THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. March 23, 1944, Methodist Church this Thursday even and Sunday School Sind ay at 9:30, immediately preaching service at 10:45, mon by thé pastor, Rev Youth Fellowship in the 6:30 Preaching service terian church this Sunda at 7:30, with sermon by the Rev. H. BE. Oakwood Free Methodist Church service Friday evening school Sunday morning at 9:45, fol- lowed by class meeting and the reg Praver service with ser Sower in the "UNIONVILLE r in the church, morning followed by the evening at St PARALYSIS FUND TOTALS $6,965 Mrs. Bs ser Ww bar. Chair- man, Submits Report of Contributions ser Weber RECENT WEDDINGS WendelBaughman Martha Jan Ba vil fonte why f { Wy y A returned to Ne Ww Ye Mr, Armstrong is Bombsight pla tudent at the School wn it the Hier rk C ity emp loyed nt he Belle emplo ed for Pelle he rity Am URGES GREATER ~~ SAVING OF PAPER Need Waste Grows Steadily, For Paper County Chairman Warns i RO overseas to our armed forces and Allies without coming back. The cur- | rent collection program encompasses tall type; ws the Every bombing raid on nned and br paper made it possi Bomb wing plane of waste paper and it coy entire United Plates Berlin | Paper and every step of iefed on Walker Twp. Farmers Model 10-20, One Allis Chalmers tractor. One Farmall Model H tractor, One McCormick ~ Deering Model 10-20 tractor One Oliver Model 70 Rowcrop. Three mower were completely torn down larger Jobm solder- poultry ele drill CARTY Wer oom ular preaching service in the eve- ning at 7:30, with sefmon by the pastor, Rev. D. E. Joseph, Special evang®listic services in the Methodist church closed on Sunday evening after having been conducted for the past three weeks, Much in- terest was bestowed in the meeting: and several young folks taken In on probation oh Sunday evening, to be admitted on full membership oh Palm Sunday, and beptism admin fstered to those requesting it, Guests at the home of Mr. and . Mrs. J. B. Stere on Now a Major trs. | n K : Ha ik pplie paper. v their daughter, M C. R. Steven . tate Col Mi \ Ovi : ' , 4 I ‘ f to insure that the son and friends, Mrs. Mary Ritter C 5 : and son Jack, all of A'toona fonte Natio (Fria rd wii : M ¥ Bis $88.5 " | ‘ J { garage The young women's Sunday school mobilized. For the tye and . E'S : ht McClellan—Bartley class taught by Mr. . “inch half he h beet ationed in Eng. 2 Mati vi AMP 41 "A Bd Mus. ¢ los W wishes to advise they 11 have ) n \ Meer riille $33.9 meeting this month but that been postponed anti] time next month. The which have been ont are ed into the hands of wain some time this week Mrs. Frank Ingram of } pent a day last week with Mi Mrs. J. C. Pox and Mis derwood. Upon her return home on Wednesday companied by Mi U Escaping Gos Fatal D Is visiting at the to Man, Wite Recove ns ou # Se " Legal Notices | = Charles R. (Dick) Peters left last there he entered the employ of the ent: Paul Wood, § employed hy Hay OU = | hoon i1 Init i 1 FLOOR BROODERS Monday for service States Navy and BATTERY BROODFERS can make vour own battler him since leaving find im he B Great Lakes Naval Training Sch - gal FIEDERS small and 4 CREOSOLY POULTRY Three more young . romumunity will leave Council Sets Tax SALSBURY PRODUCTS for induction center . " HUTCHES AND will be assigned Rate at 13 Mills STONEMO GRIT training camp 4 Ae feeds and many Dickson, George Eddi Charles Comly All married and have child: Mrs. Mary McElwai; =n Centre H Robert R ¢ 114 er 1 LO i i A A Ch ‘ this week With relatives and Irie: and that ’ “ol ter. Eufiler Ma : ] H ' entire in Tyrone and vicinity, | y . J \ ; ‘ i ca up last Sunday evening I t ’ i / £0 H. Finis { Norrisu i ! ‘ Foray Mrs. Lewis Watson an i " " . . ” faim - . . $ Pott 8 of Altoona, were recent visit t welder tractor Scrap Collection ap Boni Reon Loi he io Btvormprn Toddoin Here on March 29 chairman of nd Waste | gor { man. COREA TY ‘ a cultivator Taught Mechanics (Continged from CUM A In almost ever instance tracts mall wheels lev. motors wie completely A 3 ¢ { fare mplemet mowe proci- Simday were a1 R Tr a ! f is OM =~ | ara ting perfect! ontinued from page one) i ) v1 Viiidre Rubi 5 " - $ t ia wei i In addition proeedure. the {« were tors ( omplet ofl ~Buy Bonds for future nesada ATTENTION POULTRY RAISERS GROWING DEPARTMENT new and used gas or electric BATTERY PARTS (you WATERERS, 1 gal and 2% Inrge DISINFECTANT MEDICATION including DR POULTRY LITTER; RABBIT BEFEFDERS from pedigreed stock SCRATCH GRAINS and other poultrs other numerous to mention NOTIC used to their T™ Hem Loves ADMINISTRATRIN'S NOT} FROZEN FARM PRODUCTS, Inc. Pennsylvania Poultry 1%th Producers Altoona Street “ry FALSE TEETH Rock Bellefonte Soldier Has Gruesome Job at Front Wanted! Men and Women Who Are Hard of Hearing \\ | WA To make this simple, ne risk bearing test CY 3 LLE FONTE'S § HOWR, AC If you are temporarily deafened, bothered by ringing bering hesd noises due to hard. ened or coagulated wax {cerumen ), try the Qurine Home Method test that so may say bas enabled them to hear well again. You r after mak Hs gy te ’ get 4 ’ back at once ARN Ark & Lar Drops Lodey st Slide © plates, holds false Iv In piace. Do rock. No gummy. goose oO feeling. FISTEETH _ {non-acid Does mot sour. ( h ’ . ’ \ : Fora : ag “plate odor” (denture breat 3 Lr p ‘ ! i mn : nn Hig 8 ol nd atte PASTEETH at any drug store vonrs before of - on — i ——————- . m——— ——— — — - a— ———— ’ p oe tt) At Ire nt MMEDIATE | EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE FOR 200-WOMEN-200 From 16 to 10 Years of Age Leary. of Belief 100 Per Cent War Work Sylvania Electric = S| ea ee SME | ORR) CAGE Products, Inc. NANCY was he Mill Hall, End lt a ' 4 mart bear het nw Posamitia home - EE LLETON TE Bh - 7 Blazing adventure, when revolt red. dens Sahara's sands ... and Tarzan races to rescue a lovely maid beset by barbaric hordes! Armstrong O'Leary £) h er nh Art : Produced by SOL LESSER Directed by WilUAM THIELE KELLY - SHEFFIELD Tate lsd 1M : Since t coremony was Ix off ‘BL. Putrick’s Day, the bride fwovtece green dre \ Orie Hie re vin a lovely I: eontfsting He flowers were ten ros The n Brown Acces af honor wire a matching gray felt hat Her After a short Arm LB i isin I | "JACK CARSON JANE WYMAN MANAGER'S MEMO -— She's a Bloc Blooded Princess, — MONDAY thru WEDNESDAY — He's a Red-White-and-Blge Blooded Yank . , , . FREEDOM'S FORTS ARE FLYING a A PICTURE AS BIG AND MIGHTY AS THE AIR CORPS we MONDAY thru WEDNESDAY IT GLORIFIES « OUR OWN U. 8 AIR FORCE | DEANNA As You Love Mer... A HAPPY, ROLLICKING, TERRIFIC NEW THREESOME! ( IT'S THE MAID'S NIGHT OUT ... WITH THE BOSS! fA FTAY Creme Ore wit) flow wedding NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY MODERN CAFETERIA GENEROUS REST PERIODS ATTRACTIVE WAGES MUSIC WHILE YOU WORK LIGHT, CLEAN WORK TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE weré pardeniag — THEATRE ADMISSION PRICE SCALE (EFFECTIVE APR, 1st) REFLECTING FEDERAL EXCISE TAX INCREASE PLAZA THEATRE ADULTS MATINEE 20¢ PLUS 6c TAX. ,..... 85 ADULTS EVENING: I PLUS Te TAX.. Me MATINEE: fie PLUS fe TAX. EE a EI ar L- STATE THEATRE ADULT MATINEE: 20 PLUK, Ge TAX....... ihe ADULTS fe PLUS Te TAX....... He CHILD, MATINEE & EVENING. Join the other women from this area now working at Sylvanis —=they need vou—help them win the war. if] ILE Apply at EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Mill Hall, Pa. UNE JORN GanrieLp - Youne Also"MOONLIGHT IN VERMONT" Fun, Frolic, Rhythm And On-The-Beam Romance! GLORIA JEAN « RAY LINN PATSY O'CONNOR Workers now in war industries not eligible, Ie PLUS 2¢ TAX
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers