Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 15, 1941, Image 5

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Wayne W, Weber, of the staff
{at the Widdowson Funeral Home,
| went to Reading yesterday to at-
{tend a convention of funeral direc-
-=Mrs. Ira J, Sprankle returned
| to her home on Plne Streei, Satur-
Sw —
and Mrs. Samuel Rumber- |
[conduct a 6-weeks’' intensive course |
i pe Mrs. Carl Moersch-
and Mrs. Vesta Smith, all of
t —Dr
spent Friday In Lock
on a pleasure trip,
. R. L. Capers returned t)
uke hice on Bast Curtin Street last
from Arcadia, La, where
e attended the funeral of his sis~
er, Mrs. Reginalg Hightower.
--Mrs, Charles Beatty returned to
er home oh East Cur.in Street
early this week from Chapel Hill,
IN. ©. after a several weeks’ visit
with her son-in-law and daughter,
r. and Mrs. Russell Smith and
$ ~The Ri. Rev. William E. Downes
and T. J. Kelleher, of Bellefonte,
ay night attended the 10th
ual banquet for retired P. R- R.
mployes of Osceola Mills district.
dinner was held at Osceola
§# Corp. George W, Compton, of
fhe First Marine Division, Quantico,
#Va, is spending a 20-day furlough
n Bellefonte with his wife at the
Bo of her brother and sister-in-
Ww, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel! Rumbes-
and family, of North Allegheny
§ Charles Stearns, of Jollet, Ill.
pent the weekend with Mrs.
amily gt their home on East Bish-
re while enroute home from a
ness trip in the east,
~John Fisher of North Water
eet, who has been spending the
ter with his daughter,
Veronica, at Hollywood, Florida,
started north last weekend and 1s
‘expected to return to Bellefonte
after g brief stop-over with relatives
in Washington, D. C. and York. |
‘ —PFay Gardner, aged 11 years,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Oardner, of Jacksonville, is recover-
ing at her parental home from in- |
juries suffered last week when her |
right arm was caught in the wring-
er of an electric washing machine.
The arm was painfully bruised but
20. bones were broken.
+ —Pvt, Samuel Irvin of Battery
8, 180th. Field Artillery, Bellefonte,
stationed at Camp Shelby, Miss, re. |
turned to camp Saturday after hav-
days’ leave of absence because of |
the  iliness of his father, Samuel’
Jrvin, Sr. The elder Mr, Irvin re-
turned home last week from the
Centre County Hospital,
~«Myr. and Mrs. Leonard G. Beezer
and children, Florence and George,
of. Philadelphia, wére guests of Mrs.
Catherine E. Beezer of Willowbank
street over Mother's Day. Leonard
was recently appointed assistant to|
Lxgeutive vice president-secre-
tary-treasurer of Lit Brothers de-
partment store in Philadeiphia and
WHS also elected assistant secretary
of the company.
Lewisburg at'ending Mothers’ Day |
festivities at Bucknell University
Where her daughter, Emmy Lou, is a
and Mrs. Craig's mother, Mrs, |
Mrs Emily Warfield, spent a few |
at the University. Sunday, | Judge and Mrs James C. Purs:, of
accompanied home by!
Earl H. Mller, of East Bishoo!
t, commercial representative |
the Bell Telephone Company in|
Bellefonte area. has been trans- |
ed 19 a similar position in Stats |
gt. Mr, and Mrs Miller and
te daughters, Belly Loulse
3 and Dianne, expect to
bout June 1 from the Samuel
Hstine double house on East
Kop Street, to a house on Bast
igs Mildred Wetzel, daughter
, Emma Wetzel, of North
§ street and an employe In
c memployment Compensation
Here, on Monday underwent
gperation at the Centre County
i and is reported to be re-
saitsfactorily, Her brother
law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Thom-
as Farrow, all of New Market, Vir-
ginia, motored here Sunday and re-
mained until Tuesday. The Wetzels
and Farrows conduct ope of the
country’s few chinchilla “farms,” at
Spring Township and the
Highway Department, the “missing
li6k” ol paving on Holmes Street,
from Willowbank S:.reet to Valen-
the Street, was paved, Tuesday, by
) annual “National
. " project, “Spring Fan-
tasy” as presented by the first six
§ ~
ms’ brother and sister-in-law. | Romith, also of Harrisburg.
. and Mrs. Ray Clevenstine and |
Mr. Stearns stopped |
| i sect]
Miss [can residents of that rection
sparks on the shingle roof.
ing been in Bellefonte for a several!
| Henry Hoy, of Pleasant Gap. Miss
ischool and is employed qt Julian
{ You don't have to be a former stu-
=<Mrs. James B, Craig, of West dent to attend the affair, for this)
Curtin Street spent the weekend in |
Mr. Craig and son, Jamss |
.| number of years a well known resi- | halted on several occasions.
day, from the Centre County Hos-
~Mrs, Daisy B. Henderson Will ni) where ghe had been a surgl- |
cal patient,
Miss Helen Beezer, local insur-
ance agent, is confined (o her home
| on Bas, Bishop Street as the result
{of injuries received in a fall on
| Allegheny Street, Friday. Slipping
jon a plece of waxed paper, Miss
This Is a welcome addition to the | geser suffered sprains of the leit
club and will be enthusiastically re- | 2 ya and a fracture of the right |
ceived by the woman, [knee cap. The injuries were ex- |
~Earl Walizer, Jr., 18, son of Mrs, | amined by x-ray at the Centre |
Myrtle Witmer, of Renyolds ave- | County Hospital, Monday morning. |
nue, Bellefonte, has enlis'ed in the | yr EE. Widdowson, of North
U. 8. Army for three years and will | Allegheny Street, her mother-in-|
be stationed in the Philippine 1s- | ja 4nd sister-in-law, Mrs, Harvey |
lands. He enlisted in the Coast! widdowson and Mrs. Wilbur Wid- |
Artillery at the Altoona recruiting | qowson, boh of Indiana. Pa. and |
station. Mrs, Robert Eckenrode, of East Lina |
—Homer Treaster, of Coburn, well | Street, motored to Philadelphia,
known Penn's Valley blacksmith, | Tuesday, to attend the sessions of |
was a caller at this office Friday af- a Woman's Club convention being
ternoon while in
business mission. Mr. Treaster made | expect to return ro Bellefonte dur- |
the trip here as the driving guest of | ing the weekend, |
Fred |
in Shorthand and Typing to begin
June 16, 1941. Enroll now. x22
—The new locker-room for the
women golfers of the Nittany Coun-
try Club is fast nearing completion
and will be in use in the near future.
Centre County Commissioner
©. Mensch, of Milihetm. {of the Orvis apartments, East Cur- |
—Mr, and Mrs. John ©. Keith and | tin Street, are the parents of a fine i
five children of Harrisburg, spent baby girl, weighing 8 pounds, 2 |
the weekend with Mrs. Keith's par- | ounces, born at the Centre County |
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Port, at Hospital abou: 7 o'clock Monday
their home on East Howard street. morning. Both Mrs, Walker and |
They were accompanied here bY | infant who has not been named |
Anthony Kempt and Miss Agnes | gt this time, are getting along nice- |
ly. The new arrival makes the
—The Rev. and Mrs. Robert H. | third child and the third daughter
Thomas 3rd, were guests at a fare- | in the Walker family.
well dinner tendered Archdeacon |
and Mrs. Willlam T. Sherwood in
Tyrone on Tuesday. The Archdea-
con leaves shortly to take up work
in Brownsville, Texas, among Mexi-
—Harry M. Williams, formerly of |
Bellefonte, but now the unofficial
Mayor of Scotia, gnd Mrs. Williams
were business visitors in Bellefonte,
Tuesday night. The Willlams' are |
getting their new home at Scotia |
fitted up and are engaged in plant- |
ing gardens and buliding accommo-
dations for livestock. n as he |
becomes setiled. Harry promised (o |
write us a weekly news letter froin |
the once-thriving ore mining com- |
Philip O'Leary, Roy Behers and
Arthur Hartle, all of Bellefonte,
spent the weekend in Washington,
D C. at guests of Mr. Hartles
brother, Leo Hartle. who soon is Lo
go to San Diago, California, wherg
he will be employed at the U 8
Naval staiion. While in that vicin-
ity the group visited Annapolis, Md.
and called on George Kelley, of
Bellefonte, and Morris Hartle, a
4 cousin of Hartle’s who are Ensigus
— Announcement has been made at the U.S. Naval Academy there.
of the engagement of Miss Mary E. | |
Lucas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.| —Carl Cronemiller and Harry
Harry A. Lucas, of Julian, to Clar- Wiiter both with the U. 8. Navy
ence E. Hoy, soh of Mr. and Mrs. and stationed on the Navy's newest
and largest battleship, the North
Carolina, spent the weekend Ia
Bellefonte: Cronemiller being with
his father, Carl Cronemiller, on
West Howard Street, and Witter
spending the time with hig par-
ents, Mr, ang Mrs. H. G. Witter &
their home on East Curtin Street
The North Carolina Is now being
conditioned at the Brooklyn Navy
Yard preparaiory to joining the
—Calvin Troupe, superintendent
of the Federal Match Co. plant in
Bellefonte, who has been confined
to his home on South Thomas street
for some time because of a heart
ailment, is now able to spend part
of each day downstairs, although
his recovery is being somewhat re-
tarded by an attack of arthritis,
—8light damage resulted from &
flue fire at the home on West Cur-
tin street. owned by Mrs. Rebecca
Mull and tenanted by William Cur-
tin and family, about 11:15 o'clock
Friday morning. The Undine Fire
Company responded to a silent
alarm, and firemen checked the
blaze and extinguished smouldering
Lucas attended Bellefonte High
Mr. Hoy is employed by the Ameri.
can Lime and Stone Co. No definite
date has been set for the wedding.
—The committee in charge of
the annual Academy Alumni ban.
quet stresses the fact that the din-
ner will be strictly informal, and
that informal dress will be in order.
~The local bowling team of the
American Lime and Stone Company
journeyed to Harrisburg Saturday
for a match with a bowling team
of the Warner Company in the
Philadelphia ares. The stakes of
‘the game were that the josing team
had to furnish t'nner and enter-
‘tainment for the winners. The
Bellefonte outfit defeated the Phil-
adeiphiaans -by a decisive margin.
, and fhe evening was spent pleasant. |
15. Members of the winning Belle. !
fonte team were: Joseph Bvock,
Richard T. Baney, Guy Johnson.
notice is to be regarded as a bona
fide invitation to all friends of the
former institution to be present and
share in the evening's fun. If you'd
like to go, call George Carpeneto
and make reservations now.
— Austin O. Purst, son of formar
West Linn street has made applica-
tion. to the Board of Law Examiners
at Philadelphia to be examined on
July 24 and 26 for admission to the
bar of the Supreme Court of Penn
sylvania and the Centre Count;
Court. Furs: is a registered Iaw John Garman, Nelson Kling, and
s.udent at the Dickinson School of | Pred “Slab” Licks. |
Law, Curie, snd lio Tere? | nr. Tia, Walker, ite of Jude |
fonte. : ak: ob Matt thon Serene at
0 on nn eel since [as
Ry Shoemaker and daugh- Thursday night when she suffere!
fer. Mary Augusta, of Bg Juke) an injury to one ankle in a fall on
‘reel, and Mr. Shoemaker's Jig the sidewalk at the Masonic build:
er, Mrs, T. A, Stoemiaker, of the ing on North Allegheny Street.
Hazel apartments, North Allegheny wfrs Walker and several friends
Street. spent the weekend in Phil- | gore walking along the sidewalk
adelphia with Mrs. Shoemaker'’s when the heel of one of her shoes
daughter, Sister Mary Augusta, tga caught In a gutter which cross-
Notre Dame Cofiveni. They Were oq the sidewalk, causing her to trip,
bined there for the weekend by A, first {t was believed that one
another of Mrs, Shoemaker's daugh- | of the ankle bones had been frac-
ters, Miss Ellen Shoemaker, of Wil- | tured but the injury has been re- |
mington, Del, | sponding so readily to treatment
~Mr, and Mrs, Donald Best and | that this fear has been dispelled.
son, James, of Rio de Janeiro. Bra-| of x
2Al, may return to the United States | aD, Anticiyation. Of {festy In- |
in October and remain here until! gireet as soon as the new Belle-
January, acosing 6 4 Mier Ie | ton-siyia Caloge’ Highway
from Mrs. Best, his sister. Mr. Best, | cliea fo pronibic parking of both
who is an Spetutive ot a | ides of South Water Street from
store system in Brazil, i Stree -
that country since 1830 and ME, Et one Julrsud ao |
t has | f
Ld 5
!ous traffic hazard for many years. |
Alfred Borger, for the past Last Sunday traffic was completely
dent of Moshannon, was in Belle. Of cars parked on both sides of the
ry (Street. Had fire apparatus answer.
ing an alarm gone down High Street
-Maost of us don't realize it, bat
gical Company, Prior to g0IME 10 it iy claimed to be a fact
Moshannon, Mr, Borger was em-
‘as soon as living quarters
have been secured affairs
in Moshannon
pt i
~Mrs Helen 8, Brown, of Eas! |
Bishop Street, has resumed her |
duties in the local telephone ex- |
change after having been absent for
a week because of a face infection, |
~Mr. and Mrs, Theodore Bellz
moved Monday from an apartment |
in the Carner house on North
Thomas Street, wo an apartment in|
the Austin Hoy home on Blanchard |
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas King!
Morris and son, Thomas King, Jr. |
{returned to their home in Greens- | gee
burg Sunday after a weekend with
Mr. Morris’ aunts, Miss Elizabeth |
and Miss Mary Meek, both of West
High street. !
~nir, and Mrs, Russell Brown, of
Irwin, spent Mothers’ Day in Belle-
fonte, with their respective parents, |
Mr. and Mrs, Edward Brown, of
Willowbank Street and Mr. and
Mrs, Clark Carson, and family, of |
East Bishop Street. |
~Frank Young. of near Spring |
Mills, has accepted a position as
mechanic at the Hagan garage on
Norihi Thomas street, For ten years
Mr, Young was employed as a me-
Bellefonte on al held in that city this week. They |chanic at the State Motor Police | weekend will be a Girl Scout May!
garage In Harrisburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hartsock, of |
—Mr. and Mrs. Cecli A. Walker, | East Bishop Street, wil] go to Phil- | include music by George Sheckler's
adelphia today to attend graduation |
exercises at the nurses’ training |
school of the Germantown Hospital, |
their daughter, Helen Louise, being
a member of the graduating class,
—Michael Corsavera of Willow-
bank street, who left last week to
enter Coatesville Veterans’ Hospl- |
tal for treatment, has returned to
Bellefonte. Mr, Corsavera was em-
ployed for a number of years at the
George A. Beezer garage on North
Water street,
—Miss Louise Carpeneto, of South!
Allegheny street, was in Johnstown
Bunday to sttend an anniversary
banquet of the Catholic Daughters
of America held at the Port Stan- |
wix Hotel, Miss Carpeneto, a guest)
at the banquet, attended initiation
ceremonies of the organization held
that afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Frey of |
Lock Haven, were in Bellefonte Bune
day for a Mother's Day visit with
their son and daughter-in-law, Mr
and Mrs. John Z. Frey and fam-
ily of East Bishop streel, While here
they attended a dinner held at noon
yesterday in honor of their son's
birthday anniversary
—Mrs. Rebecca Cruse returned
Friday t her home on East High
street from Elmira, N. Y., where
she spent the past seven weeks as
guest of her son-in-law and daugh-
ter, Mr. and Mrs George Shugert
and family, Mr. Shugert brought
Mrs. Cruse to Bellefonte and return-
ed Saturday to his Hume,
-J, Milarg Hartswick, of Rey- |
nods Avenue. employe of the local !
postoffice, has gone to Pitsburg
for a two weeks' visit with his
biviher-in-law and sister Mr, and
Mrs, Glenn Sutherland. Mr. Harts-'
wick, who hag not been in good
health for a year, expecis 10 consult |
& specialist while in Pittsburgh,
—H. Franklin Alters. of Paris I2-
land, 8, C., returned to his duties
there yesterday after a several days
visi: in Bellefonte with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alters and
family at their home on East Beaver
Street. Alters, Pharmacists Mate
2nd. Class, attached temporarily to
the U 8 Marine Fleet, recently
returned from a trip ro Puerto Rico
~Mr, and Mrs. George McNichol
ang daughter, Maureen, of Read-
ing. are spending a week's vacation
with their respective parents, M.
and Mrs. James McNichol, of Eas
Howard Street, Bellefonte and Mr
and Mrs. E M, Broderick, of Sia‘s |
College. Mr McNichol, employe of
the Bell Telephone Company, is
spending much of his time at his}
favorite hobby, fishing
~AmMong those from out-of-town |
in Bellefonte Saturday for the [u-|
neral of Mrs Dorothy Dann of!
Philadelphia, who was buried in the |
Union cemetery here, were Mrs. '
Emma Walker. Harry Walker and |
son, Kenneth Mr and Mrs. Paul
French and son, James, Brooklyn. |
N. Y.: Charles Walker, Johnstown; |
Mrs, Mary Blough, Domenic Giord- |
ano, Vineland, N. J.; Victor Dann, |
Philadelphia; Joseph Dann and |
daughter, Virginia, and Miss Ada
Powers, Waverly N.Y.
~Pifteen members of Batlery B,
|190th Field Artillery, the Bellefonte’ ® ring to
‘troop in training at Camp Shelby,! friends for all their kindness and
Miss. are on a 10-day furlough at
their homes in Bellefonte and vicin-
ity. The men, who are jn charge of |
Sgt. Earl Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. |
Lewis Bmith of Bush Addiiion, and
Sgt. James Pettingill, son of Mr. |
and Mrs, William Pettingill of Belle |
fonte, are as follows: Corp, Jack
Murphy, Corp. Mark Fisher, Corp.
Ike Miller, and Privates Norman J. |
Dugan, James L. Confer, Kenneth!
Baney, Donald Confer, Dean Ben-
ner, Max Lose, D. King, Junior]
Rockey, Hairy Boal, and Gerald »
Local Alumni To
Attend Dinner ™:
Committee Extends Invita:| oe
tion to All Former Students,
Alumni, and Friends
Because 50 many Bellefonte Acad
|8chool Alumni Association at an or-
| Spriog street school Monday night.
WANTED A boy to help milk and do
| 738-4
| WANTED A reliable middie aged wo-
| Belistonte RB,
IWANTYD-To buy 2 Guernsey hell.
{age and price
| WANTED-To bu
30,000 People Read This Column
every week, That's why The Centre Democrat's classified advertising de- |
partment has become s0 amazingly popular. Considering its low cost and
the benefits derived, it Is undisputably Centre County's Community Bar-
gain Counter,
RATES--Advertisements of twenty-five words or less, 25 cents for
issue, and 15 cents for each additional insertion. Where advertise-
ment contains more than twenty-five words, one cent a word is charged.
REAL ESTATE—A straight one cent a word Is charged for real estate
advertising--sale or rent,
KEYED ADS-—All advertisements that request replies to be mailed
to this office, must be complied with by those answering the advertise-
ments. Please do not call at the office for information concerning such
advertisements, as the publishers are not permitted to divulge the name
of the advertiser.
SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE--Every subscriber to The Centre Dem-
| ocrat is entitled to a 25-word advertisement in these columns one time,
privileges for visiting Alumni
other attractive [feature of
An- | FOR SALE—A wooden silo 8x20 ft- in
the Rood condition. J. P, Sharer, Cen-
tre Hall, Pa x20
Day celebration on Saturday. | FOR SALE. Tomato and
Entertainment at the banquet will| plants. Inquire of Lewis
438 N. Spring St
Bellelonte, Pu. x21
orchestra, John G. Love will act as
Miss Coble Re-elected
Head of Alumni
POR SBALE-All kinds of good grows
ing garden plants, five cents a dog
| en. Inquire gt lovine's Sunnyside
i x20
POR SBALE--No. 2 Russett potatoes at
abc. No. 1 Rusett potatoes De
bushel. Dorcey Cronjster, Julian, R
1 D. x20
| pr —————————— ————
{ POR BALE--Farm lime at price farm-
| ers can afford ww pay. Inquire of
i M. Long, Howard, R. D. 2, Phone
o Zion 1918 (Nittany) E44
re | -— -
Miss Kathryn Coble was re-elect
ed president of the Bellefonte High |
ganization meeting held at —-
GUNS-—-Bought, sold and exchanged
| Inquire at the Western Auto As-
sociate Store, Allegheny St. Belle-
{fonte, Pa. Phone 750 874
1 mnn———————— -
FOR BALE--Calart, the better art
ficial flower. On sale si Pilers
| Music Bhop, 14 West Bluhon Street
| Bellefonte. Phone 272 x2]
FOR BALE-Coal and wood. 1 haul
ow rate. Call
Coleville. 11
Other officers chosen were: Prank
McGovern, vice president: John 8.
Dubbs, treasurer, and Ralph
Moerschbacher was re-elected secre |
The annual Alumn| dance {5 to be
held Thursday, June 5, according to
tentative arrangements. Mr. Me-
Govern was named chairman of the |
dance commnitiee
Help Wanted | FOR SALE--2 Olson russ, one 9-11
8-in. by 10-11. Bin. and one 11 bv
14. J H Boerhart 120 E
| Btreet, Beliefonte, Pa. Phone
chores on farm. Inquire O
ner. Salons, Pa
{| FOR SALE 4, cu
i tric refrigensior, in good condition
Quiet running Miller's Radio Ber-
vice, Allegheny St Bellefonte
1911 {pa x20
house | FOR SALE-One-year-old cariified
work in family of two. Mrs. George | seed potdtoss—Irish Cobbler, Rus-
E Howard Street, Belle- (sett and White Rural. Also a power
Phone 1T7-R If (BiX-row potato sprayer. HE Nell,
——————; | Bellefonte, Alrport liv
| POR SALE 8oy beans Manchu, local
| wrown, Price $1.65 per bu. 10 bu o
more $160 per bu. Inoculation free
{Fyes Fruit Parm. 2 miles west of
iSlat old '
lady, or middie jSiate Page. Pac 5
aged widow 10. do general houst- | POR BALE-2 pore sh 11
work. No children. Inquire BE W. | ‘wide 1 extension oh ade, 4 ol
M. Box 8 Coburn, Centre Co. Pa. x20 | - i -
odd os lamp COOK ing wiensdis window
Work Wanted
shades, and curtail? rods. Inauire of
Mra. Emma Schenck, Howard. Pa. x20
WANTED--A boy 13 years old wants
job on a farm. Phone Bellefonte
ft. Buckeye elec.
WANTED Experienced waltress over
wi of age. ADDIY in person at
yout Inn, Bellefonte, Pa
WANTED-Girl for general
fonte, Pa
WANTED Man for Rewisigh Routs
Permanent if you are a hustier
For particulars Write Rawieigh's
Dept. PNE-34-108, Chester, Pa x20
WANTED A young
POR BALE—Hundreds of used tires
all sizes from 15 to 26 inch rims
Backed by written guaraniee, Open
evenings untill 8 o'clock. Wallrun
| AN10 service, Snow Shoe In mn,
Phone 153 1
POR SALE--MoCormick giower
: t. out Fide delivery rake
Lock Haven, Pa loader; Superior grain drill;
binder. all In working order
Basterscheck Co C
Boa rders Wan ted | Stormetown
WANTED-OId age pensioners to | POR SALE. 20.80 Walls tractor
board. Good home, rates reason 1832 Pordson tractor: 8-hoe Su-
able, P. O, box 27, Fleming. Ps X20 | perior drill; $-hoe Buperior drill
cn ee | Joly Deere tractor plow: 12-inch
Wanted to Buy |Zricicsil new Cw Behirer, Penn.
sylvania Purnace. Phone 13-R-3. 171f
WANTED--To buy catie of any kind
POR SALE—Used cars with dows
Also bulis. Inauire of Huber: Neji
D. 2, Phone TH-R-2
Savinents as shown: 1831 Chevro-
let conch, $38 00: 1981 Buick edan
OO. Box 408
man desirss housekeeping in
family, adults, write P
$5000; 1982 Dodge sedan, 86600
1940 Plymouth cosch. #21200 1834
Chevrolet coach. $110.00; 1987 Piy-
$137.00; 1638 Chrysler
: 1934 Chrysler sedan.
854.00; 1835 Dodee coach. $108.00
1936 Plymouth sedan. $13000. 18368
Nash sedan. $78.00; 1882 Buick sedan,
$60.00; 1937 Chrysier sedan. $!78.00
1836 Buick coach, $108 00. 1940 Dodge?
1837 Chevrolet coach
1940 Chrysler Windsor see
. $208 00; 1938 Ford coach. $80.00
Jodon Motor Co. Chrvsier and Pie.
mouth sale: and service opposite Bic
Spring. Bellefonte, Pa x20
ers from 4 to 5 months old. State
Ed. Walker, Wingete
Pa x21
all kinds of live.
B rine, Pleasant
Qap. . Phone Bellefonte 476-J-1
and reverse charges if any 14
WA 4d Junk cars. TUnite or
call, Wallrun Auto Wrecking,
Mefonte, Phone 158 or Lion Auto
Stores, State College. . a
WANTED--Antique furniture,
| FOR BALE--Cromed Easton and
| English bulldog pups, 6 weeks old
| Inquire of Guy Duck, Spring Mills
a Et rd e]D-.
‘Real Estate - Fo ale
FOR SALE--Eight room brick house
with 1 acre ground, all convenis-
ences, jocated at Curtin, Pa Mary M
Fauble, Phone 638 15
POR SALE--$1300 house and lot
East Howard Bt, Bellefonle, Pa
terms Ww right per-
Winifred Oates
r Sale
Down payment,
son Inquire of
Bellefonte, Pa
POR BALE A 7 room frame house
all modern conveniences located ul
163 E Curtin Bt. Bellefonte, Pa
Inguire of David Newcomer, Belle-
fonte, Pa. 1001
| free of charge. This privilege can be used six times a year at different POR SALE—8 room house of the late
Mrs. Emma C. Bathgate, at Le-
Pa. house has furnace bath
Inquire at W. B. Buthgate
| and ges
{ Adm. Bellefonte R. D. 2, Pa
FOR SALE--About 4% acres of thm-
berland, 1 acre cleared. in Howard
township. Inquire Prank Newman
1025 W. Fourth 8t., Lock Haven Fa
FOR SALE--House and lot, located
in Maoshannon A real bargain
nriced for quick disposal. Easy
terms. Inquire of WwW. Etter 120
High Street, Biate Co r
FOR BALE-A 6 family spartment
bullding located on oorner of Cur
tin and Allegheny streets, Bellefonte
Pa. Reasonable be &r-
ranged. Ir r Natonel
Bank, Bel H 1844
POR BALE--Two stock and grain
farms In Shavers Creek Valley
Huntingdon county, comprising sev
eral hundred acres of choice weil
watered, fenced in bluegrass pasture
Jand Electricity Priced cheap
Write Wm. Gregory Moore, admin.
fsirator, Nefls Mills, Pa x20
real estate, located
Borough at No. 47 Bast n
known as the Daggett
Prame dwelling house
ten rooms and two bathrooms, suit.
ably arranged for two apartments
This 1& one of the most desirable 10-
cations in Bellefonte and can be pur
chased st ressonable price for guick
sale, If Interested consult Pirst
Nationa! Bank of Bellefonte, LL Frank
Mayes, Lemont, or W. Harrison Walk
er Pana. Bellefonte 48s
valuable real
i lefonie
For Sale or Rent
acres in Orege
Biate Road
Vonada, Asronsburg
and bath Mi ial
n D. Reieh
with light
r will rent house onh
FOR RENT--A 6 room house on
entine HL Bellefonte, Pa, n
quire of Mrs. Sara Bolan. Bellefonte
Pa i8tt
FOR RENTS room house elec
tricity waler in house garage
chicken house located at Hecls Park
known as Joe Herman property. In-
quire of E Mattox, 3600 5th Ave.
Pittsburgh, Pa, isu
FOR RENT-A large front bedroom
ovposite Court House possession
Apri 1st Inquire of Mra. A C. Hev-
erly. Bellefonte, Pa. Phone 372-J. 134
Apa rtments for Rent
POR RENT--3-room furnished apari-
ment, All conveniences. Inquire
at 23 W. Curtin Street, Phone i
POR RENT-<-FPurnisbed apartment
{8 rooms and bath. Phone 132 Hei-
len J. Carner, 125 Thomas St
Bellelonte, Pa 18t1
RENT. Apartment. third floor.
Streets, Rent $20 a month. Inquire
3 First National Bank, Bellefone,
POR RENT-A 5 room apsariment
with bath. heat and hot water
‘Second floor. Avaliable May
inouwire Mrs Richard Brouss Thomas
Street, Bellefonte, Pa 1741
reaus, writing desks, doughtrays,
chairs, tables, stands, high poster
beds, guns, dolls, pewler, grand-fath-
er ciocks, old glass and china High-
fst price Ze. Cora M. Schmuck
138 EB. Market 8. York, Pa. x21
Card of Thanks
~We wish to express our
our neighbors and
CHICKS New Hampshires,
Rocks, White Leghorns Utility
Matings 8575-100 select matings
$850 per 100. Hecla Poultry Farm,
Bellefonte, Pa. Telephone Zion 2321
er Trella's Qual-
35 vrofitable vari
25 to 25.000 chicks,
Farms, Phone 2%,
W. Leg
75, clk
sympathy shown to us {n our sorrow
over the loss wife and mother,
Mra. Jennie Yearick. John A
Yearick and Pamily.
Articles tor Sale
PO ALE Jr br yA vn
Street. 4 wit
FOR SALE--3-piece living room
suite, overstuffed. Phone Belle
forte 340-R. x20
FOR SALE-Punsies
lants of all kinds, G. W. Tyson.
, Pa. (Tangletown). x20
FOR SALE JSoths Jooes hat +34 corn
fodder. ihatire of FP. W. Watson,
slong the Ratt] e Pike at school
house x20
Philipsburg, Pa
NH , Br. & W. Rox. per 100: «t
run $7.00, pits. 89.75, clks. $6.00. All
breeds blood-tested cash or C. OD
sex 95% guar GO. K. Schaeffer MirAl.
listerville Pa x24
Live Stock
FOR SALE-{Two fresh cows, One
with calf by side. Inquire of Paul
Rogus, Clarence, Pa x20
POR BALE-<A njee six vear old mare
priced right. will exchange for cate
He. Siatold R. Glenn, Penna Purnace,
and vegetable
BALE-A cow with oa'f
her side. Inguire of R
gate on Route 220.
FOR BALE--2 Holstein heifers 1 with
call by her side, 2 weeks old;
other fresh by 1#t of June. 1. E
die, R. D. 2. Bellefonte.
‘| 8tonebaker, 1. miles west of Win- | «
X20 | MONEY TO LOAN-—Interest 314% |
insurance loans. |
POR RENT..large 5-room apari-
ment, second Boor Little Arcade
(Bullding, West High Street, Belle
fone Heat fud:ifhed. Inguire
Bellefonte Trust
fonte, Ps
| FOR RENT--3 rooms in high plaster-
ed house, South Water Bireet,
{ Bellefonte. Counle without children
‘oreferred. Mrs. CF. Rioka opposite
Big Soring, South Water
Bellefonte, Pa
Rooms For Rent
FOR RENT--large pleasant rooms
{| with running water for summer
reagion, Phone 4679-+J. Ravmond
Barter, 122 W. Nittany Ave. Btale
College, Pa. x20
Land For Rent
POR RENT--Two fields of about 20
! and 26 acres. Will rent on abares
or other terms. Inquire of Mme 8
C. Witmer, Bellefonte, R. F. D 1. x20
Loans to Farmers
home, for remodeling ang for home
| improvem:
| Write or
| fonte 105-R
{ annually on life
{Why pay 6%. when such Joang are
{available for less. Write or call ©
| R, Snyder, Winoate. Pa. Te
horse, weight 1800, well broken and
4 poor worker anvwhere, J. R Hartle.
Bellefonte, R. D. 1. along Sprine
Creek. 20L1
“ely Cuernsév cows
side, ales 1 Suse
Frick 11; mite
* 4 J x20
FOR truck, driv.
an Selo miles’ Trice “Neamonable
Realy selling. not need
Call Bel 20, Bellefonte, Pa. in
FOR BALE-foraine ga: s'ove with
: oven S
both in good ondition
tractor and
I Pa. Doras pate
poultre, wou oan
. 8. °T. Riegel.
760, Bellefonte.
PCR BALE-A good 4-vear-old roan §F
arn, |
{ chinery, another horse. of money
(for Soring? See
ist |
1481 |
. | on Wert High Street. 51 815 5. m
[YOU CAN OET MONEY-For a new |
Page Five
WANT ED--Dead stock
promptly. Call Geo. J. Vogt, Cer -
tre Hall, Pa. Phone 55-R-4, or Lock
Haven, 2104 at our expense 134
DEAD BTOCK~wmaoved promptly,
B. M. Keller, Millhelimn, Pa, Phone
T5-R-2, Reverse charges our
Repai ring :
ture repair shop, Sepuiring. reslor-
Ing antiques a specialty Cane and
rush seats. Modern upholstery Bnop
Rorth Race BL, rear Penn Belle Hotel
Phone 798-) 14
thade to all kings of furniture.
Upholstering and slip covers made
m. DD Thompson's Upholstering
Bhop, 102 E lamb St. Phone 361-R
Bellefonte. Pa -tf
WORK lawn MOWers
Machine work of all
Binds. We also have in stock cold
roll eel, Cap WIEWS el MCTEWR,
Wooaruf! keys, key stock er. Bwariz
n Bellefonte, Pa. Phon=
the Zion Union Cemetery J
slic will be held on June 28
Tw hold a Testival
on Betlurday ui
FESTIVAL Marion Gran
* of H will hoid »
¢ Pa. on Seturdsy
ze No
festival at
FESTIVAL-The annual! { !
the Hubilers:
L400 Will De
estival of
Anson |g +
: Baturdey evening
festival of
June 21s!
Hi hod a
IL lawn n Sal
YLody we ootne
Mav 17, has Leen set for the general
Felrview cemetery
WI hIp
Mills Union #
will hid
» Lay
fryey y
Wrens 1 Beery oe
ie Bth. atl B o
Grange. Pleasant
i Pieasant Osp on
Walch for fur
RUMMAGE SALE-—-The Mileshurs
Club will hoid Ema”
in the Watson
Milesburg, on Thursday
ginning st 1 p.m
NOTICE~—The annual
Ofial “
Sore Roosn
May 22, be-
cleaning of
yr Muy 24. also ¢
Come and bring
r of Trustees
TICE—-The Union Praver Meei
will be held in the home ¢
rs Cemetery
al 2:30
May i8th
Methodist church. Will hold & hice
#7 and walfle suoper at the
ican Camp Saturday, May |
€t8 Price 20 and 35c%
FESTIVAL--The Jack-onville oem-
etry Association ii hol
nial festival
grounds, at
dey evenine,
the East
FESTIVAL The Pisasant Gan
Brotherhood and Pleasant Gap Band
will hold a joint festival s: Nols
Grove, Pleasant Osp. on Saturday
May M4. Refreshmenite and enters
; lainmen? of ail Kinds will be pro-
| vided 2
aY services will be held at Pairview
Dtinelery in Boggs townaht~ on Sas.
ay av 25th. at 2:30 o'clock. Rew:
R. J. DeBore of Monsnent and Rey
E.R Miller, of Runvilie. will be the
| epeakers
Company. Bells. |
for the be-efit pr
Gan ball club. Admission
Tor monthly meetine of the Catho-
| lic Daughters of America will be hei
{tonieht in the oreaniZations FOUR
[door prize will be award in adil
tion to the revulsr ng Re
freshments will be served. he ube
{ie 15 cordially invited to atiend
i nt
15 and 30
the ob in satirfactory
Tibbe .
ents-are William 8h Ri
call, Bellefonte 432 or Be Ie |
you need new mee |
Robert Lieg'er at |
Musser Geitig's ~fMice Bellefonte Pa.
g Qeorge
jery Saturdey moreing of
i ueh,  Boalsbure,
lweite 14 ‘he Fo'lidsvebyre ae
{ ion Credit Association. 41,7 ine
ferest veari®-a] 10 3 vears © repav——
| BO endorsers. x20
Pasture Land
Mills, "a Peat l
CATTLE PreTURP-A0 acres, fenc-
ed. runnine ter for shwe fa
nead. Russell Lutas Howard. R. D. |