adhe Cenfre Democrat SAVING IN WAR BONDS EVERYBODY EVERY PAYDAY VOLUME 62, NUMBER 4. BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, JANI JARY 28, 1943, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR EAR hange Blackout §]10000L0SSIN C of C to Sponsor TRAMIPLED BY Saved Rules. Februaryl7 PIENNTGA® Local Honor Roll Two Audible Signals—Blue For Alert, And, Red For Raid,— Prescribed. “All-C lear” | Signal is Abande %1, Rulings Affect All Citizens. Signals + % dardized Through- out Entire Area ‘he OM o upon gained G 8 Lhe The of Civilian De- the experience L year. long raid signals desig earlier blackout f civilan def lian protection time ential nes gulat for alr provide ned and mobili- personnel uniform to permit zation nse and a of studi loss and interfer- AGED MILESBURG =< RESIDENT DIES William F. Peters, 90, Suc- cumbs to Illness; Was Retired Blacksmith F a val Public by IMCaU( Pro Lieuter ‘ommand- rtation Maine Ma 1d aecticut rsey, Del aware, Penn- viand, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia of the Apalachicola and the District of Columbia » regulations were Issued by ate Service Command head- dt Boston, New York, Ba'ti- ianta, and the Vermont achusett William fonville, a n dents of Bald 11 o'clock 26, 1943 law and W. Scott W he had made Years. Mr. Pets health for 9 attribute eases Had 4 he would birthday Navembor 29 Af NOVEMDE F ¥i TE hame Wi Q Wer a 10n I At rt headquar DRVER FREED = TAL ACGDEN Jury Absolv es Taxi Driver —Places Blame Partly on Weather Wilter P. Krumrine, State College taxi driver whose car futally injured Mrs. Frank Moyer, 63, own, on the 18t December Last § “Former Bellefonte Resident Trains a Patriotic Puppy HF cnsin—— mc ro aga 17 n the 1 Lhe was exonerated of death following Centre s Sheckler of ucted by and Kn t see strane County thé aid he didn Moy er died at itre after and, aged 61 suffered the knee, arm and chest in-law escaped with Inj iries of the head and right shoulder. Both une derwent treatment at the hospital here His sister a—— Ws m— Milk Prices Here to Increase, February | ' Subject OPA, milk approval by the in the Bellefonte- State College area are scheduled to be increased effective February L Milk will advance from 13 to 14 cents a quart. Milk will not be bot- tied in pint sizes for the duration Cream will sell for 62 cents a quart, 33 cents a pint and 18 cents a half- pint hese prices have been order- ed by the F ania Milk Control x Commission milk dealers said final prices to This is Toy Terrier pet o mer Bellefonte at Fairmount, Toy is brow bond -selling performing i accomplishments purchased her wi two-year-old Fox Mack Poorman, for- citizen, now residing WwW. Va id white and the rick she is pictured but one of her many Mr Poorman nt she was a puppy for 85 and although he has since been offered $100 for her, declares there is not enough money in Pair mount to buy Mr. Poorman asserts that his can- ine prodigy can do about everything but talk. The suit worn by Toy Peninsy local 'n al a $ — cc —— he above was made by Mrs Poorman Mr picture and Mrs, Poorman are well known in Bellefonte and Centre county. While residents here Mr Poorman followed the occupation of painter. At present he is engaged in contract painting in Fairmount and reports that he is kept quite busy at all times WELFARE FUND HELPS T0 MAINTAIN LOGAN FIRE CO. fare Fund, which In turn helps the Logan Fire Company, every individ- ual in the town is benefitted through the efficiency of our fire companies and lower insurance rates her in The Logan Fire Company needs no introduction to our readers. The company’s record speaks for itself In times like these, when all re- placements are so difficult to obtain, the residents of the Bellefonte area: The $5680.30 turned over to the Lo- can rest assured that in times of fire gan Fire Company last year by the both of our companies are standing Community Welfare Fund in no ready and waiting, twenty-four sense takes care of the many ex- hours a day. penseés contingent to running an or- In computing rates, [acts taken ganization of this kind. But it does into consideration are these: wheth- | help In meeting operating expenses, er the fire company Is paid or volun maintaining equipment, teer, the kind and quality of equip- ing men in fire-fighting. ment owned, and the record of loss- es. For towns served by volunteer firemen, Bellefonte has the distinc- to be able to help this agency, and | tion of having next to the lowest! each person who gives to the fund] insurance rates of any community can have the same feeling of pride in the state. In view of these facts in helping to maintain one of the the public is assured that in giving most important services in the to the Bellefonte Community Wel- munity. PTA HERE HOLDS of Beaver- Penn Slale Campus and train- : The Bellefonte Community wel- | fare Association is happy and proud of Mr. and Mrs. John Khanlian, of | Dr. Schwartz is the Titan Metal gated by Chamber officials. ~ GARAGE FIRE, Truck, Bulldozer, Tools, Also Destroyed in Blaze at Noll Building LOCAL FIREMEN CALLED TO SCENE “to Aid in Providing is to have an honor roll size of the town men this area U. 8. Armed Bellefonte in keeping with the and the number of has contributed to the Forces This Tuesday a special Directors Comm the committee DeHan Ward Fisher wetion of suitable names of to tentative was made on night at the conclusion of meeting of the Board of of the Bellefonte Chamber erce. The Board voted to Honor Roll and author. consisting of J H. Caum proceed with boards and the roll plans pre- committee, the roll large number of inscribed upon to be built Soldier's Mon- Court House face Allegheny street While size of the boards on which the names of m in service will be displayed has not been de- termined at this time, it is expect ed that most of the space between the end wings of the monument and announcement Exploding Gasoline Tank Adds Fuel to Flames; Building Total Loss y Of ponsor zed its Ba rt and C the ere the placing According pared by the because names which it, will be two sections on either side of the ument in front of the The board will Jesse to build- Pleas- Brothers garage ing, opposite the post office ant Gap, and occupied by the Smith Motor Company, was stroyed by fire early Saturday afternoon, caus- estimated more than The Noll on ae ¢ of the at will be $10,000 Included in equipment belonging wner A H. Smith and truck owned by Pleasant lo all the oid to the ne were and a D.E road contrac- PET zel the Gap tarted welding equipn lames spread rapidly throug tructure, igniting a gasoline tank which Pleasant Gap Fire Com- pany officials said exploded Fed by the blazing gasoline, fire was out control almost mediately, but members of the Company kept the flames spreading to nearby buildings Bellefonte fire companies an: a call for ald. All but the front wall of the build ing was destroyed and the part stil standing is valueless, it was report- ed. The owners vesterday had not decided whether the buliding will be replaced The road equipment and truck owned by D. E. Smith was valued t approximately $8000 Before the Smith Motor Company into the building about two ago it was occupied by Millard who conducted a garage were the the using ih GAN COLLECTION SLATED MONDAY Trucks to Begin Tour of Bellefonte Streets at 9 a. m, the im Fire from Both wered of tin saved for by county in most re county next mnced by Karl chairman of tin Plans are by district A collect] number , can y months be made moved Ce ities Monday E. Kusse alvage now being chairmen Collection in Bellefonte will begin | "about 9 0.m. Monday when volun {eer trucks will go from street to street. Residents are asked to place the tin in front of their homes so that it may be easily seen by the col- lectors though Bellelfor central collection , all will til th road car in it was Bellefc for the re flier, “ $ COUNLY completed FATHERS’ NIGHT Nine Dads Present Play; Paul Beaver's Room Wins Attendance Award group s Lurned out Fat her will be tl r the coun not bx sught here h to one Kusse will cheek various districts 40.000 pound: il] be ite w point fo - tin t ere is enoug Mr the total HC fill rail vi f 1 ris roan of of placed ni it 1 held wher a wsday N the ing them The end tie TH ring Alberta own teacher the group in singing of P A. song. Devotions were read by Rev. Clarence Arr Lutheran chi the group Ivania h aries on the held in the 8p Friday ev I She u sident d N acting pre usiness meeting well ki be removed ANS flattened should Hh the BP cm—— COUNTY HONORED FOR SCRAP DRIVE Awarded Pennant at Cer- emonies Yesterday For Reaching Quota old of the O Mrs. Krade SNEIDE irch again led in song » repos Garbrick gave a brief square dance to be ring a gymnasium January 29 at 8:30 all members to attend (Continued on Pape 3 Two) ———————— Bellefonte Girl Enlists in WAACs Adeline "Anderson, daughter F. Anderson, of East Logan his week received notice of her acceptance into the WAACs and is preparing to leave sometime next month to begin basic training Miss Ande a graduate of 8t John's Parochial school, Bellefonte, was employed for a time in the Gray Insurance offices here before serve ing for three years as a stenographer in the State Relief offices at Philips- burg. For the past six years she has been employed as bookkeeper at the 0. A. Kline hardware store treet ening ged In a ceremony at the Centre county court house yesterday alfter- noon the pennant won by the county for outstanding work in the collec~ tion of scrap was officially presented for display in the county seat The pennant, given by the War Production Board, Richard J. Kennard of State Col- lege, chairman of the county sal- vage and waste committee. Mis John Bellefonte, tl of street rson, behalf of the county Others «» sentation ceremony are Dr. J. W Claudy, superintendent of Rockview | Penitentiary, chairman of Civilian | | Defense non-protective units, and Henry A. Brockerhoff of Bellefonte, {Centre County Civilian Defense | chairman. Miss Margaret Stere of Unionville, Smeltzer Re-Elected Head of Local Bank W. C. Bmeltzer of Bellefonte, was re-elected president and all other | officers of the Farmers National Bank were renamed at the annual | organization meeting held last Wed- nesday at the bank in Bellefonte Other officers are Harry M. 8mith, | vice-president; W. M. Bottorf, secre- | tary. Hayes Ww. Mattern, Jr. was re- | named cashier, i Bank directors are 8. H. Hoy,| Lewis Lenhart, A. D. Smeltzer, Ed- | i ward Garman, Mr. Smeltzer, Mr. Smith and Mr. Bottorf. i Clerks are Mrs. Agnes Acheson | {and Miss Evajean Rachau. Mr. | | Smeltzer reported that business for | 1042 was satisfactory with a large in. crease in deposits, > the Bellefonte Chamber of Com- merce, and head of salvage for the (Continued on Page Two) ‘Dr. Schwartz Granted Dr. William J. Schwartz, of East Curtin street, Bellefontg, who was scheduled to enter the 5. Army as a Heutenant, Pebruary 13, has ivice, it was announced yesterday. | The deferment was granted after | an officer of the medical corps made | a survey of the Bellefonte area and | { found that the community could ill " | afford to lose another medical man | Child Fractures Leg i at this time, it was reported. Robert Khanlian, aged 2 years, son! In addition to his private practice Boalsburg, underwent treatment at! Company physician, and is physician | the Centre County Hospital herd] at the Centre County home and the | | County jail. He was to have report- during, the weekend for a fracture | of the left leg suffered last Thurs-! ed for duty Pebruary 13 at Carlisle | com- | day when he slipped and fell on the | and Trom there was to have gone to will be devoted to “The Home of the floor at his parental] home. Illinois, | Committee Authorized to Erect Service Men; Organizations to be Asked Meri bosrd held the same day, all of. | was presented by | Judge | Ivan Walker accepted the symbol in | ho took part in the pre- | | salvage chairman of the district cov= | ering Unionville and Boggs town- | ship, and Karl E. Kusse, secretary of | * Service Deferment been temporarily deferred from ser- | COW, FARMER 5 BADLY HURT Earl Harter, Near Jack- sonville, Suffers Broken Jaw, Head Injuries THROWN FROM STOOL BY HEIFERS KICK Victim Returns Home Af- ter Undergoing Hos- pital Treatment Tribute to Necessary Funds. on either side of the Court House lawn will be required | How the names to be placed on the board is another matter being con red by the commit Since the expense of erecting the Honor Roll will be iderable, the Chamber of Commerce | ald of any and in meeting to the Hono Hely Al meet committee from érans of Foreign valuable sugges ald in seeing that ried to completion Members of the VY. F. W. Committee were J. A Bryan and Harrison G. Kling Meanwhile this office and Chamber of Commerce offices have received number of names which about 5 p. m. last Thursday when properly belong on the Bellefonte | the animal kicked, throwing him Honor Roll, in addition to the list under another cow which stepped released several weeks ago by Local | on his head Board No. 2. of Bellefonte, and the suffered corrections and additions made since I side them. Before the roll is established page Siz) | the sidewalks are now ide Lee con: all local organs Contributions will be pub a bet ai the « Roll wy acknowledged, official fun the ing Monday night a the Bellefonte Vet. Wars Post offered tions and financial the project is Earl Harter Jacksonville farmer living below yesterday was reported to be recovering satisfactorily at his home after undergoing treatment at Getsinger hospital, Danville, for ser. lous head injuries which resulted when he was stepped on by a cow Mr. Harter was milking a heifer Car- the " o fractured and his left side a jaw on head was crushed near the ear Mr. Harter was taken from How- ard to Danville by Dr. Walter Kurtz, who tok preliminary x-rays to de- termine extent of the injuries He was discharged from the hospi- tal Saturday noon and returned his home on Lhe {Continued on ROBB REELECTED TRUST 60. HEAD All Directors And Officers Retained for 1943 at Or- ganization Session president the to a — s——— Postal Schedule to be Changed, Saturday Postmaster George RB. Meek Bellefonte, yesterday announced that beginning Saturday, January 30, the local postoffice will resume its for- mer Saturday schedule, closing at 1 . m. Instead of remaining open until p.m. as has been the practice for past few weeks Mr. Meck said the change resulted from two Under the set-up recently, carriers didn't have sufficient time to make two complete deliveries in town dally, and the time they spent in the postoffice Sat. urday altermoon was virtually lost, of N. E. Robb ant that at the ahnual meeting stockholders, held January of the present directors Francis H. Crawford, W L. Francis, G. E. McClellan Robb, J. 8. Sommerville, J H her, C. ¥. Wagn and M. L or were re-elected At the reorganization meeting of ’ {actors in use er Wetz- fiotrs of the bank were re-elected. | They are: N. E. Robb, president: o.|of Y. Wagner, vice president: M. K.| Robb, assistant to the president and trust officer E. 8 Orr, secretary- treasurer: F. O. Witmer, assist secretary-treasy and H. R. Wili- rer assistant treasus and assist. Under the system to be resumed January 30, the four hours each car- rier has been spending in the office Saturday afternoon will be distrib- uted through the week will en- able them to make two complete de- liveries each day, Mr. Meek sald Mr. Meek commented that he be- lieved the new e will result 1 much greater ben to most res- jdents town than yslem of ‘keeping open Satur afternoons £4 of curtail ant rer and rer liams ual report made to the revieweo ank di ig Lhe a Pt sche officer: sci y il the ITiNg of Total deposits year high for aay lore Year wrease of 13 per report showed, For the bank's history, exceeded $1.000,000 reported. Loans continued to which condition Is general C sued on pape Tu 1. time d= ng of u again reached a total at 81.641 .000, from 1941 } the first Lime In demand de posit it was decline, of ing deliveries 3 ———— —————— WOMAN'S CLUB IN MEETING MONDAY Announces Scholarships - ' : For Nurses’ Training; Students Entertain Announcement that the Pennsyl- vania Federation of Women's Clubs has appropriated $5000 for free scholarships to students nurses’ training featured the January meeting of the Bellefonte Woman's Club in the Presbyterian chapel, Monday night. The announcement was made by Mrs. Ben Herr, club] president, Each scholarship will carry al cent ————— [Texos Man Found Hi Near Boalsburg Thomas Dawson, 75-year-old Gal- veston, Texas, man who collapsed on Rowe Re near Boalsburg late Monday afternoon while hitch-hik ing tows Ay Harrisburg, was reported to be resting comfortably at the Cen- tre County Hospital here yesterday alternoon For a time the man’s condition was serious, because of a heart con- dition aggravated by lack of food Dawson told drivers of the State College Ambulance that he had rid- den from Texas to Tyrone by rail and that when his funds became ex- | fund of $400 and any persons inter- hausted he decided to hitch-hike 10 | astod are asked to call Mrs. Herr for | Harrisburg. He collapsed along the | ¢ ther details. roadside | Earl K. 8tock, supervising prin- cipal of the Bellefonte schools, and Mrs. Alberta Krader, supervisor of {music, in letters addressed to the! | club, expressed their thanks for the | club's recent contribution of a plano the new High School | Miss Arlene Demmy, Miss Mary | Flechrer and Mrs. Leslie Thomas re- (Continued on pape Two) — nnounce Changes In Police Personnel 1 Effective February 1, three State 1 | Motor Police officers who have been | | | stationed at the Pleasant Gap sub- | | {station for several years, will be] transferred to other locations, it was | |announced this week by Corp. Grant {8hannon, who is in charge of the! station, Corp. George Rutledge, in charge! = {of the examining detall for the area | including Centre county. will go to troop headquarters at Hollidaysburg. | He will be replaced at Pleasant Gap | by Corp. William R. Lamm, Pvt | Robert J. Crozier is to be transferred | to Bedford, and Pvt. John M. Amick {will go to Lewistown. Pvi. William A. " 'E. Kauffman of Hollidaysburg, is to Chamber Jeswerday received | be Sanutenred to the Pleasant Gap mn Pleasant Gop Girl Begins Training Miss Arlene Zinme rman, daug! ater | 10 {of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Zimmerman, | of Pleasant Gap, who recentiy en- "listed in the WAACS, yesterday went | ad Harrisburg to report for duty. Miss Zimmerman expected to be | | A isent from Harrisburg to the WAAC | |training center at Ft. Oglethorpe, | a. - Bellefonte To Be Featured on KYW Radio Program ‘Bellefonte is to be the subject of | the “Valley Forge Caravan” radio | | program from 11.05 to 12.05 o'clock Thursday night, February 4, accord - ing to word received here yesterday | , by the Bellefonte Chamber of Com- merce. The program will be heard over | Westinghouse station KYW, Phila delphia. The a Questionaire from the | asking for information of interest about Bellefonte. A brief history of | | the town and other important facts are being assembled by persons dele | i a — TO TEST SIGNALS SATURDAY Borough officials said yesterday that the town’s air-raid signals will While it is not known how much be tested every Saturday at 12:05 | material about this community will | foo. The fire sirens are tested at be heard over the radio, it is pre- 1 J Sock. hoon sumed that much of the hour's time ra | Governors.” | since Tew patrons availed themselves DoT. postal services at that time. | | street, | Education at Mansfield State Teach- | ers’ |uary 22. 21.375 0n Budget for 1942 County Commissioners Operated Govern- ment Far Below Budget Estimates; Few Offices Exceeded Allotments, Survey Shows. Through ¢ of funds last Commissioner affairs for CR et estimates at of u was day areful and judicial tre Co operated the 6 € ty ‘or year the Cen { "nt unty 18 50 | 2137658 |} ee yea budget nt Ww an Po Ings } operation « ) C ommission er for this ture: ssibly tot wa OWS The lax ass expenditure; tra expense missioners, in tage of lower cos exceeoeo budget ssament purpos a were 87.906 03 tort wh 4 - y AOC When Wo ™ ity res iarge quantit DAIRY HERD GROUP HOLD DINNER HERE Reorganize and Elect Officers; 14 Get Awards For High Averages (Continued © BUFFALO RUN PAIR WEGDED 90 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. McC. Ross- man Were Parents of 14 Children; 13 Living Centre County I provement i n m gathered at the Penn Belle Thursday evening of last week vary 21, 0 reorganize the No. 1 and No. 2 associations the coming year, and fo hold their annual din- Her ember m H Tul ore quielly Hotel on Jan jing anniver Buffalo Run y three iw east of Tyrone on Friday, January 22 They were married at Pleasant Cap, January 22, 1884 and are the parents of 14 children, namely: Harry A. of Milesburg; Mrs. Annje 1 for Officers elected for 1043 are: No. 1 Association, Eugene Ellenberger, of otis . Po Warriors Mark, president: T C Snyder, of Tyrone, R. D.; Mrs. Vira Cronemilier, deceased; Robert BR. of Kryder, Mill Hall. vice president; J. 4100000 Miss Pear] home: Bove C Shoemaker Sate College ars A., of Altoona: Mrs. Mary Watson lary-treasurer. Nc ASSOCIAUiON, of Athens; Mrs. Roxie Clements Harry Co presic efonte of TY Ward Krap« vow or ante Ellis Rearick Fiat a treasurer In associations bers their an 2 Howard Zion, vi Millheim, ner ni re adaition reorgant DH. IA meme. these from yociat Ce were 1732 AF wi both There al ‘ total of the a Continued on page Five —————_ ——————— Mrs. Lizzie and Katie Furnace the former 1 of the New Castle Pennsylvania His wife Albright, daug 1 and Mary Albrig! Charles, of Tyrone, R sister, Mrs. Lizzie Smithsburg. Md Mr. Rossman was 80 years old on July 20, 1942. and Mrs. Rossman was 77 years old on May 8, 1842. Both are en d health and are Receives Degree has one b 1 " a D., and one Barkdoll, of ¥ duties t1 Ie on Le arr The Rosoman: have been | known for their generous hospitalits and ¢« ways are pleased to have thelr { old Centre county friends visit them Aalwar: Home Nursing Class To Open Febery 9 { A new class in home nursing wil begin its studies in 8 room on the third floor of the Bush Arcade building, West High street, Tuesday afternoon, February 2 at 2 o'clock. it was announced yesterday. Miss Ber- tha Rimmey, Red Cross nurse, will be the instructor It is the hope of home nursing of { ficials to have at east one person in every family complete the course, to lighten the burden which is bound to fall upon the remaining physic ians and nurses in this area during the present emergency Dr. R. L. Capers returned Sune day night from Mineral Wells, Texas, where he spent several weeks at the {Norwood Clinic taxing some poste graduate work. MISS DOROTHY L. STEVENS Miss Stevens, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Stevens, of East Curtin Bellefonte, received the de- gree of bachelor of science in Music College, Mansfield, at the end! of the first semester, Friday, Jan- The degrees were awarded at for- mal commencement exercises with! diplomas being presented by Dr.| | Willis E. Pratt, president of the col-| lege. The principal speaker was Dr. | Herbert L. Spencer, president of the! { Pennsylvania College for Women, | Pitisburgh. STATE COLLEGE BOARD LISTS 69 MEN IN FEBRUARY QUOTA Local Draft Board No. 1, of State old McKinney, College, yesterday released the man E. Torrey, names of the 80 men drawn to make Eckley, Bellefonte, R. D. 1: Law- up the Rebrunty draft quota. rence 8. Brungard. Bellefonte, R. D. The men go to Altoona for 1; David ha Engle, Spring Mills, final physical examinations on Sat- | L. Moyer, te College, R. urday. February 6, and those passing D1: Raymond R. Lang Centre Hall, before reporting to the reception | tre Hall, R. yi ‘David F. Smith, center at New Cumberland. | Boalsburg; 2 A. Scott, State Col- The list follows: lege; Dean J. Clyde, State College; James E. Wolfe, Altoona; Vincent Henry F. Neese, Spring Mills, R. D.; Kushwara, Bellefonte, R. D. 2: Lynn | glase T_ Pressier, Pennsylvania Fur- 8tere, Bellefonte, R. D. 1; Robert P. nan. Boyd H. Spicher, Pleasant Hunter, State College. R. D. 1; Rich} 'Gap. x ard I. Gentzel, State College; Har Continued on Page Siz) Buffalo, N. Y.: Ly- Boalsburg: Paul E
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