Pape. Two ~ THE CEN January 6, TRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Porax What thw need toany CENTRE HALL AND VICINITY CHURCH SERVICES | The Women's Gull a———— gelical and Reformed 1 Lil ( Sprit vii ——— | for 14 X ’ } Lott) CN . ngelical: The Rev. W. K. Hos- the office! or 1044 sit y hb ads ba y ASM a SAA . pastor Lemont-—-Reorgant fore presi y 11:00: Church school, 10:00 y 00 x (ime Disgnlve Rd amy I borax in " boiling water and then put in cold | ¢rant diseu tarct I'he whiten: (8534311 ati Hitler fot cord that he people of the LET SV LS Y Surana v7, AND SAVE MONEY, 700... | With AzP Quality Baked Goods! i) There's no rationing of A&P Baked delicacies. Only bakery-fresh baked A&P Super Markets! Come today see Goods. You can get a wide sele goods are ever sold in vour RALSTON DERR SPFEAKS tion of bakery treasures to help AT LIONS MEETING stretch wartime menus at thrifry the oven-treasures you can get with- prices Remember: only choice in- out ration points. See the saving every day in A&P's Baked Goods Deg gredients, only time-tested recipes vou can make are used by A&P in making these famous arunent. Vise 2%) PH I) ioih.. on? 7 pm FARM CALENDAR 'fmely Reminders From The Peon syivaniy State of Agriculture College Scheel Changes in Fertilizer fl — TEE 7 Sa oe A&P COF FEE + + » FLAVOR MAKES AMERICA'S ATORTEL | FRYER WI. SPICHER ov cn, oD, ie we als En supple 0 sure p O'CLOCK 4 nd _on_ Christma A RED CIRCLE 2 ™ 4% BOKAR. =~ 2% Sie New Flowers Festeod.New vel America flowers Were grown in Ih Mr Spféher, | ed ne ‘ Marlin of Lock Haven: Pefinsylvania State 5, College here. became ! t the P.M nd Mrs. Robert MeCormick of gardens this yea: ; R. R. Apn 1892 ALT eleven | §t eg De Bradford of stand A . mae Petun erful « ecightieth birt ¥. et radfot and. family on Chri 5 ember 31, at Ris home hers were MN ined, Mr: Withar MceChwl- ther 20 iy Ow he BUCK SHAD 23C FRESH ROE SHAD Provide Protection-—Faris of pet ichele foment & ureed by Pern ero} Mat nanny problem Civenlar Available-Farn Ib. 33¢ dinner (hain Cheer LOCALS AND PERSONALS ( tn g wl My B. Lee In 1090 M ce Luther 22¢ Prem um 3 ditties HE LAL TRG TI Good Reasen? E . : 6 ftee Fort Leavenwor! A UN i H i PA g N ! vi igar Miller enter- Kan gave this reason, in writing ES 1d ¢ these § ¢ dinn 1 or asking deferment Convalesc- rr} jet ry ¢ M nd Vir Pele rn mute ” i from a OTTO YTIOVit is the flexor digitorum profundis nye joint travmati MILLHEIM “ NEW SHOW TIME — E Show Time—7:10 and 9.00 P gbilmine In he mesacnT™- The army Boston Style le at La halangenl 00d ree - 000 fe Admission lle and 30¢ Tie in Eg TE LTT ¢ TER Cg REE SE - be = on for de fermen ARMOLR S STAR Lord Notices VIENNA SAUSAGE. n an- Tin formed charg will Centre fal STOCKHOLDERS MEETING snc 8:15 p.m. The Tr x Ag LUNCHEON MEAT. 7 Quarries wil SUSNYFIELD be held at the offices of the Com. PANCAKE FLOUR pany in Temple Court, Bellefonte DAILY KIRBLYD Pennsylvania. om Monday morning - DOG BISCUIT... .2 1, [Ge Jantmey 24. 1944, at ten o'clock, for RED CROSK the election of directors for the en- suing year and t6 transact such PAPER TOWELS. 2 ""™ (Te APENNY ROME 49% « ther bliciness fs may rrooerly come DRY CLEANER . .. M2 FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY January 7th DATE CRUNCH RINGS 2; Em MARVEL “>.> BREAD or 130 A&P Meat Markets Are Featuring... CONDOR hr le 55¢ SMALL SMOKED SQUARES . . . . 3. 68¢ 27¢ CHICKENS 5c. ost . 3 Cakes 20¢ L ox " 3 cue 230 MUSTARD 8c CRACKERS ° ha BABY FOOD Sisk a D A ; Regusr ® BEANS son Tor deferment | CHILI CON CARNE. 1 EAT MORE . .. DRINK MORE SUGARED DORUTS 15¢ e THORO.BAKED SAN ROLLS O¢ VIARVEL BOSTON BROWN BREAD 15¢ FAMILY BREAD ig 2 17¢c 10° KOW! NO RATION POINTS REQUIRED FOR CUT GREEN BEANS ::% : J or Piece 3c CARADIAN STYLE BACON 19¢ Y sy i SMOKED PICNICS "~:~". .....27¢ FRESH PORK LOMS = is. 306 0 LUX 55¢ uresuoy EGGS © 39C TOASTS . .. HEALTH SOAP Aon Page AlbPurpore | NBC * White House Evaporated : Ann Page Spaghetti o wii ~« © MILK .. 10 “85c MACARONI Dixie ‘oie 5 on 4 OATS : og BEANS MARSH SEEDLESS 70's—80's mes Cagney Humphrey Bogart Rosemary Lane THE OKLAHOMA KID scl by Popular Demand he annual meeting of the meet January holders of Whiterock s¢ll Bohn ughnter sterman, is tack of chick init RA ots REPORT FROM THF ALEUTIANS Sweet, tender, juicy, vitamin. : basketball game thie 1944 eason is scheduled for evening at 7:30 o'clock, in ompetition with ‘Hos ard. The givls’ league rich. Serve them in halves, seq- HIRE NER RIN RS before euch meting FE. WHOLAVER Secretary ments, salad sections or as a SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY beverage juice, Priced low for January 8th i George Montgomery Maureen O'Hara John Sutfon TEN GENTLEMEN FROM WEST POINT Out of West Point Citadel of Heroes . , | comes this suc- cessor to “To the Bhores of Tripoli.” JUNIE WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY January 12th- A Yank Pilot and a Russian Girl-Boldier in danger and in Love! Kent Taylor and Annabella BOMBER’'S MOON (A Fox Picture) ALWAYS THE FINEST SELECTED SHORTS SO DL SO SR C0 SR CE CCE CIR PL CI ME TO CRIS JO Rt QU CUR IM Additional Sales Page 3 ‘Second ‘Section FRIDAY FEBRUARY 18 - John H «+ Klinger will offer at public sale on what is known as the Goheen farm one half mile east of Boalsburg, along the lLakes-to<Sea Highway. a Tull Hine of farm stock, 'mble- ments and household goods. This is a clean-up sale, Sale at § a. Mm. E MM. Smith, suct Gene Lee, clerk THURSDAY. MARCH 23 = James Hoover will offer at public sale on the H. A. Myers farm. three miles east of Rebersburg, livestock and | farm implements E E Hubler, | auct THURSDAY, MARCH 23— John C.| Orndorf will offer at public sale | on the Mrs. Ida Stover farm. 21; miles southwest of Millheim, on | Paradise road, livestock and farm | implements, Clean-up sale. At the | same time and place there will also be offered for saie, 21 acres of farm laud located in Haines town- ship, 1%; miles weat of Woodward, alomg he Pine Creek road. Sale at 10 a. m. Mayes and Btover, aucts, “Public Sales = EXECETRIN'S NOTICE. Estate of C. WILLIAM BOOZER late of Contre Hall Borough, deceas- ed Letters testamentary on tie above | anted %o the | TRO. 8008 | estate having been underTigned a¥aTl undersigned, all persans indebted to | the sald estate are requested to make | bamediate payment, and those have ting claims or demands estate to present LHe Same delay for setilement to > MRS M BR, Executrix, Centre al i Pa. W. Harrison Walker, attorne: for estate xt EXECUTORS NOTICE, Estate of OBORGE EDWARD MIL- | LER, late of Millheim Borough. de- | | conned, Letters testamentary on the above granted to the | undersigned, all persons indebted to to make against Par said | Ag | extate Javing been the sald estate gre reques immediate payment, ing claims or ma 4 "aay. 4 * SWAN FLOATING SOAP Medium Cake RINSO SOAP POWDER savings. 10-49 FLORIDA ORANGES CRISP CARROTS ci: ... ICEBERG LETTUCE «... PASCAL CELERY c=: ... DANISH CABBAGE ::: ..2- 11c ROASTED PEANUTS 5. .... = Juicy 220250s ® ®
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers