“September 16, 1948. ° Te OI i LS, LS, RE wo LOCA LS = ~Mrs. Henry Lowery and Russell, of McKeesport, are visiting Mrs. J. M. Bricker, on Reynolds ave- nue. Mrs. Agnes Muir and two daugh- ters, JoAnn and Bonna Lou, of Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gummo of Sunnyside wt. D. Thomas, of East Curtin street, is spending this week in Wil- lHamsport with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Hol- land and family ~Mrs. Ella Fredericks South Allegheny street, on Tuesday quietly observed her 81st birthday at her home. Mrs. Fredericks has been in poor health for the past yea! Pfc. Ruth Poorman at Camp Crowder, Mo., a Bellefonte last Wednesday a 12-day furlough with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Poorman Addition —~Mr. and Mrs Harrisburg, spent Bellefonte with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stover, at their home on East How- ard street. Before her marriage Mrs Frank was the Mary Hull of Bellefonte -~-Harold Alice, of Ri weekend with r farne at farm in Greens Valley. Other ors at the Glldner ang Ridgefield, of e WAC ved in pend parents, Bush of th I to ol John Fi of the weekend In an former warne daughter and the nent pen Oklahoma has been Thomps Daroth gheny turned from cottage Flora nger. d hter of and Mrs. Harry C. Stenger, Ji ri-Dickinson Mi visit with mier, a 2 Lreet op Staaf Ellis, C fonte parent i J of Esst Bishop street, S \ wife, who a resident of William port, came here to be with her hus band during bis furk Pvt Mrs hooth., of York gratulations second child Monday of la pital he infant pounds and ten hooth is a m lice detail sub-station vit. Daniel Hix Va., expects there this Hort week's Tur Mrs. Julia street. Pvt. Hines’ ter-in-law,. Mr of Middletown and remained guests of ~Mr. and Mrs daughter, Mary { the lenberger apartment East Ld street, have made arrangements move to Youngstown, Ohio, where Mr. Nilsson has accepted a position Mr. Nilsson. who for many years | been employed by the t gineering Company, began f of his new position Youngstown & week or So ago ~Michael Hazel of Oil City. was in Bellefonte, Monday. for a brief visit with relatives tefore t Princeton University Tuesday, to begin training with the Navy. Mr Hazel has received a commission of Lieutenant in the engineering branch of the Navy and expects to be assigned to sea duly upon com- pletion of his training For some years Mr. Hazel has been employed in the oi] industry and spent much of his time In Texas his ten-year-old son now resides, He is a brother of Joseph Hazel and Mrs Charles P.M. Smith both of Blanchard street —Mrs. William J. Schwartz and young son arrived in Belleionte from Pittsburgh during the latter part of the week for a several] weeks’ visit at the Dr. Joseph A. Parrish home on West High street. Mrs, Schwartz, whe bas been with Lt. Schwartz's parents in Pittsburgh for some weeks since coming north from New Or- leans, reports that her husband, for- mer well known Bellefonte physic- fan, is now In the Panama Canal Zone, Shortly after his arrival there he met Captain Austin ©. Purst, son of former Judge and Mrs. James C Purst of Bellefonte, who ic with the Alr Corpse in the Canal Zone. ~Joan Marie Crust, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Crust, of Wil- Jowbank street, will observe her first birthday anniversary on Friday, Beptember 24. Her anniversary is something of an accomplishment, for Joan Marie at birth weighed only 31 ounces, and is believed to have been the smallest baby ever to be born at the Centre County Hos- pital. The infant spént her first two months in an incubator at the hos- pital, but to see her today, you'd never know it. Joan Marie weighs 15 pounds, creeps, stands up and can walk sround her play-pen, holding to the sides. She is begin- ning to say a few words and. to see her today it is difficult to realize that less than a year ago she weigh- ed less than two pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Crust have another daughter, pged four yews. 04 tact Crenua and Eisen COl~ OUR Hine 4 £8) im going y going Qo i% has where son, ! Pvt Leonard ten-day Jane Kern, Harry B. Kern, of Camp Wood, Mo, is spending a leave with his mother, Mrs of East Howard street Mrs. Cyrus Tinstman, of Turtle Creek, mother of Mrs, William Brachbill, of South Spring street, is now occupying an apartment in the Bush Arcade bullding on West High street Cpl Nashville, mother, East Linn Edward and Jacob Mrs of B Kofman, of visiting his Mrs. Bessie Kofman, of street, and his brothers, Max, of Bellefonte, and Wingate Paul Mallory uffalo, N. Y Benjamin Tenn, Is of Paul wnt ia Wee K with Mu Mallory Thoma Hi wley and th ol Lhe Petrikin trot Wid son fonte Mrs Ru Bellefo training iK i Rigl happened nome ININSte rey The re r meeting of ant Gap Defense Council in the school bullding Tuesda) ise Council Sept. 21st an no members fees up aid financial Mr: Daniel Allegany, formerly ley, along Marsh subscription Rich of Pi Creek to the Cen her family ha Her h of World War I. is now in the Sea-Bees at Camp Peary. Va. One son is at sea Texas, another iz at in an Aviation Ma- and the Rich- is in training at Temple University in Cadet Nurse Corps Democrat writes that family become a be veteran on U 885 Okla 5’ Mate school oldest { the Norman hit chil fat nis ners daughter the The first Girl Seout of § . regular Council was held Little House” on Monday noon. September 13, with members present Plans were cussed for winter meetings Scouts. Notice is being sent to par- ents the annual registration for each Girl Scout meeting © he he after. seven dig ff A 0 that fee of 50 cents is now due and payable on or before the week of October 25th. There is a need Scout leaders. Any in- terested persons should contact Mrs Elmer Hauer chairman of Scout Leadership. Meetings of the various Scout Troops are starting this week ¢ Or Miss Jane Tiedgen of Btate Col initiated into Belle fonte Women of the Moose lodge at the Moose Home North Boring Inst Wednesday night with Hor Regent Mrs, Grace Smith Miss Tiedgen who recemt- the WAC, left this training at Daytona each, F Plans were made for a banquet to celebrate the 25th anni versary of the founding of the lodge to be held Beptember 10 at the Mocs* home, at which time charter members will be honored Mrs Smith and a commit of arrangements for the banquet i d $ 3) lege was the an freed in begin la «Cpl. John BH. Estright, son of the late C. H. Estright and Mrs. Est- right, formerly of Altoona, was re. (cently promoted to sergeant, while ‘stationed at Port Benning, Georgia, Sgt. Estright was inducted into the service in July, 1942, and was sta tioned at Camp Forrest, Tenn... un- ‘tl June, 1843, he enlisted in the iparatroops and was transferred to i Fort Benning, Ga., where he is now training in the Parachute School, Bet. Estright is married to the for- {mer Esther Teaman, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. George Teaman. of East Howard street. Mrs. Estright expects to join her husband soon, tee are in charge | Harold Ward and daughter, Sarah, of Cleveland, Ohio, spent the weekend with Mr. Ward's moth- er, Mrs. Belle Ward, of Bast Curtin street Mrs. A. Linn MeGinley, North Spring street, was in Lock Haven last week because of the death of her mother, Mrs. Carrie Kryder. The funeral was held last Wednesday Mrs. Helen Jr. of Gamble, of Cleve. land, Ohlo, spent the weekend in Bellefonte with the Misses Helen Beezer and Garaldine Noonan, at the Beezer-Witeraft home on East Bishop street Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Church- ill last week returned to thelr home on East Howard street from Harbor Springs, Mich, where they had spent the past two months at their summer home Mahlon L. Foreman Iowa, arrived of Burling during here the R Foreman h Spring H. Dubb weekend Mr. and treet new rporation Bellefonte Sunday day Af. Mrs leave How. ard street Nn niist - WAVE: oned at WO ent last March, fon Hunter Col- kt City. where she had from ! May D. C.. where training. She is a graduate of the Bellefonte High School, class of 1941, and before enlisting was em- ploved at Hoag's Dairy Store It. (jg) Charles A. Mensch, Peary f is spending a furlough In Bellefonte with Mrz, Bessie Mensch, of Allegheny street. and with his brother, Thomas H Mensch and family. of East Linn street. “Char- He,” who until entering service in March, 1942, was editor of the Keystone Gazette, has been spend- ing his furlough browsing around greeting friends, attending school board meetings and in genermnl soak- ing up the feeling of being a Belle fonte newspaperman once again, At Camp Peary he is in the public re- lations office but expects soon to receive a transfer to sea duty, or to foreign service Chief of Police Harry Dukeman of Bellefonte asks the co-operation of motorists in preventing accidents to school children. School zone signs, disregarded during the vacation period, are once again realistic dan ger warnings, he points out. School “beginners.” he added, do not have the benefit of safety instruction {Their safety depends largely on the manner in which vehicles are oper- ated, not only in the vicinity of schools, but on all streets of town, Chief Dukeman said. The official iglao stressed the importance of co- operation with the School Bafety Patrols. "The boys and girls who constitute these patrols are doing a splendid work in accident preven. tion,” the police head ed in 1943 lege the was New basic was ‘ashington her and there 1631. she in she in now Camp week's his mother North the THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. PH IY | pw Va, Is with relatives and friends in fonte Mrs, Grace Brachbill, of South Bpring street, Monday departed for Philadelphia where she | pending this week on a business and pleasure trip M1 Hassel Lose, of Ft. Eustis spending a brief furlough Belle- Delong, of Miles- burg, departed by rall Saturday Monroe, 8. C., for a visit with husband, Cpl. Delong, 0k dergoing training there (George for het | une- wi third NoT- spending ni Poul Gettig, gunners returmed to hi Va., Tuesday, ve«day Turlough East Howard Kathleen Keeler Middletown Alr Depot, spent weekend in Bell with Mr. and Keeler, of B mate duties at alter with class folk an wile on sireet employed he fonte parent anchard LUESS, 188 ine iMorovement condition js gararg Deng Gg Herr undergone transfusions since stil] re- serious, Mrs several blood being admitted to the hospital During the weekend her son, Frederick. of Pittsburgh was brief visit as ile has hers or a Miss 3 3 gw Catherine Walker Judge and Mrs. Ivan E Linn street, and Jean Clevenstine, daughter of Ray Clevenstine, of treet, Sunday departed ter to resume thelr West Chester State Miss Walker, who elected business manages public at in the eie- Bellefonte Re) ol Mr. ar East Bish for West Che studics at the eachers nas College been tudent junior In 571 8 ow pl mentary field there High School she was active in club work mell, sports, and was on the school newspaper Walker ate tended Hood College before going to West Chester, and while there was a member of the business staff of the student paper of Ming Among thése from out-of-town who were here for the funeral of W B. Rakin, Tuesday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Btorey sid Miss Margaret Rohrer, of Camp Hill; pvt. Walter B. Rankin, Jr. of | North Carolina State College: and Mrs. Park Weaver and Mrs Edwin Porter, of Lock Haven some Ume prior death were his daughter, Mrs. Pres. ton Lytle, of State College; his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rankin, of Camp Hill, and Miss Baral Bayard, of Atlantic City. In addition a number of represens tatives of insuronee companies with which Mr. Rankin had been asso0- inated in business during his lifetime were here lor the seivices. Also here for to Mr. Rankin's | a ————— CLASSIFIED ——— \DVEDLT Over Thirty Thousand Persons Read These Columns every week the benefits derived from its use, munity Bargain Counter RATES Advertisements first issue, and 15 cents for each REAL ESTATE advertising--sale or rent, KEYED ADS--All advertisemer to this office ments. Please do not advertisements, as of the advertiser SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE ocrat whose subscription is paid in these will be chu used six times a ye call at the the publishers , up vertisement olumns one the ar at a subscri arged be can That's why The Centre partment has become so amazingly popular of twe additional insertion ments contain more than twenty-five words its must be complied with by those office | Every time, free regu Democrat's classified advertising de- Considering its low cost and it Is undisputably Centre County's Com- nty-five words less, 25 Where advertise a word Is charged or one cent A straight one cent a word Is charged for real estate that request replies answering tn the be or subscriber to date, is entitled of Ar advertising to a 25-word Otherwise This charge rate, ifferent intervals cents for mailed advertise information concerning such are not permitted to divulge the name to The Centre Dem- ad. the privilege Pass Resolution In Death of Heineman - MARRIAGY 1 iY LICENSES Also con and r Valley paper wood road « Tisad ai Apply to Whitmer-8Bteeie Company WANTED] Pred wi WANTED Experienced ied, with bo 2. Year round Address YZ. care the Democrat WANTED Have a pond couniry girl who expecis Beliefonte High School. W N » of Centre Democrat ested farmer, mal- Good open- modern farm 36-17 home 16 10 20 rite B. V i inter. 33.41 WANTED--Reliable farmer to farm G5-acre river-boltom farm Good montily salary. Fine farm, Good fn, three miles from wn. Lights nning water in both barn and se. Telephone Purnace Good nachinery, tractor and team to work with. Fine opportunity for the right f Must have good references 8 3 x38 i. inary Write care of ihis paper WANTED--CGood reliabie farmer with mall family to take complete charge of B80-acre dairy farm Dear Hollidaysburg, Pa. Cood wages and BiZ-1oum house with all convenien- ces Position open Dec. 1, 1043 Ad- vise In Writing to Box WTC in care of this paper, furnishing refer ences. including name of past em- ployer All replies will be held cons fidential x37 WANTED «~ Want! pleasant outdoor work in a business of your own? Good profits selling over 200 widely sdvertied Rawleigh home [farm nec esxition, Pays better than most oo Shpations. Hundreds in business 5 to 20 years or more! Produsta-sqiipment on credit. No experience 0 start We teach you how, Write to- day for full rticulars, Rawleigh's, Dept. PNI-34-145, Chester, Pa x3 4 | P Articles for Sale i —ke ———— POR. SALE—A Winchester 32-40 rifie, good as new. C. J. Watson, Bnow ‘hoe, Pa. Box 73 x39 FOR BALE--Three used wood silos, Also new silos. Inquire of Robert Meeker, Millhnim, Pa. x37 | FOR SALE-8et of harness for team, LL new. Claser’s, § Wich treet, Belle | Ioh'h, Te. Look Zor POI and pany that a x43 Com Te oad un- last, at Shore John trac - x30 8 Onl they Jersey ders and Co corn big sapreadery 1 Implement twee Used a Uure FOR and the BALE water auality ment. Now Supply Company, garage and Places. arches et ong at Bricks, proof. smooth used by U. 8. govern- allable today at Loach Jersey Shore, Fine porch foors, steps manholes, chim- as they last, with- A%ec each at yard x47 pressed, acid dark red as fos fire nevs ous Ax oriorit Priory, Wanted to Buy WANTED To buy model T Pord car or truck, In running condition Write HH. 8. in care of this office. x27 WANTED--4580 000 feet of amber, all sipen, al leneths, 0 De used In wal vflort Cood prices Inguire of Oecrge Narehood Pine Glen, Pa x39 | WANTED-To buy old building for the lumber to be used for ohicken house and pig ven. Inguire of Les. ter Poorman, Milesbure, Phone x27 WANTED--TYuck, 2 to 4 ton capac- I ity, Aat-bottom bed. must be late model. Also a jleht pick-up truck Price no object er CC Blerly. | Rebersourg, x38 ARMERS ~~ The Clinton Auction, i Mill Hall { portunity to dispose {Stock and pouls by | bladina, every y. Cet ioheck aa SOON ax sale is made. gale, ho commission. Joe Bechdel, ahsoiutely harmless. sands including June Lang Pa, Sten an _op- | WANTE farm? Agency, T28 urghs, Pa privg Mills Duy or wll Wat's Road Kim 0 Loaday Washington or Charlies B Pa Writ Pit i» aEent POR BALE Bohuiles NArin loss ' POLITY Hurdware 112 Hat dogs Behind Buwores rats killed with Killer. Chusrante Coals Hvestock s and © Ter WANTED--To buy nd old, will Must have some at stock. Albert N. Mo ‘5 Phone Lospanton pay : once Lat) 20622 WANTED To trey iron buy scrap un Also NEWEDADETS and ) Junk M ISADUrY old soOmOoniies magazines hee! hides Yard mile Phone Bellefonle no (One Farm Xu Can wna A. Kline x42 Logan von x43 ! 60 cents per 100 pounds, delivered our rub- Jake wert 2422 154 Live Stock for Sale SALE~Youne bull " Choice ¢ Dogs, Pets, Etc. t A. IK’ £ r f RENT - property at Aar good Dlace 0 ralse poul- 1, Aaransburg, Pa x37 11% - fillhein iE OR Miller A located six miles from FO] he eo and excelent make desl sum camp. Must be seen ted If interested Centre L to be apphrecia- write OT. B. care 36-1 POR SALE « A valuable 230-acre farm, located in Benner Township, known as the James L. Kerstetter estate farm. Large brick house, bank barn with straw shed attached. In good state enltivation. This farm has been refenced in past three years Considered one of the best produc ing farms In Benner Township, of jhterested write or phone L Maves, Lemont, Pa of 24-0 Frank | FOR BALE-Farm of 142 acres, ¥o- | cated In miles east sonville through house, bank barn atiached. all other buildings. Running water falling spring at house and barn Farm in good slate of cultivation Bouse and barn Jotated near high- way. Beliefonte vein of Umesone rung through farm. Telephone S765 © J ss a Marion township of Bellefonte, alon highway Highway with straw shed OR SALE—One 200-acre farm, oon sisting of 173 sores of good Bix | g Jack | runs | middie of farm. Eight-room | necessary out. | from never | W. Bartley, Bellefonte, Pa. R. D | x38 ISEMENTS | Bellefonte, Pa X48 Haupt Apartments for Rent POR RENT--A four-room Arst-foor Woartanen with bath. Inquire of Ot FP Bishop street 249] rinan Al oeuted Loc ure JUr-rootn apartment South Alle Nick Lalli ai POR RENT wit: Daath on ony street ot Bellefonte, Ps apartment Mrs J. D street, Belle xa8 POR RENT--8eocond [oor four rooms i bath Bast Curtin Phone 2026 POR. RENT new y Apartment practically porch Box 6106 x37 consisting of Enclose ant hot wat 108 Bast Cur x37 as Farms For Rent. RENT w FOR A oodward. Pa wat » 106-acre farm Good JOUR build - Repairin WORK Oe ety We also have CAD ROTEWE, sel BOTewS, key stock, eic. Swarty Bellefonte, Pa. Phone 1-12 lawn mowers ne Worse in stock MACHINE BIL La #115 «1 I ping | steel 1 keys we Bhop Miscellaneous DEAD STOCK Retnoy BE M Keller Millheir ed vromptl 83.-R-2 or Be DEAD STOCK £ Gea J. © Announcements NOTICE indiges- bloating. sampie, x40 Home- GRANGE DONIC at bazkel pice Satu v, Bep: 18 Centre Hall, Pree refreshments will Br Patrons il Grange tainment i d on baskets public is ALL WORK GUARANTEED ! YOUR CHOICE OF BEAUTIFUL FABRICS REASONABLE PRICES ASK FOR ESTIMATE LEROY C. SMITH 5th AVE, BELLEFONTE DIAL 2329 and 88 acres In cultivation. lage dairy barn, equipped for 18 head dairy cows. Nine-room house. Run- | fling water al house and barn. One | |@8-acre farm In 200d state of cult | jvation; large dairy barn, equipped for ‘and power line has be 1 would sell a complete line machinery with either of these farms if buyer would want same. Machin. + Ad all new ¥ 4 head dalry cows. Seven-room house | i Enjoy Fresh POTATO CHIPS ALL THE TIME Ld HYDE'S POTATO CHIPS Made in Bellefonte
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers