September 16, 1943. EE ———— PINE GROVE MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Floyd nounce the engagement of daughter, Miss Barbara Jean, Pvt. Dale Koon, son of Mv George Koon of State College. Ulmer since her graduation the State College been emploved as language department Pvt. Koon Is a graduate College Hlgh and is with the Alr Forces at Camp Haan, definite date is set for the wedding Mrs. Sadie Miller Lemon has re- turned to her home in Philadelphia, after a two weeks' vacation with her sisters, Misses Gertrude and Maude Miller at thelr farm home in the Glades One of our aged citizens, Maj. J N. Everts journeyed to Baileyville last Tuesday to spend some time with friends Mr. and Mrs Graysville, we their daughter and family, Bickle near town Mr. Gensimore had been in ill health for the past six weeks but is much improved now and able to work Richard “Dick” Ellenberger of the armed forces, spent lough last week with his Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ellenberger on Water street A new and modern milk house being erected on the J. Harry Me-| Cracken farm in the Glades Dr. M. H. Cubbon of the State College soil conservation force, wa & business caller last Saturday p Centre county Grangers are ranging for a one-day picnic a tre Hall Grange Park on Sept program at the dinner some amusements in the and an old fashioned bas! All grangers and their friends cordially invited Mr. and Mrs Tyrone, spent relatives in of Army | Lewis Gensimore of | m ar- t Cen-| afternoon wet picnic are william K last Wednesday Centre county Public Sales Additional Sales on Page 3 Second Section Goss of with Both SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 18—Among | listed for sale at Bast items previously the Alvin Bishop stree these rugs ons, anc These rugs tion. Sale begins at 1 p SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 18 — The {lowing peror al propert vof P. E Warner will & he Commun-~ ity Sale on the far m of HL Harp- ioneer 1 jles west ve Mills Ouk extension table 8 oak rooth chairs, oak bedroom metal bed. hest of draw- small bureau; five-burner oll wooden beds; child's metal several small stands two 2 cloth rugs: work table; Vie- corner cupboard electric sweeper: electric washing machine; desk: folding gete; odd chalrs; weortment of tools BATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25—-C. M. Fisher will offer at public sale on | his farm at Strode Mill. six miles | sotaheast of Lewistowl wong | main highway, livestock and plements. Clean-up sale. Sale at 12 o'clock noon. BR. J. Carper, auct SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2 — Andrew J Shivery, trustee will public sale on North Allegheny treet, Bellefonte the following yous ehold goods 6 Victorian hairs wainut, Victorian love seal to match: this Victorian fur- niture is in excellent condition. 2 extension tables; 6 dining room chairs: large © hes it of drawers. book case and writing desk combined; antique rocker; doughtray: 2 beds; . 1 old-fashioned mirrors; lot ass and china: lot of dishes, cooking utensils, and a lot and many other articles numerous to mention Bale held immediately after sale estate at 12:30 o'clock s and Stover, aucts P M clerk OCTOBER 8 rill offer at 7. J. Stine farm State College on Route 550, Waddle, a full line of live- and farm implements. Sale t 1 pp m. Terms cash E M Smith, auct Harold Albright, clerk WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER Bellefonte Trust Company, guard- ian of T wana Susan Mingle will offer at ablic sale at the Mingle homestead on South side of Eaat High street, in the Borough Bellefonte commencing at 10:00 ociock a. m and furniture, an itemized list of | which will appear in a later lseue Mayes & Stover. aucts. W._ Harris son Walker, attorney BATURDAY. OCTOBER 23-<John 8 Yearick will offer at public sale on his farm. one mile southeast of Bellefonte, on the old Lewistown pike. livestock. farm Implements a Stover sale on 11 Bellefonte, will 0 § by 12 Royal m auct dir ning suite; 7 miles north and household goods. Sale at 12:30 | time and | sharp At the same piace, immediately after the sale of the personal property, the farm, consisting of 12 acres, frame house, good barn, and all necessary out. buildings, will be offered at pub- Miss weekend at from | brother and family, High School has| Tadpole secretary in the) at the college. a pleasant fur- | parents, | is | 18 Al hour and |clerical position with the be wil- | a 9 by & Axminster rug. | are in excellent condi- | stattix w at 12 20 | | head of Holstein {shire hens; offer at} -— Harold C.| public sale on | 13 — The | of | all household goods | Ulmer an- were former Ferguson township res- their to and Mrs. idents. lege, was a visitor over friends. Cal No| Ernest Colpetzer, who is in train- {ing with the armed forces at Camp Forrest, Tenn. enjoyed a furlough last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Colpetzer near Meeks [Sheen The Joseph Ebbs family moved from their farm on Buffalo Run to the Mrs | 7th, on East Malin street. Joe will] | dispose of his good dairy herd at | public sale in the near future John Cooper of Wilkes-Barre, re recent visitors w ith | spent some time the past week with | Mrs. Earl| and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper, at the Paul Sunday home. Miss Maud Miller was a recent] | visitor with her friends in Pitts-| | burgh, a short vacation prior to her | {school term Robert Parsons tion mechanic, {day for army examination duction into the service Ivan Dodd reported to Middletown | | Monday, where he will serve with the | Air Cadets Don't forget the sale Saturday, Sept his son Dodd service sta- for in- “Bus” 18 at 12:30 at n West Fergus on | his farm just west of town along the state highway. A lot of good house- | | hold goods and many other useful {articles will be knocked down Miss Ruth Bickle, who holds a nice | govern- is spend- with her Mrs ment in washington, D. C., ing annual furlough grandparents; Mr. and Gensimore of Graysville Paul Stephens of State College, spent several days last week on bus- iness in Pittsburgh her sold privately prev- ious to that date. If Interested in purchasing this desirable country home, consult L. Prank Mayes, Le- mont, Pa. Dial 2842, State College if not He sale | WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 27-—Charies Poorman will offer at public sale on his farm 3 miles north of Milesburg, farm stock and imple- ments. Sale at 12:30 noon. EM Smith, auct Friday, October 15 E. ISHLER public sale at his farm, along the Pleasant highway, his farm, and live stock, to- will offer at at Dale Summit, Gap-State College farm equipment wit LIVESTOCK -—Four horses and two mules A pair of brown horses, weight 3.000; this palr suitable for lumbering; one grey horse, weight 1.560, an all purpose horse; brown mare, weight 1350, a good mare: one span of mules. Cattie: 20 13 miich cows: one cow with calf by her side; three are first calf heifers: four fall cows: five will freshen during spring and early summer; 5 heifers ranging in age | from 6 to 14 months; 2 Holstein stock is 2 years old, the other | bulls, one 14 months Hogs: Ome 32-year-old sow: 4 young sows, some of these will | {farrow by sale time. some a little 10 shoats. Chickens: 60 Hamp- 18 White Leghorn pul- | later: leta Mrs. Grace Schultz of State Col- the past the farm home of her| Dick Fye onl, Howard. Farmer George P. Irvin was a bus- iness caller in our burg Friday eve- State [ning and spent some time with his Olive Peters house Sept. | one | THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PK, ORVISTON There were 102 present at Sun- day school. The Harvest Home ser- vice held in the church on Sunday night was well attended. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lucas and | {family visited on Sunday with Mr. | {and Mrs. Arthur Strunk and family | Pfe. Carl McCloskey of Portland Alr Base, Salem, Ore., spent a seven- day furlough with friends and rela- [tives here. Pvt. Ernest Confer of Camp North | Polk, La. Is spending a ten-day {furlough with his parents, Mr. and | Mrs. Clair Confer, | Pvt, Britton DeLong of Camp |Bhenango, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank De. Long. Pvt. Harry Rhoads of Cam Jo seph T. Robinson, Ark. Is spending a ten-day furlough with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rhoads Mrs. Prank Stout and two children !and Mrs, DeBoer of Olean, and rela. and John Confer of Antes Fort, vis-! tives at Buffalo i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Confer on Mr. and Mrs. John Rhoads visited inday afternoon {Charles Emenhizer at Flemington, Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Heaton, Jr. | Bunday spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hea- | ton, Br Leo Condo, who is employed at| Mr Bellefonte, spent the weekend at his of Howard, home here. engagement of thelr daughter, Ruthe Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bmead and Q. Brungard, to Pvt, Norwood E. family spent the weekend with Rev. Wink, of Castanea | — Announce Engagement and Mrs. william L. Brungard R. D 1, announce the Schaeffer's Hardware N. ALLEGHENY STREET BELLEFONTE, PA. i i. ll. bl sl ll LEE -— —— I —— - — * | Harpster | Lewis | “This War Will Become Biggei and Tougher . .. was in Altoona Mon- | During the Long Months to Come” Franklin D. Roosevelt { L.. has fallen —but the war is not over and you know it! Think of Berlin and Tokyo- think of the men dying at this moment. Can we, you and I, afford to let them down— to turn their battlefront front defeat? Let's ever... let's i FARM IMPLEMENTS-— One 23-38 | MocCormick-Deering tractor, suitable for heavy belt power, in working condition Massey-Harrie mower, lgood bob sled: MoCormick-Deering cultivator. one-horse cultivator; Mc- Cormick ~ Deering tractor disc, used two seasons; MoCormick corn bind- ler: Black Hawk manure spreader. 3 walking plows; 2 Syracuse, 1 Oliver; 3 wagons, 2 ladder, 1 box: 3 Super- {or grain drills, | hoe drill; double disc: with tractor one-horse weeder; horse 2 wood frame harrows and horse hitch: Key- stone loader and rake, and 1 dump | rake. potato planter: dump wagon. | two-way sulky plow. burr chop mili {80 feet S<inch rubber belt, used two iyears; forks; shovels: chains: wren- ches; plow shears, and other repair iparts; harpoon and rope; 10356 Chev- sedan with good rubber Har- One set hand-made tug har- 2 sets of other farm harness; line, bridles and collars timothy hay. corn. oats and potatoes, also some timothy seed, milk cans and buckets, REAL ESTATE—At the same time and place the farm will be offered for sale, facre on which Is dwelling house. This will be offered separately from the farm. Farm house is equipped with electric light, running water (from Own reservoir | waler being pumped there from wri | iby electric power): bathroom and | furnace. Barn equipped for 12 dairy | jcows, good milk house, and other | outbuildings | Sale at 10 a m {Mayes & Stover, aucta | launch will de served by Logan | | Grange x41 | SNOW SHOE Miss Teresa A. Kelley of Philadel i phia, jher aunt, Mrs. M. J. McLaughlin, ANNIVERSARY SALE PENN'S VALLEY Centre Hall, Pa. Tuesday, September 21, 1943 The following cash prizes will be paid for the top livestock sold through sale: TOP DAIRY COW SECOND BEST COW TOP DAIRY BULL TOP VEAL CALF .. i SECOND BEST CALF .... TOP STEER TOP BEEF HEIFER TOP BEEF BULL | TOP PEN OF HOGS, 5 or more TOP PEN OF HOGS, 4 or less The Centre County 4-H Club hogs will be sold at Also some good feeder steers. this sale. Y SALES BARN 1 disc, the other a | Alfalfa | containing 146 acres, one-half | situated a small | There are battles hard-to-win battles — before this the last battle that counts. We've go! And it’s Wwe in-Chief: “I say that we Americans will not be sat- isficd to send our troops into the fire of Terms cash Is spending her vacation with § i to back up our fighting men . .. buy War Bonds with every dollar, every die can scrape up. PrEsiDENT RoostvELT said it, asCommander- coming — tough the enemy with equipment only equal to that of the enemy. We are determined to provide our troops with overpowering superiority of quality and quantity of victory into a home- buy more War Bonds than hack up their victory with ours— the success of the 3rd War Loan! Our Lu arms and armaments...” fighting men will do their job—it’s up to you, personally, to keep their victories safe by yong War Bonds NOW with every dollar you can—not with what you'd ordinarily save or in- bloody, war 1S over. vest, but more—every bit more you can manage. we've Jol to World's eer Interest: 29° semiannually, Denominations: $00, $£1.000. time 60 dava Price: 0% ahle as $25. isRtle Safest Investments United States Wor Savings Bonds ~Series E: gives vou back $31 for £3 when the bond matures. ¢ a vear, compounded if beld to maturity. £50, ledemption: after of maturity value. $100, any date. 212% Treasury Bonds of 1964. 1969: readily marketable, accept. bank collateral. able at par and accrued interest redeem. for the purpose of satisfving Fed- eral estate taxes. Dated September due December 15. Denominations: $10.000, £1.000.000. Price: par and accrued 15. 1943; 5.000, inierest, Other Securities: Series “C” Savings Notes: Indebtedness: of 1951.1953; United States Savings Bonds Series “F: Savings Bonds Series “GCG.” 19609, $500, $1.000, $100,000 and 75% Certificates of 29% Treasury Bonds United States Now Is When It Counts BACK THE AITACK!® * * * LOAN This advertisement sponsored by * * w WOLF FURNITURE GO. This advertisement prepared under the auspices of the War Advertising Council and the U. 8. Treasury Department. South Allegheny Street Bellefonte, Penna.
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