. vy and LOCALS Wayne W, Weber, of the staff {at the Widdowson Funeral Home, | went to Reading yesterday to at- {tend a convention of funeral direc- tors. -=Mrs. Ira J, Sprankle returned | to her home on Plne Streei, Satur- Sw — and Mrs. Samuel Rumber- | [conduct a 6-weeks’' intensive course | i pe Mrs. Carl Moersch- and Mrs. Vesta Smith, all of liefon'e, Flaven t —Dr spent Friday In Lock on a pleasure trip, . R. L. Capers returned t) uke hice on Bast Curtin Street last from Arcadia, La, where e attended the funeral of his sis~ er, Mrs. Reginalg Hightower. --Mrs, Charles Beatty returned to er home oh East Cur.in Street early this week from Chapel Hill, IN. ©. after a several weeks’ visit with her son-in-law and daughter, r. and Mrs. Russell Smith and amily. $ ~The Ri. Rev. William E. Downes and T. J. Kelleher, of Bellefonte, ay night attended the 10th ual banquet for retired P. R- R. mployes of Osceola Mills district. dinner was held at Osceola ills. §# Corp. George W, Compton, of fhe First Marine Division, Quantico, #Va, is spending a 20-day furlough n Bellefonte with his wife at the Bo of her brother and sister-in- Ww, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel! Rumbes- and family, of North Allegheny treet, § Charles Stearns, of Jollet, Ill. pent the weekend with Mrs. amily gt their home on East Bish- Street. re while enroute home from a ness trip in the east, ~John Fisher of North Water eet, who has been spending the ter with his daughter, Veronica, at Hollywood, Florida, started north last weekend and 1s ‘expected to return to Bellefonte after g brief stop-over with relatives * in Washington, D. C. and York. | ‘ —PFay Gardner, aged 11 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oardner, of Jacksonville, is recover- ing at her parental home from in- | juries suffered last week when her | right arm was caught in the wring- er of an electric washing machine. The arm was painfully bruised but 20. bones were broken. + —Pvt, Samuel Irvin of Battery 8, 180th. Field Artillery, Bellefonte, stationed at Camp Shelby, Miss, re. | turned to camp Saturday after hav- days’ leave of absence because of | the iliness of his father, Samuel’ Jrvin, Sr. The elder Mr, Irvin re- turned home last week from the Centre County Hospital, ~«Myr. and Mrs. Leonard G. Beezer and children, Florence and George, of. Philadelphia, wére guests of Mrs. Catherine E. Beezer of Willowbank street over Mother's Day. Leonard was recently appointed assistant to| Lxgeutive vice president-secre- Lhe tary-treasurer of Lit Brothers de- partment store in Philadeiphia and WHS also elected assistant secretary of the company. Lewisburg at'ending Mothers’ Day | festivities at Bucknell University Where her daughter, Emmy Lou, is a student. and Mrs. Craig's mother, Mrs, | Mrs Emily Warfield, spent a few | at the University. Sunday, | Judge and Mrs James C. Purs:, of accompanied home by! Earl H. Mller, of East Bishoo! t, commercial representative | the Bell Telephone Company in| Bellefonte area. has been trans- | ed 19 a similar position in Stats | gt. Mr, and Mrs Miller and te daughters, Belly Loulse 3 and Dianne, expect to bout June 1 from the Samuel Hstine double house on East Kop Street, to a house on Bast igs Mildred Wetzel, daughter , Emma Wetzel, of North § street and an employe In c memployment Compensation Here, on Monday underwent gperation at the Centre County i and is reported to be re- saitsfactorily, Her brother law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Thom- as Farrow, all of New Market, Vir- ginia, motored here Sunday and re- mained until Tuesday. The Wetzels and Farrows conduct ope of the country’s few chinchilla “farms,” at Spring Township and the Highway Department, the “missing li6k” ol paving on Holmes Street, from Willowbank S:.reet to Valen- the Street, was paved, Tuesday, by ) annual “National . " project, “Spring Fan- tasy” as presented by the first six § ~ ms’ brother and sister-in-law. | Romith, also of Harrisburg. . and Mrs. Ray Clevenstine and | Mr. Stearns stopped | | i sect] Miss [can residents of that rection | sparks on the shingle roof. ing been in Bellefonte for a several! | Henry Hoy, of Pleasant Gap. Miss ischool and is employed qt Julian { You don't have to be a former stu- =