ito iid EVERYBODY EVERY PAYDAY SAVING IN WAR BONDS VOLUME 62. NUMBER 10. ghe Centre Democra BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1943. SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR 500 Be Groups of Month of Flight T One-Hundred to Receive —rt One raining at Bellefonte Airport; Eighteen Training Planes to be Provided. : Five hundred embryo pilots are to receive flight instruction Bellefonte airport during a r.onth period beginning in Anril, it was announced yesterday by the B licfonte Chamber Commerce through whiel negotiati been handle at the five- Of will academic pant cive months ol training Penn Stat one month of flight the local airport, th give each student a hours’ flying time during The group of 500 student divided into classes of 100, of these smaller classes will receive flight trainin a month ( one group has completed another will take Ms place 1 five have received flight struction, it was explained To handle the flight classes 18 training plang provided for the airport being furnished by the Civil instruction at plan being to total of ten the course will be and each {or it class -Lrainin — 1 will HENRY LOWRY. 94 5 BURIED HER Former Local Contractor War Savings Staff And /™ " Died Friday at Home in McKeesport Henry Lowry, WM forme known Bellefonte contractor tullder, died at his home in McKees. port on Friday, March 5. 1043, after gn iline with a complication of disonses. The remains were brought Bellefonte and funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Wid- cowson Puneral Hothe with the Rev CO, C. Bhuey assisted by Rev, Harry C. Stenger, Jr. officiating. Inter-| § ana to in the Union - owt ya, jie in Se Nnion. some: During Kis long ie "ai 4 Huliding contractor in Bellefonte Mr. Lowry built a number of hemes and other bulidings in Bellefonte and vicinity He was in charge of the construction of several large fraternities at Stat College, and one of latest ma jou jobs in Bellefonte was the remo ing of the Methodist church After moving MeKeoesport 1817 Mr. Lowry engaged: fo vears in his profession but in late years had lived tired, Hi sizeable contract in McKeespor the construction of home for son, ‘Malcolm Mr. Lowry was a son of Christian ands Anna Kuder Lowry and wa born at Rock Forge on t former Lowty farm adjoining the Rockview penitentiary peach orchard, on Aug- pst 20. 1849. During most of his life he resided in Bellefonte in the hotise on East Bishop street which pe built as a young man, The hotse now is occupied by the Rev. C. C Shuey and family Surviving are his wife, the former Harriet Saxion, sister of Mrs. J M {Continued on Page Four) mss MF —————— ah * #3 ne i — . . Detuonse Director Er ————— —— . M. T. BUNNELL Mr. Bunnell, of State College, di- wetor of Civilian Defense Training in Centre county this week reported that 74 per “ent of those enrolled in Defense Training classes have passed their basic training. complete report will: be found on page 3 of the second section. boda Fire Company evises Age Limits Company, Bellefonte, have been re- vised to open membership to men 18 years of age and over, it Sehaeffer, t of company. Pefore the change, ‘only persons 21 years of age and over were elig- ible to membership. Residents of Bellefonte and of outlying sections supplied by water from the Belle fonte system or those residing with. in a mile of the borough, may be. come members of the Logan Com- pany. College and will receive y De Mr, Bunneil's | nautics Authority on rangement The flight school ed by the New Way with James G. Thompson, ingdon as president and manager. Authorization fo: { the program Was from John T. Morri the CAA War Training : and the authorization was ac- cepted immediately by the New Way System When the cour i in airport will in charge flight instructor, who 12 othe instructor Eix ies will be maintained vt the in lease ir- will be conduct- Flying System, Hunt- general the op- received Ol agirec- Reve oN Droge he be ‘hief aided by mechat at the 0 plan conal- Il reside and | ommaut airport, it « mn th State Col daily to a in nd from thy The demic cours ranting of the aca- at Penn State wa porte Ml Fage ¥ PLAN FOR APRIL BIND CAMPAGN Victory Fund Committee Unite For Drive County War tered a new phase here Monday when the Wa Stefl, which up to this time ha pecialized in the zale of “E” Bonds and Victory Fund Commit!ee pecializing in the sale of bonds of larger denominations, were joined in a new gioup to be known ag the U. 8. Treasury War Financing Com- mittee of Centre pounts The Centre campaign Saving the Claude O. Alkens, of State College, | chairman of the War Savings Staff, TANS SEnon TK. Tenh tehairman of the Victory Fund Com- mittens, will serve as co-chairmen of rw War Financing Committies Oounty The orga effectad at meeting of the abd a number of guest Penn Belle Hotel the new organization sization wa two committees Mondas The purp will vie i neretef on Principal nday were William cresicdont of the FPederal Reserv Bank of Philadelphia, and chairman the U. 8 Treasury : Committee in the includes 60 2 Delaware C. A. Sienkiewicz v= president the Federal Re- erve Bank of Philadelphia; W. Eld- vic of Continued #8 sage T Marine Sergeant Gets Contributed Knife Samuel B. Barnhart of near Belle- jonite, employe of the Bellefonte postoflice ome Lime ago turned in a hunting knife for the use of the U. 8. Armd Force has received a letter from the knife's new ‘owner,’ # Sergeant in the Marines at Camp Pendleton, Oceanside. California The Marine Sergeant ote Barnhart as follows “This is to acknowledge, with decp thanks, receipt of the very fine knife you so generously donated “It is precisely the type 1 had in- tended lo secure for myself and 1 treasure it highly. “Each time it finds does its work, hall the should be yours.” The knife, one which bart purchased some time ago but seldom used, was equipped with a sheath on which his name was writ- tenn. He took it to the local knife coilection depot at the Samuel Poor- man garage, South Water street, from which point it was sent on its way to where it would do the most good ' Charles Jodon Named | Head of Local Lodge i who Mi its mark and atisfaction Mr. Bam- Smsimisimnsniis MP ——————— Charles Jodon was elected chief | patriarch of Bellefonte Encampment No. 72, 1. O. O. F. at a meeting held in the lodge rooms Monday night. | Bond! Aix Pilots To DEATH CLAIMS Traived Here |0HN WETZLER OF MILESBURG Former County Register Dies Sunday After Five- Year Illness WAS ACTIVE IN CHURCH, CIVIC WORK Funeral Yesterday For Prominent Centre Coun- tian; Was Aged 69 Wetzler Mile Centre menu mii nt John | rominent bure | died a Bogs notes four mrticipation in polity maintained a lively Inter Democratic He wa township 20 years Arey tary for road supervisors for about held that office at the his Like all memi Wetzler family, Mr. Wetales took an active interest nd at one directed Runville Hi las od ¢t bands directed y 1 inte Prank Mile 1] secre the Wg nd time ol dent time band at to horn Milesburg Baptist deacon of Lhe : years. He was member sllefonte Lodge, No. 268 F. and A the Williamsport Consistor he Altoona Shrine. He onged to the P. Q,. 8. of A. and I. O. 0. F lodge fn Bellefonte John Leathers Wetzler was a fon church church any of and bee the also \ of Berens bef Lowis Band teak Pletebher Wide. | er and was born In Milesburg on January 10. 1874 making his at time of death 88 years th and i : He the publi then 1 mon 1 received Dis carly ed schools of Boge wae OCin in the § DAMA 1 that occupation lected! to cOUnty THE LATE JOHN L. WETZLER Lewis A. Wetzler and Mrs. Hubert Rossman, both of Bellefonte; Isa belle, at home, and Dean K. Wetzler of Milesburg. Also surviving are eight grandchildren Funeral services were held at the late home yesterday afternoon with the Rev. Hewes Phillips, pastor of the Milesburg Baptist church, of- ficiating. Interment was made in the! | Curtin cemetery -— Bellefonte Woman " Injured in Fall on Ice Miss Frances McDermott, employe { He succeeds Clyde M. Stewart, who| of the Dutch Dairy, suffered painful { was elected high priest. | Other officers chosen were: Leon. ard Witmer, senior warden; Harold ve orl, | Harry CG \brick, trustee. | The offices will be installed on {lis Wion and his staf of officers, i Pollowing the .electidg of officers | Rev. W. O. Brooks, who recently re- [turned to the United States after |eerving as a missionary in Palestine, {spoke most interestingly of condi tions there and in Arabia. The eve ining’s program concluded with a fo- lefal hour during which refreshments | | were served. , . i Junior warden; Thomas | street, The by-laws of the Logan Fire Bowes, of Howard, recording scribe;| g | injuries about 8:30 o'clock |“Thuraday night when she slipped {and fell on fice on South Allegheny o suffered a severe gash at the | back of the head a laceration above | the left eye caused when her eye- wns an-| Tuesday night March 23, by Acting glasses broke, and brush burns about ‘@harles | Deputy Orand CYief Patriarch Wil-| the head. The fall rendered her un- | conscious and some time elapsed before she was discovered, After undergoing treatment by a | physician she was taken-to the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr Land Mrs, Joseph Kelleher, of the Cadillac apartments, where she is reported to be recovering rapidly a. LRP ~Buy Bonds for future needs Four Brothers In Army; Fifth Enters Friday: SAMUEL In CONFER Pomona, California ALBERT CONFER, 24 In Naval Training School, CONFER, 17 I% April Four More If Unc EARI Hell Be in le ¢ © Namued v! nd Albert, 24 accompany Local Draft to Altoona exam- Board No tomorrow for final jv sic inatior Clarence 18 in April al 28 are and Earl. who will be now subject to call COUPLE OBSERVES 95TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. And Mrs. William Cross Honored at ‘Buena Vista Farm, Axemann Mr. and Mrs William Cross, of Axe Mann, on Sunday celebrated their silver wedding anniversary at their home Mr. and Mrs. Cross were married at the Methodist parsonage in Lock Haven, their attendants being Mr » a] Cross brother-in-law and sister, Mr st | and Mrs. Jacob Pox, of Lock Haven Mrs. Cross is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs William Leathers of Mt. Eagle. whiiz Mr. Cross Is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thad- | deus Cross, of Axe Mann. During their entire 25 years of married life the couple lived on the “Buena Vista Farm” at Axemann, formerly the George R. Meek farm, which Mr Cross purchased about three vears ago As a youth Mr. Cross drove his first team when his father moved from an experimental farm at State College to the Meek farm. The household goods were loaded on a “train” of wagons and William was (Continued on pape Miz) BELLEFONTE LIME principal speaker, ion the luncheon program Sixth is Ready RAFT BOARDS EADY TO MARR Centre County Reaches End of Available Single Men MARRIED MEN WITH CHILDREN RE-RATED s Held In Plot To ell °S’ Gas Books EN Indictments Returned Against Four Centre County Men In Federal Court at Scran- ton; Alleged Plan Hatched in Barroom at Altoona. (‘all For Family Men Seen Soon, Board Officials Indicate JOSEPH In CONFER “erye Air Corps JAMES CONFER Now In England Dr. W. J. Schwartz Called Into Service William received woid Saturday 0 report 0. the st {Carlisle barricks Sunday | BUIY sEpvioe. From Carilsie Dw, SBchworty will gert to Camp Cirant. 11. where comm'sgensd at 5 fir 1 ay we niet be he 137 CLAUDE CONFER, 18 Final Ex Married Leasgs tomorrow for aminations at Altoona several weeks " Ago Motor Damaged In Titan Metal Fire S Hi Needs Them ! 6 ; i. Are m mar? arrived nied by larg moxe Officials of the plant « motor could be tie delay The call to the Titan he second Bajlefonte firemen crived within four hours. At clock Sunday night they were called to the Jack Tayvior home on Howard «treet, because fire. No damage resulted id is » tery § pone . $ Mrs. Harold ty Topas wm The family the past 32 years in Logan Street, in owned by the fonte. and fate College " plant 156 On originally rl on P ge Three) Of Need Furniture For Gap Control Center The Pleasant Cap Defense Coun- will hold its regular meeting FICIAL T0 SPEA ¢ cil Indicted DIGATION 15 sold Coupon SLOUTS GET NEW CAMP FACILITIES Two Overnight Es- tablished ; 100 Scouts to Camp This Summer Sites DELAYED A WEEK Program of New School Set For March 25, April 1 x 3 £5 9 aby Lahly COMIN ME MoI { V ructure, ihe week's prog iB 10 be held, Instead P95 throw ADEE 1 it wae exninined Di. Pred P. Corson, of Dickinsos College, Carlisle. wil] | e Prine pal speak Military Nurse ) 24 J: ¥ in| the grade schoo! building at 7:30 p.! P. W. Hartsock on Speak- ers’ Program at Pitts- burg Meeting m. Tuesday, March 18. In an effort tn furnish the control center which has been set up there, the Defense Counci] is asking for a desk or table which can be ustd as a desk. some : nn chairs and a coat tree, and any other P. W. Hartsock, of Bellefonte, traf- omice equipment which would add to fic manager of the American Lime (5, com{ort and convenience of the & Stone Company, will appear on volunteers who work there the program of the annual meeting | This equipment could be returned of the Allegheny Regional Advisory is thas owners when it is no longer Board at the Hotel William Penn in used for defense Purposes Anyone Pittsburgh next Wednesday. As gen- | wishing (0 eontribute any of the eral secretary of the shipper organs above articles may notify Elmer ization, Mr, Hartsock will tell of the Nell, president: Prank Irvin, come activities of his office, and also Will mandant of the control center, or report for the lime committee, of Jegn Harris goerstary which he is chairman in The job ahead for the railroads and the shippets will dominate the Ray Melroy Injured In Mishap at Store diccussions at the meeting, which will be attended by representatives of Industry, agriculture and finance from Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland! Ray Melray, of Pleasant Gap, was Virginia and West Virginia. Warner i painfully injured last week wher a tank of gas he and an assistant were carrying down 2 cellar stairs at the Meiray store slipped out of the ase B. Shopherd, of Pittsburgh. general cimirman, will preside sistant’s hands and fell on Mr. Mel. roy Jos ph B. Eastman, of Washing ton, D. C., director of the Office of Defense Transportation, will be the and will kppoar both feet and one leg. he was able Continued on Page Siz) i { Second lieutenant Lois O. Hayes ANC, (above), formerly 8now Shoe. it one of the country’s enlisted war nurses. Miss Hayes, a graduate from Shadyside Hospital, Pittsburgh | endisted in the service June Ist, 1942 She was sent to Fort Belvoir, Va and July 27th transferred to the 27th General Hopital Port Lewis, Wash ington of | MisssHayes is a daughter of Thom. ‘at and Oussie Haves, late of Snow { Shoe, both deceased, and a niece of JL. O t of Milesburg. She has one Bother Married, and in the Alr Foro: at Jefferson, Mo ies MI pC - Fire at Pleasant Gap Approximately $1000 worth of lum. per, 500 chicks and a quantity of other items wore lost last week when Although he suffered injuries tola barn at the rear of the T. E. Jo {gon home to return to his work in Harrisburg i in Pleasant Gap was [swept by fire Activities at irom March - - ‘More Than Ten Tons of Tin Collected Victory Garden Views Presented at Meeting und Drive Borges members 10 ‘Mothers’ Club Aids Baby Clinic Work Some financial needs of the Belle. fonte Baby Clinic were underwritten by the Beliefonte Mothers’ Club at a regular meeting held Monday night at the home of Mrs Hays W. Mat- tern, Jr. on East Linn street Other features of the meeting in- cluded an interesting address on the operation of the Muncy Institution Women, given by Mre Wallace J. Ward, of Bellefonte, who is a di- rector of the institution. Mrs. Ward also outlined some of the types of cases which are handled at Muncy Discussions on rationing, food val- ex ang food substitutes were other highlights of the mecting. Mrs for Charles Martin, club president. re ported that the Amish people have no rationing problem. since their commumities are self-sufficient. Al {their needs are “home grown.” ac Leording to a brief article on the sub. ject presented by Mrs. Martin,
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