Po Mon - ou THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. December 23, 1943. CENTRE HALL N EWS | a BEB D DIR BBS BD HB HB BBB BBB BB I SSSI CENTRE HALL MUSIC! | CW. Taylor, civillan director bf SECTION IN MEETING the Army Air Corps program ot —— A | Penn State, spoke to the Centre Menibers of the Centre Hall Mu-! Hall Lions Club members at thek sic Scetion with their husbands and dinner meeting Tuesday evening at other guests held a dinner meeting Sweeney's restaurant. His subject at tle home of Mr, amd Mrs. Wil- was the pre-flight program at the Ham P. Campbell, Fridsy evening. College. The meeting was preceded The committee in charge of all by a trip to the Bellefonte airport the arrangements included Mrs The Senior Service class of the Ca apbell, Miss Elizabeth Bartholo- putheran Sunday school met last mew, Mrs, Harry Potter and Mrs. wednesday evening at the home of Crorge Rimmey. | Mrs. F. K. Frank. Mrs. Ernest Frank After the dinner the group sang ang Mrs. Kethryn Breon conducted Caristmas earols and played cards (he devotional program as a dialog The following persons attended: |. the Star. The group voted at this Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Goodhart, Mr. meeting to send a sum of money to and Mrs. Potter and son William, (he poysville Orphan Home fot Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wetzel Mr. and Mrs. David I. Graybill, the Rev Mrs. Delas R. Keener, M1 Rimmmey, Mr. and Mrs Bradford, Mr and Mr Durst, Mr. and Mrs 3 “ae vant = Boozer, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Em- | M. An I Mrs : Fr nk M Fisher at ery, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wert, Jn ded the golden wedding anniver. Mr. and Mrs, Chester A. Spyker, $81 of Mr. and Mrs, Willlam H Misses Helen Odenkirk aro! Morris in Loganton on Saturday . r liza bet) rt Jixty per attended the celebra- Mever and Elizabeth om, Aram 3 Mrs. Dora Odenkirk Hu Was followed by a tur- Campbell Mrs. Harry JOO , e) dinne; At the Evangelical and Mrs. Roy 8 Jamisor nd Mr. church and a reception Glenn Mor- and Mrs, Campbell F son. of Germantown, wa a he arrmmngements pe \W “MERRY CHRISTMAS" sis. Plump, Young, Tender, “PILGRIM” Band ; Ed ss Mary Delaney, from CGels- ospital in Danville, visited here for several day IE 0 Wy PO wwe EES 4 4 Ld ddd sd Lid £4 . ————— a——, CA — ——— -——————n. et as. Wi ain ol Sci aidit » FRESH, FULLY DRESSED AND DRAWN , YOUNG HENS ~ = 13 ire LALA, { : 1 7 Lai i TOR HEAD AND FEET OFF UE R 13 LBS, TRE ans ea oL0sEd | TURKEYS! The best that car i , ol Eon ; id wl a | DAY ~h voodland recent Mervin Arney bs being cleared thi GARDEN CLUB HOLDS Ao a aes PINNER AND MEETING Purchiseqd Tom I'he December meetin warden Club took Lhe roast nicken dinnhel ol Mn PF. V. Goodhart day evening \ ol) Lr ’ 4 * ' i en of turkeydom young or E — i 1a ; Cc : h mens extra meat on breast Re f 4 A SPR MANKITS i : nee and joints), delightfully tender anc 9 b fe . * or 7 HE e HOLIDA Y POUL TRY! : ce. One of these grand Pilgnm s will make your Chris stmas feast i festive farow—and wil save tos. Don't delay—order NOW! TUR KETS MORE VALUES IN A&P MEAT MARKETS CHICK ENS Sliced Bacon iu 37¢ | SMOKED, skinned FL = gio Cooked Hams =i» 36¢ pred Smoked Picnics. « 27¢ . Small Vi . A or Deli cious Holi iday Candy! ; Smoked Squares 5 +19¢ | “ PP oo | iin ( Canadian «» Bacon »=:8% — Chocolalzs a le SELECT FRYING . | { Mote Bland Lard i. . . 3c | OYSTER S| Cream Drops . . ow fehn B. Wert, Jr B. Wert, & tossman 1! she will t rere John Whiteman man, Mr H. Light F. Wetze i W. F. Keller and Mi pastor. Centre Hall--Church ETVICE, election : w Mrs George Gregory, 10:30: Sunday school 8 0. Sprin leo of State College Members are Mills hurch service, 7:30; Sunda) ted to bring a welfare gift and Choe 930 Thussey ville ured $9 to exchange The PrOWIe setvie e, 9:00; 8 oh school, 1 committee member re: Mrs, Dels The ; Mir }. F Wetzel and > Cambell. These mem- of 1pper Vv. Goodhart 5 3 mith, Mrs. Willlam Hanna pastor. Centre Hall-Church s&r- c.gege Heckman Mrs. J. Harold Vice. 7: Sunday school. 9:30. nf ang prs. Robert Rhoads Spring Mills—Electior of officer Mrs. James Sears n will substitute Salk Bu da} Schoo] 10:00. Farmers t tl we Centre Hin hool again his ills-—Election of Sunday school. 9:30 tenatinnsll ou Bang Three? 8 OCLOCK | CANDY. | ~ =. Chocolates . . . 53 COFFEE BARS | ; Ann Page Bean s 27 > 19¢ Mid | Tomato Soup »- ..." >" Tec gi pe 59¢ nook ob Bk 10¢ With Ards | A Diamond Salt 22 = 11¢ | | DROMEDARY BRAND | Ritz Crackers ca 28. SHORTENNO | SHORTENNS | SHORTENING ~ CRANBERRY | “ YUKON CLUB} dexo | Crisco Spry SAUCE | Cheese 5 pread| BEVERAGES | ‘ " Olive Pim 2a 2608 Plus BH. 0 Bt] 4 3c. 63¢c 3. Jar LHe 3 pt 68¢ og Je | awa Reiish BW Jas Che 3 ” Christmas Greetings 2 - C- ke) Fr - - a 3 - LE a ais a | om - "o- - ea ele Le dL ELL Raa a id ddd dad dd aii ad £4 dd dd dd IT Naai tai ad $3 $4 RR Cake Flour “univ ur 18c Set a Colorful, Sparkling Holiday Table with A & P 0 Imitation Vanilla ona ay 10c¢ FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. [— —=——0 Baking Powder = = 12c SWEET. JUICY, FLORIDA ANCY GRADE “pan i 0 R A N G E S AP CHRISTMAS GREETINGS FROM it 39¢ a0, 3 1 Cc PUMPKIN THOSE JOLLY A&P BAKERS! Serve A Delicious by With our Christmas Greetings this vear to all our friends, we want to thank vou for vour patience and cooperation. Worcestershire Sauce 5 8c 3 a 4 cu Db OE a = Fo Goldman's Food Market Allegheny Street Juicy Manh Seedless POTATOES GRAPEFRUIT Sweet Thin-Skinned 2 23C | TANGERINES =: 2 :-35¢ CRISP ICEBERG | . LETTUCE | CRANBERRIES . . . - 39¢ 2d 2/5023 | anes tue sumso pasca. | APPLES “iv . . 3 +. 27¢ | Boston Brown Bread . . i 15¢ CEL ERY Solid Heads—Danish Su gared Donuts owe , , oe 15¢ 2..37c CABBAGE... 2. Wind Bree] Sart ice Ie nriched » » = Loaf PAPER SHELLED NEW CROP PEC ANS. 4 5c TU F E SLICED! ENRICHED! ASP A Nonpareil ALMONDS 59c¢ Family Bread English WALNUTS -39¢| | De 17 fa r PINE SN IN Cs a aT a Es 2m SLA 2A SDriD nn ss 8 ZnS Sl Ap AES . = a a A a i A % H Dba a A 0 BILE Christmas Greetings Vv Our Christmas wish to you is the same as always—with the addition of one more wish: that peace be ours before an- other yuletide dawns! CLASTER’S High Street RIAA RII RI RII IIR TTI TI RNR RNR ARNT DAILY KIBBLED RAYON SAFE | FACIAL SOAP | ULTRA REFINED BISCUITS | SUPER SUDS | WOODBURY'S IVORY SNOW | CLOROX | EVAP. MIL 416 | Sr28c. | 323 | Ww23% | Wi1%e | 10 Ioegtaeaoecsueao uaa erage niaiginere
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers