June 17, 1948. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Three Navy Gun Crew Chief Home [ faction of engagements with enemy submarines and airplanes on several occasions, has seen enemy torpedoes high«balling toward his ship, but so far the ships he has been On have escaped being struck The gun crew lg commanded by a naval lHeutenant. As Coxwaln, Steele is In charge of the 30-man crew in seeing to it that the various types of guns are constantly manned and ready for use on an instant’s notice Although dhe type and number of guns aboard merchant vessels is a military secret, Coxwaln Steele de- scribed them as being “quite ade- quate’ for most any type of enemy underseas pircraft Or aboard fuel oll assigned time wrved a large tanker which hauled to foreign ports. He now Is to a general cargo ship For a Steele A graduate of the Bellefonte High School in 1940, Steele was employed by the Eclipse Machine Company in Elmira, N. Y until his enlistment Jack Steele in the Navy in August 1942. He re- Steele, of the ved his basi training at the terday returned to his Great Naval Training Station Of a naval gun cre in und then underwent aboard a merchant shi r spend. U | in naval gunnery in (‘hi- two week : Mr. and street Coxwain Jack ho Navy who ye duties as chief Ng a parents of Pine the men re of supplies Sea Since vol merchant vessel serving in he | Al hes been nd twice tO various Americal ang to Canada and ? Ls Coxwain & ponsibl merchant vessel 0 the armed [OI long 3 for- require leering for guty & ard hour I duty both i sen and require all action time of living aren't Steele ha n Ign por and which tic Ocean memoer d repay for t ny enemy A In addition { merchantmer Leelee hig iad th 34 RIWAYS Il that uid aboar be desired == 9 women parts of phia, formerly of Bellefonte tomatic sending at iter of learns oller.” Mrs Young m all the country nrolled among 500 WAAC stud 3 in the Midland Miss Whitecar is a daugh Radio and Televi School at Kan- J. L. Tressel of Philadelphia sas City, Mo : Pifth recentiy a r East Grade Dolores Whitecar of Philad str fro 34 ; the su contr until ident of Bishop ot Blanchard-Dix Run Baptist Rev. William J. Shope Japtist Blanchard--8 9:45. Glad Hour Tuesday 7:30. Young People’s Fellow - riod Friday night at 7:30. The exer Communily Bible school will be held evening at the Church of 7:30. Messiah Baptist, Dix Run--8unday school and moming worship, 9:30; Bible study and pray- service Wednesday, June 23. at church. The Christian farmer the religious services of his community Attend church this wees pastor Lib- hool, eve. ning at Hublersburg-Zion Reformed Charge Charles G. Link Hub- lersburg-—-Church school, 8:30 a. m divine service, 10:30 8. m. Zion—-Un- lon Chugh school, 9:30 a. m.; divine service, 7:30 p. m ip pe closing ises of the Vacation Sunday Christ at iy te minister Martin Grove Church of Christ Albert E. Snyder, pastor. Sund school, 2:30: evening worship, 7.30 Theme, “The Communion.” The starting of Communion each Sunday evening. Everybody welcome the attends First Evangelical, Bellefonte Halbert Jacobs pastor. 9:30 to worship in the Sanctuary. Ser- ubject, “You Must Carry Your Pack.” 10:20 to 10:50. the at Study: 10:50 to 11:05, re- and dismissal. This unified tem of worship and study will be carried on during the summer months. We urge those who came for the worship service to be present Rev E. Arnold, pastor 1:30 a. m. 7:30 p. m., preaching Trinity Sunday, June 20: 9:30 a. m., service. The pastor will bring the Sunday school; 10:45 a. m., Child- message. Wednesday evening at 7 ren's Day service with program by o'clock, the children of the church. 7:30 p in, we join the baccalaureate ser- vice in the Bellefonte High School auditorium H 10:15, mon Own Nittany Valley Lutheran Pastorate Rev. David E. Straesser, pastor Zion--church school 9 a. m.; momn- ing worship 10:30 a. m. St. Mark's— ony church school 9:30 a. m.; evening porta worship at 7:30. St. Paul's—church | school 9:30 a. m irch St. John's Lutheran, Bellefonte Clarence prayer service at 7:30. Choir rehear- sal following the prayer service The public is always welcome to worship with us Presbyterian Charge TT Port Matilda Bible school, 9:30 a PO ERS MILLS m.; morning worship, 10:30. Union- | Pvt. Donald Phillipe of Camp Dix, ville—Evening worship, 7:30 Bible N. J. spent Saturday at the home Study class Monday, June 21 at 8 p. (of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank m. in the church. Milesburg— Bible | Phillips school, 9:30 a. m.; Christian En-| Miss Mary Ann Smith, deavor, 6 p. m. Howard E. Oakwood, | ployed at the Nittany Lion Inn at minister State College, spent Sunday at the thome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Earl Phillips Mr. and Mrs Glenn, Mr, P. PF Mrs. H. E. Faust ren's Day services Sunday evening Pvt. Gordon Hook, lough spent a few days at the Rob- {ert Hook home, Ry —_— | Dean Smith and L. O. Woomer of Rebersburg Reformed Charge { Pittsburgh, Glenn Weaver, pastor. June 20, the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs Tylersville, 9:30 a. m.; and Green |J Roy Smith Burr, 11 a. m. June 27, Madison- burg 10:15 a. m., and Rebersburg at | tleman friend of Buffalo, N. Y., vis 7:30 p. m. June 16, 23 and 30, pray- lited over the weekend at the home | er service at Rebersburg at 7:30 p. of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. m. Bunday school at the usual time | Sweetwood in each of the churches. who is em-~ Warriors Mark Methodist Charge R. Roland Ritter, minister. War- | riors Mark--church school at 9:30; morning worship 10:35, with ser- mon: What Does it Mean to be Free? No church service on Bunday, June 27. Other services as usual. Holy Communion July 4. Dungarvin church school at 10 o'clock H. ¥. Hennigh, son Palmer, Mr. and attended Child- at Zion Hill on — Pitch on Fabrics United Brethren, Bellefonte G. E. Householder, pastor, Unified | services beginning at 9:30 a. m., Wil- | Fics by sponging with chloroform. | son R. Shope, supt. in charge, Ser- | ine fabric may also be rubbed with | mon at 9:50 a. m. by the pastor. [lard; then scrape off as much pitch | Sunday school lesson study at 10:20 [#8 Possible and sponge with turpen- | 4 m. dismissal at 11 o'clock. There | tine, rubbing gently until dry. Last, | will be no. evening services congregation will join in the bac- {has disappeared. calaureate services to be conducted in the high school auditorium. The AS a— evening at 7:30, | der consideration, special prayer hour. Regular’ during his fur-; spent the weekend with! Miss Naomi Sweetwood and Beh | Corp. James K. Reasner On of Corp. Reasner | Lida Watson Reh of entering the nt the and “m in Co SHow Shox ery pioyed Cilenn plant in Baltimore, Md worked for a time at the in Snow Shoe Wi Mart He bri before we Bis0O Kyard Corp. Reasner enlisted in t December 1st and after a al New Cumberiand wa i eceiveg He was next transfer Field, Mas in the Alr Force ard then to | } He | ] pre int tatu California hie ries wnt to M wil uri where DSI red to Armed training L Vestover lina med Corp. Reast Snow Shoe star athlete in f« WOO aid wa q rated a witball and basketball A. - Pvt. George J. Cushion three stalwart mem- bers of Uncle Sam's Victory Army are sons of or Barbara Drogan of Coleville. The Cushion brothers are song by a former marriage. They Are NOW in OVErscas service Pvt well The above George J. Cushion, 26. was known to local baseball fans for his work on the pitching mound number years. He was soinewhere in England” when last heard from. Pvi Cushion received his training the following army camps before being sent overseas Camp Meade, Md.: Camp A. P. Hill Fredericksburg, Va.. Camp Dilworth, N. C.; Camp Blanding, Florida and Camp Kilmer. N. J. Before his in- duction into the army, Feb 21, 1942, Pvt. Cushion was employed by the American Lime & Stone Co. Word is received from him very regularly and he says he is in fine health. He for a of at "Training in Georgia In New Mexico LER 2) Meyer Eleanor M. Courter 0 er ui vii Ww inducted int Pyvi. Charles J Pvt John G. Drogan is a member of the Pvt. Cushion a graduate John's Parochial 8chool and Spring Township High School Pvt J C SaTel 11411 Cushion 116th Charles ushion, 28 was Iin- branch of and from ntry 1942 center wan on June 12. 1942, and at presen 5th rmy on N Ww. 2 in Northw ! stations] at Red Bank, N. J. transferred to Port Monroe. N. J. He was sent to New Mexico for a few days, then retumed 0 Fort Dix. N imber land to Camp Wheeler, Ga training. Pvt Drogan Is a uate of St John's Parochial School and the Peliefonte High J before being sent overseas He 8chool in the class 1941. He was reached England on Sept. 5. 1942. In a member of the Bellefonte High the middie of October he was sent! School baseball team in 1941 and to Northwest Africa where he is sta- | also played for Bellefonte in the tioned at the present In his County League Sor the past four ses. letters home he states that he is in sons, including the championship good health and plays quite a few team of 1942 Pre vious to entering ball game Charles was a graduate the seid ce Pv Drogan was employ- of 8t. John's Parochial School and ed by the American Lime & Stone before his induction into the armed! Co. of Bellefonte, and the Electric forces was employed for the past| Supply Co for his of time MANY ARMY TRAINEES “Hut, two, three, four,” is a famil- lar marching cadence heard daily on the campus of the Pennsylvania State College, where contingents of trainees in basic and advanced on- gineering subjects have begun spec- ial training under the ASTP pro- gram In following a schedule, the basic ceive instruction In chemistry, English. engineering drawing, history, geography and | physics in addition to military train. ing and physical education. The ad- vanced units will specialize in chem- feal, electrical, mechanical, and civil engineering } mathemating . Gets Commission Charles F. Reese, son of Mrs. Mar- garet J. Reese, 8 Burrowest street, i State College, after completing an intensive 13-week commissioned a second lieutenant in| ithe Army of the United States. Lt! | Reese recently spent a week's leave in Btate College and then was as- ‘signed to Columbus, Ga, He was graduated from the College in 1934] land was employed by a dalry com- Pitch can be removed from fab- pany in Atlantis, Ga. before enter- port gill, Oklahoma. He is Battalion | ing the Army. Arrives in England Mrs. Edith Burd, of R. D. 3, Belle- fonte, has received word from her {arrival in England in time to cele | | brate his 21st birthday, June 9, 1043. | | STATIONED AT PENN STATE S8-hour weekly’ trainees will re-| +! Schacter course for of { ficer candidates at the Quartermas- | ter School, Camp Lee, Va, has been | SURPRISE PARTY HELD FOR ZION ENLISTEE Four in Florida additional Centre countians are learning their military ABC's at Basic Training Center No. § of the A surprise | Army Air Forces Technical Training parental home north of Command at Miami Beach, Ma June 7 for Arthur Nilson, They are: Pvis. Michael J. Cingle, left June 10th for the U gon of Mr. and Mrs Bteve Cingle, Air Corps Clarence; Fred D. Lonberger, hns- Even thought it rained the biggest band of Mrs. Anna Mary Lonberger, part of the day the party was a suc | Boalsburg; Clark Boyd Johnson, son cess of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Johnson, Port Games were played Matilda, R. D. 1; and Melvin L. young alike, Miss Lois Gilmore of son of Mr. and Mrs. Zion, played the plano while the Thomas E. Schaeffer, Spring Mills. young people sang. Refreshments Pvt. Cingle, who was employed in were served Baltimore, Md., before his inducition,| Those present were Williams, | is an aviation cadet candidate. Pvt. Esther and Verna Ingram Mildred | Lonbeiger, a forest ranger with the Young, Mary Jane and Walter Arm- | | State Department of Forests and! stiong, Violet, Paul and Ellen Grove, | Waters, Is classified as a radio oper- | Ruth and Sara White, Eleanor Herr, {ator and mechanic, a plane mechan- Rev. Freas, Lois Gilmore, Lois Shaf- | {ie and an aircraft armorer. Johnson, | fer, June Bierly, Fred Wilson, Nevin | who also worked in Maryland, is list- | Deitrich, Norma Dunkle, Shirley and ‘ed as a radio operator and mechan- ic, while Pvt. Schaeffer, a former Ti- | Four at his Zion on Jr.., who 8 Army party was held by old and Zimmerman, Mrs. Spicer and family, gn airplane mechanic Now First Lieutenant | Lt Roy K. Dunklebarger, stationed Mr. and Mrs at Port Ord, California, with the Bressler and children, 9th Amphiblous Training Force, has Jamity, Jerry Harnish and Paul Cod- been promoted to First Lieutenant. | { He received his commission as Sec- | lond Lieutenant, Sept. 17, 1042, at | Clevenstine, Teo Take Course in Radar Cpl. George W. Murray, to which | {Motor Officer for the 31st Field Ar-|rank he was lately promoted while | tillery Battalion, stationed at Philadelphia in the U.| Bossi 18. Coast Artillery, spent a three-day | Local Man Promoted {furlough recently with his parents, Aaron D. Collar of Bellefonte, now | Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Murray, at The hang in the open air until all odor son Pvt. Ray E. Burd, of his safe in the Const Artillery Corps at Camp | Beech Creek Cpl. Murray has been | was promoted to the | transferred to Aberdeen, Md. where | Private First Class. Pfc. he will take a six weeks course in| In case of doubt you should make! He reported England being a nice Collar was one of the first ‘men in Radar, prayer and Bible study Wednesday ithe contribution to the charity un- country and the people seemed very hi organization to receive promo- agreeable, tion, | Maan, Calif, grade of for Victory; Buy Bonds, J | Junior Ripka, Anna Mae and Melvin tan Metal Company employe, will be’ Mr. and Mrs. Vonada and children, | { Grace, Mary, Lois, Jchn Corman, | | Budd Garbrick, Ray Horner, Mr. and | | Mrs. Worall and family, David Rice, | Mrs. | the Nilson! Pearl Harbor Victim Returns Chile, family ihe return month A Pine celebrated not many mourned as dead For amily Det informed 104] a at Hick Charles W. Narehood Capt, E. CC. Burghduft Pfc. Paul W vate Rosen Prat He Lossman Instrucior in Gunners at Drew nes stationed army alr base fs » 14s After hi ANGUC periang el mn Hy hoo! fonts Sees Huge Plane Output The Civil Aeronautics Adm tion expects that United Stotes privaie Continaes Training ion Cadet Francis B. Musser Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Mus. Yate, commen and West College lanes in service, the College. has comp) Information reports flight aft Wolf before 500,000 maiiiiary Office Aviat ill have son of ser Of avent eted Course inistra 1850 the after in pri- furious} ith his parents air. | My Wine, of Howard ymotion Mr ith Deen Private i the Air Forces na, Sioux a radio me- Prem tawa’i m Injuries ing Fr Returns to Army Post Ha J. Kline, of his Santa post 18-day Mr. and turned an - Bonds for future needs Spartanshurg, 8 C., and hs ed to Maxwell Field will start training a Army Air Corpe. Cadet listed In the Air Corp and reported for active duly ruary 1. after ing a leave of absence from the Ponnayivania State Police of which he was a member where pot in Musser en- October 1 Feb obtain Temple Court J. M. KEICHLINE INSURANCE AGENCY One of the Oldest EDW. L. KEICHLINE Agencies in Centre County Phone 2521" — Enjoy the economy of driving a \ high-quality, late-model Used Studebaker Engineered fo save you tires and gas THOUSANDS of motoris(s are now driving used Stude- bakers because of the remarkable tire economy and gas economy assured by Studebaker engineering. There's no needless bulk in a Studebaker to overload its tires or overtax its gas supply. Come in and make a selection from our stock of used Studebaker Champions, Commanders and Presidents. We airy good used cars of other makes—and you need no spe- cial authorization to buy one, Ee — Keep your car up to par with Studebaker service Drive in frequently and have your car inspected, no matter what make it is. Efficient mechanics will do your work quickly and at moderate cost. Don’t wait till trouble starts. Let Studebaker experts check your car regularly and “keep it rolling” for Victory. S. H. POORMAN GARAGE South Water Street Bellefonte, Pa. \ 4
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