CENTRE HALL AND VICINITY E—— —— ———— CHURCH SERVICES grandchildren, and eight great- Evangelical: The Rev. W. K. Hos- grandchildren terman, pastor. Centre Hall--Church| These persons service, 10:30; Sunday school, 9:30. | bration Mr, ang Mi Raymond Bethesda-—-Church service, 2:00, Lo-~ | Walker, Mrs. Leroy Smeltzer and cust rove — Evangelistic service, two daughters, and Mr. and Mrs, 7:30; Sunday school, 9:30, ! Charles Homan of Stote College, Mr Lutheran: The Rev. OC. ©. Otto, and Mfs. Raymond Bair and chil pastor. Centre Hall-Church service, [dren of Smullton, Mr. and Mra 7:30; Sunday school, 9:30. Farmers | Clenn Weaver and two sons of Mills—Church service, 10:30; Sun- Boalsburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude day school, 9:30. Georges Valley Dutrow and children, Mrs. Alice Church service, 9:00: Sunday school, | Dutrow and family, Mr. and Mrs 10:00. Roy Dutrow, Miss Jacqueline He's Methodist: The Rev. © er, and M i Mrs. Kenneth Dut- mond, pastor. Centre Hall BNE CHG ve service, 9:30; Sunday school, Sprucetown—--Church service, Sunday school, 9:30. Spring Church service, 10:45; Su 9:30 Reformed: The Rev. D. R. Keener pastor, Tusseyville—Church service attended the cele- Ham- Church 10:30 7:30; Mills nday school M row LOCALS AND PERSONALS Mr. and Mr Daniel 8 family entertained thes a turkey dinner on Sunday Mrs. A. B. Lee of Spring Mills, My and Mrs. Earl Frazier, son Donald 9:00; Sunday school, 10:00. Cent and daughter Bernice, Mrs. Anna Hall—Church service, 10:30 Frazier, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fraz- school, 9:30 ler, Miss Stella Hosterman, Miss Jda re Frazier, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mille Mr. and Mrs. C A. Milley ind Mrs. Ralph Neff left theh Oak Hall on Daup and guests to Mr. and IN and SERVICE M ONE il { the winter in CHURCHES UNITE COMMUNITY 3 - Monday Florida partici Potter Cookies and t ing the social program CLYDE DUTROWS HONORED ON GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY ed the golden ¥ celebration of Mr Dutrow at thel: day evening ™ i» mn ber 14 and Mrs Hall in sons arringe w N 1883, in State College Dutrow moved to C 19068. They have livin A M a] - and daughters took plac Et Pi R. W. ROAN'S ANTIQUE Audion Sale! November 22, 1943 HEPBURNVILLE. PA. Hepburhville is about 5 miles north of Williamsport, Pa, on routes 14 and 15. 9:30AM lo 9:30 P.M. nestiay at the home of Jamison. AL tf meeting Lunch and Dinner Served in eth Wert the Hall Rhoad Robx on Sunday The Willing Workers Sunday school class met Latheran inst Wed- Mrs. Roy Mrs Ken- Stock on Exhibition {ise alent in this scion. Other Afternoon and Evening, Sunday, ander Ches Mr November 21, 1942 Arthur Thomann Mi er Grove, Mir Otto Cora Homan, At A ——— Stormy Weather Ahead KEEP YOUR FEET WARM AND DRY RUBBERS »» ARGTICS For the Entire Family MEN'S ARCTICS Work _ $2.99 Dress _ $2.59 Women's Arctics All Heels $1.29 Overshoes ___ $1.00 Child's and Misses’ -$SL19 79¢-8%¢ All rubber or cloth OVERSHOES $1.25 - $1.35 Arectics HTH TTS ETHIE TTA LTTE Overshoes BOYS’ ALL RUBBER ARCTICS - $1.99 - $2.19 BOYS’ OVERSHOES - - . . $7.00 NO RATION STAMP NEEDED FOR ARCTICS, RUBBERS OR SLIPPERS. Visit Slipper Land Thousands of pairs for Mother, Dad, Sister, Brother and all. All out on racks for a quick choice, Buy Now For Best Selection Browns Boot Shop { Bellefonte’s Most Complete Family Shoe Store i "War Ray Dutrow Mrs, Ralph Durst nnd Helen Miller, Mrs Ralph Homan, Mrs. J. Harold Robert Rhoad Mary Nefi with her Robert and Mr Olean, N. Y., Wednesday with wife, Mr. and Mrs L. K. Dale and Dale of Boalsburg, and Mr. and Mrs Ralph Dale and son Jack of Belle ofnte, were Suikiay guest of Mi ands Mi: K. Rimmey The Music Section of the Hall Woman's Cl day evening at the F. Wetzel The Presbyterian Mu clety met last evening at of Mi Harry Potte: Mi Mary Del ed on Monday where Iu visited Mi Carrie Sweetwood and Mi: Lola Lush (net last week entre Hall-Potter pot Miss Mrs Luse, Murs Mr: recently and Mis Mr everal days Mr pent son and wife Nell Hayry Rimmey of spent Tuesday until his brother and Cleorge Rimme) Miss Margaret Civoree Centre ib will meet Fri home of M J onary 8So- the home ia Potter 1 from Philadelphia Junio a dance Wedne DOIN - I EYimns Dr. J. W. Claudy Is Speaker at esting he Bel fonts Mi hers’ Cut Ww Get treet wit) All foul nd Mir pr 1 y Witess ‘ I'wenty-severn stone ed Com- Fat ght! wa murit the alarming inc in juvenile delinquency in metropolitan areas most probably will result ih a wave of qu Lngsteris tm After the war Juveni i the usn J Jv those 1 normal are reas condition He Care their pa Many industries t keep Prope; : [3] he sald, adding ¢ ne forward with § probirm at parents cal families one has oor able solutd time SCArce Pood ” ned fruit by protecting from with Blackout shades, only Claster's Hartiware UNICIPA MILLHEIM — NEW SHOW TIME — Show Time—7:10 and 9:00 P. M. Admission 11le and 38 ARVANA AY LAST TIMES TONIGHT Thursday, November 18 STAGE DOOR CANTEEN All Star Cast BARRA WW = a AAAI WWW FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY {November 19) A riot of fun and laughter for the family s HOOSIER’S HOLIDAY Hoosier Hot Shots Music Maids A Host of Well Known Radio Stars Special Added Comedy: “CALABOOSE" AVAIL SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY (November 20) Barbara Stanwyek, in: LADY OF BURLESQUE Gay! Daring! Different! LATEST NEWS ISSUE COLOR CARTOON | WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY (November 24) Wallace Beery, in: SALUTE TO THE MARINES (All Technicolor) THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY (Thanksgiving, Nev. 25) Stan Laurel and Ofiver Hardy JITTERBUGS A real laugh riot! THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. November 18, 1943. Dhiba FIFE FEF ITF IEF ERR RRR TARA AA A MAAR AMAA AMA MAMA SAA AAAS Owned and Operated BY The ge Pacific Tea Ceo Great Atlantle Lani SS ie » PY Produce serve © olay Rquare There Foough fer AR #4 we. VICTO Y GARDEN te Lb - 7a IS STILL GOING STRONG! H your garden patch has gone with the winds of Winter, forget it . garden is the bright, colorful fresh fruit and vegetable and they're departments of our ALP Super Markets . Waxed Jersey Sweet Potatoes 3 « 25¢ Crisp 18's—42'¢ Pascal Celery .. 2 su 27¢ | 4 23¢ | 1.39 Purple Top Turnips . . Danish Kraut Cabbage . . . . . Fame Red Emperor Grapes Milk Chocolate—P ain or with Almonds Hershey Bars Puddings & Gelatin OR ROYAL 50.Lb. Bag snd Cen Share and » Then win tion Stamps Ann Page Golden Bweet, A&P CORN Gibb's hal Coe GREEN BEANS ROO as To Bo ALP Sliced PEACHES E PINEAPPLE Del Monte (rashed PINEAPPLE BEAN SOUP Campbell's TOMATO Soup Clepp's Strained BABY FOODS Change To Really Fresh A&P COFFEE! 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 3:59 Rick and Fall Madied Mild and Mellow RED CIRCLE BEANS Boston Bivle Vigorous sad Winey BORRR ...co.sn Buck Again . . . that ARP Coffee with the high flavorl CONDOR DON'T FORGET X-Y-Z Expire November 20th SPEND THEM NOW! Cream Bigle With Baron Fresh Pam WHITING ew. 100 Fresh Bluefin HERRING FILLETS Lb. 23¢ Mackerel FILLETS uw. 296 Fresh Stewing OYSTERS 59¢ Frys Pint 670 CRISCO ‘WALDORF TOILET TISSUE... 4¢ Pint Can SHORTENING 3: 68¢ 5 : iy JELL- DESSERTS Fortified With Vitamin "A" Nutley Oleo . ALP Royal Anne 1943 Pack CHERRIES .. Del Monte Sliced 1943 Pack Pineapple... Del Monte Pineapnle JUICE . ..... Ann Page Wheat Farina Mello Wheat sro Blpe Label SYRUP..... Froth, Delicious Su'tena Peanut Butter ALP Fancy Grade "A" 1943 Pack PUMPKIN .. .. Beechnt, Ow Advertiser, Bugler, Model Blue Ra . for ours is still going strong. You see, ow Smoking Tobacco nn 80 litaraly bursting with fine crops sent from the Nation's best forms and orchards the country over. Note these offerings. And remember, please, space does not per mit us to list all the good things we have on hend. Drop In tomorrow. Pick end pluck te your heart's content f= aia rar A py ro, wd El TE WE - 8) / i Store Potato for Winter! fin U.S. NO. | MAINE Potatoes =: 1 49 2c | 12% PRE en FRESH, LONG LONG ISLAND | Cauliflower - SNOWY: di Large Size 3 Ranger Joe 2-290 s Nu-Maid Oleo - 20¢ Honey. Flavored Wheat Ceesl Carnation Mant EB 11 bh. . N— Rolled Oats 200 LE Evap. Milk 10 =. 85¢ 28.01 Pigs 27 25¢ w 250 43¢ 270 Sunny. fied 1.Lb. I 2" Tal Com White o. 21, House Cams ss Macaroni SUNNYFIELD PILLSBURY . GOLD MEDAL 3 = 4) 2 “= Ble wi *>31c Breast, Flank & Necl—Stewing LAM i Grades AA & A Lamb Legs... Lb. 30 — Lenk Nib Chops. . Shaylder Roast | VEA 236 | Stewing Veal . Lb. 36s Small Smoked PICNICS . .... ~29¢ SAUSAGE . . ...- 35¢ | Sliced Boiled Ham .. Wilson's B-V ne « o - 256 Beverage a ® POINT FREE—Fresh Dressed, Drawa, Head and Feet On CHICKENS | FOWL 1 { .. u186 Lb. 42e Grader AA LA us nn 8 ® Lb, 25¢—VYeal Rib Chops ... i Sic! For Roasting "| 45¢ and Frying NORTHERN TOILET TISSUE 6+ 28¢ ol GAUZE TOILET TISSUE... 6-24 | 3 pe 8 fone Just Reduced Your F avtrite FLOUR! i on ——— ne rn =» Ann Page Ebow 3: 25¢ 25-Lb. Seck 1.07 1.31 1.31 ER. N.) Tomatoes 22'19¢ "When you sre looking fer a cake hat satisfies but good, What brings 8 call for encores, more Shan lascious Pevil's Food. ™ one farken EANED BY ALP BAKERS 7 DEVIL'S FOOD Layer Cake 39¢ Other Fine Products of A&P Bakers Marvel Fariched 25.Lb. Seck 25.Lb. Sack No. 2 Cam lona Brand Fresh, Dated DONUTS |5e Sandan RIELS .c.c.... Ts Prandieriey ROLLE .......™ | CE Coanamog ROLLS ..... 3 "= 2s Family IVORY FLOATING SOAP EO a TER : g A HAW COR A Ne SR BE hy ER de pra SERN TS ORI SP
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers