THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. September 16, 1943. The Centre Aemocrat, BELLEFONTE, PENNA PAUL M. DUBBS.. Associate Editor OBCIL A. WALERR.....cov00sees. Business Manager << Issued weekly every Thursday morning. Entered in the postoffice at Bellefonte, Pa, as second-class matter, TERMS OF BUBSCRIPTION $150 per year if pald In advance $2.00 per year if not paid In advance ARs RAB RRA R EERE — MEFICAN RESS SSOCIATION The date vour subscription expires Is plainly printed sn the label bearing your name. All credits are given by a change on the date of label the first issue of each month. We send no receipts unless upon special re- quest. Watch date on your label after you remit. Matters for publication, whether news or advertising, must reach The Centre Democrat office not later than Tuesday noon to insure publication that week. Adver- tising copy received after Tuesday morning must run da chances. All reading notices marked (*) are advertisements Legal notices and all real estate advertisements, 10 cents per line each issue. Subscribers changing postoffice address, and not no- tifying us, are liable for same. All subscriptions will be continued unless otherwise directed. NATIONAL €DITORIAL SSOCIATI ON Zoe SHember_ CIRCULATION OVER 7,000 COPIES EACH WEEK EDITORIAL The Japanese Columbu infcrmation abou The man who cold weather. IV Maybe what the Military General Stafl needs is the advice of a few columnists and radio commentator expert Men at the front gt home. Buying war Regardless of all t Britain, unde: abie le cemetery 1 00K £5 Who walk into a BI auman oe When the worri at the tombstone worries Mice had The of Thanksgiving in 1944, will be the fourth Thursday, Novembe; ( t the ursday, November 30th according to an opinion from » Attorney -Gener y Office date ad ABOUT DRAFTING FATHERS attention The drafting of fathers men and, as near a wangle a way to keep most will be we can 10s if i > Wao want There is a demand. in so { ters, for the immediate ¢ 17-year-old boys in order to v fathers. This merel trates the need for men in } i exempted another must carry the lon We still think that there ought to i million men who have been rejected because of illiteracy ane who have been deferred on account of venereal diseases sho up, cured and put in the service De SOM yay to Use SOMETHING YOU SHOULD KNOW Of 22000000 men in the draft between 18 and 37. 13.700.000 have been deferred from militar his has a bearing tipon ‘he imminent necessity to draft some While 8.500.000 men were taken into were deferred for reasons of dependents and 2.800000 had essential jobs Of the unfit nearly a million were illiterate and about 400000 suf- fered from venereal disease. Certainly the diseased can be cured and the filiterates are able to serve in limited capacities Of the occupationally deferred, 1.000000 had jobs in war industries, about 1300000 were engaged in farming and about 300,000 were in neces. sary civilian activity. Among the farmers deferred, nearly half have no dependents. Ages, OLY fathers the armed 7.800 Ho 3.300.000 were physically unifit services HOW THE WAR IS WON IN TOKYO The Japanese radio recently celebrated the anniversary of the Solo- mons Island battle in which the Japanese “crushed the combined fleet of the United States and Britain with one blow.” Here is the record of Japanese broadcasts, York Times March 7, 1942: “The United States fleet is May 12. 1942. after the Coral Sea battle: “The Pacific fleet ig anni- hilated; America is reduced fourth-rate naval power.” Aug. 9, 1042, after the first battle of the Solornons: Boasted of the “wholesale destruction of the American fleet” and that the Anglo-Amer- ican foree had been “reduced to that of a third-rate naval power.” Oct. 20, 1042, while heavy fighting was going on in the Solomons “Again the Japanese navy had proved its great superiority over the Am- erican navy, which must now be considered a second-rate power.” as listed by the New already non-existent to a “BACK THE ATTACK” We are now in the midst of the Third War Loan Drive, with the Government asking the people of the country to invest $15,000.000.000 in the cause of freedom It might not be a bad idea, as the invasion of Europe begins and will continue with frightful hardships and loss of lives, to remind Amer- icans on the home front how little they know of war. Those of us who stay at home, do not face the peril of enemy action, and our grumbling over minor inconveniences is often a source for amazement for our men at the front. The only opportunity that a civilian has to help win the war is through the opportunity to asist in financing operations, These are of vital importance, both to the prosecution of the war and to the equil- ibrium of the economic front at home. The civilian investor is not asked to give away his money He is n- vited to make sn investment which will be safe and pay him interest. Every individual, man or woman, must determine the amount of bonds to be purchased. This is a problem to be solved only by the per- son affected. All that the Government asks of a loyal American is that he, or she, “Back the Attack” to the fullest extent possible, LOUISA’S LETTER Dear Louisa I love a man and he says he loves ime and wants me to marry him. He was in the battle in North Africa and got a leg injury, and thinks he might his ley But that isnt what's bothering mu I married a boy when 1 wa teen didn’t right we since I nm afraid I'm afraid he ni hough he says he lose IX and he do KO parted, and eve: believe in love doesn't love me. a es me by to n any girl he ever went wi I don't appointment what to de advice on Answer Just perience becau with 3 aown ana he boy fancy When and Where to Wear Slacks It might be wise to wear where there machinery Wicd sarvt them and for the street THE FOUR FREEDOMS ARE THERE NO MORE? r freedoms have been overed Americanism heralding Freedom of re- ioe this anda ion hack some : when this desire In {Europe largely settled America Freedom of speech--always so in the democracies, fundamental and ax- iomatic seeking these we have them. The third-freecdlom from and the fourth freedom from want. Are these two not almost isynonymous with the phrase—"ne- cessity is the mother of invention?” Our forefathers did not rake Am- great, while lying on feathery pillows of down. Our sturdy Pilgrim forefathers did not starvation nor the Indians. but changed a con- tinent of forest to that of plenty and abundance--and not by any precept or slogan of being taken care of by some one else from the cradle to the grave, but by appropriating to them- selves a fifth freedom-—-the freedom of personal Initiative of the freedom of being permitted to work a little iharder and a little longer than the slacker neighbor who sought the {shade trees in the forest when the ‘sun was still in the middle of the theavens. Is it not this freedom one of personal ambition and per. sonal liberty of leading an active {life without any restrictions or cur- itailment either by law or by picket ling. the greatest freedom of all? {This is the freedom that is in great- ier danger of being lost in the Amer | lean way of life. The other four freedoms—analyze them. and what' is there to them-—more than funda- mental axioms like that of freedom to live, or freedom to breathe the! pure alr and enjoy the Creator's! sunshine? Does not the fifth freedom | encompass the other so-called four | freedoms? i J W. H LOSCH, i Jersey Shore, Pa. AWAY hundred of years we are not fear, erica fear i Intelligent people try to secure the | facts on both sides of a question; ig- noramuses just howl and shout. | cally desirable to rebuild it HEALTH AND BEAUTY A. U. 8.~What is the height of the tallest man in the United States? | CARE OF THE WAR WOUNDED Ans.—Two of the tallest men in the United States at present are! Our friend Ernie Pyle has been Jack Earle of Ringling Brothers, who 1s 8 feet 64 Thompson, of Wisconsin, 8 feet 7 inche 8. E.~Where did the peanut originate? Ans. ~The peanut | as far back as 950 B, C Indian telling us how they care for the (wounded In our army In every division there are usual- ly about 15000 men. Nearly 1,000 of these are medical men. Three en- listed first ald men go With every company On the battle field they give all the help they can. The lit- ter-bearers convey the wounded back to the nearest battalion ald station. If possible, the injured are carried back at once, but gt other fimes, cir. cumstances make this impossible, and the first ald men cannot reach them. Sometimes the wounded have to lie for hours on the battle field before help reaches them when once the litter-bearers get the wounded off the battle field, the care is excellent. The battalion aid tation is the first stop in his jour- ney to the rear en route to a hospi- Do not imagine that this ald sta- tent equipped with all instruments for all kind of surgery. BY No means . This aid station is anywhere under - the sky where the battalion surgeon and his assistant have found it most conventent for the stretcher-bearer: It is equipped surgeon's medical chest There is a staff of two doctors and 38 enlisted men, They ar the battle field that they It graves was known in Peru sidd to have originated in Brazil been found in prehistoric food and ha first cultivated peanut thie for the Army? Brig -Gen, Dean © old, Is the younjest American J. H~Who © An The War Department the Army Alr Forces, who is now this rank In the Army at the 8. D.—Why in the House youngest general in Strother: officer says that 35 present Years Lime Of ol 4 dox the Constitution provide that revenue bills shall or. of Representatives? his provision Is an of the olved that the National purse-strin tly responsible to the people Y.~What pa IRINale The controticd wdantation tice English should pra be wintetnle int principie inv by a body dire age of Scripture ald wo be the most widely "Let pau John * Most heart New beginning thumbed of not Your ald to be age 1a the of 1042? over a BOT million cop Pa Mid tal the Lord and tion is a Necessary an man builds the largest structures? i ¥ " a quarter of an inch in insect about i much a id 8 Which may be as > 4 N f President of to bring the wounded # with 18] ons President George rang and HH. B--What | Bureau of Min we world's |] Reva Join Coolidge Are so ouree of our helium supply? are usually ‘ im i" under fire At A ; i y the st produces at its plant near Amarillo, Texas, output of tl rare wounded Ra man i hie treated gravity of hu and blood plasma nim hospit brought ation 18 37 ¢r Capita come increased since ' m i hE according lo Morphine administered to enable to the OMe increased reieased by the ha of Wai from $47.9 April of th Roosevelt ge = if surgical Fala Hill He w applied Informa- come trip back to the ml pared for all work injureq pre Temporanr to arms but if the atx operated tation. the en by ambulance other available con- back to a ooliecting there some tents, 100 en- suf- tation where are staffed by five men. Here more morphine operation tra doctors and give the and do neces- they listed they eres om hence fer vo bh station medical units move w the division to which they are attached, and are alwaw 0 WOUnGe fighting The first hospitals are 40 miles mote back of the fighting. They be- jong to no division, but take men from them all. The farther back you and when necessary Aare ambuls clearing ity These ith ready for eIY.Or the wherever they are wt con has been Known or It Is believed that some i the car as ’ ear and on Uw pant » tendency to pop 11 an inherent char- they hoeoome all the wounded are taken {rom Ie the land hospitals and take whet we en to alirm hi Hl bear H America mt 1 wil] serve aguinst ail hemes Wholsoever: and of the President of the United Btate. and the me Rules of Ar- tion ‘vacualed uieginnce to the United State u and Iaithiuily obey the order: officers tseiy . Wied , they are sent to spien- didly equipped hospitals in Africa Pyle was sent to a cienring sta- which consisted of five doctors #0 en- nm EX room a ree th appointed over soeording to the chaplain and t 4 wr " . ontaired hat the Headquarters Company contained + bs $k ‘ 3 " larg is # had an X-ray he OGetalls of unier outdoors s Headquarters Company oulooos and the personne] all slept To be continued) CABBAGE COOKED IN MILK IS HIGH IN FOOD VALUE feed A —— — the difference turthe and a tortoise? Deiwess: 8 are often called tortoises and the name SOIC - y It Zoologically there is little - Cabbage i= a favorite vegetable both belonging to the ored Chelonia of the Reptiles. With many families but i's likely to n time after time as just plain ¢ fresh-water tu Aye 4 Son rae ou appear _ bolled He female *r have hot Al Sen up more simp and keep h 1 { in this versatile spare it in a variety of Miss Helen 8 Butler extension represen Ompose Lhe Crew vegetable, Dr 1DOset of a plot Way! belly and the bombardie; home eCoOnOmMi tative of Centre county When cabbage. ©o0kK quickly § 1 uncovered kettle. This the cabbage crisp and theres no disagreeable odor to pencirate the house. Five-minute cabbage is LOPE in food value because it's cooked in imilk. To each 4 cups of shredded icabbage. add 2 cups of milk. Cook until tender, four to five minutes, season with salt, pepper and butler Serve the milk with the cabbage Cabbage is an excellent meat stretcher. Cook shredded cabbage in lightly salted boiling water until { tender Prepare 2 cups of white B. A~Who wis Maria Mitchell and when did she hve? | sauce and add to it a half cup of Ans.-—Maria Mitchell was one of America’s at Woman scientists |Brated cheese. Stir uni] cheese is She was an astronomer and discovered several comets. She was professor | Melted Put the cooked cabbage in a pour the cheese of astronomy at Vassar College, She was born on August 1, 1813 [greased casserole. sauce over it, sprinkle with buttered I. B. A—How fast does one fail in making a parachute jump? lbread or cracker crumbs, and bake Ans—1In a study of parachute jumpers from heights ranging from 8400 | ,.t{] the cabbage is heated through to 20.300 feet, it was found that in falling from maximum heights the |. 4 the crumbs are brown. For more body reaches a velocity of 171 miles per hour. Just before the parachute color and flavor, substitute cooked opens the body may reach a velocity of 229 miles per hour {carrots for haif the cabbage P. B.—Is the camel considered stupid? i To get the highest food value from Ans.—The camel is a very stupid beast and has never learned to do | cabbage, serve It raw. Instead of the more than a few simple things, He seems to have no feeling of affection {traditional slaw, you might make or recognition of his owner, is ill-tempered, stubborn and has very little | what is known as “Yankee Slaw." To SOTISe {do this, beat 2 eggs until light, add y oo {3% cup water, 2 tablespoons sugar, '% teaspoon mustard, 1 teaspoon Ans Members of Congress are not subject to impeachmen House can. with concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member. Members snoong butter. Cook until the mix- are subject to prosecution for treason, felony. or breach of the peace, the ture thickens. Pour this hot dressing same as private citizens over shredded cabbage and serve at W. M. H<Does Canada participate in lend-lease? once. For a different flavor, 1 cup Canada does not use lend-lease accommodations utilised by Chopped celery, 1 cup shredded car- rots. or 1 cup thinly sliced apple may he shredded cabbage. a Fiving Forire man gunner, tury gun- nn action may i it COOK P—Are Japanese women accepled in the Women's Army Corps? led n imber of American-born women of Japanese descent members of the Women's Army Corps MEvice copied for enlistment as R.—What proportion of the men rejected for were rejected because of illiteracy? An Almost 1.000000 roen because of illiteracy. This is about sical, educational and moral defects military rejected for military service those rejected for phy- been one-third of huve C. B. R-—How much on the average does a woman spend in beauty shops in a year? At ADS an average of about It is estimated that women between the $11 a year in beauty shops pges of 20 and 84 spend [4 I. 8.~Can members of Congress be impeached? Ans. ~ other United Nations A P. J. MIs Gary, Ind, or Pittsburgh, the more important steel center? be added to are Ans—The American Iron and Stes Institute says Gary Ind. far out. TR TN ranks the city of Pittsburgh as a steel producing center, Because of the Mold in Bookcases fact that Pittsburgh is closely surrounded by a number of smaller muni- Me books yi. the bookcases oan cipalities, many of which have steel plants, the Pittsburgh district takes prevented rom becoming moldy rank as the major steel-making district of the country. Al a few drops of oll of lavender are {sprinkled on the shelves. If the & R. W.Please give the story of the painting The Angelus Fabra bindings of some of the books Ans. There is no special story connected With the painting of The have accumulated mold. rub them Angelus, by Jean Francois Millet. The canvas depicts a scene familiar with a cloth slightly moistened with to the artist. who was himself of the French peasant class. The angelus | ammonia. is a church bell which is rung in Catholic churches at 6 o'clock in the morning, noon, and at 6 o'clock at night, A. D. F—~How did calico get its name and does it refer only to printed cloth? { Ans. Calico takes its name from Calicut, a seaport of India. It was | first given to white cotton cloth but now includes colored cotton cloths. | At first calico printing was done by hand by means of wooden blocks but | is now printed on great printing presses, | Capsules W. G. T~Does Alaska produce any oll? | “A eaprale sasy te take for Palm and Ans —There was a small production of ofl in Alaska at One Hme DUL| Aches which has proved prompt and effec. some years ago the refinery burned down and it never became econom- Hoe I Snnsh lg etl yoo Kha Bad Weather Ache snd Toothache Take te imple Precouiionery { — { ACHES AND PAINS Are Usually Relieved With Luebert’'s Ka No Mor B. 1. E~-Is the Destroyer Escort boat larger than the destroyers used | pr hand i in the first World War? Bold by Drengeloin at She, She, and $1.20 Ans.The Destroyer Escort, about 300 feet in length with a ar | ser package, wt hy mall direst, beam, is slightly smaller than the aestroyers used in the first World War, A. G. Luebert, F.D., Coutesville, Pa. imches tall, and Cliftord !sick, (not very sick), so he has been | but each ‘gait 4 cup vinegar, and 2 table.) ET e—— — THE OrrFice CAT “A Little Nonsense Now and Then, Is Relished by the Wisest Mea" TRE SWAN SONG (In Reverse) I've used up all my ration points And now have naught to eat I bought my shoes with my ast stamp And now am near bare feet My gas stamp book is empty My tires are all blown ot sugar and my coffee’'s gone As we say, “Up the spout railroads say “stay home Telephones say “don't talk ™ The health faddists haste Lo sa) It is the best to walk My The We ride buses standing up We wear shoes without taps laundries fail to wash our clothes And all yell “Damn the Japs The mustn't do this Whate'er we Sign up this blank This goes must do that wrong ‘give Ban long We we Qo is your cash aay on au And 50 it all 50 hopeless seems That death would be but fun hell! My ammunition’s gone And 1 haven't gun Ea Ta But any Just Between Cousins County Cork, Ireland, August 6, 1943 Dear Cousin Your welcome letler received and me and your Aunt Bridget thank We had seven masses said for your rest their souk sent God you kindly for the money you grandfather and grandmother You have gone high places in America, I hope you'll not “e putting hung in Londonderry lac week for his sou! and may the curses be on and may he burn in hell Heaven forgive ine Muldoon's wake He was an old blather. good 10 him stretched out with bir mouth rn till the damlied place reezes Over a policeman rest Jimmy Rogers, the informer al Pat ee We had time Kile, and looked closed. He's better off and He had too many friends Bless yo 100k a pot the 8 Eranag his he'll burn among the Britishers heart, 1 almost shot at a policeman drink in him I hope this letter finds you in ing you to keep sending the money you about your Uncle Dinng back but he had the dirty drink good health and may God keep remind - forgot 10 tell fryer of a} irom In wi edge He too much of mil and } on e they stopped the County The Brennan's gOINg America Father OFial his blessing Mollie O'Brien, the brat an Englishman She'll have no are 100 per cent They have pee Bil over to feeble-minded and send vou vou used i has married luck Mav God take care of the lot of you and Your devoled cousin keep you {rom sudden death TIMOTHY Every police barracks ha: been bum. Thanks be Heaven P. 8. Thing: ed to the ground, in P look bright County 8 Keep sending aEall Cork the money ir w - » His Turn Not } CH Pl wae OO We discoverad one of of prayer f } of Du have a few minutes colored preacher st SeTINON A pel his deacons asleep. He said Deacon Brown will lead “Lead?” queried Deacon Brown, awakening » a.» Rah For Hurrah of feminine will now suddenly. “I just deal ™ and a well knowt a group composed the town citizen progres: to Tere feminist was mostly of women large gathering holding was A forth or Today we have women judges fully a §{ as the men hedge: on the said the back of the 1 we have women GoClors bench.” si Drunk in Nowadays the wimanen.' to the very best men doc. Lors Drunk: “Rah for “In modern time: women have equalied known fields of endeavor. In fact there is very them.™ Drunk the winunen.™ surpassed man in all little difference between or 13 the little difference.” » * Thank God for We're Warning Ye medicine i the market dare cough # A Dew now on called Laxalax: “Sis tablets and you don't cough * So That's Why Dogs in Siberia are the fastest in the world because the trees are X far span * » An Old Saying Mr and Mrs Wong, a Chinese couple, had a baby-—which turned out to be white, They couldn't understand it, but little Audrey laughed and laughed and laughed, and then lisped: “Two Wongs oouldnt make 8 | white.” * * » * * What He Wanted A preacher dialed long distance in order to call a clergyman friend of his in a distant town ‘Do vou wish to place a station te station call? asked the operator, “No.” came the answer, “parson to parson, please.” « 2 9 Fast Work “Good moming, Reverend. I haven't scen you lately.” “No, Captain. I've been busy. Only this morning 1 married three couples in fifteen minutes.” “Past work, Reverend, That's twelve knots an bour™ *. %. 8 Elmer Knew It Teacher-“Now, can anyone give me a sentence using the word ‘diadem’?” Elmer— People who drive carelessly diadem quicker than those who stop. look and listen” * \4 * Smoke Talk Said the bartender to the cigarette, “You¥e It” Said the cigarette 10 the bartender: “Put me out before | make a0 | ash of myself.” A young married woman wanted her maid to be pleased with her pos- ition. “Youll have a very easy time of it here” she explained sweetly, “because we have no children to annoy you" “Oh.” sald the colored girl generously, “I'se very fond of children, so don't go restrictin’ yo'sell on my account.” \S * LJ One Moron to Another ve you heard sbout the two morons who came 6 a nudist colony? high wall around it. One said to the other, “You stand on |
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