December 14, 1944 YHE CENTRE DEMOCRAY, BETTI FFONTE. PA Page Thre |p plant, put upon S wile — "Ross sman then Hold Inquest In Children’ s Death ir a or | chi ildren 1 dead {Continued from page one) { . . tok Nn response to questions man tarried for a time the night the | oad he wouldn't say how children died, and Willlam Henry | peers he'd had during the Billy" Green, employed at the Penn but admitted that it wa Belle Hotel where Rossman bit" He he Knew spent a ¢ time that ht fertough and turned some The witnesses brought owt virtu-l, 0 avening. Other ally no new facts regarding the .i4 we gid not appear to bx tragedy which cost the Wves of Rich-| 104 and Was in ard Ros man, ag d 7, Robert, aged Mrs. Rossman 5, and Nancy, aged 4. who Were, uu. (0 find the top alone in tie third-floor apartment o.o <tove burnin nd from about 5:50 p. m. Tuesday until t their mother reiiuned 0 the Titan | i a m. Wed Mr. R tailed his fn walked in a turmoil} home Wu and evening quite sed ha down Inte witnesses grille sald art Yeood eondition but 5 ] "no ald she no in the 1 vasn t trong he did not see her nl y Dpan An hing there found 175 Attend VFW his the fath com post many | intoxi«| told of arriving { wr of the Om but The Depart manae Commande: fla |! £ { Pe nnsy Whicss Banquet Saturday » Mi Thursday thodist Chu ove ¢h ning Sunday morning followed by } preaching service at 10:45 tL OF all 0 vv i ok f . Limon by th p stor, Rey lvania istrict N | f]. } Jvan Wak, Wi 4 v \ Fellowship in Bellefont naan | » ! 16:30 Free Service Continued rom page one) the Bellefonte 1a ta sun ouncili of Lhe on al the 1 DUiap, hous With Ser Lhe evenine E. Dorworih ow Moller Mis Mary Heckman and Mi David har le Methodiut Friday ndaoy followed by the Chure evening Bi whoo] Bi mornin it the how IR sery tor, Rey ular sermon hy the note the HINER nt Commands in swwrinine m 1 4 P mt regular regular them D. A Bower Prayer #rotuls Dany 4 o- preach UNIONVILLE er + cr nut Way Mark Hall st 5 Maa, sil ad m ty , ‘ rr wie day last week Lay m Al ap A A jo i HOWARLD it tied Whith made: (on | cn kre ; f ind wife, They are § in the apartment which was’ the post office. Have 1 ira of we perenalers bong there vet Detier get 8! Co FIR « OP ' fn had { Port Ma t Matilda the Kru Dang resis formerly Dusy tions young folk rif rien tn 1 pple 0 you ay Na many EY has clo £03 and gone ov 8B to rb she expect be em. Germain and nl aln’t it? - Held Under $1000 Bail for Court [en ne left th a | ) \ 1 tha xb \ ‘ ! no . ¢ y ete bot™ ’ : / . £ about an r after } \ » went to ing her home. Sh id the walk! _ " " M \' Baldwin, Pg rust, |! 01 i ’ i fu i " Aid work until he arrived home to find ; : his wile, ne 01 police nd flre- men crow whith the were found Rossman, who to Bellefonte in September part time basi Company [or he entered the stone Tire employ of week bel he riment rune Service re the Principals In Golden Wedding plan: eq h Pp i building in located Tae reason for he said, not be alone at Last Tuesday he left 1® a] telling th thelr usual + burner on t burning t« was burning virtual the wit ment at & con He sald not to piay ne Rossman re the Penn Belle grill whe f A » | - — p— — a bottle of beer, met a [riend and wat the dren, but tha — companied him to tI nder Bas Be Te Re Tn Ben We Ron Re = SIIB NE 2 Fy BiB was § TE it . P we To Nm Gn a. i... isis OPEN EVENINGS 9 O'CLOCK FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Ww) i, Tmilin/ fi . Shop and Save at Wolf's Gittquarters For You and Your Family! Funeral Held Saturday Tom As) ha) . Lad 4 ETL GEV Se — ~ ~ a Ls Te rar aT ar re v7 -, “ - NS ~. Sa NS - ” S.. a MARRY THA rss ted Weekly hv TY Vague howe PF loner MIL Bellefonte . ul Lorre & La, ”- - A. aw » ad) AX ro A “ EE Walt ae EE rd — OOOOOOODE Og Ad: a Gift Suggestions FOR EOERYONL ras d Ya - Va rd Zid a Ya Ye “a Te te Ta WY FILE & w -- or SR SN 48s Cdl od) Ard al al &F AJ 4) 4 SLE EEE HS SSS TIPLE “Sw a" PT Make This a Practical Xmas - -~ PR * SHOES Women’s ® SLIPPERS * ARCTICS * OVERSHOES ® SKATE SHOES ~~ Hosiery and Men's Socks Packed in GIFT BOXES Free of Charge Wolf Distinctive Living Room Suite The Practical Gift for Years to Come it A Wolf Living Room Suite will carry your Christmas message through the years And what handsome suites they are . . . from Kroehler, Pullman, International and many other famous manufacturers, Give the Family a INE EI III Tt ov = 4 7 Te Th Be BRL Sa NE Te FAP P IF IP AT IT (TAN ITT T IT iT - te * Women's Spats * WOOL SOCKS Pre Christmas At Savings of $65.00 and More ( learance See Our Christmas Windows for oe Priced from megane WOLF'S ARE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 IT'S A HOME CHRISTMAS f! 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