September 16, 1948, THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. __ Pape | end In Washington, D. C,, where he! morning worship, 10:30, sermon, weekend at the Bchmoke home were The articles of incorporation have {visited with his son, John, Jr, who is “The God of Exodus " Methodist | Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mattern, 8r., and | been filed in the office of the Pro- with the U. 8. Navy but has been ill | Youth Fellowship, 6:30. Discussion | son Francis. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Mit- | thonotary of Centre Counsy. and confined to the hospital for! continued on “The Idea of Buffering | ——————— ta + and daughters na and . Methodist Church: Prayer service weekend with Mrs, Mame Cross, a some weeks past We or glad to'in the Bible,” Dungarvin-Church (From Last Week) Lemont spent Baturday evening Hh i Ain crim and ell . EDWARD L. WILLARD, Thursday evening at 7 o'clock, fol- former resident of this place learn he is improving (school, 10 a. m.; Methodist Youth! Mr and M Prank Waters and|with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, © 4 Batts fa, a hg pes. Solicitor lowed by the regular monthly busi-| A very delightful birthday surprise Guests at the home of Mr. and Fellowship, 6:30. Discussion contin- Mr and Mrs Brungard of Jersey | Weaver, Jr C ph . Harr nd son Bobb all of ’ ' RT S r & ness meeting of the Official Board. party was held last Thursday eves Mrs. L. C. McElwain over the past ued on "What Does It Mean to be Shore “called ut the 1. F Ziegler Mrs C H. Weber of Flemingtor Jol bon nd} Wes) ORPHANS COURT SALE OF Sunday school Sunday morning at ning at the home of Mrs. Sue Me- weekend were his brother and wife, Converted?” Harvest Home service pom on Sunday ! dil and nephew Re on Btroum ot Lock AH ey. of Allo a. Deni " VALUABLE REAL RSTATE 9:30. Youth Fellowship in the eve- gwen in honor of her 77th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton McElwain and in both churches Sept. 20. Christian| go yi a ut 4 - Haven Ln % Pri als ow Fuent gv A I { lative ga igned, Trustee of the ning at 6:30, followed by the preach- hose present were: her two nieces thelr daughter and husband, Mr. Education Week at Warriors Mark Mongo pie But Sa at the wil the he i of v iy AG “Bier Men. he o ih. : k Andrew J. Shivery, Jr ing service at 7:30, with sermon by of Bellefonte, Mrs. Alice O'Leary and Mrs. Morris Gent, all of Nor- Sept. 26 to Oct. 3. Rally Day and en Te a one hg Enngn ee Thomas Webe; of Altoor a Sp ol M1 ) I, S:hmoke 1 and Jane W. Shiver) late of the pastor, Rev. W. A. Snyder and Mi Nora Stover Miss Kate risville, Md. They left for their home World-wide Communion Sunday, a Ah I " of Mb. and Mr i vide Mud ’ EE Sith pen A and B : A ” on pring Townshi nire County, Free Methodist Church Prayer Smith, Mrs. Clara Bullock, Mrs. Ed- on Monday morning. They also vis- Oct. 3 RUKH, ’ "My : oh yi Philad Sr Bier v : Gg pica dai Ca Saute 1 a Ris Aissmd CI we 10 public sale, on the service Friday evening in the church. ward Flick, Mrs. Dora Barton, Mrs. | ited with his other brother HE - ot A Lulu Mallory, of Philadelphia The Miles t abs i l sehool. an il eon hereinafter es Sunday school Sunday morning at Grace Stere Miss Minnie Bensor, McElwain, while here * Way Be v as f winds] I # tos . 4 h iy ol y cried i on » extension o 9:30, followed by the regular preach- Mrs. Julla Parsons, Mi J rR. Wil bm——rl ecu ¥ Tells of Unique N an } Nap Houser and opened ut Monday with tn fo low . 1 x | ! “ nm “ A heny Bt : hh Borough of AR Mich w ou s | Bat een ila | q : { Mil all, were Sun- | Ng enroument: higl hool Po] we 4 = | Bellefont int Bpring Township, ing service whic h win ho de ubt be Hama Mrs, Myrtle Hall, Mrs H. M Juniata Co. Farm thes Shall-Diehl home . b and t 4 : ’ ¢ Township conducted by the new pastor Rev. Mile Mrs. Mabel Malone uth how dh : Josephs. ‘Parsons and Mrs. J. C. Stere, and (Continued fromm dod one} william Willams of The members and friends of the the guest of honor, Mrs. Sue Mq a pan '® SUFvE. We Ti Presbyterian church wave resumed Ewen. All had a very delightful time nt ) ont gi or dy their Bible study cls each Monday and enjoyed refreshments, She da ad TA Tw evening at 7:30, in charge of the! fved some very pretty an 150. St, John's Evangelical and Reformed pastor, Rev, H. E. Oakwood il gilts ar 3 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keatley and her mother, Mrs. Storie, returned to their home in Washington, D Monday of this week {ter gpent the past couple weeks | with his mother Mrs, Margaret Keatley. Harold left the fish in Bald Eagle creek for thi Mrs. Lundy Flick ship, has accepted the Pike school in : Mrs. (| r het miort and od Clark Williams, who had nm elect vers Nittany Valley Lutheran Pastorate ( Jellefonte, were weekend same home Hublersburg - Zion Reformed Charge Charles G. Link, ministe Hub- ed and resigned Ar ark William ok : Rev. David } 4 Rev. Robert Keeler § 0 | er lain in the U. 8. A Aberdeen Proving Naar: AD soz. Bedioe] : y ; or i » three-day furl h ‘ast Y 5 : >. Steere : rel Vil Lut 01 y even x , iy 13 4 } f . H 3 trat Lie Soy ' w . nk ve oy ‘y tad Ire J y stopped off her tween trains or ere they attended the temperance ‘ \ ‘ g rt ) " itches a hter Lu He & E wy . WET ® Tuesday and visited wit] ir. and |, : : n chirel ‘ —————— " ’ tut . 8 i ‘ BRAVES uy y Jack Mrs. G. W. Bullock, parents of hi vhic ; me tate rt Harvest Home Services ¥ ok io re ral w a : : x Legal Notices wife, who did not accompany him the womer : n Temp Fhe Heela Ui } ka hi » nd 400 ARSENY v aw iti the Mer ‘ br TYrI on this trip. He continued on MS tmion Mrs Ella Black of B ‘lw thy wal H H : ie has be ba guninl iy - ‘ EXECUTRING NOTICH trip to Joht ww ” i + i = | where he i Recent guest N were her nephew and wife, M | Mrs. Howard Bricker of Shedim Mrs H M : home in Uni day evenin sister, Mr having at the burg. Miss by bus 1 visited for Public Sales SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER Stover will offer at her resident 1 E Wop C > } a sc street, Bellefon full line © Miia. JAR20-L. Smelter and Advent Church household ys re ] Lee SN : 2d ¢ ’ . in except Sale a LEGAL NOTCH PINE GLEN "2 { aucts Pr BATURDAY, SEPTE] Charles M. Tho public sale at he (DID South Atherton st State Co ‘ } vy ( y lege, a full line { « 3 FON and some antiqgles &£ » begins t UN. Brlth uct Saturday, Sept. 18 BATURDAY., SEPTEMBER 25 orge H. IL. HARPSTER Blanchard -Dix Run Bantist Seeger will offer at pub ) ! id 3 le t hi 3 ars , . OATES hm " ‘ Iressers } of d v Fon $n { ; . | of . Ave; thence chifforobe; ch ; floor coverings. | Weaver n. bed, complete; solid . a 4 v abi tadgn it Lan No Lartha ir. and Mm A t= nl | a th ¢ 1 thenoe in a : " { : @ g . i {yf & od ai : To OF i H o i. i git " i} 3 i 5 4 ' nee 3 four stoves: breakfast set, linens oak library . good jeath i { Messiah nis : } OG. 43 " ytd rr. a3dl aia Re eter { su enttie, 1 §HOTISOT = dishes: cooking utensils; two joe rock } table lan antiaue eloed Sunday i 49 Y oli $i mowers. Pram this amount "70 X hE 4 PR 4 . . d bona . re | Westerly direction 200 feet to Leo cream freezers and ' inv other . i ". " - ot : “aaah . " - . hi . ; ¥ j ” B iO i b 1 g ¥ Foe rok dad ARLE Tita & ON : ’ . ’ } " Fier] FY o7 {owt [ 70) along 5th Lhe Methodist, ta ‘ " P aucts ; } s, love seat; library table: 2 : H. U. bSleny Bin het! About ; : ie snd W ‘ i Ni we, N King ar nh Inolon of tere . view at 4 ine 1 Orr 1 . ul will off “ He sal . Br >i 1.0 WW Te on ro \ § rin : i, 1 ‘ f i % 4 Pie " i y « ‘ . . h — 9 amt bey ‘ h + $hepe "a : 3 aian . upon of house m. Lunch H premises Terma cash Smith, auct SATURDAY T'OBER tha Agnes Or | sale at the home we lat john ) E and w : n Howard Borou a fu picture ff dishe ne al First Evangelical ¥ ’ .. a} fg #11 3 Jnana Du el meant I nnn rT Inn I ET LT ES TI sy Bellefonte. on the old Lewistown |, 0° od opt I pln hd dori Woe 3b tiscly You $ welcome ia = ; es fot roll pike, livestock, farm implements 00 2 fro rn Otove Mil worship with 1 Fautinuac rom: 8956 #4) - i F in Bel & COMP NY - and household goods. Sale at 12:30 | nh — so 3 reiver if Betwees a3 ! sewile hon in Bellefont A ha sharp. Mayes and Stover, aucts Sale at 1280 hoot ering cast 4 : AG of ‘it ‘wi Phew 58 . : stor of . al . . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28—The Jar- 1 1. Harpeter, au «37 Special Services . Ls re aa. : ed Evey estate will offer at public uring Lhe week beginning oe) # al a AEN 4 srauiE sale at the PFPiah Hatchery near 1 An ndin y 10 the A y (per cent of it wil forgive: aida dd ; . . WAGNER'S Pleasant Cap a f ull line of live- acubdond ily. 2 EN . " Mr : hari Miller { . stock, farm implements and house Saturday, Sept. 18 RE a le oa wl dri How It Works fillheim, called on Mrs M Heller Quality Flour - hold goods Sale at 9 a. m EN ALVINA STOVER I ich ning at 7.30, una Nee. Be Parra. irr , Smith, auct. W. C. Smeltzer and vill offer at public ss t } xi | t} } firectior f the apti SME . a : . A Hard Wheat Pat Flew 1 0 er M. Dubbs, clerks - i1 East Blahon at a | tt bo Tease) v Dail veroft | 18% 1 WA nd when hb Mrs. Paul Hackman, N Merrill FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20---R. Smith | fonte, the " Themin smewiona will 1 Af wneb ing .. fied his 1! rn in arch 1043. 1} wart and ds hier Donns re will offer at public sale at C r SRIOLD GOODS TT A ir Eha 1 1 WR leaid a fourth of | * $100 and then Calvin Breon, Jr. ing r Pat. WAGNER'S Hill, south o Centre Hall on ti nge, in good condition y wards meeting yo iritual 1 18 | ain sh Yume #2 x ois June 15. 1943. 1 were Thursda: wsaastn mi 0 B Fi Lewistown Highway farm Kroon Hite CONE " in a time when valu re constant phon rer entities de be FOND, (33 ! rsa Hel hes A Lewistown Highway. farm su onsisting of ‘ta in a time when values are constant- e's December. 1043, this farmer the Roy Bloomquist home in Belle- ur Best Flour . tion: fre ’ nein TR thi rn of ( od timates his 1943 tax as $5( fon 40-58 Blend sale, Bale at 10a. m M. Smith, 11 in very good conditi i ¢ . er ’ rend anda i 3 4 sa 1314 i ' 0 The two $100 pas its farm- m God Auek. be d so ; living room THURSDAY, NOV. 4-James Reeder like new radio. 2 chairs; lL ¥ : er made on his 19042 tax bill will be nesday after spending sev reeks will offer at public sale on his ‘Sh FIRE a dere — credited on his 1943 tax Of $500, with her brother Charles at Charles. WAGNER'S farm, 3% miles southwest of Spring pl ards vera: ena 1 A Howard Methodist Charge da eh oktxa hin oo gerd Dudsbiaihe lis date BE . Vv B Fi Mills, Pa. livestock and farm im- Difit a quart fri jars: S-gallon | oo CU Ts minister, Cur. |/€aVINE a balance on his 1943 tax bill ton, W. Va. and sister. Mrs f ery est our plements. Sale at 12 noon Ray ‘: al ric |} * ord 4 a po a A of 8300 to be paid when he files his Rose of Mansfield, Ohio wh Ww Carper, auct electric veri k: tin—Worship service, 9:30 a m. | - vena ssdens su wash nmin ova wl inter Wheat 15 Mohawk rug. and many oth- |Ohureh school. 10 a m. Kennedy declaration or preunmunary reiurn on Bobbie and Dick Wolle THERSDAY. NOV 4--Earl A. Boss or articles too numerois to mention er) a or before Dec. 15. 1943. Then 75 per their grandparents, Mr will offer at public sale on his i 1 pon These household ent of 4 ‘ " Lh . s A my ASE . " } hig farmer's original 1042 Russell Douty of Loganton farm, along the State Highway | are all in snail vies, 10 a. m. Howard-—-Wadnesday PEA a : pied “ hi > Or n leading from Boalsburg, Pa. %© the nai Mayes and Stover, auct prayer meeting, 8 m Monday tax of $100 will be forgiven, leaving Mrs. Wolfe spent a few days ith Wagner 8 32% Dairy Feed Old Fort, livestock and farm im- M. Dubbs clerk y BL hmdriBlenrriony) hm rire $100 still due on his 1642 tax plements, Including 4C some head — Youth Fellowship, 7:30 p. m. Thurs- __ kwh 33° Sur satnnbidal : of purebred, high-grade Holstein day. choir practice, 7:30 p. m Fri. 15 Nb hig - pay ste. Hate i $id cattle Sale at 9 a.m. E. M. Smith S d S 25 " ine . 5, 1944 and the other Dadi March and two children of Montrose, were w {4 © 1Hntey 1H ¥ ’ ~ anos atur ay, ept. day wWCTU, 7:30 § m Hunter R in 15. 1045 recent visitors with; his sister. Mrs Wagner a Horse Feed sath © 86HO0 0 ala AMES I. ANDERSON, Owner, ~Chureh school, 10 a. m. Beech “ : N " What happens if farmer's hn Weaver and family : a Piatti 4 Creek --Churth school 10 a m.; Ww wihas naps } a arm 3 ay? > a EIT GBs on Jia Sat m. | south Fellowship, 6:30 p. m.: wor. "aX is smaller than his 1942 tax? Miss Befty Page returned home on Wagner's Pig Meal Wn, © rieid county y oh _ ’ ’ oid Decata Fn : ey % veered iat . teen Wednesds after spending » nth H. L. HARPSTER 3 miles north of Osceola Milla, on ghip service, 30 p. m. Tuesday! A For all practical purposes the nesday after spending a mont 7 " M s re “r the following personal (choir practice. Class meeting at reg- two years’ tax bills are interchanged. at Bemus Point, N. ¥ AU TIONEER ; . 3 Settlement is then made in Decem- Mrs. Donald Beyers and son Jim Ww o's Chi Q i 8 milech cows; bull; War hour har 3048 agners ek Starter Prompt attention given all sales § 1. o large sow and pigs: 100 rooe- ber, 1943 irc for the larger tax bill, less my of Danville were Wednesday i G 26h PHONE 357% ters, weight about 5 pounds each Warriors Mark Methodist Charge (Of course, any payments made in and Thursday visitors with her par- and Grower. Sg FARM IMPLEMENTS -- Perguson- sadly Feudut uw ar and June. 943. and forgive. ent Mr. and Mrs. L. A Kidder N PINE GROVE MILLS, PA. ‘ord tractor on rubber, with plows; R. Roland Ritter, minister. War- |’ py J soon 3. re o Yen , wie Srv ta vip Wagner's Turkey Starter \ cultivator and pulle 4 1 iriors Mark--Churct school, 9:30; © s given on 75 per cent of the Miss Hagel Bierly accompanied Mi y « aS Val n puliey. grain 1 H) Wig urch SCII00 Be » BEONS tWO-NOTSE mower; : smaller tax, with half of the other Beyers to her home and was a guest and Grower, splke-tooth cultivator 4 per cent payable on or before there for several day: : ¥ t] harrow, | fi og | 15. 1944, and the other half Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Weaver and Wagner's Seraleh Feed rope and pullevs; all kinds : " pent Feed pen . : f small tools: 15 tons loose hay; po- Ww ’ on or before March 15, 1945 daughter Elva of Reading, | FRANK MAYES tat oats. some furniture includ R. . ROAN S 3 - A the ir vacation with the former’ ~ de ing two stoves parents. Mr. and Mrs C. J. Weaver, Wagner's Chick Feed ‘ i Bids also will be received on the TWO-DAY CHILD HIT BY AUTO General Auctioneer farm, containing 125 acres, with good Sr A N = y . " H n house and barn. Owner reserves right ntique Ronelda Vipond, 11. Beliwood, was Peggy Shade of Greenburr, is stay. Wagner's Medium Scrateh S i to reject any or all bids on the farm cdmitled to the Ajtoona hospital the ing with her grandparents Mr. and Sal £ Fise an . iribe tea ranaps a MI Real Estate BF, [fsdsie = 1»: m Wise 2udiitimiee other evening for injuries sustained Mrs. H. A. Mayer, while attending | Rydes Cream Calf Meal A BPECIALTY! » Auction Sale when struck by an automobile driven public school here. bv EE. M. Weston, 1008 Third avenue Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Stover and Eshelman’s Dog Peed —— CALL STATE COLLEGE, 2842 Saturday, Oct. 2 M d 5 20 The aceident oecurred . in iia two children, Dick and Carol, and] MRS. HALLOWAY HOY t wood. The driver said the child ran aiss Violet Stover were Sunday din. | All kinds of high protein Why not have the benefit of 8; _.., .o.. .. oublic sale at her resis | onday, Jept. in, front of the car. Hospital atlen- ner guests at the Earl Rider home. | feeds for mixing with your competitive bidding in the sale § gence in Lamar, Pa. the following | Tuesday, Sept. 21 dants sald the child's condition was Rev. and Mrs. Bartholomew of | and of your ry. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Dociash vood al 3 i y i 4 propery range; five-burner oil stove, heating good aithough the extent of her ihe Geneva, N. Y. and Mrs. William | Past experiences have proven J stove, electric washer; dining room | SAMI P M juries could not be determined until Keller of Madisonburg, spent obe| chairs: beds; Nbrary table; buffet; | after x-rays are taken ay i : that public sales of real estate § 071" cies’ wasn stand; dressers: South Side Community Hall : shdiniiolbe — gay week at the HK Smull| § Dealers in All Kinds | SEE US AT ONCE-—PHONE 2615 demand higher prices. {rocking chairs; two antique chests | fem lof drawers; mattresses. Dreakfast ta- Southern Avenue Oily Har Joanne Hackenberg of Muncy, whs A number of Farms and several § ble: kitchen sink. rues; mirrors “gg To remedy olly hair. wash it fre- a Wednesday to Sunday guest at the! of Grains 8 Be ea |i ni cosa” S25 | Williamsport, Pa. [re hey “Son's iy ho enn | HUBERT M. ROSSMAN public sale in the near future. § ,.,; vases: garden tools, and many On Exhibition—Afterncon and || S"mpoo of 4 ounces of therox, and H. Hackenbery. Her parents, Mr. | — - : , {other articles 00 numerous to men- | - shampoo of 4 ounces of orris root. and Mrs. W. H. Hackenberg were Watch for Dates! { tion Evening, Sunday, Sept. 19th. || © poo day | BELLEFONTE, PA. |} § 13 W. Bishop Street Bellefonte, Pa. will offer at publ I ’ [ta Fa £01 oH ¢ p one-half m ith ita © ed wit I en . . Sn. tre THD 4 ip ’ jege, Pa. a . gp " N v $ id 4 2 be WELL y 4 I - Ds Bate as 10a. mo JBI: | ourd: silver chest; Victrola: 2 difi- (1.30% nm preaching services, Sermon INCOme Tax AE ic Jon ag, |EOich SWIng. doughtray and Kiichen Subject, “Th ood. I paicton © Questions Answered nein = x *n on » nday. [c. Y. WAGNER his farm, one ile JORIS 1D better place vour order at once, as probably only one more shipment will be available this year. The manufacturer will soon have their quota built, To vou farmers who need a cooler this year, you had | We Also Have the Agency for EMPIRE MILKING MACHINES Church school, 8 a. m.; worship ser- if her parents 3 Mr. and Mrs Mahlon Winkiebleeh | § Wagner's 20% Dairy Feed + i ¥ a Wagner's Egg Mash | mg SS —_— i { | : i i Rub into the scalp thoroughly, then Bunday visitors gt the same home Sale at 12:30 noon. Tertns osah. | ' ubler, auot, sm Ah. Welk ~' Mr. snd Mrs. Walter Weaver of
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