the best style. Just the place, and an admirable chance for, physician, dentist or professional person, thai cable cars bringing 20,000 people to it every' day. Southside, xawrenceville and Miners-;, ville districts within a few minutes by bridgo and Fort incline plane: Oakland, East Liberty and the old city quickly accessible by cab! a' cars. "" 1 Owing to central situation on main thorough fare and to new facilities for access, this prop-c erty will soon De as desirable for professional, men as Penn avenue formerly was. Applyto BLACK & BAIRD, Real Estate Agents, 95' Fourth avenue. del3-16fl r. E OR SALE- CHEAP BUSINESS PROPERTESI Cor. Taggart and Gallagher sts., Allegheny; Z'ii lot 20x80 It.; well improved; $8,500. . , 1 Jackson, near Monterey st, Allegheny: lot 23 xlCO ft, with a new building, consistmgol store) '.& and dwelling; $7,000. . 3? No. 366 Fifth avenue: lot 20x100 ft; fair build. - . ' ing; about ?soo per year rent, for 10,00a .. Cor. Penn ave. and Twenty-seventh st: lot 24 xl20ft: large 8-story building, store and dwell ing,t3,60a Also others. Call or send for particulars; ' ; W. A. HERRON & 80 FOURTH AVENTDa . " de29-51-TTS YY ANTED- One or Tw Large Floor WITH OR WITHOUT POWER, '' For Light Manufacturing Purposes. Address, giving location, etc., BOX 232, Pitttvi burg P.O. jaS-OT-Thssui.,.. " TTOLY GHOST COLLEGE- ?ZW.' . " 11. SPECIAL -, BUSINESS , v UCiCAVii.MZjX, J y SCHOOL RE-OPENS . ' r " THURSDAY, n JANUARYS. t"; jaI-63-TT At 9 AM. CONSUME YOUR OWN GARBAGE D?V stoves and ranges whllo using the same for; cooking, or any other purpose, by using" tho Kureka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full Information, call on or address .., JAMES ANDERSON, w' . S3 East Diamond street. ' ' je5-no7-TTS Allegheny.Px . x Walter J. osbokje. RiohabuBabeowsL' Ti ARROWS & OSBORNE- " Xj v job printers, -- m Telephone No. 812 , .,,- ' ' sea-KooTTSsa.w. 4 G A.BALPH. BUILDING CONTRACTOR "- 'i ; u oeventa avenue, . ;t PittthnTtr P. a. : Teltphone-l&H. se5-n60ns:' 3 99) Sam'IW. Black &Co.y! 09 FOURTH AVENTTR. - Ji ' 1 yrrm LOAN MONPY J."A On morteazes in cftvud conntrv&t lawMfci rates of interest, v , de23-78-XThsjfi ' 1 i , 7- ' , . " A. 2.V ,M ?, 4- s' v-U-jMiHm J Ai,.,'..,- ' hA. SJHnHB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers