E1S-5S mryrnr 75 ADVERTISEMENTS 1UFJRI M For to-morrow's DISPATCH can ba left at main office till midnight or at "branch offices till 9 P.M. Wants, For Sales, To Lets, etc., will . .& reach the publio quickly through the Columns of THB DISPATCH. V OF cog rH S5 w W1 'U I, It Mn f , i a X ! - x m J s 2 r k 52 2 o a - c 3 I I 5 I 0 r x 1 ? o i n o , to m Z o a o 2 3) 1 2 p V) feTY-THTRD -YEAR H. ii 'oyer Re-Elected Speaker House, With J. W. rnson uiiet uerK. HAr. STILL KICKING. Rutin is Very Free in His tioisms on Senate Libra- riaii De Laney. IV. WORKING OK THE SLATE, , ect of n Brcak-A Surprise Prom-, Rutan Wants to Oct Evcu With nncy-r- Cochran's Defeat Certain, ogh Fntorcd by Maccc-Ex-Mayor mod, of Hnrrlsburg, for Sergeant me A, Large Caucus The Komi- The Senate Slate, Commlttco Ictes In Wuik Tho Democratic U of tlio Home A Lively Time tentative Wherry Nominated for ter Senator Osborne, of Philadcl Will Contest Senntor Devlin's Scat ut Douatb, of Chester. Wants to bile Printer. burg advices show that Quay's I go throiigb, from present appear As part of the programme the .ucus last evening renominated cx Boyer, and conferred the Chief p upon J. "W. Morrison, of Alle junty. Mr. Cochran is still ob- being left ont in the cold, but his are not heeded. Senator Kutan sed to Senate Librarian DeLaney, ! no active fight against him. The ts held a spirited caucus, and :d Representative "Wherry for of the House. Among the other a Harrisburg comes the statement ktor Osborne, of Philadelphia, will enator Devlin's seat, and that Au lath, of Chester, would like to be frinter under General Harrison. their use. The caucus was largely attended, Henry M. Hall, of Mercer, who would have been a prominent candidate for Speaker if Boycr had not been in the field, was elected Chairman. The members were congratu lated on the iact that the1 caucus was the largest that ever has assembled in Pennsyl vania. Neither party had ever had so largo a representation in the House. He depre cated an indecent scramble for o&re and admonisheoMhose presqntlo be careful of the charactcrV lerilation they enacted. Representative Cappf of Lebanon, and Stewart, olPhiladelr-hia, acted as secreta ries. .S Boycr Mnlnntcd. Boyer was placed in nomination by Dear den, of Philadelphia, who made a graceful speech, setting forth the candi date's qualifica tion', and was fol lowed byremaiks from Kratz, of Montgomery, and Kreps, of Frank lin, Of ft Compli mentary character. J. W. Morrison, Chief Clerk Repre s e h t a t i v e of the Home "White, of Pitts burg, nominated Morrison for Chief Clerk, with the statement that he came from "the great State of Allegheny with its 20,000 Re publican majority." A committee of 21 was appointed by the Chair to arrange the rest of the slate. This committee, at a late hour to-night, ap pointed a sub-committee of five, consisting of Messrs. Marshall, of Allegheny; Brooks, of Philadelphia; Helfrich, of Snyder; Fruit, of Mercer, and Pugh of Somerset, to ar range a slate to be submitted to the grand caucus to-morrow. The committee will complete its work to-morrow'rnorning. The Kepublican Senate Slate Committee was in session at a late hour to-nightgetting ready for the caucus, which is to meet be for the Senate convenes to-morrow. The Senate State Committee has completed its work to-night but will not reveal it. Kutan is said to have made no fight on Delany. THE DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS. tie corars MATE. It Will Bo Somevhaflifa Safety Re publican than ike fresent. PITTSBURG, TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1889.-TWELVE PAflEft 9kUJ flflT A W17 African Race ." Mr. Mahonev will sneak v W . THREE CENTS frtfl v Ml JypL imENTFGLwrasraoiis In This First One of the New Tear, When ' , Several Legislatures Meet. SEATS OP SIXTEEN AEE IN DOUBT. Mr. Kenna, of West Virginia, Eeems to be Bavin; the Liveliest Time. , This is a particularly important week to 16 United States Senators and their would be successors. The Legislatures upon whose votes they depend for another term are to meet. Only a few are certain of re-election. A list of those on the anxious benches given. Senator Kenna, of West Virginia, in an awkward position. Mrs. Logan's plans for preserving her husband's memory. T. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 isbtjeg, December 31. There is no to-night of a break in the pro- which the slalemakers framed yes- ibut occasionally you hear the re IperBons who claim to have inside iniormation that a surprise is anion? the nmbabiftws: - S Senator"utan was exceedingly free to day on his criticisms of Senate librarian DeLaney, whom he wants defeated, even though he knows Quay is desirous of his election. He de- V-Thi Zt nied with much ed Speaker 0 je. warmth the truth of that his opposition to DeLaney was the alleged refusal of the Senate n to allow liquors to be kept in the room, and claimed that he was le many years ago for tbe removal ar in the rear of the desk of the t of the Senate. Eutnn Want to Get Even. wants to get even with Delaneybe : latter worked for his defeat as a e for a position on the slate in 18S7, accomplishment of his purpose is in tbe range of a pobability because ell-known wish of Quay for Dee-election. igh Cochran's fate has been clearly uwed for weeks, he seems as detcr i ever to keep in the fight to the He has a number of stanch sup and would undoubtedly be given osition but for the part Quay has depose him. Senator Bcyburn, of phi a, is among the most ardent ad- if his election. He says it was un when the Senate adjourned a year If ago that Cochran should not be ind nothing has occurred since so be course of the Chief Clerk had cerned to justify a change ot senti- Mlesbcny Fnvors Cochran. other Senators favoring Cochran te and TJpperman, of Allegheny, eefer, of 11, who is present the if Senator hris . course, Lancaster :,buthehas d it wise himself into a ht It is fted that Beaver pleased Cochran, He JJ7k Kick. lecess of Cochran, togers, the veteran Reading Clerk ite, is here to perform the closing he position which he has so often 'will be succeeded by Anthony wc.ii.eau county, who owes his ) the fact that he turned over his i the contest for the nomination Stoator in the McKean district n r, who will be a member of the - nate. Watrt a Winner. : ;man Brumm came here to-day to r . andidate for Sergeant-at-Anns of e, Thomas L. Edwards, but the ' torn Schuylkill county had grown acting to a man who had no show, ' agreed among themselves to lim in the hope of getting several te positions. Joe Souder having as a candidate, a clear field is left or Patterson, of this city. The u House caucus to-night was owing to the certainty of the nomination of Boyer for Speaker .son for Chief Clerk. v.uu5 rolls had been printed in great hundance, leaving plenty of room for bal- tilbut no occasion presented itself for M Representative Wherry, of Cumberland, Unanimously Nominated for Speaker. IFPECIAt TELEGRAM TO TOn DISPATCH 1 Hakrisuurg, December 31. The Demo cratic members of the House had a lively caucus at the Bolton House this evening, over which Representative McDonald, of Lackawanna, presided. It was evident that Representative "Wherry, of Cumberland, had a large majority, and his competitor, Mr. Hassett, of Philadelphia, withdrew. "V7herry was unanimously nominated. Samuel Hudson, of Philadelphia, was nominated for Chief Clerk; J.W.Grfenland, of Clarion, for Reading ClerkpL. "W. Ritz man, of Berks, Resident Clerk; Cautain "William S. Horton, of Elk, for Sergeant-at-Arms; James Hagan, of Allegheny, for Door-keeper, and Joseph D. Fenton, of Bucks, for Postmaster. A committee of five, of which Repre sentative Ehey, of Cambria, was Chairman, was appointed to select the remaining offi cers to be voted for bv the House. There -Vfns a spirited fijht over the proposition to select a ppjumittee. as many wanted the caucuf to complete the entire work. HE "WILL CONTEST. Senator O&boruo Wants tho Seat Occupied by Senator Devlin. f SPECIAL TELEQUAM TO THE DtSr JkTCIt. 1 Habrisbitbg, Decemher 31. Senator Osborne, of Philadelphia, has brought his big petition or contest to this city, and proposes to have it presented in the Senate to-morrow. He alleges in it that at least 2,000 illegal votes were cast for his Democatic opponent, Senator Devlin. He Wonld the Fnbllc Printer Be. ISrECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Harrisburg, December 31. August Donath, of Chester, Delaware county, is cir culating among the Republican members of the Legislature for signatures to his appli cation for the position of Public Printer at "Washington under the administration of Harrison. THE PBESBTTERIAN CONFERENCE. Agreement Upon Certain Lines of Work the Object of the Sleeting. TSrECIAL TELEOEAM TO THE DISrATCH.l New York, December 31. The two com mittees representing the Northern and Southern branches of the Presbjterian Church had another meeting to-day, and agreed to adjourn at 12 o'clock to-morrow, to meet on "Wednesday, April 2-1, at Balti more. The conference has been secret, and its proceedings will not be made publio untjl definite action shall have been de termined upon. A member of the Southern Committee said this evening that consider able misapprehension existed as to the nature of the conference. It was not its aim, he said, to consider how organic union of the two divisions might be effected, but to devise means for co-operation upon certain lines of work, particularly home and foreign missions and the educating and evangelizing of the freed men. It was to these matters that the con ference had directed attention, and appar ently with a good show of success. TOTING HARRISON AT HOME. ISrECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE SISFATCH.l "Washington, December 31. The pres ent week will be an eventful one, particu larly so far as the fates of several United States Senators are concerned, and here in "Washington all eyes are turned to those States whose Legislatures are about to make Senatorial nominations. The Senate will remain Republican after the 4th of March, although the majority will be small. Had the fight between the Saulsbury and Bayard cians in Delaware ueea less nercc ana ue- terrained, Eli Saulsbury might have been succeeded by himself or some other Demo crat, and the Republicans would have been practically in a minority. On the 4th of March the terms ot the following Senators will expire: Messrs. Morgan, of Alabama; Berry, Arkansas; Bowcn, Colorado; Saulsbury, Delaware; Colquitt, Georgia; Cullom,Illineis; "Wilson, Iowa; Plumb, Kansas; Gibson Louisiana; Frye, Maine; Hoar, Massachusetts; Palmer, Michigan; Sabin, Minnesota; Manderson, Nebraska; Chandler, New Hampshire; Mel'herson, .New Jersey; Ransom, .North Carolina; Dolph, Oregon; Cbace, Rhode Island; Butler, South Carolina; Harris, Tennessee; Coke, Texas; Riddleberger. Virginia and Jxcnna, "West Virginia. ONXY SEVEN ARE SOLID. Of this number, Messrs. Morgan, Berry, Colquitt, Gibson, Chacc, Butler and Coke have been re-elected. John S. Barbour has been elected to succeed Mr. Riddleberger. Of the remaining 10 Senators, Mr. Palmer, of Michigan, is not a candidate for re election, but has voluntarily determined to retire to private life. Mr. Saulsbury's suc cessor will be a Republican, and Messrs. Cullom, "Wilson, Plumb; Frye, Hoar, Man derson, Dolph and Hams are sure of getting another term. The others are not at all certain that they will be so fortunate, but only wish they were. Bowen is probably already beaten. The crowd of candidates anxious to repre sent the Centennial State in the Senate has been to much for him, and he will retire with the honors of a single term. Mr. Sabin has half a dozen strong antagonists, the most difficult one to beat being ex-Governor and ex-Congrcssmau W. D. "Washburn. They are having a hitter fight and the result is uncertain, although the chances seem to be about two to one -in favor of "Washburn. Chandler's chief opponent is Dr. Gallin ger. a member of the present House. His friends claim that they will kill Chandler, even it they can't put their man iu. "Will iam E. Chandler, however, knows more about the inside workings of politics than" all of his opponents put together, and is confident that he will win. McPherson wishes he could read his title clear, but he cannot do so just yet. ENOUGH TO MAKE III5I NERVOUS. African Race." Mr. Mahonev will speak on the subject of Catholic schools. The convention will open to-morrow- at 10:30 o'clock, with high mass, celebrated by Cardinal Gibbons, and wi,U probably con tinue three days. A LOVING WIPE'S DEVOTION Exhibited in the Way Mri. Lognn Will Pri servo the General's Memory. SPECIAL TELEGBAlt TO THE SlSPATCIt.l " Washihgton, December31. The recent reinterment of General Logan's remains has revived interest in the plans which Mrs, JUogan is constantly devising for the per petuation of the memory of her husband. The memorial hall which was planned shortly after the General's death is rapidly nearing completion, and will be ready for inspection by the time Mrs. Logan returns from Europe. The plans are all her own, and tbe work is be ing carried on in strict accord-, anco with her designs. The homestead is one of the oldest nouses in Washington; and was formerly the property of a student and artist who built a wing 'from the main building, in which was an inclosed court with brick walls ana lioor, where ne wok his exercise. This room or court, 40 feet by 25, has since been used as a storage and lumber room, but when General Logan died his. widow conceived the idea of transforming this bare apartment into a memorial hall, in which shall be placed the interesting collec- ' tioQ of relics which the General had ac- j cnuulaled in his long career of puWlA. ;" .-' )N. & "-. fw pif uu Goodness V,CR St fH51 Drt1 & t-7 '& -it r 7 TOG K0 fS kOraiitkiE K ' PJW v? a-"- s ' f r- e.14 Mufti &W Si fO .A su .3 Pittsburg rfl if i cm eatiiess of IN COLD BLACKS & PUB, Her baby Swaddling Clothes Long Since Cast Aside, and ENORMOUS APptOXIHATES MADB For the Maintenance of the Different Bareana for a New Year. COMPARISONS FOR TAB CURIOUS ONES CONTRACTS AUNG UP. A Big Knllrond Fight Brewing Employers and Employes Lock Horns. I SPECIAL TECEGRAHTO THE DISPATCH. New-York, December 31. The contracts between the various railroad companies in Brooklyn and their employes for another year will not be signed for several days, as there are some difficulties in the way. The employes have made greater de mands this year than ever before. The con tract last year provided that the conductors, drivers, and brakemen shonld be obliged to work not more than 10 hours, and that the work should be performed within 14 executive hours. This year the period within which the 10 hours' work is performed is reduced to 12 hours. Last year the hostlers were obliged to attend to 20 horses, and this year they want the num ber leduced to 18. 'There are a few other changes in the interest of the men. The disposition among the officers of the various companies is opposed to the accept ance of these proposals, and unless there are mutual concessions opening week of the new year may possibly witness one of the biggest railroad fights which has ever occurred in Brooklyn, Mr. Lewis was very emphatic in giving the Executive Committeemen to understand that the com pany could not afford to treat its employes more liberally than it had done last year, and that any farther concessions were out of the question. fe. JlUiV fcj .JSi 7z' u .. fflf 'ttifoa "S l A j , THE NEW AND THE OLD. A CLERICAL SCANDAL. Matt Ransom is very popular in North Carolina, but he has "had three terms, and ex-Minister to Brazil Jarvis is looking over the field in his own interest. Ransom is nervous, but not badly frightened, as he hopes to pull through for a fourth time. Kenna, of "West Virginia, the youngest man in the Senate, is having the hardest time of all. The Democrats have but one majority in the Legislature, and it is a big task to hold them all together for one man. The Republicans are on hand also, inter fering with all plans, hoping to slip one of their own men in by means of an erring sister or two among the Democrats. Be tween his Democratic rivals and his Repub lican enemies Kenna is kept very busy. Most of the nominations will be made this week, and the contests thus practically set tled. The Senate to-day stands 37 Demo crats, 38 Bepublicans and one so-called In dependent, Mr. Riddleberger. After March 4 it will probably stand 37 Democrats and 39 Republicans, with Vice President Mor ton, who can only vote when the Senate would otherwise stand a tie. Should a Re publican defeat Mr. Kenna in "West Vir ginia, there would be but 36 Democrats in the Senate and 40 Republicans. A minister Charges Ills Wife With Polygamy and Has Her Arrested. SPECIAL TXLEQBAJI TO TBE DISPATCH. 1 LoweiyEj, Mass,, December 31. Asensa ticnnl story of domestic trouble in high life comes from BillerfSn, and church people and town gossips are spreading the story of a wife's disgrace as fast ess their tongues can tell the tale. Tho first public intimation of the trouble appeared this morning, when Rev. John Haskell, the well-known Congregational Minister of Bille'iri, came into thi police station and entered a complaint of polygamy against his former wife, Mary Haskell, who re ceived a bill of divorce from him last Sep tember. The woman -was arrested by In spector Hayes this morning. Tho case is an interesting and mixed up one. The woman married Haskell some four or five years ago. Last September she received a bill of divorce from him that would have been all right had she not been already married at the time the divorce was granted. It seems that she was married to James C. "Wilkinson in New York City on February 7 of this year: and the divorce was not granted until the following Septem ber. A MEDICAL SENSATION. lie Refuses to Dirnlgc Ilia Political Dickers , in the East. rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Indianapolis, December 31. Bussell Harrison arrived here to-night safe and sound after his adyentures among the poli ticians, cattle company men and other sin ful creatures of the East. He smiled bland ly upon the reporters at the station when some . one remarked that probably he was full of news that he didn't propose to give away. He replied: "Well, I don't pro pose to give anything away. I won't say anything about how full lam." He said that he had heartily enjoyed the courtesies he had received in the East, and would jnst as leave as not make the visit ail over again. He said that he had made no engagements for Eastern politicians to visit his father here, and that he knew of no such visits being possible in the near fu ture. DYING EFFORT OP SLANDERERS. Davllt so Denominates the Alleged Spilt Be tween Himself and ParncIL Lincoln, Neb., December 31. Hon. Pat Egan, of this city, to-day received the following cablegram, which emphatically denies the published statement that a split had occurred between Parnell and Davitt: Dublin, December 31. To 1 trick Egan, Lincoln, Xeb.: The statement that the relations between Parnell and myself are totally ruptured in con sequence of O'Sbea's evidence, and that I am likely at an eariy day to lead a revolt against Parnell, is tbe djing effort of slanderers after a year of lies. Michael Davitt. Three Hundred Ont of Work. Philadelphia, December 31. The Livingston Cloth Mills Co., at Bristol, Pa., made an assignment to-day. The'mills are ciosea ana 300 people thrown out of em- -jioymeni. N.0 CONDITIONS MADE. The Hayticn Republic Surrendered With out Any Concessions by Admiral Luce. Washington, December 31. Secretary "Whitney to-day received dispatches from Admiral Luce, confirming the Associated Press report of the surrender of the Haylien Republic at the demand of the United States, by General Legitime, the newly- elected President ot Hayti. The dispatches were immediately sent to Secretary Bayard, who said this evening that it was" not true, as stated by some of those on board the Prinds Mauritz, that the Haytien Be public had been given up on condition that the case should be arbitrated by the repre sentatives of the two Governments. "Hayti," said the Secretary, "of course, may come into our courts and seek damages in the way of indemnity for the loss of the vessel, but no conditions whatever were made with Admiral Luce." Mail advices have also been received from Samoa in regard to the situation there, but as the department closed early to-day on ac count of the New Year festivities to-morrow the letters remained unopened at the State Department, and will- not be read until Wednesday. In view of the fact that the advices came by mail, and that no telegram from San Francisco in regard to them was received, it is believed that thev do not contain anv information not already unofficially knownj and that there is nothing which calls for immediate action by the Department. An Infant Bitten by a Spitz Dog Dies of Hy drophobia. tEFECIAL TELIQRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Philadelpaia, December 31. A death from hydrophobia at 4 years is unknown in medical annals, yet one case came hera to day. Albert Tamny, who is but an infant in size and years, was badly- bitten by a spitz dog on November 14. The wound was not cauterized until five hours later. On Friday the child complained of a pain in the right side of the head where the wound had perfectly healed, tbe mother thought it was the ear ache. Dr. Nock was called in next day and found the child suffering from every symptom of rabbies. It had convulsions at the sight of water, frothed at the mouth, tossed its limbs, emitted sharp moans not unlike barking and finally bit itself on the wrist Death occurred this morning after the victim had been put under the influence of chloroform when the spasms had become more violent and continuous. The doctor had been a hydrophobia skeptic, but is con vinced now. THEY SHOWED FIGHT. Jersey City Follcemen Tacklo Two Tough Customers One Escnpes. "SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TEE DISPATCH.l New York, December 31. Two Jersey City policemen having been informed of a burglary, tackled two suspicious men at the ferry. Both parties proved desperate, and there was a lively row. Officer Goesch had his pistol snatched from his hands. He downed his man and attempted to subdue him by pounding his head on the cobble stones. It was a dismal failure. The burglar broke away and" ran. Officer Hammond, in the meantime, had pounded the head of his prisoner raw with a club. The captive was stunned and turned over to Goesch. The latter's man showed himself to bfe too fleet for Hammond. Some plunder was recovered. The man who was locked up gave the name of E. Trott. THEOLOGY IN FICTION. Mrs. Ward'I Book Attacked and Defended by Fulplt GInnts Tho Church Torn Vti Over the Teachings I of Robert Els. I mere. ISPECtAL'TELEOBAJI TO THE DISPATCH.l SveacusS, December 31. "Robert Els- mere" has siirred no community more deep ly than it bis Syracuse. Educated people were readint the book, much as they do other worksTuntil Rev. S. R. Calthorp, D. D., pastor tf the Unitarian Church an nounced th it he would make the doctrine it upheld thesubject of a series of three ser mons. Thf last of these was delivered yes terday before a congregation swelled to un wonted proportions by accessions from the Evt lgelical Churches of the city. Dr. CalUiropwho is an English-born and Oxford-bred man, studied originally tor the mini try of the Church of England, but -jail to tuicept its teachings, renounced it and became a Unitarian. His experience was wonderfully like that of Robert Elsmere, and from that point of view the real clergyman discussed his brother l.i fiction. The commotion these sermons were creating in orthodox circles "aroused the Kt.Eev. T. D. Huntington, Bishop of Central New York, who a week ago entered the pulpit of St Paul's Cathe dral here, on,d, without speaking Dr. Cal thorps name, probed his theory and that of Mrs. Ward's story and defended the tenets of the church. The conflict of Bishop Huntington, and Dr. Calthorp is a battle of giants. The Bishop, it will be recalled, was a convert from the Unitarian Church to the Episco pal Church, while Dr. Calthorp turned n doctrinal somersault-in exactly the opposite direction. It is an open secret that Dr. Calthorp has won over two or three notable converts on the basis of ".Robert Elsmere" and that several local orthodox clergymen are being pushed to the extent ot their learning by communicants who prefer per sonal consultation to pulpit eloquence in the unsettled state of their minds. One of the clergymen said to The Dis PATCn correspondent to-day: "This book is the most vexatious thing the Church has encountered in a century. The blasphe mies of Bobert Ingerso'H pale before the sophistries, of 'Bobert Elsmere.'" Dr. Calthrop is the successor of the late Samuel J. May, the abolitionist, in the pulpit he fills. He is an astronomer, geologist, and linguistic scholar of profound accomplish ments. TAKEN FROM THE STAGE. HUSTLIKG f OR NATURAL GAS. The Discovery on Long Island Cnuses a Craze Everybody Prospecting. 'SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! New York, December 31.A natural gas fever has struck the village of New town, L. I. Since George S. Jervis discov ered gas in a gully on his farm, on the old Court road, the "people of Newtown have fonaken their usual occupations, and are ncrr intently engaged in propecting for gas. With a stick in one hand and a tumbler in the other they wander about the marshes in the rain and mud endeavoring to capture a gas well. The gas found on Mr. Jervis' premises has been traced to a small stream kuown as Horse Brook, about CO feet from where it was first discovered. It was found to exist in greater quantities along the stream. This announcement gave the discovery a big boom. Everybody "who owned property along the stream began prospecting. They all discovered gas in greater or Jess Qdui titles. Mr. Jervis and" his lriends lnsut inai me gas louna uytnem is tne same as that which is fonnd in Pennsylvania, and points to the nearness of iron and coal to substantiate their assertion. "The Newtown Natural Gas Company" has been formed, with George S. Jervis as President, James P. Bapeley, Secretary, and John Hegg, Treasurer. They propose to try and locate the main source ot the gas. Mr. Jervis has already made preparations for sinking a four-inch nipe on his property. MAY BE SETTLED AT LAST. COLORED CATHOLICS CONVENING. An Important Meeting of tho Order of tbe Holy Gbost in Washington. rSPECIAL TELEQBAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Washington, December 3L Father P. A. McDermott, Father "W. Healy and Mr. D. S. Mahoney, representing the Order of the Holy Ghost, arrived from Pitts burg to-day, to attend the conven tion of colored Catholics, which opens in this city to-morrow. Father Healy is a traveling missionary of the order, and several interesting addresses are expected from him on the subject of the work among the colored people of foreign lands. .Father McDermott will deliver a lecture on "Ven erable Liberman, Founder of the Order of tbe Holy Ghost and Benefactor of the IN NEW Y0BK, NOW. Alleged White Caps Trying to Reform the Habits of Married Men. rSPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Canajohabie, N. Y., December 31. White Caps have appeared in Herkimer. Letters for different townsmen have been left outside the mail boxes in front of the postoffice. The letters bear pictures of skulls and cross-bones, and are signed: Peter Gore, Commander; James Blood, Becorder. They purport to come from the Herkimer branch of the Supreme Council of "White Caps. Some of the letters are signed by the Commander in Chief. Whether for jokes or not, the married men are remaining home with their families. A Dentist Induces His Runaway Wife to Abandon a Histrionic Career. ISFECIAL TELEOBA2I TO THE DISPATCH. New York, December 31. Four years ago, Dr. Arthur Lee, a' dentist of TTtica, married Kitty Price, who had a local repu tation as an amateur actress. Mrs. Lee wanted to go upon the stage and Mr. Lee did not want her to. On September 26 last she left her home without telling her husband where she was going, and joined the Kindergarten traveling company. Man ager Lavine of the Albani Opera Company, having offered her an engagement at$3oa week. Dr.ee first learned of this through anote that he received from his wife asking him to secure her a number of costnmes for her role. The note was dated Chicago, and Dr. Lee got detectives to hunt for his wife there, but they failed to find her. Then he traced her from town to town along the cir cuit until he reached this city, where he lost track of her. By. means of photographs she was recog nized as one of the visitors at a theatrical agency in Union Square. A comple of weeks ago Dr. Lee contrived to meet her and pursuaded her to quit the stage. The re-union was celebrated by a little supper at the Sturtevant House, and the couple re turned to Utica. Burlington ODlclnls and the Brotherhood Committee Hold a Conference. Chicago, December 31. A protracted conference was held to-day between the officials of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy road and the Grievance Committee of the Brotherhood of Locomotfve Engi neers, with a view to the settlement of the differences between the company and the engineers. No conclusion was reached and the conference was adjourned until to-morrow. After the adjournment Mr. Wirt Dexter, Solicitor for the road, said that the meeting was only an informal 'one, apd that simply a general talk was the result. He said, however, that the committee would meet officials again to-morrow, and it was almost a certainty that the trouble would be patched up. in speaking of the strike to-day, a Texas cugmeer saia; ine and Rio Grande Brotherhood has grown tired of supporting the 'Q' strikers who are unable to obtain work, and entered so stronga protest against it that it was decided by tbe Brotherhood to cut off all such allowances to-day, and this 'vould leave many of the men entirely with out support. Over 50 per cent of the strikers are still unemployed, and are, in fact, black listed by all roads in sympathy with the 'Q.' It has already cost tne Brotherhood $420,000 to support the strikers, and some thing must be done, and that at once." i pioymeni. J 'g,iMi'nmiturt itltiiifni ifrm .iif iMIiliif ttft4fctmit j&aJfo A Significant Statement. ISPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Cleveland, December 31. Democratic Congressman Martin A. Taran, in replying to a newspaper charge that he offered to sell out to the Republican party, writes: "If you had said that attempts were made to get me to oppose Mr. Cleveland and induce me tc support Mr. Harrison's candidacy I could have aided you, not by mere idle, slanderous gdssip, but by documentary evi dence; which can be produced at any time." A MISER'S WRETCHED END. Ho Starved to Death Rather Thnn Spend a Few Pennies for Food. rSPXCIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCn.J New Orleans, December 31. Philip Kronungcr; aged 55, was found dead this morning in a miserable and rickety hut on Peters street, in this city. The coroner who examined the body found it resting on a plank, which constituted Kronnnger's bed. The room was a mass of filth and dirt, and the dead man attired in rags. An examina tion proved that death had been caused by general debility, brought about by want and privation-tthat he had actually starved to death. On the person of the dead man, however, was found a bank book showing that he bad over $1,000 to his credit in the Germania Savings Bank, but being a miser ot the very worst kind, he had starved to death rather thandrawouthis hoarded gains. He left no will or relatives, and his money was turned over to the State. DIVISION OP PROFITS. All the Employes of a Big Concera Become Stockholders. (SPECIAL TELEG1IAM TO THE DISPATCH. New York, December 31. A year ago the trustees of the Central Trust Company adopted a resolution to the effect that tlf the profits of the concern reached a certain figure in the year 1888, $25,000 should be divided among the employes of the company. That amount was divided to-day, or nearly all of it. The division was equal to 25 per cent of each salary, and a balance of 2,000 was carried forward and will be held as a special fund for the relief of any of the clerks who may need assistance on account of sickness or other misfortunes. In ace. .-dance with a system that the em ployes of the company have practiced for some time, nearly the entire amount dis- , tributed among them to-day was at once invested in the stock of the concern. The aggregate investments were 100 shares, mak ing the total investment of the. employes, other than the officers, 170 shares of the present market value of 102,000. All of 27 clerks, with the exception ot two, are now stockholders in the company. Their interest in the concern is such that none of them is under bonds for the proper performance of his duties. A PAETIALJICTOEI. The Master la the Injunction Case Rules That the Evidence Is With the Anarchists A Question of Law, Not of Fact. Chicago, December 31 The Master in Chancery, Thomas G. Windes, made his report to-day on the application of the Arbeiter Bund for an injunction restraining the city police from preventing Anarchistic meetings. The report reviews both the facts and the law at length, and shows that the Master made a thorough examination of the legal authorities. Master Windes finds no precedent for in terference by injunction with official con duct unless property rights are involved. The facts in this case he suggests are suf ficient to justify a chancellor in making a precedent He declines to recommend an injunction, however, as he does not deem It within the province of a Master to recom mend injunctions save where it is established jsle3ri5Jw-trecedinl.lJi!il th Knnll ;.,.. and contents himself trugyssvtDgTnasxui J As to the facts, he finds that the com plainants have a constitutional right to meet; that there Is no testimony beyond the mere belief of Chief Hubbard and Inspector Bonfield that the complainants desire to overthrow the laws of the State and nation. The affidavits of the complainants and 11 other citizens, no one of whom has ever been accused of crime, say that the purposes of the Arbeiter Bund are lawful and proper. This testimony has not been met by the de fendants, and the Master, therefore, de clares the meetings proposed to be hed by the Arbeiter Bund are lawful, and are not subject to police interference. The Master denies that to restrain the police from permitting the Arbeiter Bund meetings would be an interference with their discretion. And on that subject he says: "Counsel for defendants insisted on argu ment that an injunction in tnis case, if issued, would be an interference with the discretion of the chief executive officers of the law and conservators of the peace by the judiciary, which is unwarranted. The posi tion that an injunction should not interfere with the official discretion of the executive officers of the law is, in my opinion, a sound one, bnt not applicable to this case. The Mayor and Chief of Police have no dis cretionary power given them by law to prevent the peaceable assembly of citizens." The attorney for the Arbeiter Bund con siders the report of the Master a partial victory only. Ha said: "The facts are in our iayor, out tne wnoie attair narrows down to a question of law, and not of facts." Chief of Police Hubbard said: "When the speakers at the meetings of the Anarch ists say that the streets have got to flow with blood before they can .get their rights, it is plain the gatherings are not for any good purpose. At any meeting where the law is openly defied we shall see that it is suppressed." The lively interest evinced in ihe practi cal workings of the new city charter is at last to be satisfied to a certain extent, and gentlemen interested will be able to maks comparisons and show to a dollar jnst how much more the city government for 1883 cost than for 1887, and they will have ample opportunity to bewail the estimate for thi beautiful new year of 1889. This much, however, should gotten, a borough costs more t ship, and the proper regnlatioi costs more than that of a tow budding, blossoming and i Pittsburg for the year 1889, A. mand more expenditures than former years. The greater th more the expenditures, the gre the more the cost. There are sides to a qnestion, and follow! In accordance with the new chiefs of the departments transi Mayor a report of their receipts itnres for 1888; also an estimat penses for the year to come. cover but ten months and no i tions are made, as the annual February will cover this groun For some reason, Chief Ellii partment of Charities, refused t of his report, and Mayor McCal fused to do sc. Following, hon two most interesting reports to reader. chief brown's riou The first is from Chief J. 0. 1 Department of Publio Safet dressed to Mayor "William McC I herewith submit to you recelj -ditures of tbe Department of 1 for ten months, to-wlt: from Fe November SO, inclusive: also an estimate of tbe amount of mon the Department of Public Safety 1SS9. I have tho honor to report th , appropriations for the Departn , Safety will meet the expenditure rent year in full, and there w. flcleney of any character to prov propriatlons for next year. Very respectfully, J. C Chief of the Department of Pt T.CE3rrnr-et, 13Ci- -II Approximate estimates for the Pablle Safety for the year 1S33: Department of Public Safety, gner liurean of Jflre Bnrcau of Police Bureau of Electricity Bureau of Health Bureau of Building Inspection Bureau of Plumbing and Gas Flttla Total The above shows a decrease ( estimate of running of the geaer. Department of Public Safety, an in the Bureau of Health, in the Bureau of Healtt sitated by the fact tha year's appropriation no ami eluded for vaccinations, nor for t tbe garbage furnace, by reason c these important matters were neglected. The estimates in the other b same as in the appropriation of 1 StTMMABT or EXPESDITCB GZXXUAL OFIICI. I t Salaries Office furnishing. Telephone service Miscellaneous supplies Miscellaneous expenses. MAD ENOUGH TO FIGHT. THAT CRUEL-HOAX. The Mexico Joker May Get lata Serious Troable OvorHii Fan. City op Mexico, December 31. Presi dent Diaz, Secretary of the Interior,Bomero Rubio, and Secretary of Finance Dublan, expressed great indignation when informed of the circulation in the United States of a rumor tljat an uprising had taken place in this citf. They say that peace was never on a firmer basis than at present. President Diaz has expressed a resolution to punish the author of the hoax if he can be discovered. Parson Down Demands a Prompt Apology From a Brother Minister. (SPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Boston, December 31. Parson Downs is again posing as a martyr before tbe good people of Boston. Ever since his trial the ministers of other churches have turned the cold shoulder to him, and have withheld from him the fellowship which bound the others so closely. He has conducted serv ices in Bumstead Hall each buuday, but there has been no pleasant relations be tween him and the other ministers in the city. This has nettled him not a little, but he has held his peace. Now, however, he is as mad as a March hare because a minister in whose church he spoke while conducting a funeral service, published a card apologizing therefor. That was the last straw, and now Parson Downs rises in his wrath and demands from Parson Gilford, the offending minister, a personal apology for the iusnlt. Parson Gifford de clines to apologize, and the public is await ing the next chapter. bureau or nm. Salaries S137 Hose I Lost time..... ....... ........ eed ........ ...................... Apparatus repairs 1 Horses. ... ....... I Hose carriages 5 Mew itable . Fuel Harness ........................... i House expense House supplies 1 House repairs and improve ments ( Miscellaneous supplies Miscellaneous expenses 1 Insurance of employes - BUEEAO OT rOLXCT PS- Salaries. Harness Horsas .... Horse feed 1 Care and treatment of horses.. Rent of patrol service stables.. House repairs and Imp meats - Police station furnishing House supplies .Miscellaneous supplies... Miscellaneous expenses.. Care of prisoners and V .persons Pursuing criminals Office furnishing Office expeiiics Soap, sponges and stabl, slls Patrol wacons Patrol wajton repairs. Horse shoeing Horse blankets Sawdust..... Beet of Central police station.. FonrtcAith -vara collce station lot , S,CCCM Seventeenthwsrdpollcestatlon l.SCCO Nineteenth ward police station SOS 00 Meats and transportation for-' lshed prisoners L069 0I Telephone service 897 00 Lost time 337 SO special fund vx n J! X4aj . 187 S i -- vjT 148 30, wi w j.iaoo --n-S IT NEVER TOUCHED HER. A Woman Falls From a Four-btory House tap and Is Merely Sobered. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TUX DISPATCH. New York, December 31. Mrs. Cath erine McGuire got drunk last night She sat down on the roof of the four-story tene ment house in which she lives, to cool off. She threw a brick at Mr. McGuire when he asked her to come to bed, and. smashed sev eral windows with tiles which she tore from the roof. Then she fell asleep and tumbled off. She struck the enrb. Half an hour later she was picked up sober, and carried to a hos pital. She called ail the doctors names and wanted to walk home. She had suffered only two or three bruises. December Decrease of the Debt. "Washington, December 3L It is esti mated at the Treasury Department that there has been a decrease of $15,000,000 in the public debt during the month of December. bceeau or xLxcTBicrrr, Salaries f 10, US 63 (jame-rell patrol boxes 7,481 33 Klre alarm boxes 3,5.53 21 Replacing fire alarm boxes J, 600 CO Fire alarm and patrol box keys 210 09 Construction, extension and re palling of Hues 867 "3 Police station electric supplies. 183 17 Batteries maintenance 241 41 Mine 7,599 72 Chemicals 301 S3 Miscellaneous supplies 147 IS Miscellaneous expense. ....... IS SO Telephone service ....... 2,130 00 Office expense S3 Si Insurance of emDloves zoom Harness snd repairs 11335 tar.oat? BUTtEAU Or HEALTH. Salaries 14,432 44 Office rent 600 00 Office furnishing... 600 00 Office expense 11773 stationary ana pspyrograpnic material Vaccine virus... fT...... Vaccinations Removing dead animals Telephone service Traveling expense . Livery. .... Signboards Health publications t... Miscellaneous supplies and ex-nense. Garbage furnace. J.24Q jg Hospital. 84 M -SS7,SMH A 1M "a so 214 50 2,250 00 2J4 00 ft". K 2000 3 00 724 23 89 m HB.SM Jf StBMP BCTLDr-fo nrspxcroEs. , -K Salaries 2,fe7Sfj '. ikjSgsSi 4 i i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers